Evidence Of Voter Fraud, Cheating In A Coup Attempt Piles Up

On Sunday morning, I helped out at my home parish which has become a hotbed of social justice warrioring and people steeped in the culture of fear which is feeding the quarantine mentality of the day. (That’s quite a change from when I was a kid.) It was announced from the pulpit that at a certain time, three parishioners had volunteered to notarize mail-in ballots on the lawn of the church.

That was certainly nice of those people given that notary publics can be hard to find, but the reality is that my state, Missouri, requires notarized live signatures on mail in ballots.

That is interesting, as across the nation, that is not always the case, and in some states, mail in ballot scams and finding mail in ballots on the side of the road seems to be the order of the day.

Well, now that is interesting. If it wasn’t for voter fraud, no Democrat could be elected in the People’s Republic of California where the Democrats have been in control for the better part of four decades.


And given some background information and empirical evidence, most likely completely true.

In 1965, in the midst of all the civil rights uproar, a landmark piece of legislation was passed known as the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The act itself was supposed to ensure equal rights for voting nation wide, especially in the South where it was said that some demographic groups were discriminated against.

The bill contained several special provisions that targeted certain state and local governments: a “coverage formula” that determined which jurisdictions were subject to the act’s other special provisions (“covered jurisdictions”); a “preclearance” requirement that prohibited covered jurisdictions from implementing changes to their voting procedures without first receiving approval from the U.S. attorney general or the U.S. District Court for D.C. that the changes were not discriminatory; and the suspension of “tests or devices”, such as literacy tests, in covered jurisdictions. The bill also authorized the assignment of federal examiners to register voters, and of federal observers to monitor elections, to covered jurisdictions that were found to have engaged in egregious discrimination. The bill set these special provisions to expire after five years

Fifty-five years later, with twenty one challenges to the act and/or its provisions in the Supreme Court, and the darn thing is still with us.

So, what were the special provisions? After all poll taxes had been outlawed the year before.

Section 4(b) contains a “coverage formula” that determines which states and local governments may be subjected to the act’s other special provisions (except for the Section 203(c) bilingual election requirements, which fall under a different formula). Congress intended for the coverage formula to encompass the most pervasively discriminatory jurisdictions. A jurisdiction is covered by the formula if:

  1. As of November 1, 1964, 1968, or 1972, the jurisdiction used a “test or device” to restrict the opportunity to register and vote; and
  2. Less than half of the jurisdiction’s eligible citizens were registered to vote on November 1, 1964, 1968, or 1972; or less than half of eligible citizens voted in the presidential election of November 1964, 1968, or 1972.

As originally enacted, the coverage formula contained only November 1964 triggering dates; subsequent revisions to the law supplemented it with the additional triggering dates of November 1968 and November 1972, which brought more jurisdictions into coverage.[40] For purposes of the coverage formula, the term “test or device” includes the same four devices prohibited nationally by Section 201—literacy tests, educational or knowledge requirements, proof of good moral character, and requirements that a person be vouched for when voting—and one further device defined in Section 4(f)(3): in jurisdictions where more than five percent of the citizen voting age population are members of a single language minority group, any practice or requirement by which registration or election materials are provided only in English. The types of jurisdictions that the coverage formula applies to include states and “political subdivisions” of states.[42]:207–208 Section 14(c)(2) defines “political subdivision” to mean any county, parish, or “other subdivision of a State which conducts registration for voting.”[95]

As Congress added new triggering dates to the coverage formula, new jurisdictions were brought into coverage. The 1965 coverage formula included the whole of Alabama, Alaska, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Virginia; and some subdivisions (mostly counties) in Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, and North Carolina.[40] The 1968 coverage resulted in the partial coverage of Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Wyoming. Connecticut, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, and Wyoming filed successful “bailout” lawsuits, as also provided by section 4.[40] The 1972 coverage covered the whole of Alaska, Arizona, and Texas, and parts of California, Florida, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, and South Dakota.[40]

Section 5[98] requires that covered jurisdictions receive federal approval, known as “preclearance”, before implementing changes to their election laws. A covered jurisdiction has the burden of proving that the change does not have the purpose or effect of discriminating on the basis of race or language minority status; if the jurisdiction fails to meet this burden, the federal government will deny preclearance and the jurisdiction’s change will not go into effect. The Supreme Court broadly interpreted Section 5’s scope in Allen v. State Board of Election (1969),[99] holding that any change in a jurisdiction’s voting practices, even if minor, must be submitted for preclearance.[100] The court also held that if a jurisdiction fails to have its voting change precleared, private plaintiffs may sue the jurisdiction in the plaintiff’s local district court before a three-judge panel.[e] In these Section 5 “enforcement actions”, a court considers whether the jurisdiction made a covered voting change, and if so, whether the change had been precleared. If the jurisdiction improperly failed to obtain preclearance, the court will order the jurisdiction to obtain preclearance before implementing the change. However, the court may not consider the merits of whether the change should be approved.


Note that California, the Golden State, and in 1972 the place where a lot of people were moving, was ADDED to the states needing to prove non-discrimination in voting practices. (Also note the number of now “swing states” listed as having to prove they don’t discriminate. There are also states with HUGE numbers of electoral votes in comparison to the states not even mentioned.)

Fast forward a bit to 1982, and the Ronald Reagan administration. Reagan, as it turns out, was not supposed to win. He was most assuredly not the choice of the powers that wannabe, The Big Club that most of us are not a part of. Given that at the top of the food chain there really is no difference between the parties, somehow it was agreed that Republicans, the party presenting the more pro-American messaging in word if not in deed, would acquiesce to Democrats, and whenever a question of voter fraud would arise, it simply would not be prosecuted.

Courtesy of Gail:

As I explained in my post of November 15, 2012, “Why the GOP won’t challenge vote fraud,” in 1981, during the gubernatorial election in New Jersey (NJ), a lawsuit was brought against the Republican National Committee (RNC), the NJ Republican State Committee (RSC), and three individuals (John A. Kelly, Ronald Kaufman, and Alex Hurtado), accusing them of violating the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 1971, 1973, and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

The lawsuit was brought by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the NJ Democratic State Committee (DSC), and two individuals (Virginia L. Peggins and Lynette Monroe).

