Dear KMAG: 20190705 Open Topic

This FRIDAY THE FIFTH OF JULY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA KAG! KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both).

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.






Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Did you enjoy a fun, exciting, and patriotic Fourth of July?


Not everybody did.

YEAH – whatevs, SUCKAS!

Oh, those anti-American SPOIL-SPORTS! Who live in America for some strange reason, but anyway….


We can even talk back to them!

Does it feel like a new day to you, after that amazing Independence Day show?

It feels like a new day to me!

Curious, isn’t it?

Think our VSG might know something about REMORALIZATION?

I think he does.

And then there was that AIR Q, too!

And the FIREWORKS! Oh, yeah!

It was good. A really good day.

So what did you think of that STEALTH BOMBER?



OK – that’s a bit small. Try THIS VIDEO….



That’s why.


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It wouldve been hilarious if theyd made a vapor trail q. On accident of course….


You werent so late ya know. Only 938 here and I think people are finishing fireworks. It wasnt so hot, it was mellow, we ate. Youre right it was a good day.


Me too Wolfie!!! As we were letting off fireworks.. kiddos were showing up with USA t shirts and high fiving Mimi with her 2020 Flag!!!


I was a kid then and I loved him. Mine is younger but I hope he fets it because I talk about it with him. Silent majority in CA I hope will feel better and have more representation in 2020!


What’s the 6th plane doing?just being a boss?


Each AC part of the show, specific roles. The two fly overs were snippets, of the overall show.
The precision, raw power is awesome. 100% worth your time,to watch a Blue Angels or Thunderbirds show, me thinks. Little boy in me loves this stuff!
Blue Angels and Thunderbird schedules via links below.


We moved into our neighborhood a little more than 12 years ago and several neighbors made an effort to come over to welcome us. Naturally, we were busy in the days that followed with unpacking and getting services, etc. However, with a very few weeks the news reported the death of one of the Blue Angels pilots…who happened to be the son of one of those neighbors that welcomed us. I seem to remember it was a training accident and not during an air show.
For me, seeing them plus the magnificent stealth jet were the high lights of the flyovers, but the entire show was superb. What a memory for those there…and for those of us that saw it thousands of miles away.
Loved the military history lesson…so valuable for those never hearing it before.

Cuppa Covfefe

(Many) Years ago I used to work in Mountain View, CA., and the Blue Angels would practice there before Fleet Week. We’d go up on the roof of the building (off Old Mayfield Road) and watch the show. Pretty amazing. Of course the liberals hated it even back then.
Then again, the liberals hate themselves, and GOD, that hate causing them a world of problems. Unfortunately they splatter that hate on us, too. I pray that they repent and change…

Cuppa Covfefe

Forgot this-
Gotta love this exchange in the comments on that Kyle Feldscher (CNN) tweet of B2 flyby:
(triggered SJW snowflake):
And that moment cost us taxpayers how much?
(MAGA patriot):
Less than free healthcare to illegals.


Actually, didn’t cost us anything we weren’t going to spend anyway. Those pilots and aircrews must practice, plus the pilots need to log hours in the air (don’t remember how many) in order to retain their pilot licenses. So they fly no matter what.
It doesn’t matter where or why
Pilots gonna fly ’til they die

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And from a biz point of view, that’s especially effective use of resources, as the flyovers are serving two purposes, for the price of one… Or perhaps three, when you consider the potential recruiting aspect…


And endless P-3 returning from patrol, practice…great days.
Yes, liberal sate the military. Within 30 miles of each other,
– NAS Moffet Field,
– Hunters Point Naval Ship Yard,
– NAS Alameda,
– Concord Naval Weapons Station,
– Mare Island (Submarine Base),
– Oak Knoll Naval Hospital
– Treasure Island…
…all gone.
Incredible capability lost because of D-Rats hating Military, hating America…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I was thinking about this last night. All of the facilities shut down on the West coast.
Hmmm. Now why would that be? Who does it benefit?
And who bought or secured control of Long Beach (don’t know about the other ports)?
I think there’s an agenda behind all of the closures/takeovers, and it’s not a good one.
Presidio also got shut down, and taken over by Leftist Loonies, including Gorbachev’s foundation. Again, no accident that.
I hope and pray that VSGPDJT, in restoring our military, also restores some of the bases on the West coast, and tells CA to sod off if they protest, as it’s a national security imperative.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ooops. Old MIDDLEFIELD road…
Mayfield was a Mall back then… (a mall, and the night visitors 🙂 )…


kalko, I had the almost surreal experience of watching the AF Thunderbirds at McChord AFB many years ago…fingers through the fence.
yes, the precision, raw power, and Sound (!) was truly a thrill of a lifetime.
Highly recommended.


Now officially called McChord Field.


I was looking hard for a vapor-trail Q!


If all the celebrities and erstwhilke dbags would shop focusing on their tds theyd start to see what we see. Just a couple photos of the national mall, even with rain, spells doom for the dimms. And I bet it was clkean and tidy when people left.


I don’t remember any conservatives not celebrating the 4th because O was in office. I don’t remember anyone disparaging a patriotic event under any other president. I think it’s more than TDS; I think many Dems hate America. Anyone who hates America must be defeated, or they will destroy her. Vote them out, fire them, ridicule them, expose them, incarcerate them if warranted under our system of justice. There is no “working together” or “getting along” with the enemy within. The comments I’ve seen from the media preceding the July 4th celebration are appalling and destructive. And destruction is their goal.


“Even positives had to be qualified, or one was not smart, balanced, thinking like the media, etc., etc.”
Exactly. That reminds me that I’ve seen this coming, but they no longer try to mask their disdain for America. It feels as if it happened overnight, but it was calculated, as you say. I have a glimmer of hope that they are going too far for many people, especially under the leadership of Pres. Trump. But we have to fight continuously, on every front, and never give up. I am also heartened by the lawsuits being filed by our side, the arrest of the “ice cream licker,” the group headed to Portland to counter Antifa, etc.


I remarked yesterday that the Judiciary is where we’re going to be able to continue restoration after DJT time in office is done. It’s the most important legacy he can leave us, and I didn’t even realize just how important until seeing those confirmations coming through.
A great deal of the Left’s dirty work was done through Leftist courts: anti-American ideologues subtly (and not so subtly) placed over the past several decades. The 1960’s shift in academia is the other route the Left took – not sure what can be done there – except to decrease the number of young people going to those commie institutions and getting indoctrinated.
Oh, and stopping the K-12 public school subversion by the commies as well…


Good point, guys.
Hating Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, Independence Day, it’s all part of the push to “break down” our spirit.
I’m not havin’ it.


Yes, wolf – it is Psychological Programming – one must be taught to hate – this is the proverbial good versus evil fight – those who have sold their souls have done so to reap the rewards of this world –
It is Indoctrination – repeat a lie often enough – and it is taken as truth – the power of Socialism is indoctrination – look at what they are offering now – free healthcare – free college – free entry –
It is Control – the more we are controlled – the less freedom we exercise – now they want to control free speech – silence the opposition – that is us – we have resisted that control since the American Revolution.
it is Chaos – problem – reaction – solution – create the problem – watch the reaction – provide the solution – remember their mantra – out of chaos – comes order – the NWO – theirs – not ours!
Prior to Trump and ‘Q’ – what did we have – no hope – no solution – no way to fix this mess.
They call themselves ‘The Resistance’ – What are they resisting? Defeat? American Unification? What do they fear? US – The Awakening – it is we who are ‘resisting’ their control – they get everything backwards!
What really happened yesterday? Patriotism? American Pride? Restoration? how about JOY?


WooHoo – Go Get ‘Em! Never mind the coats – leave ’em nekkid to rights!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t remember any conservatives not celebrating the 4th because O was in office.

I didn’t. But it’s not because I hated America with him in office, or hated it when he was out of office.
It was because I thought America was dead.


We watched 4th of July events, but began to feel a lead weight in my heart within the first year of Obama’s presidency. When DJT won, I shouted and danced for joy – not just because he won, but it felt like that lead weight lifted.
Eight years of feeling like we were strangers and enemies in our own country was shocking an discouraging, and even today, because the Left became so bold and blatant in their hatred it’s still a little frightening – but more and more I see us fighting back.


YES!!!! And our President has given us the courage and encouragement to fight back! He brazenly violated the rigid PC rules they tried to put on us and encouraged us to do the same! “We are going to say Merry Christmas again,” he declared!


That’s sad, but understandable. I celebrated what I know America to be. I don’t think the idea of America can ever die. There will always be patriots who have the American spirit, even if the country as founded is overtaken by Communist progressive globalists — which Pres. Trump and others are trying to counter.
Anyway, I don’t know of any conservatives who held a patriotic parade in disdain under any other president.


How do you feel about it now, Steve?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ain’t dead, but ain’t out of the woods either. If we don’t get our “education” system straightened out, we won’t be raising Americans any more.
You don’t need to import foreigners–with foreign mindsets–to bury us demographically, to make us extinct. You can make those people of foreign mindset domestically.

Cuppa Covfefe

The thing is, it took 50 or 60 years (some might say 106 or more years, since 1913) to make things this bad: it’s not going to be cured overnight. The groundwork is obviously being laid, with the judiciary, efforts to increase patriotism, “red-pilling”, fixing the economy, etc. There are no doubt efforts being made behind the scenes (cf 100K+ sealed indictments) that need to be rolled out in sequence, and probably in secret, in order to proceed with the cleanup.
The “educational” system will take decades to clean up, sad to say, but patience is needed. I grew up in Kalifornistan in the 1950s and 1960s, and even then, the schools were praising the UN and the idea of a world government….
With regard to patience, one need only look at the Asians, Arabs, and Indians (i.e. “Oriental” cultures, as opposed to our Occidental culture) to see the ability to work and plan over generations, on a much, much longer scale than most of us Westerners would stand, or even tolerate. The siren song of planning to the next quarter, JIT materials planning, etc. (do I hear Wall Street calling) is just too strong for most of us to resist, let alone plan against. I can remember the head of Sony saying they were working on their third segment of their 250-year plan. I doubt there are many Western companies that even have a 25-year plan, let alone 100-year or more.
Another consideration is that these problems facing the USA are not just in the USA, they’re global, at least in the West. Germany has a completely censored media (probably due to Merde-Kuh’s Agit-Prop background), and France is the same (cf. all the yellow-vest protests not being reported, at least in their MCM). The rest of Europe is not much better. Add to that Lagarde in the ECB and….yeeeeeccchhhhh.
So I think there are efforts being made internationally. And I also think that “pizza” will be taking down a lot of politicians and prominent figures. Those vacancies will have to be filled, and the takedowns will need to be done judiciously (slight pun) and in the right order, or all hell will break loose (OK, as it show against the perps).
Would be nice if it could be “done yesterday”, but there’s just too much crud. As that Interex paper said years ago, “There’s a pony in here, somewhere”, but we’re still shoveling $#!+ …
P.S. I think having Ghostburg out of the way, as it were, is important, as I’m convinced Roberts is compromised. Sad, on a number of levels…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Absolutely it will take time!
Our education system has been rotting since the 30s, at least with regards to academic standards, we now have teachers who are in their third generation of being nearly illiterate and utterly unable to engage in critical thinking, much less teach it–as if they would want to.

