A Caution
Just remember…we might replace the RINO candidates. (Or we might not. The record is mixed even though there is more MAGA than there used to be.) But that will make no difference in the long run if the party officials, basically the Rhonna McDaniels (or however that’s spelled–I suspect it’s RINO), don’t get replaced.
State party chairs, vice chairs, secretaries and so on, and the same at county levels, have huge influence on who ultimately gets nominated, and if these party wheelhorses are RINOs, they will work tirelessly to put their own pukey people on the ballot. In fact I’d not be surprised if some of our “MAGA” candidates are in fact, RINO plants, encouraged to run by the RINO party leadership when they realized that Lyn Cheney (and her ilk) were hopelessly compromised as effective candidates. The best way for them to deal with the opposition, of course, is to run it themselves.
Running good candidates is only HALF of the battle!
SPECIAL SECTION: Message For Our “Friends” In The Middle Kingdom
I normally save this for near the end, but…basically…up your shit-kicking barbarian asses. Yes, barbarian! It took a bunch of sailors in Western Asia to invent a real alphabet instead of badly drawn cartoons to write with. So much for your “civilization.”
Yeah, the WORLD noticed you had to borrow the Latin alphabet to make Pinyin. Like with every other idea you had to steal from us “Foreign Devils” since you rammed your heads up your asses five centuries ago, you sure managed to bastardize it badly in the process.
Have you stopped eating bats yet? Are you shit-kickers still sleeping with farm animals?
Or maybe even just had the slightest inkling of treating lives as something you don’t just casually dispose of?
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
And here’s my response to barbarian “asshoes” like you:
OK, with that rant out of my system…
Biden Gives Us Too Much Credit
…we can move on to the next one.
Apparently Biden (or his puppeteer) has decided we’re to blame for all of the fail in the United States today.
Sorry to disappoint you Joe (or whoever), but you managed to do that all on your own; not only that, you wouldn’t let us NOT give you the chance because you insisted on cheating your way into power.
Yep, you-all are incompetent, and so proud of it you expect our applause for your sincerity. Fuck that!!
It wouldn’t be so bad, but you insist that everyone else have to share in your misery. Nope, can’t have anyone get out from under it. Somehow your grand vision only works if every single other person on earth is forced to go along. So much as ONE PERSON not going along is enough to make it all fail, apparently.
In engineering school we’re taught that a design that has seven to eight billion single points of failure…sucks.
Actually, we weren’t taught that. Because it would never have occurred to the professors to use such a ridiculous example.
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices
All prices are Kitco Ask, 3PM MT Friday (at that time the markets close for the weekend).
Last Week:
Gold $1,990.30
Silver $22.70
Platinum $985.00
Palladium $1,495.00
Rhodium $10,000.00
So here it is, Friday, 3PM MT after markets closed and we see:
Gold $1,978.30
Silver $23.31
Platinum $993.00
Palladium $1,507.00
Rhodium $9,300.00
After dropping substantially earlier this week, gold reversed course by Thursday and spent most of Friday getting close to $2,000 but not over, then dropping down again. It ended up net down -15.20 for the day, which means it was over 1990 at close yesterday. I can’t see it going down much, honestly; the dollar is circulating the drain, and to keep it from going down the drain they would have to crater the economy. Because our “betters” play stupid games with the currency…we all win stupid prizes.
Galilean Relativity
Well, let’s give this a go, on short notice.
I like to write a first draft of science posts a couple of days beforehand. I’ll then come back in a couple of days and see a much better way of organizing it, or perhaps a more useful analogy, or other things like that.
I don’t have that luxury today; it’s 8PM mountain time already. So here’s hoping I’m organized from the get-go, because I am going to give it a go.
I’ve been planning to cover “gravitational slingshots” (the click-baity name) or “gravity assists” since much of what NASA has been doing is utterly dependent on them. That’s going to be a big topic, but I realized I can at least lay some groundwork tonight.
Consider a typical two body problem: some small satellite or even a space probe, and a big honkin’ planet.
I’ve been talking as if the probe orbits a point at the center of the planet. Technically that’s not true. The two bodies both orbit the “barycenter.” That’s basically the center of gravity of the system. Imagine the planet and the satellite on a seesaw, at whatever their “current” distance is. A million miles? five thousand? Ten billion? Whatever.
The barycenter is the point at which you’d want to put the fulcrum of the seesaw.
Now when it’s Earth and, say, a GPS satellite, that point turns out to be so close to the center of the earth that it’s likely immeasurable, because the earth is about 1.5 septillion times more massive than the satellite (6×1024 kilograms versus 4 kilograms; a one with 24 zeros after it is a septillion). And the GPS satellite orbit is about 20,000 km in radius (it’s a circular orbit so we can speak of a radius here).
So the “balance point” between Earth and the satellite is 1/1,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th of the way in from one of the ends. Which works out to 13 and a third femtometers. Recall that a femtometer is roughly the size of a proton or neutron; much much much smaller than an atom, and you’ll see the difference between the barycenter and the center of the earth Just. Doesn’t. Matter.
It can matter, though when the two bodies are closer to each other in mass. The sun-Jupiter barycenter is significantly far from the center of the sun (the mass ratio is almost exactly a thousand to one, the sun is almost half a million miles in radius, Jupiter’s orbit is a bit over half a billion miles in radius). In fact the barycenter is actually outside of the sun. Earth and Moon are closer together in mass, but much closer together, so the Earth/Moon barycenter is still a thousand miles or so down below the surface. Pluto and Charon are more nearly the same mass…they’d be a double planet if they were planets. The barycenter of that system is out in space.
When New Horizons was still far out from Pluto it took the pictures that were assembled into the GIF above of Pluto and Charon. The white x marks the barycenter.
OK, so now that I’ve set the record straight and planet and satellite both orbit a barycenter, I’ll now pose a question that is going to sound like it comes completely out of left field.
What if the barycenter is moving?
Take a space probe doing a flyby of a planet. It’s an escape orbit…it’s flying by never to return, so we are talking about a hyperbola. Under the circumstances the barycenter is effectively at the center of the planet.
So what if the planet is moving? They do move you know.
It turns out that this makes absolutely not a shred of difference. The spacecraft will move along a neat hyperbola as seen from the planet, no matter how fast the planet is moving.
The deep reason for this is that one level, it’s meaningless to talk about a planet or a star moving.
Einstein didn’t quite invent the concept of relativity; rather he refined it. Galileo truly originated it, to cover cases where (for instance) you’re in a moving railroad car tossing a ball in the air, and you have no way to tell the railroad car is moving. In fact, you could claim the railroad car is stationary, and the world is moving. As long as the train isn’t accelerating, you will feel like you aren’t moving.