The lawsuit alleged that:

The RNC and RSC targeted minority voters in New Jersey in an effort to intimidate them.

The RNC created a voter challenge list by mailing sample ballots to individuals in precincts with a high percentage of racial or ethnic minority registered voters. Then the RNC put the names of individuals whose postcards were returned as undeliverable on a list of voters to challenge at the polls.

The RNC enlisted the help of off-duty sheriffs and police officers with “National Ballot Security Task Force” armbands, to intimidate voters by standing at polling places in minority precincts during voting. Some of the officers allegedly wore firearms in a visible manner.

To settle the lawsuit, in 1982 — while Ronald Reagan was President (1981-1989) — the RNC and RSC entered into an agreement or Consent Decree, which is national in scope, limiting the RNC’s ability to engage or assist in voter fraud prevention unless the RNC obtains the court’s approval in advance.

To put it bluntly, the Consent Decree in effect gave a carte blanche to the Democrat Party to commit vote fraud in every voting district across America that has, in the language of the Consent Decree, “a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic populations.” The term “substantial proportion” is not defined….

Since 1982, the Consent Decree had been renewed every year by the original judge, Carter appointee District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise, who, even after he retired, returned every year for the sole purpose of renewing his 1982 order for another year. Debevoise died in August 2015.

The 1982 Consent Decree died in January 2018 thanks to being handled by a different judge who did not agree that Republicans had violated said decree, and not a moment too soon.

The problem by then, though, was that voter fraud was more or less institutionalized and had been denied for so long, even undercover Project Veritas videos were denied as being what they clearly proported to be: evidence of voter fraud.

Simply, the Republicans could not fight back, nor were efforts to institute voter ID universally successful. The Supreme Court would inevitably tell the various states that having to spend money on state identification was “disenfranchising.”


My passport renewal was expensive, yes, but a valid state identification card is not.

In addition to Republicans being hamstrung regarding suing Democrats over voter fraud, the states were, shall we say, lax in being sure the voter rolls are accurate. In an attempt to clean that up, the Trump Administration did actually form an election integrity commission, but abandoned it when it was clear the states themselves would not cooperate.

“Rather than engage in endless legal battles at taxpayer expense, today President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order to dissolve the Commission, and he has asked the Department of Homeland Security to review its initial findings and determine next courses of action,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement.

The commission, led by Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, had asked all 50 states and the District of Columbia to hand over reams of personal voter data, including voters’ names, voting histories and party affiliations.

Multiple states — including Virginia, Kentucky, and California — as well as D.C. declined to comply with the commission’s requests.

Now why would that be if elections were honest, and the voter rolls were in pristine, up to date condition.

Plain and simply, they wouldn’t be, and in one of many states being watched, where current representatives always seem to win by razor thin margins, and the total number of voters always seems to be higher than the number of people living in the district…there seems to be the odor of dead fish.

As reported by the National Review’s Deroy Murdock, who did some numbers-crunching of his own, “some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America’s adult citizens. Such staggering inaccuracy is an engraved invitation to voter fraud.”

Murdock counted Judicial Watch’s state-by-state tally and found that 462 U.S. counties had a registration rate exceeding 100% of all eligible voters. That’s 3.552 million people, who Murdock calls “ghost voters.” And how many people is that? There are 21 states that don’t have that many people.

Nor are these tiny, rural counties or places that don’t have the wherewithal to police their voter rolls.

California, for instance, has 11 counties with more registered voters than actual voters. Perhaps not surprisingly — it is deep-Blue State California, after all — 10 of those counties voted heavily for Hillary Clinton.

Los Angeles County, whose more than 10 million people make it the nation’s most populous county, had 12% more registered voters than live ones, some 707,475 votes. That’s a huge number of possible votes in an election.

But, Murdock notes, “California’s San Diego County earns the enchilada grande. Its 138% registration translates into 810,966 ghost voters.”

Well, that might explain a lot, especially when all those voters “vote.”

Just imagine if that happens not just in California, but in a whole lot of other states, like, say, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Texas, Florida…places with transient populations….

And the states are not cooperating when it comes to cleaning up the voter rolls both of those who have passed on to their rewards, and those who moved and registered to vote in another state.

And then there’s this year’s boondoggle: mail in voting.

It is true that a handful of states have had mail in voting for a while now, and wouldn’t you know it, all of them consistently sport Democrat “leadership.” (See Oregon for how that works out.) But now, in states that are known to swing, like Ohio, there is a push for no holds barred mail in voting using the fear stoked over COVID-19 as the reason why it should be accepted.

And the usual suspects are trying to be sure that all ballots are counted even if the signatures on them don’t match.

On Tuesday, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), ACLU of Ohio, Lawyers’ Committee and the law firm of Covington & Burling LLP announced they filed a motion in Cincinnati federal court for a preliminary injunction against Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose.

The legal action is on the behalf of plaintiffs League of Women Voters of Ohio, the A. Philip Randolph Institute of Ohio, and several impacted Ohio voters, according to an ACLU news release.

They call Ohio’s system “flawed,” particularly in light of the unprecedented numbers of voters statewide likely to vote by mail this November.

The motion asks the court “to ensure voters have sufficient notice of purportedly mismatched signatures and the opportunity to fix those mismatches when boards of elections mistakenly reject their ballots and ballot applications on the basis of signature mismatches.”

Is this REALLY about election integrity, or is there an organized, concerted effort to subvert the 2020 election of any and all offices using any and every method of cheating that has ever worked?

Some might call that a coup.

What it really is is an attempt to keep the will of the people from being realized, which we are all now coming to understand has been in motion for decades including the move away from paper ballots and toward electronic voting machines that just happen to be sold by a company financed by America hater George Soros.

This thread is about putting stories and evidence of election shenanigans in one spot. Please, put any personal accounts, posts from other forums, video, etc., in the comments below.

We’re in for the fight of our lives with this election. We all need to be able to spot fraud when we see it.