Cuppa Covfefe

I had a battle with my (Mexican surname…) second-grade teacher about the spelling of the word “xylophone”.
She insisted, vehemently, that the correct spelling was “zylophone”.
Only a review of the dictionary would convince her (grudgingly, at best) that indeed, the correct spelling was (and still is 🙂 ) xylophone.
So began a long and politically incorrect “career” of challenging teachers, answer books, faulty logic, and lazy thinking. The teachers hated it when I’d expose the misinformation coming from, say, a bread company rep saying that “enriched flour” was not just the same as unmodified flour, but even better. Then there was the fellow from Skippy Peanut Butter, and the merits of hydrogenated peanut oil… (gosh, I was ahead of my time on that one)….
I think in later years they would have pumped me full of Ritalin to keep my mouth shut…
Kalifornistan has been breeding sheeple for a long, long time…


Very true.
Surprised by lack of ethics when I first started doing biz overseas. I was naive.
Miami was the same way = things that would never cross my mind were commonplace.
Like you said, different mindset.

All-American Alison

Just a suggestion, Steve and others …. even if you don’t have kids/grandkids, there are ways to reach individual children. Through churches, scouts, sports teams and other avenues … even if the org itself is leaning left, if YOU get your foot in the door by volunteering, you can find multiple opportunities to portray your own message through conversations, open questions, etc.
I recently spent a week at Vacation Bible School with 20 five-year-olds. I wasn’t crazy about our church’s theme (Safari & African children), but I had plenty of opportunities to remind individual kids WE are Americans, and why we are both fortunate and responsible for our own (self & country’s) prosperity. If you reach even ONE kid and help shape his thinking, you are making a difference.
#EveryMessageMatters #SaveOurYouth #CharityAtHomeFirst


Volunteer them for colonizing the dark side of the moon.


Uranus. That’s where they belong



Cuppa Covfefe

So far they’ve only reached Europa…


Gab is down?
The message I’m getting says it’s not my browser…and it’s not Cloudflare-Dallas…it is Gab’s server that is down.

Gudthots login page is up…


Help!!! Everytime I go … I get a 502…


AND … I haven’t found the chat rooms anywhere… looking.


Actually.. this happening on GAB…TODAY!!! Independence INDEED!!!! 🤣

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I guess I need to check it out.
Maybe I won’t have to log in every single fricking time now.


Gab has a new interface… tutorials here…


TY T3, saved. ..will check out later . non- techies need all the help we can get .
I’ve been pushing buttons/ hovering cursor over things on parler, pushing buttons & making some progress ,
But Gab is a whole new animal..


Some highway patrol guys from the Golden State have their pride in America intact.

Molly Pitcher5

Awesome! Some savage patriotism for all the traitors in Ca govt..they know who they are


Very cool. 😄👍
I hope they don’t get punished by Gov Gruesome for this, though.


Those look like some fast patrol cars. Wicked! BTW, is that Hendrix on the guitar? Incredible stuff….Either Hendrix or Nugent – anyone? Awesome post!


Sounds like Nugent to me.

Cuppa Covfefe

Anyone know where that bridge is they’re going over about :58 in?
I don’t remember that, at least on Highway (or Interstates) 1, 101, 5, 99, 395, or 50 from back in the day…


Oh, about that earthquake today. Dutch called it.
Gives some more details in this video about it.


I hope he’s wrong about us getting some quakes here in OK.
What’s weird is…we had some Canadian geese show up in our yard, five of them.
The last time this happened was right before that big earthquake hit off the coast of Japan — the one that caused the big tsunami, back in 2011.
Back in 2011…there were also some wild turkeys that showed up too, same time as the geese.
It was weird.
We had never had geese or turkeys show up in our yard before.
Or since.
This time it was only geese.
I don’t know if it’s just random weirdness, or what.
It’s just that…before when geese showed up, there was a big-ass earthquake.
They’ve showed up again — and some large earthquakes have happened.

Molly Pitcher5

Hmmmm The minute you see anymore let us know ! I’m going to charge up all my solar gear tomorrow. Ya never know . Nature has a clue about things

Molly Pitcher5

and PS~ I hope no earthquakes in Ok too


Yeah, it’s not like we have a pond on our property…or anything that would attract them.
Because we don’t.
It’s just grass.comment image


Geese like dope?
If the naval station hadn’t been damage I would have hoped it was a small rod from god. Sorta like I’ll count to 3


Good to be prepared!


wheatie….you do know that we’ve got a fault-line real close?!! My grandmother used to tell me stories about the tremors when she was a little girl. That was a little over a hundred years ago, for her.


Yep…turns out, there are several fault lines across the state.


And east of us….Missouri – north and south

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s why they have “no-fault” insurance 🙂
(ducks flying seismometers, shovels [heyyyy Sylvia], and stress gauges)…


Animals ran before the big Bali Boxing Day tsunami and have been recorded throughout history bugging out pre quake


Yep. He’s been heavily shadow banned, was even de-platformed from WordPress before that was a thing.
The “professional” scientists dis him all the time. He makes them look dumb, especially because he calls them out for putting people in harms way by denying that prediction is possible.
I believe he said that China has announced some kind of predictive tech. Maybe they just watch his feed!


He’s been watching for about a decade. He calls them pretty consistently these days. And he uses data from multiple sources. The guulag earth zooms has taught me an unbelievable amount about the state of our nation in relation to drill points, geothermal, volcanic activity and the relationship to forest fires.
Always gives safety/preparedness tips when giving the warnings.




Lively time with aftershocks. Not surprising or concerning in my book.


Joann Stock is a PhD in Techtonics, Volcanology, and Geophysics, from MIT.
She is the director of the Seismology lab at Cal-Tech. She shows up across media when there is an earthquake.
She and her sister used to live across the street, same cul-de-sac, from Big T when they were little. He was brutal to Joann.


They’ve had 5 aftershocks in the past hour.
Wow. One aftershock was a 4.


It would take a lot of courage to break from the “soothe Americans to sleep” model of earthquake reporting.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not wanting to, erm, heat things up, but isn’t there a so-called SuperVolcano down there somewhere? Long Valley IIRC?
Heyyyyy, Hollywierd. Come and get your fresh, hot, fire and brimstone…

Molly Pitcher5

can you imagine putting hard earned $$ in a GoFundMe for this? Dummies


Oh, it was the Code Pinkos who did that. They also brought in some robotic giant Trump sitting on a toilet texting too….The Pinkos wanted 20K, but didn’t completely make their nut.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Reagan was delightful…thanks, Steve.


A sense of humor makes everything easier.


Reagan could sure wear a tux well!


Wolfie – can you imagine what it must be like to pilot one of those stealth bombers??? I bet it just blows your mind! Thanks for the videos.


Ask John Travolta and Christian Slater. 🙂


ain’t it cool?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ask someone who plays a role what it’s really like…ummm, nope.


I love that stealth B-2 bomber gif that you used in the header, Wolfie!
Very cool.
I’ve seen them at airshows…and they are awesome!




Ha!comment image




This was not the first time he’s done that.


Mayor Ted Wheeler is famous for telling his Portland Police to not respond to calls for assistance from the local I.C.E. office last year. I.C.E. had to round up their own federal officers to protect their own.
Something needs to be done to remove him from office before innocent people die.


Once again they are headfaked into ripping their own masks off. Not their physical masks, their ideological masks


Bob Barr called the Portland mayor one of a new breed of ‘snowflake’ mayors all across the country
, andy.


LOL, the non-emergency dispatch office for the City of Portland has been inundated with phone calls from around the world by people complaining about Antifa and their latest display of violence in downtown Portland. Serves ’em right I say.
If Portland Police were allowed to do their job by the loony leftwing liberal mayor who also happens to be the Police Commissioner, they wouldn’t get such phone calls. I laughed as I saw this story on tonight’s late news.


Hey, andy. Off subject. Please excuse the intrusion. Could you get over to Marcia’s? We are talking about you. Thanks


Great picture of the crowd:

.comment image


Nice recap:


I have no doubt Soros money is involved in Antifa violence nationwide.
Someone needs to follow that money trail.


Soros funds over 200 anti-American foundations. The known ones.
This article does a decent job of providing links to possible Antifa/Soros link


Got years of research on old György Schwartz.




I chuckled when I discovered that he goes by “Stas” or Stas-i as I was referring to him earlier.


Woah… real or no?comment image


Did they show up?
I haven’t seen anything yet about any skirmishes…
Maybe they cancelled because of the rain.


People were talking about it on twatter today. Someone had gotten their hands on part of their plans. I can’t remember, but it was not for the 4th. It’s either today(Friday) or possibly even Sat.
let me go check somethin’


Mama…I originally read the date as the 6th. Not sure why that date.


Laura Loomer and others are holding an event on the mall on the 6th and have been specifically threatened by pantyfa.


I hope there are some big hulking Krav Maga experts sprinkled generously in the crowd…..


Maybe they are all chilling out in a cell somewhere. We can hope.


Okay….here’s the deal…..DC Antifa is/was planning to do their thing on Saturday (July 6th) plotting to disrupt and shutdown a “Demand Free Speech Rally”
A group called “News2Share” apparently infiltrated an Antifa planning session, and posted the entire planning session video online yesterday….
There is a twatter thread done by FordFischer w/News2Share here:

Both GatewayPundit….and this FordFischer’s thread have the full video of the “community planning session”….or it’s here….remove brackets…it’s about 40 mins. long


could be, who knows…..


Yes…absolutely a Big Deal.
I wonder how those invitations were delivered…
By mail? Or courier?
I’m thinking probably by courier.
They wouldn’t want one of those to get lost in the mail.


Yes, it’s definitely important.
Looks to be a gathering of activists, meme-makers and ‘talent’.
I wonder if some of the anonymous people have gotten invitations too?
CarpeDonktum was doxed…and then he said fukit and showed his face online.
But there are people like Solmemes and Mad_Liberals who are anonymous.
So I’m wondering if they got invites too.


Declaration of war against fb, google etc with assurances Potus, doj have their back.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One can hope!!!


Yeah, I also noticed Carpe Donktum’s video from yesterday…… he was sitting in the risers behind the President – the good seats. No accident on that one.


Will be interesting to see if this attempt to coordinate, corral, and control what – last time – was a *spontaneous* outpouring of support is successful.

All-American Alison

Mandy, are you saying POTUS is trying to control these invitees ???
Does *spontaneous* imply you think it was co-ordinated during last election?
Scratching my head …


Last time it WAS spontaneous. This time, if POTUS or Parscale or really ANY of the campaign people are involved, it is no longer spontaneous. (I dont’ know how to bold, so I use stars. Sorry to have confused you!)


wheatie–you’ve Probably seen by now…Mad Liberal accompanied Carpe in a private meeting with POTUS!!! The NEWS… about to change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes! I just saw that!
Isn’t it cool?!


So glad he has been included…talk about a happy warrior !


AND Scott is one of the nicest young men you will ever meet. Met & spent a weekend conference with him last fall.


This is what I thought should happen – instead of meetings with Big Tech/Social Media, (okay, one meeting) but then meet with the people who are out here experiencing what Silicon Valley is doing.
They control and sabotage of mass communication in this country is interference with free and fair elections.
Next he can work on the MSM. How about pulling NPR’s taxpayer funding? They portray GOP, and this POTUS, negatively whenever they can – they’re simply another arm of the Democrat Party machine.


“Their” control. I change things in the middle and forget to reread. LOL ☺️


Delighted for Scott!


Scott Pressler works so hard. He should be working for the campaign, for sure.


I’m sure Scott will brag about it for months.


The numbers were fantastic. Scott is too much of a self promoter for my taste.


