What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?
A Note From Your Humble Boilerplate Recycler
I know that for the past few weeks, there’s been precious little science content for you to skim past.
It’s been one thing after another…Hopefully upgrading one of my two machines to Qubes 4.2 (from 4.1) will be the last item. On the other hand, it’s possible I’ll upgrade the other machine next weekend (but I will start after the daily posts). On the other other hand, the next upgrade should go a lot more smoothly. I’ve done a lot to automate the massive number of customizations I have inflicted on my computers. (I don’t think most Qubes users would recognize my system.)
Speaker Johnson
Pinging you on January 6 Tapes
Just a friendly reminder Speaker Johnson. You’re doing some good things–or at least trying in the case of the budget–but this is the most important thing out there still hanging. One initial block released with the promise of more…and?
We have American patriots being held without bail and without trial, and the tapes almost certainly contain exculpatory evidence. (And if they don’t, and we’re all just yelling in an echo chamber over here, we need to know that too. And there’s only one way to know.)
Either we have a weaponized, corrupt government or we have a lot of internet charlatans. Let’s expose whatever it is. (I’m betting it’s the corrupt weaponized government, but if I am wrong, I’d like to see proof.)
A Political Statement
One of my stock jokes is to say, as I head off to the bathroom or washroom or restroom, “I’m going to go make a political statement.”
It certainly seems like urinating is a good way to make a statement about the YSM, and defecating works for politicians. Or the other way around is good too, though “#1” just never seems emphatic enough.
Maybe “#1” is just being polite, and “#2” is telling the fixtures what you really think.
Anyhow, I pretty much do plan to be polite to RINOs that electioneer or fundraise. I’ll tell them, Sorry, but I need to GO Pee…
Language Warning
In the next piece I had to discuss a particular topic. Unfortunately, I couldn’t discuss it without naming it. Therefore I apologize in advance for having to do so, and apologize to anyone offended by the sight of the name.
RINO McDaniel
RINO McDaniel continues to infest the GOP. But RINO McDaniel isn’t the problem.
Let me be crystal clear on this, RINO McDaniel is a lower-than-whale-shit, piss guzzling ratfucking shit eating traitorous rancid syphillitic cunt. Her worth as a human being is substantially less than zero, any oxygen sucked into her lungs is wasted, and it would be, no matter what job she had.
I fear I haven’t been clear enough, but that will have to suffice.
But she is not the problem…or rather, she would not be a problem were it not for others. She’d still be as I have described, but we wouldn’t know who she is and would not care, because she could do no damage. She’d just be anonymous human refuse.
No, the real problem is the fact that a majority of the 168 top GOP people voted for her. And now that has happened five times so they cannot claim they didn’t know what she was.
In spite of the fact that under her “leadership” the party has deliberately sabotaged the will of its base, has deliberately refused to challenge blatant election fraud, had gone out of its way to ensure certain candidates do not get nominated, has diverted donor money to namby-pamby candidates who have all the electoral appeal of a puddle of dog vomit…and in general has done nothing whatsoever to help fix the problems that plague America.
However that last is to be expected; I cannot expect anyone who IS the problem to help FIX the problem.
RINO McDaniel would be powerless without an entire party leadership of the same mind as her. They want this dismal performance; they want to ignore the party base.
If she were to drop dead this instant, it would solve nothing as someone just like her would be elected by those same pustulous people.
According to Charlie Kirk, about 55 people voted against her, 10-12 wanted something different but were too chickenshit to do the right thing, and roughly 100 people voted for her enthusiastically, and even had the unmitigated gall to complain to Kirk about US. Fuck ’em. Rusty 12 gauge bore brushes would be too good for these arrogant pricks and cunts.
Every single one of those hundred is just as bad as she is. In other words, they are all worse than I described at the beginning of this piece. And no doubt those people in turn have people who supported them to be state party chairs and whateveritis they call the other two people from each state and territory who were voting.
It’s time to face up to the fact that the Republican party is effectively owned by the shit-eating RINOs. We’ve got more work to do, a lot more work, to make the GOP an instrument for the restoration of the United States of America. And that’s in addition to cleaning up our elections.
There’s no point in cleaning up elections just to elect ratfucking RINOs.
OK, hopefully now you will have some inkling of my true attitude towards RINOs. Sorry that words were inadequate to give you the full picture.
The Real Fascist is His Fraudulency Joe Biden*
*Or whoever has his hand rammed up that meat puppet’s ass.
Brandon (which I will use as a term for whoever is the power behind the Porcelain Throne) has thrown down the gauntlet…but in a way where most of America will never see it. The networks didn’t carry his tirade. CNN air brushed it (or whatever you call editing the red background) for its five viewers (who aren’t trapped in airports).
Luckily for me I live in Colorado, and therefore, despite my best efforts, I probably didn’t vote for Donald Trump.
Of course, for this purpose who I actually did try to vote for will be essential, and they undoubtedly know.
Come and get us, asswipes!
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Small Government?
Many times conservatives (real and fake) speak of “small government” being the goal.