It turns out that all of the mathematics of speed, velocity, and so on, is exactly equivalent no matter whether you regard the train car as stationary and the earth moving, or vice versa. The signs (plus or minus) on all the numbers are different, but the moving objects behave the same way either way. Galileo realized that there’s no absolute motion, only relative motion. The train is moving? Relative to what? The earth? Or the passengers on the train? Or the bug flying into the locomotive’s windshield?
It’s even more true out in space. Who’s moving, and who’s stationary. Is anything stationary?
You pick a frame of reference and go from there. Since they’re all equivalent, pick a convenient one. And it turns out in the case of the spacecraft flying by a planet, the convenient frame of reference is the center of the planet (I mean the barycenter of the planet/spacecraft system…here let me find my atom-sized measuring stick to correct it). In that frame of reference, draw a hyperbola, that’s what the spacecraft does.
Even though the planet is moving in orbit around the sun. Well, from the planet’s point of view the sun is going in circles around the planet.
[I remember in a college class discussing the sun as seen from Earth; the professor described the sun’s apparent path through the sky as if it were in a one year orbit around the earth. He gave us orbital elements just like I discussed a few weeks ago. And it worked, because…Galileo. We could compute where the sun would appear on any particular day. Of course some satellite in a 150,000,000 kilometer orbit around Earth is not going to complete that orbit in a year…not even in a thousand years. So we had to pretend the sun was closer than it is. The reason why is that in analyzing an orbit we need the combined gravitational parameters of the planet and the satellite…but again the satellite’s contribution is twenty or so digits past where you round off, so we don’t bother adding them together. Similarly, with the sun-earth system, the gravitational parameter that matters is the sun’s, not the earth’s; our gravitational parameter is a rounding error. So we can either put the sun closer to the earth for this analysis…or use the sun’s gravitational parameter in place of our own. The prof went with putting the sun closer.]
OK, we’re halfway to understanding the “slingshot.” I can’t say “see you next week” with a perfectly straight face, so I’ll settle for “see you next time.”
[PS: So what did Einstein add? He added that the rules change when the relative velocity between two objects gets close to the speed of light, and later on he incorporated accelerations into the mix–Galileo specifically excluded them.]
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
What’s up with gold? Or should I say down?
Something’s funny.
Seems like there’s always somethin’ funny going on with gold.
it went up as safe haven against more bank failures.
Then went down for profit taking.
Whales make money, minnows get eaten
femto-a combining form used in the names of units of measurement which are 10−15 (one quadrillionth) smaller than the unit denoted by the base word.
10 deci
100 centi
1000 milli
1000000 micro (millions)
1000000000 nano (billions)
1000000000000 pico (trillions)
1000000000000000 femto (quadrillions)
And it just gets worse!
True story…one of my nastiest (albeit obscure) puns.
Background: The news media was notorious at the time for prefixing ANY caliber with a decimal point and suffixing it with “mm”
So .357 magnum became .357 mm. 9 mm became .9 mm. (10mm, a very stout handgun round particularly for automatics, came off the worst at .10 mm–in fact nothing could come off worse than that.)
More background: Beretta came out with a “Beretta Nano” (a small, glockesque 9mm and also with the “Beretta Pico” (an even smaller gun chambered in .380 auto (not .380mm!).
Noticing the progression, a commenter on that gun forum proudly announced he had bought a Beretta Femto chambered in .9mm, and had simply glued it onto his fingertip.
Appreciating the perfect adherence to the progression of metric prefixes, I responded, giving him an attoboy.
Once he racked up a sextillion attoboys, he might start to make something of himself….
«Ronna» and «Quetta» — wonder where those came from.
The others have some kind of etymological or systematic meaning, based on numbers, or words for large and small objects, in several languages.
Femto, for example, is from Danish «femten» meaning 15. Mega is Greek for large, micro is Greek for small; nano is Italian for dwarf.
Wow. I didn’t know they had added those two additional prefixes on either end. I was aware of yocto and zepto but not these. (And I can’t ever remember the order of yocto and zepto anyway.)
Notice that even though z/Z, y/Y, q/Q and r/R were adopted at matching times, femto and atto were adopted about ten years before peta and exa (their “mirror image” prefixes on the big end). The particle physicists needed prefixes more urgently.
Also “micro” has a Greek letter abbreviation, μ. For cases where someone hasn’t got access to that character, u gets used, as in um for micrometer.
The way I remember which is which of yocto or zepto is that yocto is similar to octet, the group of 8 whether musicians or bits on the network. Similarly, zepto is similar to hept- as in heptagon or heptode, something with 7 sides or elements.
So with these mapping to 8 and 7, the one mapping to 8 would be the larger of the large ones, and smaller of the small ones. Those numbers also matches the power of 1000; zepto- is 1000^-7 = 10^-21 for example.
But I can’t remember having needed to use these prefixes for anything.
I think I saw one used…once.
Distances and the like won’t get this high…a billion light years is 10 billion trillion or 10 x 21 meters. We’re not going to get to yotta there much less the ronna and quetta. Nor with time measured in seconds.
But masses get much bigger than this. The sun…just our sun…is something times 10^30kg, so it needs a 33 prefix to give it in grams. Multiply by about a trillion (result 10^45) for the mass of the galaxy.
The Planck time is still out of range of these prefixes, too.
That happens to capacitors as well. If one is marked 2UF it is easily recognized as 2 µF. Older ones also used M or m, (0.1 MF is 0.1 µF, not 100000 F) which is presumably why the millifarad as a unit is nowhere to be seen. Fortunately. Large capacitors are marked as thousands of microfarads, or even farads.
When talking about compact circuit boards, your basic unit of measurement is the pF, pronounced “puff”, which stands for picoFarad. This is especially true when talking about surface-mount capacitors. It’s common to talk about thousand-puff’s, ten-thousand-puffs, and the like, so you can describe all the capacitors on one board with one unit of measurement.
OTOH, when you’re talking about analog power supplies, you’re more likely to specify all the caps on the board as microfarads (AKA “muffs”).
It’s all about making sure that everyone is named ‘Bruce’.
(Evidently, the original is highly policed, so we get this….)
I can only ever remember the “main” Marx Brothers — Groucho, Harpo, and Chico — and can never remember where Yocto and Zepto fit, either.
Gummo and Zeppo. They were the two youngest.
So I clearly need some sleep for I see “femto..” & think “fem to men” or something 😉
Too much exposure to tranny woke stupidshit. You start looking for weirdly coded stupid.
“weirdly coded stupid.” so you’ve met my relatives LOL
Like a modern femtodollar, compared to a dollar in 1913?
My sleepy eyes mutated that into the toddler dollar, not far wrong it would seem!
It’s not that bad.
Come back next week.
Seriously, the present dollar is worth somewhere between 1 and 2 cents (closer to one) compared to 1913. At least, judging from the price of gold. In 1913 an ounce of gold was $20.67. So when the price of gold hits $2067, that’s 100:1.