The Dems just keep writing the Memes.comment image


Rudely stepping between me and my insurance company. After the insurance company rudely stepped between me and my doctor. Old mafia, meet the new mafia.

Deplorable Patriot

That database was meant to control us. Seriously. And yet there is no quality control check. I went with my sister when she had outpatient surgery the last time, and the nurse started going over her medical history. The first thing out of her mouth was a diagnosis I had. It was on the wrong chart. And the nurse said, “This would have been from your pediatrician’s office.” Well, yeah, I was ten and then eleven when the diagnosis was changed to something else.


Not to improve our quality of care.
If it was, we’d have full reports to review and INSTANT corrections when needed.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Too bad the “real” Spock (i.e., the fictional character, when controlled by the people who hold the intellectual rights to him) is a flaming socialist, just like his owners.


This bears a read.

Antifa will only grow more aggressive if it is not stopped, and we must target it where is has found fertile ground—our college and university campuses.
The seeds of this violence have been planted and are encouraged by leftist professors in the classroom. Over the last few years, there has been a growing trend of extremist professors advocating for violence and intimidation to force leftist ideology onto society.
Examples can be found from coast-to-coast: Mark Bray, a visiting scholar at Dartmouth College, is a staunch defendant of Antifa’s use of violence and even wrote “Anti-Fa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook,” in which he claims that ‘violence is a “legitimate response” to groups with incendiary views.’
The disgraceful event in Portland is a re-run of what’s been taking place on college campuses, where similar attacks and intimidation have been happening for the past decade.
Then there is Assistant Professor Stanislav Vysotsky at University of Wisconsin – Whitewater who writes in an op-ed that: “On America’s Streets, Antifa’s Militant Anti-fascism Isn’t Terrorism – It’s Self-defense.” Professors at Purdue and Stanford Universities, have worked to create a “Campus Antifascist Network” (CAN) to bring together “anyone committed to fighting fascism.”
Unsurprisingly, students are following the guidance of their teachers. Just a few weeks ago, Campus Reform reported that the Autonomous Student Network at the University of Texas Austin threatened to doxx incoming first-year students if they join Young Conservatives of Texas or Turning Point USA chapters.
Make no mistake, Antifa’s violence is being fueled by professors in the classroom who incite their students to enact political violence against others. That is not preparing the next generation of leaders, it’s preparing the next generation of thugs.


Here’s his twatter:
Stanislav Vysotsky
His twatter bio says he blogs here:, but a quick search on that nasty site….shows he’s a former editor there, and again, a quick search, it doesn’t look like he’s posted any articles since 2015…..
Will look around some more after a nap.


Yeah, well aware.. Gonna drink my coffee, and start archiving. I took a snapshot of what was on that twatter-feed when I saw it, I find it interesting to also look at WHO is being RT’d etc.


Whoa…..I’ll be going dark regarding our stas- feind, er, friend here. Still busy on it, just a little more quietly at this point….


Surname research indicates Jewish, from the Baltic region.


i see you found the Haaretz article – got stopped by a paywall – but the headline was enough to ding some serious beware vibes
“Opinion Antifa in America: Militant Anti-fascism Isn’t Terrorism, It’s Self-defense”
I can definitely see this guy being elated to recruit students for Antifa. He’s a fanatic who twists facts to fit his beliefs
Not only is he teaching mushy minds, he is spreading his joy to several far left publications.
I got distracted by reading articles by equally fanatical minds. Sorry.
Did find he was a hair stylist for four years before becoming a lunatic.
And he taught in Portland in 2007.
I’m still digging. Gonna be hard to find his background online, don’t you think?
He is a benign college professor billing himself as a white supremacy expert.


Make no mistake, Antifa’s violence is being fueled by professors in the classroom…
There are professors who are *in* Antifa.
Which is why they wear masks.
This guy that was on Tucker’s show was a professor:comment image


Wasn’t there a professor in Berkley who was in Antifa too?
He clocked some poor guy with a bike lock…injured him pretty bad.
The Anons figured out who he was…and he was arrested.
But yeah, I’ll bet there are a lot of professors and other college employees, who are behind those masks.
And a lot of govt employees, too!


And the BEST way to have access to a whole shit ton of ‘weak minds’ is to … OPEN UP THE COLLEGES TO ANYONE WITH A HEARTBEAT. Also helps to offer FREE COLLEGE to illegals, as many states are doing….
Funny how that worked out for them….


It would explain Why these kids don’t realize that it is *they* who are being fascist.
They’ve had leftist professors telling them ‘what is fascism’.
And they obviously have been misinformed!
Fascism = the forcible suppression of any opposition.
And these Klantifa operatives are doing exactly that!
In fact…I have noticed from comments by young leftists in general, that they don’t really know ‘what fascism is’.
A lot of them think that fascism means “right wing”.


Wolf, that pic above says his name is another. (?)
According to that twatter bio….this is the pic. associated with it..Is this your guy?comment image


Amy God the guy looks like KGB. He looks Russian to me.


Wait…this Stanislav Vysotsky guy teaches ‘criminology’ classes?
That’s what the long-necked guy was teaching too!
He was fired after the interview with Tucker, because someone looked back through his twitter account and saw where he had made tweets wishing for “dead cops”.
And he was teaching classes for cops!


They’re using terms like ‘nazi’ and ‘fascist’ without teaching kids what those terms really mean.
They’re using those terms to label us…and thus vilify us, to justify that preemptive violence.
There are even online definitions of ‘nazi’ and ‘fascist’ that are wrong…very wrong.
So they are rewriting History.
But they are keeping the ‘labels’ to use for their own purposes, in order to demonize us.
Can’t have these kids knowing the Truth…that Nazis were Socialists!


Sidenote: About 20% of Gunner’s ROTC group are criminology majors – going to be MP’s in the Army. If the professors are really subversives, it would subject new officers to major propaganda and deconditioning towards violence.


“conditioning towards violence” meaning that they’re teaching new cops to hate white people and engendering in them the willingness to slaughter whites en masse once the left gains control and gives the order to eliminate the remaining white people….
And YES, I fully expect that to happen….


I remember this one. Watched it several times. eerie.


ANTIFA isn’t new, it’s been around since at least 1933. So do you mean “creation” or “importation?”
I actually found OT by way of a guy who was doing livestreams on youtube of antifa activities AROUND THE WORLD in addition to the stuff going down in Ferguson, MO back when the ‘hands up don’t fire’ crap was going on….
He would compare what the ‘protestors’ in Ferg were doing to what Antifa was doing in other nations and it was CLEAR that Antifa was handling the Ferg stuff…..not out front as “antifa” but yeah, they were involved for sure.

Molly Pitcher5

This article gives a good view into the Marxist ties and the unbelievable drift into related groups. I have no doubt that the Smollet hoax was created to provide them a Chicago upheaval on the scale of Ferguson ~~~


He could wear 10 masks but by his pencil neck we will know him


Photoshop my ass. He’s a fucking MUTANT


Aww, poor thing…it has obviously traumatized him into lashing out at all those who made fun of him in elementary school. It’s not his fault…he’s a victim of society and needs to be excused from his behavior. S/O

Cuppa Covfefe

Pencil-neck Schiffwreck is jealous…. or attracted 🙂
Or could the fellow have endured some sort of stretching “therapy” as part of an MK dissociation phase???


Looking at the grunge and “bum of the street” look so many professors have today – it’s no wonder we lost all sense of manners, decorum, appropriateness, respect, etc. etc.
Decades of people like him in our classrooms weakened our culture.


This guy ^^ is NOT this guy:
I wonder if they’re related…anyone have advice on how to find out that kind of info?


That’s why I’m trying to figure out who Antifa Mike’s line is. Is this a ‘family business?’ I think the Chan sleuths are very good at finding info, I wonder if they did that when Pencil Neck Dude was in the news? hmmm…..


I suspect photoshop in these photos. Or clever camera angles. That dude is some sort of lizard/snakes. I’m Australian, we know lizards

tom f

‘Giraffe man’ will have a difficult time hiding.
No need for facial recognition.


Take their federal funding and accreditation if they don’t abide by freedom of speech but no incitement to violence


Have you seen this?
This little girl is amazing.


… and this was actually in LA?? (I’m *not* talking about Lower Alabama!) … 😉


❤️❤️❤️ … 🤨👍❤️‼️ … oh my goodness .. ‼️ … I got chills and my eyes 👀 filled up like Niagara Falls ..
This precious little young lady has a magnificent spirit … God bless her and I’m glad she’s OURS .. 🤨👍‼️
Wow 😮 talk about a lionesses ROAR 🐯 … 😉🤚❤️‼️❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️

Concerned Virginian

So I have Perfect Pitch. I was also a voice teacher / voice coach for 38 years.
This little AMAZING GIRL sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” in the key of B-Flat Major — acapella.
Her voice and production are unusual for a young child. The delivery is clean, little problem with moving around in the vocal registers. Strong “belt voice”, good pitch I’d say about 98% of the time. Great breath control and knew where to take appropriate “catch breaths” so syllables weren’t broken up.
At the end of the National Anthem (“o’er the land of the Free”), she went into high head register to the D above High C (opera soprano territory) on “Free”. Then landed perfectly on the beginning note of the next phrase to end the song.
I hope this child is or will be working with a vocal professional and keeps her voice healthy.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good voice, but she broke “Free” up into three notes.
I don’t like it when someone insists on breaking it into two just to show off their high pitch.


^ Yeah that


But she did it out of JOY – her love of singing – and hopefully love for the anthem and her country!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She did.
But I wish people would leave the anthem alone.


Agree with you really. The military choirs do it best!

Deplorable Patriot

If you look at the music the fermata is on “wave.” Free is a half note, IIRC.


I envy your perfect pitch! I have a friend, a former university voice teacher, who is also blessed with it…great for her career but makes going to performances sometimes excruciating for her!
On one of the many “talent” shows, there was a small girl that sang opera beautifully and was a real show stopper. My friend commented that she was much too young (developmental) and could easily damage her voice beyond repair.
But, as with this adorable belt-it-out singer…it’s just something within them and they “gotta do it!”

Deplorable Patriot

I trained for 30+ years. There’s plenty of other things to sing prior to puberty and a couple of years training. Why kids get pushed to opera too soon is something I would like to know. Other than the “isn’t it cute” when the subject matter is probably advanced for a kid to understand.

Concerned Virginian

I believe that little girl was JACKIE EVANCHO. Sadly, I think her star has waned. I agree that at the time she won the talent show (I think she was about 10 years old), she was too young to be singing opera arias.


Other tweets from Brit Hume:

Yeah, I don’t think President Trump even said “I” in that speech.
He may have…but I don’t remember it.


Fantastic! Nice way to finish the day…only 7!? Wow!


Hi all!
Being the lurker that I am I just wanted to say that even though I had a big day in town I checked in early this morning, when I could into the live feed… and the commentary here and am so proud to be here amongst you and so happy that today went well for you all. Happy 4th July! President Trump is the greatest and I try to pass on to anyone that will listen the insights and opinions discussed here as well as what the administration is doing. I know every bit counts where ever we are in the world.
Sorry I always end up posting at crazy hours for you and I understand that not many will see as page will have moved on. That’s ok. Just happy to be here.
4th July is one of those dates that stand out in my life.
On this day…
My first time over seas I saw the fireworks in Geneva at 15 while representing Australia in a world wide music comp. I gained an understanding of pride and representation.
I lost my father 6 years ago (ex Navy) He would have loved Trump and I miss the conversations we could have had.
I lost my ‘father-in-law’ 19 years ago (German immigrant Snowy Mountain Scheme)
So we reflect on our family and our country every year on this day (which now spreads to nearly 2 days with time differences with you lot) and count our blessings even though this is an American celebration….we get it.
Happy Independence Day!


