What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?
Speaker Johnson: A Reminder.
And MTG is there to help make it stick.
January 6 tapes. A good start…but then nothing.
Were you just hoping we’d be distracted by the first set and not notice?
Are you THAT kind of “Republican”?
Are you Kevin McCarthy lite?
What are you waiting for?
I have a personal interest in this issue.
And if you aren’t…what the hell is wrong with you?
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot (i.e., paper) Prices
Last week:
Gold $2,498.20
Silver $28.04
Platinum $931.00
Palladium $933.00
Rhodium $5,050.00
FRNSI* 119.850+
Gold:Silver 89.094+
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, Kitco “ask” prices. Markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $2,578.70
Silver $30.80
Platinum $1,004.00
Palladium $1,092.00
Rhodium $5,100.00
FRNSI* 123.745-
Gold:Silver 83.724+
Lots going on…gold surged on Thursday, and I was expecting a beat-down on Friday. Instead, it rose almost 20 more dollars. The FRNSI went up quite a bit, nearly four points! Silver did even better on a percentage basis. Note that an ounce of gold is worth 83.724 ounces of silver…but last week it was worth 89.094 ounces. That means that, in comparison to gold, silver became more valuable.
*The SteveInCO Federal Reserve Note Suckage Index (FRNSI) is a measure of how much the dollar has inflated. It’s the ratio of the current price of gold, to the number of dollars an ounce of fine gold made up when the dollar was defined as 25.8 grains of 0.900 gold. That worked out to an ounce being $20.67+71/387 of a cent. (Note gold wasn’t worth this much back then, thus much gold was $20.67 71/387ths. It’s a subtle distinction. One ounce of gold wasn’t worth $20.67 back then, it was $20.67.) Once this ratio is computed, 1 is subtracted from it so that the number is zero when the dollar is at its proper value, indicating zero suckage.
Piling On
One claim that Flat Earthers (“flerfers”) make is that there aren’t any time lapse videos of the sun doing a full circle around the viewer in Antarctica; that there’s always some sort of eight our gap in the videos.
This is a LIE. Don’t fall for it. Here is FIVE SOLID DAYS worth of timelapse with no hiccups and no breaks, taken in early March just before south polar sunset.
By the way there’s an absolute plethora of videos about the Amundsen Scott station, tours of the main building, tours of the buried areas, tours of the Ice Cube Neutrino Observatory (the largest science experiment by volume), and so on. And plenty of ways to get there as a tourist…provided you have $60K (or more). That’s roughly 24 ounces of gold right now.
Also we have a few cases of flerfers trying to run an experiment and finding they don’t get the results they expected…and not coming to the obvious conclusion.
There are three instances here: One where people stood on opposite sides of a body of water, put lights at 17 feet above water level, then tried to establish a line of site through temporary barriers with holes in them at 17 feet above water level. On a flat earth, there’s be no problem; on a curved earth, however. the barriers in the middle would cut the beam off. And that’s what happened; the light had to be raised a number of feet to be visible through the hole. Second, a gyroscope was seen to precess 15 degrees per hour…as it would if the earth were rotating over a period of 24 hours. On a flat, non-rotating Earth, it shouldn’t precess at all. Third, a striped flag was seen to disappear from the bottom to the top as it sailed off, again, as predicted by Globe Earth but not by Flat Earth.
This all forced the Flat Earth charlatans to do a lot of tap dancing, and one body language expert thinks at least one of the Big Flerfer “names” knows he’s a lying sack of shit. (Well, they didn’t say the “sack of shit” part.)
A while back I wrote something about why Mars sucks. Meaning, why it had such a thin atmosphere and virtually no surface water. This is interesting because by every indication (everything from visible stream beds on the surface, to minerals that only form in water, to sedimentary rocks which form in fairly stationary bodies of water like lakes and oceans), Mars used to have liquid running water on its surface, which in turn implies it once had a much thicker atmosphere. (There is still a fair amount of water on Mars, in the form of permafrost below the ground. This will be useful should we start human exploration.)
And it turns out that there are two key things going on here: one, Mars has weak surface gravity making it easier for the atmosphere (including water vapor) to escape and two, Mars has no magnetic field, allowing the solar wind to help that process by stripping away the atmosphere. Both in turn are consequences of the fact that it’s considerably smaller than Earth. (There’s no magnetic field because the interior of the planet has cooled off, because it is smaller than Earth, which hasn’t cooled off internally yet, and still has molten iron inside.)
This in turn has a bearing on the question of life. We’re mostly convinced nothing lives on Mars (though there’s a significant minority of scientists who make plausible arguments that there could be). But the tougher question is whether Mars ever had life, back when conditions were much better. That’s largely dependent on how long the conditions were good, how rapidly life actually develops…and whether it’s a rare event even given the right conditions. All of these are very much open questions at the moment; the frontiers of human knowledge.
Time to revisit Mars.
First, where is it? Its orbit averages 1.52 AUs in radius…which is to say it’s 52 percent further away from the Sun than is Earth. But that is an average; it varies from 1.38 at one end of the elliptical orbit, to 1.67 AUs at the other. This is a large variance and Mars therefore has a much greater orbital eccentricity than most planets, at 0.0934. (0 is perfectly circular, 0.9 and above are very “cigar” shaped with the Sun close to one end of the cigar. No planet comes close to that though some comets do.) Since Earth is at 1 AU and orbits in 1 sidereal year, it completes one orbit in 1.88 (Earth) years or 686.90 Earth days.
