We are living long enough to witness something that does not appear to have been done before. Ever. It is time to give thanks for it.
In the history of the world it is likely that there has never been a dominating empire whose government was a representative republic of private citizens. Governments appear to have always been in authority over the people with the support of the elites and powerful – the ruling class. The people were the subjects of the government. That is not true for Americans per our founding documents. America is the beneficiary of the providence of God through the vision of our forefathers who acted against oppression and sought a better way.
Which is why oppressors have attempted to destroy us internally and externally since conception. This has led to the current awakening of the majority of American citizens after decades of deception and corruption. The first response to this awakening led to the events of November 8, 2016. It was a shot over the bow at the oppressors, traitors and seditionists. The war had begun for the soul of America.
Fast forward.
November 5, 2024
We all know what happened after Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016. There is no point in rehashing it or discussing many of the things and people involved behind the scenes and in front of the cameras. There are devils and demons everywhere. Most do not even realize that is who they are. We just seem to forget at times there have been many patriots and heroes working against them. Which has led to positive changes for average citizens even with the DC instigated chaos created against President Trump during the first term.
Over the years a complete disconnect from the desires of the citizens has infected many politicians and their unelected administrative minions. That ends now. Politicians who go with business as usual will be isolated by the executive branch and We the People, then voted out of office or otherwise identified as enemies of the people. Their administrative state cronies are going out the door with them. The reason that will happen over the coming years is because We the People have seen the strings and we cannot unsee them. Citizen journalists have taken over to inform us and transparency reigns. To maintain their credibility these sources of information have to disclose the facts and evidence. They are not dependent on advertisers to cover the massive overheads and compensation of the propagandist talking heads in the fake news industry. As a result they are nimble, close to the people and operate without filters for the most part.
To be sure, MAGA will still need to vet the citizen journalists. Some can be influenced and bought like their fake counterparts. However, We the People know we should do that now and as a result will sort out the posers much more quickly and efficiently. That is a profound change from past practice.
A little alphabet letter birdie hooked many of us and sent us on a journey we will never forget.
We the People have become emboldened by having a popular supposed felon’s back, President-Elect Trump, and staring down the enemy no matter the threats and potential costs. As a result it is time to discuss some major parts of this American reconstruction period we will be seeing now that the bigger war is trending toward a successful, “winning” conclusion.
World Cooperation
Respect oozes out of world leaders for Donald Trump and normal American people. They really don’t want to cross him, they want to make deals and find ways to work together. They know he is a man’s man. Look what is already happening worldwide and the man is still two months away from going back to the White House. They know he is not a politician. He is a pragmatic businessman icon with a true vision of what is best for America, which consequently improves all of their situations if they play their cards right. A rising tide lifts all boats. POTUS-Elect Trump understands win-win and will not go with win-lose unless it is the opponents who are losing and they are enemies of We the People.
Peace is returning. Business expansion and better living conditions are on the way. The world will become more secure, predictable…and happy.
World Economics and Politics
If you move your investments out of the stock market because Trump won you may be certifiably insane. Even his enemies are jumping on for that ride.
Multi-polarity is a real thing. The USMCA and all of his bi-lateral trade agreements with world governments from the first term have already informed you. His acceptance and acknowledgement of BRICS+ is further evidence as is his open acknowledgement and acceptance of a place for crypto. Where you will likely see a slow down in BRICS+ development plans is their move away from the dollar as the basis of the world economy. Vlad and Russia have already indicated their willingness to deal in dollars. President- Elect Trump is going to go after reestablishment of the dollar as the world’s currency with fervor. Investing in America will be cool again.
With multi-polarity we can expect North America to become a more cohesive economic system with greater cooperation from Mehico and Canada. Mehico will act tough and independent at times, but it is all bluster. They know they are toast without us as 25% of their economic production is sold into America. The cartels eventually will be the losers, nothing more than rogue bands of criminals that will be disposed through greater cooperation between agencies and military. Mehico really has no choice. The off the books dark money that funded them through the clowns and other seditionists will be drying up over time with DOGE and Bobby at HHS. Mehico is on notice as are many South and Central America nations who have opened their doors to China’s fentanyl as well as other drug and human trafficking trades.
