Dear KAG: 20200820 Open Thread

It happened.

Q+ doesn’t know much about the movement.


This popped up on Monday, and the response to it on Wednesday. Put thoughts in the comments, please.

In honor of we might actually be getting there, here’s to hoping.


As usual, this is the daily thread, the place to put all information that needs to be out there – Q drops, Q drop decodes, riot information, rumors about MAGA rallies starting up again, news flashes, Chy-na flu updates, fashionable mask photos, satire, memes, and of course cute animal videos.

In the meantime, the short and sweet version of “THE RULES” is here borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Since it is almost the weekend, the reminders are in place to not swing from the chandeliers, wash your hands and face, and be nice to the liberals whether they deserve it or not. Making your bed, OTOH, is optional.


MATTHEW 22:1-14

1And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, 2“The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a marriage feast for his son, 3and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast; but they would not come. 4Again he sent other servants, saying, `Tell those who are invited, Behold, I have made ready my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves are killed, and everything is ready; come to the marriage feast.’ 5But they made light of it and went off, one to his farm, another to his business, 6while the rest seized his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them. 7The king was angry, and he sent his troops and destroyed those murderers and burned their city. 8Then he said to his servants, `The wedding is ready, but those invited were not worthy. 9Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find.’ 10And those servants went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good; so the wedding hall was filled with guests. 11“But when the king came in to look at the guests, he saw there a man who had no wedding garment; 12and he said to him, `Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. 13Then the king said to the attendants, `Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the outer darkness; there men will weep and gnash their teeth.’ 14For many are called, but few are chosen.”

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It’s a Q sort of evening – quiet soothing sunset colors followed by YUGE numbers of stars in the sky.
I’m grateful.

Deplorable Patriot

Resort weather here in the Mississippi River Valley. It’s just beautiful.


Great scripture choice this morning… MATTHEW 22:1-14
For these times we live in, none better. Thanks DPat.

Deplorable Patriot

From today’s Mass readings.


comment image


Nice “safety mask” video! Where’d you find it?

Deplorable Patriot

I searched for “covid mask” or something like that, and it came up in the first 10 results. Cracked me up.


One of the performers is wearing a t-shirt that says something about “clown” something. I’m wondering if it wasn’t a class project at clown school…..hope they got an A on it!


It’s a great find! I love it.
They are wearing ‘NPC’ masks!
So I’m thinking that those guys who did it, are Q peeps.
It’s a very well done video.
The “baaa’s” are a nice touch.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, there’s A LOT of parody stuff out there. And I mean A LOT.


That’s the best one I’ve seen so far.
Good production quality on the visuals…and they did a great job of rewriting the song and then singing it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m stealing it for my upcoming piece on masks! THANK YOU!!!


Resort weather here, too. It’s just dropped down to 98F.

Deplorable Patriot

We have the windows open. It’s 73 degrees according to my phone. I can remember going to a ball game at Busch Stadium II in the late 80s about this time and the temp on the marquis of a bank being 93 degrees at 10:23 pm. If that was 1988, we were in the midst of 6 straight weeks of heat emergency.
This year, all the fruit is about a month behind.


Well, y’know — it is “bake-o-carl”….
We got a couple of days over a hundred (but unseasonably humid, for here), then all the lightning strikes, then it dropped to about 96 (gee, thanks!) while the fires revved up, and only today did the temperature really drop….which wasn’t much of an improvement because the smoke from the fires is being sprayed like a firehose across the area. When you’re in the plume, it’s really bad — I drove south on the expressway and there were ground-level clouds of white smoke drifting across the road and it was a red twilight at noon. You could look up at the sun and it was an orange indicator light in the smoke.
But if the smoke wasn’t aimed directly at you, the temps were better. One of our neighbors essentially said, “screw this” and decamped to her sister’s place near San Diego.

Elizabeth Carter

Carson City is under a Dense Smoke Advisory today and tomorrow. CA is burning.

Deplorable Patriot

Sad. Carson City, I was there about 17 years ago, and it was a nice place then.


Fire season….sorry.


This is the inevitable result of 30+ years of brain-dead tree-huggers compulsively hoarding kindling on public lands. If we had sane forest management, there’d be notices of clearing fires every time the 5-day forecast showed rain.


Hahaha. Hoarding kindling. Its really what they’ve been doing. I met a couple today whi said they were in Tahoe yesterday and the smoke is everywhere. And 2 days before that they were in Pebble Beach and it was smoke and flames there. So they escaped south for now.


Some thoughts about the Message from Goodyear concerning the leaked slide from a Zero Tolerance training program –
From Goodyear’s message:
“a widely circulated image sparked a strong reaction” What was this image that sparked the reaction? It was a photograph of a presentation screen with a Zero Tolerance slide on it.
OK. “First, the visual in question” . . . Again, what was the visual in question? It was a photograph of a presentation screen with a Zero Tolerance slide on it.
“the visual in question [the photograph] was not created or distributed by Goodyear Corporate, nor was it part of a diversity training class.” In other words, it could be read that Goodyear Corporate did not create or distribute the photo of the presentation screen.
Well, the larger point is that we don’t really care about that. We want to know if Goodyear corporate knew about or authorized the policies that are stated on the Zero Tolerance brief slide. We don’t care what lower level department or minions actually created and distributed the Zero Tolerance brief.
We also don’t care if that policy slide was part of a diversity training class. It very well could have been part of a White Privilege Sensitivity Training presentation . . . but, no, not diversity training.
The rest of the Goodyear message was corporate-speak general policy wonk BS.
And, more importantly, what was NOT said in that letter?
Well, Goodyear didn’t say they weren’t aware of that policy, or didn’t authorize it, and don’t support it. They didn’t say the statement was wrong and that Goodyear does, if fact, openly allow All Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, MAGA and other politically themed attire. They didn’t say that Goodyear doesn’t specifically and separately support BLM or LGBTWXYZ attire, but are generally all-inclusive.
In short, that letter was nothing more than a corporate-speak POS.


Hence the drop in stock. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?


More of the same. President Trump told John Roberts that he was going to order the Goodyear tires taken off the Beast.

Sylvia Avery

And I hope he burns them on the South Lawn.
(Not really, but I feel like it.)
Do you think Barack Obama would have known what kind of tires were on his car?
I don’t. PDJT is just such a guy. I love that man.


South Africans have a very appropriate use for tyres and traitors.
Kenya’s pretty close to South Africa so maybe obumma could be necklaced

Sylvia Avery

Excellent idea!


I always love VSGPOTUSDJT’s “I don’t know anything special in particular about XXXX” comments.
It’s a very CEO type of reply. Sort of like taxation or ecological regulations…..”I don’t know much about that” -> “I know it’s very important, I’ve hired a guy at $150K/year to deal with it, and he has a staff of five. I’ve told him that he should let me know if he needs more and I’m very pleased to note that he seems to be dealing with it quite capably. It is a complicated minefield of BS and there are not enough hours in the day for me to deal with that and things I NEED to deal with…..and, BTW, if I did possess the level of highly specialized technical knowledge to address the issue, what would lead you to suppose I’d want to share it with you bunch of talentless hacks?”

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, VSGPOTUSDJT took the very same public relations classes I did, and he digested them to the point that no crisis specialist has to coach him on what to say.


Lol! “I haven’t heard that, but is it supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing? If I can save the world from problems…” Reacting to a question about satanic rituals and cannibalism. I love PT. He’s so genuine.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The absolute best part is that he not only DID NOT DENY that he would save the world from such things if they were a problem – he didn’t even deny they were a problem.
LMAO!!! Our President is AMAZING!!!


I agree, Wolf! PT has been paying attention for decades. Being a man, he has unique capabilities of compartmentalizing information. (No offense, fellow ladies; we aren’t built that way!) I’m always in awe of him. And grateful for him. Best ever!

Valerie Curren

Can you even imagine how much less would get done in this world if men thought like women & Couldn’t compartmentalize!!! God knew what He was doing with those corpus calosum (sp) differences. Vive la difference!


Lol! I am such a compartmentalizer! Of course, I am weird. My Myers Briggs personality type is the rarest among women. I am something of a freak, I guess.

Valerie Curren

What is your MBTI? I was an INFP but extremely N & P & almost exactly midpoint on I & E and F & T!
I survive some of the traumas of life by “compartmentalizing” though it’s likely more accurate to say “cauterizing” certain painful things. Getting in touch w/ those difficult emotions is more challenging for me than going Spock & trying to (for the most part) logic my way through life’s difficulties 🙂


I am an INTJ.

Valerie Curren



I am INFJ. I’ve taken those tests many years apart, and stay the same every time.

Valerie Curren

Interesting. I took them in my senior year of college & that Psych of Personality class made me wish my degree was Pre-Med Psych w/ a Bio minor instead of basically Pre-Med Chem w/ Bio minor. It did though help send me on my grad school pursuit of Counseling 🙂


It has me down to a T, both strengths and weaknesses, except for the fact that I was raised by an extremely extroverted mother, and adjusted myself to that.

Valerie Curren

I don’t remember the details like you do. In my previous existence I was likely more extroverted than now where I’m more along the lines of “she kept these things & pondered them in her heart”…
I have a number of more extroverted family members, so it’s fairly easy to let them hog the stage, which they seem to prefer 😉


As an INTJ, we are in excellent company but YIKES some of the names in this group, though lots of extrapolation on some of these people:
Susan B. Anthony
Lance Armstrong
Arthur Ashe, tennis champion
Augustus Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus)
Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice)
Dan Aykroyd (The Blues Brothers)
William J. Bennett, “drug czar”
William F. Buckley, Jr.
Raymond Burr (Perry Mason, Ironsides)
Chevy Chase (Cornelius Crane) (Fletch)
Katie Couric
Phil Donahue
Michael Dukakis, governor of Mass., 1988 U.S. Dem. pres. candidate
Richard Gere (Pretty Woman)
Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor
Greg Gumbel, television sportscaster
Hannibal, Carthaginian military leader
Emily Bronte, author of Wuthering Heights
Angela Lansbury (Murder, She Wrote)
Orel Leonard Hershiser, IV
Peter Jennings
Charles Everett Koop
Ivan Lendl
C. S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Joan Lunden
Edwin Moses, U.S. olympian (hurdles)
Martina Navratilova
Michelle Obama
General Colin Powell, former US Secretary of State
Charles Rangel, US Representative, D-N.Y.
Pernell Roberts (Bonanza)
Donald Rumsfeld, former US Secretary of Defense
Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California
Josephine Tey (Elizabeth Mackintosh), mystery writer (Brat Farrar)
Chester A. Arthur
Calvin Coolidge
Thomas Jefferson
John F. Kennedy
James K. Polk
Woodrow Wilson


I myself am the reason I know Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama are scary people who should never be President 😉

Valerie Curren

I couldn’t resist this little CTH commentary 😉

Valerie Curren

Now this is funny 😉


Somehow, he forgot “married to the most beautiful women in the world and sire to the most talented progeny.”

Valerie Curren

Sweet! 😉


Love PDJT’s response! Now I can bet that he is Q+ with that response!

Valerie Curren

I don’t know if he Actually said it or someone was embellishing w/ his famed bravado…


Yes, I think praying medic had all of POTUS’ response in his update on Q, and I don’t recall PDJT saying that….I would have noticed…

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I just realized the “I don’t know anything about it” above is quite reminiscent of the “what’s the word on the street, Johnny?” character in Police Squad! Too fun 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Alright, y’all. it’s been real. Time for ZZZzzzzzz. See you in the AM.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite!
(Which, if you think about it is actually a pretty awful thing to say…)


What, “sleep on a loose pile of crud and let the bedbugs feast” is better?


There has been recent news reports that humans have piled up bedding, used it for a while….and when it dried out and wasn’t springy anymore, set it ablaze……since about 200,000 years ago. Considering that gorillas gather vegetation for bedding focuses attention on the innovative part — burning out old bedding after use. It shows how much “being human” is intertwined with “hygiene”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, you’re basically saying there are going to be bedbugs.

Deplorable Patriot

comment image
Nasty little creatures. Will be washing sheets with borax added to the water. Need to do the peppermint spray thing in the bedrooms, it seems. I already do it on the first floor due to spiders and other critters. It’s a great insect repellent.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you DO actually have bedbugs it’s a cast iron bitch to get rid of them.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m sure, but I seriously doubt I’ve ever seen one.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good old borax–with boron. Fairly rare stuff, and California is a good source (mining it was the whole 20 mule team thing).
One would think lithium, beryllium and boron would be common elements since they’re so low down on the periodic table, but as it happens nucleosynthesis inside of stars has to skip over them and go from helium to carbon. Adding nucleons to helium-4 doesn’t work (none of the isotopes with five nucleons are stable), and mashing two helium-4s together doesn’t work either, as nothing with 8 nucleons is stable. The only thing a star can do to proceed is mash three helium nuclei together to make carbon-12, which stars will start to do when they age, run low on hydrogen and have no alternative (this is what causes red giants).
There’s the very occasional fusing of a deuterium nucleus to a helium nucleus and similar phenomona that make those intermediate atoms, but most of the lithium,. beryllium and boron today is believed to have come from carbon in interstellar nebulae being knocked around by cosmic rays…a fairly rare occurrence too.


