Dear KAG: 20210223 Open Thread

Cover image: Alice In Wonderland, Central Park, New York City.


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.44 
Jan 19 2018 16:53:00 (EST)

Why are we here?
Why are we providing crumbs?
Think MEMO.
Not convinced this is spreading?
You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.
You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.
APART you are weak.
This is more important than you can imagine.


That’s the bottom line. The other side wants us fighting among ourselves over what we have seen, and what we have not. What we believe, what we do not. What we want to happen, what we are willing to wait to happen.

They want us divided, and one of the people who is telling us that, and to sit tight and wait for it all to unfold got testy about it last week. Begin with the 58th minute, for the rant. (Skip over if you are not into hopium.) (Even the woman who goes before me at Eucharistic Adoration needs hopium to get through this.)

Regardless of what any or all of us are seeing, it’s happening…just not the way we imagined it would.

Just a reminder:

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

And now for something completely different.

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.


Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults…supposedly:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


MATTHEW 6:7-15

7“And in praying do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9Pray then like this: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. 11Give us this day our daily bread; 12And forgive us our debts, As we also have forgiven our debtors; 13And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. 14For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; 15but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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We’re not in Kansas any more.

Down the rabbit hole.


A very important verse today, especially that little snippet in 10 — “Thy Will be done”. The Will of God is a fearsome thing. It has sent untold millions of people on paths they never would have taken from self-interest. But, there it is.


Looking for Steve regarding GIMP stacking.

Valerie Curren

I copied this to a message from Steve in the bell notifier, so hopefully he’ll see that (eventually). Blessings!


TY. No hurry, no worry — but connecting is all good.

Valerie Curren

YW I just thought he might see it quicker that way, if he checks the bell 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Don’t know what you mean by “GIMP stacking”


Thought I was replying to you — ended up replying to myself. See ^^^.


OK, I saw a tutorial for this in LXF272 (Linux Format magazine, Feb ’21 — p.68).

GIMP evidently has a way to combine multiple pictures such that you can make them sharper than the individual pictures, or combine two different incompatible characteristics (e.g. foreground in focus, bg in focus), fix lighting issues, and other fun. I immediately figured you’d need to know about it.

The mag should still be on newsstands, or I could try playing telephone. Your call.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A not uncommon feature in photo software actually. I’ve yet to want to use it…on the other hand, I took a lot of bursts of Jupiter and Saturn for the great conjunction so maybe that would be a good place to do trial runs. Single pictures were pretty retched. And as it happens when you see a crystal sharp picture of Jupiter these days, it’s exactly this sort of thing that was done. (Also done with the moon.)


Article also has boxes for things like align_image_stack (in Hugin)…’s four pages in the current Linux Format.


Just a heads up.
Dissidents Beware, FBI Continues Searching for January 6th DC Protestors – Federal Charges Include ‘Assault on Media’
Posted on February 22, 2021 by Sundance

Giving the Chinese, Iranian and Russian state police a run for their money… Apparently the Federal Bureau of Investigation, ie. the U.S. version of “State Police” enforcement units, have found a cause they are really committed to: finding every person who attended the Capitol Hill protests on January 6, 2021. [SEE HERE]

In a scene straight out of Orwell’s 1984 warning, the FBI is literally calling their effort the hunt for “America’s Most Wanted.” To achieve their goal, the FBI has been asking for help from their ideological comrades in the state run media apparatus, and achieving a great deal of success.


Anyone who didn’t breach the Capitol should not be on the radar. (Yes, I know we are dealing with power-hungry Leftists who are literally hunting conservatives.)


*Nobody* should be on the radar — anyone who didn’t BREAK anything or HARM anyone should be protected by their rights to peaceably assemble and petition redress, no matter what twisted Kabuki was dreamed up by Nanzi or the Turtle with the Capitol Police.

It’s like they’re betting on a busted Buffalo Jump — Ace, King, Jack, 10 of Hearts; trying to fake a Jack of Diamonds into the missing Queen of Hearts.

I only wish I could “jump Spartacus” into their piss-poor fraud. Since I can’t, maybe we should put Darwin forward — we’ve got a picture of him at the scene.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Darwin was there!!!


His picture certainly was.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He would have frozen his scaly ass off if he were actually there!!

His species is from inland Australia and is exothermic, without some way to heat him even a relatively pleasant January day (for Washington) would have killed him. (And no, riding on my shoulder wouldn’t have been nearly enough even if I were willing to wear no jacket so he’d have better contact with Steve the Portable Hot Rock.)

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Is this article right that they have a mild venom?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I remember reading that a while ago, but never could confirm it.

They have, relatively recently, determined that the Komodo dragon (a very distant relative, they’re both lizards and that’s about it…they’re as closely related to Beardies as we are to lemurs) has venom–an anti-coagulant–and they may have extended that to monitor lizards in general. But beardies are not monitors–very different.

I specifically googled “venomouos lizards” and could find nothing about pogonids (Darwin’s genus) being venomous, unlike varanids (monitors).

Most of those monitors, though, are not considered dangerously venomous to humans (though any good bite by a komodo is worth a stay in the hospital).

My direct evidence of pogonid venom/lack thereof is that Darwin did accidentally bite me one time lunging for food. I know it was accidental because he let go immediately; a lizard who is pissed off at you will lock on. It did break the skin. And I lived to tell the story.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not withstanding my earlier reply I finally just duckduckgone on “Are bearded dragons venomous” and get a fair number of hits, so maybe “yes” albeit too mildly to be an issue to us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I looked through all the photos of people they’re looking for. Here are my impressions.

  • didn’t find myself or anybody I recognized from the event
  • a surprising lack of visual overlap with people around me
  • looks like people drawn toward violence or into the Capitol building were a much different-LOOKING group or groups
  • ~30% of the photos look like “fake MAGA” (Antifa, BLM, left)
  • ~20% look like true far right extremist groups (neo-Nazis)
  • ~25% look like “prepared for Antifa” patriot group types
  • ~20% look like dull, outlaw biker, “riff-raff”
  • ~5% look like “walked into capitol building, bad move”

It really looks at this point that they are concentrating on people who either went into the building or engaged in violence.

This does NOT MEAN that Merrick Garlandropov won’t sic them on the rest of us, but as for now, it looks like they’re actually going after violent protesters.

My question, then is whether prosecutions are consistent with what was done in cities during the summer. But yeah – those protesters (Antifa, BLM) generally hide themselves really well in same-same black hoodies, glasses, masks, so maybe that’s the difference.


That would be the crew they’d be looking for if they were an honorable agency interested in apprehending the unlawful. Given their track record, it’s probably temporary camouflage. Burn it down, leave no stones stacked, salt the earth.


“far right extremist groups (neo-Nazis)”

When did neo-nazis become far right? They’ve always been leftist totalitarians to me.

Joe DiGenova has a high opinion of judge Garland. Heard him say that on Mornings on the Mall interview Monday.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hear you on “left-right”. I’m just using their language for convenience here. (That means I’m talking to the FIB who watch the site, and people who think like they do.)

Garland has already stepped in enough for me. I like DiGenova, but he has consistently underestimated the efficiency of the evil of the other side. He probably thinks Durham is going to result in actual prosecutions.


I lost any confidence in Joe and his wife a long time ago. Nothing they ever said or predicted came to pass.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. They were just as fooled as me.

The Bidenazis aren’t bringing Garland into A.G. for any reason other than he’s as “reliable” to the radical left as Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch.

Valerie Curren

& because everyone in the so-called Biden “administration” aka UsurpationDeux is some type of Obama re-tread. Biden has no original thoughts or control of his fake pResidency, imo…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Third Obama term. That is why they all agree do go with Biden.

I will bet that either Obama or Michelle will be VP.

Valerie Curren

No Hildabeast? They hate her almost as much as our side does!

Deplorable Patriot

The other side is continuing on with the 16 year plan as if the four year pause in it never happened. The executive orders were basically to undo the pause.

The problem is the people just aren’t going to go with it like sheep anymore. Some will, but the majority won’t.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More info to make a discerning judgment. Here is the page copied verbatim:

U.S. Capitol Violence 

The FBI is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying individuals who made unlawful entry into the U.S. Capitol building and committed various other alleged criminal violations, such as destruction of property, assaulting law enforcement personnel, targeting members of the media for assault, and other unlawful conduct, on January 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C.

We have deployed our full investigative resources and are working closely with our federal, state, and local partners to aggressively pursue those involved in these criminal activities.

If you have witnessed unlawful violent action—or have any information about the cases below—we urge you to contact us.

You can call ‪1-800-CALL-FBI (1-‪800-225-5324) to verbally report tips and/or information related to this investigation, or submit at tip online at

Note: As of February 2, 2021, all images from previously released Seeking Information posters have been consolidated below.

Note this list:

  • made unlawful entry into the U.S. Capitol building
  • destruction of property
  • assaulting law enforcement personnel
  • targeting members of the media for assault
  • other unlawful conduct

Now one might think the last one is open-ended (and it likely is on purpose), but then there is this:

If you have witnessed unlawful violent action—or have any information about the cases below

So it looks to me like they are interested in violence, and I’m GUESSING that the cases with images are all violence-related OR entering the Capitol building, OR (in the case of Brandon Straka) being famous and near an entrance and having spoken at a rally the day before where they can GET FLYNN AND ROGER STONE (or at least get information about them).


The FBI and DOJ have burned entirely through their own credibility, and halfway through the courts and LEO, and they’re still on fire.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is fiery rubble of credibility in SCOTUS, for crying out loud! And Mitch McConnell is running naked from the napalm, down some road in Kentucky, as WaPo snaps pictures.


We’re All Domestic Terrorists Now

article link…

they want Trump supporters to be “violent”, to “pose a threat”…

👉 WHY ?? because we are not just “white supremacists”…we are also much much worse…


👉 a clear and present danger !!

it’s not enough for them to rig the “election” and then steal the Presidency…it’s not enough for them to erase the real President, Donald J Trump..

they must now eradicate us.


Interesting article. Thanks for posting.

Seems to me they’re projecting fear, abject terror; because that’s what they feel.

The quotes are astounding; throwing every mean nasty label that they can conjure, and hoping something sticks. Their narratives are spectacularly failing. They’re surrounded by razor wire; a constant reminder of what they fear most: constitutional accountability.


Some dicey things going on in those photos, imo. Very suspicious people.

Photos of people wanted for assault on the media, while flanked by their own camera people?

What’s with the guy wearing a stack of 3 flag cowboy hats, and a guy wearing only one of the same hat? Have they interviewed swag venders?

Arm bands, tattoos, one guy with an antifa patch on his shirt, earpieces, transgender people, a group around jessica watkins(?)…..


Also, who took the photos? Pole mounted, LE body cams, other photographers?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Jessica Watkins is a huge problem for their side. “She” is clearly not a normal Oathkeeper.

Harry Lime

FBI = Fear Breeds Insanity

There is something very wrong with that institution that was once so highly respected. Talk about burning down the house! They are literally destroying themselves in full public view. Whatever they’re hiding is probably something so evil that it would prevent them, and many others, from being able to walk down the street. Hmm…


Noted in the comments: Very interesting that the CTH videographer who interviewed people while traveling to DC for the January 6th rally, guy named John Spiropoulous, handed all his info over to the Washington Post.

Doesn’t it make you wonder what Son Dancey Guy thinks about that?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think that Spiropoulous went through the same thinking that I did. I was originally itching to share all my pictures, but once I realized that those pictures might be used against PEACEFUL PATRIOTS – if only to harass them, kick them off planes, put them on watch lists, put them in facial recognition databases – designate them as potential “extremists” and “terrorists” – I just STOPPED.

We didn’t realize how low things could go here.


This is America — things would never be that bad!

[Split-screen with droolin’ Joe in his replica Oval Office signing countless unconstitutional EO’s.]


But he shared it all with the WASHINGTON POST.

Either his naivete was stunning or I have darker thoughts about things.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I think he was naive – and I see that in his seeming desire to be in the “mainstream club”. He does “alternative journalism with a kind of mainstream pretense”. I think WaPo played him a bit on that desire, and he played himself on it, too.

I didn’t see the videos, but I’m imagining they were very positive, innocent stuff, that would put MAGA in a good light.  What could be wrong with sharing that information? Right? His big break! The Washington Post! Imagine – they might use HIS STUFF!!!

BOOM. That’s how they GET YOU.

I think he was less suspicious than we would be, but even then, we have to remember how we didn’t have a clue what was going to happen in the aftermath.

I mean, people didn’t realize how much of a TRAP things were until the next day. And then every day after that, WORSE and WORSE.

I had suspicions – I had CLUES – I had tip-offs – and I just got the hell out of the DC area. Something didn’t seem right. Spidey senses said “something is wrong here”.


Just my opinion, but I think CTH is a big honeypot. Even if SD has the best of intentions, the stunning act of having someone you featured and presumably knew, give over all the info and links and videos to a corrupt government propaganda outlet, is beyond the pale.

In fact, there is no doubt that ANY patriot website is being combed over by FIB and others in order to gather intel.

I choose to speak freely because if they want you, they will manufacture the “evidence” anyway. Being quiet and trying to go unnoticed will only put you at the back of the line, where you have time to contemplate your fate before they impose their will on you.


You don’t deal with the WaPo.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Free speech – USE IT OR LOSE IT.

It will be interesting to see how SD handles this, but I suspect it will not be addressed. Only 4 replies to the comment on it.


[*Going for a refill from the garage fridge*] Yes, Tremor Light Lager is very much like making love in a canoe….but I’ve got ten left before they never again grace my household.

Harry Lime

There’s a chapter/section in Robinson Crusoe, if I remember correctly, which is doubtful, since I read it decades ago…where he decides to build a canoe to escape the deserted island. This canoe has to be huge in order to withstand the violent ocean waves…so he spends weeks seeking out the biggest trees on the island…finds the perfect one. And then he spends months chopping it down with the primitive axe that he has made…and then he spends months digging it out into a proper sea-going vessel…and his canoe is finally completed.

At this point he realizes that the perfect tree that he chose was situated in the middle of the island…which is where his canoe now sits…and he has no way of getting it to the ocean…he then spends months trying to dig a canal in order to bring the water to his perfectly crafted canoe…and when this doesn’t work he finally gives up.

This little episode in this short novel has stuck with me over the years…I may have even made up portions of it…I no longer remember…but it kind of sums up my life perfectly.

This is why I drink beer.

Valerie Curren

Wow that makes me think of my last special ed battle on behalf of my special son. I spent close to a year gearing up w/ special ed law, etc. Had compiled a very thorough documentation of the legal violations & requested a Due Process Hearing & when things couldn’t be resolved in meetings…we ultimately sought an attorney to see us through the hearing when some funding came through. He met w/ us once for $500 bucks, told us if we’d come to him a year previously “we could kick them in the balls” but basically there’s nothing you can really do now (alternatively, even if you “win” what they’ll “give” you won’t be worth it–pointless)…he then tried to encourage me to become an Advocate to help other people’s kids while admitting there’s nothing to be done for my son…

I guess one good thing out of all that frustration & heartache & feelings of hopelessness & pointlessness is that I eventually got a wordpress blog, as an outlet, & wandered into the Conservative Treehouse & eventually found Wolfie’s site circuitously, through PHC’s death support group. God works in mysterious ways.

My husband moved all my case files (I had the back of our station wagon filled with boxes & reams of advocacy materials) into the garage &/or the basement. Like putting the stuff out of sight would ever make it move out of my mind–shrug/cringe.

The battle for Trump & the nation has taken up much of the warrior spirit in my heart for a while now, but that brutalization by the system (allegedly there to protect & provide for the disabled) will never fully leave my psyche, my son’s, nor the rest of our family to a lesser degree. It’s been the underpinning source of some of my most intense & personal writings on special needs & PTSD & this one about that battle…

Here’s where I first really opened up about that battle, based on someone else’s blog post in that arena…

In God’s economy, nothing is wasted. That doesn’t mean we FEEL like things aren’t hopeless. My oldest son has looked at me as someone who wasted their education by not being in the workforce, who chose to stay home & raise our kids. My educational background & every part of my being was pretty much wrung out dry in trying to raise relatively healthy young people in this brutally fallen world. The crucible of special needs has shaped us all & there’s no way we would have weathered those myriad storms to the degree we did without my background & training! Seeing the kind of people our 4 kids are growing into makes every cost absolutely worth it!