The NWO and its Barry/Brandon Show overstepped their way into blowing Germany out of being a serious contender for world leadership through their continued support of Islamic immigration (invasion), fascism and Nazis. If Trump pulls back militarily from that country or deemphasizes NATO they will be at bankruptcy. So guess who is going to be buying energy from America and making other concessions? There is no European Union of note without a strong Germany. The Germany and EU that remains will be greatly weakened due to the stupidity and corruption of their leaders, other than the few who have been solidly in Trump’s’ camp for some time like Orban. It should spawn positive change from within the EU over time.
The Muslim Brotherhood is done as are their American promoters, Barry and Cankles, except in their own backyard. No mo money for scum buckets. The Saudis have also strongly assisted with that. Iran is already in retreat mode, cozying up even closer to Vlad, who PDT gets along with well. All of it means stability in world markets. That means there is money to be made for those with investment funds, 401(k)’s and such. With personal income tax rates on a downward trend as a percentage of income, the average working men and women are going to have opportunities to recover from Brandon’s inept criminal appointment as POTUS and improve their financial situations. Say hello to a larger, more well heeled middle class who will become prime, MAGA GOP voters. My advice is to seize on the opportunity.
As far as daily life goes expect lower energy, grocery, and household item prices compared to household incomes. Incomes overall will rise. Employers will be competing hard for sufficient quality staffing with the significant reduction of illegals, stiffer immigration procedures and the element of depop still being felt. That drives up wages and benefits for everybody. There is more money to be made in investments as well as to use with larger purchases with a lowering percentage of cash outflow compared to income, so expect housing and the automotive industry to take off again. We know the drill, we lived it for four years in Trump’s first term. Banks will be lending again because times will be good. That industry will have good profitability and they will lose their fear of bad times as regulators loosen the grips that Brandon’s economic control thugs wielded.
Which makes the propagandist diatribes against efforts to curb illegal immigration even more ridiculous than it is. America is going to need millions more workers in various trades including housing and agriculture. Well vetted worker visas will be a valuable tool to assist. That will make it even easier for our citizen hispanic population to continue their moves toward the GOP. In reality they have far more in common with the MAGA GOP than the Dems.
The difference in big picture this time around is the looming defeat of the old WEF/NWO fraudsters. They are in full retreat worldwide and threats to their existence will accelerate. Many people are hedging their bets, expecting the heavy shoe of these criminals to drop because it has happened before. I call that emotion the Battered Normie Syndrome (BNS). I am and have not been in that camp, I am too contrarian to ever give in to criminals.
In my opinion there may be setbacks, but nothing that MAGA will not overcome. The left has no bench of political candidates except in economically and culturally declining blue crapholes. There is literally nobody who can galvanize existing and create additional support on a national level. The Bob Casey loss in PA was ground shaking for them and reveals cracks in even Gov. Shapiro’s armor, who was their next star. It revealed that a growing majority of the people in the rust belt who were formerly in their camp are over them. These leftists are devoid of solid, potentially productive ideas. They only run against people and stuff using tired fear porn phrases with nothing new to add. Their tired old socialist and communist strategies are falling on more deaf ears now. More people are waking up that have traditionally always pulled a donkey tail. They are realizing as the T-shirts say, “Life is Good”, and rejecting the death advocates. They will find that life is indeed good on the right side of history. MAGA folks blew the criminals off long ago.
Conversely the GOP is deep with MAGA candidates on the federal and state office level with more in development at the local. It is not even close. As a result when the BNS folks start reaping more of the benefits it will be eye opening and stick. Some have already learned to believe nothing the propagandist media tells them. The election this month proved it. Fake polls, politician endorsements (except for Trump) and the views of condescending rich celebrities are not the influence they once were. They heard the pronouncements of the pending Harris/Dem victories and watched as the election results revealed the lies. The blue wall crumbled like a cookie because real people tossed out convention and tradition for practical help and the hope for better. The propagandist TV ratings are tubing, many people are no longer watching them and fewer folks believe what they hear.
