Climate Change Fear Porn – It’s Alive!
Believe or die!
Our criminal dynamic duo always have to mess with the kids.
Just a suggestion for most folks, use common sense. Never accept a statement of the scientific community and media as fact before vetting the statement and them. The criminal cabal has infected most everything institutionally provided in our country. They have proven that to all of us repeatedly over a very long time.
Accept that there is no significant climate change created by mankind. Every prediction of imminent disaster has proven to be false, yet, was used for somebody to gain power and make money for a period of time. The universe was created by our eternal Creator who is all knowing. To suggest He would not know what we humans, his created beings, would do when given dominion over the earth by Him is silly stupid. Genesis begins the story of His relationship with man and the expectations He had for all of it. He remains in total control of His creation. He alone will decide if, when and how it ends. He will also steer it the way He wants it all to go when it goes off course.
Gail has thoroughly addressed the scientific truth that our planet appears to have entered into a cooling period, which is in the midst of their shouts of global warming and climate change. Ironically, the actions of a number of world leaders reflects her version is correct in relation to cooling. For example, Putin grabbed Crimea for good reasons besides the fact it had originally been Russian territory populated with Russian speaking people who wanted to be in Russia. One reason he did so was that it permanently expanded Russia’s warm, deepwater Black Sea port access under their control. Second, he is taking down the Nazis in Ukraine and it helped that cause. Russians and Nazis are mortal enemies as most of us should know. Which is why our federal government continues to oppose Russia in an antagonizing way. Our government is infested with and continues to support Nazis worldwide.
One of the other primary reasons for conflict was due to gaining access to Ukraine’s energy reserves, much of which is located in former Russian territory populated by Russian speaking people who want to be in Russia. Another major reason is because Ukraine is the bread basket agricultural supplier of Europe and there needed to be stability instead of the west’s use of it as a weapon. All the NATO nations did with their saber rattling, breaking agreements with Russia, participation in money laundering and human trafficking, as well as funding bioweapons labs there is give Russia the valid reasons to take it. NATO’s continued full support of Nazis in this proxy war is revealing. In the end the pre-war predicable results means sufficient security, energy and food for Russia and its allies to endure a long term cooling period.
China has taken licensed control of deepwater ports and continues to expand its hold over minerals worldwide. They are prepping their nation for a different world with a common defense pact in their back pockets with Russia, who supply much of their fuels. All of it helps ensure they survive a cooling period successfully.
Surely people can use their minds to see through all of this green new deal, Nazi WEF directed nonsense. All the evil doers desire is your money and power over you. It is a similar fear porn plan and method of operations that was used in the COVID scamdemic. Don’t fall for it.
As just one recent example, the “experts” predicted 20 named tropical storms in the Atlantic in 2024. has more, but their site will not allow me to link. Their data reveals that sea temps are dropping significantly around the world.
Despite that, in the link below we see a claim of scientific experts about what happened 34 million years ago based on historical reports from scientists who were actually there, conducted research and recorded their findings that were safely stored in caves. It states…
OK, you caught me – no human being was there to know. They were too busy hunting wooly mammoths.The subject researchers and scientists used methods of reviewing the state of marine sedimentary samples that had pollen fossils in coal and concluded that 34 million years ago, give or take a few million, those were the conditions. They are certain all of the climate stuff happened quickly because, well, because of scientific assumptions. My take: that will be the explanation until their theories are later proven wrong or need substantial adjustment. At which time more requests for research funding will occur to prove this or that in response to the new understanding, observations or “facts” they then have. If one is paying attention, it is a pattern.
The following is the claim of more experts about the earth getting warmer because of greenhouse gases increasing while the upper atmosphere actually gets colder. The science they are selling is we have total control over our outcome. Just stop using fossil fuels and save the planet, well, at least warm the upper atmosphere. Trust them.
At least with that one there is only 3 million years involved. But the next one is a classic. Hold onto your hats, this one goes back 450 million years. They express sincere concerns about humanity’s survival because we are in a period that is a great deal colder than history indicates. They believe sudden increases in temperature a few degrees could kill off our ability to adapt. I kid you not. “It’s an indication of all the things we don’t know about how greenhouse climates work,” Wing said.
I wonder what idgits provided their research funding?
