2024·09·07 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?

January 6 Tapes Reminder

After the first release, we were supposed to get more, every week.

As far as I know it hasn’t happened.

Speaker Johnson, please follow through!

A Caution

Just remember…we might replace the RINO candidates. (Or we might not. The record is mixed even though there is more MAGA than there used to be.) But that will make no difference in the long run if the party officials, basically the Rhonna McDaniels (or however that’s spelled–I suspect it’s RINO), don’t get replaced.

State party chairs, vice chairs, secretaries and so on, and the same at county levels, have huge influence on who ultimately gets nominated, and if these party wheelhorses are RINOs, they will work tirelessly to put their own pukey people on the ballot. In fact I’d not be surprised if some of our “MAGA” candidates are in fact, RINO plants, encouraged to run by the RINO party leadership when they realized that Lyn Cheney (and her ilk) were hopelessly compromised as effective candidates. The best way for them to deal with the opposition, of course, is to run it themselves.

Running good candidates is only HALF of the battle!

Biden Gives Us Too Much Credit

…we can move on to the next one.

Apparently Biden (or his puppeteer) has decided we’re to blame for all of the fail in the United States today.

Sorry to disappoint you Joe (or whoever), but you managed to do that all on your own; not only that, you wouldn’t let us NOT give you the chance because you insisted on cheating your way into power.

Yep, you-all are incompetent, and so proud of it you expect our applause for your sincerity. Fuck that!!

It wouldn’t be so bad, but you insist that everyone else have to share in your misery. Nope, can’t have anyone get out from under it. Somehow your grand vision only works if every single other person on earth is forced to go along. So much as ONE PERSON not going along is enough to make it all fail, apparently.

In engineering school we’re taught that a design that has seven to eight billion single points of failure…sucks.

Actually, we weren’t taught that. Because it would never have occurred to the professors to use such a ridiculous example.

Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Kamala Harris has a new nickname since she finally went west from DC to El Paso Texas: Westward Hoe.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Spot Prices

All prices are Kitco Ask, 3PM MT Friday (at that time the markets close for the weekend). (Note: most media quotes are for the bid…the price paid by the market makers, not the ask, which is what they will sell at. I figure the ask is more relevant to people like us who wish we could afford to buy these things. In the case of gold the difference is usually about a dollar, for the PGMs the spread is much wider.)

Last Week:

Gold $2,504.30
Silver $28.92
Platinum $936.00
Palladium $993.00
Rhodium $4,975.00
FRNSI* 120.146-

This week, markets closed at 3PM Mountain Time Friday for the weekend.

Gold $2,498.20
Silver $28.04
Platinum $931.00
Palladium $933.00
Rhodium $5,050.00
FRNSI* 119.850+
Gold:Silver 89.094+

Gold dipped below 2500 on Wednesday but bounced back on Thursday, only to get beaten down again on Friday. For now it seems to be sticking to a relatively narrow trading range, straddling the $2500 mark.

Silver is getting beaten up much worse.

*The SteveInCO Federal Reserve Note Suckage Index (FRNSI) is a measure of how much the dollar has inflated. It’s the ratio of the current price of gold, to the number of dollars an ounce of fine gold made up when the dollar was defined as 25.8 grains of 0.900 gold. That worked out to an ounce being $20.67+71/387 of a cent. (Note gold wasn’t worth this much back then, thus much gold was $20.67 71/387ths. It’s a subtle distinction. One ounce of gold wasn’t worth $20.67 back then, it was $20.67.) Once this ratio is computed, 1 is subtracted from it so that the number is zero when the dollar is at its proper value, indicating zero suckage.

BTW (possibly of benefit to Barb Meier) the plus or minus sign at the end of the FRNSI and Gold:Silver is simply to indicate whether the number is actually slightly above or below what I wrote and that I rounded down or up, respectively. In this case 119.850+ means a bit above 119.850, so I had to round down. A bit more and I would have rounded up to 119.851 and written 119.851-.

A PS. Last week I gave the value of 71/387ths out to about a gazillion decimal places, but it turns out my suspicions were correct: they were garbage after a while. I ginned up a spreadsheet to do long division for as long as one likes, and 71/387ths repeats after 21 decimal places and is: 0.183 462 532 299 741 602 067 (then 183 462, etc). So what? Well take a look at the 2067 at the end. As in $20.67.

The Sun

Resuming our survey of our solar system, we take up the Sun.

It is tempting to call the Sun the 800 pound gorilla of the solar system…but this would be a bad idea because it understates the matter. Jupiter is more massive than the other planets put together, so it is the 800 lb gorilla of the solar system.

The sun is 1,048 times as massive as Jupiter, which makes it the 400 ton brachiosaurus of the solar system. (And in case you’re wondering, the Sun is 332,950 times the mass of the Earth.)

It’s also very different from every other thing in the solar system; it’s a ball of hot, ionized gas and is generating 383 septillion watts (that’s 24 zeros) of power, or that many joules per second. And it has been doing so for 4.6 billion years and will continue to do so for another 4-5 billion years at least. No other body in the solar system does that–the rest shine in our night sky because they reflect the light from the Sun.

It shines like that because its surface is at a temperature of 5,772 K…though it is much, much hotter at the center, 15.7 million K.

