Dear KAG: 20200812 Open Thread


And if she can’t serve, where’s Nancy?

Abida geh, ha-ha, ibida Tromeh, sumeamne, he-he!

And speaking of John Kasich…..


And a reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.


Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


My Biblical Selection is from yesterday’s daily reminder…..

Fear not the queller of fears!

Jesus Calms the Storm
(Psalm 107:1-43Mark 4:35-41Luke 8:22-25)

23When He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him. 24Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea, so that the boat was engulfed by the waves; but Jesus was sleeping. 25The disciples went and woke Him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!”

26“You of little faith,” Jesus replied, “why are you so afraid?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it was perfectly calm.

27The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the sea obey Him!”

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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She must still be without power.


As long as she draws breath, she will have power. She currently lacks electricity.



Cuppa Covfefe

That has the potential to be quite a pun, if you don’t resist it 😀


You are the reigning WQTH Pun Meister – so you’re the authority on puns, double-triple-etc. entendre puns, puns of all kinds, levels, styles and colors.


But is she ‘low energy’?


Nice job, boss.


Gotta have camels on hump day.
Although, when it comes to CAMELuh Harris…it should prolly be two humps:comment image
Haaa…I crack myself up.


… don’t stop Wolf 🐺 now … he’s on a roll … ‼️ … bwahahahahaha … 🤫😎👍❤️comment image




Kay sick’s dad was a “mailman”….
Kay sick himself is NOT a “Male man”


Echo that! FDP has done a great job of having camels, random stuff (with vids), and the rules. Here’s hoping Real DP can appreciate it soon.

Deplorable Patriot

Doing okay. Still no power. Just cleaned out the fridge. Heartbreaking but after24 hours it had to be done.
Mom and nephews safely flew to FL yesterday.
Back to the dishes. Hopefully we’ll be up by dark.


You seriously deserve a spa day, full tilt/total pampering … with … 🍾🥂🥂🥂🥂🥃🍺🍹🍷🧉 .. ❤️comment image
… ummm the words “alamy” are an illusion … 😬

Deplorable Patriot

Right now, a pedicure sounds really good.


Oh my yes, yes it definitely does. Go as soon as you can sweetheart, you sooooo deserve it .. ❤️ .. 😎👍

Deplorable Patriot

This has been a wild 40 hours. I took my mom and the boys to the airport Monday evening, just sat down at the computer and BANG! A branch fell on the 220 line. The flight was delayed so late, m=Mom rescheduled for yesterday, but I had to go get them, and there were traffic lights out all over.
My sister took the boys for the night, but still, the rest of us were here, and then with no wifi, the 11-year old was bored out of his mind. They flew out yesterday.
We discovered that two of the camp lanterns are dead, I need fresh Sterno for the no electricity crate, and the 30 year old flashlights have died.
Life in the Midwest. Ya gotta love it.


wow … take a jumbo bottle of 🍾. and a straw (a long one) … rest up and pamper yourself .. ❤️

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A flashlight is a tube for holding dead batteries.

Deplorable Patriot

The batteries were fine, oddly enough.


comment image
Look up “Tweedledee and Tweedledum” in the Urban Distionary . . . it’s quite an appropriate description.comment image

Gail Combs

The great Democrat team of Bite-’em and Her Ass!comment image

Gail Combs

comment image
Google/Duckduckgo is suppressing the image already!

Cuppa Covfefe

As usual for them, leading from behind…




Not like the usual Dem strategy meetings, eh?


Yeah, it is sad, BUT you guys need to SEE what the left did. They KNEW there was NO WAY to get someone like Warren or Harris the dem nomination, too radical. So, they took their only “moderate” Biden, who they KNEW has early dementia, got HIM the nomination, and THEN named who they REALLY wanted all along, Harris as his VP. Biden will NEVER be inaugurated if he wins, it will ALWAYS be Harris, and then she will get a new VP.
A classic dem bait and switch. ANYONE that votes for Biden will NOT get what they want, he will NEVER see the Oval office again. This is the ONLY way they could get ANOTHER radical progressive like Obama the nomination, especially one with Harris’s record.
They TRIED with Hillary and it FAILED, they KNEW if it was Harris vs Trump she was TOAST. Now, she gets to slander Trump daily, and when he retaliates, it will be MSM portrayed as “racist”, “sexist”, and or lowering himself to attacking the VP because he “can’t” attack Biden. WATCH.
I would NOT doubt that they even FLOAT the idea of HARRIS debating Trump instead of Biden. She IMHO is just if not MORE dangerous to the world than Obama. She has absolutely NO scruples or limits, and were she to get the reins of power, it would be Obama on STEROIDS.
My advice to Trump, FOCUS on Biden, and let the surrogates and PENCE attack Harris. Diminish her as NOT worthy of his time, do NOT let them think she can even ENGAGE Trump.
There will be ZERO real “bounce” from this pick, she excites ONLY the radicals from CAS and NY, and they KNOW that she will be the President, and NOT Biden. She was like the FIRST to drop out of the race for the dem nomination, she was THAT bad, NO ONE wanted her when they HAD the chance. The ONLY ones that want her are Soros, Steyer, and the Squad, and their radical supporters, that SHOULD tell you something.
Now, all that said, I think Trump will ABSOLUTELY clean Biden’s clock now. Even Black people KNOW that Harris is the bait and switch, and they saw her ilk in Obama, they will NOT be fooled twice by the race and sex pandering. It also will cause a MASSIVE turnout from the middle and Independents. They KNOW that she will be the REAL President, and they DON’T want that, they already VOTED on it. She was weighed, she was measured, and she was found WANTING.
If I were Trump, I would put out an add showing an obviously diminished Biden, and then show videos of Harris attacking Biden, attacking Kavanaugh, her Shampeachment appearance, and finish off with Tulsi Gabbard DESTROYING Harris in the debates. Then simply say, this is NOT the person we want a heartbeat away from the Presidency. BOOM, game OVER in ONE add, then focus on BIDEN.


It’s really good that POTUS has Katrina Pierson on his campaign. She’s another woman of color that can go after Harris ALL DAY LONG!!!


Like I said, let the surrogates do it, do NOT elevate Harris to “on the President’s level”.
Focus on Biden, and DESTROY him, without him, Harris means NOTHING!

Gail Combs

That is what the Q army of Digital Soldiers is for. WE can dig the dirt and smear it all over her.

New Nonna, Again!!! 🤗

Prog, what happens to the vp spot ‘when’ she moves on up to the POTUS spot? Does she appoint someone? Is a vote held? I don’t know what happens in that case.


I believe the election goes to the House, the last time was Ford under Nixon.

Gail Combs

Kamala is 1/2 Indian Then 1/2 Anglo-Saxon with a bit of African tossed in. African-American she is not!
I am a heck of a lot closer to ‘African – American’ than she is since my grandfather’s people were chased out of Egypt, an African country and have been hanging around various mountainous areas of the middle east ever since. (Total population of a million or so.)comment image


Is Kamala 512/1024 Indian? Or is she 1/1024 African American? Asking for a friend in Mass…

Gail Combs

From the looks of it both her great grandmothers were 1/4 African or LESS. (paternity not discussed = WHITE?) So she is ~ 1/16th or less.
“…The slave trade between Africa and the West Indies was made illegal in 1807 and the traffic in slaves between the islands became illegal in 1811. However, it took another 26 years to effect the emancipation of the enslaved, when in 1833 Parliament passed the Slavery Abolition Act that finally abolished slavery in Jamaica and the other West Indian colonies on August 1, 1834….”
Kamala was born October 20, 1964, her father, Donald Harris was born 1938 So the ‘Great Grandmothers’ would have been born in the late 1800’s.
One of the women (Chrishy) is a descendant of Hamilton Brown (looks like a grand daughter – illegitimate maybe?) She was born in 1889.
Hamilton Brown (1776 – 18 September 1843) was an Irish sugar planter and slave owner in Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica…. After the emancipation of slaves throughout the British Empire in 1833 by the Slavery Abolition Act, Brown was active in trying to recruit Irish people to work in Jamaica. ….
Hamilton Brown is also the Great-Great-Great-Grandfather of United States Senator and Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris. This is according to an article her father Donald published in Jamaica Global.”
— Wiki
Donald’s “maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, Scotland ancestry unknown to me).”


