Back In My Day: Civilized War – The NWO Cabal’s Weapon of FEAR; Plus Goober Gump Sighting

It is very hard to be concise on such a complex subject. So, please forgive the length of this story as it cannot be done well in two parts and BIMD will be on hold for a month or so through the holidays as I work on a family project.

As many of you know, there is a war of Biblical proportions underway, to quote the substance of Q, over America’s soul. Everything I have posted in BIMD’s past leads to this storyline and truth. There are many parallels of events and people that interconnect within my own sphere. Now multiply that by millions or more of others unrelated to mine. Examine your own and I am sure you will see them as well.

All have been arranged and managed by one Creator. Yet, even with the benefit of having truth and history to explore some still say there is no God. That position has far more faith involved than any believer in God will ever have.

This war is about the enemy using anything as a wedge to create disunity in a United States of America to achieve its destruction. Seeking truth has nothing to do with their efforts. In the words of Pontius Pilate, which represents the ancient Rome from whom they all descend figuratively and literally in some cases, “What is truth?”

So we will continue to explore “why” it is the way it is. If there was nothing to fear from America’s existence there would be very little conflict. Civilized war would not be underway. There would be no need to lie, manipulate, murder, steal and deny God’s imprint on this nation.

So let’s drill down.

On The Ground

As an example of the subtleties of engaging in the Civilized War, there are issues being decided without the general public being aware problems exist. To illustrate, in November in TN we passed a constitutional amendment that specifically outlaws any form of slavery despite an anti-slavery amendment in the federal constitution and all of the legal rulings and precedents on the state and federal level prohibiting it for over a century. The ballot measure stated that the language does not prohibit an inmate from working when the inmate has been duly convicted of a crime. Why was that amendment passage necessary? I promise you that question was on the lips of over 90% of the voters in this state. Yet it passed by a 4-1 margin anyway, partially because of the trust that has been built in our overall conservative state legislature and governor. Another reason is it simply reaffirmed constitutionally supported state law against slavery. However, those appeared to be overdone and unnecessary, like killing a fly with a sledgehammer. What was the real reason?

The answer is simple, but has far reaching implications. Slavery has many forms. Slavery by race is just one form and it left this nation a century and a half ago. The leftists in authority positions have obviously been setting the stage for claims of its existence with their refusal to prosecute crimes all over the country; which includes the crimes of illegal aliens, ANTIFA, BLM, etc. – who are their supporters and mercenaries. They have been setting up the lawfare type legal view that those prisoners convicted of crimes and sentenced to prisons are being enslaved if they are required to work while incarcerated. So it is a pretext for their immediate release. We also know that hard work by inmates serves as method to reduce internal prison conflicts and as a deterrent toward committing future crimes upon release. Now before you think I am talking out my azz on those later points, I am stating the observations of a retired Christian friend who has 25+ years of warden experience in two states and is supported by statistics in both states.

The passage of this amendment in TN removes that angle of attack constitutionally and in any other states that have the proper language in their Constitutions. The TN GOP has been paying attention. The action closed the door on using fear (and lies) to free the NWO cabal’s criminal lackeys, which is what they sought to introduce by associating the word “slavery” with those imprisoned for crimes.

We need to understand that the NWO cabal seeks to build their narratives and lies into the lexicon of the general public. Creating fear works to that end. Listen to the language that you, loved ones, co-workers, etc. use on daily basis. Are you hearing the words of the media, culture warriors and politicians in those discussions? Are you tired of their continuous lectures on what and how you should think and behave yet? Have your grown weary hearing about all of the “oppressed” groups of people, some of whom they claim deserve reparations?

As disheartening as it has been for patriots to observe and live through, the real enemy outs themselves throughout the process if we pay attention. The good news is that more people are waking up every day. As an example, per recent reports in even the fake news media only 13% of the population have chosen to be jabbed with the most recent COVID booster. Quite a change from the 70+% who got the first jabs. That being the case despite all the money spent by the government and Big Pharm promoting it. All of us who call things for what they are started calling them “the jab”, “the clot shot”, and so on. The words entered the every day lexicon of Americans and began reducing the fear related to not going along with the scam.

The battle with COVID and the jabs has been part of the spiritual, civilized war. They are connected. Trust government of man, or, trust the kingdom of God. Pick one. One is the blue pill, one is the red pill. Only one has truth to tell if you prefer The Matrix image.

