by Linda of The Q Tree (a.k.a. Linda from Oregon)
A Complete Description of an Alternative Chemotherapeutic Approach Which Quickly Led to 100% Cancer Freedom
Foreword by WOLF MOON
Most of the regular denizens of The Q Tree are familiar with Linda’s journey through the terrifying uncertainty of a cancer diagnosis and treatment during the last year. That story, spread out over many daily threads here on the website, is incredibly hard to stitch together, if you have not been following along.
Just a few days ago, we were blessed with amazing news. While all of us were thrilled by the good news, I had to admit that I had already forgotten very important details of the original diagnosis. Some of it may have been mixing things up with my wife’s case, or that of a friend’s wife, but still – it wasn’t a great moment in the history of my memory.
Rather than asking Linda a million questions, and surely having others do the same, I had an atypically inspired idea – why not ask Linda to re-tell the whole story as one coherent statement, and better still, tell us with her current perspective? Wonderfully, Linda agreed to do just that.
That’s all I’m saying. Here is Linda, in her own words. I have not changed a thing.
As many of you know, I was diagnosed with breast cancer last August. Looking back, it was only by the hand of God that it was found at all. For a good part of my adult life, I’ve avoided going to doctors for anything but what I can’t find a way to treat myself. I found out a long time ago in dealing with my hypothyroidism that most doctors are not going to deviate from their strict standard of care, which means Big Pharma drugs, whether they really help or not. And I try to avoid Big Pharma drugs if at all possible.
So I wouldn’t have gone to the doctor at all except I had a pre-cancerous lesion that I wanted to get zapped. I get my health care from the VA and they actually now have a primary care clinic in Salem. They assigned me a primary care NP and gave me an appointment. She wasn’t about to just zap the lesion but also gave me a complete physical along with labs and insisted I get a mammogram.
I drug my feet for a couple of weeks, but finally made the appointment and thankfully got it done. They found a small mass in my left breast and then did a needle biopsy using ultrasound a week later. They found that I had ER+ PR+ HER2- breast cancer. ER+ and PR+ mean that my cancer has estrogen and progesterone receptors. HER2- is a less aggressive cancer than HER2+, so I caught a break there.
At that point, I started reading everything I could find on fenbendazole. I heard it mentioned here several times on the Q Tree as a cancer treatment, but didn’t know where to get it, how much to take, or what to take it with. I finally found the Fenbendazole Cancer Support Group on Facebook that gave me most of the answers that I was looking for, a protocol I could use and adjust for my own situation, and a lot of support from others fighting cancer. This is the group:
Fenbendazole Cancer Support Group:
It’s a private group. But anyone who has cancer or is the care giver of someone with cancer can join. There are a lot of health care professionals in the group who are very knowledgeable. They have a suggested protocol that anyone can download and use. Most people take that protocol and adjust it for their own needs. I doubt that any 2 people in that group are using the exact same protocol. One thing to keep in mind is that the protocol doesn’t mention Ivermectin. During COVID, Facebook was closing down groups and banning people for even mentioning Ivermectin, so they didn’t include it or allow people to talk about it until about the last year when that changed. But most people in the group are taking 24 mg of Ivermectin a day as part of their protocol.
Ivermectin is super important because it actually kills cancer stem cells in addition to all the different ways it fights cancer. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy don’t kill cancer stem cells, which is one reason why cancers come out of remission.
The whole point of having a cocktail of supplements taken at different times of the day is that you need anti-cancer compounds circulating in your body 24/7. It’s really amazing to me how many foods and supplements actually have anti-cancer qualities. And that’s important because cancer has a lot of different pathways to get fuel for growth and different signalling mechanisms to spread and metastasize. Some supplements attack one or two of those pathways, but you need different ones to attack other pathways. Jane McClelland wrote a book called “How to Starve Cancer” in which she identified all the pathways cancer uses to grow and to spread and then found old drugs that could be used to block all those pathways. She cured her own cancer that way. The problem for most of us, though, is getting a doctor to prescribe all those old, out-of-patent drugs! Using supplements that do much the same thing instead of Big Pharma drugs is the answer.
When I first started, I bought most of what was on their protocol. I also tried a lot of different supplements that people suggested and found worked well for them. Many people swear by soursop tea and Esiac tea. I’m not much of a tea drinker, but I do drink soursop tea once in awhile. Another was frankincense (Boswellia). It has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-cancer properties as well. I was really excited about trying it, so I bought a couple of bottles only to find out after a week that it caused unbearable itching all over my body. Needless to say, I dropped that one! The point is to use what works best for you and also to make sure there are no interactions with any drugs you may be taking.
This is the protocol I finally settled on:
1 Hour Before Breakfast:
Hi-Dose Serrapeptase – 120,000 spu
1/2 Hour Before Breakfast:
Tudca – 1,000 mg
Burdock Root – 460 mg
Berberine – 600 mg
After Breakfast:
Fenbendazole – 750 mg
Ivermectin – 12 mg
Melatonin – 200 mg
Fish Oil – 3,000 mg
Curcumin – 600 mg
CBD Oil – 50 mg
Quercetin – 400-500 mg
Reishi Mushrooms – 500 mg
Maitake Mushrooms – 500 mg
Turkey Tail Mushrooms – 500 mg
*DIM – 200 mg
After Lunch:
CBD Oil – 50 mg
Melatonin – 200 mg
*Iodine – 50 mg (8 drops of Lugols 5%)
*ATP Cofactors (B2 and B3) –
1/2 Hour Before Dinner:
Tudca – 1,000 mg
Burdock Root – 460 mg
Berberine – 600 mg
After Dinner:
Fenbendazole – 750 mg
Ivermectin – 12 mg
Melatonin – 200 mg
Fish Oil – 3,000 mg
Curcumin – 600 mg
CBD Oil – 50 mg
Quercetin – 400-500 mg
Reishi Mushrooms – 500 mg
Maitake Mushrooms – 500 mg
Turkey Tail Mushrooms – 500 mg
*DIM – 200 mg
2 Hours After Dinner:
D3 – 5,000 mg (I drop that to 2,000 in the summer)
Magnesium – 400 mg
Melatonin – 400 mg
Before Bed:
Hi-Dose Serrapeptase – 120,000 spu
That probably sounds like a lot of supplements. It did to me, even though I already took a lot of vitamins and supplements. And fenbendazole, ivermectin, and supplements can be expensive to buy month after month after month. But I managed it on my social security check. A number of people in my cancer group who had undergone more traditional treatments ended up paying thousands of dollars their health insurance didn’t cover. So maybe I actually took the cheaper route.