It is no wonder why environmental scientists and climatologists are baffled by the current dramatic cooling of the Atlantic. They are clueless about what is, but certain about what once was that they (or anybody else) never witnessed. Somehow I know they believe that greenhouse gases and global warming are involved in whatever they are selling at the time. Just an educated guess by a somewhat interested bystander.
Prepare for the opposite of global warming. The criminal globullist cabal and other world leaders are. They are keeping the general public deceived and ill prepared because depopulation is still their long term goal. Grasshopper or ant, you decide the best approach.
Back To FIRE!
This one is personal to a lot of us around this region. The Great Smoky Mountains Fire of 2016 (TGSMF) is etched in our memories here in east TN. It is also an excellent example of how American government frequently ignores the needs of its citizens until a disaster occurs. The clean up on Aisle 7 phase kicks in, a flurry of words and activities occur, and truth is scuttled for a narrative. It is up to the reader to decide if the following, which has been repeated for centuries worldwide, is intentional or not. I have my suspicions with a Trail of Tears (a nod to our local Cherokee nation) I will provide. The ensuing eight years since TGSMF reveal much.
Below is a link to a story published in the past year by a nearby resident who is the managing editor of an area newspaper. This story gives you a good summary from which to begin.
I will provide many links below that tell the overall story better than I can. When taken in total a picture emerges that reveals what appears to be great incompetency from those in authority at the National Park Service (NPS). It reveals stonewalling for years in the judiciary process post fire. It reveals a probable DEI type hire in a key senior NPS position before such things were called DEI. It reveals great suffering, loss of life, and loss of property. It also appears to reveal a political agenda and protection of the key leader operatives in authority on site during those days. Combine that with local and state politician collusion in keeping facts about the events hidden along with park officials being protected from inquiry and, well, we see a corrupt mess. Then the topping on cake is applied by all those with wealth who benefit in the aftermath.
The good counter side reveals many heroes and great acts of courage. It reveals local law enforcement and fire personnel doing their best to save people and property while alerting the NPS of fire calls. It reveals people at their best at helping one another. It reveals one of our own known to the world, Dolly, doing very special things to help in the recovery; not just paying lip service for publicity as many celebrities do. It reveals much needed early warning safety improvements and procedures being acted upon by local officials post-fire.
What is not revealed enough is even more telling – the complete truth.
Storylines Galore
The following is a link from the NPS that shows a few interactive photos comparing more recent times in areas within the Park itself to that of the aftermath of the fire. In general, the environmental recovery is going well.
However, what happened outside of the Park will not be forgotten by locals. Depending on vantage point, the flames (not just smoke) of the fire could be seen miles away. We live 27 miles away via driving, about half that as the crow flies. A local mountain blocked our direct view, but when we traveled past the mountain and closer to the event, we could easily see the fire in Gatlinburg and fringed areas of Pigeon Forge in the evenings. The smoke engulfed the entire county and migrated into surrounding counties. As reported, over 2400 buildings were destroyed and 14 people died with a couple hundred injured. Our county’s citizens were fortunate in that the area that the fire was most intense was rural and that tourism was not in a peak period.
Below are more links that describe it all with various accounts. The first link shows the locations of the clustered areas of structures that were affected, followed by a story on the victims, which is then followed by NPS summary release nearly a year later.
All of this leads to trying to understand the results of investigations into the events. This effort has been clouded by not having access to information as the authorities have been unwilling to release various aspects. The more accurate picture that has developed came from what the public has discovered on its own from observation, media investigative reports, videos, recorded conversations, local contacts and such. In an effort to move toward the full reality of what really happened, the following is the local Knoxville newspaper’s investigative look at it three years after the events. It did not gloss over some of the failures.
Here is a summary local news TV media version five years afterwards;
There is another investigative report seven plus years later that dug deeper, which is surprising since it came from typically fake news. The actual story is behind a paywall. However, Yahoo posted it on their site;
Deadly Comedy of Failures Or Intentional Features?
