What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?
Speaker Johnson
Pinging you on January 6 Tapes
Just a friendly reminder Speaker Johnson. You’re doing some good things–or at least trying in the case of the budget–but this is the most important thing out there still hanging. One initial block released with the promise of more…and?
We have American patriots being held without bail and without trial, and the tapes almost certainly contain exculpatory evidence. (And if they don’t, and we’re all just yelling in an echo chamber over here, we need to know that too. And there’s only one way to know.)
Either we have a weaponized, corrupt government or we have a lot of internet charlatans. Let’s expose whatever it is. (I’m betting it’s the corrupt weaponized government, but if I am wrong, I’d like to see proof.)
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Small Government?
Many times conservatives (real and fake) speak of “small government” being the goal.
This sounds good, and mostly is good, but it misses the essential point. The important thing here isn’t the size, but rather the purpose, of government. We could have a cheap, small tyranny. After all our government spends most of its revenue on payments to individuals and foreign aid, neither of which is part of the tyrannical apparatus trying to keep us locked down and censored. What parts of the government would be necessary for a tyranny? It’d be a lot smaller than what we have now. We could shrink the government and nevertheless find it more tyrannical than it is today.
No, what we want is a limited government, limited not in size, but rather in scope. Limited, that is, in what it’s allowed to do. Under current circumstances, such a government would also be much smaller, but that’s a side effect. If we were in a World War II sort of war, an existential fight against nasty dictatorships on the brink of world conquest, that would be very expensive and would require a gargantuan government, but that would be what the government should be doing. That would be a large, but still limited government, since it’d be working to protect our rights.
World War II would have been the wrong time to squawk about “small government,” but it wasn’t (and never is) a bad time to demand limited government. Today would be a better time to ask for a small government–at least the job it should be doing is small today–but it misses the essential point; we want government to not do certain things. Many of those things we don’t want it doing are expensive but many of them are quite eminently doable by a smaller government than the one we have today. Small, but still exceeding proper limits.
So be careful what you ask for. You might get it and find you asked for the wrong thing.
Political Science In Summation
It’s really just a matter of people who can’t be happy unless they control others…versus those who want to be left alone. The oldest conflict within mankind. Government is necessary, but government attracts the assholes (a highly technical term for the control freaks).
His Truth?
Again we saw an instance of “It might be true for Billy, but it’s not true for Bob” logic this week.
I hear this often, and it’s usually harmless. As when it’s describing differing circumstances, not different facts. “Housing is unaffordable” can be true for one person, but not for another who makes ten times as much.
But sometimes the speaker means it literally. Something like 2+2=4 is asserted to be true for Billy but not for Bob. (And when it’s literal, it’s usually Bob saying it.) And in that sense, it’s nonsense, dangerous nonsense. There is ONE reality, and it exists independent of our desires and our perceptions. It would go on existing if we weren’t here. We exist in it. It does not exist in our heads. It’s not a personal construct, and it isn’t a social construct. If there were no society, reality would continue to be what it is, it wouldn’t vanish…which it would have to do, if it were a social construct.
Now what can change from person to person is the perception of reality. We see that all the time. And people will, of course, act on those perceptions. They will vote for Trump (or try to) if their perception is close to mine, and vote against Trump (and certainly succeed at doing so) if their perception is distant from mine (and therefore, if I do say so, wrong). I have heard people say “perception is reality” and usually, that’s what they’re trying to say–your perception of reality is, as far as you know, an accurate representation of reality, or you’d change it.
But I really wish they’d say it differently. And sometimes, to get back to Billy and Bob, the person who says they have different truths is really saying they have different perceptions of reality–different worldviews. I can’t argue with the latter. But I sure wish they’d say it better. That way I’d know that someone who blabbers about two different truths is delusional and not worth my time, at least not until he passes kindergarten-level metaphysics on his umpteenth attempt.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
(Paper) Spot Prices
Kitco “Ask” prices. Last week:
Gold $2,720.80
Silver $33.78
Platinum $1,023.00
Palladium $1,106.00
Rhodium $5,100.00
FRNSI* 130.618-
Gold:Silver 80.545-
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $2,748.70
Silver $33.77
Platinum $1033.00
Palladium $1219.00
Rhodium $4,950.00
FRNSI* 131.968+
Gold:Silver 81.395-
Palladium went absolutely bananas Thursday and Friday rising 96 bucks the first day and 37 bucks the second. Platinum went up a whole eight bugs then down three. (Somebody, please go wake platinum the hell up.) Silver managed to drop one cent, while gold showed a modest increase. (As such, the gold:silver ratio has gone up.)
*The SteveInCO Federal Reserve Note Suckage Index (FRNSI) is a measure of how much the dollar has inflated. It’s the ratio of the current price of gold, to the number of dollars an ounce of fine gold made up when the dollar was defined as 25.8 grains of 0.900 gold. That worked out to an ounce being $20.67+71/387 of a cent. (Note gold wasn’t worth this much back then, thus much gold was $20.67 71/387ths. It’s a subtle distinction. One ounce of gold wasn’t worth $20.67 back then, it was $20.67.) Once this ratio is computed, 1 is subtracted from it so that the number is zero when the dollar is at its proper value, indicating zero suckage.
The Moon and Flat Earth
Let us examine what we should expect to see when observing the Moon, assuming the usual flat earth model is correct.
We’ll start with this standard diagram.
It’s difficult to tie down exact distances, because the Flat Earthers have yet to come up with a map (as opposed to a diagram) complete with a scale, but apparently the Moon is claimed to be about 3000 kilometers above the plane of the Earth. There’s no official notion what the diameter of the disc is, either, but one could say that the distance from the north pole (at the center of the disc) to the outer rim (corresponding to the globe earth south pole) is 20,000 km since that is very roughly the distance on the round earth (globers have no hesitation in publishing exact figures). Alternatively since the glober circumference of the earth along the equator is ~40,000 km, we could say that that is the distance that should be measured along the circle of the equator, which means (via dividing by 2 x pi) the distance from the center to the equator is 6366.2 km. From the pole to the equator is 1/4 of the total distance across the circle, so the diameter of the entire disk is 25,465 km. (Which is actually fairly close to the globe earth circumference when that is expressed in miles, by coincidence.)
The Moon varies in declination from 28.7 S to 28.7 N, or to translate that into non-astronomese, that’s as far north or south as it gets. The Sun, by contrast, stays between 23.44 degrees S and N. (In globe earth terms, that’s the Earth’s axial tilt.) Every flat earth model I’ve seen shows the Sun going around and around on a daily basis, following a circle that grows or shrinks according to the seasons, withing these bounds on the flat earth; likely also about 3000km above the Earth. I’m going to assume the Moon behaves similarly only within the 28.7 S to 28.7 N bounds.
Here is a picture of the Moon, when it is directly over the equator, in the Flat Earth model. (Screen shot taken off a youtube video.)
The Moon is regarded by most Flat Earthers as a sphere, with some minority thinking that it, too is some sort of disk. Whichever one it is, when you look at a full moon, you see something like this:
However, it may be tilted clockwise (near moonset) or counter-clockwise (at moonrise), in other words the orientation may be different. This is lunar north pole at the top so it should be close to what you see when the moon is directly south of you, which should happen at about midnight on a full moon, provided you’re north of the moon.
And therein lies the first problem.
What if you are south of the moon at that moment? Like, for instance, living in Australia or South Africa or South America?
If the flat earth is correct, you should see a good part of the other side of the moon (if it is a sphere), since you’ll be “behind” the moon compared to the guy to its north. Not exactly behind the moon, so there will be some overlap between what the two of you see. The person south of the moon, in other words, should see some features you cannot see, and vice versa.
On the other hand, if the Moon is a disk (apparently the minority opinion in the flat earth camp), then…well, there are two sub cases. If the moon is pasted to the firmament so that it faces “down” to the Earth, than only people directly under it will see the moon as a circle; anyone else will see it as elliptical. If (on the other hand) it happens to be face-on to the viewer in the northern hemisphere, anyone not on that line of sight should see it as elliptical, and if they’re far enough away, they may even be seeing the opposite face of the disk.
Yet we’ve never seen a photograph of the back side of the Moon taken from Earth’s surface, not even a partial one. Nor have we seen pictures with the Moon distorted into an elliptical shape because the photographers are not face-on to it. Yet effects like these must happen if the Moon is as close as is claimed.
Here’s another issue. If you’re inside the circle that the Moon traces every day, you will be closest to the moon when it is directly south of you; if you’re outside of that circle, you will be closest to the moon when it is directly north of you. If you are actually very close to the moon’s latitude, it should pass by almost directly overhead, and be nearest at that time. Closer to moonrise/moon set it should be much further away.
If it’s further away, it should look smaller. Yet tracking the moon across the sky shows no change in its apparent size, no matter where you are.