Thank YOU – this is a great site and I appreciate being here very much. I haven’t gone down that road of setting up a super security check posting persona but so far so good and will deal with that when happens. I guess a true conservative that takes time to change? 🥴🥴🥴
You do a great job here…just wanted to say thank you and your team.


Hi She!
🙋 *waves*
It’s always good to hear from you!


Hi Wheatie! Waving back…always lurking, rarely commenting…loving the company in my isolated paradise. ❤️


You’d might be surprised at the number of us who read through the threads to make sure we haven’t missed all the great folks and their comments. 🙂


Hey Wolf….here’s more of your guy …..Stanislav Vysotsky
C.V. (Has links to articles written, thesis papers, a handful of teaching materials, etc. in downloadable form


Here’s Vysotsky’s bio from the above link:
Stanislav Vysotsky
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Sociology, Criminology, and Anthropology, Faculty Member
Stanislav Vysotsky is an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminology at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater. He received his Ph.D., M.A., and B.S. degrees in Sociology from Northeastern University in Boston, MA. His areas of expertise include: Social Theory, Race and Prejudice, Social Movements, Social Conflict, Hate Crimes & Hate Groups, Youth Culture (with an emphasis on Counterculture), Popular Culture, and Deviance.
Dr. Vysotsky’s research on the militant antifascist movement and the relationship between threat, space, subculture, and social movement activism has been published in journals such as Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements, Critical Criminology, and the book Inside Antifa: The Tactics, Culture, and Practice of Militant Antifascism (forthcoming, Routledge). He has also published research on fascist and supremacist movements in the Journal of Political and Military Sociology, Journal of Crime and Justice, Journal of Hate Studies, as well as several edited volumes. His current research is focused on analyzing the dynamics between protesters, counter-protesters, and police at fascist rallies.
Phone: 262-472-4121
Address: University of Wisconsin – Whitewater
Department of Sociology, Criminology & Anthropology
Laurentide Hall 2132
800 West Main Street
Whitewater, WI 53190

Deplorable Patriot

His areas of expertise include: Social Theory, Race and Prejudice, Social Movements, Social Conflict, Hate Crimes & Hate Groups, Youth Culture (with an emphasis on Counterculture), Popular Culture, and Deviance.
In the real world we would call that observational bull$#!+.


It is hard for me to believe that there is an actual “Journal of Hate Studies.” My, my what a culture.


MOAR….Here’s a nice little article….
“Q&A: Whitewater prof Stanislav Vysotsky keeps tabs on white supremacists
By Steven Elbow Sep 17, 2017


“Bless his heart” indeed…….


Pres Trump retweeted this:

I wish more people would characterize it this way. 👆
Pres Trump did nothing wrong…he is innocent.
The Dems tried to Frame him.
And now they are trying to get him for “obstruction” for trying to obstruct their frame job!


I was disappointed that he used the phrase, “breaking the rules” instead of “breaking the law.” Thought he was dancing around the criminality of what the FBI, DOJ, SOS and Obama White House actually engaged in.
We’ll see.


MOAR…I’ve been collecting some more info on your guy aka known as Stanislav “Stas” Vysotsky……got me some links, that I’ll check out after some sleep.
This is damn-straight serious…..but it made me laugh due to it’s absurdity…and I need some sleep…….{he hangs out with this group that wrote this}
“Critical Criminology: An International Journal explores social, political and economic justice from alternative perspectives, including anarchistic, cultural, feminist, integrative, Marxist, peace-making, postmodernist and left-realist criminology. Rather than limit the scope of its coverage to state definitions of crime, Critical Criminology focuses on issues of social harm and social justice, including work exploring the intersecting lines of class, gender, race/ethnicity and heterosexism. The journal will benefit professionals interested in alternative methodologies and theories, including chaos theory, non-linear analysis, and complex systems science as it pertains to the study of crime and criminal justice. The journal offers works that focus on creative and cooperative solutions to justice problems, plus strategies for the construction of a more inclusive society.”
Will follow up this afternoon. Oh, and Wolf, if you want downloads of those papers he wrote….I’d be glad to capture them for you, just let me know.
These cretins have certainly developed their own little “industry.” Grrrrrrr!


IMO – Critical Criminology is academia concocted theory full of hypothetical constructs to promulgate their desired agenda….academics masking their communist agenda with a lot of high-sounding gobbledy-gook.
Same with Critical Race Theory and a bunch of their other agenda-fueled fields of study and specialties.


Aren’t all the “critical theory” things all about tearing down the existing structures?


Good point.

Molly Pitcher5

The DNC has endorsed antifa.~~~~~~
.The deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee seemed to endorse Anarchist violence on Wednesday, when he tweeted a picture of himself grinning approvingly with a pro-Antifa book.
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) posted a picture of himself holding “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook,” writing that the book would “strike fear in the heart” of President Donald Trump.
The author of the book, Dartmouth professor Mark Bray, was also a spokesman for the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011. He has come under fire from a New York City police union for expressing support for the virulently anti-cop group.


Thank you, pat. You continue your stomach churning ‘stories’ this morning 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A reticulated python; they’re also found on Bali, immediately east of Java.
Those can be kept as pets here in the States, and can be quite tame. Generally large snakes that escape here are either retics or Burmese pythons. Burmese pythons are now an invasive species in Florida.
Retics get reticulously huge.


hmmm…did anyone else NOT know that immigration judges have their own UNION??? (Story is about not providing in person interpreters for initial scheduling of court appearances for illegals)
A Justice Department official who was not authorized to speak on the record said the shift away from in-person interpretation was “part of an effort to be good stewards of (the department’s) limited resources.” The official said the direction to judges was not a policy change, but declined to elaborate.
The immigration judges union, the National Association of Immigration Judges, said the change was another in a line of steps the administration has taken to force judges to do more with fewer resources at the risk of fairness.
Asked to comment, union President Ashley Tabaddor, a judge in Los Angeles, said the Justice Department had not given enough notice for the union to raise objections or provide input on the change.


A UNION???????? Ya’ gotta be kidding me. Unreal.


Verse of the Day

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”
1 Corinthians 3:16 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If it looks like something a dictatorship would do, it’s because dictatorships try to imitate and fake such things for propaganda; one might call it astroturf patriotism on their part.
People spent good money going to this one, they didn’t have to be paid (or browbeaten) into going.


LEGAL IMMIGRANTS become citizens on our nation’s birthday–at Mount Vernon!
Mark Krikorian, executive director at the Center for Immigration Studies, said that Americans should do a better job of incorporating and embracing new citizens.
“If we brought in immigrants legally to live here, our goal should be to make them Americans and to welcome them as Americans,” he said.
The United States fails in promoting the English language and American history, he added.
“Our schools frankly don’t do a very good job of teaching American history. There’s this ambivalence about America. American history education, in not just schools but even more in colleges, is often actually hostile to American history,” he said.


Jumping in here about something that I noticed in the speech…and this morning I know why it leaped out at me. ( gads, just noticed how i’m Jumping and leaping this morning! LOL, but I digress)…
When POTUS was going through a list of names of great Americans, we all noted that he mentioned Betsy Ross (IMO, her name was inserted at the last minute because of the Nike/flag silliness.)
However, the next person named was Frederick Douglas…and if you recall, POTUS repeated his name twice and made a comment. I thought it interesting at the time because his was the only name repeated twice.
Then this morning I read about the OUT OF CONTEXT Douglas quote Colin Kapernik tweeted out about the Fourth being a celebration for others but not blacks.
Now, of course, Ted Cruz and others have called CK out for distorting not only the entire quote but also not putting it into the proper time frame of several years before the Civil War.
So, in essence…our extremely clever POTUS (without a hint of being political!) brought conversation and clarity about two famous figures in our history and destroyed the Communist propaganda! Brilliant!

Deplorable Patriot

There’s an ambivalence about history period in the USA. Not just ours. World history is not well known at all. Both sides of it – what we are told happened and what really did.


And not by accident.


Jack Cashill has a pretty good article this morning, laying out facts to back up his assertion: Obama betrayed Colon Kaepecker…


Aren’t ‘African-Americans’ the biggest sneaker aficionados-fans-collectors or has all that cooled down?


Hi GA, did a little research but didn’t find anything to address your question.specifically.
Did Find Nike is the most consistent athletic show company to capitalize on black culture, with shoe endorsements from Michael Jordan, LeBron James & Colin Kaepernick.
So Nike uses black athletes to sell shoes, but can African Americans, on average, afford said shoes. Don’t know.


They afford them by letting other things go – like child support, tuition, utilities, rent, auto payment, etc.


KY – it looks like Nike is trying to keep the fad/craze going among their base.


JObs report is OUT!!!!
224K jobs added
3.7 unemployment maintained (little bit up but more people working)
62.9% participation
Labor POOL is increasing – people coming off the sidelines – best news ever.


That is great stuff. Outstanding report. The hidden gem is the fantastic 3.1% wage growth. That is a spectacular number. A continuation of that result will eventually reduce the deficit. Can’t wait to see the June receipts and outlays report.


Unreal – 335K people coming off the sidelines.
remember when Obama suddenly made 7 million people Disabled according to Social Security?
We need to whittle away at that number – it would be a two-fer, less entitlement and more taxes paid to the treasury.


High time – PAST TIME!


Oh no – I’ve fallen for fake conservative/fake news – again. The link isn’t even alive or complete.

Deplorable Patriot

Q news from the chans overnight. This comes with a warning: we’ve been trained to think the best of Israel. If this theory is correct – and is a theory being put together with news headlines and observations of world leaders, their movements and behavior – be prepared for that notion to be crushed. Q did say Israel was being saved for last.
From this link, two images tell the story. imagecomment image
And then there is the matter of the earthquakes. And all the tweets, including the president deaths on the Fourth of July from JEB! yesterday.
The census question fiasco. A distraction? We figured something was going on. Could this be it?


I still think positively of Israel….and do not think positively about those two posts.


….or their ‘theory’…..quite the contrary.

Deplorable Patriot

What we do know is that the California wildfires last year were not natural, were targeting known conservative areas, and were most likely being caused by a laser from space. The question was whose satellite had the laser. If, and it’s a working theory, it was that nation, then it was.
And Q did say Israel was being saved for last.


It’s more likely a communist or islamist entity than Israel.
I won’t stand for such a ‘working theory’ – it’s garbage. It’s slander against Israel.


Fires in forests and churches across Europe are a strong indicator of nefarious actors. Antifa and/or Islamists/ISIS likely.


I seriously doubt that you really ‘know’ any of this.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s a working theory. Yes, it tears against what conservatives have been told is the truth. If we have freedom of speech, then it’s fair game.
Take it for what it’s worth. A THEORY.


I do respectfully reject that theory….in no uncertain terms.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s your right. I’m willing to file it under “possible.” I have my reasons.


Israel has NO motive to cause wildfires in the USA.
It’s entirely an Islamist modus operandi. Fires in churches across Europe, fires in forests around the world… due to Islamist invaders/would be conquerers.
Then there is Antifa.
Nope – the slander and destruction of Israel is also their agenda.
I spit on that ‘theory’ – respectfully of course.