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Wow, DP. That’s a great history lesson. I see reports in my Twitter feed every day of people finding dumped ballots in the trash, people getting ballots without the President on them, and illegals voting. I’ll have to start saving them. This is such a big issue. I really hope our POTUS tackles it head on in his next term (if he manages to beat the cheating this election). I live in Oregon and have long suspected that the cheating here is rampant.

Deplorable Patriot

Like everything else, the other side put all the pieces into place incrementally, and it wasn’t until elections were outright stolen than We the People caught on.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will get this into the sidebar shortly!


This is long overdue, but better late than never.
Many thanks for posting. Now, let’s fill it with all the evidence and instances of fraud.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve been a little busy.


I sincerely beg your pardon. I did not intend to imply it was your job to do this and perhaps should have said as much. Truth be told, I was expecting Wolf to have done it, but even more should have done it myself.
Hope you are having a good weekend and, again, many thanks for posting!!

Deplorable Patriot

Well, my solo this morning of a Dvorak piece I saw for the first time not even 72 hours earlier didn’t fall apart, so that’s good.
Sunday roaster in the oven.

[…] Evidence Of Voter Fraud, Cheating In A Coup Attempt Piles Up — The Q Tree […]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Sadie Slays

Personal anecdotes:
1) I have received SEVEN unsolicited mail-in ballot applications over the past two months, plus unsolicited texts urging me to fill them out. The applications are pre-filled with my personal information and come with a postage paid envelopes. They’ve made it as easy and convenient as possible to get people to vote by mail. The desperation to switch voters to mail-in is palpable.
2) In 2008, my voter registration mysteriously changed from “R” to “non-affiliated.” I found out when I got an automated letter from the Board of Elections. Several months later, there were headlines about ACORN officials being arrested in my city for voter fraud. Remember ACORN? I strongly suspect that they’re the ones responsible for screwing with my registration.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, that makes sense.

Deplorable Patriot


60,000 Mail-In Ballots ‘Go Missing’ In Westmoreland County, Virginia

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is tied to a scam that was just busted in Texas. I will be adding info below, and in tomorrows daily.
The Dems actually tried to KILL THE WITNESS. This is huge and ugly.


I was surprised that Missouri requires notarized live signatures on mail in ballots. Wow… Go MO.
I just hope we can put a stop to all this fraud. We have to. No question about it.

Harry Lime

I don’t watch much of Joe Rogan…only seen a few clips of him interviewing people or discussing topics I found of some interest…I don’t really understand the mass appeal or why this guy makes so much money…
…but no matter what you may think of him…the guy has a huge following…he is seen by millions and millions of viewers…and here he is refusing to believe his own eyes about voter fraud captured on video! Why is it so hard for some people to believe that there is voter fraud up the wazoo in this country? Astounding, baffling, perplexing…
James O’Keefe calls him out in this video and makes Joe Rogan look really ignorant and misinformed…or worse…refusing to break from the progressive mainstream narrative for nefarious reasons or just plain fear.


Agaain, the ONLY reason we are seeing or hearing ANYTHING on ANY of this is because Trump LET them steal the 2018 midterms… He wanted to SEE just how they did it, and COUNTERMEASURES are NOW in place. They are being caught left and right NOW. Did you EVER see this much or a reveal BEFORE 2018? Do the math. Trump knows, and has people at the READY. He even said so in the Rush town hall, it was QUICK and I bet MOST missed it, I didn’t.
WHY do you think he has, for the better part of TWO years been hyping this..he is prepared for it. Remember the election “commission”? that supposedly DISBANDED? What if they DID NOT “disband” and simply went underground?
WHAT might they find out via study, WITHOUT interference (by “disbanding”)?
Could they put counter measures in place?
Could those counter measures be the REASON we are even AWARE of all the fraud?
Could we see even MORE from these countermeasures BEFORE and AFTER the election?
I THINK there is a REASON why in the “swing states” lie PA, WI, MI, FL, we are seeing MORE mail ins from registered REPUBLICANS than registered Dems. That is EXACTLY the opposite of what is supposed to be happening. Could the PHONY ballots be CAUGHT before they even GET there..like NEVER before.
I guess we will see, but something tells me the dems KNOW that they are FAILING in the cheating, and are getting increasingly DESPERATE.
Something is happening for SURE. I use as evidence ASLL the court rulings, most from Appeals courts, where ONLY the SCOTUS can overturn (NOT gonna happen in 3 weeks) Each day we get a NEW ruling and it OVERTURNS a lower (dem) judge decision. A PATTERN emerges, and it is NOT in favor of the dems.
We KNOW the registrations, and we are seeing the mail ins come in daily, people are WATCHING and reporting. MORE are SECRETLY watching and RECORDING.
I simply think they ARE trying, but BEING STOPPED. Each day they get more and MORE bad news. Their plans are FAILING, and it is becoming OBVIOUS to them. They have NO backup, they THOUGHT they could do this AGAIN, after 2018, hence the PHONY narratives, PHONY polls, and PHONY confidence. NOW, REALITY is setting in. Their OLD methods did NOT work in 2016, see Wisc, Mich, and PA. They KNOW that won’t work.
They were COUNTING on the mail in scheme and ballot harvesting, but there simply are NOT going to be ENOUGH phony ballots TO harvest. I think Trump and his team are stopping them from GETTING there.
As I pointed out once before, you CANNOT have 25-30 MORE votes in a county, all DEM, than there are REGISTERED voters. That will NEVER work, and the measures ARE in place. There LAST play will be to TRY same day registrations, BUT< most if not ALL of the swing states, either PROHIBIT already, or have been RULED on by an Appeals court as prohibited.
Now the dems will "protest", and complain, maybe even sneak a FEW in, but NOT in the numbers they will KNOW they need. THAT is why they are now PETROFIED. The one thing they cannot account for is election day turnout, and they are SEEING now that it will be ASTRONOMICAL for Trump. They KNOW there is ZERO enthusiasm for their ticket. I think their assassination attempt and the 25th attempt were acts of DESPERATION. They KNOW they can't stop Trump, and EACH day, despite their lies to themselves and their far left loony base, they SEE it, as does EVERYONE else.
Trump has "smoked" Biden OUT of the basement, and NOW they cannot hide his shortcomings NOR his OBVIOUS lack of ANY support. They MUST cover him, they cannot NOT. That is why there will be NO further debates, there is NO NEED. Each day Biden MUST go out, no more "lids" each day he gets MORE and MORE exposed…and he, like Hillary, will NOT be able to keep up.
Trump is NOW unleashed, he will have rallies and MILLIONS will attend by the end of it on Nov 3rd. Biden will have events, and he will draw FLIES. The MSM will HAVE to cover both is some form. The CONTRAST will be stark.
Something about the best laid plans of mice and men, they OFT go astray. They THINK they can steal it, and they will be weighed, they will be measured, and they will be found WANTING. Question, who was the LAST Republican nominee that had ORGANIC rallies of 30000+ cars in MIAMI? Answer NO ONE. That kind of shit is literally Nationwide.
Yes, VOTE, YES be vigilant, YES if you see something SAY something. But IF we show up, and we WILL, we are NOT going to lose, despite their evil plans, schemes, and attempts.

Gail Combs

I have been aware of Voter fraud for YEARS!!
BLAST FROM THE PASTS (some of my old notes)
You can start with https://truethevote.org/
Hacking Democracy – Full Documentary (on voter machine hacking) of course it has been REMOVED along with several others I have the URLs for.
Bev Harris has lots of info up on her site: http://blackboxvoting.org/ including this video on one of the techniques http://blackboxvoting.org/fraction-magic-video/
Election Night Gatekeepers is still up and has a message for President Trump.

ln 1986, 12 members of ACORN were actually convicted of voter fraud, something that won’t happen these days because the courts have prevented the comparison of voter registrations with other governmental records to validate the registrations due to fears of voter intimidation.
In 2005 we had Nonaresa Montgomery who hired 30 workers to “register” voters by going though an outdated voter registration list and filling out voter registration cards for those people without any effort to contact them.
In 2006 there were around 20,000 – 25,000 “questionable” voter registrations turned in by ACORN. The question of the validity of those registrations can’t be answered because any effort to validate the registrations has been stopped out of fear of voter intimidation.
Paid ACORN workers also admitted that they were told to encourage to the people they registered to vote for a particular candidate.
Then in 2007 there were the four arrested for fraud in Missouri.
In 2008 due to suspicion of voter registration fraud in Ohio a federal judge ordered the state to verify the identity of newly registered voters. That order was set aside by the appeals court the next day.
Most of the fraud by ACORN amounts to hiring workers who fraudulently fill out voter registration forms to get paid without doing the actual work of registering new voters. Most if not all of that is not likely to result in people actually casting votes they were not eligible to cast. It does make it more difficult to catch fraudulent voting, but I’m not sure it has any real effect when the courts effectively prevent any serious investigation into fraudulent voting.
Paying “voter registration” workers and telling them to encourage those they speak with to vote for a particular candidate is in my opinion more serious.
ACORN was a fraud. More because they made little to no effort to ensure their workers were registering only actual eligible voters. They could very well have been creating false registrations among those that people would actually use. It is impossible to know one way or the other. They are also a fraud because they know that the number of voters they claim to have registered is significantly inflated by fraud, and they use those number in their efforts to solicit donations.
In any case there is a considerable history of not only accusations of elections fraud by ACORN workers, but even a considerable number of convictions when it was so blatant that it could be proved.
(sorry just my notes)

Gail Combs

Remember Stalin and the typical Communist style of ‘voting’???
“He who casts a vote decides nothing. He who counts the vote decides everything.” —-Joseph Stalin
from: U.S. Elections: Will the Dead Vote and Voting Machines be Hacked?
The easiest way to control the vote is with a back door in the voting machines and what do we find? Voting Machine Manufacturer Diebold Charged Over Bribery, Fraud, And “Worldwide Pattern Of Criminal Conduct”
Inside A U.S. Election Vote Counting Program
Bev Harris is the Author of the soon to be published book ” Black Box Voting: Ballot Tampering In The 21st Century ” The Walk Right in Sit Right Down & Compose Your Own Tally, Vote Counting System
Seems there were not one but three sets of books…. but the books were kept on an open access internet website open to any hacker.
True the Vote had a web page How Widespread is Voter Fraud. 2012 Facts and Figures.
but it was taken down after she was targeted for persecution by the OH!Bummer Admim.
There is a copy here:
True the Vote Witness Who Testified on IRS Scandal Pens Blazing Letter to Grandstanding Democrat
So: It’s official: Obama voter fraud reason for “reelection”/growing totalitarian government
We also know Astroturf is used to make the number of progressives look a lot larger than they actually are. Someone here at Tony Heller’s mentioned the Occupy Wall Street and Ferguson Riots were funded by George Soros. Back in the 1980s I saw a Boston Globe ad for “Protester wanted $10/hr” for protesting the Seabrook Nuclear Plant construction.
Yesterday Hubby ran into this:

There is on Twitter this thing called StopRush, and it’s people attacking me and this program much the way Indiana is being attacked today, and whatever conservative institution was attacked yesterday. What this group does is they go after local advertisers on local EIB affiliates, and they try to intimidate local businesses… They just overwhelm them with complaint tweets, threatening tweets, a bunch of e-mails. It’s 10 people. We researched it. We know who the people are. We know where they live. Virtually 85% of all the so-called outrage e-mails and tweets are generated by 10 people, made to look as though they are thousands and thousands and thousands. It’s all fake. It’s all phony.

In other words most of what we see is an ILLUSTION created by money, created by paid propagandists and created by the bought and paid for MSM. Rasmussen showed ~ 30% Democrats, 30% Republicans and ~30% Tea Party before the Tea Party was targeted by the MSM as loony-tune racists. Shortly thereafter Soros fired up the competing Occupy Wall Street ‘movement’ and made sure THEY got all the news coverage and the Tea Party was sidelined.
We still have far less than a majority of DemiRats and a growing distaste for the US government.
In Soviet Russia people had to dismantle and hide the parts of the mimeograph machines. Each part of the cell taking a piece. Only when pamphlets were being printed was the machine assembled. When these types of measures are necessary then you do not have Freedom of Speech you have tyranny and we are seeing a milder form of this in the USA today.
So now Francis Drouillard wants to know who Sundance is so he and his fascist buddies can make sure Sundance loses his job, is blacklist from finding another job, gets audited by the IRS has any business licences denied….
Catherine Engelbrecht of TRUE THE VOTE is an American example of this type of harassment. She got hit by an onslaught of harassment:
* six FBI domestic terrorism inquiries,
* an IRS visit,
* two IRS business audits,
* two IRS personal audits,
* inspections of her equipment manufacturing company by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF),
* the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
* and finally theTexas environmental quality officials.
“…House Oversight Committee hearing testimony, in which TIGTA Deputy Inspector General for Investigations, Timothy Camus, revealed that the IRS is now being investigated for criminal misconduct including lying under oath about disposition of missing emails and finding of email backup tapes that appear to have been intentionally erased.
“The IRS was apparently given instruction to do whatever necessary to silence those who spoke out against the Obama Administration. It became a West Wing weapon of choice,” True the Vote Founder Catherine Engelbrecht said. “As the nation’s only pro-liberty election integrity organization, True the Vote was marked for takedown by the IRS early in 2010, along with hundreds of other organizations that spoke openly about government corruption. It took a long time, too long, for the pieces to be put together, but Americans are beginning to understand that the politics of ‘hope and change’ has an enforcement arm that operates like an organized crime syndicate….”

Of course the Corrupt US court system did nothing. The U.S. Federal District Court acknowledged the targeting of Catherine Engelbrecht by the IRS but dismissed the case anyway.
Dr. Patrick Michaels, Dr Gray, Dr Tim Ball, Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski, Ernest Beck, Dr Salby and many many more have also been targeted, fired and had their reputations and lives shredded over the decades.


Great article DP!
I’m a veteran and a NC homeowner/resident. I returned to college to finish a 2nd degree during the prior admin’s reign. Between the multiple military bases and the liberal push for registering college students at our multiple universities, I can guarantee our voter rolls are a mess.
And was I ever happy to be finished with that degree and dealing with libs at a university. /shivers
How we ended up with a dem governor (by an ultra slim margin) and a repub lt governor doesn’t scream, “take another look!”
Fortunately, we should see the last of Cooper after this election.
Just a link, Dan is doing a great job of raising heck around here and people like him.


“Trump let them steal the 2018 elections. He wanted to see how they did it, and countermeasures are now in place.”
This is the only explanation of 2018 that makes me feel good now.

Gail Combs

Congress, DESPITE Ryan had done it’s job of getting the information on SPYGATE OUT.
There are currently 435 house seats so ‘protecting them’ was a major task. The more important task was getting the numbers in the Senate so we could GET THE JUDGES!
Actually a year and a 1/2 of Nasty the PIG’s theater and grandstanding and showcased CORRUPTION has done a lot to turn the stomach of the fence sitters. Expect them to vote POTUS in protest.



I could do this all day. Twitter is filled with stories like this:


Deplorable Patriot

This happened where my mom’s family had a great-aunt some years ago. My mother’s pinko commie leftist cousin was livid. The cousin just could not understand how they could allow people who didn’t know what day it was vote.


great thread DePat!
I adore the kid in the picture…wonderful photo!!
as I find stories, I will add them here!

Deplorable Patriot

Fabulous. Thank you, Pat.


thank YOU for doing all the extra threads!!

Deplorable Patriot

Somebody has to do it, and there are only so many authors right now.


I still think thanks and appreciation are due!!!


lost AND found…60,000 ballots in PA…a repub county. surrounding counties sent out their votes Sept 24…if these go out this Friday–will there be enough time to deliver them and the recipients to get them back–it matters because POTUS won PA by 45,000 votes in 2016
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, a county that Trump won by over 30 points in 2016, lost 60,000 ballots. Actually, they now say they weren’t lost and they have found them. They just weren’t sent out.
County officials blamed the lost ballots on an independent contractor responsible for distributing the ballots.
The issue is resolved. They will go out on Friday.
We know almost nothing else about his alleged mix-up by Mid-West direct. That’s the vendor.
If it were a Democrat County, we would have heard plenty about this.
Trump won Pennsylvania by about 45,000 votes in 2016, so a 60,000-vote mistake is very serious.
The deadline might have to be extended and that could end up in court. This is no small matter.

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. It was a “vendor error”.

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot


Just to be clear, these are only application mailers and not official ballots. But still, this is pretty incredible.
For someone to go to this much trouble to destroy hundreds, possibly thousands of these ballot applications that were paid for with real money is worthy of a criminal investigation. From what it looks like they were paid for by a super pac named Trump Victory.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this makes so much sense.

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dems are pulling out all the stops.


Seems Brietbart is tracking an aspect of this as well. Small treasure trove… includes some of those posted above and more…err.. MOAR!

Deplorable Patriot


October 16, 2020 at 08:24
more crap about those “misprinted” ballots in PA…they are setting them aside and won’t be looking at them till AFTER the election
“Voye [David Voye, Elections Division Manager] said that Elections Division staff were segregating ballots that were received from voters affected by the issue, and those will be set aside and reviewed following the election.” [Emphasis added]
The county admits that they know some of the faulty ballots were returned, but those ballots will not be reviewed until after the election. That likely means that if the ballot is faulty, those voters will not have their vote counted because there will be no new voting for them because the election will be over.
here’s something I found in the comments:
Here is more info from the Pittsburgh Tribune. To summarize:
“Midwest Direct, the Cleveland-based company hired to print, collate and mail the ballots, told elections officials that a programming error caused the ballot file to be matched with the wrong individual’s information…The result is that those voters received ballots meant for someone living in another voting district. While the choices for national and statewide races will be the same, the candidates for U.S. Congress and the state legislature could be wrong.”But that’s not the most alarming part. What is terrifying is the county’s response regarding when they will be reviewing the ballots they received back from people who were not aware they were wrong.