Very true!
Officials: 2 dead, 9 unaccounted for in Reading chocolate factory explosion
Apparently closer to 839…
Apparently we have entered the exploding chocolate factory phase of the current narrative.
Willy Wonka’s Revenge….
Her/shes vs Him/hes
The Oompa-Loompas make their move….
Looks like food production attacks are in the dessert phase!
Perhaps the saboteurs will get their just desserts.
LOL! Yes, we can even hope that Klauss is forced to pick up the tab! 😉
I don’t think exploding hot chocolate will feel quite like they might taste.
When my drunk what?
What’s the point of a meme with an incomplete sentence?
If my drunk is in the car when I make the purchase then it shouldn’t matter. But I suppose if she’s with me, there could be issues.
Perhaps people shouldn’t write meme when they’re drunk.
Lol! The dangling adjective.
It looks like my house…
And yeah I had a calf in the kitchen as well as lambs, kids, chicks, ducklings, piglets….
hopefully none of these areas were carpeted 😉
Yup. With Psychowokes in charge, everything is backwards.
Classic woke leftism. Everything that’s good is bad and everything that’s bad is good.
I’m posting this because of the assertion that “the radical right is waging a genocide against us.” That strikes me as hilarious for reasons having to do with “trans” biology.
LOL . . . yes it seems all propaganda goes through this laughable state of ridiculousness.
The problem is that when people start believing it and taking it seriously, it stops being so funny.
The shills elsewhere are having a field day with that Fetterman body double pic. The bottom line is that it’s awfully suspicious that a picture taken on 5/22/22 is suddenly getting shilled everywhere now nearly a year later. I strongly suspect that it’s:
1) Bad actors testing the waters to see if they have a chance at passing off a Fetterman double in 2023.
2) Narrative building about “Fetterman body double conspiracy theories.”
Anyways, to counter the shills, I’ll re-post the following:
Here’s an article from May 2022 from when the Fetterman campaign itself released that photo after Fetterman’s stroke. It is NOT a recent photo. It is NOT a Photoshop by trolls. At one point last year, American newspapers were publishing that photo as real.
Here’s the actual video from when the photo was taken:
EDIT: At the time I’m writing this, “Fetterman” is the top trend on Twitter and the usual Big Con influencers are pushing the May 2022 photo as recent. This isn’t organic.
A tattoo comparison would be useful.
Apparently he has tattoos on the inside of both forearms. The black rectangle tattoo is either more recent than the article below, or for some reason wasn’t mentioned.
John Fetterman’s 2 Tattoos & Their Meanings
6-feet 8-inches tall with a shaved head, John Fetterman, the mayor of Braddock, Pennsylvania, potential Capitol Hill lawmaker is most talked about his tattoos on his both forearms.
1. ZIP code tattoo
John Fetterman’s one arm marks the Braddock’s ZIP code, “15104,” which he got after winning the three-way Democratic primary for mayor in 2005, besting the incumbent by just one vote. Fetterman fell in love with Braddock and with the history it held. So, he tattooed the zip code, on his left arm.
2. Dates tattoo
His other tattoo is the more serious one since his right arm has a mysterious list of numbers – 1/16/06, 10/8/06 – six in all. “These represent the dates of people that have been killed through violence in my community since I’ve been mayor,” said John.
These are the dates of which people who died in terrifying circumstances under his watch. So John has tattooed the dates of every homicide in the town since he took office. One refers to a child who froze to death after she was left in a park overnight by her father. There are some other stories related to these dates of his tattoo.
So he tattoos the ZIP CODE of a town on one forearm, and on the other arm, the date of death of every person who died as a result of homicide while he was mayor.
That’s completely normal. Everybody does that.
Not the names of the people, so they might be remembered.
It’s the dates that are worth remembering…
I don’t feel like spending the time digging up a source for this, but if I recall correctly, the official narrative is that Fetterman once had some lyrics to the song “Hurt” by NIN tattooed on his arm. Something like “I will make you hurt” or some other line from that song that comes off as awfully disturbing for a high-profile politician to go around displaying in public. He then got the questionable lyric blacked out with the rectangle tattoo. That’s the official narrative anyways. IMO, “song lyric” was probably just a cover and that creep probably really did mean it. The man makes my skin crawl. Feel free correct me if I’m wrong because I’m doing this off memory.
I am very familiar with Johnny Cash’s powerful cover of Hurt (originally by Nine Inch Nails), it’s one of my favorites from Johnny’s late albums, American Recordings I (1994) through American VI (released posthumously in 2010).
His cover of Hurt is on the album American IV: The Man Comes Around (2002). For anyone who is not familiar with it, here is the video with the lyrics below.
Hard to guess which verse(s) Fetterman might have put on his arm, but I doubt any of them would have helped his political aspirations:
I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that’s real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything
What have I become
My sweetest friend?
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar’s chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here
What have I become
My sweetest friend?
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way
Cash’s video here is very moving. Thanks for sharing!
I saw another video showing the picture of the original writer and performer of the song, with the video title “It’s not my song anymore!”, implying Johnny Cash made it his own 😁
I haven’t watched the whole thing yet, so I’m not sure if the writer actually said that or not.
I’m not a huge Cash fan, but I’ve watched his Hurt video quite a few times for he really has tapped into something deep there…
I only knew a few older Johnny Cash songs, mostly just from growing up in America. Back around 1995, I didn’t have any of his music in my collection.
Then one day, in the early 2000s, I was going through the ‘Records to Die For’ annual lists at Stereophile.com
The lists go back to 1993. When I got to the list for 1995, I found the Johnny Cash album ‘American Recordings‘, which was released in 1994.
The review / list is still online, I just found it again:
JOHNNY CASH: American Recordings
American 45520-1/-2 (LP/CD). Rick Rubin, prod.; Jim Scott, eng. AAA/AAD? TT: 41:54
“I heard a knock at the door. I opened it, and in front of me stood a tall, heavily weathered man with a black Martin strapped across his back. He said he needed a place to rest, and had been attracted to my apartment by a Hank Williams song wafting through my open bedroom window. I invited him in, and watched and listened as the man in black tuned his guitar and began to sing.
The rhythmic thuck-thuck of the stylus in the lead-out grooves of the first side of American Recordings rudely awakened me. The recording’s honesty had lulled me into that rare state of listening where the line between illusion and reality no longer exists.
This album is an intimate recital of American popular music performed by one of its greatest, most persistent, and loyal advocates.” (XVII-7)
It was one of several albums that sounded interesting, so I added it to my list of albums to check song samples for, probably at allmusic.com, a website I used a lot back then.
When I checked the album, I could hardly believe it. Every song sounded great (to me). Every song is just Johnny and his guitar. Like he’s just sitting on a bar stool, right there in your room, playing a concert just for you.