Continued pressure on election cheating and using the courts to effect change will increase the margins of victory over time. Who does not know there are still 20+ million fraudulent leftist votes in the federal election system? Watch the totals and percentages gradually dwindle down for the criminals with more judicial screw turning for election security along with the illegals hitting the trails, roads and airways home.
Many such factors lead to my opinion that you bet bullish on America with your personal finances and through living well. Expect America to create a rising tide to lift our international business partners. This is why I posted a few years ago to reduce your debts. You needed to conserve cash for investing. You needed to go conservative in the retirement plan to be in position to be more aggressive with your investment choices today.
We have arrived at our long desired and anticipated destination.
In America there is one fundamental principle of existence in play. It is that our personal views on life itself matter. Desire abundance and life? Choose MAGA GOP. Prefer scarcity and death? Choose Dem/RINO. People’s choices with this principle reflect who they are. Believe them. Our role is to teach others who will listen and consider a better way while making disciples for MAGA. Give no quarter to those who refuse to listen or remain in the Dem/RINO camp politically. Shut them down with truth.
In The Weeds
First, if you are not knowledgeable or want a review of economic indicators, please read the summary link below. It will help.
Now, for the nerds – I ignore the CPI index for understanding inflation. It has been rigged for decades along with many statistics quoted in the lamestream business reports. As government has become more and more politicized (corrupted), so have the statistics. Which is why they always revisit them a few months or years later and restate. These restatements are nearly always negative adjustments from what leftist leaders initially report. Fact.
Instead I focus on the personal consumption expenditures price index (PCE) from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. CPI runs higher than PCE. I focus on PCE because the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) uses it more to make recommendations to the Federal Reserve on inflation pressures, to which the Fed reacts and typically concurs. PCE is not immune to their tinkering, just less so. It gives a better picture of what consumers are actually facing. So if you want to know what to expect and why from the Fed, monitor that index and see how the Fed views it in their communications. Below is a good recent summary from the Cleveland Fed. The index is viewed in the same manner by most Fed banks.
Now for the fun part, what games will Trump play with Powell and the Fed until he replaces him? We know it will lead to more honest representations of the data and approaches of the Fed, Treasury, Commerce, etc. use. It will all become real again instead of the Kabuki Theater we see now. I will not address what I believe happens to the Federal Reserve System itself long term. I believe it will take a POTUS term beyond our President-Elect for a permanent solution.
Now as to the current view…
One financial analyst’s opinion is below. You will note that he is educated guessing while trying to draw comparisons and utilizing very little understanding or referencing to the absolute meat cleaver Trump is going to take to government spending through DOGE and HHS among other departments in government.
I admire his willingness to guess, albeit dumbly and without the use of tea leaves in my opinion.
To illustrate: Assume your personal family situation is as a working married couple with a large mortgage, car payments and kids in school. You go into work one day and there is a letter for you or the spouse that states one of you is out of a job from a layoff, company closure, whatever. (As a side note, I hope currently unknown large numbers of federally employed administrative azzhats receive said letter in January, but I digress.) Odds are with such a large hit to your family income coming, you will be faced with choices on what expenses to cut; possibly selling a car or house in a worst case. At the same time you find other costs you can reduce or eliminate like Junior’s Ivy League college expenses, and so on. You try to muddle through it the best you can and hope to find a decent job quickly to replace the lost income until better days come.
Now substitute the term “married couple” with “America” from the above. The mortgage and car payments are the national debt service. The kids in school are the social network needs of the citizens. The layoffs and job losses are obvious; thank you China and others via the globalists and other criminals who have no regard for America and the needs of our citizens. This is a result on the imbalance in trade.
