Dear MAGA: 20190513 Open Topic

This MakeItSo Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Yes, it’s Monday…again:


But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.

Things are rolling along.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. In fact, our host Wolfmoon encourages us to use it…and Enjoy it. “Use it or lose it”, he tells us.

But please keep it civil. Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:



Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Audiomachine, titled ‘Voyage of Dreams’:



Let the dominoes start falling.



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Wheatie!!! Giant dominoes!!! Like Giant Jinga!!!! Love it!!! Love the HELOS and The HUGE Q~~~ Hope you had a fabulous Mothers day!!! Hugs!!!🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻💐💐💐💐💐💐🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Special Bouquet for you my friend!!!

Sylvia Avery

And hearing from Q just puts the finishing touch on the day, doesn’t it? I’m ALL ready to start the week! Bring it on!


Big week Sylvia!!! And I’m MOAR than ready!!!! Agree!! BRING IT!!!!


Wheatie– I think this tree gives us “Q-tenna” Sylvia and Wolfie basically said the same thing! We were all expecting it!!!🤔🤔

Sylvia Avery

And like Elizabeth Carter said, Q waited until the family celebrations had pretty well wound up before he dropped. Very strategic.

Sylvia Avery

And I love that pic of PDJT. He looks very tough. That man means business.

Sylvia Avery

Oh, I think so! Between PDJT’s tweetstorm coordinated with Q, I think it’s on like Donkey Kong this week.


Love your pictures Miss Wheatie, and your prescience.😎
So the Rats thought they’d go hide in the mountains, but Q knew and had already deployed the Seals after them. Ha! Silly Rats, nobody can hide from Q.😉
TIMM-BURR goes the last domino….. 😃


Timm–BURR!!! Butterfly!!! I LOVE your sense of humor !!! Quick Wit!!! QWEL!!!🦋🦋🦋🦋🐝🐝-Means- “Floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee”!! LOL!!! Love ya!!!


Right back at ya! 🤗😘😍 MEEP MEEP!!


Q tells riddles,
Comey’s in the griddle,
The Big Ugly’s gonna go boom;
PTrump laughed
At the Mueller report,
And the Dimms ain’t gonna be immune.


You ROCK Carl!!! 😂😂😂😎

Plain Jane

Love it Bakocarl, now we need a sing-song tune to go with it. 🙂


Twas on the q board….sic em!comment image


Gil is BAAACK!!! Hope your day was fantastic!!! and kiddos honored you!! I bet you are thrilled they are asleep and you get to play!!! Momma ( well g momma) to momma!!!


We went to have fancy chinee food. Delish. And I had a scorpion too. Havent had one in a few years. My kiddo is so funny. He didnt like cream cheese wontons, but he ate the entire flower radish centerpiece! At least he discovered he likes vegetable egg rolls. He had his first shirley temple and his eyes just popped when he drank it. Kids firsts are cute(when theyre the safe kind). We played a couple ga mes, read 2 stories and hes snoring! Hope you had a good day too.


You ATE a SCORPION!!!! ..Explains your sharp WIT!!! Thank you for your darling dinner share!! I love your kiddos!! please tell them one day that Marica thinks they are AWESOME!!!


Scorpion is booze..but it had a bite yes…

Sylvia Avery

OMG I thought you ate a real scorpion.
I need to get out more.


LOL So did I, Sylvia! Was thinking “that Gil” is so bitchin’ I bet she swallows a fistful of nails as a scorpion chaser 😂😂


me too!!LOL!!! Dying here!!


You guys are hilarious! I can buy scorpion in lollipops local, or in certain bottles of mezcal, 😝 but to get them cooked Id have to go into some very off the beaten path spots, not local.
Its a tiki cocktail. I didnt have this big of one tho:comment image
Not this crazy thing:comment image


Not so many shills anymore. Still with the anti Jew bs but theres some interesting posts…


Went over there and was amazed how thoroughly the site was covered in vile trash, way above usual.
The leftists have not realized yet they are only proving how frightened and pathetic they are.
Their “magic” has really been worn out.

Plain Jane

Wheatietoo, those dominos and the helo Q pic are soooo appropriate. TY.

Plain Jane

Yes, for sure.
I still can’t wait to see Sally Yates perp walked out of her bed in a bathrobe, flip-flops and bed head.


It would be eminently delightful to see her smug mug change to alarm as she’s perp walked to the courthouse.


Please don’t judge ( read hate me ) for this.. cannot NOT share…Laughing too hard to decide if this is appropriate..


I was going for the monkey pic above…


That unseen1 is a pretty smart dude. Is he on the team??🤔
This, from March 2018. POTUS has done/is doing a lot on this list.
And we are WINNING!!! 🤩🤩🤩

Sylvia Avery

That was a pretty good summary of the MAGA agenda. Clear and understandable. The kind of thing that’s helpful for red pilling people.

Rodney Short

Who let the dogs out???


On the Q team? No, and he’s been called out a couple of times for trying to make it look like he is. He’s definitely on Trump’s side regarding the agenda however.


