Joe Biden never won. This is our Real President – 45, 46, 47.

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:
“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”
If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:
- Our backup site, The Q Tree 579486807,
- Our old alternative site, The U Tree, where civility is not a requirement
- Our Gab Group, which is located at
- Our various sister sites, listed in the Blogroll in the sidebar
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:
- abuse
- rejection
- sustained, harshly critical language
- invective
- severe censure
- blame
- vehemently expressed condemnation or disapproval
- formal language that is full of hate
- angry criticism
Used in a sentence by the Fake News (two examples)
(One will notice that most examples of this word in use on Merriam-Webster are against Trump and conservatives.)
Flash forward 92-plus years to Donald Trump’s rally Sunday at New York’s Madison Square Garden, a bleak, lurid festival of racist hate and profane vituperation so vile that even fellow Republicans, who have turned a blind eye to Trump’s character for years, are distancing themselves from the event.
—Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times, 29 Oct. 2024
The politicization of the COVID response has only worsened this trend, likely resulting in part from Trump’s vituperation.
—Matt Motta, Scientific American, 29 Oct. 2024
Yeah, well, stuff it, you commies. Your pre-election biased writings FAILED. Trump is still your President.
Shown in a picture in a dictionary

Used in a “black metal” song title, shown in an artistic music video
Melancholic metal; interesting use of dance and B/W film, but these people need Jesus badly.
Well, Netflix, that CIA cultural corruption project, seems to finally be good for something. Enjoy this weird music, which is either a corruption of classical music, or a correction of pop music – take your pick. (PS – I know nothing about this series.)

“What is best in life? Conan! Tell us!”
“Yes, but what is life?”
“To crush protons, to see higher nuclei driven before you, and to hear the calculations of their women!”
Just sayin’!
And remember…….
Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



SEVEN days, 11 hours, 46 minutes until our Once and Future President is restored to his Rightful Office.
May we grow tired of winning and may he just keep on winning anyway.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
One week!
Dan Scavino, from yesterday.
A 20-second video showing some inauguration preparations.
Nice! Looks familiar! 😂
That was the Beatles definition, and as of yesterday.
Today the countdown display here is channeling James Bond as it happens.
One week to go.
One week!
Seven swans a-swimming!
Y’all were going to get this, but after the “ten not eight” discussion yesterday, I thought she would also generate misunderstanding. Not my fault!
Then there’s “The Seven Deadly Virtues” from “Camelot”, as sung by Roddy McDowall… 🙂
But generating misunderstanding is what humans do best! 😂
7 of 9 is/was closer to 10 than Bo Derek ever was 😉
As a completely objective artist, I would agree with you, however neither would be my epitome of beauty. This is much closer, movie star-wise. From Ladyhawke, one of my favorite films:
Ethereal beauty to be sure!
ThanQ for that truth.
National referendum, here we come! 👍😂
Then do Canadia!
Then do Mexico!
Then do all of South America, that one’s easy, just drop the ‘South’ part 🤣
Multi-region polarity is the goal.
Will see what happens…
We don’t really want Mexico. We already have sufficient criminals here.
Nor do we want Central or South America.
I think that we should take Mexico….. Most of the Mexicans are already here.
Then we can deport the criminal gangs to Greenland eventually. 🤣
what did Greenland do to you? 😄
Jack Smith, government legal hit-man, finally FAILED.
And after the legal hit job failed, two REAL hit jobs failed.
after the documents case was dismissed (iirc) did PDJT recover the documents they took from Mar-a-Lago? and other personal items?
Documents altered?
We’re dealing with DOJ, FIB, Jack The Hack. Never to be trusted.
Bondi and Patel have a lot of work to do.
I have a feeling that PDJT had everything in those boxes meticulously photographed and logged. alterations will be noticeable and prosecuted hopefully…we have it all.
But I thought DJT was just a dumbass rich guy?
You mean … I can’t trust the YSM to tell me the truth? 😮 😥
as much as you would trust “fresh lobster” from a street vendor in the Bronx
I’m thinking he may be keeping that info close to his chest. To be used on an as needed basis to keep the perps inline.
Jack Smith, government
legalillegal hit-man, finally FAILED.FIFY.
TY for that was an unconstitutional appointment, iirc 😡
filled vs filed, some type of comms there?
Maybe and maybe not – ?
There goes the evidence!
Follow them!
Are we going to invade Sleepy Joes Garage in a few months????
If we have any brains, we will.
SHHHHHHHHH…don’t tip them off!
these are the trucks they need next.
well that too! but he will have to have the place screened inch by inch to remove the bugs planted by obummer’s team yet AGAIN.
We need this guy:
404 error
Well, dang.
I fixed it!
He played chess with Death, long before he met Linda Blair 😁

enter the exterminators AND the exorcists!!!
edit: apparently I should have read through the comments first, great minds & all 😉
Vaccine hubris is – IMO – going to be one of the greatest scientific scandals in history.
And the Gore-Bullists have just “found” Hoof-in-Mouth disease over here, coincidentally were able to identify the organism causing it, and, whoa, quel surprise, have a vaccine in their big bag of Demonic tricks that can treat animals….
Bastiges just don’t stop 😡 😡 😡 😡
72 shotz?
What’s that end up being, a 1-to-1 blood to vaccine ratio?
What did we have when we were kids, about four shots?
Polio, Measles, Whooping Cough, Tetanus… I think Tetanus was like a car cigarette lighter with a bunch of sharp little points where the lighter element would be.
What else was there?
There definitely weren’t 72!!!
I would have shotophobia if I was a little kid today!
I can’t wait for RFK Jr to have his way against Big Pharma, Big Medical Systems, Big Food, etc.
Along with the welcome relief we’ll get, we’ll also get the enjoyment factor.
It was the smallpox shot that had multi-needles – I still have my arm scar from it.
I think we may be the last generation to get it. I think Scott missed that one!
I think I have the one that leaves a raised bump on the back of my shoulder, I’ll have to look for it.
Ditto… smallpox scar
I got no actual shots. Scratchings with a needle for smallpox and then, later, a sugar cube with a drop of Salk polio vaccine on it.
I got those – and THEN the shots!!!
One for each inexperienced Camel? (of the invaders)….
“I think Tetanus was like a car cigarette lighter with a bunch of sharp little points where the lighter element would be.”
This sounds to me more like a TB skin test, which I had to get as an adolescent at the local health department before working in food service. I think we only ever got a tetanus shot if having a deep puncture wound or a wound involving something rusty.
That’s probably right. It has been a long time since I’ve had any shots 😁
In the early years, between our nation’s discovery and founding – aboard Magellan’s ships – Fauci would be (maybe) hung first, then drawn and quartered and his parts hung to dry for the birds and buzzards to eat.
To save time and money, Fauci could just be thrown into a pen with hungry hogs or a pond with hungry gators. That would be pretty close to earthly justice for his heinous crimes against humanity – then no need for a trial, execution, funeral, burial.
After that – he will face the real justice when he faces The Supreme Judge of all humankind and possibly the fires of hell.
An epic 1:47 clip where Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry gives a critique of DEI before DEI had its name. The unfortunate potential hire is played by Tyne Daly.
Excellent comment follows.
Antoine Fournier
On the next scene she’s being assigned as Callahan’s partner, and she’ll prove she’s a good cop.
This movie was one of the first steps in the DEI propaganda.
(DEI did not come up out of the blue)
6:25 PM · Jan 12, 2025
You’ve spoiled another movie for me.
Yeah, I know, but I still love the movie, and Clint, too.
Complicated business! 😉
Great-grandpa, that is, but who’s counting? (No one here.)
It sure is going to be expensive. We’re only $36 trillion in debt (not counting unfunded liabilities, which could be another $36 trillion), so what’s a few more trillion?
But it’s only fair that they get in line, behind Maui and the areas destroyed by hurricanes a couple months ago.
