Fighting sinuses that want to infect. Haven’t been out of the house since Wednesday. Let’s see if this makes sense.
Cover image: First Snowfall by Kume Bryant
Senator Ron Johnson: “Exposing the Truth will be our Primary Weapon”
Facing Election Defeat – State Dept Terminates Strategic Partnership with Georgia, U.S. Ambassador David Zalkaliani Resigns
The Narrative Episode 1 – Backchannels
The Narrative Episode 2 – Defining Power
The Fake and the Gaetz
Which Foreign Policy Play for the USA?
Badlands News Brief – December 2, 2024
Kash Patel: The FBI is a Bigger Crime Scene than Watergate
Major Birth Abnormalities Surge Among Covid-Vaccinated Mothers
Can’t wait for the lawsuits.
Kash Patel is just the man for the FBI
Mexican cartels use college chem students to make fentanyl
Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever
There was dispute about this yesterday.
There is one person at the center of everything that nobody talks about. Focus on the right target. The Biden’s are not the target. They are the tool to expose it all. They are the “doorway” to much bigger players. There is one person that has kept his head down and disappeared. There is one person that everyone has forgotten about. Why is a “corrupt DOJ” at the center of the narrative war right now? Confirmations? Pardons? Convictions?(Trump/Hunter) All focusing the American people on a completely corrupt justice system that needs to be dismantled and rebuilt to follow the constitution. But reforming the system will not happen unless the people within the Corrupt DOJ, who have committed crimes and treason, are prosecuted. That’s coming. But you need to realize who the real targets are. The Biden’s are not the real target. Merrick Garland is not the real target. The real target is someone in hiding, who protected the entire Obama insurgency that completely corrupted our government and shredded our constitution. This one person was responsible for hiding the crimes instead of prosecuting them. Who is it? Do you remember Eric Holder? Who is the bigger player? Eric Holder or Merrick Garland? Do you remember all the crimes and treason that happened during the Obama administration? Do you remember Benghazi? We won’t forget! Too many crimes to list. Eric Holder took the two tier justice system to a whole new level. Q said this about Eric Holder. Q drop 2459 Nov 07, 2018 5:53:26 PM EST… Imagine if the new acting AG now releases all previously ‘blocked’ doc requests by the House (including the [RR] secondary CLAS scope doc). Stealth Bombers fly undetected. The ‘Red Line’ months old 4am narrative should be updated. Pain coming. Q Do you remember who Trump placed as “acting AG”? Matthew Whitaker. Do you really think Whitaker didn’t release all the documents that Holder and his embedded minions were blocking from Congress and “other” ongoing investigations? Do you remember this portion of a Q drop? Q drop 2501 Nov 25, 2018 WHITAKER (in conjunction w/ OIG) approved the release of CLAS docs 1-4 as requested by the House Committee and as ORDERED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Will the release occur prior to scheduled testimony? List advantages. Will the release occur post scheduled testimony? List advantages. If those testifying ‘know’ select CLAS docs will become public [self-incrimination] how might that alter/change their testimony? DC has become RAT infested. Trump declassified everything and all the evidence has been presented before grand juries for many years now. Eric Holder is mostly quiet for a reason. He’s panicked. Guess who else is panicked? Q drop 603 Jan 24, 2018 2:54:08 PM EST TODAY, former President Barack HUSSEIN Obama formally retained COUNSEL (9/WW). GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Q The Biden’s aren’t panicked anymore.
Rosenstein got them ALL to trust him by giving Comey exactly what he was demanding after he was fired by Trump: a Special Counsel to investigate the ‘SpyGate claims’. Which Comey knew all along were hoaxes created by the Clinton campaign and brought to him by her operatives. Trump and Sessions and Mueller helped Rosenstein set the plotters up. That’s why the cover story about Mueller being there to interview for the FBI Director’s job was invented and given to the news media. But Mueller wasn’t there to interview for the vacant FBI Director post. He was there to help Rosenstein set up the RICO conspirators, who’d been actively plotting against Trump while he was a candidate, and continued into treason once he was sworn in as the nation’s 45th President. Once Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Schiff, Warner and the other plotters all trusted Rosenstein, he compiled evidence against them and handed it to a secret Special Counsel using a federal grand jury so secret, it could actually SPY on members of the Gang of Eight without any of them knowing about it. Schiff/Swalwell didn’t find out about they were being spied on until the federal gag order wasn’t renewed for a fourth year, and Apple quickly alerted them that their electronic comms had been targeted by a federal grand jury investigation for 3+years. Schiff, Swalwell & the other 70 or so people in/around the US Congress who have been influence peddling and making under the table $$$ by giving 1. foreign entities 2. news media 3. corporations and defense industry contractors access to classified materials had one hope until Nov. 5: That they could successfully stop Donald Trump from returning to the White House, and appointing an AG and an FBI Director who would have the GUTS to use all that compiled evidence and charge and prosecute them for what they did. They failed to stop him. And now they’re in a panic. Well all of them that were on the Gang of Eight **except for** Devin Nunes. Ain’t life grand?
