In this article I explain WHY we need to continue to remain alert. Yeah, it is actually much worse than we thought. I know this is long, but if you read none of the other articles I have written please read this one. For me, everything suddenly fell in place. This is why Hegseth, a major in the reserves and NOT a general or admiral was selected as Sec of Defense by POTUS Trump. Why the cartels were named terrorist organizations.
At the end of WWII the Nazis realized they were not going to win a CONVENTIONAL kinetic war so they switched tactics. Stay behind units, groups of 15 to 20 civilians, were originally created in Germany by Nazis. They were called Werewolf Units and placed in all the AXIS countries. At the Nuremberg trials, Skorzeny, who worked for never-indicted Galland, got off lightly. He features prominently in training and in execution of operations including the murder of JFK. And yes they are here and active in the USA. Some of their training is done at Fort Bragg. (SURPRISE!) Galland, who was Hitler’s Chief of intel, met with Dulles at the end of WWII and got off scot free. As a result of that meeting, stay behind units were seeded in other countries AND it is all run out of NATO. This is why Nazi war criminals became high ranking commanders in NATO after WW2. Also there is a secret agreement. If you become a NATO member you must have stay behind units. It is the reason Charles de Gaulle kicked NATO headquarters out of France. They kept trying to assassinate him. Werewolf Units have about 15 playbooks including Paragliders. Music festivals and other venues with a lot of women and children are considered ‘HIGH VALUE TARGETS’ because they have a maximum terror component that can then be used to control a population. (9/11 & the Patriot Act anyone?)
Just a taste from Colonel Towner at the end of Operation Gladio – Colonel Towner PART 1 The full transcript is at the bottom of the article. Please read it. It will blow your mind!
I’ll cover this real quick. We [The Werewolf Units] had to have training right? Even though Skorzeny had trained the units in the axis countries you had the allied operators that needed Gladio training. So off the coast of Portugal [are islands] like the Azores, Canary Islands, the Sardinia Islands, they all end up with Gladio training sites…. Just do a search on Sardinia and kidnapping. There are inordinate amount of kidnappings because what these people do is they practice on real people. OK? If you do the Canary Islands? That is where the sniper and snorkeling – sneaking up on boats — [training happens.] Do you know who was assassinated off the coast of the Canary Islands? Robert Maxwell. When he came up missing his boat was docked at the Canary Islands. I want to give at least the enlisted a pass. A lot of the Gladio training was done at Fort Bragg [NC] and Fort Benning. [Columbus, Georgia, Alabama border area] And there was an explosive school just north of the Rio Grande above Brownsville TX. 👉The assassination [training] was done at Fort Bragg.👈
(time 1:20:30)

I was watching an excellent episode of Breaking History and realized, we here at the Qtree had never identified the driving philosophy of the Cabal. I am not talking Marxism or Malthusianism (De-population) I am talking about the actual philosophy that drives the Cabal and has for centuries.
I do not have the actual name for it, Mercantilism is as close as I can come.
The feudal economic system was replaced by mercantilism in Western Europe and it became the dominant theory between 1500 and 1800. While England was at the epicentre of the British Empire, they unfortunately had limited natural resources and were eager to increase their wealth. During this period, there was [more] frequent military conflict and tension than before. Every government’s main objective was to back their military base to prevent attacks from other nations whilst also expanding their territory and the only way to do so was to earn sufficient money.
Mercantilists [AND BANKERS] took up this opportunity to persuade their governments to enact policies that would protect their own businesses against foreign [AND DOMESTIC] ones. In exchange, they would pay taxes to back the military. This resulted in the introduction of fiscal policies that were against the colonists which banned them from buying foreign items. All nations wanted to export more than they imported and receive bullion in return as they strongly believed that a nation’s economic health could be weighed by comparing how much they owned in precious metals. Shipping was also considered imperative during the mercantile period as they were used for merchant or military purposes and whoever controlled the oceans was deemed the strongest.
Colonial Manufacturing Restrictions – (dead link)
Colonial manufacturing restrictions refer to the laws and regulations imposed by colonial powers, particularly Britain,👉to control and limit the manufacturing capabilities of their colonies.👈
Dead link is: https://fiveable.me/key-terms/american-business-history/colonial-manufacturing-restrictions
Mercantilism and the Colonies of Great Britain
…mercantilism became the key economic model of the time. It encouraged the colonists to purchase goods from England rather than rival nations. 👉 The colonies sent raw materials to England where they were manufactured into finished products and sold to the colonists.👈 This allowed Britain to monopolize the slave trade, transporting slaves from English ports to America. High inflation and heavy taxation on the colonies caused a rift between the colonists and the British...
Essentially what you have is merchants, manufacturers and bankers working together to MAXIMIZE PROFIT. (World Economic Forum anyone?) Once you no longer have overt colonies, the best way to do that is to use wars, coups & the IMF to keep the 3rd world enslaved as raw material providers. Then you can use CHEAP labor in China & India to do the manufacturing in Cabal owned factories so the manufactured products can be sold, at a steep mark-up of course, to the first world middle class, slowly bankrupting them.
