American Stories: FIRE!

She died a recluse in 1895, ostracized and shunned by society. She withdrew from social interaction and refused to talk about the events of that period. She denied her cow caused the fire until her death. Over a century later, Mrs. Catherine O'Leary and her cow were officially exonerated by the Chicago City Council in … Continue reading American Stories: FIRE!

Crackpottery vs. Skepticism

How to Distinguish a Key Principle of Reason, Logic and Science, from Irrational Exuberance in Contrarian Explanation I really try to avoid using the term crackpot. In science, the term crackpot is a bit like the terms Nazi, pedophile, and antisemite are in politics. The word freezes conversation. It strikes fear - often very unfairly … Continue reading Crackpottery vs. Skepticism

Dear KMAG: 20230724 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both). … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20230724 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

More Shady Globalist Games Against Honest “HCQ” Scientist Didier Raoult

I just wanted to document two things for the record, while I had the evidence in hand, before the "usual suspects" (Twitter, Google, etc.) cover it all up. First - the "scientific misconduct" attack. Second - the "big tech malign error" attack. Assault With a Bik's Pen This is an interesting story about my encounter … Continue reading More Shady Globalist Games Against Honest “HCQ” Scientist Didier Raoult

mRNA Vaccines that Breach the Nucleus and Change the Genome – What are the Chances?

Ask yourself a simple question. Why should the very first examples of mRNA vaccines for humans violate the most important safety standard of the mRNA platform? Why would the vaccines do exactly what they PROMISED US the vaccines would not do? TL;DR - They didn't just lie to us about the spike mRNA not going … Continue reading mRNA Vaccines that Breach the Nucleus and Change the Genome – What are the Chances?

Yes, Virginia, There Really is a Virus, and Here are the Pictures

You may or may not recall my earlier post in defense of the basic idea that viruses are real things, substantially as described, and are not merely a counterfeit construct of the now-obvious fake science, which is clearly inflicted upon us by the liars in charge. That post was made in response to what I … Continue reading Yes, Virginia, There Really is a Virus, and Here are the Pictures

Russia’s Attack on the Western “Allies” of Ukraine, by Outing WEF Support for Pedophilia Using “True Disinformation”

Russia is playing a masterful game against the Western allies of Ukraine, by striking at the very heart of their neo-liberal, globalist, "rules-based" order - the World Economic Forum (WEF). Russia has found the Achilles heel of WEF - pedophilia - which is a practice solidly rejected by almost the entire citizenry of every country … Continue reading Russia’s Attack on the Western “Allies” of Ukraine, by Outing WEF Support for Pedophilia Using “True Disinformation”

Was “Trust and Safety” a CCP Trojan Horse?

Thanks to Darren Beattie, Elon Musk, and Gail Combs, I have been struck by lightning, and can now see the origins of the highly successful "trust and safety" censorship paradigm. I survey the catastrophe that "Trust & Safety" has been for not only Twitter and Apple, but all of Big Tech, America, and the world, … Continue reading Was “Trust and Safety” a CCP Trojan Horse?

Selection.Code Movie

My one-line review: "This movie is terrible in so many ways, and yet it's awesome, fascinating, and needs to be seen, so I highly recommend it." I think this is a Mike Lindell movie. It's like an Amazon movie without Amazon. It was clearly made on a shoestring, and the people who made it, clearly … Continue reading Selection.Code Movie

Jab Club

Are YOU a Member of JAB CLUB? Well, if you are, then start ACTING LIKE IT! If you are saying BAD THINGS about the wonderful coronavirus vaccines with safe and effective mRNA technology, which have never killed or harmed anybody, then you need a REFRESHER COURSE in the RULES OF JAB CLUB. #1 - The … Continue reading Jab Club