Thanks to Gail Combs for persisting with the writing of this article for the New Year 2025 post. Gail is having incredible difficulty, trying to publish from her computer – in my opinion more than just the usual WordPress crappiness. Again, IMO, it is most likely due to “plausible reasons” of subtle interference by enemies of her posting – whoever those may be. COUGH, COUGH, COUGH.
In any case, I have not changed anything in her article below. I did add a comma to Gail’s well-wish to you all above! Other than that, I have just added these few notes at the beginning, regarding the outgoing year, and the New Year.
The year 2024 AD (Year of our Lord) could have gone many ways other than the way it did. I am of the opinion that we should be incredibly thankful for the divine blessings and providence we were granted, including the life of our wonderful president, Donald J. Trump.
And then, on top of that near-miracle, President Trump WON – we kept the House – and we gained the Senate. WOW.
Be thankful. We are blessed. Trust in God. Praise God. Trust that the TRUTH will set us free.
May 2025 AD be a year in which we not only make America great – but a year in which we make God great, too.
Always remember that YOU have the power to make God great in YOUR life!
Peace and Blessings!
Rewriting History
by Gail Combs
This entire article is speculative. I am taking bits and pieces from various articles I have read and seeing if there is a common theme that can be informative. After all if the Cabal is rewriting history, it becomes very difficult to know what actually happened. Especially since they seem to have a habit of offing whistle-blowers and destroying evidence.
Well, the rewriting of history by the elite was what I originally planned to write about, however the ‘rabbit hole’ took a sharp left turn. I am going to address that branch of the rabbit hole in the next article. It was when I went to find the info linking John Maynard Keynes to the Fabians, that things went south. I pulled up some old 2014 notes and followed where they led. 🤔 However I still want to follow the rewriting history concept first as a basis for the next article.
Let’s start with George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four, published in 1949.
Nineteen Eighty-four — Summary
…The book’s hero, Winston Smith, is a minor party functionary living in a London that is still shattered by a nuclear war that took place not long after World War II. He belongs to the Outer Party, and his job is to rewrite history in the Ministry of Truth, bringing it in line with current political thinking…
Like John Maynard Keynes, Orwell was not formally a member of the Fabian Society. However his teacher and mentor was Aldous Huxley. Even Encyclopaedia Britannica mentions this. (I did not know John D. Rockefeller in 1900 “..bought Encyclopedia Britannica, acquiring control of a key source of information for readers worldwide.” LINK and LINK)
An Introduction to Fabian Socialism via Brave New World [by Aldous Huxley] and 1984 [by George Orwell.]
[Excellent article]
…The Fabian Society was founded as the political arm of the Fellowship of the New Life, an occult, socialist think tank founded in 1883. The Fellowship was home to many influential figures, including the UK’s first Labour Party Prime Minister and Karl Marx’s daughter, Eleanor. The Fabian Society has been dominant in both British and global politics for over a century. It founded numerous influential organizations, such as the London School of Economics (1895) and the British Labour Party (1900). Fabians were instrumental in the creation of the United Nations and the entire postwar world order itself. Aldous Huxley’s brother Julian, for example, was the first director of UNESCO. He also coined the term “transhumanism” in his book ‘New Bottles for New Wine’ (1950).
The Fabians’ political aim is — or was, since their objectives have already been achieved to a large degree — the creation of a one-world Socialist government, ruled by a technocratic elite that micromanages every aspect of our lives, including our biology (via transhumanism). However, their ultimate goal is the total alchemical reconfiguration of humanity: They aim to break down the unwashed masses of the world and remold them into an entirely new breed of man — a new species of human, even.
This is not to say that all Globalists are literally Fabians, but that the ideas laid out by Fabian Socialists appear to be the most accurate description of where Globalists aim to take their world empire.
As stated above, Aldous Huxley’s brother is Sir Julian Huxley — Julian Huxley, UNESCO, and Eugenics
In 1949 Aldous Huxley wrote to Orwell:
“…infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis….” Boy talk about prophetic, or is it knowledge of the actual plan?
Aldous Huxley’s Prophetic Insights on Technology, Freedom, and Propaganda in a 1958 Interview with Mike Wallace. Aldous Huxley lived in CA at the time and in my opinion, he lied his head off in this interview.
part 1 (10 min)
Part 2 (10 min)
Part 3 (9 min)
Video about Aldous Huxley and mescaline experiments (2 min)
Humphry Osmond (1917-2004) was the British psychiatrist who coined the word “psychedelic” – “mind manifesting” – in a letter to Aldous Huxley. Osmond publicized the term at a meeting of the New York Academy of Sciences in 1957. “Psychedelic” is perhaps better term than “hallucinogen” since many classic psychedelic agents do not typically induce hallucinations.
Osmond introduced Aldous Huxley to mescaline in May 1953. Huxley sent Osmond a rhyme containing his own suggested coinage: “To make this trivial world sublime, take half a gram of phanerothyme.” [Thymos (Gr): soul]. Osmond demurred: “To fathom Hell or soar angelic, just take a pinch of psychedelic.” LINK
CIA Mind Control and MK Ultra in Canada
Aldous Huxley, George Orwell & The Fabian Society (1 minute)
When talking of rewriting history, we are talking about a group of very wealthy people capable of long range planning with a single goal in mind. By long range I mean over one hundred years and probably a lot more. These people think in terms of family dynasties like the Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties.
The Modern History Project has written about The Fabians, the Round Table, and Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes Scholarships
G. Edward Griffin has written about the subject naming names.
The Chasm The Future Is Calling (Part One) © 2003 – 2015
…Where do we find this evidence? The first place to look is in history. The past is the key to the present, and we can never fully understand where we are today unless we know what path we traveled to get here. It was Will Durant who said: “Those who know nothing about history are doomed forever to repeat it.” …
…the year 1954 and, suddenly, we find ourselves in the plush offices of the Ford Foundation in New York City. There are two men seated at a large, Mahogany desk, and they are talking. They cannot see or hear us, but we can see them very well. One of these men is Rowan Gaither, who was the 3 President of the Ford Foundation at that time. The other is Mr. Norman Dodd, the chief investigator for what was called the Reece Committee, which was a Congressional committee to investigate tax-exempt foundations. The Ford Foundation was one of those, so he is there as part of his Congressional responsibilities. In 1982, I met Mr. Dodd in his home state of Virginia where, at the time, I had a television crew gathering interviews for a documentary film. I previously had read his testimony and realized how important it was; so, when our crew had open time, I called him on the telephone and asked if he would be willing to make a statement before our cameras, and he said, “Of course.” I’m glad we obtained the interview when we did, because Dodd was advanced in years, and it wasn’t long afterward that he passed away.
We were very fortunate to capture his story in his own words. What we are about to witness from our time machine was confirmed in minute detail twenty years later and preserved on video. The reason for Dodd’s investigation was that the American public had become alarmed by reports that large tax-exempt foundations were promoting the ideologies of Communism and Fascism and advocating the elimination of the United States as a sovereign nation. As far back as the 1930s, William Randolph Hearst had written a series of blistering editorials in his national chain of newspapers in which he cited Carnegie Foundation publications that spouted Communist slogans identical to what was coming from the Communist Party itself. When the Carnegie Endowment published an article written by Joseph Stalin attacking Capitalism and praising Communism, Hearst called it “propaganda, pure and simple.”….
This is very crucial because of what Mr Griffin says later.