… one thing for sure she is 100% total heels 👠 up nasty … 😖🤚 … yuk I just made myself sick 🤢 .. nuts
( I typed heels 👠 up ass but then I read it to myself and .. and … 🤭🤫)


HUH is not popular in CA either… that’s a myth…
she recented polled 17% there
[yes SEVENTEEN % ;-)]

Cuppa Covfefe

I think this just goes to show even further that REAL BLACK LIVES don’t matter at all to the DEMONicRATS; indeed, they are a nuisance (and why the DEMONicRATS are in such a hurry to kill them off, even BEFORE they are born).
They only use FAKES.
First, Øbozo, who really should be call Subud (Indonesian).
Then, the Wookie (a fake “woman”, erm, WookieMan),
Now, KamelKorn, a Jamaic-Indian, who just happens to be a dark enough shade of pale to “pass”…
There are a lot of great REAL Blacks out there who would make great candidates.
Hmmm. But most, if not all of them, are Republican and Christian and Pro-Life, all anathema to the DEMONicRATs…


Yesterday, her Wiki said she identified as African-American. Today, she is Bi-racial and identifies as “American”. The Wiki elves were busy last night.
So with the rewrites, it appears that her black card will only be in play when needed. I wonder how the blacks feel about her.


Also interesting is her Wiki now clarifies her background as biracial of Tamil and Afro-Jamaican descent. Not much left of the African-American thing except for attending Howard and ol’ Willie 🙂
Thought this was about the black vote…..hmmmm… maybe not.


LIVE cam of the Perseid Meteor Shower:


This is supposed to be ‘peak’ time to see some.

Cuppa Covfefe

My interest’s been piqued to take a peek at the peak… so to speak…


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Coronavirus Update 8/12/2020 – Canceling college football
In Texas cases are still very high. We have been in the 8,000 case range for sometime. So they have leveled off but still at a high level. Also deaths at 203 which is also pretty stable. The mortality rate is slowly rising now at 1.7%.
If you want to see your local numbers look at the link below.
For the newbies we have been predicting an overall fatality rate somewhere in the 0.3 to 0.7 range when we finally correct the denominator.
First since everyone is asking what I did to hurt my finger. I hurt my finger out on my wake surf boat. It is something I enjoy doing and a nice way to get away from everything. In addition it is great for social distancing as I am usually about 20 feet from the boat! LOL
Canceling college football and other fall sports.
With the Big 10 and Pac 12 dropping the bomb today by canceling all of the fall college sports, is this the right decision? Personally, it makes no sense to me at all! I think it is way too early to make that type of drastic decision. There is certainly plenty of time to see the effects of all the kids returning to school prior to making this decision. They are saying it is ok to have tens of thousands of kids on campus but not safe to have around 100 athletes together. Just absolutely a crazy line of thinking!
Let’s see what happens when kids return to campus and start congregating. Let’s see how many athletes are testing positive vs other kids on campus. Let’s see how effective coaches are at keeping players isolated and protected with the newly issued protocols. Let’s not just punt on first down as there is way too much that can happen over the next 6 weeks.
Pushing the season to spring is ridiculous. Playing two seasons in the same calendar year is a much higher risk to the athletes short and long term health than Covid-19. So stating you are concerned about player safety is an absurd statement if you are simply trying to move the season to the spring.
In addition, what medical data or medical experts are they “listening” to? As a practicing physician for over 20 years, I don’t know any of my colleagues that agree with this quick decision. What we have learned in the past 6 months is that the risks of severe complications, hospitalizations or severe disease in that age group is tremendously low. The risk is actually lower than influenza even in that age group. The sport of college football is never without risks. There is a much higher risk of severe injury on the field than from Covid-19 in college aged kids.
The other big topic now appears to be viral myocarditis from Covid-19. While this is an actual risk it is once again a very minimal risk. The incidence of myocarditis with Covid-19 is currently unknown but it is not currently believed to likely be much more than most other viral illnesses. Let’s not forget that viral myocarditis is also a risk with over 20 other viruses like influenza, coxsackie B virus, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes virus, parvovirus B19 and enterovirus. These are all very common viral illnesses with essentially a similar risk of viral myocarditis. Athletes are exposed to these viruses every season. I am not saying these things do not occur but they are indeed rare complications. Using this as a reason to cancel the season is absurd.
So other than the coaches who are the highest risk members of the team. That would be the lineman because many are obsese and probably some have early signs of metabolic syndrome if not diabetes. So they should be the ones to isolate the most. But are they really safer in the classroom or at home with their hometown friends who are not likely being tested vs being with other players who are being frequently tested? I think you have to ask yourself that.
In addition they will have much better diets and conditioning programs with the team vs on their own.
So I agree with the ACC medical advisory group that doctors have learned enough over the past 6 months to help manage some of the risks. “We believe we can mitigate it down to a level that makes everyone safe,” Wolfe told The Daily. “Can we safely have two teams meet on the field? I would say yes. Will it be tough? Yes. Will it be expensive and hard and lots of work? For sure. But I do believe you can sufficiently mitigate the risk of bringing COVID onto the football field or into the training room at a level that’s no different than living as a student on campus.”
“You can’t tell me that running onto a football field is supposed to be a zero-risk environment,” Wolfe continued. “Look at all of the regular sporting injuries that we accept as a certain level of risk as part and parcel of football. Now the reality is that we have to accept a little bit of COVID risk to be a part of that.”
We are all going to have some risk in our lives everyday unfortunately until a vaccine is developed. There is no way to have no risk unless you live in a bubble. Unfortunately, contact with anyone has some level of risk now associated with it now. As I have said before we can’t live in fear of the virus we must respect it and do what we can to minimize our risks. But we also have to still live our lives. I like everyone else, now have some risk every day just going to work but rather than not work we have made many changes in our clinic to minimize these risks. If you want specifics you can read them here. *
Our kids will fortunately have minimal risks going back to school or playing sports. The risks will be on the grandparents. As for fans in the stands, that is another discussion that actually could propose significant risks as those fans are older, in worse shape and many will actually be at high risk of severe disease if they contract Covid-19.
Last but not least is the mental impact of not having college sports. These kids have trained their whole lives for this and it is a tremendous let down to take this opportunity from them. This can lead to depression, anxiety, alcoholism, drug addiction and even suicide not just for the players but students and fans too. Throughout this pandemic the mental health side seems to be just pushed aside by the mainstream media but it is just as important as the virus itself. Let’s hope the SEC, ACC and Big-12 take their time and wait to make their decision.
Quercetin from 250mg up to 1g twice per day Remember this is a Zinc ionophore.
Vitamin D3 Take this for sure if you are deficient and I now recommend taking it as long as your values are not too high. Remember too much vitamin D can cause issues. However, if you are diagnosed with Covid-19 take 50,000IU immediately as this appears to have significant benefits.
Sleep greater than 8 hours per night
CoQ10 100-300mg per day: a potent antioxidant that potentially helps balance oxidative stress, increase vasodilation, prevent clot formation and decrease vasoconstriction.
Zinc any amount is probably good but take what you can tolerate without making you feel bad up to 40mg. You do not want to be Zinc deficient as it is how many drugs like HCQ work.
Melatonin 0.1mg to 10mg at night. Take what you can tolerate and what helps you sleep without making you feel drugged or tired in the morning. If you are diabetic watch your sugars.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – 600mg twice per day shown to decrease severity of influenza, improve lung functions in COPD, antioxidant properties, potentially helps prevent clotting and with mental disorders. Caution for asthmatics as there is potential for bronchospasm but this is rare.
Vitamin C 250mg to 500mg twice per day. Effects debatable in oral form but IV did help in China. But is proven to strengthen immune system
Green Tea either drink some or 1 pill per day alternate zinc ionophore if you don’t have or don’t take Quercetin
Famotidine 10-20mg twice per day potentially inhibits viral replication and helps with heartburn
As always the information and understanding of COVID-19 is changing rapidly. This information is for education purposes only and you should never make changes to your health without consulting your personal physician. Make a virtual appointment with your physician and discuss your health and the best possible treatment plan for you. It is also important to reiterate that there are no clinically evidence-based integrative prevention or treatment strategies for COVID-19 infection.
Let’s all keep praying for all that are ill with this virus in the world.

Gail Combs

DO NOT FORGET THE Vitamin E and Selenium!!! Even my cat food advertises them as immune system boosters.
Selenium helps your body to fight viruses
Selenium, Selenoproteins and Viral Infection
Dr Rashid A Buttar and Dr. Sandra Cabot (Liver Dr) both call Selenium the ‘Birth Control Pill” for viruses.
I started taking E, C and Selenium over forty years ago and have not had the flu (or flu shot) since.


Darn it! I may have binned one.


*Dur.* *blushes* It was in Kamala-land.


ICYMI – Spotlight Grows on Mysterious ‘Suicide’ of Dr. Fauci’s Right-Hand Man at NIAID; Dr. Judy Mikovits Says Top Scientist Was “Suicided” to Silence Him
Post 10257805
Top virologist Dr. Judy Mikovits is shedding some well-needed light on the mysterious death of top scientist Kuan-Teh Jeang, who was second in charge under Dr. Anthony Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the time of his controversial death. Mikovits detailed on the Thomas Paine Podcast that Jeang, who was 54, was poised to blow the whistle on falsified government research, fake clinical data and widespread vaccine fraud that was killing Americans before his untimely demise. Listen Above
Details of the man’s 2013 death have been covered up. Some say Jeang was found at his desk on a Sunday night at NIAID with a gunshot wound to the chest. Some say he jumped to his death from the top deck of the parking garage outside of the government facilty.
Dr. Mikovits told Paine that Jeang was “suicided” to silence him. Jeang had worked at the NIH for 27 years.
Jeang was previously chief of the Molecular Virology Section in the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology, according to documents.

