QTreeper Health Updates

This is a new thread for QTreepers with health issues of ANY kind to keep us updated. I have absolutely no problem with people posting HERE, on the OPEN THREADS, or BOTH. You do what is right for you. We’re here for YOU.

I want people to post wherever they feel most comfortable. I also want people to get updates in real time. BOTH this thread and the open thread will help accomplish that goal.

Thank you!!!


“You want ivermectin? Nurse Wolf says you GET ivermectin!”

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Brave and Free

Great idea Wolf! I copied that comment this morning for future reference.


Speaking from experience…… Ivermectin…. NOW!



November 12, 2021 at 6:51 pm

From over at The Q Tree —
<b>giloo</b> and husband are still down with COVID. She was expecting Ivermectin it didn’t arrive — I think somebody (MD, pharmacy perhaps) got cold feet and scotched it.
giloo also got bad news from her biopsy —- she has early stage endometrial cancer. Can’t go into surgery until the COVID is gone.

November 9, 2021 at 8:56 pm Edit
* New Prayer Request

My Brother’s 26 yr old daughter…The brother in Florida who lost his wife to cancer…Has just been admitted to the hospital with vomiting and lethargy…THey are going to do extensive testing…Ruling out Brain Cancer or Brain infection….. Please Pray for my niece Maddie!!!!

November 10, 2021 at 1:35 pm

… Also spoke with my brother and his other daughter…According to her sister, Maddie had the J&J jab this summer…then she started having migraines and lots of fatigue….Now she’s slurring words, incontinent and long blonde hair looks like Dreadlocks….Very confused…..Her sister said it was like she was on drugs!! But she said that is not the case….MRI today……Keep praying everyone!!!

November 11, 2021 at 8:25 am

Good Mornin my friends and Patriots!!! Maddie update.. a bit…Her MRI came back and docs said there were things on there they didn’t like?..So more tests were being conducted last night….Still waiting to hear….I am very concerned….and distracted….But will NOT WAIVER IN MY TRUST IN THE LORD!!!

November 11, 2021 at 5:33 pm
UPDATE on MADDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So…THank GOD…NO TUMOR… All Glory to YOU Dear LORD!! The Docs are going to start treating her for MS…Doing a spinal tap tonight to check more things…The good news is that it is treatable….

November 13, 2021
Marica brings news of her niece. <i><b>”Maddie</b> is getting worse…..So please increase prayers…Daughter is suggesting Havana Syndrome…Any research would be appreciated…. “</i> Please remember Marica and her family in your prayers.

Sylvia shared yesterday that she received news of the loss of three of her friends. Please hold her in your thoughts and prayers.

GA/Fl posted update this a.m.

<i>…”On top of getting used to Sally’s new diagnosis of diabetes, learning to do blood sugar testing and administer insulin – I got the flu or something similar – from either our son in law who came to help us and got sick that night – or from being in the hospital with Sally Q. We have all started on Tamiflu – and I’m taking HCQ and Zinc – which seems to really make a difference. In between taking the HCQ – I feel feverish and miserable – take the HCQ and for an hour or so – I feel pretty good.

Sally is doing pretty well. She’s got a ways to go in recovering from the episode of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) – but she is getting there. We are getting her on a regular meal schedule along with blood testing and insulin. We have an appointment on Monday with the endocrinologist and their educational nurse – to assess and learn to manage this new condition.”</i>


You’re more than welcome Wolfie…

Thank you for the Thread… terrific idea you had!


Prayers for Marika and family. Prayers for Sylvia for her loose of friends.
May God hold and keep everyone in his Loving hands and bring healing.
May Angels watch over everyone. Peace and Love


Thank you Singingsoul ……………


prayers for you also 🙂 I think often of the group who led OT and joined Wolf.
We somehow spread around. Good to see you 🙂


And good to see you Dear Lady… Thank you for your prayers. I am very empathic and feeling so overwhelmed at the moment with all that our peeps are dealing with. I pray you and yours are well. I am very blessed, and prayer seems to be all I can do these days. God bless you Singingsoul.


God bless you too 🙂


Hey, Wolfie – sorry I’ve been away so much. We are overwhelmed right now.