I will provide a simple, practical example here for readers who do not know. If we buy more foreign goods than we produce and sell, more dollars are held in foreign hands. The globalists and political idgits claim those dollars return to America in the form of buying our nation’s debt, (Treasuries), real estate, etc. as investments. First off, that is no longer the case. Many nations who formerly invested heavily in our debt have drastically reduced their exposure or have divested due to our exploding deficits from spend crazy politicians. China would be high on that list, the nation we spend more for imported products than any other on earth. Dollars have been going out to them without an equal amount of dollars coming in to keep us in equilibrium. Second, why would anybody think it is a good thing to bring dollars back through the issuance of debt (Treasuries) and selling our land to foreign adversaries? We have to pay interest on all that debt, which compounds the problem. That negatively affects every single American. Yet, the politicians and propagandist media tell all of us daily it is a good thing and we will be fine.
Understand, our government will never borrow its way out of debt despite their continuing best efforts. Don’t get me started on the stupidity of our politicians and administrative state in going all in with Quantitative Easing. It causes my blood pressure to escalate too high.
So if any talking heads act like the deficit of the Balance of Trade is unimportant, turn off your TV or hearing aids. Our national leadership, as do many citizens, violate a principle of life that never changes. Proverbs 22:7 says, “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender’s slave.” Our nation did this willingly with the rise of globalist influence within our federal government to rebuild nations destroyed by WW II. They saw it as an opportunity to gain huge wealth and power. They used the national treasury and wealth of We the People as their personal piggybanks and still do. Which is why they have tried to ruin and kill the head of the MAGA snake in their minds, President Trump.
He has been the rightful POTUS since 2016 as all MAGA knows. We know what the globalist criminals did and they hate us for it.
With this in mind let’s go back to the married couple example. It gets worse for you and your family. You see and now comprehend that America has more than stubbed its toe by electing the wrong leaders, or worse yet, a bunch of criminals who game the system and take over. You begin to comprehend that with their co-conspirators in the Fed they create even more inflation through printing money to handle globalist desires, proxy wars and scamdemics. You see what is good for them is bad for you and your children.
Your discomfort grows. The propagandists on the evening news tell you that the national debt service and expenses are rising well beyond the nation’s ability to repay by say… 2 TRILLION dollars a year. They say Social Security and Medicare are even threatened. So the Treasury borrows even more funds from foreign mafias with strings attached that clear the way for turmoil and wars worldwide. They tell you the government simply has to pass that stop gap continuing resolution for more money printing or else, GASP!, the federal government will have to shut down except for essential services as there may be a financial apocalypse on the horizon. They begin talking about raising taxes and booting the Trump era tax cuts when they come up for renewal in 2025.
All of this is happening while you as a family simply want to earn enough money to pay the bills, eat healthy and give a future worth living to your kids.
Get the picture now? That was our reality in America until the new sheriff, who is the old sheriff, who is the only righful sheriff; rode back into town. We really were at the edge of the cliff about to fall off as a nation. It is like going from darkness to light. Which is why the Blue Wall fell. Most voters there knew they had no choice, they could not continue to support status quo even if it meant mean tweets again and the propagandists bitching all of the time. They responded in a too big to rig fashion.
The declining establishment and fake news media will continue to beat that same drum even though their masters lost. It will not matter that things are different and better. They are prostitutes and know of no other way to make a living. However, the reality is they lost and they know it. No amount of subterfuge and stalling by RINO’s and such can prevent the inevitable changes that provide a Golden Age for America and its international friends. It is coming down the tracks like a freight train.
President-Elect Trump, JD, Elon, Vivek, Bobby and many others will show you where to invest. Listen to their words and believe their actions. You do not need anybody else to help you do that. Just know that you cannot borrow your way out of debt and cutting expenses will rarely be enough to complete that task as well. Those are actions that a mature to declining nation undertakes, which is who America was before this election. To turn things around America has to return to the growth cycle. President-Elect Trump has already told you how and has already done it before. This time it needs to be institutionalized such that our enemies cannot disrupt it.
Going to growth from decline means selling off non-essential assets, shedding debt, shedding non-essential unproductive payroll, shedding meritless activities, tossing needless regulations, and so on. It takes investment capital (tariffs), an increasing commercial (preferably industrial focused) tax base and global capital investors willing to make new investments (I see you, Scott Bessent and Howard Lutnick). It takes innovation and innovative people with outside the box thinking. It takes hard work as well as smart moves in the markets. It takes security agencies to reduce corporate spying and fraud to produce a more level playing field that is administered by law enforcement functions and the judiciary. Most of all it takes a federal government that serves the people and enables its citizens to succeed instead of the reverse, which is unlike what we have experienced in recent years.