This sounds good, and mostly is good, but it misses the essential point. The important thing here isn’t the size, but rather the purpose, of government. We could have a cheap, small tyranny. After all our government spends most of its revenue on payments to individuals and foreign aid, neither of which is part of the tyrannical apparatus trying to keep us locked down and censored. What parts of the government would be necessary for a tyranny? It’d be a lot smaller than what we have now. We could shrink the government and nevertheless find it more tyrannical than it is today.
No, what we want is a limited government, limited not in size, but rather in scope. Limited, that is, in what it’s allowed to do. Under current circumstances, such a government would also be much smaller, but that’s a side effect. If we were in a World War II sort of war, an existential fight against nasty dictatorships on the brink of world conquest, that would be very expensive and would require a gargantuan government, but that would be what the government should be doing. That would be a large, but still limited government, since it’d be working to protect our rights.
World War II would have been the wrong time to squawk about “small government,” but it wasn’t (and never is) a bad time to demand limited government. Today would be a better time to ask for a small government–at least the job it should be doing is small today–but it misses the essential point; we want government to not do certain things. Many of those things we don’t want it doing are expensive but many of them are quite eminently doable by a smaller government than the one we have today. Small, but still exceeding proper limits.
So be careful what you ask for. You might get it and find you asked for the wrong thing.
Political Science In Summation
It’s really just a matter of people who can’t be happy unless they control others…versus those who want to be left alone. The oldest conflict within mankind. Government is necessary, but government attracts the assholes (a highly technical term for the control freaks).
A Few Things We Cannot Blame on His Fraudulency
I am pretty sure Joe Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with the 30 Years War that ran from 1618-1648 and probably killed about a third of the people then living in what is now Germany.
Nor did he cause the collapse of either Roman empire (Western, 476 CE, Eastern 1453 CE). Nor the ignominious failure of most of the Crusades. Nor the collapse of Bronze Age civilization around 1200 BCE (including the collapse of the Minoans and the blowup of Santorini).
However, my utter lack of ability to imagine how he could possibly be responsible for these things is not a valid argument against them, so I await correction if appropriate.
His Truth?
Again we saw an instance of “It might be true for Billy, but it’s not true for Bob” logic this week.
I hear this often, and it’s usually harmless. As when it’s describing differing circumstances, not different facts. “Housing is unaffordable” can be true for one person, but not for another who makes ten times as much.
But sometimes the speaker means it literally. Something like 2+2=4 is asserted to be true for Billy but not for Bob. (And when it’s literal, it’s usually Bob saying it.) And in that sense, it’s nonsense, dangerous nonsense. There is ONE reality, and it exists independent of our desires and our perceptions. It would go on existing if we weren’t here. We exist in it. It does not exist in our heads. It’s not a personal construct, and it isn’t a social construct. If there were no society, reality would continue to be what it is, it wouldn’t vanish…which it would have to do, if it were a social construct.
Now what can change from person to person is the perception of reality. We see that all the time. And people will, of course, act on those perceptions. They will vote for Trump (or try to) if their perception is close to mine, and vote against Trump (and certainly succeed at doing so) if their perception is distant from mine (and therefore, if I do say so, wrong). I have heard people say “perception is reality” and usually, that’s what they’re trying to say–your perception of reality is, as far as you know, an accurate representation of reality, or you’d change it.
But I really wish they’d say it differently. And sometimes, to get back to Billy and Bob, the person who says they have different truths is really saying they have different perceptions of reality–different worldviews. I can’t argue with the latter. But I sure wish they’d say it better. That way I’d know that someone who blabbers about two different truths is delusional and not worth my time, at least not until he passes kindergarten-level metaphysics on his umpteenth attempt.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
(Paper) Spot Prices
Kitco “Ask” prices. Last week:
Gold $2,046.90
Silver $23.29
Platinum $917.00
Palladium $998.00
Rhodium $5,050.00
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $2,030.20
Silver $22.69
Platinum $909.00
Palladium $972.00
Rhodium $5,050.00
OK, the standard “line” on why gold is sliding downwards right now is that the investors are starting to conclude that the Fed is not going to drastically lower interest rates. Since they habitually chase rates of return (they’re not gold bugs nor even terribly concerned that the organic fertilizer might hit the rotating ventilation device) that’s bringing them to the dollar right now. So gold might soon find itself struggling to stay over 2000 ferns (“fern” = “FRN” = Federal Reserve Note).
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Okay, I’ve left a comment. Where do I pick up my door prize?
On the outside side of the door. Waiting time 24 hours.
Glitter Bomb not included for package pilferers 🙂
I’m no fan of Rona McRomney, but calling her ‘rancid’ may be a little bit over the top.
Repugnant or nasty might also work. Has anyone smelled Rona lately?
rancid /răn′sĭd/
Having the disagreeable odor or taste of decomposing oils or fats; rank.
Repugnant; nasty.
“rancid remarks.”
Having a rank smell or taste, from chemical change or decomposition; musty.
