Dear MAGA: 20190531 Open Topic

This FIND A FRIEND PARLAYING IN THE PARLER ON FRIDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

And remember – while President Trump and his dear Family are traveling to Islamist-occupied IngSoc, they need to hear a chorus of MAGA BLESSING and PROTECTION:


OK – I forgot Wheaties Rules, except the one I always forget about bringing enough for everybody!

Moving along…..

Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager, apparently showed interest in a social media site that is MOSTLY like Twitter, but with shades of Facebook, called Parler.

Trump’s Campaign Considers Creating a New Account on a Conservative Version of Twitter


Here is an exemplary post (don’t worry – a more “sign-up” type URL is given at the end).

Now, people generally know my affection for ALT-TECH leader Gab…

HOWEVER, not everybody is ready to rub shoulder’s with HILLARY’S BEST FAKE NAZIS, who – I must admit – get pretty tiresome pretty fast, no matter HOW one feels about free speech.


Maybe Parler isn’t so bad for MAGA Normies who don’t like what they see on Gab. And there are some familiar faces on Parler, too!

And a bunch of us are already there!

So – give it a spin!

Go HERE to check it out.

Note that you DO have to give an email, but there is no verification. Furthermore, they do have badges for Verified Influencers and Verified Real Names. So be careful when you sign up, if you DON’T want to use your real name – use a pseudonym instead.

Overall, EXTREMELY easy to use.


And ye shall know them by their logos.

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What’s the prize for being first? Do I get a free cat?


Getting a free cat is generally not a problem. Plenty of places will even provide pregnant free cats so long as you provide evidence of an open sock drawer.

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂


YAY Wolfie!!!
HaHa, only 46 +Justin!!😂😂No wonder the demons were shrieking about Mueller. HaHa!!😂😂


Yes indeed. One poster put this: “If you could reason with a democrat, there would be no democrats”.
– Clint Eastwoodcomment image

Sylvia Avery

Wolfie, there was a discussion about trans stuff at the tail end (sorry) of yesterday’s thread.
I read someone’s random thoughts about the emphasis within the schools in recent years on bullying. Now, we probably ALL were bullied in school at one time or another to one degree or another. It seems like it is an unpleasant part of growing up. My mom always said, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”
Well, maybe, but boy some of that bullying is hard depending on a kid’s resiliency, vulnerability, and age and other factors. None of us likes to see it happen. None of us wants our kids to hurt. So all the hard sell on BULLYING IS BAD in schools seemed like a reasonable thing. A good thing, right?
Except it began to be noticeable that slowly the emphasis was on the gay kids, the trans kids. They were the different ones, after all. They are the true victims of bullying. And the only way to solve it is to start real young teaching kids all about being gay. Being a little boy trapped in a girl’s body or vice versa.
In other words, the theory offered is the anti bullying campaign was a trojan horse for pushing the gay and trans agenda hard in the youngest kids.
I don’t know if it is true, but it’s one of those things that since I read it I haven’t quite been able to get it out of my head.


If you look at the way that the Left has accomplished their other Social Engineering goals…then that one fits right in.
Look at how they pushed the myth of “white privilege”…in order to further their false narrative that white people are given all sorts of advantages just by being born white.
Then…that made it okay to vilify and bully white people into submission.
It justifies all the crimes against white people, just for walking down the street.
And now, white people are being murdered in Africa…and the media is gaslighting us about it.
They’ve declared that any mention of the ‘White Genocide’ going on, is a “conspiracy theory”.
So yeah, I can see how the ‘Anti-Bullying’ policy was used to usher in all this current push of the gay and trans agenda.

Sylvia Avery

I had never thought about the bullying thing, except I was aware that at some point it was making me uncomfortable and I couldn’t have told you why. Not really on my radar, never gave it much thought. Still, I had an awareness that it was bugging me.
This theory made my head snap back. Ah HA! The pieces just fit. It makes all kinds of sense, sadly.


Speaking of total propaganda, “Queer Eye For The Straight Guy” was complete normalizing propaganda from top to bottom, start to finish, side to side. It put Leni Riefenstahl in the dust. Mind you, I actually enjoyed it — but had no illusions as to its purpose. It was so obvious that The Powers That Be ran the series for a couple of years and then pushed gay marriage, LBGTQVXYZWTF, transgender bathrooms, and weaponized pronouns.

Sylvia Avery

I never watched it. That was right about the time that I was starting to feel like there was such a thing as a gay agenda and it was starting to be jammed down our throats. I never dreamed it would end up here, however.
And propaganda is always so much more effective when we enjoy it. Leni taught us that.


The thing was, “Ted” actually would provide worthwhile cooking tips. Go figure. You don’t have to be straight to cook. In fact, the Galloping Gourmet would demonstrate that you don’t even have to be particularly sane. “Carson” could provide worthwhile style tips — as if men’s formalware had any hint of individuality and wasn’t already overrun with homosexuals (I’m leaning towards being buried in a Zoot Suit, despite decades of being a CPA). “Thom” had a variety of worthwhile concepts he pushed — “accent walls”, “neutral colors” and the like. Ideas don’t have genders or predilictions. And the show’s production values and writing were top-notch, with humor and human-interest…….but it reeked of propaganda from 30-seconds in.

Sylvia Avery

Laughing at the zoot suit reference!
IIRC, the show was really popular and was on for a number of seasons.


No, that’s what your kids get if they misbehave in a cafe/restaurant any kid who’s a little odd is gonna get picked on. The mild Aspergers, the clutz, the socially inept but it has crystallised on the gay and trans


I don’t like the “anti-bullying” movement because of the unintended consequences.
Guaranteed – China/Russia/Brazil/Turkey, etc. have no such program.
Competition is part of the human spirit – whatever form it takes.
Anti-bullying makes all of our youth more feminine and weaker.
Children MUST learn how to deal with their own strengths and weaknesses and overcome without an ‘adult’ as a constant referee.
Plus, now, there is no more HERO – the kid who decides to stick up for the one being abused.
AND – there’s no more glory from the moment when your personal bully is defeated.
Kids don’t learn “right versus wrong” behavior and are no longer allowed to make the decision to act on their own, or figure out a way to fight back, because there’s always a teacher intervening.
Well, in the real world, no one is there to intervene.
In global competition, in international biz, these kids will be ripe for the picking.


And here’s a real life example of what you’re talking about.
EIGHT champions in the National Spelling Bee – because “they ran out of words” to challenge the kids. What a load of CRAP!
When asked by Ainsley on F&F this morning, one of the kids said he’d rather share the trophy with the rest of the kids than win it himself.
Trophies for everyone!


Saw that this morning – dumb. No, we stay until we have a winner. Pass me the dictionary.


Did you read the names of the students? Vast majority were definitely not typical “American” names…as usual.

Sylvia Avery

I agree.


As I see it, the problem is people don’t seem to be able to set a boundary, or end point, for anything!
I want kids to learn not to hurt each other. BUT, I don’t want them to learn to accept whatever friggin behavior some idiot wants to engage in. Is that so hard?
I try to teach my grandchildren to be friends with the “normal” kids, and ignore the others. It used to be that social norms would influence behavior. If you were a straight-up weirdo at school, you didn’t have any friends. So you would adjust your behavior so you DID have some. Peer influence is a powerful thing. I know, I lived it! I am an artist, high-I.Q., and a bit anti-social. I had to LEARN how to fit in, so I could fit in! It was important to me. Everybody wants to. Nowadays we just try to force kids to accept the weirdos no matter how weird they are.
“Don’t judge” is the mantra of the day. But I maintain, at root, our JUDGEMENT of others is our only defense against being used, abused, or deceived. “Use your judgement” is good advice.

Sylvia Avery

What a good point!


There was some legitimate research into bullying phenomena being done, which has led to some interesting and valuable insights. The bullying research was in its infancy in the 1990s, but ramped up dramatically after Columbine in 1998.
The real problem is the Neo-Marxist narratives of victim/oppression are tailored to provide pre-determined victim/oppressor groups.
Given the timeframe (late 90s, early 2000s) the victimhood narrative that was the most popular was the neo-marxist fable that homosexual children were being aggressively bullied by hetero-normative society and peers. Cue up many bullying incident stories where students were teased for acting in stereotypical opposite gender manners, combined with name-calling “wusses”, “sissies”, “fags”, etc.
It’s helpful to recognize that around the same time, when young people “came out of the closet” (and I saw this mostly with undergrad college students) it was not unusual for them frame their story of “coming out” in terms of 1) how that they did not match up with the stereotypical gender roles (boys who were not athletic, or artistic interests) 2) that they were teased for being different than other of the same gender (for example, locker room teasing about not being athletic, name calling “fag”, etc.) 3) at some point, a struggle occurred for their sexual identity, and they either “discovered” they were or finally “accepted” that they were homosexual.
I’ve had this question many times, “how do you know that you are gay?” and it always defaulted back to the behavioral interests and never to something more concrete. Even the literature provided by the LGBT student unions was telling, “There is no sure way to tell if a person is gay, but…”
So LGBT-questioning students are told they are victims of bullying, and they are likely to find examples in their personal history that affirm that narrative. Combine with a little love bombing, and provide them faux social acceptance when they affirm LGBT ideology, and you have a powerful mix that resembles the mind control methods employed by cults since the 1960s.
The “bullying epidemic” does show how much of a joke the “socialization” argument is when employed against homeschoolers. The fact is that unregulated peer socialization among children, combined with the toxicity of cultural influences that said children bring to the table from their various backgrounds, results in a very toxic social mix. Social stratification results, with a high degree of in-group/out-group behaviors which cannot be reasonably described as healthy. In-group identities are subject to extreme peer pressure that reflects tribal conformity: brand identification, mimicking clothing and dress styles (usually without room for deviance), often immature or toxic behavioral norms, and of course common risk taking activities and initiations to prove loyalty with the tribe against outside groups most notably authorities. Out-group socialization and ostracism has its own sets of problems. This kind of “socialization” is absurd, yet professional educators continue to trumpet this as a benefit of school systems, even while they struggle to deal with the supposed “bullying epidemic” facing American schools. There is no logic here: Bullying is always happening somewhere else they rationalize because they are aware and dealing with it.
Unsurprisingly, these leftist indoctrinated teachers and administrators are often themselves the bullies. They have preferred and prejudiced narratives of who the bullies/victims are. They often side with the bullies against the victims, overlooking blatant offenses with pathetic excuses “he’s too sensitive” “he needs to toughen up” or the real gem “he was asking for it”. In effect they encourage the bullies and disempower the victims from standing up for themselves – a key authority figure, the teacher, won’t take the victim’s story seriously, and the child has absolutely no recourse or action in this system when the teacher will not advocate on his behalf.
The bullying teachers and administrators, enlightened saints of anti-bullying who Are Never Wrong, bully other teachers and administrators into compliance. But that’s not enough – they constantly bully parents into compliance with their norms as well, issuing idiotic edicts and using their power over student records and graduation requirements as weapons to make parents act as they like in the most controlling of manners, including how they drop of their “students” (always referred to as “students” and never as the parents’ children) or what is or is not allowed in their lunches.
Anyway there are two major solutions for dealing with bullying:
1) Help the individual student develop resiliency. This does not mean telling the kid he has to “toughen up” but rather actually help him by providing the tools he needs to be resilient. This includes more than just a vague emotional resilience, but also developing a trust in authorities that his problem will be taken seriously, that there is a fair and just order society is expected to follow, and helping provide the tools for how to respond in bullying situations.
2) Strive to create bully-free environments. Protect students by removing identified bullies. If that can’t be done, create safe spaces where students can be safe from bullying and bullying language. Teach the students about the dangers of bullying speech, and reign in any speech that is deemed harmful, offensive, or hurtful.
Hmmm, we can see where THAT is going, right? Let’s guess which path most leftist educators prefer…


I wish I could figure out how to add an avatar picture on Parler.
Have tried about 50 times now…still no luck.


Somewhere on the intertubes someone is wondering why he/she suddenly has fifty avatars.

Plain Jane



Okay, I’ll try this.


Made a first post…tried to do avatar again.
Still didn’t work.


Yes…I click on that and a popup comes up.
The popup has two buttons.
“Cancel” and “Upload New Profile Picture”
I click on the ‘Upload’ button…then upload the picture.
The picture appears.
It fits within the sizing square.
But there is no ‘Save’ button!


Have already tried that a dozen times, though.
No success.


Thanks, Wolfie…but given the trouble I’m having with it, I am afraid that if it works, then I might not be able to change out your avatar pic.
And then that would be a mess!


I’ve noticed a lot of people on Parler don’t have avatars too.
The Epoch Times is a prolific poster there…and even they don’t have an avatar yet.
Methinks I may not be the only one who is having trouble with it.
It was so easy to do on Gab…no problems whatsoever.
Very simple.


Hmm…I don’t ever get the ‘Small copy’ of the Big avatar.
And don’t get a save button either.
I don’t see an avatar on Epoch Times.
They’ve got some sort of little emblem or seal, stuck onto their blank avatar space, though.


They may have gotten flooded with a ton of new users in the last few days…and are overwhelmed with the new traffic.

Sylvia Avery

I bet you’re right! You hear “Parler” on everyone’s lips right now.
Sorry James Woods isn’t there.


He may have created those two accounts…but just hasn’t posted anything yet.
If he’s unable to put in an avatar pic, he may be waiting till he can.

Sylvia Avery

I hope so!!!


When I click that link, all I get is parler (dot) com


Beat it to death with a club if necessary


Just wait till I try. Will probably crash the site.


comment image
I didn’t have a problem… Edit profile and clicked on the little avi circle thinging.. If it didn’t upload,, could it be a browser issue?? I am on firefox.. but using add blocker……


Thanks, Amwick.
Yep, did that.
Crap…I hope it’s not a problem with my browser.

Sylvia Avery

How loud would they complain if a muzzie ran up and stabbed her a dozen times? It would just be a late term abortion, right?


Girl Scouts/Boy Scouts used to be terrific organizations.
There was a conscious move in the 90’s for radical left tards to take over the boards of these organizations and push an agenda.
I sat on many philanthropic boards, watched it happen, tried to fight it. Within 10 years, the transformation was complete.

Plain Jane

The GS may have started going under prior to this, but my first knowledge of it was when the GS endorsed the Equal Rights Ammendment in the 70s.