That is always the primary question to ask when it comes to large scale tragedies such as this. For example, did the East Palestine, OH train disaster occur due to mistakes and failures, or, was it a feature of something more sinister? We know how occult practices of the leftist criminals seem to come into play frequently. I have covered The Great Chicago Fire and pointed readers to more information relating to the Lahaina, Maui fire. California residents have endured widespread wildfires for decades. Going back in history, New York City had a Great Fire in 1778 during the British occupation. Another followed in 1835 that gutted Manhattan, which amazingly (sarc/) led to a reconstruction that resulted in NYC more than tripling its population over the next 25 years. Business and industry exploded with growth there in the lead up to the Civil War. Which is just another coincidence, I guess. It was not long after that war that the Great Chicago Fire happened and the blueprint from New York was implemented with similar results that primarily benefitted the globullist criminal cabal.
Apparent failures and mistakes are often intentional features. The pattern reveals the truth. What may have been good as it existed, but less economically attractive than could be realized; can be revisited and changed if local resident obstructions to the planned “progress” are removed.
Several friends and acquaintances of ours were injured in TGSMF. We had met a couple of the people who died, including the elderly pastor who had married countless couples in the county for decades. A now retired high school football coach I knew who lived in the immediate area of the fire survived by rolling downhill on his property into a creek and submerging himself. His home was fire damaged. A historic Baptist Church within the Gatlinburg city limits was a total loss. It was finally rebuilt five years later. Two other churches were damaged. See links below,
Many rental cabins around town were destroyed or badly damaged along with a number of motels and hotels that were gutted. Dollywood had to close during a prime time of the holiday season. All sorts of lodging facilities, restaurants, Ski Mountain (snow) operations (Ober Gatlinburg), retail establishments, recreational businesses, the convention center, and so on had to close for a time; some to make repairs. A number of lodging facilities were gutted from the fires or burned to the ground. Even for those businesses that were physically unharmed, there were no tourists visiting to help keep the doors open. That meant employee layoffs and terminations, business closures, and strains on tax revenues to handle city/county services, etc.
The business losses extended into nearby Pigeon Forge as tourists understandably stopped coming until given the green light months later. More layoffs and hurting people were the results.
However, mountain folks are strong and tough. We came together. Some of the relief efforts that were spearheaded by Dolly, some local officials, the state and some feds helped in the short term recovery. Churches, schools and charities rallied people to the cause. People could at least survive until they figured out what was next. Contractors rushed to the area for jobs. Building supply houses were hard pressed to keep with the demand. Utilities company employees worked double shifts for a couple of months. Building inspection and permitting offices were inundated.
Many property owners just walked away. Some had no money to add to insurance settlements, which were paid first to mortgage holders. Many were not adequately insured to the rising level of construction costs. Some who were financially able did rebuild eventually as they found reputable contractors, which often took up to 7 years afterwards as we see from the church example above. For those unable or unwilling to wait, properties were sold by the owners at below market values prices or through foreclosures.
NPS Failures
It is here where you find the root cause of the tragedy. To have a once in a hundred years or more fire when the conditions are right is one thing. For NPS leaders, nationally and locally, to have authority to handle this and other wildfires along with notifications to the public properly, yet, not do so for any reason is unacceptable. Read the following links,
Inexcusable performance of the duties of a Great Smoky Mountains National Park Superintendent.
Meanwhile, on the front lines of the fire was a NPS guy in authority, Greg Salansky, whose job it was to coordinate the efforts to control and eventually put out the fire. He didn’t. Apparently he sent the crew of assigned fire fighters home to rest that infamous night instead, believing the fire to be small and controllable despite weather warnings of high winds in the area well in advance.
What firefighting professional would ever do such a thing? The wind forecast for several days in advance of the event should have been enough to know that you needed more firefighters and resources on site. You would know that unless you have been ordered to do what you did.
The story below provides more detail including when the lawsuits first started. The following Facebook video gives visual and recorded emergency personnel conversations.
Inevitable Lawsuits
So here we go. A barrage of legal activities ensued that continues through today, nearly eight years later.
My first observation is that the lawsuits have merit in that there was clear negligence by the NPS and its leaders that could be proven with recordings and other solid evidence. I will leave it to legal experts and the courts to decide if they can hide behind shields from liability for federal agencies and employees. The attorneys for the plaintiffs represent many insurance companies, victims and families of victims. That they have not abandoned the expensive legal pursuit after these years is revealing.
My second observation is the NPS attempt to deflect the cause of the fire. Allegedly, two minors skipping out of school were the cause and were charged at first. Then six months later the charges were dropped with authorities stating they could not prove their involvement and admitting in legal documents that there were other fires in the general vicinity of its alleged staring point. That brings us to seven plus years later and there is still no definitive explanation given for the event.
