2023·07·15 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

No science post.

No political rants.

Not even any milder political stuff.

Not today.

Today I mark the passing of a friend.

June 2018 – 13 July 2023

I went to a reptile show in Denver on November 11, 2018, quite coincidentally the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. There were a fair number of bearded dragons for sale there, but I didn’t want a really tiny, young one; it sounded like there were too many ways for them to come to harm. I opted for one about 5 months old, one who seemed to be a mix of green, yellow and orange, without being too garish. At the time he was approximately 14″ long including an unusually long tail for a bearded dragon. (He would eventually reach 21 3/4 inches. Some told me if they hadn’t actually seen him, they would have thought the long tail was a photoshop.)

A wild bearded dragon’s color is generally a mix of grays and dull tans, though the pattern is fairly intricate. But reptile breeders love to select for very unnatural color schemes. Red like flaming hot Cheetoh. Bright yellow like a lemon. Or even an albino. Or different skin textures, such as silky smooth, instead of very rough. (The spikes along the sides are actually pretty soft, but the skin naturally feels like rough grit sandpaper.) They give all of these morphs (and others I haven’t described) names.

I didn’t go too outrageous on the color…I could almost imagine Darwin’s color being decent camouflage in central Australia. That’s where his particular species (one of eight bearded dragon species, and by far the most common of the eight in the pet trade) is from. And it turned out the green coloration is an illusion; he often exhibited spotty gray coloration which when in close proximity to the yellow, looks a drab greenish. When he was upset the gray color would disappear leaving him looking a drab yellow on the head where there is no orange.

It turned out that my lizard was a “hypo, orange tiger stripe dunner.” (Hypo simply meant hypomelanistic, and the prime indicator is clear, rather than black, claws. Dunner has to do with the pattern of scales on the belly.)

I named him Darwin, not after Charles, but after the city of Darwin in Australia, which got its name from the bay it is on, which in turn was named that in the 1830s. Since Charles didn’t become famous until 1859 with the publication of Origin of Species, I concluded the city was not named after him.

Darwin on his first day at my house. Notice the S the seller put on him to mark him as having been sold to me, while I went and visited the rest of the reptile show. (It came off the first time he shed.)

I was wrong. The city was named by the crew of the HMS Beagle, after Charles Darwin who had been on the ship collecting the specimens that would eventually lead him to knowledge of evolution by natural selection. Apparently they had liked him well enough to name places after him–well before he was famous.

Darwin, this time I mean the lizard, had one thing in common with Charles. He was very likeable. To hell with “Everybody Loves Raymond.” Everybody loved Darwin.

A few weeks later, he went through an almost complete shed, starting with his head. He looks for all the world as if he’s disgusted with the fact that his head just exploded.

It is easy (though painful) to eulogize him; there’s no mentally editing out bad personality traits with a “let’s not talk about that” or a “maybe I can make a joke of this.”

Later on during the same December 2018 shed, on his basking rock. Beardies will sometimes get rid of excess heat by opening their mouths, as shown here. To the right you can see the “reverse cape” of the skin that came off.
That was the only time he ever shed that much, all at the same time.

Darwin did have a personality, contrary to those who diss reptiles as not having personalities. In fact, his personality was better than that of most people–a sentiment echoed by a condolence card I received after I wrote the first draft of this.

I could show pictures of him on my office chair (or keyboard) during the early COVID lockdown (it was designated “take your lizard to work week” in this house) and people would spontaneously tell me on the basis of the photographs alone that they had never seen such personality in a lizard.

Weirdest cat I ever saw.
What’s down there?

I could take him to street markets, perched on my shoulder and people would be delighted to see him, he was a favorite of kids.

Of course the downside is he sometimes proofread my posts.

“Steve, you don’t actually mean that, do you?”

The people at the vet’s office loved Darwin too; they’d fawn over him more than they would most people’s dogs.

His picture is posted in four locations in this county, one a business whose owner would be appalled to find I actually write for a “Trumper” site like this. He’s the unofficial mascot of that store.

Early 2021

Or rather, he was.

A few months ago I noticed he was having trouble with his back legs, which were swollen. I called for an appointment at the vet, and had to wait a month.

The news was grim. He almost certainly had kidney cancer; it was hugely swollen in the ultrasound. However, there was one dim hope: It might only be a kidney infection.

So began a course of fifteen antibiotic shots, two every week. After the fifth shot, though, there would be evaluation, and if there were no improvement, well, it would be the time for that “quality of life” discussion.

An image taken the day of the evaluation trip to the vet…when I thought he might end up being put down.
Note how swollen the rear ankle is. He had no use of his rear feet then though at least he could move the leg as a whole by this time.

Well, wouldn’t you know, it seemed to be working. The vet was ecstatic; he truly thought the infection was very unlikely, but since it was treatable and the cancer was not, it had been worth the gamble.

And even though I don’t like driving to the part of town the vet is located at, I was overjoyed to hear I’d be doing it ten more times for the rest of the shots. (I couldn’t get the hang of injecting him. The vet could do it without Darwin even noticing; in my case he’d try to get away from my attempts.)

So we went through the ten remaining shots, and scheduled a follow up for a month after the last shot; that follow-up was this past Thursday.

A week ago I noticed Darwin wasn’t climbing to the top of his basking rock. Basking is a necessity for many reptiles, it helps them digest their food. Now, instead of his rear legs being useless, it was his front legs…which I tend to call arms when I’m not thinking, as he grasped with those feet (“hands”).

And his appetite was off.

He was basically unable to lift himself off the ground. Whereas before he could drag himself up the basking rock with his front legs, he couldn’t do that now with no motion in those legs.

I thought this might be any one of the bugs and other micro-critters that sometimes infest the digestive tracts of reptiles (some of them can get us too: pinworms, for instance). He’d had a lot of difficulty with those in the past. He left me with a sample of well, you know, on Monday which I duly collected and refrigerated, knowing the vet could check it over. (He very uncharacteristically deposited it inside his hide, rather than onto his basking rock. And didn’t move after he left it.)

Alas this past Thursday the verdict was…”And” logic. He had had an infection and cancer. And with the infection gone, the cancer was progressing rapidly now.

It was time to make The Decision. So at roughly 4PM on Thursday, Darwin–who brought a smile if not joy to everyone he met, even to people who don’t like lizards–Darwin was no more.

His light, small as it was, has left this world of gathering darkness.

The photograph at the top of the post is of Darwin being held by a tech at the vet’s office, less than an hour before he was put to sleep. The mere fact that his front legs aren’t gripping something should tell you how bad it was.

I have other pictures of him on the table, and him being held on, then on me.

He found the strength to move from my arm partway onto my chest (which he liked to do), even five minutes before he took his last sleep.

Spot (i.e., paper) Prices

Last week:

Gold $1,925.40
Silver $23.16
Platinum $920.00
Palladium $1,278.00
Rhodium $5,250.00

This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.

Gold $1,955.30
Silver $24.96
Platinum $982.00
Palladium $1,304.00
Rhodium $5,450.00

Things up a bit, especially gold. Gold was down for the day on Friday, so clearly Thursday’s numbers were even higher. Silver closed up one cent versus Thursday.

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

References to our opponents as “Lizard People” are officially in poor taste today.

Darwin had ten million times as much personality as they do.

And not one shred of evil.

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Remember Hong Kong!!!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

China is in the White House

Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.

Joe Biden is Asshoe

China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.

But of course the much more important thing to realize:

Joe Biden Didn’t Win

乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!

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Steve, I’m so sorry about your loss of Darwin. Whenever you mentioned him, it felt like he was a part of things here. Thank you for sharing more about him, the photos, and your experiences with him. He was a little light in this dark world!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Darwin may not have been the site mascot, but he was one of “our pets”, and almost certainly the most famous one.

My sympathies as well, Steve. Darwin was very fortunate to have such a kind and caring owner. He led a very interesting and adventurous life, for his species!


I was always amazed at the knowledge that was required to know how to care for him properly. I suppose it’s that way with most creatures, but this was foreign to me. But characteristically, Steve, you seemed to know and understand all that he needed and all that was going on with him. I agree with Wolf that he was fortunate to be in your care.


Well, he could still be this site’s mascot …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

James Coburn has a lock on that one! 😉

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Although he (meaning Darwin) could be our animal mascot as a separate thing!

Last edited 1 year ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I like Coburn, but Darwin was cuter.


As a guy, I easily saw that.




A different type of lizard, to be sure, but a lizard nonetheless.


Steve you were a shining light to Darwin and he was yours. The blessing he gave you and joy was apparent when you spoke of him. You were so good to him and I am so sorry he past. Peace


Steve, thank you so much for sharing the news, and life, of Darwin. He will be greatly missed on our site here.

RIP Darwin!


Awwww, Steve, I’m so sorry.

Darwin was the most “pet” of any pet lizard I’ve seen, and a friend of the Tree. He’ll be missed out here in the hinterlands, but nowhere as much as he’ll be missed at home.

Condolences for the loss of your friend and companion.

Barb Meier

Steve, I’m so sorry you’ve lost Darwin. Thank you for letting us know. He had such a nice smile and I loved reading about your lives together and seeing photos of him. He must have trusted you a lot to want to be on your chest and shoulder. I know you will miss him very much, and hope he didn’t hurt having both an infection and cancer. It is so much for any creature to deal with but I know you and your vet did all you could to help him. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Today, I got sidetracked with extra chores and errands but will finish a last look at article 3 in the morning.


I came across another sad comment on Patriots.Win. I’m posting this information in case anyone wants to use it or save it. I know that some here probably already know this.

Please pray for my son

He has a tumor, we don’t know what exactly it is yet but it’s not looking good. He is five. No he is not vaccinated at all for anything. Please, if anyone knows how to administer fenbendazole, ivermectin, Rick Simpson oil, or anything else that could help, PLEASE post in comments. Prayers are also appreciated. If it’s what they say it most likely is, it is terminal. Please help direct me to the info because I just cannot do it now at my son’s bedside in the hospital. Thank you and please hug your children tightly right now and let them know how much you love them.

Here is one person’s response: 20-guage. I can’t vouch for these links, but they might be helpful.

Here’s a list of cancer resources I’ve been compiling for both IVM and Fenbendazole. (Including where to buy Fenben.)

If you’re on Gab, there’s been a lot of info posted about both meds and their success in treating/curing cancer. Gab is searchable, so you should be able to find the posts.


NOTE: I suggest using Presearch.org to search for info on IVM and/or Fenbendazole and specific type of cancer. It doesn’t seem to censor the info like goog, duck, etc.