The question that arises in Mr. Dodd’s mind is: How would it be possible for anyone to think they could alter life in the United States so it could be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union and, by implication, with other nations of the world? What an absurd thought that would be – especially in 1954…
The answer was provided by the Carnegie Endowment Fund for International Peace, the same group that had been the center of controversy in the 1930s. When Dodd visited that organization and began asking about their activities, the President said, “Mr. Dodd, you have a lot of questions. It would be very tedious and time consuming for us to answer them all, so I have a counter proposal…
This is what those minutes revealed: From the very beginning, the members of the board discussed how to alter life in the United States; how to change the attitudes of Americans to give up their traditional principles and concepts of government and be more receptive to what they call the collectivist model of society…
At the Carnegie Foundation board meetings, they discussed this question in a scholarly fashion. After months of deliberation, they came to the conclusion that, out of all of the options available for altering political and social attitudes, there was only one that was historically dependable. That option was war. In times of war, they reasoned, only then would people be willing to give up things they cherish in return for the desperate need and desire for security against a deadly enemy. And so the Carnegie Endowment Fund for International Peace declared in its minutes that it must do whatever it can to bring the United States into war. They also said there were other actions needed, and these were their exact words: “We must control education in the United States.” They realized that was a pretty big order, so they teamed up with the Rockefeller Foundation and the Guggenheim Foundation to pool their financial resources to control education in America – in particular, to control the teaching of history. They assigned those areas of responsibility that involved issues relating to domestic affairs to the Rockefeller Foundation, and those issues relating to international affairs were taken on as the responsibility of the Carnegie Endowment. Their first goal was to rewrite the history books, and they discussed at great length how to do that. They approached some of the more prominent historians of the time and presented to them the proposal that they rewrite history to favor the concept of collectivism, but they were turned down flat. Then they decided – and, again, these are their own words, “We must create our own stable of historians.” They selected twenty candidates at the university level who were seeking doctorates in American History. Then they went to the Guggenheim Foundation and said, “Would you grant fellowships to candidates selected by us, who are of the right frame of mind, those who see the value of collectivism as we do? Would you help them to obtain their doctorates so we can then propel them into positions of prominence and leadership in the academic world?” And the answer was “Yes.” So they gathered a list of young men who were seeking their doctorate degrees. They interviewed them, analyzed their attitudes, and chose the twenty they thought were best suited for their purpose. They sent them to London for a briefing. (In a moment I will explain why London is so significant.) At this meeting, they were told what would be expected if and when they win the doctorates they were seeking. They were told they would have to view history, write history, and teach history from the perspective that collectivism was a positive force in the world and was the wave of the future….
More from G. Edward Griffin:
Part 2: Secret Organizations and Hidden Agendas
Part 3: Days of Infamy
They are well worth the read.
Substantiating Griffin’s claim:
Ignoring Elites, Historians Are Missing a Major Factor in Politics and History
by Steve Fraser, Gary Gerstel (2005)
… Over the last quarter-century, historians have by and large ceased writing about the role of ruling elites in the country’s evolution. Or if they have taken up the subject, they have done so to argue against its salience for grasping the essentials of American political history. Yet there is something peculiar about this recent intellectual aversion, even if we accept as true the beliefs that democracy, social mobility, and economic dynamism have long inhibited the congealing of a ruling stratum. This aversion has coincided, after all, with one of the largest and fastest-growing disparities in the division of income and wealth in American history….
Neglecting the powerful had not been characteristic of historical work before World War II. ”
An example of the re-writing to remove anti-communism evidence.
The Great Thanksgiving Hoax | Mises Institute
The Socialist-Capitalist [FASCISM -CG] Alliance: the Fabian Society, the Frankfurt School, and Big Business: Part I
…do most people know the link of cultural Marxism, in particular its strategy of the “long march through the institutions,” to another socialist society famed for its “gradualism” and its connection to the British Labour Party? This society is called the Fabian Society and heavily influenced, indeed was a precursor to, the creation of the Frankfurt School.
…In 1905, American Fabians established the Rand School of Social Science in New York City and incorporated the Intercollegiate Socialist Society to promote “an intelligent interest in socialism among college men and women.” A founding member was American Fabian John Dewey, considered the father of progressive education, and an atheist, socialist, and evolutionist. In 1921 the Fabian Rand School changed its name to “The League for Industrial Democracy” and established a network of 125 chapters with the aim of de-Christianising America. Dewey became president of it in 1941. Dewey also co-founded the New School for Social Research (NSSR) in 1919, which is a Fabian-socialist institution that is the American equivalent to LSE. This school, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation ($208,100 between 1940 and 1944) and the Carnegie Corporation ($95,000 in 1940) among others, set up the Graduate Faculty on Political and Social Science in 1933, called the “University in Exile,” and aimed to “accommodate the large number of socialist intellectuals” who fled or were expelled from Hitler’s Germany…
First Andrew Carnegie Medals Awarded to Seven Visionaries of Modern Philanthropy
A nice nest of vipers -GC
Bill Moyers, Ted Turner, Bill Gates Sr, David Rockefeller, Richard D Parsons Judy Woodruff, Anthony Fauci, Tom Brokaw, George Soros, Mamphela Ramphele, Barbara Walters, David McCullough, Irene Diamond, Keonore Annenberg, Brooke Astor at the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy 2001
Going further back in time we come to the PrussiaGate series by Will Zoll, a team of two writers. The series is on a paid subscription substack but Patrick Gunnels reads them on Epic Threads. Zoll lays out an interesting hypothesis and backs it up with historical information. https://rumble.com/search/video?q=pgunnels%20Prussiagate (Skip the first 10 minutes which is intro.)
Part 1: https://rumble.com/v12s30v-new-prussiagate-the-reichswef-part-1.html
Part 2: https://rumble.com/v135wxl-new-prussiagate-the-reichswef-part-2.html
Part 3: (Includes the War for our minds too) https://rumble.com/v13nxac-the-war-for-our-minds-part-2-prussiagate-reichswef-part-iii.html
Part 4: https://rumble.com/vvxut3-new-prussiagate-not-since-1917-part-iv.html
Part 5: https://rumble.com/v16h7xl-promptly-at-745-prussiagate-the-reichswef-part-v.html
Part 6: https://rumble.com/v18bxk7-prussiagate-the-reichswef-part-vi.html
Marburg: The Four Horseman, the Marburg Files, Snow White and Revolution – A Prussian Dream: Start @ 28:50 This is very interesting given the Good vs EVIL battle we are currently in.
A short free article by Will Zoll on the same topic.
Fairy-tale Anon: Marburg and the Grimm Tales of Child Abuse
Finally going back centuries in history, we have a series by another Badlands associate. Given the time frame this is very speculative. However he brings up some interesting ideas and some nuggets of fact. He is also wrong about other things.
The Werewolf Game: On Languages and Cover-ups
Words are Precious Archeological Artifacts by American Hypnotist
…I’ve become more and more convinced over the years that mainstream history is a hypnotic spell. I frankly wonder if ANY of what we were told in school was true.
The same dark cabal that runs the Deep State today has likely been messing with our history for centuries—what we want to know is how and for what purpose.
99% of our job as Digital Soldiers is simply to know what’s going on!….
The Werewolf Game:
The Hidden Dimensions of Information Warfare by American Hypnotist
…many people generally don’t understand that an informed minority ALMOST ALWAYS defeats an uninformed majority in any information-based conflict/war….
American Hypnotist then gets into the psychology of the Cabal.
The Mindset of Evil
What is the “platonic form” of evil?
In my opinion, evil can be best described as unbounded parasitism.
Allow me to explain …
Seen from a “Darwinist” perspective, life itself is nothing more than a non-stop struggle for “domination”. I call this the eternal power struggle worldview. This is, indeed, the central belief of Marxism; it’s also the worldview that all psychopaths share on some level.
Power struggles are indeed a part of life, but the key difference between the perspective of psychopaths and non-psychopaths is that your average human being doesn’t define the entirety of existence by such power struggles (unless they’ve been trained to look at things in such away by a psychopathic education system/media complex/culture/family environment… but I digress). Either way, many people DO see things that way, and they’re living their lives accordingly.
The most intelligent of such people are quite capable of hiding their manipulative ploys behind a well-crafted façade. Sometimes, such people form “alliances” with each other.
Do you see where I’m going with this?
This mentality is one of the key factors driving the Deep State. It acts as a powerful unifier for all the slavers and dark occultists of the world in their quest to parasitize mankind as much as possible….
…brilliant psychologist, Andrew Lobaczewski, author ofPolitical Ponerology: the Science of Evil, had many up close encounters with psychopathic personality types as well, for he was an escapee from communist Poland. According to him, psychopaths feel oppressed by the common morality of the people, simply because they see no reason for it—they often quite literally see themselves as a “more evolved” version of humanity, because they’re “unburdened” by the “silly” moral considerations of normal folk.
Psychopathic personality types often deeply wish to take revenge out on the populace whose morality prevents them from pursuing the satisfaction of their appetites without impediment.[Think Pedophilia and cannabilism – GC]
…one of the driving features of the psychopathic personality type is the INABILITY to achieve satisfaction…
After defining psychopath/parasites he goes on to the Werewolf Game. Note it is a RUSSIAN who comes up with the concept for this game. A game that teaches how to analyze people.