You are in a good place now w/r/t state education of your special needs son, yes? I was under the impression that you were, but just want to confirm.

Valerie Curren

Well, he is an adult, & though entitled to public education until 26 in our state the fact that he got a HS “diploma” has meant they decided they could be done with him after years of dodging Legally Mandated things especially related to Transition Services (prep for employment, further education, & independent living–as well as NOT following his IEP on his academic education so there’s no way to tell how solid his diploma is–he hasn’t achieved even 3rd grade math so in that arena his diploma means absolutely nothing!)…

So to answer your question it honestly depends on your point of view as to whether we are in a good place educationally. At this point it pretty much is what it is.

My son has some part-time work, close enough to walk to (he cannot drive), & staffing hours authorized that never get fully used on a monthly basis. He’s engaged & they plan to marry next summer.

He’s a major patriot & passionate Christian!


I can’t remember the format, but he struck me as a knowledgeable and charismatic speaker.

The reason I ask is that the mother of our godchildren has a track record of driving IEPs where appropriate at a variety of levels. She has two sibs, and each had three kids, so there were nine to run through the education bureaucracy, and she got tagged as the dam buster.

The godkids got mainly Waldorf’d, her sister’s got mainly homeschooled, and I didn’t track the brother’s brood that closely….. but those kids were all lucky at getting the best education possible.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for that. I believe I shared a video post he did some months back admonishing others about God & country. Maybe you watched that?

I really hope all those kids didn’t need IEPs for that would be A Lot of special needs to corral–yikes!!!

We attempted to do the best we could with what we had to work with. IF we’d have had money we would have paid for ABA therapy for years & sued their A–es off to get our money back! As it was the educational establishment Never acknowledged my son’s autistic spectrum diagnosis & only cursorily addressed some of the myriad issues attendant with Autism!

I don’t want to get wound up on it so I’ll leave it at that. If I ever Do attempt to get back in the fray it might be along the lines of class-action lawsuit against the state who severely discriminates against “high-functioning autism spectrum kids” per Josiah’s long-time special needs doctor!


That sounds vaguely familiar and may be what I’m thinking of. After watching it, I understood that Josiah’s beliefs and education were aligned correctly, which puts him ahead of 99% of public school graduates.

No — among the nine cousins, there were a couple of IEPs….but TPTB rely on people only dealing with one (and being swamped with that). Having a specified champion for a family who has been through the drill puts them on defense.

He’s safely out of public instruction and into life….and (from what you’ve said) he’s living it.

Valerie Curren

Yes he is living life! He’s still somewhat the heartbeat of our family because we’d all be way more “typical” if he weren’t in the equation–notice I didn’t say “normal”!

Valerie Curren

very much like making love in a canoe”

See Stormare’s line about 1:05


Sound is currently down.

Valerie Curren

Sorry about that, the line Stormare has there is “is this good or bad?”, which is what I thought both times when reading your canoe reference 😉


The joke is: “how does this beer compare to making love in a canoe?”

“Well, they’re both #$^#$^ close to water.”

Valerie Curren

Ah, thanks. I’m not a beer person myself but guessed lovemaking in a canoe might be a tad challenging, not to mention potentially overtly public, which might turn on some lovers but pass!



comment image
RIP Philip Haney. Philip was found dead one year ago yesterday.
He did the interview below on February 4, 2020. Just 17 days later, on February 21, 2020 he was found dead.

He said in this interview that the infiltration by the Muslim Brotherhood was in every area of our government and went right up to and including VP Pence.

comment image


I wonder if he was talking about people working for Pence, or what exactly he knew about Pence.


Yeah. There have been a lot of accusations about Pence lately. Including pedophilia.

Deplorable Patriot

Pence rumors have been around for quite a while. And the one whistleblower claims the big blackmail material on him is homosexual in nature.


That one makes sense to me. Pence pings my gay-dar a bit.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah. Lin Wood’s whistleblower made that claim.


I have seen and heard Phil on a live streaming video about six months ago. Since he was a good friend, I was so shocked that I didn’t make note of the stream or the host.

I never believed he was dead and I’m even more firm about that today. Never was any funeral and never saw an autopsy report.

Not sure what he’s doing but I bet it has something to do with Muslims and terrorists.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

I have had this niggling sense of the same, but often we just get to wait it out to get
“the rest of the story” later on down the line.


From The Bee:

Amazon Introduces ‘Kindle Bonfire’ Feature That Lets You Burn Digital Books
February 22nd, 2021
comment image

SEATTLE, WA—Amazon announced today that Kindle users will now have the ability to virtually participate in book burnings, that time-honored tradition of tolerant, open societies.

The Kindle platform will feature a new area called the “Kindle Bonfire”, where users can throw select books into a virtual inferno.  

“Good old-fashioned book burnings have really gone by the wayside,” said Amazon spokesman Heinrich von Schnitzelkopf. “Seems there aren’t as many print books out there, for some reason. So here at Amazon, we wanted to find a way to still involve people in destroying dangerous books, like books about chromosomes. Now, people from across the globe can join together via Kindle Bonfire, around the warm glow of outdated literature.”

Amazon has selected a library of objectionable books that users may not read but can burn, including all science and history textbooks, as well as pretty much anything written before 2018. After picking a few books, users will then control an avatar that flings books into the Kindle Bonfire while shouting slogans like, “Hate has no home here!” Avatars may then give each other socially distanced air-fives, and celebrate the coming peace that always follows an ascendant cultural force burning all dissent.

While a few distributors still exist that will sell the books slated for burning, Amazon plans to buy those distributors or bash them in with a shovel. The U.S. government has offered to provide any assistance necessary to ensure no small business stands in the way of Amazon blazing the way to utopia.

Last edited 3 years ago by michaelh

Almost believable. 😃


Give it time.


Oh that is hilarious!


Another nice Sousa march!

Absolutely, they want us divided. Not only us, but all the people, with their identity politics. And if too much time passes, they will accomplish their goal. Some people will break away from the MAGA movement out of fatigue, disappointment, or despair. And the blame games will start.

We are at least 80 million strong, and I imagine more than that. Yet the country is being controlled and brought down before our eyes. I don’t know what we can do to turn things around. Yes, keep working to elect solid candidates, but what’s the use if corrupt voting machines are used?

Sorry to seem like a downer, but something dramatic needs to be done to turn things around and to correct 11/3/20, and I don’t see anything on the horizon.

I still believe WWG1WGA. I am forever MAGA and will stand with other patriots. When PDJT was in office, there was momentum and direction. Now it feels as if we’re scattered. I hope this will change.

Deplorable Patriot

I like the idea of a general strike, but it would have to be led by someone impervious to threats. As it is, the insiders and whistleblowers we do see, I would imagine, have some kind of security around them 24/7.


Another from the Bee:

7 Ways You Can Be Less White
February 22nd, 2021

More and more corporations are requiring their employees to be less white, in an attempt to stop racism forever. But it’s hard to know how to do that, since at first blush, that SEEMS really racist and impossible. But it’s not. It’s actually really easy if you follow these seven simple steps:

1. Burn all your Live, Laugh, Love signs. This is the first step to renouncing whiteness. Find every last “Live, Laugh, Love” sign in your home, every “Too Blessed To Be Stressed” trinket, and every “All I Need Is A Little Bit Of Coffee And A Whole Lot Of Jesus” mug and burn them as you think about your inherently sinful whiteness.

2. Rip off your skin. This is an easy one!

3. Kill yourself. Even easier! For best results, rip off your skin, then kill yourself.

4. Announce that you identify as a person of color. Wait, never mind. This one might be cultural appropriation. You also might be mistaken for a conservative trying to come up with a third joke.

5. Throw out all your ranch dressing. Ranch dressing, mayo — it’s all gotta go.

6. Take dance classes. This is a hard step, but it’s worth it. As you learn to dance to a beat, your whiteness will begin to melt away.

7. Hate yourself every waking moment until you have sufficiently atoned for your whiteness. Oops! Spoiler alert: you’ll never sufficiently atone for your whiteness. Better go back to step 3.

There you go! Racism ended forever!


#8 (after you Take dance classes ) Learn To Say Axe




Be Less Ghetto 👍

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Sadie Slays

Part of the psychological warfare is to brainwash people into thinking whites can’t dance. The reality is that European cultures have centuries-old traditions of dancing. I’ll take ballet or step dancing over the disgusting animal-like rubbing against people that passes for “dancing” these days.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays

Those are lovely! They might derisively be called “white people dancing,” but that’s ridiculous and a denial of culture all over the world.


From Bill Muehlenberg . . .
50 Top Conservative and Christian WebsitesFeb 23, 2021

This is a daring piece to write for the simple reason that there are many hundreds of good websites that feature conservative and Christian points of view. But one has to draw the line somewhere, and 50 is a nice round number! And those who follow this website regularly will know that this in fact is an update of an earlier article.


A smidgen of MCM narrative dishonesty perhaps?

4 Dead, 15% of Oregon Lost Power: Why Don’t We Hear About It?
Mon Feb 22, 2021 Daniel Greenfield

The answer is obvious.

When a disaster hits a Democrat state, it’s the fault of global warming and vague conditions. But when a disaster hits a Republican state, it’s the fault of the Republicans. Even if, in reality, they have as little to do with it as Senator Ted Cruz does. The media is in the propaganda business. Not the business of facts.

While the situation in Texas is worse than in Oregon, for obvious reasons of scale and weather, 600,000 people lost power in Oregon, the National Guard has been deployed, and, currently, some 50,000 people still don’t have power.

And yet coverage of the situation is minimal to non-existent.

While the media loudly blares coverage of “survivors” of the storm in Texas, there’s not much coming out of Oregon. Virtually all the coverage is local.

While much of the snow and ice from last weekend’s winter storm has melted, more than 150,000 Oregonians are still without power, heat, internet and other services. Portland General Electric (PGE) tweeted that its system “experienced catastrophic destruction” due to the storm. PGE had previously warned it would take days for some people to get their power back.

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown on Saturday declared a state of emergency due to the severe weather and power outages.

“The state of emergency I declared on Saturday will ensure that all necessary state resources are available on the ground to help Oregonians impacted by this winter storm,” Brown said.

Four people in Clackamas County have died from carbon monoxide poisoning during the winter storm. The Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office said in addition to the deaths, first responders have reported several other close calls. Deputies reported six adults in Gladstone got carbon monoxide poisoning after using a generator in an enclosed area. 

People dead of carbon monoxide poisoning in Texas is a major news story. Not in Oregon.

Governor Kate Brown is the key there. If Kate were a Republican, the media would be swarming all over Oregon and blaming her. Since she’s a Democrat, she gets the same treatment that Cuomo got, until the New York Left decided it had a shot at replacing him with its own candidate.

. . . MORE . . .


Well I’m from Oregon and I did write about the outage here. My power was out for 6 days, and it wasn’t a very pleasant experience. But our problem had nothing to do with the power grid or politicians. We had a freezing rain/ice storm situation like we haven’t seen in decades. It knocked down thousands of trees and branches here in Salem and all over this part of the state and took down hundreds of power poles. There were downed power lines everywhere. And many roads and streets were impassable due to all the fallen trees. While I despise Kate Brown, she had very little to do with anything involved. PGE and thousands of workers from other states have worked many, many man hours to bring us all back on line. Some of those guys worked over 100 hours in the last week in very inclement weather. I for one am very appreciative of the work they did and are still doing for the remaining people without power.


I just finished reading Daughn’s “Ice Storm of ’94” story and my heart goes out to all of those in Oregon struggling with the aftermath of this storm.


OMG! The most terrible ice storm i had ever experienced was in the late 80s in Oregon.Big rigs jack knifed all over the freeway, cars all jumbled in piles everywhere. my sister was a tow truck driver at the time and she was busy for several weeks. I went with her on a couple of tows and it was quite a harrowing experience!
The ice hit so fast you just couldn’t escape. I was visiting my family at the time and my daughter was about 3 years and wouldn’t leave the Christmas ornaments on the tree alone and managed to bite into a glass candy cane. Dad had to drive 20 miles into town on a solid sheet of ice to get to the was white knuckles all the way but he made it there safely.
We were froze in for weeks no power but we are used to that so no big deal. Dad just fired up the DC10 cat and scraped the road to pavement, down to the crossroad so neighbors could get out of the driveways. Ah the good old days.
And my daughter was fine there was no glass in her tummy. she spit it out before swallowing. KIDS!! they do the darnest things


Wow. On top of the other stresses, the girl just has to test out that candy cane… of glass… aaaaahhh!


When I was sixteen, we had a house fire in an ice storm. It gutted about half the house, and the smoke and water damage did the rest. They said it was a power-surge when the power came back on that did it, but I know better. My younger sister was cooking when the lights went out. We left the house for a few hours and when we came back, the fire had happened. I think she left oil in a pan on the stove. I think the fire department inspectors did my family a favor, and lied about the cause so the insurance would pay. Small town favor for a well-respected family.


Good observations. ALWAYS go around house and turn off everything when power goes out. And unplug electronics too. Same as turning off Gas main when there’s a disruption. So much to remember in the middle of a crisis.


The ‘rents were in Salem and had to evac to my sister’s place in Keiser. They’re in a residential block — the kind you wouldn’t think you’d ever have to evac from. God help their neighbors who didn’t have the option.

Deplorable Patriot

My mom has a cousin who was a lineman for the local electric company. EVERY YEAR he was sent to help out in other parts of the country where there were storms. One time, he said his helmet had an inch of ice on it when he came down off of a pole.

We had twin storms 14-15 years ago, one in summer, one in winter, that resulted in over 2 million (summer) being without power. Here, we were out 48 hours. Other people were out a lot longer, and, yes, there were crews from all over the country here to help out.

The electricity linemen are a lot like firemen in that regard. Everybody helps everybody else.


N.D. House votes to ban mask mandates: ‘Diabolical silliness’By Victor Morton – The Washington Times – Updated: 11:20 p.m. on Monday, February 22, 2021

The North Dakota House of Representatives, on a 50-44 vote, passed a bill Monday that would ban any future mask-wearing mandates.

The bill, which is now headed for the state Senate, follows the repeal in January of a November order by Republican Gov. Doug Burgum requiring the wearing of masks in public, though some local mandates remain.

State Rep. Jeff Hoverson, Minot Republican, called all mask mandates “diabolical silliness” and the conspiracy of “unelected, wealthy bureaucrats who are robbing our freedoms and perpetuating lies,” according to a report in the Grand Forks Herald.

“Our state is not a prison camp,” he said.

Masks are required in the state legislature, but the Herald reported that the rule is not tightly enforced and House Speaker Kim Koppelman has said that rule may be reconsidered soon.


Wyell . . . not sure where we’re going with this one.

Doxing for God: Organizations Expose Christian Journalists’ Personal Info
Steve RabeySteve Rabey February 22, 2021

Recently, employees of two prominent Christian leaders—John MacArthur and Dave Ramsey—have doxed Christian journalists reporting critical stories that the leaders claimed were false and motivated by evil intent. Here’s an analysis of these troubling episodes.


Looks problematic from every side, including the reporting on the reporting.

These kinds of spats never show anyone to advantage.


Yeah I’m baffled why MinistryWatch decided they needed to get in on this, unless this is going to become a pattern of Evangelical journalist back-scratching . . .


It’s just all around icky.


Media Already Trying To Spin Migrant ‘Kids In Cages’ For Joe Biden Administration
By Mike LaChance -February 22, 2021

In the months before the 2020 election, Democrats and the media constantly screamed about kids in cages. It was all done for politics. They wanted to paint Trump as an evil person.

Now the Biden administration has opened a new facility and media outlets are already trying to spin it as something totally different.