As seen from Earth, Mars moves from west to east against the background stars, usually. It can appear to travel in the opposite direction at times, when we “lap” it in our orbit around the Sun. Here’s an animation from 2020, showing the actual relative positions of Mars and Earth, and an inset showing how Mars appears to move across our sky. (Note how, even though Mars’s orbit appears to be circular, it’s not centered on the Sun; that’s because in fact it is very slightly elliptical.)
If you watched that and paid attention to the trace of Mars across the sky as seen from Earth, you might wonder why it’s not just a straight line. That’s because the two planets don’t orbit in exactly the same plane. The Earth’s orbital plane is the zodiac line, Mars is at a slightly different tilt so even though it roughly follows the zodiac, it doesn’t stay precisely on it.
Surface Conditions
So Mars is significantly further away from the Sun and one would expect it to be colder…and it is, with an average surface temperature of -69C or -60C depending on how you take that average. (This is Antarctic winter type temperatures.) Yes, you will see that it sometimes gets up to +35C, but that’s rare; it’s just as liable to get down to -110C.
What else would you experience on the surface other than it being cucking fold there? Surface gravity is 0.3794 of Earth…almost exactly 3/8ths. (A 98 pound weakling is a 37 pound weakling there.) Air pressure depends on elevation, like it does here on Earth. Our scientists picked an arbitrary “sea level” that is about average for Mars (there is of course no sea), and at that level atmospheric pressure is 0.00628 our sea level pressure…not even one percent! We couldn’t live in that, even if it were pure oxygen, which it is not; it’s 96% CO2. There is a fraction of a percent oxygen but when you multiply that by how thin the air is, it might as well not be there. There is actually more argon than oxygen.
This is not to say there isn’t wind on Mars, and even dust storms, sometimes those storms can cover huge parts of the surface; at least one even covering the entire planet just as our first Mars orbiter arrived in 1971. These tend to happen when Mars is nearest to the Sun, and they help keep it warmer than it otherwise would be.
Another aspect of Martian weather is that the surface radiation is extreme, because there is nothing to block the solar wind and also nothing to block ultraviolet light. Solar flares and the like would cook you just as much as they would on the Moon.
Does Mars have seasons? Yes, cold, and colder. But seriously, yes. The axis is tipped a bit more than 25 degrees, and that causes seasons just as it does on Earth.
The Martian day is 24h 39m 36s long on average. That’s noontime to noontime; to avoid confusion with the Earth day, we call the Martian day a “sol.” Of course since it is orbiting the Sun just like we are, it has to rotate slightly more than one time on its axis to do this, it has to rotate another half degree or so to account for the Sun not being in the same direction against the stars as it was the day before. The true “God’s Eye View” rotation of Mars (i.e., relative to the stars) is 24h 37m 22.7s. Visitors to Mars would have an extra 39.6 minutes to kill every day. And this matters a great deal to some people even now, because Mars surface rovers only function in the daylight (because they run off solar panels, besides, it’s hard to see in the dark anyway). So the scientists and mission controllers here must follow the Martian day night cycle. Imagine a job where every day you have to wake up and go to bed 40 minutes later every day; you’d be out of sync with your family pretty quickly, and it would take about 36 days before things got back in sync.
Mars has a radius of 3396 km, or about 53% of Earth’s. Which means a Mars globe and an Earth globe to scale should have the Earth globe looking about twice the width as the Mars globe.
Mars’s surface area is 144 million square kilometers, 28.4 percent of Earth’s. BUT…Earth is mostly covered by water, so Earth’s land area is 149 million square kilometers. Virtually the same. So there’s a lot of real estate there, however, as of now it’s about as valuable as that land just west of Miami or San Francisco.
Here is a map, with elevation coded by color.
Note the northern hemisphere would largely be ocean, if there were an ocean, with the south almost all highlands. But there is a big basin, the deepest/lowest spot on the planet, in the south at 60 degrees longitude–this is the Hellas basin, and likely an old impact basin. Another smaller basin is at about 320 west. But the true highlands area straddling the equator at 240 degrees is the “Tharsis bulge.” There are three white peaks in a line running southwest to northeast, then west of that, an isolated white peak. That peak is Olympus Mons, the largest volcano known to man. It’s so large you could be on its slope and have no idea you were on a volcano, just that the land has a gentle slope to it.

This thing is BIG. Here it is compared to France.
The other tourist attraction on Mars is Valles Marineris, a canyon 4000 km long, 200 km wide, and up to 7 km deep. It would stretch most of the way across the United States. It cuts through the left hand side of the red area on the map. There are other smaller canyons thought to have been cut by running water, but Valles Marineris is actually thought by some to be a rift zone from plate tectonics, one that failed as the mantle cooled too much for such things. (Photographed in infrared which apparently has better contrast.)

Mars has two moons, insignificant little things that weren’t discovered until August 12 and 18, 1877, by Asaph Hall. They are too small to have forced themselves into spherical shapes. The inner, larger moon is Phobos (named after the Greek deity of panic and fear) roughly 22 km across (it’s hard to average it when it’s basically shaped like a potato), with Deimos (named after the Greek deity of dread and terror) being 12 km across (same caveat).
The names make sense, because Mars was after all the god of war. (In Greek mythology this god was known as Ares, and a lot of scientific terms to do with Mars actually derive from this root, e.g., “areography” analogous to “geography”)
Phobos has an average orbital radius of 9,377 km, while Deimos has one of 23,460 km. Phobos orbits Mars in a mere 7.66 hours while Deimos orbits in 30.35 hours.
Note that Phobos orbits Mars faster than Mars rotates. These are both in the same direction (counterclockwise as seen from over Mars’s north pole), so Phobos’s actual west to east motion overwhelms its apparent daily east-to-west trip across the sky as Mars rotates. So, it actually rises in the west and sets in the east!