“rancid oil or butter”
Similar: musty
I was just thinkin’ that ‘rancid’ was easily the least bad thing she was called, so by singling that one out as being over the top — while not objecting to any of the rest — was supposed to be an amusing way of calling attention to all those other special Rona qualities.
Sometimes my humor works, sometimes it don’t 😁
She’s definitely beyond her “sell by” date 😀
Freebie, won’t work either.
Rona may be comparing notes with Fani. To, get some. 🙂
From Sylvia’s —
Not if the one that hits Davos is that big!
On the sun, volcanoes and Cosmic rays. I am sure you have heard of Plate Tectonics and the Ring of Fire.
My silly wild ass guess is you have a volcano or earthquake primed for occurring and the cosmic rays provide the straw that broke the camel’s back. They provide that tidbit more energy needed to trigger the event.
Hubby handed me this very interesting video. MASSIVE SALT FEATURE under the Gulf of Mexico.
A Giant and Mysterious Feature that Nobody has heard of.
Very interesting explanation!
I think if you looked at the magnitudes of energies…and then remember the cosmic rays simply don’t penetrate deeply enough…you’ll realize this is bullshit.
Tidal forces are a lot more significant and aren’t depth limited. Look there.
I just pulled the plug on attending tomorrow’s engine meeting.
The Fiancee’s plane had an hour-and-a-half delay, so I’ve just had dinner and am now relaxing, and I am not going to be up to driving an hour to drive up a slippery mountain road to the clubhouse at 8am.
Plus, I’m reacting to all the dust I stirred-up this week. My better move will be to get some solid shuteye and recover a bit.
Take care of yourself after (sneakily) taking care of the fiancée 😇
That is the best illustration of the Mess that I have ever scene.
And quite a seen it is. 😂
I did warn you guys that I can not spell. Esp when I have not finished my first Cuppa.
But you gotta admit … that was a good one.
Better to be scene and not herd????? 🙂
Career advice for non-credited extras in a cowboy movie?
These things he promises are all great, but at best, they would only be in effect for 4 years.
For any Americans hoping to live past 2028, what is he going to do to prevent Brandon/Hussein from doing the same thing in 2028-2032 as they’ve done since 2020?
You can’t just leave the globalist psychopathic enemies of humanity waiting in the wings to steal back control.
To save the world, they need to be jettisoned from the planet.
Put them in rockets, and set the controls for the heart of the sun.
Or use them to plug volcanoes.
I vote heart of the sun. It pays to be really safe with these SOBs
GOD Almighty will take care of it.
and HE knows how to do it best.
and how.
That is all well and good.
But, assuming we get Trump, 2028 is the next trip wire.
Need VP, who is America first, MAGA fearless, high energy, and spits fire…
Most of us assume that the scum pulled off the 2020 steal somewhat unencumbered. Pretty obvious that happened and nobody stopped them or overturned the results.
What if they knew it would happen and intentionally allowed it for patriot purposes?
Can we accept that their are usually heavy casualties on the battlefield even for the likely victor in a massive war of all wars?
What do all of us now know with certainty that we did not know back then?
2024 elections will be the tale of the tape IMO. Rope a dope or BS? We know PDT was a fan and friend of Clay. We also know that our government is so infested with traitors and seditionists it would make most Americans’ heads swim.They could not handle a revelation at all back then. Could they handle it better now?
I invite all QTree to read my next BIMD as I wind down that particular series. You judge from my personal observations of having been “there” on the periphery. I provide openly sourced documents. It is time to reveal some scoundrels beyond what I have already done. Should have it ready to roll out next week.
Good. Looking forward to the read. Liking name, names. If that is what is coming.
I am weary of, folks could not handle the truth, syndrome.
NOT buying that line. Never really bought into it.
Went along quietly. Should not have done so. My mistake.
It is what is coming.
Mob, FIB, lawyers, etc.
People I met or knew or with trusted sources/friends knew or…
Some of what you are reading about on here today has been going on for many years. People just did not know to suspect it.
The corruption is so MASSIVE and so UGLY (think little kids) that it was very necessary to wake up the majority of Americans first.
General and Boone Cutler wrote
Finally a more recent statement defining irregular warfare.
Former Acting Secretary Of Defense Christopher C. Miller; Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Former Acting Under Secretary Of Defense For Intelligence And Security
Quote from 5 minutes but start at 3 minutes.
“…Can we accept that their are usually heavy casualties on the battlefield even for the likely victor in a massive war of all wars?…”
This is something that most Christians & Americans have a hard time accepting.
“..We also know that our government is so infested with traitors and seditionists it would make most Americans’ heads swim….”
That is going to take a delicate touch. Also it has to be done as a synchronized strike. Note how the Deep State is panicking over Trump having control of the military again.
NBC News — Fear grows that Trump will use the military in ‘dictatorial ways’ if he returns to the White House
That article is well worth reading carefully.
From Sundance:
I look forward to your next article.
Yes, there are.