Incidentally – I didn’t have time to eat or take any medicine today – and feel great!

Son in law came to help us get started with Sally’s new routine – and he came down with the flu that night! His daughter, our Granddaughter, age 11, got covid then about 3-4 weeks later got the flu.

I took the HCQ just in case – because I had a little tightness in my chest and a dry shallow cough. I will probably resume the Tamiflu and HCQ/zinc, etc. until the Tamiflu is gone.

We had a great visit with Sally’s new endocrinologist and nurse/educator – to help us understand how to handle things. They gave us a free sample wearable monitor called a Freestyle Libre. You just scan a reader over the patch (attached by fine needles and worn for 2 weeks at a time) instead of pricking her finger each time you need a blood glucose reading.

Heart disease and diabetes is part of this blankin’ disease. She’s fought it tooth and toenail for 36 years since diagnosis. It’s been a long hard haul for everyone.


Thank you, dear man. You are doing a great good work at QTH – despite the attacks and opposition!


So glad to hear you are better!!!


I was exposed to the coronavirus – our new preacher’s wife – I sat one seat apart with no one in between. She did not know me or speak to me. She came down with the coronavirus that evening. I took HCQ/zinc/D3 for a week and never got any symptoms.


I came in late, did not know who she was. We didn’t get a chance to speak, because she was surrounded by others as soon as the service ended, and I had to leave.


No vaccines – neither CV19 nor flu.


Oh my goodness


Some really good news there
ot. The hospital I work at has been doing clinical trial on gene therapy via apheresis to treat haemophilia.
97% less transfusions of blood products inc factor VIII
90% fewer admissions to hospitals
so slowly making progress

Gail Combs

Never thought of that, but you are probably correct!

Gail Combs

Actually I thought it was so they could breed the perfect serf class. intelligent, hardworking, strong, obedient and drop dead ~50 years of age.

So I guess AND logic.

Gail Combs

AND the live organ harvesting for the elite.




What a good idea and that way we do not miss when anyone is sick. Yes prayers always go out and it will be hopefully a comfort for everyone.
Thank you 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

In preparation for being exposed or getting COVID, I built a war chest: IVM, HCQ, Budesonide, a piston powered nebulizer, 12% hydrogen peroxide, Zyrtec, Quercetin, Zinc, Liposomal D3 (my recently test D3 level is a protective 80), Liposomal Vitamin C, Liposomal Multivitamin with Bs. I have a bad case of brain fog so I’m sure I’ve omitted things. My luck finally ran out this week.

I got exposed to my son last Sunday. He’d been on a surfing trip to the other coast of Florida with two of his older buddies, both fully vaxxed. They were together in an enclosed car for 5 hours. All three came down with COVID on Tuesday, but they blamed it on my son since he’s unvaxxed (media programming). Just a couple days after exposure to I got an excruciating headache. It started Tuesday and lasted through Wednesday. By Thursday morning the headache was gone but I was bedridden with fever, chills, a wracking wheezy (unproductive cough) that left my diaphragm sore, and the worst body aches I’ve ever experienced. Even my eyeballs hurt. On Friday morning I lost taste and smell. Coffee shouldn’t taste like burnt hair! I was hopeful as I felt a little better Friday night and thought I was turning a corner but Saturday morning I woke up feeling as bad as Thursday and most concerning was the backside of my lungs felt like they were on fire. That really scared me so I made an appointment to get Regeneron yesterday afternoon. Thank you Gov. DeSantis!!! I feel 40% better today and am told that I’ll feel a little better every day.

More bizarre coincidences with the vaxxed coming down with breakthru COVID. I got a text from my brother in law last night saying that he and his partner both had COVID the past two week. His partner got it first and he nursed him through 5 days of illness and then brother in law got it and thought he was going to die until he got Regeneron on Thursday. They are both fully vaxxed and have never swayed in their belief that they’ve been protected…..until now. They blame exposure on one unvaxxed person at a Halloween party in Michigan. The fully vaxxed all got extremely bad cases of COVID. They’re now questioning everything they believed and said that they are both exiting the vax revolving doors since Regeneron is the savior.


