2024·09·28 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?

January 6 Tapes?

Where are the tapes? Anyone, Anyone? Bueller? Johnson??

Paging Speaker Johnson…this is your conscience calling you out on broken promises.

News Flash

Today, it is still the case that Joe Biden didn’t Win.

I realize that to some readers, this might be a shock; surely at some point things must change and Biden will have actually won.

But the past cannot actually be changed.

It will always and forever be the case that Joe Biden didn’t win.

And if you, Leftist Lurker, want to dismiss it as dead white cis-male logic…well, you can call it what you want, but then please just go fuck off. No one here buys that bullshit–logic is logic and facts are facts regardless of skin color–and if you gave it a moment’s rational thought, you wouldn’t either. Of course your worthless education never included being able to actually reason–or detect problems with false reasoning–so I don’t imagine you’ll actually wake up as opposed to being woke.

As Ayn Rand would sometimes point out: Yes, you are free to evade reality. What you cannot do is evade the consequences of evading reality. Or to put it concretely: You can ignore the Mack truck bearing down on you as you play in the middle of the street, you won’t be able to ignore the consequences of ignoring the Mack truck.

And Ayn Rand also pointed out that existence (i.e., the sum total of everything that exists) precedes consciousness–our consciousnesses are a part of existence, not outside of it–therefore reality cannot be a “social construct” as so many of you fucked-up-in-the-head people seem to think.

So much for Leftist douchebag lurkers. For the rest of you, the regular readers and those lurkers who understand such things: I continue to carry the banner once also carried by Wheatie. His Fraudulency didn’t win.

Let’s Go, Brandon!!

His Fraudulency

Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, we haven’t heard much from the person who should have been declared the victor, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.

One can hope that all is not as it seems.

I’d love to feast on that crow.

(I’d like to add, I find it entirely plausible, even likely, that His Fraudulency is also His Figureheadedness. (Apparently that wasn’t a word; it got a red underline. Well it is now.) Where I differ with the hopium addicts is on the subject of who is really in charge. It ain’t anyone we like.)

Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

The Asteroids

In 1772 Johan Elert Bode citing Johan Daniel Titius, formulated the Titius-Bode law, more commonly just “Bode’s Law.” They had noted a rather interesting pattern in the distances of the planets from the Sun, when expressed in AUs. Let’s show the ones known as of 1772, plus the Hugh Janus, discovered in 1781.

Distances from the Sun to all planets known as of 1800, in Astronomical Units.

The thing is, there’s a pattern here…sort of, and that’s Bode’s Law. It’s a mathematical progression. Start with 4. Then 4+3. Then 4+(3×2). Then 4+(3×4).

Or slightly more clearly: 4, 4+3×20, 4+3×21, 4+3×22, 4+3×23, etc. It’s not quite a perfect series because there’s no way to get 4+0 by adding 3×2some-power to it. Anyhow, let’s divide these numbers by 10 and compare to the planet distances:

Distances from the Sun to all planets known as of 1800, in Astronomical Units, with Bode’s Law.

It’s a decent (but not great) fit! And when Uranus was discovered in 1781, it almost fit too, albeit missing by a bit over 0.4 AUs. This made it seem more and more like this law might actually mean something. But if so, the glaring WTF in the whole thing is the fact that we seem to be missing a planet at 2.8 AU.

(I’ll pause here to point out that we no longer think of this as a law. It was valid to think of it as one back then, since a “law” just says “things behave this way, for whatever reason.” Neptune is in completely the wrong place, plus extrasolar planets don’t even remotely follow anything like this even if you scale for the fact that most of them orbit red dwarfs and do so much closer to them.)

But back then, it certainly looked as if we might have a planet to find, especially after Hugh Janus’s discovery made the notion of undiscovered planets thinkable, and Hugh Janus was even at close to the right distance!

On the other hand, Immanuel Kant, when he wasn’t doing things that would later piss off Ayn Rand, did do some theoretical astronomy and he wondered if perhaps Jupiter’s gravity had created the gap.

Many people (not nearly enough in Ayn Rand’s opinion) paid no attention to Kant, and tried looking.

We didn’t have to wait all that long. Just for a new century.

On January 1, 1801, technically the first day of the 19th century, Giuseppe Piazzi, working at the Palermo Astronomical Observatory in Sicily…[OK, I can’t even see the word “Palermo” without hearing in my head a British voice telling Field Marshal Montgomery that Patton had taken Palermo…to which the response was “Damn!” Thanks to the movie Patton.] Anyhow, Piazzi first sighted an object, and repeated his observations from night to night…and it was moving against the background stars! He was able to tell it was not a comet.

We had our planet, named Ceres after the Roman god of agriculture, in keeping with the classical mythological theme; all other planets were named after Roman gods and goddesses, except for Uranus, which was named after the Greek sky god, father of Saturn/Kronos, who was in turn the father of Jupiter/Zeus. (The Roman name would have been “Caelus.”)

It was even at the right distance, 2.77 AU on average, varying between 2.55 and 2.98 AUs.

[Speaking of Uranus…the metal uranium (discovered 1789, isolated in pure form 1841) was named after Uranus, the metal cerium (discovered 1803, isolated in pure form 1838) was named after Ceres. Unlike uranium, you probably have some cerium in your house; typically the enamel on the inside of a self-cleaning oven is largely cerium oxide, which helps cause hydrocarbons to burn during the cleaning.]

It wasn’t much of a planet; it appeared as no more than a point of light in telescopes, whereas other planets showed a disc. And then, before we could really confirm it, it ended up in conjunction with the Sun…in other words, it was directly behind the Sun as seen from Earth. Carl Friedrich Gauss calculated where it would show up after the conjunction, and on 31 December of that year, it was picked up and tracked.

But then it got crazy. Three more asteroids were discovered over the next three years, Pallas (->palladium), Juno, and Vesta. And then nothing, for decades, when Astraea was found in 1845. Then they started coming in, 15 asteroids had been found by 1851, and 100 by 1868.

All were tiny. Ceres had a respectable size, but even it is much smaller than the Moon. In fact it turns out to be bigger than all of the other asteroids put together. Here’s an illustration of the first ten asteroids’ sizes against the Moon (in gray).

By convention, asteroids are numbered in order of discovery, hence 1 Ceres, 2 Pallas, 3 Juno, 4 Vesta, 5 Astraea, and so on. In the mid 20th century the numbers were still below 2000. Today the number is 1,382,205 (this includes other small bodies in the solar system, though, not just asteroids…but back then we had no inkling of such things). By the way when Pluto got demoted, it was instantly given the next number in the sequence, which back then was 134340.

Vesta, though much smaller than Ceres, is lighter colored, and technically it’s just barely visible to the naked eye…if you’re somewhere out in the middle of the ocean and eat a lot of carrots.

OK so what’s going on here?

At first, we had the notion that perhaps there had been a full-size planet there, but it had blown up or otherwise been destroyed. As it turns out, there’s not nearly enough stuff there. Now most astronomers believe that Jupiter’s gravity probably prevented a planet from forming there…so Kant was right.

With all of the other small bodies discovered more recently, asteroids are now defined as non-cometary bodies in the inner solar system (i.e., inside the orbit of Jupiter). Comets are largely made up of ice…not necessarily water ice…and will present a tail close to the sun. Asteroids, on the other hand generally fall into three categories, C-type or carbonaceous, M-type or metallic (iron-nickel plus other goodies), and S-type or silicaceous (rocks). They can be solid bodies, or in some cases, they’re basically piles of rubble, not even a single body.

Most asteroids are well-behaved, orbiting in the “asteroid belt.” It’s estimated that there are anywhere from 1.1 million to 1.9 million asteroids larger than 1 km there, and countless smaller objects. If you plot their semi-major axes (i.e., average distance from the Sun), the belt ranges from a bit over 2.1 AUs to 3.3 AUs. But there are gaps! Virtually no asteroid has a 2.5 AU orbit, nor one at 2.82 AU; they’re also scarce at a few other distances. Here’s what I mean:

These gaps are called the “Kirkwood” gaps, and the diagram gives a clue as to what causes them. In essence any body that orbits the Sun three times for each time Jupiter orbits once, will get perturbed–its orbit will change size–and will no longer be in that spot. This is a 3:1 resonance, and 5:2, 7:3 and 2:1 resonances also exist, and asteroids can’t be in those resonances for long.

This is not to say that no asteroid will ever be at that distance. If it’s in an elliptical orbit it could spend some time closer in than the gap, then farther out; of course it must cross through the gap.