OMG! It’s not enough that we’re all gonna die in 12 years if you don’t give us your money. Now it’s think about Fluffy and Fido, what are we doing to them??😭😭😭 That should really motivate the children!🤦‍♀️


Another way for “pet control”. “Canine credits” and the like. Us peons endanger pets so we shouldnt have them and the rich offset with canine credits so they can have multiple pets…cant you see that scam happnin?

Gail Combs

Pets help people in cities stay sane and live longer lives. They are stress relievers too. HOWEVER the Elite don’t give a crap if their slaves stay sane and live longer lives. Pets COST MONEY… MONEY the Elite want for THEMSELVES!
It is ALL ABOUT extracting as much wealth from your slaves as possible. So NO high cost meat and no High cost pets and No high cost transportation or homes. Rosa Koire explains Agenda 21
Post Sustainable Future

It’s official: Pets benefit our mental health – Medical News Today
Mood-Boosting Power of Dogs

. … Even hardened criminals in prison have shown long-term changes in their behavior after interacting with dogs …

The Mood Enhancing Power Of Dogs – The Health Lab

…Pets come with a lot of love and they provide a lot of health boosting fun. Dogs are amazing and research has shown that a dog can ease stress, improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress, depression and anxiety. A dog can even encourage exercise and playfulness and help to comfort those who are experiencing loneliness especially older adults….


Pets specially dogs except us who we are not what we are. They do not care if one is poor or rich and intellect or not. They always see the good and love unconditionally.
We are Blessed to have pets.
I do not think anyone can regulate pets.
What I like to see it spaying and neutering so we do not have so many unwanted stray dogs and cats.

Gail Combs

We have always spayed and neutered our cats and dogs unless they were pedigreed breeding stock. (Our Great Pyrenees Guard dog) Except for the Great Pyrenees all our dogs and cats have been rescues. Our current Tom we found as a kitten trapped in a stack of empty plastic drink crates behind a gas station!
Heck, even some of our ponies are rescues, though I would not recommend getting an equine rescue unless you know what you are doing. A lot of them are either crippled for life or have bad tempers due to prior bad handling. A mean or frightenned animal that weighs 300 to over 1000 pounds can kill you if you do not know what you are doing and sometimes even if you do.


You are so right about equine rescues. One MUST have extensive experience with horses to undertake that, in most cases. That was one of my goals when I bought my place. I wanted to work with the horse rescue groups in NE to take 2 horses who needed medical care, given my past vet tech and equine experience. There were 2 acres at the back of the property that were zoned agricultural (planted with alfalfa) that I wanted to separate into 2 fields and plant Timothy. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out and I ended up selling those 2 acres.


Gail most people who truly love animals and take care of them have them spayed and neutered.
I have experience with one of my strays who just was not very happy with people and to take her for her shots was and exercise of patience and fearlessness. We loved that cat and was our garden protector. She came in the house willingly November through February and had a spot in the basement. I remember when she wound up in my bed and would not let me get in the bed 🙂
She loved if we were out gardening or just were out. She liked my dogs and they liked her but I saw her chase a big dog up the neighbors driveway.
We also had domesticated rescue rabbits. After they died she took over one of the rabbit hutches and was able to watch the street.
I had as many as 13 rescue cats and we lived in a big house. When we moved to OH I drove 9 hours with 8 cats and a dog to our new home. That was a quite an adventure.
I am very good with cats and dogs and all were rescue animals. we my husband and I used to be involved in a cat club as non breeder. I keep my cats in the house because I do not want anything to happen to them. Not all people are kind.
It takes a special person like you to handle abused horses. My experience with hoses in non existing.
My granddaughter loves horses and has been taking riding lessons beginning with cleaning the stable 🙂

Plain Jane

Good night all. I pray tomorrow brings more good things your way, along with unseen Blessings from God.

Sylvia Avery

You too, Jane.