Sylvia Avery


He’s got shady shit that’s going to come our


“There’s something wrong with Napolitano…” = Bought and Paid For.
How WAS that va-ca a while back Judge Nap? Askin’ for a friend … 😉


You nailed it, Redleg!


IMO, the same applies on a lesser scale to Judge Jeanine. She made absolutely NO explanation after Fox removed her for her comment about fundamentalist Islam vis-a-vis Omar’s head-covering. She caved and accepted the slap-down with no explanation whatsoever. Not a fan any longer. Hannity irritates me but even he said on-air that Fox had asked him to back off of the Seth Rich story.

Sylvia Avery

I’m reposting those since this thread is about Parler. I totally get Rudy’s and Lisa Mei’s points, but it seems like a we need many platforms because of the censorship.

Sylvia Avery

I haven’t looked into Parler yet, but I thought I’d probably open an account. My thought on the subject, which isn’t very sophisticated admittedly, is just if Twitter is censoring all the good guys they’re going elsewhere. I want to be able to read them. Like James Woods. I miss him.
Parler is another back up plan for me, at this point. If PDJT moves to Parler, well, game over for Twitter.


This made me wonder if James Woods has a Parler account.
So I did a search…and there are 2 accounts for ‘James Woods’:
— @RealJamesWoods
— @OfficialJamesWoods
But they are just plain vanilla accounts…no posts yet and no avatar pics.


Where President Trump goes so will most of Twitter. Good and bad


Yes! x 1000


Wolf I concur with your analysis. It is long past time to remain followers of corrupt ideologies.


Fake News doesn’t want their reporters on Fake News 🤯🤪🤯

Sylvia Avery

Wow. I’m speechless.


Prosecution due to NYT colluding with leaking DNC politicians.


VERY intriguing and plausible explanation for this puzzling anomaly.


Could NYT, being owned by Mexican Media Mogul Carlos Slim, be accused of acting as agent for foreign interest due to its partisan political activism/bias?


Again, very interesting.
Your insight brings me to a short segment on Tucker last night which NOW seems to make a lot more sense.
In the segment Tucker says: “Being concerned about Russian interference is fine, but what about actual, demonstrable, substantial interference by Mexico, including explicit cooperation between Mexico and the DNC?”
I forget the exact details (it was new and moved too fast for these old brain cells) but Tucker showed actual, demonstrable and substantial evidence of interference by Mexico in our elections to help the Demokkkrats.
One instance (again, I do not remember the details) was a Mexican government Big Wig leaving his government, moving to America to become an explicit employee of the Demokkkrats for election purposes, and then returning to Mexico to resume his Mexican government employment.


Also, likely NYT vs Sullivan will be revisited due to resultant journalistic political activism, bias, intentional false stories, leak, etc. and lack of accountability.


Sullivan looks very quaint now.

A Fortiori

The rejection of this wrongly decided case is long overdue.


Something scary got their attention. Reminds me of a clip on Facebook of a guy just walking alone, came round a corner and face to face with a bear.


Could the Covington Boys lawsuits have anything to do with this?


In related news, the pot is complaining that the kettle is black.


Help Help I’m being repressed!

Sylvia Avery


There has been a race-to-space going on between China and Russia, for some time.
HusseinO took us out of it.
But now, with our VSG in office…we have a chance to get back into it.
I think there will be vast opportunities for mining in Space.
On asteroids…and on the Moon.
We need a Space Force to protect our space entrepreneurs who will be spending the bucks to do the mining.
There is also a need for Salvage operations, on all that ‘space junk’ that is orbiting the planet.

Sylvia Avery

Agreed. I read/maybe posted something a couple weeks ago that said PDJT was kind of getting the runaround from the Pentagon on Space Force.
The Pentagon is really establishment, really status quo. And Space Force doesn’t seem to fit their idea of priorities. Which is nuts.
But PDJT will keep pushing, I have no doubt.


Here’s the company Moon Express, founded by the Indian National who came to the USA with $5 in his pocket. He wants to mine the moon. It was in my Rare Earth Element post.
LOOK at the job postings for this company at Cape Canaveral – gosh, I want to go to work there!


Thanks…that’s pretty cool!
They plan to do it with robotics.


President Trump talked about the WHY of the Space Force in his speech at the Air Force Academy yesterday.
He wants to protect our satellites, dominate space weaponry, exploration, and many other reasons.


The past two weeks there has been a burst of respectful UFO coverage on different venues with no corresponding real world motivation to generate such interest.
I usually associate such activity with the onset of a communist/CIA propaganda campaign.
But Tucker Carlson hyped a big UFO story for tonight, so who knows?


Tonawanda…i’ve Noticed this UFO talk, as well. Even Praying Medic has referenced it a few times on his twitter account. Not sure what it’s all about, but guess we’ll find out.


Can you think of a bigger story to overwhelm the presstitute propagandists so they don’t have to cover DECLAS?

CM in TN

Mueller and his malfeasance. Patricia McCarthy wonders what the Dems have on Mueller – apart from his decades of abusing his powers in the top echelons of our law enforcement.
Once again, I say that AG Barr not only has to make sure the entire Russia Hoax is unraveled, and reveal what Obama/Hillary/Dems did – this go back years, and Mueller, Weissmann, et al should all be exposed, sanctioned, and Disbarred.

Sylvia Avery

Yes. Clearly Mueller needs to be investigated, as well. Hopefully plans are in place for that.


Last night on Dobbs Toensing suggested something which I have advocated for over two years: report these people to their relevant licensing agency for ethical violations.
ANYBODY can make an ethics complaint. You DO NOT have to be Hillary Clinton to report Comey for his grave, unmistakable ethics violation as described by RR.
As a practical matter, the complainant should not be a person who can be easily swept aside. It should be someone who can get publicity. This is so the agency will not game the complaint, but will have to address it seriously.
Here is the irony: the licensing agency can read about the ethics violation in the newspaper and do nothing. BUT if someone sends a copy of the article to the agency and says “This is unethical behavior that I want investigated” the agency will have to investigate.

A Fortiori

Given the positions he has held, Mueller must be a member of both the ABA and the DC Bar.

Sylvia Avery

Okay, I think it was btfly who posted this at the end of yesterday’s thread. It made me giggle until I got the hiccups, so it was a success. Enjoy! (Hopefully without the hiccups).


Exactly, husband checked news this morning an excitedly came into bathroom to tell me about “the executions”. I was confused…… old story, weeks ago we heard about it but never confirmed.
Why now??????
Smells like a dead fish.

Sylvia Avery

This was picked up by a number of outlets today. When I heard it I thought vaguely, wait, another one? They already executed one guy…
Well, that explains it. It’s the same one, recycled.


The commie-progs are never going to give up on taking our guns, are they.

Sylvia Avery

They don’t even slow down any more. They used to pull back and regroup and come at it again. Now they just keep pushing and shoving from all directions. It is frankly terrifying.


Sylvia: this is a GREAT observation. They were SO close with the election of The Beast. Her losing was a huge failure. After the 60’s/70’s they went all in on the incremental/gradualist plan (which had already been underway separately for several decades, but was re-purposed as the main plan). They knew Americans would not accept their “revolution” and so they went about it a different way. Think Ayers.
It was a wildly successful, brilliant scheme, up to and including having phony Republicans pretending to be conservatives to get elected and then take turns with other phony Republicans sabotaging anything detrimental to the gradualist communist scheme.
As with the same scheme to destroy the Catholic Church (which appears to have been irrevocably successful) the communists realized how few people are necessary to direct policy, and that the millions of necessary apparatchiks are a piece of cake to control just by resorting to the crudest human psychology.
What they are doing currently IMO is the only option, all political IEDs and reactive hysterical propaganda. Communists never give up, even if giving up makes more sense to normal people. They CANNOT re-group under present circumstances, and so what is the alternative to giving up? Like the Rosenbergs, never admit the truth, persevere in even absurd versions of “reality,” and continue blowing those vuvuzelas to drown out the other guy.

Gail Combs

“…gradualist communist scheme….” = FABIAN SOCIALISTS!
The fabians are the ‘progressives’ with a planned gradual takeover that leaves all the ‘Goodies’ intact.
The COMMUNISTS are all about VIOLENT OVER THROW of a government. Since the end goal is the same, they can and do cooperate.

Both prophetic and illuminating, Fabian Freeway documents the rise and progress of socialism in Britain and the United States and tells the story of the many early triumphs of the philosophy of socialist incrementalism known as Fabian Socialism.
Part political history, part intellectual history, Rose Martin’s Fabian Freeway traces the influence of the British Fabian Society in promoting socialism in Britain, beginning in the 1880s. The group favored gradual progress toward socialism rather than violent revolution; and it proved to be a major force in promoting British collectivism. Its influence extended to America as well, where like-minded organizations and persons enhanced its effects. Martin emphasizes Fabian influences on Wilson and FDR, and continues the discussion through the 1960’s, when the book originally appeared….
Since the end of the Cold War, however, we find that Fabian Socialism is far more dangerous than revolutionary communism. Highly attractive to so-called “reasonable” and “moderate” people, and compatible with the ideologies of so many center-left and center-right political parties, Fabian Socialism, unlike soviet-style communism, has exhibited a staying-power already shown to be much stronger than anything revolutionary communism has yet produced…

It is very important to KNOW exactly WHO the enemy is. I had an argument with the father of a friend. He INSISTED he was not a ‘Communist’ he was a Socialist. This is how they LIE their way out of accusations. — Keep changing the meaning of words. This guy was a University Prof BTW

Sylvia Avery

Good stuff right here Tonawanda! You’ve laid out the case very clearly.

Sylvia Avery

Wolfie, Tucker Carlson did a segment called “Woke Capitalism” last night. His thesis is we all used to fear that the government would infringe on our rights, but instead the threat is from large lefty corporations. They are pushing agendas that are making it increasingly difficult to buy guns, ammunition, etc., and we all know what is happening to free speech. He mentions this Salesforce deal in the segment.
I couldn’t find an isolated clip, so here’s the youtube of his whole show. The segment I’m referring to is at about 21:44. I know you’re not much for FOX News, but you might find this interesting.


Sylvia…to your point, I think the “threat” by Disney and Netflix about not filming in Georgia is a good example of how leftist corporations are interfering with States’ rights. We cannot allow this to happen or they will step in and take over.
In the case of Disney, my first thought was …is this one man’s personal agenda or a Board action. Who actually makes these decisions not to sell guns or ammunition, to close bank accounts, etc?


What we have to be willing to do is say, “screw you, and your money,” to corporations like Disney. Don’t want to film down in GA because they have laws you don’t like, fine. But Georgia will boycott Disney. Posters, billboards, advertising, etc., all about not watching Disney because they are pro-baby-murder. How do like them apples, Disney? Wanna kill off your prospective audience before they’re born, well, pay the financial consequences.
Fire with fire, it’s the only way. Money is what they understand.


I watched the episode and the head of Disney couched it in terms of not being able to film there because their “employees” will refuse to go to Georgia. A bigly attempt at CYA, IMO.

A Fortiori

Its been a while since I studied this stuff, but my understanding of the concept of ownership is that I get to determine how something I buy is used. The seller does not retain the right to tell me how to use an item I buy after the purchase.
In addition to being an assault on law-abiding gun ownership, this is an erosion of private property rights.


Also targeted discrimination against every law-abiding gun owner.

Sylvia Avery


You would think…since they make billions off of children…that Disney would *for* more children being born.


…*that Disney would be *for* more children being born.


Hatred is not rational – it results in self harm more often than not …


And where is the logic here? Does the laws on abortion in the State of Georgia have any impact on movie-making on location in Georgia? I would hope not really — unless these things are even more depraved. Considering how some of the Satanics were protesting against the requirement that the dead fetus should be buried or cremated, as is the standard for all other dead people this isn’t completely unlikely. But then that’s the Satanists…
Now how about this: what if the Florida legislature comes up with the same kind of restrictions as the ones in Georgia, then what will Disney have to do with their site in Orlando?


Boy, I would LOVE to see the state of Florida do just that! What sweet justice that would be.


They may get better returns from feral spare parts. Are they invested in planned parenthood?


He’ll they can have all the feral Antifa type spare parts they want. Free shipping


Disney has turned into a nest of leftists, loving abortion, exploiting/abusing children.
Arrests of p3dos at Disney occur almost daily.


I thought it was cool how our VSG had…two lines…of the graduates coming up for a salute & handshake.


He’s just truly AWESOME! A 72 yr old man, standing straight and tall in the hot sun for over 90 mins wearing a dark suit and Kevlar vest, looking each graduate in the eye, saluting and congratulating each one, shaking their hand…it boggles the mind.
Compare that to Pelousy, No-nads, Hellary, etc who can barely stand for 3 minutes or complete a single sentence.

Sylvia Avery

Sylvia Avery

This is such an odd story. Brits hand delivered a memo to Gen. Flynn’s team in Jan. 2017 saying Steele is hinky, the dossier is a dud. But Flynn knows nothing about it until after he’s pleaded guilty and Mueller’s team is questioning him. A whistleblower from Flynn’s old team alerts the Congressional GOP. WTH???
“Congressional investigators told the Hill that in January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn’s team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November…
GOP investigators learned of the communique’s existence within the past few weeks by a whistleblower who was part of Flynn’s team and are pressing for answers ahead of Trump’s visit to the United Kingdom early next month…
The communique could be significant as it would have been delivered before the FBI applied for three FISA renewals against Page in 2017 using Steele’s research. Sources said Flynn was not aware of its existence until he was questioned as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, after he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with a Russian envoy, and therefore Trump too was likely not told about it.”

Gail Combs

That sure sounds like a CYA for the Brits. NOTE THAT IT WAS ‘LOST’ until now when it is ‘suddenly needed’
#1. Robert Hannigan,GCHQ, personally briefed Brennan [CIA] at Langley in Spring of 2016 about suspicious interactions between Russia and the Trump Team.. link
#2. The resignation of the head of the GCHQ “for personal reasons” three days after Trump was sworn in was SUCH a coincidence…
John Brennan’s Hakluyt connection:

CONFIRMED: It is indeed John Brennan and Hakluyt & Company.
— The_War_Economy (@The_War_Economy) May 14, 2018

ᴅʀ_ϙᴜɪɢʟᴇʏ does the connections:
“Somehow people miss the significance of former MI6 Christopher Steele naming his company “Orbis” as homage to Richard Hakluyt….”comment image
It is a SMALL Club and we ain’t in it!