Or, to put it in five words, “the Sun is a star.” A star a bit above the median, but about average. It’s brighter than 85% of all stars in this galaxy (many of the ones that beat it really break the curve though), and compared to other nearby stars it’s more massive than 95% of them.

Unlike other stars that are trillions or even quadrillions of kilometers away, the Sun averages 149,597,870.7 kilometers from the Earth.

How do we know that? We bounce radar off of it. But before that…well, that’s a fascinating story having to do with transits of Venus across the face of the Sun as seen from Earth. I’ve told this story before here (yes it’s about Venus transits but tells the whole story): https://letreasonreign.wordpress.com/2012/05/13/venus-transit-6-june-2012/ but here’s a different take:

The power source is hydrogen fusion, generally through a process called the proton-proton chain. Other stars, either more massive or later-in-life than the Sun, have other power sources (all discussed here in part 22 of the big physics series: https://www.theqtree.com/2021/10/23/2021%c2%b710%c2%b723-joe-biden-didnt-win-daily-thread/).

As I mentioned before, the Sun is made of ionized gas. It’s 73.5% hydrogen, 24.8 percent helium…and remaining 1+% is basically everything else (mostly oxygen, a lot of carbon, iron, neon… This is pretty close to the composition of interstellar gas in nebulas, which is, after all, what collapsed to form the Sun in the first place.

Since the Sun is a ball of gas, it has no solid surface. But it has a diameter, given as 1,390,000 km (versus Earth’s 12,756 or so km). What’s that the diameter of, if there’s no solid surface?

What we see when we look at the Sun is a glowing sphere; below that “surface” we cannot see because ionized gas is not transparent. We call that surface the photosphere, from the Greek for light and sphere…in other words, “ball of light.”

It’s not a good idea to look at the Sun, it’s an even worse idea to look at it through a telescope. But you can cut the light down by 999,999/1,000,000ths and take some decent photographs. (However, you’ll see my photographs here instead.)

You might be wondering why I used a black and white photograph. It’s not a black and white photograph; it turns out the Sun isn’t yellow, it’s white.

If you look closely, you’ll see some dark spots; these are sunspots and we’ll get to them. For now, I’d like you to notice something else, a subtle darkening near the edges of the disc. This is known as limb darkening, and it doesn’t mean what you might think it means.

If you were looking at a ping pong ball or something similarly white, you’d see darkening near the edges; it’s that kind of shading that conveys to your eyes and brain that the ping pong ball is a sphere.

But that’s not what’s going on here; the Sun doesn’t reflect light, it generates it. Every point on the surface radiates light and heat in every direction (including back into the Sun where it is absorbed and radiated again). So a point near the edge of the disc should be sending us just as much light as a point near the center of the disc, instead it looks dimmer. It turns out this is a consequence of the light we see being emitted from anywhere within a depth of a few hundred miles below the “surface”, with the upper layers cooler than the lower ones. More discussion here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limb_darkening

If you could somehow stand on the “surface” of the Sun without being instantly vaporized, you’d weigh 27.9 times what you do on Earth. The escape velocity for a rocket would be 617.7 km/sec (versus 11.2 km/sec for Earth). I doubt a rocket could be built that would do that…it’s actually over 0.2 percent the speed of light.

We actually have a solar orbiter probe…which if you think about it, Earth itself could be thought of as such a thing. But no I mean an actual spacecraft, the Parker Solar probe, launched in 2018. It is in orbit and gets as close as 4.3 million kilometers (compare to the 150 million kilometers we average on “Spaceship Earth”). It moves as fast as 690,000 km/hr or 191 km/sec, which is 0.064% the speed of light…by far the fastest thing we’ve ever built. Its main task is to study the solar corona. But I am getting ahead of myself.

The Sun, like the Earth, is a sphere, and, like the Earth consists of concentric layers. The Sun’s core, the inner 25% by distance, is where the nuclear fusion happens. Surrounding that is the radiative zone, about twice as thick. The energy generated in the core works its way though this zone by radiation…gamma rays from the fusion eventually weakening to something that won’t kill us. It can take ten thousand years for the radiation to get through, because it bounces from nucleus to nucleus in a random walk, so the light you see now is the result of fusion that happened as we were emerging from the last ice age.

Both the core and the radiative zone rotate uniformly, but the next zone, the convective zone, does not; the parts of it near the equator rotate in less time than the areas below the poles. The primary mode of heat transfer in this layer is convection; hot material rises, carrying the heat to the surface; after cooling it sinks down again to get reheated. The boundary between the two is called the tachocline, here is were the layers actually slide past each other because of the differences in rotation rate. It’s thought that this layer creates the Sun’s magnetic field.

Above that layer is the photosphere, which is cool enough and transparent enough that the photons that make their way to it finally, are free to go…and one in a billion end up hitting Earth eight and a half minutes later–and turn night into day.

Above the photosphere is the chromosphere, which is visible briefly as a reddish flash at the very start and end of totality during a solar eclipse.

Above this is a transition region where helium becomes ionized (visible in ultraviolet light, from space), and then, finally the corona.

The corona–and for that matter everything else outside of the photosphere–is effectively invisible to us here on Earth…except during a total solar eclipse.