There is some thought that Phobos could be used as a transit point for people traveling to and from Mars; imagine how convenient it would be to set up a space station there. There’s plenty of room for such a thing there.
Exploration of Mars
Mars is undoubtedly the best explored planet other than, of course, Earth. The first successful flyby of another planet was by Mariner 4 in 1965. The first successful orbiter for another planet was Mariner 9 in 1971…at which time Mars was suffering a planet wide dust storm. Fortunately it cleared while the spacecraft was still alive, and we finally discovered the great volcanoes and Valles Marineris. (All prior flybys had just happened to fly by when the wrong side of Mars was presented.) The Soviets tried multiple times but had my luck, having few successes. They were the first to attempt a landing…and failed, repeatedly. They finally succeeded with a flyby about the same time we put Mariner 9 in orbit. (They had better luck with Venus, which is harder. Go figure.)
Finally in July and September 1976 the two Viking landers successfully touched down on Mars. Here is the first photograph taken from the surface of Mars. (With one caveat. The Russians successfully landed on Mars in 1971…but the spacecraft went belly up less than two minutes later, having transmitted part of a picture. I can only imagine the profanity they must have used.)

And a panorama, which I remember being printed on the front page of the newspaper (with messed-up colors that made the sky look blue):

One of their missions was to search for life–presumably microbial life–by running various tests on soil samples. Although most think the tests returned negative results on the whole, there was enough activity in some of the tests that some to this day hold out hope that there was, in fact, life there.
Since then, of course, we’ve had a plethora of orbiters and rovers, but as yet no sample-return mission. China has gotten into the act.
But where to from here? Elon Musk has famously pushed for actual permanent human habitation on Mars, with an aggressive timeline. The idea would be to send one of his Starships to Mars, after refueling in Earth orbit, then on Mars making fuel from the CO2 in the atmosphere and subsurface ice, which would be used to make methane and oxygen. Not the best fuel in the world, but far better than lugging it all the way from Earth (which would require MUCH bigger rockets to launch the mission in the first place). This is similar to the Mars Direct concept put forth in the 1990s by Robert Zubrin, which involves sending a return vehicle first, waiting for the next launch window and sending a habitat with crew and another return vehicle, then again every launch window. Habitats would accumulate on the surface, and fuel would be manufactured for both the return vehicles and for rovers. By spacing the habitats and return vehicles several hundred miles apart, a network of them is eventually set up, and they can even back up for each other in emergencies since they would be in rover range of each other. (And if a previously sent return vehicle fails, there’s one that came with the crew during this launch window.)
Mars is in some ways an ideal target. There are resources there that could be used by human visitors; carbon from the atmosphere, water from subsurface ice. We could breathe there, indefinitely, with help from machinery. We could likely grow food there too. Everything we can create there is less stuff we have to schlep there in the first place. In many ways, it’s a better bet than the Moon, even if it is scores of times further away.
There was an epic set of novels by Kim Stanley Robinson describing the future on Mars, with the first bases, terraforming, and settlement, they are “Red Mars,” “Green Mars” (as some plant life takes hold), and “Blue Mars” as Mars gets an ocean. In fact there’s even a Martian tricolor flag inspired by these classic books, with red, green and blue.
How feasible is that? Can Mars ever be that earthlike?
Maybe more than you might think! It turns out that a big magnet (I can’t seem to locate how powerful it would have to be, but it’s something we could put there) placed at the L1 point between Mars and the Sun might actually be enough so that Mars would find itself in the “tail” of the magnetic field, now protected from the solar wind.
The people putting forth this idea claim we might see significant thickening of the Martian atmosphere in years, not decades or centuries. The atmosphere would be mostly carbon dioxide…and that is a greenhouse gas. It might get warm enough even to melt the subsurface water, eventually.
We might not be able to breathe the air, but if the pressure is high enough, we can ditch “space suits” and just wear an oxygen mask over our faces, and maybe a parka if we need to keep warm.
I definitely see our future involving Mars in a big way…provided of course we have a future. I can’t imagine us ever making it if current trends continue…unless Musk is able to pull a rabbit out of his hat, quickly. Because 40 or maybe only 20 years from now we might not have a civilization capable of it any more.
November is important.
What would you name Ben & Jerry’s new Harris-inspired ice cream flavor?
“Ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s has announced they are launching a Kamala Harris-inspired ice cream flavor in partnership with MoveOn. The flavor will be distributed on an ice cream truck that is set to tour key battleground states in hopes of encouraging voter registration.
The new ice cream flavor “Kamala’s Coconut Jubilee,” will be given out as part of a get-out-the-vote initiative to elect Vice President Harris and other down ballot Democrats in November.”
Willie Brown presents – Eastward Ho!
[apologies to old western movies]
Cumbucket Supreme?
A bit too far for me. But it fits. 😆
“…it fits.”
I didn’t start this.
It could be “Scumbucket supreme” which most people would understand to be a euphemism, and might not offend pgroup2’s virgin ears so much.
And if they don’t you can always make the first S silent.
Perfect suggestion, Steve! Alas, too late to edit.
They left out the word “joy.” But I know that coconuts are a thing with her because of something she said once. It occurs to me that we have heard more personal stories from her than policy positions.
Perhaps she could give us more willy stories.
Wee Willy(‘s) Winky
The grlz is frisky with the punz n stuff today! 😂
Tru dat.
Can’t you tell how much we luv Suxalotacux?
hmm You’re onto something. It does feel like they’re marketing her, her personality and they never emphasize her full name much..they want people to call her by her 1st name..like joyful friends
Trying to make her seem to be like Rihanna, or Beyonce, or Madonna. Celebrities so cool they don’t need two names. [NOT MY VIEW]
Or, for that matter, Cher.
Dinosaurs ain’t cool.
Don’t insult dinosaurs by implying she’s one.
Charro 😉 😉
Do we know her middle name? They always give criminals three names. Found it: Kamala Devi Harris. Devi means “goddess”.
Kamala Devi Harris (/ˈkɑːmələ ˈdeɪvi/ KAH-mə-lə DAY-vee) care of Wiki
The Commie Freeze.
Crème de la Commie
Something in banana?
Kamala’s Joy Lick
Jamaican Hurricane
Jamaican Fluffer?
gross ick
The new ice cream flavor “Kamala’s Coconut Jubilee,” will be given out…
Pure Bribe. Sorta like Feds pushing Jabs, back in 2021 or 2022.
“What would you name Ben & Jerry’s new Harris-inspired ice cream flavor?”
Call ’em Turd cones, or Turd in a cone.
The Left will love it 👍😂
They should just change it to “Ass”.
You want a bowl of Ass? How ’bout a cone?
Would you like a taste of Ass?
What does Ass go with?
So there are tourist attractions on Mars, in the future we could possibly be there without space suits, and Elon Musk wants to make it habitable. This could get interesting.
If not for the CABAL we would be there NOW!
As science fiction mad teens, I can remember my boyfriend and I discussing the possibilities. That was over 5 decades ago. Later, in 1969 there was the first moon landing.
Interesting that they want Trump to disavow memes. That indicates how powerful they can be.
Mostly Peaceful Memes
Even worse MEMES are the perfect advertisement.
They meet the 7 sec ‘attention span’ criteria, they are often very funny AND BEST OF ALL TELL TRUTHS people are afraid to acknowledge in a humorous way.
Those dog to Haitian pet eating reaction videos are a great example. They are hilarious.
I remember that moment, little boys are so dang sweet.
eilert brought this one yesterday:
So I can see it:
God Bless the little Angle.
Amen…Angle is quite the little Angel 😉 😉
“President Trump, will you disavow memes?”
President Trump: 😂🤣😂🤣😂
Disavow memes, is akin to disavow laughing.
Does anybody remember laughter????
👍 😁
Hell yeah!
No matter how many jokes we made about this song, it remains one of the greatest songs ever. Utter genius. Just drop into ANY moment of the song and it’s like 1000 atmospheres of iconic cool just appear.
I remember when girls used to actually cry about the song. Or when it came on the radio – and no man dared change the channel. Those were the days!
It’s best to only hear it once in a while, now, so that it all comes rushing back. 😎
“…it remains one of the greatest songs ever.”
Definitely! 👍
If I didn’t think so too, I wouldn’t have known that line (“Does anybody remember laughter?“), which was an improvisation on that particular live performance 😁
“…disavow laughing…”
remind you of anything ?
link to article…
Disavow memes????
Memes are the post-covid stand up comedy routines. Because…you know…the left killed stand up comedy with covid.
And now Kathy Griffin wants to shout from the rooftops that Trump will kill comedians if he is elected.
In the meantime “they” want to kill some of the best comedy out there…memes.
My head is spinning. I can’t keep up.
Kathy Griffin Comeback Tour 2.0?
Disavow memes = The ANONS are hitting the Cabal where it hurts!
Vance didn’t hesitate, either.
How many will go to jail?
I don’t expect anyone to know the answer, but someone DOES know how many PDJT and JDV THINK should go to jail.
real jail, not Club Fed!
Perhaps Putin has space here he can lease us:
I think we can build something similar off the coast of Alaska on the Aleutian Islands. Or just dump them there with supplies in October…
Perhaps Attu Island — ” Attu Station, a former Coast Guard LORAN station, Attu is about 20 by 35 miles” — WIKI
Steve, that is the best idea I’ve seen in a long time. It would go a long way to restoring the historical friendship with Russia and would make Vlad a cultural icon.
Looks too cushy for our traitorous bass-turds!
^^^And this is WHY they are so scared of PDJT.
And threats like this will only make them try even harder to ensure he isn’t sworn in.
Regardless, in for a penny in for a pound. The game began a long time ago. Cash out now and they’ve won. Besides we know how they treat loosers. J6 an excellent example.
I don’t disagree.
I point out that they will fight harder, not to try to get us to give up but to make expectations of how hard it will be to win (which we MUST) realistic.
Trading Places
trying to get them to expose themselves?
Rosters should be public.
I want to know what they’re going to do about all those responsible for the genocide jabs. Most everything else pales in comparison.
Shortly after Trump takes the Oath, we’ll know.
NOT a moment sooner.
CDC, NIH, FDA WILL be turned upside down.
We supposedly have ‘Freedom of Speech’ but I can find nothing about laws punishing those who use censorship. However I do find this on ‘HATE SPEECH’
Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Anti-Muslim Speech
I can no longer find the 2 articles about all the cases she brought against ‘hate speech’ since Breitbart uses ‘enhanced Google’ for their search.
There do not seem to actually be hate speech laws although there is 18 U.S. Code § 249 – Hate crime acts
And more importantly this:
18 U.S. Code § 245 – Federally protected activities
Then follows a long list of activities.
INTIMIDATE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
So that could possible BROADLY mean ‘hate speech’
The entire concept of ‘hate speech’ being illegal is a bad Marxist joke, whose whole intent and purpose is to silence speech the hateful Left disagrees with, but which they can’t successfully argue against.
If the (not)Supreme Court had ever opened a law book before, they would recognize that and declare every single ‘hate speech’ code or law invalid and unconstitutional.