But for someone on a really limited budget, I think they would still do really well just starting with Fenben, Ivermectin, Tudca (or milk thistle), and Serrapeptase (or pectasol). Fenben and Ivermectin are the big guns that each fight cancer in a half dozen different ways. Tudca or milk thistle is for liver support. Serrapeptase (or pectasol) is used to get the dead cancer cells out of your system so the cancer doesn’t use them as fuel.
With fenbendazole, you can’t immediately start with a high dose or you’re going to have a Herxheimer reaction – a lot of flu-like symptoms. Taking it slowly helps a lot. What was stressed in my cancer group was to work your way up to the higher doses and monitor your liver numbers as you go. I started at 222 mg for a week, then 444 mg the next week, then kept increasing at that pace until I got up to 1500. I reached 1500 mg about 2 weeks before my lumpectomy surgery. I could have gone up to the 2000, but at that point I found out that my tumor had shrunk by half so I just stayed at that dose. I knew it was working and would continue to work at that point. It’s really important to take fenben AFTER eating a meal that contains fat for absorption. Or as an alternative, you can mix the powder with a little bit of DMSO. This also helps fenben penetrate the blood brain barrier for those who have a brain cancer.
Anyone researching Fenben is going to hear about Joe Tippens. He had small cell lung cancer and used Fenben and a few other supplements in his protocol. He never took more than 222 mg 4 days a week. Unfortunately, this protocol has gone all over the internet and people think that’s all they need. They try it and find it doesn’t work for them. The problem is that 222 mg is the dose you would give a 10 pound dog, not a human. Most people are going to need 1,000-2,000 mg per day, especially if they have a late stage or aggressive cancer. Joe Tippens was on an immunotherapy trial at the same time he was taking Fenben, so that is undoubtedly why it worked for him. In my cancer group, there are many people who had stage 4 cancers who ended up cancer free on this protocol. They all took close to 2,000 mg per day of Fenben.
Protecting your liver during this protocol is really important. Fenbendazole will cause a lot of cancer cell die-off and start to stress your liver. Tudca or milk thistle will add protection. Dandelion root and burdock root also protect the liver. If you have a hormonal cancer like mine, or you have a lot of other health issues, you shouldn’t take milk thistle or dandelion root. Tudca is recommended for those in that situation. Tudca is simply a bile salt and very safe. Most people start with 500 mg twice a day. However, once I got to 750 mg of Fenben, my liver numbers started rising out of range. Raising my tudca dosage to 1,000 mg twice a day brought them back down.
My cancer group recommends you get liver labs every 2-3 months. Most doctors aren’t going to order them for you. They would probably discourage you from using fenben or ivermectin to start with. Many people don’t know that you can order your own lab tests online, print out the requisition, and then take it down to your local lab and get your blood drawn. I order my labs from Ulta Lab Tests. Their Liver Function Panel is $19.95 and can be ordered here:
You also need to take high dose serrapeptase twice a day to get the dead cells out of your system after fenben and ivermectin kills them. Otherwise, your cancer will actually “eat” those dead cells as fuel. Plus, your liver will have to work a lot harder. You need to take 120,000 spu twice a day. It must be taken at least 2 hours after eating and at least 1/2 hour before eating. I always took mine before bed and an hour before breakfast. Then 1/2 hour before breakfast and dinner I would take my tudca and a couple other supplements that need to be taken on an empty stomach. Amazon or iherb both have high dose serrapeptase. The one I use is the Drs. Best brand.
Anyone on blood thinners shouldn’t take serrapeptase, but substitute Pectasol (modified citrus pectin) instead. You need 15 grams daily for the best anti-cancer benefits. 1 scoop of powder is 5 grams. So you can take 1 scoop 3 times daily or 1.5 scoops twice daily. It’s taken the same way as serrapeptase – 2 hours after eating and at least 1/2 hour before eating.
Those 4 items – Fenben, Ivermectin, Tudca (or milk thistle), and Serrapeptase (or Pectasol) – are a great place to start and can form the basis of any protocol. You can add more supplements as you go along. But those 4 are critical.
You may be wondering about that super high dose of melatonin I take – 1,000 mg per day. Many people take 3-5 mg before bed to help with sleep. 1,000 mg sounds like it would put you in a coma all day. Actually, you don’t feel the effects at all until it gets dark and that seems to trigger the sleepiness. Melatonin is really great for cancer. It fights cancer 6 different ways, particularly at higher doses. The cancer group recommends taking 300 mg an hour before any scan that involves radiation to protect from some of the effects. If you want to learn more, “Doris Loh Talks” is a private Facebook group about the healing benefits of high dose Melatonin based on scientific research.
I buy melatonin powder because it is a lot cheaper than pills. 1/16 teaspoon is 200 mg. Amazon has tiny measuring spoons that go down to 1/64 teaspoon that are really handy. Here is where I buy melatonin:
I starred two items in my protocol – iodine and DIM – because they’re very specific to breast cancer. The two places in the body that use over 95% of the iodine the body needs are breasts and the thyroid. Iodine at 50-100 mg per day has also been shown to very effectively fight breast cancer. Like Fenben, you shouldn’t just start at 50 mg or you’ll end up with a Herxheimer reaction. I started with just 1 drop of 5% Lugols in a glass of water then added another drop each week until I reached 8. One nice effect I saw once I reached 50 mg was that I could lower my dosage of thyroid meds. 5% Lugols is really hard to find. Most places only have 2%. But I found a good supplier here:
DIM helps the body to get rid of excess estrogen. My oncologist tried really hard to get me on hormone blockers, but after researching the side effects – osteoporosis and heart issues – I said no and started taking DIM instead.
I get almost all my supplements from either or Amazon. The only place I buy Fenben from is the Happy Healing Store:
I buy my CBD oil from Lazarus Naturals. He gives me a 40% discount because I’m a veteran. This is what I use:
The group sent a bunch of different samples of Fenben from different suppliers to a testing lab a couple of years ago and the only ones that tested pure fenbendazole were the Happy Healing Fenben and Merck’s Panacur-C and Safeguard. The one from Fenben Labs that you see recommended everywhere was only 5% fenben. A lot of people (including me at first) bought that brand and didn’t think fenben worked. Some guy in Lithuania owns it and the lab he supposedly uses to test his fenben is located at the same address. Buyer beware!