The wording has been so carefully chosen, you have to wonder if they used a focus group. . .


I’m sure that WaPo tweet will age well /s

Valerie Curren

They forgot to show the fence & the guard towers for the barracks!


OK, for more fun and games…..

Fiancee got a flat right at the freeway exit for our house. Drove it to a parking lot, parked.

Called AAA, called Wheel Works (local tire chain — very accommodating once you get past the initial sell), only then called me (about 5 blocks away). Initial sell was AWD -> four tire replacement.

Went there, used onboard resources (because we could — I have a floor jack at home) to jack up car and remove wheel. Cursory inspection of wheel showed metal object (worn-down-nail?) through tread. Called WW, they do plugs. AAA guy arrives, he doesn’t. Send AAA away. Put spare on her axle in case jack fails (earthquake), (but leave car jacked up), put wheel in my car and drive to WW (about 3 blocks) (Fiancee stays with car). WW inflates, spots cracks in sidewall from driving flat. We indicate in crayon and I drive back.

Huddle with the Fiancee, slow drive to WW. At WW, arrange to pull same flavor tire from warehouse (other three wheels at about 75% tread). Will be overnight deal.


If flat could’ve been plugged, would have been just over $20.

It was driven-on too long after going flat, and that compromised the sidewall. As I told the guy on-site, “better to see it now than feel it later.” I know people who have had sidewall blowouts at speed. Other tires at 75%, it makes sense to swap this tire for the same. On a 4WD or AWD system, however, you need to know that all four tires are a group, and if you had 25% on the other three, this would be time to change out all four tires. When you get to changing the other three tires, you’ll want to change this one at the same time. About $350

If the original “sell” had been taken, four tires would have been about $1400.

Ran on adrenaline through my normal dinner time and crashed hard, but things are getting back to normal.


I’m glad to hear you have it under control.

I have a flat tire on my car, which I haven’t bothered to fix since we were in the middle of Snowpocalypse, and since our van is fine, the car wasn’t exactly an emergency.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like I have a working air compressor right now. Something about how everything made in China is garbage.

If I can’t get an air compressor easily I’ll probably get AAA to air it up long enough to get me to Discount Tire. I’ve had very good luck with them for two decades – provided I look up the tire prices on TireRack first. I try to get the best quality all-weather tires I can without shelling out an arm and a leg.

There’s a performance automotive shop in the next town that does four wheel alignments, and though it’s pricey they’ve found and fixed problems that front wheel alignments miss. They saved the van from chewing through a brand new set of tires due to a misaligned axle(!)


Assuming you were aligned before, you should just be able to dismount the wheel off the car and transport it in the van to Discount Tire. No compressor required.

There are times, however, when you need a real alignment. On my ’79 Ford Mustang, the factory spec was a couple of degrees of toe-in…..people used to refer to it as a “baby-killer” because at speed it would nose down on hard turns. Mine was a different car with the alignment at dead nuts parallel.

This stuff is just not rocket surgery — but you have to have been there and done that, and fewer have done so every year.


Incidentally, I attended a presentation by the guy who had that years’ contract for maintenance of the Disneyland railroad locomotives…..and how he determined that the frame of (IIRC) #4 was bent to where the front and back wheels didn’t track properly. You think you had problems? Try it in iron…..


I’m assuming that Chynese compressors aren’t up to the job of pumping up locomotive wheels? I’m more worried about that problem than straightening the loco’s chassis …. 🙂

Valerie Curren

She’s very blessed to have you!!! My hubby came & bailed the kids & I out on a cold, wet wintery day when the tire exploded in the drive through lane at the pharmacy. I drove it about 20 yards to a non puddle surrounded parking spot near a light pole. He was & is my hero, as I would guess you are for your fiancee!

Deplorable Patriot

We had a blowout at speed in the middle of nowhere Illinois one night. Oh, yeah, that was fun.

My back tires need to be replaced and the one making those decisions will be away for another month, which is why it doesn’t get driven on the highway right now.

Living with tightwad engineers.


Ugh. Tires are not the thing to cheap out on. Saving $100 doesn’t mean anything if you lose control of a vehicle.

Deplorable Patriot

Fortunately, all of our vehicles for some time now have had front wheel drive. Due to the way winters are around here, we just have to do it that way. So, at least it’s not the driving wheels.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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Harry Lime

59 million votes for Biden…and that’s being extremely generous…

Joe Biden Didn’t Win!


Too ugly to post early…
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Valerie Curren

passing along, with attitude!


Gab never disappoints!
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And now you see the reason for “Woke” math, “non-white” math, “indigenous” math, “culturally diverse” math or whatever the hell they are calling it …………..

According to this new “math”, 133 – 74 = Trump lost

When words and numbers mean whatever the swamp wants it to mean, then you begin to understand their tactics. PoMo is very open about its motivation – it is all about power.

DJT made it clear in his “slings and arrows” speech and many other times that he knew he was entering into the most corrupt arena on the planet. He declared open war on the Swamp – in the HQ of the swamp. He knew they controlled the joint and set the rules – the rule whereby the corrupt had been winning for decades – trillions were at stake and this was clearly not being played by Marquis of Queensbury rules.

Se HE was the insurgent on their territory – he knew this and told us that he knew this. According to the rules of the swamp, Biden is now president. DJT was unable to prevail over the swamp (as far as we know – swallow your hopium from your own stash) and he LOST, since he is not in power.

Biden lost by our rules – by their rules Biden is now president. DJT engaged them on their territory and lost.

DJT appears to be indicating that he is the president in exile – so expect PAIN to be headed for Florida.

The war is far from over, and I am not at all depressed about the situation. I am not expecting the military to overturn the current status quo. It is going to take a spiritual change in the world – your enemies are going to become your fellows again – they will be saved from their possession. That is what it is going to take, imo.

Put it another way. Biden is satin’s (I have adopted this spelling from one of the geniuses that grace Hollyweird with his presence) president, Trump is God’s president. The people have to be spiritually awakened to see what they are serving. The principalities and powers have been serving satin since the crime in the Garden. Look at human history, look at the Bible and understand what is in play.

As great as is your constitution, iniquity resides in it. It is a constitution of this world – not of the new Heaven and Earth. Instead of praying for the military, Christians are called to pray the Lord’s Prayer, as highlighted by DePat above. If you truly understand what is at play – what spiritual changes led to this moment, you will understand that flesh and blood, bullets and tanks cannot do the job. Satin, through Chyna, invaded your fellow countryman’s minds and souls – they are satin’s servants now. Pray the Lord’s prayer, only He could ever save anyone. Then follow His commands. If not now, then when? If you do not follow His commands, then whose do you follow instead?


People have to desire to be free of possession. That is where the rubber hits the road. The exorcism process is more or less prolonged based on what entity(s) is in control and how hard the individual(s) work to get and stay free.

As we all know, it can be very ugly to cast out demons.


We are now walking down the road where the desire to be freed will increase, imo.


Please God, make it so.



Thanks, boss.

That’s what I’m talking about.
Trump won.
We were robbed!

𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

America is wide awake to the con game now.
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God bless, protect and grant great success to this man.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Let me amend that slightly, if I may. “Some” of America ………


This one here ^ has surprised me the most. the deception is deep all around.


The hints that she is being controlled by fear for her family are telling.


Now that I think of it, she seems like a virtue-signaling celeb.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Epic. 😂


DP, I agree with your outlook. I’ve had a feeling for several months that things were and are going to be ugly for a while, it was subtly indicated. We are in a war and most wars are not decided overnight.

We need to stay the course. Despite the obvious and not so obvious ploys to disrupt US, WE are not giving in. So, does it matter if some believe one or another path forward is blocked as long as we all know that what happened was false? Does it matter if we may be taking different actions looking forward so as to correct things as long as we are all in agreement that things need fixing? There are many things we CAN do to move forward, but in-fighting is not productive and that is what our adversaries wish for.


I think what our adversaries wish for is hot heads doing something stupid. That is to be guarded against at all cost.




That is to be assiduously guarded against….but once an ambush is in progress, all forces are to move THROUGH the ambush and out the other side.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t know about that. January Sixth would have been far, far worse if thousands of patriots had so much as WALKED into the AMBUSH IN PROGRESS. Only a few did, relative to that whole monster crowd, and look how bad things were with that!

We are up against a NASTY enemy.

Our ENTIRE GOVERNMENT is ready to ambush us, IMO.


they are trying relentlessly and shamelessly to make it into something far worse than it was…

they desperately want…and need…President Trump & his supporters to be “violent”.

but Antifa…BLM…they get a pass.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re not FAIR. They have no moral compass. They get to cheat. We don’t.

They want us to become THEM.

And THAT is why we DON’T.


Exactly!! They offer the path of hate.

Follow this logic all the way ….


having a “moral compass” means absolutely nothing to them.

POWER & CONTROL is what they’re after.

they must capture the “hearts & minds” of the masses in order to be able to manipulate the masses…

and then they keep repeating the same LIES relentessly…

like a chant.

they must also convince the masses that there is a common enemy…

someone to blame.

someone to fear.

someone…or a specific group…to condemn.

all of that is done through : lies, manipulation, false flags, sabotage, propaganda and power.

and it has an hypnotic effect on the masses.

there is a psychology of “the masses”.

Hitler understood it, studied it and exploited it…quite successfully.


this book….
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…was revered & referred to by Hitler…and Mussolini…

written by Gustave Le Bon in 1896…

his seminal work on crowd psychology.

Deplorable Patriot

Not having a moral compass is a big part of it.

I saw that a lot in my work life.


It wasn’t our ambush. If they’d somehow sucked in 20,000 true patriots, we should have flooded the zone…..but it was a couple of hundred antifa and instigators and the buffaloes just stood by and gawked.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And a damn good thing. I am so proud we didn’t follow that MIC buttwipe Sullivan into the MEAT GRINDER that Pelosi and the CHINA TREASON WING of the Pentagon had planned for us.

They were prepared to take down the ENTIRE true conservative movement – throw us in prison – and replace us with Neocon Nikki and Shanghai Mitch.

Good grief. The communists and their RINO and NEOCON puppets are EVIL.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Very interesting….everything based on Ubuntu 20.04 seems to have had its sound gefookt. I’ve been poking around to fix it on the big boy, but the newly spun has the same problem.


One of my Linux VMs is stubbornly refusing to see my audio hardware.


Is it Ubuntu-based? Debian?




I think the RH mushroom on the cover statue should have a perching Cthulhu —

— it would provide context and depth.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just saw these posts! Not sure why you’re not being let in.


I’ve been having a tiff with WP. Deleted my account, changed my name and email. Couldn’t sign in here. No Jetpack on my WP account for a week until this morning. Thanks for letting me back in!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like it’s working now!


good morning qtree 🙋‍♀️


We’ve been sitting at 101 comments for a while.

Considering my recent history, it wouldn’t surprise me if I couldn’t comment for no reason at all; if y’all couldn’t comment for no reason at all, or if there couldn’t be a comment for no reason at all.

So I’m chuckin’ a pebble.

Deplorable Patriot

It was the middle of the night.

Several of our regular posters are MIA for whatever reason.

Plus, many of the people over at Marica’s comment that they aren’t comfortable with conflict, so they avoid being here.

The whole comment number thing…I prefer quality to quantity.


I can’t comment.


Thank you kindly Wolf ☺


We have conflict?

I grew up in a Southern family of really loud German and Scottish combined ancestry. Family reunions were combat zones.

We really seem pretty calm here, with occasional exceptions (the latest being FG&C’s departure).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Free speech is like that!

I like the old fighting Italian family model, myself! Let it all out! Youse idiots!  😉 

One would not think that I would have to fight cancel culture here, but I do. Between hints and direct private requests to kick people out of here, combined with threats to leave unless somebody else is kicked out, one would almost think we’re Democrats. And that is not counting the people who come into here specifically to cause trouble – I get those cases, although they are increasingly sneaky. It prevents growth – AS INTENDED.

So I guess I’ll use this opportunity to remind everybody that, no, I will not be kicking out your bitter opponent [whoever]. Figure out another way. Like not giving a damn!  😃 

Deplorable Patriot

Most have.


Mostly I find self-appointed “Hall Monitors” to be the most TOXIC.

Valerie Curren

new kid on the block

hmmm not sure about the audio here, any thoughts

What are we supposed to notice in this pic?
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Valerie Curren

Seeing the large picture here it looks like Joe’s head & hand might be manipulated somehow based on the color variation. No clue here…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All I know is that the side-by-side pictures are of the same person, 100% without a doubt. People who are seeing them as different are being subjected to psychological suggestion. My facial recognition algo says overwhelmingly that it’s the same person..


I agree. There are patterns of tension that do not change even if amount of color or water in the tissues change. Look below the surface, see the jawline, how the teeth are set. See the temporal tension, the pattern of tension over the frontal area.

Valerie Curren

The one I shared previously w/ 6 pics appeared to be 2 & possibly 3 rather similar people. Some appear the same person & some different enough to be questionable, especially the ones w/ attached vs detached earlobes.

Valerie Curren

Ballsy bloke

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Ted Cruz should have shown up to today’s hearing in a Cancun t-shirt.

Valerie Curren

interesting anon insight
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Rosie’s Blocked By Beschloss

Whoever this anon is, he CALLED it…

…..before the election ever happened.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I’m wondering what the last lines mean. Which side is that?

The ritas have stopped flowing

The great sleep is ending

we will retake control


He claims

“The Rita’s have stopped flowing.
The great sleep is ending.
We will retake control”

While his pre election observations/predictions are spot on his last statement is quite convoluted unless he believes himself to be on the side of evil.
If Rita’s have stopped flowing that is not a good thing as you can see by the definition above.

In the Vedic scriptures we entered the Kali age somewhere around 3000 BCE. We still have about 39000 years before its end so we are somewhat still in its infancy.
The Kali age is the age of evil. Things get progressively worse.

Wiki stuff cut and pasted.

“Hindus believe that human civilization degenerates spiritually during the Kali Yuga. (According to one authority, and there are other’s that say different, this age began in 3012 BCE and we are still in it’s infancy. details in link above.)
Hinduism often symbolically represents morality (dharma) as an Indian bull. In Satya Yuga, the first stage of development, the bull has four legs, which is reduced by one in each age that follows. By the age of Kali, morality is reduced to only a quarter of that of the golden age, so that the bull of Dharma has only one leg.[13][14]

References in the Mahabharata[edit]
The Kurukshetra War and the decimation of Kauravas thus happened at the Yuga-Sandhi, the point of transition from one yuga to another.[15] The scriptures mention Narada as having momentarily intercepted the demon Kali on his way to the Earth when Duryodhana was about to be born in order to make him an embodiment of arishadvargas and adharma in preparation of the era of decay in values and the consequent havoc.[citation needed]

Prophesied events
A discourse by Markandeya in the Mahabharata identifies some of the attributes of Kali Yuga.

In relation to rulers, it lists:

Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly.
Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world.
“At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas (guna or temperament) and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.7)

With regard to human relationships, Markandeya’s discourse says:

Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of dharma will occur.
Religion, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, physical strength and memory diminish with each passing day.
People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that.
Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life.
Sin will increase exponentially, while virtue will fade and cease to flourish.
People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs.
Gurus will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will be insulted, and followers of Kama will wrest control of the mind from all human beings.
All the human beings will declare themselves as gods or boon given by gods and make it as a business instead of teachings.
People will no longer get married and live with each other just for sexual pleasure.
Weather and environment will degrade with time and frequent and unpredictable rainfalls will happen.
Earthquakes will be common.
Maximum age of humans will be 50 years by the end of Kali Yuga.
Many fake ideologies will spread throughout the world.
The powerful people will dominate the poor people.
Many diseases will spread.
At the end of Kali Yuga, lord Vishnu will take birth on earth to wipe out the sinners. It is mentioned that lord Vishnu’s Kalki avatar will come to the Earth in a white horse which has wings (here, the destruction caused by the white horse is used as a metaphor for the destruction of darkness in the minds of the human beings).”


For the record. I’m not a Hindu or Buddhist ,Jain or any of that. I just like to see what ancient cultures said and did and on that score I’m quite the neophyte.
Meanwhile if any of the above is seriously considered (few do) there is still plenty of time for renaissance if history is any sort of guide 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Thank you for sharing this.

In our holographic universe, truth is always asking to be seen, even if it is distorted by the pathologies of the vessel seeking to express it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots
Valerie Curren

No clue here but hopefully DP or someone else w/ experience analyzing the anons will weigh in.


Rita definition is – the cosmic-moral principle of order that in Vedic tradition establishes regularity and righteousness in the world.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for sharing that (I don’t really understand for I have no background in Vedic tradition) 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See, I thought they meant ‘ritas as in margaritas! Always important to ask to see if impressions are shared widely or not.

Valerie Curren

Millenniel Millie exposes the plan

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. And FIBTIFA stands by, signaling to Pelosi that “they have a deal”.

Valerie Curren

shudder, if the law enforcers are enabling the law breakers where is accountability (apart from political/viewpoint/religious persecution, which we all know only goes one way!)?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, we have a bit of a problem here.

Valerie Curren

Big Time. They’ve all turned in the kind of cop Brian Denehhy’s (hack job on that spelling) character portrayed in Rambo, First Blood!

Valerie Curren

spooky usurpers
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from a locked account

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Halloween in February. This is disturbing. Looks like they’re holding a funeral for the country, which is fitting since he’s destroyed our sovereignty by selling the USA to Chynah and opened the borders. This is another sign/omen.
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· 8h
President Joe Biden, First Lady Jill Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris & Second Gentlemen Doug Emhoff held a moment of silence for the 500,000 U.S. COVID deaths. 500 candles lit the staircases of the White House’s South Portico.…


heavily staged theatricks on display…

accent on tricks.

big time propaganda.

setting the table.

as if they give a damn about “covid deaths”.

Valerie Curren

I was wondering if that pic was at the Real White House or like Castle Rock studios, or some such…hmmm

Everything about that “administration” is “heavily staged” aka FAKE

Deplorable Patriot

That was my thought. Is this the real deal considering that all we see is the south facade of the building and even then, the steps don’t look quite right. The benches are different, too.
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There are no large lanterns (lights) by the central doorway in this picture, either.


If you do a search for “Halloween at the White House” and then click images. You will see those large lanterns in many pictures.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BOOM. Thank you. Multiplicity to the rescue.

Valerie Curren

Nice catch!


oh ! the humanity !
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Sieg Heil !

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

lively Ron Paul blast from the past…let freedom ring!

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

woka cola


psst, Elijah…to lie in a tanning bed.


Valerie Curren

Seems like there are many who like to lie regardless of the activity!

Valerie Curren



I love that Alice in Wonderland sculpture. I always made it a point to stop there on my visits to Central Park. I’ve got many pictures of myself and my friends sitting on the rocks enjoying ourselves.
I really miss going to the city. It’s been over a year. Yikes!
Thanks for the memories.

Valerie Curren

Fake PotUS to deal w/ Canada…
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Valerie Curren

Kevin Sorbo’s wife & a tweet I wanted to share (that disappeared from my timeline/home page & I forgot the topic 🙁 ha)

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Does “my body my choice” apply to vaccines and masks?
Or just killing babies?

Valerie Curren

woka cola’s whiteness wacko
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Valerie Curren

found on twitter
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Calgacus The Patriot
Feb 21

I am suddenly following tons of foreigners, vegans and animal rights activists….. I didn’t hit their follow button! Twitter sucks.

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The Gay Republican (Beep/Bop/Boop)

Okay this is just silly now. I have over 110,000 followers and my posts get like 3 retweets? This isn’t just a shadowban this is the dark of night.

Why should I post on this platform if they don’t let anyone see my posts?

Follow me on Parler and Gab @ TheGayRepublican.

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Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

there’s no basement on dem depravity

trompe l’oiele (scuse the misspelling)

Valerie Curren

Missouri community stands up against unconstitutional fed gun grabbers!!!

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David J Harris Jr

Newton County authorizes police to arrest federal agents enforcing unconstitutional gun control.
Sheriffs Can Arrest Feds Who Violate Citizens’ Gun Rights, New Missouri County Ordinance Says
It should be interesting after Joe Biden and his   Democratic compatriots pass their draconian gun control laws if federal officers show up in  Newton County, Missouri. That county has a new ordina…

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

canadian fights back!


Posting in 5, to help Wheatie’s eyes …

So, I am keen to get to the relevant parts now that my background has been sketched out. I will be leaping across interesting bits that may later prove to be more relevant – I will make a highlighted note in the timeline to make it easier for me to find in the event it proves necessary later to provide more detail. (note – there was more background than I planned, sorry.)

My father passed away in February 2000, a family trust was established pursuant to his will. I was one of 3 trustees, my mother and a cousin who is a super wealthy dude (director of one of the major investment companies in South Africa). We set about the plan, which was to sell about 90 hectares of the 650 ha farm to the adjoining development – Arabella Country Estate. I carried on operating the farm and had a verbal agreement (NOTE 1) that I would be able to purchase the remainder of the farm at agricultural value – the development next door was obviously driving up market value of adjacent properties. 

All approaches by our agent were rebuffed, so life carried on as per normal. 
Our third child was born in 2001 – a daughter! My wife continued loving life on the farm. We had arranged for her parents to be caretakers of the farm on the other side of Arabella, so our children had all their living grandparents living within 10km of us. One say in April 2002 I was returning back to the farm on the main dirt road and I spotted a huge black SUV crawling along towards me – they said they were from next door and was it ok to “look around”? From that moment on life became surreal for years thereafter. In some respects, it has never stopped.


2 ….

An offer was made, and it included an expanded second option which I was powerless to ward off since my sister became estranged from the entire Delport clan and family friends (NOTE 2). So suddenly much more of the farm was in play than planned. A bidding war between 2 developers ensued and the best half of the farm was sold for far more than we ever thought possible. We had 6 months to transition off the farm and re-locate 6 farm laborers and their families (we built them each a home and transferred free ownership to them). 

So work was frantic. We (my wife and I) bought a plot in Kleinmond (the nearest town where my parents had retired to) and engaged a builder to build a house for us to move to. Life was crazy hectic, and I had no idea what I was going to do about my own future – I knew that all the good land was gone and I had to figure out if there was any way to make a living on the remainder, which had zero buildings on it that amounted to anything.
With about 6 weeks to go from having to vacate the family farmhouse, on my birthday, I received a phone call from my best friend. 

I was in my dad’s old office looking out at the palm tree he had planted as a 12 year old. The newspaper was spread open on the desk – the business section. A graph depicting stock price over time was on the facing page. As I was talking, taking in the scene, my peripheral vision drew my eye to this graph, since “my” name appeared in it, in the time axis to be exact, depicting the 12 months JFMAMJJASOND. I posted about this at the old Q-Tree around 2 and a half years ago. 

At the time, it raised a chuckle from me and my wife – I am no longer chuckling. More on this later.


3 ….

So, we are off the farm, I was close to conceding that a future on the remainder was not viable, and my wife suggests that we visit her brother in Tasmania “just to go and have a look”. Why not, I say. We go there in mid 2003 for just over 2weeks and love what we see. We return to SA and I authorize the trust to sell the remainder of the farm – we are heading to Tasmania and I’m done with South Africa. 

My other BIL just happens to be visiting from Canada and he offers to accompany back to Tasmania to plan our arrival there. Awesome trip – the two of us thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each other. He is married to a devout Catholic and he is a very cynical atheist – so my former atheist self gets trotted out. We revel in kicking Christian hypocrisy in general and Catholicism in particular up hill and down dale. There are no dissenting voices present, so we are the heroes of the hour – like shooting fish in a barrel.

Oh yes, I almost forgot a tiny little detail. On this trip I recall the Magnet / Gadolinium Heat Engine that I “invented” 10 years before. He gets it and, being from Vancouver, which just happens to have a significant Chynese community, he reckons he can get his hands on some gadolinium. Cool – I’m re-excited about this idea since I may actually be able to test it! 

We head back to SA and on arrival back, my wife hands me a book to read – she reckons I’ll love it. That book was The Da Vinci Code ………………..

 What? Surely not? It was crud, wasn’t it? Just wait and see.

Last edited 3 years ago by JasonD


So, just coming from a trip where kicking Catholics was fun again – I get offered this book. This is like crack cocaine for an atheist – apologies to the genuine atheists out there who have actually considered their positions. So, having around a year to wait for our migration papers to get organized, I start hiking in the local mountains to lose some weight and get fit again. My mind wanders free on these hikes, and I alternate between thinking about Dan Brown’s fictional “exposes” and the magnet engine. One morning, heading down the mountain I wonder “What would I call this great invention?”  Combine the words “magnet” and “gadolinium” and you can get Mag-gadol …..ugh. Too klunky, it does not roll off the tongue.

Get home, have a shower and breakfast. What to do? Ah, maybe google about Mary Magdalene to see if there is anything to back up Dan Brown. This is our first experience on the internet proper – we had e-mail on the farm, nothing else. Search for Mary Magdalene – first page of hits are all chapels name after her – of no interest to this lad on a quest for the truth. Second page, the only non-chapel link is (yes it is still there, for some reason I don’t understand) “WELCOME TO THE CHAPEL PERILOUS” 

The Chapel Perilous first appeared in Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur – yes, we are apparently on a grail hunt for real, just like the da Vinci Code. And I am actually NOT joking – the big reveal is going to knock your socks off. And no, you can’t skip to the end. So, after navigating my way clumsily through the website as a complete newbie, I find this page which deals with the shocking true story of Mary Magdalene – or not. About 2/3’s of the way down I am shocked, to the core. My first bona fide synchronicity! The word Magdalene is brilliantly decoded for me as meaning Great Pillar Female One when the Hebrew is written as Ma-Gadol-Ah-En

Now, if you recall, a mere 2 hours earlier I was trying to concoct a name for my heat engine – Mag Gadol …….ugh. The similarity between these two ridiculous made up words coinciding within 2 hours of each other with regard to seemingly totally unrelated subjects          just        blew     me     away.


5 ……..

Remember, surreal for me started with that black SUV encounter. It did not stop after that. I am still in that state, because what happened that morning has never stopped. I did not know it then, but I was on a dual track journey of discovery. The mythical Holy Grail turns out NOT to be a myth – and an energy source that will power humanity for the foreseeable future. They were the same journey, parallel and intertwined at the same time. Two aspects of the same reality. Spirit and matter – together at last as intended from the beginning. One very important aspect of the coming marriage, in any event.

Forget that the translation of Ma-Gadol-Ah-En is garbage, in the sense that Tower in Hebrew is Migdal and magdala is an Aramaic word, also for tower. The TOWER part is true and very relevant, but the “translation” in the web page is riddled with error, as now doubt all of it is. The coincidence of these two words is what hooked me – and the crazy journey I have been on is very strangely, and very correctly, predicted on the front page of – copied and pasted ……

Welcome to Chapel Perilous… In the medieval legend of Chapel Perilous, any brave knight on a quest for wisdom was able to enter this chapel by whichever way he wished. But he could not leave the same “way” he came in..

Oh boy, what had I stumbled into – I was well and truly down the rabbit hole!

PS. Apologies to all Catholics for my then cavalier attitude to their faith. I am relating views I held then. I am confident that I won’t be cancelled due to this.


Worse than crud, don’t get us started, and the media hyped it to no end.


God has His own mysterious ways to draw His children into His care.


The devil weaves his devious plans, unknowingly that God is weaving a whole other fabric. All things are turned to the Good.

Remember, you have to dig in the dirt to find the gold. Dan Brown had his mission and intent, but something good has come out of it – I believe I can show this to you in the near future.

Valerie Curren

genocidal goal?

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Sigimund A Jagiellon

Making White not just a racial characteristic, but an inherent ideology that cannot be separated from being White, and further claiming it is an “obscenely unjust” structural concept that must be eradicated, creates the conditions for genocide hidden as political revolution.
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Kimberlé Crenshaw

· 11h
We cannot begin to address the obscene injustices in this country without grappling with whiteness — not as a simplistic racial categorization, but as a deeply structured relationship to power and group entitlement.
Show this thread


same thing the Nazis had to do regarding the European Jews in order to justify annihilating them.

first they had to manipulate the truth and propagandize their motives in order to convince an entire fatherland of countrymen, women and youth to join in…and to join in with gusto.

ditto the various factions of the SS killing machine where a hefty dose of meth also helped push the atrocities along..

“Jewishness” and “being Semitic” were subhuman…

the Bolshevik capitalist Jews were trying to take over the world !!

Valerie Curren

we’d better learn from history Fast so we’re not condemned to repeat it!


are you too white ??

unwilling to comply ??

well then….put this in your pipe and smoke it…

marked for extinction
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Valerie Curren

unwilling to comply usually goes along w/ a few other traits that will make folks rather difficult to eradicate 😉


Great quote:

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it,

but some who did learn from history are determined to repeat it

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, definitely. And this explains why the latter CORRECT for the things they missed in previous attempts.

People do not get this about Iran. Too many people in the West do not think in terms of thousands of years.

Valerie Curren

The ones using 1984 as a guidebook, not a warning!


They are going to have a much harder time with us white people than they did with the Jews. We are a huge majority in the US. Over 70% of the population, most of whom don’t want to die.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Never give up the guns. EVER.


Exactly how is a gun going to defend against VAXX death?
Or chemical “solutions” over a broader area?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How is a vaccine going to defend against burglars? Or the coming solar minimum? 😉


True. More useful for on the ground issues, not so much for genocide.


I wonder how many of the persecutors of the Jews were Jews themselves. In the case of white people, many of those pushing the anti-white agenda are white. It’s not about a race or a color; it’s another tool to divide us. Evil, evil people.


They are historically selfLoathing and their own worst enemiy.


Like Jesus, maybe?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Self-loathing is the result of persecution. And while it may be “historically” present in long-persecuted groups, it is remarkable how FAST it can be ginned up.

Look at white self-loathing. It has been less than 10 years. “White guilt” hasn’t really been taught in American schools for more than 20 or 30 years, and it was VERY mild at first. But real white self-loathing was basically a product of the second Obama term and Trump’s term. Amazing how fast they could make that societally prominent.


His name is George Soros.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now you see one of the worst crimes of the Nazis – to turn selected, “excused”, and otherwise spared members of a victim group against their own people.

This is a constant in socialism. The EXCUSED are turned against the CONDEMNED. And the socialists are ultimately who decides who is condemned and who is excused. If the condemnation standard is RACIAL, they also decide HOW that is decided. Hence things like the “White Hispanic” Zimmerman who is darker than most blacks now, but gets cut loose from skin protection because of the particular crime. It’s all NUTS.

My mother was classified as racially impure, but she could have been condemned at the whim of Hitler, and she WAS condemned on her deformity which they did not know about. When war was declared between America and Germany, she knew it was trouble, because those were the junctures where one might be reclassified, or the implications of a classification CHANGED. As it was, she barely got out of that one.

Her aunt had to counter all the propaganda my mother was getting in school. The propaganda was VERY effective – that is the power of “excusing the majority”, who are for the most part technically in violation of SOMETHING, while only coming down on an exemplary minority. It’s a form of “Stockholm syndrome”. “Hitler spared me!” It’s very effective “Dear Leader” psychology.


Don’t think that normal, decent Americans can’t be corrupted against those who the Bidenazis decide are bad people – it will happen.

Trump’s CORE SUPPORTERS will be the unexcused. People like me. People like many of us.

Now you see that when I say I will never abandon Trump, I have cast my lot to die well or win.




But this is exactly why they want waves of illegal immigrants, most of whom are “non-white.”

This push for bringing in people from other countries has never been about increasing their voter base…

it has been about completely changing the demographics of this country.


Valerie, sometimes I wonder if Satan has not been turned loose, as if by Invitation.
This rot seems to be taking over what was once a healthy Body.