…When it comes to an information war, oftentimes it’s the most innocent seeming “comms” that tell us the most—fairy tales and mythology almost certainly contain more clues than people tend to think. The very archetype of the Werewolf may indeed come from an ancient death cult that appears to have its origins in the Western Russia/Ukraine region. This cult was sometimes known as the “Koryos”, and they’d go on killing sprees under every full moon, usually wearing wolf-pelts on their heads.
Are you starting to see why I believe there’s something very profound going on here with the Werewolf Game? ..
That he brings up fairy tales is interesting because Will Zoll also points out the importance of the old fairy tales. See the Gunnels VIDEO above Prussiagate Files: Marburg, Snow White, Brothers Grimm starting at 40 minutes.
Another interesting article within the series:
The Werewolf Game – Hell On Earth
Something Weird is Going on at the Black Sea
…Did you know that the Black Sea has almost no oxygen in it? Not only that, but it glows red, and contains high levels of sulphur. Alas, the smell of sulphur is popularly associated with the presence of demons…
Now, my first piece of evidence supporting the idea that hell is real comes from the research of Dr. Jerry Marzinski, a brave man who spent many decades as a therapist working with schizophrenic patients in maximum security prisons. After many years of working with these patients, he concluded that the voices schizophrenics hear in their minds are NOT hallucinations, but rather demonic entities who “infest” human beings.
According to his experience, these entities do this because they feed on negative emotions. Literally, they are hungry, and cannot produce their own energy—ergo, they need ours to “survive”.
Marzinski discovered, among other things, that the voices inevitably get VERY mad when you correctly identify their parasitic nature.Much like how a garden-variety narcissist or psychopath will react when you wise up to the games they play.
Alas, there is no profit in curing schizophrenia for the drug companies, and this is why you aren’t going to see any mainstream publications talk about Marzinski’s work.
Among other things, Marzinsky discovered that reciting Psalms 23 agitates the voices and makes them run away—he taught his patients to recite it until he was “found out” and told by the authorities that the only allowable method of “treatment” was to continue giving his patients drugs.
THAT certainly puts another twist on why the Cabal is adamant about pushing Russia out of that area and why Putin insists the Cabal is satanic.
From Part II
The Werewolf Game – Agents from Russia
…Whether it sounds plausible or not, the fact of the matter is that werewolf, vampire and zombie symbolism holds many keys to understanding the mindset of the Deep State death cult.
This cult is indeed a predator class that goes to great lengths to visit untold violence and torture upon innocent people. Pardon my candor, but if you want to be more than mere food for anything that eats you, then the onus is on you to become aware of predators in your midst….
There once was a time when “fairy tales” were used as a teaching tool to warn people about psychopathic personality types and the cults that such types create. Nowadays, many stories are told to accomplish the very opposite effect.
The “misunderstood psychopath” has become a trope in mainstream entertainment…..
…going all the way back to 3,000-2,000 BC, there existed a cult that had its home base right where Ukraine stands today, and which used the “wolf” as its main “theme”. This cult was known by many names, including but not limited to the Koryos and the Are-ans (due to worshipping a deity named “Ares”, which looks an awful lot like the words “Aryan” and “Aries”, if I do say so myself)….
From ancient times up until the year 1,000 AD, the Koryos would ride into Asia and Europe, marauding their more peaceful, agrarian neighbors—like many psychopathic types, they didn’t produce anything themselves, instead preferring to do drugs for half the year, in between raids. They’d go into a “berserk” trance under the full moon, and wore wolf pelts on their heads as they pillaged everything and everyone around them.
It would be a mistake to think that this cult disappeared centuries ago.
Among other places, the symbolism of this cult can be seen in the coat of arms for the Fabian Society, a prominent British socialist organization that officially formed in 1900, and that had a hand in the formation of the League of Nations (1919). Their membership included Walter Lippman, whose 1927 book Public Opinion goes into detail regarding the elites plans to use “democracy” as a smokescreen to mentally control the masses whilst convincing the masses that they are free…
Fabian Society’s coat of arms:
Rather blatant, isn’t it?
As we discussed in the previous article, psychopaths are “two faced”—That is to say, they wear a mask to blend in with normal society—indeed, most of us would become very skilled actors if we practiced the art of manipulation all day, every day, like psychopaths do. The symbolism here is important, because when we’re dealing with the dark occult practicing elites, we are indeed dealing with people who keep their “inner monster” hidden, and who also engage in ritualistic, cult violence…
… The ancient kingdom of Khazaria was also said to hail from this area, and there’s a tremendous amount of evidence that Khazaria and the werewolf cult are deeply connected. Khazaria was said to have pioneered horseback warfare, traveling in nomadic tribes, marauding nearby villages…
[The Author points to another tidbit I was not aware of. GC]
Vladimir Putin—another “Russian agent”, if you will—who recently told the world that,
“For centuries, [the cult] got used to stuffing their stomachs with human flesh and their pockets with money. But they must realize that this ‘ball of vampires’ is coming to an end.”
When Putin calls them “vampires”, I’m certain he’s talking about one and the same cult that I’ve been talking about, which is likely the same cult that is variously called the Illuminati, the NWO, Satanists, Luciferians, the Babylonian Brotherhood, etc. by popular culture….
This author maybe doing a bit of a stretch in some areas. I certainly have problems with some of his ideas, but there is this:
“Sviatoslav’s Council of War,” by Boris Chorikov, 1836. Around the year 965, after centuries of traveling merchants being ambushed and murdered by cut-throats in the modern-day nation of Ukraine, an alliance was formed between Christians and Muslims. Led by the [Kievan-Rus] Grand Prince of Kiev, Sviatoslav I, the proto-Russians fought alongside the Byzantines and the Turks (all former enemies) to destroy the Khazarian Empire, which had rejected all three Abrahamic religions, instead practicing the profane art of blood magic from ancient Babylon, worshiping the satanic deity, Ba’al. Defeating this existential threat required an alliance of old sworn enemies. (They had all previously failed on their own.)
Image and quote swiped from Ghost of Based Patrick Henry : https://badlands.substack.com/p/horseshoe-theory-part-1
And we have this from RUSSIA.
1050 years ago Svyatoslav squads defeated the state of the Khazars July 3 2015
1050 years ago, in the summer of 965, the great Russian prince Svyatoslav Igorevich defeated the Khazar army and took the capital of the Khazar Kaganate, Itil. The lightning strike of the Russian troops with the support of the Allied Pechenegs led to the collapse of the parasitic Khazar state. Russ committed a sacred revenge, destroying the Khazar “snake”…
Khazar threat
The fight against the parasitic state of the Khazars was the most important strategic task of Russia. The trade and usurious elite of Khazaria, who subjugated the Khazar tribal military nobility, held in their hands all the exits from Eastern Europe to the East. The Khazar state received huge profits by controlling transit routes.
The Khazar Khaganate represented a serious military threat to Russia. Archaeologists have discovered a whole system of stone fortresses on the right bank of the Don, North Donets and Oskol. One white-stone stronghold was located at a distance of 10-20 kilometers from the other. The outposts were located on the right, western and northwestern banks of the rivers. An important role in the construction of these fortresses was played by Byzantine engineers. So, Sarkel (Belaya Vezha) on the bank of the Don was built by Byzantine engineers led by Petron Kamatir. Yes, and strengthened Itil Byzantines-Romans. The Khazar state played an important role in the military-political strategy of Constantinople, holding back Russia….
The Khazars made campaigns and raids in the Slavic-Russian lands. Arab geographer Al-Idrisi reported that Khazar vassals regularly made raids on the Slavs, in order to steal people for sale into slavery. These were not just spontaneous raids, from time to time, but a deliberate predatory strategy on the part of the parasite state. In the Khazar state, the power was seized by the Jews representing the caste of rakhdonites (radanity). This caste of international traders controlled trade between East and West, including the Silk Road and other communications. Their influence extended all the way to China and India. One of their main “goods” were people. The slave clan worshiped the “golden calf” and measured everything in gold.…
Certainly makes you wonder what history Putin has access to. To bad Tucker Carlson cut him off.
Next week I will get into the rabbithole I discovered when looking for the John Maynard Keynes Fabian connection.
Happy New Year! 🎊 🍾 🍷 🍺 💃 🍹 🕛
Happy New year TT
HNY! 🥂
Thank you for this article. I’m interested in reading it all.
You are welcome.
As I said it is speculative but gives us food for thought.