A Chanel Rion report (ATTN: pgroup 😄)
The DOJ _can_ charge Schiff with many counts of perjury and fraud…
but when will the DOJ do that?
Release the latch, throw the breaker, lift the pawl, pull the pin; whatever. Nothing happens until the appropriate power-that-be does that.
I think Brandon may pardon every registered devilrat in America, for all crimes committed up to the moment he stumbles out the door.
It won’t be lawful of course, but that doesn’t matter, the idea (like all things devilrat) is to throw America into chaos, to cause as much damage as possible, while buying themselves as much good will as possible with the criminal element.
Sort of like the unrighteous steward, who settled with all of his master’s debtors for far less than they owed, so they would take him in and treat him well when his master put him out of the stewardship.
Adam Schitt has also violated state laws, apparently. And IIRC presidents can’t pardon state crimes.
Hopefully Bondi / Patel will pursue this.
Report consistently refers to House rules.
What about Senate rules. Is Pencil Neck still claiming both MD and CA?
Chanel a delight, as always.
I’m a thinkin’ that Bondi is just a pretty front – window dressing – that Trump is putting in place to cover for his killer sharks who will ruthlessly wreak justice upon the evil swamp creatures.
very sneaky…I LIKE it!
Good with that.
Hey there’s an idea. Can she handle grilling on Capitol Hill? That’s the question.
I think so!
No doubt…
WOW. Just WOW.
Let that be a lesson to ya!
There should be an asterisk before “46.”
Just put “[STOLEN]” under ’46’.
hussein 44. Asterisk with 46 Third Term.
Yea, picture gets too cluttered.
Yep. Bye. Done. is just a half-asterisk…
Looks like Bush shit his pants this time. 😂
Ole Joe is just pumped up with whatever there’re giving him to even know what’s happening.
With all the talk about Greenland lately, I took the time to watch this documentary of sorts. Beautiful and very informational. Worth the time.
Thank you!!!
Very interesting.
I still don’t know why we should pay anything for Greenland. If Denmark’s government is as bad as all the other governments in Eurolandia, then the People of Greenland would love to get away from them, and join Team MAGA.
It’s like leaving the Bad News Bears for the World Series Champs.
All they have to do is hold a national referendum, and if they vote to leave Denmark and join America, they become a territory or a protectorate.
We have enough debt as it is, and anything as big as Greenland is going to be expensive. So just turn your head to the north, and shout ‘olly, olly in come free!’, and git ‘r done 👍 😂
[I know it’s supposed to be olly olly oxen free, but when we were kids, we didn’t have any oxen — and we said olly olly in come free 😁 ]
Transcript from Gateway Pundit:
President Trump Posts Mocked Up Video of His Alleged Conversation with Barack Obama at Carter Funeral – Is This Real? | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
I saw Benny Johnson’s youtoob video on this, and it is funny, but I don’t think that just because DJT posted it means it’s actually what was said, or that he’s vouching for it.
I think it just means he thought it was funny, and it’s a fun way to troll his enemies 😁
To be true, this requires us to assume that Mr Clean Black Man [h/t SlowJoe] is really a normal middle-class type guy.
I can suspend my disbelief in order to enjoy movies but this is too much. 🙄
Maggot is a career criminal.
Yeah, this is a stretch!!!
“Yes, but what is life?”
Whenever I see these kinds of discussions, I always wonder how they explain MACRO-evolution.
As far as I know, micro-evolution is undisputed, but I am not aware of any evidence for macro-evolution.
I don’t know of anything in the fossil record showing how a cow turned into a manatee (or vice versa), or how an elephant turned into a whale (or vice-versa), etc. How legs turned into fins, or how air-breathing lungs turned into gills (or vice-versa).
Little tiny stuff, yes.
Big stuff, no.
And if the big stuff is the result of millions of years of teeny tiny evolutionary changes, then there should be evidence in the fossil record of these changes all along the way, and there isn’t.
So how do they explain macro-evolution?
This is interesting, because in many ways it’s like saying “how they explain gravity” – because gravity isn’t completely explained – but it’s explained so well that it’s basically the daily workhorse of physics at all levels. So, too, is evolution the daily workhorse of biology at all levels. And I’m talking “macro”, because…..
This demonstrates the very important point that some forms of evolution – basically what can happen over short time-frames – is what is conceded by young-earth creationists (YEC), and what happens over long periods (which has to use data from the past) is what is NOT conceded by them. They are the ones who create a binary division of evolution into “micro” and “macro”, but the reality is that it’s a continuum, with the most conflict-causing stuff being lengths of time approaching and exceeding human history.
And – in a form of argumentation which is highly reminiscent of flerfism, the YEC cross all fields of science on the “time” criterion of what must be rejected, in that they reject PHYSICS which argues for long periods of time – such as radioactive dating.
If one goes into solving problems of science, then all attempts to do straightforward mathematical analysis of isotopes will immediately point to long periods of time that YEC advocates reject.
But as for evidence, it really helps to both take classes in the subjects (anthropology, geology, biology) and to actually go into their science libraries and see how evolution is used in those subjects, just like Newton’s laws and gravity are used in astronomy, cosmology, geology, earth science, engineering, etc.
Just to set the record straight, those (cows, elephants) are not the actual cases. The posited ancestors are not cows and elephants – but yes – the argument is that things came from other things, etc. And the fin data is actually really good. The bones and the ordering in the record – that’s one of the best arguments I’ve seen. Earth evolution is remarkable at that point in time.
This is exactly where one can go into a science library and read about how “macro evolution” has worked so well to explain the “causality” of organic life over millions of years. The actual utilization of macro-evolution to provide satisfying and useful explanations (meaning other people can use them, extend them, confirm them, and otherwise benefit from them (or disprove them to find BETTER evolutionary explanations) is simply massive.
It’s not three people talking on PBS every other weekend. It’s HUGE. People saying “macro evolution” isn’t a working thing, might as well be saying nuclear theory doesn’t work (which of course would mean that nuclear power isn’t real, or is magic). It’s that wrong. And it’s that cringe, TBH.
People say it because you “have to” say it to belong to many “Bible-believing” churches.
But what happens is that EVERY example that is brought forward – just like what happens with the flerfers – is rejected (badly and wrongly, IMO) by the hardcore YEC people, and the rest of Christianity BUYS THE IDEA that whatever the debate was, was either “won” by the YEC folks – or at least “kept debatable”.
I’m sorry – they didn’t win – they strut on the chessboard, knocked over the pieces, dropped some number two, and said they won. Which is not to say that the radical atheists don’t come off every bit as nasty as the most annoying globers, because they so often do.
The YEC folks just cannot offer better explanations. They can’t even really offer worse explanations. I defend their free speech and their bad science, because people have a right to do bad science, but I have a right to call it bad science, too!
The YEC folks will say this, but it’s not true. The similarity to the flat earth situation is uncomfortably close.
This is where you have to go into the literature, and read what the specialists say about this organism or that organism – how they changed over time – how the order that they’re found in the fossil record makes sense – etc. There is a massive, huge, gargantuan amount of this stuff, that the YEC people will not tell you about, but even worse, the normal press won’t, either, because given the opportunity to not educate their enemy, AND to avoid getting into arguments with the customer, the press just punts, except to their followers on PBS.
They don’t, just like most people don’t explain the globe to people who don’t believe it. They know that evolution writ large is the only good explanation for what they observe, and they simply don’t bother to argue with people who nitpick at it, without offering even just a better hypothesis that MIGHT explain things.
The evolution debate is different from the climate debate. Climate was a recent hostile takeover using the media. Evolution was more like relativity and quantum mechanics.
Because the YEC explanations don’t work worth shit. I really challenge people to look at them – like I did, years ago. They’re all obviously premised on “preserve 6000 year-old earth using whatever can be thrown at anything else.”
For me, science and the Bible is no problem, because Genesis is remarkably close to what science has found, and that’s good enough for me. I don’t let “perfect accord” be the enemy of “astoundingly good”.