Great choice on the Header picture, DePat.
I remember that photo…
But I never noticed before, that the guy with the giant Q around his neck is wearing a t-shirt that has a blowup of the Q-noose from that Ben Garrison cartoon that featured it.
Very Qwel.

Valerie Curren

NOT the Bubba Nascar “noose” LOL!


Heheh…No, definitely Not!


It was from this one:comment image

Valerie Curren



A Praying Medic thread:
He ties together some things regarding 11.3.

Valerie Curren

just more of the facts…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Dang, they didn’t fire the clowns who ginned up Hitlary’s crowds the last time around.

Valerie Curren



[…] Posted By: Deplorable Patriot 0 Views 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 3ViewsShareTweetMail […]


News roundup has been posted if interested.


Thank you, Fle…always interested!

Valerie Curren

MK eyes?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The first time I saw that 50 points ahead video, I thought it was a satire by an impersonator.

Valerie Curren

I’ve never seen it…but given all of “Hillary’s” different looks there have to be multiple impersonators/body doubles 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

True it seemed to me, especially as she drew her head back, not to be her…but then, I don’t make a hobby of watching her, either…just watching her might cause sterility and ED, or possibly suicidal ideation.
What I couldn’t believe though was that her campaign would be stupid enough to actually RELEASE that video. That’s what made me sure it was a parody/fake.

Valerie Curren

Not wanting to be an expert in all things Hillary is a sign of sanity! Was this video not recent, for I thought she was giving Biden advice?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I dunno, I’m just remembering that 50 states ahead because someone reminded me of it.

Valerie Curren

50 states for 50 points? I think you said both…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I meant 50 points. I went to bed shortly thereafter. Evidently I really needed to. 🙂

Valerie Curren

I’ve been meaning to go to bed for hours but am awaiting a return call from Josiah’s Liver Transplant Dr’s nurse…sigh…
& I should have said/written “or” not “for” above 🙂 Hope you got enough quality sleep to be refreshed! Blessings

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I probably could have done with a couple more hours, but I have a telecon soon.

Valerie Curren

Hope it goes well!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just a daily status.


That witch is so evil she could give ED to a woman. Just saying.


A few months ago the Guardian posted photos of HRC after having facial plastic surgery. I don’t understand the flat hair style, makes her look weird.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not a good look.
Not that there IS a good look for her, but I’ve seen at least barely presentable pictures of her, mostly done by YSM sycophants.


Someone needs to do a video of “MK eyes” to “Bette Davis Eyes”…..

Valerie Curren

Sounds like a lyric prompt for Carl here!

Sylvia Avery

Oh, yeah, that would be awesome!


Those two comments from 8kun are definitely intriguing.
It would be great if some of the contents of the Weiner laptop were released!
Are any of the original NYPD guys who saw it first still alive?
There were several of them who died under suspicious circumstances.
I don’t know ‘who’ those advisors to PDJT are, that are trying to talk him out of releasing it…but they should be fired.


Uh, if my understanding of the law is correct, a significant amount of the contents of the Weiner laptop may be illegal to view or transmit (child porn). Another chunk is probably classified emails from HRC’s tenure as SoS — and, even though she managed to get all our intelligence assets in China neutralized, there may yet be some Sources and Methods that would be handy to keep going.


Yes, you’re right, Coothie.
That’s why I said “some of the contents”.
They could release ‘how many’ child porn pictures and videos…and the ages of the children.
Also how many were sent to HRC’s email.
I’m sure that some of it must be horrific…since the original NYPD guys threw up after seeing it.
So of course that stuff shouldn’t be released.
But they could release a brief clinical description of it, sanitized for public consumption.
That would be enough to give people an idea of what was there.


When one of the Fiancee’s direct reports was busted for watching porn on the job, a senior female HR person had to check out every link in his browser history to ensure it didn’t contain child porn — because there are mandatory reporting requirements for that. So they ended up having to spend hours skimming through “black booty brutal anal” videos to ensure the performers were of age, probably as penance for allowing the guy to be hired in the first place.


Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
And let’s not forget where Goodyear tires are made
Now we know what’s going on
Goodyear reopens China tire factory
Goodyear’s tire plant in Pulandian, China, has restarted production after temporarily closing down to help curb the dangerous coronavirus outbreak in that nation.The plant resumed partial production…

JW in Germany

CORRECTION: Many, perhaps most, Good Year tires may be made in Chiiiina—BUT, some Good Year tires are made about 200 yards from my front door at a Goodyear/Dunlop factory here in Hanau, Germany.


SV News Police cars revolving light
Absolutely massive protests have erupted across South Korea. Protestors are demanding a loosing of #COVID19 restrictions.


Since the end of the Korean War, there has not been to my memory not one past President that did not end up serving some time in jail for one reason or the other. The current administration are leftists. I’m not sure if this fits the bill for jail time over there, but they should be concerned.

Valerie Curren

There looks to be a big event in the UK later this month featuring a lot of doctors & speaking out against the “new normal”. We’re not gonna take it any more!


I’ve been looking for a specific poster for an even I saw in a tweet & ran across this…hmmm…
& this glimpse inside the other side’s playbook…

also in Berlin…
& in Ottawa, Canada…

Valerie Curren

This isn’t news here but it is a nice red pillable nugget to share!

Valerie Curren

Christopher Pike bastardization…but apropos!

Sadie Slays

WOW, the FBI Vault account actually went there.

Valerie Curren

So is this Trump throwing out a Squirrel or a red light to distract the herd of cats???


My opinion is the mess was a commie forgery, doing what they do best: accusing others of what they themselves were doing. Putting it in public, blaming someone else, and then pulling the initiation rite secret society crap. But the satanic devilry this wicked book has caused!

Valerie Curren

Some of the comments to the tweet claimed it was just the FBI releasing All the declassified info they had on the Protocols & that numerous times w/in the vault it said it’s a fake “historic” document…


An attempt to destabilize the mid east peace accords on the one hand?
On the other hand it adds fuel to civil strife going on here as well.
Perhaps POTUS should have Wray explain the release if it becomes an issue.

Valerie Curren

Tried it — evidently, you have to be read in to see it.

Valerie Curren

Hopefully someone can post the image…I don’t know how to do that from twitter, sorry…

Valerie Curren

It shows an image of David Rothschild @ DavMicRot (a blue check account aka verified identity) replying to the FBI vault account & asking
“Did Q hack the @FBI twitter account?”
1:44 pm August 19, 2020

Valerie Curren

This is Awesome! I hope the video shows & plays easily for those not on twitter. Great insights about scriptural perspectives on refusing to surrender to ungodly governmental mandates!


“We have a problem with pastors who are more afraid of losing their 501c3, more concerned about tithes in the pews so they don’t want to upset anybody, and they’re more afraid of the deacons in the church than they are God himself. So we have pastors who are idolaters, who are seeking money, and do not fear God more than they fear men – they’re not fit for the pulpits anymore. And what we have are congregations that have been deceived and blindly following these heretics…”
+twatter RT

Valerie Curren

Gotta get out of the “bell” & on the actual post to see what all you shared here. Thanks!!!

Valerie Curren

Don’t know if you saw this or not…

from the replies to your last link, fyi…

Sadie Slays

The Yuri Bezmenov video is being used to shill a Call of Duty game. 4chan re-edited it for 2020. This is NOT the official trailer, but very well done and good red pill material.

Sadie Slays

Here’s the real trailer for comparison:

Valerie Curren

From a couple days ago w/ minimal traction, but looks important for the voter fraud department…


A four year old story from Forbes, but relevant what happened to in the 2016 election.

Valerie Curren

Thanks, I didn’t dig that deep…


Update on the Three Gorges Dam watch:
Flood waters from the watershed upriver are now reaching the Dam.
They have 10 gates open now…some are saying 11.
They are still discharging water through the ship lock on the far side.
Jennifer Zeng 曾錚
#ThreeGorgesDam Hit by Record Inflow, Discharging Floods from 10 Outlets
At 12:00 on Aug 19, inflow rate rose to 72K cubic meters per second, exceeding the highest level since the reservoir was built (71,200 cubic meters per second, July 24, 2012). It is predicted that…

Text of tweet reply that continues the above tweet:
Replying to @jenniferatntd
…the #ThreeGorgesReservoir will experience a flood peak of about 75,000 cubic meters per second on Aug. 20, and this will pose a big challenge to the dam.
One of the main concerns is…all those nuclear power plants located downstream from the Dam.
Massive flooding would be bad enough, but the potential of several Fukushima disasters happening simultaneously is almost too horrible to imagine.


Thanks, Michael!

Valerie Curren

Interesting find in the replies, Q clock???


There’s a lot of people, major cities, industrial areas and agricultural land at risk

Valerie Curren

Timely take on a steampunk staple…

Valerie Curren

Interesting & potentially Trumpian concept…


“The Americans are planning a counter-offensive!”
“About bloody time!”
“When do they plan to attack?”

Valerie Curren

Now without seeing the materials you shared (I’m still on the “bell”) I Know that is a quote from the movie Independence Day! Remember we have an extensive movie-quoting culture in my family, largely thanks to (or at least significantly expanded by) Josiah 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A fun movie…but I have to completely shut down my critical faculty to enjoy it. The scriptwriters never saw the inside of a STEM classroom.

Valerie Curren



From Tucker’s Wednesday night show:
“No normal person could eat what the DNC is serving this week.”


They Mermaid Queen King forgot the USPS to be abolished–
The United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) is one of the oldest law enforcement agencies in the U.S. Founded by Benjamin Franklin on August 7, 1775, its mission is to protect the Postal Service, its employees, and its customers from crime and protect the nation’s mail system from criminal misuse.
Postal Inspectors enforce over 200 federal laws providing for the protection of mail in investigations of crimes that may adversely affect or fraudulently use the U.S. Mail, the postal system or postal employees.


Funniest line– AOC in a Socialist Mad Libs competition

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ghislaine Maxwell Piloted Submarines/Helicopters (Ferrying High Profile Guests to Epstein Island?)
19 Aug 2020 – 10:29:19 PM
Epstein island.
Who owns the surrounding islands [close proximity]?
Unique skill sets of Maxwell?

Submarine pilot [unusual]?
Helicopter pilot?
What benefit might that serve?


Got some new drops and I can’t do them justice
Link to New Q Drop
20 Aug 2020 – 1:14:36 AM


Did you see the map I posted last night? The islands are only about SEVEN MILES apart.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll go take a look now!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! Very good. Here you can see how that compares to the distance between Epstein’s island (Little St. James) and Branson’s island (Necker Island) at the far end of the British Virgins.comment image


That’s why Branson has called all his operations ‘Virgin-this’ and ‘Virgin-that’.
People have forgotten this…if they ever knew to begin with.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Found another pic where I memed it up!comment image


Hah! 😄👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I found pictures of Branson cavorting with naked young nymphs water-skiing – not sure if teens or twenties, but – well – pretty YIKES stuff. I think they’re legal aged, but just reeks of the Epstein-Clinton stuff.


Well he started that record company…Virgin Records…back in the 70’s.
The music industry is fertile hunting ground for pervs and pedos.

Deplorable Patriot

They’re dirty old men. Nothing new in that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this might be nice to drop during the convention.
Ah, yes – interesting that I researched this island as part of Epstein research. You have no Idea how plausible this is. I have some sourcing on this that is out of this world but I cannot reveal – this is super-duper plausible. This is EXACTLY how I would get to Epstein Island undetected. From Water Island.
Biden Family / Lobbyist Owned Land on Water Island (Tiny Island Neighboring Epstein Island)
19 Aug 2020 – 10:35:15 PM


I remember that the Anons did a dig on the islands that are near Epstein Island…
One of them had some old military structures…like underground rooms and tunnels.
It had an above ground observation post that was connected.
Not sure if that was Water Island, but I think it may have been.
It led to speculation that Epstein Island may have also been a military outpost, with similar structures.
That little building with the blue stripes, for example…could have been built originally as an observation post.
I think we talked about this…about a year and a half ago?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Water Island is the one. The structures are accessible.
As for Little St. James, you can pretty much bet that work was done YEARS AGO when nobody was looking. They don’t really need that big of a submarine tunnel. Very easy clandestine construction project – even now with satellites watching.

CM in TN

Makes one wonder about all the other celeb. owned islands in the surrounding area. Richard Branson, Oprah, Johnny Depp, and others. Someone posted a map with them a while back…


According to this Politico story:
“Water Island is a 500-acre spit of land in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Department of Defense purchased the island from a Danish company during World War II, using it to protect a submarine base on nearby St. Thomas. Since then, it has become an under-the-radar tropical getaway dotted with several-dozen homes, where the largest beachfront estates can fetch north of a million dollars.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Link to New Q Drop
20 Aug 2020 – 2:10:14 AMcomment image

Sadie Slays

DNC convention caught faking Kamala supporters.comment image
Happens at 19:06 in the video

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YIKES! That’s super-lame!