Great article, Gail. Looking forward to more… Makes me almost embarrassed of my British heritage, although my forebears were on the receiving end of the Fabian’s garbage…
I think all of this globalist evil is tied together at the bottom, in Hell, even if it isn’t at first apparent. The fact that this is coming out, bit by bit (and byte by byte) is great, and thanks to you, Wolf, many people on all the trees, and the MAGA movement in general for exposing and rooting out the evil.
From Crossroad.to , a great site that among other things, has articles from people who have escaped the Satanic world, repented, and become Born Again Christians. Some of their experiences are blood-curdling (probably literally).
Here’s part of a chart that describes psychic vampires which feed on peoples fears and psychoses (they’re termed Dementors in the Harry Potter novels… Rowling knows a LOT MORE about that Satanic universe that a normal person wood, indeed more than just witchcraft)…
Harry Potter Book:
Book 3, p. 83. Harry has a confrontation with several dementors. These creatures are similar to vampires that can suck the positive energy out of a person. They cause a person to be confronted with their own evil and what the person fears. Harry is not successful in deriving the dementors away on his own. In book 3, p. 236-237, Lupin teachers him a spell to put a barrier between him and the dementors.
Ex-black magick witch’s explanation:
In the occult, psychic vampires are similar to dementors. They feed on the emotional energy of people. Fear is a strong emotion that dementors feed on.
The entire chart is at
http://www.crossroad.to/ask-peter/hp-overview-1.htm along with many other great articles…
And the top page of that series of articles:
[Background on that author:
After an amazing encounter with our sovereign Almighty God, “Peter Lanz” (formerly a high-ranking occultist) was miraculously changed. Now a faithful disciple of Christ, he is well equipped to help God’s people through the spiritual battles and occult deceptions that will surely intensify in the years ahead.
As an occultist, Peter was initiated to the level of a 10o-1o, and was a Temple Master in the “Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn” best known for its most infamous member, Aleister Crowley. He studied and mastered a number of other systems of ritual magick, but left it all to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s what repentance is all about: a 180 degree turn-about!
To guard Peter’s safety, we will not reveal his real name. ]
Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!
I am no where done with this dig so that info will really help.
And a very Happy New Year to you and yours.
Thanks Gail, and all the best for a Happy New Year to you and yours (or Hippo Gnu Deer, as Boynton draws it 🙂 )
Another source on the illumis, etc., is
http://www.cuttingedge.org who digs deeper than http://www.vigilantcitizen.com , which is also good, and has TONS of info on the entertainment industry, MK, and “Sinister Sites”, which are deep digs on “odd digs”, as it were…
Thanks again.
Gen. 6:1-6
Wonderful history!!! TY! HNY!!!
Happy New Year! 👍🙂
Happy New year Wolfie and thanks again.
The whole, spotty internet thingie was really weird.
My connection straighten out right after I finally was able to save the draft. About an hour later the internet service guy shows up….
Also he was looking for something around our house and not the renters. 🤔
Spy vs. Spy vs. Psy vs. Psy!
I talked to the guy and tried to sell him a pony ride😆.
He is actually thinking about a unicorn party for his little girl (I think he was just a pawn.)
Do you do events year-round? I would have thought that December through February were blacked-out.
Year round, but January & February are pretty dead.
Would any of your ponies allow themselves to wear a unicorn mask? Asking for a friend. 😎
Do you want it in pink, purple, turquoise, red, or gold?
I make the costumes.
Oh, & I forgot green and rainbow.😋
They’re always making pointed remarks 🙂
You have to watch out for those pawn stars 🙂
That is a bit uni-corny.
No matter what logo was on the door of his truck, was the license plate “NSA 3507”?
That sounds strange 🙄
Last month someone has stolen twice our garbage. We do not have interesting garbage. We compost, husband shreds all paper and takes bottles cartons to recycling. Does that happen to others also?
As you say, we have much to be thankful for! Things could have gone disastrously and even tragically worse.
This. And I am thankful for your providing this site for information sharing and sanity retention. 😅
You are most welcome! 💖 🐺 🇺🇸
“This. And I am thankful for your providing this site for information sharing and sanity retention.”
Times a thousand million billion… trillion 👍 😎
Happy New Year!
Now 2025 is a square number, it is 45 times 45. And now think of who is often associated with that number… things appear to be looking better than they have been for a while.
OK, that’s pretty cool!
John Moses Browning?
Oh… the good stuff…
That’s Billy Dee Williams level goodness… 😁
But a CAN??????!!!!!
It’s better in bottles 😀
(former card-carrying GBBA member here 🙂 )…..
Happy New Year! 👍
Happy New Year to you, too!!! Happy (45)^2 !!! 😃
Happy New Year Wolf AND Every QTreeper.
Happy New Year! 🍺 🇺🇸
May this year be blessed by God, Trump, AND MAGA!
AMEN!!! ( 🙏 )^2 (45)^2 ( 🇺🇸 )^2
😍 😎 😍
Notice! Notice! CHINA on TOTUS!!!
BuBye… Don’t let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya.
“Threatening” to resign?
That’s like threatening to give me a kilogram of gold.
Bye, Felicia.
LOL!!!!! Happy New Year everyone!!!
Happy New Year, WSB!!!
TY, Wolf. BTW, I am just noticing a tiny ‘Wolverine’ next to my name!!! Not certain what it means but looks SWEET!!!!! TY!
It’s some sort of marker for site participation.
Not sure if its posts or likes. Highest level is Wolf.
So, maybe I am a guppie?
I’m not detecting any empathy for these poor souls from my fellow QTreepers. 🤣
May they find cheap flights to China and lots of housing opportunities!
I hear there a LOTS of high-rises in Shanghai!!!!! Ha!
All of those ghost cities with hundreds of towers….
LOLOLOL!!!! YES!!!! I have a bit of history with the Chinese International Travel Service amongst other interactions!!!! Eye-roll!!!
PS I just again watched ‘Murder By Death’, and Peter Sellers is exceptional as Wang!!!! Hysterical!
He was so talented. There are some great interviews of him on YouTube, one of which where he describes learning/developing the voice/enunciation/accent as the first part of developing a character… and there are some hilarious sequences where he COMBINES accents… sad that he had such a troubled life and died so early…
And the address 22 Twain (two-two)… and “Lionel Twain” (both as spoken by Truman Capote)… I doubt they could make that now… I have a Lionel Train, and the Loco is a 2025 WITH Magnetraction, which isn’t supposed to exist… but it does (and picks up iron filings and dust like anything)…
Funny, too, how that plot line shows up in so many other shows, etc. Even “Get Smart” 🙂
OMG!!!! Histrionics!!!
Apparently everyone hated Truman as part of the cast. He had never acted before. And he never did again, he was so bad. But the writing and the other actors were sublime!!!
My father’s Lionel twain set is still in the attic. It is the medium large series with mountains, working houses with lights and train crossing people, etc., but somehow he altered them, and I assume they are not worth much. The boxes may be worth more!
At one point, my uncle had a Lionel train set with a bunch of really nifty cars — there was a mail car that snagged a mail bag off a depot with a hook, and a milk car that would pass out milk cans when it came to a platform. No idea what happened to it.
I would have to go attic diving to find out if there were any cars that my father had that equal your description.
But I do know there were little men who would hang out in various train crossing pieces to move and hold out a lantern or something.
This kind of looks like the tunnel/mountain thing, and he has about twenty or so houses, stores and basically an entire town.
#145 Gateman, #151 Semaphore, Log loader, Milk can loader, Cattle loader, etc. etc. Lionel had TONS of accessories, and enormous PLAY VALUE, something the garbage of today doesn’t have…..
If an engine is about 12″ long, do you know what that size is considered?
Most Lionel trains run on 3-rail track and are considered “O Gauge” — 1/4″ to 1′.
Got it!
Depends on the wheel configuration, and the width of the loco. Most Lionel were either 027 or “O” gauge, half-again as large as H0 gauge, and usually not to scale. Count the small wheels in front, then the large wheels (drivers) in the middle, then the small wheels in back (if any), then multiply by two to get the config…
My 2025 is oOOOoo, which is a 2-6-4.
Locos with eight drivers are usually the premium ones, like their Berkshires, 4-8-4….
Just to prove such things exist —
These are so gorgeous!!! My father’s train table was about 10′ long, but milk containers, I would die for!!!! We need that one!
It impressed me so much that here I am remembering it 50+ years later….
Despite the name and brand recognition, the story of Lionel as a company is one of repeated heartbreak.
It seems like it should be able to work….
General Mills killed it back in 1969, as well as other toy companies… they should have followed “In Search Of Excellence” (which hadn’t been written yet) which advised to “stick to the knitting” (and stay the heck out of things of which you have no clue)…..
Look up the history of the Lionel vibrotor motor… it gave birth to many, many Lionel “motorized” accessories….
Some of the items might be worth quite a bit, depending on their condition and/or rarity… Just found out my 2025 loco is extremely rare, but some idiot damaged the smoke unit heater (um, that would be me 🙂 ) so I have to repair it… then again, I’m not getting rid of it anytime soon… my son can set it up downstairs (once we get all the other stuff out of the way 😆 )…..
I think Greenberg’s has a price guide online…
My dad’s Lionel O Gauge is in a train coma in the basement. Somebody bought a new transformer (the old ones were from the 40s and 50s) and it all runs fine.
I was looking up values, and I think we need to have the individual cars appraised. The two older engines are not rare at all, and most of the cars aren’t either.
It’s a NYPost article that Trump reposted. Link: https://www.pressreader.com/usa/new-york-post/20241224/282097757319143?srsltid=AfmBOorGdeM0wW8I1rU1bJ-KC-cU4EhtDU8oRuem_73e3oze1WXWKrhx
A GREAT article! Absolutely GREAT!!!
Wolf Moon
Happy New Year, @elonmusk (Kekius Maximus)! Thank you for bringing back free speech at election-change levels, just in the nick of time to Save America!
I can’t believe I live in a world where I had to say that, but I must admit, that is one of the most entertaining solutions!
12:57 AM · Jan 1, 2025
OMG, “Kekius Maximus”!
Would Kekius Maximus call MAGA people retarded?
Now that you ask, yes he would. And did.
Puts a little tarnish on the name change, it seems to me.
Karli Bonne’:
[Melania is there too. 😊]
MTG thread on her most provocative antics of 2024.
Your mileage may vary. I found it both hilarious and typical MTG. Instead of copying, I’ll let the URL be a spoiler.
There are clips of MTG during the year for each of these
First, Happy New Year to everyone from Brian and I to each of you!
Next follow the thread below for a few post of how I really feel from the past year and beyond.👇
Beware, it’s a little spicey🔥🔥🔥
Can’t wait for 2025!!!
On behalf of all dogs, Fauci belongs in prison!!
Daniel Penny is a HERO, George Floyd died of a drug overdose and is a criminal!!
I’ll add, release Derek Chauvin!!
Democrats tried to assassinate Donald Trump and former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle played a major role in covering up the attempted assassination on July 13th in Butler, PA!!
These Democrat funded scum bags roam the halls of Congress and try to LIE to control the narrative, here is how you talk to them!
He’s not a reporter, he’s an activist funded by the left posing as a reporter.
Last but NOT least.
This is what you say to those stuck up arrogant Brits who shuv their microphone in your face and plug the lies from the globalists.
You smile sweetly and tell them to F…
I wonder what state Daniel Penny will end up in. I doubt it will be NY.
Having beat feet out of NY, and very happy that I did, I certainly hope he does the same.
See my comment below. Was not supposed to appear here.
On behalf of the dogs, Fauci should be eaten alive by sand flies, with his vocal cords cut so nobody can listen to his suffering.
sufferingcomeuppance fifyDo not bother cutting the vocal cords. Let him scream his throat raw.
AND have all those nurses and PAs and Doctors who gave Clot shots, Remdesivir and put people on ventilators WATCH.
For the Administrators and Board of Directors of the hospitals… Well I think we can come up with something suitable.
Reminds me of the ending of Shogan by James Clavell. The traitor was buried up to his neck and passers by were cutting him with bamboo sticks. One of the greatest lines in all of literature. “He died very old.” At least that is how I remember it. It has been several decades and my memory is not as crisp as once upon a time.
I believe you are correct!
Whoop te do. All I got was the greeting and intro.
It’s a thread!
Not being an X subscriber all I saw was the first post. No way to get to the thread from there.
Gail did a recap
belowabove.Yeah I spotted it…later.
1:06:00 Looks like POTUS will be getting rid of Anchor Babies. (Mark Levin clip & POTUS clip)
1:12:50 Jamie Raskin and denying Trump the presidency. Mike Benz on the D-Rats gaming it out. This was in June 2020, organized by Military intelligence, the State Department and High level political operatives from both sides of the aisle. (I think it was 2020 though it looks like they may try it now,)
“One of the most consequential moves was that team biden on Jan 6th provoked a breakdown in the joint session of Congress by getting the House of rep to award the presidency to biden based on the alternative pro-Biden submissions sent by pro-biden governors…..” At 1:14:35
Vivek is an anchor baby…
Every year, when people bring out the fireworks, I feel like buying them clocks. It is reasonable to celebrate the turning of a New Year in your time zone between about 11:30 and 12:30, and if people could get properly synchronized it would be reasonable for pet owners to make proper precautions for pets that might freak out during that hour.
But these people who have been setting off fireworks since 8:00 are a menace. It’s not reasonable to have to deal with a five-hour onslaught.
One of our childhood dogs ran away during fireworks and we never saw her again. At the time, we were living in an area with oil sumps and coyotes and figured one or the other had gotten her. Our godkid’s family up in Sacramento had a vizsla that tore itself up climbing over a chain link fence during fireworks.
That said, I actually enjoy fireworks — and some folks are doing timely ones now.
And the happy, clock-owning celebrators have been done for a bit now. If I currently owned dogs, I could let ’em out for a pee and bundle the house up for the rest of the night.
I heard the big ones from downtown last night. THe wind was still, and we had cloud cover, so they could be heard all over.
Same here. And they’re blowing off their leftovers tonight…
The GangGreens are looking to ban fireworks on NewYears’ and for once, ONLY ONCE, I agree with them…
We have a fellow down the hill from us who has professional-grade fireworks that he blows off every so often ALL YEAR LONG!!! We call him “Chemical Ali”, but he’s really from Chechnya… maybe they’re munitions originally intended for Zelenskyyyyyyy 😆
Some of them are so loud that my son can “hear” them with his CIs out! He can feel the boom… Drives him nuts, as well as the rest of us… (OK, OK, OK, drives me nuttier, I know)…..
It’s like this every year since I’ve been down here and far exceeds city limits.
19 days, 8 hours, 42 minutes until our Once and Future President, Donald Trump becomes our present President.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
“Like John Maynard Keynes, Orwell was not formally a member of the Fabian Society. However his teacher and mentor was Aldous Huxley. Even Encyclopaedia Britannica mentions this. (I did not know John D. Rockefeller in 1900 “..bought Encyclopedia Britannica, acquiring control of a key source of information for readers worldwide.” LINK and LINK)”
So you would need a 9th Edition (1875-1889, published in 25 volumes) to get the pre-Rockefeller history.
This eBay page shows the title page of the 11th edition (1910-1911) which shows all of the previous editions and years published back to the first edition, 1768-1771.
This eBay page shows the only 9th Edition currently available, located in Canada, for about $870 plus a couple hundred dollars shipping.
You could tear off the bindings and scan all the pages to searchable pdf, and then upload it to a website. It would be a shame to ruin it in the process, but it can’t be that rare or it would cost a lot more.
It would take some time, too. I did a similar project using a consumer grade Scan-Snap scanner (about $300 at the time, IIRC) that would hold about 75 pages at a time and scan about one page every 3 seconds.
I needed to scan the Chevy Dealership Parts Catalogs for 1963 through 1970 plus 1972, 1974, 1976 and 1981 (the big parts books that sat on the dealership counter), along with several other reference manuals and the Assembly Manuals for 1962 through 1967 Corvettes, and make them searchable, to help with the restoration of my Dad’s 1967 Corvette.
The correct NOS (new old stock) parts for almost the whole car are out there, mostly on eBay, but they are not cheap, and it’s very easy to get the wrong part. Buying the wrong antique NOS car parts gets very expensive, very quickly.
So you need a way to identify the correct part.
Fortunately, somebody smuggled out original Corvette Assembly Manuals decades ago, before GM threw them all out, and they have been copied, reprinted and sold at Corvette shows and swap meets ever since, long before the Internet (and eBay) were created.