IMO part of the problem is that our minds are too simple and weak to see “causality” the way God sees it, so we are scared that evolution isn’t “intentional” enough for God to have been behind it, if it’s an adaptive program. Evolution looks like a “mob attack” forcing random changes through chaos – we don’t see the big picture – that there might be a general and a strategy and some long intelligence behind it.
To me, young Earth is “forcing God to be like us, so that we can understand” – which while understandable, is likely to be wrong.
The Bible explains enough for us mere humans – and denies us that we cannot comprehend. Some things, mysteries, are the jurisdiction of GOD alone. We will only be given that understanding in the life to come – when we are transformed into eternal beings…(again?) into full fellowship with our unfathomably glorious majestic powerful HOLY GOD.
About the creation of the earth, worlds, stars and heavens, all matter and life…the timing is a mystery to me, but I don’t need proof or dates or a time frame and I certainly do not ‘trust the science’ now.
I have an inner conviction, faith, proven through years of experience, that GOD is good, compassionate, wise, powerful and His Word is true.
Psalm 90:4
A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like awatch in the night.
2 Peter 3:8
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like athousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
Yes! Once one accepts the proposition/assertion that God deals with infinities and unprovable truths, it’s automatically true that such a God is beyond our full understanding. And yet, it’s also reasonable and logical that we can understand MORE about such a putative God by understanding what He did. Much has to be conjecture, but we are free to replace conjectures with better ones, which are more in accord with observed reality, and more self-consistent. I find that all very beautiful – even more so because it’s stated clearly in the Bible, both directly and by implication. Theology can be a valid logical study, and much modern theology (especially Christian) has achieved this, IMO.
What you stated above – which Aubergine mentioned a week or so ago – is covered by a recent cosmological paper, which I will post about soon.
The understanding of science and future discoveries is not suspended just because people become a Christians and accept they are not the center of the universe. That is when the real fun of discovery begins.
Ironically a recurring theme in the past history of science is realizing we’re not in the center of the universe. We thought (many centuries ago) that the Earth was at the center of existence. We then found it wasn’t at the center of the solar system; then that the solar system wasn’t at the center of the galaxy; then that there were many galaxies, rather than just one in the middle of limitless void.
That’s not really a Christian vs. non-Christian thing. It’s often painted the opposite way as you suggest, actually, the Christians dogmatically insisting that we are at the center and scientists proving that we weren’t (e.g., the “story of Galileo”), but I don’t blame Christianity for that (and the “story of Galileo” as usually presented is missing a few details). I suspect anyone would assume until proven otherwise that we are at the center.
My view is that we [and earth] are the center of God’s universe. He states in the Bible that He pays detailed attention to us and our experiences. Nobody does that with the insignificant portions of one’s existence.
“People saying “macro evolution” isn’t a working thing, might as well be saying nuclear theory doesn’t work (which of course would mean that nuclear power isn’t real, or is magic). It’s that wrong. And it’s that cringe, TBH.”
I’m just asking where’s the evidence in the fossil record.
There should be examples all along the continuum, over the course of millions of years, where fins gradually developed into legs (or vice versa).
Except how does it work that way? Because when the land mammal with legs first went into the water, it didn’t have time for his legs to turn into fins, and its legs weren’t any good in the water.
Or if the water animal crawled onto land, how did it get around on fins for a million years, while the fins gradually (very gradually) turned into legs?
Same with the way it breathes.
Not only does it not make any rational sense, where are all these gradual mutations in the fossil record? There must be hundreds of millions of fossils, going back hundreds of millions of years, and yet (as far as I know) the fossil record is empty when it comes to proving any gradual transition.
Same with a land mammal that turns into a bird. It can’t just run off a cliff and hope it grows wings on the way down, it either has them or it doesn’t. Where is the fossil record showing the arms gradually transforming into wings, and why would they?
What purpose would proto-wings serve, why would the mutations occur in the first place, if they served no purpose until they were fully formed into wings?
“People say it because you “have to” say it to belong to many “Bible-believing” churches.”
Not where I go to church. Nobody has any reason to take a do-or-die stand on something where God hasn’t spoken. Everyone is encouraged to think for himself.
I’ve just always been curious about this, like we’re just supposed to argue from the lesser (micro-evolution) to the greater (macro-evolution) without any way to get from here to there.
Normally, someone would just say “Here are the fossils showing the legs in a proto-fin state, and here is another fossil from a hundred thousand years later, showing the same animal with the fin more developed, and here is another fossil showing the same animal with a three-quarter developed fin 500,000 years later, and then a few hundred thousand years after that, here’s a fossil where the leg has completed the transfer into a fin.”
I just don’t know where those fossils are. We have animals with legs, and we have animals with fins, but as far as I know, we don’t have any fossils for the in between.
“But what happens is that EVERY example that is brought forward – just like what happens with the flerfers – is rejected (badly and wrongly, IMO) by the hardcore YEC people, and the rest of Christianity BUYS THE IDEA that whatever the debate was, was either “won” by the YEC folks – or at least “kept debatable”.
But I’m not talking about any of that stuff, I’m just asking what should be obvious, rational questions, and wondering where the answers are in the fossil record.
“The YEC folks just cannot offer better explanations. They can’t even really offer worse explanations. I defend their free speech and their bad science, because people have a right to do bad science, but I have a right to call it bad science, too! 😂 ”
But I’m not a YEC, and I’m not offering any explanations, I’m just asking a couple simple questions.
“The YEC folks will say this, but it’s not true. The similarity to the flat earth situation is uncomfortably close.”
I’m not making a claim, or a counter-claim, I’m just asking where is the evidence in the fossil record, and how could it even happen, if evolution is an adaptive process over millions of years, but in order to survive in the new environment (e.g. from water to land, or from land to water) you need those adaptations / evolutionary changes pronto, as in immediately, or you can’t survive.
So it’s an evidentiary question, and a logic question.
“They don’t, just like most people don’t explain the globe to people who don’t believe it.”
But that’s a cop-out. When we were kids, someone had to explain it, that the earth was round, and it had to withstand casual scrutiny. As we got older, it had to withstand a little more than casual scrutiny.
Why should this be different?
Why should anything be different?
I’m not arguing that macro-evolution didn’t happen, I’m just asking where is the evidence in the fossil record, and what is the logic behind it? If changes are adaptations which happened over eons, but the kinds of changes in order to survive in the new environment are necessary are ‘right now’, as in if you are a land mammal, and you go in the water without gills, you’re not going to survive for a hundred million years while you develop gills to become a fish.
You need the gills pronto, Trapper John.
“They know that evolution writ large is the only good explanation for what they observe, and they simply don’t bother to argue with people who nitpick at it, without offering even just a better hypothesis that MIGHT explain things.”
But it has nothing to do with me offering a better explanation.
If you tell me that pigs fly, but you won’t show me any flying pigs, I don’t have to come up with an explanation why pigs don’t fly, the burden of proof that they do fly is on you.
If “evolution writ large is the only good explanation for what they observe”, that doesn’t sound very… sound.
Scientists thought all kinds of things like that about the universe before the new James Webb space telescope became operational, and since then, what has been observed has blown up lots of previous thinking, which at the time had been “the only good explanation for what they observe”.
It may have been the best explanation at the time, but it was also wrong.
So in the absence of real evidence, it doesn’t seem like a good idea to just extrapolate.
And it seems like a good reason not to just accept a ‘best explanation’, especially in the absence of evidence, or logic as I have mentioned previously.
Macro-evolution should be a simple thing to explain, without requiring any ‘just trust me’. The explanation should be provable in the fossil record, and it should make sense logically.
It’s not like the flat earth thing. The evidence for a globe is overwhelming, it’s visible to the naked eye if you go up high enough, some of the math is over my head but credible people who understand the math don’t dispute it, etc. And you can prove it by going to the south pole.
That seems like the hard way to prove it. You could just get in a plane, and start flying east or west, and keep flying (landing for fuel or getting refueled in flight) until you get back to where you started.