Stuff like PRAYING in front of an Abortion Clinic which is now ILLEGAL because it is classified as a HATE CRIME.🙄😣
REUTERS: Fact Check: Paulette Harlow convicted for blocking abortion clinic, not praying
Well we already know that Lawyers are pressured by the government/licencing to NOT protect Conservatives.
Funny how Lefties can BLOCK ROADS and RIOT and DESTROY property but THEY never get charged much less convicted.
In the FABIAN UK– Silent prayer outside of abortion clinics is a form of reproductive coercion
I’ve long held the belief that every first degree murderer hated his/her victim. Otherwise he/she would not have murdered the victim.
Sometimes they just have contempt for the person who is in their way and do not value human life. (Psychopaths)
I’m going to agree with Gail. Some simply have no regard for people who are “in the way” and end up charged with 1st Degree, even if they were unaware their victim was downrange.
Under Colorado law, what would normally be a second degree charge can be upgraded if the killer showed absolutely no regard for other people whilst going after the person he wants. This commonly happens during “drive by” shootings and the like.
A reminder to all readers –
“Enumerated powers are the powers specifically granted to the Federal government, particularly Congress, as listed in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. These powers include the authority to tax, regulate commerce, declare war, and maintain armed forces.”
Anything not enumerated that exists as law, regulation, ordinance, mandate, policy or practice is ILLEGAL. That is where it starts and ends Constitutionally. Anybody enforcing an illegal law or regulation is a criminal – does not matter who they are. We have thousands of laws, regulations, etc. on the books that are illegal.
A reminder – all laws, regulations, ordinances, mandates, policies and practices are legal, even if illegal and not enumerated, until proven illegal in a court of jurisdiction. Restrictions to prevent citizens from seeking relief from the illegal acts, are illegal. You have “standing” as an American citizen. Barriers to access to the courts for relief are in themselves, illegal.
The primary problem we have in this nation is cowardice that has been primarily brought on by imaginary prosperity of the general population. This fake prosperity has been achieved through the use of federal debt and taxation. There was no cowardice by patriots when this nation was formed and the terms of the Constitution negotiated and signed into existence. The cowards remained aligned with America’s (the colonies’) oppressors, the Brits.
The left has never seen the type of lawfare I believe patriot Americans ought to wage against the current oppressors. Every elected official, attorney, judiciary member, bureaucrat, corporate capitalist, etc. should be held under a microscope for every word or deed that has been taken outside of Constitutionally provided authority.
The Constitution should be amended for definition of its provisions and penalties for violations as needed in a manner as provided in the document itself.
It is going to be a very long road to get rid of the unconstitutional laws.
The fact that Trump’s lawyers such as Rudy and others are targeted AND DISBARRED gives us a major clue.
The Supreme court has been our ENEMY for around a century as they gradually changed our country into an Oligarchy.
Tried before a Jury of YOUR PEERS? Don’t make me laugh Federal Agencies TRY people in front of AGENCY EMPLOYED JUDGES!
Congress makes the laws?
Yeah, right a bunch of Lobbyists and bureaucrats now write our laws and regs…
Lobbyists in any other country are called BRIBERS.
Oligarchs FUND campaigns of their TAME puppet politicians…
I could go on. BUT ALL of that has been UPHELD BY THE SUPREME COURT!
We could start by dumping the law license cartel and getting back to the text of the constitution – counsel of his choice. Not pick from this limited jar of jellybeans.
I have seen Skuttlebutt that the ‘Bar’ has ties back to the UK.
I have zero knowledge about that piece of gossip except that it exists.
Law of the Sea stuff…maybe?
A minor quibble – ‘illegal’ means a valid law has been violated. Exceeding the perimeters of the constitution is simply unconstitutional or unlawful.
An exception is civil rights. The amendment itself authorized Congress to legislate, which it did. Once it did that, there were laws that could be violated which is illegal.
In the situation of which we expect to be, most of the active [plotters] fed thugs are subject to what are called the honest services laws. These simply say that a fed employee is required to perform the job for which he/she is paid, and nothing else. Anything beyond the job description is embezzlement. [note – we are not talking about differences in opinion. for example, the laws prohibiting political campaigning by govt employees as part of their employment are a specific version of honest services laws.]
I remember reading things in Colorado firearms law that (when you boiled it down) said it was illegal to carry a gun unlawfully. Which struck me as circular; but apparently as you point out “illegal” and “unlawful” don’t mean the same thing.
There are many, many books out there that purport to explain self defense law. I only read a few of them, none of them explained the distinction.
The problem is that long ago we reached the point where we were following the Constitution by stretching some of those powers to the breaking point. “Regulating commerce” has, for instance, been used to justify a lot of overreach as being a power given to the Federal Government.
Our oldest firearms laws (the NFA from the 1930s) are actually part of the tax code, though I’d be happy to make the argument that it’s a peculiar tax that people must beg for permission to pay.
This is awesome…Hope it happens!
Big tech wasn’t forced – they are true believers and did it gladly and willingly.
President Barack Obama joins a toast with Technology Business Leaders at a dinner in Woodside, California, Feb. 17, 2011. Apple CEO Steve Jobs is sitting to Obama’s left with his back to the camera and Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg is sitting to the right of Obama.(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
I want to see their wealth Confiscated and them in prison for their ‘election interference’ and censorship.
“BREAKING: JD Vance just said Trump will FIRE every single official at the FBI, CIA, DHS, CDC, etc that forced big tech to censor the truth about the 2020 election & Covid”
Why stop there?
What about all the other crimes the ‘officials’ have committed?
This should be on the downlow, but I’d be open to firing 20% of the Federal government per year, every year.