My third observation is that local politicians and government officials ran interference to protect the NPS and its employees. It seems they were more interested in keeping things on the down low than providing transparency. They did step up in the aftermath with solid assistance for all who were affected. However, they were just not all that interested in clearing the air with truth about the event itself. This tells me there were benefits from their relationship with the NPS of which the general public is unaware.
My fourth observation follows.
The Two Scoundrels
Cash and Salansky are still employed by the NPS. They effed it all up or they did what they were ordered to do – you decide. That they remained employed by NPS is unconscionable. Fourteen people died and nearly 200 were injured along with close to a billion dollars in damages. Apparently, Salansky’s career continues on unabated to this point. See the linked evidence of his employment below.
Cash remained the GSMN Park Superintendent until this month when he left to take an executive role with the Yosemite Conservancy. Other than with the local political and media Establishment, he is not highly regarded as you can imagine. In the recent past he sponsored a move to charge parking fees in the GSMNP, which was approved by their cronies. In approving this the NPS reneged on a 90 year pledge made at dedication to never charge fees for people to visit the park. If you want to visit a picnic area, historic attraction, hike, etc. and you plan to park for more than 15 minutes in designated areas, you must pay a fee thanks to Cassius Cash and crew. He was quite proud of this accomplishment. The people’s national park now charges people to park in their own park, something that was never supposed to happen. It is generating $6-7 million annually that is supposed to be used only on projects in the park. I guess the scumbags in DC sent all the spare change they could have used for the entire NPS system to Ukraine. Priorities you know.
One thing is for certain, we will never see a true accounting of where the parking fees are going. My assumption is somebody is personally benefitting. Regardless, Mr. Cash has completed his role here, thankfully. This was just announced right before press time for this post.
Falling upward seems to be a thing with many government employees. Good luck with that, Yosemite. With PDT’s arrival on the scene again, maybe a quality appointment can be made for The Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
If one stands back and looks objectively at the entire event, it becomes obvious that the NPS leadership blew it causing death and great destruction. Yet, they are still employed in the same agency and industry doing their thing.
That infamous day there were ideal weather conditions for a wildfire. A drought, high winds and lack of precipitation caused small fires to grow and eventually go out of control days later because there were insufficient fire fighting resources called in by the NPS. In fact, Salansky sent who he did have working home to rest. It had been known for several days in advance that high winds were predicted in that area. They knew conditions were ripe for disaster and did the exact opposite of what responsible leaders would do. The NPS failed. The federal government also failed to provide adequate resources to this National Park with over a half million acres under management.
It would have been far worse if substantial precipitation did not fall on the affected area every couple of days after the event. That is what put out the fire. The firefighters, most of them locals from volunteer fire departments in the area, handled the remaining smoldering hot spots.
So, once again, human error or intentional?
Conditions On The Ground Today
Why would local authorities defend the NPS and interfere in jounalist investigations when the tragedy affected friends and neighbors they served? The officials live here. It makes very little sense to help those who caused all of the death and destruction. That is unless one considers that they, their cronies and local governments might somehow benefit. It appears some may not care all that much about human life.
However their best efforts to block communications of facts did not stop the insurance companies from going after the NPS.
Which makes what happened next, well, interesting. What is that rising from the ashes of 2016 in the fire affected area? The following was a modest rental cabin resort in 2016. Not so much now.
The first phase of the below opened a year after the fire and there have been many attractions added to it since. Just curious, did land costs go up or down immediately after the fire? 😀
Looks like this one opened two years after it in mid 2018. 😀
Plus numerous other new attractions were added that include mountain roller coasters, zip lines, restaurants, retail outlets, rental cabin resorts, along with other hotels, condos and lodges.
I guess all this extra business and rebuilding with new ownerships and investments was just really good luck for some folks. That so many people lost their homes, businesses and properties was just unfortunate, just like having to sell out at below market values. It all seems that way unless you consider that it generally takes several years to conceive, conceptually plan, and design a proposed resort of significance. Subject to financing and/or investment capital being available, a prospective site search would be conducted afterwards. Then, after an acceptable site is secured, project developers and ownership would seek to obtain government/utility approvals and coordinate with contractors before construction began. Finally add the construction period, advance marketing as well the hiring and training of staffing before operations can begin.