Under that scenario, you have to accept:
• That they gambled with the entire country, with no guarantee that a patriot would ever be elected president again — when we had a patriot duly elected in 2020 (though it was stolen from him).
• No one knows the life span of another. Trump was not guaranteed to live another four years. And there was/is no one else to get the job done. We had Trump, and under this theory, they set him aside.
• They were willing to allow the country to be invaded by foreigners. That is as close to treason as one can get without being in a hot war. I, as an American, am not in favor of dereliction of duty to allow my country to be overrun by illegals, foreign soldiers, criminals, drug dealers, and the like on the chance that Trump could get elected in 2024 and try to clean up the mess.
• …ad nauseam, ad infinitum.
I don’t subscribe to the theory that Trump was a part of such a scheme.
There is a big difference between these two things:
1) Intentionally allowing or even causing a stolen election so the people would wake up.
2) Having the election be stolen without knowing that it was going to happen, and without facilitating it, with the result that some people woke up to the evils of some Dem policies.
The two can’t be conflated, but that’s what people do. The election was stolen, so they assume the white hats caused it, and they supply the reason: to wake the people up for future victory.
Now, if the white hats, in the midst of the situation, use it to their advantage, that does not prove scenario #1. It is merely what happens in war as you adjust to the tactics of the enemy.
There is no provision in our Constitution for standing by and allowing or causing the country to be destroyed on the chance that someone might be elected in the future to correct the situation. Some people seem to delight in the idea of flouting the rule of law in order to achieve certain goals. Yet these are the same people who castigate Dems for not following the Constitution.
Excellent synopsis.
General Flynn… (Also and Insurance Policy)
I’m pretty sure the Usurpers were working massively against Trump from 2016-2020 too! SES & Evil, unAmerican, unConstitutional, genocidal, totalitarian psychopaths!
That is one of the finest self-aware existential questions I have ever read. Kudos to you Naomi, Socrates would be proud of you.
So is she redeemed? Or does she still need to wear the scarlet letter?
I have referred your question to God. I would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to let me know what He says.
Naomi Klein is breathing into a paper bag right now……
You’re a mean one, Mrs. Grinch.
You really are a heel,
You’re as cuddly as a cactus, you’re as charming as an eel, Mrs. Grinch,
You’re a bad banana with a greasy black peel!
You’re a monster, Mrs. Grinch,
Your heart’s an empty hole,
Your brain is full of spiders, you have garlic in your soul, Mrs. Grinch,
I wouldn’t touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!
You’re a foul one, Mrs. Grinch,
You have termites in your smile,
You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mrs. Grinch,
Given a choice between the two of you I’d take the seasick crocodile!
You’re a vile one, Mrs. Grinch,
You’re a nasty wasty skunk,
Your heart is full of unwashed socks, your soul is full of gunk, Mrs. Grinch,
The three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote, “Stink, stank, stunk”!
You’re a rotter, Mrs. Grinch,
You’re the king of sinful sots,
Your heart’s a dead tomato splotched with moldy purple spots, Mrs. Grinch,
Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful
Assortment of rubbish imaginable mangled up in tangled up knots!
You nauseate me, Mrs. Grinch,
With a nauseous super “naus”!
You’re a crooked dirty jockey and you drive a crooked hoss, Mrs. Grinch,
You’re a three decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce!
“Your soul is an appalling
dumpdung heap” is the way it sounds to me, fwiw…AND logic might apply here 😉 😉Yes, probably an error in the lyrics page I copied. I looked up the lyrics to the song I remembered from the animated version when I was a kid, and the whole thing seems a bit off.
I seem to remember the line “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch. You’re a [something] and a snitch.”
But I didn’t see that in the lyrics / words I copied. I’ll have to dig into it a little deeper 👍
He forgot to include the ADL.
All four clauses just about cover the ADL’s “terrortory”…
I swear – sometimes I think ADL is the strongest plot that the Nazis ever devised.
If Clif High is correct the ‘Name Stealers’ hide behind the Jews. They do not give a rats rear what happens to the actual Jews. Making them martyrs actually works in their favor.
Matt Ehret goes into Exposing 𝗕𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗽𝘂𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 in the Middle East
Will Zoll, in Prussiagate Also mentions Khazaria
“…One of the most powerful and least known empires of the West was Khazaria.”
The Khazarian empire played a critical role in the early development of Western Europe. Their empire was strong, militant and on a constant war-footing. Due to its geographic location, they sat at the frontier between Western Europe and the Arabian tribes attempting to invade Europe:
The Khazar Kingdom’s Conversion to Judaism
Top Israel Scientist Says Ashkenazi Jews are Khazarians
It is an interesting MESS, And it is tough to untangle, esp when those in power want to hide the truth.
Revelation 2:9:
Revelation 3:9:
cover this… the JINOs are the Synagogue of Satan… Sauros, the Banksters, and all the rest. I wouldn’t doubt that Schwab is one of them, as well as Gates (despite his hiding behind Catholicism or whatever)…
^^^ Spot on.
Interestingly, synagogue means meeting place, literally a building to gather in.