I’ve got it…
Something was bugging me about her voice in this speech.
I couldn’t put my finger on it.
Then it hit me…she’s using the same kind of cutesy, little-girl-voice that Christine Blasey Ford used!
It’s nauseating.
And pukeworthy.
I wonder if she got some coaching from that same Dem-operative who coached Blasey Ford?

Sylvia Avery

Oh, don’t you speak that way, Wheatie? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It’s annoying.
And creepy.


Heheh…not hardly.
And yeah, it’s very annoying.
And creepy!

Cuppa Covfefe

Vocal Fry….
or MK amala, as it were… Kamalbot…


I just can’t stand listening to 20 minutes of lies, so I won’t.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THIS is the scary one.
Link to New Q Drop
20 Aug 2020 – 2:14:36 AM



Deplorable Patriot

This would be the C_A.


One of the Anons posted this…it’s a classic:comment image

Sadie Slays

Everything has gone so far off the rails that I had to double check this one. The picture is a Photoshop but the law about face shields needing to attach to a collar is real.comment image
“front-of-house staff in restaurants who choose to wear face shields must now wear them upside down so that they are attached at the collar instead of the forehead, so that their breath is directed up, not down.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ChiComs are laughing. Cut ’em off. Make ’em pay.


ChiComs are laughing so hard they are pulling muscles.

CM in TN

Think when the levee breaks, they will pay dearly for that much needed food. Much more than under the trade deal they never honored. Pay the new price or go back to eating each other like during the Mao days…


Noble Hahn People made into slaves for the CCP.

Valerie Curren

Don’t know if this has already been shared–sorry if it’s a duplicate (hard to keep up here)…


comment image


That can’t be accidental.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, your posts are getting in here!


Yep . No notifications. Going to try to make a new account with wordpissed with a different email

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Did you normally rely on email, text, or “bell” notifications?



Valerie Curren

This is Demonic & evidence of the left/cabal/deep state’s lust for blood & sacrifice to (at a minimum the same principality/power/spirit of) Baal/Moloch etc Evil!


If the voters that voted for Trump just refused to pay taxes (not hard to do) then there is not enough IRS people, tax courts, jails, to make enforce IRS law. The $100 million plus more just to deal with all the tax evaders. No money for all their socialist & Green New Eel programs! Do We the People have will?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“not hard to do?”
Your taxes are withheld from your paycheck and you can’t stop that. Anything you owe on April 15 is minor compared to that.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve thought for a long time of the payroll with holding was eliminated, and everyone had to come up with their tax $$ on April 15 and actually write the check, the nation would be better off and vote accordingly.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Even quarterly would be an improvement.
On the other hand:
How many people, do you suppose, would just blow the money if they had it. then not be able to make payments without borrowing the money?
I bet many of them would DEMAND reinstatement of withholding to counter their own lack of self discipline.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, I know people would blow through the money. BUT, it would be a way to teach self discipline.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In many cases, no…some of those people are just stupid, and they’d end up with sky high credit card balances.
Wait, that has ALREADY happened.


What, you don’t over withold all year as a zero interest savings account to get your payday every Spring?

Linda Harrison

According to Nurse Susy – you wouldn’t be worried about “tax evading, etc.”, so it is not that hard to do. Just fill out a new W4 form and claim enough dependents so your taxes withheld come out to near 0.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The government now has a policy of questioning such W4s, and has for at least 20 years.

Linda Harrison

I know and agree, but if as she says “if We the People have will” we could, hopefully, wreck havoc on their agenda. It would take enough people doing the same thing to be effective and burying them in the paperwork of W4’s would be a pain for them. I guess we will just have to wait for Pres. Trump to veto their excesses.

Valerie Curren

People Yes, Sheeple Not…

Valerie Curren

possible helpful info & ammo…though he is/was a W Bushie…


This guy gives Numbers and Stats on ‘where’ the people from California are going:


Potus may be Batman but Comey is James Bond

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


not hilarious, smart.
otherwise who wouldn’t want to a part of it? getting rid of pedophiles? right on!
adding the cannibal part makes us seem like kooks. out there…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image

Valerie Curren

Murder Whore, Nyet!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Phony Kamala” and “Slow Joe”! Perfect together. WRONG for America!

Valerie Curren

Don’t know if this was seen or discussed before, so am sharing FYI…


Heheh, yes…it’s featured above in DePat’s thread post.
Look up there. 👆

Valerie Curren

Caught (again) jumping down to the reply button…blush…great minds & all 😉



Valerie Curren

Yes…their sins Will find them out! In this life, we hope, but definitely in the life to come…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Let it be.


We had a Fifth Columnist in our White House for 8 years.
*spit*comment image


Garrison is brilliant!

Valerie Curren

This looks important in the CoronaVirus Wars…

Valerie Curren

Here’s another front in that battleground…


THANK YOU, GOP Senators!!!!!

Valerie Curren

Yes!!! Doing something (potentially) right, for a change!

Valerie Curren

Caught in the act…


Biden’s Medal of Freedom is as meaningless as Øbastard’s Nobel Peace Prize.

Valerie Curren

Yup! I wondered if his happened at the same time all the pedos were feted–gross!

Valerie Curren

Hopefully this has already been shared, but if not…Blessings!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Hah! I love it.
And yeah…a lot of parents are now going to start homeschooling too, instead of putting their kids back into the public school Indoctrination Centers.
Which is great!


Also because the parents can’t make any plans. Schools opened for a few days, then closed because someone tested positive for the Plague. How can anything be planned? Parents have to work. Home schooling have parents in control and many parents found out that elementary school learning is only about 2 hrs daily, the rest is activities and child minding can be shared with other families.


Interesting video.
I’ve seen other comments from military types who have said that a Chinee aircraft carrier would not last long against one of our carrier groups.
This guy says they might not even last an hour.
The analysis starts at the 2:40 mark:

From below the video:
1,322,994 views • Apr 30, 2020
As per the statements from governments in the region and satellite imagery, China has sent an aircraft carrier battle group to the East and South China Seas.
The maneuvers come at a time of increasing tension in the South China Sea and a denouncement of China’s recent sinking of a Vietnamese fishing vessel by members of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
China’s naval exercise with the Liaoning aircraft carrier was first reported by Japan’s military. The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force said the Liaoning was accompanied by battle group of two destroyers, two frigates, and a support vessel passed through the Miyako Strait, between Okinawa and the Miyako Islands.
Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense said the Liaoning battle group was observed moving off the island of Taiwan’s eastern coast down to its southern coast.
A Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy spokesperson later confirmed the Liaoning and its battle group was engaged in a naval exercise at the Miyako Strait, the Bashi Channel south of Taiwan, and in the South China Sea.
But in the vicinity – Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan, U.S has USS Ronald Reagan supercarrier.
In this video, Defense Updates analyzes why China deploying Liaoning aircraft carrier off the coast of Taiwan is useless as it faces USS Ronald Reagan?
………………End of quote.
Since this video was posted…we have been doing exercises with the navies of Japan and Australia, in the Indo-Pacific area.
And RIMPAC began on August 18, 2020.
Although, the ChiCom Virus presented challenges this year that have to be dealt with.

Even though the Philipines have been cozying up to China lately…they are still participating in RIMPAC this year:


Wow. Thanks for posting.


Wheatietoo, thanks for the great video. Family with retired Navy Medical Corps officere, a carrier qualified Naval Aviator, and I worked for NavAir (being the blue sheep in the family by serving in the Air Force for F-D Phantom jets avionic maintenance), great to see this. I don’t think the Chinese have P-3 Orion or the new P-8 subhunters, but I don’t think the Chinese have any modern subs, but I don’t know.
I was thinking how many tons of rice does the Lianong have to carry for each deployment?

Valerie Curren

A true American hero goes to his reward…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So many heroes like this, no fame at all until they pass.

Valerie Curren

True heroes don’t crave fame…just craven ones like John Kerry & mcStain do…oh & that would be “heroes” for the 2 mentioned…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Agreed, regarding those two bits of sewage scum!
I can only hope these true heroes were appreciated while alive, in a way they could see.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

This just can’t be good…who’s the betrayer at “Justice”/Just-Us?

Gail Combs

ICLEI“Local Governments for Sustainability (or simply ICLEI) is an international organization of local and regional governments that have made a commitment to sustainable development.
Founded in 1990 and formerly known as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, the international association was established when more than 200 local governments from 43 countries convened at its inaugural conference, the World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future, at the United Nations in New York in September 1990…”
PLEASE READ: Rosa Koire – Behind The Green Mask

Valerie Curren

Thanks for the dig!


Verse of the Day for Thursday, August 20, 2020

“Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.”
Psalms 27:11 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Thursday Butterfly Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


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comment image


Something we could all use a bit of right now, Peace of Mind, Loggins and Messina. (Kick off your shoes and let your thoughts be kind) And to Kenny Loggins, I thank you for being so easy on the eyes and ears all these years.
Loggins & Messina Sittin’ In Again Live – Peace of Mind


It’s Just A Dog


H/T F.D.R. IN HELLcomment image


Act 28:5 KJV
And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm.
Commentary Matthew Henry
Acts 28:1-10
1. When the fire was to be made, and too be made bigger, that so great a company might all have the benefit of it, Paul was as busy as any of them in gathering sticks, v. 3. Though he was free from all, and of greater account than any of them, yet he made himself servant of all. Paul was an industrious active man, and loved to be doing when any thing was to be done, and never contrived to take his ease. Paul was a humble self-denying man, and would stoop to any thing by which he might be serviceable, even to the gathering of sticks to make a fire of. We should reckon nothing below us but sin, and be willing to condescend to the meanest offices, if there be occasion, for the good of our brethren. The people were ready to help them; yet Paul, wet and cold as he is, will not throw it all upon them, but will help himself. Those that receive benefit by the fire should help to carry fuel to it.
2. The sticks being old dry rubbish, it happened there was a viper among them, that lay as dead till it came to the heat, and then revived, or lay quiet till it felt the fire, and then was provoked, and flew at him that unawares threw it into the fire, and fastened upon his hand, v. 3. Serpents and such venomous creatures commonly lie among sticks; hence we read of him that leans on the wall, and a serpent bites him, Amos 5:19. It was so common that people were by it frightened from tearing hedges (Eccl. 10:8): Whoso breaketh a hedge, a serpent shall bite him.As there is a snake under the green grass, so there is often under the dry leaves. See how many perils human life is exposed to, and what danger we are in from the inferior creatures, which have many of them become enemies to men, since men became rebels to God; and what a mercy it is that we are preserved from them as we are. We often meet with that which is mischievous where we expect that which is beneficial; and many come by hurt when they are honestly employed, and in the way of their duty.


Katie Sunshine with The Record Company


Jesus once said a house divided will not stand.
We the people need to come together in prayer and purpose to bring our nation back to Our Almighty Creator.
This nation has been blessed with great abundance as I believe we all know very well. We can’t forget that for one minute when we look at so many other countries in the world that have a fraction of what we have been blessed with.
Father, we thank You for Your abundance that You have given us despite the fact that sometimes we turn away from You with such things as abortion.
Father, we repent and ask that we as a nation and people come totally back to You for Your Word says ‘if My people who are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray, I will hear their prayers from heaven, forgive them their sins, and heal their land.
Father, we thank You that this is occurring now across our land. We thank You in Jesus Christ precious name. The name above all names. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, soon to return, Messiah. Amen.


I definitely agree.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Was Wilson in fact more radical than Obola?
But his point stands, even if the word “most” might need to be crossed out.



What the media won’t tell you about House Dems’ Postal Service bill:
No hearing before the vote.
No mark up before the vote.
We haven’t even seen the bill yet.
It’s a show vote on a bill written in secret by Pelosi.
This isn’t serious. Just another Democrat political stunt.
— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) August 19, 2020


Have to pass it to find out what’s in it?
That’s never good!
Love Steve Scalise…but um, this sounds serious to me.
Seriously bad.
But then, our VSG President wouldn’t sign such a piece of 💩.
So maybe that’s why Scalise is saying “This isn’t serious.”


they do a lot of that…write it in secret stuff


One would hope Turtle won’t give piglosi bill the time of day. EXPOSE it for what it is and IGNORE.

Gail Combs

Goes to COMMITTEE and the Committee members talk about how much it STINKS and then rewrite it and send it back to Pig the Loser for ‘reconciliation’


i cannot see the video…maybe someone can check it out? but the tweet is disturbing.
Major vaccine company WHISTLEBLOWER says the new RNA #COVID vaccine his company is developing could cause STERILITY in up to 97% of women, & will also change the DNA of 100% of people who receive it
Full Video >>
— LotusOak (@LotusOak2) August 18, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

And the truly ironic thing is that the people who will line up for it, are the sheep who actually don’t understand that “they” are trying to massively reduce the population on the planet any way they can.