A massive paradigm shift for America has occurred. Know it, act on it as applicable in your own lives.
I hope you have heard and seen all of that from the President-Elect and his inner circle. I know I have. I do not concern myself with second guessing his picks for the various cabinet roles. He has his reasons and if the wrong choice is made with any of them We the People will know it quickly and let him know about it. This time around he has a feel for the solid MAGA pulse, the authority to make the decisions and the apparatus to make the changes. No lawfare attempts to undermine him and supporters will succeed, just delay, so be patient. They did not succeed when he was a private citizen, they certainly will not now. The law has also changed in important areas such as with the Chevron Deference overturn. The SCOTUS has a Constitution supporting majority that will likely grow if the MAGA GOP can increase its involvement and Congressional dominance over the coming years.
I also know this approach and method works. We have followed this path for over two decades in Tennessee. We are not perfect, but we are definitely America First worthy. It came from We the People on the local ground level figuring things out, working hard, building alliances and consensus, building momentum that carried into the voting booths and the halls of our legislature and Governor’s office. Over time we gradually rooted the Dem and RINO influence and control out of our system of government. We have sustained via a super majority (75+%) in both House and Senate. We have a state Constitutionally required balanced budget as well as no personal income or estate taxes. The left tried to change them with amendments and were met with crushing defeats by the people because we have a secured election system and the Volunteer spirit in our bones. They no longer try because We the People made them pay for even attempting it – which was our “penalty” phase. Now when federal elections occur we know that at minimum over 60% of the statewide votes will be MAGA GOP. We still have a couple of RINO’s to root out, however, the only pockets of voter resistance are within blue crapholes in a couple of cities.
Our state was in the bottom third of the nation economically before We the People took over. For several years now our state has enjoyed a AAA bond rating from the agencies with a low tax burden on residents while issuing state record business license applications and strong growth in manufacturing. The government has a large rainy day fund and we offer free tuition and no fees to students attending community and technical colleges. These are all signs of a government serving the people as compared to being served.
Other than the long term leftist wacko in Memphis, Steve Cohen, all of our other eight elected officials in the House in DC are GOP to go with all key GOP state leaders. Senators Blackburn and Hagerty continue to perform well and fully support the MAGA movement with POTUS Trump’s endorsement. It should be clear to all of us that We the People simply need to trust the plan and do our parts all around the country as it is being done here and other MAGA states.
I believe in this nation of states, this republic. I believe the majority of Americans will return to a love of the Constitution along with freedom and liberty for all. That’s why I choose to ride with the America First…

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Oh my goodness. What a wonderful essay, every word. Comparable in explanatory significance to Wolf’s classic post highlighted by Sundance. We are lucky to have you, TradeBait2.
TradeBait2 NEVER disappoints.
I am going to send a link to this essay to some of my neighbors.
Thank you, Gail. That means a lot to me coming from you. Be blessed this day and always!
Have a very happy Thanksgiving. We truly have much to be thankful for.
Thank you. I am honored by your post. Have a blessed Thanksgiving, friend!
Enjoyed the positive assessment. THANK YOU!
After Trump winning in 2016, I intuitively felt great successes were coming our way.
With this win, a more experienced Trump, will yield greater successes, across the spectrum.
Trump reaching out to a more unified front, RFK Jr, Elon and Vivek, is as they say a, game changer.
FDA, CDC, NIH which are a cancer on America will be reorientated to truth. As opposed to money makers for Big Pharma, as Big Pharma poisons America. Honest, streamlined, less intrusive on Americans.
Elon and Vivek taking a hatchet to stoopid spending. Abolishing entire departments will preserve tax dollars and remove stoopid restrictions on Americans.
Looking forward to the Chevron ruling allowing huge changes in oppressive agencies within the government.
Immediate reversals of Briben EOs…
Imagine drawing down UN, NATO staffs, outlays… Ideally trash them all together.