October 16, 2020 at 08:29
more voting chicanery…
The Center for Voter Information was described by the Washington Post as having “a history of sending error-ridden mailers” but also labeled it “nonpartisan” – a farcical and manifestly false claim.
The group is responsible for sending over 225,000 ballot request forms to residents in Texas, many of whom are deceased.
As reported by local news, one individual received multiple ballot request forms for her deceased husband:
“Kristen Link received four ballot request forms in the mail addressed to her husband, who passed away in 2015. Kristen thought the forms were sent by a government agency, but they came from a third-party group called the Center for Voter Information. The ballot applications are already filled out and addressed to the Bexar County Elections Administrator.”
The group also made headlines recently for mailing more than two million Virginia voters official ballot applications, but due to an “error by the printing company,” hundreds of thousands of ballot applications were sent with incorrect addresses. What’s more, Virginia election officials raised concerns about the activist group’s mailers masquerading as official documents
“This mailing is causing great confusion and concern among voters who have been contacting our office. While the mailing may appear to be from an official government agency, the Fairfax County Office of Elections did not send it,” said Fairfax County General Registrar Gary Scott.
The news is just the latest in a string of false, missing, or tampered ballot stories the media and Big Tech firms keep denying, across the country.


hat tip
October 16, 2020 at 12:24
BREAKING: New @JudicialWatch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100% – 1.8 Million “Extra” Registered Voters https://t.co/ME4PAnHHbF
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) October 16, 2020


listing of some of the voter fraud occurring in the last month
Below is a list of some of the ballot problems reported in the last month:
In the Richmond, Virginia, area, six mailboxes were broken into, and mail was stolen.
Washington, D.C., has made several errors, the latest being sending ballots to long-gone residents. In another case, officials put the wrong date on ballots, and earlier this year, change-of-address forms were sent out with a design so poor that when sent back, they didn’t include the name of the sender.
Project Veritas uncovered ballot harvesting in Minnesota.
Some 100,000 defective ballots were sent out in New York City.
There was a case of suspected ballot harvesting in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, near Baltimore, prompting a voter warning by the county’s Board of Elections.
Voters near Columbus, Ohio, in Franklin County, were sent the wrong ballots.
In Los Angeles County, California, the Los Angeles Times reported, “Some 2,100 L.A. County voters got ballots missing one thing: a way to vote for president.”
About 18,000 ballots were rejected in the Massachusetts primary because of the type of voter errors Trainor warned about.
More than 1,600 Sussex County, New Jersey, ballots from the July primary were found last month. They were counted, however, and didn’t change any outcomes.
Over 100 blank, undelivered Jefferson County, Kentucky, absentee ballots were found in a dumpster.
In Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 29,000 people were sent the wrong ballot. The county moved to fix the error.
In Pittsylvania County, Virginia, a voter unable to put a ballot in a voting box was able to pull open the box, raising security worries.
In Teaneck, New Jersey, nearly 7,000 voters received the wrong ballot.
A postal worker in West Orange, New Jersey, was arrested for allegedly dumping nearly 2,000 pieces of mail, including 99 ballots and 276 campaign flyers.

Deplorable Patriot

more ballot shenanigans…(posting here and on the committed thread)
This week in dumpster diving, “bins of ballots” were found dumped in a house under construction in Louisville, Kentucky. But don’t worry, Savannah, there were only 100 or so anecdotal ballots found dumped, potentially disenfranchising those 100 anecdotal people. Louisville law enforcement will turn the case over to the feds when they’re done investigating.
WDRB Louisville reports: “bins full of ballots” found in a dumpsterhttps://t.co/tHrsJiqI7W pic.twitter.com/zku2Ux7ml7
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 16, 2020
Elsewhere, a garbage man saw a few anecdotal ballots trickle out of an eight-yard dumpster he was dumping and notified the media and the post office. The mail carrier believed it was stolen mail. The garbage man, who describes himself as a patriot, said he just wants everyone’s ballots to count. “I’d be terrified if my name was on that ballot.”
I spoke with a man who says he found voting ballots 🗳️ in a dumpster Thursday morning at a business in Sandy, Utah.#VOTE #Election2020 @fox13 #utpol https://t.co/rlutyb4QoG
— 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐞 (@brian_schnee) October 16, 2020
Elsewhere in Utah, ballots rushed through the printing process to 13,000 voters (that’s just anecdotal, Mr. President) in Sanpete County, were missing the crucial line that election officials constantly insist is the fool-proof way to determine whether it’s you who’s voting – the signature line.
Ballot printing error in #Utah’s Sanpete County resulted in blank flap on 13,500 ballots. Should have included voter affidavit and signature line
“Certainly not the kind of start you want to have,” @ElectionsUtah director Justin Lee@KSL5TV @kslnewsradio @DNewsPolitics @KSLcom pic.twitter.com/p33yo0p097
— Ladd Egan (@laddegan) October 14, 2020
Oops. But don’t worry, election officials say that voters who don’t intuitively know to sign the back of the envelope, where there’s no space to do so, will have their unsigned ballots accepted anyway and “do everything they can to verify the voter.” At the worst, this could mean that they won’t require the one little thing that was supposed to prevent voter impersonation – a verifiable signature.
In the battleground state of Pennsylvania, my PJ Media colleague Rick Moran reports that elections officials have rejected mail-in ballot requests for 372,000 people. But things may not be what they seem. Moran reports most of those voters “didn’t realize” that they made two requests for ballots. There seems to be much more to the story, such as the specter of purposeful chaos.
The story making the rounds in the last couple of weeks about scores of ballots being dumped in Petaluma, Calif., turned out to be scores of ballot envelopes from 2018. USA Today says they were properly disposed of. If you’re keeping track, you can mark this one off your list of ballot shenanigans.


This week in dumpster diving, “bins of ballots” were found dumped in a house under construction in Louisville, Kentucky. But don’t worry, Savannah, there were only 100 or so anecdotal ballots found dumped, potentially disenfranchising those 100 anecdotal people. Louisville law enforcement will turn the case over to the feds when they’re done investigating.
WDRB Louisville reports: “bins full of ballots” found in a dumpsterhttps://t.co/tHrsJiqI7W pic.twitter.com/zku2Ux7ml7
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 16, 2020
Elsewhere, a garbage man saw a few anecdotal ballots trickle out of an eight-yard dumpster he was dumping and notified the media and the post office. The mail carrier believed it was stolen mail. The garbage man, who describes himself as a patriot, said he just wants everyone’s ballots to count. “I’d be terrified if my name was on that ballot.”
I spoke with a man who says he found voting ballots 🗳️ in a dumpster Thursday morning at a business in Sandy, Utah.#VOTE #Election2020 @fox13 #utpol https://t.co/rlutyb4QoG
— 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐞 (@brian_schnee) October 16, 2020
Elsewhere in Utah, ballots rushed through the printing process to 13,000 voters (that’s just anecdotal, Mr. President) in Sanpete County, were missing the crucial line that election officials constantly insist is the fool-proof way to determine whether it’s you who’s voting – the signature line.
Ballot printing error in #Utah’s Sanpete County resulted in blank flap on 13,500 ballots. Should have included voter affidavit and signature line
“Certainly not the kind of start you want to have,” @ElectionsUtah director Justin Lee@KSL5TV @kslnewsradio @DNewsPolitics @KSLcom pic.twitter.com/p33yo0p097
— Ladd Egan (@laddegan) October 14, 2020
Oops. But don’t worry, election officials say that voters who don’t intuitively know to sign the back of the envelope, where there’s no space to do so, will have their unsigned ballots accepted anyway and “do everything they can to verify the voter.” At the worst, this could mean that they won’t require the one little thing that was supposed to prevent voter impersonation – a verifiable signature.
In the battleground state of Pennsylvania, my PJ Media colleague Rick Moran reports that elections officials have rejected mail-in ballot requests for 372,000 people. But things may not be what they seem. Moran reports most of those voters “didn’t realize” that they made two requests for ballots. There seems to be much more to the story, such as the specter of purposeful chaos.
The story making the rounds in the last couple of weeks about scores of ballots being dumped in Petaluma, Calif., turned out to be scores of ballot envelopes from 2018. USA Today says they were properly disposed of. If you’re keeping track, you can mark this one off your list of ballot shenanigans.


Hat tip Real Sauce (why they cheat..me)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Copied from today’s open thread.
Very important for all of us to keep our eye on a cheating scam in TEXAS, because I believe that the Democrats are using the SAME METHOD EVERYWHERE.
I will post this in the Voting Fraud and Cheating Coup thread later, but I want everybody to be familiar with how this works, so that they know the signs and can spread the word. When stuff goes MISSING, it’s because of this CHEAT. When stuff gets duplicated, it’s because of this cheat.
The DEMS did not want this information to get out – they almost managed to KILL the witness!
His Name Was @ourguy 🦀
His Name Was @ourguy 🦀
QAnon and the Great Awakening
Regarding the Texas voter fraud and Dem operative Dallas Jones being apprehended:

comment imagecomment image
QAnon and the Great Awakening
>Gerry Wayne Monroe
>THE streets of buzzing did the feds pick up consultant Dallas Jones this morning? I don’t know but I’m about to find out
Source: https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4481414555265959&id=100001923754459&sfnsn=mo
>Biden’s Texas Political Director Dallas Jones was picked up and questioned today by FBI
Context: https://gab.com/NeonRevolt/posts/105053183149343717
QAnon and the Great Awakening

Will post the video, next.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Copied from the daily thread:
/pol/ News Network
/pol/ News Network
BREAKING: Anons on /pol/ have found a massive weakness in the voting systems in Oregon and Washington, work is underway to find out what other states have these weaknesses.
This could lead to MASSIVE voter fraud that anybody could do.comment imagecomment image

Deplorable Patriot
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve figured this out – when these inconsistencies are automatically resolved in blue states, they will RESOLVE TO THE CHEAT VOTE.
I realized this watching something on OAN about duplicate ballots being submitted in Pennsylvania. They government says they’ll “take care of it”. They SEEDED THE PROBLEM by offering in the primary election (probably a pre-checked check-box) to automatically mail the ballot for the general. Then, when people request a ballot for the general, they get TWO. The duplicates that are “taken care of” in different ways can be siphoned off and USED to flip votes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

QAnon and the Great Awakeningcomment image


Precinct workers caught using stacks of driver’s licenses in their possession to fraudulently give incorrect identities to Drive-Thru voters at a polling place on Spaulding Street in Houston in the 2020 presidential election. Submitted under oath. pic.twitter.com/AhB2iJDrrX
— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) October 18, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Copied from the open thread…..
More evidence coming in on the Oregon thing – and apparently the system is in use elsewhere.
QAnon and the Great Awakening
h/t @AceMurdock
Anyone who complains about pixels or image size gets the mighty boot.comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Deplorable Patriot


it’s only 2 votes…but how widespread is it actually??
So when Underwood showed up last Friday for early voting, he was shocked when election officials couldn’t find his name or registration in the system.
“She said, ‘and I’m sorry to tell you cannot vote in Dallas County because someone using your driver’s license, your name and your driver’s license number has registered in Harris County and has already voted early,’” said Underwood.
But not only had someone fraudulently voted for Underwood, they had also voted in the primaries for his late wife Andrea who died unexpectedly six years ago.