Cuppa Covfefe

They would be the ones on “Golgafrinchan Ark Ship B” in Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hah, hah, yes that was one of the better bits of that series.
Send off the useless people to pave the way…then never go yourselves! Genius!
Of course…it turns out WE are descended from them.

Concerned Virginian

12:16PM Eastern —
Twitter removed the video.
Hope somebody archived it.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s not even 7 am here and 173 comments.


comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


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So Q gave us this video of Ghiz talking about her TerraMar Project:

She starts right off talking about “A country”…instead of a “community”.
And how the Oceans belong to everyone — the International Waters, that is — and she refers to them as the “Global Commons”.
So she wanted to form a new “internet platform” out in those Global Commons.
All under the guise of environmental conservation, of course.
It struck me…that forming a ‘new country’ out in International Waters would provide several benefits:
— They could make their own laws. Pedophilia could be legal…even ritual sacrifice.
— No extradition, of course.
— Could issue their own passports.
— It could be formed by a grouping of large ships, which are moveable as needed.
I was curious to see if any of the Anons had touched on this too…so I have been reading posts at 8kun, but so far I haven’t seen anyone mention this.
I came across these, though, which are very interesting:comment imagecomment image
Ghislaine Maxwell closed down her TerraMar project last December after what happened to Epstein.
But that doesn’t mean this idea has just gone :::poof::: .
With that many ‘Ocean Elders’, chances are that the idea lives on.


hard to see pix well (for me) but looks like 2 kids at least in the elders…2nd row 4th and 4th row last?


Yes…good catch, Pat!
It may be a case of a parent donating in the name of their kid.
Because…you know, it’s for the environment!


tax dodge?


Could be…or just camouflage.


explains a lot…comment image

Deplorable Patriot

A little light shed on 4626. This is one of the groups featured in ShadowNet, which has now been essentially scrubbed from the web, that isn’t dumping metadata.
No.Ca.St.Wh.Is.Co ………No.
· 2m
Replying to @TweetWordz and @Millie__Weaver
Anyway go look at the last q drops.
5th column = Jones group
Keep with the shadow gate context. ?
8:12 AM · Aug 20, 2020


An Anon posted this, with the comment:
“We know Marker one is KC.
“Watch” for marker two.”
.comment image
And the Baker added this 👆 to the Notables Bread.
Then another Anon replied to it with this:
Image file name there is 2729.
Looked that up and Q2729 mentions a helicopter, just like drop today.”comment image

Gail Combs

THANKQ for posting this. I told Hubby about this yesterday and he wanted proof.


I got to wondering if Biden and Harris were going to try the Dancing With the Stars route to generate some campaign excitement. There are quite a few gifs featuring Kamala that must have been from her earlier President primary campaign.
In the ‘isn’t life strange’ department…comment image


Try doing a search of “kamala harris dancing gif” to see what I mean.


These two gals should be weaved into RNC convention.
There is a Trump kiosk in the background.


Would be nice, yes, Kal – talented ladies!


I have a question for those who support the President but have banned us or diminished us with unflattering labels. (Asking it here for obvious reasons)
The President is more than ok with Q and Q people.
Why aren’t you?
Saving the world is a pretty big job. He needs all the help he can get.


Here is another one more ok with Q and Q people, Jack Flynn:


I don’t think I’ve even seen an official, notarized and duly recorded, full, complete QAnon belief system, signed by all the Exalted Grand Poo-Bahs of the Q Dynasty.
So we get just another idiot making up stuff assigned to “the QAnon Belief System” that now demands PTrump to immediately reject it.
That idiot probably also sells bridges and land at low tide during his spare time.


They’re setting traps for POTUS. They want him to acknowledge Q and embrace the movement, and then they want a Q supporter to be a proven racist or, worse, commit a terrible act of violence (all contrived, of course). Then, “Mr. President, what do you think of that? You supported this group.” Then come the headlines. Pres. Trump is way ahead of them.

Gail Combs

What do you think was on Wieners laptop as INSURANCE?? Stuff that made harden NYC police throw-up in the hallway.
TRIGGER WARNING not for those with a weak stomach.
Remove the 3 splats [*] I put in randomly.
If you click on FAQ or Menu it will take you to that page.
This is directly from Qdrop 3917
They are frightened to death that people WILL rip off their masks and see what is beneath.


My my but you ask pesky questions.


IMO, a site owner can allow or disallow whatever he/she wants on the site. If they don’t want discussion about a certain topic, that is their right. It would be very easy to make a statement about such a policy without denigrating others. Allowing ridicule of fellow patriots, which is an Alinsky tactic, and then expecting support and calling for unity (“my way or the highway”), loses my respect.
That said, I don’t want to stoop to that level, either. If other sites are furthering the cause of MAGA, great. If they are ridiculing us, I don’t have to have anything to do with them — unless they place themselves in the national spotlight, at which time I will evaluate the effectiveness of what they are doing, with facts and data.

Deplorable Patriot

Huh. That’s not what I would have expected.

Starting in approximately December 2018, BRIAN KOLFAGE, STEPHEN BANNON, ANDREW BADOLATO, and TIMOTHY SHEA, and others, orchestrated a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors, including donors in the Southern District of New York, in connection with an online crowdfunding campaign ultimately known as “We Build The Wall” that raised more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States. In particular, to induce donors to donate to the campaign, KOLFAGE repeatedly and falsely assured the public that he would “not take a penny in salary or compensation” and that “100% of the funds raised . . . will be used in the execution of our mission and purpose” because, as BANNON publicly stated, “we’re a volunteer organization.”
Those representations were false. In truth, KOLFAGE, BANNON, BADOLATO, and SHEA received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donor funds from We Build the Wall, which they each used in a manner inconsistent with the organization’s public representations. In particular, KOLFAGE covertly took for his personal use more than $350,000 in funds that donors had given to We Build the Wall, while BANNON, through a non-profit organization under his control (“Non-Profit-1”), received over $1 million from We Build the Wall, at least some of which BANNON used to cover hundreds of thousands of dollars in BANNON’s personal expenses. To conceal the payments to KOLFAGE from We Build the Wall, KOLFAGE, BANNON, BADOLATO, and SHEA devised a scheme to route those payments from We Build the Wall to KOLFAGE indirectly through Non-Profit-1 and a shell company under SHEA’s control, among other avenues. They did so by using fake invoices and sham “vendor” arrangements, among other ways, to ensure, as KOLFAGE noted in a text message to BADOLATO, that his pay arrangement remained “confidential” and kept on a “need to know” basis.

Deplorable Patriot

I’d like to see the proof on this.


SDNY, where all the anti-Trump Political hit jobs originate


It seems there should be a clear evidence trail since they’re talking about invoices and texts. Should be easy to prove or disprove.

Concerned Virginian

This is a VERY ELABORATE DeepState / NeverTrumper / Soros-Clinton Axis move to DIRTY UP the ENTIRE Border Wall issue AND to TIE POTUS to it — the goal being, of course, to use the matter to LEVERAGE the Border Wall into A HUGE NEGATIVE for POTUS and get JOE BIDEN (meaning: KAMALA HARRIS / NANCY PELOSI) elected in November.


POTUS came out a few months ago and criticized their effort, he should be fine. Also, the ACE already has plans to build their wall further inland (WBTW is too close to the river) thereby making what they erected OBSOLETE. POTUS was smart not to take them up on their offer and go with ACE the whole way. It frustrated us because it was soo expensive and very slow, but POTUS knows BEST….EVERY TIME. VSGPOTUS INDEED!💞💞


Allegations came out months ago about Brian Kolfage taking funds for his own use. From his Wiki page: “Kobach’s involvement with the 501(c)4, “We Build the Wall,” has given cause for concern, as the fundraising and campaign mailing lists it is accumulating are prohibited from coordinating with his Senate campaign.[12]”
I hope none of this is true and it can be cleared up ASAP, without too much expense. But I want the truth. If there was any wrongdoing by anyone, it can’t stand. I don’t expect that to be the case and I do think this is a hit job. All part of the lead-up to the election.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It can be both true and a hit job…true that the principals did what is alleged, AND a hit job on Trump.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And (another way to look at it) this sort of thing is selectively enforced. Have these people gone after the Klinton foundation, which has no doubt misdirected at least a hundred times as much money as is alleged here? Enforcing this and not enforcing that makes this a hit job…even if it is true.


Judge Nap, i know, said that the men had been notified of the investigation in October, so that means they’ve known for a while. He also said each wire fraud charge faces a max of 20 years. Yikes!
Rowdy Gowdy on Fox reminding how Bannon claimed he was responsible for POTUS’ win, left WH(lots of leaks), wrote a tell all book, then was the only Repub to get a Dem elected – Doug Jones. Take it he’s not a big SB fan.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, that makes more sense. It just didn’t seem like Bannon’s style. He’s pretty scrappy.

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

Giuliani said something about having news today.
This just smells like a news cycle disruption


2:42 EDT methinks.


Bannon is too smart to pull a rookie move like they are accusing him of doing.
And the We Build A Wall group actually *did* build a section of the Wall!
So this thing gets the full side eye:comment image



Deplorable Patriot

George Webb, interestingly enough, is accusing Bannon of something having to do with taking money via Bitcoin. How it’s related in Webb’s mind wasn’t clear, but there’s more to this, I’m sure.
Somehow, the lightening rod figures like Bannon are getting really mixed reviews.
Need to make more snacks.

Valerie Curren

Someone planning to keep tabs & objectivity…


Similar view point here via Karlie retweet.
Of course, it had to be US Postal Inspectors that made Bannon’s arrest.
Either way, this proves Trump isn’t “protecting” his friends; break the law, you get charged.
Bannon will have his day in court; innocent until PROVEN guilty folks!

Valerie Curren

& it won’t/shouldn’t be the court of public opinion. It could be another shiny toy/squirrel so “they” don’t watch what the other hand is up to 😉


White House Siege
Leftist group pledges revolution
A leftist group is vowing to place the White House under siege.
The 50-day protest, starting on Sept. 17, is being promoted by a revolutionary group called “Adbusters.”
Though claiming to want nonviolent protest, the group’s website provides questionable suggestions on what to bring to the protest: “Stuff your backpack with the tools of nonviolent revolution, and bring intelligence to match your enthusiasm.”


Valerie Curren

I must have accidentally stumbled into “regular” twitter, like the difference in MSM/MKM & the Q-Tree or Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin! Talk about delusional. Here are a few examples:

Perhaps in reference to the Elder’s of Zion info…hmmm


Ewww…those first four tweets are stinky.comment image

Valerie Curren

Red diaper doper babies!


I cannot tell you how many times the response to my concern about Islamic representation in our government agencies under Obama (due to among other things like primary loyalty to Sharia law and Islamic teachings about how to deal with those who do not submit to Islam) countered with the statement that “right wing terrorists are far more of a threat and are responsible for many more deaths than Islamic extremists”.
IIRC Obama’s LE scrubbed instruction and tracking of Islamists and listed conservative groups as terrorists.
And my understanding is that anything, including drone targeting, is ok against terrorist threats.
Of course Q is a “ dangerous conspiracy “. s/


please insert a “was” before countered.
I am very sorry about my typing.

Valerie Curren

Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood embeds pretty much “prove” that he was Always about destroying the US from within. Destruction, darkness, & duplicity swirl about him & his cronies!

Concerned Virginian

AND the U.S. MILITARY, under ORDERS from the Pentagon, no longer considers ISLAM to be a threat to the Constitution OR to the safety of the Representative Republic that is the United States of America.
“Air Force updates its dress code policy to include TURBANS, BEARDS, and HIJABS” (emphases mine)
So now Sikh members of the U.S. military can wear the turban and beard mandated by their religion, in addition to having their daily prayer, dietary, and other requirements accommodated. While Sikhism is NOT Islam, this new policy ALSO approves the wearing of the Islamic-commanded beard for Muslim males, AND the hijab for Muslim females who also serve. Muslims serving in the U.S. military ALREADY had several Sharia Law accommodations — separate prayer rooms, TIME OFF for the daily 5 ritual prayer session, dietary choices, etc.
This is all part of the RELENTLESS push by Muslims to further the implementation of Sharia Law in EVERY area of American life — including the military. This new policy will only INCREASE the pressure. SOMEBODY at the Pentagon needs to realize that EVEN WHEN a Muslim service member takes their Oath “to preserve and protect the Constitution and to fight all enemies foreign and domestic” — their PRIMARY allegiance IS TO ISLAM. If they violate this PRIMARY allegiance, their souls will be condemned to Hell. Just like Muslim members of Congress — Rep. “OMAR” ELMI comes to mind.
The policies for accommodation of Sharia Law in the U.S. military have been around for well over a decade The MOST recent ones, like the turban, beards, and hijab, were implemented AFTER Donald J. Trump became President — meaning that OBAMA-ERA EMBEDS and DeepState Military within the Pentagon are still hard at work to UNDERMINE him.
BTW, the photo at the top of the CNN story, showing a USAF member wearing the “new” camo uniform which includes a TURBAN, looks like a photo of somebody in the PAKISTANI military — until you see the U.S. Air Force patch.