A Fortiori

Odd indeed. I think it is unlikely that the Brits notified PDJT’s team that they knew about Steele in a feeble attempt to try to atone for their malfeasance. They had to know, based on the assistance they had provided to Hussein and Brennan’s spying operation, that neither PDJT nor Flynn are stupid enough to be mollified by this.
It is far more likely that this hand delivered note was an insurance policy of sorts, to be deployed against Flynn (and if they were lucky also against PDJT) if British participation in Hussein’s spying and entrapment activities ever came to light. I suspect Flynn saw this coming, determined not to personally receive the note, and instructed whoever received it to retain it without opening it. When Mueller asked Flynn about it, this revealed both its content and its true purpose. Thereafter, the staffer who received the note became a “whistleblower” and reported its existence to Congressional investigators.


Mike Flynn’s not a stupid guy. If, as is probable, he was playing the deep state to counterentrap them he had to remain “ unaware” that Steele was sketchy

Sylvia Avery


India is just waiting to step in, I reckon. China better sue for peace asap if they don’t want to go on another LOOOONG MARCH into the pit of deprivation.
I reckon POTUS won’t mind if China digs in – they will suffer the consequences and cease being a threat in due course. Should they wise up and deal, it may indicate that they CAN learn (this would surprise me) – time will tell.


The ChiComs have a master plan for world domination, though.
I’m thinking they’re not going to change that.



A Fortiori

There are two huge reasons why the pharmaceuticals we depend upon should be manufactured in the US.
First, and foremost, it is far more difficult to protect the intellectual property associated with the pharmaceutical, and the bulk of value of a pharmaceutical is the intellectual property that goes into its creation. Disclosing the IP to a wider group of people, and allowing the IP to migrate from the US, both make protecting the IP far more difficult.
The other problem is a national security problem. Imagine if our current trade disagreement becomes more heated at a time when millions of Americans are taking pharmaceuticals made in China. Indeed, given Chinese ambitions, one has to wonder whether a lower grade version of this problem already exists.

Gail Combs

There is another part to the bullying thing.
It is a NORMAL and NECESSARY part of growing up.
I have watched my lambs and kid goats, and by one week of age they are allready ‘play fighting.’ It is when youngsters LEARN where they are in the herd hierarchy. It is how youngsters LEARN the body language that PREVENTS major fighting in the adults.
I bought a yearling mare whose Mama was herd boss. She had NEVER had to fight since Mama always stepped in to protect her and thus she never learned how to ‘speak’ to another herd member.. (Think whiny leftist two year old in an adult body) When I turned her out in a paddock with my two other mares, she was repeatedly beaten up by #2 Mare because she had not learned that when the 2nd in command told her to stay THERE she was NOT to encroach on HER territory, AND she meant it! So I tried turning her out with the Top mare who had thus far ignored her. BAD MOVE, Top Mare put her in a corner and beat the crap out of her if she dared to move an inch.
Humans are also ‘herd animals’ The Elite have DELIBERATELY disrupted our herds (Local Communities) and our SOCIALIZATION. In the Utube, Saturday Night with Brenden Dilley and Praying Medic They bring up how the standard family unit when I was growing up — Grandparents, Mom & Dad and kids — has now been reduced to Mom and kids and the wisdom of the older generation DOES NOT GET PASSED ALONG while the place of ‘Daddy’ is taken by the government/Communist schooling.
History, HACCP and the Food Safety Con Job shows that directly after WWII the Milner Round Table** called the Committee for Economic Development DELIBERATELY destroyed American communities just as LBJ DELIBERATELY destroyed the political power of American Churches. link

…With World War II, America saw its agricultural system intentionally subjected to political policies that radically transformed it…
This transformation was the result of organized plans developed by a group of highly powerful — though unelected — financial and industrial executives who wanted to drastically change agricultural practices in the US to better serve their collective corporate financial agenda. This group, called the Committee for Economic Development, was officially established in 1942 as a sister organization to the Council on Foreign Relations…..
Their plan was so effective and so faithfully executed by its operatives in the US government that by 1974 the CED couldn’t help but congratulate itself….
The human cost of CED’s plans were exacting and enormous.
CED’s plans resulted in widespread social upheaval throughout rural America, ripping apart the fabric of its society destroying its local economies. They also resulted in a massive migration to larger cities. The loss of a farm also means the loss of identity, and many farmers’ lives ended in suicide….
Original Source:

**Milner/Rhodes Round Tables
This includes pointers to articles by G. Edward Griffin.
From the point of view of the Left (Bashing the Religious Right and Birchers like G. Edward Griffin.)
BOY! They really do hate the John Birch Society!


Gail, good post and so much food for thought. I guess I knew this was happening but never really thought it was deliberately planned.
But, here’s where I have some doubts…perhaps the grandparent influence no longer means Grandma is living next door or in the household, but in my circle the grandparents are far more hands on involved than mine…who lived next door. My friends think nothing of flying across country several times a year to babysit for a week, or attend special occasions of grandchildren or if close enough to attend every single sports event….and even through college years. On the other hand, none of my grandparents ever attended one activity or even special events such as graduation. My hubby’s parents/grandparents never went to one of his baseball games or awards ceremonies, even though it was only a matter of a few city blocks.
And then, of course, there’s the whole issue of grandparents stepping in to actually raise the children…i’ve Seen a lot of that, as well.


I actually DO live in the backyard! My grandchildren live in the “big house,” (1000 square ft. cottage built in 1893) and I live in the “little house” (used to be a garage/garden shed I converted). I get to be fairly influential, but I don’t have to fly! A win-win!


Don’t discount the amount of childcare done by grandparents. The cost of childcare is a big concern for young parents budgets.


I don’t think they can change. Loss of face is a huge thing in Asia and for xi it would probably be fatal. But then his successor would not be able to take the knee either. Hopefully they can be gutted financially and the us military debugged from all the Chinese tech first


Must control our borders and enforce, change immigration laws.


Few days ago, we did a whole big post about Rare Earth Elements (REEs).
MANY people contributed and we all learned REE’s are becoming important in the USA vs. China trade tension.
Bottom line –
The only rare earth element mine in the USA is Mountain Pass, California.
Mountain Pass has to send their 50K tons of REEs TO CHINA for refining – cuz the only refineries remaining, IN THE WHOLE WORLD, are in China.
We had stupid leaders……
How does this happen?
The Chinese ran all their other competition out of the market by dropping prices via state sponsored subsidies. Mountain Pass actually went through a bankruptcy in 2015.
China has imposed a 25% tariff on the importation of raw REEs, which effects only the Mountain Pass Mine, and China’s action is a direct shot at America’s ability to save this natural resource.
HERE is the interview on CNBC with the Co-Chair of Mountain Pass.
He needs help from our government – but he’s not counting on it (he’s been disappointed before).

Pat Frederick

that was a really great thread Daughn!
I love that this site has so many gifted researchers and authors on so many different topics!


You know, we ramped up to fight WWII in a matter of months. It’s time to do that again. New factories, refineries, etc. need to be built NOW.


SD did a HUGE article about why Wall Street is so perplexed on “no inflation”.
I rarely look at his stuff anymore, but it was a worthy article and one I considered writing about myself.
Here’s the shortened version:
Cheap interest rates, as we’ve had in the last decade, are a historical anomaly. The easy money was used by Wall Street — but they invested overseas. No benefit to the American worker, except those who were invested in stocks. No multiplier effect for building a factory in DesMoine or Chattanooga. No new schools, No middle class reaping the benefits, No vacations for the middle of the road workers.
Instead, we had the cartels pushing opioids.
Trump is reorienting Main Street economy as the focus.

A Fortiori

My career imposed huge restrictions on where I could invest, and I therefore invested in funds managed by massive approved money management firms and only occasionally thought about asset allocation. A few years ago I met with a financial advisor, and was stunned about the extent to which he was recommending shifting my investments to non-US assets because that was where all the growth was going to be well into the future. Apparently, everybody knew this.


I hope you didn’t/have moved your money back to us. With ree, if the factory’s are leaving China are they not just shooting themselves in the foot?


We ALL sold those funds.
“Emerging markets”
“Pac Rim”
Makes me sick to think of how much money we moved OUT of the USA.
Well, we need a Midwest Fund, Soybean Fund, Iron Belt Fund, Midsouth Fund, etc.
Time to bring it home.
It took 30 years to hollow out the country. We could get it back in 5yrs with a little bit of cooperation from Congress.
The Tax Cuts set up the situation beautifully, and repatriation of funds is at a discount. Time is ripe.


Important breakthrough on neon revolt linking back to a very early q drop. Show spygate and obumma action , meeting with rizzioin a whole new light. It’s a long article but well worth the read.ties a whole lot together

A Fortiori



Yeah, I was surprised when the Disaster Relief Bill failed and it was a Republican who stopped it.
Come to find out, the bill was full of pork spending, subsidies for horse racing, and SEVERAL elements of the green new deal. Making sense now?

Pat Frederick

thank goodness they’re reading it! not like Obamacare…

Pat Frederick

reading another story about Mueller’s statement, but what I found is probably the thinnest argument for journalistic competence…and maybe it’s just the author’s joke–I would hope so
“Paul Goldberg
Journalist, researcher, and world champion argument winner. I’ve traveled the world and won an argument on every continent on the planet.”

Pat Frederick

cute owl video to start your daycomment imagev


Let’s see if this works:

No mess to clean up


Pat Frederick

that’s the one!

Pat Frederick

Health violations at the PP Clinic in Missouri
Expired meds, IV fluids, and supplies, some as old as six years
Staff using single-dose injectable medications for more than one patient to “save money”
Medications not stored properly
Some of the violations could put the clinic in legal jeopardy:
The staff did not log their abortions over 18 weeks gestation
Patients not given their Patient Bill of Rights
The clinic did not send fetal tissue for pathology evaluation
A few other hits:
The refrigerator had not been cleaned in over 1 1/2 years according to a staff member (health care assistant) who had been working in the clinic for that period of time. He had no idea who was responsible for that.
Fire extinguishers were not tested
No background checks on employees
There was dust covering equipment and supplies all over this clinic
Failed to properly sterilize instruments that are used from woman to woman
No infection control training on staff
DISGUSTING! and they’re supposed to be all about women’s health???????


Sounds like Gosnell’s place all over again.

Pat Frederick

so Portland brings porta potties and lockers to residential areas and can’t figure out that it will attract MORE homeless tent cities??? the before and after pictures are priceless…
One of the problems that cities up and down the west coast are having right now is with homeless people using the streets and sidewalks as a bathroom. Portland and San Francisco both employ special crews of street cleaners that remove the human waste on a daily basis. One proposed solution has been to set up more public bathrooms so the homeless have someplace else to go besides the sidewalk. But an attempt at making that work in Portland isn’t proving popular with neighbors.


Port-a-potties – just what I want in front of my 4 bedroom mini-mansion, or in front of my doughnut shop/hair salon/dry cleaner.

Pat Frederick

and people, being people, will congregate where the facilities are…duh…


Looks like PTrump has got Mexico’s attention with the tariff announcement. Surprise, surprise!


Talk is cheap AMLO. And you speak with forked tongue. Actions needed


Sooooooo there is an @amwick5 on parler… but I am finding it really awkward… I use twitter.. but I generally use it through tweetdeck… when Parler sets that up it will be much easier..
I had zero issues setting up an account… it was really easy… adding the avi (sorry wheatie) and the banner image…

Pat Frederick

k…I am Patriot @ Patriot17 and I followed as many as I could–recognizing their handles from here…not a clue what the heck I am doing since i never tweeted—not sure what all the little icons do…LOL… but if need be, I can at least find you guys…so that’s an accomplishment for me…


Followed! Now we gotta get Trump!


Amwick…I was just there, and I don’t see an avatar pic for you.
Or a banner image.
You mean you are seeing those on your account?

Pat Frederick

I see her tennis rackets…
if you find me (Patriot) I’ve got lions…


Yes… I have the tennis rackets avi and a banner that is the D bulldozer. They appear for me..


Do you havee the Dissenter browser Wheatie? It’s working in that browser for me.


Followed you!


Woot woot!!


Friends, this is just a short message to let everyone know I will be offline more than online for a while.
The next few weeks will be rather busy for me.
Looking forward to reading LOTS of news here when I return. 🙂

Pat Frederick

take care!!!!
we will miss your updates from across the pond!!!


Thank you, Pat!!


Awwww, we will miss you Churchmouse.
Have fun wherever you are going.


Thank you, Daughn. 🙂
I’ll miss you and your great stories. I’ll have quite a few posts to catch up on as I can!


God bless you and keep you safe, healthy … wealthy and wise. I’ll miss you ..😘🤚❤️‼️


Thank you very much, Nikki!
I’ll miss you and everyone else at the Q Tree, too.
See you soon. 🙂


God speed …. 🙂🤚❤️‼️


Thank you! <3


You’re so very welcome sweet churchmouse ❤️

Sylvia Avery

I’ll miss you CM. But look forward to your return.


Thank you, Sylvia!
I’ll miss you and my other readers, too.
Am looking forward to ‘speaking’ again with all of you in the near future.


comment image
H/t citizen817

Pat Frederick

good morning sunshine!


Hi Pat!
Had to wake the chickens………………..

Pat Frederick

today’s the first sunny morning we’ve had all week…
went out to see what’s what in the garden and looks like a bear dug out most of my lilies in the back of the house…sigh…


Do you have ‘motion lights’ at your place?

Pat Frederick

no…lol…they’d be going off all the time–between the bear, coyotes, deer, raccoons, opossums, and on and on…inconsiderate buggers–they’re out having a good time while we’re trying to…ahem…er…sleep…
but we do have trail cams–


They can be effective on the perimeter, and still not drive you crazy if directed and timed properly.

Pat Frederick

we live on over a hundred acres of trees, so it’d be hard to stake out a perimeter. But we respect the wildlife and for the most part they keep their distance. I was concerned this morning, not because of the lilies really, but because the fawns are out now–and bear will go after them.
we’ve tried hard not to change the natural landscape here–we’re the intruders.
speaking of wildlife, heard I missed some hot photos of you on a motorcycle! 😀

Sue Mcdonald

I hate when that garden enemy is slugs and deer not bears!