Yes, the power of invitation is important.

That is why I INVITE GOD into everything.
Into my family, into my life, into my community, into my nation, into my world.

Valerie Curren

Very interesting (& disturbing) concept, especially considering the scriptural principles of binding & loosing!

Valerie Curren

“It’s making it’s own weather”


I worked at Stennis years ago and when they test fired an engine, you were luck to get an invite or advanced notice but that didn’t matter.

When that cloud starts building, the experience watchers have rain coats and umbrellas.

When the cloud reached its peak, it’s a downpour while the earth is shaking beneath your feel from the engine ignititing.

It’s glorious.

Valerie Curren

But it also begs the question about whether man can control or at least modify the weather! Thanks for the interesting tidbits!


Another synchronicity – I just posted my first actual encounter with synchronicities just above. The upshot, which will be fully revealed later, is something that generates power AND rain – continuously. But no local cloudy skies – sunshine every day.

Rain without cloudy skies? Yeah, I know ……….

Last edited 3 years ago by JasonD
Valerie Curren

Sounds intriguing 🙂


I thinks so, thanks. It is going to get “weirder” …

Valerie Curren

I’ve been enjoying reading along when I see your comments–Blessings!


South Pacific islands in WW2.

US soldiers experienced rain downpours with no clouds and bright sinshine and 100% humidity.


Yes – you understand the physics, it would seem. You should have no problem understanding what is going to be revealed a bit down the road.

Sorry for the delay, but I have committed to sticking to the script.

Valerie Curren

Canadian Rock Star–MUST WATCH!!!


This the son of Tommy John, a very talented baseball pitcher. He damaged his shoulder tendons and to fix it they created a new surgery named Tommy John surgery. His son was so impressed that he decided to be a doctor.

Deplorable Patriot

Psst: it was his elbow. Dr. Jobe invented the surgery. Any number of pitchers went to LA to have Tommy John done while he was still active.

Closers tend to have to have it done since they throw 95+ MPH more than they should.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

The memory’s going. How dumb of me to pretend to still have all my faculties.

Valerie Curren

LOL! We all limp along as best as we can. Hopefully the younger generation will begin picking up the torch to carry truth & freedom forward!

Valerie Curren

Wow awesome. I didn’t know who the person was just that their message was epic truth!


So who is the guy? (It’s not the doc).


His son.


So the doc is Tommy John the pitcher’s son, and the guy in the video is the doc’s son? I don’t get that from the post.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

DP says the doc’s name is Jobe. He invented the repair surgery.

Deplorable Patriot

Dr. Frank Jobe passed away, IIRC. He was the one who invented Tommy John surgery. They take a ligament from another part of the body and do a transplant, essentially.

Deplorable Patriot

The guy who posted the video, Dr. Tommy John, is a chiropractor who is the SON of Tommy John the famous pitcher. All I wanted to know is who the guy in the video is, if anyone knows. 🙄

And I won’t try explaining it again.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Deplorable Patriot

Some Canadian.


Really? Who would have guessed? /s

Deplorable Patriot

Honestly, that is the answer to the question. He is never identified to my knowledge.


I know he never said his name, and that the video has been making the rounds. Perhaps someone who forwarded it knew him and that info got around also. 🤔


He’s Chris Saccocia/Chris Sky, from Toronto. Has been an anti-lockdown activist throughout the plague.

Valerie Curren

I believe others said he was the son of the Doc, but I’m not sure…


He’s not the son of the doc. The doc, a chiropractor, is the son of Tommy John, the famous pitcher. The guy is Chris Sky, from Toronto – an anti-lockdown activist.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for that correction Ginger’sMom! My son’s girlfriend & her family live in Toronto & have largely drunk the Covid Kool-Aid so it would be awesome if they could learn about this gent & catch some Canuk clues!


There are several supreme court justices I would gladly support late term abortion on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So would they, since they know the laws don’t apply to SCOFFLAW SCOTUS!


so…wait…will the biden-didn’t-win stage hands create a Moment of Silence theatrical display with votive candles and funeral crepe draped all over the WH background with everybody all gloomy standing, masked & dangerous, in the foreground ??

.in honor of all the innocent, unborn children they’ve purposely condemned to abortion ??

Valerie Curren

Good news, even in Michigan’s frigid UP

Valerie Curren

arctic artistry

If my Finnish grandfather were still alive he’d happily be in the background jumping through a hole in the ice to rinse & cool off after a homemade sauna! We did that many times in my youth 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Valerie Curren

Thank you for that delightful comment! My grandpa used to say that I had “SISU” which I always took as a high compliment, especially since we are his descendants of the heart not the body, my mother being their adopted child & no blood relation!


I certainly hope some patriots in NY sue to get Hillary’s tax records from when she was a NY Senator.

I’m really curious if they would allow that of if THIS IS ONLY FOR TRUMP AND HIS FAMILY?


Only for Trump they want to jail him. Remember Flynn? They are ruthless.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🦋 🦋 🤸‍♀️ 😍 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 😍 🤸‍♀️ 🦋 🦋

Valerie Curren

The man is a moron!
Garland Suggests Antifa Riots Not “Domestic Terrorism” Because They Happened After Hours


All we saw yesterday 100% confirms that he was no “moderate” as they tried to tell us when attempting to foist him on us under Obama


And lets see how many Republicans confirm him.

Steve in Lewes

My guess…..43 GOP Senators will confirm..McConnell leading the pack.
He would never dare to not confirm like his counterpart did on most of Trump’s picks.


UniParty always support D-Rat extremists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Fake Republicans are fake.


Garland will still be nominated to SC. It IS only a matter of time.


Backstabbing rapo boy hadanuff will resign to further hurt Trump.


The ‘Logic of the Left’ – absurd to the Nth Degree!

Total gibberish and twisted justification for the true terrorists!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Terrorists work banker’s hours. Good to know.


february 22, 2021 the marshall report

The latest on the vax, shared by Juan O Savin, who received it from Nicholas Veniamin, host of THE NICHOLAS VENIAMIN SHOW out of the United Kingdom. I had to pass this on. It was the most common sense and scientific smack back at the pushers of an unproven vaccine that alters DNA. It is proving to be an experiment on humanity by the great merchants of the earth to achieve their ultimate agenda and get what they always wanted, live human lab rats. Remember, to these sick people you are disposable and they don’t care what happens to you as long as they get to play Dr. Frankenstein long enough to figure out what they can create out of you.

Steve in Lewes

I guess I’m out of touch, but who is Juan O Savin?
Searching doesn’t yield much except vids…any background?

Steve in Lewes

Thanks D!


Most welcome, Steve – underneath the video – sorry about the sound quality and blips – there are ‘blocks’ with the names of people with whom ‘Juan’ has conversed.

I wonder if Juan came out of the shadows because Kew is silent – or if Kew has told us all we need to know – or if Juan is our cheerleader to keep us going without PT – just speculating here, Steve.


Juan~one…savin ~ seven…just a coincidence

Deplorable Patriot

And I know so many people who are so steeped in the MSM and the Rockefeller medicine echo chamber, they just refuse to consider that this is an issue.


Unfortunately, yes, DP – and it is so frustrating they put their confidence in these evil people – * Sigh *

Deplorable Patriot

And they look at us who refuse and have other sources of information like we’re nuts.


We will always be nuts to them – why – they have no idea – because all they can do is criticize – because they are incapable of offering proof to substantiate their ‘opinion’ – ‘theory’ – and/or – ‘stance’.

Deplorable Patriot

Message to Holly: I’ll have Wolf confirm you.


Thank You DP!

Deplorable Patriot

It looks like he found you.

Deplorable Patriot

NP. It looks like he found you.


Yes, very glad to be back in the qtree fold.

Concerned Virginian

Hi, Holly!


Hi Virginian! Hope all is well with you 😀


Lord Have Mercy!


Every human being should be treated with dignity and respect unless they are white and acknowledge themselves as traditional male and female.



California is the only state disallowing indoor dining. Owners are fed up and doing it anyway.
We went out to eat over the weekend to a nonchain. Protest sign on the door against the dictat and newsom recall petitions on the counter. The place filled up as we ate, no social distancing, and obviously more that a household at one table. It was mostly families just trying to be together.
The staff did wear masks though. This totalitarian bs has to end…and not with the next dominion run “election”.


This totalitarian BS WILL END when citizens ACT NORMAL.

^^^ It really is this simple…ACT NORMAL. RESIST.


I apologize, there are two more tweets in this THREAD from Feisty… I con’t to forget that new platform picks up thread tweets differently…

Just click one of the tweets for thread


Thanks, PR!!! For frequency steering us in the right direction – Most appreciated!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Just the teaser tells a lot about January 6.


Certainly noticed the orange knit hats on Jan 6th. Plentiful and I thought odd, out of place at the time.

Had never seen the orange at previous Trump rallies.

Infuriating dodge, fib and fake news have NOT been honest about agitators at the Capitol on 6 Jan.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dodge & Fib cut their deal with Pigliosi! Live and let live, swamp style.



That is NOT enough info to get me to click on the link.


Concerned Virginian

Why in Hades is Matt Schlapp even talking to Pence, one asks?


Because CPAC is part of the GOPe apparatus.

Concerned Virginian

I got that, but aren’t weren’t both Matt and Mercedes fairly close advisers to REALPOTUS Donald Trump?


I can’t say b/c I don’t remember that.


Mercedes was on his communications team.


Mercedes was, for sure.

1/ TeamTrump no longer exists on Twitter, but below is the text of a tweet I bookmarked last year:

Aug 15 Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) on Twitter: “Senior Advisor @MercedesSchlapp on Team Trump hitting the campaign trail in Wisconsin” / Twitter

(don’t click, because it’s gone)

2/ This Axios article from 2018 is about an Oval Office meeting on leaks.


‘Shortly after word leaked that Kelly Sadler had taken a nasty shot at John McCain, President Trump convened a meeting in the Oval Office for a tiny group of communications staffers, according to sources familiar with the gathering. Sadler, Mercedes Schlapp, Raj Shah, and John Kelly all gathered in front of the Resolute Desk for a conversation with Trump about the leaking problem.’

JW in Germany

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

So help me God.


via Ace of Spades

February 23, 2021
The Morning Report – 2/23/21 [J.J. Sefton]—Open Blogger

Good morning, kids. Tuesday brings, yet again, more “lies, damned lies, and statistics” from the Enemy as the nation formerly known as the United States of America continues its headlong plunge into the abyss. With the Supreme Court effectively cementing in place the Junta’s ability to rig elections in any state it controls by refusing to take up the Pennsylvania case as well as giving the green light for President-in-Exile Trump’s tax returns to be bent, folded, stapled and mutilated to fabricate a crime that sends him to prison while wiping him and his entire family out, we now have the confirmation hearing of the quintessential DC bureaucrat, Merrick Garland, who despite the sturm und drang of GOP senators (Josh Hawley notwithstanding) will more than likely wind up at the top of the DoJ. His record, as well as his words even in yesterday’s kabuki-bukkake theater of the absurd are alarming in the extreme insofar as he is shaping up to be the Junta’s answer to Thomas Torquemada and Roland Freisler.

…The FBI, Garland told the committee, is right to add more agents to root out the threat of far-Right extremism. “We also have to look at what’s happening all over the country and where this could spread and where this came from,” he said. “It does require a lot of resources…”

What’s “happening all over the country” is upwards of 80 million Americans witnessed the

con’t reading

Reminder: There are tons of headlines at the end of the article… all categorized for your pleasure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Soviet America is here.

Concerned Virginian

And that little quote from Garland tells two things:

One, Garland ain’t as smart as he thinks he is. His statement let the cat out of the bag about what the DeepState wants to do to the 75+MILLION Americans who voted for REALPOTUS Donald Trump.
Two, it appears that Garland would be just fine with the restoration of the Auto-da-Fe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dennis Prager just called out Garland as a LIAR for saying he’d never given any thought to illegal immigration (or however he worded it). And thus, Prager said Mitch was a mixed bag – in part because he correctly fought to keep this guy Merrick Garland off SCOTUS.


Sure is looking like it….


Soviet refugees say this begins to look familiar.
NOT Soviet, but more like the last few years while the evil empire was crumbling.

An exceptional free-for-all. Breakdown that enabled mafia dons to grab state resources. Chaos that was worse than the terrible system they had learned to navigate.

Valerie Curren

somebody’s kid made a Wolf Cake 🙂
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Valerie Curren

historical perspective

Deplorable Patriot

This is still happening in a lot of places.

Most of what has been wreck-o-vated, as we call it, can be put back, but it’s going to take some doing.

Valerie Curren

minimalistic approaches look to be minimizing the awareness of God’s presence…


That is a very tangible and symbolic demonstration of the desacrilization of the church.

You might like this insight from Glenn Sunshine commenting on some history of church architecture:

The Puritan Pulpit and the Christian View of Life

Valerie Curren

Thank you for that link. What an unexpected & surprising treat:

“My church, the First Church of Christ in Wethersfield, Connecticut, was “gathered” in 1635. The congregation worships in the 1761 “Meeting House.””

My maiden name immigrant ancestor is John Stoddard of Wethersfield, CT! That church very well could be the one in which generations of Stoddards & other relatives worshipped. That JS’s grandson JS went on to found Litchfield, CT where multiple generations of my relatives also lived. Fun to make a modern connection to my family’s ancestral stomping grounds from around 1640 or so!


Old friend REX steps up to bat:

1. China Joe screwing everything up again.
As he has done for 45 + years.
Rarely has the world witnessed such eye watering incompetence as Moron Joe & Co.
Reality? The current ‘President’ is a corrupt human being who also has dementia.
The VPOTUS, someone called Harris, hated in her own Party, is being lined up as Joe’s replacement.
Kamala is an evil piece of work. Even Democrats realize how awful she is. Ms 1% is despised.
America is in a very, very tough spot.

2. But it is EXTREMELY important to accept REALITY.
Never forget what these criminals have done.
BUT they RIGGED an American election. It must be the worst crime in US history.
Do let’s not fall into the trap of giving up and legitimizing what they’ve done.
They are a disgrace. A stain on one of the great Republics of history.
Never let these people off the hook.

3. They’re in the MINORITY.
And they know the MAJORITY are fully aware of what has happened.
That’s what scares them the most.
So do not resort to any violence. That’s what these cowards want.
Instead, call them out.
Call them out on social media, wlth FACTS.
They’re freaking out already at how loathed they are.

4. It only gets worse for them now.
The truth is that these losers are only here because they were forced to cheat.
That’s why none on them can walk a public street anymore.
The 81 million + gang are acting like almost no one voted for them and they rigged an election.
Again – don’t deny reality. That’s actually what happened.
If you deny reality, your response will be ineffective.
Call them out for what they did. That’s the best thing you can do.
Leave the rest to the pros like Trump.

5. I can’t wait to see what President Trump has in store for the enemies of The Republic.
I guess 80 million + Americans can’t wait, either.
One thing is for sure. Trump is coming after ALL of them, big time.
And they know it.
Imagine everything he knows about these crooks, after being POTUS.
Oh man.
My faith in Trump’s abilities hadn’t wavered. The guy knows what he is doing.
The end.


Reply – JamieJag
I just saw an interview with Gen. Keane and Maria B. This a.m. on Fox business….He stated that the World now knows exactly what has happened regarding Biden and what is currently going on…Mr. Wictor was right in saying this is MUCH BIGGER than just the Presidency…


Rarely has the world witnessed such eye watering incompetence as Moron Joe & Co.

If ruining the world as inherited from PTrump is their mission, they’re on the way to a smashing success.

Last edited 3 years ago by yucki

People need to get involved in local Republican party to help Trump. He cannot do this alone. People can become piecing chairmen. There is a guy name Schulz on Gab and other places . More info on War Room Bannon. Schulz helps people on how to do this. We need to save the country.


Why is are people dumping all the work on Trump and they just talk about it?
Get involved in the community and help trump.
If I could I would but I do not have the ability. All of you bring your professional experience with you. Become a piecing chair in the republican party that is where the power is to make changes. There lots of openings and the republican party is not telling you. Bannon War Room is the place to get Schulz’s internet access. He will help anyone who want to do this.
Why is everyone so passive? We can do this.