From listening to reports around the internet, there seem to be about 12 senators in the DC republican party who think they can stop Trump or at least bloody his mandate. The strategy appears to be to have 2 or 3 hard nos on his nominees with a rotating fourth or fifth to take the slings and arrows on that particular nominee. Personally, I don’t think it will work, but it appears those in DC are centering on this strategy….good luck…notice Trump hasn’t entered into the conversation yet. It appears he is allowing the senate to save face. Will they take the offer, or will he have to browbeat them into submission? Can he?
After listening to some news responses today from the corporate woke lying media and other former government crooks and conspirators regarding HB’s pardon, I’m in one of those moods where I want @realDonaldTrump to go scorched earth on minute one of day one. The left (and many in the RINO compound) screwed America (and many of us, including yours truly) so bad, they deserve nothing, nada, zilch. The country was nearly destroyed by these pr!ck$ and they continue to spew their bullsh!t through their mouthpiece talking heads. Just stop! All you corporate liars and all your talking heads deserve is our utter contempt. As for those serving inside of government right now, it is time to confess your sins or forever hold your breath, because #WeThePeople are so sick and tired of the severe corruption inside of our government and we are no longer going to tolerate sheepish behavior—GET A PAIR! And lastly, for those members of Congress (House and Senate) who fail to confirm Trump’s nominees, woe be tide you. Like history teaches, you have awoken a sleeping giant in the guise of the American people and we will not relent, we will not give up, we will prevail in this, a 21st century version of an American Revolution. And we’re just getting started. Fight, Fight, Fight!!!
I’m extremely thankful Biden and his handlers issued this pardon. All it’s done is bring more attention to all of their offshore criminality, and confirm that Joe and the Dems are trying to cover their tracks. It also discredited the Dems/MSM, and opened the door for Trump to pardon anyone he likes without backlash. It’s proven the Dems are corrupt and will lie and cheat whenever it suits them. It also proves the Dems sit on a false moral high ground. Besides, Hunter is not who we are ultimately after. He is just a bagman. He is the willing family member who is just a proxy for Joe, who is a proxy for Obama, who is a proxy for Soros, who is proxy for whoever is above him, and so on. Hunter is not the mastermind of this operation. He was just the front man behind many layers of separation for the Deep State, and was compensated with millions of dollars for hookers and blow. Hunter is just a puppet. This pardon is not going to make the situation go away. It did the opposite. It just made the situation bigger.
Meme Zone
That’s about right…although, the NHL makes them go to the hospital these days.
Mount Rainier at sunrise:
Yep. Dogs do that.
Per the boss’s instruction:
I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.
Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
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The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
Isaiah 11:1-10
1There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. 2And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. 3And his delight shall be in the fear of the LORD. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide by what his ears hear; 4but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked. 5Righteousness shall be the girdle of his waist, and faithfulness the girdle of his loins. 6The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them. 7The cow and the bear shall feed; their young shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. 8The sucking child shall play over the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder’s den. 9They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. 10In that day the root of Jesse shall stand as an ensign to the peoples; him shall the nations seek, and his dwellings shall be glorious.
Not quite the same text, but this came to mind when reading that from Isaiah.
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.
Half an hour past midnite and yet I’m first.
Well, thank you for today’s blog, DP. 🙂
Only just barely, dang it!
Forty Eight days, 11 hours, 31 minutes until our Once And Future President, Donald John Trump, is restored to his rightful office.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
Acting on principle, what a novel idea. 😀 👍
and . . . U.S. 1776 250 year anniversary
That’s because Hunter was wearing the magic scarf of invincibility.
More likely, nobody wanted to search Hunter’s room for fear of contracting an STD.
getting a used needle in their hand.
dang it Scott!
spit coffee all over the table…
Was it one of Birx’s?
Yeah, like Birx… 🙂 or 😡
Help. I read that as invisibility. Too much Harry Potter.
That’s because they know he’s Q. 😉😏😁
Isn’t that what they wanted for JFK, also?
That wasn’t on live TV, if it was, the Zapruder film would have been one among many.
I seem to remember Big Media being there.
Oh well, I’m just an old geezer.
Back then it could have been radio and print. OR I could just be wrong.
Mr. Ziegler is way off on this one.
Careful reading of the pardon and later statements, coupled with the chronology of the criminal case, shows that there is no incompatibility.
I hope he is a far better man that his dad and uncle. His mom and his dad divorced and she went on to marry Coach Don Shula. She was very deep into GOP politics even back in Democrat controlled Arkansas and it caused marital problems among other issues. His dad was RINO/Establishment GOP who even backed Carter and Clinton. Stephens, Inc. was the lead dog in bankrolling the Clintons.
I am sure PDT knows and has vetted.
An ambassadorship is one easy way to get someone off the playing field.
Queen Nikki, for a recent example. IDK if this one is similar.
Based on what you say, I wonder if this is Trump setting a marker on far he’s going to dig in rooting out corruption. “If your this deep I’m not coming after you so relax fellas, were just going after the slimiest swamp creatures among you. Play straight like Mr Stephens here and you’ll be fine”.
He’s not half as filthy as Hussein the Usurper.
Or even Hitlary.
Yeah – those two need to have their remains incinerated and any remaining ashes jettisoned into space by Elon and gang.
A tar pit might be better. Frankly I’d not trust their ashes floating around in space as dust.
Aliens could find some uncharred DNA and clone them! Revenge of Hitlary! Revenge of Okhan!
Dang! That’s exciting.