So then, the fake Jews in name only are “gathering places” for Satan; one could say they are possessed, or indwelled by Satan.
Sounds about right.
God scattered the Ten Lost Tribes and took away their memory of who they were. This is from where the remnant [that He promised to save] will be retrieved, in the End Times.
Regarding the last quoted sentence, the word Jews should be Hebrews.
It is right up there.
Now questions raised because Willis hired alleged lover’s law partner for $126,000
BUT SHE’S BLAAAAAAACK! She can’t be corrupt!!!
As they say in the Fulton County hood, au contraire, mon frere!
Right. She said you can’t expect black women to be perfect. 🙄
Do you have the clip where Miss Fani talks to the church congregation about fornicating with another woman’s husband?
That would dovetail nicely with her “you cannot expect black woman to be perfect” sermon.
Can’t seem to find that one…
she works hard for the money…
so hard for the money.
she be a money monkey.
Racist. 🙂
au contraire…
that’s what the sistas call it.
And Blacks often call each other n*gger.
It’s racist if and only if a White person is saying it.
Sounds like Donna Summer disco to me. 😆
But can we expect them to be moral?
Asking for a friend named Jesus.
Laura Loomer digs deeper (emphasis mine):
Loomer is doing GREAT work!!!
“Lover” sounds way too romanticized.
Why not call Nathan her sweat-hog?
Or… why not call Miss Fani his sweat-hog?
That’s probably closer to the truth anyway.
“Nathan’s sweat-hog” has a nice ring to it, she’d probably like that.
“Nathan Longprong.”
Is that his porno handle?
He’s been Wade, and found wanting….
(cf Daniel 5:25-28:
25 And this is the writing that was written, Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.
26 This is the interpretation of the thing: Mene; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.
27 Tekel; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.
28 Peres; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians. )
Betcha, Fani is into threesome.
Paging Kemp…
These people are just criminal trash, raised above their station by affirmative action policies.
That sums it up. It’s a major problem with DEI too.
When the first Chinese shipping boat gets boarded, things will be LIT.
When the first Chinese shipping boat that refuses boarding gets blown up, things will be COOKIN.
everybody fights for it
Those ‘waters’ better include the Rio Grande.
Even if they do…he’s got to address the land borders too.
Greg Price:
OMG – a hypocritical Democrat! Such a RARE FIND!!! 😉
She is experiencing the Trump curse. She ran on a platform of “getting Trump,” and now her dirty laundry is being exposed in ways that soil her reputation and should jeopardize her career.
“and now her dirty laundry is being exposed”
No Fani panties, please!
There are limits to what the public should be asked to endure 😂
“This is a clip of Fani Willis from 2020 where she says she would fire any employee who sleeps with a co-worker,”
She’s a lawyer.
She’ll just argue that what she was doing with Mr. Nathan Wade was not sleeping.
Then the whole country will be treated to a discussion about what the definition of ‘sleeping’ is.
It’s gonna be great 👍😁
It was just Reparations™ – aka Black Entitlement.
The white man owes her lots of $$$ and a good time in fancy hotels with any men she wants.
Last summer I acquired a long cased clock, it strikes the hour, and Westminster chimes on the quarter.
Couple of days ago the guy from the flat below came up to complain. Said he’d had his lady friend stay over and she’d laid awake all night listening to the clock strike four times an hour.
I thought poor lady she must have been so disappointed.
Fani’s fanny is in trouble.
She needs to be a target of lawfare her own self!!!
Sounds like Fani Finis…
Hypocrite, thy name is DemonRat!!!
Was she thinking about it, even then?
Possibly. Many politicians say what they think people want to hear while doing exactly the opposite.
Presumptuous as hell of Fani.
Promising to not date anyone who works under her. No sane guy would want it.
Bitch is butt ugly and resembles a stanky beached walrus.
Fani isn’t just some stanky hoe. Gonna take big bucks to nail Fani.
Fulton County tax dollars at Fani’s service.
Rude but right.
“…promises to not date “anybody that works under me,…”
So, she prefers to be on the bottom, then.
She only wants men of God. You know, the ones who are eager to go evangelize, and will take any missionary position offered.
LOL!!!! I actually snorted!
OMG!!! You can’t make this shit up!!!
Don’t these people have memories???
Michelle Obama doesn’t have mammaries.
I wouldn’t know, and don’t want to find out.
The less I know about that one’s mammaries (or daddaries), the better.
Note this is a federal judge.
Should have said ‘dismissed with prejudice’ IMO.
Spooky, isn’t it!
People behave according to the belief system that they obey. And most people obey the belief system with power over them – not the belief system they truly believe.
We are not safe from the next scamdemic using gain of function.
The people need to exercise the power that they have, but it involves the risk of great personal loss. It would help if they would unite in the effort. There is strength in numbers.
Yup. We have to help people quit their jobs when forced to be vaxxed.
That is where supporting small businesses comes in. The big problem is DE-BANKING like was done to POTUS Trump and Mike Lindell and others.