Ballot harvesting is illegal in PA. Mayor of Philly shown with 2 ballots in hand…with no designated agent form visible…possibly breaking the law. Mayor says election official prevented him from doing so, so POTUS says that’s why unmanned drop off boxes must cease…
A lawyer for the Trump campaign is demanding answers from the Philadelphia Board of City Commissioners after a photograph appeared to show Mayor Jim Kenney violating election law, the Delaware Valley Journal has learned.
Kenney explained his actions and said no laws were broken.
The complaint is in a letter to the Board of Commissioners, obtained exclusively by the Delaware Valley Journal, and is a follow-up to one the Trump campaign sent last week. The new complaint was sparked by a picture of Kenney that appeared in Thursday’s Philadelphia Inquirer.
Because of Pennsylvania’s laws against ballot harvesting, people can only mail their own ballots, not those of other voters. To mail or drop off someone else’s ballot, you must have a “Designated Agent” form in which the voter authorizes you to do so.
But the photo appears to show Mayor Kenney dropping off two ballots with no “Designated Agent” form.
“We ask that your office provide an explanation. If the general public views a photograph of the Mayor of Philadelphia delivering what appears to be two ballots to a dropbox, without a Designated Agent form in sight, the danger exists that the public could view this as the Mayor condoning third party delivery of ballots without following the law of this Commonwealth,” attorney Linda Kerns wrote.
This argument expands on a letter Kerns and the campaign sent to the city last week.
“To preserve the integrity of the election, the Campaign demands that the use of unmanned dropboxes in Philadelphia immediately cease,” the earlier letter said, in part to prevent people from illegally dropping off more than one ballot.
Mayor Kenney’s office told Delaware Valley Journal that the mayor followed the law, thanks to the advice of an elections official on the spot.
“The Mayor was also carrying a mail-in ballot belonging to a person with whom he is personally close,” Kenney’s spokesman Mike Dunn said. “The elections official standing with him in the photograph informed him that he was not allowed to deposit that person’s ballot. The Mayor then deposited only his own ballot into the drop box.”
The Trump campaign said Kenney’s response is helpful.
“The mayor’s response proves just how right the Trump Campaign is: a Board of Elections representative must staff each dropbox and help voters avoid illegal ballot harvesting,” said Thea McDonald, a press secretary with the campaign.
“The mayor almost broke the law. He should join with President Trump’s campaign to give his constituents the same benefits he received from that poll worker. President Trump has long fought for a free, fair election in Pennsylvania—he won in the fight to ensure ballot harvesting remained illegal, and today we continue the fight to protect voters and ensure the integrity of the election. Pennsylvania voters deserve answers on the critical issues the Trump Campaign has raised.”

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

LOL DEAD PEOPLE CAUGHT….OK. The way that is phrased is hilarious! “See Margaret, I told you we should have buried Grandma with garlic around her neck and a stake in her heart! She voted again!”

Deplorable Patriot

This video is about that too:


Can verify. I was told when I went in to vote yesterday that I had to use the Sharpie provided. It bled through to the other side. There better be a hand recount here!


i’m just posting the link to the American Thinker story which compiled a host of tweets/videos showing poll watchers not being allowed into polling places; not being able to watch ballots being tabulated, signs not allowed near polling places, and 2 people in one voting booth…

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, exactly. Stuff like this.


dumb question…cuz I really don’t know…there’s tweets with some short videos and some with pictures…IF twitter censors them, will they be lost?


there is an twitter account Mike Roman that has all of these in it…not sure what to do with it?
shows the dem woman offering $5 to vote democrat with a sample ballot…stuff like that

Deplorable Patriot



The replies:


ACLJ ELECTION FRAUD HOTLINES FOR EACH STATE – https://aclj.org/us-constitution/voter-fraud-election-hotline
However, in a Democrat State, contacting them might be a waste of time. Better to contact the Trump people.
WHITE HOUSE – https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/









TRUMP CAMPAIGN – https://www.donaldjtrump.com/contact/














Deplorable Patriot

Antifa gearing up for false flag violence disguised as Trump-supporters – Thomas Lifson – American Thinker
https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/11/antifa_gearing_up_for_false_flag_violence_disguised_as_trump_supporters.htmlcomment image

Deplorable Patriot

.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Thread – Jordan Epperson@J_Epp_
“BREAKING: Over 500 mail in ballots for Trump found dumped at Marysville Precinct in Michigan.
UPDATE: Clerk has told county Republican officials that the ballots were simply misplaced and accidentally not included in the results. This indicates either complete incompetence and negligent behavior or extreme voter fraud”


“I have had a request for any photographic, video, or other documented evidence of election malfeasance, particularly in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, or Michigan. Please respond if you have any such evidence. No American should accept an election result based on fraud or chicanery.”
James Woods – https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1324111787826970624


personal account of voter fraud on Montgomery County, PA


GA/FL’s great list on the lefts vote fraud tactics. Maybe a meme maker can do something with this?
November 6, 2020 at 06:30
Democrats have generations of practice with voter/election fraud – they are pros!
Here are a few of their tactics:
– Dead voters,
– Fictitious voters,
– Massive bundles of manufactured ballots,
– Voters voting more than once in multiple districts using various names
– Voters crossing districts, cities and states to vote,
– No voter ID,
– No signature verification,
– No post mark,
– Throwing away opponent ballots,
– Dishonest counting.
– Hacking machines.
– Harvesting ballots from nursing homes, mental health institutions, developmentally disabled persons, jails, prisons, etc.
– Discouraging opponent voters with suppression polls, long lines, broken machines, lack of ballots, etc.
– Violence, intimidation, coercion! The last few elections, the Democrats have maligned and harassed opponents, and they have both threatened and committed violence.
These are just off the top of my head, there are many more ways Democrats cheat in election!


William Bradley from Wayne County, Michigan, voted for Joe Biden. William Bradley died in 1984.
by Blaine Traber November 5, 2020
The results of this election are so unquestionably bogus, one has to wonder just how big President Trump’s landslide really was.
https://noqreport.com/2020/11/05/william-bradley-from-wayne-county-michigan-voted-for-joe-biden-william-bradley-died-in-1984/comment image


Excellent EYE WITNESS to a Detroit ballot counting center having no ballots to count after about 1 am… then a van arrives between 4-5 am, but nothing counted until after shift/observers go home. She does the math. they would have had to count 50 ballots a minute to get the sudden bumped up tally reported about an hour later on the news.

Gail Combs

I am going to stash this VERY IMPORTANT information HERE!


The child F..kers KNEW!! And installed Biden anyway!


Gail Combs

The information was handed to CONGRESS ON JANUARY 6TH! Before that Louie Gohmert and Devin Nunes staff were alerted.


Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs