NOTE ADDED BY WOLF: Please save all crucial information about the attempted assassination of President Trump HERE. There may be other articles later - we will make sure to link those HERE. Please also add reference links back to this post. Thank you! W I am going to put this up fast. It will … Continue reading TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT


I am putting this article up as a place to archive comments on the bird flu and to give a bit of background history to explain how the government’s current response came about. It also serves as a warning about the laws and regs ALREADY IN PLACE. If you have animals or are unlucky enough … Continue reading ANIMAL DEPOP & BIRD FLU: Mr GLOBAL’S ATTACK ON FOOD PART V

The Deagel Report — AND Logic

I was going thru my tabs, deleting old articles and this one sparked a HMMMmmmm. Especially given the Deagel Report. (This is a fast post so it has not been checked for errors.) 2025 is not here yet and we have just imported 10-20 million illegals, many military age and hostile towards Americans. Are we … Continue reading The Deagel Report — AND Logic

Mike Pence –Trojan Horse

This is dedicated to the Badlander Hosts who still think Pence is not a Deep State Player. Kyle commented something to the effect that those of us who still dislike Pence are not thinking. So here is my rebuttal. If You look at Pence’s CV there is NOTHING to recommend him to America First or … Continue reading Mike Pence –Trojan Horse



Well here is a bit of VERY BAD NEWS that showed up on the daily thread. YOU ADDED WHAT TO MY CHEESE??? First I want to give a MAJOR H/T to Dr. Mercola, Ashley Armstrong of Robert Kennedy Jr’s Children’s Health Defense Organization and to The Burning Platform for bringing this to our attention. Dr … Continue reading GMOs & CHEESE, Oh My!


OH CRAP! The DemonRat Commies plans just became clear as I wrote this comment! It explains John Kerry's travels and consultation with Iran during the Trump Admin. and so much more. I am going to flesh it out into an article. The DemonRats were ALWAYS PLANNING ON USING TERRORISTS TO DESTROY THE USA and the … Continue reading THE DEMOCRATS PLAN REVEALED

Terrorists in USA — 2023

These bits and pieces are in no particular order. I was going to make it a comment but it grew and grew as I looked for the source backing up an old story that our US Mosques started receiving foreign funding in return for preaching RADICAL ISLAM. IIRC it was connected to a Pakistani Imam … Continue reading Terrorists in USA — 2023

Dear KAG: 20230927 Open Thread, the MAGA Insurgency Part II and OPERATION TRUST

First prayers for  Deplorable Patriot, her Mom and her Family. May God be with them and also with our country. Second please excuse spelling and grammar errors, I am 1/2 asleep. It would seem our country is FINALLY waking up. ‘Operation Trust.’ On the Infinite Strength of Questions -- Burning Bright Have you ever heard … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20230927 Open Thread, the MAGA Insurgency Part II and OPERATION TRUST

Dear KAG: 20230926 Open Thread & the MAGA Insurgency — Part I

I tried to follow De-Pat’s method of posting interesting headlines and articles. It didn’t work. As a scientist and a caver, if I see an interesting ‘rabbit hole’ I am instantly going to get side tracked. And what is the first thing I see? An intriguing clip of Mike Benz speaking about the Cabal’s strategy … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20230926 Open Thread & the MAGA Insurgency — Part I

Dear KAG: 20230921 Open Thread & TGIF!!!

Since I do not drink, you are going to get MY use of alcohol, Coq au Vin or chicken in wine. Since I am on a rather limited budget I buy a (cheap on sale) 10 lb bag of chicken legs quarters (leg & thigh). After years as an analytical chemist/quality engineer, I have had … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20230921 Open Thread & TGIF!!!