Thank you, Gail. If I post it some will think I am being self serving or boasting since that is what I did – finance small businesses.
Why continue to give more fuel to those who hate you and want you dead? Use the small businesses of your neighbors in your community whenever possible.
Many have gone crypto in commie controlled areas, or, have moved their banking relations to non-commie controlled states. National banks are out when the business owner runs into that problem. Go with state chartered, non-national banks. Also, don’t buy into “they are all that way” BS because they are not.
It appears, people’s “belief system” is money driven.Paycheck, job security…Reread the post. Nailed it. M O N E Y.
Yes. It reveals who and what you trust first. The problem is that you may receive forgiveness for having done so if you truly confess and repent, but, it usually does not change the discipline you receive for having done so.
Nobody to legitimately blame but self. Unless you are Flip Wilson.
It’s not just important, it sounds like a precursor to an indictment for mass MASS mass murder.
Crimes against humanity level stuff.
Stop pussyfooting and beating around the genocide.
This is good on his part, but he’s a little late to the train. How long have we been saying this? From the beginning I believe.
Yes, we all knew. Some ethical doctors revealed that ventilators were actually making things worse way back in mid-2020. Even NPR published it:
Some were comparing Covid pneumonia with high-altitude sickness. Treating with ventilators makes that worse:
PEOPLE KNEW. Including us.
I didn’t know how far the truth was spread. ThanQ. 😍
Yours Truly believes there were / are several things in play here:
One: MONEY. LOTS OF MONEY. Hospitals were / are paid thousands of dollars per patient put on a ventilator.
Three: FEAR among hospital staff that THEY would lose their jobs and/or lose their licenses to practice medicine, if they spoke up about what was going on, what they saw, etc.
Four: GASLIGHTING on the part of the CDC / FDA / federal government, about the “dangers” of not “following protocols.”
IMO, these elements created the disastrous, toxic situation that resulted in so many lives being lost during hospital care for a COVID-19 infection.
IIRC, it was only after watching ventilated COVID-19 patients die, that some RN’s and a few MD’s began to break silence. For their courage, they lost their jobs; some of them were “disciplined” by their state medical licensing boards. Some of them simply quit.
In addition, point Three also applies, IMO to the vast number of cases, of medical professionals (who practice in hospitals or not) “following mandates” for THEMSELVES to get “vaccinated” and “boosted.” IMO, these medical professionals will pay a price for not questioning a “vaccine” that was rushed into use after short, flawed “clinical trials.”
Losing one’s job is hard enough, but losing the license that one spent so much time and money to obtain, to practice in their chosen field, would be extremely difficult.
Especially if you have not yet paid off all the loans.
Unfortunately the younger folk are STUCK.
“Losing one’s job is hard enough, but losing the license that one spent so much time and money to obtain, to practice in their chosen field, would be extremely difficult.”
Seems like it would be extremely easy, when the decision is so obviously black and white: commit mass murder, or don’t commit mass murder.
Suppose your boss came up to you at work one day and said “TT, we’re going to start murdering our customers, whoever the stragglers are at closing time. Just lock the door and then you and the other employees gang tackle them and knife them all to death.
The government and the insurance companies and corporate leadership have worked out an arrangement where we all get paid for every customer we kill.
Don’t worry, the District Attorney and the police are getting their cut, so we’re all safe. We’re all in this together.”
What do you do?
Do you anguish over your career?
Is that even a consideration?
Is there a devil on one shoulder saying “Do it! Do it! Murder ’em all!”, and an angel on the other shoulder saying “TT, if you murder all these people, that’s going to look very bad on your report card” ?
Or is the decision obvious and easy?
It’s not like doctors’ job skills aren’t in high demand all over the world. They’re not bus boys at the local country club. They’ll find work.
The insanity might last a little while, but a regime of murdering patients by the millions can’t go undetected forever.
Beyond all that, doctors are fairly smart. There are a lot more of them than there are licensing boards. All they need(ed) to do was organize through their current contact lists and threaten to shut down the whole medical profession if TPTB attempted anything like what they actually did.
Well in more than one instance I quit.
“One: MONEY. LOTS OF MONEY. Hospitals were / are paid thousands of dollars per patient put on a ventilator.
Three: FEAR among hospital staff that THEY would lose their jobs and/or lose their licenses to practice medicine, if they spoke up about what was going on, what they saw, etc.
Four: GASLIGHTING on the part of the CDC / FDA / federal government, about the “dangers” of not “following protocols.””
So that raises an interesting question.
Since we’re talking about hundreds of thousands of medical doctors in the USA (938,966 as of 2019) and many millions of medical doctors around the world, a significant number of them must have had family members (spouse, children, parents, cousins) and close friends who caught the coof.
How did they treat their family and friends?
Did they get the Remdesivir and ventilator treatment?
Or did they get a different standard of care, which saved their lives?
Many of the doctors themselves must have also caught the chyna virus.