So I bought it immediately, and loved it. Easily my favorite Johnny Cash album, but more than that, it’s just great music 😁
It includes Johnny’s cover of Leonard Cohen’s Bird on a Wire, which I think was the first time I ever heard that song.
This link has 30-second clips from each song on the album, if you are interested. It will give you a sense of the album, but 30-second clips can’t convey how the whole album works so well together, and has the ability to draw the listener in, and make you forget about everything else, until the last song is over.
If you check it out, I hope you like it! 🙂
P.S. This youtube link has the whole album:
Thanks Scott. I’ll have to pass this info on to hubby who is the real music afficianado. We watched that Cash backstory movie Walk the Line & then got the album of Cash at Fulsom Prison. Real, raw, & relatable to the guys who’ve lived hard lives. The fact that he found the Lord is truly the icing on the cake!
“He then got the questionable lyric blacked out with the rectangle tattoo.”
Seems like there had to be a better way, but maybe not.
I can imagine the political consultants going over his options.
‘We could add some words to the end of each line, and then pretend like it’s not from the song, it’s some different song… that nobody has ever heard of.’
Yeah, that’s not gonna work… everyone will figure it out immediately, and then it looks like an unbelievably lame attempt to hide it.
‘We could remove it, but it will leave a scar the length of your forearm. You’ll need a cover story. You could tell people you like to sear your flesh with a red hot iron skillet to test your pain endurance, G. Gordon Liddy style.’
There is a segment of the population who might go for that, but they’re unlikely to be a voting majority.
‘We could black it out with a giant rectangle tattoo, and… just tell people you really like rectangles. You’re strange enough to pull that off, right?‘
Apparently they chose door number 3 😁
“Seems like there had to be a better way, but maybe not.”
Tattooing is a strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
Can you (or others) summarize quickly what is happening here? I’m coming into this late, and I don’t get it.
To me, that picture you show, which is found in that NPR article, and appears to have been taken at the same time as that video (but is not from a frame within what is shown in the video segment you provided) looks weirdly THIN. I’m wondering if NPR literally THINNED the aspect ratio of the image to make Fetterwoman look healthier. The wife’s face also looks thinner.
Thus, they would have essentially gotten caught either selecting a “lens-thinned” photo, or thinning the image intentionally.
This is a good observation for the side by side pics Sadie shared yesterday showed “Fetterman” thick & thin & they seemed to have similar ear outlines & similar forehead wrinkles, similarly uneven, that would seem difficult to replicate on a body double.
Hubby & I were just discussing how much that we can no longer trust what we see or hear (online) with so many deep fakes & computer generated facsimiles out there designed specifically to deceive….
This side-by-side photo went viral on Friday via the usual Big Con suspects who presented it as a recent photo.
I was apparently the one person on the internet who actually took the time to track down the origin of the photo. As mentioned above, it was a photo released by the Fetterman campaign itself in May 2022 and republished in several corporate media outlets (not just NPR). (It’s getting harder to find working media links to this photo now than it was 12+ hours ago, so I now suspect media outlets and Google search are actively scrubbing it.)
https://media.nbcphiladelphia.com /2022/05/John-Fetterman-Gisele-Fetterman-Out-of-Lancaster-Hospital.jpg [EDIT: Had to break this link because it was displaying the photo instead of the link address. Remove spaces to get it to work.]
Now for some historical context of that photo. It was taken days after Fetterman won his primary election and was released from the hospital after his massive stroke. His campaign was probably in panic mode at that time. His campaign probably wanted to present an image of, “Hey look, John is perfectly healthy and capable of running in the November election” to ward off any challenges of replacing him on the November ballot. I genuinely believe they were using a body double at that point in time similar to how they used a Hillary double immediately after the infamous “chucked into a van like a side of beef” incident. The Fetterman campaign certainly had motive, and that man in May 2022 does not look like the real Fetterman.
Previous Qtree discussion about it here:
Thank you!!!
I’m now convinced that it’s the same subject, and that the differences are a subtle combination of things:
That said, it’s a challenge. They LOOK like different people, but my algorithm is 100% that they’re the same person.
IF we can find the video or series of pictures from which it came, my prediction is that this frame is a MINIMUM in facial recognition values, due to the above-mentioned factors.
That leads to an idea about how “doubles” photos are being mined.
I remain unconvinced that it’s the same man and have only have more questions.
1) Why would the Fetterman campaign risk distributing such a questionable photo at a critical point in the election? If it is indeed the real Fetterman, then why not distribute a more convincing photo? They couldn’t have taken an extra minute or two to make the real guy actually look real?
2) Why is Big Con blatantly lying to us in March 2023 about this photo being recent?
3) In fact, where the heck was Big Con in May 2022 when that photo was originally published? Wouldn’t it have been more effective to call out the body double in May 2022 when there was still a chance of kicking Fetterman off the ballot than to wait nearly a year later?
4) Indeed, why now? Why did it take nearly a year for this seriously bizarre side-by-side to go viral?
This whole thing just stinks.
I agree it stinks. The only question is exactly HOW it stinks.
My current thinking…..
Catturd fell for the dissimilarity like everybody who uses normal daily “same or different person” mental algorithms on the pictures. Beyond that, he’s just clickbaiting for clout, IMO.
Why did Fetterman’s people, NPR, and the left cabal all use the picture? PANIC. They were desperate to paper over Fetterman’s massive disabilities, so in all the footage when he was released, they found a picture that hid his creepiest features and actually made the guy look almost normal, and they ran with it.
The chaos agents then picked up the seemingly valid double picture and ran with it.
This is going to get a million times worse when AI is used to create these things – and it will.
I enjoyed this article which compiles some great tweets on the subject. They come to the same conclusion as me, but are enjoying the craziness anyway.
And one thing IS true – a huge question is being lost in the chaos – where the HELL is Fetterwoman?
“Senator Fetterman was heard to have said that, after his time at Bethesda Naval Hospital, he feels like a completely new person.”
🤣 😅 😂
FWIW, AI doesn’t typically render things out of focus the way a candid photograph with a crappy Chinese cell phone does.
At least, not the stuff that we have access to. THAT is a point I just realized today, talking to Val. There is always a tech lag between the top stuff that IC has access to, and what even the techiest normies know about.
The stuff we’re being shown is the cheap seats, I’m sure. “Do it so that it looks like it really came from the candidate’s crappy Chinese cell phone” has been available to the IC for years, IMO.
Oh it’s definitely the cheap seats. You get what you pay for.
The IC capabitlies aren’t just in power, but in integration. So you can make an AI movie with ChatGPT, but what if you had an unbusted AI, unlimited compute power, CGI, robust real-time automated video editing capabilities, news studios, and even your own cable news network? Wag the dog becomes real. But that’s just one example. Any large scale technology integration we can think of has already been tested for feasibility.