As usual, the ubiquitous squirrels are my only problem and the occasional bunny. But my back yard is completely fenced so…..pic of my garden beds/back yard – this is the far west side – yard is about 1/2 acre.comment image


I just recently planted coral honeysuckle at the feet of the canopy framework. I can’t put up the top piece due to the wind – the frame is already bent on the south side. So I am hoping the honeysuckle will eventually cover it.

Sue Mcdonald

Very nice😊 were having a huge problem with neighbors rooster he sneaks in the yard starts fights with my roo tears my garden up ,so we bought a pellet gun hubby is good shot but the pellets just made him lol at our puny efforts,we talked the neighbor to no avail so now we got out the 22 ,it scared him enough he stayed home for one day but he’s back and going to be dinner at some point lol

Sue Mcdonald

I like your raised beds.we did our garden this year in a ruined Greek theme.found broken bird baths and other statuary along with decorative stepping stones with old plates embedded to place around the garden. So far it looks pretty cool. We’re going fence it in sometime this summer to keep deer out and it will look nice too.

Sue Mcdonald

I will take pics when it’s done to post.


I would love to see the pics, Sue. I would like to add another four timbers on mine – still have to bend far more than I would like. My asparagus is down the center – just had my first serving of the year last night! Yum! I put my tomato plants (only 2 – one beefsteak-style and one cherry for snacking and salads) in my old rain barrels. Not only will I not have to bend, I’ll probably need a step stool! LOL

Pat Frederick

Nebraska this is lovely!
we couldn’t have anything like this tho–the bears get curious, love to play and they would climb on it and bend it in a heartbeat…


No doubt – I am at the edge of town so I don’t have to worry about that, altho there has been a den of foxes at my neighbor’s across the street, near his barn/horses (grandfathered).


We used 6 meter lengths of pool pipe.( like white plumbing pipe but stronger to withstand pressure.) bent them in arches and poked the ends in stakes. Same distance apart as chicken wire. Then covered with chook wire. Made a corridor for my fruit trees. Put a wire security door on one end and a chook house at the other. Ha ha …foiled the possums and Roos and goannas. Chooks keep the weeds down, fertilise and lay eggs safely. Low hanging apples tempt them though. But better than losing them all. Added shade cloth for summer and a sprinkler system. When the sprinklers go off the chooks all rush back to their house. Me too. Sprinkler system attached to water recycling / purification tanks. Eco friendly. Supposedly drinkable but I send it to garden. All house waste water goes into this system inc toilet. In Mudgee we are in the bush, not town, so we are on tank water.


comment imagecomment image


comment image


Methinks we won’t be seeing such hilarity and mirth from them in the future …
Come to think of it, these are OLD photo’s – back when Zero didn’t realise he was about to be nulled …
So it would be some time since these “fellows” have enjoyed a laugh together …


Don’t think those faces are so happy now! Heh heh


Those are some telling photos. aren’t they?
Hope you are feeling ok today. And that your wife is better.


They are, Aubergine
Wife is a little better.
Needs a couple of days rest to recuperate

Pat Frederick

sorry to hear your wife is under the weather!
I will keep you both in my prayers


Ty, Pat


Miserable scum suckers … 🤨🤚‼️


I’m usually a nice girl … but there are limits 🤨

Gail Combs

Me??? I am a vindictive Biotch when it comes to all this two tier just-US crap. I am voting for the Historic Penalty for Treason. I will even buy the team of Draft horses and lend them to President Trump.


Ohh 😮 …. do you mean drawn and quartered … 😖👍 … that’d do alrighty … 🤨🤚
There should be punishment … for traitors and seditionist scum suckers .. 🤨


The Plan
In 2017 Mueller started the plan,
Along with crooked Weissmann, a Dimm hatchet man.
They chose partisan DemonRats to conduct a scheme
To try to frame PTrump by any and all means.
The hatred of PTrump permeated this crew,
In order to get justice, they should all recuse.
But that’s not the way corrupt DemonRats roll,
They all stayed on to dig PTrump a hole.
For two years and more they did their very best
To implicate the President per the Dimms’ behest.
They blew thirty million before they were done,
Investigating everything and everyone.
There was no collusion, none could be found.
They want to charge Trump, but there were no grounds,
So they thought up obstruction as another charge,
With evil intent on their faces writ large.
They said there were examples, and they listed ten,
Then said the law was complex, beyond their ken.
So they wrote down the matter in minute detail,
And still had no evidence, just their smearing tale.
But they knew, per their plan, they’d continue on,
Counting on the House and their DemonRat spawn.
House committees picked it up, citing oversight
“We must investigate. It’s our duty and our right.”
The Dimms lost it, one and all; all lost their minds:
They want to start over to see what they can find.
Nanzi tries to justify, mumbling in her mike
As the pressure builds behind their fragile dike.
Voters can be fooled, but only for so long;
They’ll finally burst forth, tens of millions strong.
“Investigate!” (not legislate) is the Dimms battle cry,
And we’ll make more popcorn to watch their party die.


Very nice, Carl!

Pat Frederick

awesome, POTUS would love this! hint, hint, he has a birthday coming up–June 14th!


OK, W, and all on Parler:
For some reason I had to add characters (in this case the word “real” to my name, as Parler found the original too short.
No idea how to search for everyone as the interface –at least to me– is not very intuitive.
Somebody follow me so I can see how this thingy works!1 🙂

Pat Frederick

just followed you


OK, Pat, I’ll go back and check it out, thanks!

Pat Frederick

see you followed me!


How do I search for people on this site?

Pat Frederick

i put your name in the search bar–then it came back and said no “news” about that…but then it pops up with NEWS HASHTAGS USERS…click on users…
might be an easier way–but I’m fumbling around here…


There’s a search thingy at the top…just type in who/what you’re looking for there.
Then, below that are 3 categories:
Click on ‘Users’ for finding people.


Just followed you!
I’m signed up as just “wheatie”…or @wheatie.


followed you 🙂


It works like Twitter. Go to a person on your following list (like me), by clicking on their name. You will see who all I follow, which is so far just people from here. Then you can follow them from there.


@ Pat Frederick
“speaking of wildlife, heard I missed some hot photos of you on a motorcycle! 😀”
Was a looooooooooooong time ago.

Pat Frederick

haha…”i’ll show you mine if you show me yours” comes to mind…
just teasing…


Well, there are some pictures of me in a few ‘establishments’ around the country, from ‘back in the day.’
Thankfully, the internet hadn’t been thought of, yet.

Pat Frederick

well my leather jacket has fringes on the sleeves and purple suede roses…so if you see any photos of a woman sitting on the back of a hog, arms spread wide, fringes blowing in the wind with a huge freakin smile on her face, that’d be me!
Ride hard or stay home…


Was a
Ride To Live
Live To Ride


Jason Bateman said he will be forever grateful that he did his drinking, drugging, hellraising before the internet


A regular James Dean photo, it was.

Pat Frederick

woohoo…sorry I missed it…



Morning, Patrick.
It’s good to see you, this morning.


Morning, wheatie!


Disney and Pelosi…like two peas in a pod:

Gail Combs

Sylvia Avery says:
“Wolfie, Tucker Carlson did a segment called “Woke Capitalism” last night. His thesis is we all used to fear that the government would infringe on our rights, but instead the threat is from large lefty corporations….”
I am going to flesh that out for everyone. NEVER FORGET the Soviet Union was a BANKSTER funded Construct! link
#1. In 1913 the EUROPEAN Bankesters grabbed control of the US banking system. Fractional reserve banking created a MAJOR RIVER of wealth flowing into their pockets. As G. Edward Griffin noted this flow of unearned wealth allowed many things.
….a. the purchase of politicians
….b. the purchase of the media in 1915
….c. the funding of the Bolshevik Revolution and Japan’s attack on China with US money
….e. Prevents the middleclass from accumulating wealth
….f. Destabilizes the economy at will
….g. The purchase of NGOs, churches, universities, unions.. the cornerstones of cultural transmission

….We’re talking about a river of unearned wealth that is so wide you can’t even think of crossing it, flowing perpetually into the banking cartel. A dead short across the productive element of society. Money being taken from people who are working hard providing the material and the labor. They don’t even know that this is being taken from them and it’s in this huge river of wealth flowing into the banking cartel. It’s a staggering thought.
You are led to the question of where is this river flowing? Where’s it going?…
They are spending it to acquire control over the power centers of society. The power centers are those groups and institutions through which individuals live and act and rely on for their information. They are literally buying up the world but not the real estate and the hardware, they’re buying control over the organizations, the groups and institutions that control people. In other words, to be specific, they are buying control over politicians, political parties, television networks, cable networks, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, wire services, motion picture studios, universities, labor unions, church organizations, trade associations, tax-exempt foundations, multi-national corporations, boy scouts, girl scouts, you name it. Make your own list of organizations and you will find that this is where those people have been for many decades spending this river of wealth to acquire operational control particularly over those institutions and individuals, those organizations that represent opposition to themselves. That’s a critical area for expenditure on their part….

I have, more than once pointed out that Reagan’s fatal mistake was ALLOWING the DESTRUCTION of American Corporations via Leveraged Buyouts. LEVERAGED = BANK MONEY. Under Reagan, America was quietly sold off piece by piece. This is a sampling of the industries with over 50% foreign ownership, according to Source Watch several years ago: (wwwDOT)
The paper The network of global corporate control (anticorruptionsociety(DOT) by Stefania Vitali , James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston, shows the strings attached from the financial sector to the corporations. And by now, thanks to Trump everyone should be aware of the money strings on our politicians. One point the paper does not mentioned is mutual funds, trusts and pension plans.
If you invest in a mutual fund you are buying shares in the mutual fund (that you can not vote) and the Mutual Fund then uses YOUR money to buy stock shares which it owns and controls. This allows much more consolidation of control. For example Edward C Johnson 3rd, chairman of the Fidelity Group votes the stock in Monsanto owned by several pension and mutual funds like FMR LLC, FIDELITY MAGELLAN FUND INC, FIDELITY GROWTH COMPANY FUND, and Pyramis Global Advisors. The vanguard Group, aka John C. Bogle, owns another healthy chunk of Monsanto. In this way even more power is concentrated in the hands of a few. This explains the point made in the paper that the amount of power is greater than the amount of wealth can account for.
So facts like “85% of Monsanto is held by mutual funds and Institutional (financial) Holders” while true in that the money originated from pensioners and other little people does not tell the whole story. Yet it is trumpeted by those who want to confuse those trying to follow the money and power trails and misdirect us into thinking the stock is held and voted by pensioners – a complete and utter falsehood.
The article Financial Core of the Transnational Corporate Class lists the top companies AND the officers running these corporations.

…In this study, we decided to identify in detail the people on the boards of directors of the top ten asset management firms and the top ten most centralized corporations in the world. Because of overlaps, there is a total of thirteen firms, which collectively have 161 directors on their boards. We think that this group of 161 individuals represents the financial core of the world’s transnational capitalist class. They collectively manage $23.91 trillion in funds and operate in nearly every country in the world. They are the center of the financial capital that powers the global economic system. Western governments and international policy bodies work in the interests of this financial core to protect the free flow of capital investment anywhere in the world.


Actors and actresses fly around the world, working in countries where abortion is illegal.
They’ve been doing it for decades!
But now…they’re going to ‘boycott’ Georgia?

Gail Combs

How about just plain INSANE? After all Liberalism is a mental disorder.


These ‘people’ are so narcissistic …
Georgia won’t miss them one tad if they take their playhouse somewhere else.
Question is, where will they go? So many states are passing same legislation as Georgia. Those that aren’t, well they’re not giving the tax breaks and other incentives GA does.

Pat Frederick

if we’re voting, I’d say dumb…
they play dress up for reals and can’t distinguish reality


Got finished. Looking for new gig. Need to show solidarity with hollywierd


2 treehouses r better than 1

open borders = crime
So true and he is laying the responsibility squarely on the dems shoulders


I will be out and about for a few days and will touch base when I can … so to every last one of you precious patriots
Numbers 6:24-26 New King James Version (NKJV)
24 “The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’

Joshua 1:9 New King James Version (NKJV)
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”


Ah Nikki!!! Thanks for that!! And May our Good Lord look after nd keep you safe as well!!!😘


TY Marcia … I appreciate it … God bless you sweetie … 🙂❤️

Pat Frederick

stay safe, stay alert!!!


You betcha … 😉👍❤️❤️❤️‼️ … TY Pat



Love seeing you up and At ’em this morning Patrick!!! Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mornin’ Marica,
Watching over my Angel…………….


I will ask St Michael the Archangel to watch over YOU and continue to give you strength and courage! For my part, I will try to give you a giggle now and then!😘 Stay strong for your sweet Angel…


Ty, Marica

Sylvia Avery

I just prayed for you both. <3


Ty, Sylvia
She’s doing better


That guy ‘Paul Bronks’ who posts the funny animal videos on twitter, has vanished.
Account gone.
If you do a search for his name…you get a long list of tweets from people saying:
“Where is Paul Bronks?”
“What happened to Paul Bronks?”
So I guess the Twitter overlords disappeared him.


Well–that makes me sad, Wheatie! His Videos you always posted were so stinking funny! I have yet to sign up at Parlar…Did you look there?


No, not yet…but I will.
Problem is, the Parler ‘tweets’ won’t post here, just the links to them.

Pat Frederick

where will get our morning giggles????


Nice little recap of yesterday:


Morning funny!!!


Hilarious GIL!!! Very well done!!!😂😂😂



Sylvia Avery

So good I had to watch it twice!


Mumbles on kimmel the pet molester hand jiving and bad mouthing Trump about everything but the invasion at the border.
B!tch is out of her mind.

2 treehouses r better than 1

I think she made the appearance on that show to demonstrate that she is still “with it”, to counter the recent video. I wonder if they had to edit her appearance or did she up her meds?


Fairly coherent/on script
Not as venomous.
The giveaway with mumbles is that she laughs to cover her on absurd comments.
But she knows no one is going to call her out, save Trump.