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I did not expect tom paine’s twister timeline to show up… not needed for post… maybe clean that up Wolf?


Dr Li Meng Yan:
“understand the evilness of CCP, its power has no restriction, it controls 1.4b Chinese people, infiltrated US and stop the use of HCQ. 1959-1961 at least 30m died from man made famine where CCP hold the food and let Chinese people starved to death”


Wheatie tells me this is a “thing” among kids — discover a real song from 50 years before they were born and perform it.

They’re so young!!!


Yes…and Vinyl Records are making a comeback too. image
Vinyl revival: Why record albums are coming back
FEBRUARY 23, 2018 | LAST UPDATED MAY 29, 2019
………..From the article:
CDs out, vinyl sees revival.
Shake it Records, a vintage record shop, is enjoying the vinyl revival at the same time stores like Best Buy are dropping music CDs (Best Buy says it will no longer sell them after June).
Co-owner Jim Blase says he has been watching the vinyl revival for the past five years.
“The vinyl albums have been selling a little bit more and a little bit more, and now it’s kind of steamrolled. It’s probably two-thirds of what we sell now,” he said.
……………..End quote, much more at link.
In searching through old record albums and 45’s…Younglings have discovered that the sound quality of vinyl is better than on plastic CD’s.
They see vinyl as a better investment, since these old records have endured time and still sound great.
Some new releases are now offering their new music on vinyl now, as well as on CD.


It gets weirder….

Cuppa Covfefe

Could it be that music and lyrics were MUCH better back then?
No swearing, hating, violence or ebonic plague hiding the music (as it does today)? (Though what passes as “music” today probably should jolly well be hidden, if not totally obscured)…
Lyrics that actually mean something, tunes that are moving/uplifting/fun/memorable and in any case, creative?
The young miss reminds me a bit of a young Bernadette Peters… maybe the young’uns are starting to look back, and see that the garbage of today needs to be tossed out…


Yes, I think that’s a large part of it, Cuppa.
Nice melodies, lyrics using words that are easy to understand…instead of loaded with slang.
The younglings are also falling in love with the whole ‘album experience’.
The album art plus reading a little about the band…and then the tangible experience of watching the record play through the tracks.
They’re liking the whole thing.
They are seeing and remarking on how much was ‘lost’ in the switch to digital.

Gail Combs

They should try Player pianos!
This a couple of kids having some fun with a player piano.
(Hubby is Not impressed by this guy since he is not adding any expression by using the levers and his feet. We have two and over 1,000 rolls.)

This woman is much better at adding expression. Now if someone would only do SING A LONGS TOO!


Lovely!!! She’s got a great voice.
Not a trace of country in them, yet they love that old song.


About those ‘Mystery Seeds’ from China:

Heh…yeah, I dunno…I’m still suspicious of them, no matter what the FDA says.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Andromeda strange…

Gail Combs

I got a Stacy Abrams fund raiser ad instead of the video!
(Big problem with Brave Browser is you get ADS MULTIPLE ADS some are 59 minutes long before you get to the video you want to see.)


After a few seconds to a minute, there will be a “Skip Ad >” area on the screen you can click. No need to watch them all.



Victims Question Kamala Harris’ Record on Clergy Abuse: ‘She Did Nothing’



A Soviet era big “ooops” created a hole in the desert that is still burning, 50 years later:


Verse of the Day for Wednesday, August 12, 2020

“And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”
Deuteronomy 6:5 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


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Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


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comment image


Had an accident last night…shotgun, porcupine, coffee table, and my laptop. Laptop is probably destroyed. Typing on my kindle. Can read, but won’t comment.


OMG. 😳😬 …Are you alright, sweetie?
I hope you didn’t get hit with any of that porcupine’s quills!


I’m fine thanks. Using kindle sucks lol. Just wanted to say you might not see me for a while.


Whew…glad you’re okay!
We will miss you, though. Bigtime.
Sorry about your laptop.


At least I can still read! Autocorrect sucks.

Cuppa Covfefe

Now, if you’d bought a bluetooth porcupine… 😎
Sorry. Hope you’re OK and that everything’s repairable…
Geesh. First “Rocky(ies)” and now their prickly friends… Farm livin’ …


Good Lord, Patty!!! Calling all Angels – Comfort Angels – Repair Angels – Calming Angels – Internet Angels – Warring Angels – Encouragement Angels – you name them – they are coming quickly to your aid!!!
No stepping on the Angels – Mkay!!! All around you – watching over you – and bringing you peace!!!
God Bless Your Day – and bring all calamity to an end – He will fix it all – you will see – better than ever!!!comment image

CM in TN

Supposed to shoot them outside Miss Pat…j/k


Life on Earth @planetpng
How Humpback whales corral bait fish with air bubbles using a Fibonacci sequence.
From the replies:
carla stone @carlalastone
Replying to @planetpng
I don’t know what a “Fibonacci sequence” is but it’s a very beautiful example of nature at work.
Esope_4.17 @4Esope
The golden ratio is the only relation which puts the part in resonance with the whole. We can therefore see it as a resonance (fractal) between the creature and its creator.
It is for this reason that this ratio is often called: The divine proportion.

.comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

The Cochlea of the ear is shaped like that, too, with the high-frequency receptors on the outside (larger part of the “horn”, and the lower-frequency (longer wavelength) receptors (hairs) farther in, on the smaller part.
It’s truly a wonder how it all works. Especially when you look at what they’re doing now with CIs and other technology…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Fibonacci sequence:
Start with the numbers 0 and 1. To extend the sequence, add the two previous numbers.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34…

Deplorable Patriot

I almost think I had to do something with this in graphic arts class.


State Dept going live with Pompeo right now … saw that and it gave me a bit of a start as its not even 8 am in DC. But he is talking from the Czech Republic …. whew! That is why so early US/DC time v. an emergency or something urgent.


Thanks for the headsup, MAGA Mom.
The live stream says that it starts at 8:35 am EDT.






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Bwahahahahaha … nurtz … 😖🤚
Will someone please stick a FORK in him and get it over with⁉️⁉️😑🤚‼️




1. Exercise video: 🤨👍 big babe towards end of clip with mega cheeks, left/right, left/right … wow 😮 (don’t stand so close to me or POW .. you’re flung across the room … cheeks galore)
2. Future president of the USA … 🤨👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 … do not argue with this little one, nope don’t do it .. 😳🤚


LOL – Sounds like you enjoyed the Tweets, Nikki!!! Having fun?


Very much …. now you know why I DON’T go to the gym anymore, although the “babe” on the treadmill WITH a glass of wine/whine 🍷/😩 .. has me thinking 🤔
Great post duchess01 .. LURVE them .. bwahahahahaha


That Tweet was funny – but – felt bad for those people – it had to hurt bigly!!!


Yeah I don’t get why the equipment was not properly secured that’s lawsuits city totally .. wow
… common sense is not strong in those ones .. 😖🤚


Agree – some of that equipment was flimsy – dangerous – Gee Whiz!!! You would think they would have checked it and secured it before people used it – and where are the assistants?


Bwahahahahaha … yeah makes you wonder about that 😣🤚




My approach is .. “will this hurt you? If so HOW❓😳🤕❓


… and .. “do I really want to own this gym?”


Aw shucks they prob own those gyms now … bwahahahahaha




Heh heh 💸💰💵👳‍♂️

Gail Combs

Amazing the number of commenters freaking out and the number of responses of, “I learned at six and taught me kids at the same age.”
I hope the response wake up a few Karens…. CAREFUL who you mess with.


Sooo relaxing…
Ketty Lester – Love Letters


Astor Piazzola was an Argentine bandoneon player and composer of “Tango Nuevo” music. At points in his career he composed music for Argentine detective movies. Listening to his “Oblivion” you can can almost smell the sea-air and imagine the sense of bleak loneliness of the Buenos Aires docks at midnight as the final scenes of one of his movies draw to a close.
Guitar Duo KM – Oblivion, A. Piazzolla

Note to guitar players: If you look closely you’ll see that Katrin is playing a particularly good lattice top guitar by Australian luthier Simon Marty. Lattice-top guitars are quite thin and a reinforced by carefully designed carbon-fiber bracing under the top. This produces an instrument that has a lot more volume than conventional fan-braced classical guitars. You can easily hear the greater projection of her guitar compared to Sebastián’s fan-braced guitar.


Need an Overdrive pedal and a Marshal Stack for even better “Projection” 🙂


Really, Ray? What are those additions – please explain – Thanks!!!


Electric guitar equipment.
Those shown are acoustics (Nice ones at that)


Oh, I see – Thanks for the clarification!!!