It took little ol’ me with no social media presence less than ten minutes to verify that the picture was old. What the heck is his excuse for trying to pass it off to his 1.5 million followers as a recent photo? But catshit was hardly the only checkmark yesterday pushing this.
At least George here was smart enough not to pretend it was a recent pic.
Again, why now? Why is this suddenly being pushed out of nowhere by big names nearly a year after the photo was published? Where were these people in May 2022 when it may have made a difference in removing Fetterman from the ballot?
Meanwhile, and I realize I have no way of proving this, that pic was getting scrubbed from Google and local media news websites late last night (long after catshit had his chance to verify that the pic wasn’t recent). Go ahead and try using Google Image Search to find where it originated. The results are all recent tweets about this viral story. If you actually find a 2022 news article in results, there’s a good chance that pic has been removed from the article. Like that local NBC affiliate I posted above. The pic is still hosted on their website, but it has been removed from their article. The only reason I found that NPR article at all is because I found it before the scrubbing started. Why scrub it if it’s the real Fetterman?
Story (pic removed): https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/decision-2022/john-fetterman-out-of-hospital-pacemaker-implant-surgery-stroke/3247344/
Pic: https://media.nbcphiladelphia.com/
[Link intentionally broken]
That pic does not look recent why would she wear a summer dress in winter?
Apparently she married Fetterman.
That explains it. 🤣
The answer to this is he wasn’t trying to pass something off. Therefore, that part of your theory falls apart.
Like so many other people who think the Fetterman situation is strange, he saw something and passed it on without researching it. There is nothing suspicious about that, and the fact that he has a lot of followers has nothing to do with it. If you have concrete evidence — not assumptions, not ideas based on dislike — that Catturd is working against MAGA or the best interests of the country, please present it. Otherwise, I think that judging his motives and character is inappropriate and divisive.
Just as you imply he has a responsibility to his many followers to have researched this first, one could also say that each of us has a responsibility to not make assumptions, without evidence, that put good people in a bad light.
Wolf Moon
And, on a similar topic — where is The Turtle?
And Feinstein?
Do we really want to find them?
My husband and I talked about it this morning. There is silence concerning him.
Is he in coma from his fall did he have the jab and had a stroke and then fall? So many questions. I do not think he comes back the problem is he will be replaced with an democrat since the governor of KY is one.
He’s from PA, not KY.
Don’t mind me – I’m just a confused geezer.
I am speaking about the turtle who is from ky 😉
Sorry. These long sub-threads get me lost sometimes.
Me too sometimes 🙂
Hey, Wolf.
I am very skeptical of the “body doubles” hypotheses most of the time. I can see where people are getting it wrong. But not this time.
There are things on a human face that are pretty constant. The distance from the top of the head to the eyes, and the distance from nose to chin don’t change. The proportions of a face don’t change.
That earlier photo looks like a different man. The proportions are all different from the recent photo. “Longer skull” is the comment that seems to sum it up to me.
We know that historically, political figures from Hitler to most American Presidents have used body doubles. It is common practice on movie sets in Hollywood today. Why would we think they were never employed by the bad guys trying to manipulate the voting public?
Don’t forget the Camel-Uh body double who was busted during a campaign stop and had to run away, proving political body doubles beyond any doubt 😂
Lol. I can’t even imagine having to body double for that slutty woman. Yuck!
Considering what her primary [only] skill is, I’m glad you can’t imagine.
Catturd made a joke based on his immediate reaction to the two photos. He’s explained what he serves up on twitter/truth social is just him being himself. I don’t think he goes into deep analysis and pondering about what he will write on social media. Likewise, I am certain that he does give a lot of thought and analysis to his science fiction books. I did the same as Catturd, not thinking to question the timing, source, or delivery motives. I’m quite fond of Catturd and listen to him and Jewels do a live hour of current event discussion every weekday. They don’t script what they talk about before they start their chat. Catturd makes Jewels laugh a lot and I adore her laugh. She’s in Los Angeles and he’s in Florida (born in the state of Louisiana). I take him as a straight-shooting ‘good ole boy’ who loves staying busy, takes great care of his pets including ones that show up at his farm, He is well informed about politics for a farm boy and has done many different things in his life: military, musician, traveled for a business job, self-published author who independently sells and ships his two books and swag. He’s writing a third book now. I trust him not to sell out his beliefs for big money. 🙂
I agree with this. Catturd is a good guy, not part of some conspiracy to push an agenda that is not in line with MAGA or America’s best interests.
I agree he’s a good guy. 🙂 Over the last couple of years, I’ve ordered his books, a coffee cup (he made sure the vendor he uses is made in USA), fridge magnets with photos of the “pupturds”, and some hats to support him. He ships very quickly, packs things nicely, and there’s no problem with the transactions. I freely admit I’m a biased supporter. 😊
I think part of using that particular pic is to push the wife out into the public eye more. That pic is everywhere now because of the body double questions and there’s Giselle everywhere now too.
Great theory! It’s POLITICS.
The eye colors are different. NOT the same person, IMO. Teeth are wrong also. Just losing weight wouldn’t change that.
Agree about the teeth.
Some impressive Photoshop would be needed to make the two subjects the same person. The image on the right has a hooked nose, a longer, thinner head, and less of a brow overhang, plus the ears on the left image stand out much more. To do that and still blend the parts of the face so you don’t see any jagged edges in the colors and highlights where the shades meet would take a lot of skill and time. I just don’t think those differences could be done with lens effects or subject positioning.
“It’s a miracle … In only 3 weeks, John Fetterman got a total head replacement.”
The thing about head replacement surgery is, you gotta wonder… what happened to the old head?
Where did it go, and what is it doing now?
And where did the new head come from?
that hideous strength–shudder
I thought that woman was holding a Balenciaga S & M bear but it looks like it might “just” be a Care Bear…strikes me as quite bizarre for a grown woman though…
It’s possible that someone gave him/them the bear.
Anonymous Conservative just pointed out that “Fetterman” is hoverhanding his own wife in that pic.
And if anyone is wondering what the handler wife is currently up to, she’s busy posting creepy pics of her son unnaturally holding a tool like a gun while she wears a shirt about “fighting dirty.” Comms, anyone?
Bonus: Same tweet has a pic of “PA Fights Dirty” next to a pic about waterways. Remember when I noted here a month ago that the timing of Fetterman’s “hospitalization”/wife fleeing the country 2-3 days after the Ohio train disaster might be related? Yeah.
Shirt could be read as “Pa (Dad) Fights Dirty.” Just sayin’.
I’m gonna guess those aren’t his pants, unless he got them right before his big growth spurt.