Very helpful post. Has inspired me to re-examine my plan. I shouldn’t laugh but the part about coffee tasting like burnt hair was funny to me. Hope you return to good health soon.

Last edited 3 years ago by holly

I hope you never have to find out!


Hubby and I got it (Regeneron) yesterday. I have covid, he doesn’t – the local hospital where we got it states on the website that it’s beneficial to keep the exposed person from coming down with it. That I’ve never heard.

I just had to put some Tiger Balm on my back for a little stiffness, and I literally could not smell it on my hand from an inch away. 🙄


I didn’t know it either. So far neither my exposed husband or father-in-law (90 and fully vaxxed) have any symptoms and are going for treatment on Tuesday when the clinic reopens.

Tiger Balm is potent stuff! How are you feeling today? I’m between somewhat better and not good but at least I’m out of bed. I’m a little nauseous too and don’t know if that’s because of the Regeneron or just not being able to eat for the past 4 days. Feel better!


Not nauseous, just no appetite. Therefore no energy. 🙄 Not coughing, the nebulizer is great for that. (Mercola formula) No breathing problems. Negligible fever, like 99. I’m just sitting around like it’s a sick day from my old teaching days.


I got the nebulizer because of Dr. Mercola’s article. He’s always spot on. They say he’s a top 12 internet influencer which is why they’ve gone after him (and threats to his family) so hard.


I haven’t been anywhere crowded, in and out of a Wawa or other smallish store three or four times a week. Nothing with a low ceiling. Actually I’m in and around my my house most of the time. I’m convinced that it’s the vaxxed throwing off whatever throw off, in high concentration, that’s infecting the rest of us. I was religious, and I mean religious, about the HCQ and then Ivermectin and supplements for prophylaxis for 20 months, basically sitting at home, and I still came down with it.


Exactly! I think we are just starting to see the vaxxed breakthroughs. It’s gonna get a lot worse throughout the winter.


Point well taken.

AND, Postal workers are NOT mandated to get injected.

Postal Workers are ESSENTIAL to D-Rat plans to steal the 2022 election.

Zero chance D-Rats will piss off Postal Workers. 🙂


If there a rainbow at the end of this tunnel, immunity is GOLD!


That’s the thing……I’ve been taking IVM every week since May. I took it daily starting the second day of my severe headache which was the first symptom I had COVID and have been taking it now for 6 days. I think I’ve read to take it for 14 consecutive days. I have to wonder how much worse off I would’ve been had I NOT had IVM to control the viral load. In any event, I feel like I might have gotten very bad without the addition of Regeneron. I have treated but still high blood pressure as a comorbidity factor. Thank God today I’m finally feeling 80% better!


Im glad you were able to get regeneron. What does your son say about his “friends?”


Of course you know that his “friends” (who are his surfing buddies in their early 40’s) blamed it on him even though they both got sick before him. You still can’t convince the vaxxed that they can “spread” it!

Sorry for the late reply. I’ve been trying to catch up. Hard to get back 2 weeks of your life!.


Thats ok. Look at me, still not replying much myself, or reading. Busy during day then totally nodding off in afternoon and by 800 pm i cant stay awake.


I am praying that you recover your health quickly!


Ty, i need it.


Right after i talked to you about the redemsivir i was just beginning 3rd infusion. The pump failed and nurse was awol. Infectious disease came in and i started asking questions, wanting to see labs, framing it around my cancer. She got flustered but i told her im trying to stay safe for my surgery. That infusion was removed and i wont get any more. Squeaky wheel.


They do daily labs cbc, liver, kidneys. I dont think theres anything special. Ill ask this am.


Better. Little bit at a time.


[…] QTreeper Health Updates […]


(and Zinc + Vitamins C and D….
(I know that you know this)


It works!….. I used the 1% stuff when I had the “Rona” 🙂


Like I learned here:
1 ml per 100# body weight…… so 2.5 ml (at the time) …. I lost 20# during my episode.


I would like to Thank ALL of the Q-Treepers that submitted the IVM Info here…. It WORKED for me and my family (Son had it too)…


What Ivermectin did you take the horse one?


Injectable type… taken orally
1ml per 110# body weight….
Every other day for 3 doses.