Attorney General Bill Barr said in an interview that aired Friday that he does not agree with “a lot of the legal analysis” inside Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report and said it does “not reflect the views” of the Justice Department, the latest break between President Trump’s attorney general and leader of the Russia probe.
In a sit-down interview with CBS News’ Jan Crawford, Barr was asked about the handling of his initial four-page summary of Mueller’s report, which he shared in late March. Barr and former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said they determined that the evidence found in Mueller’s probe was not sufficient to charge the president with an obstruction of justice offense.
“We didn’t agree with the legal analysis, a lot of the legal analysis in the report,” Barr said. “It did not reflect the views of the department. It was the viewpoint of a particular lawyer or lawyers, so we applied what we saw was the right law.”
Speaking of Mueller’s findings on obstruction, Barr said, “The bottom line was that Bob Mueller identified some episodes. He did not reach a conclusion. He provided both sides of the issue. And his conclusion was he was not exonerating the president, but wasn’t finding a crime either.”


Here’s the full transcript…


I’ve just read Jeff Carlson’s thread on the Barr interview, basically the transcript. I like this last comment of Barr’s the best…

There is an entire thread.



G’ mornin’ Patrick… we are blessed to have your company today…
Hear your Angel is recovering… will be rested up in a few days. Good news.
Praying for you both… as always.
I’m just checkin’ in to make sure nothing earth-shattering hasn’t happened in the outside world… thinking about spending the rest of the day praying and meditating.
Patrick, patriots will win this war with Cabal… we/they will make it a world our grandchildren can thrive in. We have the Lord on our side, we don’t need anything else to turn this Darkness to Light.
Qtreepers here will take your focus on pain to focus on good news in the world… as well as humor.
Much love and hugs…


Mornin, pR!
My foxhole, your foxhole


Ah, the sweet irony of having a fox hole in a wolf den.


PR….really love your final sentence….FOCUS! We all need to do more of that…for the positive.


From the Barr interview regarding Huber. He had stopped doing FISA investigation work because of the IG investigation but…
“The other issues he’s been working on relate to Hillary Clinton. Those are winding down and hopefully we’ll be in a position to bring those to fruition”.


comment image


HA! You always have such good ones Gil!!!😂😂😂


So, this indicates that “matters” regarding Hillary Clinton are actually being investigated?


I venture to say that anything involving Hillary Clinton is going to have James Comey’s name right alongside. 🙂 🙂


That’s a great donkey’s arse! Oh, wait… that was supposed to be Hillary?


Sue Mcdonald

Well so far I can’t even sign up for parlor.tells me my email is invalid. Guess I will try later.

CM in TN

I’m going to try to this weekend. Fingers crossed!


Alas, un update(vindication) for all you Huber fans!! He actually HAS been working on the Clintons!!
😊 Cheer Up! 😊


Barr is amazing 😉


Reading the entire statement, makes it even better.


I’m stealing this one PHC, thank you!!

Gail Combs

Barr is really slapping the crap out of the Lawfare Weenies! I hope it ends in prison time.


Trump hasn’t harmed the institutions.

Gail Combs

The DemonRats and Commies REFUSED to allow an orderly change in government instead they decided to pursue a CIVIL WAR. The fact no shots (that we know of) have been fired does not lessen the fact were are IN A CIVIL WAR.

We are in a civil war in this country,” diGenova told Ingraham.
Former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova warned that America is growing into a “civil war” and that things will get much worse before they get better, but said that he does two things as things heat up to “total war”:  “I vote and I buy guns.”
Joe diGenova’s comments came when he appeared on the Laura Ingraham Show and was discussing how the Communists and Socialists in our government have teamed up with the state-controlled media to attack those that are in opposition to their point of view and yet provide cover for people like Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and VA Attorney General Mark Herring for appearing in blackface and appearing uninterested with Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax’s credible sexual assault allegation….

….For more than two years, the United States and the world have had two competing narratives: that an elected president of the United States was a Russian agent whom the Kremlin helped elect; and its rival narrative that senior officials of the Justice Department, FBI, CIA, and other national intelligence organizations had repeatedly lied under oath, misinformed federal officials, and meddled in partisan political matters illegally and unconstitutionally and had effectively tried to influence the outcome of a presidential election, and then undo its result by falsely propagating the first narrative. It is now obvious and indisputable that the second narrative is the correct one.
Large sections of the media colluded with the Democratic campaign and produced the doctrine that anything was justifiable, no matter how dishonest, to destroy the incoming president’s reputation and damage him in public opinion polls to legitimize attempts to remove him from office. Large sections of the media deliberately deluged the public with stories they knew to be false about the new president and referred to him in terms of unprecedented vituperation in what purported to be reportage and not comment….–

Autopsy of a Dead Coup By Victor Davis Hanson

…the campaign’s use of funds to create, disseminate among court media, and then salt among high Obama administration officials, a fabricated, opposition smear dossier failed.
So has the second special prosecutor phase of the coup to abort the Trump presidency failed. There are many elements to what in time likely will become recognized as the greatest scandal in American political history, marking the first occasion in which U.S. government bureaucrats sought to overturn an election and to remove a sitting U.S. president
Preparing the Battlefield
No palace coup can take place without the perception of popular anger at a president.
The deep state is by nature cowardly. It does not move unless it feels it can disguise its subterranean efforts or that, if revealed, those efforts will be seen as popular and necessary—as expressed in tell-all book titles such as fired FBI Directors James Comey’s Higher Loyalty or in disgraced Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s psychodramatic The Threat.
In candidate and President Trump’s case that prepping of the battlefield translated into a coordinated effort among the media, political progressives and celebrities to so demonize Trump that his imminent removal likely would appear a relief to the people. Anything was justified that led to that end….

Gail Combs

COMMUNISM vs. The US Constitution!
They HATE our Constitution.
* Our Freedom of speech is under attack
* Our Electoral College is under attack
* Our Right to own weapons is under attack
* Our Christian Heritage, — freedom to worship — is under attack
* Our National Soverignty/borders is under attack
* Our Right to our own property is under attack
* Our Rule of Law is under attack

Rodney Short

That would be oBama ops I reckon it could be Valerie Jarrett,either way they’re both living just down from We The Peoples house


I’m feeling the THUNDER this morning!!!!!!!!!
If anyone in the media thinks our President, or all 63million of us are going to pack up, go home, and leave Mueller on deck…….. they can go suck an egg.
NOT happening!

Gail Combs

A good thread summarizing Dirty Cop Mueller:
Wyatt @SayWhenLA


@ NebraskaFilly
I don’t have the answer to a question you asked.
But I’ve had to deal with that situation twice in my life.
Your daughter has two friends from my family……………….of that, I am sure.
I’ll be looking for her……………that, I promise.


Thank you, PHC. You are amazing!


Just a small part of God’s will, NebraskaFilly
As are we all.

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t know if this has been posted anywhere, but a cabal kill is on deck for today.
BlackBerry Messenger dies today, but it’ll never truly be gone
BlackBerry Messenger is dead; long live BBM


Hey DP!! good to see you!! hope all is well in your neck of the woods….

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks. I’m not at home at the moment, but will be soon. The pics I’m seeing from friends and family of the high water on the rivers are telling a sad story.
In the meantime, my nephew who will be ten in a couple months, is turning into one, and the seven year old sensory kid is making progress, but it’s taking time. Then there’s the mess I hear happened while I was away.
It’s all good.


OMG! Those news anchors at the end!!! #ArrogantBastards



We have a crisis in congress, where 400 and some odd cases of children are fraudulently representing themselves as adults.


Exactly! Patrick! However, I have a 4yo grandbaby who could run circles around the Speaker! and He still has a little lisp–but he NEVER spits…Thuffering Thuckatash!!😂


wascawy wabbit!

Gail Combs

Interesting that the Democrats want to KILL OFF American children…. so they can be replaced by third world serfs.


Screaming “oh but the children!” Great comparison Gail!!


Gail! I brought this over for you!!

Gail Combs

We are making arrangements to go out of state to buy a goat, a cashmere buckling as herd sire. He will have to go in the paddock with all my bottle baby lambs so the bucks I have now will not kill him. Most of them are going to be sold in a few weeks…. I hope!

Pat Frederick

this pisses me off!
this is why children are abused, sold into slavery, treated like baggage.
they are a commodity–and not only on the OTHER side of the border. all these agencies making money off housing and caring for refugees and asylum seekers–everyone makes a buck off these kids and families…

Gail Combs

YES!!! And a LOT of them ‘disappear’ into the Child Sex Trade.
“Federal officials lost track of nearly 1,500 migrant [unaccompained] children last year after a government agency placed the minors in the homes of adult sponsors in communities across the country, according to testimony before a Senate subcommittee Thursday.”
(Remember many of these children are ‘recycled’ back across the border to be used as a ‘passport’ for the next border jumper.)
Also according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States — that’s roughly 2,000 per day.

Anyone who says there is no border crisis needs to talk to victims who have lived it.
1,588 human trafficking arrests last fiscal year. 1,543 for sex trafficking.
Shut these monsters down. Safe, legal Ports of Entry should be the only way into America.
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) February 2, 2019


If anyone needs a recount revealing the EVIL that Robert Mueller is, read this thread by SayWhenLA – it summarizes the dirty deeds Robert Mueller is guilty of.
It’s not only the men who died in prison because of Whitey Bulger, MOB killer and FBI informant, but remember Dr. Hatfill and Mueller’s hounding of him for an anthrax scapegoat, remember Sen Ted Stevens, who died without every knowing of his exoneration – but hey, Obama got his fascist takeover of our healthcare… and remember Scooter Libby, who President Trump pardoned, while globalist puppet G.W. Bush did nothing, and one other, remember Bruce Irvins, connected to Mueller’s anthrax crusade – Irvins committed suicide.
Robert ‘Benedict Arnold’ Mueller is probably the guy who belong in prison right now for his incredible crimes against innocent American people in this country. Ponder that.


You’re right! These are not victimless false prosecutions. Thanks Lady for the reminder of how Scooter Libby was allowed to be victimized (by miscreant GWB) but not forgotten by our VSGPDJT…to Bush’s everlasting shame.
Thanks for the reminder about Ted Stevens too.


The injustice and travesty done to Senator Stevens really upset me. Unbelievable that those prosecutors walked. We’ve had a broken criminal justice system for some time.




🤣🤣🤣🤣 I couldn’t pass this one up!!!


Smells like bakin’………………………………


Now I spit!!!😷🤣🤣🤣

Pat Frederick

okay…I just got this…lol


It’s ok, Pat
We’ll wait

Pat Frederick

I was getting the bacon out to put on turkey club sandwiches and I swear–if you were looking at me right then–you could actually see the light bulb go on over my head…LOL


Ha Ha!
Asked for a sammich…………….
And all I get is a light bulb!

Cuppa Covfefe

“Hands” Biden has a new flame…



Cuppa Covfefe

Nothin’ says lovin’ like a self-igniting oven,
And pill popper(s) says it best…



Cuppa Covfefe

Thanks, and howdy! Hope and pray you and your wife are feeling well today!
Maybe the fellow was upset that Suzy-Bake ovens don’t work too well with LED bulbs 🙂 Or maybe he’s an unemployed stunt man…what a burn (as we used to say 50-60 yeas ago)…
Or, better yet, the guy from the “Smells Like Nirvana” video by Weird Al Yankovic… Al is singing, while a guy runs across the basketball court behind him, on fire… instead of teen spirit, he got inflammable spirit…


TY, Cuppa Covfefe

Pat Frederick

that’s…(giggle giggle)…so…(snort, giggle)..disrespectful…(giggle, spit…fall over on the floor)


Sorry, Pat…I really couldn’t stop myself….🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😀😆🤣

Pat Frederick

I spit water all over the table…LOL

Sylvia Avery

Oh Marica! I have to send that to some people RIGHT NOW!



Mueller has cost the USA many many millions, if not billions.

Pat Frederick

where in the hell is true Congressional oversight when it’s needed? there should be an accounting–not just of dollars spent (when and where) but a time line of interviews, witnesses, and the determination of no collusion.I don’t want to wait for Mueller and Weissmann’s book deal to find that stuff out.


There cannot be expectation of Congressional oversight when Congress Criminals leave office wealthier than when they enter.

Pat Frederick

I know POTUS has a sense of humor, so I bought him a funny birthday card this year…
Happy Birthday to a National Treasure (shows Mount Rushmore and the Statue of Liberty on the front)
(inside shows Lincoln Memorial Liberty Bell, and Capitol Building) and says:
Sadly Congress has allocated NO FUNDS for your maintenance…
too close to home??????

Sylvia Avery

Looking at this photo….Why isn’t she 50 points higher in the polls you might ask.

Sylvia Avery

She hardly looks crazy at all.


That hag is definitely shovel ready.

Pat Frederick

so now Pompous Little Twit says “homes” are a right and not just a home, but a CLEAN home–who’s gonna clean them for free??
“We have to make sure that housing is being legislated as a human right,” she could be heard saying in videos from a Bronx town hall. “What does that mean? What it means is that our access and our ability and our guarantee to having a home comes before someone else’s privilege to earn a profit.”
“Twenty percent of asthma cases come from home environment issues,” she said later. “We just heard about it right now. And so, when we talk about our right to a clean home, when we talk about retrofitting buildings, what we’re talking about is cleaning our air, and cleaning our water because when we talk about what housing as a right means, it doesn’t mean that you have a right to four crumbling walls and dirty floor.”


“who’s gonna clean them for free??”
Free maids are the next ‘right.’

Sylvia Avery

Sign me up! For the free maid, I mean, not to be one.

Sylvia Avery

See, I knew this would happen. In the New World Order, somehow old Sylvia is going to end up on the bottom of the heap cleaning AOCs toilets or something.

Sylvia Avery

Did you happen to see that article a day or two ago where AOC told everyone that she had a boss who gave the barmaids tables based on how attractive they were. The hotter you were, the better tables you got assigned.
She, AOC, naturally was the hottest so she got the best tables, but even so she stood right up to her boss and she quit! Flounced right out that door!
I’m still puking.


Sylvia…See, we knew your shovel would eventually get you into trouble. Toilets…ha…it’s ditches for you.

Sylvia Avery

You’re right! Only the most dutiful Commies will get the cushy inside jobs like cleaning AOC’s toilets. I’ll be out in the rain digging ditches!

Gail Combs

Well, I am suffering from asthma and I DESPARATELY need my house cleaned. So WHEN IS AOC going to show up with the mops and brooms and vacuum cleaner and the paint and new flooring and….


Good Afternoon Sylvia!


Asking for a fiend ………………….

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂 Nicely done!
How are you today?


Not too bad, thanx


Got my weed eater, some whipped cream;………………………..and a very nervous chicken……………

Sylvia Avery

OMG………………….!!!!! Run, chicken, RUN!