Deplorable Patriot

Fine, I’m not going to convince you. I get it. You don’t need to protest. But some things in the past tell me there’s more going on than we know. Israel is very much a “no touch” subject away from the chans. That alone is curious.
Again, this is not anything against those not in control.


This falls into the same bag with the notes at the funeral….no proof. Just agenda fueled theory. Those who hate Jews and Israel just love to push these ugly theories.

Deplorable Patriot

Hate is a powerful word for people who are just observing. I am not a chan contributor, but if the only objection here is that it’s possible that the weapons system destroyed belonged to a specific country, then what if it didn’t?
That space debris in Florida came from somewhere. For all we know, it could have been a black ops CIA thing. That’s the thing with theories, you have to step back and take all emotion out of the considerations.


There is real hate, not fake hate, behind this particularly despicable accusation of Israel starting wildfires and killing people in California.


Re: space debris…. there are tons of it in orbit.


I’m signing out of this discussion. There is nothing to be solved or resolved in it. We each have our own points of view and I accept that. Best to you, DP

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you.


‘Israel being saved for last’ refers to a Biblical prophecy about the Jews coming to Christ.

Deplorable Patriot

I thought you had left the conversation?


It was my Christian duty to mention that. Best regards.


Chans are notoriously anti-semitic so let us just wait and see.

Deplorable Patriot

I realize that, however, I draw a distinction between the state of Israel and Jews. I’ve lived with Jewish neighbors my whole life, and while we have differences, they are not likely to advocate trying to jump start a world war by provoking one country off of another.
I have my reasons for being suspicious of the state of Israel. And it begins with the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire. The end was in sight before Trump was elected. I get it.


If you are anti-Israel then you are anti-semitic. There is no distinction. You are making the pro-BDS Roger Waters argument and that is completely disgusting to me.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m sorry for that, but just as regular Catholics are not the Lavendar Mafia, mench like Jews are not culpable for cabal level individuals who happen to be Jewish or are running the state.
There is a distinction.


Utter nonsense. You are telling me you don’t like Jews and you support the BDS movement. After Yom Kippur, a standard well wishing greeting is “Next year in Israel.” Aliyah is a fundamental concept in the religion.
Don’t respond to me ever again. I am very proud of being Jewish. That means all of being Jewish including Aliyah.

Deplorable Patriot

I beg your pardon, but one of my best friends is Jewish. So were my grandparents’ best friends. I will refrain from responding to you beyond this, but please bear in mind, you do not know me, and you do not know what thoughts about anyone here and various subjects I have not published. I don’t believe Palestine is clean. God no. But, I’m not willing to not consider that all is as the surface indicates, either.
Good bye.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you are anti-Israel then you are anti-semitic. There is no distinction.

Well, let’s put it this way. Assume (just for the sake of argument) that there IS a distinction.
Then clearly the quoted post is by someone who doesn’t make it, using the word “kikes” as though all Jews are to blame for Israel. That makes him unquestionably anti-Semitic. So he can’t hide (and no one should attempt to hide him) behind the distinction. That’s true whether or not the distinction is real.


Good point Steve. While the source–the chans–are notorious for trash talking both Isreal and the Jewish people (which disgusts me), I do not disregard their observations.
Part of the dance of taking in data from many sources is sorting out observations from the theories developed to explain them. (As I am sure you already understand.)
I stand with both Isreal and the Jewish people. AND. I stand with our beloved Deplorable Patriot’s choice to share from a source that thoughtlessly spews vileness against both.
The observation that might be worthy of discussion here is not necessarily WHO might have taken out a rouge DEW being used to blackmail Nations around the world, but whether such a device was actually being used in such a way.

Sue Mcdonald

Read on GA that there are different sects of fake jews,and these sects make claim to being true jews when in fact they are not and are behind most of the bad things we see happening today. JESUS told us that many who claim to be Jewish were not ,they were white washed graves. Just my 2 cents for today.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s so many facets to it, as I understand it, that trying to keep it all from being lumped together is a task. If I wasn’t a Catholic who does not go along with the modernist stuff, and wants the Lavendar Mafia exposed, deposed, and gone, I wouldn’t be as adament that there are differences. I know there are.


NYGuy…that and the casual offensive (to me) language is somewhat of a turnoff and taints what is often pretty good research on the Chans. I am still in the vacillating stage about Israel’s intentions. I think, above all, they see the US as a Sugar Daddy on steroids and i’m not convinced we get full value for our generosity.
If they have the best intelligence and strike teams in the world, why haven’t they taken out more of the Bad Guys including some of our own? To be fair…there’s undoubtedly a whole lot of that going on the public doesn’t (and shouldn’t) know about…but, damn…couldn’t they at least do something about Soros, one of the scourges of the world!?)!

Deplorable Patriot

If they have the best intelligence and strike teams in the world, why haven’t they taken out more of the Bad Guys including some of our own?
And why did we enter into an intelligence cooperative with Saudi Arabia if our previous relationships including the five eyes were so solid?


Maybe related to …
(part ii is linked in that one, it’s a fascinating … theory. lol)

Deplorable Patriot

As I read through it, bottom line is the Central Bank question. Again.


‘money makes the world go around, the world go around, the world go around….’
I wonder who wrote that song? off to look for it….


That song is from the movie Cabaret. If you read at, there’s a longish piece there from July 1 by Trevor Lynch about the movie…as a kind of Rorschach test. I found it disturbing (because of the parallels to our culture today).

Deplorable Patriot

This one now makes more sense.
Has the Stage Been Set?
27 Jun 2019 – 4:28:37 PM
[Future Comms]
Pre_stage ele_y
Pre_stage sec_y
Pre_stage dir_y
Pre_stage cap_y


Interesting – thanks for posting this, I would not have seen it otherwise!


Interesting, obscure info that you’ll probably never use, lol…
The slur “kike” for jewish people comes from Ellis Island, where illiterate Jewish immigrants who were asked to make their mark refused to do so because….
They viewed the X as a CROSS, and because the cross is a Christian symbol which they would NEVER use, they would NOT make an X. Instead, for their “mark,” they used a CIRCLE. And the yiddish word for circle is “kikel.”
And that’s how the slur “kike” came to be.

Deplorable Patriot

Ahh. Well, I’d file that away for Trivia Night sometime, but some topics are off limits.


Oh. I didn’t USE it as a slur, it was in that picture of dialog. Which reminded me of the time I looked for the origin of that particular slur. See, I thought people were saying “KITE” and I had no idea what the relationship was between kites and jewish people. One day, I looked for the info and discovered that people weren’t saying “kite” after all! Filed the info away in my brain, it bubbled up when I was reading that Q stuff (chan stuff? Anyway, that block of text where the slur actually WAS being used as a slur.) Not meant to offend, just sharing odd info that I happen to have inside my head is all….

Deplorable Patriot

It is interesting. All language and slurs have an origin somewhere. I didn’t know that, actually. So many of us have relatives who came through Ellis Island and the stories that go with it. It just adds to the lore.

Deplorable Patriot

Also of note in the headlines today:
Christopher Cline, the billionaire coal tycoon best known for reviving Illinois’s mining industry and making a fortune doing it, died in a helicopter crash Thursday.
Cline died in an accident off the coast of the Bahamas that also killed six other people, Brian Glasser, an attorney who represented Cline, said by telephone. He was the founder of St. Louis, Missouri-based coal miner Foresight Energy LP, a joint venture with Robert Murray’s Murray Energy Corp.
Cline, who dies a day shy of his 61st birthday, was born into coal. His grandfather dug up the rock with a pickaxe, and he himself started working the mines at 22. Ten years later, he founded the Cline Group to extract coal from beneath the hollows and rolling hills of Appalachia. He created Foresight to expand into Illinois in 2006. At its peak, the company was valued at more than $2.6 billion.
“Chris Cline built an empire and on every occasion was always there to give,” West Virginia Governor — and fellow coal miner — Jim Justice said on Twitter.


so Congress has another “vacation” right? (yeah I know, they left someone in Chambers so the President ca’t make any recess appointments)…but think he has any other surprises for them??

Deplorable Patriot

Also, saw a tip that a whole lot of CDAN blinds were revealed yesterday. Interesting stuff, including some NXIVM news.


DP…can you elaborate on this comment…you lost me. Fuzzy brain this morning…what is CDAN blinds and where can we find what was revealed yesterday?

Deplorable Patriot

Crazy Days and Nights. It’s gossipy blog about insider stuff in Hollywood. Be prepared for a lot of ads.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

From CDAN….

I guess I would expect the alliterate drug using horrible person/singer.

I love it when someone tries to call someone an illiterate and gets it wrong…
😀 😀 😀

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, one of the most enlightening ones involved Prince Andrew, and there was one on Greta Garbo that was pretty obvious, and yet another on Michael Douglas that should not have been a surprise. I just find it all interesting after having walked away from the entertainment business even if it was classical music. Same crap happened, although the drug of choice is almost always alcohol.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One has to wonder why there’s such rot in entertainment.

Deplorable Patriot

Part of it is personality. Part is tradition. Part is that there are people out there willing to sleep with a director to get a part.
IOW, human nature.


Mark Dice video on “social justice entertainment”. Beyond the first couple minutes of actual examples, he shows a highly organized and public Hollywood leftist propaganda enterprise, a literal organization.
1) What is interesting is that the organization is public. It is what the communists have done for a very long time, but kept secret.
2) The academic aspect is also what the communists have done for a very long time. They are not stupid in this respect. They are very careful in their measurements and complex organization. They want to know if they are getting results.
3) A new era in propaganda started with BO, and sped up with VSG, although the new era IMO is NOT because of VSG, it was going to happen anyway under The Beast. The new era consists of promoting a culture where the communist vision is the default vision, the unequivocal Good, which no sane/moral person would question. It was simply not possible to start this new era of propaganda before the last few years because too many components (for example, no sexual distinctions or classes permitted) previously were just too absurd or repellent to the general population, and because the means to coerce people was not available.
4) Now the time (in their view) is right to publicly normalize the communist vision, and make it into the prohibitive default position. Critical mass has been achieved.
5) All of this is totally consistent with AND-logic, and with Gail’s insights into the nature of the cabal.


Scary stuff.
Because the ‘conservatives’ have been trained to attack the dissident right (who seem to have a far better grasp on this stuff), they’re basically slitting their own throats – and some are SO stupid that they rejoice as they do so.
The communists must be absolutely GLEEFUL over that…..



AWESOME .. 😎👍 …. ❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️


Stopped, dead in the water.
The Brits stopped an Iranian oil tanker from delivery to Syria.
It would have violated UN Sanctions.
Iran is fuming.
Sure hope the contract was FOB Tartus, Syria and not FOB Bandar Abbas.


News roundup has been posted if interested.


always interested fle.



Off topic but I wanted to spend quality time with my son yesterday. So we went to Atlantic City to go to the Hard Rock Casino (son is a musician) and watch the fireworks. So we are having a drink at the bar and these 2 gorgeous young ladies coming walking towards us. Both of them grab my son, hug and kiss him. Your son is so handsome, Mr. B! Great, thank you.
And off my son goes to dance with them. An hour and a half later, he comes back. Dad, one of my friends is having a small get-together in one of the suites upstairs, can I go?. Sure son. After an hour, he returns. Thanks Dad, this has been a great 4th of July!
It is no longer my world. Love this young man so much.


Big hugs to you, NYGuy.