Biden’s whole team is sick and corrupt – just like him.


He is just a puppet of the leftist organization that is bent on destroying America.


0 for 41

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As of this morning, I can LIKE a post and check my notices without having to go over to WP READER version!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’ve had multiple updates of both WordPress and wpDiscuz is why! BUGS WERE FIXED, apparently.


Wait just a gol durn minute – since when did they start fixing bugs? I thought they just made more.


BREAKING: New ACLJ Senior Counsel Mike Pompeo Joins Us In Studio


This new commenting feature is weird for me.
Every single comment shows the ‘Like’ and ‘Reply’ icon attached (the size of the the whole screen, one icon below the other)


Sounds like a bug, not a feature.
IF you reload the page, does it change?


Fishers of Men – 20210222


Peace Be Still – 20210223


Storm Dispatch – 20210223


Cancel Culture Hits Boston’s Jews.
American Jewish community. As in America itself, Jewish organizations are being taken over by well-funded, ideologically driven leftists. And as in America, Jewish conservatives have been losing the battle. This process is on full display in Boston’s Jewish community where an alliance of far-left Jewish groups has declared its intent on removing the time-honored, staunchly pro-Israel Zionist Organization of America, the ZOA from the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC). Charles Jacobs walks us through this on-going battle, a window on America’s internal Jewish conflict.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The LONG MARCH of the lying Bolsheviks through EVERY institution. They attack each one slightly differently, but with the same result. KILL FROM WITHIN. The “big three” of old in America – Catholics, Protestants, Jews – all taken over and inverted.


We need to fight back and begin take things over.
I did for 6 years in Presbyterian Women. Can be done.


Abiding by G-d’s 1st Commandment in Genesis, we are out-breeding them!
Thriving families.
Virtue is its own reward.


Thank you for your wisdom 🙂


Schadenfreude’s more than a little wicked. Gloating. But they’re the ones so keen on choice…

Our roots are anchored in bedrock. At times that may not be comfortable, but that’s the deal.

That’s the Covenant.

We weren’t promised a rose garden.
Maybe a fig tree, which is even better.

Till we celebrate in the Land of milk and honey.
Speedily, in our days!


Well said 🙂


#TrumpInterview #SmithCollege #HeartbeatBill
YouTube Takes Down New Trump Interview; Anti-White Racism At American Schools | Facts Matter


Sabrina Schroeder (@SabrinaGS20) Tweeted:
@KevinKileyCA And indoor dinning right? Insanity


Compassionate Biden Moves Migrant Children From Cages Into Humane High-Security Metal Containment Cubes
February 23rd, 2021
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CARRIZO SPRINGS, TX—Biden has finally ended the cruel and long-standing Trump practice of keeping migrant kids in cages, and has elected to move them into much more compassionate “high-security metal containment cubes.”

“We are proud of our cute little containment cubes,” said Kamala Harris while loudly laughing for some inexplicable reason. “Look at them all neat and tidy, lined up in a row! Hahahahahaha!” 

The new administration has assured the American people that the containment cubes are “completely different” than the evil cages Trump used to use, mainly because they are called “containment cubes” instead of cages.

Social workers on the border confirmed the children will be given up to three meals per day, will be allowed to attend anti-racism classes on Zoom, and provided with free air conditioning–at least when the power is working.

Children will be kept in these highly humane holding units until the cubes can be conveniently loaded onto a truck and shipped back to South America. 


Leftist Privilege – Defining the Language, realtime.

To the left, language is a weapon. Redefine words to make opponents wrong, then redefine words to make your position right.

Change meanings at will. Situational meaning.

Yesterday’s article about CRT demonstrated that with the table “When you say… / I hear…” as a prime example.

Leftist words stand unchallenged. Everyone else’s words, meanings, and motives must be challenged and impugned at every point.

Fact-Checkers is another example.

I remember a video of college students protesting a speaker on campus by chanting “Speech is Violence.” Another video of protesters this past summer said “Silence is Violence”.

There is no fixed meaning, just the moment.

The “mostly violent” protests required the most prescriptively narrow definition of violence imaginable to make the CNN chyron work.

That is cast aside to make the most expansive definition possible for the Buffalo Jump. Just change the meanings of words based on the situations.

“Cages” versus Political Correct Labeling.

Democrat Proposes Banning a Video Game in Bid to Curb Skyrocketing Carjackings in Chicago
By Jack Davis
Published February 23, 2021 at 8:27am

The bill “Modifies the definition of ‘serious physical harm’ to include psychological harm and child abuse, sexual abuse, animal abuse, domestic violence, violence against women, or motor vehicle theft with a driver or passenger present inside the vehicle when the theft begins,” the summary reads.

Redefine “violence” within the context of a bill, no common standard, specifically to allow the ban of certain video games.

Not a fan of GTA or its glorification of violence, but let’s be honest: It’s a product of the Hollywood-Game Industry alliance to coarsen culture and break down morals. The left calling for its ban is laughable for its hypocrisy.

Not laughable however is the gross manipulation of language to make meanings mold to a situation, like a wax nose.

When there are two different definitions of words, the words begin to lose their meaning, at least in so far as how they are used by those who want to live within the gray spaces of linguistic equivocation.

“You shall not have in your bag differing weights, a heavy and a light.” – Deuteronomy 25:13


Sidney Powell on Telegram:

Thank you all! There are still important live cases. Irrefutable proof is coming soon. Keep educating everyone about the facts. Today’s Supreme Court orders were disappointing but we are NOT done, and we will not let this fraud stand. #WeThePeople are supposed to run this country. Our new SuperPAC should be up tomorrow. [incorrect name; see below]

It’s to amplify the voice of #WeThePeople across the country. We intend to expose corruption in both parties and support people with the courage to protect our constitutional rights and the Rule of Law. Sign up for updates. Join for as little as $10 a year. Contributors of $200 a year total or less are confidential.


Oops. I got the domain name wrong. Check tomorrow for the new PAC at


Good! The base didn’t turn out for him because he is too “centerist” & “moderate” … ie RINO


Draft Marjorie Taylor Greene…….if nothing else but to watch the Left and the turtle lose their shit…………….


The Glazov Gang:
Incitement, Insurrection, and the Fascist Crackdown on Conservatives.

The Democrats and the media are launching an unprecedented campaign to eliminate the political opposition using false claims of incitement and insurrection. From censorship to criminalizing political dissent, here’s what we can expect going forward and what we can do about it.


Thank you for posting this video. The nice think is we know it and have someone confirm what we already know and expand on the topic.
We can get out of this but we need to be single minded and put our energy where it counts into local piercings.
I also like what Greenfield said the person calling for arms or violence is normally a FBI informant or other government operative. So familiar in DDR same thing same in Nazi Germany and I assume in all totalitarian regimes.


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Good question. 🤔 


Because they want to rewrite history and claim to have done things they will never every be able to do.


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𝙹𝚘𝚎 𝙱𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚗!


Why am I told to describe myself as cis woman’ | Claire Fox speech on biological sex language
‘I’m a woman that’s it enough:
Not a uterus holder 
Not a person with a vagina 
Not a chestfeeder.’
Claire Fox makes impassioned speech about language surrounding biological sex during Maternity Allowances Bill reading.


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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

ACK Miss Wheatie, where’s the eye bleach???? 🤢🤮🥴


No eye bleach on Tuesday. I don’t know why that is.




Rep. Lauren Boebert To Democrat Who Criticized Her Gun Display, ‘Do Your Dishes, Hon’



Trump Tops Epoch Times Reader Poll Asking for 5 Favorite Presidents

● A poll asked readers to choose their five favorite presidents of all-time. Ninety-five percent chose Trump, who left office in January, as one of their top five.

● The late Ronald Reagan came in second. The 40th president, who was in office from 1981 to 1989, was picked by over eight out of 10 respondents.

● Two other presidents were popular choices. They were George Washington, the first president of the country, and Abraham Lincoln, who ended slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation. Both were chosen by over seven out of 10 readers.

h/t – Telegram – The Trumpist –

Last edited 3 years ago by Linda
Concerned Virginian

Isn’t this the modern-day “round up the Jews and transport them in sealed boxcars to ‘Arbeit Macht Frei'” that AOC talked about?


Send them the names of every democrat you know.


Sand in the machine.
Every day.



Black Lives Matter raked in $90 million last year.

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is now building infrastructure to catch up to the speed of its funding and plans to use its endowment to become known for more than protests after Black Americans die at the hands of police or vigilantes.

So a movement protesting the deaths of Black Americans is now a Global Network Foundation.

Last edited 3 years ago by holly

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Military. The only way. That will never happen.


Punctuation matters!




Yes that is what dictatorship looks like.


CA stuck with him for a long time.

they make the rules now.


comment imageWyatt

Do you trust the media?

Considering Reuters is owned by the Rothschilds and they, in turn own the New York Times and many other media outlets, is there anyone who actually places any credence in what they say? If so, why?



Carlos Slim owns a hefty piece of the Slimes.
Lebanese-Mexican billionaire.



The U.S. Marshal service sent out this tweet this morning…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See phoenix’s telegram message from Lisa Mei below, warning about this stuff.

Who has been working with FIB on arresting patriots? US MARSHALLS.

This is about SETTING US UP.


Oh no.

Concerned Virginian

Wolf Moon
You betcha it’s a setup. And coordinated by the federal government.




I saw this before on gab. They sent the same exact tweet in 2020.

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Wasn’t it Lamon that accompanied Lincoln when he switched trains in Baltimore to avoid the initial assassination attempt? I think so.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AH! That guy!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Would be interesting if they send it annually, or just those 2 years.


That’s what people were asking, although I’ve only seen the one from last year.


Sounds like the Marshals are just commemorating their heroism.


It’s been years since I was reading Lincoln stuff — but this whole story about the assassination attempt before he ever got inaugurated was unreal. He would up switching trains in Baltimore, and that Lamon guy was the bodyguard. The ONLY person who accompanied him, so he literally could sneak into town.


The Meitryx
Forwarded from 
343.7 KB

Caution. All the irresponsible talk about March 4th is very likely another setup to target members of “Q community” as extremist. Spread the word and do NOT go to any big events that day.

Me & Lisa Mei Crowley chatting about this a few minutes ago.



Lisa Mei Crowley


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The Meitryx

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

1000% agreed.

You know what we are seeing now? We are seeing the LEFTIST DECEPTION CRUFT that was layered onto the Q movement by SHILLS, sliding off now that Q has withdrawn.

Q was real – but half of the bread wasn’t even crust – it was CRUFT.


Cruft is a jargon word for anything that is left over, redundant and getting in the way. It is used particularly for defective, superseded, useless, superfluous, or dysfunctional elements in computer software.

More at Wikipedia


>>”Cruft is a jargon word”<<

Like Captain “Dunsil” (sp?), from the original Star Trek series, where Kirk (who was on the receiving end of that insult) almost got supplanted by a computer-captain.

I hope everyone senses that “zeroes and ones” CANNOT describe the universe, or life, or consciousness / self-awareness, et al.

ALL COMPUTERS – whether augmented by self-reinforcing coding or not – are simply programming.

Programming by people, FIRST.

The evil we face wishes to replace us with their zeroes and ones. I suspect that they think that by using the (lesser) power of computational “thinking”, they can rule the world, and ignore the (greater) power of the sentient mind.

They wish for the Borg to take over … under their control, of course! But it is THEY who will be under “control” (along with all the rest of us!).

Evil is self-defeating. The fact that the self-elite (they use only their own standards to judge themselves) cannot understand this is a MASSIVE deficiency of mentality.

It’s the greatest disqualifier EVER, for those seeking to rule the world.

They are SO effed-up … while concomitantly thinking that they’re SO “together”!

They have a mental disease.


Yep. They do a whole lot of damage before they hit the dirt, though.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See this Tweet.



Discernment is warranted and lots of skepticism.


They would hang Trump if he did that.

Concerned Virginian

WOW, this comes across like “old SOB boyfriend you never trusted invites you over for a drink before he leaves town”. Your stomach tells you to say NO and RUN the other way.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Great Awakening Channel 🔷, [23.02.21 08:04]
[Forwarded from Satoshi Nakamoto Official]

The year the pandemic threw tens of millions of Americans out of work was extraordinarily good for the bank accounts of the wealthiest hedge fund managers.

The top 25 hedge fund bosses made $32 billion, according to Institutional Investor’s annual Rich List. The list was published Monday.

The top earner was Izzy Englander of Millennium Management, who took home an estimated $3.8 billion in 2020. His flagship fund achieved a 26 percent return. The prior year he was number six on the list with $750 million and the year before that he was in fifth place at $975 million.

The rest of the top ten:

James Simons: $2.6 billion on a 76 percent return.
Chase Coleman of Tiger Global Management: $2.5 billion on a 48 percent return.
Ken Griffin of Citadel: $1.8 billion on a 24 percent return.
Steve Cohen of Point72 Asset Management: $1.7 billion on a 16 percent return.
David Tepper of Appaloosa Management: $1.7 billion on 13 percent return.
Philippe Laffont of Coatue Management: $1.6 billion on a 65 percent return.
O. Andres Halvorsen of Viking Global Investors: $1.5 billion on a 27 percent return.
Scott Shleifer of Tiger Global Management: $1.5 billion on a 65 percent return
Bill Ackman of Pershing Square CXapital Management: $1.4 billion on a 70 percent return.
Notice that two of the top ten underperformed the broader market.



is this true?
Another Pratt and Whitney PW4000 engine blows up.
Funny thing is that everyone here should instantly realize that this means the cabal is hacking the engines remotely to make them blow up. The rest of the world will just think, “oops, must be a manufacturing defect” without the “that took a decade to manifest — but then manifests twice in 48 hours.”
These engines feature FEDEC:

True full authority digital engine controls have no form of manual override available, placing full authority over the operating parameters of the engine in the hands of the computer. If a total FADEC failure occurs, the engine fails.

FADEC not only provides for efficient engine operation, it also allows the manufacturer to program engine limitations and receive engine health and maintenance reports. For example, to avoid exceeding a certain engine temperature, the FADEC can be programmed to automatically take the necessary measures without pilot intervention.

Note the corollary: If the manufacturer can program the limitations, he can also remove the limitations (or set them high enough to effectively remove them). And the only way the engine knows who is and isn’t the manufacturer is if there is a login and password — if there is even that.


I need to ask my husband he worked in wind tunnel and quality assurance departments in airplane company as engineer for 26 years. He knows a lot about airplanes and what can go wrong and parts that fail because who makes them.


The Crichton novel Air Frame is a fascinating book which gets into the details in an entertaining way.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d be careful about Crichton. I’ve seen apallingly bad reserarch about subjects I know about, though he seems impressive in other areas. Perhaps because I don’t know much about those areas.


The novel was entertaining. The “lesson” was not in specific details, but in the fact that there WERE specific details. He presented the media for the narcissistic/political manipulators they were.

Anthony Trollope presented the media falsity in The Warden, where Trollope gave beautiful detail about how The Jupiter newspaper totally destroyed an innocent man’s reputation in order to present A Narrative.

Crichton may very well have been wrong in the details, but he was like Trollope in his fundamental theme, that there ARE actual TRUTHFUL details underlying the false narrative.