That wouldn’t work with a flat earth, but it would work with a round one.
“Because the YEC explanations don’t work worth shit. I really challenge people to look at them – like I did, years ago. They’re all obviously premised on “preserve 6000 year-old earth using whatever can be thrown at anything else.”
That’s not my argument, I’m not making that argument, I’m just asking about the fossil record and the logic behind the assumption of macro-evolution.
“For me, science and the Bible is no problem, because Genesis is remarkably close to what science has found, and that’s good enough for me.”
Me too, I just don’t understand what appears to be a leap of faith from micro-evolution (which is observable and makes rational sense) to macro-evolution (which to my knowledge, is not observable, and doesn’t make rational sense).
“I don’t let “perfect accord” be the enemy of “astoundingly good”.
IMO part of the problem is that our minds are too simple and weak to see “causality” the way God sees it, so we are scared that evolution isn’t “intentional” enough for God to have been behind it, if it’s an adaptive program.”
I don’t mind if it’s intentional enough for God to have been behind it, I’m not starting with an end in mind, I just want to understand the logic behind macro-evolution, and see the evidence, which should be abundant, in the fossil record.
It should be a simple thing.
“Evolution looks like a “mob attack” forcing random changes through chaos – we don’t see the big picture – that there might be a general and a strategy and some long intelligence behind it.
To me, young Earth is “forcing God to be like us, so that we can understand” – which while understandable, is likely to be wrong.”
Agreed, but that doesn’t address what I’m saying or inquiring about.
The fossil record should show hundreds of different creatures that underwent macro-evolutionary changes, like going from water to land (or vice-versa), and since such changes necessarily take place over a very long period of time, the fossil record should show these gradual changes taking place.
As far as I know, they don’t. They show a water animal and a land animal, and scientists draw the conclusion that the one morphed into the other because there is ‘no better explanation’.
If there is a giant hole in the fossil record, that seems like a cause for legitimate question.
And the rationale or logic of it remains unaddressed as well.
Why does a land animal want to go into the sea? But supposing it did, how is it going to survive in the sea for a couple million years, while its legs get the clue that they need to turn into fins, and its lungs get the clue that it needs to grow gills?
It doesn’t make any sense, from a logic standpoint.
It’s as if people don’t have the answer, but the assumption is the best explanation they have, and then decided that it’s foolish to question it.
I question everything.
The Scopes Monkey Trial wasn’t the first scientific and legal sleight of hand, and neither was Piltdown Man, and they definitely weren’t the last, either.
There are all kinds of things Man gets wrong. This subject has always been curious to me, because it seems like there are some big holes in the macro-evolution argument.
And whenever I bring it up, instead of providing the evidence and making a rational explanation for why (or how, with regard to what I have asked above) it would happen in the first place, there isn’t any good answer.
And that is what gets my attention, every time 🙂
This ^^^^ is why we are fortunate to have you here.
I’m sure that’s a double-edged sword 😁
You could just get in a plane, and start flying east or west, and keep flying (landing for fuel or getting refueled in flight) until you get back to where you started.
That wouldn’t work with a flat earth, but it would work with a round one.
Ya, They tell us that the earth spins from west to east at 1,000 MPH at the equator.
Get on that plane and fly west to east and the plane could not keep up with the spin. (LA to NY would take forever)
Fly east to west and the spin of the earth would bring your destination to you in no time. (NY to LA in less than a minute)
On a Flat earth, flying east OR west would take the same amount of time to arrive at your destination.
I’m seeing a blank box there my friend 🙂
Which means you’re missing nothing important. 😆
Wonder where this one fits in.
The Rutan Model 76 Voyager was the first aircraft to fly around the world without stopping or refueling.
It was piloted by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager. The flight took off from Edwards Air Force Base‘s 15,000 foot (4,600 m) runway in the Mojave Desert on December 14, 1986, and ended 9 days, 3 minutes and 44 seconds later on December 23, setting a flight endurance record.
The aircraft flew westbound 26,366 statute miles (42,432 km; the FAI accredited distance is 40,212 km)[1] at an average altitude of 11,000 feet (3,350 m).
In globe world, the plane did a big (but not a great) circle around the earth.
In flat earth world, the plan did a big circle around just the North Pole.
There are multiple ways to differentiate these two scenarios. In particular, if one does this experiment at multiple latitudes, including possibly the Southern Hemisphere, it will become clear by the length of the trip at each latitude, whether we are dealing with a sphere or a flat circle.
Wiki did not describe the sanitation facilities.
A critical minor detail in anybody’s book.
This is wrong for the same reason that if you drop your phone while driving, it doesn’t fly to the back of the car.
The plane and the atmosphere move along with the ground as the earth rotates. They retain their forward momentum. So if the plane is flying east, it does so at its air speed plus the speed of the earth’s rotation (as seen by a hypothetical someone who is stationary.)
“Ya, They tell us that the earth spins from west to east at 1,000 MPH at the equator.
Get on that plane and fly west to east and the plane could not keep up with the spin. (LA to NY would take forever)”
It’s a matter of perspective and distance from the object or observer in question, isn’t it?
I mean, if you jump straight up in the air, and the earth is spinning at 1,000mph, and 1,000mph is 1,467 feet per second, then even if you are only in the air for 2 seconds, when you land, you should be 1,467 x 2 = 2,934 feet away from where you jumped.
But that doesn’t happen. Is it because you have to jump high enough, you have to put enough distance between yourself and the object in question, in order to perceive (or measure) a difference between your location and the object you are comparing yourself to?
If you are on a train that is moving at 50mph, and you throw a ball to someone inside the train, the ball is moving at the same speed (from your perspective and from the perspective of the person catching it) as if you were throwing the ball in the front yard of your house.
But to someone watching the train go by, the ball would appear to be traveling 50mph (the speed of the train) plus whatever speed the ball was moving (if you threw the ball the same direction as the train was traveling).
If the ball was thrown in the opposite direction from the direction the train was traveling, to an outside observer on the ground, the ball would appear to be going 50mph minus whatever speed the ball was moving, as contrasted to the perception of the people on the train.
If you get in a helicopter, take off, and hover 10 feet above the ground, you don’t go anywhere. Is that because you’re not actually hovering, because by using the landing pad as a reference point, you are subconsciously moving forward or backward with the direction of the earth’s rotation, or is it because of your proximity to the earth?
If you go up high enough, away from the reference point (earth), and remain stationary (hovering), would the earth not spin beneath you?
After Elon Musk launched one of his recent rockets, when it came back down, why did it come down in the Indian Ocean, instead of near the launch site?
Did the rocket travel to India? Does it even carry enough fuel to make it to India, if India is at a fixed distance away from Florida on a flat earth?
Or did the earth necessarily rotate while the rocket was far above the earth, in space, so that when the rocket reentered earth’s atmosphere, it was over India instead of Florida?
Thank you for your long response, which I can’t deal with right now, but I will provide a reading list a.s.a.p. It will be as dry, boring, and technical as possible, because that where you actually see it in action.
While human evolution is now filled with contemporaneous and temporally adjacent puzzle pieces of evidence, the problem is that there is too much evidence of hominids with great variety, and people in the field are arguing over their connections.
But THAT is too shocking to people, so it’s easier to deal with the same phenomenon in fishes, amphibians, dinos, and ancient sea life.
Anybody who’s saying there are no intermediate forms is lying, plain and simple. Ordering happens for a reason, and it’s everywhere, all the time, with every new discovery. Every day, it all gets fixed to be even stronger. It’s like chemistry was a century ago, not like it was two centuries ago, which is where most people THINK evolution is now.
What’s happening is that, despite the truckloads of puzzle pieces, everything intermdiate to multiple something elses, nobody wants to get into a fight with the public who funds universities, so they just keep it quiet and “in the community”.