I’ve always bought my ivermectin from an Indian seller because it’s about half the price of the websites based here. And most of the ivermectin is made in India to start with. I bought from India Mart back during COVID. I think Kalbo mentioned them as a source. You just go on the site and post what you want and how you want to pay and vendors will contact you. There are now a lot of Indian sellers that have their own websites to sell ivermectin. The list below are from sites I’ve collected from mentions in the cancer group and from here. I haven’t used anywhere near all of them. The first 2 are the ones I’ve used most recently. You really have to check them out for yourself because some change their payment methods without notice. I prefer using Pay Pal myself. I generally buy 200 12 mg pills at a time because this protocol is long-term and I’ll definitely use them. Shipping from India is generally $30 whether you order a small or large amount. US Based US Based
I was on this protocol a little over 3 months before I had my surgery. I kept dragging my feet because I wanted to see how well the protocol worked. A week or two before surgery they did another ultrasound and I found that my tumor had shrunk by half. I seriously considered not doing surgery at all and just letting the protocol finish the job. But I finally decided that I just wanted to get the tumor out. A lumpectomy is nowhere near as invasive as a lot of surgeries. And they do a lymph node biopsy at the same time. They found that my sentinel node, the closest one to that breast had a micro tumor in it. So the cancer was just starting to metastasize. It could be that micro tumor was actually a lot bigger and had shrunk from the protocol.
As I mentioned last week, that surgery was over a year ago and I just had a mammogram that was completely clear of cancer. This protocol has definitely helped me get there and stay there. I’m now moving to a maintenance protocol to make sure it doesn’t come back.
I really appreciate all the prayers from the people here and people outside this site. I know that in the final analysis, God healed me. He just used the protocol and the good surgeons and nurses at the VA Hospital to do the work. God bless all of you!
Addendum: Notes by Wolf
I want to start by thanking Linda for sharing this information. As you can see, this is enough for almost anybody to get started using fenbendazole to treat cancer. Praise God! This is phenomenal information, and again, thank you to Linda for sharing it. I absolutely feel confident that I could being taking the steps needed to use fenbendazole, based on this article.
Now, a point for the chemically curious.
DIM is 3,3′-diindolylmethane, a natural product which is formed by stomach action on another compound found in cruciferous vegetables. The reaction is shown below.
DIM has proven antihormonal effects that are useful for treating breast cancer. See the following medical study.
2020 May 27;41(10):1395–1401. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgaa050
3,3-Diindolylmethane (DIM): a nutritional intervention and its impact on breast density in healthy BRCA carriers. A prospective clinical trial
Please feel free to ask Linda any questions you might have. I will say right now that she does not have to answer any questions she would prefer not to answer. She can just say “Wolf says next question!” and that’s that! OK? Good! *WINK*
Have a great day, everybody!
Wish I could give it 10 stars.
It’s good to see not just the “what”, but also the “why” and “how” — not to mention the “where to get”.
I’m glad it was helpful, Coothie. I tried to think of everything people would want to know, but probably missed a few things.
Linda, wonders if you would recommend putting together a starter kit for the just in case eventuality? If so what would you consider self stable? I’d think Ivermectin tab and Fenben tab would be shelf stable for perhaps a few years? Though correct me if I’m wrong. Actually a lot of these look like they’d be shelf stable for a year or more. What else might be self stable if you might know? Or perhaps you’d say Fresh Fresh Fresh all the way through?
I’m not sure how long fenben and ivermectin stay shelf stable, but I would bet at least a couple of years. When we first learned about ivermectin for COVID I got some that I didn’t use for a couple of years and it worked fine. I know everything I use stays stable for months at a time because I try to always stay stocked up with everything on my protocol. But this would probably need more research.
We got Ivermectin early in COVID and still used it 3 years later – effective for stopping my daughter’s recurrent COVID episodes (she got vaccine) and sinus infections frequently.
Most pharmaceutical meds are stable and effective for more that the 1 yr FDA statement. Likely to ensure sales vs just efficacy.
They’ve done studies finding intact drugs 7 yrs out which are fine.
Antibiotics are the one to pay extra attention to – the “cyclines” – like Tetracycline, cause they can have toxic changes.
OTOH, I’ve used Azithromycin 2-3 yrs past date w/o problem or concern.
Well, you remembered the most important thing that we would want to know — that you’re doing well!
Seriously, though, this is a lot of good info. Thank you for getting it all together.
you did GREAT!
very thorough…not overly technical for the technically challenged like me. giving the where to get things is IMPORTANT, as well as how to start off and then increase dosages.
THANKS Linda!!!!!
Thanks, Pat! I’m also technically challenged when it comes to medical terminology.
you explained it all so even i understood!
I am going to pe passing this on to those who have taken the Clot shot.
This was Great Work Linda. I’ve sent it out to about a dozen people who I really hope will read, learn, & then act on your wonderfully thorough info! Thank YOU so much!!!
Thank you so much for this amazing account, Linda! It’s great to have all the information in one place and to see what you learned from experience. I’m downloading it and will share it with anyone I feel could benefit from it. Bless you!
Thanks, TT! I would be very happy if it helps anyone else going through cancer.
You certainly helped me with Conn’s Syndrome where a tumor of the adrenal glands causes over production of aldosterone. (I have the ‘slam dunk’ symptoms) Also a prescription of Prednisone caused my high blood pressure to drop to below normal like I used to have.Prednisone Effects on Adrenal Glands — Prednisone has the general effect of suppressing the function of the adrenal glands, thereby reducing the levels of hormones secreted by the adrenal gland
Prednisone mimics naturally occurring cortisol and is used in GRA to rapidly suppress aldosterone levels
Anyway for a few months I went on double vitamins, Serraoetase, 10 mg Melatonin, CBD oil and the CORRECT Fenben. My high blood pressure has gotten lower and other symptoms have gotten better. It is nice to sleep for 6 hours instead of 3, before heading to the ladies. It is also nice NOT to wake up with leg cramps from low potassium levels!
Once our busy season is over and I can quit the OTC pain killers (Liver killers) I will go back on Fenben again.
That’s great to hear, Gail. I remember you also getting that bad Fenben that I started with only to find out it wasn’t what it advertised.
Yes, I still have it and marked the bottle NFG so I would remember who NOT to get Fenben from!
Linda, what a wonderful wealth of information and outcome for you! Like others, I just saved and printed everything.
I’ve also used two of the vendors that you list for IVM and HCQ. One question, Pierre Kory/flccc always says NOT to take quercetin and IVM at the same time due to some interaction – but this is for COVID treatment. Any thoughts? Again, best wishes going forward.
C’mon, Kash — I’m already a supporter, you don’t have to convince me again.
FIB has to be going crazy. It’s not “professional” to speak the truth around there, you know.
I do not think Kash is going to allow the Government Gangsters to get away…
I sure hope Pgroup2 is correct and you can not pardon crimes that have not been indicted.