Gail Combs

So why do we have so many in government?

Gail Combs

Within this story are links to the scrubbing of files on possible mooslime terrorists in the USA.


I liked this blue check marked one by Jeb Bush. Shows real panic! 😁
Notice how none of them mention Q’s other primary mission involving Russian Collusion Delusion and the prescient overtones Q is able to deploy to make all this as exciting as it is serious for the Anons who love America.
Why in the world would the President not kick Q’anon supporters’ butts? Nut jobs, rascists, haters have no place in either Party.

Gail Combs

So is Jeb an eater of ‘The Flesh’ or does he just like to play with it when it is alive?


Maybe, but I’m thinking he’s mostly worried about the larger cabal connections that might take down the Bush dynasty.


Has low energy Jeb have the energy to tweet about BLM and Auntie Fah? Same as these violent, racist, haters have no place in either party.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If one hates injustice, human exploitation, tyranny, barbarism, crime, cannibalism, pedophilia, and so on, neither party has a place for you? Surely it’s not all “haters” you’re talking about, Jeb?

Valerie Curren

stunted Shrub sighting!



comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

I think it’s time for the Silent Majority to become the Silent NoMoreity…
Time to stuff the Deep State, DEMONicRATS, and RINOs back in the garbage heap of (bad) history…


Interesting article in light of the President’s statesmen’s yesterday.


Grrr…that snarky Fox newsreader chick makes me want to smack her.comment imagecomment image


I hear you, Wheatie – rude and crude – she was!!! Volunteers are at the ready to support you in with a energetic group
* Smackalackadowndown *
I think Kaleigh was taken aback by her nasty attitude, too!


Sandra graduated from nasty school with honors. Listen to how she emphasized several words…negative, of course.


I have never heard someone so mean -spirited and disrespectful of a guest – the demonic influence is astounding, Tea!
The hatred of the left is on display in all of its ugliness – anyone who aligns him/herself with this group of ‘hate-filled bad actors needs his/her head examined – STAT!

Elizabeth Carter

I think Kayleigh did a great job of answering her!!


Kaleigh is always poised to take the attacks – yes, Liz – but, the look on her face was what stunned me.


Ack…I don’t know were that first gif came from.
It was supposed to be this:comment image

CM in TN

Do we even care what Ari thinks? I expect nothing less from him considering he was on board with the deep state/cabal while part of the Bush 2 junta…

CM in TN

“Panic in D.C.”


The clips Tucker Carlson played from the DNC day time speakers looked pretty seriously fringe to me.


A lot of people thinking the Q movement is going to get set up with a false flag. With the FBI vault release coming at the same time as the Q questions this could be very likely even though the vault release and the information it contains has nothing to do with Q, or the President.




saying the same stuff OT. Example.
“turiya says:
August 19, 2020 at 10:44 pm
No doubt the Deep State has got some F-F planned using a Qanon follower as the lone gunman, or some such event. Just trying to draw Trump into making a comment that they can use to tie him in to it. Pretty obvious, imo.”


Agree, para!!!


A couple interesting facts from the DOJ press release related to KC plea:
1. CH was opened as a FARA investigation.
2. Clinesmith worked for FBI Office of General Counsel. (James Baker, IIR)
While the FISA application leak is getting massive attention, the Buryakov leak related to the outing of Male-1 has been relatively ignored.
The FISA was a fake application, based upon fake evidence, produced by a fake investigation. Little in it, or related to it, is critical to national security because it’s all fake.
The leaking of the “sealed complaint” court document by Ali Watkins at Buzzfeed on April 3, 2017 was about a real counterintelligence investigation; the Buryakov investigation. She outed Carter Page as Male-1. Her reporting, while linking to the “sealed” court filing, smeared Carter Page.
Was CP acting in the role of an “Operational Contact” during this investigation? If so, that would make him operational contact for the FBI.
Comey was FBI director when Page was outed April 3, 2017 by Ali Watkins. He was director during the Buryakov sting and prosecution. He knew.
They/we all knew on April 3, 2017 that Carter Page was working for an OGA. Ali Watkins and Buzzfeed printed it for all to see, and know. But who leaked his name to Ali Watkins, a real breach of national security?
This is in addition to the fact that some were notified in August 2016, within weeks of the opening of the FARA investigation, that CP was an operational contact for a US OGA; except Comey already knew.
In June 2017, when the SSA asked for documentation McCabe was FBI director.
The linked court document originated in the Southern District of NY, Counterintelligence Division.
Who was the director of SDNY Counterintelligence in 2015?
Former US Marshal, NCIS…
He played himself in this movie:


Seems was if someone has yelled”fire” in a crowded theater OT today.
I made this comment a couple days ago, that I’d like to share:
With that, I’m off to the lobby. Jujubes, junior mints anyone?


Trailer for the movie. Opens with an “emergency” call from Wikileaks to Hillary Clinton. Pay close attention to :25
Who is on Julian’s left arm? Is that Amal Clooney? Sure looks like her. (Or am I mistaking her for Huma, lol.)


“Was CP acting in the role of an “Operational Contact” during this investigation? If so, that would make him operational contact for the FBI”
Per the official release from the DOJ website announcing the guilty plea of Evgency Buryakov:
” The FBI obtained the recordings after Sporyshev attempted to recruit AN FBI UNDERCOVER EMPLOYEE (“UCE-1”), who was posing as an analyst from a New York-based energy company.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – they knew.


Yes, yes they did…….


Patricia Dickson Retweeted
Flightcrew Flag of United States@flightcrew
Donald Trump Edits Democrats Video – And It’s BRILLIANT!FireFire

Elizabeth Carter

I lived through the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s in CA. I got there 3 weeks before the Watts riots. I watched in horror as the Commies tried to destroy us. Our young men died in wars that should never have happened starting with Vietnam. Our values were attacked. Our government poured drugs into our country. Abortion and free sex destroyed the family structure. Corporations moved people all over the country to break up families. Our Universities were turned into Communist indoctrination centers. I left CA in 1990.
This song made tears in my eyes. I thought we were lost then and our country was gone.
Somehow, things turned around. The National Guard was called in to Berkeley and Kent State and somehow after the Central Banks destroyed our economy and gave us the Petrodollar, they allowed a return to the “new normal”.
The Communists know when they have pushed us too far and too fast and they back off some. They call it gradualism.
Communism is the most evil form of government. Lies, murder and destruction are the methods.
The complete destruction of God’s people and God’s creation are the goals.
Thus in his poem “Feelings,” dedicated to his childhood sweetheart and later wife Jenny von Westphalen, Marx expressed both his megalomania and his enormous thirst for destruction:
Heaven I would comprehend
I would draw the world to me;
Living, hating, I intend
That my star shine brilliantly …
… Worlds I would destroy forever,
Since I can create no world;
Since my call they notice never …
Here is a classical expression of Satan’s supposed reason for hating, and rebelling against, God.
In another poem, Marx writes of his triumph after he shall have destroyed God’s created world:
Then I will be able to walk triumphantly,
Like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom.
Every word of mine is fire and action.
My breast is equal to that of the Creator.
End Excerpt from
We are getting a second chance. We must win this time.





Justice Department@TheJusticeDept
Two U.S. Citizens, One Pakistani National Charged with Moving U.S. Currency to Iran
Two U.S. Citizens, One Pakistani National Charged with Moving U.S.
A complaint was unsealed today, charging two U.S. citizens with federal crimes related to Iran. Muzzamil Zaidi, 36, a U.S. citizen who resides in Qom, Iran, was charged with acting in the United



Praying Medic
“What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?”
~ Q
Michael Berkley
Xi is going after the Li Family & Putin is also cleaning house. We know this because MSM Pelosi, Feinstein, Schitt, Nadler and the rest are desperate to stop POTUS. RomnutsMittman will also be exposed fully in Ukraine. The world is turning.
Michael Flag of United States Medium starMedium starMedium star Truth Bomber for Gen Flynn
“The Americans are planning a counter-offensive!”
“About bloody time!”
“When do they plan to attack?”
Michael Berkley
It’s about bloody time! @mhtx76
Michael Flag of United States Medium starMedium starMedium star Truth Bomber for Gen Flynn
In the words of my generation



Judge throws out Trump challenge to Manhattan DA subpoena for tax records
Tucker Higgins
President Trump’s effort to fight a subpoena for his tax records issued by the Manhattan district attorney was rejected on Thursday by a federal judge in New York.
The move is another loss to the president in a high-profile case that has already made its way to the Supreme Court.
U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero said Trump failed to show that the subpoena would pose an unfair burden.
He sided in favor of Manhattan D.A. Cy Vance, who has said his office is pursuing an investigation of potential violations of state law.




Can he still appeal, Butterfly?


All the way to the SC, I would imagine. If POTUS can delay until after the election, the better off he’ll be. You know NY is just looking for dirt or something they can turn into gold.🙄 Those people are EVIL.😡


I agree, Butterfly – just do not know enough about the case to make a determination of where he goes from here.


Breaking — Steve Bannon, Brian Kolfage arrested and charged by DOJ…
Posted by Kane on August 20, 2020 10:04 am
The indictment was brought by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.


President Trump retweeted this:

Thursday, August 20. 2020
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll sponsored by Liberty Nation for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove.
The latest figures include 38% who Strongly Approve of the job Trump is doing and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -3. (see trends)

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, I’m going to hold fire on this one. Too many angles involved.

Gail Combs

For those like me wondering, here is the story:
Steve Bannon, ‘We Build the Wall’ organizers arrested, charged with defrauding donors
Remember when President Trump was talking about the wall not long ago he was NOT very nice to ‘We Build the Wall’ and indicated they did a not so hot job.


Moments Ago: Trump reacts to Bannon arrest in meeting with Iraqi PM


Darn – they cut it off!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Asking about his judgement?
Yeah, this is all a show. There’s something else in play. This is an intermezzo sort of scene, methinks.


I was under the impression that a lot of the funding went to buy “right of way” from private land owners. Additionally, I also thought they deliberate selected “impossible” terrain.
Don’t know if it’s still a feature OT, but there used to be lengthy, detailed reports on it.
Of course, this is a “look squirrel” tactic…surprised they didn’t wait until next week UN the middle of the GOP convention.
Hoping POTUS and team have a very nice counter-punch action at the ready. Indictment #2, at the minimum?


I recall potus not jumping onto the idea. Maybe he knew.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tell you, this is why I *RUN* from money.

JW in Germany

Do you remember where that money was located when you ran from it? Asking for a friend.😎😇

Deplorable Patriot

It was under a big W.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Out on the internet.” Where everybody else is looking for it, too! 😀


I get that these indictments on the left are supposed to distract and demoralize President Trump’s supporters…but they are just PISSING ME OFF!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Remind me not to keep you waiting.


sorry. i guess we need a donor to blm to raise the issue about donations (to blm) ultimately going to some old white guy’s campaign. it was in the news–yet no indictments there…
four years we watched potus and his associates get raked thru the mud. i just feel if they can cause repubs money trying to defend this stuff…why aren’t we doing the same? they have $$ to throw around–let’s make them do it.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, the BLM people won’t care where the money goes just so long as Stop The Donald (STD, as seen on a yard sign recently) is achieved.


right. so we get a conservative to donate…and then sue…it’s a set up–the left does it all the time


Is House GOP poised to create its own ‘squad’ of bold, conservative women?
Young conservative House candidates span wider ideological range than liberal ‘squad’ members like AOC, Tlaib and Omar.


Well, there’s the young woman from Baltimore, the food/bar owner, gun-packing young woman from Colorado…that’s a start.


Yes – there are (4) listed in this article – but, I have not heard of all of them – who is the one from Colorado, Tea?


She’s been featured fairly often…young, attractive, mother that is a business owner and always wears her holstered gun on her hip.


Oh, ok – will see what I can find – Thanks, Tea! Gotta name?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s a QAnon follower, too! 😀




Sorry, don’t recall.




I bet Steve will know, but undoubtedly easy to find.


Ok, Tea – Thanks!!!


Yes, that’s her…a cutie!


Boebert’s a big upgrade in all sorts of ways.

CM in TN

Don’t forget Laura Loomer! Really rooting for her…antidote to the “Squat”.


Oh she’d be a tiger!

Deplorable Patriot


What a shame. I know we will all miss him. (sarc)

Gail Combs

GEE, like until AFTER November when he is indicted?

CM in TN

Fingers crossed!


At least he won’t be able to talk for a few weeks. Wonder what the pathology report shows.


Sorry, but what better karma for the little asshole! He loves the sound of his own bullshit!


Wheatie, DP, and All Great Q Tree Researchers: Looking for a video Tucker made about the Democrat War-Party –
A clip by John Kerry is featured – It just bowled me over the Democrats are angry about Syria – a clip about that, too – the Democrats are miffed because PT is curtailing the ‘endless wars’!
NO the ‘Party of Peace’ for sure!!!
We should be embarrassed because our young men/women are not dying abroad?