Oh, and by the way: Forget what you saw in Star Wars or for that matter any of a hundred other space operas. Although there are a lot of asteroids…there is a lot more space. So it’s mostly empty space. Your chances of encountering one if you travel through the belt are miniscule…unless you aim for one. It’s certainly not the game of space dodgeball you see in Star Wars. (We’ve sent probes through the asteroid belt quite a lot.)

Asteroids Not in the Asteroid Belt

Not all asteroids live in the asteroid belt.

We have the Trojan asteroids. The first of these was discovered in the same orbit as Jupiter…but either 60 degrees ahead or behind Jupiter. These are actually stable places to be, according to work by Joseph-Louis Lagrange in 1772. (In general, any system with two large bodies orbiting each other will have stable locations at these locations, forming equilateral triangles between the two bodies and the locations; these are now called L4 (ahead of Jupiter) and L5 (behind Jupiter). Objects placed in orbits here will tend to stay there; even if they drift away, they’ll be pulled back, rather than pushed away, like a marble at the bottom of a bowl.)

As you might have guessed there are L1, L2 and L3 points but they are metastable; if an object starts to drift out of those locations, they will tend to move further away, like a ball set at the top of a hill.

The following diagram shows the Earth and Sun (not Jupiter and the Sun) complete with Earth’s moon; you can just ignore that.

The first such asteroids were named after heroes of the Trojan War, and this became a convention. In fact the ones at the Sun-Jupiter L4 point are named after the Greek side, while L5 denizens are named after people on the Trojan side. (However 624 Hektor (at L4) and 617 Patroclus (at L5) were given their names before the convention was established so they are in the “wrong” groups.)

It’s now estimated that there may be as many asteroids in these Trojan groups as there are in the “main” asteroid belt.

The term Trojan became standard for a body in any planet’s L4 and L5 points, and there are a few of these; in fact there are two in Earth’s L4 point.

But the more immediately–even urgently–interesting asteroids are the ones whose orbits are inside the asteroid belt. There are several groups of these Near Earth Objects…and that name should tell you why we are so concerned with them:

Amors (named after 1221 Amor) have an orbit larger than the Earth, and their minimum distance to the Sun is greater than Earth’s maximum distance to the Sun. As such, they pose no collision hazard with the Earth. Unless, of course, something mucks with their orbit, like a near pass with another body.

Atiras (named after 163693 Atira), their orbits are entirely within the Earth’s orbit. No hazard now, but the same caveat applies.

Apollos (1862 Apollo) and Atens (2062 Aten) are asteroids whose orbits cross that of Earth, in other words their furthest distance from the Sun either exceeds our minimum distance, and their minimum distance exceeds our maximum distance, or both. Apollos have an average distance greater than 1 AU, Atens have an average distance less than 1 AU.

Or there’s this handy-dandy chart you can use.

These are the scary ones. We are very, very aware of the consequences of a collision with a sizeable asteroid. Most life was extinguished by a 10 km asteroid 66 million years ago, and in historic times we’ve had two explode over Russia with megaton force (1908 in Tunguska and 2013 in Chelyabinsk)–and these were small bodies, roughly 50-60 and 18 meters across, respectively. Neither asteroid actually hit the Earth (at least not in one piece), rather they exploded high in our atmosphere when their trajectories grazed it.

50,000 or so years ago we did suffer a direct hit from a 50 meter iron-nickel meteorite, in Arizona. This left a 3900 foot crater you can visit today:

Note that we failed to spot the Chelyabinsk meteor before it hit, though we saw another one that completely missed the Earth not long before that.

We’ve bent considerable effort to trying to locate all Near Earth Objects and we think we’ve spotted the really big ones. But even a 100 or 50 meter object can cause a lot of damage, and no we haven’t spotted even a significant fraction of those.


I mentioned earlier that metallic asteroids are made of iron and nickel, as well as other goodies.

This was important in the past, and will be again. Before we learned how to smelt iron around 1300 BCE (a very rough date, the end of the Bronze age), the only source of iron we had was meteorites. In fact, going back to the Trojan war, one of the gifts given to a Greek warrior was a meteorite he could use to make iron armor out of. Priceless! (Especially given that that particular mixture of iron and nickel is in fact much better material than pure iron would be.)

But what are the “other goodies”? We think these iron-nickel meteorites were once in the core of a larger body (not a full planet), which had melted and begun to differentiate, with the iron, nickel, and other heavy metals sinking into the core, leaving the outer layers relatively bereft of these metals. Earth has an iron core due to this very mechanism. We also have relatively little gold, platinum, PGMs, etc in our crust, because of this process. Although rare even in the core, they are less so there than up here.

Iron nickel meteorites do have some variances but are often 1 part per million or more of gold and/or iridium. This would be considered very good ores (especially for iridium which is normally less than a part per billion).

In fact it’s that relative abundance of iridium that was the smoking gun that established that an asteroid hit the Earth at about the time the dinosaurs were wiped out (there are still some holdout paleontologists who insist that most of the job was done by volcanic activity before the meteorite arrived). Sediments deposited at that time show “spikes” in the concentration of iridium.

That’s the past. What about the future?

We are pretty confident that 16 Psyche is a large iron-nickel body. It has been measured at 220 meters in diameter (it’s a bit irregularly shaped).

Its mass is 23 quadrillion (metric) tonnes. Or 23 million billion tonnes. That is a LOT of iron, more than we’ve ever used certainly, and…well, that’s going to be 23 billion tonnes of iridium, 23 billion tonnes of gold…but we can’t readily access it.


We are sending a probe, named Psyche, to get a closer look and confirm what we think about it. It launched on 23 October of last year and is expected to arrive in 2029, shortly after the beginning of JD Vance’s first term as President.

Spot Prices.

Kitco Ask. Last week:

Gold $2,622.40
Silver $31.24
Platinum $986.00
Palladium $1090.00
Rhodium $5,075.00
FRNSI* 125.859-
Gold:Silver 83.944-

This week, markets closed as of 3PM MT.

Gold $2,658.90
Silver $31.72
Platinum $1,010.00
Palladium $1,038.00
Rhodium $5,100.00
FRNSI* 127.624+
Gold:Silver 83.824+

Gold was as high as 2,670-something or so but then got hammered on Friday. Silver was over $32 even Friday morning, but the usual Friday beat-down occurred. Palladium’s bid price (i.e., the price they offer, not the price they ask) is lower than platinum’s bid price. (Usually when you see news stories about the price of these metals, they work off the bid price. I quote the ask price because you should be buying this stuff up, not selling it.) Silver again seems to be undergoing wider swings than gold, but the gold silver ratio ends up barely moving, somehow.

Gold futures contracts for December delivery apparently breached the $2,700 mark for the first time sometime on Thursday.

*The SteveInCO Federal Reserve Note Suckage Index (FRNSI) is a measure of how much the dollar has inflated. It’s the ratio of the current price of gold, to the number of dollars an ounce of fine gold made up when the dollar was defined as 25.8 grains of 0.900 gold. That worked out to an ounce being $20.67+71/387 of a cent. (Note gold wasn’t worth this much back then, thus much gold was $20.67 71/387ths. It’s a subtle distinction. One ounce of gold wasn’t worth $20.67 back then, it was $20.67.) Once this ratio is computed, 1 is subtracted from it so that the number is zero when the dollar is at its proper value, indicating zero suckage.

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Its mass is 23 quadrillion (metric) tonnes. Or 23 million billion tonnes. That is a LOT of iron, more than we’ve ever used certainly, and…well, that’s going to be 23 billion tonnes of iridium, 23 billion tonnes of gold…

So there’s an asteroid that could, in the future, cause another gold rush…

but we can’t readily access it.


We are sending a probe, named Psyche, to get a closer look and confirm what we think about it. It launched on 23 October of last year and is expected to arrive in 2029,

A six-year journey!

in 2029, shortly after the beginning of JD Vance’s first term as President.



What I wonder is whether it is stratified. Were there layers of lighter metals, leading down to a core of heavier ones? Are the remnants of the “bottom” layers going to be radioactive?


Still, it’d be real fun if they found a solid chunk of what had been the layer about as dense as gold. Probably have some tungsten in there, too. Not a lot of iron.


RFK Jr. at Michigan Trump rally: “All you have to know is 7 words, and you never have to admit to doing anything wrong again: I was born in the middle class.

The next time your boss asks you why you were late for work, what are you gonna say?”

Crowd: “I was born in the middle…

Trump has some excellent, high-profile surrogates this time around.