Did I say that? If I did, that’s wrong. What is accurate is the outer limits of the pardon power have yet to be determined [think SCOTUS]. I would posit that as long as the crimes [and uncharged crimes] likely need to be topically related, then the pardon would likely include them all. But I find it preposterous to expect SCOTUS to rule that an unrelated murder [for example] could be covertly covered by an indefinite pardon such as the one given to Hunter.
Someone on twitter pointed out to me that Nixon was pardoned without actually being charged. I was disappointed to realize that.
You’re right, this will ultimately be a SCOTUS issue.
What Biden has done is give his son a “Get out of Jail” card for any and all crimes – what about crimes against children? What about crimes against humanity…
I noted three flavors of mushrooms in there. Could we get some details about them? Also, they’re listed as not with meals, but I wonder if they couldn’t sneak into soups or dressings.
There are actually a lot of different mushrooms that have anti-cancer properties. I also used cordyceps and chaga at various times. Some people use Lion’s Mane. The protocol stresses to use 3 different kinds because they all work a little bit differently. And I’m sure you could sneak them into food rather than take them in capsules. I’m not sure how available all of them are in edible form, however.
I figured that you were dosing each of those orally in the form of a powder. I was somewhat hearkening back to Gail dosing her DH’s meatballs with Lion’s Mane.
You can. I’ve noticed that Bulk Supplements, where I get my melatonin, has some mushroom powders. Amazon probably does, too. I’ve always taken the capsules.
You can always decapsulize anything in capsules (though some things are better sealed safely away).
Ah, that negates my thought posted above. Now, I do recall Gail posting the meatball thing.
Cheese burgers, mixed veggies, spaghetti, salad, rice, omelets…. Anything I can mix the powder into. The coconut oil is a bit harder to get down his throat in large enough quantities.
Coconut oil.
Sent coconut oil and other thoughts you posted to SIL, for brother’s brain issues.
She let me know the coconut oil had no taste. Odd I thought. Dunno what she mixed it with, if anything.
Was glad they were following suggestions sent their way.
The refined has no taste, (i add a little butter to give it taste) HOWEVER the ‘organic’ tastes like coconuts and I used it up in oatmeal. Hubby refuses to use it in oatmeal because he does not like the texture. 🙄
One of my aunts had a husband who insisted on ground coffee. Because of the price difference, my aunt used instant coffee.
He never knew. He died thinking he had drunk ground coffee all his life.
Tonite I dumped the coconut oil, a bit of butter and the Lion’s Mane in his peas. 😉
Naturally. 😉
So there’s no “cheat sheet” to link any particular kind of mushroom with any particular kind of illness?
Mushrooms: Types, Health Benefits, and Risks
by Andrew Ebraheim, Nabil Ebraheim M.D.
Medicinal Mushrooms
Health Benefits of Mushrooms
Health Benefits of Ganoderma lucidum…
Hericium erinaceus, an amazing medicinal mushroom…
Trametes Versicolor: The 8 Best Health Benefits of Turkey…
6 Benefits of Cordyceps, All Backed by Science (This links to papers)
Cordyceps: Benefits, Nutrition, and Risks (This links to papers)
I should add PUFFBALLS!
They have antibiotic properties. (You might want to have yogut on hand…)
Antimicrobial activity of puffball(Bovistella radicata) and separation of bioactive compounds
Webmed: Health Benefits of Giant Puffball
The Ultimate Guide to Foraging and Harvesting Puffballs
Giant Puffball: Identification, Look-Alikes, Health Benefits…
Mmmmm puffballs! I slice them up and saute in butter. Delicious. I didn’t realize they had antibiotic properties.
Many comments posted today, have been pasted at the end of Linda’s article I copy / saved.
Great information / references.
One thing to look into is the availability of mushroom farms in your vicinity — there are quite a number in Oregon, but you’ll have to stay clear of the ones growing “magic mushrooms”.
Sounds like you had a ‘magic mushroom’ farm confusion incident in your history. On one of your trips, if you catch my drift. 😂
No, I had been looking up mushroom farms in North Carolina and getting a bunch of responses, then I decided to look up Oregon…..and a substantial portion of the mushroom farms in Oregon were raising the magic variety.
Good info. I use Turkey Tail for Candida detox periodically and Lion’s Mane daily.
Perhaps a naive thought, mirroring Slow Guy.
MeThinks cooking the mushrooms may change, remove the mushroom cancer fighting properties, or whatever the right word is.
Dunno here. I’ll stick with capsules to not upend what works.
Seems wise to me, per the realities of chemistry, the denaturing of biochemicals by heating, and all that jazz. Absent studies of specific mushrooms showing preservation or enhancement of activity when cooked (unlikely, but possible), then I would agree with your approach. Let capsules be capsules.
Cooking might simply require higher (or lower) dosages to correct for chemical changes, but without knowledge, it’s a risk in several ways.
Along those same lines, recipes often list that fresh herbs are more potent than dried and to adjust amounts to taste.
That’s one reason I included dressings — maintain room temperature and all that.
Yes – a good solution. Things that work as capsules are typically not acid-base sensitive, so no problem with contact with vinegar, citrus, etc.
When you make beer, there are “bittering hops” that are introduced at the beginning of the boil, then “flavoring hops” that are introduced halfway through the boil, then “aromatic hops” that are introduced at the end of the boil (and “dry hops” that are introduced during fermentation). These do different things even if you use the same hop variety.
As you can imagine, boiling the hops for an hour tends to rob them of aroma and flavor, leaving only the bitterness. I wouldn’t think you’d want to do that to your mushrooms.
When making pasta sauce, I use the same priniciple. I’ll mix in herbs for flavor and let them simmer for a bit, then throw in flavor and aroma herbs just as I’m cutting the flame — allowing them to cook in just the residual heat of the sauce. That also seems like a good time to toss in fine minced medicinal mushrooms or dehydrated mushroom powder.
Pete Hegseth’s nomination might be in trouble. I’m tired of all the angst, and that’s the goal: to wear people out until it is believed a candidate is unsuitable and can’t survive the nominating process.
Then we get the “reports” and the “sources say” and the “people familiar with the team state that…”
Ron DeSantis Eyed to Replace Hegseth as Defense Secretary in Major Cabinet Shake-Up: Report
i think they are trying psyops…make everyone BELIEVE he’s a bad nominee in order to sneak in who they want. those in the upper echelons of the military are trying to stay in their places imo. showing their fear.
i hope PDJT REVELS in it instead of changing his nominee.
