A good suggestion by Barb Meier.
On this post, please add any WordPress tips and trick that you have, either as comments, links, or both.
Please also add links to any other WordPress-related posts that you want to highlight. This post will serve as another access route to those posts.
Thanks for your help!

PS – I found this while searching for a wolf image. We’ve had a few run-ins with the commies at WordPressDotCom, shall we say.

Wow! That’s great, thank you Wolf!!!
You’re welcome! It sounded like an excellent idea, and I had a moment, so why not?
Thank you!
We have an Akismet category, and people can search on it in the search in the sidebar to find several posts related to it.
Here is a place where I talk in detail about how the Akismet scam works.
From what I’ve been able to observe across several sites, it is best to self-administer 24 ml of ethanol per 50 kg of body mass (diluted and flavored to taste) roughly 20 minutes prior to working with WordPiss.
😂 😂 😂
Note that De Pat’s featured recipe for 8/22/24 would qualify.
Oh, where to start.
Let me think about what I had to work around, and I’ll get back to you all. I’ve been at WordPress stuff for over 15 years. So much has changed. Some for the better, most for not.
That will be wonderful!! I have hardly played with it at all. I like making sites with HTML/CSS and am just starting to explore Drupal, just because…
DrupalCon Barcelona will be held September 24-27 [ https://events.drupal.org/barcelona2024 ].
Once again, they have ignored my suggestion to add a subtitle to the event that says, “At Least It’s Not WordPress”.
LOL I was exploring Drupal just yesterday to see if it is something I could do or would want to do. A friend pointed me to content writer openings with AirBNB and that’s some tech they either use or that’s similar to things they do use. Adding content does not look hard but if it is a global company, then they need translations for all the possible languages. eeep! That could be a major pain.
Wolf Moon
Thank you for this.
Yours Truly would appreciate knowing how to “morph” a URL into a hyperlink “title” (for example, a hyperlink “Joe Sixpack Went to the Store” as opposed to typing in “https: // hi my name is Joe Sixpack at guesswhat . com.”)
Here is a fast explanation.
Let’s say you have something with text in it. It can be a paragraph, heading, quote – whatever. Whatever it is, when you put focus on it, the “block” popup for that block will pop up.
At that point, you can highlight some of the text. Highlight exactly what you want to become a link. THEN, there is a “LINK” button in the block popup that you can hit.
This will give you a link pop-up. You can then PASTE the URL (web address) that you want for the link, into the resulting LINK pop-up, in the field provided for pasting or typing in the URL. Be sure to hit return or click on the “Enter” button that makes the URL active.
That will turn it into a link. THEN, when you click on the linked text, you will get a special link popup that you can use to make changes to the link – like making the link open up the linked URL page in a NEW TAB. I prefer to do that.
Try it and see if it works for you!
Wolf Moon
Thank you!