🐓🐓🐓🐓 Rooster’s on the loose!!😂

Sylvia Avery

And he’s got whipped cream!



Pat Frederick

k this brings up the whole should I be hungry or horny dilemma again…

Sylvia Avery

Why not be both? I’m open minded. I strongly support food and sex.

Sylvia Avery

Just so everyone can enjoy the reference:

Pat Frederick

ok..I have to ask which part of the fantasy (food or sex) does the weed eater fit into?
I really wanna say asking for a friend, but it’s really for future reference…lol

Sylvia Avery

**blushing** Well, I have an idea or two…

Sylvia Avery

I want you to bark like Rin Tin Tin 🙂


Knot that there’s anything wrong with that…………..

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂


PHC – I fervently hope you see this. Our mutual friend from OT, American Georgia Grace, has asked me to forward this to you. She posted it herself, but apparently it is still in moderation. Here is her personal message to you:

PHC, there are not many people I would come back on-line for, you my friend are one of them.
A constant joy to my heart when we communicated in the past. You are a reverent and special soul. I love you.
God bless, I am so incredibly sad, but joyful in the knowledge I will see you one day on the streets of Gold my friend.
Praying for your comfortable journey to be with The Father, Amen
You are so loved, God bless


Ty, redlegleader68
And please let her know that I love her.
Do you know which thread it will be posted on?


PHC, I don’t. Maybe Wolf can check it out.
BTW, I left you a personal message on the announcement thread; hope you get to see it. I think this is the address:
I’ll be sure to let her know of your love.


Thank you again, redlegleader68




Count on good recon, redlegleader68
God Bless


You’re on point now, PHC – God Bless!


Ty, redlegleader68
Was always my preferred position.

Sylvia Avery

Ha, ha, Patrick! Nope, all the goodies are safely covered.
But oddly, I have such a craving for bacon right now… I feel like I can smell it from here. Wish Pat had made enough sammiches for all of us.

Sylvia Avery



RULE #3 Compliance!!! 🥳🥳 WITH BACON!!! 🤩🤩 🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋🦋
Luv U Miss Gil!!😍😍😍


The best!!!

Pat Frederick

hey! I know wheatie’s rules…I made a wamart run this morning…got enough sammies AND bananas!

Sylvia Avery

Good girl! Well done!


Save me a banana, Pat!!🍌🍌

Pat Frederick

you bet!


OK, clothes are drying on the line and I am off to mow…..again…..before it rains again tonight….SMDH

Gail Combs

Filly, we could use some of that rain. None to speak of for a couple of weeks, temp ~95F and my grass is going crispy critter IN MAY! My Hay man is worried he will not get another cutting of hay. Usually he gets at least three.


These days, leave the grass for a week and you’ll regret it!


Rain tonight, working Sat & Sun, would have taken me twice as long next week had I waited.


US Marine attacked in CA while assisting with border patrol.
Now can we take this and fully militarize the border?
A U.S. Marine was attacked while working on the California-Mexico border by three unknown persons. The Breitbart Border Team spoke with multiple sources operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the Department of Defense (DOD), and reviewed an official document detailing the matter. Authorities are expected to publicly confirm the incident now that it has been made known to the public.

Sylvia Avery

Now can we take this and fully militarize the border?
I’m in.


Amlo i guess just made a comment implying socialism is more important than the Statue of Liberty and our chouce for sovereignty and borders. Expected but not going to help him.


That’s practically a declaration of war from Amlo. Openly stating he doesn’t believe in our borders or sovereignty, and willingly participates as a conduit for an invasion. I’d say we’d be within our rights to defend ourselves…

Pat Frederick

grab your shovel, I’ll pack the sandwiches…


And then say see thats why the Constitution is bad….
Off with their coats.


Hey Wolfie! I set up my account at Parler–I’m Marica! –yes, with an exclamation point!! Who else besides Wheatie and grandmaintexas should I look for?



Pat Frederick

followed you!


I followed all Wolfies followers..Are you Patriot17?

Pat Frederick

yup…couldn’t believe no one took that name so I did…lol…


Super impressive!!!! Early birds get the best names!!!




Hillary And Chelsea Clinton Starting Feminist Production Company…

Pat Frederick

I heard that…Bitch and Bitchier is the name I think


Wait–Daughn posted this hysterical tweet today…

Pat Frederick

very nice!

Sylvia Avery

Oh gosh. I can hardly wait.


Wait–What the hell would Bitch and Bitchier actually produce? 😨 are we talking Movies like “Gone with the Passed Wind” or “”50 Shades of Old and Grey” or “Gone Girl” (a remake)🤣🤣🤣

Pat Frederick

mostly remakes I think…JAWS–the Arkansas Edition; Father Goose (starring Bill Clinton or Joe Biden, they haven’t decided), The Devil Wears Pantsuits, the Jackal (a family biography)…you know stuff like that


New Release “That doesn’t Pass the Smell Test” staring Creepy joe with a Cameo by stinky Hillary…🤣🤣🤣

Pat Frederick

the Bill & Hill love story…Forrest Hump




The Lost Shoe in the Horizon (sorry ,best I could come up with on the fly).

Sylvia Avery

Every time my eyes skim over that, they read it as Feminine Products Company and I stop, startled, and look again. That’s the third time it has happened to me. I need more caffeine or something.


Co-founder of ‘Rolling Thunder’ motorcycle ride says bikers will descend on Washington if ‘arrogant little b***h’ Pelosi impeaches Trump – who’s ‘tired of putting up with her bulls**t’

Pat Frederick

that is one crowd I would really really wanna be a part of!

Gail Combs

Rolling thunder, 4 draft horses and a bunch of hemp rope. We do not even need any trees! link

Pat Frederick

blindfolds and cigarettes for everybody!


Sylvia Avery

I hadn’t realized there were any left. God bless him.


Happy 100th birthday today to Arthur Hendrickson, now residing in Sierra Vista, Arizona …Pearl Harbor survivor.

Pat Frederick

Lindsay Graham is facing a Dem challenger coming up…maybe this will propel him to subpoena Mueller and earn POTUS’s endorsement…
Jaime Harrison, a longtime revolving door member with a lengthy lobbying history, announced he would seek the Democratic nomination to challenge President Donald Trump’s rival-turned-top supporter in 2020.
As a lobbyist, Harrison worked for a number of big corporations, many with ties to South Carolina. For a number of years, he lobbied on behalf of Michelin North America, headquartered in South Carolina, as well as the state of South Carolina and the South Carolina-based subsidiary of Italian rail transit company Mer Mec.
In 2008, during his time as a Clyburn aide, Harrison met with Andrew Kauders, who was working as a foreign agent for the Egyptian government along with Tony Podesta. Harrison would go on to become coworkers with Kauders at the Podesta Group.
Some of the clients Harrison took on could prove troublesome to the progressive segment of the Democratic base. In 2015, he represented ACA International, the trade group that consists of debt collection agencies and creditors. In 2013, he lobbied for Walmart, which faces scrutiny over treatment of employees; pharmaceutical company Amgen; and defense contractors General Dynamics and Boeing. Harrison also lobbied on behalf of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity in 2011, a controversial coal industry group advocating for “clean coal” practices, a concept some scientists suggest isn’t real.
In the aftermath of the financial crisis, in which Bank of America was heavily involved buying failed Countrywide and Merrill Lynch, Harrison lobbied for the company at the same time it faced intense criticism for its skyrocketing credit card rates.


Subpoena Mueller? Lindsay Graham??
No. Way. Graham is 100% swamp.
Don’t even bother with eishful thinking like this. Total waste of time.

Gail Combs

Let’s See….
1. Lobbyist
…. the trade group that consists of debt collection agencies and creditors
…. Bank of America
…. ‘Clean’ Coal
2. Tied to Satanists Tony & John Podesta
3. Campaign funded by lobbyists

… a number of prominent lobbyists. Tonio Burgos, leader of the Burgos & Associates lobbying firm, contributed $5,600. Gordon Taylor, president of Ogilvy Government Relations, contributed $1,000. Taylor represents a number of massive corporations in 2019 with clients such as Pfizer, Wells Fargo and oil and gas industry members the American Petroleum Institute and Marathon Petroleum.….

The one thing he has going for him is he is black.


A DIM senator get elected in South Carolina???????????
Pull the other one.
We presently have a black senator……… Senator Tim Scott, and he is a Republican.
Of the seven Congressmen, we have 6 white, 1 black…. 2 DIMs and 5 GOP

Sylvia Avery

Well. If you marry him, I suppose I could make the cake.

Sylvia Avery

Okay, when you put it like that I can work up some enthusiasm! Hilarious!

Sylvia Avery

As long as I don’t have to dance with Ted Cruz. Or eat with John Kasich.
PS Wolfie you sound like you have gone to way more fun weddings than I have!

“I’m ashamed of my country for what it has done. I am sick to death of Brexit. I am a European. I am not a stupid, colonial, imperialist English idiot.”
British passport.
.comment image


And hes living in the Atlanta area for several years. Buffoonery.

Pat Frederick

Man, the Queen needs a makeover


Or an embalming booster.

Sylvia Avery

This was not a good look. Wow.


Dead Man (?) Squawking

Sylvia Avery

🙂 Only his hairdresser knows for sure.


I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Booze

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂 Followed by the early days crowd pleaser, Booze For Baby And Me.


Did Pat ever figure out the weed eater use?
Cracked me up!

Sylvia Avery

She hasn’t said. It may be one of those delayed reactions…
That has happened to me so many times. I’ll be reading along and get halfway down the page and think ??????? did I just read ??????? and have to scroll frantically back upthread and reread something you wrote. You sly dog. 🙂


Or as Marica might say,

Sylvia Avery

Paging Pat Frederick!

Pat Frederick

PHC…you’re on fire today…wait…we’ve done that already!

Sylvia Avery

Speaking of on fire, Pat, you’re firing on all cylinders!
(Except for that little bakin mishap.)

Pat Frederick

is that in suppository form?

Sylvia Avery

That was NOT a good look. Why is he dressing like a matron now? Perhaps we’ll learn he is identifying as a woman these days.

Pat Frederick

for Pete’s sake…should’ve put my glasses on…that’s A queen, but not THE Queen…LOL

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Maybe the Queen should take back his title. Can they do that? They should be able to. I mean, if he’s not English.
He is, however, an idiot.


I feel so sorry for the surrogate born children of Elton John and his partner.

Pat Frederick

what I’ve been reading is that Huber did some of the investigation but was waiting to see if Horowitz was going to recommend criminal charges so he put off going further on THAT investigation, and delved deeper in the Uranium 1 and Clinton Foundation investigations. those are nearly over and they’ll be hopefully coming into fruition…”lock her up” campaign promise almost fulfilled?
Durham is taking over waiting on the criminal charges (if any) from the FISA & IC abuses…

Pat Frederick

or will the Uranium 1 investigation implicate Mueller and Rosey too?

Pat Frederick

i see what you’re saying and understand it, but it may not be popular with a base that’s seen it’s leader raked over the coals for 2 1/2 yrs…

Sylvia Avery

All I can really say right now, having just read the transcript, I admire AG Barr tremendously. This man is a patriot of the first order. He is putting himself fully on the line for this country, understanding completely what the repercussions may be.
I know the justice we see won’t be perfect. I expect we’ll all agonize over the results when they come. But I believe Barr is going to do the best for us all that is humanly possible, and that he shares PDJT’s goal that this never happen again.


This is to you and Sylvia, re: AG Barr doing the best he can for all of us, and his sharing POTUS’ goal that it never happen again.
With that belief, Barr would also know the only way he can/POTUS can keep it from happening again is for the entire Cabal and what they did – be exposed. Exposed and prosecuted. I think POTUS truly understands that the only way to prevent the Deep State from taking over once he is out of office… is to destroy them in a way that blows up their entire machinery that they built up – not the past couple of years, but the past 50 years.


It appears that Barr is the DOJ corollary to PDJT. He indicates that at his stage of life, all he cares about is the restoration of the Republic.


I hope this comes over correctly…Verry Interesting…..

Sylvia Avery

Marica, the hair on the back of my neck stood up when I read that about the Manchurian Candidate. Of all things to say! And AG Barr is very deliberate in his word choices. Wow.


I know Sylvia…I wasn’t even following close–lots of distractions today… but spine tingling tweets for darn sure!!


Hubby and I have said this for at least 8 years..we believe Obama was a “creation”, including education and family put into place…in other words, a Manchurian Candidate and his “handler” without doubt was Val Jar. Perhaps Brennen was also.
I ‘ve read that he will end up being a billionaire…pretty good wages for selling out our country,

Sylvia Avery

Teagan, I’m not surprised. It seems like many of us had the same thought.
What kind of fascinates me is that so many of us DID have similar thoughts. These thoughts came from somewhere. Where? Certainly not the media. There were a lot of us out there who just picked up on the undercurrents and our guts told us this is not right, and we just knew we were being fed lies and misinformation.
It still creeps me out. And I’m dead sure you’re right about ValJar.


I’m in complete agreement with you on this. There’s a significant reason for Val Jar taking up residence in Obunion’s basement.

Gail Combs

“JC: “So he won’t be involved in this really at all then?”
Barr: “No.” Durham officially taking over and it doesn’t look like Huber did much, if anything, regarding FISA and was focused on the Clintons instead.”…”

REMEMBER Durham has been in place for MONTHS if not YEARS. We KNOW Durham was involved with McCabe last year from Congressional Testimony.
So it looks like a switcharoo was going on.
We were told by AG Sessions that Huber was partnered with IG Horowitz. We ASSumed that meant FISA when it really meant the Clinton mess. (Think major misdirection and out right lies to throw the Deep State off by Victoria Toensing & Joe Digenova not to mention our VSG PDJT.)
Meanwhile Durham was dealing with the Deep State Gov’t Corruption COMPLETELY underwraps.
The fact this is now starting to come out makes me think major arrests maybe planned this summer, probably before 4th of July and President Trumps big 4th of July bash.


Ok, I’m just getting to review comments, and indeed find it interesting that Barr mentioned Manchurian candidate. I mean, like out of the blue, the AG mentions something we’ve thought for the past 10 years! Of all things he could have said where we’d criticize Obama, that isn’t something I expected to hear from the AG… So, is there meaning behind those words.


I totally agree Lady P!!!