Interestingly, these same issues would arise on Globe Earth, if the Moon were this close to it. If you saw the moon looking like the picture I showed, someone far away would be able to see features that you can’t, on the other side of the Moon. So the mistake here is not with the shape of the Earth, but rather, with the notion that the Moon is nearby.
All of these issues resolve if the Moon is far away, compared to our baseline (40,000 km for Flat Earth, or 13,000 km for Globe Earth). If the Moon is far enough away, two people standing 40,000 km apart will see almost exactly the same features on a spherical Moon, with the differences being seen oblique near the edges of what we see, so those differences would be hard to even tell apart.
How far away? Aristarchus of Samos who lived from 310-230 BCE (approximately) was able to do a computation, and got a value of roughly 130,000 kilometers. Others, like Hipparchus and Ptolemy, got 425,000 and 376,000 kilometers, respectively.
If numbers like these are even remotely correct–and they must be at a bare minimum, because we do not see the effects we would see (regardless of the shape of the Earth) if the Moon were closer to Earth–then there’s now a new problem.
If the Moon is that far away, two different observers on a flat Earth should see it in almost exactly the same direction, both altitude and azimuth. [Altitude: the angle above the horizon, with 0 being on the horizon and 90 being overhead. Azimuth: the compass bearing of the object. Generally 0 is considered to be due north, 90 degrees is to the east, 180 to the south, 270 to the west, and 360 is also due north.] This is because it is so far away that shifting a few thousand kilometers should make little difference, like taking two steps sideways and noting that light pole at the other end of the parking lot only seems to shift a little compared to the buildings in the distance. A 40000 km shift (from one edge to the other) against a moon 300,000 km away should lead to an angular shift of about seven and a half degrees.
Yet at the same time. different people can see the Moon low in the east, and low in the west, a difference of almost 180 degrees! OK, that one can be explained on Flat Earth. If I’m in Colorado, west is the same direction as east would be in India (check the diagram). [Also true for globe earth, in three dimensions.] But what about when the Moon is overhead for me, and low to the horizon for someone else, at the same time? There’s no way to make that work, for a distant object, on a Flat Earth. And we’ve established that the Moon must be distant.
Well, there’s only one way to solve that problem. The ground itself that you are standing on, cannot be oriented in the same direction as the ground of that other observer. To try to visualize this, it’s easiest to deal with plumb bobs; the lay of the ground (if the ground is horizontal) is perpendicular to the plumb bob. So if “horizontal’ is the same thing in two different places, the plumb bobs will be perpendicular to the same thing and thus parallel to each other. This would be the case on Flat Earth. A line of sight to a distant moon would form nearly the same angle to both plumb bobs, instead of very different angles, which is what we actually observe.
Therefore horizontal in one place, is not oriented the same as horizontal in the other place. The Earth cannot be flat. (What shape it actually is can be determined by collecting information about the orientation of the moon from various locations, all at the same time.)
As a post script, the same reasoning works for the Sun as well…though you have to have the proper equipment to see sunspots, otherwise the Sun is just a featureless sphere and you cannot tell whether two people far apart are looking at two different sides of it or not.
I know of a world where it rains, there are mountains, hills, streams and rivers and lakes, all under a nice thick atmosphere–thick enough you could strap on wings and fly! Not the dessicated nearly-airless rocks of the inner solar system, the roasting dry hell that is Venus, the deep-frozen (or totally volcanic) Galilean moons, the bottomless atmospheres of the gas giants.
Comparatively speaking this is nearly paradise!
Perhaps I have a second calling for writing real estate ads. Because what I haven’t told you is that this place is a frigid 93 K (-290 F)…so cold that water is a rock, a hard one, never a liquid. Those mountains are largely made of ice. The streams and rivers and lakes? Liquid methane and ethane, in some ways a lot like gasoline, but gasoline would be frozen solid here. If one could feel this stuff it would probably feel oily, not wet. The atmosphere is almost pure nitrogen; even if it weren’t at that frigid temperature you’d pass out and die breathing it. And it’s so smoggy that you’d never see the shrunken sun, nor much of anything else in the night sky.
I speak, of course, of Saturn’s moon Titan, which orbits at 1,122,870 km. (Compare to the Earth-Moon distance of 384,399 km.) Despite being almost three times further, this is still close enough to Saturn that, if you could see Saturn through the smog it would be 11 1/2 times as wide as the moon. Titan is almost precisely in Saturn’s equatorial plane, however, so the rings would be almost perfectly edge on. The orbital period is 15.95 days. Here it is, seen from an Earth-based telescope, a dot to Saturn’s upper right.
To remind people of what I said in the Moon roundup, major moons (the ones that are round) come in three sizes, large (7 of them), medium (9 of them) and small (three of them), for a total of nineteen. There are also five non-rounded minor moons about the size of those small major moons, we can call these “big” small moons, well, big small moons, or maybe medium-small.
The seven large major moons are: our own Moon, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Titan and Triton. Titan happens to be the second largest of the Big Ones. It’s just a bit smaller than Ganymede, and it’s thus the 10th largest object in the solar system (including the Sun); it’s larger than Mercury. This is the only large major moon that Saturn has, so Jupiter has it beat. Or does it? Saturn has four of the medium major moons (out of nine total), and two of the three small ones, for a total of seven major moons. And for the cherry on top, two of the big five unrounded moons are also here. But we’ll cover the medium and small stuff later; today we focus on Titan, which is arguably the most interesting of the large (and major) moons.
Titan was thought to be larger than Ganymede until relatively recently; it turned out that astronomers were measuring the light-impenetrable atmosphere, and that was enough to make the difference and fool astronomers for decades. An understandable error; this is the only moon with a significant atmosphere; more so than ours in many ways.
And yes, there’s more than enough air pressure to allow stable liquids to form. (The only other world like that in our solar system is the one you’re sitting on.) The atmosphere is four times as dense as ours, yet the pressure is “only” 1.45 times our atmospheric pressure. The difference being largely due to Titan’s much lower surface gravity of 13.8 percent of Earths (our Moon’s gravity is higher, actually.)
After the Pioneer and Voyager missions, we realized that there could be liquids on Titan’s surface. The Hubble Space Telescope was able to add to the speculation by detecting more strong evidence.
So we decided that the next time we sent something to Saturn, we’d take a closer look at Titan.
A much closer look. As in, actually touching it.
The Cassini probe, named after one of the two scientists who first studied Saturn in depth, brought with it the Huygens lander…named after the other of those two scientists, the one who discovered Titan. From 2004-2017 Cassini was able, in its copious spare time while studying Saturn, to map Titan with its penetrating radar, and Huygens actually landed on Titan on January 14, 2005.
Radar is needed, because this is what Titan would look like to human Mark I eyeballs, in true color, no enhancements, no false color:
The color is good old smog.
With near infrared (“near” meaning it’s infrared at frequencies close to visible light), you see this:
This feature was actually first seen by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1994, though Cassini got a better look starting in 2003. The dark area is apparently a dune sea! (No, no Shai Hulud. Sorry, Coothie.)
So here is a map put together in 2016, with a lot of official names for features (open in a new tab for a much more legible rendering):
It looks like a bit of a patchwork quilt because Cassini could only do sharp imaging on those occasions where it was flying by Titan; it wasn’t dedicated to studying Titan, so many areas are just shaded polygons, or just very blurry. (In fact Cassini divided its time between studying Saturn itself and 20 different moons.)
As with any map like this, you won’t get a decent notion of the two poles, so here they are. In case you haven’t gotten my subtle hints that this isn’t very good real estate (never mind the billion mile one-way commute) you can scout out properties on the original images at over 3000 pixels width.
And now what you’ve been waiting for: Huygens’ descent to Titan’s surface. This just-under-five-minute movie is a time lapse, showing you the fish-eye image sent as the probe descended. Look to the sides, though, and you will see graphics reporting time, angles to the Sun and Cassini, which sensors are seeing what at any given time, altitude information, scale information…this thing is loaded; many of you will want to watch it a couple of times.
And in case you didn’t want to watch that, here’s the contrast-enhanced picture from the surface:
(Now go back and watch the movie.) Those rocks are almost certainly water ice.
Huygens is the only probe we’ve ever landed on a body that remains entirely in the outer solar system.
OK, so on to a bit more technical content. Here’s a cutaway of Titan, somewhat hypothetical, much like the one I found for three of the Galilean satellites a few weeks ago:
And yes…another liquid water ocean deep down! But we’re not completely certain that this is the correct model; note that the diagram specifies which model it is, which it wouldn’t have to do if we were certain of it.
The atmosphere is responsible for the fact we can have liquids on Titan; here’s a diagram of its layers:
Nearer the surface, we have this cross section, reminiscent of some notional cross sections we see for Earth:
On earth we have aquifers the top of which are the water table, and a lake is basically where the water table is above the surface. But here we have…an “alkanofer”?!? What the heck is that about?