Charleston White’s Message To Black Americans

“As much as we don’t wanna believe this, the white man is our only ally in this world. The white American man is our only ally in this world because he will unite with us under our constitutional rights to help save his country.

He’s our real brother. The white man taught us how to read, homie. The Mexicans didn’t. The white man died with us, homie, to help us get out of slavery. The Chinese didn’t.

The white man fought alongside the ****** white Jewish man with doctor King to help us get civil rights. The Mexican didn’t. The Latin the Latin didn’t. The Chinese didn’t. The Cuban didn’t.

So he’s really our only friend in the world. Because as much as y’all wanna believe that y’all leave this country, nigga, they’re gonna kick you worse in your ass and go somewhere. Go to Africa Watch how the African treat y’all.

N*gga, men don’t nobody like us but the white boy and he’s white one. They’re only real friend, — I swear to god. I swear to god. They’re our only real friend.

That’s why homie don’t nobody else really f*ck with us but white. Everybody else use us for economical benefits.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting perspective.


He’s not wrong. There are slaves all over the world, fairly openly, except in the white West. While we do have trafficking, it is a shameful, hidden, illegal activity.


Regarding your last sentence, its illegality is pro forma; it has been de facto decriminalized via current fed border policy. The appropriateness of the first two adjectives is debatable thanks to the same policy.  😡 


Democrats have always enslaved the poor and Blacks in this country.
Now the imported more willing slaves who do not need to be manipulated


He got it 🙂 Americans always unite when danger lurks . This has always astounded me and I believe it. Yesterday when I was in Columbus I interacted with 3 Black women and I felt a unity a sisterhood with them. They were kind respectful and I was also to them.
The American spirit is still in tact 🙂 God Bless America !


folks are waking up. Common most everywhere I go.


I am so glad that people are waking up to reality it was a matter of time 🙂

Valerie Curren

Beautiful truth!!!


Yes it is beautiful 🙂

Valerie Curren


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Any county being able to halt the certification process due to fraud opens the door for alleged fraud, delays, “found” ballots, etc.

Last edited 3 months ago by TheseTruths

Plenty of time for USPS to find another sack of ballots, recently printed.  :wpds_evil: 


Elon Musk, on non-citizen police officers:

Near the fall of the Roman Empire, the Roman Army also increasingly relied on non-citizens



Somebody had to replace Derek Chauvin.  😡 


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HaKKKeem DipShitz.


AND logic in action…😂

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



And “hang loose” while you do it!


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How can I cheat you? Let me count the ways. Dems have a never-ending supply of ways to lie, deceive, steal, and cheat in elections.


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Love this!


Hopefully not by Gordon Freeman in the Black Mesa development unit…..


Lost tree from the Bible is resurrected from 1,000-year-old mystery seed

Scientists have managed to grow an ancient seed recovered from a cave just north of Jerusalem into a long-lost species of tree — one with likely Biblical significance.

The now 10-foot-tall tree, painstakingly brought back to life over a period of 14 years, has proven to be a once presumed-extinct relative from the ‘frankincense and myrrh’ family.

Researchers now suspect that the tree, which they named ‘Sheba,’ might be the same species that produced the highly valued medicinal extract ‘tsori,’ first alluded to in the book of Genesis and later Old Testament accounts of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. 

‘The identity of Biblical ‘tsori’ [‘balm’ in English] has long been open to debate,’ they said. ‘There are no descriptions in Biblical sources of the tree which produced tsori.’

But ‘Sheba’ [pictured below] is just the latest in a series of this team’s botanical resurrections to have come out of the Holy Land, including the 2005 sprouting of an ancient date palm, nicknamed ‘Methuselah,’ from a seed dating back to the time of Christ.comment image

The now 10-foot tall tree – painstakingly brought back to life over 14 years – was grown from an ancient seed found during an archeological dig inside a cave just north of Jerusalem.

Sheba’s ancient seed was first unearthed during a 1986-87 archaeological dig at Wadi el-Makkuk, a winter water channel in the Northern Judean desert whose canyons are dotted with over 374 known caves…

We believe these findings support our hypothesis, that “Sheba” […] may represent an extinct taxon once native to this region, whose resin “tsori” mentioned in Biblical texts was valuable, associated with healing but not described as fragrant,’ they concluded.

Additional research still remains to be done to confirm this hypothesis however, in part because the Sheba plant has not yet flowered — a process that will reveal still more clues via budding reproductive material that the scientists can subject to further study.

More details at the link. I can’t imagine having the responsibility of trying to cultivate a seed of that age and significance.

Last edited 3 months ago by TheseTruths
Barb Meier

What if the Sheba tree has male and female to bear fruit?


Often, another tree of a similar type can play the pollinator. We can hope there is some relative that works.

Valerie Curren

wouldn’t that create some type of hybrid?


No. Not usually.

For example, if you buy a Bosc pear tree, you will need either a Anjou, Bartlett, Comice, Seckel nearby for pollination. But your Bosc pears will still be Bosc. A lot of fruit trees are like this. But a Bartlett pear is self-pollinating, which is probably why it is so common. But even a Bartlett will fruit better with a different pear nearby.

Valerie Curren

Fascinating! Thx 🙂




Thank you for bringing this. Yours Truly wonders if this tree is descended from the original balsam trees that produced the Balm in Gilead spoken of in the Bible.


Interesting idea.


it’s like she’s trying to lose…

Kamala asked about policy… this is her response…



It seems like it would be really hard to talk that much, and literally not say anything coherent at all, and just keep going, and going. Because it’s not normal. It’s not natural.

You’d have to work at it, to be so intentionally vague, about everything, that your words are literally just meaningless sounds emanating from your mouth, with the surface appearance of sentence structure, but absolutely no meaning to any of it.




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duckspeak — To quack like a duck (usually indicating one’s delivery of newspeak, delivered without any active thought from the speaker, sounding very much like nothing but noise, but very clearly fully in line with Party ideology). “It is one of those interesting words that have two contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it is abuse, applied to someone you agree with, it is praise.” – Syme, Newspeak philologist.

(From Orwell’s “1984”, which wasn’t supposed to be a how-to manual.)

Last edited 3 months ago by cthulhu
Barb Meier

Word of mouth about a government study: You can teach a duck anything in a day, but the next day all it will remember is how to quack.

Quack, quack, quack


Kamala is not dumb she thinks we are dumb that is why she tells us nothing Many people are satisfied with word salad and will vote for her. This shows democrats do not want to think that is why we are a danger to their power, we think 🙂
She is dancing around her true political intentions.

Last edited 3 months ago by singingsoul1

REVEALED : The “October Surprise” That Could Tank Kamala’s White House Chances

the dockworkers strike, early next week…?

key ports along the East and Gulf states (map shown)..

article, here…




An October surprise that would affect the Dems…interesting. I tend to think the “surprises” always adversely affect our side.


Agree. In this case, a couple October surprises.



“They Slaughtered, Raped and Buried Us Alive” : Syrians Praise Blows To Hezbollah

Syrians…especially the Sunni population…have not forgotten the brutality & atrocities committed by Hezbollah in support of Assad during that civil war…

more details, here…



Devastation left by Hurricane Helene – https://www.yahoo.com/news/photos-show-helenes-wrath-across-southeast-after-category-4-storm-slams-into-florida-145524217.html

Helene has dumped rain on a part of the country that had recently endured extreme precipitation, an unfortunate one-two punch that has made flooding that much worse. Here are some of the totals that have come just from Helene:
• 25.07 inches in Hendersonville, N.C.
• 24.01 inches Ridgecrest, N.C.
• 23.77 inches at Mount Mitchell State Park, N.C.
• 22.98 inches at Sunfish Mountain, S.C.
• 21.07 inches at Slicking Mountain, S.C
• 19.50 inches in Clemson, S.C.
• 19.39 inches in Banner Elk, N.C.
• 17.70 inches at Grandfather Mountain, N.C.
• 16.61 inches in Salem, S.C.
• 14.68 inches in Tallulah Falls, Ga.
• 13.56 inches in Martinez, Ga.
• 11.13 inches at Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta airport, Ga.
• 7.35 inches in Columbia, S.C.
• 5.62 inches in Charlotte, N.C.

Today’s flooding from #Helene is worse than the Great Flood of 1916, the flood of record in Western North Carolina. Please, keep the good people of Western North Carolina in your thoughts. They will be recovering from this generational storm for a long time. #NCwx


Steinhatchee, Cedar Key and the other N FL coastal areas had just rebuilt after Idalia last year and Debby earlier this year. They must be very discouraged.