Deplorable Patriot

I’m seeing three from 2017. Can you offer a few more details?


Let me find the clip that was featured in the Heydon Music Page video I posted on the News RoundUp – it is a Fox Video – prolly why I cannot find it…get back to you…

Deplorable Patriot

I was on YT searching, and without more detail, there’s a lot.


I think because it is a Fox Video from his show – I cannot find it.

Deplorable Patriot

I posted a reply to you under another comment. From last night?


Will look – Thanks!!!


@ 28:40 Minute Mark in Heydon Music Page Video – posted on the News Roundup –
Jimmy: “The Democratic Party is a Pro-War Party!” Jimmy Dole?
Joe Biden and Dems ready ramp up Nation Building.
These are cues at the top of the video.

Deplorable Patriot



YES!!! – who is Jimmy Dore?
This video shook me, DP!!! Is this what the American people want?

Deplorable Patriot

When it comes to profiting from war, what the American people want is irrelevant to the stockholders in the Military Industrial Complex.
James Patrick Anthony Dore (born July 26, 1965) is an American stand-up comedian and political commentator best known for hosting The Jimmy Dore Show.


Oh, right about the profit part – never heard of Dore before – Thanks!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Forced voice rest. Hmm….


We” know shortly if this was a “convenient” occurrence by him or by others to shut him up because if not, look for the reanimation of Steven Hawking’s voice synthesizer soon

Deplorable Patriot

He just has to rest it while the chords heal. Shouldn’t be too long. The Steven Hawking thing would be more annoying than his real voice, IMO.

Concerned Virginian


Deplorable Patriot

I was thinking more along the lines of God has a sense of humor.


One of the replies to this:
Replying to
His vocal cords couldnt take the lying no more.


The same Bill Gates pushing vaccines and depopulation is also a key figure behind Impossible Foods, the FAKE MEAT virtue signaling corporate monster
August 20, 2020
by Ethan Huff, Natural News

Valerie Curren

I believe that Impossible Whopper has Huge amounts of estrogen–soy boy insanity levels, iirc 😉 Nothing to see here…


New NY state rule bans ticketed music events at bars: ‘This is devastating’
A new wrinkle in the state’s coronavirus guidelines for bars, restaurants and similar venues in New York state prohibits them from offering live music that customers pay for separately. It seems to have suddenly popped up in the rules this week.


Make them up as you go! Anytime a business owner figures a possible way to stay solvent…bam…another “regulation”…what a surprise.


How To Deal With Vocal Vaccine Deniers – #PropagandaWatch

Gail Combs

On Masks. If you MUST use a CHEAP (aka loose woven) Bandana and tie LOOSELY.comment image
Walmart has CHEAP ‘flour sack’ towels that you can almost see through.
They are white so easy to sanitize and long enough to tie behind the head. (28″ X 29″)
If you want one layer, cut and stitch. one towel will make four ‘scarves’
I am claustrophobic and this is what I have found works when push comes to shove (DemonRat Gov.)
(Yeah a claustrophobic caver, a climber afraid of heights and a horseman allergic to horses… life is strange.)


Life is strange….at least you are LIVING LIFE!
My cousin, whom I love dearly and who does have a serious lung problem…hasn’t been out of her house since early February. IMO, that is not living live but merely existing.

Gail Combs

AMEN Teagan,
Your poor cousin! I hope she at least has a yard she can putter around in.
I am stubborn and despite being 70 with 4 co-morbities, I REFUSE to let Chyna and the DemonRats take my freedom. I am careful, but I feel good nutrition and hand washing do more for you than a stupid mask.


South Texas…you don’t do much puttering outside in the summer!
I bought her a Kindle, in my name, and I send her books over the Internet that magically appear on her device…it’s been a sanity-saver.

Gail Combs

Oh that is great Teagan. And yes, south Texas is HOT!
I am in NC and we get hot and humid but dawn until 10 AM has pretty nice temps.

Steve in Lewes

Paper towel, two rubber bands, and four staples….cheesey peasey!

Gail Combs

Actually the paper towel has less airflow. (I was thinking of Plain Jane who is having problems with masks when I wrote that.




The first woman speaks for ME!



Dan Scavino (@DanScavino) Tweeted:

Gail Combs

SHE is absolutely GREAT!
Think about it guys. Qanon has had Anons PRACTICING for three years and NOW the Anons are ready to take the Show on the Road and DEMOLISH the DemonRats.comment image





Gail Combs

How about the ‘pre-recorded video of “America’s most impactful community leaders” Including “impactful community leader,” Donna Hylton?

….Donna Hylton and her gang of prostitutes had drugged real estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo, brought him to their Harlem apartment, and subjected him to a three week torture session which included starvation, beatings, burnings, and various forms of sexual torture leading to a gruesome murder. Hylton had raped Vigliarolo with a three-foot metal rod, later laughing it off, quipping “he was a homo anyway.” Hylton had demanded ransom from the victim’s friend, planning on spending her cut on professional photos to launch a career in modeling. She was paroled in 2012, having served 26 years in prison….

President Trump releases NON VIOLENT offenders and this is the DemonRats COUNTER???
Carlos is correct they have gone completely nutz.
His newest thread:


Good Grief!!! Showing all of their dirty laundry – I guess – birds of a feather…


The Øbama influence on the party.


August 20, 2020
Trafalgar Group Poll: Minnesota All Tied Up at 47%
The poll is here. Biden 46.9%, Trump 46.5%.
In the state that gave us the George Floyd Nightly Riots.
more at link:

Gail Combs



Seems like they had a “get off my lawn” moment. Without the firearm however, it lacks the ability to focus the creep’s attention.

Gail Combs

A bit of rock salt does wonders. You can even buy rock salt Ammo.

Deplorable Patriot

While we’ve been watching the show, POTUS has been busy securing the power grid.

Deplorable Patriot
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Habeus corpus, Hawkeye. Show me the “ebidense”!!! Otherwise it’s just “accusation porn”. Q gave us hints, now find the proof.


George Webb is unreliable until proven otherwise. Same with True Pundit.

Deplorable Patriot

All he is doing in this video is showing where the islands are. His account matches the maps.


That’s true.

Gail Combs



There is nothing here about Joe Biden owning Water Island:

Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Dave ⭐⭐⭐@RightToBeRed
Replying to@drawandstrike
Don’t forget this. The boss let us know a few weeks back:
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
· Jul 12
I disagreed with doing this very small (tiny) section of wall, in a tricky area, by a private group which raised money by ads. It was only done to make me look bad, and perhsps it now doesn’t even work. Should have been built like rest of Wall, 500 plus miles.…

Concerned Virginian

RYAN and O’BRIEN likely approve the chyrons and on-air statements made by FauxNews employees, including Harris Faulkner. So if she wants her paycheck, she toes the line.


Gail Combs

Actually JUST-IN-TIME 🤣


Please share when it comes out…not only a very lovely young woman, but very poised and seems to be a good investigative journalist (rare breed!)


Just did, Tea – see Tweet below



Trump Appeals As Judge OKs Manhattan DA Getting Tax Returns
August 20, 2020
Michael R. Sisak, The Associated Press


Watch Live — President Trump speaks from oval office with Iraqi prime minister…
Posted by Kane on August 20, 2020 11:50 am
Watch: Trump Meets With Prime Minister of Iraq | NBC News

@ 1:02:16 minute mark


Brief statement about ‘We Build the Wall’ indictments – says he was not for it from the beginning…

Gail Combs

Well, that smear just slid off the wall very nicely.


anyone heard anything from Rudy yet?

Gail Combs

marymorse has a bunch of info:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Department of Justice)
Friday, March 11, 2016
<a href=""Evgeny Buryakov Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court In Connection With Conspiracy To Work For Russian Intelligence

Evgeny BURYAKOV, a/k/a “Zhenya,” Worked for Russian Intelligence Under “Non-Official Cover” as a Banker in Manhattan
Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and John P. Carlin, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, announced that EVGENY BURYAKOV, a/k/a “Zhenya,” pled guilty today to conspiring to act in the United States as an agent of the Russian Federation, without providing prior notice to the Attorney General.”>Evgeny Buryakov Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court In Connection With Conspiracy To Work For Russian Intelligence
Evgeny BURYAKOV, a/k/a “Zhenya,” Worked for Russian Intelligence Under “Non-Official Cover” as a Banker in Manhattan
Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and John P. Carlin, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, announced that EVGENY BURYAKOV, a/k/a “Zhenya,” pled guilty today to conspiring to act in the United States as an agent of the Russian Federation, without providing prior notice to the Attorney General.
During the course of the investigation, the FBI recorded Sporyshev and Podobnyy speaking inside the SVR’s offices in New York, known as the “Residentura.”
The FBI obtained the recordings after Sporyshev attempted to recruit an FBI undercover employee (“UCE-1”), who was posing as an analyst from a New York-based energy company. In response to requests from Sporyshev, UCE-1 provided Sporyshev with binders containing purported industry analysis written by UCE-1 and supporting documentation relating to UCE-1’s reports, as well as covertly placed recording devices. Sporyshev then took the binders to, among other places, the Residentura….

As I said years ago, Carter Page is CIA and LENT TO THE FBI in New York!
“John P. Carlin is an American attorney and government official who served as United States Assistant Attorney General for theNational Security Division from April 2014 to October 15, 2016. Carlin formerly served as Chief of Staff to Robert Mueller during his time as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. — WIKI
Carlin was former National Coordinator of the Justice Department’s Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property (CHIP) program.On September 27, 2016, Carlin announced his resignation.
“Carlin abruptly resigned the day after being forced to admit to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the Obama Justice Department perpetrated a massive fraud upon the Judiciary.”

Gail Combs

AND a bit more..
NOTE DATES March 11, 2016, Buryakov Pleads Guilty and by March 21 Carter Page has moved on to his next ‘assignment’. Notice how he tries to ‘Dirty Up’ Cory, Lewandowski.
Here’s Who Introduced Carter Page To The Trump Campaign
“…Sources tell TheDC that Lewandowski introduced Page to Trump campaign policy director Sam Clovis sometime in late 2015 or early 2016. During the brief encounter, which occurred in New York City, Lewandowski suggested that the two get to know each other. Page, the managing partner of Global Energy Partners, an energy consulting firm, would join the campaign as an adviser several months later…..
In the interview with Tapper, Page confirmed that Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was not his connection to the campaign. And asked if Clovis was his first contact, Page initially refused to comment but said: “He was not the first person that brought me in. I can assure you of that.”….
“I’ve never met or spoken to Carter Page in my life,” Lewandowski insisted during a Fox News interview with Jeanine Pirro last month.
“I was on the campaign for 18 months, I never met the guy, and for anybody to say otherwise is factually inaccurate. I don’t know who Carter Page is, I never had a conversation with Carter Page, I never met Carter Page, and anybody who says otherwise is not being truthful,” insisted Lewandowski….
Trump announced that Page and several other advisers were being brought onto the campaign during a March 21 interview with The Washington Post. Trump also identified energy consultant George Papadopoulos, former Defense Department inspector general Joe Schmitz, and retired Gen. Keith Kellogg as members of the new foreign policy team…..”

PAGE IS AN INTEL ASSET sicced onto the Trump Campaign. That is why he was never charged.

CM in TN

I’ve always thought that too. He was a planted asset IMO.

Gail Combs

The DOJ point blank calls Carter Page
“an FBI undercover employee (“UCE-1”), who was posing as an analyst from a New York-based energy company.” In their March 2016 press release.
I do not think your going to get much more solid evidence then that unless you can get his bank records.


I have a different spin on CP. The KC memo requested info from the CIA, it’s reported. If so, he worked for the CIA at one point, and for the FBI during Buryakov; suggesting that CP is neither agency, but something else.
I suspect that he’s Naval Intelligence.
If so, outing him as intel thru Ali Watkins, is a major breach of national security. It’s like outing Valerie Plame.
What if his next assignment was to protect the nominated candidate’s campaign from foreign intelligence threats, and they burned him?
Now George PopaD, sent to London after his stint at the Hudson Institute is a different story. I think he was the plant.


Nice catch on John Carlin, Gale. I missed that completely.


Margot Cleveland Retweeted
Chuck Ross@ChuckRossDC
FLASHBACK: WaPo raked in $4.6 million from China Daily, a state-owned propaganda mill, since Nov. 2016.
Apparently some WaPo reporters are upset that the website ran a Trump campaign ad today.
Chinese Propaganda Outlet Has Paid US Newspapers $19 Million For Advertising, Printing
One of China’s main propaganda outlets has paid American newspapers nearly $19 million for advertising and printing expenses.



You will submit, or else ‼️😡 Common sense and facts have nothing to do with it. And acting ridiculous — wearing a mask when alone — is not “setting a safety example.”


Setting an example for utter stupidity!

Deplorable Patriot

And I wonder about the people wearing them in their cars.
Seriously, this is not the Irish Potato Blight.


Someone needs to do a cheesy video filter that puts CGI masks on everyone in a video feed (including paintings, dogs, and fish).


Margo has a THREAD ……….. remove the splat *
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
THREAD: Re Bannon’s indictment, here:
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
2/ The spin will make cows fly.
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
3/ But this has nothing to do with Trump.
con’t at link


here’s link *

and I’m posting text in rest of the tweets for Zoe:
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
4/ And MAGA folks shouldn’t take the bait. Yes, because of corrupt political targeting, it is easy to put the indictment as some sort of revenge, but read the indictment. Defendants are charged w/ bilking MAGA folks, and if true they should be punished.
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
5/ Of course, it would seem Hillary and her team did some pretty darn bad bilking too, and it’s been ignored.
FEC Records Indicate Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered $84 Million
The mainstream media took no notice of a federal court filing that exposes a $84 million money-laundering conspiracy Democrats executed.
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
6/ And finally, it is absolutely ridiculous to claim Trump/Barr would have any interest in shutting this down & thus fired U.S. Attorney. Barr said Stone prosecution was righteous. And this again, has nothing to do with Trump.
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
7/7 So, hacks like
@AWeissmann_ pushing that theory are really just exposing their own partisanship, which sure didn’t just develop after he left S.C. office. END
Quote Tweet
Andrew Weissmann@AWeissmann_
· 4h
Note two things about the Bannon indictment. 1. it explains why Trump-Barr removed US Attorney Berman so precipitously. 2. SDNY made case not with FBI, but Postal Inspectors and internal SDNY agents. Open question: did SDNY seek approval for charges from Barr (wd not need to)?
11:48 AM · Aug 20, 2020·Twitter Web App


HELP… post x 2 in da bin

Deplorable Patriot

I did find one.


thanks DPat…


COMING UP – 3pm – President Trump Rally Speech in Old Forge Pennsylvania!!!


May also carry:
Fox Business – *
FOX 10 Phoenix – – *

Deplorable Patriot

8-10% overhead is the norm. These guys did it on the cheap. It all depends on the Articles of Incorporation and how the non-profit was laid out.


Except, Kolfage declared he would take no money. Rather than alerting everyone that situation had changed, he set up accounts to ‘backdoor’ payments through. Is there somewhere in the rules or charter that makes paying the admins illegal, I dunno. Lying to donors is considered fraud for Kolfage, the others, not sure.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, that would be fraud, but as they have an IRS determination letter for a 401c4, the Articles will yield more information on propriety.
Or somebody could be cooking the books.
RIght now, it’s a show for me.


What about occurred expenses and being reimbursed while in the position ? He had to travel they did a lot of advertisement?
Just wondering that is not reimbursement for expense is not payment ?

Deplorable Patriot

They do all of that, but you have to pay for overhead of computing services, maybe PR, any number of expenses.


GOPe are wettin their pants… they could learn a thing or two by watching Donald Trump play the game the DIMs play…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated
That’s a very high bar of stupidity for him to jump over. The sad thing is (and I do mean sad, dementia is no joke), he might just clear it with a mile to sparel.



Part one has more info


Ace has a piece on Netflix’s “problem”



Deplorable Patriot

We’ve seen this before, although, one episode it was broken altar stones and stained glass depicting Bible scenes for the illiterate peasants that got the worst of it.


Long time CTH readers are aware of the side-eye position toward Steve Bannon we have always carried. However, that said, this indictment today [pdf here] as contrast against the expressed declaration by AG Bill Barr that “politics will never be allowed to influence prosecutions” seems rather disingenuous. [More on This Later]
At the 30,000 ft level this action by the Southern District of New York looks timed to create an cloud of demoralization over Trump supporters.

Gail Combs

Depends on what Bannon was up to. An if he was UP TO NO GOOD and broke the law, then AG Bill Barr DID NOT ALLOW “politics …to influence prosecutions”
Actually it is decent ‘optics’ IF Bannon et al are guilty of defrauding MAGA supporters. It shows BARR and the DOJ do NOT allow POTUS former associates to get off like Ed Buck and others. It ALSO MEANS when the hammer comes down on the Coup, their whining can be refuted.

Deplorable Patriot

Mark the calendar. I actually agree with [gasp] SD.
Regardless of one’s feelings for Bannon, this one smells.


it’s not the convention, it’s the smear against Bannon (and Trump) that counts. The left doesn’t care about the conviction or acquittal, which won’t happen until after the election.
See: Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska).

Deplorable Patriot

Mmm…my brother the retired Marine pilot has some info he hasn’t shared about Stevens in his back pocket. Major J, USMC ret,, can’t abide his name.


Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸
Trump in PA is saying if Hillary had won she would have gone to war with North Korea and 30 million people would have died
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸
Trump is slamming the violence and anarchy in the cities. Says Joe Biden will only bring more.


Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸
Trump just called the Mayor of Seattle a crazy woman


Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸
TRUMP: They whacked that kid in Portland like he was a piece of garbage. We can’t have it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

At first all I got were incessant CBD texts addressing me as “Mate” (like an Aussie wrote them).
Now I’m getting downright fraudulent texts, one claiming my last bill payment didn’t go through press this link to pay, others offering me money for nothing. And the volume of them is increasing.
Prison time for spam callers and spam texters. Not fines they can get around by declaring bankruptcy. Jail Time!!! That’s the only thing that might stop it.

Deplorable Patriot

AMEN! Preach it! SPAM texts are a pain.
I keep getting offers to pay off my student loans that were paid off decades ago. Then there’s the fake IRS calls from MY AREA CODE with an exchange I know is StraightTalk. There’s a few others.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

For the longest time I got daily calls from some spoofed number in my area code AND exchange (second three digit group) offering extended warranties on my car. (Like anyone is going to put a warranty a mere mortal can afford, on a car with well north of 200K miles on it!) THOSE assholes would just start talking after voicemail picked up and would still be talking when the recording started, so I’d get the last half of their pitch recorded. It was annoying because I’d have to call up my voice mail and delete the damn message, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to tell when a REAL voicemail came in.
I said I wanted these people to go to jail. Actually, I’d like to pummel them all with a baseball bat.

Deplorable Patriot

Maybe you could borrow Sylvia’s shovel.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nah, I’ve got access to plenty of blunt objects.

Gail Combs

Mine are nice and spiky. And yeah we get those darn car warranty crap. I start with the 1987 and when they ask if we have anything newer I go to the 1993.
Now I wait for a person and tell them I am donating to Trump each time they call!


Steve my husband has gotten emails concerning his credit cards and on some people tried to buy $$$$ worth of stuff. All was denied. We also have gotten fraudulent calls.
Sorry you have to deal with this.


My husband also gets text messages that he has to pay or did not pay his bills .
The credit card people told him the scamming is real bad right now.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Millions of people have to deal with it.
Nothing happens.
Trump could become a hero by deniably capping the perps.

Gail Combs

Unfortunately they are mostly NOT IN THE USA. Lots are in India from the sound of the speech.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Some local american phone company is originating the calls here, regardless of where the call center is. People in India are not going to pay overseas freight on those calls.


Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon was on billionaire’s yacht off Connecticut shore when federal agents arrested him early Thursday


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
BREAKING: Hunter Biden to speak at DNC tonight


would be beyond cool, if he was arrested during his zoom speech…LOL
go Rudy!


zzoooooommmmmmmmmmmmm !

Concerned Virginian

Well, won’t THAT be a grand attempt to rehab the reputation of a MUC (Irish for “pig”).

Julian’s Rum Tumbler glass@JuliansRum
5D chess
Quote Tweet
The Hill@thehill
· 2h
Trump asks Supreme Court to let him block critics on Twitter

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That could bite him in the butt when he goes after private people (twitter, faceborg, etc.) for doing the same thing.


It’s actually genius. The Supreme Court is going to come back with a ruling very quickly saying he can’t do that because it’s censorship. Then he will have Twitter by the gonads…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, he won’t. The prior ruling was on the basis of him being a government employee. Twitter and Faceborg, not so much.
So he’ll just look like a hypocrite, complaining when a private company wants to do it, but wanting to do it himself as a government employee, who ought to and does have less right to do it.
That’s how they’ll argue it.

Deplorable Patriot

Maybe he wants them to say no to his request.
With POTUS, he’s usually got something up his sleeve.


so the dems want a commission of naming and displays? more government, more high salaried positions for their friends…more people on the taxpayer dime…no thanks, we got a name…AMERICA. we display OUR FLAG and our historical figures–and they already got names too.

Gail Combs

The DemonRats want US to pay for having OUR HISTORY rewritten. F..Em
NOTICE Lenin’s Statue in Seattle WA has not been touched!


tbh I think the liberals in seattle think that’s JOHN Lennon…giggle…imagine…


you get sharper by the day Ms Pat… imagine… 😉



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually I think they know the difference but Lenin (with two Ns and an I, not three and an O) probably IS one of their heroes.


you’re assuming they’re literate…lol

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They no doubt recognize his face, if they aren’t.
But I think they ARE literate. Commies LOVE to make people literate, the better to feed them propaganda.


sigh…Steve…they don’t even know which gender they are day to day…you give them toooooo much credit

Julian’s Rum Tumbler glass@JuliansRum
Wonder if this early AM drop had anything to do with Bannon.
20 Aug 2020 – 2:14:36 AM

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

An interesting notion. But, I think, purely speculative.


X22 Report Retweeted
Terrence K. Williams@w_terrence
This video should go VIRAL!!
President Obama made fun of the flint water crisis and mocked the people who suffered and died from it.
This is the Obama people on the left love so much. SO WRONG & SO EVIL


Some of us can’t play vids off twitter. Could someone post it from elsewhere? Thank you.


You have really GOT to watch this one! I am speechless. I knew the guy was a prick, but this is unreal!

Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Sean Davis@seanmdav
“We lost 159 officers from the U.S. in line of duty deaths this year so far,” Green Bay’s police chief told
. “I guarantee you that every one of those blue lives mattered,” he said, referring to Goodyear’s ban on employees supporting police.
Chiefs, Detectives, And Police Unions Slam Goodyear’s Anti-Cop Policy: ‘It’s Just Disgusting’
Upon hearing the news Goodyear deems “Blue Lives Matter” messaging unacceptable, police officers have this to say: “Stop buying Goodyear tires.”


Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Joel Fischer@JFNYC1
The anus of a Blue Whale can stretch a distance of just over three feet, making it the 2nd biggest a**hole in the world. The first being Bill de Blasio


Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 Retweeted
Rogan O’Handley 🇺🇸@DC_Draino
Live outside the Delaware arena where Creepy Joe will be giving his sleepy acceptance speech tonight
Trump supporters outnumber Biden supporters 100:1
Not a good start Joe!


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
Isabel Brown
Trump supporters are showing up in droves to #DNCConvention2020!
Creepy Joe has got to go!

Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
Flag of United StatesMaggie VandenBergheFlag of United States@FogCityMidge
Plane spotted flying over Wilmington Delaware where Joe Biden will speak later at DNC.
“JOE BIDEN IS LOSING IT – VOTE TRUMP 2020!” Flag of United StatesRolling on the floor laughing


Series of scandals knock the air out of Goodyear
July 30, 2018 By Bertel Schmitt

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
Aug 12
Flag of United States — WATCH: Jewish music superstar Yaakov Shwekey officially released his new song ‘We Love America’. The song was written in Honor of President @realDonaldTrump’s visit earlier this week to Deal, NJ. Lyrics by Yisroel Besser of @themishpacha

Deplorable Patriot

Another voice on the Bannon affair.


It’s not about a conviction…
….it’s 100% about the smear BEFORE the election.

Tom F

Wrap up smear. Thanks Nancy
It is also a trap for AG Barr. (as was the NRA trick=dud)
They want him to shoot it down. Imagine the outcry and accusations.
He’s a more important target than Mr. Bannon.
Some evil and cunning people.




Yesterday a Qanon Troll


And his are square pizza at that.


Wait for it…
Trump just make #pizzagate trend with libs!!!!!!




Earlier today President Trump made an unscheduled stop at Arcaro and Genell Takeaway Kitchen, a pizza shop in Old Forge, PA. He left the limo, greeted by applause from the awaiting crowd, and the press pool was brought very briefly inside the small pizza place as POTUS greeted its employees and left with some pie.
POTUS showed off one of the pies, and said he wanted to stop here today “because they have great pizza.”

+twatter RT

Deplorable Patriot

And another stone gets skipped. Hadn’t thought of this, but, yep.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It just magically became a 72 day rule.

Deplorable Patriot

I’d like to know the answer to this one myself. I mean, my pearls (family heirloom) have been sitting in the drawer in jeweler’s cloth forever. I walk into a rehearsal in a skirt, and I’m the only one not showing thigh.


The Left happened.
Cultural Marxism happened.
The subversion of our country happened.
And most people can’t even bring themselves to recognize it, even if they stared at the photo on the right all day long, because they have been brainwashed through social programming and intimidation and every other means of manipulation available to the enemy.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The 1980s were a brief respite from the fashionability of sloppy grunge that began in the 1960s. People who looked like wannabe hippies in the 1980s stuck out enough that they were clearly making a political statement.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. Fishy.