Those requirements and related timelines indicate that most of these major projects were conceived years in advance of TGSMF of 2016.
Which makes it all appear to be a solution (opportunities) in search of a problem (destruction/rebuilding). A phoenix in search of a disaster that created the very ashes to rise from. How convenient that the NPS authorities were so perfectly incompetent and may be proven to be protected from personal liability. How convenient there were two truant teenagers discovered in the park that day, whose names could not legally be revealed as they were minors, who could be accused of setting the fire. How convenient charges against them were dropped six months later without proof that they were the source of the fire since other fires were also burning in the vicinity. I wonder who set those other fires that were discussed in documents and recorded discussions? How did the NPS and legal authorities know there were other fires that day? Why were no other sources of those fires discussed or charged since there was a burning ban during the period?
The currently unanswered questions are virtually endless – again – eight years later. The way TGSMF of 2016 has been formally investigated by authorities and handled by the judiciary makes it appear to have been originated intentionally. If that is not true, why deflect and refuse full transparency? Could it be that many of those in authority know more than they desire to reveal?
I also wonder what a search of the subject area’s property records would reveal? Somebody with more time on their hands can take a run at that one. I have seen this movie once too often.
The beneficiaries of the tragedy are clear and they also include the local governmental authorities. New large scale business investment, so many more opportunities for themselves and their close associates to invest into surrounding properties and businesses in an area that was already “built out” for many years. An Increase of draws and attractions that bring in more tourists and their dollars along with greater tax revenues for the governments has been the end result that was created in its aftermath.
Again, it is pattern.
It is nearly eight years later and there is another small wildfire in dense mountainside underbrush in the Smokies on 58 acres that is slowly spreading. It has been a dry summer going into fall. The fire has been burning for about 4 weeks now and is not contained. This time the origin is known. It was started via a lightning strike during the last major rain event we have experienced in the area in the past month. The usual small number of NPS associated firefighters have been unsuccessfully working hard to contain. The NPS is conducting air drops of water with one lone helicopter over the past couple of weeks with minimal success as they worked to build more trails into the site.
They have been doing things with the same number of firefighters the same ways. The only condition that is different this time is the tree leaves have not yet started falling significantly because it has remained warm. This will be changing in a couple of weeks. Even with the fire being relatively small, starting with about 16 acres before growing to its current size, it has not prevented the acrid smoke from drifting throughout the area. It is making some people ill and and many people nervous. Yet, the NPS “reassures” the public daily they have things under control. This link is from a few weeks ago.
As mentioned it has slowly expanded to the current 58 acres. However, the NPS has called in the calvary. Undoubtedly they are feeling the “heat” from the public. Which is another thing that has changed. They killed the public’s trust in 2016. They know we know and are watching their every move. The Olympic Wildland Fire Module just arrived. See the link below.
Many of us wonder how much longer it will be until some more smaller fires in the area of the current one are started. We are in the dry season, very little rain is predicted. Leaves will be falling to fuel them. The Olympic Module is only anticipated to be there a week before being shipped out to another hot spot out west. The location of this fire area is shown in the GSMNP map below.

Over in the left hand side near the #1 is the area in discussion. TGSMF of 2016 started a good distance farther to the east toward Gatlinburg near to #4. What is it do we find near the current area but the recently expanded scenic Foothills Parkway, one of the most beautiful vistas in the eastern U. S. An area that would appear attractive to investment with the greatly increasing number of visitors enjoying the drive between Blount and Sevier County resorts and attractions.
Conspiracy theory? Perhaps. However, it seems the rapidly increasing abilities to make money and gain power at the expense of others are present once again.
The broader NPS entity still maintains very limited resources stationed in our area for fire fighting. Their primary assets stay deployed primarily in the western U. S. (their admission). I guess TGSMF of 2016 was not destructive enough to justify an increase in permanent resources or those accessed from the department nationally. Our elected scoundrels and DS can afford to hire 87,000 agents of oppression with the IRS, but not a tenth of that number to help our nation avoid massive destruction and loss of life from wildfires. They spend hundreds of billions to fight a proxy war in Ukraine in support of Nazis along with about as much for the cost of 20+ million illegal invaders coming across the border. But time after time they have proven they do not give a damn about the needs of We the People.