NYGuy…’re just getting a “different perspective” now….You are truly watching your son become a grown man.
I had to do it with my 4 grown daughters…..there’s a “shift” that happens…..enjoy watching this…..your relationship with your Man-son, will be even much richer. {grin}


God’s Perspective on War
JULY 05, 2019
Romans 13:1-4
1 Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. 3 For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; 4 for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.
War is a very controversial subject in both the world and the church. Considering the broad spectrum of views and opinions, those who follow Christ would do well to search the Scriptures and ask, What does the Lord think about war?
In order to gain a proper understanding, we must first consider the condition of our fallen world. War is a natural consequence of sin. Some conflicts are fueled by evil intentions and desires, but others are a battle between right and wrong. God hates bloodshed, but if evil is not forcefully resisted, the wicked will prevail.
The Lord established government as a means of promoting good and restraining evil, and national authority comes directly from Him. But some rulers abuse their power and must be stopped. In such cases, God allows war for the sake of the innocent.
The Old Testament also includes instances when God used war for the sake of achieving His purposes. He commanded the Israelites to fight for possession of the land He’d promised them and to kill the inhabitants, who were extremely evil
(Deut. 20:1; Deut. 20:17-18).
In addition, He used war to judge and punish wicked nations
(Jer. 25:12-14)
and even to discipline His own people
(Jer. 5:15-17).
As you think about this difficult subject, remember that God’s goal is the destruction of wickedness, not people. In the final battle, Jesus will defeat sin and death, wars will cease, and righteousness will reign
(Revelation 19:11-16).
Until that day, we are left on earth to do our part in overcoming evil.
Dr. Charles Stanley

Jude 23
23 save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.




God bless you t3 …. God’s got this … 😉👍
It good He know all about it … 🤨🤚❤️


Citing an uptick in anti-Semitism in France (real problem), the lower house of Parliament has adopted a measure to censor hate speech on-line w/24he notice or large fines to big tech.
“The provision, part of a bill on internet regulation, targets videos or messages inciting or glorifying terrorism, hate, violence, or racist or religious abuse. Violators could face hefty fines.”


… awww shucks … the links don’t work .. ☹️ … I had hoped to make it easier to reference the verses but alas it doesn’t … sorry 😐🤚❤️


…. well sorry 😐 dw247 … I posted this in the wrong place .. 🤭😬🙁 … if nothing else I am … consistent … 😃👍 … 😣🤚


Hey Gal,
No problem…………. cut yourself some slack, okay? We love you… there is no ‘wrong’ place.


Okay … thanks phoenixRising ….
😊🤚❤️‼️ … I will 😬👍

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Before some leftist lurker takes that the wrong way…it’s the wrong place for THEM.


{shouting} EFF the LEFTIST-LURKERS out there! Bite me!


glad I read the next comment before I asked what I’m missing…LOL…


let your friends and family know about this……………..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…and I read something yesterday that claimed one of them threw a burning flag at a Secret Service officer and got to spend some time at the Graybar Hotel.


As usual, Dawson negates “Nothing’s happening” ———- THREAD, click either tweet


Don’t forget … it was announced in last 2/3 days that Soros has teamed up with Koch Bros to form a ‘think tank’
to “end forever wars” ……….. Sound familiar ? Isn’t ending “forever wars” part of President Trump’s agenda ? Yes, grasshoppers, it is.
And haven’t Soros and Koch Bros been HUGE SUPPORTERS of “forever wars” in the past? Why, yes, indeed, they have. They have even been responsible for instigating them.
Cabal keeps shooting itself in the foot, doesn’t it. Well, they are rich because they have stolen so much of the wealth of others (much of it US taxpayers hard-earned money)…


Boy, the KOCH BROS have really been forced out of the closet, haven’t they? I suspect we are going to hear a lot more about their history/ties in the near future.

All-American Alison

Totally awesome Wolfie!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE that tweet by Hunter Pollack. Smack Nike right in their morality soles (pun intended). 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Portland’s police chief suggests new city ordinance banning facial coverings or masks worn during commission of a crime and of course immediately the ACLU chimes in to try and quash it. Several other cities have imposed the ban and it really helps to stop a lot of Antifa violence. Since they are cowards, they don’t want anyone to know who they are when they attack innocent citizens.


Andy, since you obviously have a lot of influence with Portland city government.😉🙄, suggest the ordinance be thoughtfully worded to include false beards, head covers, wigs, gloves (fingerprints on anything such as weapons), any and all methods of disguise. As we know, the Communists will get around any loosely worded ordinance.




LOL! I have exactly zero influence with Portland city government. I live just far enough away from Portland that I don’t have to deal with their insane liberal government.


Sounds like the Portland Police Chief is feeling some pressure and trying to slip from his responsibilities by pointing out one obvious solution he hasn’t advocated for until now. I’m sure as the chief of police she has had many tools at her disposal that could have thwarted the antifa thugs, but has chosen not to. Her current actions of course should be welcome but in no way should the pressure be taken of her.
It should be obvious by now that the Portland Police Chief position is one of a revolving door. 8 police chiefs in nine years… what’s up with that?


Sorry didn’t go back far enough in changing her gender from a him to her….errr… I recognize it’s the west coast and it might be better to cover both sides?
Yeah… that… and anyway, this is the same Danielle Outlaw some of you were writing about a few days back, the sociology major.


CA is having some good aftershocks.
“A magnitude 5.4 earthquake rattled the Mojave Desert and was felt throughout Southern California early Friday morning.
The quake, at a depth of about 4.3 miles, struck at about 4:07 a.m. and centered about 9.7 miles west of Searles Valley, roughly 10.8 miles north-northeast of Ridgecrest, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
Friday’s temblor was one of the strongest of more than 200 aftershocks that followed a magnitude 6.4 earthquake that rocked the region less than 24 hours before on 4th of July. The earthquake was one of the strongest to hit Southern California in 20 years, and brought aftershocks measuring 4.6, 4.2, 3.8 and 3.5 within the first five hours in the same area, according to USGS.
The Los Angeles Fire Department said no damage or injuries were found in L.A. Friday after a survey was conducted.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Was felt throughout” means someone in the Southland Cancer, lying on a waterbed, felt it slosh.
I wouldn’t expect a 5.4 a hundred miles away to cause any damage; I was there for Whittier Narrows (a 5.9) and it did destroy some old brick buildings (brick is a *profoundly* bad idea in any area prone to earthquakes) and turned a parking garage into a pile of pancakes. That was a 5.9 quake (considerably stronger) actually in LA county, near LA itself (much closer); and it did very little damage.


Yeah its a non event event. Lots of areas in socal when they rattle, are always felt due to the population density. Theyre still saying the big one is coming(of course one eventually) and theyre panicking on the prep stuff.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Another form of clickbait–“Felt throughout the Southland”
We had quakes here near the end of the year two years in a row. In one case, I felt it because I was visiting a friend on the third floor of concrete block apartments, and the room jerked gently and his fridge rattled. The other time, I didn’t feel it directly but the waterbed I had at the time sloshed while I was reading. When a wave goes through your bed for no apparent reason–it’s gotta be a small tremor.


My earthquake story for your entertainment…
I was in Japan and my hosts took me to the opera in Tokyo. As you know, earthquakes are very common throughout Japan and they are quite prepared for them…all trains, for example automatically stop running at a certain number.
So, here I was in this beautiful Hall with beautifully dressed patrons, barely into the performance. The cast was a Lithuanian opera company, singing in Italian with Japanese translation on the screen!
The set had a lovely, tall curved staircase on stage so performers could enter from the “second floor.”
Suddenly, the famous roaring sounds roiled through the opera hall and then our seats started violently shaking. Of course, the Japanese audience was much more nonchalant than I was and looked over to reassure me as we held on for dear life. And, of course, it was over within seconds.
Naturally, the curtains quickly closed while the poor opera singers tried to compose themselves…and during the quake the stairs had come uncoupled and was out in the middle of the stage, several feet from where it was supposed to be….so a stage crew had to get that problem solved.
When the curtains opened, the opera was started from the beginning to much applause and appreciation of the audience….and the delay made us literally run for the last train out of Tokyo that night to our city.


SoCal residents should just consider themselves fortunate they haven’t had to deal with a volcanic eruption like we did in 1980.


You got that right!


Warning, this short video is a real tear jerker. Gold Star Mom berates Colin Kaepernick and honors her heroic dead son.


SOoooooooooooo proud of Carpe Donktum.
We knew he had good seats for the Salute to America, but a trip to the Oval, to meet the President? What an honor!


MANY cool tidbits from the President’s presser as he left for Bedminster for the weekend.
1. Citizenship question, he may sign an EO to include it on census.
2. He talked to the AG (Barr) about the citizenship question this morning – many options (would have loved to have been on that phone call)
3. He respects Justice Roberts but was surprised by the result on citizenship question. MANY reasons we need the question, electoral apportionment (which makes the left insane – and they CLAIM – proves the political nature of adding the question).
4. This one was interesting – He was asked why the VP returned to the WH so dramatically and did not go to NH. President said it was a problem in NH, not related to anything (which the reporter was implying), and we would find out about it in a few weeks. Hmmmmmmmm………
5. Melania was gorgeous.


Yeah, I wonder what was so earth shakingly (sic) important in New Hampshire that required the last minute change in plans for V.P. Pence?


Oh Andy the whole internet was on fire with speculation. Still is.
Guess we will find out in a few weeks, eh?
POTUS knows, but he isn’t talking.


Yeah buddy, my big German Shepherd dog ears spun on a dime when he said it.


wasn’t there a shooting at an AFB in NH? or was that more disinfo?


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too.
I don’t know. Now, more curious than ever.


it’s really hard to know what to believe these days!


Now, we’re super curious.
Waiting is not a good thing. kills me……


if we’re this confused (and we already know and accept a lot of things others don’t…) imagine how confused the rest of the populace is!


Nodding my head. The question was so low it wasn’t picked up. PDJT answered in vague pronouns, but it made me stop what I was doing when I realized what he was talking about.
Radar is ON !!


something is definitely brewing…and it ain’t iced tea!


You’re right about that one.
In Trumpworld, the speculation is fruitless.
It could be anything.


you’re right–it could be anything–it could be a lot of things all at once–the man is a marvel!


IIRC, after VP Pence was called to the White House, one of his staffers aid we’d find out in a couple weeks.


Hillary Clinton Drops Out of Cybersecurity Event for ‘Unforeseen Circumstance’


Hmmmm. Wonder what the reasoning is for this – 1) Grand Jury Indictments. 2) Health 3) Someone figured out she wouldn’t be the best person to be speaking about cyber security.


“Not the best person”…you think? LOL
But, I’ll go with your Grand Jury theory…perhaps one of the few “unforeseen circumstances” I can imagine. Goes without saying I sincerely hope so!


Grand Jury would be ideal.
Realistically, I think someone at the Cyber Seminar screwed up royally by booking hildabeast.
My pea brain figures hildabeast is possibly the worst person to speak at a cyber security seminar.
And, who in their right mind would spend their money, or companies money to listen to corrupt pathetic hildabeast.


Several good comments below that story. She’s probably sweating having to answer some poignant questions that may tend to incriminate her.


Today is the cutoff day for the decision to go or no go on the citizenship question.


Artist painted a Betsy Ross Flag outside Nike New York headquarters yesterday and nobody complained or bothered him.

