Trudeau is threatening to confiscate bank accounts. Steve Cortez and others has been warning of coming Stagflation. Steve has been a part of Wall Street as a trader and strategist for almost two decades. Others such as Clif High warn of a coming dollar collapse. Ed Dowd,  a former Blackrock Portfolio Manager, reports on Falling … Continue reading A PRIMER ON MONEY

Dear KMAG: 20220228 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / Microwave Monday / Google Is Now Anti-Science / mRNA Vaccines Really Do Change Your DNA

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. Get your rest, Trumpy Bear! You're needed in WASHINGTON, DC!!! Vladdy Bear and Winnie The Pooh are making Sleepy Creepy Joe look like a punching bag! The Business At Hand This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20220228 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / Microwave Monday / Google Is Now Anti-Science / mRNA Vaccines Really Do Change Your DNA

Dear MAGA: 20220227 Open Topic

This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal. It’s also a place to read, post, and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you … Continue reading Dear MAGA: 20220227 Open Topic

2022·02·26 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

SPECIAL SECTION: Message For Our "Friends" In The Middle Kingdom I normally save this for near the end, but...basically...up your shit-kicking barbarian asses. Yes, barbarian! It took a bunch of sailors in Western Asia to invent a real alphabet instead of badly drawn cartoons to write with. So much for your "civilization." Yeah, the WORLD … Continue reading 2022·02·26 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

DEAR KAG: 20220225 – The Pub is OPEN / COVID-19 Vaccine Interference With AIDS and Syphilis Tests / Moscow Mule Revisited / Failure of Socialized Science and Peer Review Exposed in a JAMA-Published Ivermectin Study

The Pub is OPEN! And we're finally serving a NORMAL DRINK tonight. Even though it's a SECOND ROUND. STAY TUNED..... While our beloved REAL bartender takes a needed break of unknown duration, we continue to ENDEAVOR TO PERSEVERE. and what time of year is it now??? Christmas Spirit We continue our WAAAAAY too-long celebration of … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20220225 – The Pub is OPEN / COVID-19 Vaccine Interference With AIDS and Syphilis Tests / Moscow Mule Revisited / Failure of Socialized Science and Peer Review Exposed in a JAMA-Published Ivermectin Study

DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20220224

We'll start easy with life imitating art. https://twitter.com/Emma89572703/status/1496512604616994821 https://twitter.com/trish_regan/status/1496486368557600774 https://twitter.com/Emma89572703/status/1496312594541465601 This is nowhere close to over. https://twitter.com/PapiTrumpo/status/1496525338058407936 https://twitter.com/RadioGenova/status/1496530709699301378 I never thought this song would be used in this context, but, yeah. https://twitter.com/FreeThinkerFit/status/1496413219677782019 https://twitter.com/RSBNetwork/status/1496530294995709952 What they really think of us. https://twitter.com/KyleKashuv/status/1496262915367870465 https://twitter.com/PapiTrumpo/status/1496573923768639493 My mom and I one time bought an auction basket named "Margaritaville." Five gallons … Continue reading DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20220224

Dear KAG: 20220223 Open Thread

https://youtu.be/lNY79Ktq_vg https://youtu.be/TadeUOotsU8 Even in the wild, the kids have to be trained well. Okay, let's see what we've got. https://twitter.com/EricMMatheny/status/1496097121459703809 https://twitter.com/jj_talking/status/1496182133492428800 https://twitter.com/aginnt/status/1495597090357276674 https://twitter.com/Jennifer_Arcuri/status/1496113233287168005 Like anyone could actually understand what she is saying through leather. https://twitter.com/PapiTrumpo/status/1496204696582864900 It's the details.... https://twitter.com/OceanJimmie/status/1495876347633278977 What a mess. I wonder...is this in the East Room or on the set across the … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20220223 Open Thread

Dear KAG: 20220222 Open Thread

Would somebody please count the twos, just to be sure I have the right number? Cover image: Lexington Minutemen, no artist artibuted. Are we ready? Somebody posted this on Monday's open, and it is worth a repeat. https://twitter.com/CCryptonaire/status/1487468592614367236 The scene in Ottawa has been cleared. That does not mean the fight is over or that … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20220222 Open Thread

Dear KMAG: 20220221 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / Washington’s Birthday / Two Weeks To Flatten The Tyrants

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. Get your rest, Trumpy Bear! You're going back to the White House!!! We have to RESCUE it from THE SNIFFER OF KIDS! The Business At Hand This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20220221 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / Washington’s Birthday / Two Weeks To Flatten The Tyrants

Dear Maga: 20220220

This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal. It’s also a place to read, post, and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you … Continue reading Dear Maga: 20220220