Back In My Day: Scoundrels & Heroes; Soundrels, Part 3- Local Industry, Economics & The Uniparty Gameplan

It is time for more truth telling. Most should agree by now the MAGA operation is in full swing and there is really no reason to be cryptic and flip floppy anymore. We move from the world of agriculture into industry with an aluminum smelting operation located in the same rural area of the Bootheel. … Continue reading Back In My Day: Scoundrels & Heroes; Soundrels, Part 3- Local Industry, Economics & The Uniparty Gameplan

Back In My Day: Scoundrels & Heros, Part 1 – Scoundrels

My hope is that readers will stick with me on this multi part wrap-up to my BIMD series. Parts 1 and 2 may be the most important stories I have posted as it pertains to understanding the corruption you have seen on the national scene in the past as well as today. Gail Combs has … Continue reading Back In My Day: Scoundrels & Heros, Part 1 – Scoundrels


Michaelh thought I should turn a recent comment into an article. LINK So I am going to buff up and expand that comment. As I said in my De-Population series, the years around 1970 were an inflection point, a pivotal time period in American history. Please at least skim the other articles for the historic … Continue reading DE-INDUSTRIALIZING THE USA

Back In My Day: Civilized War – The NWO Cabal’s Weapon of FEAR; Plus Goober Gump Sighting

It is very hard to be concise on such a complex subject. So, please forgive the length of this story as it cannot be done well in two parts and BIMD will be on hold for a month or so through the holidays as I work on a family project. As many of you know, … Continue reading Back In My Day: Civilized War – The NWO Cabal’s Weapon of FEAR; Plus Goober Gump Sighting

Back In My Day: Battleground Arkansas Conclusion – Votes, Beans, and Civil War?

Let's start with our dear friend's post in a recent daily: GA/FL Offline Coyote  November 16, 2022 07:03 Democrats know more than a dozen ways to commit election fraud – they are good at it and have lots of practice. They have cheated since the days of Huey P Long, Gene Talmadge, and the Chicago Mob … Continue reading Back In My Day: Battleground Arkansas Conclusion – Votes, Beans, and Civil War?

The Log In Our Eye: ‘Christians Are Responsible for the State of American Politics’

REALLY? Should we take this criticism from an FBI agent? Or is blaming Christians just more "Battered Christian Syndrome"? More "blame the victim"? Or are Christians SUPPOSED to actually risk some battering? It's certainly BRAVE to make this claim to fellow Christians. And FBI? Well....... Complicated business. I'll be brief. This is a possibly tough … Continue reading The Log In Our Eye: ‘Christians Are Responsible for the State of American Politics’

Back In My Day: Arkansas – Follow the Money

This part of Goober Gump's adventures will finish the story of my college friend before divulging the money players of the Arkansas mafia back in my day, whose descendants have continued the "family" businesses. I will expand the parallels and comparisons in the part that follows this one. Don't think that ole Goober is just … Continue reading Back In My Day: Arkansas – Follow the Money

Back In My Day: Coal Country Heroes – Finale

As BIMD stories have been told, you may have begun to see the parallels between them as well as what you may have experienced in your life or happened in the lives of others during similar time periods and events. As has been noted, many of the featured people seized their opportunity to accomplish what … Continue reading Back In My Day: Coal Country Heroes – Finale

Back In My Day: Nothing New Under The Sun – Another Great American Traitorous Deception

So, like me, most of you probably grew up thinking that getting a decent education to whatever level you could attain would lead to a job and eventually a career where you could succeed. For traditional families, that may have even meant no outside job for the wife and mother so that she could handle … Continue reading Back In My Day: Nothing New Under The Sun – Another Great American Traitorous Deception

Back In My Day: House of Haslam – Conclusion

When you get time and if you are interested in the subject of the Uniparty and The Club, I hope you will consider reading this HOH four part series. Please forgive my writing style and focus on the content and implications because stories like this one give us big clues. That said, let's finish this … Continue reading Back In My Day: House of Haslam – Conclusion