Pat, the word “fruition” jumped out at me. That is a very strong word under the circumstances. You have to do a lot of cultivation to finally bear fruit.

Pat Frederick

agreed–and that’s the word Barr used…


I haven’t read everything yet, Wolfie, but is this helpful to what you’re talking about?


Trust the Plan Indeed……..
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 No.1105115
Apr 19 2018 16:54:59 (EST)
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d24602 No.1105041
Apr 19 2018 16:50:50 (EST)
Relationships High.
“Insurance File.”
Quiet until now.
Join POTUS’ legal team.
Direct discussions avail [now] w/ Mueller.
Enjoy the show.
They never thought she would lose.
We have everything.
How can we use what we know?
How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?
What are you witnessing unfold?
Trust the plan.


Thanks Wolfie!!! Flynn Pulled the PIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everybody DOWN!!!😨😱😊


“The New York Times has banned its reporters from a number of TV shows deemed too partisan, including those hosted by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell, and CNN’s Don Lemon.”
Weird. The NY Slimes is just as bad as any of those three.
Hey, speaking of Lawrence O’Donnell, remember this….?


For those who (as I) have wondered about how the words of Jesus (“no stone will be left’) squared with the Western Wall, here is a 30 minute video which suggests that the Western Wall is not part of the Temple, but part of a Roman fort. The Temple (according to this theory) was situated to the south:




“Also: suck it Pence haters”…in a message that one NATURALLY assumes is seeking participation and unity??
Sounds just like liberal to me. Exactly no different.


I think the Pence Haters are at the far end of conspiracy–The way out there’s with JFK is alive and the earth is flat…

Gail Combs

No, we just do not trust Pence. He is PURE lawyer/politican check his wiki page. NO REAL WORK EXP!
Pence got Flynn fired.
Pence took Flynn’s son out of the transition team.
Pence lead the transittion team that gave us some of the mistake hirings.
Pence lead the voter fraught group that PDJT took away from him.
Pence lead the Obamacare repeal.
Pence was a Cruz supporter and Kelly Ann used to work for Pence before she worked for Cruz the Snake
Pence is cosy with the Bushs
Pence physician, (Jen Pena?) trashing Admiral Ronny Jackson nomination to head the VA.
Pence-Ryan emails

Sylvia Avery


And just by pure coincidence, the press conference regarding the shooting in VA Beach starts during the last half of Hannity’s show, and returns back to regular programming when his show is over.
Totally a coincidence.

Sylvia Avery



comment image


Totally! I have got to figure out the right way to post a gif…


From the web, click on the gif you want to post
Copy paste it on a separate line from anything else into the comment box
Needs to begin with http……..and end with gif.
From your files, if the gif is there; you have to use an image posting service to obtain the url necessary.


From the web, click on the gif you want to post….click copy image address………………


Ok. Texted myself that note. Ty phc.




Someone left a link to her twitter in the reddit comments. Follow that and it’s her third tweet from the top.
Follow that and it takes you to a Brietbart story with the same clip plus one of the the whole town hall (2hrs plus).
Only says all this because it’s quite apparent the youtube vid carrying the full town hall that all this is based on has been made almost inaudible as a form of suppression likely done by youtube. While the sliced segments are fine the full vid which many have come to see has now been tampered with. If you trace down the comments you’ll see it was just fine days ago, but not so fine now.
Her twitter.


Well, we can donate to his new opponent, state legislator Jim Lower. He needs about $10,000 to keep going…i’ve Just sent him a small contribution. We all know CAIR and others are going to fund Amash to the max, but this is one way our voices can be heard.

Sylvia Avery

“A former Justice Department prosecutor is asking a U.S. District Court in Washington to review mounting evidence that Socialist Congresswoman Ilhan Omar committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother to get him into the country.
The allegations against Omar, one of the first two Muslim women in Congress, are not new, but her reluctance to put them to rest, coupled with an abundance of photo evidence and deleted social media activity, strongly suggests Omar married her brother Ahmed Elmi in 2009…”

Sylvia Avery

Larry Klayman is the former DOJ employee.


“Strongly suggests” is a funny way of saying “leaves no doubt”

Gail Combs

Lawyerize. Keeps you from getting sued.


I’m sorry–No country for Young Overeaters…She has crossed the LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sylvia Avery

That broad needs to be suspended, at the least. Fired would be better. But of course her vile network luuuuvvvs this and agrees totally.


Nut doesn’t fall far from the tree… Meghan, what happened to you? Sad, very sad!


Then Jeff has this, hot off the press. Discusses the “fruition” word choice of Barr.


Note that Barr did not use the words like, closure, conclusion, resolved, etc. He expects something to come from what’s been done, not ended.


Celebrating Ramadan was bad enough….this is a bridge too far.

Both Islam and LBGT are bad news, and have bad fruit.


The LBGTXYZ slime-wads want to prevent children from getting help to live normal lives – They want to force parents to ‘accept’ trans children! They don’t want anyone to be helped with sexual disorientation issues.

LBGT activism is a fascist-style agenda. Despicable.


If Ramadan was just a one day event i’d say move them to the same day and set up celebration venues next to each other.


Oh wait… there both one month long events! This is do able! (and they overlap for at least five days.)


That would be very interesting and enlightening for both parties..


“Both Islam and LBGT are bad news, and have bad fruit.”
I agree. I also think Pres. Trump is between a rock and a hard place.
***He has to be the President of all the people.
***The majority of that tweet points out the persecution of gays by some countries (and ideologies). He is calling attention to Islam.
***The Left thinks he is anti-gay, but he never has been in his public statements. He is showing them, again. He needs all the support he can get in the next election. He does not support extremist positions that encroach on our religious freedoms (cake-baking demands, etc.).
***He can’t appear too “Christian extremist” (as in, “We elected a pastor, not a president!”) because it would alienate too many people. I think the best we can reasonably expect from him is to continue to govern in ways that restore our country as best he can.


Of course, you are right. It’s just that both Islam and LBGTPQ are aggressors, predators and destroyers.


Yes, I agree.


….and both are oppressors – who will deny others their rights and freedom.

Gail Combs

“… to decriminalize homosexuality…” = Do not toss gays off high buildings!

Islamic State throws four gay men off rooftop, taunts gays with photos of murders bearing #LoveWins hashtag

Sylvia Avery

Warning for Parler People:

Sylvia Avery

Yeah, I don’t know zero moon but it would seem there’s some kind of bad blood. Whatever.
I know we have folks who follow Praying Medic and I didn’t want them confused.
I’m going to try to set up a Parler account tonight, Wolfie. Wish me luck!!!


Just something to think about. Joe could be totally out to lunch:

Sylvia Avery

It’s so odd. Lisa Mei Crowley retweeted Rudy Giuliani asking someone to stay on Twitter because “we need your voice.” Lisa Mei has been cautious/dismissive of Parler, too, feels we need to stay on Twitter and fight it out, and was wondering why CBS seems to be encouraging people to go to Parler.
I have no clue what this is all about but it feels like we are being manipulated. I’m just not smart enough to know who is doing it and why.
I’m not on Twitter. On Gab. Thought I’d sign up for Parler. But the energy around this is all very peculiar.

Sylvia Avery

I’ve referred to Dr. Drew discussing public health/sanitation/infectious disease concerns in California. He was on Laura Ingraham’s show last night. Seriously, we need to be prepared.
Especially for Gil, Molly Pitcher, and other West Coasters:

Sylvia Avery

LAPD officer contracts typhoid fever
Internist Dr. Drew Pinsky reacts to medieval diseases resurging in major cities.
“We have a complete breakdown of the basic needs of civilization in Los Angeles right now,” Pinsky told host Laura Ingraham. “We have the three prongs of airborne disease, tuberculosis is exploding, (and) rodent-borne. We are one of the only cities in the country that doesn’t have a rodent control program, and sanitation has broken down.”
He goes on to say he has visions of him on his knees tending to people in the streets. Catastrophic level illness. He even says it is so serious he’s asked himself if they have actually planned for this to happen. Kinda Clowardy-Piveny style.


Im closer to san diego like molly. Being from l.a. though I understand how the whole area has devolved. You know if fires werevthe epic reliable federal dollar harvesting plan, how evil would it be that these democrats would allow this to fester…for the cash? And theyd get rid of people at the same time.

Sylvia Avery

I know. I hate saying that, but this is where we are now that even normies like Dr. Drew are starting to wonder WTH is going on?? I hate thinking that our government would set something like this up, but what else are we to think?
I spent the very early days of the BO years watching and thinking how could he be this stupid? Of course, I quickly came to believe it wasn’t stupidity because literally no one could be that stupid. Instead, the actions were being taken quite deliberately to destroy us.
Which brings us back to LA. They don’t even have a rodent control plan. That is just not even conceivable in public health terms for a modern American city. That’s like not having a fire code, or not having a water treatment facility.


Our battle with rats was all of a sudden. I flipped a light on ourside and about 2 or 3 DOZEN ran away from my bird feeder. We started baiting and I also found out a few houses were hoarded close to us. We have have several houses sold, cleaned up, and baited. It seems to have helped significantly.
Drew isnt the best dr but hes high profile and hes bringing attention to this.

Gail Combs

California gets periodic bouts of the Bubonic Plague (Black Death)

George E. Smith @ WUWT says:
July 22, 2010 at 9:36 am
“”” In other news, Former Governor Sarah Palin is blamed for starting all this by making it Marmot Day instead of Groundhog Day in Alaska. As everyone knows, marmots can’t forecast a darn thing, but they can model. /sarc From a KU press release: “””
Well that simply is not true; Marmots are great forecasters ! Back in the dark ages; round about the time when the Chinese invaded Mongolia; those northern nomadic tribes were great hunters and trappers; and traded in furs, including Marmots.
Once in a while; every few years or so, a Trapper would come back into town from his trap rounds; and tell the villagers that he had observed some Marmots up on a mountain that were all acting silly as if they were drunk on something.
At that news; the villagers would collect up all the recently collected pelts, in the town center, and burn the whole lot up; then they would burn the entire village to the ground; and move off into some adjacent valley, and start all over again.
Nobody knew why; it was just part of the tribal lore that they had learned from their ancestors; the Gods would be angry if they didn’t follow the ritual.
So when the Chinese invaded, and took over the place, and confiscated all the furs for themselves to send back to China; nobody thought to mention the ancient traditions that must be followed; and so when the Marmots started acting silly again; nobody dared to tell their Chinese masters, that they had to burn the town down.
The furs went back to China; along with the Bubonic Plague that the Marmots were the vector for; and those furs subsequently made it to Europe; and the great Plagues took off in Europe.
So Marmots are great predictors; if you know how to read them.
Every now and then the ground squirrels in the Kings Canyon National Park, all come down with Bubonic Plague and they have to close regions of the Park to campers. Plague needs a burrowing rodent like vector that hibernates through the winter; so the fleas that carry the virus don’t all die during the winter cold.

Kings Canyon National Park is about 200 miles from LA and we know the illegals have been invading our parks and setting up camps….
There is NO WAY I would visit the Left Coast again. We will be very lucky if we make it through to next year without a massive disease outbreak. The DemonRats KNOW IT and that is why the Gov wants FREE Healthcare provided by tax payers.


There was an article a while back about bubonic plague being found in the AZ desert 🌵. It was normalized, rats carry it, no big deal, move along. Today there was an article (Fox, I think) about EBOLA coming to Texas from the Congo blacks waiting at the border. This is F’n CRAZY!! 😱😱😱


I don’t care for EE at all, knowing him from RedState, but it’s clear Twitter is on a mission…


Twatter isn’t scared. Twatter and @Jack believes they can do whatever they want. After all, they have a battalion of highly paid lawyers who tell them that, and so far no one has proven them wrong. So far, no one has SCARED them, not even a little bit.
“My platform, my rules.”
Nothing will change that prior to Nov. 2020.

Sylvia Avery

Pardon my skepticism, but nothing came of his last report. You know, the one which stated definitively that dozens of FBI agents were improperly accepting bribes, etc. from “journalists”, and FBI Director Christopher Wray responded with “bias training”.
The IG has no teeth. He can only refer a criminal complaint. The IG has no grand jury and no prosecutorial power.

Sylvia Avery

Oh boy, me too!


This seems exciting coming on the heels of the Barr Interview…..

Sylvia Avery

It is exciting, isn’t it? Boy, I wish I were AG Barr’s housemaid. I’d be bringing him coffee every ten minutes and peering over his shoulder. Dusting slowly, slowly, slowly while he talks on the phone…


Sylvia!! You are too funny!!! I feel pretty sure, however, Barr just looks at dust and it disappears!😏😐😜

Sylvia Avery

Yeah, if I were a dust bunny I’d disintegrate under that gaze of his!


11 dead, 6 injured after shooting at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center

Sylvia Avery

Looks like a workplace violence/”postal” employee situation. That’s a lot dead and injured. Very sad.


Next up…………….
Gun Control
Mental illness, or
‘He was such a good boy.’

Sylvia Avery

Oh yes, absolutely. Unquestionably.


Reads like an open book! Predictable doesn’t even cover it!!! It’s heartbreaking that we have become cynical…But it’s where we are…


Horrible! Nothing about motive yet. Disgruntled employee? Muslim extremist? Domestic situation? False flag caused by scared Deep State?…oh, wait…
I regret that my mind goes to that last possibility every time. The gun-grabbing agenda is clear, as is the desire to distract us from the trouble the Left is in.


Disgruntled employee, so they’ve said.


My neck of the woods. At our municipal center. Disgruntled employee.

Sylvia Avery
(It has not yet been revealed how many scoops of ice cream will be provided, however.)


Chamber of Commerce Considering Legal Action to Block Mexico Tariffs
The powerful U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which advocates for cheap labor policies and opposes American First trade initiatives, told reporters Friday that it is considering all options, including legal challenges, to thwart the Trump administration’s policy.
Because there are $trillions$ at stake, and the members of the CoC don’t give one…much less two…shits about you or me.

Sylvia Avery

Amen, wolfmoon.

Gail Combs

We really need to get a listing of the companies that belong to the chamber of commerce.
Actually I think walking into a local office and asking for a list of local members and AFTER you have the list say THANKS, NOW I KNOW WHO TO BOYCOTT! may have an impact.
Get a bunch of friends to do the same thing, one at a time.
Find Your Local Chamber of Commerce

Sylvia Avery

I’ve read that the local chamber and the US CoC are separate entities. It would be interesting to go into a local office and let them know how you feel about the US CoC and see what they have to say.