Thank you 🙂


Sorry….. I took it every other day for 3 doses…. then once a week thereafter until fully recovered.


ZERO problems……


I took it with orange juice (More Vitamin C 🙂 )
Was apprehensive of the taste…. No issues with the OJ.

Last edited 3 years ago by rayzorback

Prayers up for you and your wife!


I take Ivermectin (horse paste, until I run out) once a week. Take it with some food.

I get a little bit of looser stool, and before I realized I should eat with it, a bit of indigestion. Really nothing that’s intolerable.

It’s worth it to be/get well!


Same here, Aubergine. I can be feeling little “iffy” and take my weekly paste – feel better within 24 hours. I continue to take all the supplements and drink green tea. Been on vacation this month in the popular resort area of Hilton Head and exposed to people from all over the world. No issues at all. probably have natural immunity from a past incidence as I have posted before.

I also really respond well to extra D and C.


Yes, me too, all of the above. Except green tea. I do other querecetin stuff. But I always feel better after the Ivermectin.

It honestly makes me wonder what else we are exposed to that it is affecting. Parasites in the water? Or food?


Or both? Would be interesting to know. Logic says parasites of some sort since it works with livestock so well.

Quercetin is a God-send.


Amen to that.


I am looking on buying Ivermectin horse past but brand did you buy?


Thank you 🙂



Gail Combs

Singing instead go for the Indiamart stuff.


For other information, see wolfie’s other article: https://www.theqtree.com/2021/11/17/ivermectin-the-preparation/


That’s only if she has the time.


Thank you 🙂
now I have to convince my husband. He is humoring me with all the stuff.


Lets see I hope so 🙂


IndiaMart 101.

Gail posted link to reliable vendor a few posts up. Also link to Wolf’s Ivermectin article.

Suggest know, 1) which med you want, 2) dose (#mg) and 3) # of tablets.

For example:

  • Ivermectin, 12mg, 10 strips of 10 tablets, (100 total).
  • IVM typically available 3mg, 6mg and 12mg.
  • Azithromycin 250mg, 6 strips of 6 tablets (36 tablets)
  • Hydroxychloroquine 200mg 10 strips of 15 tablets (150 total).

Shipping IS the largest expense. INCREASING tablets IS COST EFFECTIVE.

FLCCC preventive IVM intake is twice per week. Consider calculate 1 year supply.

ALL of the meds someone I know received from IndiaMart had 2-3 year shelf life. Arrived NV, 14 days after ordering.

Paying via PayPal IS SIMPLE.

Do NOT indicate anywhere with PayPal, exactly or generally what you are ordering.

IF anyone asks, “general merchandise” is as good as any answer.

PayPal does NOT ask. Do NOT volunteer anything. Leave comments area and the like, BLANK.

Communicate clearly with IndiaMart, they are very helpful and honest. PayPal is simply a service to pay for merchandise or services. Nothing more.

Hope this helps.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

I got mine as ordered and specially did NOT put medications on PayPal. My vendor got canceled by PayPal right after my ordered was placed and pd for by PayPal because the purchaser put meds on his PP invoice. I am now hearing of confiscation on our side by FDA?


My husband ordered and within a day he had shipping confirmation. 2 weeks its suppose to take.


Aubergine as promised 🙂
My husband got into the Hospital records for me and I now know my vitamin D level
39.2ng/mL last year if was 34 and the year before 15.
Average in population is 30.0-100.0 ng/mL
From the German study 50 ng/mL is ideal to fight the virus.
I have to increase and it takes 2 weeks to up my levels.


Thanks for sharing! Yes, you are great example for people. Your D is going up, but slow. You definitely need to up your dose. Also, the number in your blood will be somewhat higher than at the cellular level, so I aim a little high.

I’m sure you take magnesium and zinc, but you also need vitamin K to properly absorb D. That is in a lot of dark greens, so I’d bet you get plenty. And don’t forget healthy fat like olive oil. Also, it’s best to take D with your biggest meal of the day to help your body absorb it.