Heck the IMF even documents this wealth transfer!
The September 2012 IMF Report, World Economy: Convergence, Interdependence, and Divergence Finance & Development shows how far along the Cabal’s plan has gotten.
New convergence and strengthened interdependence coincide with a third trend, relating to income distribution. In many countries the distribution of income has become more unequal, and the top earners’ share of income in particular has risen dramatically. 👉In the United States the share of the top 1 percent has close to tripled over the past three decades, now accounting for about 20 percent of total U.S. income👈 (Alvaredo and others, 2012). At the same time, while the new convergence mentioned above has reduced the distance between advanced and developing economies when they are taken as two aggregates, there are still millions of people in some of the poorest countries whose incomes have remained almost stagnant for more than a century (see “More or Less,” F&D, September 2011). 👉These two facts have resulted in increased divergence between the richest people in the world and the very poorest, despite the broad convergence of average incomes.👈
The actual mechanism is the World Bank lends a country money. When the country defaults on the loan then the IMF steps in with their Structural Adjustment Programs. This link shows how the IMF implements their wealth transfer: IMF Structural Adjustment Programs
If a country does not ‘cooperate’ then the Cabal stages a coup.
One of the key weapons the Cabal has used during the past century is Operation Gladio.
I want to stop at this point and point to this video that shows WHY Israel has been used to keep the Middle East in turmoil for nearly a century. War is a heck of a good way to prevent a country from developing a manufacturing base and having a chance of becoming a first world economy! Gore Bull Schiff Warming is the excuse fed to anyone on the Left who might notice this deliberate suppression of third world countries. It is also the excuse fed to the public for destroying first world countries.
Breaking history: Ep. 79: Breaking Free of Scarcity with NAWAPA and New Discoveries. The whole episode is good but you can start @ 40 minutes for the progress report.
Starting at 40 minutes, they go thru the massive water projects planned for the USA — passed into law in 1954 but side lined after JFKs death. — In China – dams are being built as we speak – and in Saudi Arabia — they are also being built. Water is a key necessity for not only Ag, but for industry. In the USA dams are targeted for destruction not creation. They also talk about Saudi Arabia’s breakthrough in producing lithium and other minerals from the waste water from oil fracking. The new technology is viable and being shared with Brazil.
If there is war, none of this could be done. ENTER OPERATION GLADIO
If you read the Prussiagate series and my Spies, Spooks, Snakes and The Sea Eye Aye it becomes clear the Nazis, NATO and the CIA are tied at the hip.
If you are at least aware of Mike Benz work on Cyberwarfare….
Tucker Carlson interview of Mike Benz: The Deep State’s Step-by-Step Plan to End Free Speech (2 hours)
Transcript of Tucker Carlson interview with Mike Benz with notes and emphases by Dr. Robert Malone on the transcript.
There is also an AI generated Transcript available below the video.
And aware of 5th generation warfare…
General Mike Flynn explains 5th generation warfare (Epoch Times 5 minute clip)
General Michael Flynn and Boon Cutler on 5th Generation Warfare (30 minutes)
And are aware of The Network of Global Corporate Control
…we find that only 737 top holders accumulate 80% of the control over the value of all TNCs [Trans National Corporations] …This means that network control is much more unequally distributed than wealth. In particular, the top ranked actors hold a control ten times bigger than what could be expected based on their wealth…
…In detail, nearly 4/10 of the control over the economic value of TNCs in the world is held, via a complicated web of ownership relations, by a group of 147 TNCs in the core, which has almost full control over itself. The top holders within the core can thus be thought of as an economic “super-entity” in the global network of corporations. A relevant additional fact at this point is that 3/4 of the core are financial intermediaries….
Then Operation Gladio slides into place very nicely as the explanation. I am going to jump ahead to the first part of the 2nd in the series, to show how Operation Gladio fits into what we are seeing today.
Rough Transcript from 6:30 to 12 minutes.
The 2020 election was a cyber coup. Mike Benz spent 5-6 yrs investigating it and talks about the cyber end of it NAMING the culprits: NATO, EU, UK, CIA, the Defense Department, the State Department. Colonel Towner says those are who she is going to talk about. The exact same people Mike says are involved in the Cyber War. Operation Gladio has been taken Kinetic. [Think Purple Revolution -GC] Mike is looking at the CYBER component of Operation Gladio within the USA. [General Mike Flynn calls it 5th Generation Warfare. -GC]
The Colonel says if you Read Gen Flynn’s book on 5th Generation Warfare, lay that side by side with the Tucker interview with Mike Benz AND you have the background on Operation Gladio, It is CLEAR EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING!

There are several other Operation Gladio videos. The Operation Gladio rumble play list: https://rumble.com/playlists/PRTFAVgNAp0
The latest one, not yet listed, is a DOOZY!