Harry Lime

Somebody toss him a mackerel…he’ll do tricks.comment image

Molly Pitcher5

The woman in this write-up is 8 months pregnant so her belly is the golden ticket I suppose.
It’s so irritating. A recent story of border patrol rescuing a mother and handicapped son who allegedly couldn’t walk…so how the heck did he get a couple thousand miles to the border?
Then another one the other day..a refridge truck with the cooling off gets stopped at crossing full of kids and others…great we say except in reality these people got immediately transported to a facility. If I didn’t know better I’d say it’s a good deal…better than being dumped in the scrub somewhere and trudging to where…?? this way their needs are immediately taken care of.


Yep, free food, free lodging, free showers, free, free, free! Except we pay for it all.

Molly Pitcher5

Welp Andy they done used up all their money on the trip…a few thousand for the passages and coyote…I mean these dirt poor people musta been saving for years…it’s insulting that the dems actually expect everyone to see the sob story and not once ask questions…like who the heck financed these trip for dirt poor people…thousands and thousands of them


No, these were a group called “Revolutionary Communists” or Rev Coms as SS called them…………


Lousy audio, but this video shows President Trump is a man of and for The People.


so the ice cream licker is not only facing felony charges (food tampering), Blue Bell themselves are suing her (YAY!)


As well they should. They probably had to destroy a lot of ice cream to ensure there weren’t more containers that had been tampered with in that lot.


they said they were able to pinpoint the “flavor” and destroyed all of that kind in the freezer unit thing-y…but still…


AND since “Asia” encouraged others to do the same thing (on her instagram, she was asking her followers to join her “let’s start an epidemic, y’all!”), she’s done HUGE damage to Blue Bell.
They absolutely without a doubt MUST start using those seals as you find on some other ice creams, on sour cream, cottage cheese.
Will be a large expense for them, all because this one little blankety blank.

Molly Pitcher5

I have seen several more …both were took a swig of mouthwash and spit it back in the bottle and the other one did the ice cream…digging his hand in. It’s gross.




The Ice Cream Licker™ is in big FEDERAL OFFENSE trouble – Remember the laws passed after the Tylenol Murders in 1982?
They have proof from her own tweet that she wanted to spread the FLU and wanted others who were sick to do the same – thread:


Just read she’s a minor, not gonna be charged as an adult. Any juvenile charges are gonna severely watered down🥶


Happy Bikini Day!


“Burkini” ???
WTF ?????


EO coming for drug pricing
President Trump plans to issue an executive order to lower drug prices for the United States, he said Friday.
The order will create a “favored nations clause,” which would mandate the U.S. pay no more for a given drug than the lowest price for other countries. Trump didn’t provide details on exactly how it would work or be enforced.


Government price controls. Not the solution.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I tend to agree.
Probably the least bad outcome would be to force the companies to raise their prices elsewhere.
However, that could be a nightmare, if their only choice is to charge little or leave that market (because IT is price controlled!). We could see the pharmaceutical companies abandoning foreign markets, which could potentially be a humanitarian disaster.


There is always a reason why we must subsidize the rest of the world. It may not be humanitarian but I am tired of carrying them. The United States is not the only first world country but it is we who always carry the water. As I said, I am tired of propping up every free rider on the planet. Sigh

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s why I said the least-bad outcome would be for other countries to raise their prices.
R&D on Pharma is huge; and you’re right, we’re subsidizing the rest of the world on it.
I don’t want an outcome that forces it to STOP, however. Which it will, if we simply force Pharma to lower our prices to match the current low prices elsewhere.


I take a pill daily that cost $8 each in the US. I (illegally) buy the exact same pill manufactured by the exact same company in England for a fraction of that. Medicare nor my supplemental insurance will pay for it even though my thyroid specialist feels I need it. So…i’m Stuck with playing stupid games to make this one, out of several medications, actually affordable. Would I die if I didn’t take it…no. But, obviously it makes me function better and more comfortably.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Don’t mess with your thyroid.
Yes, I understand how effed up the situation is.


Thanks, Steve…have a top University endocrinologist…took me 8 years to find her.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And apparently endocrinology is HARD, because a friend of mine had to hunt a long time for a doctor with a clue.

Molly Pitcher5

more on the anarchist branch of DNC and cabal~~
It’s still important to consider the folks propping Antifa up. CNN is a prime example. The unhinged network’s key news players have gone out of their way to promote Antifa.
By the end of the month, Cuomo fellow @CNN host and close friend, @donlemon was also rationalizing Antifa’s violence.
CNN contributor W. Kamau Bell is even more to blame than his peers.
Far more.Bell spoke at a 2017 Antifa rally replete with violence.
Last month, Bell continued doing PR work for the terrorist group. He invited “Ariel,” an Antifa member, to appear on his CNN show. She openly discussed using violence against those who disagreed with her world view. She bragged about having brass knuckles and a knife during the segment.
She went on to explain how Antifa “doxes” certain individuals and then Bell went on to display a flier doxing an ICE employee. The flier labeled this individual as “a modern Nazi” who is “putting people including children in concentration camps.”


Tucker Carlson discussed “Don Le’Mon’s” enthusiastic support for Antifa the other night.


No matter how you spell or say: “Don Le’Mon”….
Don is still a LEMON to me.
(Nice way of saying he’s an ASSHOLE and an IDIOT)


Saw what I thought was a very savvy suggestion on Gab today – whenever you refer to a journo, CEO, politician who has openly supported antifa….
“Antifa supporter Don Lemon said today….”

Molly Pitcher5

That’s wild! Beats them flipping balls in the air


Amazing how fast they are in the water, isn’t it?

Molly Pitcher5

Wheatie’s geese were right again!


“Math Teacher Loses Job After Defending Western Civilization
A math teacher says she has lost her job at a private school in Southern California for speaking out in defense of Western Civilization – even though she made her comments outside the classroom.
Dr. Karen Siegemund, president of the Los Angeles-based American Freedom Alliance, gave a speech in May at the group’s “Long March Through the Institutions” conference, which “explored the Left’s ongoing multi-decade takeover attempt of numerous public and private institutions to effect a radical transformation of America.”
More at the link:

Molly Pitcher5

Hoping she fights it. Defend it or lose it like Sweden.
Swedish author Björn Ranelid warns that the level of crime and violence the previously sedate country is experiencing amounts to a “small scale war”.
Ranelid cites car fires which were previously unknown but have now become commonplace across the country along with an explosion in shootings.
As we previously highlighted, grenade attacks and deadly shootings in Sweden – concerns over which were once derided as a conspiracy theory by the media – now represent a “national emergency” according to a new report.
Deadly shootings in Sweden have also risen by a factor of 10 in one generation, exacerbated by witness intimidation and “a code of silence in the country’s socio-economically weak immigrant areas,” according to Quillette’s Paulina Neuding.
The crime of robberies against children and sexual violence has also risen, with a third of young women reporting they feel unsafe going out at night.
This has all happened under the watch of a “feminist government” that has opened the borders to mass immigration like never before.


These taxpayer savings completely overshadow the costs of yesterday’s celebration in Washington D.C.
But, don’t expect to hear about this on the evening news.


Oops once again. I failed to post the link to this Forbes article. Hopefully my comment above will make more sense now.


I heard somewhere the other day she was logged into a Sugar Daddy website that hooks up Sugar Daddies with Sugar Babies who want their tuition and expenses paid in return for Uno Wot. Supposedly the average contract is about $5,000 per month.
This killer just took advantage of that website to find his victim. And she was naive enough to fall for his scam. A single young woman meeting a strange man at 3:00am in a city park of a strange city is just asking for trouble.


Yep, she was a registered Sugar Baby. This writer got fired for publishing that fact.


andy,… I have noticed a lot of very good comments by you lately…..
I would like to thank you, and, encourage you to keep up the good work!

Concerned Virginian
By Jessica McBride July 5, 2019
Turns out the perp who killed Ms. Lueck, AYOOLA AJAYI, was born in NIGERIA and came to the United States.
Turns out he was “married” to a woman in the United States, Taneisha, who divorced him because he threatened her and her children from a previous relationship. Ayoola and his ex-wife apparently never lived together (a possible faux marriage to get Ayoola a Green Card?)
My suspicion is that this Ajayi is possibly a Muslim. If that’s true, it would fit in with the “subjugate all non-Muslim women in any way” teachings of Islam. NOT to in any way excuse what he did to his victim. He should be punished by losing his own life if he’s convicted.


Daily Mail did a story about her. They posted her social media msgs where she was giving advice to others on how to snag SD’s. She supposedly had 2 other Daddy’s, and was looking for more. $$ That’s why she met him at a park at 3am, they had been msg’ing through dating app. Her friends have been on news defending her and saying it wasn’t her fault she was murdered. I agree with that, BUT I also believe her own risqué behavior/choices put her in danger. Common sense tells me a 1st meeting with anyone from the Internet should always be in a public place with others around. Daylight is preferable too. SAD.


This is an interesting video. I’ve never watched this guy’s videos before, so I don’t know anything about him. He does an in depth analysis of who would win if there was a civil war in America. He goes through about 15 different factors and analyzes who has the advantage in each one. He said he got this from someone in the government who was assigned to game this out. As most of us would probably agree, the right has way more advantages than the left.
However, after reading so many of Wolfie’s comments on psyops and propaganda, I’m wondering if that could be true of this video, if some groups want this to happen and want to egg the right on. I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts.


Exactly. Well said!


Thank you, Wolf. You’ve touched on something that I also thought about after watching this video. He seems to think that the right have a total advantage over the left. He was talking about how easy it would be for just a few people to take down the power system in major cities where leftists live, that thousands would die of starvation. That might be true. But a big problem with that is that Christians are a big part of those on the right. And I could never see Christians killing other people in mass like that, leftists or not, in what would be a guerrilla-type war. I don’t think this guy calculated at all how Christians would behave. That doesn’t mean that Christians don’t go to war. But would we act like ISIS? I don’t think so.




I think there is a fine line being travelled at the moment…give confidence to those who believe in conservatism while damping down the extreme who want blood for being betrayed by the establishment we’re taught to trust. Q is a part of this control.
So many understand that there are guilty people trying to get away with possibly unspeakable acts. To keep peace and find justice in an environment manipulated so strongly against what was once taken for granted as right or wrong is a difficult act to pull off and we are seeing an amazing push pull of elements, so to speak.
The art of the deal, don’t forget that. The basics of communication. Communication aids peace. The master is in the house. 😁

Molly Pitcher5

Since nobody else has weighed in..I will. I truly think “they” are trying to foment an uprising. The constant din of Fascist! Concentration Camps! Dictator Behavior! It sounds like the familiar build up to validate antifa and other violent reaction AND in hopes of pushing us to react whether in kind or with rhetoric.
The problem is that their designated force patrols are too eager for blood. They attack without provocation. It’s like all their other plans..too fast and too soon.
They blast socialism before they’ve softened the masses. They campaign on foreign people not citizens. It’s like a meteor coming right at us but it’s burning itself out before it can do the damage.

Molly Pitcher5

Here’s an example of another of their groups. All rage and hair on fire with ample help from NY times. Predictable.


Fundamentally, can’t have enough guns and stack your ammo high / deep;-)
The Deep State and Left goal is to disarm Americans. Can’t be done, IMHO.
That said, if Americans are disarmed, dictatorship follows within a few years. 100%, me thinks.
We need to win this struggle peacefully. President Trump will deliver a solid eight years. Follow on President a huge question mark, which we collectively must get correct. CanNOT be any more bushies, clintons, hussein’s…
Wolf perspective above is spot on, peaceful means. We can win this peacefully!