Yes I eat greens like chard and kale. I grow it and it is still growing little slow but the leaves are tender. I have a cover over them like a greenhouse effect. I increased D and am more intentional.
I am so tired my kids wanting me I take to much to much is not good jada jada . Even my husband used to warn me until today. What is wrong with people 🙂
Yes I take magnesium powder for women and zinc. I take Zelenko’s Z-Pack it has vitamin C, Z, and quercetin.
D3 5000 IU. I need to be more intentional. I might increase my D3 for two weeks.
This explains why I have been sick every winter after getting the flu shot.
Thank you for all your good help.
Let me know if I ever can be of help to you 🙂


You help me all the time with your wisdom. 🙂

For information’s sake, I personally take 10,000 IU of D daily through the winter, and 5,000 IU daily in summer.

What is wrong with people is a question I ask myself all the time!


You are kind sweet lady 🙂
Thank you that is good to know that you take so much. Dr Eric Berg suggested this much.
What gets me all these brilliant learned people seem to be not willing to learn. They are set in whatever they learned and unwilling to change.


Yes, I see that a lot. People want to believe what they were taught is correct. If it is more reassuring, I have been on this schedule of vitamin D for about five years. My doctor tested me back then and prescribed a 50,000 IU pill once a week! I changed it myself, and my numbers are always good.


Good to know 🙂


Sorry, Didn’t mean to “push” you….
As we are called by the Lord, Jesus … the Christ….. I was just testifying of what the Lord lead me to do. (It worked!… as usual)


Sweet Dreams 🙂

Gail Combs

Get well Wolfie,
If you had Covid before chances are this time it will be gone in a couple of days.

Remember I had nasty ?flu? with a high temp. this spring and green tea and Zinc chased it off in 36 hours.

Gail Combs


COVID-19 and Selenium Deficiency: a Systematic Review

Selenium supplementation in the prevention of coronavirus

Selenium and viral infection: are there lessons for COVID-19?

Human and animal studies have shown that Se status is a key determinant of the host response to viral infections. In this review, we address the question whether Se intake is a factor in determining the severity of response to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Emphasis is placed on epidemiological and animal studies…


….Selenium is an essential dietary trace element that over the last 40 years has been found to be a significant factor affecting the incidence, severity, or mortality of various viral diseases, in animals and humans. This has been studied most extensively in the case of HIV and AIDS, where selenium status has proven to be an important determinant of disease progression and mortality…

“A role for selenium may also help explain phenomena such as the recently reported blood clotting in COVID-19, because selenium is known to have an anti-clotting effect. There have also been reports of heart problems like myocarditis, which is reminiscent of Keshan disease, which was a viral myocarditis,” said Taylor.

“These findings are particularly significant for myself and Prof. Jinsong Zhang” (who are joint first authors on the new study), he added, “because we had presented research findings at an international symposium on SARS in Beijing in 2003, strongly suggesting that selenium would be a factor in SARS pathogenesis. Many of those observations we made 17 years ago still apply to the SARS-Coronavirus-2, the cause of COVID-19, which is a close relative of the original SARS virus.”….

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

  :wpds_smile:  GOOD, I think lots of beef, green tea, selenium & vit C is what kept me flu/cold free for decades.

I was taking E, C & selenium as a Cancer preventative due to a 1980s study suggesting those helped.


I take selenium 2-3 times a week.
I do not have Ivermectin will look into the horse one. What is a good one there are so many?
My husband was surprised how much I had stocked up for covid prevention specially the black seed oil. Did you know one takes it with honey? I am just now getting serious since so many have come down with the crud.


IF some how I run out of pills, fortunate to have the 1% with syringes. Squirt a couple ml into juice and drink. I’ll take with food and expect zero side effects.

Just checked on Amazon. 50ml bottle. In stock.


I am not sure. Liquid seems easier?


With the liquid, you need dispensing syringes (NOT injection syringes — these have much larger needles and aren’t really sharpened) but, on the whole, everything seems simpler and cleaner.


So, dispensing not as sharp and larger needles.

Question. Would both dispensing or injecting work, so long as graduated scale and acceptable gauge?

Gotta go look and see what I’ve got.


They fit on the same syringes and work the same way so long as the injection syringes don’t clog or you don’t get hand cramps from using them.




Thank you 🙂


Oh no…I’m so sorry, boss.
 😬  😧 

Do you have some Ivermectin?
I hope so!


My wife used the IVM starting at the same time as my “diagnosis”….
I did ok…… My wife didn’t have any bad symptoms….


You have a serious illness — you’re not supposed to be feeling your wife!


“Feeling” your wife….. is ALWAYS a GOOD thing…. IMHO



Valerie Curren

Well, she is married to You!!!


Yes – I’ve got plenty.

Oh thank God.
That’s great.
 😌  💖 

Take care of you, boss.
Am praying for you.


Me too!


And many more in the coming hours will be joining in!


Me too! 🙏


Me three


Are you following the FLCCC?


My understanding is, IVM side effects nearly nil AND benefits HUGE.

Untrained slow guy perspective, Pros significant. Cons, minuscule.

Absolutely an individual personal choice to determine.


Sometimes it takes a wife to push a little 🙂
You listened a sign of a good marriage  😊 


We all know there are a bunch of treatments where the sooner, the better.

That time would be NOW.


Soon should be a couple of hours, at most. I’d do the full dose/every other day if I suspected Coof.

Remember that aspirin can bring on gout.


I said to Hell with it…… Full dosage as soon as “They” told me I had it


It depends what form it is in — I believe that our stomach upset was with the horsepaste. If you have the 3-ingredient swine injection flavor (which you will take orally), I doubt you’ll have any problems. If you have the actual people pill, I doubt you’ll have problems.


Ramp the aspirin, take the ivermectin, leave the pistol, take the cannoli.


In my case…. I already take warfarin daily (History of blood clots)
so maybe that is God’s way of pre-emptively taking care of me?


That is how I see it.


Oh no, Wolf! I thought you already had it. I’m really glad you’re taking the Ivermectin. I’ll be praying for you as well.


Yes, I hope you do explain all this in a post. I would really hate for them to be able to say that people who have had it can still get it and need to be vaxxed.  😉 


Would not surprise me if I have misunderstood everything. But I had thought natural immunity meant that one could still catch it though it would be nipped in the bud more or less straight away without severe illness.

Sylvia Avery

(((Wolfie))) praying for you.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, tell me exactly which test and whether I have to go to a doctor to get it.

The chances I had Coof is near 100% and it would be interesting to see if I also come up positive.

Gail Combs


I figure it is worth it to see what it says although the data I just read says it is ONLY good for an ACTIVE infection….

I wonder if that applies to Long Haulers?


Covid is a coronavirus. The common cold is sometimes a coronavirus. We get colds all the time, when we had a cold six months ago.

Why would Covid be any different?


Prayers up. 🙏


Bad news…
Prayers sent 💬  👃 
Posted at Maricas, too

Sadie Slays

Damn. At least you’re well-prepared for it. Praying for a quick and easy recovery.

Deplorable Patriot

Take care boss. In addition to all the meds and vitamins, do you have good water? I found that hydrating was the most important part.



That is literally one of my ALL-TIME favorite movies. EVER.

It completely explains my belief in how God works. He tells us things all the time, if we are paying attention.


Wow. Saw your post and scanned replies.

IVM. Me. As preventive. Straight to 20mg. First thing when I wake. Minimum 8 ounces water. Nothing else for 30 minutes. No issues of concern. Slightly looser stool. Returns to normal quickly. NO other side effects.

With IVM, I’ve read take HIGHER dose rather than a low dose, is preferred. That may be Barnhardt.

Have read IVM first thing in morning or two hours after food. ALSO have read take with food. I suspect is does NOT MATTER.

IVM one of the safest and well tolerated drugs. Two sons started straight into full dose, twice a week. They have not mentioned any issues. Gave them a handful of links.

Melatonin seems to a be a real NUGGET to include. Aubergine I think mentions it below. We had a nice post three for four days ago highlighting IMPORTANCE of Melatonin. Echosing this, kids have higher Melatonin levels than adults. May explain kids resistance to Covid AND milder Covid cases.

IF I read the post correctly, you’ve mentioned following IMATH, and I assume intended IMASK+ = prevention and early treatment. (I always mix them up)


Suggest ramping up to FULL DOSE on ALL MEDS listed ASAP. Needs to happen as quickly as you are comfortable.