NI Ni PJ 😍 Me too..🦋🦋🛌 😴 💤 🦋🦋😍

Sylvia Avery

An excellent essay by Michael Anton, author of The Flight 93 Election, about Tucker Carlson and his evolution from a Reagan era conservative to a Trumpian style populist. Here’s an excerpt:
“…On January 2, 2019, though, there was no news. So Carlson used the holiday lull to deliver a non-stop, 15-minute, 2,571-word evisceration of America’s ruling class—political, industrial, financial, intellectual, and cultural. Our rulers, he insisted, had failed at their ostensible tasks: to improve the health of the country and the lives of its citizens.
The show is usually leavened throughout with puckish humor. Not that night; Carlson was deadly serious. He laid at the feet of our ruling class a devastating litany of failure: the destruction of the family, skyrocketing out-of-wedlock births, the opioid crisis, rampant male unemployment, the sleazy effort to anesthetize the dispossessed with payday loans and pot, increasing financialization and techification of the economy and resultant wealth concentration, and foreign war without purpose, strategy, victory, or end.
But have our rulers really failed? Not if one understands, Carlson explained, that their real aim is to enrich themselves and maintain their power: “We are ruled by mercenaries who feel no long-term obligation to the people they rule.”
Within a day or two, the speech had gone viral. Friend and enemy alike referred to it simply as “Tucker’s Monologue.” Everyone knew instantly which was meant. To those sympathetic, here was a quasi-Trumpist rallying cry not merely for a new Right, but also for millions of apolitical Americans who feel—rightly—abandoned, even preyed upon, by the status quo…
What, specifically, changed the mind of the formerly bow-tied boy-Buckley (or as a friend put it to me, “typical conservative dorkwad”) and launched Carlson toward becoming the leading light of a new conservative movement?
“Two things,” Carlson said.
First, the Iraq war….
And the second?
I’ve been going to the same town in Maine for basically my whole life. Not for a week or two now and then, but three or four months a year for 40 years. I watched it change from clean, reliable, orderly, decent, and bourgeois into something different and diminished. Not just poor but degraded. I asked myself “Why is this happening? What led to this? How did this go from being such a great place to such a troubled place? And why is nobody noticing, or pretending it’s not happening?”
Specifically, what does he mean? Alcohol? Drugs? Opioids? Divorce? Illegitimacy? Unemployment? Welfare? “All of that,” he answers. “All of it. And more…”

Sylvia Avery

It was a really good essay. There were so many good things in there it was hard to pick just a few things from the article.
He starts out talking out that Jan. 2 monologue. I watched it , and it WAS jaw dropping I thought. And then the author talks about how Tucker has been taking flak from the Conservative Establishment for his heresy, and of course the Left are after him like white on rice.
I don’t agree with Tucker on everything, but he has made made me think rethink some of my positions. Well, PDJT has helped with that, too, LOL!
I have read running for President and being President has cost PDJT a billion dollars so far.
And yes, I wish there were more who would join PDJT and help him. But in this environment you need to be wealthy enough to tell them all to go to heck, apparently. The little guys like Zinke can’t afford the fight.

Sylvia Avery

It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that. It enrages me, though. Zinke was a good guy and I thought he was doing an awesome job implementing MAGA at the DOI.

Sylvia Avery

Also, Wheatie, I’m certain Tucker wasn’t referring to PDJT when he commented about our ruling class being mercenaries. He sees PDJT as outside of the ruling class not of the ruling class.

Sylvia Avery

Brexit may happen yet!!!!! Finally!!!
“Up until now, Brexit has been a dreary spectacle to watch because Britain’s Tory leadership seems to be botching it so badly. What’s so hard about just pulling up stakes and getting out? That was what the voters voted for. Doesn’t ‘leave’ mean leave? There have been so many yes-but failures and failures to reach a sign-out deal that one almost doesn’t want to watch. Why is this so hard for Britain’s political leaders, now in talks with each other to cut a deal, to understand?
The latest news suggests that something big is happening on that other side of the ballot, the voter side, the one that voted to leave, as a result of this….”

2 treehouses r better than 1

any posts from PHC over the weekend? I looked in both treehouses on many threads and I didn’t see him but maybe I just skipped over his posts…??
The way he has shared about his situation, his strong faith, his perspective on life and death, his calm assurance if Heaven, his sense of humor and the overall way he has talked about and handled life (at least from what I know on line) has made a significant impact on me.
Second lesson is how delighted I am every time I see him post. And, yet, we all really never know. Some of us have an illness with predicted results and for others our passing is more abrupt. Sometimes we know when we are going to loose a loved one and sometimes it is a short, surprising illness, other times it is a abrupt shocking even and sometimes a loved one lives until the 90s or even over a 100 yrs and yet we still mourn them.
We weren’t designed by God to deal with death and no matter how long we have to love someone and share this life on earth together it is Never long enough.
By watching for his posts, being delighted to see him every day and genuinely happy to see posts after a few day’s absence, I have realized that we all need to enjoy our loved one’s company and be delighted when we see them – every day even if there is no illness, they are young or relatively young. Not just out of fear because we never know when we might loose them but from genuine happiness to have them in our life, delight that we get to walk through one more day of life with these people, knowing that the person we take for granted won’t always be with us and our time is limited even if its another 30-40 yrs – it still won’t be “enough” when it is over. Our children will grow up and we won’t be able to see them daily so we need to delight in their company now. When our spouse walks through the door, feel delighted that we get to enjoy one more evening together. Enjoy, appreciate and be grateful for the loved ones in our life and delight in their company.
I appreciate all of the commenters in the treehouse gang. We need to not take each other, our friends or our families for granted. We need to remember to enjoy their company on purpose and to intentionally delight that these people are in our lives.
Late at night and sorry for rambling. I have learned Much from PHC during the last several months and pray he is with family and is comfortable.

Sylvia Avery

I haven’t seen him for several days, either. He’s a remarkable person. I pray for him every day.

Gail Combs

I read all the comments (or try to) and I have not seen him either.


Nabisco using trannies to market chips ahoy. 🤤🤤😩😩 Gross. Just, no. Pepperidge farm people.


Thank you for the Twitter version.


When I was growing up Chips Ahoy! was the all-American cookie for kids.
Now they’re positioning it as a sexual identity item — on Mother’s Day.
I don’t know if you read the Twitter thread, but that person has tweeted some foul things about a certain sex act. Mondelez needs to put their collective marketing thinking cap on. This is not right.




Sylvia Avery

Well. I’ve lost all desire for Chips Ahoy.


They won’t miss you here in commieland central. Nor miss me.
“Scotty, beam me up. There’s no intelligent life here.”


Heche en mexico too. Reading through the twits, chips ahoy had a recall last month for something in them clumping. Yuck.

Sylvia Avery

Remember during the campaign PDJT talked about Nabisco making stuff in Mexico? I’m pretty sure he mentioned Oreos and that he was giving up eating Oreos.
I’ve never been a big Oreos fan, but my brother has always loved them. All these years. He said once they started making them in Mexico they changed the recipe–something to do with the sweetener–and he thinks they taste terrible now so he gave them up.
I’ll have to tell him about the mystery clumping in Chips Ahoy. Heh.


Those cookies suck.
They are full of chemicals and additives and are not good for you.
Just make some!
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour (Wheat Montana flour is great if you can get it!)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup (2 sticks) REAL butter, softened
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs, preferably fresh and local
2 cups (12-oz. pkg.) high quality chocolate chips, or better yet, roughly chopped bittersweet chocolate
1 cup chopped nuts (totally optional)
PREHEAT oven to 375° F.
COMBINE flour, baking soda and salt in small bowl. Beat butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar and vanilla extract in large mixer bowl until creamy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Gradually beat in flour mixture. Stir in morsels and nuts. Drop by rounded tablespoon onto ungreased baking sheets.
BAKE for 9 to 11 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on baking sheets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely.



You are all my favorites. Will hope to drop in again on Thursday.

Sylvia Avery

No, I don’t know the video.
But honestly, Wheatie, if you had told me two years ago I’d be standing with Roseanne Barr of all people on the planet I’d have thought you were nuts. And here I am. Some world!

Sylvia Avery

And I enjoy her excitement about this. She’s just like we were on Wolfie’s Q thread. She needs to find us. She’d like us.


“But honestly, Wheatie, if you had told me two years ago I’d be standing with Roseanne Barr of all people on the planet I’d have thought you were nuts. And here I am. Some world!”
The beauty of MAGA is, MAGA is ALL inclusive.
Folks from all walks of life embrace America First…instant appreciation for each other.
Daily wear my MAGA hat, everywhere. Have been warmly approached or positively acknowledged by guys, gals, old, middle aged, young, even teenagers… Accents of all sorts…beyond simply Southern, Boston like…think Asians, European, South America… Skin colors across the spectrum white to black…
Have had a guy in a wheel chair chase me down in Walmart to talk MAGA.
Last week a guy in In-N-Out approached me. Chatted about five minutes. MAGA, American Legion. Same guy that had just participated in rendering honors at a Veterans burial. Posted a comment about that as NYGuy had mentioned losing a very dear relative. Cousin, IIRC. By the way, have not noticed a post from NYGuy since that day. Hope he is doing well.
President Trump is America First. MAGA. ALL inclusive:-)

Sylvia Avery

What a great post! I love reading about people reacting happily to seeing a fellow MAGA supporter. Awesome!!!!


Did you catch the “Finland Qanon”? 🙂 They like “Q” in Finland!

Sylvia Avery

I did, and I thought that was pretty “cool!!!”


Yes. I never had much interest in her, but since she’s been so strong for our side, can look at her with a new eyes. She’s a hoot with this video, and the video is quite good. Music sounded like some Wheatie could use in a Tree thread.

Sylvia Avery

I appreciate that she speaks her mind, regardless. And I especially appreciate that she is right with us on Q and MAGA. I enjoyed watching her video of her watching the video because she was all excited. Like us!!


Saudi Arabia says 2 oil tankers damaged by sabotage attacks

Sylvia Avery

That would be my guess.


Iran, or a proxy. Either way, Iran.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Maybe this will be the week for a scientific experiment.
Is it possible to get tired of winning?
Let’s find out!!!

Sylvia Avery


Hope there’s a way this information can go directly into Atty. Barr’s hands and bypass butthead Wray .. call him Fey Wray .. and the lady Fay Wray was braver than Wray Wray soy boy … 😡

Gail Combs

Is Whitaker headed for a DOJ plane??
He collected the El Chappo information in NYC court.
He was laison with Huber….


Nikki, Julian is a foreign citizen so I think that the Assange information might be turned over to Gina Haspel at the CIA.
I’m secretly hoping the stuff ends up in the hands of the former CIA director and now Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. John Brennan played Mike Pompeo as a fool while Pompeo was the CIA director and I’m guessing Pompeo might be more than a little interested in discovering who delivered the DNC data to Assange.


Bear in mind that one of the transcripts mentioned on the Q drop thread being kept under wraps was Dana Rohrabacker’s interview……he met with Julian and tried repeatedly to meet with PDJT – I don’t know if he was ever successful.


Comey and John Warner were in ‘immunity’ talks with Assange in April 2016 and the talks fell through…(some say Comey sabotaged the outcome)
After Rohrbacher interviewed Assange in August of 2017, the Democrats called for Rohrbacher to step down and the media was there to label Rohrbacher as a “Russia lover”.
As always, it was perfectly fine for Democrat Senator Warner to be involved in talks with Assange, but heaven forbid that a Republican do the same.


About two weeks after Rohrbacher met with Assange, Pamela Anderson showed up at the Ecuadorian embassy. I can’t help but wonder if Anderson is one of those back channel conduits wheatie.


Thank you litenmaus for this explanation … I appreciate it very much … I’m a worry-wart at heart and don’t like the bad guys .. 😡 … they’re SO evil and SNEAKY … ☹️🤚❤️


yw nikki….IKR….our gov’t seems to have been overrun with the nasty little buggers. :0)


Yes it has, can’t wait for the perp walk of the nasty, evil buggers 😉👍‼️❤️



LOL…awesome video..:0)



Sylvia Avery

FTA: “Sweden’s latest request for Assange’s extradition could complicate a similar request from the United States, which charged Assange for his role in helping former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning leak thousands of documents of classified information before the 2016 presidential election.”
Ongoing globalist chess game???


Judge Nap, I know🥶, said if Assange goes to Sweden, he can claim US wants him for Political reasons and Sweden won’t extradite for that purpose. Yep, ♟

Sylvia Avery

Oh, that is FABULOUS!

Sylvia Avery

Wheatie, I don’t think anyone else is still up. I’m gonna try to get some sleep. Night!!!


🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫comment image

Pat Frederick

good morning! awesome wake up video!


Her laughter was infectious.

Sylvia Avery

Wheatie! You are a wonder! Thanks for finding this.

Pat Frederick

so a citizen’s watchdog group comes under the control of a Clinton ALLY and no one objects? LOL no wonder nothing was ever revealed…
WH called – have we received a FOIA request from CREW (Citizens for Responsible Ethics in Washington) on the topic of personal use of email by senior officials? Apparently other agencies have. If we have it, can you give me the details so I can call the WH back? I think they’d like it on quick turnaround.Thanks! Sheryl
CREW did not file an appeal to the May 2013 FOIA denial, and the group has not commented publicly on the State Department’s rejection. That could be because the group came under the control of David Brock, a close Clinton ally, in 2014. (RELATED: David Brock’s CREW: A Watchdog That Doesn’t Bite)


Islamists attacked another Church yesterday – There have been 230 attacks against Christians in this small country.


Ramadan – day 7 – 41 attacks – 198 killed.
There have been 34,999 documented deadly Islamic terror attacks since 9/11/01 – average of 5-6 per day.

Gail Combs

⚔️ It’s Ramadan ⚔️
It’s Ramadan, the loveliest time of the year,
When the air is filled with the joyful sounds,
Of exploding cars and suicide bombers,
And the pungent aromas
of gunpowder and concrete dust,
The sweet scents of flesh and blood,
Baking on hot pavement and sand.
It’s Islam’s way of sharing and caring
And spreading Ramadan cheer!


Kamala Harris:
Wants Medicare for everyone – including illegals – and no private health care/insurance.

Will take gun dealers licenses through Executive Order:


President Trump calls out FBI Director Wray.

Is this a smoke screen or a real complaint?


I saw it quoted in part OT.
It’s confusing to me. Is he quoting Fitton or forwarding to Fitton as a head’s up? Usually a colon means a quote.


You are right – I missed seeing the punctuation. OT added to my confusion.

Sylvia Avery

Yes, Some Dude made it seem as though it was PDJT saying it or his thoughts or something. But it was a retweet of Tom Fitton.
Now, we get to wonder what exactly is PDJT up to???

Sylvia Avery

There’s another tweet from yesterday, I think, where PDJT retweets Lou Dobbs and Ed Rollins disparaging Wray.
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


Just leaving this here, from my fav


Very good interview… Mark Levin speaks with Dr. John Eastman, a Constitutional Scholar. They go over so many topics,,, Mueller, Electoral College, DACA, Impeachment… just to name a few…
Very calm, no fancy bells and whistles… I really love this guy…
Here, if you are interested


Seriously, anyone that wants to hear the more academic, Constitutional aspect of just about all the current political issues should watch this. I learned so much.. and boy, did it really leave me ticked off…
I did a quick looksee and Dr. Eastman did not seem to be active on twitter….which is probably a good thing.


Thank you for posting this, Amwick. It was excellent and very enlightening.

Pat Frederick

thanks amwick! there was a lot of good information in there!

Sylvia Avery

This was really good. This Eastman is plain spoken, explains things well, very clear and understandable and INTERESTING.
These Sunday evening shows of Levin’s are really excellent.


President Trump’s schedule today:
11:30 AM Receive intelligence briefing – Oval Office
12:15 PM Sign an executive order on the economic empowerment of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders – Oval Office
12:30 PM Lunch with the Vice President – Private Dining Room
2:00 PM Participate in the arrival of the Prime Minister of Hungary – West Wing Lobby
2:05 PM THE PRESIDENT Bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Hungary – Oval Office
2:20 PM Expanded bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Hungary – Cabinet Room
2:50 PM Departure of the Prime Minister of Hungary – West Wing Lobby
8:30 PM Participate in the White House Iftar – State Dining Room (very disappointed in this validation of Islam)


It is sure hard to keep up with the midnight shift….
Husband and I will be traveling very soon, this will be interesting. Normally big things happen when we go away, so, buckle up.

Pat Frederick

stay safe, stay alert!! have a good time!


Brexit Party news follows.
I inadvertently put yesterday’s in Felice’s thread, so it missed the Sunday daily one.
Nigel enjoys seeing latest polling results:

The Sun clearly did not like Guy Verhofstadt’s campaigning for the Liberal Democrats and the Remain cause. He is pictured (left) with Lib Dem leader Vince Cable:

Photo caption from the Sun’s article:
“The odious Guy Verhofstadt campaigns alongside Vince ‘B***ocks to Democracy’ Cable of the Lib Dems”
Saturday’s Brexit Party rally in Durham in northern England, a famous university city:

Nigel on the battle bus:

Sold out rallies 🙂 :

Their Party Political Broadcast, which should appear on television this week:


The figures are below. This would make a nice story problem.
72.2% of all voters resident in the UK turned out nationwide that day.
Total electorate is 46,501,241.
Leave: 17,410,742 Votes
Remain: 16,141,241 Votes

Sylvia Avery

Dare we hope, Churchmouse????
This is so important. I want so much for the UK to throw off the chains.


So do I.
Thank you, Sylvia, for your fervent prayers for Brexit. They are greatly appreciated!

Pat Frederick

finally, some are waking up…but this is seriously twisted–this dude (who claims to be a woman) is actually, he said, a lesbian–so it’s a dude who likes women–how convenient—and he can’t pay for his surgery so he still has all his parts…shocker!
The lifter identifies as female, and so entered the contest (with no prior consultation with the Meet Director or (100% RAW officials). Our rules, and the basis of separating genders for competition, are based on physiological classification rather than identification. On the basis of all information presented to the Board of Directors for this particular case, the conclusion made, is that the correct physiological classification is male.
2. Since the lifter’s gender classification for the purpose of our rules is not consistent with female, no female records will be broken by these lifts.
3. The lifter was uncontested during the event therefore no female lifters were denied a place finish. The lifter will be placed in a different category once the Transgender Division is introduced with a new policy.
4. Drug testing results have not been completed and will take about another week to come back from the lab. As a drug test failure invalidates the lifts, we will need to wait for the results of the drug tests to determine if the lifts can be counted at all under our current set of rules.


This is sort of a good news / bad news development.
The good news is that it get these male freaks out of womens’ athletic competition, at least for women’s powerlifting,
The bad news is that the decision seemingly legitimizes the freaks in future competition with a Transgender Division. I imagine when and if the TD gets established, they’ll draw some really big crowds. /s


If the transgenders want their own sports competition, okay. That means we’ll go back to making sure they stay out of girls’ boys’ locker rooms and bathrooms. Letting transgender boy/men compete in women’s sports completely destroys women’s sports.
Draw some big crowds? Possibly – people like circuses. 🙂

Pat Frederick

i should have refreshed…lol…we share similar views on the freak show aspect…
it will be interesting to see the feminists on one side and the transgenders on the other…

Pat Frederick

well it does focus on the DIFFERENT and SEPARATE aspect of “them”…they will not be mainstreamed into male/female categories…they will not like this and likely throw a hissy fit. a large fight is looming…
I suspect their competitions will attract tons of visitors like the freak show at the circus does…curiosity…


Daddy’s Up! 😊




Pat Frederick

I blame Flip Wilson…it’s all fun and games, still some leftist makes it a law…


Does my heart good to see these media mouths caught for taking money to spew propaganda. Especially Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.


Twitter rat bastards are at work censoring our President’s accomplishments!


Morning ALL!!!!!
Missed you guys over the weekend. Still recovering. So much happened this weekend it seems like Friday was last year.
Hope everyone had a good Mom’s Day! And graduation weekend!


Sounds like a bubble bath and a day out of the house is in order.


PS – I know you made all of the folks celebrations spectacular with your great food, flowers and special touches!


Good morning Daughn!!! Hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day and a great weekend!!! Good to see you!! Fingers crossed we have a BOOM week ahead!! Fiday is Q day!!!




How appropriate.
Never stop learning from you guys!
Thank you, Wheatie!

Gail Combs

Jesse James is an Aussie. he tweets:

Some questions for you guys prior to the election May 18:
– Do either of you have the balls to address the fact that Alexander Downer colluded with international diplomats to disrupt the 2016 US Presidential Election and spy on Trump’s Admin?
– Considering the fact that the sitting AUS High Commissioner to the UK (Downer) betrayed an allied nation and committed an act of war… If Trump declassifies, and this is not RESOLVED, we are in a state of war with the US. Can an election take place in a state of war?…

The European Parliament election is 23 May 2019. The United Kingdom local elections, were on 2 May 2019.
Irish local elections, are 24 May 2019
Spanish local elections, and regional elections, are 26 May 2019
Belgian federal and regiona elections, are 26 May 2019
Romanian local elections, are 26 May 2019
Greek local elections, 2019 are 26 May 2019
Danish general election, are 5 June 2019
Albanian local election, are June 2019
So I would expect some MAJOR MOABs to be tossed this week. (Turn about is fair play– snicker)


“would have CRASHED if my opponent (and yours), Crooked Hillary Clinton, had ever won!”
Well, let’s be honest here. If Hillary won and the economy crashed, that crash would have been far more severe if not for the personal intervention of PHillary, the smartest woman in the world. Her implementation of the plan to run all U.S. tax collections and expenditures through the Clinton Foundation as a buffer for uncontrolled crashes in the economy was pure genius.


Tlaib and Omar clearly do not share American values. They hate us. It’s something anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-American every month with them. They have NO business being privy to classified intelligence. THEY MUST GO!!!

Pat Frederick

I read the comments on an article discussing the backlash Burr is facing over the Don Jr subpoena and someone threw out an interesting point…he said maybe Executive Privilege should extend to family members. Although he made it sound like a good thing, imagine the implications should Biden become President…


I think it should be automatic with minor children but adults? No, not IMO.



This is the leftist Cloward-Piven plan to weaken US national security, overload social programs and diminish the financial stability of our nation.


“…the commander in chief has given me a direct legal order to secure the border, I’m securing the border.””


Deplorable Patriot

Don’t look now, but BOOM! Not one of the ones anticipated, but…..
Supreme Court rules against Apple in App Store antitrust case
The Supreme Court on Monday ruled 5-4 against Apple in a case involving its signature electronic marketplace, the App Store, allowing iPhone users to move forward with their suit against the company.
The iPhone users argued that Apple’s 30% commission on sales through the App Store was passed along to consumers, an unfair use of monopoly power.
Apple argued that only app developers, and not users, should be able to bring such a lawsuit. But the Supreme Court, in an opinion authored by Justice Brett Kavanaugh, rejected that claim.
“Apple’s line-drawing does not make a lot of sense, other than as a way to gerrymander Apple out of this and similar lawsuits,” Kavanaugh wrote.
Shares of Apple, already battered by trade concerns, were down more than 5%, lagging the broader market. The result was widely expected after arguments in November, during which the justices seemed skeptical of Apple’s arguments.
The legal battle over the company’s online marketplace has dragged on for nearly a decade. Hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties could hang on the outcome.

Deplorable Patriot

And in this one, apparently, Justice K sided with the liberals.

Deplorable Patriot

Not having read the opinion as yet, that is not clear to me, either.

Deplorable Patriot

So, they’re using the vertical integration argument to work at breaking up the big boys?
In a 5-4 ruling Opens a New Window. on Apple Inc. v. Pepper, the Supreme Court said iPhone buyers were “direct purchasers” who can sue Apple for alleged monopolization. Justice Brett Kavanaugh sided with the court’s four liberal judges — Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan — in the ruling.
“The plaintiffs purchased apps directly from Apple and therefore are direct purchasers under Illinois Brick,” Kavanaugh wrote in the majority opinion, citing the doctrine that prohibits indirect purchasers from suing companies for damages under antitrust law.
“At this early pleadings stage of the litigation, we do not assess the merits of the plaintiffs’ antitrust claims against Apple, nor do we consider any other defenses Apple might have,” he added. “We merely hold that the Illinois Brick direct-purchaser rule does not bar these plaintiffs from suing Apple under the antitrust laws.”


In connection to your comment, Wheatie, Unseen has an excellent thread:


I turned briefly to FBN – Varney’s hair on fire, of course! SMH – didn’t stay long! Back to OANN.


It’s time to accelerate our 25% tariffs on the next $325Billion. China’s stupid. If we can tariff approx $500B and they can only tariff $150B, who do they think will win this war??? They need our food to feed their people/animals. They cannot self sustain, we can.


The fine shouldn’t have been just $390,000. It should have been $390,000 plus forfeiture of the entire $1.3M illegal political donation.


What’s the point of a fine if the fine doesn’t cost you anything??


Funny story up.
Dear Lord, we did have fun this weekend!!


You go and rest, Wheatie. I’ll take up where you left off. Have a lot to catch up on.
How are we doing today, Q TREEPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????!!!!!
Feel like I could slay a dragon!


“Feel like I could slay a dragon!” . . . then barbeque him and eat him for lunch!


We’re gonna need a bigger crockpot!


As long as Gil doesn’t make us eat scorpions 🤣😍🤓

Sue Mcdonald

Feeling pretty darn good today. Q drops mothers day is amazing.traitors are imploding ,I would say our beloved POTUS has his finger ready to push that line of dominos over any second.