I did do not know the novel.
When my husband has some time he will address the engine it is not as simple as I gather from him. At the time he is deep into accounting crushing numbers I assume for the curse he is teaching.
I will mention the book to him. Thank you 🙂


All ,,, While in flight or on the ground, aircraft routinely transmit systems monitoring status data to ground airline stations and manufacturer locations. Except for navigation and communications systems, these are down-link only; not configured to up-link data or parameters into the aircraft, much like the on-board systems of contemporary motor vehicles that monitor systems status and send owner alerts such as when tire pressure is low, windshield fluid needs replacing, battery not charging, engine check-light being on, etc. Ultimately, the aircraft engine incident will be from a material, manufacturing, or maintenance failure involving some component of the engine, not necessarily a fan blade. Additional aircraft may be involved in subsequent FAA-mandated inspections as determined by a review of Boeing’s manufacturing and QA documents associated with each aircraft that was in the particular manufacturing block in which the incident aircraft was manufactured, as well as the manufacturing block in which the incident P&W engine was produced, Airline maintenance records will also be scrutinized. Engine components will also be inspected for improper installation or maintenance, as well as for defects undiscernable during manufacturing, maintenance, or routine inspection. it is not unusual for specific type aircraft with specific type jet engines to be grounded and inspected when these type incidents occur … trusting this help clarify … coh

My husbands contribution to the conversion

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

TY. Sounds a lot like my Dad. He was a stress engineer.


Yes those engineers have a language of their own.


Doesn’t P&W supply a lot of engines for military aircraft?

Deplorable Patriot

IIRC, missiles as well, but that might not be right.


Turbine engine failures are extremely rare based on the number of flights each year. Miniscule in fact. And as we have seen recently still extremely safe when losing one engine.

I deal with similar turbines in power plants that operate under the same principles but size wise can be much larger. Like any mechanical equipment these are subject to failure. The maintenance programs on these units is very extensive because failure could lead to huge costs in the $millions as in power plants or lives as in an aircraft.

As to the hacking of equipment and making it go out of control. Never as easy as it seems. Besides software control, many of the safeties are mechanical in nature and cannot be over ridden by software changes.


A little further down my husband left his contribution on the subject .
I would bring it here but do not know how to cut and past on this computer.


Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Tiger Woods injured in “major” crash near Rancho Polos Verdes this morning. He had to be extricated with the jaws of life. @FOXLA


Thats drunk or high.


He just had another surgery. But I’m skeptical of ANY solo car wreck that involves someone from our side of the fence. Especially someone prominent.


Solo occupant that early he prob was high, unless he had some kind of surgery related pain spasm. Esp with his history.


It’s very odd. He was just filmed coaching Dwyane Wade yesterday. As I said, there have been too many suspicious accidents to discount the possibility.




He had to be doing 70 and asleep to wind up where he did. Or something happened to the car. Does he have a home there, or is it a rental? I don’t trust anything on the surface. More Boeing engine trouble today too. Engines with the fault that allows them to be remotely taken over.

Concerned Virginian

And when did Tiger Woods last play golf with REALPOTUS Donald Trump, one wants to know?

Deplorable Patriot

Not being familiar with the area, I’m not sure how steep that embankment is or the speed limit, but this doesn’t look like just a roll off the road. That’s a lot of damage for the distance it traveled.


Speeding perhaps and overcorrected.


Oh my ! Prayers


I grew up nearby. He was going down the main route Hawthorne blvd, likely too fast. PV is hilly, cliffside ocean community.


Giloo, isn’t that road on a hillside? Looks like it. Upper and lower divided lanes. I wouldn’t put it past California roadbuilders to slant the pavement cross-section to the downhill side for rainwater drainage. Turn the wheel one way, say to the left, and the road is banked perfectly. Driving just a bit too fast, turn the steering wheel – and your car can break free into a dangerous downhill skid.

I heard a police spokesman say, “There are hills and curves and it is a dangerous section of road.”


In general, drainage tends in toward the hill rather than out to the cliff. It is then collected in drains and sent outward in a pipe under the road, with an outfall past the road edge onto a rock cairn.

If you just slope the road away from the hill and toward the drop, it tends to moisten and weaken the part of the road that sits on fill, while eroding rivulets in the shoulder. Eventually, you’ll get a failure where half your road will slide away in a 30+ foot chunk. Very messy.

Far better to collect the water and put it someplace controlled.

That said, PV has many steep roads with lightly guarded edges. It is not a place to hurry or take a less-than-safe automobile, nor let your attention wander for a millisecond.


Video of Woods driving just before the crash. Looks fine, doesn’t appear be speeding. He’s even in the slow lane.


Absolutely correct on how the road should be built! Colorado’s high roads are always like this. But I’ve driven on roads where they cheated the angle and it was terrifying! I’m looking at you, Oregon (eastern), Arkansas, and Oklahoma.

Oh, and rumble strips in the middle and the edges are so helpful!


Throughout pv it is very curvy and hilly. Hawthorne blvd is the main drag and least curvy.


Marica posted this tweet.

Last edited 3 years ago by holly



What could go wrong ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Something very strange about this “Oathkeeper gal on Capitol Hill” case.
For starters, it turns out that “Jessica Watkins” with the HIDDEN NAME CHANGE…….



Oath Keepers leader indicted in Capitol riot says she had VIP security creds, met with Secret Service

February 22, 2021 | Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Jessica Watkins, who is allegedly a leader of Oath Keepers, claims that she met with Secret Service agents before the Capitol riot and that she was providing security for the pro-Trump rally.

Watkins has been charged and indicted for conspiracy in connection to the Capitol riot on Jan. 6. She claims to have been issued a “VIP pass” to the rally where former President Trump spoke.

“On January 5 and 6, Ms. Watkins was present not as an insurrectionist, but to provide security to the speakers at the rally, to provide escort for the legislators and others to march to the Capitol as directed by the then president, and to safely escort protesters away from the Capitol to their vehicles and cars at the conclusion of the protest,” her attorney stated in her filing on Saturday, CNN reported.

“She was given a VIP pass to the rally. She met with Secret Service agents. She was within 50 feet of the stage during the rally to provide security for the speakers. At the time the Capitol was breached, she was still at the site of the initial rally where she had provided security,” the court filing continued.


Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Reminds me of Carter Page type of operation and betrayal by FBI?
Fishy alright? Wonder what slap of the wrist she get? Ratting out Oat Keepers?
I always thought Oat Keepers were good guys maybe not?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re good guys, but the other side has likely infiltrated them heavily. Oathkeepers started out a a kind of pro-2A movement who were stating that on Constitutional grounds, they would refuse illegal orders to disarm Americans. They sensed that America was under a Soviet/Maoist/Eurocommie/Anglocommie/Americommie infestation long before that was obvious. They’re not framed as political – purely Constitutional, but the idea was that they would provide a bulwark against encroachment by the radical left.

That bulwark is being tested and sabotaged now, IMO.


Sabotaged and tested. Many are ex military as I gather. May God be with them and protect them. Hope cool heads prevail we do not need a fight at this time it would be counter productive.


We are just being mocked, even by the provocateurs.


Catholic Cardinal Who Warned About Death of Western Civilization Removed by Pope

A Catholic Cardinal who warned that western civilization was living through its “mortal hour” as a result of the masses being transfixed by “vulgar entertainments” has been removed by Pope Francis.

The Pope accepted the resignation of Cardinal Robert Sarah as head of the Vatican’s office for liturgy.

However, the resignation was more of a firing because Sarah was mandated to submit his resignation when he turned 75 and Pope Francis has previously allowed cardinals to serve two or three years past that point.

Cardinal has previously indicated in a Twitter post that he was happy to continue, but the Pope removed him and with it an outspoken conservative and potential future Pope.

Sarah was a powerful voice in resisting the liberalization of Catholicism and has repeatedly spoken out in blunt terms about the problems facing the west

Deplorable Patriot

To be clear about this, all bishops turn in a resignation at the age of 75. Sarah is 76, and, yes, I am sure he’s a thorn in the side of the St. Gallen Mafia.

The thing is, that as the Spirit of the 70s guys are retiring, Liturgical practice is getting more traditional. We’ll see who they put in that spot.


Disagree. They are passing the spirit down via the seminaries. It is still going on.

There are a few traditionalists, but that is only because of BXVI.

Without support they will wither.

It is what it is.

Deplorable Patriot

Must disagree to your disagreement. The traditionalist priests I know were ordained under JPII, for the most part. Definitely most of the more traditionalist bishops. I attended one elevation in 1997, and those two bishops are known for being stringent.


History teacher is left horrified with his Gen Z students who don’t know who HITLER is, call disability rights advocate Helen Keller a ‘Nazi’ and D-Day a ‘rapper

— not at all surprised


Maybe kids who go to public schools? My granddaughter told me already years ago that history classes were a joke and she attests an exclusive private school. She is an avid reader and very fast reader so she took books out of the school library and supplemented her history reading.
Parents need to help kids when schools fail.


Many kids in public schools today do not have stable parents or stable homes.


True and it is a shame. Used to be grand parents filled the gap when parents were not able. We shortchange our kids without grandparent availability.


That is the problem.

The government needs to be 100% removed from education, and parents need to deal with the consequences of making the decisions themselves.




Too late. The gubmint has been involved with public ed for decades and the kids, now adults have been taught the opposite. Mask compliance is living proof.


Well, in my town, the rabid mask compliers are senior citizens.


The mask police are also selective. They typically only question certain people. Not those they are intimidated by.

Deplorable Patriot

And the great awakening continues.

Judge Rejects Rep. Devin Nunes Defamation Suit Against CNN

February 23, 2021

A defamation lawsuit U.S. GOP Rep. Devin Nunes brought against CNN has been tossed out by a Manhattan judge.

The lawsuit seeking over $435 million in damages was rejected by U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain, who said the California Republican failed to request a retraction in a timely fashion or adequately state his claims.

Nunes had alleged the cable news company intentionally published a false news article on Nov. 22, 2019, and engaged in a conspiracy to defame him and damage his personal and professional reputation.


failed to request a retraction in a timely fashion or adequately state his claims.

—screw all these “judges”


The Judicial branch of government is broken and one sided. Conservatives are not going to get a fair shake.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




I am serious; if they keep pushing this “all whites are bad” shit, I am going full-on tribal. It’s ridiculous, and I am fucking tired of it. Yeah, I was born white. My parents were white and so were my grandparents. If that “makes” me something, then being black can “make” you something, too. That is full-on RACIST. Do you think black people wish they had risen up when there were many MORE of them than there were whites, and just ended slavery back in the 1700’s? Because we can put an end to this racist crap here and now. America is 70+% WHITE.


Aubergine those are only words from ignorant people. All skin color are beautiful it is the character that matters. You are a person with good character. Keep your head held high 🙂


I agree. Skin color is irrelevant to me. It should be to everyone. The content of one’s character is ALL that matters.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


We have let this anti-white psychosis go on FAR TOO LONG. It is not designed to benefit anybody it alleges to benefit. It is unhealthy, helps only the CCP in the long run, and is FAR from the best way to accomplish what it ALLEGES to accomplish. Meaning it’s not here for our good. It has a far more sinister purpose.

It is absolutely time to not just talk back to it, but to bring utter shame on all who trot it out.

They are DESPERATE to keep us divided.

Deplorable Patriot

You know, my grandmother from the Boston area never admitted she was Irish. As in bleeding green, 100% potato Irish.

I’m wondering if the same sort of shaming was involved.

In fact, she never told us or admitted our grandfather was half Irish. All we ever heard was French-Canadian, and that wasn’t from Quebec, either. Way back 250+ years, I’m related to the Cajuns.


Some sort? Actually much. Remember the vast majority of original settlers to the 13 Colonies were escaping religious prosecution in the old world and feared Catholics getting an upper hand. It didn’t matter that these Catholics were poorer and by and largely uneducated than them because their loyalties were still to the Catholic Church in the old world which was tied to the powers that had them fleeing to the new world.

Much of these discrimination’s continued up into the 1900’s and could be argued still exist. What started as possibly a necessary evil continued on as custom when it comes to the Boston area.

From Wiki, but there are plenty of articles on this elsewhere.


Massachusetts was first settled by English religious dissenters. Quakers, Jews, and Catholics were not permitted in the colony. Catholics avoided Massachusetts during the colonial period after laws passed in 1647 and 1700 forbade Catholic priests to reside in the colony under pain of imprisonment and execution.[7] Because many of the British colonists, such as the Puritans and Congregationalists, were fleeing religious persecution by the Church of England, much of early American religious culture exhibited the anti-Catholic bias of these Protestant denominations.

Near the close of the reign of Charles I (d. 1649), the forced emigration of the Irish brought many to Massachusetts. However, their number is hard to estimate because the law obliged all Irishmen in certain towns of Ireland to take English surnames—the names of some small town, of a color, of a particular trade or office, or of a certain art or craft.[8]

More (other colonies) in the article.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

America is 70+% WHITE.

and that other 30% runs police departments, cities, fire departments, military divisions, state governments, state and federal committees, and numerous LEAs.

but they are disenfranchised


From the nic, I had presumed that you were born purple.


(me too!)


LOL!!!!!! That’s fantastic.


Many more blacks than whites? When was this? No time that I ever heard about.

I think that ‘fact’ didn’t make it out of your keyboard properly.


Back in slave days, there WERE many more blacks than whites on many plantations. They were kept afraid and beaten down, were not allowed to read, couldn’t play drums because they could be used for communication. All because if they had risen up, they out-numbered their masters.


On the old Spartan/Helot model.

And, it should be noted, this was true in several states.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Which is, of course, why SLAVE VOTES MATTERED. Even though they weren’t votes. Exactly.


The more people actually understand what was going on with this (and overcome the tsunami of ignorant pontificating), the better our nation can understand (and reject) knee-jerk racist radicalism.


Love this comment. SPOT. ON.

Deplorable Patriot


House Democrats, Targeting Right-Wing Cable Outlets, Are Assaulting Core Press Freedoms
Democrats’ justification for silencing their adversaries online and in media — “they are spreading fake news and inciting extremism” — is what despots everywhere say.
Glenn Greenwald
5 hr ago

Not even two months into their reign as the majority party that controls the White House and both houses of Congress, key Democrats have made clear that one of their top priorities is censorship of divergent voices. On Saturday, I detailed how their escalating official campaign to coerce and threaten social media companies into more aggressively censoring views that they dislike — including by summoning social media CEOs to appear before them for the third time in less than five months — is implicating, if not already violating, core First Amendment rights of free speech.

Now they are going further — much further. The same Democratic House Committee that is demanding greater online censorship from social media companies now has its sights set on the removal of conservative cable outlets, including Fox News, from the airwaves.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee on Monday announced a February 24 hearing, convened by one of its sub-committees, entitled “Fanning the Flames: Disinformation and Extremism in the Media.” Claiming that “the spread of disinformation and extremism by traditional news media presents a tangible and destabilizing threat,” the Committee argues: “Some broadcasters’ and cable networks’ increasing reliance on conspiracy theories and misleading or patently false information raises questions about their devotion to journalistic integrity.”

Since when is it the role of the U.S. Government to arbitrate and enforce precepts of “journalistic integrity”? Unless you believe in the right of the government to regulate and control what the press says — a power which the First Amendment explicitly prohibits — how can anyone be comfortable with members of Congress arrogating unto themselves the power to dictate what media outlets are permitted to report and control how they discuss and analyze the news of the day?

But what House Democrats are doing here is far more insidious than what is revealed by that creepy official announcement. Two senior members of that Committee, Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Silicon-Valley) and Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-CA) also sent their own letters to seven of the nation’s largest cable providers — Comcast, AT&T, Spectrum, Dish, Verizon, Cox and Altice — as well as to digital distributors of cable news (Roku, Amazon, Apple, Google and Hulu) demanding to know, among other things, what those cable distributors did to prevent conservative “disinformation” prior to the election and after — disinformation, they said, that just so happened to be spread by the only conservative cable outlets: Fox, Newsmax and OANN.

In case there was any doubt about their true goal — coercing these cable providers to remove all cable networks that feature conservative voices, including Fox (just as their counterparts on that Committee want to ban right-wing voices from social media) — the House Democrats in their letter said explicitly what they are after: namely, removal of those conservative outlets by these cable providers:
comment image


Sounds just like what Twitter and Facebook did during the past election year and its aftermath.

They cover up Democrat crimes (Joe and Hunter) and censor conservative facts about the potential election dangers and consequent theft.

Barb Meier

Oldie but goodie !