  • Full course. IVM increased from preventive. As did Quecertin…
  • IVM five days or until recovered. ME. I’ll assuredly go the five days on IVM.

How is your O2? Did not see O2 mentioned.

I’ll stop. You are a hell of a lot smarter than I, AND so many smart folks have posted advice.

Hope your DW and you quickly recover. Please post when you feel up to it.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

I have always heard from my two FLCCC-associated docs that you should take the Ivermectin WITH food for anti-viral use. Without food for anti-parasitic use, where you want it to go straight to the gut.


Thank you!

Hope Wolf sees your post.

Shifting to IVM WITH food. Next dose Sunday, with breakfast.

Went back to IMASK+. It says with or after food. I really need to focus on details better.


According to what I’ve read, greasy food is best when trying to increase the bioavailability of Ivermectin.


Thanks Carl. Greasy food. IVM with breakfast… B A C O N. 🙂

Loosely watching your medical way ahead the past few months.

So very thankful for all the positives.

The initial post was a wake up call for me. Heck, I’d bet it played into Gill telling the nurse, ENOUGH, I’m checking out. No reason to be in-patient at that point.

Be well. I, WE, maintain you in our thoughts and prayers.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

When worming animals we go with empty stomach FWIW.


Yes, that’s what I said. 👍🏻 Empty stomach for anti-parasitic use. With a meal for anti-viral.


Triple-dose Ivermectin, immediately, with nitazoxanide if you made that purchase. Zinc, C D (and Quercetin), aspirin. I took triple dose for 7 days, with nitazox. for 5 of those days. Then double dose for 2, single for 1. Then telemed with doc, back to prophylaxis.

Nebulize per Mercola if you can – a drop each of food grade H202 and 2% Lugol’s in 3ml of saline. Every couple of hours at first. My North Jersey doc (and Zelenko) still adds Azithromycin although it’s no longer on FLCCC. Get a Regeneron appointment. You have to spend every waking hour medicating yourself in order to knock this out in a few days. So sorry to hear of this, we’re all praying.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Just looked in my Rona War Chest.

Azithromycin script from AFLD.

  • Six 250mg tablets.
  • Two tablets day 1.
  • One tablet days 2 through 5.

Zelenko is 500mg for 5 days. With all the supplements and high Ivermectin for 5-7, or HCQ. He also mentions combining them.

My telemed was last Monday after “recovery”, and she happened to mention that she still uses it in her treatment combo – because I told her I was going to use it to try to get rid of the lingering post-nasal problem. She also said 500/5 days.


Shoot. You take care. Keep those lungs clear.


Oh my please take all your meds you collected. Ivermectin or Black see oil or what ever else you have. Rest !!!!
Prayer for healing.


Im alive.
I very slowly through yesterday cooked my Turkey dinner. I had a power nap to make it through and slept a little better last night. I was able to do a little shopping today but very slow. I need to be active but I get so tired. Its 832 here and even though i took a nap earlier i am relly tired. Then wake up at 12 and go back to sleep after an hr or so. Trying to wean off the 02. Trying to sleep without it tonight. Ive got to get kiddo all ready for school next week tomorrow. Gotta get back to routine now!


Hope you can get more rest and sleep, Gil.
You need lots of it.

Glad you’re doing a little better!
*hugs*  🤗 

Thanks for the update!


Ty miss wheatie. Taking kiddo to see ghostbusters tomorrow. The theater has recliners. Taking a little blanket and 02. If i fall asleep mr gil will be there anyways!


Now that sounds like a great idea!


I really like the theater’s with the recliner’s … 😜🤚❤️


Yeah they are nice. Cost a lot more but itll be so much more comfy.


Don’t push yourself too fast, too far. You were recently in the hospital and they were including your covid bonuses in next year’s budget. Let’s stay away from those awful ghouls.


Lol. Yes. See when i posted i fell asleep. I just woke up, slightly nauseous and sweaty. This is every day. And i get hungry too. Wierd but my body is healing and needs it i guess.


Lots of protein to help rebuild.