Did they treat themselves with ventilators and Remdesivir, or did they know better, and treated themselves with something that actually worked… like HCQ, Ivermectin, Vitamin D, etc.?
These things will all be a matter of medical record. Some may have tried to fudge the records to cover their tracks, but with there being nearly a million medical doctors in America and millions more around the world, it won’t take Chief Inspector Clouseau to figure out who doctored their medical records.
It’s not like they’ll be looking for a needle in a haystack… it will be like looking for a haystack in a box of needles.
My pick – Today’s Steve in CO MONEY QUOTE –
“RINO McDaniel would be powerless without an entire party leadership of the same mind as her. They want this dismal performance; they want to ignore the party base.”
The Republican party is dead to me – and has been since November 2020 when they allowed the brazen obvious election fraud! I’ll never give the party another dime.
I have to stay on the Republican voter list because my state has closed primaries – otherwise – I would not sully myself to do so.
I do not trust my Senators – Rubio and Scott. Congressman Dunn is OK, but stays on the fence and is not going to endorse or commit to be MAGA. I no longer even like my disgusting slime-wad Governor DeSantis. I like what I hear from our Surgeon General – so far.
Absolutely with you, Rob has lost many of his followers hopefully. I believe he was a set up from the beginning. Put in place to play HIS part in the take down of PDJT.
I will never support him again.
Just like Pence he was an empty suit lawyer with ZERO credentials from real world experience.
If you don’t support RDS [if he runs for gov again], you could end up with that drug using queer black dude that had his pic taken while he was passed out nude. Just saying.
Hopefully a better choice will run against him in the primaries.
Yes, many times the choices are awful. To choose the druggie dude over a Repub who has done well as governor would be unwise. To not vote, possibly allowing the druggie dude to win, would also be unwise.
If you don’t support RDS [if he runs for gov again], you could end up with that drug using queer black dude that had his pic taken while he was passed out nude.
Just saying.
Unsure to what degree. That drug using queer black dude is back in politics. Read it somewhere four or five days ago.
No surprise. There is easy money in politics.
Maine Bill Allows Authorities to Take Children Away from Parents Who Resist Transgendering Parents would have no parental rights on the issue; either they allow their children to be exposed to dangerous and permanent transgendering drugs and surgeries, or they lose them to the state.
My Bill would allow parents to take Maine legislators away.
Time to either leave the state or HOME SCHOOL!
If the goal is truly to learn, the latter for all students whose parents can do and afford it in my book. Even in many red states public education is tainted and factory widget oriented.
With Home Schooling co-ops and the Dr Robinson Self-Teaching Curriculum, even if you both have to work, homeschooling is do-able.
introduced and passing are two different things
It is an election year.
They all need to pretend that they are doing something, even if they know it will not pass.
It IS what r-Cons do. Talk, talk, talk, talk….
And then vote with the DemonRats.
Traitors in our Government are funding our own demise. That is shocking and stupid. There are people in our Government who are mentally sick. Do they not realize it affects their family also what the WEF proposes for us?
They hope to be the Obermenschen.
Maybe they will but maybe not. They do not know what awaits them.
the gentleman in the tweet video says DACA cannot vote in federal elections but some states allow them to vote in state or local–minnesota? i have no idea but he suggests what she claims-we are voting–is illegal
he’d better watch his back.
RamaSWAMPY is Obama 2.0 only smarter. That makes him very dangerous.
well that’s not exactly what I was alluding to.
Lots of comments on Swampy yesterday around HERE.
Not exactly. The things Obama said and wanted to do were obviously not good for the country from a patriot’s point of view. It’s just that Dems, and especially a particular demographic, hung on his every word.
The zingers that Ramaswamy says are MAGA and patriotic in nature, so that anyone who pays attention could learn something and start to realize crucial things about what the Left is doing to our country.
Now, is Ramaswamy ambitiously saying “the right things” to worm his way in to MAGA circles in order to infiltrate and ultimately damage them? or even to get into office, only to govern opposite to what he has been saying? Possibly. But on the journey, he is saying a lot of things that very few people on the Right will say, and I believe his rhetoric is likely waking some people up.
As I said. SMARTER. Obama was catering to the black vote and the White Guilt vote. I think it is now pretty obvious that MAGA, esp after the disaster of Bite me, is the majority of voters even thought the polls never show it. So a Trojan Horse would cater to that demographic.
This is as close as you will get to determining how many actually support POTUS Trump.
32% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction
Glad to see him stating the obvious openly. Judicial Watch was calling for that back before PDT was elected.
He is telling everybody the election is secure enough to push him back in IMO. We just need to do out parts and get it done.
I Really Hope so!
On the other hand, someone above suggested dropping them into the sun (horrifically expensive, by the way).
That way we could squint one time for both reasons.
Dear Mike Pompeo:
You should have been supporting Trump all this time so you wouldn’t have to “tease” us about it. I don’t need an announcement that you might be thinking about making a decision to announce your support for Trump. You’re not that important. Get behind him, or get out of the way, please.
TLDR: Mike… F! U!
I wouldn’t let him be the WH dog catcher.