Throttle back or eliminate EPA, OSHA, IRS, ATF, HLS… Yea I dream.
Biggest concern. Losing House majority. Hakeem is intentionally quiet, scheming. As is
Second concern, R-Cons trust AND support Trump.
Third concern, WWII is evaded. My trust here, is Putin will rightfully bitch slap, but not go to far.
Incredibly hopeful as we retake America.
Lost my train of thought.
Ramble ends…
I sure hope Putin continues to take out the Military Industrial Complex factories in the EU.
Hit the SOBs in the pocketbook!
With the Green New Scam chasing ENERGY and heavy industry out of Germany and the rest of the EU, PLUS the EU being over run by Islamic RapUgees, the EU will not be able to recover easily.
Pincer effect on the EU and the WEF scum coming from both Putin and PDT IMO.
While they put on a ‘show’ for the ignorant. A couple days ago, Scott Ritter was panicking because of Trump’s picks and Gorka’s inflammatory language.
Thanks, bud. You are spot on in your assessment IMO.
My hope is H-Dillion and the legal crew will remain engaged permanently and force recounts and changes at the local and state levels. I believe PDT and the patriots are executing a plan on this.
I trust Putin more than the left and the known IC in our own nation. More rational and principled than any of them.
Back years ago when we were saddled with OH!Bummer, I was wishing we had a level headed smart leader like Putin.
I just finished listening to last weeks Dan Bongino Show on Rumble.
MAGA Has Taken Over, And The Media Knows It (Ep. 2374) – 11/20/2024 — 7 days ago 1.46M views
Toward the end he says two things of interest. POTUS Trump’s Team listens to the Bongino ‘army’ AND we have 2 years to clean things up.
I think Dan is worried that MAGA-marginals will not come out for the mid-term elections and the DemonRats will STEAL the House again. This means we can not relax. We have to keep the pressure up and MOVE FORWARD because that mid-term is just as critical to MAGA as the 2024 election was.
We also need to have the election fraud stomped into the ground and the perps arrested, convicted and serving LONG sentences.
I actually think the future is bright. The Tea Party was the start of MAGA. The Cabal tried to kill it and it just came back stronger and more determined than ever. Now we actually have REAL LEADERS that the Cabal was not able to blackmail, threaten or even kill as they did before.
Just as a reminder from my old notes:
In December 2009:
Tea Party Tops GOP on Three-Way Generic Ballot – Rasmussen Reports
So that is
Democrats… 36%
Repubs + TP 41%
‘Undecided’ . 22%
The DemonRats have NEVER been in the majority.
Yet a few scant months later, in February 2010, Rasmussen Reports shows:
Tea Party Candidate Now Comes In Last On Three-Way Generic Ballot –
April 13, 2010: 34% Say They Or Someone Close To Them Part of Tea Party Movement
“Twenty-four percent (24%) of U.S. voters now say they consider themselves a part of the Tea Party movement,”
First a bogus poll showed the Tea Party was ‘Racist’
This poll was cited in all the major newspapers. By using a rigged ‘poll’ that was then blasted to everyone by the controlled media the Elite convinced the general public that the Tea Party was RACISSSssss.
Tea Party Distinguished by Racial Views and Fear of the Future | Diane D. Blair Center of Southern Politics & Society
Soros then started Occupy Wall Street Astroturf to sweep the discontented into the DEMOCRAT party using arguments stolen from the Tea Party.
Meanwhile the IRS/Gov’t was weaponized against the leaders and even smaller donors as one Treeper related. (Donate to the Tea Party? Get an IRS Audit.)
The IRS Targeting of Catherine Engelbrecht [True the Vote & King Street Patriots]
Stunning Confirmation: Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Showing McCain Staff Urging IRS To Target Tea Party Groups… — Sundance
After the Blair-Rockefeller poll’s ‘finding’ that the Tea Party was ‘racist’ via that series of questions starting with “Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that minorities…” and the MSM blasting that ‘News’ 24/7, it was down to “Just 8% Now Say They Are Tea Party Members“ by January 07, 2013.