Would that be 20 percent of the remainder every year?
Or 20 percent of the original number?
In the latter case what do you for the sixth year, having reduced the government to the optimum size?
I had considered it both ways.
Upon reflection, I figured that 20% of the remainder would be the easier course, because it would lull all those functionaries who consider themselves indispensable into quiet…..until the bell tolled for them.
Tear the bandaid off fast, without delay. Keep the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Eliminate all else. Then we could build with a clean foundation.
Claw back all the graft and give it in an equal share to legal voters. From there, have auctions of all property including land and buildings. Let the people vote on each thing to keep. I vote to keep historical monuments, the Smithsonian (though I would replace all staff), and so on.
Oh sure, let’s just create a highly motivated army opposed to us. And they’ll all just sit around playing Call of Duty or some shit like that.
They’d never do anything to damage our side, right?
A large portion of them must first be prosecuted, then fired.
firedSent to ATTU Island Alaska…”Plenty of other good places in Alaska, too.
And maybe we can get the Brits to apologize by ceding the British Antarctic Territory to us. South Georgia island looks like excellent real estate for the purpose.
I wanted the movie clip but this will have to do
Eugene Kittridge : You and I know about this, that’s where it stops. You understand? It never happened.
Frank Barnes : What about him?
Eugene Kittridge : I want him manning a radar tower in Alaska by the end of the day; just mail him his clothes.
Read more: https://ficquotes.com/quotes/2077/
I agree with the spirit of your comment except the last paragraph. The resolution must be immediate. It is common with insider threats to just walk a person out unannounced (remember James Comey?). You just say “We’re going in a new direction.” For those with obvious evidence they have committed crimes, prosecutions may follow but after a walk out and leave without pay if you like. It is imperative to send them home to stop the damage, much evil has been done publicly. I also think the SES must be dismantled.
As far as I am concerned, SES should be shot. They are placed above the Constitution, the Law, and the People.
some things should be played closer to the vest, imo.
don’t show all yr cards ?
the deep state doesn’t play nice when threatened.
just sayin.
Well he’s gotta Start somewhere 😉
Sounds good, for a start. Then those 51 should get a notice that their passports have been deactivated.
Nothing further need be done – the YSM will create and spread the panic [among the swamp creatures] that Trump is up to something bad.
Actually – some Kamalians hate our country.
I think they HATE their fellow citizens and actually want us in re-training camps or DEAD.
Oh yeah – that too!
“You are voting for Kamala because you hate Trump.”
And you don’t even know why you hate Trump, you couldn’t explain it even if your life depended on it 😂
haters gonna hate.
mob rule
mob mentality
fist pump !
Actually, they could.
But the entire rationale is a lie. And they mostly don’t even know that.
Charlie Kirk owns a guy who questions his handing out an annotated version of the Constitution to college students.
Actually the questions he asked verge on trivia, knowing which article (or amendment) by number happens to be the one that establishes or protects X. It’s almost as bad as burning someone for not knowing which page of a book a statement is printed on.
The guy knew there was a prohibition against quartering troops, but attributed it to the wrong number amendment in the bill of rights. So what? It’s FAR more important to know the concepts.
Good questions for him to ask would have been “what are the three branches of the Federal government,” “What are the qualifications for President,” “Does the constitution guarantee the right to health care.” etc.
I personally get the 9th and 10th amendments confused. So what? One of them says (in essence) that not all actual rights are listed here, and the other says that powers not given to the federal government reside with the states or the people. It doesn’t really matter (unless one is writing a paper or opinion, in which case one looks it up) which one of these is number 9 and which one is number 10.
Good points regarding concepts vs. trivia. Concepts are much more important because principles are often based on them.
True, and I certainly agree.
However the subject being discussed was a pamphlet on the actual Constitution written for 3rd graders. The guy was calling it PROPAGANDA.
So This guy is trashing that pamphlet and Charlie is showing he does not know the subject matter covered by the pamphlet except in a vague way. Charlie is ALSO showing he does know the subject.
If the guy is NOT a subject matter expert, can he rightfully call it propaganda? Or is he just tossing out a Liberal talking point with no substance to back it up?
I would argue that if that’s what’s in his literature, it’s useless. Not propaganda, but he’s teaching trivia rather than focusing on concepts.
I would have to see what the pamphlet says before making a judgement. We are talking concepts for an 8 to 9 year old.
I can’t find a copy of the pamphlet but found this.
Looks like the left DOES NOT LIKE us pointing out the USA is NOT a Democracy. Remember the Senate originally was picked by the state legislature AND it is the state legislate who determines how electors who do pick the president are allotted. In some cases it is all or nothing in others it is proportional. The article Proportional, Not Popular explains that AND Why the DemonRats want to ‘FIX’ it to make it a ‘Democracy’
Debunking Charlie Kirk on our democratic republic
The author is ‘debunking’ this:
This seems to be the actual Jefferson quote.
That’s harder on the left than the fake quote is.
Unfortunately it would sail right over the heads of our DUMBED DOWN population.
It is the same old same old tired redefining of truth. Making shiz up as they go so they can gain an advantage, then selling the shiz as candy to people who are too ignorant or stupid to know better.
The Constitution does not say democracy. I have grown to hate the word.
Ditto. My newest theme is,
You’re damn right that I’m a threat to your democracy.
America is a republic and I fight for it.
UCLA law school professor Eugene Volokh point seems silly. On the one hand he accepts the distinction on the other hand he tries to negate it, causing one to just accept the “democracy” part and through omission we know how Dems operate and Kirk’s view and that of so many others will come true if the distinction is not made, Thus it Is, So it be Said, So it should be Written, written or not.