(Dragging out the organic chemistry skis. Not a soapbox, skis. As in, getting out over my…) Alkanes are a class of molecule consisting of nothing but hydrogen and carbon. Every carbon uses all four of its bonds to connect to distinct atoms. The simplest alkane is methane, with one carbon, connected to four hydrogens, CH4. The next one up is a pair of carbons, connected to each other by one bond (carbon can double or even triple bond, but those cases wouldn’t be alkanes). The other three bonds for each carbon is connected to a hydrogen, for a total of two carbons and six hydrogens, C2H6; this is ethane. You can add a third carbon to the chain, to get propane (C3H8), a fourth to get butane (C4H10)…but now there’s an additional complication. With four carbons, they could form a chain, or a T, with one carbon in the “middle” connected directly to three other carbons. Either configuration will connect to ten hydrogen atoms. The chain is butane, the T configuration is isobutane.
And if you allow rings of carbon atoms (technically molecules with rings aren’t called alkanes, but rather cycloalkanes), you can have up to six different variations, called isomers. Four of them are shown below. Though the ones with rings don’t connect to as many hydrogen atoms, in the lower left is cyclobutane and note there are only eight hydrogen atoms.
(And yes, propane has a ring form too, but the chain is the only possible three carbon alkane.)
You can go on, and the higher you go the more isomers are possible, and this number grows rapidly. Leaving out cyclo- type isomers, you have 2 isomers for 4 carbons, three isomers for 5 carbons, five for 6 carbons, nine for 7 carbons, 18 for 8 carbons, 35 and seventy five for 9 and 10 carbons, respectively…and when you get to 32 carbons, there are over 27 billion isomers…again, no rings.
One trend is that the longer the alkane, the higher its melting point. Hence we have butane which is a liquid on earth at 0 C, and at room temperature with just a little bit of pressure (like in cigarette lighters), pentane which is liquid up to 34 C, and so on. Gasoline is largely made up of alkanes and cycloalkanes with (roughly) eight or so carbon atoms in them.
At the low temperatures on Titan, only the smallest alkanes will be liquid, but that doesn’t mean bigger ones don’t exist as sand or other forms of solid matter. Imagine a world you could scrape frozen crude off the ground.
Titan should, perhaps, be thought of as “Oilworld.”
What would it be like to swim on Titan? Pretending that the cold and lack of oxygen wouldn’t kill you within seconds, these liquids aren’t very dense, so you’d sink to the bottom of the lake or pond. Your best strategy might be to leap out of the “water,” rather than try to swim.
For those speculating about life, Titan has some advantages. It certainly has plenty of carbon, and those alkanes make good feedstock for building more complex molecules (which is why, for instance there’s so much smog there). But that life would almost certainly have to exist in that subsurface ocean…and we’re not even sure that that ocean is there, yet. Anywhere else, it’s simply too cold.
On the other hand, its atmosphere resembles the atmosphere on Earth, back before cyanobacteria and plants started producing oxygen. It’s likely Titan would have something to teach us about pre-biotic chemistry.
Future Missions
In 2028 Dragonfly will launch, and in the mid 2030s it will arrive at Titan. It will be a flying drone, powered by radioisotope thermoelectric generator, i.e., the heat from a chunk of plutonium 238 (which literally glows red, it’s so hot from radioactivity). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioisotope_thermoelectric_generator). This is the way we power most of our probes to the outer solar system, however Juno and Europa Clipper did (and will) use large solar arrays (they have to be large because sunlight is very weak out there). Other unfunded ideas were for a hot air balloon, a probe that would float on one of the lakes, and even a submarine drone!
Titan is going to get a lot of attention in the future, that’s for sure.
The idea of the moon looking elliptical in the flat earth theory (depending on one’s location in relation to it) was new to me. It would seem that we would have heard more about this and would have seen photos, as mentioned in the article.
To be clear…it will do that if the moon is a disk, and close to the Earth. (And it doesn’t matter whether the Earth is flat or not, though only Flat Earthers think the Moon is close.)
If the moon is a sphere, and close (which is what most Flat Earthers believe)…some people will get to see parts of the far side (which we in fact never see from Earth)
So the fact that no one has ever seen the far side of the moon doesn’t register with flerfers?
They’re too busy playing puff-puff-pass while listening to the Floyd album?
Apparently not.
Of course, that just means the moon isn’t close.
But as it happens the moon not being close ends up sinking them, likewise with the Sun. Because the ONLY way you can have different moon and sun angles on a flat earth is if the Sun is close. If the Sun is far, you get to channel Eratosthenes–who measured the Earth by using differences in sun angles between two places a known distance apart.
Skepticism of existing theory, by itself, doesn’t make working science. One has to have a better answer. And what does “better” mean? That it explains all the facts, more simply.
This was really pointed out to me by what you said about ancient flat earth working better than the modern one in many respects.
IMO, modern flat earth was seduced by the idea of circular symmetry for the disc explaining Antarctica, and letting Antarctica be a kind of /dev/null for theory problems. It looked better than ancient flat earth, but those looks were deceiving.
The real motivation behind modern flat earth is having to explain the fact that not all parts of the world see daylight (or darkness) at the same time. This is a fact the ancients didn’t know, since communication was quite slow. But it forces modern flat earth to posit that somehow the Sun stays above the disk at all times.
Ah! This makes sense.
It’s really strange that they can’t see how curvature plus the right sizes solves all the problems so neatly.
I was watching a video about Flerfer memes, and one thing that is apparent is they simply don’t understand how big the Earth is. So they expect curvature to be much more dramatic than it actually is, dramatic enough to be readily visible. Which of course it isn’t.
Well, that’s the memes. I think most of the people pushing this actually do know better (otherwise they wouldn’t be avoiding Antarctica like the plague); it’s their followers that have this issue and can fall for the memes.
Yes – the point about the size of the Earth is key. Even in a plane at 30,000 feet, where curvature begins to become apparent, it’s still hard to see, and proving it to oneself requires a certain understanding of geometry and trigonometry (calculus still better). And even that level of proof won’t survive bad-faith conditions like “you just can’t see the horizon past a certain point.
Most people simply don’t have the experience of science education, to know the difference between asking good, skeptical questions and tests to confirm or deny, and dodging the obvious answer with an infinite series of evasions.
Better yet, planes generally cruise at roughly 39,000 feet now.
Actually a trick you can use is to point a camera with a level graphic in the display, out the window, so you know the camera is horizontal. The horizon will be considerably below that line, proving it is not at infinity.
To guard against the possibility that the plane might be banking at that moment, wait a few minutes, or if you can (most flights are too packed), just point the camera out the window on the other side. If the horizon is below level on both sides, simultaneously, then QED.
If the plane really is banking it won’t do so forever; they’re not going to fly in circles at thousands of dollars of fuel per loop just because you’re pointing a camera out the window.
Ah, that’s a pretty sharp way to do it, that anybody can do and understand, although you just know the active misleaders at the top of flat earth would quickly come up with some obstructive reasoning to rule out use of an electronic level. However, that argument would not be convincing to most.
This would work particularly well on those long, stable, international flights at very high altitude in the really wide jets. And if it’s a relatively empty flight toward the back, you could likely find 4 windows to shoot out of at 45 degree angles to the flight path, so in 6 shots getting an almost complete circle of view, and predicting the same value all the way around.
Ironically international flights–at least the ones I’ve been on–are at relatively LOW altitude. (And they’re always jam-packed.) The plane perhaps reaches 20,000 feet then gradually climbs as it burns off fuel. Apparently it’s slightly more efficient this way.
I took a >12 hour flight that pretty much worked that way.
Another reason they tend to be a bad idea for this is that they’re often overnight. If it’s over an ocean, it will be ducking fark up there.
Simple mind here. Among other realities.
Another interesting read. Thanks.
I’ll give you their answer to that…the sun is a directional spotlight. That way it can be above the horizon, but far away and you won’t see it. (However, LOL when one of them tried to demo this concept with a flat map on a desk, and a lamp, you could still see the lamp itself from the dark areas.) That, and claiming that vision becomes impossible past a certain distance (a few thousand miles). There’s also the issue of how most of the southern hemisphere can be lit during southern summer while leaving the northern hemisphere mostly unlit. (In their rendering, the southern hemisphere maps to an annulus that surrounds the northern hemisphere.)
The harder one for them is dealing with sunset/sunrise. I’ve never seen a coherent answer to that one, though I’ve seen a couple of incoherent ones.
“So the fact that no one has ever seen the far side of the moon doesn’t register with flerfers?”
Pink Floyd saw it.
Wrote a whole album about it 😁
No, he didn’t see it. It was too dark.
That there’s funny.
“No, he didn’t see it. It was too dark.”
“Oh by the way, which one’s Pink?”
[I must have been tired last night, for that reply to not have occurred to me 😁]
I am reminded of the time I was talking about Pink Floyd with a co worker and somehow the conversation got to finding their work at a record shop (this was the 1990s). We got a laugh out of the idea that someone might possibly alphabetize it under “Floyd, Pink.”
I generally alphabetize “Floyd, Pink”, “Zeppelin, Led” and “Tull, Jethro” in my music collection — I’m more likely to say, “throw on some Tull” than “man, that Jethro Tull is groovy.”
Oh, and “Dead, Grateful”.
“Stones, Rolling”.
I used to do that with “Tull, Jethro” until it occurred to me it was like “Floyd, Pink”.
So then I fixed it, and put Jethro in the J’s 😁
Well, one difference is that Jethro Tull is a real, historical person — inventor of the seed drill — though not in the band.
In an interview in 2006, Anderson said that he had not realised it was the name of “a dead guy who invented the seed drill – I thought our agent had made it up”. He said if he could change one thing in his life, he would go back and change the name of the band to something less historical.
I remember in high school someone (who was wearing a Jethro Tull T-shirt) getting rather pissed off at me when I pointed out the connection.
Months later, he apologized for his reaction.
“He said if he could change one thing in his life, he would go back and change the name of the band to something less historical.”
He should know better than to try to fix something that ain’t broke!
“So the fact that no one has ever seen the far side of the moon doesn’t register with flerfers?”
The Apollo astronauts saw the far side of the moon every orbit 👍
But it was the dark side so they couldn’t actually see it …
“But it was the dark side so they couldn’t actually see it …”
Imagine traveling all the way from earth, to see the Dark Side of the Moon, and when you get there, you realize you forgot to bring a flashlight…
They must have been so mad… 😁
I hope I was careful to say “…from Earth,” at least in my post. Not to avoid wiseacre comments from Scott (I don’t think that’s metaphysically possible short of the grave), but for sheer clarity.
“Not to avoid wiseacre comments from Scott (I don’t think that’s metaphysically possible short of the grave), but for sheer clarity.”
I can’t take any credit for so-called wiseacre comments… they just come to me naturally 👍😂
Exactly. As unavoidable as neutrino flux.
There ya go again…
I’m very suspicious that it rotates so perfectly, that even over hundreds of years, not even one inch is more visible from earth than before.
The Moon’s Orbit and Rotation Animation:
On the other hand, it would make perfect sense, if it was really a Death Star, and you didn’t want to need multiple earth observation stations. So you just build one and make the Death Star face the same direction, towards earth, all the time.
Tidally locked. It’s not a coincidence; given enough time moons will end up showing the same face to their primaries. All of the Galilean moons are tidally locked, so is Titan.
Exactly contrary to your thinking, it’d be hinky if it weren’t like this.
Yeah, except he was being … you know … sarcastical. 😂
I’m not sure his first paragraph was sarcastic at all. I know he’s asked about this before,
In any case, even if he was, it was worth discussing the point for the benefit of others like that guy pgroup2. 😀
You have bested me. Kudos. 😆
“I’m not sure his first paragraph was sarcastic at all. I know he’s asked about this before,”
My small mind does have trouble grasping that two bodies in space (earth and moon), being so massive, and so far apart, nonetheless, have zero measurable change in relation to facing each other, while both are rotating on their own axes, and revolving around the sun.
It’s just an awful lot of mass and forces happening at once, and to be more precise than a Swiss watch, such that not even an inch to the left or right of the shadow line on the moon is ever exposed to a line of sight from earth, is hard (for me) to comprehend.
It seems too perfect, for the ginormous mass, distance and forces involved.
There is a slight shift, because the Moon is in an elliptical orbit (which means that it covers slightly different width “wedges” of its orbit every day) but rotates at a constant rate. (You can look here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon scroll to “position and appearance”) for a fuller explanation). The upshot is if you do a timelapse of the moon over the course of a month, you’ll see some slight heaving about:
But it never exceeds those bounds and the average remains constant. And the ONLY reason this happens at all is that the moon happens to be in an elliptical orbit. If it were circular, it’d be rock steady (and we’d never have “super moons”).
If you find it so hard to believe, then compare to, say, an engine idling; it will maintain the same RPM pretty well as long as it has fuel. In this case the adjustment mechanism is simpler, but there have been millions of years for it to settle into its current state.
“The upshot is if you do a timelapse of the moon over the course of a month, you’ll see some slight heaving about”
That makes me feel a little better, for some reason 😂
I thought the moon was gradually escaping earth’s orbit, by some distance (maybe a few feet) per year?
Does distance have any effect on how much of the Moon’s surface is visible from earth?
IOW, if the Moon was only half as far away, or twice as far away, would the exact same amount of the surface be visible from earth? Would there be no ‘slippage’ (for lack of a better term) as the distance increased?
I suspect the answer is that the same amount would be visible regardless of distance, but it seems like the further away it gets, the less ‘grip’ the ‘tidal lock’ should have.
I guess it’s partly because I am not used to operating in a weightless vacuum, so my senses are not at all calibrated to such an environment 😁
It’s getting further away (again due to tidal effects) and we can even measure it with lasers bouncing off mirrors the astronauts left on the surface.
If you think about it, the further it gets away from us the more of it we can see at any given instant. If it’s a mile away, we can see almost none of it, the further away we get the further the horizon gets. Of course it’s not going to change much going from 250,000 miles to 250,001 away but it will be something.
This perspective effect actually explains why people in selfies look like they have big noses; but if someone takes the camera and backs up (then zooms in so the face is the same size as in the selfie) you see a more normal-proportioned face. Portrait photographers tend to back 12 feet away from their subjects then use a longer lens (equals a narrower field of view) for that reason.
The other advantage to having the portrait taker stand far away and zoom is that when his camera breaks under the strain of recording my face, I have a head start when he wants to run after me to pummel me for damaging his camera.
“If you think about it, the further it gets away from us the more of it we can see at any given instant. If it’s a mile away, we can see almost none of it, the further away we get the further the horizon gets.”
Right, if it was a mile away, it would overwhelm our field of vision, we would only be able to see ‘as far as the eye can see’ which, at such a short distance, would only be a relative speck of the entire surface.
I was thinking of distances that were far enough away that the entire outline of the Moon could be seen.
Once that distance is reached, where you can see the entire ‘circle’ of the Moon (assuming it was a full moon), so long as it is precisely facing the same direction relative to earth, it seems that we should not be able to see any more of the surface, no matter how much further away it gets after that (allowing for the variability of the wobble due to the elliptical orbit).
“Of course it’s not going to change much going from 250,000 miles to 250,001 away but it will be something.”
That’s where I am confused (or at least one thing about which I am confused).
Once the Moon is far enough away that we are able to see the entire outline of a full Moon, why would we be able to see any more of the surface, the further away it traveled?
It seems as if there should be an optimal viewing distance, beyond which no more of the ‘whole’ can be seen, but beyond which distance then begins to degrade what we can see, first with the naked eye, and then when we reach the maximum effective distance of telescopes.
Dang…I need a diagram. Maybe this one will be useful.
If you think about that diagram, you can increase the distance to the point A at the top, indefinitely, and the triangles will continue to get longer and longer…and those points on either side marking where your horizon is B and C, will get closer and closer to the sides of the circle…but will never quite get there.
Get far enough away and the angle BOA (which corresponds to what you can see on the surface of the circle) will get very close to 90 degrees…but it will never get there. So you want to get as far away as possible to see more, even if adding another trillion miles gives you only one more millimeter of object to see.
As a practical matter, though, you get to a point where you lose more from the object being harder to see because it’s so far away, versus that extra thin sliver the next zillion miles of distance will give you.
Thank you, I think I understand now.
I had been thinking that we would get to 90 degrees of viewable area at some point, and then beyond that point, as distance grew further, it would just get harder to see.
Since we can never actually get to 90 degrees, then the further away we are, the closer we get to 90 degrees viewable surface area, but as a practical matter there are diminishing returns to adding the extra n-th degree, due to distance degrading our ability to see over great distances.
If that was more or less correctly restating what you said!
Yep I think you have it.
SteveICo mentioned that the Moon’s declination varies from 28.7N to 28.7S. This is the current situation and is the maximum variation.
In fact, we are currently (since September) in what is known as Lunar Mayor Stillstand were the variation in the extremities of the declination does change very little from month to month. This will last roughly a year, with March next year the month of the real declination maximum.
After that it will reduce and in roughly nine years it will reach the Lunar Minor Stillstand at a declination of about 18.1.
I was going for the “all time” range (at least, all time during recorded history) and ran into that terminology. I was rushed so I didn’t dive deeper into it.
It’s possible the numbers I grabbed aren’t the ones I wanted.
28.7 is correct.
Scott Presler crushes a troll.
The full tweet…
Statement On Lancaster:
It’s been brought to my attention that Lancaster County has uncovered a voter registration fraud operation.
According to the report, the majority of those 2,500 voter registration applications were turned in at or near the deadline & are dated August 15th.
I can unequivocally state that this has nothing to do with @EarlyVoteAction
Our staff turn in voter registration forms as we register voters.