As seen here, in this photograph I took during the last eclipse:

If you look closely at this picture you will see pink “flames” around the disk of the Moon. They should look vermillion; alas they’re blown out in this picture. These are prominences, and are caused by the interaction of ionized (charged) gas with the Sun’s magnetic field.

The prominences are a lot more prominent (ahem) in this picture, near the bottom of the disk, and there’s also a beauty of an arch at 3 o’clock.

Prominences can be seen by telescopes with the proper filters to blot out all but the hydrogen alpha wavelength of light. Here’s a closeup taken by a competent photographer, with the correct colors:

Besides pumping out visible light and heat copiously and relentlessly for billions of years (even more persistent than the IRS), the Sun creates gigantic numbers of neutrinos from fusion. Neutrinos rarely interact with anything; the neutrinos generated in the Sun’s core leave the Sun seconds later, moving at the speed of light through everything without being affected, like Democrats and the criminal justice system. Even at this distance from the Sun, every square centimeter that’s face-on to the Sun has ten billion neutrinos pass through it every second (less of course if the surface is at an oblique angle to the sunlight).

By the way, it means this many neutrinos pass through every square centimeter of you every second. And don’t think it doesn’t happen at night…they go right on through the Earth as if it’s not there, and come up at you from the ground. The good news is if they go right through you, they do nothing at all to you. It’s when you stop one–very rare but it does happen–that you’ve actually taken a hit. This will happen to one person out of four during a normal lifetime. (At ten billion per second per square centimeter, and one chance in four of getting a hit with the rest passing through harmlessly…you can see this is a rare event.) A single hit from radiation is nothing, though; you get vastly more from other sources. (Like potassium as in bananas.)

Far more important to us is the Sun’s magnetic field. As I’ve said the Sun is largely ionized gas…which is to say it’s full of stuff with electrical charges. This stuff moves (the Sun rotates, on average once every 28 days or so), and moving electrical charges generate magnetic fields.

The Sun’s magnetic field has a role in everything from sunspots to prominences to full-on coronal mass ejections; that’s where the Sun belches and flings a bunch of plasma out into space. If one of these hits Earth, it can muck with satellites and the power grid, conceivably even causing massive blackouts. The worst of these was the Carrington event of 1859. We just barely had a grid then, of telegraph lines. Nonetheless some telegraph stations caught fire. It was possible to send messages without supplying any power to the system. The chances of another like it within the next decade (which would be catastrophic) are rated at well under 1 percent.

The magnetic field of the Sun goes through cycles, gradually increasing over the span of roughly 11 years, then flipping polarity, decreasing, and then repeating the process with the magnetic field in the opposite direction. Sunspots, prominences and CMEs all increase (or decrease) in frequency as the magnetic field increases (or decreases).

But even when the Sun is calm, there is a constant stream of charged particles from the corona, outward in all directions; this is the solar wind and it would have long since stripped our atmosphere away were it not for the fact that Earth’s magnetic field deflects almost all of it. In fact this is why Mars has almost no atmosphere: It has no magnetic field.

Many ancient cultures worshiped the Sun. They realized that without it there’d be no life. We know more about the Sun, but if anything that just makes it even more impressive than we had realized. But we don’t think it is a god any more. We just call it the 400 ton brachiosaurus of the Solar System.

Already late…I don’t feel like this ready, but as Klingons would say, today is a good day to die. Hit Publish.

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Barb Meier

Oh now I get the plus versus minus! Thanks Steve!!! It’s past nap time here so I’ll read it again in the morning.


On the contrary, I found it to be very interesting.

Brave and Free

As did I too. Thanks Steve.

Gail Combs

I second that!


Just a quibble, though — aren’t the earth and the sun oblate spheroids, bulged-out around their middles through rotation?


So are a lot of middle-aged guys. What’s your point?



Best or not, this time, Slow Guy got it all. Thanks.


I enjoyed it! Does that say something about me, or the article, lol!

As you know, I am not very scientific.

Thanks for writing it. And I like the pictures!


But you’re very personable.  😍 


Yeah, ok, lol!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


She has always struck me as a vapid party girl. I think that’s her normal level of thought and communication. She probably tries to use it, along with her cackle, to relate to the public. It’s kind of pathetic.


Vapid might be an understatement given that conversation. Bet we could talk her to flying up to the sun if we told her she’d be going up at night. 😁


[big snort]


They can go together.

comment image


From Slow Guy vantage. Never quit the Valley Girl, party mode.

Ho IS pathetic.

Zero redeeming qualities. No girl should emulate anything about Ho.


All I can imagine is that moronic, vapid, cackling idiocy across the table from Vladimir Putin, trying to negotiate us out of WWIII. It gives me nightmares.


Name any world leader, and they would run circles around her intellectually and strategically–even the ones sold out to globalism.




Vapid party girl that every speech, even now, sounds like it’s directed at females and children. Obamination has taught her well. The down home method..I’m just like you..we gotta do this together


Why does she care — or think anyone else cares — about whether her lipstick is visible on a starbucks lid?

Is that kind of insecurity and inability to focus on the subject of the meeting especially helpful in leading a nation?


I hate it when I have to defend a loser like her. But that tweet lacks context.