“UCLA law school professor Eugene Volokh point seems silly…”
YUP, that is why I posted it. He sounds like Commiela as he tries to twist things.
“Actually the questions he asked verge on trivia, knowing which article (or amendment) by number happens to be the one that establishes or protects X. It’s almost as bad as burning someone for not knowing which page of a book a statement is printed on.”
Well Charlie’s not there to help the guy who is attacking him 😂
The guy charged at him, Charlie ducked, got him in a submission hold, and the guy tapped out.
Take the win and move on to the next one 😁
Why not just ban illegal aliens from America?
They’re illegal, aren’t they?
If it was a speed limit, you wouldn’t just ban people from breaking it inside the city or highway off-ramps, would you?
What are we talking about here? 😂
Just ban the illegal aliens, and remove them.
Then we don’t have to individually ban them from 10,000 different things, which are probably unenforceable (or wouldn’t be enforced) anyway.
Agreed, round them up and toss them out!
This crap about ‘amnesty’ for ignorant 3rd worlders is SHEER BULLSHIT!
Obama Silent As Persecuted Christians In The Middle East Face Extinction
Because what he’s really talking about is not just them being illegal by being here, which is a strike against them, but about it making it illegal for YOU to rent to them or lending them money for a house.
Because otherwise, once they are here there is nothing to stop them from doing so.
If one harbored a known bank robber surely there would be consequences for doing that, it’s the same thing.
Reminds one of the camel that got it’s nose under the tent. We all know how that story ends up and it’s a story being played out today, but instead of a tent it’s our nation and soon there will be just shards of it strewn across a barren landscape which is what the old powers want so they can nudge the peices back together to reestablish their fiefdoms.
We know Dems and Republicans alike are all for letting the camel under the tent. Dems to profit from votes, illegal contraband, and general disorder from which they can build their phony Shangri-La. GOPe for the profits of cheap labor and visions of monopolies and oligarchies. Both to be ruled through tyranny and both built off the success of the middle class whom they intent to disassemble, rob and pound into dust least they share in the wealth of the elite.
here’s another good idea..
The Signature That Gets Them To “Start Packing” Sooner
article link…
start requiring U.S. employers to use G-Verify (Government Verification) instead of E-Verify (Electronic Verification).
more, at the link.
Or renting houses.
That is a GREAT statement!!!
Given how I concluded my Mars article, I’m certainly not one to disagree.
And OBTW should my article on flat earth from two weeks ago (before the Sun article) be in the sidebar?
Yes, it should.
Well, THAT is an impertinent question!!! 😉
Sorriness and corruption
Do not forget the Clintons ‘HELP’ after the earthquake.
I believe he is correct.
I just said something similar to Hubby when he complained of her slurring speech.
Glenn Beck admits to being an alcoholic. I bet he has picked up on this but doesn’t want to say something that could backfire on him or on Trump.
We do need to be careful not to lie about her. Many of us believe she is probably an alcoholic. She certainly appears to be one. But I personally have not smelled it on her breath, or tasted her drinks.
You don’t even want to imagine what you might smell on her breath….
most “functioning” alcoholics drink vodka throughout the day, so as not to carry any smelly fumes on the intoxicated breath…or so they think…but, come Happy Hour(s) and then on into the night, they will often switch to the more hardcore likkers.
what JOY ! /s/
and they always seem to think they’re fooling everybody, life of the party ! witty as heck ! a laugh riot !
until the next morning after all that good time joy…and breakfast = orange joy juice and a whole new day of vodka.
back the truck up…how close have you been to her? (not to “personally” smell it on her breath) inquiring minds want to know…
He’s making the point that you can’t say she’s been drinking unless either you have smelled in on her breath, or someone else you trust reports that they have. Otherwise, it’s an accusation without hard evidence.
It doesn’t actually matter if you were ever in her presence or not; you haven’t the evidence.
well…you took the fun out of that…LOL
Yeah we gotta stick with clever nicknames about her sexual proclivities.
Or just proceed on the assumption that she is this stupid even without the use of stupid juice.
Those science guys have a habit of doing that.
Many people also believe that Pelosi drinks. I don’t say she drinks; I just notice that her speech seems off. It could be for a number of different reasons. We don’t know what is going on in people’s lives; we just know how they are coming across.
I think it’s called high functioning alcoholic.
no puns intended there.
a high tolerance…able to consume large quantities of booze and still “function” without collapsing in a drunken stupor or passing out…
but it also often involves periods of black outs… the abusive drinker is still “functioning” but will have no memory of any of it, after sobering up.
these are very dangerous toxic people, in denial…irresponsible, deceptive, drunk & careless.
people get hurt.
^^^ This. Have one in our family.
Had one working in a lab. Died fast (one week) from liver cancer at 46.
Seems like perpetual jet lag.
I personally suspect I’d like those extra 40 minutes…at least so long as I don’t have a social/family life. I stay up later and later if not constrained.
At the University of Casual Sun-Bathing, I had one quarter where I spent more time on the Computer Science system than the system administrator, and I shifted into a 28-hour day with 19 waking and 9 sleeping. It was peculiar, especially in that there were only six days in each week.
If I’d had the luxury of bending more of my schedule to accommodate my sleep/wake cycle, I could see myself continuing with it.
I had a semester with nothing but afternoon classes. I was doing TWO senior thesis papers, one in chemistry and one in geology. I was sharing a lab with a grad student who resented my presence so all the work I did on both papers was between 11:00 PM and 3:00 AM. My Chemistry advisor finally asked me WHEN I was in the lab.
For the Chemistry paper I was just doing grunt work for the advisor. It was the geology paper that was fascinating and made a stir in geology circles. My partner and I were asked to present the paper to the state geologist. He and the dean of Geology, really, really wanted me to get a PhD in geology. My partner, who was a freshman English major, they did succeed in getting to switch to Geology.
An English major lost to the world. Sorry but that’s a small loss. Geology is an unambiguous gain.
I was really happy when he switched. An English degree was WASTED on the guy.
The other way around, methinks: Him majoring in English would have been a waste of HIM.
But then, I have a STEM attitude if anyone ever did.
You are correct — BRAIN FART! (We were getting ready for a gig this morning.)
“a STEM attitude” practically sexist given an ultrasound tech once informed expectant parents of “the stem on the apple” of their unborn child 😉
Bob is one of the alien twins who work at MIB headquarters. He and his twin brother Idikiukup (referred to as Bweryang in Men in Black) are often seen operating consoles and supplying the agents with information. They occasionally leave MIB headquarters and accompany J and K on missions, usually if those missions involve space travel.
Bob’s species has eight arms and a single eye on a stalk.
The twins introduced the 37 hour day at MIB headquarters, which is the length of a Centaurian day. This hints that they might come from Alpha Centauri, but this is never stated anywhere clearly.
practically a “Cthulhu” cousin 😂
I do have a cousin named “Rob”….
😂 😎 😂
Love it!
In case anyone else can’t see it here either, via Gab
I thought this was an interesting observation:
2:06:40 commenter ?Keith? brings up point.
No need to rewind or replay anything. Has it right here 😁
The problem with that, is it is not that far off from reality!🤓
The real video is actually more convincing, IMHO. The sneering smile with thinning eyes is death for her campaign. I suspect that the wicked boy-love boy Plouffe and his entourage of pedos and haters thought it was a good idea.
The expressions on her face sent this message to me: she is very much aware of her own intellectual shortcomings, is insecure about her lmitations, and uses phony facial expressions and gestures as a cover-up, not realizing that she is only fooling herself. The look of superiority reveals the feelings of inferiority.
Have read Kakala was provided Hollywood acting lessons. Another Kakala failure.
Suxalotacux is 60, hard to over come the DEMONIC at that age.
She appears to have aged a LOT since the Obola years.
Great stuff!!! 😍
sleaze bag spawn Tim Walz…the worst of the worst…
bad dreams are made of this…
From Radical Boot Camp To Congress: Tim Walz’ Progressive Origins Revealed
article link…
let’s start with Camp Wellstone (2005)…the infamous degenerate Marxist “training camp” inspired by DSA’s (Democratic Socialists of America) Paul Wellstone (Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals)…
Camp Wellstone “served as an incubator of progressive leaders…including Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison…”
Walz brags & boasts about the place.
read more about this, at the link.
bad bad news, the degenerate sleaze.
Time and tide wait for no man….and neither do hard disks…..
Just saw this, no cause of death given (sorry about a link to MSN):
Ballerina Michaela Mabinty DePrince dies at 29
OK, this is sort of cute but won’t be visible for very long.
Unicode decided to add the Garay alphabet in September. There’s a Wikipoo article here — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garay_alphabet. Down at the bottom of the article there’s a Unicode table of the new letters.
Which, on my browser, show as little boxes, because my browser hasn’t updated Unicode since they made the revision.
Once the browser gets its Unicode updated, the same article will look like any other alphabet in the table at the bottom.
I thought you didn’t do upgrades.
No idea where you got that — I do upgrades promptly when they hit the repos.
I don’t know either. Old brain misfire, I guess.
Two things happened in fairly rapid succession recently–Debian going to debian 12 (and then Qubes producing templates for debian 12) then Qubes itself upgrading from 4.1 (the version I originally installed) to 4.2.
I waited a bit in both cases to let other people find “oopsies” that somehow got past testing; I don’t recall any. 4.2 did make a change that broke my highly customized setup but I was able to change to match it with some effort. I really didn’t want to do both upgrades at the same time.
So NO, I don’t upgrade the instant they hit the repositories, but I do upgrade well before end of life. Unlike with Windoze, where I still use 7, without internet.
Actually there is a LOT of unicode that doesn’t display on this box. The Chinese I used to have in my daily suddenly ended up among that one day, I have no idea what happened.
I run into problems a LOT with people sending me stuff with fonts I don’t have (probably Micro$haft standard crap), and the system defaults to one of the standard linux fonts wrecking the PDF they sent me. Then I have to go a) figure out what font I am missing, then b) find the font in question and install it…then c) make sure it stays installed, since I’m running a disposable.
All because Linux and Micro$haft don’t use the same fonts. And that’s mostly because some dickweed somewhere (not necessarily in Micro$haft land; I’ve run into lots of Linux UI designers who are just as arrogant as M$) decides the next release should have different fonts because the current ones don’t look goddamn fucking trendy enough.
That explains it! Must stay trendy or die.
Sheeeesh. The stupidity is stunning.
Here’s a beaut…windows without borders. So 1) if it’s two terminal windows overlapping, you cant tell where one ends and the next one begins. 2) because people like to be able to grab the borders to resize the windows, there’s now an issue with having a completely hidden area where you can mouse down and drag. On my current work Linux system, that area is so freaking wide it can reach the edge of the screen and certainly DOES go into nearby windows, so I can’t select anything there.
All because some trendpuppy faggot fuckwit decided window borders were ugly. And people who complained and asked for a prepackaged option to change it were basically just told to go away and do it themselves.
And this was NOT Micro$haft, this was Linux desktops.
Our President endorsing 45-47!
BO is melting.
And we didn’t even need to throw water on him.