Duchess, that’s just beautiful. Thank you. Interesting, too, and I love classical guitar. Like Muriel Anderson a lot.


So happy you enjoyed it, Zoe!!! * Smiling *


American friends, I think that with all the insanity that is going on and the uncertainty it’s time for some happy music with an optimistic message of “It will be well”. Enjoy , the Israeli band “Static”
Static and Ben El – Kvish HaHoff (Prod. by Jordi) | סטטיק ובן אל תבורי – כביש החוף (Prod. by Jordi)


Hello American friends, I attached here a very special song by one of my favorite Israeli singers. The guy was a combat soldier with traumatic experiences who went to a talent TV show and became a star. He is writing and composing. His name is Idan Amedi . It’s a simple love song and the words are directed to a woman. I will attach them English translation below in case you want to know. Enjoy!
עידן עמדי – עד שיעלה היום הבא (ההופעה)

Till the Next Day Comes
Till the next day comes,
The calm will return,
I will no longer ask you where you’re from,
I’ll just be glad you’re here.
All those crazy people out there,
I will lock outside the door.
I will love you just as you dreamed,
Like the song, simple like that.
Till the next day comes,
The sun will return,
And it will brighten up your kind eyes,
Which I have caused to despair, for some reason.
I will learn some big words,
About a house, on the way.
I will learn to say that I’m sorry,
That if you’d leave, I’d have nothing.
Till the next day comes,
You’ll say that you belong,
And then the morning will wake,
Wash it all, and us too.
Till that day comes I will stop
Leaving you.
My love, when that day comes,
You’ll know it’s forever.
Till the next day comes,
The calm will return,
I will no longer ask you where you’re from,
I’ll just be glad you’re here.
And the flowers are spread across the table,
The yellow ones that you like.
I will say that I believe,
I will say it’ll last forever.
Till the next day comes,
You’ll say that you belong,
And then the morning will wake,
Wash it all, and us too.
Till that day comes I will stop
Leaving you.
My love, when that day comes,
You’ll know it’s forever.


Supertramp – 07 – Sooner Or Later



Deplorable Patriot

Okay, thanks for the cover, boss. We’re back in business here. First job this morning for the crew, apparently.
I have a number of things to take care of this am, so I will be MIA for part of the day.
It may be a first world problem, but the electricity goes out, and we’re stuck in the water. Thankfully, our hot water heater is gas only, so at least there was hot water for dish washing and a shower.


Glad your electricity is back on, DePat!
That’s good news.

Deplorable Patriot

Blessed air conditioning.


Yes ma’am.
Something I’ve learned not to take for granted.
Ice cream and air conditioning.
Two wonderful blessings in the summer.


Time for a nice generac hooked up to that gas line. That’s what we’re doing – in a couple of weeks.

Deplorable Patriot

Gas…that’s another issue.


The 2020 Wheat Harvest has been good.😀👍


Thank you, Lord.


comment image


Did you see the Trump 2020 flag on the harvester in the top video?
It’s at the 4:07 mark and the 4:17 mark.


Tried (4) times and still could not see it – from where is it hanging?


Are you looking at the 1st video?
Start at the 4:04 mark…the Trump flag is attached to the back of the harvester.
Then leave it playing…you’ll see it again in a shot at sundown.


Oh, that’s why – wrong video – LOL


GOT IT!!! Thanks!!!


This video shows how they download a harvester…while it’s still going, harvesting down a row.
They don’t stop — it’s a race against time, while the weather is good.
Go to the 4:00 mark, you’ll see the tractor pulling the grain wagon lining up beside the harvester.
Then the harvester starts downloading:

Gail Combs

We have had abundant rain here in NC so I expect the corn and soybeans and other crops to do very well if the mold doesn’t get them. The corn was over my head by 4th of July, not knee high and already had cobs forming.
The biggest problem is getting enough consecutive dry days to dry hay!


I think all the grain crops have done well this year, for the most part.
But then the traders are talking “surplus” and trying to use that to get the prices down that the farmers get paid.
With all the rain that has happened in China…their crops are a mess.
So I would think that they will be buyers for as much as we want to send them.

Gail Combs

The traders are ALWAYS scamming the farmers. It is essentially ONE BUYER, or Monopsony. AND should be taken to court. Maybe in POTUS next term he will break up the international cartels that rule us.
A big part of the CCP Corona Crud is all about DRIVING SMALL BUSINESS BANKRUPT.

Deplorable Patriot

We’re running a good month behind usual. The fruit crops, anyway. May was so cold and wet, everything stalled.


Remember Bloomberg’s nasty belittling of farmers?
I’m pretty sure if Bloomberg was faced with the complexities of driving those big machines, let alone being able to run a farm… he’d be forced to eat his dismissive words about farmers. Bloomberg is the typical elitist snob who couldn’t survive without all the things his money could buy.


Absolutely, LadyP.
Bloomberg wouldn’t last a day on a farm!


Pinned Tweet
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
text followed by vid clips of “Joe Biden Has a Racism Problem”


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Congratulations to future Republican Star Marjorie Taylor Greene on a big Congressional primary win in Georgia against a very tough and smart opponent. Marjorie is strong on everything and never gives up – a real WINNER!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Watched @billmaher last week for the first time in a long time. He’s totally SHOT, looks terrible, exhausted, gaunt, and weak. If there was ever a good reason for no shutdown, check out this jerk. He never had much going for him, but whatever he did have is missing in action!


Marjorie Taylor Greene….
She’s one of us (Q), in theory…..cant trust anyone till they prove it


Yes, Jordan Sather’s video last Sunday (or was it the week before…) he goes over the real possibility that some non-MAGA peeps are running for office as shills with a QANON patina painted over the top.
He went into the timeline of a couple of them and there were certainly some that are leftists posing as MAGA.


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
The “suburban housewife” will be voting for me. They want safety & are thrilled that I ended the long running program where low income housing would invade their neighborhood. Biden would reinstall it, in a bigger form, with Corey Booker in charge!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you! Also, leading in most swing states!


I wonder what “swing states” he isn’t leading in. Are they ones he didn’t win in 2016, but was close? Or does it involve any he won?


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
@KamalaHarris started strong in the Democrat Primaries, and finished weak, ultimately fleeing the race with almost zero support. That’s the kind of opponent everyone dreams of!


The Library
WSJ News Exclusive | TikTok Tracked User Data Using Tactic Banned by Google
TikTok skirted a privacy safeguard in Google’s Android operating system to collect unique identifiers from millions of mobile devices, data that allows the app to track users online without allowing them to opt out, a Wall Street Journal analysis has found.
Harold Wren


to read article –


thanks Pgroup …


Tucker’s opening monologue from last night.
“There are time-share salesmen you would trust more than Kamala Harris.”


Wolfie has a thread up on dirt on Kamela
Aubergine posted a meme she made, which I think is powerful… sure hope Gail archives it !comment image


Powerful … hope the Trump campaign picks this up .. 🤨👍‼️‼️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸


Agree… 😉


… 😃👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 … 😊🤚

Gail Combs

comment image
Also up on Meme page 11.


Ms Gail, you da best!


““American prosecutors wield awesome and terrible powers that lend themselves easily to abuse, and Senator Kamala Harris, formerly the attorney general of California, is an enthusiastic abuser of them.”
and points to this National Review article: On Kamala Harris by Kevin D. Williamson –



Love the Hodge Twins!


Oh, me 2, Wheatie!!! They hit ‘Heels Up’ right on her head!!! First Indian-American to win a Senate Seat – from India – not Native American!!! LOL

Gail Combs

Ya know Red Dot! 🤣
As I said earlier today, POTUS does not need to confront Hairy A$$, leave it to the Digital Army.



Brave and Free
Gail Combs

He is a Mass Murderer and should be tried as such. He KNEW so it was premeditated.

Deplorable Patriot

This one is important. Will have to check CDAN for any insights.
Sumner Redstone, Towering Media Mogul Who Helped Shape Modern Entertainment Industry, Dies at 97
Sumner Redstone, a towering figure in media who built his father’s drive-in theater business into an empire that included Viacom, Paramount Pictures and CBS Corp., died Aug. 11 at his home in Los…
“National Amusements, the Redstone family’s private holding company that controls what is now ViacomCBS, confirmed that Redstone died Tuesday afternoon.” — Variety
Sumner Redstone, Towering Media Mogul Who Helped Shape Modern Entertainment Industry, Dies at 97
Boston-bred executive built an industry giant with the acquisitions of Viacom, Paramount Pictures and CBS Corp.
Sumner Redstone, a towering figure in media who built his father’s drive-in theater business into an empire that included Viacom, Paramount Pictures and CBS Corp., only to see his legacy tarnished in his final years by corporate battles and sordid allegations by former girlfriends, died Aug. 11 at his home in Los Angeles. He was 97.
National Amusements, the Redstone family’s private holding company that controls what is now ViacomCBS, confirmed that Redstone died Tuesday afternoon. After years of public battles with family members, Redstone had been in close contact over the past three years with his daughter, ViacomCBS chairman Shari Redstone, and others in his extended family.
“My father led an extraordinary life that not only shaped entertainment as we know it today, but created an incredible family legacy,” Shari Redstone told Variety in a statement. “Through it all, we shared a great love for one another and he was a wonderful father, grandfather and great-grandfather. I am so proud to be his daughter and I will miss him always.”