Joyless too clueless to know, she been schooled… Emphasis mine.
Moms for Liberty Founder Destroys Joy Reid During Attempted ‘Gotcha’ Interview on Banned LGBTQ Books and Parental Rights (VIDEO)
Tiffany Justice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, showcased a formidable display of wit and knowledge, effectively destroying MSNBC host Joy Reid, one of America’s poster children for stupidity, over the issue of parental rights and book banning in schools.
Wow – that is GREAT. Joyless Greed goes DOWN for the count.
The only sauce Yours Truly has found about this:
Chris Christie:
Mike Pence:
Former VPs jumping ship sounds like the sort of thing that happened before the Civil War. IIRC at least one former president (John Tyler, “his Accidency”) ended up on the Confederacy’s side.
Christie and Pence are showing their true color. Funny how Trump lays bare the republican traitors and wolf in sheep clothing. Do those two believe we care? They take themselves more important then they are.
I’ll believe it when each of them makes a clear statement about whom they support for 2024.
I would not be surprised at anything either of them said.
They have been digging their own political graves, at least with America-loving people, ever deeper for some time. They will either continue down that path or circle back toward America as founded. But what lies at the end of the America-as-founded path is Donald Trump, so I don’t expect them to take that road.
I have no interest in what they do except if they are being destructive of our country. And that might be something they will double down on. They might become a more visible enemy.
“They will either continue down that path or circle back toward America as founded.”
If they try to circle back, they better be met with pitchforks by those guarding the rear.
“Chris Christie and Mike Pence will ENDORSE BIDEN and leave the Republican party when President Trump wins the GOP nomination, according to a new report.”
This is good.
Let them demonstrate and memorialize their treason publicly.
It won’t hurt Trump any if the New Jersey Whale and Judas Pence endorse Brandon Childsniffer.
It will just confirm what everyone with a pulse already knows about these traitors.
It depends on how many Democrats (registered as Unaffiliated) vote for Nikki. Many Taxachusett Commies live in NH and work in Boston MA.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, January 20, 2024
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Matthew 6:33 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
This article asks some very good questions. Is the West allowed to win?
“Even since World War II, the Western nations have not been allowed to win wars.
Their enemies have been allowed to win, but not the West.
In every conflict, war, or struggle, political forces have been marshaled to prevent a clear Western victory.
The closest the West came to a concrete victory, by force of arms, was the toppling of the Saddam Hussein regime in 2003. However, the West did not truly win, as the country soon became all but a satellite of Iran, and China gained economic ground. Under these constraints, sooner or later, the West always loses.
Such is the case now with Gaza.
Israel has not been allowed to win … ever.
In 1949, the best Israel had gotten were armistice lines.
In 1956, Israel was forced to retreat, surrendering everything it won.
In 1967, more armistice lines.
In 1973, again, an armistice, and later on, a cold pseudo-peace was set up.”
And every time they have been forced into “land for peace”, they lose twice.
They lose the land, and they lose what little peace they had. For with the Mozzies, give them an inch, and they take a mile. And then they demand even more…
No one is SUPPOSED to win. The whole point is to keep the war machine up and running.
That’s very much overlooked.
Spoken like a true Libertarian. 😋
That particular pic sure has been useful to Meme World.
Memes are important.
-Letter Between P and R
2³ + 3² …
OMG, these are hilarious!
And the best part – this satire is the “disinformation” that WEF screams about!
Lawsuit Uncovers How Raffensperger Tried to Memory-Hole The Election Law Trump’s Georgia Call Was About
MORE same headline but original article: Lawsuit Uncovers How Raffensperger Tried To Memory-Hole The Election Law Trump’s Georgia Call Was About
Mark Davis is one of those sued.
“….Once upon a time, the following language served to summarize portions of Georgia’s residency laws on our secretary of state’s voter registration web page:
You can still see it for yourself in “The Wayback Machine” if you give it time to load.
I wonder why that page vanished?…”
“….Our secretary of state and his staff have repeatedly admitted that these residency violations do occur. They admitted in that now-infamous phone call with President Trump that they were “going through” the lists of potential residency violations, but as you can see in the transcript, they wouldn’t put a number on them, although the Trump attorneys had asked several times for one.
So after painting themselves into quite a corner, what did they decide to do when they realized they couldn’t dispute the evidence or admit Trump and his attorneys were right? They apparently decided to dispute the law itself instead.
Their position on these unlawful votes that continue to be cast in our elections is now a 180-degree about-face from the position taken by previous secretaries of state and from the one Raffensperger himself had on his office’s voter registration webpage for his first couple of years in office.
That isn’t just cowardice, it’s straight-up corruption, and from a man who had the unmitigated gall to publish a book titled Integrity Counts.…”
That Raffensperger is one of the slimiest characters in all of politics.
I hope he gets whats coming to him and SOON.
….and thoroughly.
Was she the only one there? 😆
(OK, I know, with the view, the bar is set really, Really, REALLY low…
Two covers and a frontispiece?