She might have been responding to a dumbass question [which many times is a sly effort to take control of the meeting’s purpose], in which case her answer might be an effort to take back control.

She’s still an ass, probably intoxicated/high, and a commie. She can FOAD.


It’s fascinating that experts can know as much as they do about the sun when it’s impossible to get near it. And the facts that are known are mind-blowing.

Great eclipse photos!

It turns out the Sun isn’t yellow, it’s white.

No way! 😅☀️ Every child knows it’s yellow, LOL.

comment image


“It turns out the Sun isn’t yellow, it’s white.”


That figures. Something else to blame on white people.

Wait until the black grievance machine finds out.

They’re gonna be so mad

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

That’s why both white and yellow admissions are disfavored at Harvard.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pretty much the size of things.

pat frederick

we don’t HAVE four more years to endure this shit.
it has to end NOW.


I suspect if this shit is not brought to an end, it will never end, peacefully.

Not endorsing violence.


Not endorsing violence? Why not? It’s a fine spice for many types of political cuisine. Brings the underlying flavors right to the top, thus grabbing the attention of the consumer and holding it.



I have made myself a promise.

If I have to endure four years of this, I am utterly quitting politics. And that would mean leaving the internet pretty much behind.

I don’t want to. But I don’t believe my mental health can endure another 2020-2021 type of year. Because you know there will still be those who remain convinced that there’s “a plan,” and Trump is in on it, and everything is FINE, as our country burns slowly (or quickly) to the ground.

I hope it doesn’t happen. I love my perch in this tree. But I will have to leave politics or lose what is left of my mind if the election goes sideways. That promise to myself is the only way I am making it now, as it is.


I bet you ain’t alone in that thinking. Don’t get crushed by the rush.  😆 


Lol. Stampede?


My feelngs are the same.


I suspect we are not alone.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve made peace with The Steal 2.0


If and when they do it, the government will lose enough legitimacy that it will crash and burn during the next 10 years. More likely during the next 4 years. Possibly during the next 2 years – especially if the Dems try to ignite a civil war.

SOMETHING will happen. We don’t know what, but something will happen to end Washington as we know it, if they steal it.

Be prepared for that, if it happens sooner. No matter what, release yourself from responsibility. Things are now where they should be. We are now pros at this. FIGHT ON, knowing that we have covered the downside, and we will win one way or the other.


The only reason to stay connected is safety. Information about sightings of roving crime such as what TradeB just wrote. Information about influxes of illegals in your area or even police methods directed at those of us who could be considered dissidents


In the end, God wins. That’s my comfort.

And I will fight, but for the people I can see, speak to, and touch. But not for the ones on the left. They are on their own.


Because you know there will still be those who remain convinced that there’s “a plan,” and Trump is in on it, and everything is FINE, as our country burns slowly (or quickly) to the ground.

I believe there is a plan; I just don’t believe that what people say is the plan, is really the plan. Exhibit A: No, Trump did not lose on purpose because “the people had to be shown.” It helps that people are experiencing things that are waking them up, but for many reasons that I will refrain from restating here, that doesn’t mean it was orchestrated.

IMO this is key: Whatever the Left does, I believe the white hats have strategies to counter it. They might not get obvious wins sometimes, but they are thinking ahead and readying themselves and the country to counter what is thrown at us. Plans have to change in light of circumstances. And they go on offense as well, not just defense. I suspect we know very little about the offensive steps they take.

If all that we’re experiencing now were part of a “plan” that involves Trump willingly “allowing” JB into the WH so people would wake up and Trump would come back, victorious, in 2024, then Trump WILL win in 2024 because the “planners” are considered infallible. But if he does win, that will not be evidence of whatever people think the plan is.

I certainly believe that people who are read in on behind-the-scenes matters are working to restore the country, and that we will never know all of what they have done and are doing. Those who think they know “the plan” aren’t aware of how much they don’t know, IMO.

But yes, the idea of enduring more time having to listen to “experts” and “insiders” state that all this is part of the plan is crazy-making.

If you need to make that promise to yourself to maintain your sanity, I hope you will continually reevaluate as circumstances develop. That is what I believe the planners do.


“If you need to make that promise to yourself to maintain your sanity, I hope you will continually reevaluate as circumstances develop. That is what I believe the planners do.”

I will do that. But if we lose the White House this November, I will have planned correctly. I believe with all my heart that this one is for all the marbles. If we lose, the America I love will be gone.


A Planner’s plan, ALWAYS evolve, as needed.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

If I understand it correctly, that is what Game theory is.

Remember the other side is ‘intelligent’ and gets to make moves too.


That’s what I was thinking too.


It’s common sense, plans are updated, to accommodate, take advantage of reality playing out.

Of course, all sides can adjust.

Happy go lucky

I’m with you, honey. I only wish we could all be neighbors and help each other in in real life.

I’ve been taking periodic internet fasts, and it helps.


Oh, yes. I would like us all to be neighbors.

Barb Meier

Happy and Aubergine, this is such a nice idea!



Let’s start a commune, lol.

Gail Combs

Well I do have 100 acs…🤓


Ooooh! I have many seeds 😉

Gail Combs

Have to get rid of some of the trees first. However there must be several feet of very rich loam down on the river flood plain. I know it is at least 2.5 feet deep.