Moral Decay and Collusion with the Enemy

The continuing Civilized War in America is over control of life; in particular, your right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It involves every aspect of life in America all at once. A full out assault on truth and good all of the time, every hour of every day. They entice people to willingly enter into lives of sin and moral decay. They intentionally undermine the economic system, strip people of property and legal rights as well as the ability to earn incomes sufficient to live the American Dream. They develop a new normal where crime is acceptable while tolerance of the immoral and unthinkable are virtues to be prized. Both political parties knew and have participated in it for decades. The proof is they did nothing to change it despite having the authority and tools to do so.

The Uniparty only does show pony justice when it comes to themselves. Present the image of administering penalties for crimes. However, they know their subterfuge will be over if PDT goes back in as #47. So just enough states keep lax voter ID laws, illegally loaded voter registration rolls, hackable electronic voting, and use illegal ballot harvesting to keep them in power. The fake news intentionally lies as directed. The swamp will trot out the hoaxes and scams du jour to see if they can strengthen their hold over the sheeple that they need for the diehard Democrat socialists and communists to stay in power as they have always done. All while the Establishment GOP sends forth the Pences, Haleys and Pompeos of the world as potential POTUS candidates they know can never earn the nomination, but hope can siphon off votes and interest in the general election to help their Uniparty Dem buds. They sit quietly on their hands with silent voices hoping none of it reduces their dividend checks from a monetary and economic system that is as fake as they are. They want the GOP base to be fractured because it will reduce PDT’s and MAGA’s chances. So they play their parts to make sure it stays that way.

Caving to Fear

Fear has enabled so many genocides in societies in this world over thousands of years. Will it enable genocide in ours? Excluding the Scamdemic genocide, if the genocide that has already occurred in America with unborn children is any indication, then we have our answer. That one issue has been an American litmus test for totalitarianism versus liberty and freedom. It should divide us. There is no unification possible when one group of people argue for and pursue laws that the mother should have the right to choose to murder her unborn child, not consult with the other sexual partner in the act that created the child, and then take the action with the assistance of medical professionals in a nation dedicated to God. It is scripturally impossible to justify as well as within many legal entanglements.

As proponents, they have needed to deny America was ever dedicated to God and build this belief into the national lexicon and psyche. Does that help explain the lies and false narratives about our nation’s founding? They have to twist the meaning and use the corrupted government and judicial system to support their efforts. The same system created for We the People that they have corrupted with our unwitting assistance by not paying attention and challenging their claims at every turn.

To accomplish their goals the NWO cabal made the case with the support of the corrupted Supreme Court that life does not begin at conception and states’ rights did not apply in conflict with the Constitution and rule of law – that are based on God’s principles and commands throughout as discussed in my previous installment.

The Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade was a fraud and nothing was done to change it or to the justices ruling in its favor without having authority to do so. The Constitution is clear. If an issue is not addressed specifically in it, the issue is left to the individual states to determine. The Court’s fraudulent ruling led to a large percentage of approximately 60 million unborn children being brutally murdered a half century later. That’s genocide.

Yet, fear as a people kept us from taking steps through states’ rights to stopping a lot of the abortion genocide for half a century. Legal roadblocks were erected that caused fear of reprisals. For many it meant not wanting to offend others by opposing the legality of the issue openly; or to not risk the prospect of going to jail for protesting. Or politicians’ fear of losing federal tax dollars in state governments. For others it meant fear of losing relationships, jobs and being ostracized. For churches it meant congregational and denominational splits. Many felt hopeless as the Supreme Court was viewed as the final decision maker. They feared nothing could be done to change it.

They were wrong. Focus efforts here. How did this issue, this genocidal atrocity get reversed in states that have a conscience? Consider spending time thinking about how it was changed when the media and politicians repeatedly told the country for decades it was “settled law.”

To illustrate below is a trailer from the movie Lifemark that was released in 2022. I urge you to watch this movie that was inspired by a true story.

The abortion issue has been similar to not standing up against the removal of school prayer and deemphasizing patriotism in public schools. Accepting the old freedom “from” religion lie that was applied in opposition to the actual statement and intent in the Constitution keeps it alive. The recent Marriage Defense Act is yet another obvious destructive action taken by the NWO cabal that was Uniparty supported. Another open announcement on where they stand in relation to God and Satan that tramples on states’ rights as prescribed in the Constitution.

The NWO cabal clears the way for a drug culture through open borders that allow the cartels to operate with impunity, neocon wars of the moment to make money, sexual perversion and permissiveness, etc. All of which have undermined the foundations of society. In reality they are just other forms of slow, less obvious, and less detectable genocides that our current government leaders permit and even encourage. That once again, trample on states’ rights and the Constitution. Since when can undeclared wars be conducted without impunity? Since fear gained control.