This ain’t about anything OTHER than a smear job so the liberals can claim Trump is crooked because Bannon.


And apparently the SDNY is still owned by the traitors and coup plotters, and ultimately, foreign adversaries waging unrestricted warfare.
If anyone was doing to China what China is doing to us, the Chinese wouldn’t worry about perceptions of impropriety or lawfare games.
They would just walk into the SDNY, line everybody up, and start shooting.


Speaking of fishy…Arrests were on a chinee mega yacht at sea. Wonder what was so urgent it had to be done at sea.

Deplorable Patriot

The calendar?


He’s working to take down CCP with an ethnically Chinese partner. CCP hates these guys.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you.
That was beautiful!


This is a fantastic video, would love to see it played at the RNC. Is it a shame we don’t have rallys and Trump can’t receive hugs like in this video. Makes me so sick what they have done to us.


Maybe China virus was unleashed just to stop Trump rallies.


I think it was.
But it was also a way to hurt our Economy…so it was a twofer.


Gail Combs

Read down on that link!
“….BTW, don’t forget, not only did Trump toss Bannon a$$-first out of the White House for peddling smears about Jared & Ivanka, Rudy G said he’s dropping something BIG today.
Catherine Herridge

#Bannon Indicted Law enforcement source tells @CBSNews yacht on which Bannon was arrested is registered to a Chinese billionaire Guo. The yacht is 152 feet long.
US coast guard assisted federal investigators from SDNY + agents from US postal inspection service made the arrest.
1:17 PM – Aug 20, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy
2,900 people are talking about this
Catherine Herridge

· 6h
#Bannon Indicted Law enforcement source tells @CBSNews yacht on which Bannon was arrested is registered to a Chinese billionaire Guo. The yacht is 152 feet long.
US coast guard assisted federal investigators from SDNY + agents from US postal inspection service made the arrest.
Catherine Herridge

Postal inspectors investigative powers include on-line fraud: Electronic Crimes (18 USC 1029, 1030, 1343, and 2701) “fraud schemes + other crimes that may occur online + involve misuse of the mail..using computer communications in scheme to defraud” #PatMilton #CBSInvestigations
1:17 PM – Aug 20, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy
956 people are talking about this
All the assets they accrued through this fraud have been seized through asset forfeiture. And then, having raised the money under false pretenses, they then laundered it to try to hide where the money went. Understand: this is TWO federal crimes so far, not just one.
So was Berman protecting Bannon this entire time…”

If I recall there was skuttlebutt of Bannon and the Chinese just after he got kicked out of the White House and Breitbart.
Steve Bannon, the War of the Chinese Billionaires, and the FBI

Is Steve Bannon in the middle of a personal vendetta between US based Chinese billionaires Guo Wengui and Ideanomics Bruno Wu?
….Bannon enters the scene shortly after leaving the Trump White House in 2017 when he takes a $150,000 loan from Guo (11). Bannon goes on to sign two $1 million contracts with Guo, the first in 2018 for introductions to media personalities and “advice on industry standards” and the second in 2019 to serve as senior editor of GNews, Guo’s China-bashing website.
The Bannon-Guo relationship strengthens and sees the two announce the Rule of Law Foundation (seeded with $100 million), whose purpose is to “unearth” evidence supporting the prosecutions of members of the Chinese elite — which of course included Wu (12)….

07/09/20 FBI investigating Chinese media tycoon linked to Bannon: reportcomment image

Deplorable Patriot

152 feet…just over 25 yards…about the size of a short course swimming pool…call me when they get to OLympic lengths (50 meters, or over 310 feet). Until then, it’s a sizable pleasure craft for those who are monied.

Deplorable Patriot

oops, sorry. Shouldn’t do math in my head anymore. 152 feet is 50 yards, not 25. Still…I’ve been on bigger boats.


Well, that’s not surprising. Considering you’re much cuter than Steve B is. So you SHOULD get invites to bigger boats.


I never forget this about Bannon. From 1/3/2018:
Trump slams Bannon after criticism, saying ex-chief strategist ‘lost his mind’
From the article:
Trump issued a blistering, four-paragraph takedown of Steve Bannon on Wednesday, hours after it was reported that Bannon had called Donald Trump Jr. “treasonous” for meeting with Russian operatives during the campaign.
“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my presidency,” Trump wrote. “When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind. Steve was a staffer who worked for me after I had already won the nomination by defeating seventeen candidates, often described as the most talented field ever assembled in the Republican party.”
The statement came after excerpts of a forthcoming book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” by author Michael Wolff surfaced Wednesday. In the book, Bannon slams the president’s son, Donald Jr., Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and campaign chairman Paul Manafort and calls their infamous meeting with a Russian lawyer during the campaign “treasonous” and “unpatriotic.”
In his statement, Trump said Bannon didn’t deserve any credit for his White House win.
“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency,” Trump said in a statement.
“Now that he is on his own, Steve is learning that winning isn’t as easy as I make it look,” Trump said. “Steve had very little to do with our historic victory, which was delivered by the forgotten men and women of this country. Yet Steve had everything to do with the loss of a Senate seat in Alabama held for more than thirty years by Republicans. Steve doesn’t represent my base — he’s only in it for himself.”
The president also accused Bannon of leaking to the media while serving as an adviser at the White House.
“Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was,” Trump said. “It is the only thing he does well.”
He added, “Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books.”

Deplorable Patriot

Funny how the story changed on Bannon. At the time of his departure, he wasn’t reported to be fired, but left on his own after staying longer than he planned. There was also a big strategy meeting in August of 2017.
Don’t buy the surface with Donald Trump. There’s always something else going on.





Wonder what the capital G means.


That’s how they spelled the name of the little black boy who was shot dead while he was sleeping in bed, which the Op is named after.






Donald J. Trump
The Democrats are demanding Mail-In Ballots because the enthusiasm meter for Slow Joe Biden is the lowest in recorded history, and they are concerned that very few people will turn out to vote. Instead, they will search & find people, then “harvest” & return Ballots. Not fair!

Sadie Slays

They are so desperate that they mailed me TWO unsolicited ballot applications. The applications are pre-filled so that all you need to do is sign and return in the postage-paid envelope. It makes me sick. It’s like watching a very slow-moving trainwreck that I’m powerless to stop.

Deplorable Patriot

Did you shred them?

Sadie Slays

They were disposed of very carefully. I don’t put it past these desperate people to go digging through my trash.

Sadie Slays

Sadly, the GOP did it first.comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s probably due to the Skull and Bones Bushies…
A shopping center not far from here mounts their Christmas decorations with the stars upside-down. That rankled me, but when they celebrated 666 days in business, I knew what they were all about…
The parent company is circling the drain, so maybe they’ll disappear before long… I hope…


Did you report this to someone? It might have been good to keep the evidence, or at least take pics.

Sadie Slays

What would I even report? It’s not illegal to mail people ballot applications and postage-paid envelopes. The Board of Elections people would probably tell me to fill it out to “stop the spread.”


Just thinking of reporting the mistake of getting two applications, which could lead to two ballots…


Catturd ™
Is Hunter going to be broadcasting live from Ukraine?

Concerned Virginian

Lo and Behold!
Hunter Biden, the MUC (Irish for “pig”) will speak!
May he stumble over every word — like his father!


It’s the final night! Yay!


Celebrate Freedom with President Donald J. Trump | Faith Week 2020

Gail Combs

Brian Cates has a long thread on Bannon.


Donald J. Trump
They are sending out 51,000,000 Ballots to people who haven’t even requested a Ballot. Many of those people don’t even exist. They are trying to STEAL this election. This should not be allowed!


Donald J. Trump
To get into the Democrat National Convention, you must have an ID card with a picture…Yet the Democrats refuse to do this when it come to your very important VOTE! Gee, I wonder WHY???


Donald J. Trump
Will be interviewed by
tonight at 9:00 P.M. Enjoy!


Speaking of Hannity and mail in voting there is this tweet from Sean:
JUST IN: Judge Orders New Election in New Jersey After Candidates Charged with Mail-in Voter Fraud


Todd With Trump
Replying to
Morning Piper 👏🏻
#RememberCannoncomment image


Judge finds there is no court order blocking John MacArthur’s church from holding indoor services
The church is locked in a legal battle with California and Los Angeles County for holding indoor worship services during COVID-19 pandemic.
By Alex Nitzberg
Updated: August 20, 2020 – 7:39pm
The Los Angeles County Superior Court on Thursday said there is no court order blocking Pastor John MacArthur and his Grace Community Church from holding indoor services, in California, according to reports. MacArthur and his church have been at odds with authorities over holding the services.
“Judge Mitchell L. Beckloff correctly found there is no court order prohibiting Grace Community Church from holding indoor services,” Thomas More Society Special Counsel Jenna Ellis said in a statement.
“LA County continues to harass and target Pastor MacArthur. Having failed to get a court order to shut down the church they have sought three times, they’re going to try again by hauling us back into court,” Ellis said.


This is cracking me up😂🤣😂 And yes, I am a dog lover…Plus, I’m the only cat I like! 😻😎

Yes, I’m LIKING my own post……I’m laughing so hard I’m crying!😭 Especially when the good doggie is banging the heck out of the little kitty’s head 😂🤣That’s just how tails work! 🤣🤣🤣 And NO, Marica did not give me any Crown. 😉😲



Is this Rudy’s news??


While this is very interesting, it really does not matter – he is not the real candidate.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It does matter, in order to show that he’s not the real candidate.


He is either sick or he is not – if he is not – he is avoiding prosecution – if he is – he cannot be the candidate.

Harry Lime

President Trump said the number 17 on Hannity tonight. Go back and watch it again…did he fumble his words…or was it on purpose? I’ll narrow down the timeframe when I can grab a copy of the interview.
On a different note…the fact that even the teleprompter reading actors on Fox News are taking Joe Biden and this DNC Virtual Convention seriously tells you all you need to know. We are watching a very bad movie. With very bad actors. There seems to be no plot…just lots of violence and explosions. Chaos. Communism.
If Trump wins…everyone else…(except for normal Americans) loses. They are terrified.

Harry Lime

Ok…Fox News is just a total embarrassment. Good Grief.




Oh Lord! And shouldn’t it be ‘driving’ instead of ‘driven’? These people really ARE stoopid!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Could have spelled it FROWARD and they’d have been right…


Students for Trump ARE AWESOME!!!


Those trucks need to be running in all major cities.


Wow! Those trucks are amazing!
I love it!
I hope they use those again and again, right up to election day.
That represents some major coin to make those happen…so I hope they use them a lot!


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
Essential Fleccas Flag of United States@fleccas
“I’ve never seen Joe Biden a day in my life…Donald Trump is the change!”
Delaware locals let us know how they really feel about sleepy Joe. #DNC2020

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Delaware is smaller than my COUNTY. Yet they get two senators.
Funny how history worked out.

Deplorable Patriot

Well…to be fair, at the end of the Revolution, the US owned nothing west of the Mississippi.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have to remind myself that surely it’s not just some joke state, even if I probably couldn’t fit all four tires of my truck into it at the same time. It doesn’t help that the only mental association I have with Delaware is “Joe Biden,” talking about jokes. (And now he’s running for President yet again!)

Deplorable Patriot

The last time I was there, their roads SUCKED, which is a disgrace for a state that boasts the HQs of over 250 Fortune 500 companies.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Roads, of course, don’t advance social justice.
That is why.


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
President Donald Trump has more support at Joe Biden’s acceptance speech in Delaware than Joe Biden



DIMs/Commies are moving their army, their Domestic Terrorists into the suburbs now…
Can’t get peeps to support their Con-vention… they’ll get one of ’em shot and hope to make hay out of that ’til Nov


forgot link !


After watching this lame march and Biden’s lackluster speech tonight I’m wondering where we should be sending the sympathy cards to. Oh I know, Guantanamo Bay if they continue to screw up, but right now I wouldn’t be surprised if they all drift off to hide for forty years. This stuff is embarrassing. 👀

Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Sebastian Gorka DrG@SebGorka
Obama and Biden ran the coup.
@LeeSmithDC on #AMERICAFirst


DP, I’m sad that the day is almost gone and I won’t be seeing that AWESOME photo of the Q guy…
Thanks for your faithfulness to post and contribute. Very appreciated.


More Ocare, lied that if Ocare goes so does Medicaid, Climate Change top priority, Very Fine People Lie, crying over lots of dead people, some slurring, screaming about Russians bombing American soldiers heads and interfering in elections, blaming POTUS for horrible economy that won’t get any better, blaming POTUS for Chyna Virus cases and deaths, and his number one task is to get it under control by doing everything POTUS has already done and……
Creepy wants to lock us down and mask us up, on day one. (searching for a middle finger emoji)
YAY!!! IT’S OVER!!!!🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋🦋