a.k.a. "The T47 Thread" Greetings, my fellow QTreepers! Wolf here, getting ready (shortly after the Wolf Moon + Mars) to head to Washington, DC for the Trump-Vance 2025 Inauguration, otherwise known by the shorthand "T47 Inaugural" - or just T47 for short. TL;DR- if you're not in the mood to celebrate, then you need a … Continue reading Trump-Vance Inaugural Celebration and Reporting Thread
Category: Fashion
Dear KMAG: 20241125 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic
Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both). … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20241125 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic
Movie Review: Elvis (2022)
Thanks to TradeBait's recent story centered on Elvis Presley, I was actually in an Elvis mood when my wife - an Elvis fan long before we met - decided that "we" were going to see the new Elvis movie at the earliest opportunity. Not having been to very many movies recently, I'm pretty much immune … Continue reading Movie Review: Elvis (2022)
DEAR KAG: 20220218 – The Pub is OPEN / Movie Review: Death on the Nile (2022) / The Andromeda Shot
The Pub is OPEN! I'm not sure what we're serving today - maybe some leftovers! You'll see how I was led to this oldie but goodie in just a moment. https://youtu.be/MPqV7JUHsXA While our beloved REAL bartender takes a needed break of unknown duration, we continue to ENDEAVOR TO PERSEVERE. And in doing so, we rely … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20220218 – The Pub is OPEN / Movie Review: Death on the Nile (2022) / The Andromeda Shot
DEAR KAG: 20211231 – New Year’s Eve – The Pub is OPEN / The Clot Shot Casino is CLOSED / Christmas Spirit / Trump Calendars / How to Hide a Histaminimus / Nick Perry, Percy Sutton, and Obola / Minion Meets Master / General Flynn on Exposing TRUTH
The Pub is OPEN! Of course we're open on New Year's Eve, for goodness sake! However, the crooked and despicable Clot Shot Casino is now CLOSED (more details later), for outrageous offenses like THIS. Colorado casino customers prosecuted for playing abandoned slot credits Prepare to be outraged, even though this story is from over 5 … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20211231 – New Year’s Eve – The Pub is OPEN / The Clot Shot Casino is CLOSED / Christmas Spirit / Trump Calendars / How to Hide a Histaminimus / Nick Perry, Percy Sutton, and Obola / Minion Meets Master / General Flynn on Exposing TRUTH
The REAL “Unite The Right” – A Eulogy for Black Rifle Coffee to Create a Million Hardened Information Warfare Veterans
I just read one of THE BEST and most intelligent pieces of bleeding edge conservatism EVER WRITTEN. Please enjoy. Afterwards, we'll talk. MOAR: https://www.revolver.news/2021/07/black-rifle-coffee-new-york-times/ Ah, yes - how we wanted to believe. If you read all the way to the end, the last three paragraphs are gold. And I quote: Many members of the military … Continue reading The REAL “Unite The Right” – A Eulogy for Black Rifle Coffee to Create a Million Hardened Information Warfare Veterans
The Demoralization of Country Music
WARNING: This post is for CULTURE WARRIORS ONLY. You were warned. INTRO I thought about doing this post for a long time - maybe even before I started this site, which was back in September of 2018. Then I actually FINISHED this post on September 14 of 2019. And then I just let it sit … Continue reading The Demoralization of Country Music
Hanukkah Wishes (and a Bit of Christmas Cheer!)
I had hoped that this year, we would have a GREAT holiday season, like we almost experienced last year, other than the Phony Fake Impeachment featuring Polident and Pencilneck. And then, suddenly, I realized that the commies have made EVERY YEAR a kind of hell for our side. But LAST YEAR, lacking the China Virus … Continue reading Hanukkah Wishes (and a Bit of Christmas Cheer!)
Wolf's Chill Second Date With Retrosynthetic Dinopox
Perhaps you recall my PREVIOUS correspondence and "review" of the new, two-shot shingles vaccine, Shingrix - or more specifically, my review of the FIRST SHOT. Wolf’s Hot Date With Retrosynthetic Dinopox Hey, it’s not every day that I get to post something that’s not only about the unspeakable issue of vaccines, but is both PRO-VAX and … Continue reading Wolf's Chill Second Date With Retrosynthetic Dinopox
A Tale of Two Revolutions
A Deplorable Abroad, Wherein Keln's Meme Takes on a Profound Second Meaning I must begin by admitting - to a limited extent - where I was during my recent absence. For a short time, I was in Paris - as in Paris, France. I was forced by circumstances to take a taxi across downtown Paris … Continue reading A Tale of Two Revolutions