For more comparison, here’s a photo of John Fetterman from February, 2021, when he announced that he was going to run for the U.S. Senate (from Teen Vogue report of that month):
It’s the brow that always stands out to me. The guy in the photo with Gisele doesn’t have the pronounced brow.
you could distort the picture by ‘squashing it’ That would change the shape of the head.
BODY DOUBLE OF ZELENSKY — OOooops 🙃 (21 sec with BOTH in the frame)
Nice job Steve! I actually thought you Might touch on the “asteroid”? that was going to pass so close by earth today (or hit us with city- or nation-killing capability?) but I guess you don’t want to set the precedent of a pseudo click-bait post! iirc you said that object was likely to miss us by roughly 100,000 miles. Was that closer than the moon orbits us, I forget? Wouldn’t the earth’s, moon’s, & certainly the sun’s gravity also impact this item as it passes through our solar system? Potentially changing its trajectory so the next time it passes through (if there is a next time) it could come closer to hitting us, our moon, or something else in the solar system perhaps?
Yes it is, the moon is roughly 1/4 of a million miles away.
Absolutely the sun, earth and moon will all affect this object. That’s why they farther out they predict the less certain they get. That’s a four body problem; and that understates it; depending on where it goes it might get close to other planets and asteroids…ALL of these can perturb its trajectory. And of course it might pass near an asteroid we don’t even know about!
This is precisely where astronomers will take the best data they can–which already has some error in it–shove it through a computer…and still not really know where the dang thing will be fifty years from now. Or maybe they can; all situations are different. (N-body problems are a cast-iron bitch.)
We can be pretty confident where it will be in a year or two…but fifty? The errors pile up and you can even run into a situation where a small error now can have a *big* consequence down the road…that’s basically “chaos theory.”
You make me think of those hurricane prediction maps & how divergent they are with their computer models & that’s for a world we “know” & understand the impacting 😉 factors to some increasing degree.
Yeah, that’s a very similar sort of thing, except the weather is much more chaotic so even the next week is a mess. At least the asteroid stuff isn’t THAT bad.
LOL You would think outer space is easier to deal with than our home planet!!! 😉
but climate can be predicted Perfectly/s
Seems logical to me.
Excellent answer!
It’s a matter of perspective.
I was doing some energy reading and was suddenly reminded that ALL of the “usual suspects” in the bad science of “climate change” and energy stupidity have been at it for a long time. Note also how PC bots “of color” are used to get traction on this stuff.
Energy is the connecting thread with a lot of the corruption. Scuttling nuclear energy such as Clinton’s Roscom deal for example. Not to mention everyone’s investment in Ukrainian oil and gas companies.
Al Gore wrote (sic) “Earth in the Balance” in 1992, long before his “Inconvenient Truth” march. He’s written (sic) other books, including an updated introduction to “Silent Spring” even though the book has been discredited (they still teach from it in higher ed). The book wasn’t written for its own sake but part and parcel of a life lived in pursuit of propagandizing, including founding Current media, positions on key corporate boards of directors (Apple), and the media love-fest that was his phone documentary.
Of course, environmental protection is about environmental crisis is about energy crisis is about energy profits is about energy control is about economic control is about economic power is about political power.
Crony capitalism and Communism go hand in hand. They’re going to make serfs out of the population, but they’re going to make sure to make a few billion fast bucks before they bring the system down. As far as they’re concerned, it’s a cut-throat race to grab as much cash as they can because they don’t want to be caught empty-handed when the dancing stops.
^^^ Sums it up pretty well IMO.
Catching up on my Original Treehouse reading – Ziiggii (mostly a Twitter resident now) made an excellent point. Rhonda Santis is the Thune of Haleys. He’s acceptable to all the Brutuses who put knives in Trump’s back.
Link: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/03/23/ziiggiis-point-about-senator-john-thune/
More like DeSantis needs Trump. (Good luck with that.)
So YOU say, Emerald. She does some great reporting but she seems to have a dog in this hunt.
In a hunt, a bloodhound will outrun a basset hound. Just saying.
To Emaralds’s statement concerning paraphrased “DeSantis as VP and then has 8 years to keep implementing MAGA”.
This reminds me of the failure of Bush VP under Reagan. Bush as president reversed the conservative implements of his predecessor.
Some fun images from Gab!
If they were trying for a symbolic righteousness with this seal I think a sword would have been better than a gun. Just my opinion of course.
Prolly so. I’m not good at symbolic messaging.
But I do believe in, Don’t Bring A Knife, To A Gun fight.
Nice science post! I have tried to prepare myself for the next one by some reading online. This is not an easy subject, but I think it will be very helpful in understanding the realities of space travel and exploration. It’s also a real challenge to understanding of conservation laws!
Gotta love this one!
Of what significance is the lack of a technical problem that would have interrupted that mini rant from being transmitted? Is CNN dipping its toe into our end of the pool?
Three people were watching CNN. Which granted makes their ratings high for the week.
I see. Just not seeing CNN.
Without fear we see reality 🙂
“Singingsoul’s Razor”! 😊
😂 🤔
Food for thought.
Mandatory bad vaccines are murder. The right of self defense is not validly taken from us.
Hmmmm not sure about this wolf.
Here’s the story link.
Sources quoted….
top Trump ally
a source close to the former president
sources with direct knowledge
prominent Republican operative
former official
The only person directly attributed to any of the quotes was Mick Mulvaney who’s not supportive.
“If Trump wins, he’ll need to hire the very best people he can,” said Mick Mulvaney, who served as the third chief of staff in the Trump White House and who previously endorsed Sen. Rand Paul for the Republican nomination. “Whoever is advising him to exclude folks who support other Republicans in a primary doesn’t have a clue as to how to run a government.”
If Mulvaney is against it, that’s AWESOME!!!
Yup, assuming it’s accurate.
For all we know, it could be INFOWAR from the Trump campaign. By putting people on notice that “working for De Santis makes them suspect”, Trump can really solve several short-term AND long-term problems.
Even if Trump is not actually planning on this, it’s a wonderful trial balloon to float in his circles – or just to ALLOW to float in Trumpville (i.e., don’t deny it too strongly).
Wherever this came from I don’t think it’s from Trump’s campaign.
If it IS from anybody near Trump, it’s totally “deniable”. It’s a beneficial rumor but not a good admission – and yet it CHANGES THE LANDSCAPE – and that latter point is too “Trumpian” for me not to take note.
We don’t want a repeat of Judas Pence. How does one get ahead of that?
Mulvaney pushes his view because that’s how the RINOs operate. The rumor is anti-RINO as hell – and actually CREATES the possibility of enough solid people being available to a Trump administration, that RINOs can be locked out.
It is an EXCELLENT RUMOR in my opinion.