DeSantis would be a really bad choice. These names are being floated by the deep state to get to us, and make us tired of the conflict. There are many who don’t like conflict, I am one of them, but this needs to be confronted.
NO ONE and i mean NO ONE should determine the President’s nominees…especially the rats.
S T E A D Y should be the order of the day.
Deep State, D-Rats AND R-Cons WILL do anything to capsize Trump’s Team.
S T E A D Y.
“Stare Them Down.” (VSG.)
I agree.
and these senators that are looking to stealthily challenge the President’s choices? take the vote and MAKE THEM OWN IT! so we know who to get rid of. make their constituents turn up the heat and toss them OUT fro good!
R-Cons suck!
Story planted by Lindsey Graham and Ernst. #PeteOnly
Lots of sauce for that.
Lindsey Graham Is the Warmongering NeoCon Leading the Charge to Upend Pete Hegseth
Scandalous war pigs!
I love that pic of Linda. She sure is fine.
I’ll never be able to read her comments again without a feeling of oo-la-la. 😂 😍
I think he’s referring to the header picture of the archer.
Ha ha ha! It’s been many years since I picked up a bow.
Ha ha ha! It’s been many years since I picked up a
bowbeau.[bigger smile]
But you DID “pick up a bow” — just a “bow” of a different kind.
And you “took aim” at your cancer.
And you hit a bulls-eye.
That was exactly my intent! When I saw that picture, I knew I had my header!
From yesterday..
My sinuses and my friend’s sinuses are also driving us nutz… AND my sinuses NEVER act up unless I have a cold coming on.
I am also getting a sore throat of and on. So yes, something weird is going on.
Too bad we do not have Mark Robinson as Gov elect and a Reboob state senate to pass an ANTI-Chemtrails bill like Florida just did.
Not being argumentized. Agree chemtrails should be illegal.
IIRC, FG&C said chemtrails don’t exist. Or, I misunderstood FG&C, a few years back.
NC lost when Robinson was not elected guvner.
I recall FG&C saying that too. And he ought to know.
Not that that made any difference to any of those who talk about them.
Exactly. Over at WUWT (a site that has a lot of expertise behind/on it), chemtrails will get one banned…
(not sure if HAARP would, but that’s another clickbait favorite)… (not to HAARP on it…)…
(The only instrument that’s out of tune before you finish tuning it 🙂 )…..
Since we seeded clouds to make them rain a few decades ago, obviously we can create and steer hurricanes today. /sarc
Enhancements of existing hurricanes can indeed be done. Steering is more difficult as the optimum atmospheric conditions would need to be there.
Contemplated for military applications, going back to 1996 for 2025 per this Air Force research, which includes creation of various weather related atmospheric conditions.
With the existence of Space Force the truth is none of us on here actually “know” what capability exists or has been implemented or we would not be on here.
The disappearance of chemtrails, or whatever anybody wants to suggest the trails are, from our skies in TN has been remarkable since the legislation was enacted and became effective 7/1. All of it occurring while air travel and routes have increased in our area and state. Just a coincidence I guess.
OK, so you admit you just don’t know if they can do it…so you’re going to proceed as if its true.
You realize that’s a logical fallacy, right?
John Brennan called it Stratospheric Aerosol Injection in a presentation to the Council on Foreign relations in June 29, 2016.
2021 FORBES: A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun. What Could Go Wrong?
2019 Daily Mail: Could dimming the sun save the Earth? Bill Gates wants to spray millions of tonnes of dust into the stratosphere to stop global warming… but critics fear it could trigger calamity
2024 Burning Platform:
Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Carpet Bombing Cities with Chemtrails
‘Tinfoil Hat’ Folks Get the Last Laugh: Former CIA Chief Brennan Lauded Chemtrails in CFR Speech
(includes video)
Last: Documentary by G. Edward Griffin among others (13 years ago) 1hr, 30 min
John Brennan, self-admitted communist, is far too moral to spin tall tales for money, right?
Pull my finger.
He can go spin his own tail…
I just keep wondering if people realize the amount of energy that would need to be harnessed to modify, redirect, “enhance”, let alone create or destroy hurricanes (tornados, etc.)…
Almost infinite jewels, erm, joules required… beyond our capability so far…
The siren song of clickbait beckons nonetheless…. grrrr…….
My original version of this comment you are replying to, actually mentioned that very thing.
I found one estimate that the total energy was 10,000 nuclear bombs and the power output was 200 times the entire world’s electrical generating capacity, and this was an average. I was unable to confirm.
Yes – the energy levels of hurricanes are absolutely prohibitive for any kind of effect by direct input from human sources.
However, after listening to Brennan, I think I’m seeing why there is interest in this “SAI” technology (stratospheric aerosol injection). Basically, the SUN is providing the energy, and the SAI particulates are providing a differential, causing heat absorption to happen at high elevations instead of at the surface, and THAT can potentially affect hurricanes, which are known to alter direction based on surface temperatures.
Whether the magnitudes of any effects are sufficiently large to be useful, more so if the whole thing needs to be done surreptitiously – well that’s a different question.
Although that’s the most plausible scheme I have heard of, I can only imagine it would take hundreds of loads to do it.
What got me was people thinking radar bouncing off of foil dropped off planes (remember the claims some radar system was being used to steer hurricanes?) would do it…without burying everyone on the ground three feet deep in foil chaff, and almost certainly not even then. (You’re talking about light pressure, here…from very weak photons after dispersing over hundreds of miles.).
Three feet of chaff burying everything for hundreds of miles might just be be noticeable.
LOL! Confetti wars!
Weaponized porch pirate glitter bombs.
Don’t give Mark Rober any (more) ideas 😆
[broad smile] 😉
Yes we know, she told us she got well.
The picture leading Linda’s article, Oh Yea! I did figure it was Linda.
If not Linda, a picture from Red Dawn. Sticking with, it’s Linda.
47 days, 11 hours, 23 minutes until our Once And Future President Donald John Trump is restored to the Office that was Rightfully His on January 20,
20202021.Not that I’m counting, mind you.
Wouldn’t that be January 20, 2021?
Yeah it would, and now I can’t fix it.
Maybe if you worked on getting PRIVATE_MESSAGE_TO_STEVE working….
For all I know, even PRIVATE_MESSAGE replies would block editing.
But I can, and did! Not a problem.
You’re encouraging screen shots? So we can prove we don’t have memory issues?
I think only Wolf or the Author of a specific post can edit comments on it, besides our individual edit capabilities as long as someone hasn’t replied to our comment, fwiw…
Wolf bailed you out below…or is it above…shrug 🙂
Wolf, thank you for that additional information on DIM. I learned something new.