The media has no need to inform people, like with “climate change”, so it only leaks out on PBS specials and other lib-world propaganda networks, where it bores even the believers, because it’s hard to make ancient sea life and early land animals sexy. LOL.
Nobody wants to see pictures of fossils and magnified images with dry explanations that backed degrees and teaching positions, so they hire animators and graphic artists to make watchable stuff that leaves people entertained but not “believing”. And many people actually believing LESS.
Anyway, you have asked for evidence in good faith, and I’ll try to bring it. Fortunately, a lot of it should be internet-accessible. It will drive people away from the site, but – well – so be it. I may do it in separate posts that people can ignore.
We may be at a point where we are treating subjects as articles of faith where it is not warranted. Religious faith, faith in God, is an entirely different conversation than when talking about faith in other aspects of life. Those who says that they have faith the sun will rise tomorrow are not speaking of faith in the same way as the Bible. The rising sun is based on probabilistic reasoning that what has been will continue to be. In the same way someone’s belief in evolutionary theories of one sort or another is not faith but an intellectual commitment that evolution best fits the available evidence of which they are aware. It is a scientific explanation of reality as it appears. Just as the earth’s place in the universe has been revised over the centuries so, in a thousand years hence (assuming there is another thousand years of history) the scientific theory of evolution (origins) will be different. That is not a prophecy just “faith” in the advances of scientific investigation.
My own perspective is that evolution has some problems that I believe needs further delineation to be credible, primarily the mathematical probabilities of genetic mutation being a major problem. I don’t think great lengths of time is a dependable explanation. The things that must be assumed whether arguing for the existence of God or the evolution of creatures is where faith comes to the fore.
“What’s happening is that, despite the truckloads of puzzle pieces, everything intermdiate to multiple something elses, nobody wants to get into a fight with the public who funds universities, so they just keep it quiet and “in the community”.”
Then don’t they deserve to live in the very world of ignorance that they themselves are creating?
Through their own cowardice, laziness, selfishness or greed?
And not just them, but everybody else who refuses to fight for the truth, in order to protect their pensions (or equivalent, i.e., grants, funds, etc.)?
Everybody has an excuse or motivation to not stand for the truth, because in some way, shape or form, the cost is too high.
I see it the opposite. The higher the cost, the more important it is to pay it. The cost is indicative of the importance. If the cost is low, then it’s not very important.
But if the cost is very high, then it must be very important, because someone(s) wants very much to keep it hidden. And I detest those people 😂 (or at least their actions, in this regard)
If the cognoscenti won’t fight for the truth in public, then it’s their own fault that the public is more or less uninformed. If they’re off in their own little world, becoming a cult of knowledge detached from (and unchallenged by) the reality and perception of the vast population of earth, then of what value are their discoveries and knowledge?
What value would Newton’s discovery of gravity have been, if he just kept it to himself, because he didn’t want to offend his sponsors and it was just too exhausting to enlighten the public?
That is pretty much the situation. Look at Galileo – perfect example of how one pays the price for upsetting the apple cart.
“It will drive people away from the site, but – well – so be it.”
It shouldn’t drive anyone away, those are the most fun and interesting discussions!
“Shouldn’t” and “does” are two different things!
I can tell you from repeated experience – fights here result in a flurry of comments – followed by people leaving and fewer comments until the next fight.
C’est ça, bloguer.
Evolution is nonsense. I used to believe it. It was all I was taught. But too much of it is nonsense.
I just found this thread on X. Pretty much sums up my questions. There are no good explanations for these questions.
Evolution never has made it out of theory status. Plus, increasingly, the fossil record doesn’t support it.
“Gravity” also never has made it out of theory status.
From the link, this is one of the points I was making:
Fossil Record – Are there “Transitional” Forms?
“Charles Darwin, himself the father of evolution in his later days, gradually became aware of the lack of real evidence for his evolutionary speculation and wrote: `As by this theory, innumerable transitional forms must have existed. Why do we not find them embedded in the crust of the earth? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of being, as we see them, well defined species?” — H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, (1966), p. 139.”
If macro-evolution occurred in the past, then it must be occurring right now, and during all the time in between. Everything must constantly be evolving.
So not only “Why do we not find them embedded in the crust of the earth?”, but why don’t see living examples right now, all around us, mid-transition, all the time?
Where are they?
Where are the lizards in the process of turning into birds (or vice versa)? If it happened before, it should be happening now.
The ones that are early in the process may be indiscernible from other lizards, and the ones that are nearing completion may be indiscernible from other birds, but what about all the ones that should be in the in-between state at any given point in time, if evolution is always occurring, which it must be, if it ever occurred?
Why can’t we go down to the zoo and see any number of animals that are halfway, or a third, or a quarter of the way through their evolutionary transition process, from one type of animal to another?
Where are the owl-dogs and the dolphin-monkeys and the iguana-hawks, etc.?
If none of those particular species are currently transitioning, then some other animals certainly should be in full swing.
And why is anything macro-evolving in the first place? What condition is occurring in the environment that causes some creatures to evolve and not others? Especially considering that it is far easier for a creature to just go extinct when confronted with a radical change in environment, than it is to turn fins into legs or legs into wings.
If it takes, for example, 5 million years for the back legs of a land mammal to evolve into the tail fin of a sea creature, it has to be fully adapted and remain fully competitive in the originating environment throughout the entire ‘evolving’ process, or it becomes something else’s meal (or goes extinct).
Until the land mammal is ready to fully commit to sea life, he needs those legs to run from predators, or to chase prey. If his legs are out of commission for up to 5 million years during the transition — or even 5 weeks — he’s gonna be awful skinny by the time the transition is complete.
Or he’s going to become some other creature’s dinner, a long time before that, in which case his particular evolutionary transition… and that of his would-be evolutionary descendants… stops.
So in a world governed by survival of the fittest, how can any creature afford to undergo a macro-evolutionary transition, while still maintaining his place in the food chain, and not go extinct?
How can it be the fittest on land, if its legs are evolving into fins, while it is still living on land? And how can it be the fittest in the water, if its fins aren’t yet fully evolved?
If you are competing for survival in the animal kingdom, every day is the Olympics. The discus throwers don’t get any days off for evolution, while they retrain to try their luck at running hurdles.
If they’re not already good enough to win the gold medal in both events, then how are they going to win at all, at either one?
To a certain extent, evolution happens all the time within a population, which tends to increase the diversity of traits. At times, however, the environment rapidly changes the desirability of such traits, and such diverse populations are cleaved into populations based on such traits.
The underlying perceptual issue is that evolution works on populations and not individuals. It only becomes evident when populations are divided.
“If one goes into solving problems of science, then all attempts to do straightforward mathematical analysis of isotopes will immediately point to long periods of time that YEC advocates reject.”
For your consideration 🙂
They tested a rock sample from the Mount Saint Helens eruption that was about 10 years old at the time of testing. The radiometric dating was WAY OFF…
Table 1. Potassium-argon ‘ages’ for whole rock and mineral concentrate samples from the lava dome at Mount St Helens (from Austin1).
Sample Age / millions of years
Whole rock 0.35 ± 0.052
Feldspar, etc. 0.34 ± 0.063
Amphibole, etc. 0.9 ± 0.24
Pyroxene, etc. 1.7 ± 0.35
Pyroxene 2.8 ± 0.6
You do realize that the LAST TIME you brought this up I rebutted it.
The dishonest fuck who sent in the sample sent it to a lab that does potassium-argon dating…completely inappropriate for a young sample. And he knew it was; he just wanted them to report their minimum which is still way high. (And they will report their minimum (not zero) if they get no reading, because they assume the sample is being sent in by someone in good faith.)
In other words he set them up to embarrass them.
OK, thanks for the reminder. Is there a write up on that which you might suggest?
BTW there is a whole “flat earth” section at AIG here:
I don’t think AIG supports flat earth viewpoints but didn’t dive in…
AIG doesn’t; they’ve even got a YT video about it. regularly rebuts those old YEC talking points that get endlessly repeated (often including by the weasels who first said them…and since he’s repeating the point after being corrected on it, he’s a lying shit).
“completely inappropriate for a young sample”
Sending in Any rock for testing should be illuminative. If using lava they could send in Mount Saint Helens, Pompeii, & from that fairly recent Icelandic eruption for comparison as each event has known dates. To avoid bias it should be blinded so just Sample A, B, & C & take it from there to see what “ages” are estimated. This should be done using the various types of testing available at multiple testing sites to see what if any repeatable estimated dates come forth. If the approach is valid then the dates Should Approximate the actual dates of the known eruptions.
Edit, I decided to read the source article for the table shared above & apparently there has already been some comparative analysis done of known aged volcanic rock. The assumption of 0% argon at formation seems to be the key error in the current formulae used to calculate “age”
DiscussionThe argon analyses of the dacite lava dome show, surprisingly, a non-zero concentration of ‘radiogenic argon’ (40Ar*) in all preparations from the dacite. K-Ar ‘ages’ using equation (2) range from 0.34 ± 0.06 Ma (million years) to 2.8 ± 0.6 Ma (see Table 3). Because the sampled dacite at the time of the analyses was only ten years old, there was no time for measurable quantities of 40Ar* to accumulate within the rock due to the slow, radioactive decay of 40K. The conclusion seems inescapable that measurable 40Ar* in the dacite is not from radiogenic accumulation, but must have been resident already within the different mineral assemblages when the rock cooled from the lava in the year 1986. The lab has not measured ‘radiogenic argon’ but some other type of argon.
Other historic lava flows have been recognized to have non-zero values for 40Ar*. Of 26 historic, subaerial lava flows studied by Dalrymple,21 five gave ‘excess argon’ and, therefore, yielded excessively old K-Ar ‘ages’:
Hualalai basalt (Hawaii, AD 1800–1801) 1.6 ± 0.16 Ma
1.41 ± 0.08 MaMt
Etna basalt (Sicily, 122 BC) 0.25 ± 0.08 MaMt
Etna basalt (Sicily, AD 1792) 0.35 ± 0.14 MaMt
Lassen plagioclase (California, AD 1915) 0.11 ± 0.3 Ma
Sunset Crater basalt (Arizona, AD 1064–1065) 0.27 ± 0.09 Ma
0.25 ± 0.15 Ma
Dalrymple22 recognized that these anomalous ‘ages’ could be caused by ‘excess radiogenic 40Ar’ from natural contamination, or caused by isotopic fractionation of argon. Krummenacher23 offered similar explanations for unexpected argon isotope ratios from several modern lava flows. Olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase from basalts of the Zuni-Bandera volcanic field (Quaternary of New Mexico) showed very significant quantities of excess argon inherited from the magmatic sources.24 The same conclusion applies to olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts from Quaternary volcanoes of New Zealand.25 Significant excess argon was also found in submarine basalts from two currently active Hawaiian volcanoes, Loihi Seamount and Kilauea.26
These are footnotes 21-26 from the bottom of the article
Dalrymple, G.B., 40Ar/36Ar analyses of historic lava flows, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 6:47–55, 1969.Dalrymple, Ref. 21.Krummenacher, D., Isotopic composition of argon in modern surface volcanic rocks, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 8:109–117, 1970.Laughlin, A.W., Poths, J., Healey, H.A., Reneau, S. and Wolde Gabriel, G., Dating of Quaternary basalts using the cosmogonic 3He and 14C methods with implications for excess 40Ar, Geology 22:135–138, 1994.Patterson, D.B., Honda, M. and McDougall, I., Noble gases in mafic phenocrysts and xenoliths from New Zealand, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 58:4411–4427, 1994.Honda, M., McDougall, I., Patterson, D.B., Doulgens, A. and Clague, D.A., Noble gases in submarine pillow basalt glasses from Loihi and Kilauea, Hawaii: a solar component in the Earth, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 57:859–874, 1993.
Actually, the people who tested, IMO, got good numbers that prove great age, BUT there’s a different problem. It’s the YEC guys who submitted the test who screwed up. I’ll explain in another comment.
In my opinion, the discrepancy from what was expected isn’t a testing “below the minimum” problem – it’s a misinterpretation of the test method and mineral chemistry by the YEC people, leading to a bad expectation value. This is self-deception on their part, and once again, I’m calling them out for flat earth behavior.
As I said, I’ll explain in a higher-level comment, so it isn’t long as a fishing pole.
TY, I replied to your other comment 🙂
See my answers below!
Actually, I suspect those numbers in the range of 340,000 years to 2.8 million years are fairly reasonable, and it is the YEC guys calling that sample “10 years old” who are way off base.
The problem with K-Ar dating is that for an entire rock to be “reset to zero” it has to be completely liquefied (to allow Ar to escape), then be exposed to the open atmosphere at low pressure (so that Ar does in fact escape), and finally be cooled back down to a state of being fully crystallized, to start the “building up of argon” clock again.
When that doesn’t happen perfectly, and particularly on shorter time scales where failure to reset to zero makes more of a difference, then the chronometer doesn’t fully reset – and may not even reset at all, for crystals that don’t melt.
Therein lies the problem of dacite. It is a very grainy volcanic rock formed by the [final] cooling of LAVA, not MAGMA. Not only is that lava filled with unmelted crystals, or crystals forming underground – it picks up more crystals along the way – and none of that is exposed to the atmosphere.
So – this is why the different crystals in the sample have different ages – and those long ages are fully compatible with various minerals crystallizing underground over normal geological times, as they move up to the surface FROM magma TO lava (mixed solids in some liquid) and finally to complete solidity on the surface.
Sadly, it is a flerfer-like deception to simply say that the sample is “ten years old”. No – the mineral crystals in the sample are thousands to low millions of years old, relative to when they crystallized from magmas of various types and histories.
IMO the only way to find “ten year old rock” in the sample, would be to find microregions that would be mostly silica, which were definitely liquefied, and test that content, and it is THOSE REGIONS which would STILL be subject to the problems Steve has mentioned, in that less than thousands of years old, is below the resolution available with K-Ar dating.
This is typical flerferism – to nitpick in a deceptive way, which leaves out the full story – and bypasses complexities that real scientists must face, while oversimplifying in a way that appeals to those who don’t understand the complexity.
While I’m here, I’ll drop another MOAB of truth. K-Ar dating works beautifully for studying early humans – and I use that term “humans” very broadly – much more broadly than “Homo sapiens” – because it is the “othering” of our ancestors which has prevented us from embracing them as our kin, and which has helped created resistance to the “spherical earth” of biology – the “heliocentrism” of biology – the “relativity and quantum mechanics” of biology – which is evolution, simple, continuous and undivided.
This is a great explanation of chronometric technologies.
I guess that calling the sample “10 years old” at the time of its acquisition was because that rock was clearly formed on Mount Saint Helens between 1980 & 1986, iirc, after the last lava flow. That crystalline inclusions could represent earlier geologic processes since they apparently didn’t melt & then reform at the top of the mountain is a valid concern.
Another concern that was raised in the source article for the initial “age” chart I shared in the earlier comment was that apparently there is not a Zero Argon40 status in the newly formed rock as the formula employed for age presupposes. The other relatively recent volcanic rocks that also tested way older than their “known” ages also demonstrate this Argon issue it would seem. Perhaps the Potassium-Argon dating method needs to be tweaked to reflect this apparently multiple-times demonstrated concern/error.
“No – the mineral crystals in the sample are thousands to low millions of years old, relative to when they crystallized from magmas of various types and histories.”
You are stating here something as a Fact when it is actually a Supposition. 🙂
Also the issue with the “evolution of/to man” is in conflict, in my opinion, with the Biblical account of God’s creation of Adam, in His Image, & in a roughly known timeline, given the biblical lineages. It would appear that God created Adam roughly 4000-5000BC (though the earth, etc., days 1-5 of creation, could conceivably be much older in the “day-age” theory) so it would appear that modern man is probably not significantly different than “Adam” for 6000-7000 years in evolutionary timescales is miniscule.
I have heard creation apologists discuss the apparent differences in skeletal structure of supposed “early man”. Someone did a computer model as to how the skeletal structure of humans would change if they lived the hundreds of years the early humans in Genesis were reported in the Bible to have lived. These models apparently closely resembled some of the “early human” skeletal findings.
I wonder if there have been DNA analyses of these “prot0-human” skeletal remains to compare to modern humans & preferably some older, known age, human skeletal remains for further insights?
This article was interesting on these topics…
Edit: here’s a very short article demonstrating the quick formation of rock
First point – the author of that link is still continuing their original error in talking about “excess argon”.
The argon cannot be excess if it is EXPECTED. It is the author who is wrongly alleging that it is expected to be zero.
Here are the statements from the article, at the beginning, and in the discussion, that show the author’s errors.
That is a STRAWMAN. The ages are not preposterous – they’re expected. Why are they expected? Because crystallization of magmas on the way to the surface can occur over periods of time exactly like those times mentioned. The author’s bias that “everything happened recently” is being used to create expectations – basically “begging the question” of how long things take.
IMO the author is intentionally speeding up the magma – lava – rock cycle cool-down by orders of magnitude, He has created a “crisis” which only happens if one takes YEC as a given.
And this. TBH, 300,000 to 3,000,000 years ago is very recent, in terms of K-Ar dating, which can go back much, much further.
“The argon cannot be excess if it is EXPECTED. It is the author who is wrongly alleging that it is expected to be zero.”
Clearly I may not (probably do not) understand the Potassium Argon formula presented in the article but it appears that that formula presupposes that there would be Zero Argon present at rock formation & that All Argon present would represent that created by radioactive decay Alone.
I believe the author is asserting that the “10 year old rock” that was tested clearly had Argon present well before sufficient time for radioactive decay to have happened to aid in the dating process would have occurred.
It seems to me that the formula would/should need some adjustment to account for Argon that is Initially Present at rock formation in addition to that which occurs through radioactive decay.
I don’t understand why the formula for decay to find “t” for time couldn’t present the Known “t” from those dated lava flows to solve for the various amounts of Argon in the formula, especially when comparing samples across several centuries for comparative analysis.
What am I missing here?
I’m attempting to look at the topic “objectively” allowing for the possibility of either ancient ages of rock or recent. For the KNOWN DATES of Lava Rocks the part of the rock that doesn’t include crystals that were not recently melted should be the only part considered to have a “known date” of formation. That Portion of the pulverized rock would be the only portion where the Known “t” would be applicable. The other parts of the rock/non-recently melted/re-formed inclusions could be solved for “t” to attempt to identify the deeper geological processes that lead to their development.
Otherwise what it seems you are suggesting is that Any Lava based rock must consider the entire geological timeframe to be a possible date. Ancient magma finally rises to the surface & hardens & instead of solving for the KNOWN DATE of This Hardening we are actually attempting to date every portion of the magma to time immemorial for processes that may have undergone numerous cycles of rock, melting, magma, lava, rock & we are not dating the most recent rock formation at all but the primordial magma that underlays it all!
Quote from the pertinent article:
The ‘age’ of each concentrate is calculated by making use of what Faure19 calls the ‘general model-age equation’:
where t is the ‘age’, λ is the decay constant of the parent isotope, Dt is the number of daughter atoms in the rock presently, Do is the number of daughter atoms initially in the rock, and Pt is the number of atoms presently in the rock. Equation (1) can be used to date the rocks if measurements of Dt and Pt are made from the rock, and if an assumption concerning the original quantity of daughter (Do) is made. For the specific application to K-Ar dating,20 equation (1) becomes equivalent to equation (2) when:
where t is the ‘age’ in millions of years, 5.543 x 10–10 yr–1 is the current estimate for the decay constant for 40K, 0.105 is the estimated fraction of 40K decays producing 40Ar, and 40Ar*/40K is the calculation by standard procedure of the mole ratio of radiogenic 40Ar to 40K in the concentrate. It should be noted that equation (1) becomes equivalent to collation (2) when
Thus, 40Ar* includes within it an assumption concerning the initial quantity of 40Ar in the rock. As a matter of practice, no radiogenic argon is supposed to have existed when the rock formed. That is, Do = 0 is supposed for equation (2) to give accurate ages. Thus, equation (2) yields a ‘model age’ assuming zero radiogenic argon in the rock when it formed. After the initial daughter assumption is made, 40Ar* is determined. Then, the mole ratio 40Ar*/40K is calculated in Table 3 from each concentrate’s 40Ar* (ppm) and 40K (ppm). Once the mole ratio is calculated (see Table 3), it is inserted into equation (2) to calculate the ‘model ages’ listed in Table 3.
[VC note I pulled out the messy table data from the c/p here so see the info at the link below for ease of viewing]
Table 3. Potassium-argon data from the new dacite lava dome at Mount St Helens Volcano.
This info is presented in easier to manage form at the site 🙂
January 13, 2025 6:19 am
… “DOGE Agents” arrived in Washington, D.C., with a clear target: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). These agents are aiming squarely at the agency’s grip on taxation and regulation of digital currencies. As Americans watch closely, many see this as a much-needed pushback against bureaucratic overreach. In contrast, others warn that Musk’s growing influence could open the door for unchecked corporate power over public policy.
According to reports, the newly established government agency already has 50 employees working for DOGE out of SpaceX’s Washington offices, configuring ways to lessen the government’s spending. The agents have reportedly been hard at work interviewing more than a dozen executive branch departments, including the U.S. Treasury, IRS, Departments Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services…
DOGE hopes to reach at least 100 employees in the next several weeks. The DOGE X account wrote a post to the account seeking full-time salaried Software Engineers and InfoSec Engineers. “Recruiting for a very small number of full-time salaried HR, IT, and Finance positions,” the DOGE X account posted. ‘If interested, please DM us your resume and a few bullet points about why you are interested in DOGE.”
Good with it.
IRS easiest win. 87,000 IRS Agents. Poof.
Department of Education not cited above. Good by me ,if Department of Education is finally sent to the trash heap, of bad idea Federal departments.
Strong supporter of DOGE. Not concerned with Musk. At some point Musk is going to get bored or frustrated with the glacial pace Feds move / respond. He’ll move on.
those 87,000 agents can be given the option of transferring to assist in deportations or find another job.
I agree on Musk.
Good with the 87,000 transferring to get rid of illegals.
These positions would be temporary positions. No permanent position bloat.
agreed. needed for a job, when the job is completed, they are done.
Celebrating the first full moon of 2025 – The Wolf Moon
@ Sylvia’s Place – The Crow’s Nest –
Someone mentioned Mars coming into conjunction with that full moon. Indeed it is, saw it last night rather close at about 11PM Central. Should be closer tonight.
Wolf Moon: How and when to see January’s full Moon glow next to MarsThe Wolf Moon will pass in front of the planet Mars, giving viewers of the Moon a chance to see the glowing red planet.
Thank you!!!
That of course while a true statement is somewhat deceptive 😉
Well done, Wolf!
I have but one request.
Effective J20, vituperation attempts by enemies of the America First MAGA movement will be met with public floggings at the base of the Washington Monument. They will then be sentenced to extended stays at Hotel GITMO for the remainder of their miserable lives after a court of MAGA citizens judge them guilty. Life size images of POTUS Trump will be placed in every cell. Defacing the image will result in immediate capital punishment on a cross on an unholy hill in currently communist ;ed Cuba, which will soon become an American territory that is developed as a world renowned tourist destination.
LMAO!!! 😂
Actually, I have a nice safe 300′ rope.
I personally think they should be granted an opportunity they can’t refuse…rappel down the side of the Washington Monument, all the way down.
[Just incidentally the Monument is considerably more than 300 feet tall.]
January 13, 2025 8:20 am
This is the fourth time in the last five years that Humvees have been stolen from military sites in California. In 2021, someone stole one from the California National Guard in Bell, California and evaded capture for three days. An Army Reserve Center in Upland, California saw someone try to steal a Humvee in 2020 before being quickly apprehended. Just before the 4th of July in 2023, someone stole a California National Guard Humvee from Santa Rosa National Guard Armory. In the Santa Rosa case, the Humvee was allegedly sighted multiple times over the intervening months, with people in the greater Bay Area and Sonoma County calling law enforcement about it, but the vehicle was only recovered months later.
If these three Humvees are spotted, Tustin PD is asking that anyone who spots the three missing Humvees call them at 714-573-3225.
In response to a request from our good kalbo — a repost from yesterday:
“Gail Combs and All —
You know that weird, low-lying, thick “fog” thing that was around in Central NC last week (and at other times, too)? Take a look at this:
Yours Truly: Apparently, that weird “fog” was also in Florida. Somebody had samples of it tested. The tests came back showing that the “fog” was filled with a bacteria called Serratia Marcescens Bacteria. This bacteria can cause multiple types of infections and conditions in humans. Examples: Urinary Tract Infection; pneumonia; eye infections; meningitis. The tweet by Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News included in the article has the lab information.
IMO, this is in the chemtrails that are being spread in so many places, including where Yours Truly lives in NW Durham County, NC. Possibly along with other types of bio warfare items.”
Adding this, taken last week above Yours Truly’s house:
we see them too. and they are not jet streams. those tend to disappear as the jet streaks across the sky. the chemtrails can be seen longer after any aircraft has left the area
Disjointed ramble follows.
Couple years ago, I never paid attention to chem trails. Sure, I knew weather, rain anyway could be effected by seeding…
Toss in DePop, which I 100% believe is ongoing.
Evil stuff Gates, prolly DoD are engaging in. Whatever pandemic they are creating. Jabs via mosquitos. Whatever “bug”, they are developing to to deliver via mosquitos.
Linkage between these events…
Tin Foil Hat here.
Will be interesting if this FL report is picked up by RDS, FL brainiacs and Internet sleuths.
Had a problem getting the twitter post to open from the burning platform story so had to search for it.
Suggests people who can’t read twitter under postings use GA/FL’s recent method she posted a day or so back to open the full thread. Unfortunately not needing it I did not save it. Maybe someone who remembers it can repost it here.
In the feed is more interesting info as this post has generated a smart crowd.
Meanwhile in the comment section in the story by burning platform is a link to a pdf. This the closest thing that seems to post about the study from Naples but it seems to be an excerpt or sub study.
ht GA/FL
HOT TIP – Comment @CTH shows how non-twitterX members can read threads and comments without joining up!
“Add cancel behind the X and us non-Twits can see the entire thread” – for example:
My friend is having major eye problems. I am having trouble breathing DESPITE taking vitamin I….
The last few days have been really bad, breathing wise.
Don’t forget — you’re OLD. There are some things that happen. 😍
The first of many moving vans arrives at the Briben White House . . .
Any sauce for this? —
Yours Truly: Gabbard apparently was told by members of the Senate that her confirmation would “be in doubt” unless she supported FISA section 702. Gabbard apparently then reversed her earlier position of NOT supporting section 702. Section 702 appears to be the “warrantless spying” of “American communication and electronic metadata.”
If this is so, it proves a couple of things:
One: Gabbard is a mole/tool of the DeepState of the DeepState, and therefore can’t be trusted.
Two: Gabbard is “manageable” by the DeepState of the DeepState, and will do what she is told by them.
Three: Gabbard is part of the SHADOW GOVERNMENT that has already been set up by the DeepState of the DeepState to ACTUALLY run the United States, even though Donald Trump will be the 47th President.
Four: Rep. Sen. James Lankford (OK) is the one who apparently “suggested” to Gabbard that she change her position on section 702. Lankford is therefore part of the SHADOW GOVERNMENT that has already been set up.
this is from SD’s article:
As the Senate begins the confirmation process….. A POINT: “If I understand this correctly, the Senate Intel Committee will only approve Trump’s nominee for ODNI if she agrees to support an un-Constitutional provision that permits the government that none of us trust to illegally surveille American citizens without a warrant…but a provision that also makes an exception for members of Congress or their staff, who presumably value their privacy and don’t want to be illegally surveilled.
Meanwhile, President Biden is preparing to issue a blanket pardon of all the bad actors who illegally surveilled, wiretapped, sued, imprisoned and tried to assassinate his political enemies, so that no one can legally surveille, wiretap, sue or imprison them…and they get off scott-free.
Do I have that right?” ~LionTigerBear
If you pull back from the granular debate and think about it, none of the FISA justifications align with reality.
The FISA system is a designated secret court system that is said to only pertain to “foreign nationals.”
Ok, so if we accept the premise. Foreign nationals do not have U.S. constitutional protection. So why does the surveillance and intercept of them require secret U.S. courts?
it seems she had to or already has pulled back her position, but SD opines that perhaps she will strictly enforce the “foreign national” portion of it.
And quite frankly I am fed up with gov’t excluding themselves from legislation, rules, and
regulations. they are NOT above the law and should not be treated as such!
““If I understand this correctly, the Senate Intel Committee will only approve Trump’s nominee for ODNI if she agrees to support an un-Constitutional provision that permits the government that none of us trust to illegally surveille American citizens without a warrant…”
These people on the Senate Intel Committee ARE the criminals.
They’re like a pedophile ring that demands the new appointee to head the DoJ not investigate their pedophile ring.
So agree to their ridiculous demand, get confirmed, and then upon further review and new facts and information, change your mind and go after them.
Is that so hard?
What am I missing? 😂
No concerns on my part. None.
Tulsi “changed” her mind. Perhaps so. Perhaps, “playing” the Viper’s Den game.
Perhaps Trump is aware of this and agrees with Tulsi.
Play the game. (Politics. Spit.)
I’d bet on Trump AND Tulsi.
Trump Train baby!
One hopes that you are correct on this!
Lankford is therefore part of the SHADOW GOVERNMENT that has already been set up.
Well DUH!
Five: Tulsi is smart enough to appear to be a deep state agent in order to get confirmed where she is able to implement DJT’s policy.
I see this all as “art of the deal”.
That’s what I was trying to say but you did your usual exceptional work first.
I don’t know why she doesn’t just tell them what they want to hear, and then do whatever needs to be done.
This is war.
Is there no more lying in war?
Did I miss something?
Was there a meeting, and it was decided that from now on, in war, there will be no more misdirection or deception, just brutal honesty at all times?
I mean, this is ridonkulous!
The biggest, nastiest liars in the whole world, people whose word is worth less than zero, are extracting a ‘promise’ from Tulsi Gabbard not to undo their criminal and unconstitutional schemes?
This sure is a weird world we live in, where one side can only be honest and tell the truth, and the other side can lie with impunity.
I wonder who has the insurmountable advantage in that contest?
January 13, 2025 8:57 am
JUST IN: ANOTHER man has been arrested for arson after he was caught ACTIVELY lighting fires in LA County, per Irwindale PD
As we were learning earlier all of these guys had the same first and last name. “Climate Change”. 😮
Apparently we are learning more information about Mr. Change #1 and have no idea what this might mean…

Do not worry, he will not be arrested or indicted…
January 13, 2025 9:05 am
California is a Stage 4 Cancer on America.
it is. they hand out free stuff knowing full well the suckers in the federal gov’t will bail them out–and that means us!
I’m tired of supporting that stupid freeloading cousin!
“suckers” . . . how about “co-conspirators”?
well that too…but honestly i was just politely abbreviating what KIND of “suckers” they are. 🙄
Ivermectin and Fenben…… STAT!
Verse of the Day for Monday, January 13, 2025
“The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.”
Psalms 34:17 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.