At present I only have about 10 ac cleared. The trees grow so fast and we lost about 10 ac of meadow when we had our tractor stolen and we could not afford to replace it.

On the other hand that means lots of firewood.


And log cabins 🙂

Barb Meier

“It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.” Just tell those who believe that Trump planned to wake people up by walking away that they need to keep their eyes on Stacy Abrams. If she sings, let the rest of us know.


meet our new neighbors !👇

X link….

Where you going ?👇


more love, more joy 👇

comment image

c’mon…join hands !

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2
Barb Meier

I keep seeing these video clips, but I cannot bring myself to watch them. I am relying on you who have a stronger stomach to interpret if any of these are AI or doctored. Perhaps you will raise the alert if I need to grab a towel and hide in the woods.

pat frederick

come hide in our woods—we’ll protect you with more than a towel!

Barb Meier

Pat, thank you!! I don’t know what state you’re in.

I did put my house back on the market on Aug 10th and got the first of two offers that exceeded my asking price slightly. This time, I did “for sale by owner, as is, and no financing.” I priced lower so younger people would have a chance to consider it and also be young enough to have the energy to keep up with this big house.

I had four plans in reverse order but will amend plan D to include hide my tent in Pat Frederick’s woods where ever those are:

D) Live in a tent until the leftists wear themselves out.
C) Get an RV like my cousin and hubby have but the downsides are the price of gas, the price of parking, or getting new tires or engine repair. My Rogue can only tow 1,000 lbs and there is a greater risk of trailer theft.
B) Buy another house but less expensive in case the feds cut off our social security.
A) Rent an apartment though those are very expensive and many require a year’s lease.

I’ll probably do A or B but will wait until the $ are in my bank account, my current mortgage is paid off, I get moved to Missouri, and I explore what’s available when I’m there.

Moving costs are also higher and those are the same for plans A – D. Plus moving with two kitties is a very different experience than moving with two small dogs. We can do it though.

At least one thing comes after another and I don’t need to tap dance while playing a xylophone.


Even though you may not need to tap dance while playing a xylophone, I hope you post a video if you do.

Barb Meier


I stole the idea from a Miss Marple movie, Sleeping Murder, with a young Evie Balentine who was a member of the Funnybones.

Barb Meier

My cousin, her hubby, and their golden retriever Harlee are currently exploring Colorado in their very nice RV. I am enjoying the daily photos she shares of the mountains and sites of interest. hehe… I like that he’s going to raise rabbits and have a round wife who cooks for him.

Gail Combs

We moved our 2 cats and all our equines from MA to NC. My cats are out door cats and had zero problem adjusting.

Barb Meier

Thank you, Gail! It is so good to know you have actually done what I’m getting ready to do. I do worry about the cats and am already telling them it will be okay.

I keep my cats indoors due to the nearby highway and forest with foxes, bears, snakes, and other wildlife. We will probably continue that tradition depending on where I land in Missouri.

I’ve about decided on my destination. I think Hannibal MO would be good because it has hills, proximity to the Mississippi, a bridge across to Quincy, IL, and a mix of interesting homes in all price ranges.

I love the drive from Hannibal down to my hometown on scenic Hwy 79. It goes past the cemetery where my family are buried on a long sloping hillside right across from a small country church. I’ve seen bald eagles flying there. There are big hills with great overlooks of the Mississippi closer to Hannibal.

Hannibal has the Twain connections and lots of restaurant choices, probably due to vacationers.

There used to be a neat Christmas store just south of town at a place called Sawyer’s Creek. It has a big cement pond filled with Koi and a little dispenser where you can put in a quarter and get a handful of Koi food to feed the pretty fish. It also had a nice restaurant with a great view of the river. The owners of Mark Twain Cave have bought the property and are working to bring it back.




Demand to see a registered pedigree, or a report from 25-and-Me [Koi have two pairs of chromosomes more than humans do ( https://www.nature.com/articles/ng.3098 )].


You wouldn’t need a towel if you weren’t skinny dipping. Shameless.

Barb Meier

Yes, you are shameless PGroup. 🙄


He is.


But I’m just having fun.  😆 

Barb Meier

It’s okay, I know… 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Last edited 4 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mike Flynn thought he was being helpful too. Don’t remember that turning out so well for him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. They don’t even respect a fellow IC person.


They have no honor. Makes a show like Alias look like a documentary.



Good advice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! It all came flooding back. Everything I learned in 2016 and 2017.


It brought back terrible 30 year memories to me from BIMD.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The take-home lesson there – it’s the SAME organization.


He needs the “Don’t Talk to the Police” video.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Somebody gave it to him in the replies!!! 😂




Big boom! Well done, friend. Entrapment is their game.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Had so say something. Tim Pool – lookin’ like a chump!


Dodge AND FIB are Not friends of America First.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And some of them are not friends of America Period.


Systemic, institutionalized, their dislike for America.


After all we’ve seen, and with no one that I know of trusting the FIB to investigate when they should, to do proper investigations, and to tell us the truth, I cant fathom how someone could think it a good idea to cooperate with them. Tim Pool needs a lawyer, NOW.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And that lawyer needs to be somebody who either hates or utterly distrusts (or both) the FBI.


That point saved my bacon.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Did you know to do that, luck into it, or get some advice?