This is the way and it has long been planned. Patriot states cooperate and back the sheriffs and local law enforcement efforts to root out the illegals. This forces the illegals who are wanting or otherwise ordered by their handlers to stay, to move to more friendly leftist states. Those states then get targeted by the full onslaught of ICE and made examples of by PDT and Tom. The cooperating patriot states use their law enforcement to simply round them up and hold until ICE can pick up and process. They will get fed funds to reimburse the cost of holding and transporting. It allows ICE to position their assets for maximum effectiveness.
I plan to use this one frequently going forward.
Personally thinks the “Oh the Humanity!” cry is going to be loud and vociferous. For this reason Trump is going to go after the criminal class first and see’s how it develops with his objective being all of them, but knowing that will be a hard sell once the tears start flowing in earnest. He’ll force the major and smaller players who opted on for taking in invaders to pony up on their responsibility to sponsor the better ones and not leave that on the back of tax payers. Rounding up the criminals, self deportation and those that no wants to sponsor will likely be the end of it. He’ll likely get rid of half, maybe two thirds of the 20 million invaders in this way.
The leftist states will cry “oh the humanity” until ALL the humanity is camping in their front yards and shitting on their sidewalks.
Never forget the Martha’s Vineyard treatment of the illegals shipped to their front doors.
Trump will deport 90% or more. That’s my bet.
Me too!
Go back to the pictures of those coming in. Most came in as swarthy, shifty, military-aged males. For every sad-eyed picture of a child or mother released by the enemedia, there will be 8 or 9 pictures of swarthy, shifty, military aged males, many with face tattoos. Many will be mug shots, and will look like they were always “good to go”.
I believe in conservation of Y chromosomes! Trust the science! 😉
Operation Wetback V2.0…
Row vs Wade?
Airdrop (or WKRP Turkey drop)… if they come back, drop them further away… just like Eisenhower did…
If they come back, then they weren’t dropped from high enough.
Distance isn’t the problem, it’s altitude.
….or far enough offshore.
(For those low-flying helicopters.)
DJT should make Martha’s Crackhouse Island a detention facility for illegal invaders, and house them with all the self-important Leftists who live there.
Make them live the dream they so fervently wanted for everyone else.
Let the invaders destroy all the homes, and all the property value with them, wipe out the whole nest of evil.
Turn Martha’s Crackhouse Island into a smoking ruin, a forever symbol of what Leftism means in actual application.
I’m all for this. F ’em.
“Personally thinks the “Oh the Humanity!” cry is going to be loud and vociferous.”
Let them cry loudly and vociferously, in the crapoganda papers nobody reads, and on the failing TV Potemkin constructs nobody watches.
Nobody cares, except to get clips for youtoob, so everyone can laugh at them.
^^^ With a D-Rat guvner. Cooper, IIRC. The shit bird that is ignoring his citizens slammed by Helene.
Hmmmm. Thinking 48 hour rule in effect.
PAGING Gail for comment.
about 17 years too late for CF&I in Pueblo, which is now owned by a largely-Russian company.
So pass a law that outlaws foreign ownership of critical industry. The foreign owners are then forced to sell.
Many countries prohibit foreign ownership of land and industry, for all the obvious reasons that seem lost on many Americans.
Yup, like Sarah and gang did in Arkansas. A federal judge ruled against the law, but it will eventually be overturned and set precedent nationwide.
Hear, hear! Sarah’s so awesome!
True but it probably wouldn’t be a problem if Americans could afford to hold onto their businesses. All that excess liquidity sloshing around the world sort of makes it inevitable that the ‘seed corn’ gets eaten.
Excellent observation. 👍 That fix will take longer, but is likely to be part of the bigger plan.
I don’t think that will ever stop the globo-homos, they can always make an offer so big that the business owners can’t refuse.
It’s warfare. Whether corporate or national, with adversaries like the chineeze, where does the one end and the other begin?
Why go to war to defeat your enemies, if you can just buy up all their industry with worthless fiat and credit instruments, and own the production of the whole nation of your enemies?
Make foreign ownership illegal, and the problem is substantially reduced.
When the enemy has their people become citizens of the U.S. to get around the law, make it illegal for foreign assets who become U.S. citizens to be straw purchasers / owners of U.S. property on behalf of foreign entities.
It’s not hard to figure out what the bad guys will always do.
All it ever takes is the will to stop them, which is the one thing we don’t have, because we won’t destroy the will-killer, which is political-correctness, the weapon used by the Left to destroy nations everywhere.
Stop the invaders.
The invaders are 90% men, by the way. There’s a reason for that, a reason which feminists can’t see and/or refuse to acknowledge.
If they want the invasion of foreign men to stop, don’t put women in charge of stopping the invaders.
Or in charge of stopping crime, or any other dangerous thing that requires physical force.
If they’re serious, then put men in charge of those things.
And if they’re not serious, then they will get the exact and 100% predictable results of doing the wrong thing, in service to DEI and feminism and every other thing besides reality.
All hail the Great and Mighty Y chromosome!!!
😆 🕵 💪
isn’t there already a law on the books that prohibits a foreign entity from purchasing “critical” US industries or materials deemed a national security asset? I thought that was the law that Hillary circumvented to sell 20% of our uranium to Russia. Perhaps that law should actually be prosecuted.