Where do your elected officials in your states stand on these death provoking issues? Have you as an individual citizen asked them in writing?

Has it been worth it to fear? Why would it not divide a nation? It should in a nation that has a large segment of its people who believe life is good and a gift from God. We should be at extreme odds with those who push death and destruction.

When it comes to abortion, you either believe life begins at conception or not. There is no Switzerland on the issue. You either believe the life in the womb of a woman is a fetus, or, in the God-given reality that the life is a male or female human being. You are choosing love (and life) or fear (and death) with your choice. This is where Greta should focus her outrage…

Everything else is idle talk, just noise to deflect from truth and rationalize’s one’s decision. If you have made this choice of death and regret it, there is good news! The Lord provides a path for forgiveness and restoration. I pray you make that next choice to build or restore your relationship with the giver of all life.

Now take each cultural issue pushed by the NWO cabal to divide us and decide – life or death, love or fear. Then identify the proponents and opponents of each with authority to do something about it or strongly influence others. Those are your personal targets for prayer, communication and influence.

Personal Example

Please be clear about one thing. When the life of the mother is on the line and she is lying there bleeding out, save her life in accordance with her wishes. But do not kill the baby intentionally under a false pretext that it will save the mother’s life. There is a difference. Allow me the opportunity to give a personal example.

My wife’s first child from her previous marriage is alive and living a normal life today as a result of not making the choice to save one or the other as presented by her physician, who was also a Christian. However, well before the events of the actual day her child was born, my wife was given a choice to terminate the pregnancy due to many serious medical complications. It would have given many women an opportunity to opt out, however, despite her terrible marital situation she chose to have her baby if at all possible due to her Christian beliefs.

One day at 7.5 months into the pregnancy she began hemorrhaging badly and was rushed to the hospital. She and her father (the now ex-husband was not there) made the choice for the physician to try to save both despite the physician telling them to make a choice. You see that was the critical point. The physician predetermined that one was likely to die due to hemorrhaging, so she wanted to know which one she should focus her efforts on saving. It was a reasonable diagnosis given the situation and loss of blood. The choice of my wife and her father was to save both. There was no either or option to consider in their minds. They were at peace with none, one, or both dying in accordance with God’s will that life is sacred. Had my wife already been in a coma her father knew her choice long before the event. He would choose life and God’s will. Fear of death was not a material consideration. Of course death was not a desired outcome, however, being held in the hands of the Savior produces assurance that the outcome will go according to His plan.

At that point my wife slipped into a coma from the loss of blood. My future FIL sat in the waiting room and prayed to the Lord he loved, trusting in His will. The physician laid it all on the line to save both. She was amazed both lived and perhaps had her own faith and understanding strengthened. My rock star wife was cut wide open to get her child out quickly and the placenta removed. Then blood vessels, tissue and muscles were repaired while being given blood and her baby’s lungs suctioned. She lay in a coma for two days before waking up with her father holding her hand. He never left her side. Her daughter made great progress quickly and has lived a healthy life for 49+ years. My wife was told that she would never have any more children, that the risk would be too high. At age 24, she thought she was done with child bearing. She sensed she would not want any more by her ex-husband anyway. She never regretted making the decision for life and trusting God.

Fast forward 12 years later. The fraud of her first marriage had ended. She met Goober Gump at a graduate banking school over 400 miles from her home who had also ended the fraud of his first marriage. Two very different people in two very different situations who never had any previous connections at all. She had embarked on a quest to boost her career to help her financial situation as a single mom with the support of her wonderful, grandfatherly bank President who was more of a friend than a boss. It was a school that Goober had been on the waiting list to get in, who was notified he could attend two days before it started due to a cancellation. He felt fortunate to be admitted as he was restarting a planned business banking career that had been derailed by his ex’s uncompromising, selfish desires. Little did either know at the time that God had plans for good for both.

Each arrived at school and met the next day in classes that would last for a week. Each knew almost immediately that something had clicked. The week went by quickly before they headed their separate ways back to their homes, jobs and lives. However, they continued to talk over the phone frequently getting to know more about each other. A few weeks later Goober paid a visit to her over a weekend and it was all over. They knew immediately. A year later they married.

Through the years every time the following songs came on the radio they would bring smiles to their faces as they thought about the time they first met in Memphis.

Rock star’s and this guy’s earlier separate, quiet prayers in solitude 500 miles away from each other for peace and a loving loyal partner for life at some point had led to this. I had no reservations marrying the woman of my dreams knowing that she could not have children. I was happy to help raise my step daughter and enjoy our lives together.