Slight correction: Tim Pool needs a lawyer, YESTERDAY.

It might be a good idea for Timmy to have a lawyer on retainer so he can get real-time advice every time he decides to think.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Poor guy.



Echoes of Russia Gate and all the crap Trump endured 2016 – 2021.

Nothing was as presented by Dodge, FIB, Mueller…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is going to be their excuse to not certify.

Brave and Free

Plus the excuse to remove their shows and silence their online stuff.
Who’s going to be next on their list? Bongino, Tucker ……. Bannon they’ve already done.


Brave and Free
IMO, bingo. Isolate / minimize / remove all possible media personalities and their outlets that could “interfere” with the “installation” of “KamaCackle” on Inauguration Day 2025.

Brave and Free
Last edited 4 months ago by Brave and Free

Bongino was losing his mind about this yesterday. I don’t watch his show regularly, but I stumbled across it today:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Bongino is seeing what I’m seeing. This was a set-up by Dodge and FIB using “helpful” Russians to ensnare conservatives. Note that Putin can have fun telling the truth by endorsing Harris (the true “bad for America, good for Russia” option).

This is Lavrov unexpectedly talking to Sessions. This is Russians calling Flynn. This is Natalia Veselnitskaya emailing Don Jr. When the Russians know they can help our Soviets fuck up America, they do it.

I know Wheatie never liked that truth, but the fact is, Russia has to act in its own interests. Getting America to fuck itself up saves Russian lives. They have to crash NATO, and they’re doing it.


Why would anyone expect other countries to do stuff that is helpful to the U.S. but detrimental to their own country?

This is the kind of thinking that just baffles me. OF COURSE Russia wants a weak NATO, and a weak America.

P.S. Talking to the FBI AT ALL, unless you are forced, is stupid. Talking to them if forced without an attorney is suicidal.


Yeah they did!


Not trying to be annoying but how can one be forced to talk to FIB?




So if they arrest you don’t have the right to remain silent?



You can of course, remain silent if arrested. But I promise you, your attorney will have to say something. What I mean is, I wouldn’t so much as tell them it’s raining if I knew they were feds.


Glad we could circle back and meet. Raggedy ‘Circle Back’ Ann would be jealous.


I frequently think we are saying the same thing in different ways and talking past each other 🙂

Barb Meier

Cattle prod?


Not annoying. But there IS reality.

Rather sure FIB has the ability to be Very, Very intimidating AND NOT give a shit about LYING to whoever they are talking to (abusing).

Happy go lucky

They lie on purpose to get you to talk, since a lot of people are eager to defend themselves against a lie, so I’ve heard. They also can lie on the stand under oath, it is allowed in federal court, so I’ve heard.


And the worst part is that we brought this mess on ourselves. Certain factions found it politically profitable to continue the USSR-is-bogeyman posture even after the country collapsed.

This has fostered many stupid ‘facts’, one big one being Putin is a communist. It drives me nuts when one of our guys calls Putin a commie as if the fall of the USSR was a mere name change. It gives a false impression to the listeners who may not know history as well as us blog sloggers. Chris Plante is one of my favorite shows yet he is one of the worst offenders in this regard.

From our beginning, Russia has been a friend of the USA. I’d like to live long enough to see that relationship restored.

Gail Combs


Te bolshevik leaders weren’t even RUSSIAN, AND they were funded by the Central banks.


Schlepping around Saint Petersburg, I was somewhat surprised to find a wall plaque celebrating John Quincy Adams, whose office had been in the building.

Barb Meier

Thanks Scott! That was good. The first hour was Bongino who was on fire. The second hour was an older (Fox?) show with Tucker talking to Mark Steyn though that might vary depending on our watch patterns.


I’m not disagreeing with Bongino regarding the corrupt FBI etc, but I think people are reading more into Putins remarks than there is.
The way I see it Putin is just sarcastically trolling FJB and Harris, who he will be aware are losing in the polls.

PDJT trolls various people and everyone thinks it’s hilarious, memes appear on here trolling FJB and Harris and we think they’re hilarious.
Imagine if Putin had said he wanted PDJT to win (which he probably does) now that WOULD have set off the Russia Russia Russia flying monkeys.
A fuller clip is on here at 05:10, the interview woman can’t keep a straight face, the audience is laughing, they’re having a joke.
Why shouldn’t he take the piss out of FJB and Harris it’s their administration that’s funding and cheer leading the Ukraine war, without which the EU and UK drop out quicker than greased lightening.


Last edited 4 months ago by RAC

SD: “I heard the same thing from Catherine Englebrecht as I shouted, “don’t, don’t, don’t”…. and she did. Look what happened.

Sharyl Attkisson, same/same.”


I don’t know what happened, except apparently both ended up being effectively silenced, and if so, then I would guess they were both conned into signing some kind of NDA.

And then they were owned, because the gov’t can claim anything/everything is covered by the NDA.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Brave and Free

Wasn’t Sharly the one who found out they were planting stuff on her and her husband’s computer?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Catherine & Gregg thought the FBI was helping them with an election fraud case (MULES) until the higher ups turn the tables and went after them instead. They eventually won but the coffers were drained and TIME was wasted.


Alan Dershowitz announces today he has left the Democrat Party.