No idea, we have tens (hundreds?) of millions of laws, so that no one, not even the greatest team of lawyers who ever lived, can ever know how many crimes they commit in any given day.
That way, everyone is guilty of multiple crimes a day, everywhere, all the time, so the tyrannical state can selectively prosecute whomever they deem an adversary.
Either you burn it all down, or DJT 2.0 is just a speed bump on the way to annihilation.
But it doesn’t matter what I think, I’m generation X, so I don’t know anything.
Yup, an essential industry for national defense. Great move.
Thanks DP for plugging away even when not feeling great. My hubby & I caught some seasonal bug during our Thanksgiving gathering so are both running about half speed. May God quickly heal & restore us all. God Bless YOU dear sister in Christ 😇
Finished SoZ yet?
No they wouldn’t renew it yesterday so I’ll have to order it up again. It’s silly since it’s within our regional library system but not at my local library. So I put it on hold & the owning library ships it to my local library who then checks it out to me. They could save time, hassle, & money to allow an additional renewal (some other libraries do so) when the book isn’t listing any hold requests. Unfortunately my hold request list for my library card is at capacity so I have to wait for another one to come in, or at least list as “in transit” before I can re-request SoZ…sigh…Hopefully this happens later this week 🙂
(From the opener).
That’s perfect. Proof that the rising sun is shining onto the clouds from the underside.
Impossible in the flat Earth model, where the Sun never drops below 3000 km or so above the “plane” of the Earth. (Thus, in Flat Earth terms, it never actually sets, it just recedes into the distance and eventually we can’t see it any more especially since (they claim) it’s directional; sunrise being the reverse process as the Sun approaches us.)
Which means that the Flat Earth is absurd. Most of you didn’t need me to tell you that.
That’s quite striking. Almost worth getting up at 5 AM to see.
Well, your enthusiasm may be dampened by the fact that you must live near Fist Of God (I literally thought of that when I first saw Rainier), and the clouds have to be exactly at the right height.
It’s in my county.
Believe it or not, the mountain is almost 100 miles distant 😮 from the camera [in the city of Orting]. Damn thing is huge!
Not a place I would want to be when the darn thing erupts. And it’s been making noise lately. Not as much or anywhere close to Mount St. Helens, but it has been more active.
Just for fun, I follow this site:
5am is when Hubby’s M-F shift Starts–yikes!
Silly me, I thought the pic Might be fake but then I haven’t seen mountains in years so don’t have a ready frame of reference 😉
Rainier is extremely “prominent” meaning it’s out by its lonesome, in fairly low terrain. (Pikes Peak is prominent too, since it’s far away from the other fourteeners, but not nearly as prominent.)
The Colorado Fourteeners (we have about 50 mountains over 14K feet in elevation) tend to sit on bases 6-8 thousand feet above sea level so you don’t see the sheer mass of the mountain like you do with Rainier. McKinley/Denali, on the other hand, hits 20,000+ feet from a base of about 3000 feet. Undoubtedly impressive…when it’s not clouded in.
So those (possible) volcanic cones show off this phenomenon best? 😉
Rainier is unambiguously a volcanic cone. There’s no “possible” about it.
Something like this could conceivably happen with Pikes Peak, too…which is not a volcanic mountain. It pains me to say it, though, but Rainier just looks freaking gigantic because of how high it is above its base, and it’s a lot steeper overall, (Pikes Peak has broad shoulders.)
I was trying to think of the brand of beer that had a mountain on its cans, and came across this anecdote —
In 2004, a black bear received substantial media attention for having consumed 36 cans of Rainier beer in Baker Lake, Washington. After gaining access to a cooler of beer that belonged to campers, the bear avoided cans of Busch beer and used its claws and teeth to open and then consume the cans of Rainier. A wildlife agent said at the time that “this is a new one on me … I’ve known them to get into cans, but nothing like this. And it definitely had a preference.”
Hope it avoided Bud Lite unless it was feeling tranny-ish LOL
If anyone reports bears roaring in falsetto, you’ll know it didn’t.
bwah ha ha Maybe if it gets kicked in the nuts 😉
It would drink Bud Lite if it wanted to use the girls’ restroom…….but, y’know, there’s that “in the woods” thing.
no doubt, LOL!
This is a guy holding a can of Rainier Beer on Mount St. Helens, with Mount Rainier in the background.
It demonstrates how each mountain arises out of the flats, and also how far the mountains can be from one another.
Not all Cascade volcanoes are created equal. I find the following image to be quite helpful…..
I can think of two: Hamm’s and Busch. Busch’s tag line was “Head for the Mountains.”
Can you tell I grew up in Anheuser-Busch territory. I swear there’s a pipeline under the street to the stadium.
If that’s the one in the pic then that’s obvious. I was loosely (I fantasized coyly) alluding to our discussion yesterday 😉
Speaking of prominent mountains, this is Mount Shasta from the South —
Shasta is the 11th most prominent peak in the US — Rainier is #3 — .
(There are some fun ones on there — Haleakala is #10.)
Rainier is #1 … in the continental USA.
Thus, the only one that matters. 😉 😆
Hey, I’ve been on top of Number 2! Mauna Kea!
Where all the fake CO² numbers come from 🙂
It hasta be Shasta… from Hayward, CA. (also home of Annabelle candy, e.g. Rocky Road, U-NO, and Zero, among others)…
TY 🙂 Guess you’ve got a great view & hopefully a great exit strategy if that thing decides to blow its top!
We’re on the Key Peninsula, across the Tacoma Narrows.
No way the lava flow would get high enough to cover Tacoma, let alone high enough to cross the Narrows.
What about flooding when the snow pack melts? That’s what got a lot of the victims and caused a lot of damage at Mount St. Helens as I understand it.
Still perfectly safe over here. Flooding would follow the flood plain of the Puyallup River into the Puget Sound.
Only drawback around here is one highway in and out. So traffic gets interesting sometimes.
“one highway in and out” isn’t that what happened to that town in HI, forget the name, where the cabal wanted the prime real estate that generational natives wouldn’t sell so turn off the water & burn them out!
Yes, Thank you 🙂
Yes but we don’t have those kind of problems here. [knock on wood]
In lefty lunacy land??? Hmmm…Hope so 🙂
Lahar (volcanic ash) may be a problem.
Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines blew in 1991. They are still dealing with the lahar.
That would at least be a legitimate reason to wear masks.
Sarcasm noted and aside.
Understatement of the day.
Sometimes I think that Flat Earth 2K Edition is really a psy-op designed to increase scientific literacy of Americans, using a strawman enemy of science.
Or perhaps its meant to dumb us down. Or exploit scientific illiteracy. Or weak critical thinking skills. Remember these people function by pretending to be scientific about things…look here are all these “proofs”…that will sucker people who don’t know any better, but they think they saw scientific evidence.
Yeah, I’m probably seeing too many people at the brighter end of the bulb!
Q-Tree distorts that IQ bell curve just a “little bit” 😉 😉
The Velikovsky effect. Plenty of bright but ignorant (of history and science) people were (and still are) suckered by him.
Scientists who read his stuff see the BS science but not the BS history. The history sounds so impressive to them that they think, maybe this guy is onto something in spite of the fact that he clearly knows nothing about the science. Vice versa for ancient historians.
Velikovsky had some strange appeal to a certain type of student when I was in school – but he was a mortal enemy of all our science teachers, who only differed in the amount of open distaste. I do think some of those teachers found the topic to be a great way to engage students in science and the scientific method.
Ironicallly, many of the more serious students ended up buying the books out of a kind of “enjoy the controversy and put-down” way of thinking. At a certain point, Velikovsky becomes comical, and explaining it hyperbolically becomes a party act.
Those are books that should not casually be put aside…
They should be thrown, and with great force 🙂
(to paraphrase Dorothy Parker)…
She didn’t say that? Surprise surprise.
Whorls in collusion…
His Wikipedia page leaves him as neither full nor empty. In the world of hard science that leaves him toast and his theories can only rise as far as he can stack them with facts which leave him with a few mounds that can be reshuffled to make higher mounds but nothing approximating a mountain. Example planets bouncing off each other is absurd, but the effects of other asteroid or comet bodies passing close to the earth if he had gone that way, which apparently he did not, not so absurd.
Historically things are much more subjective where even the seemingly most straight forward facts can be subject to agenda occurring now and in the past to include his own.
It appears that the sincerity of his message keeps him aloft. He can be treated better to ignorance than plain charlatanism. People will of course scour through the wreckage to find usable bits of working things for their own scaffolds for which there seems some.
Way too much attention is being paid to this stupidity. IMO.
Think of the unnecessary wear-and-tear on the neurons.
Yet it keeps resurfacing.
The cats keep knocking it off the edge, yet it’s attached to springs and comes back.
Here there be dragons!
I’m somewhat there. Wise guys on the internet taking great delight in promoting something they themselves don’t believe in to see if normal folk can think through it.
I thought it was a fake photo. Would love to see it on one of those videos were they film it at one speed then play it at a higher speed, like when they show plants growing.
Yes, time lapse would be amazing on that!
I took it as fake. If real, a fluke.
Uh… I think that’s smoke, coming out of the volcano…
Where’s the Kamala filter(s)…
At 93 MILLION MILES away…. How the Fuck did the sun get UNDER the clouds?
embrace the sphere 😉
I was indoctrinated into that cult from birth…..
Then I woke up.
That’s what my wife does every time she gives me a hug.
More to love!
hubby has also sphered a little since we got married. but his handsomeness and his body aren’t the only things i find sexy about him. it’s the way he looks AT me. that hasn’t changed a bit.
There you go! Having 4 kids didn’t do my figure any favors but that mind(less ness of late LOL) never really goes out of style 😉 😉
I remember someone who said, “the only shape I’m in is ’round.'”
Or, “I’m in good shape. Round is a shape.”
This is EXACTLY the answer. Spherical curvature provides a perfect and complete answer to what we observe.
Geometry at a distance isn’t always intuitive because of perspective effects, but SOME basic geometry holds – and this is one of those cases.
Also, some basic forms of mathematical proof have to be understood, as in this case.
Hear, hear! You listening RB? 🙂
He doesn’t because WE are indoctrinated and HE sees the real truth.
Then he projects that WE are the arrogant ones.
I will admit that I was indoctrinated by my parents and teachers into believing the earth was spherical as a child – without truly understanding it – and believe me – I did ask challenging questions, because I could not easily see curvature. I used to love to ask my parents questions like “where would I come out if I dug straight down?”
The thing is, it made sense. Spherical Earth made sense. It was always many hours later in Europe if we called people there. It was the same time (roughly) on the same day in South America.
I think it’s a wonderful exercise to try to “re-prove” to myself that the Earth is a sphere. Every solid proof – like this one – is a beauty to behold!
If you did dig straight down through the earth…
would you come out the other side upside down?
First things first.
If you dig straight down into / through the Earth…
…could you come out the other side?
Iron man only. Maybe!
Great question! By my reasoning, “down” would flip at the center, passing through a brief point of near-weightlessness. And again, by the beautiful spherical symmetry, it would not matter which direction became “up” after you passed that point. As you came “up” (using the energy of the fall), gravity would increase, as more and more mass “below” outweighed the mass “above”!
Let’s grant that he wants a stright line through the center, coming up at the antipodes.
From anywhere in CONUS, you end up in the Indian Ocean, almost certainly not on dry land. If you’re really, really lucky (two places in CO, one in MT) you come up on an island in the Indian Ocean.
Darn, as kids we always said Chyna 😉
AND OBTW on a Flat Earth even 3 thousand miles away (which is THEIR claim) is a problem here.
93 Million – it’s peanuts! At a certain point, it seems scary small to me, considering the burning power of a star!
Big sun, big age of the universe (or at least the solar system), big Earth, big distances – it all adds up, and it’s GRAND. Biological evolution to tie it all together locally – a universe that actually WORKS without grubby hacks – far too many believers are just missing out on the best stuff, IMO.
When the “wave-a-wand creationist” road show came to our university, there was a huge turn-out both pro and con, with Morris and Gish versus two professors – an atheist and a “theistic evolutionist”. The latter was the guy who won my vote! He was the radioactive dating expert, and he was just so clear and calm. Great teacher. The creationists really didn’t like him, and they trained their biggest guns on him, because he just made sense and offered the same compatibility of science and religion to even the most devout students. The creationists had to undo something that was simple and made sense, to carve out a place for their bad justification of unsound literalism. “They wanted us divided.”
Interesting times!!!
Well, this is a problem isn’t it? Even at 3000 miles away, it couldn’t get under the clouds
UNLESS of course the Earth is round, in which case the sun can be far off to the SIDE and below (as seen with respect to the local [tangent] horizontal plane) the level of those clouds.
In other words, this is a problem for you no matter how far away the Sun is.
Superficial WTF.
IF the sun never drops below 3,000 km. = Then the sun never sets. = 24/7 day time.
Obviously I am missing something.
Sunset. Sunrise.
ALL rhetorical.
I know it’s rhetorical. But yes, modern Flat Eartherism maintains that the sun doesn’t truly set. It just recedes into the distance, and if you happen to have mountains or trees or something blocking your view to the west, it will eventually go “behind” them. It’s plausible (to a five year old living inland or in a bunch of trees), because you never actually see the Sun cross your local horizon plane. Of course if you live on the west coast and can see the ocean… (Reverse everything for sunrise, of course.) This is why RB was here a few days ago insisting that cameras (in particular a specific point-and-shoot with a shitload of zoom capability, but with optics that don’t really justify it) showed the sun never dropped below the horizon. (He’s dead wrong about this. There are YT videos showing that the Sun remains the same apparent diameter as it sets (not receding) and gets cut off as it goes below the horizon.)
The irony is the flat earth model followed by the ancients–where the sun travels BELOW the earth at night so it can rise the next morning) works much better for this, but cannot handle the situation where it’s daytime in Tokyo yet nighttime in New York City. The modern Flat Earth model is an attempt to deal with that fact, but just turns out to be laughable at explaining things like sunrise and sunset.
Oh, and the (alleged) reason the Sun can stay above the (alleged) plane and still have some parts be in darkness is that it’s alleged to be a directional light source, like a spotlight, rather than like a bare light bulb shining in all directions.
I was talking w/ my firefighter/EMT son late on Thanksgiving & he told me about someone he loosely knows who is now dying of breast cancer that had previously been in remission & she’s pretty young, like in her 20s or 30s. I asked if she might have taken the clot shot since cancers coming out of remission seems pretty well associated with it. He said that she & her husband both participated in the covid “vaccine trials” & are All Onboard w/ covid shots. They are pretty lefty too, no big surprise. I asked if I could send him some of those cancer fighting protocols that have been shared around here by Linda & others & he was OK with that. He doesn’t think that either the husband or wife will be receptive to this alternative info even though she may only have a few more months to live, per prognosticating docs. It sounds like “they’ve resigned themselves” to wifey’s early death, which is just incredibly sad. How often is this being played out around the world?
Help is on the way. Linda’s post goes up in 22.5 hours.
Not that anyone is counting.
Thanks. I’ll send that link to Brandon w/ a reminder to also at least scan the comments for helpful info too. Very much appreciate you guys gathering this important info! I’ll send the link to my dad’s hunting buddy who’s been dying with cancer tor the last couple of years. I’ve sent them the protocols a few times, as the info shows up here in the Q-Tree, but I don’t know if they’ve acted on any of it. His wife was an RN for many years so may be too steeped in traditional medicine, or too elderly & bogged down with her own health issues, including Guianne Barre, to dig in.
Valerie has a point. People steeped in the status quo for medicine and the expert culture are really hard to talk to when it comes to this stuff. Some REALLY old family friends have a daughter who lost a limb to osteosarcoma (and supposedly her fertility, but God had the final say on that one). Can you imagine 10 years later, crutches, wheelchair, and a mechanical leg, learning that the cure was some old drugs that weren’t profitable? I mean, this girl went through hell.
At least the woman and her husband have their little boy. He’s almost three, a carbon copy of his dad, and a genuine miracle.
That’s a blessing at the end of a long, painful, & in many ways unnecessary road. It’s an incomprehensible evil that life saving & quality-of-life preserving &/or restoring interventions are being denied to the general public. Hope RFK jr’s approach to dealing with these things vastly improves access going forward.
Wolf Moon
Thank you! Looking forward to it!
More than should be.
Valerie Curren
“How often is this being played out around the world?”
Million of times since January 2021, when people “trusted their doctors”, people “followed the science”, people were threatened with losing their jobs, etc., — and they started taking the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
I believe this scenario will happen millions of times more, unless “vaccinated” people wake up and starting using alternative treatments for the “vaccine”-induced / “vaccine”-related conditions they have developed post-injection. Even if a COVID-19 “vaccinated” person took only, say, 2 or 3 injections and then stopped — the damage that these injections to do the body CONTINUE for an indefinite amount of time.
This is ON TOP OF the insidious damage that the N1-Methylpseudouridine in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” do to the “gut – brain axis” (the vagus nerve) — because this “vaccine” ingredient replaces (eliminates) the natural Uridine RNA in the “vaccinated” person’s body. Uridine is an incredibly important component.
This is ON TOP OF the fact that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” (by Pfizer-BioNTech and by Moderna, in particular) changes the DNA of the “vaccinated” person’s body (human liver LINE1 DNA.)
It’s truly beyond comprehension the monstrous evil that’s been inflicted on humanity 😡
Valerie Curren
I emailed you the Midwestern Doctor blog post on DMSO. I hope it came through OK.
TY PAVACA, I’ll check now…when did you send it for I’m not seeing it in the inbox yet?
I found these DMSO related articles w/in other emails though, fwiw.
Valerie Curren
Thank you. I sent it yesterday. If it’s still not there by tomorrow, please let me know via a comment here on the board.
OK, TY just in case here’s my email again
I double checked from yesterday & today so far but haven’t gotten it. Thank you for your follow through, though, much appreciated!
Here are some links you might appreciate given all your work on the shots
Valerie Curren
Thank you. Just re-sent the Midwestern Doctor article link to your email address.
TY I got that email–much appreciated!!!
Check spam folder.
I did that too. PAVACA sent it again (or else it surfaced) sometime this afternoon though 🙂
It was attached to the slow electrons.
could be 😉
I’ve noted a weird “resignation” to all kinds of things in the vaxxed people.
I think, as I have stated previously, that one of the intended and planned side effects of the vaxx was to “cut people off” from the Divine.
Of course, that could only happen to people without a solid connection to Him in the first place, but that is true of so, so many of our fellow humans in this world.
I think the resignation stems from this disconnect.
Deeply disturbing & tragic trajectory. Indifferently slouching toward the abyss 😪
to say the least 🙁
A great point. Negative faith in modern medicine is still a form of faith in modern medicine.
I’ve noted a weird “resignation” to all kinds of things in the vaxxed people.
^^^ As have I.
This motherpatchcord does not exist 😀
Oh but it does.
It can be used to back power an electrical house circuit from a generator when the power is out. (Be sure to shut off the main breaker 1st)
MAJOR code violation… linemen have been killed by improvisations such as that…
Apparently, it’s not if you label the breaker feeding that circuit properly.
And make sure to disconnect that main breaker. You DON’T want your generator “fighting” grid power even if you know no lineman’s life and safety is a factor. Oh, yeah. before I forget: disconnect that main breaker.
Of course if you do that you’ll never know when the power comes back. I thought of wiring a bell or some sort of status light just upstream from the man breaker, that would ring or light up when the power comes up. That probably WOULD be a code.violation.
So the process would be: switch the bell on (nothing should happen because the power is off). Disconnect the main breaker. Turn on the generator. Turn on the breaker to the generator.
When the bell goes off, shut it off to save your sanity, then reverse the other steps. If your sanity is already gone, you can just reverse all of the steps.
Code requires a switch to isolate standby/alternate power from power supplier’s lines.
The point is (other than the code violation) that such jerry-rigging devices are dangerous. It’s been in the code since at least 1986…
And if the frequency twixt the two differs, all sorts of “fun” things happen. It’s becoming a problem over here with the occasional homebrew solar arrays being wired by amateurs…
As far as I know, a clearly labeled switch on the breaker board satisfies the requirement in your first paragraph.
As for grid-tied solar (in the US the utilities MUST buy your surplus, by law), it needs an inverter that’s smart enough to sync itself to the grid’s power.
NV. 2023.
Received sales pitch from two reps, different solar companies.
If I installed solar on the roof.
No idea how solar works in other states.
A GoPro camera aimed at the electric meter.
Watch neighbor’s house for evidence of power.
Yep…. but it works. That is why I said “Shut off the main breaker first”
Was just about to say that.
In that case, though, you’ll want a 240V cord (which will have different shaped plug on it).
This cord will work for a single circuit.
240V cord if you want to back feed the entire house.
And yes, the 240V cord will usually have a different plugs that could go into something like a cloths dryer socket.
If I needed a generator, I’d need it to work the well pump, which is 240V. IIRC so is my furnace.
Others might only need 120, but then half of their circuits won’t have power even with the generator running.
Oh, and you forgot to mention to turn off the main breaker.
Certainly does exist.
Jill Biden’s Christmas decorations look like what would happen if a group of circus clowns projectile vomited all over the White House, which I guess is the perfect metaphor to sum up the last four years.
Found them sitting just out side the WH. Evil looking clowns at that. 😮
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, December 3, 2024
“For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Romans 10:10 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Refreshing rain falls at dawn;
Pulsating pain throbs thereon;
Devouring dark woebegone;
Reliving rift cast upon!
Emptiness is at best;
Openness to be blessed;
Loneliness to fill the void;
Peacefulness to be enjoyed!
Knowing not just how to proceed;
Gasping; grappling to fill the need;
Betraying all so carefully taught;
Warbling woe – dolefully distraught!
Broken bastion defiled with sorrow;
Token turmoil signals the morrow;
Desperately dangling by a thread;
Covetously clinging to the dread!
Beckoning God a cry aloud;
Hearkening the Spirit avowed;
Awakening awe to exhume;
Allowing angels sweet perfume!
Attending attention to prayer;
Prostrating prevention to despair;
Lifting listlessness up on high;
Loving lowliness with a sigh!
Repenting; relinquishing all to Him;
Releasing; replenishing to the brim;
Lovingly laying the burden aside;
Securely saving a place to reside!
Reasonably realizing the vanity;
Bordering; basking on insanity;
Refusing reproving dangerously;
Anguishing; angering anxiously!
Lovingly, knowingly His Spirit He sent;
Imposing, imploring the need to repent;
Rebuking, relinquishing the control;
Disarming, disavowing His console!
Freely forgiving the fool heartedness;
Allowing His Love to replace distress;
Remembering love can conquer all;
Without love we are destined to fall!
Love of neighbor begins within you;
Loving yourself is critical, too;
Emotionally even and adept;
Protectively proper the heart is kept!
A heart that is broken can be repaired;
By His suffering and death; Jesus cared;
For all who are hurting and feeling reviled;
For all Jesus had compassion complied!
Suffering senselessly, He gave His all;
So you must do so that you do not fall;
The deception of evil is so perverse;
Resist all temptation; reverse the curse!
Feelings are not facts, but do cloud your mind;
No rational thought will you ever find;
With your feelings rampant out of control;
There’s no turning back; no way to console!
Give all your love and honor to Jesus;
He died on the tree to save and ease us;
When you are weak; it is He who is strong;
In His loving care is where you belong!
D01: 4/12/2013
Thank You Duchess! 🙂
TY for this Duchess. This poem reminds me of when I first went through a broken engagement, I was devastated & in a very deep, dark place. For about a week I made a meal of One apple, taking a bite or two at a time & wrapping it in cellophane to keep in the fridge between “meals”. I was in my 2nd year of grad school at the time so I made myself attend classes. The only other thing I did was memorize the scripture required for Friday quizzes in one class. I remember clinging to God’s Word then, with ZERO awareness that Any of it was Real per “feelings”, being in a “Heavens are as brass” kind of situation. Verses like “My comfort in my suffering is this, your promise preserves my life” AND “Come to me all who are weary & burdened & I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you & learn of me for I am meek & lowly in heart & you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy & my burden is light.” helped me to endure a time of deep, personal anguish. God is my refuge & my strength, a very present help in time of trouble & He longs to be so for All of Us!
Love this one! Thank you! 💖 🙏
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
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Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
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December 3, 2024 1:01 am
Trump and Trudeau…
The Lamestream Media in 3, 2, 1:
“Trump is such a BULLY”
LOL! Let them SCREAM! Let them MOAN! Let Trump hose them down naked with TRUTH!!! 😂
It’s time! Get a life, MEDIA! Reclaim your place of honor! Serve THE PEOPLE – not your corporate masters!!!
Let Trump hose them down naked with [ice water] TRUTH!!!
Pay-per-view. Proceeds to go toward paying down the nat’l debt.
Minus Quebec or the deal’s off.
LMAO! France can take them – and bring us all closer. Art of the deal! Macaroon can give his “mom” a present for next Christmas! Her own fiefdom! 😂
The problem with Canada is that most of it is not all that conservative, truthfully. I’ve travelled with Canadians and have known any number, and in the cities they are just as clueless as a lot of Americans. Their lifestyle habits would need to be accommodated. Yes, that means beer that’s more potent than the lagers that pass for “beer” in the States.
Alberta is cited as most conservative, followed (sometimes) by Saskatchewan.
However, that’s likely in comparison to the rest of Canada so your point remains a good one.
I was thinking Ontario, and BC. Vancouver, specifically, in the latter.
Yeah Vancouver BC is just another Seattle/Portland. And Ontario (at least the peninsula; maybe northern Ontario is different) is our eastern seaboard.