The most forms we’ve ever turned in at one time was 400 in Luzerne County — right before we flipped it from https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f535.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f51c.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f534.svg.
At a recent Luzerne County BOE meeting, the manager revealed that an individual turned in a large quantity of forms on the deadline that were dated back to June. This had no connection to @EarlyVoteAction
, either. (This batch should also be reviewed.)
I’m proud that our organization has registered tens of thousands of new Pennsylvania voters this cycle.
The reason why democrats are attacking us is because we’re effective. They’re also attacking us because their voter registration advantage is the lowest it’s been in 50 years & their mail-in ballot “firewall” is severely lagging.
Furthermore, we’ve made a concerted effort to register the Amish to vote in Lancaster — a group that democrat Governor Shapiro & the Dept. of Agriculture is waging a war against.
We look forward to hearing the results of this investigation & who is responsible. Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a democrat organization.
In the meantime, vote, vote early, vote by mail, & let’s deliver Pennsylvania for Donald Trump.
Let’s go.
Thank you, Barb.
That’s the tweet that led to what I posted, which is merely a pic of the funny part where Scott throws his queerness in the troll’s face. Without saying anything directly about it.
Very smoothly delivered and stiletto sharp. 🙃
I can tell you, from my 2023 work in local and regional politics, that the Demmunists recruit some absolute scum to do their petitions and registration work. Not all – many of their people, especially those contacting people in their homes going door-to-door, are just like us, only lefty (basically our Democrat neighbors). But the people they have out working public venues – a huge percentage are paid, and a huge percentage are criminals and drug addicts.
It does not surprise me in the slightest that cheating is rampant in Demmunist registrations. I am only surprised that they were caught.
It looks like Phil Lesh, the bass player for the Grateful Dead, has passed away. I’m subscribed to their website newsletter, and this was the notice:
Today we lost a brother. Our hearts and love go out to Jill Lesh, Brian and Grahame. Phil Lesh was irreplaceable. In one note from the Phil Zone, you could hear and feel the world being born. His bass flowed like a river would flow. It went where the muse took it. He was an explorer of inner and outer space who just happened to play bass. He was a circumnavigator of formerly unknown musical worlds. And more.
We can count on the fingers of one hand the people we can say had as profound an influence on our development – in every sense. And there have been even less people who did so continuously over the decades and will continue to for as long as we live. What a gift he was for us. We won’t say he will be missed, as in any given moment, nothing we do will be without the lessons he taught us – and the lessons that are yet to come, as the conversations will go on.
Phil loved the Dead Heads and always kept them in his heart and mind. The thing is… Phil was so much more than a virtuoso bass player, a composer, a family man, a cultural icon…
There will be a lot of tributes, and they will all say important things. But for us, we’ve spent a lifetime making music with Phil Lesh and the music has a way of saying it all. So listen to the Grateful Dead and, in that way, we’ll all take a little bit of Phil with us, forever.
For this is all a dream we dreamed one afternoon, long ago…
– Mickey, Billy and Bobby
The last line above, “For this is all a dream we dreamed one afternoon, long ago…” is from their song called Box of Rain, the opening track from their album American Beauty (1970).
Phil came up with the music for Box of Rain, and lyricist Robert Hunter (who co-wrote many Grateful Dead songs) wrote the words. Phil also sang lead vocal on this one, which was rare. It was the first Grateful Dead song where he was the lead vocalist.
I just looked it up on Wiki, and even though Phil was their bass player, Phil and Jerry were playing different instruments than usual:
“The song also featured two musicians who are not in the band. Dave Torbert played bass, while Lesh played acoustic guitar. David Nelson (of New Riders of the Purple Sage) plays the lead guitar with a Fender Telecaster, while Jerry Garcia plays the piano. Bob Weir sings harmony with Lesh and Garcia.” – Wiki
I didn’t know Jerry played piano on this song. He was missing the middle finger on his right hand, and usually played lead guitar.
Wiki: According to lyricist Hunter, Lesh “wanted a song to sing to his dying father and had composed a piece complete with every vocal nuance but the words. If ever a lyric ‘wrote itself,’ this did – as fast as the pen would pull.” Lesh practiced the song driving to the nursing home where his father lay with terminal cancer.
According to an interview of Hunter by Steve Silberman, as asked by Silberman, “The song ‘Box of Rain’ began as a rough vocal outline from Phil Lesh. How does that process work?” Hunter replied, “Scat singing: Dum-dum dum, da-da-da-da, bump-dum-dum-dum-dum, dee-dee-dee.
I’m able to translate people’s scat. I hear English in it, almost as though I write down what I hear underneath that. I hear the intention. It’s a talent like the Rubik’s Cube, or something like that, and it comes easily to me. Which might be why I like language poetry. I can tell from the rhythms, or lack of rhythms, from the disjunctures and the end stoppages, what they’re avoiding saying – the meaning that they would like to not be stating there, comes rushing through to me. I understand dogs. I can talk to babies.”
According to Hunter: “By ‘box of rain,’ I meant the world we live on, but ‘ball’ of rain didn’t have the right ring to my ear, so ‘box’ it became, and ‘I don’t know who put it there.’ – Wiki
Thank you for the music Phil, you guys wrote and played some of my favorite songs in this world, and that sure does include Box of Rain 👍 😎
Look out of any window
Any morning, any evening, any day
Maybe the sun is shining
Birds are winging or rain is falling from a heavy sky
What do you want me to do
To do for you to see you through?
For this is all a dream we dreamed
One afternoon long ago…
Walk out of any doorway
Feel your way, feel your way like the day before
Maybe you’ll find direction
Around some corner where it’s been waiting to meet you
What do you want me to do
To watch for you while you were sleeping?
Then please don’t be surprised
When you find me dreaming too
Look into any eyes, you find by you
You can see clear to another day
Maybe been seen before
Through other eyes on other days while going home
What do you want me to do
To do for you to see you through?
It’s all a dream we dreamed
One afternoon long ago…
Walk into splintered sunlight
Inch your way through dead dreams to another land
Maybe you’re tired and broken
Your tongue is twisted with words half spoken
And thoughts unclear
What do you want me to do
To do for you to see you through
A box of rain will ease the pain
And love will see you through
Just a box of rain
Wind and water
Believe it if you need it
If you don’t, just pass it on
Sun and shower
Wind and rain
In and out the window like a moth before a flame
And it’s just a box of rain
I don’t know who put it there
Believe it if you need it
Or leave it if you dare
And it’s just a box of rain
Or a ribbon for your hair
Such a long long time to be gone
And a short time to be there…
For some reason, I can’t get either video above to play here.
If I right click on the video to watch it on youtoob, they both work, but they won’t play here.
both videos played OK for me
The water and ice on Titan are intriguing.
My knowledge of space exploration is woefully lacking. I had no idea that a probe had landed on a moon of Saturn. I wonder if these things are taught in schools.
If it makes you feel any better, I’ve lost track of all the Mars landers, comet missions, and asteroid missions.
If it doesn’t make you feel any better, well, I’ve STILL lost track of all the Mars landers, comet missions, and asteroid missions.
I’ll feel better when the Great Roundup of illegals starts.
Different kind of alien, but I agree.
I had no idea these endorsements were such a big deal to the publications’ employees. Biased, much?
Leftists become journalists because they know that it’s a way to push leftism.
Leftists become
journalistspropagandists because they know that it’s a way to push leftism.FIFY
I swear Leni Riefenstahl is their idol.
They’re all hot for Leni. 👹 😡
Surely some are also hot for Squiggy.
I don’t think Reifenstahl ever claimed to be a journalist. She’s more likely the patron (anti)saint of Hollywood.
That of course is another area they enter in order to push leftism, though I will be charitable–I think in many cases it’s people sincerely interested in producing entertainment who happen to be leftists, not leftists who got into something they otherwise could care less about, because it was a good way to push leftism.
Our “journalists” today are really propagandists, just like her.
Wow these tards think the plutocrats are behind Trump.
Probably only Olbermann is really that clueless. The others are just playing the game.
But they all – including Bezos – sense the wheels falling off the Kamala campaign.
Nobody is going to believe it if she “wins” – and that’s exactly where we want things.
The only remaining question is whether it can get SO ridiculous that even they won’t try to claim the fraud doesn’t exist.
Remember these people are such barefaced liars they can make you question yourself.
Oh, yes – I am convinced they will try to “brazen it out”!!!
I believe that he’s right.
Where’s Peter Navarro?
It has to be something more important than talking there. VERY interesting.
You are right on.
Navarro is all about The Election and Vote Integrity
Navarro did genius work on the 2020 election fraud.
NAVARRO REPORT – Parts 1-3 – https://navarroreport.com
Navarro is a serious man….
CCP Enforcing Live Organ Harvesting
Steve Bannon, Dr Peter Navarro, interview of Ex-CCP surgeon Dr. Enver Tohti and investigative reporter Mitchell Gerber.
‘He was still alive’: Doctor explains the reality of organ harvesting in China…
A very serious man….
This helps explain why the Branch Covidian murder of the elderly took hold here. China Virus meeting China (DNC) ethics already present in medicine. And now we’re seeing bureaucrats pushing organ harvesting beyond ethical boundaries here.
“Who is running our country?”
We’re not there, and she is.
So why doesn’t she tell us?
The damned SES – that’s who’s running things – for somebody higher……
Philly to Rehoboth Beach is like 2 hour drive max. Flying would take 10 minutes … barely time for the af1 to get airborne
More time taxiing than flying.
The vast majority of the flights to-from the Colorado Springs airport are to Denver, about 70 miles away…the planes certainly do not get all the way up to normal cruising altitude.
Someone (either Trump campaign or grifter pretending to raise money for the campaign) somehow got past my spam filter in the last couple days, when the filter had been working great before.
Yesterday I received at least 5 emails, one of which said DJT could only accept donations up to the FEC deadline at midnight, about when Steve’s daily open posted.
It’s well past midnight now, and I just received another solicitation, saying “My critical FEC fundraising deadline is tomorrow!” 😂
So whoever it is, they’re just lying for dollars.
I would like to send a contribution, if I had any confidence it would actually go to DJT and not have 90% to 100% siphoned off by grifters like Chris Lacivita.
The bottom of the email says “Paid for by Trump National Committee JFC Inc., a joint fundraising committee composed of and authorized by Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. and the Republican National Committee.”
Anyone know if that’s a legitimate organization, or is there a better one? It’s hard to believe DJT never addressed this issue and made it clear where to send contributions.
For the Fiancee’s procedure, I had my cellphone charged and with me. And got a number of phone calls and texts. Here’s the thing, though — I don’t give my number out to anyone. Unless the medical place or my cellphone company was giving the number out, I don’t know how they got it.
“Unless the medical place or my cellphone company was giving the number out, I don’t know how they got it.”
I would expect both the medical place and the cellphone company sold it, regardless of whatever bogus ‘privacy policy’ their law dogs wrote to ‘assure’ that would never happen.
I suspect every single place you give the number to sells it. It’s an easy source of revenue that costs them nothing, and there’s nothing we can do about it to stop them.
It’s like a hundred dollar bill sitting on your desk, just looking at you. Cinching up its waist for you, to look sexy. If you take it, there’s another one sitting there a few seconds later. The more you take, the more show up.
There is no corporation on this planet that is going to resist that temptation for long, no matter what their lawyers say.
Or maybe I’m just a bit jaded… 😂
You are, jaded, as most of us are. Gotta be jaded, to figure out truth.
There are automatic random robocallers out there. They’ve existed for decades. One time The national organ transplant hotline, which apparently had and automated attendant, got robodialed, I don’t remember the other party, and it took two hours to get them unhooked.
For some reason, I can’t get either video to play that is embedded in the post about Phil Lesh.
If I right click on the video to watch it on youtoob, they both work, but they won’t play here.
Posting here because if I posted under the relevant post, I wouldn’t be able to edit it, if I figure out what’s wrong.
They both play for me.
VPN issues?
Thank you, that was the problem! 👍
just saw this on twitter…
True the Vote
MASSIVE WIN: 5th Circuit Court rules ALL BALLOTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY ELECTION DAY. If any state has laws that allow ballots to be received and / or counted after Election Day they are now in direct violation of federal law.
Have read this ruling only applies to 5th Circuit.
Had a post nearly ready last evening, until I read it only applies to 5th Circuit.
The ruling is helpful. But is should apply to all 50.
Great point. The sad truth is that Demmunist lawfare principle is to act in deliberate ignorance and defiance of the law, so that it is overruled later by courts that become jammed with such cases.
Lawfare is a Cloward-Piven-type abuse, applied to the legal system instead of social services. Lawfare is 100% Alinsky.
One tactic the losing side in circuit court decisions tries is to get the judge to rule that it only applies in his circuit. That’s pretty common, for cases they’re sure will end up before SCOTUS anyway.
Every once in a while when it’s a constitutional issue a circuit judge will refuse saying if it’s unconstitutional here, it’s unconstitutional everywhere.
Emphasis mine.
While the 5th CCA has jurisdiction over Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, the decision only impacts Mississippi should the federal district court judge agree to bar the state from counting late-arriving mail-in ballots. Yes, it is a win for Mississippi election integrity, but -no- it is unlikely to have a major impact on the overall election.
I read online that Trump’s podcast interview with Joe Rogan was taped Friday but wouldn’t be released until some time next week. Looks like it was released about 7 hours ago.
Looks like it’s almost 3 hours long.
Can you imagine Cackala doing 3 hours of word salad city with Joe Rogan?
I don’t think Joe can.
She didn’t even last 26 minutes with Bretty Baier 😂
>>> Trump Tucker interview 31 October.
Polls are like “scientific studies” the government (or any organization) funds.
I thought he was friends with Rogan, because they see each other at MMA fights regularly, where Joe (and a couple other guys) do the fight commentary.
But then I saw the video clip where Rogan said he would never do an interview with Trump, because he didn’t want to help him.
And then he changed his mind.
So I don’t know what’s really going on there. Maybe it will become clearer when I’ve had a chance to listen to the 3-hour podcast.
Watched the entire interview.
Vaguely recall Rogan not wanting to interview Trump.
The obvious importance of this election may have swayed Rogan.
Also, the obvious benefit to Rogan, to interview Trump, may have helped him go for the interview. (Clicks)
Total grand slam by Trump. Rogan mostly agrees with Trump.
Thankfully they largely left Covid AND Jabs out of the discussion. Rogan either figured it not worth talking about OR helpful. Trump would have been ready.
“Total grand slam by Trump. Rogan mostly agrees with Trump.”
Thanks for the review, that’s good news that they mostly agree, so my blood pressure won’t be shooting out my eyeballs for a couple hours straight 👍
Hoping to listen at 1.5 speed, if it’s clear enough.
I’m at 2:47 hours in and am enjoying it quite a lot. I’m learning more about both Rogan and Trump.
Looking back. One Rogan statement surprised me. He said it two or three times. Trump ignored it.
They were talking about Dana White.
Rogan said he (Dana) was why Trump got the interview.
Stood out. Did not fit with the flow. Odd.
Trump may have paused the first time, but moved on. following time(s) Trump totally ignored it.
Looking forward to your thoughts on this.
Admittedly don’t know who Dana White is but Trump might have been thinking Rogan should be the one glad to snag the interview not that he got to be on the Rogan podcast?
Dana White used to own UFC. Huge fan of Trump. Spoke at RNC. Trump gave Dana / UFC huge support when sports world shunned UFC….
Gee I might have to forgive him for giving that charlatan Terrence Howard a microphone.
I don’t know who Terrence is, so I missed that whole thing.
Ah…that’s the guy who thinks (among other things) that 1 x 1 = 2. I think I may have highlighted him in a post; if not I certainly did in comments.
Sounds like new math 😁
I’m not sure but I think I actually was taught with what in the 1960s was called “new math.” Doesn’t seem to have impaired me in the slightest.
On the other hand about 20 years ago when I learned how they were teaching kids to count notional dots on numerals (I think it was called “touch counting” but I am unsure of that), my jaw just about hit the floor.
“New math” favored data manipulation over arithmetic. If you got set theory (empty set, union, intersection, Venn diagrams) in elementary school, that was new math. It was meant to set you up to use databases.
My mom, a math professor, thought it was interesting that I was getting taught set theory when she had taken it in grad-level courses about five years before.
I recall the main gripe being that borrowing and carrying was somehow different.
There was a little bit of set theory though that might have been junior high school.
#9 – Doug Ross Top Twenty Tweets – https://directorblue.blogspot.com/2024/10/tonights-top20posts-for-22-years-i-was.html
Pravda News indicts itself.
Horrors – three precious beloved children harmed by vaccines!
Is this happening around the country and the world?
What is different about our current vaccines and the ones our children got and those we boomers got?
Is it the number of vaccines?
Is it the adjuvants?
Is it the money and uncaring pharmaceutical companies?
Is it the politicalization of medicine?
Is it the agenda of depopulation and other agendas (abortion, eugenics, euthanasia) that ghoulish Bill Gates is pushing?
Is it that our medications are being manufactured in Chynah, the most cold hearted polluted country in the world?
Is it Chynah’s biowarfare against the USA and our people – deadly toxic wall board, low grade steel, drugs, fentanyl, vaccines, and other products, flowing into our country?
Or all of the above?
Great video. Saw it the other day.
Well worth listening to the message AND watching the video.
WOW. That’s an amazing video.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, October 26, 2024
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.”
Ephesians 6:1 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
We are excited for our day with you
Wonder what unexpected we will do
Unlike what we normally would see
Amazing activities planned by thee
We are spoiled by tech and silly specs
But God’s creation has its effects
Only you know what we need to see
Better for us you just happened to be
We had no idea our time here with you
Would enrich us with memories anew
We cannot imagine our life without
The marvel of God’s creation no doubt
Ah but you Papa are surely determined
We’d eventually be God’s confirmand
Oblivious we’re to what God had planned
An outing with you and this merry band
As we stroll about we will most likely miss
Creatures God blessed with His heavenly kiss
The little ones we take but for granted
His creation to support what’s planted
Maybe someday we will come forth to see
What God had foreseen wanted us to be
Right now we are watching wondering what
We are experiencing that will jut
We might not know that being here now
Is God’s way of reaching us somehow
Through Him and with Him we will always be
Closer to Him and closer to thee – PAPA
D01: 07/28/2023
Thank You Duchess! 😁
The trials and tribulations of a mother;
Neither begin nor end at birth nor bother;
At conception, God blesses the tiny seed;
Yielding to God, mother and child accede!
With Faith, Hope, and Love – gifts given by God;
The journey toward life by which we are awed;
Is fraught with twists and turns and discomfort;
Till joy supplants pain – and rewards the effort!
Many are the sorrows of motherhood;
Mary, His Mother – at the cross she stood;
Pierced through the heart with unparallelled pain;
From her sorrow, His Glory she would gain!
A mother’s pain is suffered in silence;
On God’s great love must be her reliance;
She understands not the will of the Lord;
So she searches for answers in His Word!
She knows that Jesus suffered not in vain;
She understands His suffering and His pain;
She recognizes His gift to all of mankind;
And treasures His gift in her heart and mind!
She remembers His mother at the cross;
She can relate perfectly to her loss;
Whatever she suffers cannot compare;
To the suffering Mary had to forbear!
Be not discouraged – oh, mother of Mine;
Be thee encouraged – child of the divine;
Seek thee thy comfort and love from on high;
Give not credence to the sorrowful sigh!
Trust that your child and you are in my care;
Not a moment goes by when I am not there;
Standing beside you with angelic aid;
My death on the cross was the price I paid!
Be neither afraid nor fearful – for I am here;
To help and comfort – to Me, you are dear;
Give me your sorrow and distress this day;
And I will be with you all of the way!
Remember your child is My child as well;
Put your trust in Me – your fears I’ll dispel;
Rest easy in My arms and loving care;
And be sure in your heart that I am there!
D01: 4/23/2013
Thank You Duchess! 🙂
How many times have you fallen short
And the accuser has taken you to court
To enumerate the times you faulted
To report your failure to God exalted
What would a loving Father say or do
When He lays His eyes on repentant you
He’d welcome you home in a warm embrace
Your sins He’d forgive and quickly erase
The prodigal son is not just a fluke
Notice his father gave him no rebuke
When he returned he was a broken man
In his wisdom his father knew the plan
Had he not learned in his foolishness
What he had done in his stupidness
Was he better off for what he had done
Or was he regretting his quest for fun
We have all been like the child who was lost
We have paid for our foibles a high cost
We might have justified our acts away
Ignored them for a future time or day
Ashamed to ask Our Father to forgive
We kept them hidden maybe to outlive
We may not realize what is kept inside
Prevents us from moving or ever thrive
Our Father’s Love is like no other
To forgive and forget is no bother
His unconditional love to advise
A Father’s Love will aptly apprise
D01: 09/05/2023
Three! Thank You Duchess! 😁
Seems like a good time to try this…..
Posting at 09:54
Posting this reply at 1:37 AM
Posting this reply at 1:41 AM
Your system clock and the blog appear to be in sync.
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Pray Everyday
Very informative – thank you Steve.
One thing PDJT said in the Rogan interview that really struck me – he said he had two main jobs/efforts while he was President – to run the country and to survive – to deal with all the opposition/attacks – the fake impeachments, etc.
After leaving the White House – he’s had nothing but political lawfare – hundreds of Democrap lawsuits and the DOJ constantly working against him. The left are a disgrace.
He should post a list of all the lawsuits and bogus charges and prosecutions, so people can really see just the avalanche of lawfare.
Regular people can’t imagine, because we’ve never encountered it before.
He needs to show us.
And that would also allow us to repost the list everywhere, every time we get in an online debate with some Leftist denier.
The Man Behind the Black Insurrectionist X Account Is Outed by the AP — A White Guy from Upstate New York with Checkered Past
“Black Insurrectionist” claimed Kamala was given the topics before her debate with Trump.
Wolf Moon
So, it appears that this person is a deceiver on more than one level? And apparently this person’s “Black Insurrectionist” communications stopped after he said he “was going to the doctor”?
I never know how these people intend to keep the hoax going. It gets very involved. The next steps were to have the “whistleblower” go public and maybe to have a statement from an attorney (can’t remember all the details).
The day BI said he would produce more of his ~40 talking points the next day, after his doctor appointment, people started to question his story. He immediately went dark. When that lasted into the next day, the jig was up.
I don’t know how these things work, and I wonder if he was somehow making money from subscribers or something. IOW, what motivates someone to lie so blatantly when the chances of getting caught are practically 100%?
Have not paid a lot of attention to all the details.
Two thoughts, of which I do not know the most likely.
That said. No doubt in my mind Tampon Tim is gay AND likely a pedo.
There’s a good chance this guy thought he was smarter than the other chumps who got caught.
If there’s one thing that should be obvious to anyone who reads what I write here (both in posts and in comments) it’s that I hate frauds like this. Be it the professional lying fuck flat earthers (not their victims/followers) or “some guy on the internet” who pretends to have the inside scoop into politics, these people are some of the lowest forms of life and I’d love to figure out how to put them in jail without it being a threat to sincere free speech.
Me too. I don’t care what side they think they’re working for. Just tell the truth.
Thank you!
I can’t get my laptop to load the video from the Huygens descent to the surface of Titan. So I’m listening to the audio.
In musical terms, these are what I hear on the audio:
“celesta”-type sounds, quite high (like the celesta sounds in “The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” in The Nutcracker ballet music)
“small bell-like” sounds: these sounds use the tones C to Eb (in other words, they hover between these tones of a minor third)
“chirping” sounds, like a small bird
“clicking” sounds (occasional)
“cat-like”- sounds
“Theremin-like” sounds (“spooky” sounds)
I swear, the Huygens’ audio sounds eerily like parts of the “Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age” section from Gustav Holst’s The Planets.
The Theremin is an electronic sound generator that was invented in the 1920s. It is played by the musician/performer over an “electromagnetic circuit.” The musician/performer also controls the volume and pitch selection of the Theremin by various movements of the hands.
You Tube has videos about the Theremin and of performers playing it.
A version of the Theremin, called the Moog Etherwave, is available for purchase in kit form (www.thereminworld.com/theremin-store)
“The Theremin is an electronic sound generator that was invented in the 1920s. It is played by the musician/performer over an “electromagnetic circuit.””
This (and your previous post) reminded me of a reference to what I thought was an old musical instrument (“Music of the Spheres”) that is mentioned in one of the church hymns we sing.
This is my Father’s World (Wiki link)
Author: Maltbie D. Babcock (1901)
Published in 321 hymnals
(first verse)
This is my Father’s world,
And to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings
The music of the spheres.
This is my Father’s world:
I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas–
His hand the wonders wrought.
For some reason I thought the reference was to an old / obsolete musical instrument made of glass spheres that spun in water and resonated based on the thickness of the glass or the amount of water they contained (or something similar), but when I searched for the instrument, the closest thing I found was the glass harmonica:
“Glasses filled with varying amounts of water so as to alter the pitch of the sounds obtained by striking them with sticks were already used in early times by the Persians, the Chinese (shui chan), the Japanese and the Arabs (the tusut was mentioned in 1406), but the technique took a decisive turn in 1743 when an Irishman, Richard Puckeridge, had the bright idea of standing the glasses on a table and rubbing the rims with wet fingers.
Benjamin Franklin first saw that instrument which was also played by the composer Gluck, at a concert given by the English virtuoso Delaval. It was called the angelic organ, then musical glasses, seraphim or glass harp. Franklin, fascinated by the “soft and pure sound of the musical glasses”, modified them so as to increase their possibilities. In a letter to the Turin scientist Giovanni Battista Beccaria in 1762, he explained how he had improved them. He called the new instrument the Armonica because of its harmonious sounds (in its acoustic meaning because of its richness in overtones – “harmonics”).
He had glasses of different diameters blown, each corresponding to a note, instead of filling glasses with water. When the bowls are chromatically fitted into one another, but not in contact, with a horizontal rod going through their centre, the rotation of which is controlled by a pedal, complex chords can be played and the possibilities of virtuoso performance are increased.
A number of instruments derived from the glass harmonica have been built since that time: the melodion, the eumelia, the clavicylindre, the transpornierharmonica, the sticcardo pastorale, the spirafina, the Instrument de Parnasse, the glasharfe, the piano harmonica of Tobias Schmidt, who also built the first guillotine, the uranion, the hydrodaktulopsychicharmonica and others.”
[edit: hydrodaktulopsychicharmonica is one of the words you hope you don’t get asked at a spelling bee… 😁 ]
“To build a glass harmonica, Gerhard Finkenbeiner (1930 – 1999) and today Tom Hession, his associate, use quartz, the purest glass, in the shape of a long cylinder, heated to 3100°F and blown, then cut into spheres and then half-spheres, so as to produce two bowls. The process is completed for tuning by dipping the bowls in hydrofluoric acid to adjust their thickness.”
Video from link above:
It seems the ‘music of the spheres’ referenced in the hymn was not about an actual musical instrument, but about the philosophical concept described below, which does reference the hymn “This is My Father’s World” (1901) near the end of the article, under ‘See Also’:
Wiki: “The musica universalis (literally universal music), also called music of the spheres or harmony of the spheres, is a philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies—the Sun, Moon, and planets—as a form of music.
The theory, originating in ancient Greece, was a tenet of Pythagoreanism, and was later developed by 16th-century astronomer Johannes Kepler. Kepler did not believe this “music” to be audible, but felt that it could nevertheless be heard by the soul. The idea continued to appeal to scholars until the end of the Renaissance, influencing many schools of thought, including humanism.”
Thank you.
Many years ago, Yours Truly was hired to play for an evening soiree’ at the huge, Jeffersonian-style President’s Residence at the University of Virginia. There were other musicians there also (string quartet, etc.)
I was to accompany a couple of the solo players on the grand piano in the “front parlor.” I was also to provide some music for the (very high-dollar) donors in the “entrance hall” of the residence. In that location, I was to play on a glass harmonica.
The instrument I played was a very old one, but restored; I guess it was mid-19th Century. I think it was owned by an individual who loaned it for the occasion. It had a wooden case and a sort of “foot treadle” underneath, which the player had to keep going by foot power, to turn the glasses.
IIRC, the glass harmonica I played had a “short range” — perhaps a couple of notes fewer than two octaves. I had to make adaptations of some slow movements of Baroque keyboard pieces in order to come up with good music. I also made an adaptation of the Mozart piece for the glass harmonica, K356.
The glass harmonica is not easy to play. The bowls respond to the slightest touch.
The only way I can describe the sound of a glass harmonica played in real life is that it’s like a combination of children singing “ooooh” or “aaaah” very quietly, plus the ethereal overtones produced by the bowls. It is mesmerizing.
Thank you for your reply RDS. That must have been a very interesting experience, being at the President’s residence at University of Virginia, getting to play such an old instrument restored to proper working condition, all of it.
I thought this was interesting (from the website I linked above), apparently in Germany the police can issue decrees — I would not do well in that environment… a little too imperial (okay, a LOT too imperial) for me 😁
“Glass harmonicas were banned by a police decree in some German cities and disappeared in 1835. Among the reasons put forward : the sounds made by the instrument frighten animals, cause premature deliveries, shoot down the strongest man within one hour (according to a medical dictionary published in 1804) and drive the interpreters to madness (maybe because of lead poisoning; 40% lead glass was used).
However, Paganini called it an “angelic organ”, Marie Antoinette played the glass harmonica, doctor Franz Anton Mesmer used it to relax (…to mesmerize) his patients before examining them (a kind of new age music), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach, Gaetano Donizetti and Richard Strauss composed for it and writers such as Goethe or Chateaubriand praised it.
The master glassblower Gerhard Finkenbeiner who rediscovered it in the 1960’s rebuild it today since 1982.
Thomas Bloch plays its instruments (in 442 and in 430 Hz) and is one of the very few professional glassharmonicist in the world.”
And now I actually know someone who has played the glass harmonica 👍😎
The sounds play whenever a new bit is added to the image…different tones denote different sensors. They’re an add on (they aren’t the actual sounds of Titan). The first time I played the video I didn’t have sound, so I only saw the visual. I debated putting in a note about the sound because I found it a bit distracting.
You may have better luck on the Wikipedia page for Titan (that’s where I grabbed it from).
Thank you! Just saw the “descent video” with the sound also going.
The “celesta-type” and “small bell-like” sounds appear to denote the flashing colored bars and rectangles.
The “cat-like” sounds appear to denote the descent to the surface of Titan.
The “Theremin-like” sounds appear to denote the movements of the “parachute” graphic to the left of the Huygens.
Mini Ground Report:
A couple of days ago, Yours Truly went to dinner with MD son and his household. On the way over, I saw (in Orange County, NC, bastion of “UNC country”) —-
multiple “Harris-Walz” signs
3 Trump signs
2 signs (obviously professionally made) that said: “I’m Republican But I’m Not Crazy — Vote Harris/Walz”
Yours Truly’s area (northwestern Durham County) —
multiple “Harris-Walz” signs
very few Trump signs
I guess that’s to be expected.
I am dubious about these: “I’m Republican But I’m Not Crazy — Vote Harris/Walz”
The only “Republicans” who would vote for Commala are RINOs and people who are afraid they will be convicted of something if Trump wins. I seriously doubt that any lay person who ever believed in the principles of the Repub Party or MAGA would switch to supporting a radical Dem. It makes no sense.
The sign, “I’m Republican But I’m Not Crazy — Vote Harris/Walz” is meaningless to me.
ANYONE could put that sign(s) up. All it takes is money.
Yes, gaslighting.
“I’m Republican But I’m Not Crazy, Just Stupid — Vote Harris/Walz”
Fixed it for them 😁
by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.
25 October 2924
Yours Truly: BART must pay 6 workers who were fired for refusing to be COVID-19 “vaccinated” over $1 million dollars each after the workers won the lawsuit they filed against the agency.
This needs to happen increasingly so.
Which means taxpayers pay it, and nobody at BART will suffer any consequence whatsoever.
They’ve probably all received multiple raises since 2020 and will now receive a promotion under the Leftist philosophy of rewarding incompetence, so no one ever has to admit they were wrong.
People protesting against Commala, maybe? At Trump rallies when someone from the other side starts to make trouble, the crowd points them out and shouts “USA, USA!” and they are quickly escorted out. I would think the security for a “VP” would be very high and that the same could happen.
I understand they lose their coat, too.
She’s losing. And will lose if they can’t cheat their way past it.
Well, that’s obvious. Let’s go a tiny step further:
Biden attracted little interest during his campaign [that’s my entry for “understatement of the year”] but as far as I can recall he didn’t get booed at his own “rallies”. So maybe any cheat will be too obvious for even the willfully oblivious to ignore.
Beyonce was supposed to perform and only came out and spoke for a few moments,, then walked off.
I can’t vouch for this, but I would expect fans to be upset if they were expecting a performance and only got a 2-minute speech.
I would expect whoever paid her $10 million dollars for only giving a 2-minute speech would be a whole lot more upset than the fans 😂 🤣 😂
Overseas investors. Funding through Act Blue.
The have to ‘Act’ blue, because they’re too fake and disingenuous to actually be blue.
This clip is wild. She’s gaslighting the crowd about singing…singing a new song..are you ready to sing a new song. You know they all thought she was going to actually sing since she spent 2 minutes talking about it. Psyche !!! Suckas
Apparently several are saying that…
It’ll only get worse…
She fell back on ‘just send them to the small rally down the street‘ retort that she used last week to dismiss the Christians who shouted ‘Jesus is Lord’ when she started talking about the joys of abortion.
She must have assumed protesters were talking about Jesus again, and she’s bigger than Jesus, so she sends them to the smaller ‘Jesus rally’ down the street.
That’s actually a bit of a recreation amongst element geeks. They sometimes comment about people who can spell their names out, and those who cannot.
“Steve” for instance, can’t be spelled. S, Te, V (so far, so good), but then E (or En)? FAIL.
On the other hand, Stephen can be: S, Te, P, He, N.
The InCO can be spelled as In, C, O or In, Co.
There’s no element with a J in its symbol (unless I’m having a mental block) so you’d be SOL if this was something that actually mattered.
Looks like I can do V-Al but not Valerie 😉
You could do V-Al-Er-I, but that last “e” is a problem.
TY, I was wanting to look for an alphabetized Periodic Table shorthand (symbol?) chart & play with family names for fun 🙂 knowing Josiah is out of luck, per Steve’s comment above, iirc 🙂
I can’t even think of an element with a J in its name right now, much less in its symbol. I must be forgetting something. Or q now that I think about it.
Right that’s why I though looking to spell “Josiah” was a non-starter. People have gotta be pretty deep into nerderie to worry about that LOL
MAGA War Room:
The Washington Compost propagandist, pretending to be journalist, are not happy that Jeff Besos has forced them not to endorse SuxalotaCux.
Even the editor is resigning.
They have this editor on who says that Besos is scared that Trump will be going after him if he wins.
As usual they are projecting and ignore that the current administration is doing just that to Elon Musk.