He is now an independent. Even though he is not becoming a MAGA Repub, I find his reasons for leaving to be interesting. It’s a long journey for some, especially lifelong Dems.


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It’s a good day when one of those takes flight.


Well, ot appears that lots more people need to be on that “journey”— Yours Truly has been told by her family that they’re voting for “KamaCackle.”

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA


Hopefully they’re too embarrassed and ashamed to vote for Cackala after her upcoming debate performance.

Brave and Free

Probably brain dead at this point, they can’t get past the past.


If she gets the answers to the debate questions, will they be multiple choice answers.


Wonder if they can name:

  • KamaCackle accomplishments as DA, CA AG, Senator, AND VP.
  • State KamaCackle policies going forward in 2025.

Wouldn’t ask them. They’re too far into TDS.
Since RFK, Jr., suspended his campaign, Yours Truly’s best guess is that “KamaCackle” is the “best antidote” to “Orange Man Bad.”

Valerie Curren

Being female, “black”, corrupt, AND controllable 😠


I heard yesterday that a friend of mine is. I can’t imagine being that stupid. I instantly lost all respect for her, which sucks.

I’d confront her on it, but I know her, and once she’s made up her ignorant mind, that’s it. Useless.

And she’s one who will starve early if the shit hits the fan.


As a matter of personal honor, you should let her know that such a choice will compel you to burn the friendship bridge.




That may come. But in my own subtle way.

Something like, in casual conversation; “I have decided that if I know somebody who votes for Camel-Uh, I’m done with them.”

Let the chips fall where they may.

Valerie Curren

Jab induced brain damage 🙁


UFB it took Alan this long to figure out the obvious.

I spose a bitter pill to swallow.


As long as Alan stays in his lane, he’s a wonderful asset.


comment image

I know i’m stating the obvious, but something is wrong with the Cheneys. You don’t go from being a Repub (even a RINO) and criticizing Kamala and many others, to suddenly endorsing her. It doesn’t make sense. The hatred of Donald Trump is too intense and is irrational. I can only suspect they are afraid that something will be revealed about them.


I concur. There is something bigger than Trump that is wrong with the Cheneys now.


the military industrial complex


I’m thinking more like “complicit with genocide” or something. It’s not just padding an expense report.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Set aside depop and “foreign” relations. Just the “9/11 to Iraq and DHS” part is damn near unforgivable to a large chunk of the population, and all those war deaths sniff of baseline genocide.

Iraq was definitely faked at the top. IMO it was the MIC money lure, sweetened by the fact that BOTH Israel and Saudi Arabia (and peninsular friends) all needed the Iraqi threat neutralized. SO they launched on Afghanistan, then tried to shift to Iraq, and did so, but badly.

This was a plot years in the making, spanning Bush 1, Clinton, and Bush 2 just for the launch.

Barb Meier

Don’t I remember Bush 2 was doing payback to an insult to Bush 1? Gads, my head is overloaded.


Certainly in part…

Bushies butt hurt Iran placed a mural of Papa Bushie at the entrance of a hotel, for everyone to walk on.


Could’ve been worse, could’ve been in the bathroom.


You peeked at the last chapter.  😂 


What if it’s just business to them?

It’s clearly not love of country.

If DJT and his policies are a threat to Cheney business interests, which could be anything from the oil industry to simple but high-dollar payoffs from globalist elite effete de jour, they’d do it in a heartbeat.

To the kind of people who start wars for profit, endorsing Cackala is nothing.


At least on the surface Trump is golden for oil, all energy.

MIC is an obvious Cheney focus.

It goes beyond MIC.

Barb Meier

Halliburton? https://www.britannica.com/biography/Dick-Cheney

From 1989 to 1993 he served as secretary of defense in the administration of Pres. George Bush, presiding over reductions in the military following the breakup of the Soviet Union. Cheney also oversaw the U.S. military invasion of Panama and the participation of U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf War. After President Bush lost his reelection bid in 1992, Cheney became a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank. In 1995 he became the chairman and chief executive officer of the Halliburton Company, a supplier of technology and services to the oil and gas industries.

Brave and Free

There all afraid about going to prison for their crimes.

pat frederick

their fear is making them take over the top actions.
if you’re gonna vote for the cackler–just do it. no need to come out like this unless you’re scared–coerced–or an ass. cheney is a hat trick


Problem with Cheneys, is common among all r-Cons. Evil. Yes, evil.

They hate America First. They’d rather see Americans die, increasingly taxed, controlled AND the Republic die.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Everybody who was *knowingly* in on the 9/11 plot is vulnerable on it. Even those who were sucked in, unknowingly, are afraid of it. They are legitimately afraid that they will not be forgiven if all of the truth comes out, and even more so if only part of the truth comes out.

Maintaining the phony establishment and its deluge of lies is the safest and easiest path forward for them.

Gail Combs

Chaney was Ranking congressman investigating Iran-Contra. VP to George Bush.

CIA Headquarters was renamed for President George Herbert Walker Bush on April 26, 1999, to honor his unique role in Agency history. President Bush is the only former Director of Central Intelligence to become President of the United States

I would imagine he was well aware/involved in the Drug trafficking of Bush/CIA. AND that is the least of it.

