The First Obvious AI-Assisted Attempt By Globo-Nazis To Infiltrate This Site

I'll try to keep this short and understandable. Yeah, good luck with that. Just read from here down to the TL;DR if you need to get out of here fast. There are two main ways that people try to infiltrate this site. One is by hacking into existing accounts by attempted logins using guesswork on … Continue reading The First Obvious AI-Assisted Attempt By Globo-Nazis To Infiltrate This Site

Dear KMAG: 20230626 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. Next week, we will start a new half-year of Monday posts. I may take some liberties with the format! Be brave! This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20230626 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Russia’s Attack on the Western “Allies” of Ukraine, by Outing WEF Support for Pedophilia Using “True Disinformation”

Russia is playing a masterful game against the Western allies of Ukraine, by striking at the very heart of their neo-liberal, globalist, "rules-based" order - the World Economic Forum (WEF). Russia has found the Achilles heel of WEF - pedophilia - which is a practice solidly rejected by almost the entire citizenry of every country … Continue reading Russia’s Attack on the Western “Allies” of Ukraine, by Outing WEF Support for Pedophilia Using “True Disinformation”

Is Ukraine Killing Newborns To Harvest Stem Cells?

The dates for these stories about Ukrainian babies sacrificed for parts is 2006 -2007. I am going to address Putin first since he is the most likely scapegoat if the story goes viral. Also he, like President Trump has repeatedly called out the pedophilia in the West. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin[c] (born 7 October 1952) is a … Continue reading Is Ukraine Killing Newborns To Harvest Stem Cells?

Understanding the Globalist (WEF) Creation and Construction of Volodymyr Zelensky

Thank GOD for India. While America trips over itself, thanks to our WOKE FAIL MEDIA, demented Joe Biden, secret President Obama, and the DNCIA-mediated evils of the WEFFEN SS featuring KlauSS SSchwab, one more BRICS nation stays on track with REAL NEWS by casting SIDE-EYE on Ukraine. Huge hat tip to barkerjim for bringing this, … Continue reading Understanding the Globalist (WEF) Creation and Construction of Volodymyr Zelensky

Don’t Be a Yellow-and-Bluseful Idiot

In the fog of war, as I learned from the Balkans, the first side that the sheep are told to pick is usually the wrong side, which is not to say that the other side is great - it's just less of an immediate danger. We in the Fakely Democratic West have learned the hard … Continue reading Don’t Be a Yellow-and-Bluseful Idiot

Dear KMAG: 20220228 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / Microwave Monday / Google Is Now Anti-Science / mRNA Vaccines Really Do Change Your DNA

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. Get your rest, Trumpy Bear! You're needed in WASHINGTON, DC!!! Vladdy Bear and Winnie The Pooh are making Sleepy Creepy Joe look like a punching bag! The Business At Hand This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20220228 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / Microwave Monday / Google Is Now Anti-Science / mRNA Vaccines Really Do Change Your DNA

The Nuremberg Code vs US Law and The Push For World Government

TradeBait2 Made the comment: I have been reminding folks on here – the Fed has to be bankrupted at some point. It will either be by the white hats or the black hats. The Gab post you show is correct for the most part IMO. The Fed has fueled the Great Reset, which is why … Continue reading The Nuremberg Code vs US Law and The Push For World Government

You Say You Want Devolution

DePat Note: I originally wrote a large chunk of this post over a month ago, and shelved it for various reasons. After reading through PatelPatriot's Part 14 of his devolution series as brought to the QTree by TradeBait2, I decided to dust it off, and add to it at the end rather than just post … Continue reading You Say You Want Devolution

20191031: It All Comes Back to Ukraine.

For those who still have courage, for those who can read beyond a headline, for those who believe in liberty and our rights, this is our time. It’s been a long path. Along the way, we’ve encountered those who have lied, spied, and died. At times, we ‘ve been distracted by skillful opponents, small and … Continue reading 20191031: It All Comes Back to Ukraine.