“Ultimately, it became known that Clinton had generated more than 50,000 non-secure emails to and from other U.S. government officials and private individuals.
“These documents suggest the Obama White House knew about the Clinton email lies being told to the public at least as early as December 2012,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement on May 10.
“A federal court granted Judicial Watch discovery into the Clinton emails because the court wanted answers about a government cover-up of the Clinton emails. And now we have answers because it looks like the Obama White House orchestrated the Clinton email cover-up,” Fitton said.”

Deplorable Patriot

This 2016 piece appeared in the feed at VOAT. It looks like the one who stopped investigating what was in the emails was Clapper. How this fits in I’m not sure yet.
Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper agreed with intelligence officials “who argued against the need to carry out the damage assessment,” according to a report by Bill Gertz.
A June 2014 counterintelligence directive requires the damage assessment. The directive, ICD-732, states that “damage assessments shall be conducted when there is an actual or suspected unauthorized disclosure or compromise of classified national intelligence that may cause damage to U.S. national security.”
The most sensitive classified information that passed through Clinton’s private server, and possibly obtained by foreign intelligence services, included information on U.S. drone strikes, according to American intelligence officials.
The information on drone strikes is classified above the Top-Secret level and limited to distribution to a few officials in what is called a Special Access Program — an intelligence compartment used to prevent the disclosure of the government’s most secret information.
“Intelligence officials argued in internal discussions that since many details of the drone missile program targeting terrorists were disclosed in earlier leaks unrelated to Clinton’s use of a personal email server, gauging the damage done by her conduct would be difficult, and possibly unnecessary,” the Washington Free Beacon report said.
Angelo Codevilla, a former intelligence officer and former Senate Intelligence Committee staff member, said FBI Director James Comey’s “vague and evasive” comments regarding Clinton’s handling of classified information confirm that she compromised a significant number of secrets.
“Common sense, the intelligence community’s standard practice, as well as a 2014 directive, require assessing the damage done by any such compromise,” Codevilla said. “The DNI’s refusal to conduct such an assessment, even more than the FBI director’s obfuscation, shows that U.S. intelligence agencies have been reduced to mere political arms of the Democratic Party.”
Rep. Mike Pompeo, Kansas Republican and member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, wants the DNI to do a formal damage assessment.
“FBI Director Comey has made clear that there was highly classified and sensitive information on Secretary Clinton’s personal server,” Pompeo said. “It is imperative that an investigation be conducted to determine what harm to American national security may have occurred and, just as importantly, to prevent the massive mishandling of sensitive materials from ever happening again.”
Pompeo said the refusal to do the damage assessment, despite the FBI’s determination that a serious leak of national security data took place, “is inappropriate and a grave failure.”


” The most sensitive classified information that passed through Clinton’s private server, and possibly obtained by foreign intelligence services, included information on U.S. drone strikes, according to American intelligence officials.
The information on drone strikes is classified above the Top-Secret level and limited to distribution to a few officials in what is called a Special Access Program — an intelligence compartment used to prevent the disclosure of the government’s most secret information.”
To the best of my memory it was never explained at the time how they accomplished this capture………
“Iran unveils reverse-engineered version of captured U.S. RQ-170 stealth drone”


I just had an AH-HA moment.
Should have made this connection LOOONG ago.
When Comey exonerated Hillary, he wasn’t just protecting her, but also Obama and the folks in his administration, because Obama KNEW about her private email server!
By exonerating Hillary, Comey also exonerated anyone else who knew about her illegal email server.


If you’re not listening to Dan Bongino’s podcasts, I encourage you to do so. He explained this month’s ago. Whoever his sources are know what they’re talking about. And with Bongino’s past as a secret service agent and a federal investigator, he has a unique way of explaining events to help you have lots of “Ah-ha!” moments.
You can find him at

Pat Frederick

and of course he HAD to cover it up, because he emailed her himself on an unsecured server…dumbass!!
couldn’t have a SMIDGEN of scandal in his term…LMAO

Deplorable Patriot




🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋🦋 😍😍🤗🤗🤩🤩

Pat Frederick

Doris Day passed away! sad…


And peggy lipton.

Pat Frederick

yes, I forgot…hubby was blue about that one…
one of my favorite movies is Touch of Mink with Doris Day and Cary Grant…growl…I would watch Cary Grant in ANYTHING

Sylvia Avery

Oh, me too. Cary Grant. So swoon worthy. An Affair To Remember. Bliss.
Sorry about Doris Day. I enjoyed her old movies.

Pat Frederick

i love him with Leslie Caron in Father Goose and Tony Curtis in Operation Petticoat…we have to watch those with the sound turned way up (hubby says I sigh tooo loudly for him to hear) and a towel beneath my chin–apparently I drool…

Sylvia Avery

Ha! I love him in the Hitchcock movies, too. I’d watch anything with him in it, face it.


‘to catch a thief’ is one of my favs!!!!!

Sylvia Avery

Great movie!


One of my Mom and my favs. The ending is just classic!!! Ahhhh Cary Grant!!!! 🙂