So RACE BASHING WORKED! (At least to drive the support underground.)
ALSO the Tea Party Demonstrations WERE mostly NOT COVERED by the Fake News.
Washington Compost: ‘Tea party’ protesters gather in Washington to rally against taxes, spending
And when they became too large to ignore the Swamp sprang into action, with the Big Boys stepping in to deliver the final blows:
How We Killed the Tea Party
“Greedy super PACs drained the movement with endless pleas for money to support “conservative” candidates—while instead using the money to enrich themselves. I should know. I worked for one of them.” — PAUL H. JOSSEY
Not to mention the “conservative” candidates we did manage to elect magically turned into RINO!!!
Chamber of Commerce to Spend $100 Million to Destroy Tea Party
And that is why, a decade later we see race bashing in spades. HOWEVER this does not mean people changed from supporting the beliefs that the Tea Party represented. POTUS Trump showed that in an overwhelming way in 2016.
The biggest blow to the Cabal was the loss in trust in the ‘fake News’ PLUS Elon’s purchase of Twitter and making it a ‘Free Speech Zone’
7/2024 — The Legacy Media Has Passed the Point of No Return
A massive poll of 20,000 participants undertaken by the Knight Foundation and Gallup found that Americans’ hope for and trust in an objective media was all but lost by 2020. They saw not only an ever-growing partisanship in news reporting but a determination by the legacy media to push a political agenda instead of honestly disseminating the news.
This poll was one of the most devastating indictments of the media in polling history. Some highlights:
Further, 82% believed news outlets are either deliberately “misrepresenting the facts” or are “making them up entirely”.
This is further amplified as 79% of those surveyed said media outlets are trying to persuade people to adopt a certain opinion about an issue or an individual.
Similarly, while the respondents in the poll believed that the media is “critical” or “very important” to democracy, 86% say they have witnessed either a fair amount or a great deal of bias in news reporting. Damningly, 78% feel that this bias is reflected in the spread of fake news which “is a major problem” that exceeds all others in the legacy media environment.
Another great post and I agree completely.
Those of us with gray hairs with some discernment saw the puppet strings and learned that Walter Cronkite was a propagandist as well.
Dan Rather was a KGB asset according to Kent Clizbe, former CIA.
An April 1994 article tucked in the back pages of the Wall Street Journal that I read, said that papers from the Kremlin showed that activist organizations in the USA were not only funded by the KGB but were actually run by KGB agents here in the USA. However the KGB made sure their real agents of influence had no connections to the US Communist Party.
I remember reading somewhere that Ted Kennedy was mentioned in the Venona files/papers, iirc, as exposing his KGB or communist connections.
Great post – full agreement. McShame was one of the biggest traitors in American history IMO. Joe Lange has been dismantling that POS in his works.
Thank you for an inspiring post, TB2!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Same to yo, barkerjim. May this be your best ever!
Thank you for your post today! Spot on, every word.
Those “emanations” one feels in the very air are ones of hope, of “the tide is turning”, of positive energy.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! 🦃
I agree. It has been like a dark veil has lifted and folks are happy again.
Happy Thanksgiving and much appreciation for all you contribute on here.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Love it, TB2 👍💕
Thank you, Happy! Have a great Thanksgiving.
Tank you TB2.
I saw this video of how the political powers are using the banks against their opponents. I’m sure you’re familiar with their tactics.
Thanks, Brave. Oh yeah, money corrupts many bankers into doing terribly stupid things. The slave masters then have you where they want you. Many of the regulators get corrupted right along with them through unreported perks and future job offers/career changes they receive to go with smaller stuff. If things are corrupted and criminal you can bet Dems/RINO’s/Establishment are involved. It is just the lay of the land in that industry.
They groom young bankers into it. I stayed out. Fortunately, I figured it out soon after college in Arkansas in the Slick years. Most of that was chronicled in the adventures of Goober Gump in BIMD. 😂
Thanks TB. Battered Normie, very true!
It’s so nice to read about making things work for our benefit. The last years brought only how to mitigate and survive whether it was mental, physical or financial.
Enjoyed the write-up