Just like you can take nattokinase if you’re not pleased with eating natto, it sounds like DIM is powdered broccoli.
that’s the only way I’d eat broccoli.
Just cut some up for a soup I’m making. Everything gets pureed at the end though, so you don’t know it’s in there. 🥦 😁
well, i do use it in vegetable pizza, but i don’t make that often enough. LOL
like this…
Looks yummy! As long as it’s not just steamed!
nope not steamed. it’s a party favorite at out gatherings.
bake and cool a crescent roll crust. then a layer of a mixture of cream cheese, cottage cheese, mayo, Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix. then a layer of chopped up fresh veggies–we like tomatoes, green peppers, broccoli and cauliflower. refrigerate for an hour.
I would MUCH rather eat broccoli and cauliflower RAW, than cooked esp if smothered in a dressing. The tomatoes & green peppers do not need anything but their lovely selves.
Roasted cauliflower is really good. Toss with extra virgin olive oil, minced garlic, salt and pepper, and roast at 350 for about 40 minutes, stirring once.
Then smothered with sharp cheddar to kill the taste.
I really do not like the flavor of cooked cauliflower. I will put up with broccoli as long as it still has some green color and crunch…. AND it is smothered in cheese. 😆
For me, spinach is the one that is much better raw than cooked.
Depends on how you cook it.
Makes a very nice salad. I much prefer it to lettuce. Also Spinach helps prevent cataracts.😉
Surprisingly everyone in my family actually likes broccoli & we’ve got some pretty picky eaters.
I just top broccoli with a nice sharp cheddar cheese. Does wonders for killing the taste.
OR just go with Bok Choy — YUM!
Roasted broccoli might be more your cup. I grew up with it, so….Steamed to just being crispy. Mmmm.
Yes. Flame grilling is nice, too. Just a bit singed gives a unique flavor, like roasted tomatoes.
Keep the flames going until it’s completely black 😀
Then toss it; leave out the middleman 🙂
[Having grown up with the British method of boiling veggies until they beg for mercy 🙂 … raw is OK ]….
Why waste fuel. Just toss b-coli.
[Having grown up with the British method of boiling veggies until they beg for mercy 🙂 … raw is OK ]
That is why I ate my veggies RAW. I did not know asparagus was not gray slime until I went to college. It is truly bad when college cafeteria food is MUCH BETTER than what your Mom serves!😆
Asparagus is actually green slime 😆
Or, over here, in season, white or purple slime 🙂
You’re most welcome! I was very curious about it, and quite pleased to learn more good news!
Your post is wonderfully helpful, and I’ve printed it out. I was excited to see something that I recognized, apart from the main items you mentioned, and that was DIM. I had elevated estrogen levels several years ago – no explanation, and they continued even after my hysterectomy.
My occasionally, outside the box thinker endocrinologist, had me take DIM – and it was effective. Kind of interesting.
We used Indiamart for our Ivermectin. All out now. Finally convinced daughter that Ivermectin could help stop the repetitive episodes of COVID…
She agreed, and it worked, and she’s in better health than she’s been in a decade. The recurrent sinus infections have also stopped.
She looks and feels better!
Do you think it’s safe to order more Ivermectin from Indiamart – we’d been worried about goons currently running DC. I haven’t heard of any issues, so want to order again. We had 3mg tabs before, but 12 mg would be more useful to have on hand.
Take care.
Thank you so much!
This can help so many people!
Wolf Moon, thank you for publishing the post!
Thank you, Pavaca! I really hope it does.
I’d think so. I’ve saved it. Hopefully in a place I can find again.
Regarding Lugol’s 2% v. Lugol’s 5%.
First, it should be noted that you can use two-and-a-half drops of 2% any time you want to use one drop of 5%. It’s diluted to strength with distilled water.
Second, I use (and recommend) J.Crow’s — available at [or on Amazon, if you must]. They have 2% and 5% in little 2 oz. dropper bottles, and can sell you a 16 ounce jug of the 2%.
Oh, and don’t take iodine anywhere close to when you eat starch — it will dye the starch black and ruin your body’s uptake of either.
I only see a 1 oz bottle of 5% on the J. Crow’s site. And it’s $29.95. I buy 2 4 oz. bottles at a time for $32.36.
I’m still going through my first bottles of 2%, so I haven’t looked lately — I’m thinking of doing the 16 oz. 2% after the first of the year.
The reason for the difficulty in finding 5% probably has a lot to do with the reason the FDA shut down a couple’s backpacking supplies store in Saratoga, California. Around the time they clamped down on sudafed as an ingredient for cooking meth, they also decided that iodine was an ingredient for cooking meth.
I use a capsule — Tri-Iodine by Terry Naturally that I get at a health store locally.
It has potassium iodide sodium iodide & molecular iodine from Kelp. I have been taking it for years to increase energy and decrease my weight.
Amazon has it:
Your Amazon link doesn’t show, fyi…
I thought that was just my croggled computer.
Here is another link:
TY Gail 🙂
Thank you, Linda. First, let me say I am thrilled to hear your ‘no cancer’ results at most recent exam. You’ve been such a brave and well-researched patient from the start of your journey, and it has given me hope I’d cope if ever faced with something similar.
I’ve furiously taken notes or screen-shot your comments and wished somehow I could make a coherent synopsis for reference. Your post is like an early Christmas gift 😁 Hopefully one none of us will need, but very reassuring to have on hand.
Best wishes and continued prayers for your healing 🩷
Thank you, Alison. You’re very kind. I really hope it will help someone who is facing cancer. It can be really daunting to face if you feel like you don’t have many choices. I really hope we see the day when all this will be mainstream and cancer doctors do more than cut, poison, or burn.
I don’t think the left understands how deep our bench is.
Ron DeSantis Eyed to Replace Hegseth as Defense Secretary in Major Cabinet Shake-Up: Report
Jim Hᴏft Dec. 3, 2024 10:05 pm 732 Comments
Oh, that’s just royal b u l l s h i t.
When is GP going to think MAGA instead of thinking news scoops?
MAGA doesn’t get clicks like news scoops do. That’s where the money is. And those guys employ a number of people. Getting the word out isn’t cheap.
Also GP has comments so they get corrected there.
Understood. ThanQ.
Wonderful post Linda! Stories like this give me hope there’s another way than what we’ve been told by the MIC. I’m so happy for you. And impressed! Bookmarked for inspiration and information.
Thank you,Holly.
Autism Capital
@AutismCapital BENZ: “There is no aid in USAID. It’s not an aid organization. USAID stands for US Agency for International Development. What it’s developing is all the activist organizations in foreign countries that the state department is building to gain influence. USAID was created to be a central hub that organized all the different foreign clandestine operations. It has a $50B budget. The entire intelligence community is only $72B. It’s more than the CIA and the State Department. Its a switch player to assist the pentagon, the state department, and the intelligence community.”
Feisty Hayseed
December 4, 2024 1:30 am
“There is no aid in USAID” – What is USAID?
USAID a great target for DOGE to cut. Focus on abolishing.
Besides Tedros getting fired, US should withdraw from WHO AND cease all US funding to WHO.
we should stop funding a lot of bullshit stuff the American people have no idea we’re funding.
if that makes sense
Nothing else makes sense.
Stop the madness!!!
USAid is all about AIDING DEPOPULATION as my excerpts from the 1974 Kissinger Report showed. National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200
Linda, such a gold mine of information.
Absolutely thrilled you are cancer free. Was always thankful you shared parts of your journey over the year plus. Copied much of it at the time.
This article copied and saved, with link. “Linda’s Journey To Cancer Free.” Will be shared.
Thank you for thoroughly sharing
Wondering how quacks, including NPs would react if after “cancer free” is achieved, they learned of, how the cancer was eradicated.
I understand quacks won’t discuss cancer treatment beyond there stated protocol. Perhaps even refuse future treatment.
Quacks learning what works, may open there eyes.
Another source for Ivermectin, HCQ and a slew of other stuff.
Reynold’s. They are India based. Have used three India sources for IVM, HCQ… Reynold’s absolutely the easiest. Shipping flat rate $20. CC. No PayPal. Tracking number provided. Delivery twenty days.
Can’t recall QTreeper who pointed me to Reynold’s.
Thanks, Kalbo! When I told my oncologist I was going to take DIM instead of hormone blockers, she kept telling me there weren’t any large studies to prove it worked. I kept telling her I wasn’t going to risk osteoporosis or heart disease – those can be every bit as bad as cancer. I had to laugh that she wrote in my chart that I don’t trust the FDA.
‘… I had to laugh that she wrote in my chart that I don’t trust the FDA.”
AND she was correct!
Can’t stop laughing out loud!
Wrote in your chart, you don’t trust FDA.
MeThinks, that is progress. Regular folks know FDA can NOT be trusted
Love it! I suspect many doctors are writing in our charts that we’re not trusting the medical profession… FDA included.
O M G, an X showed.
well it IS PE…post election
We all need to be pinched. You know … a cheap reality test.
Permanent bookmark! TY Linda.
You’re very welcome, Tonawanda!
interesting, but not sure it would work…using Vance (President of the Senate) as a weapon against the rinos.
And this is where President Trump needs to utilize Vance. According to the Senate’s website: “The Senate is governed by the Constitution, a set of standing rules, precedents established in the course of the legislative process, and special rules of procedure adopted by statute for particular types of legislation.” The Senators create and vote upon the rules. Unlike in the House, the rules apply from one Congress to the next. As such, those would be difficult to change without a rock-solid majority, something the President sadly doesn’t have.
However, precedents are something altogether different. Here’s the thing, as we saw with the Supreme Court overturning Plessy and Roe: precedents are precedents… until they’re not. And there are a lot of them: 1,600 pages worth!
At a minimum, Vance should eliminate Garner’s rule about the right of first recognition. From that point forward, he is free to guide the proceedings by calling upon whomever he chooses. Beyond that, Vance should scrutinize the Senate’s 1,600 pages of precedents and figure out which ones can be used to help support the president’s agenda (for example, committee assignments) and adjust them accordingly.
But “Wait!” you say, “That’s not how that’s supposed to work!”
Well, it is true that the Senate was specifically crafted to balance the passions of the masses as represented in the House and, to a lesser degree, the White House. That, however, was when States were considered equal partners in our federal system of government and appointed Senators.
But of course, the leftists eviscerated the Founders’ original intentions about the Senate with the 17th Amendment. As a result, the Senate has become simply a more entrenched version of the House. Therefore, if a cabal of geriatric swamp-loving RINOs wants to try and shanghai the president’s mandate because the close balance of party power in the chamber allows them to do so, to paraphrase Sean Connery in The Untouchables, Trump should bring a constitutional gun to their knife fight and keep them from doing so.
To those who cry that if we do it, they’ll do it later, I say, so be it. The reality is that Democrats don’t need this in order to try and destroy the Republic. They nuked the filibuster, which went back to our Founders. They were prepared to add Puerto Rico and DC as states to permanently alter the balance in the Senate. They yearned to pack the Supreme Court to turn it into a progressive rubber stamp. And, of course, they imported 30 million illegals in order to control the House. The Democrats don’t need precedent to do anything. They do what they want, period.
The fact is that the Swamp is an existential threat to freedom, prosperity, and the Republic. Donald Trump must take advantage of this moment and the powers the Constitution provides to eviscerate it now. If he doesn’t do it now, when the winds of change are so strong and America’s desires so clear, it will never happen. He should not let a handful of geriatric RINOs stand in the way of exorcising the bureaucratic cancer of the swamp that menaces American citizens and ravages America’s prosperity. If he allows them to prevail, he will have betrayed the nation and go down in history as America’s greatest disappointment.
You have provided a wonderful account of your journey with practical recommendations and results that will serve mankind so well, Linda. Thank you and may God richly bless you. I am so happy you are well.
You’re very welcome, Trade Bait!
if I may humbly suggest…putting this open under the KEY POSTS at the right for easy reference and access. I myself copied the whole shebang into a word document to save, but for others it might be a good reference point?
I’m printing a hard copy, too.
good idea…easy to have handy in my purse when i’m visiting relatives who need to know.
Wow, thank you Pat and Aubergine. My fondest wish is that it helps someone.
your story is a testament to determination and faith. inspiring actually!
Am going to email the Word doc created from Linda’s article. Available on my cell to share anywhere I go.
It will come in handy. Somewhere, someday(s) AND it will be readily available.
It’s been done, and the link is third from the top!
YAY! Thank you!
Cruciferous Vegetables
And from the first link:
Hope we see the Tucker Lavrov interview today.
The CEO of UnitedHealth was fatally shot in the chest Wednesday morning outside the Hilton hotel in Midtown in what police say was a targeted attack.
I think we may see more and more of this as people realize ‘health care professionals’ INTENTIONALLY POISONED/MURDERED their loved ones.
I have been waiting for that shoe to drop. Do you think these inner city gang members would not hesitate to dispense rough justice if their kid died from the clot shot… AND THEY NOW REALIZE IT?
Could be a motive. I read that UnitedHeathcare is the largest insurer in the country.