The Advent Christian Village where Sally and her Dad live has been hit by 3 hurricanes in 2 years. This time, with Helene, numerous trees were blown down and a few houses had trees fall on them, but the new roofs on the main buildings replaced after Idalia and Debby do not seem to have been damaged. No blue tarps anywhere…yet. We had 5 family homes in the path of the storm. The two in the city seem to have escaped damage, as well as the house at the Village. We are not sure about the two homes belonging to Sally’s Dad’s siblings on St. George Island, FL, near Apalachicola that were west of the storm. We are humbled and grateful to have been spared.

As I watched the eye of Helene come ashore on radar Thursday night, the eye came in south and slightly west of Perry, FL. Then it began to move NNE, and would pass directly over the Village. The weather instruments at the Village showed the height of sustained winds reaching 75-76 mph with gusts of 99 mph and this lasted for just 10 minutes (https://www.weather.gov/wrh/timeseries?site=2205W&hours=72)

As I watched the radar and the wind measurements, the eye of the hurricane fractured into multiple pockets and there was no discernible eye and eye wall. After that, the sustained winds and gusts slowly diminished and the storm sounds gradually became quieter in the wee hours of the morning.


Good to hear from you!

Valerie Curren

TY for this update…God be with you, your extended family, & all effected. I cannot begin to imagine the stress you all experience as these storms come in. What a blessing that the Village has found a way to weather these storms. May God have mercy on All  🙏 

Hope this lets that tweet you shared show here


The rain hit us late afternoon. When we came back from Columbus on I 23 I saw a tornado in the distance and there was high winds and heavy rain. The ditches next to 23 were full of water. One part of I 23 was flooded and I saw a car in the ditch only 1/2 of car visible doors were open people got out. Was glad to be back home.

Valerie Curren

Wow. We had a lot of rain most of today & a lot of wind yesterday. I haven’t looked at a weather map so don’t know if the rain was in play far enough North to mess w/ Hubby’s weekend at hunting camp to do prep work for Bow Hunting Season that starts Oct. 1. He’s going to go up again next weekend & has the whole week off & will be joined intermittently by various kids & I think his hunting buddy. I will be manning the Cottage, about an hour North of hunting camp where my daughter will be at night so that I can watch her daughter, allowing this mom to float back & forth to hunting camp. Our oldest son & his wife & 2 girls will also be there that first weekend so the siblings might travel to/from hunting camp together. This will be a new adventure for All of us that will hopefully set a repeatable precedent to allow the moms to hunt, to some degree, if they want to, in the coming years!


Sounds to be fun 🙂 Thanks for sharing 🙂

Valerie Curren

YW, I’ll probably share some type of report on it all once I’m back home & “sufficiently” recouped 🙂


Hope you have good weather 🙂

Valerie Curren

Me too. It should be pretty interesting & I’ll need lots of strength from the Lord to manage my granddaughter for many hours & days in a row…whew!


Thanks for the report. Praying for all folks who have been affected and are subject to this. Stay safe.

The hits keep coming in our area as well.


That is about an hour east of us. Family members in a small town 30-40 minutes west of that linked area are being evacuated currently. It flows from there toward the the TVA controlled Douglas Lake that straddles our county and the adjacent one east of it. Douglas is at max capacity and all overflow gates are open into the French Broad River. TVA is doing all they can to control the flow to reduce flooding in towns and cities. The volume of water is HUGE.

We were spared the torrential rains that hit Carolina and the eastern most part of TN. Had about 4-5″ that was directed out by TVA prior to the onslaught from Carolina. So we are in good shape unless Douglas Dam breeches, which is holding up currently.


Good Lord, are you and yours ready to evacuate if the Douglas Dam breaches? Please stay safe!


Thanks, PAVACA. We will.

We are far enough from the French Broad that we should be fine. It appears to be holding and they continue to release through the gates. Supposed to peak later this evening.

The photos coming out of the Black Mountain area east of Asheville are devastating. As bad or worse as a war zone.


Thank you so much for the update, and that you all there were spared the worst of Helene. Sounds like the Village did a good job in storm preparation. I’m hoping that the houses on St. George’s Island are intact and no injuries to people there.

Dreadful that Cedar Key was pretty much destroyed by Helene. The people there were just getting their lives back together from the last hit.

It appears to me that Helene “split” into two separate storm paths after it passed through Georgia and then encountered the huge storm that came down from Canada. Sort of like a “T” split. North Carolina was hit very hard, especially the western part of the state.

My entire yard is a spongy, squishy bog. Ditto for the neighborhood. The concern now is that trees will start falling simply because of the saturation of the ground. This is particularly true for trees that have “short roots”, like the Virginia Pines and the Loblolly Pines that are all over the place.


Douglas Macgregor

Harris claims in 2022 the border is secure.. Today she claimed she will secure the border.. What is wrong with this picture?



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Last edited 3 months ago by smiley2

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Oh my! LOLOL!

Valerie Curren

What an enjoyable read, Thanks Steve! This image brings some questions to my mind 🙂

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50,000 or so years ago we did suffer a direct hit from a 50 meter iron-nickel meteorite, in Arizona. This left a 3900 foot crater you can visit today:”

As you likely know I try to have a Biblical world view, so I believe in the worldwide flood of Noah. I understand some biblical literalists have postulated that the Creation outlined in Genesis happened in roughly 4004 BC (I’m not saying I am firmly persuaded of this timeline but it is based on ages & descendancy outlined in Genesis, I believe, so that we can speculate that Noah’s flood happened sometime After 4004 BC).

Anyway that biblical flood was such that waters covered the entire surface of the earth so that nothing that lived on the earth survived except what was preserved in Noah’s ark. I believe that it is speculated by some creationists that Pangea breaking up was part of the process of that worldwide cataclysmic flood.

So if Noah’s flood was world wide, covered mountain tops, & took almost a year for the waters to recede sufficiently for Noah & his family to exit the ark, wouldn’t such a crater have been significantly filled with sediments so that its appearance would be markedly different?

If the crater was made post-Noah’s flood wouldn’t it’s “age” be less than 6000 years?

So after writing the above I went looking for some info here, (hope you read it Steve):


Continuing Impacts Throughout the Flood
Many meteorite impact craters have now been identified across the earth’s surface. These have been imprinted and preserved in layers deposited by the Flood6 and are also visible on today’s post-Flood land surface, such as the famous Meteor Crater just east of Flagstaff in northern Arizona.

The impact “ages” of 110 craters (as estimated using the secular dating methods) are tabulated in Figure 2.7 Secular geologists thus believe that large meteorites crashed into the earth at a rate of 1–8 every 30 million years, but that the rate was much higher in recent times. However, those scientists who believe that the bulk of the fossil record was deposited during the Flood reach a very different conclusion. According to the Flood model, the first 71 of these 110 impacts would have occurred during the year of the Flood, and the other 39 were spread out over the 4,500 years since the Flood. (bolding emphasis is mine here, VC)

The rate during the Flood was catastrophic—71 in one year versus an average of only one impact every 115 years. Even most of those 39 post-Flood impacts likely occurred in the first few decades after the Flood, as the catastrophic processes that triggered the Flood slowed to today’s snail’s pace.

Impact Crater Early in the Flood (Figure 1)
A massive asteroid, perhaps 2.5 miles (4 km) wide, slammed into the earth at the start of the Flood, leaving a 56-mile-wide (90 km) impact crater in South Australia. Did this explosion, which equaled 50,000–100,000 hydrogen bombs, help trigger the Flood?

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A History of Craters: Two Interpretations (Figure 2)
Geologists have found over a hundred impact craters on earth. On this table 39 of the 110 impacts were deposited in the uppermost rock layers, and the rest were spread over the many lower layers.

If all these layers were deposited slowly over millions of years, then impacts have been more common in recent times. But if most layers were deposited during the year-long Flood, 71 impacts occurred during only one year. The other 39 were spread over the next 4,500 years.

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“Meteorite Fall” During the Flood (Figure 3)
At a quarry in Sweden, over forty meteorites have been found in a 10-foot (3 m) section of limestone. The fragments are scattered in twelve thin beds deposited early in the Flood. They share the same metallic qualities, as though they came from one meteor, which exploded when it entered the earth’s atmosphere.

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The Flood of Noah’s Day
We cannot be certain whether God used an asteroid or swarms of asteroids to begin the Flood event and the resulting breakup of the earth’s crust into plates. However, we do find evidence that asteroids were striking the earth at catastrophic rates during the Flood and that these asteroids were spread over the earth’s surface. Asteroids surely contributed greatly to the horrific and violent geologic events that took place during God’s year of judgment of the earth.

[VC speculation about the above paragraph, I would Guess that the NEA type asteroids that you discussed above Could be the source of this violent roughly year long judgement on the earth, happening roughly 2500 BC. If the paths of those asteroids/meteors can be speculated forward in time, couldn’t they also be speculated backwards in time so that it Might be possible to suggest which one(s) might have been impacting Earth then?]

In Genesis 6:7 and 6:13 God declared that He would destroy man, beasts, creeping things, and fowl “with the earth.” This global Flood cataclysm would destroy the landscape of the original earth (2 Peter 3:6). The original landmass was broken, flooded, and pulverized. The many impact craters and fossil meteorites are stark, sober reminders that God keeps His Word.

These signs of judgment also remind us that all who trust God for salvation, like Noah, are recipients of His grace and mercy through the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is our Ark of salvation, delivering us from the judgment by fire yet to come (2 Peter 3:7).

Dr. Andrew Snelling holds a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney and has worked as a consultant research geologist in both Australia and America. Author of numerous scientific articles, Dr. Snelling is now director of research at Answers in Genesis.

Here are footnotes 6 & 7 referred to above (sorry about the numbering):

  1. D. D. Bogard, “Impact Ages of Meteorites: A Synthesis,” Meteoritics 30 (1995): 244–268.
  2. R. A. F. Grieve, “The Terrestrial Cratering Record,” Accretion of Extraterrestrial Matter Throughout Earth’s History, eds. B. Peucker-Ehrenbrink and B. Schmitz (New York: Kluwer Academics, 2001), pp. 379–402.

Those of us who believe always have what sceptics might call an ‘out’ – called Divine Intervention. We believe the answer to the sort of apparent impossibilities that you describe is God divinely altered our reality to make those things fit.

Why He would do this is described most plainly in the tale of Gideon and the 300. Gideon asked God why he was sending him into battle with such a small number against an overwhelming force. God answered him, so you will know it was not your power that delivered victory to you.

I’m not trying to convince anybody it’s correct; merely that it exists and is taken seriously by many who believe God is real and involved with us.

Valerie Curren

Well said–TY!

Valerie Curren

I Really Appreciate your answer, so well thought out & touching on many aspects of a number of the issues in play here!!! Thank you for taking the time!!!

I wondered if you might consider it (young earth creationism) to be akin to flat earth 🙂

The fundamental problem here, is that YECers have a final answer in mind, a presupposition. When new evidence comes in that seems to indicate that answer is in fact wrong, they have to either a) ignore or b) torture it to death to try to make it consistent with their pre-supposed answer or c) just flat outright lie.”

I agree that having a presupposition is problematic, but others also have a troublesome one. Many, not all, scientists presuppose that there is no God. Because of this viewpoint they do not allow results to be accounted for by the existence & actions of “God”, which I believe is also an egregious blind spot 🙂

It would be fascinating to discover if there are any qualified Agnostic scientists out there that could look into these issues via rigorous application of the scientific method, not paid for answers by whatever interested party. They could “debunk” the “science” of both sides, YECs vs “atheistic” scientists because they could leave room for either side (& other positions) to be “right” because they are not boxed in by said answer-limiting presuppositions.

I think you’ve done a great job to raise important points & attempted to do so by taking into consideration alternate points of view (that you don’t agree with but are able to approximately articulate) with grace & humor & Lots of Science & Math, Kudos

Valerie Curren

“And a miracle is by definition something that would be impossible whilst following the laws of nature. Not just some ridiculously unlikely occurrence like Trump turning his head aside at the right moment…but something impossible. Like maybe the bullet stopping in mid-air a foot from his face (Matrix movie style) without any of the known forces being responsible.”

I had two different pastors that claimed to personally have experienced miracles. One was in a hotel room with a staff person when a deranged individual broke in & shot him 3 times in the chest but the bullets bounced off of him & fell to the floor. When he spoke of this in church he had the staff person come up to confirm the info.

The other pastor was doing street ministry in Detroit when he was accosted by thugs & stabbed a couple times, iirc. He got in his car to drive away & found himself almost immediately in front of his home, presumably having been “translated” like Phillip was after baptizing the Ethiopian Eunuch in the NT.

I witnessed a miracle when a young college student. I was on a break with a friend in Johnstown, PA & for some reason we went to some prayer or healing event in town (that wasn’t something I would normally do). In the row in front of me a couple seats over there was a young child who appeared to be blind with the lack of control of the eye muscles in the arms of an adult. There was prayer over this child & then someone flicked a lighter with the flame up a couple times in front of the child’s face. I was seated in the perfect spot to Directly See this happen. The first flick of the flame got no response, the 2nd a partial response, & then the third time the eyes rolled around a bit before directly focusing on the flame before looking in love & joy into the face of the one holding them & grasping the neck of their parent. It was incredibly moving for all around, probably not a dry eye in the place, & I don’t believe it was faked.

“Science is about studying the natural world.” Yes & it should be rational & repeatable, when possible. In dealing with events thousands or millions of years before our time we obviously can’t “Know” for we cannot observe exactly what happened nor can it be repeated. Theories should account for known facts. Uncomfortable “facts” should not be dodged because they call pet theories into question.

My understanding is that there is evidence of a younger Earth that is accepted by YECs but is ignored by those who think the Earth is millions of years old. For instance there are supposedly fossilized trees standing through “millions of years” of rock where the YECs would likely claim that it is evidence of huge sediments being laid down rapidly in The Flood.

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I think it is important to keep open dialogue between those of differing views on these matters in an “iron sharpens iron” manner. This can benefit All parties by causing them to refine their positions & expose areas of error or misunderstanding. Agreeing to disagree as is necessary but not denigrating the others’ views since there isn’t “ultimate proof” of these complex issues in this life. Finding flaws in each others’ arguments & theories would lead to improving the theories I would hope!

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

TY for these clarifications, much appreciated!

Robert Baker

From your comment it seems you are interested in aspects of the Biblical flood recorded in Genesis. Just this week I started reading a book that addresses the Flood from a Biblical perspective. I am presently only a few pages in so I can’t give a book report, but I have included the preface of the book to allow you to add the book to your research if you so desire. Walton has done a series of these books called the Lost World where his intention is to interpret the Old Testament from the author’s worldview rather than our 21st century perspective. I am in the process of reading all the books in this series. All are interesting. This is not a mass audience book but from what I have read of your faith you will have no problems understanding the argument Walton makes. I doubt you will find this book in a public library but maybe it will be in a Christian bookstore.


Four previous works in the Lost World series have established its underlying concepts:

  •   Accessible discussion of a topic of current popular (not just academic) interest
  •   Addressed through propositions that move the reader through a logical sequence of the principal points of discussion
  •   Based on a fresh, close reading of the Hebrew text
  •   Informed by knowledge of the ancient Near Eastern literature and cognitive environment
  •   Undergirded by a consistently applied hermeneutic that finds God’s authoritative message in the text represented in the communication as understood by the human source (speaker or writer) and his audience—working out the principle that the Bible is written for us, but not to us

The account of the flood (situated in the context of Genesis 1–11) is inarguably an excellent candidate for such a study. It provides an example of a text that has been subjected to many modern readings as interpreters focus on apologetics and scientific and historical reconstruction of the event. We will argue that these not only miss the point but potentially distort the biblical message.
The issues the Lost World books deal with are inherently controversial—that is why they remain issues of debate. Consequently, any treatment of them will be controversial, as this one will be. For open-minded readers who are seeking an interpretation that will make sense to them, we invite you to plunge in and engage the options we have proposed.
As always in the Lost World books, the intention is not to offer the single “correct” interpretation of the text. We seek, instead, to provide an interpretation based on a conviction that the Bible is the Word of God—Scripture that speaks truly. At the same time we recognize the importance of genre, of an understanding of the ancient world, and of the importance of a sound hermeneutic for arriving at an understanding of that truth. Our goal is not to convert the reader to our conclusions, or even to persuade the reader to adopt our way of thinking. Instead, we seek to bring information to the reader’s attention that has helped us as we have struggled with the passages. If readers deem that information useful and beneficial, we are gratified. But for readers who cannot accept our findings, believing that Scripture makes claims that require other conclusions, we hope that at least we have shown how our particular interpretation is the result of faithful interpretation.

John H. Walton, Tremper Longman III, and Stephen O. Moshier, The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate (Westmont, IL: IVP Academic, 2018), vii–viii.


ThanQ. It’s now on my bucket list.

Valerie Curren

TY for sharing this, which sounds like an excellent read! I will look into it 🙂

I was thinking of looking into the original Hebrew, likely using the Blue Letter Bible website, to see if any of the descriptive words from the Biblical account might line up with that asteroid theory. In the AIG piece I quoted they briefly touch on how the rain may have started. I believe that it is theorized that the pre-flood world was very different & that the atmosphere was different. There wasn’t rain before the Flood, iirc, so that water coming down to Earth was perhaps more like a terrarium, lots of dew…

I just looked it up on the library system & they have 2 of his Lost World books available, but not the Flood. I requested the one on Adam & Eve 🙂

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren

Fascinating read. Thanks!

Have driven past the I-40 exit for the Meteor site, several dozens times. Crazy, but ten this past year alone. Will make time to visit in October. I assume walk around the crater. Hope down into AND across the crater. If nothing else, we enjoy walking AND an ideal pit stop.

Our return drive just increased by one day. Guessing RON Gallup, NM.

Have walked down into a cauldron in Volcanoes National Park, HI. Pretty cool stuff.

  • Meteor site next!

Appreciate the heads up. Definitely good to know.

Private ownership (Indian) and other stuff is why I scrubbed Grand Canyon North Rim visit.

Quick look at the web site, we’ll still visit the Meteor site. Likely a couple hours. Will be interesting, educational and great memories.

Valerie Curren

40+ years ago my family & friends from Tucson, who used to live in Michigan & attend our church, camped out on the North Rim. I do recall that we had to pay for showers, 50 cents for 5 minutes. My dad gave me ceaseless crap because he & my 2 brothers shared one 5 minute shower but I needed 10 minutes (which was Very Short for my teen self) to handle my long hair.

It seems like we just pulled off the road near the edge of the North Rim to camp & it wasn’t actually a camp ground, but I could be wrong about that. We did see a cowboy who drove up in a pickup truck & then rode his horse on a switchback trail down into the canyon.

We 6 kids did some cutting across country, as in heading straight down the canyon sides instead of using the cowboy’s switchback dirt trail. I was wearing shorts & slid by some type of thorn bushes that sliced up my thighs pretty good & left scars visible for some months (I thought these were cool/sexy LOL).

I’m pretty sure we didn’t have to pay to be along the canyon there but that was in the late 70s I believe.

One highlight was watching the fog roll into the canyon from the rim, I think around dusk. Good times & great memories!


Yea. Hollbrook, Winslow are at most gas stops. Generally Love’s or Pilot along the Interstate. Sleep or food, Flagstaff or Gallup.

Visiting the Meteor site will only add ~three hours in the days trek. Not an added day as envisioned earlier today.

Spring or summer we’ll wedge in a trip through Four Corners. Will have a couple Grands with us. They’ll likely Twister of sorts.

Valerie Curren

Winslow, Arizona, some music comes to mind 😉 Time to take it easy  😎 

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren

Good info. Will revisit North Rim potential. Had only heard less than charitable thoughts regrading glass balcony…

Valerie Curren

my aunt drove there some years back & the roads were Atrocious, they lost a hub cap, as did Many Others! The price was outrageous so few in their party were willing to pay…



“A very enjoyable read, with the right message. All we need to do is let Israel win, and not get in the way.” ht Wolf

This one should be Required Reading by every dumbass in the White House, Pentagon, entire military Active Duty, Reserves, AND idiots in the Department of State.

  • Reading this may prevent the next self defeating decision they support OR themselves decide.


Patton was crystal clear…


Putin might have to be careful here, this makes the decapitation a countries leadership more acceptable in the eyes of that part of the international community clamoring for Ukraine to bomb into Russia. Wouldn’t be surprised if the Kremlin is not the next target. Lord knows they are currently going after Trump.


Nasrallah was not a “country’s leadership.” He was the leader of a terrorist organization.

If America took out the head of MS-13, is that the same as assassinating the President of Mexico?

Why do people insist on giving terrorists legitimacy?


I chose my words carefully. He’s part of Lebanon’s leadership by sheer numbers of people he represents.

27% of the population was Sunni, 27% Shia, 21% Maronite, 8% Greek Orthodox, 5% Druze, 5% Melkite, and 1% Protestant, with the remaining 6% mostly belonging to smaller non-native to Lebanon Christian denominations.

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The left calls MAGA terrorists.


I think Aubergine was using U.N. standards. [no offense, Aubergine]. The Hez don’t have a seat at the G.A.; ergo, it is not recognized as such.

This is a case where you both are correct.


I am unoffended. I am very hard to offend. I just think what I think, and not much changes about that.


Lol. Come on. You don’t think Nasrallah is comparable to MAGA, and neither does anyone sane.

Nasrallah is a stone killer with thousands of deaths he is directly responsible for. He is not an elected leader. He is not a legitimate government representative. Period.

I couldn’t care less how people “frame it;” eliminating a terrorist is not equivalent to eliminating the President of Russia. And the international community would not see it that way, either.


Guessing Putin is very careful.

Quite surprised here, Zelensky and his entire Command Structure has not been taken out. Puzzling, it is.


The consequences of killing an even quasi-legitimate elected leader and killing an actual terrorist would be very different. Different enough that it is a deterrent.


George C. Scott did a great job of portraying Patton. I was curious to know what Patton really sounded like and found this clip. His voice was higher than Scott’s. To see Patton, start at about 1:00. He had an engaging smile which I imagine was more evident after the stress of the war was over.


A British general witnessed..

The Truth of The IDF’s Conduct in Gaza and Hamas’ Brutality on Oct.7

read, here…



Am Yisrael Chai 


People don’t want to think about the atrocities inflicted by the terrorists. They want to hate Israel. It just baffles me how people second guess the killing of those who want nothing but the deaths of Jews, bu Jews. That’s it; that’s their stated goal. All dead. And yet, when Jews kill the killers, it’s somehow their fault. Nasrallah was a monster. A homicidal lunatic. He died in a hole. Yay.

I guess I personalize it. If it was me, and all somebody wanted was me dead and they were trying to kill me in my own house, I would kill them.


Looking forward to learning more about this.

UPDATE: North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson at Home After Being Treated for Burns After “Incident” at Campaign Stop


Thank you for this.
According to the New York Post story on the incident, Mr. Robinson had second-degree burns to his hand from leaning on the truck at the campaign stop.
This is on top of the allegations that he posted to a porn site, that he made statements that “slavery is a good thing” and that “he would buy a few slaves himself.”
This is on top of the apparent resignations of many of his campaign staff after the stories of the above surfaced.
This is on top of the interview that Mr. Robinson and his wife gave regarding their decision decades ago to abort their child.


thanks for the information.

Porn site thing smacks of 100% smear. Purely unbelievable statement attributed to him.

Then, seemingly without blinking, much of his campaign staff resigns.Smacks of J6 AND staff bailing out on Trump.
Did not know about aborting a child. Hope they regret it. Be surprised if they don’t.

Quite the coincidence, so much is coming out. Is/was leading the race to guvner house.

I smell several rats with knives.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

Not much quality in that campaign staff if a bunch quit at the first artillery attack. He might have been given a silver lining in that dark cloud – flush out and replace the weaklings before the real fighting starts.


I don’t know which reports, and which people, are credible. It seems that every article and video is slanted one way or the other: either blaming Israel or excusing Israel. It also seems that both sides have an answer for every mitigating factor that anyone brings up, making each report seem like propaganda in some form.


Random thoughts.

There are four or five seemingly popular talking heads absolutely shredding any and everything Israel does. Hellbent on a single angle. Israel 100% B A D. Which I do not understand at all.

I have no idea how Israel will make peace with neighboring countries.

But Israel absolute should never have to accept daily missile attacks. Areas of Israel uninhabitable, because of those missile attacks. Nor should Israel have to endure Oct 7 or random terrorist hits.

THIS stuff must be addressed. Neutralized. Only then can peace with neighbors be pursued.


I agree.


islam has no place for peace, only submission.

Like Borg.

islam is the problem. Not the practice of islam, but the teaching of islam. islam is at war with humanity, and always has been.

islam is a belief system of hate and violence. So long as islam exists, any kind of peace in the world is a literal impossibility.


Verse of the Day for Saturday, September 28, 2024

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” 

Matthew 7:15 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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When you discern a sign what comes to mind
Is it a warning or portend combined
Does it alarm you or charm your senses
Do you take heed or disarm your defenses

The contrast between the natural true
And what’s in the supernatural queue
A sign or wonder in the mind’s eye 
An ordinary occurrence nigh

The secret to both is to whom they point
And to what they prophesy and anoint
The purpose is your awareness of God
To recognize His power and be awed

An unexpected divine intervention 
Is sure to inspire and get attention 
The problem arises when fake seems real
Forged apparitions have their appeal

False prophets perform actions that fool
Their manifestations fail as a rule
Signs seek to enhance bring about belief
Wonders serve as signs of future relief

Miracles are evidence of God’s power
They last for much longer than an hour
Healing comes not from man or of his hand
That was never designed or even planned

Only God can work wonders and give signs
By His great love and His power confines
The miraculous is in His domain alone
There’s no greater gift from God ever known

D01: 07/15/2023


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday



Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday





Following up on something Yours Truly brought to the board yesterday, about Hurricane Helene, one’s opinion:

“Weaponized Hurricane Helene: Here’s why the superstorm was deliberately intensified to a Cat 4 at landfall and aimed right at Taylor County, Florida.”
Yours Truly: IMO, while it may be true that Helene was “calibrated” to make it easier for a wealthy land investor to buy up Taylor County, there may be “other interests” at play.
Example: the state of Georgia was just ordered to use paper ballots only, handed out by poll workers, for the elections in November 2024. Hurricane Helene follows on the heels of this court order, striking Georgia terribly hard and killing at least 11 persons. The damage will take months to clean up. People have lost their homes and/or jobs due to houses and buildings damaged or destroyed.
Example: SC, NC, TN have catastrophic storm damage and flooding. The damage will take months to clean up. People have lost their homes and/or jobs due to houses and buildings damaged or destroyed.
All of the above mean an opportunity for pushing “mail-in ballots” for the November election.
IMO, TPTB and their cabals will literally stop at nothing to ensure that “KamaCackle” is installed as President in January 2025. And, also, that TPTB and their cabals turn both houses of Congress and as many state- and local-level elected offices as possible into DemCommunist strongholds.
IMO, if that means, to TPTB and their cabals, that storms are intensified / weaponized / “targeted to certain areas” via HAARP and other methods so that “mail-in ballots” is the only way to vote in November; that people like Mark Robinson of NC are literally slandered into losing the 2024 election (and, by the way, why was there “all of a sudden” a truck at a car show that burned his hand when he leaned on it during a campaign stop yesterday?); that Donald Trump, after escaping two recent assassination attempts, may now be in danger from heat-seeking missiles blowing his aircraft up while he’s traveling in it (think TWA800); and much more — IMO, these are all “within acceptable limits” to TPTB and their cabals.


I put nothing past Deep State AND World Economic Forum.

IF technology exists to manipulate weather as suggested, They Will Do It.

Trump Must Bes Stopped.


Foolish to think that the technology does not exist. It was enough of a threat that a world wide treaty was put into effect 77-78 time frame to stop use of this tech and the US was one of the very last to sign on. It’s most certain that the everything went underground at that time so the treaty could be circumvented and the tech exploited.


Foolish to think that the technology does not exist.

There is no evidence that technology to manipulate hurricanes exists.


The Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD), formally the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, is an international treaty prohibiting the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects. It opened for signature on 18 May 1977 in Geneva and entered into force on 5 October 1978.

The Convention bans weather warfare, which is the use of weather modification techniques for the purposes of inducing damage or destruction.

Many states do not regard this as a complete ban on the use of herbicides in warfare, such as Agent Orange, but it does require case-by-case consideration.[3]

Note that herbicides like Agent Orange are mentioned as a type of environmental modification technique. Another that is addressed is cloud seeding, which was used during the Vietnam War. Nowhere is there anything about causing hurricane damage or changing the path of a hurricane.


Weather warfare is the use of weather modification techniques such as cloud seeding for military purposes.


Prior to the Environmental Modification Convention signed in Geneva in 1977, the United States used weather warfare in the Vietnam WarOperation Popeye saw the use of cloud seeding over the Ho Chi Minh trail. It was hoped that the increased rainfall would reduce the rate of infiltration down the trail.[1]

A research paper produced for the United States Air Force written in 1996 speculates about the future use of nanotechnology to produce “artificial weather”, clouds of microscopic computer particles all communicating with each other to form an “intelligent fog” that could be used for various purposes. “Artificial weather technologies do not currently exist. But as they are developed, the importance of their potential applications rises rapidly.”

The Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD), which was signed in Geneva on May 18, 1977, and entered into force on October 5, 1978, prohibits “widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury”. In 1972 an ENMOD convention on weather warfare presented that this permits “local, non-permanent changes”.[2] The “Consultative Committee of Experts” established in Article VIII of the Convention stated in their “Understanding relating to Article II” that any use of environmental modification where this is done “as a means of destruction, damage or injury to another State Party, would be prohibited.”.[3] 

Nothing about causing, changing the path of, or intensifying hurricanes.

We can assert that “of course they’re doing it,” but there is no evidence of it. I firmly believe that white hats would know something if this were being developed and tried.


We might see one of those quadri-boobed gals any day now. 👽


From the link:

Everyone knows that the entire southeast United States has seen hurricanes practically forever. However, the dramatic uptick in the incidence of Cat 3, 4, and 5 hurricanes is quite unusual and now very obvious to long-time residents of the South.

In point of fact, Hurricane Season was never so fraught with these superstorms as the Deep South has experienced over the past 30 years. That’s because the NWO geoengineers are purposefully making those storms from scratch or hijacking natural tropical storms. Then, these geoterrorists greatly intensify them and aim them right at a pre-selected target.

Where is the author’s evidence of a “dramatic uptick in the incidence of Cat 3, 4, and 5 hurricanes”? or that storms have been aimed at a specific target? Why does he expect us to take his word, and why do some people just take his word?

The Global Warming Policy Foundation:

We have today published our periodic review of global hurricane activity.

The author, climate researcher Paul Homewood, says that official data is absolutely clear: hurricanes are neither increasing in number nor in intensity.

Read the report: https://thegwpf.org/publications/global-hurricane-activity-not-getting-worse-new-report-confirms/

From that paper:

Executive summary

Are hurricanes getting worse? It is widely believed that they are now more frequent and/or more powerful than they used to be. And the cause, we are told, is climate change. This belief is fuelled by widespread claims by the media and some politicians, particularly when a bad storm occurs. The belief is also reinforced because the monetary damage hurricanes cause is greater nowadays, thanks to increasing populations in vulnerable coastal areas and greater wealth• But is this belief correct, or is it a misconception? This study has carefully analysed official data and assessments by hurricane scientists and agencies, and finds:

• The apparent increase in the number of hurricanes since the 19th century has been due to changes in observational practices.

• Data show no long-term trends in US landfalling hurricanes since the mid-19th century, when systematic records began, either in terms of frequency or intensity.

• Similarly, after allowing for the fact that many hurricanes were not spotted prior to the satellite era, there are no such trends in Atlantic hurricanes either.

• Trends in landfalling Atlantic/Western Pacific hurricanes have been stable or decreasing since 1950.

• There are also no trends in global hurricane activity in the data collected since reliable records began in the 1970s.

• There is growing evidence that wind speeds of the most powerful hurricanes may now be overestimated in comparison to pre-satellite era ones, because of changing methods of measurement.

• The increase in Atlantic hurricanes in the last fifty years is not part of a long-term trend, but is simply a recovery from a deep minimum in hurricane activity in the 1970s, associated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.

These findings are in line with those of hurricane scientists generally, as well as those of official bodies.

Last edited 3 months ago by TheseTruths

The increasing number of hurricanes and more intense (destructive winds / rain, is akin to global warming and climate change. IMO.

If I listen to NOAA and the Fed annual predictions, the sky is falling. Reality, the sky hasn’t budged from my vantage. Click bait job justification…need more tax money.


I watch the NOAA National Hurricane Center site almost daily during season. The named Atlantic storms are half what they predicted this season. Only a few have hit the continental US. The vast majority have churned out in the middle of the ocean, wandered around and died.

The weather people act like two year olds.


 😂  at two year olds. Painfully true.


And if the storm begins rotation, they name it!

Brave and Free

Exactly, just like they do in the winter when they predict 12″ of snow and we get flurries.


Also regarding this, from the link:

Everyone knows that the entire southeast United States has seen hurricanes practically forever. However, the dramatic uptick in the incidence of Cat 3, 4, and 5 hurricanes is quite unusual and now very obvious to long-time residents of the South.

🔵 Category 3 Atlantic hurricanes:
1850s – 1890s – 45
1900s – 1940s – 41
1950s – 1990s – 47 – 5 decades, average of 9.4 hurricanes per decade
• 13 in the 1950s
• 9 in the 1960s
• 7 in the 1970s
• 7 in the 1980s
• 11 in the 1990s
2000s – 2020s – 29 – 3 decades, average of 9.6 hurricanes per decade
• 13 in the 2000s
• 12 in the 2010s
• 4 in the 2020s so far 

There has been no dramatic uptick in the numbers of Category 3 hurricanes.

🔵 Category 4 Atlantic hurricanes:
1851-1949 – 44
1950-1974 – 23
1975-1999 – 23 – about 1 per year
• 1975-1979 – 4
• 1980-1989 – 7
• 1990-1999 – 12
2000-present – 38 – about 1.5 per year
• 2000-2009 – 15
• 2010-2019 – 12
• 2020-the present – 11

There has been an increase in Category 4 hurricanes in recent years, but I think it is a stretch to call it “dramatic” until we have more data that analyzes all the factors affecting hurricane season from year to year.

🔵 Category 5 Atlantic hurricanes to strike the US:
Only 4 in history

The 1935 Labor Day Hurricane – considered the strongest ever, Florida KeysHurricane Camille (1969) – Mississippi, considered the second strongestHurricane Andrew (1992) – South Miami-Dade CountyHurricane Michael (2018) – Florida PanhandleNo “dramatic uptick” in Category 5 hurricanes striking the US, either.
There were 34 years between the first and the second, 23 years between the second and third, and 26 years between the third and fourth, so no increase in frequency.

The only recent increase is in the number of Category 4 hurricanes — so the author’s claim is false — and it could probably be explained by a lot of factors such as ocean temperatures, record-keeping, and others that I’m not aware of.


The 2004 Atlantic hurricane season was a very deadly, destructive, and active Atlantic hurricane season, with over 3,200 deaths and more than $61 billion (2004 USD, $95.77 billion 2022 USD) in damage. More than half of the 16 tropical cyclones brushed or struck the United States. Due to the development of a Modoki El Niño – a rare type of El Niño in which unfavorable conditions are produced over the eastern Pacific instead of the Atlantic basin due to warmer sea surface temperatures farther west along the equatorial Pacific – activity was above average.

I don’t know how others evaluate the veracity of what they read, but when someone either presents no data to back up their claims or they generalize to the point of falsity to make a point, I don’t consider them a credible source. It makes me question everything they say.

Last edited 3 months ago by TheseTruths

Excellent! I’m saving that.


TT, I have come to the conclusion that it is simply more fun to have a conspiracy theory about uncontrollable events in ones life than to just have to deal with it. That includes government, weather, and most world events. We have no control over any of it, but it is much more interesting and fun to think that somebody evil does. It’s like a movie or a video game that you can live in, not just a crappy circumstance that sucks.


Interesting story apparently coming to light now or being revisited. Not sure, but never heard of it before.




Unsettling, is an understatement.

Found dead. Guess not an obvious Arkencide. Double tap to the back of the head.

I do wonder what else she knew about Merck. OR, Merck thought she knew.


More than enough reasonable suspicion to start a criminal investigation to see if there is any crime and are there any suspects.

We’ll see if the appropriate officials do so.


Lemme guess what appropriate officials do, or did back at the time. Been years since this gal was sent on her way. (Murdered.)

And in other news.


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Exploded pagers, a gift that keeps on delivering.


h/t Insty —

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Valerie Curren



been a rough week for the Jew haters…

will they try to blame the Zionists for the hurricane, too ?


“It’s probably a Jew in charge of HAARP…”

well !

that sure didn’t take long.




appreciate the clarification.



Didn’t Jews invent HAARP? I’m sure I read that somewhere.

Probably Al Jazeera.


Ok, that’s friggin’ hilarious.


The rivers are rising due to the rains from Helene. There are several Flood Warnings issued for areas in NC:

Goldsboro, NC Warnings, Watches and Advisories

This list includes places pretty much all over NC, not just Goldsboro. Some of the listings are for today only; others start today and go through the beginning of October. Some are listed as “Likely”; many others are listed as “Observed.”


That is one of those things about all rivers flowing east in the state — floods in the mountains today are in the Piedmont tomorrow, and in the coastal plain the day after.

Happy go lucky.

Not the New


I was thinking of the rivers that cross the fall line — the Roanoke, Tar, Neuse, Cape Fear, Lumber (Pee-Dee), and Wateree (Catawba, Congaree) rivers.

The eastern New River is only 50 miles long, and doesn’t remotely stretch from mountains to sea. The western New River (one of the oldest rivers on Earth) begins near Boone and heads off to Virginia and West Virginia, before becoming the Kanawha River, passing Charleston before joining the Ohio. The Little Kanawha River, which has a different watershed, joins the Ohio River at Parkersburg. My mother’s family has history in Charleston and Parkersburg.

The French Broad River flows west out of the mountains, to eventually join the Tennessee River and on to the Mississippi.

Happy go lucky.

Please, tell me more about where I live.


I was trying to provide some backstory for others on the blog, and also to outline my family connection to the New/Kanawha/Ohio river area.

We’re also currently getting a bunch of confusing news stories, so I was trying to help people get oriented.

Without any sarcasm, please tell us more about where you live. I’m interested.

Last edited 3 months ago by cthulhu
Happy go lucky.

Honey, no one here needed a lesson on watersheds in reply to PAVACA’s news report.

Valerie Curren

I found it interesting 🙂


9.28.24: LT w/ Ascent Nutrition learning about HEMP, the Brain, Stress, MAHA & Defeating Fear. PRAY!

And We Know



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Seems like they signed on with Pledge of Allegiance. That’s a long, long time ago. B&W TV. Bunny rabbit ear antenna. Slap the side of the TV, to fine tune reception. 😂

Brave and Free

Don’t forget the aluminum foil on the rabbit ears!


“Slap the side of the TV, to fine tune reception”


That’s the same way we made the Coke vending machine work when it got stuck 👍😁

And back before that, they had actual glass bottles in the Coke and Pepsi machines, with a bottle opener attached to the machine!

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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Diddy-do Nuffins 😂

pat frederick

DePat…an alternative motto?

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Deplorable Patriot

Sure, why not.

pat frederick

i think you can handle that weapon!


UN Pact “for the future” – or WEF World Takeover? | Musings from the Chiefio (wordpress.com)

22 September 2024 UN Affairs

World leaders on Sunday adopted the Pact for the Future, a landmark declaration pledging concrete actions towards a safer, more peaceful, sustainable and inclusive world for tomorrow’s generations.


The Pact along with its annexes, the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations, was adopted by consensus, despite a last-minute proposal for an amendment by some countries, including Russia, Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Syria.

The amendment sought to incorporate text calling for non-intervention in any issue of national sovereignty, and the primacy of intergovernmental deliberation, in effect, downplaying the role of the civil society or private sector interests. It was rejected after the 193-member Assembly decided not to act on the proposal.

The PDF:




Another task for Trump to withdraw from. Hopefully the UN itself included. Then evict the bastards and cancel Visa’s.


Release a statement saying, “enactment of any global pact restricting the rights of Americans will be taken as an act of war”, then JDAM the building right after the vote is counted.


We would get so much weepin’ and wailin’ the first two times we did it — say to the WHO and WEF — but there probably wouldn’t be a third time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent thinking.

Brave and Free

And sell their buildings, if possible to recover our $$.


Yep, this is mandatory elimination of the United Cabal Against Humanity.


NPC response: If it’s not 53 scientists, it didn’t happen 😂


Helene strikes. Devastates FL, GA, SC, NC, TN…

Briben and Kakala can’t be bothered.

Deplorable Patriot

Parts of Virginia got it, too.


It’s begun! 😮😏😠

Last edited 3 months ago by para59r

Might need a refresh on that… dang old one was stuck in the browser thing.


Here it is incase you don’t want to refresh the page… I sure the heck wouldn’t.


He be in big doodoo. And no hurricane to blame.


Another Cackala voter gone wild.


U F B Headline says it all. Had to share the headline. Briben Administration IS Evil.

Biden’s Gestapo DOJ Sues Alabama for Removing Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls

pat frederick

according to them it’s too close to the election and nothing should be done to correct voter rolls within the 90 day period before the election. idiots!