This country is in a mess because traitors, seditionists, incompetents and other sundry criminals have been in positions of authority and service for far too long. In my next part I will discuss where I believe it all leads from here.
May God protect and bring peace to America and its citizens..
Well done! Thanks.
👍 TY!
Disgraced government employees falling upward is so commonplace. The latest ones are Peter Strok and Page. Anymore, getting canned from a govt position because of theft, traitorous actions, abuse of access, etc should mean they slink off in obscurity. Not so.
I have no doubt that SS Cheatle will be swimming in consultant offers and possibly another govt position even though DJT was almost murdered and one man was killed.
Yes..good luck beautiful Yosemite.
Our bloated amoral government leadership collectively bred out caring for US citizens decades ago. Trillions are given away and yet lack of funds is the excuse given for preventing and fighting disasters such as this Smokey Mountain fire.
PS~ Thanks for the post. It’s very informative and heartfelt from personal outlook
YW – thanks for reading.
So much for “public servants”, right?
It’s peculiar how dangerous National Parks are. State Parks seem somewhat safer….although private land seems safer still.
Maybe governments just aren’t suited to owning land. It would be a grand experiment to sell it all off to private citizens.
Those ideas always seem good but the sticky part is private citizens. Developers are private citizens, Bill Gates is one. Around these parts some sneaky people are buying up properties and holding on until the developers swoop buy up the broke down properties.
Sometimes it’s better to stick with the devil you know 🤔
Seems like New York, Iowa, Connecticut, and Kansas might know something about the devil of limited Federal ownership.
Federal lands have the most wildfires and those lands exist primarily in the western U. S. NPS says 85% approx area start by humans. Seems to me you are spot on, coothie.
Ironic that the people who worship the god of environmentalism are the least protective of same.
When was the last time there was a serious wildfire in Western Tennessee? Or Middle Tennessee?
Why? Because there isn’t as much Federal land there….
Exactly. Plenty of vegetation that is subject to drought and exposure to lightning strikes and people starting the fires. Yet, no wildfires.
Excellent read. Thanks.
I suspect there are many wild fires every year started, allowed to go wild by government incompetence. Federal AND State.
Controlled burns they lose control of. Allowing wildfire to burn, which truly goes wild…
My belief with TCSMF of 2016 is they found a couple of kids who skipped school. There were their patsys. They may have left a campfire or had a cigarette lighter on them. The arsonists had started several small fires in the general area in the same time frame. The tell was when they dropped the charges abruptly 6 months later and nobody else was ever investigated that they released publicly.
Wicked. They made sure they did it knowing that the forecast was for projected high winds that evening in excess of 80 mph. The rest is history.
At this point my go to is:
ℑ𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔄𝔱𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔟𝔲𝔱𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔡𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔥 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔅𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔬𝔯 𝔊𝔲𝔦𝔩𝔢. — Aubergine’s Razor — — October 11, 2019 at 08:36
What ever happen to CONTROLLED BURNS and BRUSH CLEARING? Something that was done by archaic native Americans (& Aussie Aborigines) on forward. OH yeah the EcoNutz had hissy fits and the USA and Australia have suffered major fires ever since. Jo Nova has covered some of the devastating fires down under.
I wish we could send you some of our rain. We have so much mud, I got the tractor stuck Friday. I was hoping we would be dry this week so I could plant my winter rye — No such luck. we get ANOTHER week of rain!
You’ve had benefit of the storms off the coast moving in. We miss most of those because of the mountains while it makes your area a mess.
We live about 20 miles away from the current fire. I went into my garage this evening and you would have thought the fire next door. It was 90 degrees today with very little breeze. Temps are headed down, but no rain of substance predicted for two weeks. I hope the Olympic Module is successful, otherwise it is going to get interesting around here again.
Another alarming deep dive into the pattern of corruption, horror, & disregard for We The People–Well Done! You have been proving why the term “Fire Sale” is a real thing. Sickening Evil! 😡
Thank you, Val. Exposing corruption and evil is my mission.
& you are accomplishing it brilliantly–TY!
Thank you TB2 for a great article. Nothing surprises me when we’re talking about what the gov. is willing to do to achieve their objectives.
You nailed it. They have no morals or ethics. It is a system and the patterns over time reveal it. All we have to do is observe and note.