It does change the landscape and also feeds into the division. Mulvaney hasn’t been heard from in a while. Now he’s all over the place calling for Trump’s arrest, won’t vote for him, speaking out on a rumor. The messages in the article are contradictory.
Trump is an absolute master at that!
If someone advised DeSantis during his failed-at-every-turn campaign, they don’t have any good advice for REALPOTUS.
I hope REALPOTUS’ advisors advise against Meatball as VP. That play might be meatball’s fallback move. But it would be a disaster for MAGA. It would be Pence(ildick) 2.0
Also a thanks to SD for seeing the meatball play from the beginning and staying on the attack every day since. Give credit where due
Mulvaney outed himself and sees himself as best 😂
He fought Trump at every step. Trump knows 😎
Excellent 🙂
This one could get fun.
The Sheriffs are suing Afroman because he is releasing his home security video of their entirely unjustified raid on his home, because it can expose their identities and lead to mockery of their actions.
Suing this guy is a huge mistake. Smart move: – repair the door and gate, deploy big PR coverage on the apology and restitution, done with humor, and get re-elected.
Doing the raid in the first place was a huge mistake. Afroman is being very gracious in giving them an opportunity to back out as you describe.
A great point. They missed the offer – but that is in essence part of doubling down on their initial mistake!
Personally, I would figure that their faces, badge numbers, inch-by-inch movements while on the property, fingerprints or other physical traces, and contents of any electronic devices carried onto the property would be fair game after such a raid.
And, frankly, with the number of home invasions conducted by those pretending to be law enforcement, I would consider lethal force by the homeowner fully justified until a warrant can be completely verified.
Let me clarify this a bit. Any yahoo showing up at a door and shouting, “Police! We have a warrant!” and busting down the door should have no expectation of surviving the encounter. Already, a substantial number of those attempting such an entry ARE NOT POLICE and are performing a home invasion.
Law enforcement should find a foolproof way to identify themselves and demonstrate their lawful entry before busting down any doors. If they cannot or do not, they should silently accept any LEO casualties from such operations.
It is a moral hazard for LEO to allow any felon to impersonate police and not face the consequence that citizens may mistake LEO for felons.
Excellent points.
The cops WANT the confrontation. They live for it. It’s their culture. It’s a bully’s dream come true. They get 10 or more of their friends, and then courageously surprise attack someone.
They don’t have to do that.
If they wanted to do it without confrontation, it would take about 5 seconds to figure out how.
Let’s see… one… two… I already got it.
One or two cops just calmly walk up to the ‘suspect’ in a public place, while the ‘suspect’ is away from his home. Talk to the ‘suspect’ like a normal human being, no need to gang tackle him, make your voice sound like a high school girl riding her first roller coaster, and splatter your crazed adrenaline all over him, just be a normal person.
Tell the ‘suspect’ that you have a search warrant to search his home, hand him the warrant and give him plenty of time to read it. If he wants to verify that the warrant is real, let him use his own phone to call his own attorney, take a photo of the warrant, and send it to his attorney for verification.
Try being normal, and remembering that the ‘suspect’ has the presumption of innocence until after you railroad him at trial.
After the ‘suspect’ has verified the search warrant, inform the ‘suspect’ that other police officers are waiting about a block away from the home. Would the ‘suspect’ like to accompany the officers to the home and let them in, or would the ‘suspect’ prefer that the officers force their way into the home?
This would also be a good opportunity for the police officers to inquire of the ‘suspect’ whether any family members or other people are currently in the home.
This simple approach would have saved the lives of 86 people, including 4 members of the ATF, in the siege of the Koresh compound in Waco, Texas.
Koresh went jogging every day. Police could have easily picked him up without any credible resistance or danger to anyone.
Same with Ruby Ranch.
Same with Elian Gonzalez. No need to demonstrate your incredible courage by pointing a submachine gun at a child, all decked out in your teenage mutant ninja turtle outfit.
Same with ANY similar scenario.
You can do it SMART, or you can go FULL GESTAPO.
Why don’t they ever want to do it SMART?
Great point!!!
Actually – the vast majority of law enforcement do want to do it smart and without confrontation. That is how they are all trained. Have family and close friends in the “business” of law enforcement.
Mission assignment/emotionally deranged versus protect and serve. Sometimes the former occurs organically by misguided, emotionally unstable people in the business. Other times it is a mission ordered by the same type scum who hold fake elections around this country that are really disguising criminal mafia appointments.
if you want to destroy effective law enforcement on a national scale in a country founded on the rule of law beginning with its D of I and Constitution, how would you go about it? Frontal assault or staging of events to move the opinions of the masses over time?
I wish I could believe it. I have a family member who was in law enforcement, recently retired after 10 years, and the things he experienced don’t paint a pretty picture.
“Mission assignment/emotionally deranged versus protect and serve.”
I think the divide between law enforcement and the public began when the duty to protect and serve was ended.
The problem has since been magnified exponentially with the militarization of the police with military surplus gear, and the politicization (weaponization) of federal law enforcement, and portraying anyone who disagrees with gov’t policy as a domestic terrorist.
When the Supreme Court ruled that police have no duty or obligation to ‘protect and serve’, a public trust was broken.
When I was a kid, we were taught that the policeman is your friend.
Nobody teaches that anymore.
Police Have No Duty to Protect the PublicThough often unsaid in police reform debates, numerous court precedents have established that cops aren’t obligated to act in the interests of citizens.
by Ramenda Cyrus
April 18, 2022
Last Wednesday, after a 24-hour search, a suspect was apprehended in the New York City Sunset Park subway shooting that injured at least 10 people. Amid the predictable gun control and police funding debates that have begun to roil across social media, it’s fair to also ask: Why wasn’t the NYPD more effective in responding to the situation?
After the shooting, the NYPD was faulted for not stopping the subway lines, having their radio and communications apparatuses malfunction, and exhibiting a plain lack of urgency, as The Intercept reported. Indeed, some speculated that the only reason they caught the suspect, Frank James, was because he made it really easy for them. He had lunch at Katz’s Deli during the manhunt, before tipping off the police himself.
This fits with a number of incidents where police have failed to protect the public; yet, as the Prospect’s Ryan Cooper wrote, they are routinely given more money after tragedies. The questions that get asked in the aftermath are limited: Do police lack the resources to prevent crimes, or did they make tactical or logistical errors that can be fixed with new leadership or more training?
More from Ramenda Cyrus
All of these questions are situated in the traditional belief that police are there to proactively prevent and deescalate dangerous situations. The average citizen has been convinced of this imagery of police as heroic and uniquely brave citizens, despite being debunked both by the actions of police forces and the courts themselves.
Let us go back eleven years to February 2011, in the very same place, New York City. As he told in a Cracked.com video some four years ago, Joseph Lozito was on his morning commute through New York City when he hopped on the subway, blissfully unaware of a brutal stabbing spree—perpetuated by Maksim Gelman—that had been going on for over 24 hours at that point.