^^^ Worth reading and rereading!


the “left” would suddenly become “armed” by their handlers.
handlers also have their own “militias” ready.
the big blue states would easily defend themselves against good guys by way of “laws” in place (mag limits, etc) as the bad guys there will be,being fed arms from their handlers with no restrictions.
any resistance will be met with force. the “left” will be providing the force until martial law and camps pop up.
the good christian way will also greatly hinder the situation as noted. if you feel god wants you to be loving and peaceful then do not even take part, skip right to going to a camp.
the goal will be to draw martial law into effect and if you arent’t ready to hide deep with supplies you will be caught up in the dragnet especially if you are unwilling or unable to defend yourself, are not physically able to go into hiding for long period of time (medications, physical ailments, etc.)
if violence breaks out banks will begin freezing transactions, food will dwindle, medicine hard to get for those dependant on it – you will then grudgingly go to an evacuation camp – many will never leave.
martial law will not be what you imagine it will be even if declared by trump.
the “law” will not be on your side. they follow orders and will quickly rope in their staff or get rid.
military your friend? 50/50 at best, and that’s probably a pipe dream ratio.
globalists/cabal/powersthatbe etc are a formidable enemy and have been planning this extensively for a long time.
the truth is this – and deep in peoples hearts you must know this if your gut hasnt told you already – and if you havent tasted that metalic taste in your mouth to go with the gut feeling – writing seems on the wall if we are even contemplating all this.
it is not going back to the way things were or how they could have been.
could say more but this is the end of my black pill and i am sure it will be mostly ignored and ridiculed out of hand, but i hope it at least stays stuck in some recess of everyone’s thoughts…


The election is a short time away. Should the right loose the election war or rocky separation seems inevitable. Delay of such past the inauguration date when a new administration takes over would not bode in the rights favor. Some time spent theorizing on a more comprehensive look on how quickly and with what magnitude the left will come to dominate is in order. To date such talk has been piece meal and largely ignores what the influx of these “new americans” adds to the equation.
This subject will undoubtedly come up again and should be more fully explored. The fact that the left has already succeeded at moving a potentially hostile force into position bodes ill for the static thinking on the lefts vulnerabilities while demonstrating the rights inability to act with adequate countermeasures while exposing our underestimation of their abilities both domestically and globally.
Suggests that some elementary questions under the heading of “contingency” to be reconsidered in a more comprehensive format:
What powers will the left gain once they assume the presidency?
How quickly will they act to solidify their power, be they bold or deceptive?
What will check mate actually look like?
More “contingency talk” might seem more prudent after the above, but it’s of course just contingency talk.
In the mean time of course we keep with the plan and support the President and win this next election.


Boom, Right On Schedule, The Finger Pointing Continues – Episode 1909a


Was Marker [1] Just Revealed, Was A Message Sent To The [DS]? – Episode 1909b

Molly Pitcher5

Spot on.


Have we lost Sylvia Avery? I haven’t seen her in days.


Hope she’s OK and just on a great vacation.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks GA/FL….as I told Aubergine I’m spending as much time as I can with PHC these days and lurking here although nowhere near as much as I’d like. I’ve also been nursing a sick dog and overseeing a little remodeling project at home. Miss you, and everyone else, very very much. Love you all… <3 <3 <3


Love you, Sylvia!!! I was just picturing you and your shovel lying on a lovely beach somewhere…. It was wishful thinking.

Sylvia Avery

LOL….time enough for beaches someday in the future!
For now, there’s no place I’d rather be than holding the hand of a dear friend


Hope your doggie recovers soon!

Sylvia Avery

She has a digestive disorder brought on by stress…she’s noise sensitive. The 4th is a nightmare for her. Couldn’t get the sedative down her because she was too stressed to eat. Gnashing of teeth. She’ll be fine, we’ll get through it, but it’s kind of miserable at the time. <3


So sorry, Sylvia. My dog has been going through something similar today. She’s terrified of fireworks, too.

Sylvia Avery

It’s awful, isn’t it? I feel so sorry for her. Helpless!


I never had a dog who had fear or fear of noise like on the 4th. Last night one started growling I told him it’s ok and he went back to sleep. Must be the breed of dogs I have and had over the years.
I know people where dogs go crazy with fear alone through thunderstorms.
Sylvia I hope the dog gets well soon. ❤️


She is fine – she has been busy elsewhere – will let her know of your concern – Thanks – God Bless You!

Sylvia Avery

Aubergine….thank you for thinking of me! No, I’m not lost.. I’ve been lurking here but not as much as I’d like right now. I’m hanging out with PHC as much as I can these days and trying to keep an eye out here. Love you bunches. <3 <3 <3


Glad you are ok!
I suspected you might be hanging with Patrick. Will you please let him know I think of him often, and will send prayers his way? I see him here sometimes and am so happy when I do.
Love you back!!!!!


Thank you, T3! I have responded!

Molly Pitcher5

This publication needs to be put out of business. Not enough to tell girls to be slutty. Not enough to push anal sex. Not enough to glorify pedos slobberring over boy drag queens.

Molly Pitcher5

My gab feed has been really excellent today! Hope y’all are enjoying it, too!


I meant I hope y’all are enjoying the new gab. lol….


QTree ops, FG&C checking in.
My God but was last night spectacular or what?? And how about that CROWD??
Epic. Massive. Incredible!!!
Got a happy 4th message from my libtard, Yale indoctrinated sister (who has a PhD but works as a barista at a Starbucks….no BS….)…
“Happy 4th. Ignore the tanks and concentrate on the fireworks.”
I was all like…comment image
Naturally, I ignored her pathetic message completely….as it deserved…
…..and concentrated on POTUS speech, the tanks, the fly overs, etc.
Wolf…..that pic of the BA’s horizontal starburst over the Lincoln Memorial is just…comment image
THAT is deserving of a enlargement and frame on a wall!!!
WOW!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


I’m gonna call this the “Who needs Viagra?” picture.
Geez this is SOOOOOOOO good……comment image

dreamboat annie

Brand New Day……


Next Rally less than two weeks away. Think he’ll talk about Mueller? LOL!




Wow! That didn’t take long. Shortly after President Trump chastised Nike for recalling all their Betsy Ross Flag shoes and suggested another company make them, someone did.


Anyone here familiar with “Binkov’s Battlegrounds” on youtube? Here’s his latest from today… “Could US invade Iran?”


Oh dear! Oh dear! Let’s speculate that Bill Barr is comprised!
…because THAT constitutes productive meaningful analysis!


Let’s be fair. SD didn’t say Barr was corrupt, he ASKED “ is he corrupt?”. And he also wrote…
“To be fair, Attorney General Bill Barr may not be aware the United States Department of Justice Civil Division, Federal Programs Branch, is fighting this court ordered release.
However, the DOJ Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division is Jody Hunt. That name might be familiar to you because Jody Hunt was Jeff Sessions former chief-of-staff.
Asst. AG Jody Hunt most certainly knows his office is fighting to keep the FBI descriptions of the Comey memos hidden from the public.”


thanks butterfly !!!!!!!! Hope she gets some rest……………… and POTUS plays some golf.




I hope Daughn sees this!

Deplorable Patriot

They didn’t do the cocktail?


July 5, 2019
by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker
Remove these cucksuckers and **********s from office.
No matter how it becomes necessary.
The 14th Amendment modified the Census Language. It reads:
Section 2.
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age,* and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.
The 19th and 26th Amendments struck the “male” requirement and lowered the age to 18 but no Amendment before or since has changed any of the other requirements.
If you cannot vote and are an adult of 18 years of age or above you do not count in the Census for purposes of representation; the Federal Government is REQUIRED to disregard you for the purpose of apportionment (US House Members per-state.)
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…

Molly Pitcher5

The energy the Dems are putting into this junk is incredible. She’s using staff (paid staff ) to go through files, go to Mx, find these people and teach them how to slither back in the US. If they’re not going to work on behalf of their constituents they need to be recalled.
Democratic congresswoman secretly sending staff into Mexico to coach asylum-seekers
A Democratic congresswoman is sending staff to Mexico’s northern border town of Ciudad Juárez to find migrants returned from El Paso, Texas, under the “remain in Mexico” policy, then coaching them to pretend they cannot speak Spanish to exploit a loophole letting them to return to the U.S.
The National Border Patrol Council’s El Paso chapter and several Customs and Border Protection personnel told the Washington Examiner aides to Rep. Veronica Escobar, who took over 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke’s district, and the local Catholic diocese have interviewed thousands of migrants in Juarez over the past few weeks to find cases where Department of Homeland Security officials may have wrongly returned people.
“What we believe is happening is Veronica Escobar’s office is going … to basically second-guess and obstruct work already done by the Border Patrol,” said one senior union official, who shared evidence with the Washington Examiner from concerned CBP managers and rank-and-file members. Those documents have been held to protect identities.
…more at the link


Her and every last one of them should be arrested. Cory Booker should be arrested. They should be locked up and the key thrown away. Grrr!


Recalling them is damn near impossible. Because THEY wrote the rules on when we can do it and how it has to be done.

Molly Pitcher5

Some sort of ethics violations ? IDK anymore…these freshmen Congresswomen are seditious imo…and I don’t care if this sounds weird…so many of the women in power are walking negative stereotypes.
Shrill, loud, inane, stupid, emotionally overwrought, vapid, devious…The hilarious thing is that the men in the news..Booker, O Rourke, Biden, Butthead..they’ve been so cucked that they act just like the women.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, it’s not a secret any longer.

Molly Pitcher5

hahahah DOH! Trumped AGAIN Fake News


Ha ha ha! How very true.


precious !!!!!



B E A U T I F U L.
These guys should be on stage somewhere!
Thanks for posting Phoenix.


Uh Oh


USGS link…


That has become quite an active cluster.
They can’t really call this 7.1 an ‘aftershock’, since it is the most powerful one so far.


Thanking God that it wasn’t SF or LA.


I’m watching the video from Dutch that I posted down thread.
He says IF the energy isn’t transferring into TX, OK, KS in the next couple of days, then So. Cal. needs to stay on high alert for an even bigger EQ to hit.
The grace in this is how far away from big cities the pressure is getting released. He’s not seeing a big danger for volcanic activity, but is very concerned about the lack of EQs further along the usual lines of pressure transfer.


The quake area seems to be spreading…
– Initially confined to East of Ridgecrest & Trona / Searles Valley. Now…
– Johanaburg SW main hive of quakes since yesterday.
– NW Little Lake & Little Pine.
Unrelated to quakes…
Howard’s liquor store shown in some of the news reports (wine bottles down;-), is about 200′ from where I lived 2010-2014. (They also sell gas and soda;-)
Literally cited Howard’s customers and nefarious activities reported their as justification for my CA CCW. CA being a “may issue” State. It worked. Kern County Sheriff strong 2A supporter!


Dutch was calling it for another big one, but he again missed as it was 300 mi away from S.F.


I dont follow Dutch but I do follow the idea that we are in a solar minimum/cosmic ray max that intensifies earthquake and volcanic activity as well as more cloud seeding and rain/moisture events.
Magnetically unstable and in for a rocky time with crop failures and possible food shortages over the next few years. I will disclose that I am part prepper living in a fairly self sufficient situation and hope that all is not too serious but have been following and researching for a number of years and reckon Gore is a crook and we need to learn to grow our own produce again.