Im eating eggs and turkey bacon and chicken like crazy. But then late night is pb n j, tea, or a small bowl of cereal. Helps with the nausea.


This is the one time I would say to eat whatever it is you crave. Your body needs fuel to heal.


Seems like it. I lost at least 10 lbs.


That was my major problem too, when I had the “Rona”…. VERY, VERY tired for at least a week. Other issue was: Bad tasting everything and and Bad smells.


Im having a taste smell issue because of the o2 machine. Drying me out really bad. I bought saline to spray but its only partially effective.


IMO… it is NOT the O2 causing the taste/smell issues….. it is the “Rona”.


giloo…I have an odd autoimmune thing that causes me to experience smells called phantom smells, because they aren’t real. Your brain, though, thinks they are.

My neuro told me there’s a complex bundle of nerves that connect the nose directly to the brain. When those nerves are inflammed, the sense of smell is affected.

Inflammation seems to be a big part of how the virus affects the body, so the nerves could be affected. Loss/altered smell is such a common covid symptom whether people are on 02 or not. It takes a very long time for nerves to heal.

I don’t know if I explained that properly or if it’s even relevant. 😏

Hope you have a better day today. Love and prayers. 💕 🙏

Last edited 3 years ago by holly

Ty Holly. My grandmother had a similar thing to what you’ve described. That can be hard when you can shake a bad or disruptive smell, esp when you’re trying to sleep.

Deplorable Patriot

I spent three weeks in the recliner. And, yes, the smells were just off the charts.

Sylvia Avery

Gil I was so sorry to hear how very sick you have been. The worst for me was the fatigue. The rest of the symptoms were manageable but the fatigue!!!! Best advice I got, which I fought every step of the way, was to accept it and rest when I needed it. Sleep when I needed it. That was smarter than trying to fight it. Your body does tell you what it needs.


Hi Miss Syl. Ive realized with last night im trying too hard. I used my 02 after all when lying on my side left me slight sob. I slept til 730 today.


Are you checking your O2 saturation’s every 4hrs or so? Keep a record.

Gail Combs

Now that is a very good idea!


No. I dont have an oximeter.


They are not expensive and are recommended.


Oximeter ONE of the BEST purchases I made since Covid arrided ~2 years ago. AFFORDABLE.

Wally World surely have on the shelf. $15-$25. CVS, Walgreens likely slightly more.

Wally World online. https://www.walmart.com/search?q=oximeter&typeahead=oximeter&cat_id=976760

Amazon. $15-$25. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=oximeter+finger+with+pulse&crid=38UBZPYBO3GJX&sprefix=oximeter%2Caps%2C350&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_4_8

Oximeter 101.

Place it on left pointer or middle finger. I use middle finger. Turn on & STAY STILL.

  • Give it ~15 seconds to give O2 reading.
  • Let it run 30-60 seconds to get a good average O2 reading so to speak.

Just like they do at the quack office and hospital.  😊 

Gail Combs

I have had mine from Wally Mart for two years and it still runs fine.


Some of them had unreliable readings, didnt matter if cheapo or pricey. Ill look at wally world this weekend.
Funny side note, since ive been sick my bp is in normal range, without my bp med. I was advised not to take it unless it goes back up.

Sylvia Avery

Hang in there, dear gil. I was scared because it took so long I was afraid I’d never get better. I don’t know what kind of horrible things they spliced into that virus, but it is not natural. We are praying for you at Marica’s. Rest when you need it.


Ty, i will.

Sadie Slays

Thanks for the update!


You’ve really been put through it. Thank heavens you’re back at home..
Sometimes it’s hard to walk the line between “There’s stuff I have to do” and “Maybe I can put this off till later.” And staying active is part of the recuperation process. But it may not be a good idea to “push” the process, at least for right now?
Please take good care of yourself!


Yes, im just going to do whats comfortable. Im pushing bc i want my cancer surgery done, but my body is saying hold on.


So sorry you and family are sick, watching your posts to keep track of how you are all doing. Get well and healthy soon, God bless you and family with healing …



Valerie Curren

This is mostly good news. Please take care of yourself & don’t push too hard. Your energy level being low is a signal that your body still needs rest & recovery. Blessings!!!