Lozito would be the final victim in the stint. After Gelman boarded the train and confronted the police officers that were in a secure area, he turned to Lozito and said, “You’re going to die.”
What transpired afterwards was what Lozito described as what “every man thinks about at least twice a day.” Lozito tackled Gelman and they struggled physically, with Gelman stabbing Lozito in the head until they both hit the ground and Lozito disarmed Gelman. Only then did the NYPD officers intervene to apprehend Gelman.
In this case, one of the cops allegedly admitted that he did not intervene in the altercation because he thought Gelman had a gun, instead hiding from the attacker. This prompted Lozito to sue the city of New York. He lost the case in 2013, but not because the Manhattan Supreme Court judge didn’t believe him, or because he lacked evidence, or because the cops had a good reason for not intervening.
Lozito lost because of a precedent established by the U.S. Supreme Court: the cops do not have a duty to protect you, or anyone.
In 2005, Jessica Gonzales sued Castle Rock, Colorado police for failing to arrest her husband, who had violated a protective order, resulting in the murder of her three children.
Her case went to the U.S. Supreme Court in The Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales, where she lost because even though the order required arresting her husband upon violation, then-Justice Antonin Scalia successfully argued that “a well-established tradition of police discretion has long coexisted with apparently mandatory arrest statutes.”
This case builds upon Supreme Court precedent in Deshaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services (1989). In that case, a young boy was repeatedly abused at the hands of his father, something that county Social Services was aware of, but made no effort to remove the child. His mother sued once the four-year old entered a vegetative state, and the Court ruled that that the state did not have a special obligation to protect a citizen against harms it did not create.
Based on these precedents, Lozito was told in the New York City case that “no direct promises of protection were made” to him, and therefore he could not sue the police for failing to come to his aid. In other words, the police do not have to act if someone is actively being harmed, they do not have to arrest someone who has violated orders, and they do not have any obligation to protect you from others.
People are still expected to call the police, and many still do, especially given the lack of alternatives. But to criticize their effectiveness in solving crimes in the aftermath furthers the propaganda: It assumes that the police are acting in the interest of the public, when there is no precedent that says that they have to.
Police reform activists have posited that the purpose of policing is not to protect the public, but instead to maintain the status quo that keeps capitalism alive. The first modern-day police were slave catchers; their only interest was your body for their profit. Whatever their true purpose, the legal fact remains that public benefits from policing are incidental, at best.
Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone
NY Times
By Linda Greenhouse
June 28, 2005
WASHINGTON, June 27 – The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.
Castle Rock? Wasn’t that a thing in Q drops? Could that somehow be connected here, even loosely?
Yes, I just checked. Not sure if there is any connection.
Here is a link to the search results for ‘Castle Rock’ (actually with an underscore between the words, since I searched just ‘Castle’ first, and the only results that included ‘Rock’ had an underscore between the two words):
Thanks Scott. Someone who followed Q would have to speculate on any potential connections for that’s above my paygrade!
Mine too 👍😁
LOL not possible 😉
Truly, happy for Adam’s County Sheriff’s shaming AND embarrassment. Best part of my morning.
They’re perfectly comfortable breaking into a citizen’s home and ransacking the place, but their fragile little egos can’t handle a little ridicule. They can’t take even the slightest amount of heat when it’s directed at them.
Those poor babies. They’re real tough when there’s a pack of them, and they’re surprise attacking a scared woman in her home.
But get caught on camera doing their Gestapo routine, and they don’t like it so much.
Maybe they’d like it if a Gestapo unit did thousands of dollars of damage breaking into their home, and scared their wives and children?
And this is the SHERIFF’S Dept. These are the guys we’re supposed to be relying on to save the Republic at the local level 🙄
And why would you want to do this?
Looks ok ahead of the travel, looks very sus afterwards.
I’ve spent over two weeks seeing the global damage that the UniParty had done, and found an opportunity to vent.
👍 👍 👍 👏👏👏
Verse of the Day for Saturday, March 25, 2023
“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”
John 17:3 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
^^^ This. Thank you, duchess!
Jikkyleaks is onto something!!!
Naomi Wolf agrees.
Truth is a victory. I just don’t expect an evil system to punish itself. That will probably be left to God to sort out.
Not good enough. Bastards have to pay while they are breathing. F’m. Justice delayed…
WOW. That’s the kind of stuff that really supports a depop motive.
Wolf Moon
Here’s the graphic from the CDC on the subject:
Could you elaborate on what we’re seeing here (maybe in that day’s daily)? TY
Good stuff, Steve.
Spot on with party politics and how it is run from Mini-Mitt down. Like you, I keep stressing it all comes down to local/state on the ground while ignoring her and the RINOs to the best extent possible. Clean it up there. Take them down one brick at a time. People wanting and expecting them to be nuked and tossed out all at once are not being realistic.
🇺🇲 DONALD J. TRUMP Rumble Channel – https://rumble.com/v2efbmu-live-president-trump-in-waco-tx.html
🇺🇲 REAL AMERICA’S VOICE – RAV – https://rumble.com/v2ect62-president-trump-rally-live-from-waco-texas-3-25-23.html
🇺🇲 RSBN Rumble – https://rumble.com/v2e0jjs–trump-rally-live-president-trump-holds-first-2024-campaign-rally-in-waco-t.html
🇺🇲 RSBN website – https://www.rsbnetwork.com/news/watch-live-president-trump-holds-first-2024-campaign-rally-in-waco-tx-3-25-23/
🇺🇲 NEWSMAX – https://www.youtube.com/@NewsmaxTV/streams
prayers for President Trump’s safety and everyone there !
Thank you!
Green revolution coming undone on the rocks of reality in Germany « JoNova (joannenova.com.au)
Be nice if Americans WTFU. Green Revolution is a ponzi scheme at best.
A move in the right direction, but still going to be using expensive gas as I cannot see the RF being keen to help them out even if they had a pipeline.
In a roundabout sort of a way germany would never have done this if FJB hadn’t terrorized the pipeline, own goal joe ha ha .
Yesterdays bomb story confirmed by ukraine 😂 😂 😂
“The representative of the Ukrainian Air Force, Yuriy Ignat, confirmed the use of new guided bombs by the aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces.
“They have fabs (high-explosive bombs) in sufficient quantity. They just add wings to them, GPS and that’s it. They are there, they just need to be upgraded. The price of the issue is much less than producing missiles.”
Recall that yesterday the Russian aviation carried out massive airstrikes on the AFU facilities in the Sumy region, using a high-precision aviation munition similar to the American JDAM.”
Greta Thunberg: Doctor of Theology – Watts Up With That?
This is a summary of the above undercover cop video:
Prayers for all those effected by the tornados.
so terrible.