Misc. cancer resources:


FreeRepublic — search results for <cancer> [Some junk, but a lot of research and information that seems solid.]


** Dr. Syed Haider: Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? — Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Vit C and Sodium Bicarb**



https://www.fenbendazole.org [dosages, protocols, lab research papers, and product comparison]


Research showing Fenbendazole prevents/treats/cures cancer — search results:


Search results for <Fenbendazole + cancer + protocol>


Fenbendazole Cancer Protocol [This place offers Telehealth consultations.]


Conversation with Bing AI about Fenbendazole (See the comments, good info in there. h/t u/ Made_It_So)


Fenbendazole group (on Telegram): https://t.me/Fenbendazolesupport

Hosted by u/ Jessy1

Thus far are over 400 members who share their success stories and other ideas of using fenbendazole and alternative methods to fight cancer and stick it to BIG pharma.


List of IVM Protocols for use:


List of where to buy IVM (and other generic meds):


Research showing Ivermectin prevents/treats/cures cancer — search results:


Search results for <Ivermectin + cancer + protocol>


Links to board search results for “cancer”:



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you for this information!




Great information. Copied and saved. Thanks for posting.

My FenBen arrived two days ago. Great packaging. Stored in a cool, dark, dry location.

Off the wall aside, photo at, https://presearch.com/ perfect for this Saturday morning.


Ah… Yea. As a piss poor communicator, won’t even try, how cool the photo is. Photo was attributed to, Quang Nguyen Vinh. (Still have it open.).

Gail Combs

That is gorgeous!

Valerie Curren

That was what I was going to say to, but you beat me to the same thought!

Gail Combs

Great minds and all that. 😅

Valerie Curren

Here’s a link to the photo I see, a beautiful lake view over a rustic dock.


Here’s the image, hopefully, after running through Gab

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Here’s the source page for it:


That is a pretty relaxing view to me 🙂

Gail Combs

With Fenbendazole high levels of vitamins are a MUST!

Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins


Diet containing the anthelminthic fenbendazole is used often to treat rodent pinworm infections because it is easy to use and has few reported adverse effects on research. However, during fenbendazole treatment at our institution, an established human lymphoma xenograft model in C.B-17/Icr-prkdcscid/Crl (SCID) mice failed to grow. Further investigation revealed that the fenbendazole had been incorporated into a sterilizable diet supplemented with additional vitamins to compensate for loss during autoclaving, but the diet had not been autoclaved. To assess the role of fenbendazole and supplementary vitamins on tumor suppression, 20 vendor-supplied 4-wk-old SCID mice were assigned to 4 treatment groups: standard diet, diet plus fenbendazole, diet plus vitamins, and diet plus both vitamins and fenbendazole. Diet treatment was initiated 2 wk before subcutaneous flank implantation with 3 × 107 lymphoma cells. Tumor size was measured by caliper at 4-d intervals until the largest tumors reached a calculated volume of 1500 mm3. Neither diet supplemented with vitamins alone nor fenbendazole alone caused altered tumor growth as compared with that of controls.👉 However, the group supplemented with both vitamins and fenbendazole exhibited significant inhibition of tumor growth.👈 The mechanism for this synergy is unknown and deserves further investigation. Fenbendazole should be used with caution during tumor studies because it may interact with other treatments and confound research results.

Do not forget you have to get rid of the sugar that feeds the tumor ESP High Fructose Corn Syrup, that mucks up vitamin D.

How High Fructose Corn Syrup Lowers Vitamin D And Calcium


Also copied. Thanks.


Once again, GC brings the best jewels to the party.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for this important info. Blessings!


You were enriched by his presence in your life and your eulogy shows it clearly.

Bless you.


Poor Darwin. He had a good dad for 5 years. Someone who loved him enough to let his personality develop and enrich lives all around, even if he was a lizard. He was a good one while he was here and I always read every story and mention I saw about him.
I hope after a bit you’ll be ok Steve. He’s your buddy, fluffy or not.Im very sorry.

Im not making fun of or belittling his death in any way, but Im sure, as much as our other pets deserve it, hes in pet heaven, pain free,.eating whatever he wants and looks like this:

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I once asked a very Bible-based friend of mine if she thought animals went to Heaven. I knew she would know if there was Biblical precedence for that, or not. And sure enough, she quoted this to me:

Isaiah 66:23
New King James Version
23 And it shall come to pass
That from one New Moon to another,
And from one Sabbath to another,
All flesh shall come to worship before Me,” says the Lord.

It doesn’t say all human flesh, or only people. It says “flesh.” And animals are flesh, just like us.



Isaiah is a tough book, by any measure. Prophecy is hard for me to understand, and I am good at analyzing literature as a rule. But this part of Isaiah is about the return of Jesus to us. And this verse is about those who will be gathered before Him to worship.

So it is “all flesh” that will worship before him. But in the context of the rest of the book of Isaiah, this would mean all who would be converted (obviously not including the animals). My own personal belief is, when the time comes and Jesus returns, the opportunity to accept Him as Savior will be available to all.


Compare that view with Christ talking to the fruitless fig tree. We accept Him as our Savior but all creatures “know” Him as ‘Boss’.  🙂 

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2
Valerie Curren

Scripture does say that “every knee shall bow & every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”. My understanding is that this happens after death & prior to the separation of the sheep & the goats. Those that are told “depart from me” will still acknowledge Jesus’ lordship over all prior to passing into the flames, at least that’s how it comes across to me.

That scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark when the Nazis open the Ark on that Island & all those psychos take a knee on their way to obliteration partially illustrates those concepts above, artistically, to me.


Good. Im very glad you posted that bc i have heard it said that the Bible excludes. If HE created everything, why would HE deny them? He wouldn’t!


I agree.

Gail Combs

I figure, I am going to get MOBBED give the number of animals I have had.

Cuppa Covfefe

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Gail Combs



Liked it so much i saved it on my phone. 👍


Steve, I’m really sorry to hear you’ve lost your precious companion. You’ve written such a heart-felt and heart-warming post about your time with him, and a sweet goodbye. Thanks for sharing Darwin with us through these Tree years.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sometimes the answer is just that simple.


^^^ Bottom line, TRUTH.

Gail Combs


“Political Power grows out of the barrel of a gun” – Mao Zedong

☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️

1911 Turkey Gun control — from 1915 to 1917 – 1.5 million Arminans killed

1935 China gun control — from 1948 to 1952 – 20 million killed

1938 Germany Gun control — from 1935 to 1945 – 20,946,000 murdered.

1956 Cambodia gun control — from 1975 to 1977 – 1 to 2 million educated people murdered.

1964 Guatamala Gun Control — from 1964 to 1981 – 100,000 Mayan Indians killed.

1970 Uganda gun control in — from 1971 to 1979 – 300,000 Christians killed, a total of 2 to 3 million

☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️

The Cabal wants the USA to be number 7 on that list.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like somebody found a way to destroy “Sound of Freedom”.


I’ve seen negatives about Ballard before but can’t name them witout doing some research. This was bound to happen.
(I’m not able to read any other tweets in that thread. I wish Twitter would go back to normal.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, Twitter. So foolish.

It’s rather devastating. They run through a bunch of court documents and utterly destroy his credibility in tweet after tweet. Also noting that he just resigned from some org he founded when this came out.


I suppose they’re saying or implying that, because he’s not credible, the story of Sound of Freedom is not true? Therefore, there is no child/human trafficking. Problem solved.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The left will then use this failure to protect child trafficking as a “conspiracy theory based on lies”.

This tweeting group doesn’t seem to be saying it, but they teed it up for the left to say it.

The trouble is, the court documents are related to the case in the movie, and they conflict with many things stated publicly by Ballard. Thus, it’s clear that the “true story” wasn’t true – and liberties were then taken with THAT in making the movie.


Liberties are always taken in movies.

Fundamentally, child trafficking is a problem. My, (our?) focus.


See my response to Wolf, above.

piper 567

Kill the messenger.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Never expected Tim Ballard was a saint. Everyone has flaws. Some serious, like me.

I have zero interest in Tim Ballard’s flaws. None.

Tim Ballard’s mission to, protect and save children, trumps all. <<< THE FOCUS.

Reminds me of all the attempted character assassination’s of Trump, Melania… Nothing burgers in my book. Won’t click on them. Distractions. Shiny objects.


Exactly. How many of his detractors have ever lifted one finger to save a child from destruction?


Exactly. I know nothing of Mr. Ballard – but his work to stop human/child trafficking – that’s what matters.

In the same way, they tried to make DJT out to be a rotten person – but while not a “Saint” – he’d has more decent values and morality than almost all other critters in the public square.

God uses flawed men and women, not “perfect” ones.

Deplorable Patriot

Amen to that.




Wow. All my old friends are showing up today.  😍 


An absolute bonus today. Seeing old friends drop by. Wonderful, it is.



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Gail Combs

John 8:7 KJV

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

I am not really good at obeying that, but I do try to determine if the person is good at heart or nasty and evil before tossing stones.

Valerie Curren

Nice to see you stop by Lady P!  💜 



Valerie Curren

I LOVE your heart for Truth & the Bottom Line–Thank You for yet another epic articulation!!!


Thank you. Ya give me too much credit, MeThinks.

Valerie Curren

No you are Very Consistent w/ both that heart of a warrior for Truth & cutting through all the crap to the crucial bottom line! It’s a gift 🙂


I’m going to give you (and everyone here) the answer to this or any other argument against this film.

Let’s suppose the film is pure fiction. Entirely made-up. Is child-trafficking real? Does this film, fictional or not, bring awareness to the nightmare that is child trafficking? If so, what possible difference does it make whether it is real or fictionalized?


And that is the point to make, over and over again. This film is about child trafficking and the sex trade, not about a man, flawed or not.


B I N G O !








I agree. There are lots of news reports of trafficking rings being busted, though. People just don’t want to believe it. Not that it should be necessary, but we need evidence of real, known people engaging in it, like the people on Epstein’s list — not necessarily to try to wake people up, but for justice and to save the victims and potential victims.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Honestly, one of the BEST movies that they could make, would be to simply use the Epstein court documents, and make an R-rated, super-realistic, no exaggerations, “docu-drama” with real-time inclusion of both his teen procurement and his contacts and “invited retreats” with famous people.

It would be utterly explosive, and *BASED ON COURT DOCUMENTS*.

I’ve read these things. They’re horrifying.

Gets the young teen girls to give him the naked massages. Giving them money in twenties to go out and find more. Talking to Ghislaine while the girls tend to him, but then waiting until alone, and having them get him aroused, and making the one who stays undress, and then more massages, and more arousal, and then GRABS THE GIRL, RAPES HER, then when it’s over apologizing about how he couldn’t control himself, etc., and then soothing it over, oh poor thing, it was her first time, but she’s so hot and he could not control himself, and better get dressed, time for business, and here are more twenties…..

