Ground Report + : Local And National Observations

Sunrise from the International Space Station

A little late with this. I prefer to do it around the 4th of July. Our schedules have been crazy for two old retirees, but grandkids dominate our existence and we would not have it any other way. That being said I now know the real reasons why life delayed me. July 13. The shot … Continue reading Ground Report + : Local And National Observations

American Stories: FIRE!

She died a recluse in 1895, ostracized and shunned by society. She withdrew from social interaction and refused to talk about the events of that period. She denied her cow caused the fire until her death. Over a century later, Mrs. Catherine O'Leary and her cow were officially exonerated by the Chicago City Council in … Continue reading American Stories: FIRE!

American Stories – Enslavement And Liberty

"The future and success of America is not in this Constitution, but in the laws of God upon which this Constitution is founded." - James Madison Now is the time to roll this out. PDT and supporters have been unfairly and unreasonably attacked for years and we have been at a loss at what to … Continue reading American Stories – Enslavement And Liberty

TB’s Random Update: More Homeschooling Notes Plus Zach Williams Goodness

Homeschooling I am now convinced homeschooling can be a major cornerstone in the rebuilding of America. Wut?! Why? How? Freedom. Our kids are being indoctrinated in public schools by those opposed to our Constitution, American culture and faith. It has been going on for quite awhile. There have been many generations of Americans who were … Continue reading TB’s Random Update: More Homeschooling Notes Plus Zach Williams Goodness

Back In My Day: Finale

You may be surprised a bit about how this BIMD series ends. My days as an active participant in business as well as industry related government and politics ended not long after the debt markets collapse and The Great Recession of 2008. I have led readers through a maze of connections and parallels to well … Continue reading Back In My Day: Finale

Back In My Day: Scoundrels and Heroes, Part 4 – Personal Heroes

As we move toward the completion of BIMD, I want to focus this part more on the positive. It is in this part that God's mysterious, awesome loving care was fully revealed to me. The stories about some personal heroes follow. To set the stage, in Goober's former life in the delta of AR and … Continue reading Back In My Day: Scoundrels and Heroes, Part 4 – Personal Heroes

Back In My Day: Scoundrels & Heroes; Soundrels, Part 3- Local Industry, Economics & The Uniparty Gameplan

It is time for more truth telling. Most should agree by now the MAGA operation is in full swing and there is really no reason to be cryptic and flip floppy anymore. We move from the world of agriculture into industry with an aluminum smelting operation located in the same rural area of the Bootheel. … Continue reading Back In My Day: Scoundrels & Heroes; Soundrels, Part 3- Local Industry, Economics & The Uniparty Gameplan

Back In My Day: Scoundrels and Heroes; Scoundrels, Part 2 – Agriculture

In Part 1 of Scoundrels I discussed the historical background of the criminal network of the region that extended from the depths of human depravity to the White House. There was a trail exposed from the man who made the call to destroy hundreds of thousands of people with two atomic bombs to end a … Continue reading Back In My Day: Scoundrels and Heroes; Scoundrels, Part 2 – Agriculture

Back In My Day: Scoundrels & Heros, Part 1 – Scoundrels

My hope is that readers will stick with me on this multi part wrap-up to my BIMD series. Parts 1 and 2 may be the most important stories I have posted as it pertains to understanding the corruption you have seen on the national scene in the past as well as today. Gail Combs has … Continue reading Back In My Day: Scoundrels & Heros, Part 1 – Scoundrels

Back In My Day: Civilized War – Connecting Dots Again

This one will be shorter and to the point. As most know by now I deal with personal Goober Gump type events that play into the big picture that we face today. Readers of this series may remember a post I made back on 9/3 of this year titled Ghosts. It was personal observations of … Continue reading Back In My Day: Civilized War – Connecting Dots Again