12/7/19 – REX –
1. CIA/FBI infiltration of the media – this is one of the critical issues that I’m hopeful will be exposed in the coming months.
It’s been going on for decades, but it seems obvious to me that Obama’s goons escalated the infiltration to unprecedented levels. The MSM has gone off the rails.
They now openly defend criminals.
It’s chilling to think about what would have happened under a Clinton presidency, with this media apparatus in place. A genuine police state.

Their absolute power and privilege has been based on political power and legal power that have accumulated slowly but very surely for 85 years. Add secrecy and mutual protection – and that is their foundation.
Their political power is in rapid decline. Their legal power is under constant siege by legions of new, comparatively young judges. Their veil of secrecy has been torn off permanently.
Their protection of each other will fall away because they are craven, privileged cowards.

2. It must be fixed, because if these lunatics in the Democratic Party ever take power again, we can all say sayonara to the American Republic.
Which isn’t out of hospital yet, BTW. America isn’t in the critical ward as it was on Nov 7, 2016, but it’s also not out of emergency yet.
A starting point would be to reveal some key individuals and to prosecute them, then to keep going. They need to be removed if the press can survive in any meaningful fashion.
Let’s hope and pray.
The end.

Reply: timr
I am not by nature or experience an optimist about life on earth, or justice or the use of power.
But the Left is clearly in decline, They peaked in November, 2016.
Their stranglehold on state power in most areas of the country began to collapse in 2010.
Their power is still deep and strong. But the decline has begun – and it cannot be stopped.
The Left has no appeal to sane, decent people and even the young leftists will start to chafe under its hatred and rage.

I don’t know what will replace the Left as the dominant ideology of the West.
Conservative populism is the phrase for what seems to be next. Maybe not.
But the Left is broken. They rely on raw power, hatred, slander, lawsuits, manipulation and the opposition to freedom in any form to maintain power.
These are all the hallmarks of a despised and decadent self-styled ruling class who are mocked by the people they supposedly represent.

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

Today my Lenten reading came ” Let Freedom Ring.” Fr James Altman, Fr. Richard Heilman , William Peckman.
I will emerge myself into the teaching those good men offer. A thought struck me that as Christians we need to stick together because we are stronger and divided we are weak.
I am not Catholic but do not shy away to read and learn from other Christians.
This one sentence from the book seems to appropriate to these times we are experiencing.
“Through Christ and the Heavenly Court, we never enter the battle field alone.”

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1
Deplorable Patriot

I signed up for the emails. Really nice to have it in my in box every morning.


Yes it is.


How do you do that?


Thank You.


I ordered a copy of this book, as well, but mine has not arrived yet. I look forward to receiving it.


It is well worth it.


According to Gateway Pundit reporting, Ashli Babbit’s family laid her to rest by spreading her ashes into the Pacific Ocean.

Sounds a bit like Osama bin Laden, doesn’t it? Anyone else giving a side eye to this?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not buying any of it, but my condolences to the family anyway.

Sound schizophrenic? They force it upon us. We echo it back.

Very sorry, very hurt, feel for the parents, it’s all lies. DEAL, you who corrupted this nation. We will echo your crimes back at you as YOUR responsibility.


What’s with GP pushing this fake scenario, with their “reporter” on the scene of the incident, and writing all the follow-up articles. Several comments there tearing that Hansen kid up. No one is buying it. My problem is figuring GP’s angle.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GP supports their reporters through thick and thin, so if this reporter is “off”, Hoft may just be doing his “back you to the hilt” thing.

As to why the reporter is off, my only two theories would be (1) a plant, and (2) blinded by “Ashli was a patriot” virtue signaling, which I see on Gab all the time. Those people deal with the bogus aspects of the shooting NOT by criticizing the evidence and interpretation, but more like “why does our side do this?”, which is stupid, weak, as bad as the other side, and does not address FACTS. All of which might argue that the author there is a plant.


B t the “incident” I meant he was there at the “shooting”. And called out by name in the video, multiple times. Something is not right with GP in relation to this story.


There’s a story there, somewhere…


Yep, and it will continue to be a story until they clear the air on the shooter which can start by releasing his name. Until then let the speculation continue full throttle for as far as I’m concerned. This should not be a freaking state secret. No other cop anywhere gets off like this.


click the rumble link to view


He has a point but I am not able to listen to him for to long.


singing…yeah, I am not a fan…the good thing ab this clip is he mentioned the real issue in the first 15 seconds. ab my limit.


I like Eric a lot.


singing, yes, I consider Eric an actual spokesperson for Trump…not so full of himself as is Jr.


So true


Ithaca, NY home of Cornell U…the Berkeley of the East….has a new police reform proposal.

The Ithaca Police Department would be replaced with a “Department of Community Solutions and Public Safety.”

The plan would have armed public safety workers focus on interrupting and solving serious crimes and unarmed community solution workers who focus on de-escalation.

🤣😅😂….deep breath….😂🤣😅

Brave and Free

LOL that’ll work great down in Ithaca……. there’s always some shooting or some s*** going on. Leftist hellhole of upstate NY.


They have a stellar farmers market, though.


Ad in paper 6 months from now, ala Michigan:

“Looking for adventure? Want to “clean up Dodge”? We are currently hiring officers for official police duty after our failed less than successful, not fully realized attempt at virtue signalling, the likes that can be seen from space. It was working great until …Trump. Please apply…quickly…it is truly the wild west”


The Turtle is going to support Merrick Garland for AG. They’re taking their masks off. /smh

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. Because Garland’s first order of business is to go after Trump supporters.

Here we go.


Going after Trump money people so that none of Trump’s ideas manifest.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yeah, that till likely be part of it, too.


“Interesting times.”


He is going to go after Trump and his money. They are very evil people. I feel so bad for Trump’ and his family and we are helpless. He is helpless since all ways for him to defend himself have been sabotaged. Maybe I am seeing it worse than it is I pray it is not.


I’ve been slowly forcing myself to do a post mortem on PT’s first term.

So hard to even think of what might have been if some decisions were made differently.

We deserved much more truth about what was going on via the covid. The whole vaccine thing, etc.

If the whole truth had come out I think it would’ve changed everything.

Tragic for our nation. Keeping the citizens in the dark has not served our republic well. The people are our greatest resource, and when they are lied to, gaslighted, and purposely deceived, even for so-called good reasons, confusion reigns.


You saw what happened when POTUS spoke out everyone pounced on him. The medical community took its time and when they came out they also were crucified.
I think we know it was a virus released accidentally or not and then the politics made hay out of it. The thread of impeachment and law suit I think took it;s tole on Trump. Still he did much and if nothing else we now know the truth who and what is running the country. We has no idea how bad it was and now we know it is good.


Sidney Powell states that she now believes the Executive Branch was never fully under the control our Lion.


151521052_10159037453234812_8134747050882992232_n.jpg (698×960) (

Last edited 3 years ago by barkerjim

Jordan Sather – The War Is Real, The News Is Fake, Optics Are Important, Information War
X22 Report Published  February 23, 2021

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

More details. It sounds like he was running late:


Prior to Tigers Woods’ horrific car crash on Tuesday, the legendary golfer was getting ready to pass along his knowledge of the game to two NFL stars.

Woods, who has been working with Discovery Networks, was expected to tape two “teaching lessons” at the Rolling Hills County Club at 8 a.m. local time. He was expected to meet with New Orleans Saints legendary quarterback Drew Brees and Los Angeles Chargers up-and-coming star Justin Herbert.

Sources told Fox News that Woods was running late when he took off from the hotel after waiting for his SUV from the valet. The sources said that Woods’ crew and a handler went ahead to get things for the shoot ready. They were waiting for about two hours before hearing about the crash.


That plan sure went off the road badly. Better to be late than not at all. Excuses for being late: 1) fashionable; 2) diva reputation; 3) valet couldn’t find my car; 4) had a funny feeling so obeyed all the traffic laws; 5) heavy traffic; 6) …


Do you really think sarcasm is appropriate at this juncture? We’re above TMZ.


Hmm. So it’s a rental.


I keep seeing this meme and am wondering if there has always been a SOTU speech right after a new president takes office.

comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The speech Trump gave shortly after his inauguration was technically not a State of the Union speech, he was merely addressing a joint session of Congress.

SOTU is constitutionally required, but it can just be a written report to Congress.

I do remember when Ford said, during one of his, that the State of the Union was “Not Good.”


Jerry wasn’t all wrong.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, and per wikipoo, it’s very uncommon for an outgoing president to deliver a parting SOTU; Carter is the most recent and he just did a written report.

Oftentimes an incoming president delivers something shortly after being inaugurated (as trump did), but it’s not a SOTU.


SOTU is constitutionally required …
Sorry, but that’s not true. The President is required to “report” to Congress as to the State of the Union. There is no requirement for a [TV / Personal] appearance to deliver the report. I think I remember it says, “from time to time…”
Anyway … let’s see …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, I agree it’s not required to be a SPEECH (but I didn’t think I had said it was–I’m in the notifier, so I can’t check readily).

And yes, it’s vague, as you point out: Nothing there says its annual which is a good thing, because there generally is not SOTU (speech or report) when a new POTUS is inaugurated. I don’t think I said it was annual, in fact I was pointing out it was usually skipped for new POTUSes.

Sadie Slays

Newly inaugurated Presidents do NOT give a SOTU speech in the same year. Trump, Hussein, Bush, and Clinton did NOT. Look at the SOTU dates to verify for yourself:

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays

Ep. 2412a – The Economic Battle Has Arrived, [CB]-The Puppet Masters Made Their First Move
X22 Report Published  February 23, 2021


Ep. 2412b – No Such Agency, Trump’s Great Awakening, Nothing Can Stop This, Stage Is Being Set
X22 Report Published  February 23, 2021

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We’re still solidly behind him.

But I seriously doubt he’ll be able to run in 2024 if we don’t fix things beforehand.


Agree 110%.


Agree or we have to come out in such numbers that they cannot cheat. We are wiser now and know their game we need to staff the whole election with body cameras and all.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We *did* come out in huge numbers, possibly a 2-1 ratio.

They can overcome ANY margin now since they are allowed to be brazen about it.


Sadly so. No one is stopping them and there is no law that stops them no court nothing. Wonder if we did it what would happen? I know the answer this is sad. I am trying to see the silver lining but it is not there.


We COULD have enough poll watchers to cover every polling place and vote counting place.

They would have to be tough enough to say NO!!! I AM NOT LEAVING WHILE THERE ARE STILL BALLOTS TO BE COUNTED!!!


Definitely that and we have start getting a core group to work at the polls, not just watch and if not allowed to work at the polls then 1. raise red flags early and 2. infiltrate and 3. if that fails, pretend we have infiltrated.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Oh yes, if we have to pretend to be slimy piece of shit leftists to get in, by all means, let’s do so. BAMN.


Put ME in there. I will wear a Go-Pro and body armor. They will have to hogtie me to make me leave. I want a fist-fight with a leftist trying to shove me out the door. We need enough people to overwhelm any amount of cheating. People need to be ready to tear down the covering on windows, push past resistance, and scream and shout. We need LAWYERS AT EVERY COUNTING PLACE. People need to know there is bail money for any arrest incurred.

If they want to cheat, let’s make it so they have to cheat on live TV. We need some news agencies that will use the footage. We need little old blue-haired poll-watcher ladies being assaulted for doing their job.

Before any of that can happen, we have to have media outlets that are big enough to matter. Gab, OANN, and Newsmax have to GROW.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You are probably talking about mobilizing hundereds of thousands of people who would have to take a LONG day off.

Not saying it can’t be done, but it IS a tall order!


So was the revolution. Just saying.


Payroll is the thing. Democrats always have personnel because Dems always pay each other, by many different methods. Plenty of willing workers all on the inside team. Plenty of team spirit. The Dem system is constantly in place. True, a lot of the payoff comes out of local taxes and not out of campaign funds.

Republicans and conservatives don’t pay squat and also are not appreciative. Not a lot of psychological payoff in working on a Repub election. Repubs running campaigns don’t realize how little income most of us have to live on. It’s Team Spirit for me but not for thee. Repub operations are not like the Q Tree.

Find a set of people who support your ideas and can use some money, and pay their time and expenses. That is a better example of caring market capitalism for working and retired folks. How did Samuelson begin Econ 101? Dollar votes!


I would pay for one person .


The crux of the matter.

I suspect our republic will begin to break into pieces if something is not done.

I am more worried about a foreign power taking advantage than the imbecilic commies in DC right now, as bad and dangerous as they are.



february 23, 2021 the marshall report

The same program was being commanded under President Trump. So … who is in charge? The Uniform Code of Military Justice is now being pressed for military to understand. Why? There has been a New Focus on learning the responsibility of leaders at every level to remain alert for signs of extremism and then intervening. In addition, all leaders are also responsible to investigate and report what they find. The question is….where is this going. This order issued by Biden is going to do what? Where is this going? To answer the question, we have to first know who is it that is in charge? While we watch the actions in the Senate, we look at the actions taking place in the military. Especially on the issues of making sure the Navy understands the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has called on the services to conduct a 60-day stand-down on the issue of extremism in the military, prompted by the Jan. 6 attack on the the Capitol and subsequent reports of both active-duty and former service members attending a rally calling to overturn the 2020 election and the riot that ensued.


Just saying, the UCMJ is a two way street and if soldiers feel unduly pressured or hunted they should avail themselves of it. One way would be to seek help out side of the chain of command. Any base has a wealth of civilian lawyers that practice military law. Also even for non judicial punishment (article 15 hearings) soldiers can request a trial of their peers and start practicing jury nullification if the “hunt” gets too severe.


The whole point of the 60 day stand down is to intimidate and keep quiet any potential “trouble makers”. While you can execute your rights in the military, if you are considered to be rocking the boat then you will effectively kill your career. One adverse entry in your service record, performance review, then you are done.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve always wondered about that.

They tell you from day one (or so I am given to understand) that they should never follow an “illegal order.”

How can they know what is and is not illegal? And surely they’re aware of what will happen if they sincerely consider an order illegal, but can’t get the brass to agree it was illegal…then they will be punished for insubordination (or worse).

Even if they succeed…then what you are talking about (essentially retaliation against boat-rockers and wave-makers) comes into play.

If the military were to Do Something right now, you’d have two factions: One upholding the illegitimate government, and one supporting the rightful claimant. Everyone would agree on that, the difficulty would be on agreeing which was which. The final determination would be made by the side that won, not the side we think is correct. People would be trying to figure out, before they committed, who was likeliest to win such a conflict.

Whether it’s a coup or a counter-coup the psychology, risks, and tactics are the same.


Problem is the swamp has played this well. What proof is there of the rigged election? Media has ignored it, the courts won’t hear it. So, the military has nothing to clearly act on. And the majority of leadership are Biden, swamp backers. The rank and file that do know the truth are the target of the suppression action so they don’t spread the word amongst the troops.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It gets harder and harder, with each passing day, for something like that to happen.

This is what is meant by “consolidating their power”


Yep. The repub leadership is doing squat. The dems are running wild. If we do not counter this real quick then the country is done.


This is not an R or D issue.

It is good versus evil. It is swamp versus the Constitution.

The Republicans are almost as evil as the Dems.


And the constitution is losing. They quit teaching it and it is clear the legislature and judicial branch is not following it.


They build their empire on a lie. It hasn’t a solid foundation, far from it. To keep it running they have to pile on more lies atop more lies. The one thing we are good at is cataloging that lie and at every opportunity it must be thrown back in their faces. Remember foremost no matter what they pretend, at best only slivers of cherry picked evidence has been examined and no case has been decided on its merits.

At best only slivers of cherry picked evidence has been examined and no case has been decided on its merits.

Biden did not win.


Agreed. But the Supreme Court just ineicated they don’ t care.


Problem though is the average person never hears the side we see due to the media bias and where they get their news. The courts have blown it off. Biden did not win and our side is losing.


Very Interesting
Prophet Amanda Grace speaks about Supreme Court Treason & Q post 4545
We The People NEWS Published  February 23, 2021


Let’s see if the picture shows up.

I tried it, you can click and view without telegram. 👍🏻

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009