The 1967 Corvette Assembly Manual will get you the correct part number approximately 80% of the time, the rest were production only part numbers or sub-assemblies, groups of parts that were pre-assembled for the production line but only available as individual parts over the counter. So the individual part numbers for those kinds of parts are not listed in the Corvette Assembly Manual.
The NCRS Forum (National Corvette Restorers Society) will help you figure out whatever the Assembly Manual and the GM Dealership parts books won’t.
GM continually changed or modified parts over the years, and they didn’t always change the GM part number when the part changed in some material way, but usually they did.
Old parts that were superseded to a new replacement part were backwards compatible most of the time, so newer parts are functional replacements, but they usually look different in some noticeable way, so if you have any intention of having the car judged for originality, you need to get the RIGHT (i.e., correct) part.
When I added up all the scanned pages that were then converted to searchable pdf (optical character recognition software), it was a little over 50,000 pages.
It took a long time 😂
But I have what must be the best searchable GM Dealer Parts books, for 1962 – 1970 plus the others listed above, possibly in the whole word.
For whatever that’s worth 😁
I really tried not to have to go that route. I tried buying CD-roms of dealer parts books, but they were terrible. Most of them couldn’t be searched, because nobody bothered to run OCR on them and because they used terrible (worn out) source material for the scans, or they used a lousy scanner, or the quality control was just poor, etc.
So like anything else, if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.
My scans weren’t perfect either, but I used very good condition original 1st issue GM Dealership parts books (the big ones that used to be on the dealership counter, a couple thousand pages each).
I put the scanned parts books in the same folder, so I could do a search for a specific GM part number out of the Assembly Manual, and it would search and list links to every search result in each of the yearly GM Dealer parts books.
Click on the link, and Adobe launches and takes me straight to the exact page and the part number is highlighted.
Suppose a part number for the 1967 Corvette shows up in the 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967 and 1968 parts books.
What happened to 1965?
If you check the 1965 (find the right page, under the GM Group number), it’s there, but the OCR scan didn’t read it properly, because of a crease in the page, or a speck of dirt, etc. So I used the edit feature, typed in the part number, and re-ran the scan.
In that manner, slowly, over time, as needed, all of my GM Dealer Parts books were updated to correct for any part numbers that the OCR missed. For Corvette part numbers only, of course. Those parts books also have hundreds of thousands of part numbers for all the other Chevy’s too, but correcting for the Corvette parts was enough excitement for me.
I know how boring all of that sounds, but it is a wonder to behold when you search for a part number, and see it actually work the first time.
And every time after that… because you know how much time and effort went into creating it… and nobody else has it 😁
There was one guy (Joe L.) on the NCRS forum who helped everybody. He was (and still is) an encyclopedia of GM parts knowledge, truly unbelievable. He has all the parts books too, and he has owned and continuously maintained his own 1969 Corvette since it was new.
And John Hinckley (no relation), who was the Corvette Assembly line foreman in 1967 and a member of the Corvette Hall of Fame, was a daily contributor on the NCRS forum too. It was unbelievable to have a resource like John, someone who was there every day when the cars were being built, to help everyone understand how Corvettes were made in the factory.
John could explain why paint was on one part of an assembly, but not on another, or the order things were assembled, or why certain wires were routed differently on cars with AC, even though they were in a different section of the car and appeared to have relationship to air conditioning, etc. The kind of information that isn’t in any book, and never will be.
But I couldn’t ask these guys for a parts history of 10 parts a day for 3+ years continuously, so I had to find a way to do it myself, at least as much as I could.
After the project was complete and it was working, I started answering other Forum members’ parts questions before John or Joe could answer them.
Nobody trusted me at first, but then John or Joe would check in, see the discussion, and post “He’s right”.
They never asked how I suddenly went from needing the answers to daily parts questions, to being able to provide the answers to parts questions, in under 5 minutes from the time a question was asked.
I’m sure they knew, because there was only one way possible. But the amount of work that went into it had prevented anyone else from doing it.
I had plenty of other questions for the members there, but it was nice to not be dependent on anyone for parts numbers and parts history after that. And it was a lot more fun to finally be able to help other people, instead of only needing help 👍 😁
[this turned out to be a LOT longer reply than I anticipated when I started!!!]
That is great!
I certainly hope GM never decides to invoke copyright against you for it — you may want to establish some sort of alternate history and drop it somewhere.
Not worried about that, those books are older than me, and not the kind of thing GM renewed copyright on anyway.
And I’m not selling them, they’re just for personal use and helping others.
Corvette is still the flagship car for GM, as it has been since the first one rolled off the (assembled by hand) assembly line in 1953, when they only made 300 of them.
And the people who work at GM and build Corvettes to this day are well aware of the history, and forums like NCRS, and how everybody shares information to restore and preserve these great old American sports cars.
They’re not like the government, they’re not out to get us — they share the same enthusiasm for these great old cars as we do 😁
You just better hope that Disney never buys GM.
Disney better hope they never come between old Corvettes and the people who like them.
Molon Labe… 😁
On a more serious note, copyright law is nearly as egregiously overextended as immigration visas.
When I was born, you got a copyright for 55 years for works on which you claimed copyright when issued.
You no longer have to indicate copyright, and the period has grown over time —
Much of these extensions were instigated by Disney, who had every intention of copyrighting Mickey Mouse in perpetuity.
I was just reading the other day that in 1965, two years before the Velvet Underground’s first album (The Velvet Underground & Nico, 1967) was released, Lou Reed mailed his home demo tapes and hand written lyrics for his early songs to himself (a few of which later appeared on Velvet Underground albums in more polished form) as a ‘poor man’s copyright’.
Apparently the act of having gone through the postal system conferred some sort of copyright status.
Here is the Discogs link to the album, titled Words & Music May 1965 (2022) with audio for the songs. Released to coincide with what would have been Lou Reed’s 80th birthday:
Words & Music May 1965
I’m Waiting For The Man 4:43 (1st album, 1967)
Men Of Good Fortune 4:37
Heroin 3:55 (1st album, 1967)
Too Late 3:12
Buttercup Song 4:40
Walk Alone 2:56
Buzz Buzz Buzz 2:50
Pale Blue Eyes 5:02 (3rd album, 1969)
Stockpile 2:35
Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams 8:14
I’m Waiting For The Man (Alternate Version) 2:06
Gee Whiz 1958-1964
Gee Whiz 1:50
Baby, Let Me Follow You Down 1:42
Michael, Row The Boat Ashore 1:25
Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right (Partial) 1:12
W & X, Y, Z Blues 1:19
Lou’s 12-Bar Instrumental 0:32
Write-up from SoundofVinyl website:
“Limited silver-colored vinyl LP pressing. Light in the Attic Records, in cooperation with Laurie Anderson, proudly announces the inaugural title in their ongoing Lou Reed Archive Series: Words & Music, May 1965. Released in tandem with the late artist’s 80th birthday celebrations, the album offers an extraordinary, unvarnished, and plainly poignant insight into one of America’s true poet-songwriters.
Capturing Reed in his formative years, this previously unreleased collection of songs-penned by a young Lou Reed, recorded to tape with the help of future bandmate John Cale, and mailed to himself as a “poor man’s copyright”-remained sealed in its original envelope and unopened for nearly 50 years. Its contents embody some of the most vital, groundbreaking contributions to American popular music committed to tape in the 20th century.
Through examination of these songs rooted firmly in the folk tradition, we see clearly Lou’s lasting influence on the development of modern American music – from punk to art-rock and everything in between.
A true time capsule, these recordings not only memorialize the nascent sparks of what would become the seeds of the incredibly influential Velvet Underground; they also cement Reed as a true observer with an innate talent for synthesizing and distilling the world around him into pure sonic poetry.”
Apparently copyright law is also why many of the official ‘Bootleg’ and live albums from 1960s and 70s groups (Bob Dylan, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, many others) are being released in recent years, to beat the copyright expiration.
Otherwise, they would never have been officially published. We wouldn’t have them in any legitimate form and they wouldn’t be part of the band’s official discography.
There are plenty of examples where Sony / Legacy or Universal or other current rights holders didn’t beat the copyright deadline, they go into public domain, and are immediately issued by ‘unofficial’ (essentially bootleg) labels in other countries, usually (but not always!) from inferior tape sources.
This one was just released a couple months ago.
Coincidentally, 55 years since it was originally recorded in 1969… 😁
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – Live At Fillmore East, 1969
“After famously playing their second show at Woodstock in August 1969, David Crosby, Stephen Stills, Graham Nash, and Neil Young spent the rest of the year touring and writing songs for what would become CSNY’s 1970 debut, Déjà Vu. A newly discovered multi-track recording of the band’s September 20, 1969 concert at the historic Fillmore East in New York City captures an early moment from that first tour.
Recorded only a month after Woodstock, the September 20 concert was the band’s fourth show in two days at the Fillmore East and featured both acoustic and electric sets.
The setlist spotlights soon-to-be classics from CSN’s self-titled debut and Young’s Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere with “Suite: Judy Blue Eyes,” “Helplessly Hoping,” and “Down by the River.” The concert also features early versions of two future Déjà Vu tracks. Stills delivers a stunning solo acoustic performance of his introspective ballad “4 + 20,” followed by Nash, alone at the organ, singing “Our House” to its inspiration, Joni Mitchell, who was in the Fillmore audience.
In the acoustic set, Young gave a nod to Buffalo Springfield (his first band with Stills) playing “I’ve Loved Her So Long,” a song he wrote for the group’s final album, 1968’s Last Time Around.
The electric set is powerful and intense, highlighted by expansive versions of “Wooden Ships,” “Long Time Gone,” and “Sea of Madness.” The band closes the show with “Find the Cost of Freedom,” a new song by Stills that later would be released as the B-side to the protest anthem “Ohio.”
Stills and Young compiled and mixed the original eight-track concert recordings at Sunset Sound studios in Los Angeles. The audio is AAA lacquer cut for the vinyl release to provide the highest audio fidelity.
A/B Acoustic
C/D Electric
Dedicated to David Crosby
*No digital was used in the creation or mixing of this album”
Note: ‘AAA’ stands for ‘analog-analog-analog’.
‘DDD’ would be digital-digital-digital, like the album “Nightfly” by Donald Fagen (1982). It was recorded digitally (one of the earliest albums to be recorded digitally), it was mixed digitally and on CD it was produced digitally, so the back of the CD case should say “DDD” somewhere.
The LP version should say “DDA” (somewhere on the back cover or liner notes), because the final step would be a conversion to analog for the vinyl LP.
An album could also be “ADA”, if it was recorded to analog tape, then digitally mixed, and then converted back to analog to be pressed on vinyl.
“AAD” would be analog tape recording, mixed in the analog domain, and only converted to digital in the last step for CD, while the vinyl version would be ‘AAA’.
So ‘AAA’ is the purest form, without any digital conversion step in the process, so it should (and usually does) have the best sound quality.
And that is important to a lot of music lovers, which in turn is why they (Stills, Nash and Young) made a point of stating that the album is ‘AAA’ and “*No digital was used in the creation or mixing of this album” 👍😎
Then they’ll make retrofit pleated skirts to hang from the rocker panels. If it wasn’t for the name of that underpowered slug with the Pontiac badge, they could’ve called it the ‘Trans’ version.
They’ll have to curb those feelers…
From General Motors to Gay Mafia….
I should note that the 9th edition EB is well out of copyright, After you scanned it, you could distribute it at will.
Quite a comment start for the new year. Can’t wait to see how you follow up.
It ran on a lot longer than I expected it to when I started the reply. I wasn’t thinking about the Corvette stuff at all, until I wrote that you could tear off the bindings to the 9th Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica to scan it and upload it to the web, to preserve it.
That’s what triggered the PTSD flashback of scanning all those old GM parts books… 😁
When I woke up today, I remembered that it’s 2025 now.
I thought about 2025 when I was a kid, when I first heard the Zager and Evans song In the Year 2525 (1969).
I wouldn’t be around in 2525, but I figured I should still be around in 2025.
And now, here I am 😂
Sort of like Paul must have felt, when he turned Sixty-Four 😉
“Subsequently, Paul shared an anecdote about someone changing the number in the song.
“I met someone who plays piano in an old persons’ home, and he said, ‘I hope you don’t mind, but I play some of your songs, and the most popular one is “When I’m Sixty-Four,” but I have to change the title to “When I’m 84″ because 64 seems young to those people,” he said. “They don’t get it.’
Paul sympathized with the piano player “If I were to write it now, I’d probably call it ‘When I’m 94.’” Paul sighed as he said that.”
“Quite a comment start for the new year. Can’t wait to see how you follow up.”
A project like that, that I can do.
Now if I can just figure out how to create a new email address so I can open a Tweeter account, I’ll be all set 👍 😂
Is Hotmail still an option? I had a free email there year’s ago but you needed to use it at least every 30 days or they’d close your account…
One of the things I noticed while in school is that the history books seemed to have been written by idiot propagandists.
A pet peeve was “The French and Indian War.” It was oh-so-important that George Washington had been fighting in it, so he’d have the skills necessary to later fight the British successfully…..but if you weren’t reading an American High School history textbook, it didn’t exist.
That’s because it’s actually the 1762-1763 portion of the Great Lakes theater of the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763) phase of the Sixty Years’ War (1754-1815) between France and England over North America.
At the time of this conflict, France had approximately 60,000 settlers in their French colonies, where England had about two million in theirs. Accordingly, the French roped in the indigenous Wabanaki Confederacy members Abenaki and Mi’kmaq, and the Algonquin, Lenape, Ojibwa, Ottawa, Shawnee, and Wyandot (Huron). The English allied with the Iroquois, Catawba, and Cherokee tribes. Thus, you had England, its colonists, and Indian allies against the French and their Indian allies.
Mind you, the Seven Years’ War was a big deal — other parts of it included the the Anglo-Spanish War (1762–1763), and the Spanish–Portuguese War (1762–1763) — and it involved a rough alliance of Great Britain and Prussia fighting against an alliance led by France and Austria, backed by Spain, Saxony, Sweden, and Russia. You can understand why European history books might downgrade some skirmishes in the wilderness to a footnote.
But, as Wikipoo notes, “in the United States the French and Indian War is viewed as a singular conflict which was not associated with any European war.”
In my cynical mind, this serves to disassociate the American Revolution from European politics to create a narrative of its nobility of purpose and purity of intent…..while also downplaying Washington’s change from fighting for the British to fighting against them.
It’s all well-and-good for an organization to have some foundation myths, but this wanton rewrite of history has left Americans significantly uninformed of the state of the world.
Wikipoo articles —
Other fun dates —
French Revolution (execution of Louis XVI) — 1793
Louisiana purchase (from Napoleon) — 1803
War of 1812, British burn White House — 1814
Battle of New Orleans (Andrew Jackson) — 1815
Napoleon’s loss at Waterloo — 1815
Thanks! Very interesting history!
The two sides of the Seven Years’ War. A global conflict.
Russia actually had Prussia over a barrel in 1762, to the point where Frederick (not yet known as “the Great” might even have been contemplating suicide.
Suddenly the Tsaritsa (Elizabeth) died, and her nephew Peter III came to the throne.
Peter III lionized Frederick and immediately signed a humiliating peace treaty. Frederick keeps on living…Peter III was overthrown by his wife and much of the Russian military six months after acceding. (His wife? to be known as Catherine the Great.)
My Tuscarora ancestor and his brother fought in the French and Indian Wars. So you can add Tuskies to the English side. There were are few involved.
I’m pretty sure we were introduced to the French Revolution in both grade school and jr high. Then came HS. We had the Thomas Baily 1st Edition I’m fairly sure. 1036 pages. Printed in 1956 and it certainly linked the French Revolution to conflicts in Europe. The book went all the way up to the Korean War. The book was like 4 inches thick and the class was a full year, mandatory to complete by the 12th grade. I took the class in the 10th. The teacher was good. I later took his elective courses in ancient history and anthropology and he let me borrow his copy of Xenephon’s Anabasis (March Up Country) so I could write a term paper on it.
They kept doing new editions and they are up to 17 or 19 now. The book got progressively smaller with time.
You can borrow the book here if you sign up for free.
Good assessment IMO. I concur about the rewriting of history.
The fact that the Seven Years War was in fact a lot bigger than England vs. France argues against considering it as a “phase” of a longer struggle between the two over North America.
Not necessarily. During the Seven Years’ War phase, there was a lot of “piling on” because it was contemplated that England and France might be distracted — but it was clear that those two empires were the big show.
The larger show was later…the thirteen little colonies that screwed up the rest of the oligarchical world, I think.