So cynical, you are.

Deplorable Patriot

This one goes up there with don’t use a hair dryer or a toaster while in a bathtub full of water.

Gail Combs

Johnathan looks like he is worth following
Jonathan (Parler: jcho710)
Author of upcoming book on DLT (decentralization tech), former Trader at the Chicago Board of Trade. Crypto Analyst at Trends Research Institute. Harvard ’08. From Seoul, Republic of Korea

Deplorable Patriot
The List of fires and explosions so far!!
Happy Hunting Y’all
Find connections , decodes
Hat tip
@Kim20327301comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Alright meme makers, here’s your ammo.
Biden and Kamala just released their slogan!
Kneepads and Peepads 2020!
5:51 PM · Aug 11, 2020

Deplorable Patriot


unseen1 Retweeted
Ian Miles Cheong@stillgray
If you’re offended by memes but not by this you have your priorities mixed up.
Quote Tweet
Ian Miles Cheong@stillgray
· 13h
Looting and robbing people is reparations says Black Lives Matter activist.

Deplorable Patriot

Tucker’s usual mask has a crack at this suggestion.
Seriously, have we gone back to Queen Victoria’s advice on this?comment image

Gail Combs


Deplorable Patriot

More rain here today. This is a scene not too far from Saint Louis University in the city.

Deplorable Patriot

This is a few blocks north of there. Looks like we may need to revisit the stormwater run-off system.

Gail Combs

Looks like my typical summer 4:30 PM commute in Columbia SC I was really glad to have a diesel!

Deplorable Patriot

The stormwater system was put in in the city about 110 years ago. Somewhere in there. We have a lot more that’s paved over and concrete now than we did at the time. In some spots, the sheer volume of water coming from the sky and then forced into finite arteries just overwhelms the system.
It’s going to be expensive, but it’s a price of civilization.

Gail Combs

Columbia had the same problem. There was a R/R under pass that almost always flooded when we got the afternoon thunderstorms. That was back in the 1970s so I have no idea if they ever fixed the problem.

Deplorable Patriot

This morning at about 8. I’m good. Will work on it here in a minute. We were down 36 hours, and the refrigerator contents…this was expensive.

Deplorable Patriot

Too late.

Deplorable Patriot

All scheduled for tonight. Thanks.

Deplorable Patriot

I see.


Sick Sick Sick!
Ghislaine Maxwell is seen cavorting with fugitive rape suspect Jean-Luc Brunel – who ‘gave Jeffrey Epstein three 12-year-old triplets to abuse as a birthday present’ – in newly uncovered photos taken on ‘pedophile island’

Gail Combs

“…Epstein bankrolled Jean-Luc’s modelling agency, and in return the scout allegedly supplied him with a string of young women to abuse.
Jean-Luc, who is also facing an investigation in France, strongly denied the claims before vanishing last year, shortly after Epstein died.
According to La Parisien he has since be traced to South America, though it is unclear exactly where he is hiding….”

Hopefully it is Gitmo!


Giloo, what do you or others from CA know about this…?
The Library
California is removing civil rights laws to make it legal to discriminate based on skin color.
Harold Wren



August 12, 2020
In Chicago, a Two-Year-Old With Brain Cancer Misses Trip Home to Celebrate His Birthday… Because Black Lives Matter Attacked the Ronald McDonald House Where He Was Staying
Another Mostly Peaceful Protest of a 2-year-old brain cancer patient.


I have a theory that all individuals with natal brain damage become DIMs, 100% of the “PROGRESSIVE” type.
Please explain to me what is progressive about these sociopathic degenerative domestic terrorists?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Camel Day!!!


Uber really has no choice. Thanks, Marxists.


The reason is AB5. written by a POS hardcore left latina who has destroyed not just uber, but trucking, tutoring, screenwriting, independent journalism and more.
Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) Tweeted:
The true leaders are thousands of freelancers who’ve formed the most important movement California has seen in a long time.


Thanks Gil…
That sounds EVIL…


Its a huge economically stupid law.


More reason the leave CA and let it rot.


Brian Cates has a new thread – no reader, but remember to remove splat

Gail Combs

I posted this about it on twitter…
This is a GOOD THING she won…I wanted her to win so Lacey Johnson can REALLY use the information that has been exposed on her to WIN. If another Marxist beats her in the primary, they’d probably win the general, but now Johnson can EXPOSE her, like her DEM opponent never did.

Deplorable Patriot

Interesting thread for your consideration. I agree that “The Plan” or the movie has been in motion for 20+ years, since July 1999 for sure. How this one ends…we’ll see.
Honestly, I hadn’t thought about the Odyssey in relation to the movie we are watching, but there are parts of it that definitely come into play. The Sirens, the Scylla and Charybdis…it can be argued they’re there.
Profile picture
9 hours ago, 48 tweets, 14 min read
GUYS, I THINK I CRACKED Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean I think I made a discovery…a real life discovery. Please read this thread!!!!!
I just want to wake people up. I can say with 100% positivity that Q is real and the proofs, heading up to election day…
…will become more and more true. We are going to be laughing and cheering by the end of this movie. We will see the blackout, and as more people are watching, we are going to get more and more excited.
3/ Trump will be the HERO of the movie and THE BEST PRESIDENT TO HAVE EVER LIVED!!!
4/ I know I sound like a madman, but I finally figured it out.
Q says WE ARE WATCHING a MOVIE!!!! We are ACTUALLY watching a movie play out. It’s playing out. It has been playing out for the last 20 or so years, but definitely since October 28, 2017 (Q’s first post).
More at the thread reader above.


Yessirree! He’s lost his mind!

Gail Combs

The movie is the alternate reality that the FAKE News tries to get us to believe.


He is right about one thing. Trump is going to come out of this looking like a hero. Meantime we’re still involved in a rather serious war being fought on multiple fronts and in multiple dimensions.


It’s happening:

And not Homer, Shakespeare.
Something’s rotten:


Yep. Trump is Last Action Hero! It’s either that or God told Jesus just before the 2nd Coming, “Hold on… I’m going in first.” Sorry that might be blasphemous. Maybe something in between.


It took me five tries with marymorse’s post to figure out what to cut out to see the vids.. so yours was easy 👍


This was on the big screen in July 1999, DP.

Deplorable Patriot
U.S. Military Helicopter Shot At In Virginia, Forced To Make Emergency Landing
August 12, 2020
A United States Air Force helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing Monday in Virginia after the aircraft reportedly came under fire and injured a crew member.
The chopper was a UH-1N Huey from the 1st Helicopter Squadron at Joint Base Andrews. The gunfire came from the ground.
The injured crew member has been released from a hospital. The FBI is investigating the incident.
The FBI “dispatched Special Agents and its Evidence Response Team to the Manassas Airport after receiving reports that a helicopter was shot at from the ground nearby,” the FBI’s Washington Field Office said in a statement.
“WFO is working jointly with our law enforcement partners, including the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident,” the FBI said. “One individual in the helicopter sustained a non-threatening injury, for which he was treated and subsequently released from the hospital.”

Gail Combs

Chiefio ID them a while ago. So did I.
They call themselves the THIRD WAY but yeah, they are fascists.
From my old notes:
There is little if any difference between the ‘centre-left Progressives’ and the Neo-conservative Republicans. They are both pushing Third Way ideas aka Fascism.
See E.M. Smith’s “Evil Socialism” vs “Evil Capitalism” for an explanation of why.

…the Policy Network, the London-based think-tank launched in the 1990s with the support of various heads of government including Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Giuliano Amato, Gerhard Schröder and Göran Persson, and headed by Peter Mandelson, now European commissioner….
the promotion of Third Way ideas “has always been the vocation of the Policy Network.
(Removed from internet per usual, check wayback)

Policy Network bills itself as center-left. ‘A centre-left project for new times – Policy Network’
That link above now gives you:

Centre-left’s young turks seek neo-conservative inspiration
The finest minds of Europe’s centre-left gathered in London last Friday (11 March) to devise a vision to help the left regain political ground across the continent.
The young politicians behind the move openly admit they seek inspiration from the American neo-conservatives, who have been effectively building a policy agenda during the last decade, which the US President George W. Bush is now putting in practice.