Careful plans underway in Britain for the events and State dinner honoring President Trump.


Sylvia Avery

Oh, ho! Isn’t that interesting?



And here I thought Judge Sullivan was a standup guy. Fooled again!


Thanks Phoenix!! Just followed!! Feeling Better? Hugs!!!

Sylvia Avery

That is just simply amazing!


comment image

Gail Combs

From that… another thread:

A MASSIVE little snippet Mueller snuck into his statement that I somehow overlooked. This confirms my overall thesis on Mueller’s involvement in other ongoing investigations and the fact that MUELLER LOOKED INTO THE OTHER SIDE! …

Talks about General Flynn.


Forgive me, but…
….knowing that Mueller’s team was almost exclusively comprised of hard-core, Fire-breathing ideological leftist partisans….and it was….(see: Andrew Weissmann et al.)….I find it VERY difficult (verging on impossible) to believe that Herr Mueller investigated anything involving democrats.
I will be delighted to be proven wrong but, until then, I’m sticking with the “Mueller is a POS” viewpoint.


You and I had a little back and forth on this yesterday and I think you were spot on, as usual. Very convincing perspective you laid out.


Anything Flynn related by Mueller and his goons is a head fake or simply as Wolf stated, cover-up.
There is zero chance Mueller or any of his staff are good guys, or did anything “fair”.


Wait!!!! IS THIS IT?!!!!🤯🤯👀👀


I’m howling like a She-WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think we’re really gonna get it this time!


Me too Daughn!!!! I got some howling going on as well!


Yeeeeeeep yeeeep yeep yip yip yip uh huh uh huh uh huhcomment image



See here? THIS is how you know Mueller and his team of hyper-partisan democrats were most definitively NOT investigating other democrats. No. Way.


deep sigh…really deep deep sigh.
AYESHA AT LAST—-A modern-day Muslim Pride and Prejudice for a new generation of love.

Sylvia Avery

I—I’m kind of afraid to ask—what fresh hell is this???


comment image


a new piece of literature for the young adults…


Its a ‘book’ that the publisher keeps pushing. FYI the same one who sold ‘Mikes’ book ‘becoming….’


comment image
“Nowadays, people don’t care about the merits or the substance. They only care about who it helps, whether my side benefits or the other side benefits. Everything is gauged by politics, and I say that is antithetical to the way the Department [of Justice] runs, and any attorney general in this period is going to end up losing a lot of political capital,” Barr said. “And that’s one of the reasons I decided I should take [the job] on. At my stage in my life, it wouldn’t make any difference.”
“I’m at the end of my career,” he said. “Everyone dies. I don’t believe in the Homeric idea that immortality comes by having odes sung about you over the centuries.”
“In many ways, I’d rather be back at my old life, but I love the Department of Justice, I love the FBI, I think it is important that in this period of intense partisan feelings we do not destroy our institutions.”
“One of the ironies today is that people are saying it is President Trump who is shredding our institutions. I really see no evidence of that. From my perspective, the idea of ‘resisting’ a Democratically elected president and basically throwing everything at him, and really changing the norms on the grounds that we have to stop this president. That’s where the shredding of our norms and institutions is occurring.”
.comment image


All the signs and comments are very, very positive.
When I see action that jibes with the words….like some indictments….then I will really believe.


Actually, a Honey Badger goes for the balls FIRST…. 😉
What Trumps balls? – HONEY BADGER ….
Another Trump card. MAGA has the Balls AND the Badger!!!


Heh heh

Sylvia Avery

Flynn Filing Shows Mueller Team Manipulated Transcript in Report.
SD has this up OT. It involves today’s court proceedings for Flynn, and a transcript of a phone message left for Flynn by PDJT’s attorney John Dowd.


More evidence of how sleazy the Mueller team is/was….comment image

Sylvia Avery


comment image


Hey GA!! Not that this changes things, however…THis is a good catch..

Sylvia Avery



I support the LGBTQ movement!
Qanoncomment image


Hannity – Declass is just days away. What day does POTUS leave for UK???😉


I think he leaves on Sunday.


That’s gonna make for some interesting talk over tea and crumpets!!! 😜

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And all the “young Turks” back home are going to have is (Gang)Bangers and (A)Mash…
No Tiffany for them, then, it’s “Breakfast at Gitmo”…


I’ve learned to be skeptical. Normally I would think “days” means less than a week, or at least less than two weeks. Otherwise, DECLAS would be said to be a couple of weeks away. So I don’t know if it will happen over the weekend or while Pres. Trump is overseas. There is also the matter of disinformation being put out for certain purposes. We get caught in the crosshairs of that, but that’s OK; we can handle it. 😱
And then I’ve heard that DECLAS doesn’t necessarily mean release to the public. So the docs will be declassified for those involved in the investigation, and then I suppose they will decide what to release. I know they will safeguard national security, so I don’t expect to see everything that they do. I believe Barr and others (Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan) will want to release as much as possible, but I expect info to trickle out over time.
Also, I wonder if some of the info wouldn’t become public until trials were held. Maybe public release would affect a jury pool. (No doubt others here could give a more informed opinion.)
I think we are all expecting and hoping for at least two things: indictments and convictions as a result of these investigations, and release to the public of as much info as possible to PROVE how our intelligence agencies went rogue, that Pres. Trump was completely innocent, that the media has been lying and complicit, and that our country was almost the victim of a coup unlike anything in our history. It would be icing on the cake if the public sees and has to admit that this was happening during much of the Obama presidency.
Anyway, I’m expecting to still have to wait a while. I hope I’m wrong!


Flynn knows where the bodies are buried!!


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: cc0116 No.35004
Dec 5 2017 00:24:14 (EST)
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
FLYNN is safe.
We protect our Patriots.


This is for Marica – sorry I left the twit without seeing your response.


comment image


Hey Daughn!! I stole it anyway since I didn’t hear back!!😜😂😂😂 It’s upthread!! LOL!!

Sylvia Avery

Loved this. So funny!


And he gave them regular updates…Illegal FISA MF’rs!!!🤬🤬🤬


From the old marlboro days…………smoked Pall Malls though


No disrespect to Mrs. PHC, but I KNEW I should have taken that blasted transfer to Texas!
Love those Texas boys!

Sylvia Avery

Holy Moly Patrick. I hope you are comfortable in your new found role as board pin up boy!


Had my days in the sun, Sylvia
And they were good.

Sylvia Avery

I bet they were, Patrick. What a blessing to have those memories.


Didn’t ever expect to live all that long.
Young male deaths run in my father’s side of the family.
Lived life that way.

Sylvia Avery

Live life with open arms and a full heart. Only way to fly.




Glad you had them Patrick…
I missed seeing photos the other night… glad I got to see this one… just as I thought you looked. 😉


It’s said people get visited in their dreams.
Better if they recognize who it is.

Sylvia Avery

LOL, good point! Because you know, that happens. Most of my loved ones are in heaven now. But they do come to visit in my dreams. Intense.


Little secret.
Been ‘visiting’ that way; for a loooooooooooong time.
Little something I picked up, in SE Asia.

Sylvia Avery

That’s intriguing. I didn’t know it was something you could learn.


…………………And teach……………………
Called Astral Projection, nowadays.

Sylvia Avery

I’ll look into it. Curious.


You’ve been there.
You just haven’t learned how to put yourself there.
But you will……………………………

Sylvia Avery

That’s something to look forward to!


Parting gift

Sylvia Avery

<3 Thank you. <3

Sylvia Avery

I can see how you gave Tom Selleck a run for his money!


How Adorable are you!!! Thank you for sharing!!! Burt Reynolds Hottie!!!😘😘😎


Virginia Beach Press Conference INTERRUPTING HANNITY!!!

Sylvia Avery

Do we think this is just happenstance? PDJT tweeted today to watch Hannity for a Deep State Special. Then we have another horrible shooting. And Hannity, incidently, is bumped? Is this coincidence, or do I need to loosen the band on my tinfoil hat?

Sylvia Avery

TBF I didn’t check the time of the tweet vs. the time of the shooting as to which came first.


Okay, shooting started at about 4:00pm. When Did Trump tweet about watching Hannity?


8 hours ago–So around 2:00 PM today!!!!

Sylvia Avery

When I clicked on the tweet it said 11:11am…..


Joe M tweeted he thought he was a FF to distract from Hannity at 9:00
I posted the tweet upthread… (yeah I know, I post a lot)


Please don’t even look down that FF rabbit hole. There’s no way that the crazies are going to set up a significant mass murder so that people won’t watch some talking head on Fox review all the crap that he’s already gone over 3 or 4 times.
Just don’t do it!!!

Sylvia Avery

There was a happy time when such a thought would have never even crossed my mind.


Yeah. And I don’t mean to be putting down the idea of FFs in any instance. Just not in the case of something so insignificant as a Hannity Special that’s interesting, but nothing more than a summary.
Now, if you want to worry about something, worry about whether or not AG Barr has adequate SS protection . . . as well as PTrump.

Sylvia Avery

Technically, I don’t worry about PDJT so much as I do pray for him. That takes care of the worry part. But I definitely need to add AG Barr, because he is starting to look irreplaceable. And vulnerable.


The “timing” of the press conference by Dems COULD’VE been manipulated to disrupt Hannity’s Deep State Special. POTUS tweeted a heads up, what better way to wreck his plan??


Never let a crisis go to waste….Who said that??

Sylvia Avery

LOL, everything gets my Suspicious Cat squint these days.


That was the point in the FF, right ?


Verry Verry Suspect! Northam is so disgusting–I don’t trust him AT ALL!

Molly Pitcher

* IF* it was a FF..what better person to have to bow down to the deep state? They shielded him from certain backlash and payback for his racist past. Coonman’s constituents were collateral and he was given the mop up job.
Never ever underestimate the cabal.


American Thought Leaders – The Epoch Times with Sidney Powell….wow! I like her style, so easy to understand. She is appalled by how some in the DOJ have behaved and the two tiered system that is apparent.

Sylvia Avery

Here’s the embedded tweet if you don’t want to have to click through:


At least zero is consistent…
We should take a Q from AG Barr and start calling zero “The Manchurian Candidate”….


I believe O truly hates America. I would dearly love to see him and his administration exposed for their part in the attempted coup (and much more).


Abject false statement. Probably the most false statement on guns from his mouth.


A few things here . . . parsing
1. Some gun laws in the U.S. don’t make much sense . . . yeah, like the limited capacity magazines in California.
2. Anybody can buy any weapons any time . . . flat out wrong.
3. Without much if any regulation . . . sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on the state you’re in,
4. They can buy it over the internet . . . true. You buy the gun on the internet from a licensed gun dealer. That gun dealer sends it to a licensed gun dealer in your state, and you get the gun from him after complying with federal and state regulations.
5. You can buy machine guns . . . true. If made before 1986 and you with pay 5 to 10,000 or more for it, and you have to comply with federal and state regulations.

Sylvia Avery

He opens his mouth and lies form on his forked tongue.


I saw this tweet, Sylvia! I responded…Where can I buy my machine gun? Can I order on Amazon? REALLY? IS HE THAT DUMB?

Sylvia Avery

Nope. He’s that dishonest.
But seriously, I have this slightly used fully automatic 50 cal machine gun under my bed in case the shovel isn’t handy. Was thinking of selling it cheap. Hit my PayPal account and I’ll stick it in the mail!
(Dear ATF, USSS, US Marshalls, US Postal Service, DOJ, Eric Holder and assorted Commies–this is A JOKE. I do NOT own any such item. Never. Ever. Or know anyone who does. At all. Ever. Don’t bug me. Thank you.)


Dear Ms. Avery,
Is 0400 Saturday a good time for you?
Big Brother


Amazon . . . yes. Absolutely! But the gun is made out of plastic and shoots these little suction cup thingies,


Carl!! President Trump has a Gatlin Gun!! But he only shoots Awesome Tweets from it!!🤣🤣🤣
Cue Wolfie with his favorite MEME!!!


Amazing how much damage a few well-targeted nuclear warhead tipped tweets can do…


More Dirty Mueller…


Yeah. Selectively editing a complete transcript to suit your agenda and then submitting the edited transcript to the court as evidence can result in free room and board at the Graybar Hotel for a significant period of time.

Sylvia Avery

It sure should!!! I hope it does.

Gail Combs

Sidney Powell Skewers Mueller about his ‘guilty until you can PROVE your INNOCENCE’

While the sleazy snakeTrey Gowdy says the president is GUILTY of Obstruction but there is not enough evidence to convict in the first few minutes of this interview.


Roosterhead, Grrr🤬🤬


WUT? Gowdy is a true enigma! I have no idea where he actually stands–SNAKE works…But I can’t figure out what Q says about him?

Sylvia Avery

I know, Marica. I don’t get him. At all.


Like WTH was Geraldo doing on Hannity tonite after he actually tweeted a surrender monkey to POTUS saying trying to let bygones be bygones!!! WTF??????

Sylvia Avery

GRrrrr…. Hannity and Geraldo. I know they are friends, but Geraldo is so darned annoying.


“While the sleazy snakeTrey Gowdy says the president is GUILTY of Obstruction but there is not enough evidence to convict in the first few minutes of this interview.” ~~ Gail Combs
The above statement is TOTAL DISINFORMATION…
Needs to be deleted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gail, you need to retract this disinformation.


Yeah – I’ve listened to it 3 times – still can’t hear what Gail is claiming Gowdy said…
Not sure if Gail was only half paying attention?? Sometimes we hear that which is preconceived …


Thanks for clarifying. Gowdy is one of the few who’s seen All. It didn’t make sense for him to say POTUS was obstructing. I feel relieved 😌 I retract my GRRR🤬


Well hallelujah!

Sylvia Avery

A great start! Glad to hear it!


Good night friends
Sleep,…………………………..and dream well
God Bless


Good night Patrick!!! I sure hope a Darling Texan is my dreams tonight!!! So Happy you are still here!! Give your Angel a big hug from the Q tree!! God willing…we see ya tomorrow!😘

Gail Combs

Sleep well Patrick and My God keep you safe.

Sylvia Avery

Good night, my friend.


Ni Ni PHC. The Lord will give you sweet sleep.😍😍


have opened parser acc.
Golsono @Golsono


On Parler ✔️