Also there are some government connections.
From UnitedHealthcare’s website –
Brian Thompson was named chief executive officer for UnitedHealthcare in April 2021. Prior to this role, he served as CEO of UnitedHealthcare government programs including Medicare & Retirement and Community & State. Before leading government programs, Thompson served as CEO of UnitedHealthcare Medicare & Retirement.
This DM article has a picture of Thompson and Tim Walz. Also mentions that in February the company was the victim of a cyber attack costing $872 million.
Did he have a guilty conscious and was going to talk to someone?
From the article:
Not surprised. There will be more.
Murder is murder. Hope they catch this guy quickly, because we need to know what America is up against.
Leftist activist, possibly MKed by DS, is one possibility.
Cartel killer, “migrant”, is another.
Depoppers and DS are potentially behind it.
Gotta figure out the real danger going forward.
It just came out that the guy used a silencer. I’m wondering if this wasn’t a professional hit.
Ya prolly know. But for those that don’t know.
Silencers can be legally purchased. Of course ATF has there grubby paws in it. Lotsa documentation AND fees levied.
The video makes it obvious it’s an assassination.
Did NOT infer otherwise.
MY POINT in my next post up was.
Agreed. All the tech he needed is on the internet.
Suppressor, Subsonic rounds. Slide lock.
From the DM article….
Thompson’s wife Paulette said he had been receiving ‘some threats’ before his trip to New York.
‘Basically, I don’t know, a lack of coverage? I don’t know details. I just know that he said there were some people that had been threatening him,’ she told NBC News.
And this….
It comes as Thompson was being investigated by the Department of Justice for antitrust violations and accused of insider trading.
Looks like the threat from them didn’t quite work….
And you pay the $200. Tax Fee to have the privilege to purchase one….
That $200 tax goes away, I’ll probably pursue one. Cuz I can.
It’s funny how this is the ONLY TAX ON EARTH you have to beg for permission to pay.
Just saw a short clip of the shooting.
Shooter appears to fire ~three rounds. Perhaps FTE – failure to eject casing. Had to manually cycle to next round. Appears to have tried to seat a fourth round. Jammed? Walked away.
Did not appear to be flustered, having to cycle round next into chamber. Simple task.
Fourth round was probably left in the gun by the slide lock. See the YouTube video where I replied to Kalbo, and the conversation here.
Very cool video. Learned some stuff.
Noodling on placing a suppressor on my Bucket List.
Between the $200 for ATF, the suppressor ($400 – $900), and whatever the FFL may levy, I’ve shied away from a suppressor.
ATF gets out of the way, I’ll be in the market quickly. Only cuz it would be cool to own.
Surely don’t need one. As with many things, cuz I want. Freedom is like that.
Thank you, Linda!! Great information!
Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins
My pony mares had Cushings. A pituitary tumor causes this disease. My gelding several years ago had Cushings, was given the standard treatment and lasted 2 years.
I decided to try normal dose safeguard (fenbendazole) plus Calf Manna on my first mare showing the problem.
Guaranteed Analysis
Unfortunately, while Calf Manna is great for minerals and protein and is NOT a good vitamin supplement. My mare showed some improvement but not a ‘cure’
Then her sister came down with similar symptoms AND I realised my mistake in thinking Calf Manna was a good vitamin supplement.
I then switched to a double dose of this for both mares + a daily dose of safeguard at the recommended dosage:
DuMOR Vitamin Gold
Guarantee Analysis
Merck Animal Health Safe-Guard Cattle Dewormer (fenbendazole) – 290g Paste
Our mares weigh 350 & 400 pounds. Our doseage: 440 lb. = 2 depressions
So they got 10 milligrams of fenbendazole for about a 400 lb body weight.
The result is when they shed their summer coats their winter coats came in SHORTER than their summer coats – normal length and the wasting of muscle mass had reversed WITHOUT the extra protein since I had stopped the Calf Manna.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, December 4, 2024
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.”
Psalms 23:6 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Have you noticed evil increased on earth
The arrogance and flagrancy sheer girth
We are told to pray daily without end
We must not quit give up or even bend
What makes evil so blatant in plain sight
What can we do to curtail this and fight
We must don our Armor of God so fine
We must be Prayer Warriors divine
We must empower others do the same
In His Precious and Most Holy Name
For whatever we ask of the Father
In Jesus’ name compares to no other
We must stand and be bold in all our ways
We must hold onto Him all of our days
We must not accept what’s meant to deter
Redacted refracted revised to infer
We will find truth in His Word as put forth
We will discover knowledge for its worth
We will discern understanding in time
We will reap wisdom its purpose sublime
Saturated with lies and dire deceit
We exhaust ourselves in fighting replete
Instead of uniting under His banner
We’re distracted in discordant manner
To God be the Glory forever amen
To Him be our allegiance now and when
We fight the good fight and are welcomed in
To our heavenly home purified within
D01: 08/04/2023
Thank You Duchess! 🙂
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
First off, GOD BLESS YOU, LINDA! This is an incredibly important document, and such a blessing to the Q Tree, and anyone we have any contact with.
Second, I am going to copy this into a document and save it on my computer. I am also going to print a hard copy. I recommend everyone do that, just in case.
Thank you, Aubergine! I really hope it gets shared and helps others who have to go through this.
I have already sent it to two friends, both of whom know many people. One is an alternative medical practitioner.
Taco Jill will be at Notre Dame opening. As will Trump.
Jill Biden Leaves for Busy Foreign Jaunt Ending with Notre-Dame Cathedral Appearance
Another reason to leave NATO.
NATO Chief Warns Trump of ‘Dire Threats’ to U.S. over Peace Deal in Ukraine
AND what is NATO [NAZIS] going to do if Russia, China and the USA decide to become allies???
NATO (Nazis) AND EU gonna feel left out.
You know – when Putin suggested that Russia should be in NATO, he wasn’t actually wrong. THAT is the hard thing to get one’s head around.
Would have been a plus, Russia NATO.
NATO needs some adult supervision..
NATO needs some adult supervision.
So incredibly Orwellian. NATO – manipulated by “Atlantis” and all possible Cabal parties – finally gets called on being the “useful idiot” thug of Euro-Homo-Globalism, and – like a gangster asking for “protection money” – claims there will be “trouble” if we don’t pay up.
Bottom line, IMO – the idea that the EU should expand into the FSU sphere, and that NATO should expand equally, is not just a lie against Western promises – it’s FOLLY – and always was.
NATZO is looking more and more like a bad idea that can’t get away from the mistaken thinking of its Nazi step-parentage and current Jazi boyfriend.