Pray for the Supreme Court

Fellow Q Treepers, this current event is worthy of prayer and discussion here at Wolfmoon's Q Tree. Lou Engle has been at the spear tip of an army of young intercessors for decades, standing in the gap for the UNBORN of our Nation.  It is truly humbling to link arms with them for this key … Continue reading Pray for the Supreme Court

Dear MAGA: 20190131 Open Topic

This THROW OFF THE CLOWARD-PIVEN RADICALS THURSDAY Open Thread is VERY OPEN. You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Keep it civil. Rules much like the Old Treehouse, except of course Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged. A couple of other important things to consider. This link.... ….contains some general guidelines … Continue reading Dear MAGA: 20190131 Open Topic

Infanticide in New York State

America continues its march toward its own destruction. On January 22, 2019, Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law the "Reproductive Health Act" - upon signing the bill, he stated: “With the signing of this bill, we are sending a clear message that whatever happens in Washington, women in New York will always have the … Continue reading Infanticide in New York State

Dear MAGA: 20190130 Open Topic

This GLOW-BULL WARMING COAL WEATHER WEDNESDAY Open Thread is dedicated to the vision of those who realized that the globo-commie conspiracy was SCAMMING US on energy across the board, including their notorious WAR ON COAL - that DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. COAL - which will help get this planet back on track, as the globo-commie … Continue reading Dear MAGA: 20190130 Open Topic

It's Not a World War, It's a Word War for Control of the World.

Marica said something this morning and I had a mini-epiphany. Here's what Marica said about her husband: "Mr. Marica? He is my favorite Dude!! but he is not even in the least bit interested in what we all talk about! (daughn’s hubby calling in is so stinking cool!) God brought me you guys so I … Continue reading It's Not a World War, It's a Word War for Control of the World.

Dear MAGA: 20190129 Open Topic

Coal train.  Celebrating our energy independence and making environmentalist heads explode.  (Win/Win) Today’s NOT THE STATE OF THE UNION TUESDAY Open Thread is devoted to your thoughts on the glorious chaos in US Politics. As always, you can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. BUT: Keep it civil. … Continue reading Dear MAGA: 20190129 Open Topic

When the People Loved and Respected the FBI…..

It seems reprehensible to most Americans that we would question or fear our own FBI and DOJ. It's a new idea to us and the world seems upside down. Yet, with the politicization of our justice system, Americans clearly see the duplicity and double standard. Now, we're apprehensive to help, offer information or assistance, which … Continue reading When the People Loved and Respected the FBI…..

Dear MAGA: 20190128 Open Topic

Welcome! The door is open, come on inside. This Cozy Q Tree Monday open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on … Continue reading Dear MAGA: 20190128 Open Topic

The Top 10 Things I Learned During My Absence from The Q Tree

As you can see, I'm back. It's good to be back. Thank you for your prayers - I am not kidding you - they WORKED! <3 <3 <3 If there is one thing to remember, THAT is it. Prayer WORKS. If you're short on time, skip the rest, or just read the headlines. THANK YOU … Continue reading The Top 10 Things I Learned During My Absence from The Q Tree

20190127 Prayers For Protection

This special January 27th PRAYERS FOR PROTECTION topic is a place to share prayers for the safety of All those working to Bring Good to the World. ____________________________________________ Our Lion President Donald J. Trump with all of his administration, our much appreciated blog host Wolfmoon, the White Hats in Law Enforcement, the QAnon Team, all … Continue reading 20190127 Prayers For Protection