True capitalism died a hundred years ago with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and now we have ‘corporatism’ a collusion between the bankers, corporations and government. (It is also called The Third Way aka Fascism) Dr. Paul Craig Roberts who was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan bluntly pointed out how the bankers are gaining complete control of the corporations (Thanks tom0mason)

Recently we learned that from 2006 through 2013 corporations authorized $4.14 trillion in buybacks of their publicly traded stocks. Moreover, it appears that corporations have been borrowing the money from banks with which to buy back their stocks. Last year there were $754.8 billion in authorized stock buybacks and $782.5 billion in corporate borrowing. In the first three months of this year, companies purchased $160 billion of their own stocks.
Borrowing to buyback stock leaves a company with debt but without new investment with which to produce revenues to service the debt. The massive stock buybacks demonstrate that American capitalism is now corrupt.

This analysis by Dr. Roberts is backed up by the analysis of a trio of complex systems theorists, Dr. Stefania Vitali, (Technology and Economics) Dr. James Glattfelder (MSc. in Physics, Ph.D. studies, Chair of Systems Design) and Dr. Stefano Battiston (Statistical Physics, Chair of Systems Design) who published the study: The Network of Global Corporate Control that I mentioned above.
Also back in February, of 2009, Dr Roberts wrote:

I am amazed that the US government, in the midst of the worst financial crises ever, is content for short-selling to drive down the asset prices that the government is trying to support….The bald fact is that the combination of ignorance, negligence, and ideology that permitted the crisis to happen still prevails and is blocking any remedy. Either the people in power in Washington and the financial community are total dimwits or they are manipulating an opportunity to redistribute wealth from taxpayers, equity owners and pension funds to the financial sector.

Believe me I am very unhappy to find out that a vote for the Republicans is actually a vote for ‘Progressive -lite’ but denying that is true is not going to help recover this country from the ‘Evil Bast@rds’ I am not the only one to make this discovery which is why the conservative voter base is splinttered and the Tea Party was formed.
Rasmussen 2014: 59% of GOP Voters Say Republicans in Congress Out of Touch with Party’s Base

Most Republican voters continue to believe their congressional representatives are out of touch with the party’s base, while most Democrats remain happy with the representation they have in Washington, D.C. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds just 29% of Likely Republican Voters think Republicans in Congress have done a good job representing GOP values over the past several years. Fifty-nine percent (59%) say Republicans in Congress have lost touch with GOP voters from throughout the nation. But that’s down slightly from 65% last August and an all-time high of 73% in October 2009.

Gail Combs

This is the paper written by Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston in 2011 that shows the YUGE international corporations are controlled by “… a small tightly-knit core of financial institutions.
The Network of Global Corporate Control

The structure of the control network of transnational corporations affects global market competition and financial stability. So far, only small national samples were studied and there was no appropriate methodology to assess control globally. We present the first investigation of the architecture of the international ownership network, along with the computation of the control held by each global player. We find that transnational corporations form a giant bow-tie structure and that a large portion of control flows to a small tightly-knit core of financial institutions. This core can be seen as an economic “super-entity” that raises new important issues both for researchers and policy makers.

Thread Readers from

Ten financial institutions: Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Citibank & others have been issued subpoenas in recent weeks from the office of USVI Attorney General Denise George!

China accuses HSBC bank of setting it up in a sting with DOJ to catch Huawei violating sanctions on Iran & Syria!

It seems Wirecard, bank services company that ‘lost’ $2.1B, may be connected to the organized crime busts that have been occurring all over Europe. May explain why the UK froze all Wirecard accounts 8 days ago!

There are a lot more.comment image


might the numbers also be because MOST Trump Supporters were Independent BEFORE Donald J. Trump ran on the Republican ticket?
Before DJT … look at who the GOP was?

Gail Combs

I consider President Trump the ‘Tea Party’ candidate.


me too!


thanks for locating my fav cue anon’s reincarnation!


woops, wrong wyatt… 😉




Gee, welcome to P Rex’s axiom Tom. When the left have to change a narrative more than once, the entire narrative chain, including the original is a LIE. We are on Covid change about 5 or 6, broken up by a 1 month riot spree used to go BACK to the original Covid lie.


Cuppa Covfefe

(W)Horrible Haggy Horizontal Heels-Up Harris


Oh, that hurts my diaphragm to say, Cuppa!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

And from “My Fair Lady” :

In Hartford, Hereford, and Hampshire,
Hurricanes hardly happen…

Of course Ho-HUH could be considered an “Unfair Lady” 🙂


“Ho-HUH” . . . getting better and better!

Gail Combs

It is true!!!
(Watch how fast Google translate changes that!


Too bad – the jig is already up – WE KNOW!!!


comment image


NAMES Ron, NAMES. ANY rep whop blocks a subpoena, further stalling sunlight and justice, gets PRIMARIED, IE kiss their seat goodbye. How about this, just KICK any dissenters or weak kneed RINOS OFF the committee, it CAN happen. Why do I suspect Sasse and Romney will be on that list.


I put them in the tweet. Romney, Lankford, Portman are the obvious RINOS.


There is an Article on GP that states it’s Romney. Time to kick him OUT of the party or at LEAST the committee, he IS a freshman, and JR Senator, he CAN be replaced.


There’s also word that NO ONE is holding up the vote. Ron Johnson has already secured unfettered subpoena power. So WHY did he say this to Hugh Hewitt? Johnson’s camp is saying it’s a misunderstanding. HH says NO, is furious, and going after RJ today. RJ blowing unnecessary smoke? Not really doing anything? Stay tuned.


Well, SOMEONE is not speaking the truth, Johnson ASKED for the subpoenas in the FIRST place, just EXECUTE them. (the subpoenas) IF anyone (Romney) is not voting to go ahead, after ALL that we learned. REMOVE them from the committee.. IF it is Johnson himself, something does not make sense, why REQUEST something, and then NOT use it?



Cuppa Covfefe

And all the canaries go tweet tweet tweet….
(Rockin’ Ron…)….




I Have Not Yet Begun To Pounce – Brian Cates Retweeted
Lin Wood@LLinWood
For 4+ decades, I have maintained a deep love, passion, & respect for American legal system. While imperfect, it is far superior to any justice system in world.
Observing our legal system’s treatment of
, I am ashamed of it tonight.
I will #FightBack for rule of law.


I have come to the conclusion that our legal system is no better than any communist regime except we have d it hidden it better and through Stone and Flynn and others is has made us aware what is going on.
Same with FBI and DOJ Congress and Senate.
Some people knew about this mostly the poor that is why there have been so many innocent people in prison over the years.
Now we are aware except vote and that has been also corrupted can we do?
There is always hope and a big clean up job needs to be done all the way from Government into churches.
This can only be done with God.
Prayers for all the white hats and President Trump.


Amen Singing…



August 12, 2020
Ghislaine Maxwell: Please Let Me Take My Chances in General Population


One problem THIS time for team Cabal, Maxwell is being watched 24/7 by MULTIPLE people and agencies. She LITERALLY is BAIT. She may request, but she won’t GET. That is the NATURE of being the BAIT.

Gail Combs

I just had a stray thought.🤔 Actually more like Light Dawns over Marblehead — MINE.
I wrote 2 comments:
The one above:
And then this one:
We KNOW the bankers run the corporations.
We also know the bankers FINANCE the Marxists AND Politicians AND lobbyists.
Today, the DNC/banker Brownshirts are destroying democrat cities.
2 reasons,
1. It lowers the property value so it can be bought at bargain basement prices (a Soros specialty)
2. It destroys SMALL BUSINESS who corporate American HATES.
OK, so that is straight forward.
What about the Destruction in Chicago of high end stores???
The big Corporations have insurance or write-offs or pass the cost to the consumer. (Any bet barely saleable merchandise was moved into these stores a while ago.)
Now for the 💡light bulb.💡
#1. International Corporations can not afford to align themselves with the DNC in a big way. BLM donations make a great ‘money laundering operation….
BUT BLM ===> ACT Blue ===> DNC was outed.
Nike fourth-quarter sales drop nearly 40% while the call to boycott Goya Foods saw the product flying off the shelves. Despite the hype Conservatives ARE in the majority and they ARE voting with their wallet.
This gives the Bankster/Corporations, who were hoping to starve out small business, while secretly funding the DNC a big problem in the run up to an very important election.
ABC — “Chicago looting devastates Michigan Avenue, Loop, Gold Coast; More than 100 arrested, police say Access to the downtown area will be restricted from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.”
And now people are sympathetic towards those poor RICH CORPORATIONS…

Gail Combs

🤢 🤢 🤮
I’ll stick to thrift shops, good will and CASH ONLY. (With Dickies & LL Bean for sturdy close thrown in.)




August 12, 2020
“This is Fear:” Bill Kristol Desperately Brainstorming Ideas for Getting Biden Out of Debates
I like how he portrays his desperate brainstorming sesh as just a stray, off-the-top-of-my-head “innocent thought:”
~ Ace
“Just an innocent thought: We’ve seen Biden in office for over four decades, and we’ve seen Trump nonstop for the last four years. We’ve seen enough to make up our minds about them. So let�s skip the presidential debates but have three vice-presidential debates.”
Just an innocent thought: Based on his extraordinary change of personality and addiction to twitter, I think Bill Kristol knows well the symptoms of an old weak man whose brains are turning to garbage.
Just another innocent thought: He sees the same symptoms in Biden, only more advanced.
And still this corrupt nepot, grifter, and egotist pushes a demented man for president.
posted by Ace at 01:57 PM


Dave at X22 Report tells us (what I still believe) that Biden/Harris is a “Placeholder”
Cue has said the same …………………


I don’t recall Q saying that. Which drop? I think a lot of Q supporters have, but that’s just a guess.


A Hillary Clinton-barack Obama Ticket to Replace Joe Biden?
3 May 2020 – 1:55:49 PM
Qcomment image


thank you Linda… perhaps it was anons saying it. I searched “placeholder” at qmap and didn’t find it. I apologize y’all.


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
I am sending $15M from @USDOT to beautiful North Dakota! This federal funding will support bus service for people from Bismarck to Grand Forks and several other areas statewide. Congratulations!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Congrats to Colorado who will be receiving $14.9M in federal infrastructure funds from
@USDOT. Happy to support bus service for residents throughout this great state!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Honored to send $25.9 MILLION in @USDOT funds to the great State of Texas to support bus infrastructure improvements. Congratulations to the MANY Texans who will benefit!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Big news for Wisconsin! @USDOT is awarding $7.7M in federal infrastructure funds to support bus service for the people of Madison and Milwaukee County!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Good news for Florida! I’m awarding $27.8M from @USDOT in federal infrastructure funds to five areas including Orlando, Jacksonville, Ft. Myers/Naples, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Happy to support bus service for the people in beautiful Florida!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Georgia will be receiving $13M in federal infrastructure funds from @USDOT. BIG investment in bus facilities for people in metro Atlanta – must keep people moving safely! @MARTASERVICE
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Big improvements in rural bus service will be on their way to Michigan! I am awarding $27.8M in federal funding through @USDOT to improve bus service statewide. SO important for transit in this great state!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Sending $8.3M in @USDOT funding to North Carolina for bus and bus facility improvements in Asheville, Fayetteville, and Chapel Hill. Glad to support bus service in these areas!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
New Hampshire will receive nearly $822K in @USDOT funds for bus service in the city of Nashua. Happy to support @RideBigBlue and keep the people of Nashua moving!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Congrats to Pennsylvania for receiving $11.5M in federal infrastructure funds from @USDOT. Huge investments in Hazleton and Erie County to improve transit service and bring an economic boost to these areas!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
BIG bucks heading to Illinois! $18.9M in federal infrastructure funds from @USDOT will be awarded to
@ConnectTransit, @CityLinkPeoria, and @PaceSuburbanBus for improvements to bus service in the areas. Congratulations!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
$13.9M is heading to New Orleans in @USDOT funding for @NewOrleansRTA! Happy to support bus service and major fleet improvements for the great people of Louisiana and help them keep moving safely.
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
I’m awarding $14.7M in @USDOT funding to New Jersey to support bus infrastructure in @passaic_county. Helping make sure people can move quickly and safely!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Happy to send $18 MILLION in @USDOT funding to Utah to support their transit infrastructure and improve bus service. Huge and badly needed investment in the Cache Valley Region!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Bus investments are in the works for the people of Nebraska! I’m sending $13.6M from @USDOT in federal infrastructure funds for improvements to bus service in Omaha. Great news!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Happy to announce that @USDOT is providing $12.5M in federal infrastructure funds for bus improvements for the great people of Alabama. @huntsvillecity
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Big news, Oklahoma! I’m proud to support infrastructure in your state with $13.7 million from @USDOT
for bus improvements across the state. SO important for helping people get where they need to go safely.


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Congratulations to Andrew Clyde on a big win last night against a strong opponent in #GA09! An early supporter of ours, Andrew will be an incredible Congressman for the people of Georgia!
12:34 PM ·


Kiddo is instinctive on bad cartoons. He had never liked this one. I find the animation is creepy, plus theyve made it a sjw toon for a while.
Defund public funding of npr and pbs! They have plenty of megadonors.


THIS is why she was selected… she’s a sociopath, a pathological liar, as demonstrated below…
Kamala Harris is a very EVIL woman and she will say anything during this election cycle. The VP usually turns into throwing barbs at incumbent but she will be a next level BULLY. The “fake news” media will embrace her. We are truly watching GOOD vs EVIL battle now.
Quote Tweet
Daily Caller
· 33m
Kamala Harris compares the Trump administration’s COVID-19 response to the Obama administration’s Ebola response:
“Only two people in the United States died. That is what’s called leadership. But compare that to the moment we find ourselves in now…”


VP is usually the protector verbally of the president (sitting or candidates)…
This, among others, is one of the problems I have with Pence… in almost 4 years now he has NEVER assumed this role for Donald J. Trump… (note this campaign also)
Oh well, we have Ric Grenell who does the job very well.
Maybe the DIMs are not the only ones going to pull a switch-aroo? A girl can dream.


The Qualcomm comment was supposed to stand alone but weirdpiss …
But keep dreaming girl. No Sense going with Pence.

Gail Combs

“…Maybe the DIMs are not the only ones going to pull a switch-aroo? A girl can dream.”
I certainly hope so!
I really really do not like Pence, he has no more credentials than OH!Bummer did except he is more polished. Political family and politician groomed from the get-go.


I don’t see him that much, but when I do he’s always praising POTUS, and talking about the President’s this and that and his administration has done this and that. Every time he speaks. He doesn’t wade into the tweet muck, but he always says something that rises above and still doesn’t fuss POTUS.


Some people cant have kids. Some people wont have kids but love them and it reflects in their personality.
She didnt have them bc its all about HER.


okay, brain-dead here… is that ‘itch’ or ‘itch’?


I ‘hear’ the BIBICAL … still not connecting the dots… 😉 but, that’s okay… someone else may clue me in 😉


LI Bar Has Liquor License Suspended For Coronavirus Violations
Officials said patrons at the bar were standing shoulder to shoulder, ignoring social distancing while drinking.


So do I. 😉👏🥳


The Library
Air Force helicopter shot at from ground while flying over Virginia, crew injured
FBI investigating shot fired at UH-1N Huey flying over Virginia which injured a crew member.
Harold Wren


An earlier report I saw didn’t report an injured crew member.
Remember, I have stated before that the Deep State (through See Aye A) has many weapons and access to major weaponry.
Another reason indictments are long time coming… Cue reminds us frequently that POTUS regards Americans’ safety as a priority to “The Storm” ……………..


Daughn has an interesting post up on Taiwan, Alex Azar and President Trump.


Wolfie, you are a gentleman and a scholar.


Chaos Actual Retweeted
Lin Wood@LLinWood
Hey @mehdirhasan, I represent “this woman,” Majorie Taylor Greene. Demand is hereby made that you immediately delete the false accusations in this tweet.
Failure to do so will result in you & your employer being taught a lesson you will not forget. Formal letter to follow.
Quote Tweet
Mehdi Hasan@mehdirhasan
· 6h
This woman isn’t just a QAnon supporter but is an open anti-Semite and Islamophobe. The president is a racist and is endorsing another racist.
Reporters, please challenge him on this at the next ‘briefing’ he does.…
Show this thread

Gail Combs

He is a Brit (Pakistani) who came to DC in 2015.


These “progressive” judges have triggered Atty Lin Wood…
well, along with the pedos…………
Mehdi has stepped in it I’m sure.


Good triggering – is that anything like Lewis the Corpse talking about good trouble.
Is it anything like Mal Reynolds saying, I aim to be misbehaving?


I had to google to understand to whom you are referring 😉
I’m old enough to be your Mom and possibly your gr/mother… and haven’t watched TV in decades, never had cable, so haven’t been exposed to either of these two you indicated 😉
To answer your query though, yes, GOOD triggering… more like Clint Eastwood in his spaghetti westerns…

Gail Combs

Maybe the BEGINNING of the TAKE DOWN of the censors/cancel culture crowd? 🙏🏻


Wouldn’t that be grand Gail ?


I do not believe you are old enough to be the mother of a 72 year old geezer. But, life will find a way (that’s from Jurassic Park).


You’re correct… I’m not that old… but I picture you as much younger as you are so hip with the times… ya fooled me 😉


You are very sweet. And appreciated immensely.


Thank you Sir… 😉


Yeah, didn’t recognize the names either and I left much of the entertainment world a good while after spaghetti westerns.


Jerry Falwell’s Photo & why prissy Christians get victimized by the left EVERY TIME | TBBG #11 image

Bobby Lopez takes a look at the comparisons between what is happening with Jerry Falwell at Liberty University and what happened to Paige Patterson at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The similarities are uncanny. Could it be that the same tactics and strategy is in place to eliminate those in leadership opposing the new Woke version of Christianity?
The concern with Liberty University now is that they are going to morph into a progressive, leftist university just like all the rest. Without Falwell running the show, you can see the Woke crowd creeping in, trying to gain control of one of the last beacons of Conservative Christianity in America. Their opposition to Social Justice and support of President Trump has set them apart from the rest.

+twatter RT
Evangelical Christians keep getting PLAYED by Leftist Woke Big Evangelicalism – EVERY TIME!


Granddaughter got her Masters in Ministry at Southwestern…
She’s definitely NOT a SJW…
Thank you Michael for all the info you bring on this. It’s been an eye-opener for me, for sure.


Missed Sunday’s Message? Join us for the rebroadcast now….


Replying to @joshdcaplan
“The FBI is investigating the incident, involving a helicopter assigned to President Donald Trump’s support detail.”
Air Force Helicopter Shot At Over Virginia, Injuring Crew Member
The FBI is investigating the incident, involving a helicopter assigned to President Donald Trump’s support detail.

Gail Combs

TWO incidents??? Right after President Trump said he might have to disappear for a while because he made a lot of very wealthy people angry?
Then add the Occupy the White House ‘Ad’
The Chinese operatives caught talking in Cantonese at the last DC ‘protest’ saying ‘hurry we must leave’ after whipping up the crowd.


Good quote
I Can’t Breathe…


Bad fish. Very bad fish!
@HectorHeathcote @JM @wziminer @Lonestar @masterblaster
Clever Humpback Whale Pops Up for a Snack

Follow marine biologist and filmmaker Rick Rosenthal as he captures a lone humpback engaging in extraordinary behavior: turning a salmon hatchery into a quick and filling meal, albeit one worth a staggering $13 million! 💰But what’s good news for a whale spells disaster for the fish, not to mention the hatchery owner . . .




Red Nation Rising
Kamala is NOT a ‘natural born Citizen” per Art II Sec. 1 par 5 of US Constitution. Both parents were foreign nationals, NOT US citizens when she was born in Oakland, CA. She is missing 1 of 3 legs of the ‘natural born citizen test. Kamala can’t be POTUS!comment image


Bwahahahahcomment image


Flag of United States WWG1WGA Flag of United States
They got
is systematically taking our Trump’s MAGA and Q accounts.
Understand, 85 days more, and they can stand the heat until then. If they can silence us until AFTER the election, that’s all that matters.
This account doesn’t exist


Statue currently being erected in San Francisco celebrating how Kamala Harris entered politics.
(Lajja Gauri from India)


comment image


OZZY! This is America! That is too much.
That’s why we have U-tree.


It’s from India


James Woods
This is our last stand, folks. And here’s your last defender. If they take him down, America is gone forever. Vote for
like your life depends on it.comment image


…. because it does …


“Our best days still lie ahead”? Seriously? It brings to mind:
Lying down. 🤔
Telling lies with impunity.
Also, IMO, the word “still” drags it down. It is not a dynamic slogan, not action-oriented.


Actually, they are plagiarizing POTUS when he says “The best is yet to come.” Biden has already done that in this campaign.


He’s plagiarizing again! Isn’t that TOO similar to
POTUS’ “The Best Is Yet to Come” ?


They took it down.




Yeppurs. 😁


Gee Whillikers!!!


Dr Scott Atlas…how refreshingly different that fauxci.


Peter Schweitzer on Tucker just said that a Catholic priest ‘victim file’ in the SF District Attorney’s office disappeared as soon as Kamala took office. This was the investigative prep expected to lead to indictments. She got large campaign donations from law firms connected to the Church.
Buying justice? Sure looks like it.


She’s known to filter Catholics from any jobs she had control over because of HER strong support of abortion.

Sadie Slays

The current response rate to the 2020 Census is 63.4% nationally. In my heavily locked down state, the response rate is significantly below the 2010 rate. It appears I’m not the only one refusing to participate this year.


We want to participate so that our state will not loose congressional seats nor loose electoral college votes. We want to make sure we count so that we balance out the illegal ailens counted in CA and other locations.
Would love to see CA loose seats and TN gain but at least maintain!
Why not participate? If you do the mail in form you can leave out all info that is not necessary

Sadie Slays

This state does not deserve a fraction of a cent that might come from my participation in the census. Not after what they did to us with their lockdowns and mask law. My ultimate goal is to help this state lose a Congressional seat so that it goes to a more deserving red one.


Heck fire! TN is hot tonight!
Looks like Gov Lee is 100% determined to be a 1 term gov.
PS: If you thought the left was giving up control by the children being home you were sadly mistaken. I know I had hopes for that. NOPE! Left is now checking on all children in homes and look at the list of services they want to provide! HUGE nanny state leap forward. why would they check on private school and homeschooled children and children ages 0 to 6 – ie not in school yet?
HSLDA supported Cruz … but, unlike many organizations we cut ties to having realized their politics, we are on auto renew with them. Good thing as TN is heating up!


Richard Grenell@RichardGrenell
Sounds like they forgot about Mayor Pete and have now added him. He wasn’t on the original announcement.
Quote Tweet
Pete Buttigieg@PeteButtigieg
· 1h
I’m excited to gather next week for the @DemConvention and nominate @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris. And I’m honored to be joining a terrific set of speakers on the final night.
How will you be watching?


I Have Not Yet Begun To Pounce – Brian Cates Retweeted
Seamus Bruner@seamusbruner
Kamala Harris has a child sexual abuse problem. SHARE!


Hey y’all…
my gut tells me there’s more than ‘smoke’ here…
there’s a roaring fire…
and there will be MORE dirt comin’


Looking into Bernie Ward again (convicted pedophile Lion of the Left radio personality, St. Ignatius grad, and sex ed teacher of Gorsuch and Kavenaugh at Georgetown prep) looking for a connection, I stumbled across this whopper:


1000 drug related cases dismissed, some with convictions awaiting sentencing…


Hope you archived that in Kamela’s Thread on the sidebar… 😉


Feds charged Bernie Ward when Kamala was SF DA. Apparently, she didn’t. He was researching a book ya know…


Thanks Mary……….


Go Kansas!! He also told Chyna to pound sand. We don’t recognize their claim to them owning the islands in the South China Sea and We will freely travel and support all countries in the area. We have 2 aircraft carriers there now.


^^^ Great speech.
Hope Kansas or President Trump makes a like speech at the UN.


comment image


I’ve seen that look on several women’s faces. It was always followed by passionate activity of an intimate nature. However, I was much younger and much more visually appealing than Slow Joe. He’s at least 30 years past when he should ever have a female look at him like that.
So what gives? I don’t know but I can tell you that is one dangerous actress.


A pun of sorts? LIES? RUG? LIES on the rug…Heels Up Harris 🙂
HUH is a gift that keeps on GIVING. May just perk up Too Slow Sleepy Creepy Joe 🙂
The puns just keep on coming :-))


comment image


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
Wojciech Pawelczyk@Woj_Pawelczyk
: Should Joe Biden, Kamala Harris publicly denounce Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization?
President @realDonaldTrump
: They should, I think they’re afraid to.


Dude with the camera reacts again. This time taking a picture of Chanel. Chanel is absolutely photogenic, but that seems weird.


I saw that, too Kal, then thought maybe he is with OAN… No?


Maybe so.
He is near the back of the room. Which is where Chanel must loiter, since White House Correspondent schmucks kicked Chanel out of their “click”. Such children’s games.


I’m so hoping that after the election POTUS opens up the press to include many other citizen journalists and disregard the WH Corres schmucks. Or, boots them out entirely !


How do they feel about gangs?


Ha ha ha!


Kennedy is spot on. PLT and HUH are empty heads that “know how to work it”.


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
Barr Says It’s the First Time in His Career Dems Don’t Condemn Violence | Buck Sexton
U.S. Attorney General William Barr told “The Buck Sexton Show” on Wednesday that it is the first time in his career that he has witnessed the Democrat Party not willing to condemn the violence that…

Sadie Slays

I’m only posting Ann because this made me laugh.


I’m going to drop this here.. A HUGE Civil suit is incoming..
(I cannot say much)..


^^^ Can’t say much. Didn’t say much of anything.
Can’t say as I’d click on that stuff unless there is some, “there, there”.
Did I miss something?


On-going My friend.. As I opined, I cannot say much in the Public forum..


Looking forward to the “rest of the story”. Or at least a couple chapters 🙂


@kalbobs, i posted a “Document Dump” some time back, on Marica’s Blog..
Let’s just say, When WE DO get a “Judgement”, It’s not going to be pretty for the offending party..
(WE), Angie & I have done nothing wrong..
Though We have Doc’s, texts & video’s, paper trails…
I’ll look forward to Angie & I telling our predicament.
Just ATM, WE NEED to get moved.. going forward.


Looking forward to reading the details. Best wishes!