This guy was an ultimate creep who could talk his way out of almost anything. And it is SO DOCUMENTED.

We have the testimony. It’s graphic. It’s sordid. It’s multiple and it’s all over the place.

Now, as for Sound of Freedom, the way I see it, is that Ballard was basically “screenplaying” the truth in his exaggerations. The movie is a different (but in some ways similar) screenplay. That’s it. Both his spoken exaggerations and the movie are based on real events documented in court documents.

Yes, child trafficking is real. But is it of exactly the same nature that is shown to people?

The problem is, it’s not something I can use on skeptics. I can go to people with the weapon of 2000 Mules and make rational arguments that we have a cheating problem USING THE FACTS IN THE MOVIE.

I cannot do this with Sound of Freedom.

Their defense – WHICH ADMITTEDLY IS ITS OWN EXAGGERATION – is that the movie is not factual, so theoretically the problem could be small enough for them to ignore it.

Which, of course, they want to do anyway.

The hardcore left will ignore it no matter what, but people in the middle – I simply wish that Ballard had been more careful in what he told people – to stick to the documented truth.

He sold the idea of a movie with his exaggerations, but now we are stuck with those exaggerations.


Well, there is PLENTY of proof of child-trafficking to be found outside of this film! That is not hard to find, at all.

Cuppa Covfefe


Just look at the southern border…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, and the next step IMHO would be to do a “gritty” realistic depiction of a different case. HIT THE AUDIENCE AGAIN, but this time with something that the left cannot dodge.


The REAL footage shown in the beginning of Sound of Freedom was terrifying. Actual surveillance camera views of children just snatched right off the street.

Oprah’s “guru” guy just got sent to prison for raping HUNDREDS of young girls, and for trafficking children:


It’s still trafficking to sell babies to couples but not for sex. Illegal. Dangerous.

There is all kinds of this stuff out there. The left KNOWS. They “play dumb,” but they know. And they will never, ever admit that their ideology causes this stuff, because they would lose power, and they can’t have that.

We must override and overrule the left in every way possible. They must be shut down and shunned from society forever. They are to be scorned and verboten wherever they go, until they slink back into the closets they came out of for fear of paying the price for their sins here on Earth. They will pay later, no matter what.

Valerie Curren

Hearty amen!



Valerie Curren



Pedos do not want to be called out. The devil likes to slither in the shadow and when the light falls on them that makes them uncomfortable.

Last edited 1 year ago by singingsoul1
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Let’s face it, the primary is over.

Trump 2024.

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^^^ Reality.

Still gotta go through the steps as we did in 2016.

Bitch slap GOP / RNC into acknowledging Trump is the peoples candidate.

Barb Meier

That’s the thing. RINOs are wrong and wrong and wrong but still act like they know not just something but more than others. It’s the worst kind of delusion. Duct tape. We need more duct tape.


so true !
Let’s take it up a notch and use Flex Seal Tape. yeehaa


Our forefathers really had it good. They could use stocks and pillory to shame the scofflaws. Then when that wasn’t sufficient muskets and canons.
We only get memes..not fair

Last edited 1 year ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

Do not forget the rotten eggs, tomatoes and other rotten things they got to toss at the culprits. There was also tar and feathers.


Like those fools in Germany?


She says they understand the anger of people who are interrupted in their daily life. Anger doesn’t begin to describe it for me. Possibilities: people who are not making it to doctor’s appointments, diagnostic testing, funeral home appointments to make arrangements for a deceased loved one. People with groceries in their cars that are spoiling. Some are missing court hearings and crucial business meetings and job interviews that they have worked hard to schedule. IMO there should be huge penalties for blocking the roadways, like many years of prison for the first offense.

Gail Combs

I almost bled to death at age 6 because I severed an artery in my ankle. The only thing that saved me is:

  • I went DOWN HILL to a neighbor instead of up hill to home.
  • A nurse was feeding the neighbors cat because they were on vacation
  • She slapped a tourniquet on my ankle and rushed me to the hospital.

Even with the tourniquet, I could have lost my foot or my life if the road was blocked. As it was I had severe blood lose and other complications. I was very tiny and still wearing the clothes for a 2 year old.

Valerie Curren

God wanted you with us for sure! What an amazing tale of miraculous survival!!!

Gail Combs

And not the only one by a long shot!

I always considered myself timid and conservative until I looked back on my live and all the stuff I did and the close calls…

Valerie Curren

You continue to have a remarkable & marvelous life, Praise the Lord AND pass the ammunition!


Thankfully, you ran in the right direction AND the nurse knew what to do.

The world, is a better place with ya around. Touching many lives, in many ways. All positive.   :wpds_wink: 

Gail Combs

Give all the close calls I have had, I figure I gave my guardian Angel a LOT of grey hairs.

I MUST be wanted here on earth for something!

What is really weird, is not to long after that my Grandma died. She appeared to my Mom that night and told her she was taking me with her because I was too nice to remain here on earth.

Mom freaked and sat by my bed the rest of the night.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. That’s wild.

What was your grandmother like?

Valerie Curren



That is exactly what is going to happen over the next 12 months when 45 becomes the GOP candidate for POTUS ,, the bitchslapfest that 45/47 is gonna bring to the rino club is going to be legendary.

It is in progress right now if you look at the flailing rino’s swing and miss again and again as 45 power grows with every miss. #smilingwithpopcorn

Valerie Curren

Don’t sully Darwin’s memory with that comparison–his crap is Way above those crap-weasels!

Gail Combs

Dog vomit slime mold….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

LOL! Sometimes you just gotta get that out of your system!


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A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y.

Revenge, accountability, or both. Required, if we are to regain, Law & Order. 

Gail Combs


March 08, 2023

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 28% of Likely U.S. Voters rate Congress’ performance as good or excellent, up from 25% in December and the highest approval in more than 15 years of polling this question.

Thirty-nine percent (39%) think Congress is doing a poor job, down from 45% in December, and the lowest since March 2007. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Not only do voters now have a higher opinion of Congress in general, but of their own representatives. Forty percent (40%) believe their representative in Congress is the best possible person for the job. That’s up from 30% in April 2022, and the highest in the history of surveying on this question.


Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC Rasmussen got bought a few years back and took a sharp turn left… the copy reads like narrative engineering… in favor of the derp state…

Gail Combs

They are still the best of the bunch.

And let’s face it “…28% of Likely U.S. Voters rate Congress’ performance as good or excellent, up from 25% in December and the highest approval in more than 15 years of polling this question…” Is not exactly rave reviews. It means ~3/4 of the country thinks Congress STINKS!


Survey of Congress, is what prompted me to suggest a rating of, “Lower Than Whale Shit”.

Rasmussen oughht to use….

  :wpds_arrow:  Best Possible, Good, Fair, and Lower Than Whale Shit.

Gail Combs

I think they use a 5 point system.

Excellent, Good, neutral, stinks, Lower than whale Shit


I don’t believe anything they say.



Rasmussen surveys on government / politicians stuff, needs a reply that reads,

  :wpds_arrow:  Lower Than Whale Shit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Oh Steve, my condolences. Those pictures of Darwin show his personality!

I happened to see Wolf’s tweet and knew immediately it was your dragon. 💔 🦎

I hope some special comfort comes your way in the next few days and weeks.



So nice to see you!


Hey stranger. Don’t we know you?

Barb Meier



Zing!!! OUCH!!!!!

Valerie Curren

Grandma!!! So nice to see you.

BTW my husband did become a trucker & my middle son just passed his EMT, has a 6 month rotation & then goes on as a Fire Fighting probie for another 6 months, as a Detroit Fire Fighter…oh & we became grandparents, our oldest son’s daughter turned One last month & our daughter’s daughter was born almost 3 months ago.

Thank you for your prayers & encouragements for my family over the years. God Bless YOU!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


That woman will now be a meme for the rest of her life, like the screaming Leftie at Trump’s inauguration. 😅

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

At least she’s at the high end of both the hot and crazy axes!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s the picture to make the memes!

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For whatever reason. To be honest. I first “eyed” her positive attribute(s).

Then noted she was acting like a loon.

Daily, I am grateful for the “sense” of sight AND mine calibrated 100% guy.

  :wpds_smile:    :wpds_grin:    :wpds_oops:    :wpds_razz:    :wpds_razz:    :wpds_razz:    :wpds_razz:    :wpds_razz: 

Last edited 1 year ago by kalbokalbs

Shame shame.  😂 


Shame? Character flaw or not, none on my part.   :wpds_shock: 

Barb Meier

Best of all, no nose rings or facial/body tattoos.

Robert Baker

If Reavers emigrate to America my hope is that they settle in Washington DC so they won’t stand out. Come to think of it some may have already arrived. That would explain much.

Cuppa Covfefe

No doubt there are a ton of them already in the SF Gay Area…




Valerie Curren

btw I literally have a Firefly novel checked out Right Now, though haven’t started reading it yet 🙂

Valerie Curren

I checked the entire series out from the library years ago & watched it all. Very interesting & creative w/ the Chyneze cultural factor pretty prescient. I believe the fans were so bummed it got cancelled that they manage to “crowd source” the funding/enthusiasm for a movie, Serenity, iirc, after the cancellation, something practically unheard of. It was a bummer that they killed off some characters so that just that one movie is all there is. I’ve got a novel AND a graphic novel checked out currently so we’ll see if they are decent…

Summer Glau was a very interesting character. She also played a Terminator in the Sarah Conner Chronicles, which was a great library find/watch w/ my sons back in the day. If you haven’t seen that series it’s like an alternate storyline in the Terminator world where they have Sarah & teen John time travel to the post 9/11 world where they have to adapt to all sorts of changes. Summer was a T that was to kill him, I think, or else reprogrammed from the future by John C to protect his mom & himself from other T’s. Given the Mom & teen son dynamic it was perfect for pared down family viewing chez moi back then.

Valerie Curren

Given how popular the show was I don’t get why the rush to cancel it. 🙁

Cuppa Covfefe


With a nose ring, it could be like on Rowan and Martin’s “Laugh-In”… “Pull on her ring and she’ll follow you anywhere” 😀

Cuppa Covfefe

Pity she can’t affort undamaged jeans 🙂 (though obviously having great genes)…. like Lucky Strike… So round, so firm, so fully packed…

[Actually, she probably had to pay a lot more for those designer rips…]….

Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Your description fits silicone storage units.


Or better yet, during her outburst.


That would have been perfect timing.

She wouldn’t know who to unload on next.

Hoodie guy or smart ass guy with elevator eyes.


Nah. Purely fortunate.


Are you asking for a friend?


Too much fun, funny, for the likes of this fool.

Cuppa Covfefe

To quote Toscanini, when faced with a well-endowed but error-prone Soprano:

“My GOD, if only these were brains”…..


My dad’s version was, “She has a terrible voice but she certainly sings well otherwise.” My mother would glare silently.

Cuppa Covfefe

My choirmates (basses and tenors, in any case) would say, “Good lungs!”… The altos and sopranos, oddly enough, were not impressed.

Then there was the time when a conductor said, “let’s have the men and the tenors sing”…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Reminds me of a girlfriend’s take on one of our brother wing guy’s dates (he later went on to marry Chuck Swindoll’s daughter ironically)…”stacked but no brains”. I thought getting the best of Both worlds was every guy’s dream 😉



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Yeah, I know, brains are optional LOL

Valerie Curren

What’s the backstory on that image? I’m guessing one of the many things I missed while Up North 😉


Loon went on a rant, before departure.

Valerie Curren

THANK YOU for sharing this!!! Just Wow, no words LOL


“There are 8 million stories in the Naked City. This has been one of them.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Yesterday, upon the plane
I met a man, not there; insane
He wasn’t there again today,
I wish, I wish he’d go away…

When I came home last night at three,
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall,
I couldn’t see him there at all!
Go away, go away, don’t you come back any more!
Go away, go away, and please don’t slam the door…

Last night I saw upon the stair,
That little man who wasn’t there,
He wasn’t there again today
Oh, how I wish he’d go away…

(Apologies to William Hughes Mearns and “Antigonish” fans everywhere)…

Cuppa Covfefe

Someone could splice her into that immortal two gals and a guy meme that’s often used for comparisons… 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

All your TMFINR are belong to us…


Cuppa Covfefe

Just thought of her hand signs… something odd there… paging Sadie…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Two fingers of Baphomet…

(Were it just one hand, I’d say Brownie Scout (like Cub Scout), but she’s using both hands)…..

Valerie Curren

I really thought Farley did those fingers here, but not exactly…still fun 😉


I’m sorry about your loss. As someone who likes hearing stories about people’s pets, I appreciate you sharing those photos and memories.


Utah Sen. Mike Lee says ‘We might have to invoke the War Powers Act’ after Biden authorizes deployment of reservists to Europe


The War Powers Act states that, unless Congress has declared war, the U.S. military and members thereof cannot be “introduced in hostilities or in situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances” unless:

● they are repelling an armed attack on the U.S., its territories and possessions;

they are taking “necessary and appropriate retaliatory actions in the event of such an attack”;

they are forestalling the direct imminent threat of such an attack;

they are providing protection for evacuation of American citizens; or 

they have “specific statutory authorization,” such as the 2001 “Authorization for Use of Military Force.”

Lee acknowledged that a resolution passed under the War Powers Act could be vetoed by the president. To override such a veto would require a two-thirds vote from both houses of Congress, meaning it would have to be a bipartisan effort.

The Utah senator was part of a bipartisan legislative effort in 2021 to reclaim for Congress “its rightful role as co-equal branch on matters of war and national security.”

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said at the time that Congress had “acquiesced to the growing, often unchecked power of the executive to determine the outline of America’s footpring in the world.”

Should a War Powers resolution such as that proposed by Lee fail, the senator indicated Congress would still have the “option of defunding, but that’s tricky too because spending legislation is also subject to presidential veto.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is all good preparation, because after the failure and blame for World War III lands on this corrupt administration, we can demand the dissolution of the Democrat Party.


  :wpds_arrow:  100%, the democrat Party needs to be flushed.

  :wpds_arrow:  As does the Republican Party, for near universal votes to fund Ukraine.

We need a TRUE, America First Party.


We could rightfully apply the Fourteenth Amendment.

Gail Combs



MOABed back into the political stone age.


It was a helluva 5-week run, Mike.  So there’s that.

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From what little I’ve seen, it was a thing of beauty!

Cleared the whole field 👍


And followed it up with a trip through the woodchipper


^^^ Perfectly placed. ^^^

Cuppa Covfefe

Just like that girl’s water-ballon throw… she even led perfectly…

Valerie Curren

Fargo’d 😉


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Forgot “Fraudulent electoral votes?”…..


ELECTION FRAUD was most certainly NOT Pence’s concern.

Traitor Pence ignored the brazen vote and election fraud and cemented the stolen election – even after he was appointed to handle Election Integrity to make sure election was honest – by President Trump!!

Pence will forever be the scoundrel and crook who allowed the 2020 Election to be stolen from the people of the United States of America – and allowed the stinking perverted freak show crooked Øbama-Biden administration to be installed!!!!

Pence is despicable for this and for his dishonest handling of the planned pandemic. Instead of following the real science (Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, Quercetin, Zinc, D3, Selenium, Budesonide, Cetylpyridium, etc. proven cures for Covid! ) He promoted Fauci killer vaccine and Birx hand-washing, mask-wearing, social distancing medicine show!!!


Seriously, Mike Pence and Benedict Arnold will be on the same page in history books in the not-so-distant future. Mark my words.

I wish somebody would hit him with the question of, if he didn’t have the “right” to send the electoral votes back to the states for correction, why did they CHANGE THE LAW after the election so the VP CAN’T do exactly that?


That’s always a reveal. We have one of those in our legal fight for election records here in WA state. Of course I wrote a whole section on the logic trail and the lawyer put it in one of our briefs.


Yes, but they “changed” the law. They didn’t “add” a law to spell it out. The law already existed.


Here is what the original law is described as. There are embedded references:

The Act aimed to minimize congressional involvement in election disputes, instead placing the primary responsibility to resolve disputes upon the states.[4][5] The Act set out procedures and deadlines for the states to follow in resolving disputes, certifying results, and sending the results to Congress. If a state followed these “safe harbor” standards and the state’s governor properly submitted one set of electoral votes, the Act stated that this “final” determination “shall govern.”[6][7] However, making or use of “any false writing or document” in the implementation of this procedure was a felony punishable by 5 years imprisonment by 18 U.S. Code 1001 under Chapter 47 Fraud and False Statements. The Act thus relegated Congress to resolving only a narrow class of disputes, such as if a governor had certified two different slates of electors or if a state failed to certify its results under the Act’s procedures.[8] Congress could also reject votes under the Act for other specific defects, such as ministerial error, if an elector or candidate was ineligible for office, or if the electoral college votes were not “regularly given.”[8][9]


Sure looks to me like Pence could legally reject the votes. But what do I know?




Ok, that’s my favorite so far!

Cuppa Covfefe

Even better than “at this point, what difference does it make?”…..


And if someone asks her about what he said, she’ll reprise that quote.


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I think she really was supposed to say “reduce pollution” instead of “reduce population.” But the word “population” came tripping off her tongue too easily, as if it were something very familiar to her thoughts and speech. It looks like a Freudian slip, a link to her unconscious mind that shows her real motives. Once that happens, it’s impossible to change people’s minds about it.


Hoe saying reduce population is akin to Briben, occasionally speaking the unspeakable truths. Steal an election. Nordstream…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. I believe that the people behind the transgender crap not only control who becomes “celebrities”, but then influence them (through many means) to first accept and then believe and then act on the transgender ideology.


Like having to sell their souls to the devil to retain status, money, and popularity.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Well, now that you put it that way……YES!”


The day will come for each of those kids when the bill becomes due.


I think about this quite a bit.


Lots of tears ahead, for both them and us.


Not me.


Seriously, don’t you mean Mommy?


I tend to believe it’s the Munchausen Syndrome. Before having kids these women were sexy ‘stars” . Once they start having kids the press naturally is about how cute the fam is but it’s not particularly exclusive..Stars crave being singled out. What better way than to have a child that breaks the mold AND them being the enlightened superstars..they get recognition for being so supportive. Vicious cycle. throw in how extraordinarily perceptive these mothers were for managing to notice their kid’s trans-ness at very early ages.


Nailed it. And it’s right out in the open.

Cure a disorder, or even treat it? Nah, we’d rather celebrate it.

Who cares if it costs others decent normal lives? They’ll never miss them because they never had any. Like a kid born without an arm.


Those parents of those poor children are sick mentally ill. These are still babies and it is a crime what they are doing to them.

Gail Combs

Child Abuse and it is CELEBRATED!
  :wpds_sad:   :wpds_question:   :wpds_mad:   :wpds_mad: 

Cuppa Covfefe

VigilantCitizen covered this about a year ago in their “vigilant reports” section on Hollyweird… they also have a TON of info about MK Ultra, etc., in the “entertainment” industry (including K-Pop, for weirder than weird)…

The article is well worth a read, as it shows a lot of what is going on behind our backs, to the great detriment of society, and leading to the (in my mind) damnation of Hollywood…


For example, here is Liev Schreiber and his SON(!):

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Vigilant Citizen is a great site for info about this stuff. The amount of evil symbolism can almost be overwhelming. It’s odd that all of a sudden so many children of celebrities think they are the opposite gender. Their lives are being ruined.

Cuppa Covfefe

The folks in Hollyweird live in a bubble of other peoples’ creation; other peoples’ ideas, scripts, mores, money, political and other advocacies, and are paid to be something other that what they really are…

Which is often nothing more than an empty husk of idiocracy…

With “Virtual Reality”, “Blended Reality”, and variants thereof, people can wear those stupid, expensive goggles and celebrate complete or partial denial of REALITY itself. Not knowing where the “REAL” ends and the “FAKE” begins.

And that leads to the gender-bending, cross-dressing, and, sadly, self-mutilation that some of them take on because they want their “perceived” reality to supercede, indeed, replace REALITY itself.

“Be what thou wilt”… a faint and perverse echo of Satan’s and Satanists’ “Do What Thou Wilt”.

With equally damning results; many of them maiming and crippling, if not fatal…


Spot on CC .


This is a perfect summary. ThanQ.

Gail Combs

“If something is faked on three sides, it’s real”
That is a direct quote from a friend of Hubby who was raised in Hollywierd. And yeah she was on TV on occasion. Mickey Mouse Club, Art Linkletter…


How many of those six are adopted? At least two that I know.


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She is Osama bin Laden’s niece.


She sure rolled away from the family tree.

Gail Combs

Osama bin Laden’s daddy, Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, fathered a total of 52 children by 11 wives so it was not hard to find a good apple in the bunch.

Cuppa Covfefe

The tune “you must have been a bushel-full baby” (or something like that) comes to mind…

Apparently our “guests”, aka Refauxgees, are allowed to bring up to four wives with them (or as family follow-ons) when they “migrate” to Germany.

Given that the average Moslem male sires five children per wife/concubine, that would mean each military-aged malevolent Malthusian Moslem misanthrope would bring in potentially 24 other “family members” with them, for a total of 25.

Rivaling rabbits in potential fecundity. And most of them (90%+) are on the dole…..

Have to say, though, that Noor is a good’n…..

Valerie Curren

That is so insane & terrifying…

Cuppa Covfefe

He probably thinks she’s a Noor-do-well… 🙂


Chadwick Moore

EXCLUSIVE: According to a current senior producer at Fox News there are company-wide layoffs happening right now that no one is reporting on. “Morale miserable across teams on both news and opinion,” the producer says.

Producers are also feeling “insulted” about getting 0 or 1% increases the same week Abby Grossberg got $12m “for helping force out Tucker.”

The source also says shows are getting “frantic, bipolar guidance almost daily on blacklisted and unblacklisted guests, including sitting members of the Senate.”

Stay tuned here for more updates from the chaos unfolding inside Fox.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheseTruths

^^^ G R E A T news. May Faux News, crash and burn. Along with CNN…

Cuppa Covfefe

Faux Paws comes home to roost…


Love it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Superb listen.

Gail Combs

He is one of the few Trump Challengers with an actual brain in his head.


The only one, that I can recall.


Money AND “pick me” for the cabinet or another cool position.

Vivek will play nice with Trump.

Gail Combs

That is what I think. He is following the Dr Ben Carson path.


My pick for vp


He wants to debate Joy Reid. That would be like a nuclear physicist debating a third grader.

Valerie Curren



Looks like he caught a pedo. Says it’s a dim state representative, but apparently it’s a former state representative.



Verse of the Day for Saturday, July 15, 2023

“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” 

Matthew 24:35 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Thank you for these. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

Valerie Curren



Steve, I am very sorry about your friend Darwin.

He was fortunate to have someone who cared about him as much you do.

pat frederick

so sorry about Darwin!
it’s tough losing a friend and a companion.
May you find peace!!!


My condolences for your loss!


So very sorry to hear of Darwin’s passing. He certainly was a lizard of distinction ans an engaging personality.
im so glad he had such a kind and devoted friend to look after him.
I bet he knew that he’d e jackpot with you


Rest assured Steve, that Darwin, an already rare and exotic species, returned to the celestial den with moar and rarer still tales of planets, stars and constellations then the ordinary bearded dragon ever had and having a better inkling on how to solve the moar perplexing problems of the day than the average collage student has in being able to hypothesize on the universe at large, having lived in the rarified air far above a rarified collage town having spent time under the tutelage of a MAGA loving astro- physicist type with his position in dragon lore now pretty much ensured.


Dang but that’s a long sentence.  😄 

Barb Meier

101 words per MS Word. For a run-on sentence, it’s impressively easy to follow along too, para. My mind just toodled right along with you.

Sentence length variation is one of the things I admire about Steve’s writing. He’s a master communicator. It’s just so darned engaging to mix it up and sometimes use a very short sentence. Short sentences go pow! hehe


Technically, that’s not a run-on sentence. It is not independent thoughts that fail to be connected properly, as by conjunctions. It’s just a sentence with a lot of modifiers. I like it. 😊

Barb Meier

Thanks Steve! Apologies for my mistake, para.  😊 

Last edited 1 year ago by Barb Meier
Barb Meier

Thanks TT!  😊 

Deplorable Patriot

My condolences, Steve. Never easy to lose a friend.

Gail Combs

My condolences, it is so hard to have to put down a beloved pet. It is one of the worst parts of growing old.

And yes you are correct, reptiles can have personalities. I had Charlie the Box turtle who loved to have his head petted. A boa constrictor who belonged to my high school who liked to wrap around my arm and lay his head on my wrist during class. He never tried to bite or hurt me and actually would come to me. (I took care of him for 4 years since the science teacher was deathly afraid of snakes.)


Sorry for you loss, Steve. Hope you find comfort in the memories.


Oh, I am so sorry for your loss! And mine, in a tiny way. Though I loved him from afar, like one does with a film or TV star, I did love your friend Darwin. His personality shown through in your stories of him. And in his photos. He was a treasure. You were lucky to have known him.


Sigh, shone.

More coffee, please.

Robert Baker

Steve, I was saddened to hear of the death of your friend. One of the first things, literally, when a new pet arrives in our home is that it is going to hurt sometime in the future. Over the course of many years, while I don’t consider myself a prophet, I have been right every time. I have always been of the opinion that such a friend gives me another opportunity to be a decent human being.

Robert Baker

Steve I had not finished my post when I accidently hit the wrong button. Here is what I intended.

Steve, I was saddened to read of the death of your friend, Darwin. One of the first thoughts that crosses my mind when a new pet arrives in our home is that there is going to be a painful separation sometime in the future. Over the course of many years, while I don’t consider myself a prophet, I have been right every time. I have always been of the opinion that such a friend gives me another opportunity to be a decent human being. It somehow confirms my own humanity that I can be sad about a pet and a man I have never met, and likely never will. The day when I can no longer relate to the joy or sorrow of another person’s life is the day when I think my purpose in this life will be used up. Your post today confirms there may be more yet to do. My condolences Steve.


Great heartfelt message.


I’m so sorry to hear about Darwin, Steve. Sounds like a Sweet, Sweet soul.

He knew you were his Friend.

May the happy memories of your time together bring you comfort.



I’m sorry to hear that Darwin is no longer on this planet. I enjoyed reading about his activities and antics that you posted here.
I believe that animals (including Bearded Lizards) have personalities, spirits, and souls given to them by the Almighty.
Looking at the photo at the top of your post today, the one with Darwin at the vet’s office before being put to sleep, what struck me was the look on his face. I think Darwin was telling you that he understood it was his time and that was OK since you did the best you could to help him.
It’s never easy to lose a dear pet. May Darwin rest in Peace and may you find Comfort.


WHO, CDC and Bill Gates pushing for peel-and-stick vaccine patches mailed directly to people’s homes

WHO, CDC and Bill Gates pushing for peel-and-stick vaccine patches mailed directly to people’s homes – NaturalNews.com


It never ends with Gates.He’s a grim reaper


“It never ends with Gates.He’s a grim reaper”


Maybe more like a happy reaper.

I think he enjoys mass-murder 👍

Gail Combs

Of Course he does, he has been at it for years if not DECADES.


He’s missing his fixes of up close and personal stuff since Epsteins island was shut down


Uh, no. Nope. Emphatic, Count Me Out.

I’ll need Gates address. To forward any that may arrive at my place.


Lol, peel-and-stick!

Next up, scratch-and-smell antibiotics!

These people are sick.

Barb Meier

Joe Biteme thinks he lives in a scratch & sniff world.


Isn’t THAT the truth! ICK!!!


It will also be for puberty blockers and associated crap like that.


Good call.


And lots of people will use them without thinking.


Of course they will use them. Safe AND effective. Just ask, WHO, CDC, quacks…


Maybe I won’t throw them out.

I could save them up, for the people I’ve been trying to warn the last 3 years.

If I warn them not to take the vaxx, they take it.

But if I tell them to go ahead and take the vaxx, and here’s an extra 10 doses so you can top yourself off every week, maybe they’ll get suspicious and go cold-turkey 😂

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

“…Just ask, WHO, CDC, quacks, AND THE UNDERTAKER…”

There fixed it. 🤓


More make-work for the postman and the trash man… 😂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467

Any that find their way to me will be going from the postman to the trash man — unopened 👍😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Scratch and stiff…

Gail Combs

I rather slap them on Bill Gates or a DemonRat politician.


Doing my part for their, job security.


*** Darwin*** So sorry to hear about Darwin. Sharing his story and personality changed my anxiety about reptiles. After getting to know him through your Darwin blurbs I figured if he was that cool others could be too ! RIP


Well, looks like Jim Kunstler agrees with an opinion voiced on this board about “President Biden’s” handlers thinking, “COVID didn’t do the trick, climate change didn’t the trick, the walls are closing in on *** a certain family ***, so what to do now? — Start WWIII over Ukraine!”

June 14, 2023


Wow. Darwin was a “buddy”, I never met in-person. Saddened. Sorry for your loss.

Appreciated the Darwin insights. All very cool. When he was feeling well, getting about, dropped a deuce, less energetic and perhaps feeling down. The latter always a puzzle to solve. Which you always pursued.

Darwin, lives on in our memories. Happy memories. Much like, PHC, Plain Jane, Wheatie, (Apologize to friends I have missed).

Gail Combs

I will add Larry Ledwick over at ChiefIO. I still miss his insight.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gail Combs

It wasn’t a gaffe. That’s the true goal of the globalists.


Kamala Harris’ latest gaffe sparks wild conspiracy theories as she claims Biden administration wants to reduce POPULATION instead of pollution

Kamala Harris mistakenly proposes reducing population instead of pollution | Daily Mail Online


Gaffe, or she’s been around depop talk with people in agreement for so long she felt comfortable speaking the truth. Yeah, that’s still a gaffe, but very telling.

Not sure why but it reminds me of the time the Secret Service said on tape they found cocaine in “the library” but that was quickly changed to a work area in the West Wing and then to the room where visitors park their belongings.

Oh yeah, now I remember… democrats lie.

Thank goodness we have Snopes to set us all straight.



Steve, extending my condolences for your loss.

I will always remember seeing your frequent posts about Darwin, and how much effort you put in caring for him,”… “in sickness, and in health…”, and his pictures.

To me, it is the same as losing a family member or companion,

So sorry for your loss.

RIP Darwin.


Steve, very sorry for your loss of your buddy, Darwin.



I refuse to listen to him if he isn’t wearing his dog face mask.

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Robert Baker

Has anyone speculated on which defense company’s Board of Directors the General will join upon his retirement? I am confident that it will be a company that has a significant presence in China.


RB, you are just so cynical.  😆 

My kinda guy.

Robert Baker

Yes pg, cynicism is one of my glaring vices. I try to control it but some events or circumstances conquer my attempts at self-discipline.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. PG puts the sin back in cynicism 😀


I’m not sure it’s a vice.

It might just be a cover story for a blunt force virtue.

Robert Baker

You’re sayin there’s a chance?

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Baker

Someone should ask Milley if there’s anyone he doesn’t want the U.S. to go to war with.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Gaybow alphabet army…

Valerie Curren

Oh Steve I’m so sorry to hear about Darwin’s decline & demise. What joy he gave you for the years you were together. May you find comfort & peace in the many precious memories you have of your beloved pet & some day find another companion to come alongside you for this crazy journey of life. I’m praying for you. Blessings

Katherine McCoun

Oh Steve!
So sorry to hear of the loss of your dear companion! Our pets are constantly with us in our home life, our day in and day out. Loosing Darwin will leave a whole in your home and in your heart, Hugs and prayers as you grieve the loss of your pet, your friend.


McCarthy Strikes Back: House Ethics Committee Revives Junk Matt Gaetz Investigation after He Was Cleared by Biden’s DOJ – Steve Bannon Goes Off!
CNN reported:

Investigators from the House Ethics Committee have begun reaching out to witnesses as part of a recently revived investigation into Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, focused on allegations that he may have engaged in sexual misconduct, illicit drug use or other misconduct.

At least one witness in Florida told CNN they have spoken to investigators about the Republican congressman in recent weeks about alleged lobbying violations, and sources familiar with the Ethics Committee probe say other witnesses also have been contacted.

A source familiar with the House panel’s work told CNN that the Justice Department’s decision not to bring charges against Gaetz does not impact what the committee will and won’t investigate. The committee plans to examine the same allegations they were looking into when they opened the investigation in 2021, the source told CNN.

The Ethics Committee, which at the time was controlled by Democrats, originally opened an investigation in 2021, publicly announcing that they were examining a range of allegations including that Gaetz violated sex trafficking laws, shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, converted campaign funds to personal use and accepted a bribe, among other claims.

RepublicansChairman Michael Guest, Mississippi
David P. Joyce, Ohio
John H. Rutherford, Florida
Andrew R. Garbarino, New York
Michelle Fischbach, Minnesota
DemocratsRanking Member Susan Wild, Pennsylvania
Veronica Escobar, Texas
Mark DeSaulnier, California 
Deborah K. Ross, North Carolina
Glenn F. Ivey, Maryland


I don’t know if McCarthy has any input into, or authority over, what this committee does, so I’m not sure that it’s accurate for GWP to blame him for this. But I get the point that it looks like retribution for Gaetz not supporting him as Speaker.


And influence [you want your bill to go to the floor?] …


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I’m expecting a statement from the Pence camp to try to clean up this mess, but whatever they say will only make it worse. Besides the obvious issues with the “That’s not my concern” statement, the way Pence said it was disgusting IMO. He put on a tough-politician persona, the one they use when debating someone and trying to sound authoritative and confident, like they’re the ones who know what’s really important, while changing the subject, like this:

Moderator: What do you think about the plight of the Dutch farmers?
Politician: Well, that’s not my concern. My concern is [a laundry list of virtue-signaling ways to “help” the American people].

It’s classic politics-speak, and Pence tried it and failed.


I’m always amazed at how smart you are.


You humble me!


Smart and steadfast!


Thanks; you too!


Interesting about ‘humble’ – I was a briefs and memos writer for several attorneys and numerable pro se [self] parties.

That is about as humble as it gets while still getting paid. My name appears nowhere in the finished product.

I named my computer enduser so nobody could ID me from metadata.

Last edited 1 year ago by pgroup2

And yet they relied on you to do important work! But anonymity can be a very good thing. 😊


“I’m expecting a statement from the Pence camp to try to clean up this mess, but whatever they say will only make it worse.”


That’s why they shouldn’t say anything at all.

Just send him to Siberia and be done with it 😂


Oh Steve, I’m so sorry to hear about Darwin. Pets become members of our family, and it’s so hard to lose them. But I know that you did everything you possibly could to help him. I’ll really miss hearing about him.


Looks like Ukraine has unilaterally ceased bond capital and interest payments. So EU is now feeding Ukraine tens of billions euros per year with no obligation to repay it.



Realistically, only a maroon would expect Ukraine to repay anything.

It’s a money laundering operation at best. Worst, peddling children for pedos. Little to nothing, in between.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maroon revolution…

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of peddling (pedaling?) children, here’s Liev Schreiber with his SON (pic from article at vigilantcitizen.com I noted above). Yep, that’s his son in high heels and a dress… white for innocence, I guess; bride of some sort. The symbolism is sickening, no matter what it is, and the perv is off the charts:

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Last edited 1 year ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Freak show.

Even if the child somehow turns out normal, how is a child ever supposed to recover from this? People will always know.

Barb Meier

If a parent does this to a child, that child will always think they were not good enough as born to suit their parent. Tragic and so wrong.


That too, I hadn’t thought of that.

I was thinking that boy is what, at least 10 years old?

Suppose he turns out normal, and he’s in college, age 21.

Except he has these kinds of photos all over the Internet, which other kids in his class will certainly find.

He’ll never escape it.

Thanks a lot, “dad”.

Ought to strip dad down, put him in a woman’s thong and bra, and shoot that out to the Interwebs, see how pops like it 😂

Gail Combs

Our neighbor, with the cows, from across the street came over to help Hubby with the tractor and was kind enough to put the big window A/C in the computer/sewing room. He brought his little girl so while the men were working she and I took one of the ponies out for a ride.

I was telling her how lucky she was to have such a very nice Daddy. He really is a sweet heart and so is his wife.

Crap like the above really makes me realize how lucky some kids are to have NORMAL CARING PARENTS in this day and age.

Cuppa Covfefe

And the big bank high-finance vultures are circling, waiting for the “war” to be over (when they decide it should be), so they can make a killing (so to speak) on rebuilding Ukraine. And snapping up properties for pennies on the Euro…

Better watch out for that biological waste, Jamie-is-a-DiMON…..


Ukraine must have the greatest blackmail collection in the whole wide world 😂


PDJT is speaking today at 6:30 or 6:45 ET. CSpan is covering it. I haven’t checked, but I bet RSBN is too.

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Grumpy Bannon opens or closes?

What are the odds that MTG and LB are seated next to each other?




Would be pure entertainment, watching them debate on stage.

Barb Meier

Steve article 3 report: I just uploaded my final proof of your Rigel & Betelguese article at my site. https://www.celebratefreedom.us/20191228-Rigel-Betelgeuse.html

Great analogy of a bike tire here:

The Life Of A Star–Youth
As I said earlier, a star is a simple thing, really. It’s a big ball of gas that wants to contract under its own gravity. As it does so, it heats up, just like compressing the gas in a bicycle pump makes it get hotter. Heating it up increases the pressure, the pressure resists the tendency to contract. Eventually a balance is reached.

Side note: I stumbled at the next to last sentence above, paused, and at first did not continue your analogy (I’m slow sometimes, I know). First, I sidetracked to when I push on dough applying pressure, it contracts… nevermind. Doh… dough is not a gas. Next, I went back to your gas analogy about the behavior of bike tires and shifted to my Rogue’s nifty low tire warning. Aha! When it’s below freezing early in the morning sometimes the low tire warning goes off, but I know once the day warms up, the tire pressure increases, the air in the tire expands, the tire looks more full, and the warning alert goes off. I may be the only person who pauses at your clear statement that “Heating it up increases the pressure, the pressure resists the tendency to contract.” but I wanted to admit it. I will change the comma to a semicolon in that sentence since both are complete sentences.

Barb Meier

I had a low tire warning on my 2012 Camry, but it only triggered when a tire was truly low. My 2019 Rogue is much more touchy. I did add air to my tires too, mainly because the alerts are concerning.

Barb Meier

I’ve been accused of doing a fast edit before and that’s okay, as long as I don’t break something. I’m the one who pulled “Sun light” into one word… sorry. It was a little tricky but once you added the hyphens, it made perfect sense.

Perhaps someday engineers will invent self-regulating tires that adjust air for us based on temperature variations. Once, I watched the temp drop from 55 F down to 31 F in 20 minutes as I drove home. Don’t think I’ve seen a 50 degree change in one day though.

If you have more changes or any questions, that’s fine. I’ll probably start on article 4 tomorrow but will keep an eye out for comments from you.  🤗 



40 degree swings, common at times in my world.

Likely 50 not unheard of, if I paid attention more.

Cuppa Covfefe

If they can make the bouncy-house suspensions for all the low-riders one sees on King Road down in San Jose (CA), they can certainly make something similar for tires… There’s also that air suspension that Citroen has/had… weird stuff…

My wife’s folks had one, and when you started it, it would slowly rise up and level itself… Some folks say it had a smooth ride, but it drove like a boat and made me nauseous driving it… and the French idea of engineering… better if they stick with cooking and wine 🙂

In other words 🙂

Heaven is where the police are British,
the cooks are French,
the mechanics are German,
the lovers are Italian,
and it’s all organised by the Swiss.
Hell is where the chefs are British,
the mechanics are French,
the lovers are Swiss,
the police are German,
and it’s all organised by the Italians.


IIRC, Big rigs have self adjusting tire pressure. I think.


Wholly different, MeThinks. Ram and Jeep have some models with air suspension that can tweaks according to speed, or driver tweaks.

Likely other manufactures also.

Deplorable Patriot

I thought it was the Swiss were the bankers in Heaven and the Italians in Hell.

Valerie Curren

AND logic!

Valerie Curren

I once read a book by a very cheap man, How to Get Property in the Country Dirt Cheap, where he recounted his specific adventures in property acquisition & improvement. At one point he bought (or perhaps got free for hauling away) someone’s old “summer kitchen”. He then bought an old used tractor to haul that small building down the road.

The tractor was one of those with two very large back wheels & two very small front tires. Well the farmer he bought the tractor from was likely as cheap, or even cheaper than, he was. One of the front tires had gone flat, perhaps had an irreparable hole in it. Anyway the farmer had filled That tire with cement & as it hardened the lower portion of the tire was flattened out.

Anyway the author, after getting necessary permits & having lower wires raised & jumping through red tape to move that building from the seller’s/giver’s to his newly acquired land hauled it down multiple backroads using that cement tire tractor. EVERY rotation of those front tires included an enormous Klunk as the flat part hit the road!!!

We still talk about this guy’s adventure as a metaphor for some of what we’ve experienced in life LOL

Valerie Curren

I thought that keeping tires slightly lower pressure increased grip on the road with slightly more surface area connecting & that it might lead to slightly better gas mileage?

Valerie Curren

OK, TY 🙂


It grips better, but wears out the tire faster and gets worse gas mileage.

Valerie Curren

Thank you. Maybe the Over inflation is for better gas mileage. & the lower works in our climate w/ snow &/or ice issues for quite a few months of the year…

Barb Meier

Agreed, thanks for the head’s up. When I was younger, I would sometimes add air myself but I never felt comfortable doing so. Since then, I saw a tractor trailer ahead of me on the freeway have a tire blow with large pieces of tire flying towards us. I now rely on a nice young man downtown who adds air for me with his pro air hose. Bless his heart.

Valerie Curren

I think those sticks are read as the place where the stick Emerges from its housing, iirc…(mental fade out ellipsis) 😉


You shouldn’t worry so much about difficulties reading them — they’re generally wildly inaccurate.

“I can read that there wrong number easily” is not a winning strategy.

Barb Meier

Fixed all as requested above except:

I omitted the first open parens in your second paragraph. If we keep it and you tell me where the close parens goes, the nested parens sets would take the square brackets. At that point, it reads jumpy to me and I don’t think the statement needs to have a more general parens set that spans multiple sentences. Feel free to give me other guidance.

I read up on DIA Style about ellipses and see they put a space both before and after an ellipsis plus they also add a period following an ellipsis if the material omitted runs through the end of a sentence. However, I’m going with the ellipsis immediately following the word before but using a space after an ellipsis so two words don’t remain connected if they cross onto a new line of text. I think you are using them in a non-standard way and I’m fine with that. I don’t think you mean that text there has been omitted. I think you’re adding “breathing space” so to speak. I might be wrong and can go back if I misunderstood or if you have a different preference.

I like the extra punch. Your discussion of stars led me to think about where our oxygen and elements came from. You nail it in your final paragraph revision.

Valerie Curren

fascinating, even just in editing snippets!

Barb Meier

Fixed as instructed.

Barb Meier



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Barb Meier



I knew you would have perspective on this!


They have $5,000 toilet seats and $10,000 hammers.

WH security cameras must cost millions.

Barb Meier

and still may have come from Radio Shack.

Valerie Curren

That’s going to rile up some people.

Reminds me of Cain asking God for protection from the deplorables savages out there and God gave him a mark so he would not be harmed.


I thought it was an odd statement and that the vax was also harming and killing Jews.


So Israel double jabbed its entire population. boosted, boosted again and again… Chosen target population, more like it. Yea, I missed something. Again.


Greg Price:

Yesterday in the House Appropriations Committee, @Rep_Clyde

proposed an amendment to rescind federal funds for a brand new FBI HQ.

It failed because 16 Republicans voted against it.

After election interference, raiding innocent pro-lifers, targeting school board parents, and protecting the Bidens while going after Trump, House GOP has decided to reward the FBI.

Here are the 16:

Robert B. Aderholt (AL)

Mark E. Amodei (NV)

Ken Calvert (CA)

Jerry Carl (AL)

Juan Ciscomani (AZ)

Mario Diaz-Balart (FL)

Jake Ellzey (TX)

Scott Franklin (FL)

Kay Granger (TX)

Ashley Hinson (IA)

David P. Joyce (OH)

Julia Letlow (LA)

Daniel Newhouse (WA)

Hal Rogers (KY)

Mike Simpson (ID)

David G. Valadao (CA)

Steve Womack (AR)


With all due respect, was it going to pass no matter how they voted? If so, then their votes might have been to earn some Kevin Brownie Points for later use as leverage.


Brownie Points with Kevin McCarthy? Is his position that FIB headquarters should stay in D.C.? A pox on them all! 😁


Piss on Brownie points. Bastards ought to simply do the right thing.


Amodei, Northern NV maroon, continues his prefect streak, voting Uniparty. Spit!


Steve, you gave Darwin the best of you. He was very fortunate to have had you choose him.


‘Bud Light treatment’? Maybelline roasted for ad featuring bald, bearded man applying lipstick


That’s gross ! Looking at the flouncy fairy from Bud Lite was bad but this hairy baboon is really nasty looking. cacacacaca


I know! I was going to bring the twat from the article but I needed some eye bleach after seeing it (couldn’t make myself play it).


Right ?!?!


It’s odd that a company that is all about beauty would go the opposite direction. The trans agenda makes no sense but companies are promoting it anyway, destroying their own brands. I really hope the target consumers (women, maybe youngish women?) will boycott.


That’s IT.

I’m THROUGH with Maybelline.


Thanks for leading the charge! 😂


We all have to make sacrifices!

Cuppa Covfefe

But whereEVER are you going to get your eyeliner now… 😀

Thimply thavage, the thought of it…



Deplorable Patriot


Happy go lucky

Yep, I got their waterproof mascara after you mentioned them a bit ago.


Way to take a stand ! That color lipstick probably isn’t right for your skin tone anyway



Gail Combs

I was thru with Maybeline a 1/2 century ago…

Deplorable Patriot

It’s now Wet ‘n Wild for drugstore mascara.


Oh, oh. Mine also shows, I’m in San Jose.

Nothing in Santa Clara, so I can’t be Cooth’s neighbor.   :wpds_shutmouth: 

Of course, Cooth’s setup may reflect NC, or anywhere but Santa Clara…

Cuppa Covfefe

Ukraine 😆


Philippines is a choice on mine. Prolly Manila. Will try it for grins in awhile. .

Oh my, presently based in the Philippines.

Will change back soon, cuz, sometimes I was blocked, while literally in the Philippines.

Cuppa Covfefe

And, you never know, you might end up with a VERY late delivery of 1000 pairs of shoes 😀


DW would be pleased. SMH. I really, really don’t get it.   :wpds_question: 

Valerie Curren

 👍  I wanted a cartwheel emoji here 🙂


Twitter suspends account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò


That should be easy to fix.

Elon won’t allow the ban to stand, so thousands of Twitter uses just need to bring it to his attention.

Gail Combs

I saw that Elon’s coders unearthed an algorithim that SHADOWBANS ELON!!



Condolences for the loss of Darwin. Such sad news.

There is something about these our animals, when we interact with them in the daily life and get to know them. Their desires and wants and likes and dislikes, all of that, becomes part of who the animal is. Personality goes in there too.

And they sometimes even use their front limbs in ways that makes it natural to refer to those as arms.

Requiscat in pacem Darwin.


Politico (Europe) came out with an interesting article Rust Belt on the Rhine describing deindustrialization of Germany currently underway.


Chemical giant BASF has been a pillar of German business for more than 150 years, underpinning the country’s industrial rise with a steady stream of innovation that helped make “Made in Germany” the envy of the world.But its latest moonshot — a $10 billion investment in a state-of-the-art complex the company claims will be the gold standard for sustainable production — isn’t going up in Germany. Instead, it’s being erected 9,000 kilometers away in China.


Chinee, swing AND connect for a grand slam.


USG throwing Europe under the bus didn’t bring Germany’s industry to USA …

Just as sanctioning RF has not destroyed its economy …

Cuppa Covfefe

Not just BASF.

Lots, and LOTS of others.

The entire metal industry, the chemical industry, and any businesses that require more than a tiny bit of power.

Greeniot Habeck has declared that large industrial customers will no longer “enjoy” the price breaks they have been getting for decades upon decades to keep Germany’s progress in progress.

Quite simply, the GangGreens want to TOTALLY deindustrialize Germany. They’ve been saying that for years, but no-one’s been listening, obviously…
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡


They need more words. Or better words. Or something having to do with words.

Anything but action.

Cuppa Covfefe

They’re leaving Germany.

Is that not enough “action” for you?


Imagine U.S. companies building anything, much less something important, in the Soviet Union, during the Cold War.

That’s what this is.


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Last edited 1 year ago by barkerjim

Twitter Users Erupt With Memes After Mike Pence’ Interview With Tucker Carlson

Twitter Users Erupt With Memes After Mike Pence’ Interview With Tucker Carlson (resistthemainstream.com)


Some good ones!

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Gail Combs

I love the bottom one.


Grisly, but effective!

Cuppa Covfefe

A cut above the rest…


From link above. Poso presents memes…

Gail Combs

OOooooh that was just wonderful!

Cuppa Covfefe

For those folks into canning and pickling, and, maybe bottle rockets, here’s a caution about vinegar strength being sold in the USA (and perhaps elsewhere). H/T another ian over at Chiefio’s:

For the home canners here – from an email

“Just seen this. Just a little warning for all who are canning pickles or anything using vinegar. This year you cannot just grab a plastic jar of vinegar or even pickling vinegar without checking the label. Safe pickling requires 5% acidity….for the first time we are seeing 4% acidity vinegar… on the shelves.

That renders anything pickled in the 4% NOT shelf stable. There are several canning FB pages where everyone is warning …for the first time ever…to check those labels or you could be throwing out many jars of unsafe pickled veggies.”


^^^ GREAT Heads Up. ^^^

Almost as if, 4% intentionally provided.

After all, 14 of 15 gotta go. <<< I never, ever lose sight of this.

Wonder if the 4% acidity vinegar label has a warning, “Not Suitable For Pickling“.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe Lurch and his outlaws want to cut off home made competition (and competitors)…..

Deplorable Patriot

It can always be distilled further, although it’s not a pleasant smell.

Cuppa Covfefe

The point is, they’re pulling a fast one by changing something that’s been the same for decades.

My mother used to make pickles, and ketchup, and such, canning and/or freezing all manner of things, and the vinegar was always five percent (inveterate label-peeler here…).

A VW Touran owners group over here terms that “Entfeinerung”, roughly enhancement by feature removal. Marketing blurbs come out saying how the new vinegar is much better and MORE SUSTAINABLE than the old, yadda, yadda, yadda while totally ignoring the possibly dangerous results of their corner-cutting.

Time for another Dud-Lite campaign against the vinegar shysters…

Just saw that the formula for a popular baking powder over here has been changed, from two active agents down to one.

Instead of “white men can’t jump” we have “beancounters can’t cook”…..

Gail Combs

5% down to 4% means they added 1% water — a major cost savings over lots of bottles. OR as is more likely they used less time and energy in distilling.

Deplorable Patriot

Look for food grade, that should be a higher acidic content than what you use to clean with. We always use white vinegar for preserves. Pickling, just salt at this point, with filtered water.

Gail Combs

Can you use KCl instead of NaCL (Potassium vs Sodium Chloride salt) Sodium still makes my blood pressure sky rocket.


Donald J. Trump

Whatever happened to the Biden Documents Case? 20 times more documents than I have, and I’m allowed under the Presidential Records Act, he’s not. What about the Classified Docs he had in Chinatown, and on his garage floor in Delaware. Is he being charged under the Insurrection Act? What about Penn Center, which receives China money, or the 1850 boxes that he is not wanting to release? Was Obama, Clinton, Bush, or others so charged? No, only “TRUMP,” because I am illegally being targeted!


“…illegally being targeted!”

This alone, should get Trump’s charges tossed, with prejudice.

Yea, lots of other reasons to toss the charges.


The Library
Forwarded from 
Scott Presler
167,000 South Carolina Voters Might Lose Their Active Voter Registration Status

Register to vote online for SC or check your status here:




^^^ Paging Molly. ^^^


All good, I checked. TY for the shout out. WWG1WGA


Carolina Girl here, reporting …

It’s GOOD HOUSEKEEPING … what ought to be done everywhere…

In this case, it involves the Midlands area, Columbia, the capitol for those non- South Carolinians.

If you haven’t voted in 4 years, you’re at risk of being removed from the rolls. You will be sent a card (at registered address) to fill out and return if you have not moved and do not wish to be removed.

This is simply a method of preventing double voting, which has been known to happen, or as the DIMs are fond of doing … prevent someone from voting illegally, using your old registration info.

We run a tight ship in SC …

Cuppa Covfefe

Does it have four smokestacks? 😆

(gurgles and runs from sharks, landsharks, and icebergs masquerading as ice cubes)…


Ah, mistakenly thought you were in NC. SC it is.

Gail Combs

I figured out I am still voting (DemonRat of course) in Taxacusetts when I kept getting e-mails from ‘my MA congress critter’ Given her district, I figured out it was a one room apartment, converted hotel, that I occupied for only 6 months in 1984!

That is almost 40 years!


So, Taxacusetts has a lot of dead people voting?

Valerie Curren

shocked, shocked I say!


Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu in hospital after collapsing, cites dehydration
He was taken to the emergency room from his home in Caesarea and was fully conscious upon arrival, according to reports.

Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu in hospital after collapsing, cites dehydration | Just The News


Probably just needs another jab, for a pick-me up 👍


Make it a double. Bivalent. Only the BEST for Bebe.   :wpds_twisted: 

Cuppa Covfefe

As the fading starlet said, I’ll be bi later…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! Too much truth!


This is pretty interesting, one of the ‘reaction video’ guys showing a music chart that begins in the 3rd quarter of 1969 and moves forward, tracking the best selling artists.

Beatles and Elvis have amazing staying power, long after they stopped making music. You can see Pink Floyd jump in 1973 (Dark Side of the Moon), and 1975 (Wish You Were Here) and 1979 (The Wall).

The Eagles destroyed all competition in 1976 with Hotel California. The albums aren’t mentioned on the chart, but a lot of people will know the album(s) responsible for each group’s rise, like Rumours (Fleetwood Mac) in 1977.

The Doors were a constant in the Top Ten for longer than I expected, and you can see Led Zeppelin’s meteoric rise in 1971 (Led Zeppelin IV, with Stairway to Heaven).

I was surprised that the Rolling Stones only showed up once in the top ten, in 1981-1982, which would have been their album Tattoo You.

Eventually the 80s comes along, and I couldn’t even name a song by Celine Dion, the only song by Madonna I could name is ‘Like a Virgin’, I never had a Michael Jackson album. The change in musical taste is astonishing. Everything changed after MTV made music about the eyes instead of the ears.

Cued up for when the chart progression starts:



Nevermind. I’m trying to not be critical of 80s and 90s music 😂

Last edited 1 year ago by scott467
Gail Combs

I recognized and liked the Beatles to Billy Joel and after that I was not interested.

Valerie Curren

My first reading of your comment I Thought you said Beastie Boys & I’m like what the heck LOL

Brave and Free

Excellent point steve, remember all those bands and more, saw many of them live too. Great times!!




Cracking up here…

If anyone missed putz pence, falling on his sword, imploding his failed run for president.


Tucker is wasting time trying to find empathy in this narcissist…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Logical thinking.

It’s useful!


So, an amusing story from the engine builder’s group this morning…..

One of our number has moved to a VA facility where they have a little shop for the residents. Among other tools, they have an old Jet wood lathe. One of its parts had worn out, so he had Dwight make a replacement part. Once swapped in, the lathe worked better than it had when new — and management wanted to scrap the lathe, as it had been “maintenanced” by an “unauthorized workman”.

Never mind that Dwight, a master machinist who has worked on everything from nuclear submarines to hot rods — and built his own airplane — could make an improved part faster than I could measure the old part…..

They managed to talk management off that ledge, but it’s likely that any future repairs and improvements to equipment will have to be done by invisible gremlins.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“bUt unAuThOrIzED!”



It’s worse than that. One of the things about shop tools as opposed to consumer tools is that they are frequently reconfigured for a variety of reasons — and this often includes partial disassembly, where you remove the guards and safeties and put the tool in a position which should never see active use. After cleaning, blade change, or positioning workpieces or tools, the machinery is reassembled and used, then restored to its previous default condition.

As an example with a Jet wood lathe, you might take apart and reconfigure a great deal of the lathe in order to finish the inside of a vase being turned. This is supposed to be done by a user in order to fully utilize the lathe. It is not supposed to be done by only by authorized maintenance workmen.

I’ve had my own lathe and mill down to a pile of parts. You have to, in order to get the shipping goo (likely made from rendered political prisoners) off. It is part of the normal use of the tool.

Valerie Curren

I’d love my son Brandon, the former hydraulics tech, to read these comments for he’s become a Serious tool guy & his old workplace did lots of interesting stuff to get the job done. He gained some great life skills & like my hubby is not much afraid to take apart things they’ve never worked with before to troubleshoot & repair.

So reading between the lines from various comments you’ve made you are skilled in both working with metal & wood as well as car & home repairs? A true Renaissance Man! 🙂


I can truthfully say that I have roughly equal skill levels regarding metalworking, woodworking, car and home repairs.

Unfortunately, I’ve already relayed too many of my misadventures upside-down underneath things to try to pretend I am any good at any of them.

Valerie Curren

I LOVE your stories & expect you & my hubby would really Get each other!

I gave him the idea, which he executed quite well., to use the “V” in our backyard tree to help bend the frame of Brandon’s bike back into alignment. That kid was harder on shoes, bikes, & cars than the other 3 kids combined!

Or there was the time that he did some muffler repair using some old tin cans, with the ends cut off, & old legs of jeans (he’d cut off to make shorts) to “fix” the issues. We took that van into the shop, Firestone iirc, & they were laughing their butts off when they got it up on the hoist. Oh it might have also included a judiciously cut piece of metal from an old garage shelving unit in the mix.

It gets done but it ain’t always pretty!

I wanted to find the clip in the Family Man movie where the van won’t start as an illustration of something we’ve lived through a number of times…but no dice…


The President of our club was relating his experience with a casting kit he had acquired for a Stirling engine. The thing has a 13-inch flywheel and stands about 30 inches tall. Many of his issues involved fitting the pieces into his tools.

A basic Harbor Fright mini-mill has a table roughly 4″x16″ [ https://littlemachineshop.com/info/minimill_compare.php ] with 8.5″ of Z-axis (height) travel. On that is typically mounted a machinist’s vise like https://littlemachineshop.com/products/product_view.php?ProductID=2500&category=1963256912 . The height of this vise is 3.94″ — or almost half of the available vertical travel of the mill. With a maximum jaw opening of almost 3″ and a jaw width of 3″, you’re going to want to be working with items no larger than about 3″ (between the jaws of the vise) x 5″ (1″ on each side sticking out the jaws of the vise) x 2″ (room to put in a tool in the spindle above the workpiece).

If you want to work on things much larger, you have to dispense with the vise (which is quick to use), and devise ways to clamp your work to the table (which is slow). That would potentially expand your envelope from 3x5x2 to 4x14x6.


Pet people are my favorite. I’m so sorry Steve.


Steve, what sadness I have for you. I have been erratically writing and lurking since my father’s passing a year ago, yet everyone here has been so uplifting for me.

You posts (whether about Darwin or other insights) have been enormously delightful and intriguing; and most people would not consider such a beautiful unique companion as Darwin. What a beautiful boy!

May he brighten his brethren as they welcome him as one of God’s children!

I happened to see a post on Hamsters by kyblue tonight, after reading about Darwin this morning, and the following memory erupted. I hope this brings a laugh or two for you and others today. Feel free to repost if anyone wants a bit of a chuckle:

“In our family, we started with Bonnie and Clyde. 

Golden Hamsters. Never knew they were from Syria. 

Mom adopted them for my brother and me. I think we got them though Woolworth’s. 

Dad was not as amused. Just because of the fish tank. 

We were trying to keep Neon Tetra babies from being murdered by their mother. The baby-breeding fish scoop was in the tank for a few weeks. Saturday cleaning of the tank was not always successful, but then all of a sudden we had a LOT of Neon Tetras!!!!!

Clyde, our most precious boy, made a career of getting out of his cage, hiding under the refrigerator, one story down from where he had his abode! It may be that we were carrying him down at the prime point he was certain he could spring! 

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However, we corralled Clyde’s energy by a scheduled training program of sliding him down for hours on Hot Wheels track from familyroom sofa seats (my brother’s idea), being constantly saved from Duchess, our two-year old German Shepherd, and tortured by her in one of those plastic hamster balls. 

Well, not really…He LOVED IT!!! He was our Pirate Captain and Adventurer!!! This all occurred, of course, while ‘Dark Shadows’ was playing after school so the entire scene on an olive-colored shag rug in the family room with the Heathkit color TV was just a miraculous moment in time. All before Dad even walked through the door for dinner!

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Clyde lived four years and was about 6″ long…the Secretariat of the Sand!!! Pouches of The Poets!!!

Here is the Habitrail look-a-Like…

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Bonnie and Clyde bore Peter, Paul and Mary. And somehow Peter or Paul, and Mary gave birth to Napoleon…who became Josephine. I was still too young to know exactly what happened. No, no trans anything!!!! We simply didn’t realize he was actually a SHE!!!

Josephine was murdered one night. Froze to death due to Jimmy Carter. 

I will never forget. Dad was asked to sacrifice heat and he forgot that little Josephine in her wonderfully-inherited Habitrail passed from freezing to death, as the Habitrail was on the floor of my bedroom. 

I was in tears. This is what 64 degrees in the winter will do to a very tiny soul about one inch AFF. 

I found her toes up. She never made it to her nest that night.

Dad was devastated!


Still while crying about Josephine!

Yet, I will never forget my tiny little friends. I adored and loved them all! And all had proper services at the end! May God bless the beasts and the children!”

Last edited 1 year ago by WSB

PS Steve,

I think Darwin and you would create an amazing children’s book.

Happy go lucky

I’m bawling, Steve. I am sincerely sorry for your losing such a special and wonderful pet as Darwin. He was a beautiful boy, thank you for sharing his pictures and story. Lots of love 💕

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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