Happy go lucky

I read it to Mr Happy, and asked him to guess who released that statement. He guessed Hillary.


Starliner made it down in one piece.


Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu

That’s because of the spirit of It Doesn’t Matter. If those two had been in there, it likely would have been an artificial meteor.


Says it landed without the astronuts.

Did NASA know, or was it a surprise when they opened the door?


Deliberate mis-spelling?


Sergio Mendes has died, age 83…”long covid”, they say.

The Fool on The Hill (with Lani Hall on vocals)

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

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“You can’t see me.”  🕶 


Curious: If the Earth is roughly one millionth of the volume of the Sun yet only one three hundred thirty two & nine hundred fifty one thousandths of the Mass of the sun, does that mean that mass and volume are as different as church gatherings and stereos?

Great article!


Ask the giraffe.


Alice knows.

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don’t do anything at all
Go ask Alice
When she’s ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you’re going to fall
Tell ’em a hookah-smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call
Call Alice
When she was just small



Nah. Getting more coffee. Then circling back. Reread.


Hence, we’re here!

pat frederick

You don’t think the gangbangers in Chi town are gonna just surrender their turf, do you?

They didn’t last time.


pat frederick

i think a lot of us will get caught in the crossfire. and that is intentional


+ the fear & paranoia creeping into our lives.

👉 a new, and even worse kind of terrorism at our throats, in our yards, at our doors….

a new & awful crisis.

WEF & the globalists get cheap thrills…

only they know how to fix it.

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

Buy. More. Ammo.




🎶get on the love train…love train…🎶


This kind of stuff is floating into the internets over at X creating a buzz. Information seems sketchy at this point but keep an eye out.


Beyond NYC, they ought to name the cities, with references.


So far Chicago and Denver along with NYC. Each has has been referenced in various news stories. Still small potatoes but trending to the bad. Problem is it’s the invaders all around us everywhere. These are the only ones they are putting in the spot light. It’s almost like they are testing out a threshold for this group beyond which the public will not accept. Can’t do it to any other group because they haven’t met that threshold. It’s like we are being forced to play someone’s game. But MAGA aint playing their silly game.

Last edited 4 months ago by para59r

Or at least 98.2% of those represented in the poll so far are not playing their silly game.


Added to the 98.2%


It’s interesting how the govt can get average people to be glad to see soldiers patrolling public spaces. They allow crime to get out of control and then provide the cure instead of enforcing the law with courts that mete out punishment.

The funny thing is that at other times when NG has been used during violent protests they really didn’t seem to do much except be visual optics.


Much like Congress, across the board, Feds ARE the problem.

Create problems.

Install a “fix” that creates more problems.


This^ The fix, always always promoted as temporary becomes permanent. Yet another reason for them welcoming in the invaders.


Agreed. The NG is going to be in the way if there not there to fix the problem.


Under Briben Kakala, NG IS in the way.


What are their ROE???

Barb Meier

Perhaps take cookies and say “your mom asked me to give these to you.”


Future headline:

South Side Death Wish killer strikes again; body count now 12


From the 1st link…this isn’t good

While Democratic lawmakers have largely dismissed reports that TdA has taken over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado, the threat advisory appears to confirm the incidents. Concerningly, the document also details an August 24 incident where it is believed TdA members fired 19 rounds toward the Chapman Gate at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.
The U.S. Army also reiterates the DHS advisory warning local and state law enforcement that gang members have received the green light to target police in Denver, Colorado, and New York City.The threat advisory may explain the increased presence of the National Guard and other military personnel in New York City, stating the U.S. Army’s Threat Analysis Division (TAD) has high confidence that DOD employees and their family members could become victims of the gang.U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement sources claim most of the TdA members present in the country crossed the border illegally through Texas between 2022 and 2023. They were subsequently released by the Biden-Harris government in the U.S. pending removal proceedings.

pat frederick

when i saw this, i thought they were missing some words…Geeks & Nerds…AND THE THING THAT ATE THEM ALL!

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Here is the original!


Have all those named people publicly stated they support Harris? Otherwise the poster creator wants to be sued for defamation.

IIRC Jeri Ryan and her ex-husband teamed up to fight release of their sealed divorce files during his campaign for senator(?). Her basic position was that release would have a severe negative impact on her image as an actress, damaging her ability to be offered parts in future movies and TV productions.

Since she is older now, and parts are difficult to find for typecast actresses [Seven of Nine], I really doubt that she would suddenly become a political animal.


Oh, Jeri’s all-in for Camel-Uh. Just check out X. Jeri’s a pro-abort. And all about the JOY:

Just another Hollywood moron. Most actors are dumb as a post.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They were *allowed* to become actors *because* they’re (1) liberals, and (2) not antisemites (or able to hide it). Just sayin’! 😉





It’s a sad day to know Seven of Nine is still Borg after all these years.

Makes Jeri’s prior claims of career damage ring a little hollow.


I know too many women who are too emotional to vote. Sounds like she is one.


Found in the replies:

Barb Meier

They are sending nastygrams.

Valerie Curren

Wasn’t her husband the one Soetoro “beat” using sleazy, possibly illegal, tactics?


Seems like males treating them as sex objects aren’t really the problem.

Single-use girls is what I see.  😮