And (OBTW) many historians consider George Washington blundering about on the west side of the Appalachians and getting into a shooting war with the French there, as a trigger of the whole Seven Years War.
In sum, back then he was a blithering incompetent who touched off what was in all but name a world war.
Fortunately even though you can’t fix stupid, you can fix incompetent, and he did.
Yes, GW figured out how badly he screwed up.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, January 1, 2025
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.”
Psalms 23:6 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Goodness of God
A perfection of his character which he exercises towards his creatures according to their various circumstances and relations “(Ps. 145:8, 9; 103:8; 1 John 4:8). Viewed generally, it is” benevolence; as exercised with respect to the miseries of his “creatures it is mercy, pity, compassion, and in the case of” “impenitent sinners, long-suffering patience; as exercised in” “communicating favour on the unworthy it is grace. “Goodness and” “justice are the several aspects of one unchangeable, infinitely” “wise, and sovereign moral perfection. God is not sometimes” “merciful and sometimes just, but he is eternally infinitely just” “and merciful.” God is infinitely and unchangeably good (Zeph.” “3:17), and his goodness is incomprehensible by the finite mind” “(Rom. 11: 35, 36). “God’s goodness appears in two things, giving” “and forgiving.”
Psalms 52:1
(To the chief Musician, Maschil, A Psalm of David, when Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul, and said unto him, David is come to the house of Ahimelech.) Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually.
Romans 2:4
Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?
CeCe Winans – Goodness of God (Official Video)
I love You Lord
Oh Your mercy never fails me
All my days I’ve been held in Your hands
From the moment that I wake up
Until I lay my head
Oh I will sing of the goodness of God
Cause all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh I will sing of the goodness of God
I love Your voice
You have led me through the fire
In darkest night You are close like no other
I’ve known You as a Father
I’ve known You as a Friend
And I have lived in the goodness of God (yeah)
And all my life You have been faithful (oh yes You have)
And all my life You have been so so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh I will sing of the goodness of God
Your goodness is running after it’s running after me
Your goodness is running after it’s running after me
With my life laid down I surrender now
I give You everything
Your goodness is running after it’s running after me
Your goodness is running after (oh yeah) it’s running after me (oh yeah)
Your goodness is running after it’s running after me
With my life laid down I’m surrendered now
I give You everything
Your goodness is running after it running after me
And all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh I’m gonna sing of the goodness of God
I’m gonna sing
All my life You have been faithful
(All my life you’ve been faithful)
And all my life You have been so so good
(So good with every breath)
With every breath that I am able
(Every breath I am able)
I’m gonna sing (I’m gonna sing)
Of the goodness of God
(Of the goodness of God yes I am)
I’m gonna sing of the goodness of God
Oh I’m gonna sing of the goodness of God
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Happy New Year Everyone!
Happy New Year! 👍
May be plenty of chaos and tears to come, but……
Dan Bongino had a different take. He thinks we have 18 months to consolidate our wins. That the left will have learned from their mistakes and shift their tactics accordingly.
I am seeing others like Seth Keshel predicting a loss of the house & or senate during the midterms since that is the usual swing.
I am inclined to agree with Bill Wittle for a number of reasons.
I think what is critical is to KEEP THE ENERGY. If we approach upcoming elections like we did the 2024 election, we have a good chance of putting a really big hurt on the Left. If these NGOs can be investigated and stripped of $$$ that will go a LONG way to defanging the left.
Agreed. The next generation simply doesn’t have the brains to be any sort of clever or creative.
“Shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in 3 generations.”
Although I think the Cabal goes back centuries.
Their brains were never developed, they were never taught how to think, they were just indoctrinated.
I have noticed that when the parent(s) is very domineering the kid either runs for the hills or turns into a meek yes man.
So true. My father always told me that my actions would have consequences. And that I needed to figure out what those were prior to acting.
And, then, if I chose really badly (at the age of 7)…a spanking!!!!! LOL!
Great comments at 17:20.
Happy New Year!
Mind blowing great deep dive. TYSVM Gail & Wolf!
Happy New Year to All 😇
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Valerie! 👍
👍 TY You too 🙂
Happy New Year!!!
TY Wolf–God Bless!
Christian Ziegler https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
U.S. Capitol Building struck by lightning as we close out 2024 and head into 2025. God is sending us a message.
Freedom Ring
January 1, 2025 9:05 am
pat frederick
The Raleigh-Durham area got hit with a huge and nasty thunderstorm between 9PM – 10PM yesterday evening. The thunder shook my house. Incredible lightning everywhere. You can bet that this storm immediately cancelled the fireworks that the local governments had just started to set off.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the same storm that hit Washington, DC. I think the storm front was a long one that went up through the Carolinas and into Virginia.
did you get any of that funky fog folks are talking about?
PAVACA said she did in an earlier thread. I did not although I got a whiff of a strange odor.
We live about 30 miles apart I think. I am south and east of Durham in the boonies.
Fitting for the day. Be Blessed!
I will double down on the history taught in the classroom being different than what really happened. Several times, I have visited historical sites of note, and the tour guides tell a completely different story than what we “know.” Destrahan Plantation in Louisiana was particularly enlightening on the Louisiana Purchase and that it was a three way trade between Spain, France and the US. The US wanted New Orleans, and at the time Spain was in control. France needed the money. So Spain sold the land, gave the money to France and in return got something else.
Concord, Massachusetts was another eye opener.
Also, and this is anecdotal, but I clearly remember in the 80s when we lived in Maryland, the Smithsonian renamed the Museum of History and Technology to the Museum of American History. After that happened, the commentary plaques were all changed, and reflected the “new” history promoted.
There’s many more incidents, but at the granular level, a lot had to be meddled with.
I know of one instance.
Remember the Kent State riots?
They said it was a Vietnam war protest. My boy friend (WF) in the early 80s was a ‘Nam vet who went to Kent State on the GI bill. There were a LOT of returning soldiers going to school. The town did not want these guys (over the age of 21) voting in town elections so they BARRED students the right to vote.
At the time WF was in his late 20s, married with 2 kids. His wife worked in town. SHE could vote but HE could not. He certainly could not vote at his parents so, although he had fought for the USA he was NOT ALLOWED TO VOTE!
The gov called out the National Guard, students were killed and the ACTUAL CAUSE, — preventing returning vets from voting — was swept under the rug.
Here is the ‘Official Version’
WF, was still angry about it 8 years later when he told me what happened.
What you are saying explains everything! This is SO typical of the radical left, together with the media.
Presented as a checklist.
And there you have it. The vets who weren’t allowed to vote get screwed by everybody, just like J6 election protesters, where the left made the issue something other than election fraud.
And now the grandsons of ‘Nam vets do not even KNOW about the Kent state riot. (I just let one read that.)
Green energy does work! To destroy America!
Happy New Year to all!
I hope this year, all our (happy) dreams come true!
Happy New Year Aubergine!
Happy New Year and God Bless! 🙏 🇺🇸
And to you, Wolf! Many blessings for the New Year!
Hi Wolf! HELP!
When I go into PAVACA’s post today, the site isn’t loading correctly. I can’t comment (the box isn’t there), and I can’t like or reply. The black bar at the top of the post is only half visible. What the heck!?
Everyone is having problems. We are over at:
Thank you, Gail!!! Happy New Year to all of you!!!
Happy New Year Jim!
Happy New Year! 🍺
1 January 2025
Yours Truly: The death toll is now at least 11 persons dead. An “explosive device” was found in the (now-dead) perp’s Ford F150 and possibly another one outside the vehicle.
The Mayor of New Orleans called this a “terrorist attack.”
The FBI “has opened an investigation.” First thing the FBI said was the agency “isn’t sure” it was a terrorist attack.
This story is all over the internet.
I wanna know the terrorist’s name so the internet sleuths can get started.
TLAs will probably have a fake profile for him under the name John Doe…
“Shamsud-Din Jabbar is a professional based in Houston, TX, currently working in Business Development at Deloitte, with a background in Computer Information Systems from Georgia State University. He has experience in roles at Accenture and possesses skills in Information Technology and Leadership.”
Excellent career if you are thinking Cyber Attacks.
I know some people who are there right now. I hope they are ok.
A HS friend lives there and reported herself safe this morning. I have a feeling there will be a lot of that.
Happy to hear she is safe.
Thank God your friend is safe. I have to say, some of the photos of the victims of this attack are gruesome.