One day we both came home from work and as we were preparing dinner, she asked me to sit and talk with her for a minute. Unbeknownst to me she had been to see her long time OB/GYN who had delivered her daughter, who was no longer doing obstetrics. My wife inquired of her about the prospects of having another child. Her physician referred her to the top practice in the area that specialized in high risk pregnancies.

She had taken a morning off from work and gone without my knowledge. She saw one of three OB/GYN’s in the practice and he examined her. He told her he thought she had healed well enough through the years to have another child if done as a Caesarian with the cut in her abdomen made in the same manner as her first. That led to rock star telling me that evening that nothing would make her happier than to have my child. My first reaction was that I did not want to risk losing her if there was any chance that something could go wrong. She assured me that she and the physician were good with it and did not foresee anything that would prevent it all from going well. We committed it all to the Lord. If it was to happen, He would make it happen.

My wife’s pregnancy and delivery of our 6 lb. 2 oz baby girl back in our day went perfect. Wifey said that during the pregnancy she had never felt so good in all of her life. I cannot count the number of late night runs to Shoney’s for the breakfast bar we made. 😂 To hear our daughter’s cry as I stroked my wife’s head in the delivery room was a God moment I will never forget. Miracle.

To cut to the chase and as a result some 36 years later, many of you have been involved and made a positive impact in the life of our oldest grandson. You are a part of our story.

But it would never have happened if fear had ruled any of us at any point from the delivery of her first child on throughout life. None of it would have turned out the same had that same man with PTSD who had endured 15 months of living Hell in a Nazi prison camp in WW II had not stepped into the gap for his daughter. Fear could have kept us in failed marriages or with a strong reluctance to take a chance on love again. After what she had lived through with the first pregnancy, nobody would have ever questioned her fear of ever trying that again.

Fear. For the Christian there is no other way than the courageous freedom that exists under God’s dominion. Victory comes from conquering fear with love.

The Rest of the Story

Being Goober Gump means stuff just happens at times. Just dunno. During the course of going to doc appointments when wifey was pregnant with our daughter, she saw all three of the practice physicians. Her favorite, of course, was the good looking one. All women are the same. 😀 My favorite was the stout guy with the big sense of humor. Then there was the older one; highly intelligent, competent and experienced, who had a dour military attitude. He was unrivaled as a skilled surgeon per the area’s medical community. His attitude was probably because he was a retired surgeon of the Air Force.

You probably can guess where this observation is headed. That former military surgeon and chief of staff of the base hospital was assigned to the same SAC Air Force base near the same small town I lived in Arkansas in the same time period I lived there. We probably saw each other in stores and restaurants without having a clue who each other was. He retired from military service a few years before I left and accepted a position in a practice in Knoxville, earning his OB/GYN credentials in the process. He and the other two formed the new practice a couple of years before my wife had her appointment. As it turned out the AF surgeon who had replaced him at the base, was a personal friend of mine as his father was my district manager and mentor in my employment. During a medical appointment we figured out our common connections and his dour attitude turned to one of joy as we shared with each other. As God sometimes arranges things, he was the one on call at our hospital of choice, St. Mary’s, the evening wifey’s water broke. He worked hard and well to make sure it all went as it should and we will be forever grateful. He even allowed me to film a tasteful video of the delivery with a curtain protecting the actual bloody view. A video that included a paramedic in training who watched the procedure from the foot of the operating table, who completely passed out during the surgical part. 🤣 He came by wifey’s room later and apologized. He said they were going to make him watch another Caesarian without passing out before they would let him pass his course.

And Goober, once again, learned just how much God loved him and his loved ones. Humbled to my knees again.

A few years later we were talking with Pat and RB Summitt at church about how wifey’s pregnancy went as an older mother as Pat had just found out she was pregnant with Tyler. She wanted some insights from another mother at a similar older age. Her high risk OB/GYN’s office was located down the hall from wifey’s at the same hospital. Her physician was a bank customer of mine. Her pregnancy went just like rock star’s even if her marriage did not later on.

That older hospital was one of four in Knoxville at that time. As things go again, it was the same hospital that my Mamaw chose to use over 65 years before with her pregnancies and health issues through the years. The circle of life had been completed with 4 generations of my family. The hospital was later sold and closed at that location in recent years. Only for the land and facilities to be recently purchased and renovated beautifully to house…

Lincoln Memorial University’s new College of Dental Medicine.

Yeah, there’s that Goober thing again. Hi, Pete, thank you from all of us hillbillies. Teach them well, Otto. My best regards to both of you. We the People will be the winners from your efforts.

Choose This Day

Have you noticed that life goes on and many good things happen when you are not paralyzed by fear? It does not mean you stop doing things to prevent evil. It just means to live life within God’s dominion and trust in His provision.

We can stop the genocides in whatever form they exist. Simply choose love over fear. Choose God and His ways and will. When you spot evil and destruction in play; call it out, go to work against it and do not fear. Let Him guide your path. Even if persecuted you will have peace, just like Paul as he wrote to the early churches from prison.

Joshua was born a slave in Egypt. He was in the group that Moses led that left during the Exodus. He saw the mighty power of God with the Red Sea parting. He became a personal assistant to Moses. It was Moses who gave Hosea son of Nun his name. Joshua means “the Lord is salvation” or “Yahweh saves” in Hebrew. The name was a reminder to all that their future victories would be accomplished by God, who would be fighting the battles for them.

Joshua was one of the twelve spies sent into Canaan and one of the two along with Caleb who told Moses they could take them. Because of the fear of the other ten spies infecting the people, God was angered and sentenced all of them to wander 40 years in the wilderness. It should be no surprise that of the 12 spies, only Joshua and Caleb survived during those 40 years. They still had to go through it even though they were faithful. This is a recurring theme for the faithful. Even Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane for release from what was to come, yet wanted The Father’s will to be done. He still had to go through it.

Upon Moses’ death, it was Joshua who was chosen to lead the people. It was Joshua who led the battles and conquests that took control of The Promised Land. A deeper study of Joshua reveals much depth. He even sent spies into Jericho who were assisted by Rahab the prostitute in its conquest. At every juncture Joshua trusted God and did as he was instructed. He is viewed as a foreshadowing of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ, whose lineage extends through that same Rahab.

Obviously, 40 years before Joshua’s time came to lead, God knew it was not yet time for him to do what he was to do on behalf of the kingdom. Obviously as well, it was time 40 years later as we look back on what transpired. God’s timing is perfect.

Rahab and her family were the only people or animals left alive in Jericho due to her faithfulness and service to God and Israel. This young gentile woman was accepted, honored and married into the royal family of Judah, and is in the lineage from which our Jesus came. Fear of the evil people around her did not stop her from doing what she willingly felt she needed to do by sheltering the spies at great risk to herself and family. In return she was saved with her family and became an integral part of the kingdom of God with special praise of her acts in His Holy Word as an example to all of us who follow.

Despite terribly difficult circumstances that would strain any person’s faith, fear was not in Joshua’s vocabulary as he trusted God and His provision for the people. Fear did not prevent Rahab from helping either. Which leads to…

Joshua 24:15.

If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

We still have to go through it and remain faithful.

This is the path to regaining our freedom and fulfilling the promise of America that was acknowledged by God at our nation’s dedication. Collectively choose love over fear and trust God as we go about doing what is right in His sight. It took 50 years for Roe v. Wade to be overturned. It took 40 years in the wilderness for the faithful people of Israel to enter into the Promised Land. Those and other events tell us it may take time and will take the will of God for great things to happen in America. Our task is to be as Joshua and Rahab – trust God, be faithful and respond when He calls our number.

Next Up

I will return to personal stories that blend into examples of the Civilized War that continues to rage. It will be time to bring other Goober Gump adventures into periods you may remember and weave in the primary points of our nation’s calling. It even leads to Wall Street and to the halls of Congress.

However, I will be taking a break through the holidays as Rock Star wants me to begin the work of writing our story, as I have with both sets of parents, as a gift of love to our descendants. Whatever Rock Star wants, Rock Star gets! Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!

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Brave and Free

Yes fear is a powerful weapon or motivation for people. Excellent points on how long God’s timing can be. Or is it God’s mercy for us ? We’ve become a people of instant gratification, waiting on God has been replaced with it.
Thank you again for the thought provoking articles.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. God Bless.

Gail Combs

Tradebait, Earlier I asked if your chiropractor could recommend anyone in the Pittsborro, Cary North Carolina area for my hubby. He has balance problems.

I prefer a recommendation instead of picking a name out of a telephone directory.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great story! TRUST, not FEAR. That’s the ticket!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Doing well! Praise God for that!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wishing you a Merry Christmas  🙏   🎄  and a Happy New Year  💃  🍾  🌿 !!!


Have a very Merry Christmas, and best wishes to you and yours.

Our history is written page-by-page, and only God knows what is on the next. Here’s hoping that the New Year brings us a wondrous new chapter.

Valerie Curren



Thanks for a great post! Sad that so many are still caught up in the old Cracker Jacks commercials.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!