At 30 minutes the Colonel says BATTELLE, a nonprofit, was the overarching entity in charge of the DOE.
Battelle …was responsible for the ENTIRE CHAIN, from Ft Detrick, they are there. They are everywhere. 100 of millions of $$ of contracts with Ft Detrick. They have the custodial responsibility for the lab in Ukraine, the level 4 lab where all that schiff happened. And guess where else they are at. THE GEORGIA [The country of] LABS! BOTH known for releases of contagious diseases….
Now to THE TRANSCRIPT. (It is long but worth reading or watching)
Operation Gladio & Colonel Towner PART 1 –February 13, 2023
Rough Transcript of this 1 hr, 45 minute video. I included rough time stamps too.
Synopsis of her bio:
Colonel Towner enlisted in the Air Force in 1979 right out of high school. She is mechanically inclined so work on airplanes. She was in for 8 yrs as an enlisted grunt, after 6 yrs she got a military scholarship and went to Indiana Univ. During that time she had a job with Evergreen airlines who had a contract with UPS. She was the only female mechanic but the guys found out a small female fits in spaces they do not.
When she finished her degree, the Air Force made her a personnel officer. (She was hoping for maintenance officer.) She was assigned to LA air force base in late 80s, during Star Wars. Nastar now GPS had just been declassified for civilian use. Put up a bunch of satellites. Re-asigned to Italy, Andrews AFB where Air Force 1 is. Whenever the pentagon went down to CENTCOM, US central Command, they used Andrews AFB. She was there over 9-11.
She got her masters at Air War college…. She was in for 30 yrs then retired. The she started watching Glen Beck and “realized everything I thought was true, was not true.”
Colonel Towner: “I am a big reader. I already had 2-300 books… Because my entire reason for enlisting was to get a college degree, at the end I had 6 degrees because I just like learning and they were free thanks to the tax payer. My idea was to give that information back… And to use my experience and education to help others understand what is going on in the world. You find out we have been lied to about everything. I now have about 800 books in my library….
“You can see God’s hand in everything that I do because I will go from one book [she does videos of her book reviews] and in talking about that book, someone will say something that triggers something else and I will get another book and another book and another book. And they all seem to cohesively — and the weird thing is they are ALWAYS PERFECTLY TIMED WITH WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE WORLD.
What you just heard in the Tucker Carlson – Putin interview? Putin was telling you about Operation Gladio without using the name.
Both the 2004 ‘Revolution’ in Ukraine was Operation Gladio and the 2014 coup in Ukraine while people do not use that term. We will go thru some terms so you have them in the back of your mind. Because once you learn the language of what’s going on, you can’t NOT SEE IT. (12:00)
After the spaces [on X], Jack Posobic talks of Operation Gladio for the very first time. I do not think that is coincidental. And the next day, he goes on Bannon’s War Room and mentions it again. But he mentions it in a limited hangout way, because not only does he mispronounce it, which is a dead giveaway, but he infers that it is a Gladio 2.0 [Jack was not tossed off Twitter or Youtube, which is another tell. –GC]
There is only one Gladio and one organization that runs it world wide….
“I read 2 books by Whitney Webb, One Nation Under Blackmail vol 1 & 2 before I found out about Operation Gladio. When I read my 10th book about Operation Gladio, I was in a podcast and one of the girls who helps me do research put in the Chat, “We should do Whitney Webb’s book” Light bulb goes on and I say, Oh my gosh, that whole book is Gladio! I do book reviews on each book I read on Gladio, multi-chapter, We talk about each chapter…. We went back to do One Nation Under Blackmail, and when doing the 1st couple of chapters. She goes back to WWII and the OSS days when Gladio was created. AND IT’S ALL THE SAME PLAYERS every single step of the way.
Epstein & Wexner… I will just say this because it will be the tie in. When you realize the air operations, you and I were talking about. That contracted air that was set up in Columbus Ohio? It was done by the remnants of the Flying Tigers of the OSS out of Vietnam. It was also done in conjunction with Clinton and China selling small arms inside the USA. As soon as Congress forbid that, the air hub at Columbus Ohio exploded. There were flights coming from Hong Kong AND Clinton gave them their OWN two custom terminals. So every aspect of Operation Gladio, was fulfilled.
The Problem is until you know what the skeleton of Operation Gladio looks like. And you build the skeleton of Gladio, [for example] Whitney Webb does not know what Operation Gladio is. It is not mentioned in her book. She has no idea she is sitting on a powder keg. That is what you will find going forward. Once you have the framework you will see it everywhere. Because it is LITERALLY EVERYWHERE.
[Alpha talks of his Veterans show SitRep]
….The Vatican Church figures heavily in Gladio. They were a money laundering outfit for Gladio. Two of my best researchers I lost, they were both Catholic. They did not want to hear it. [Unfortunately this is a major problem. Having the veil ripped down so the filth and corruption shows is just too much for some people. — GC]
There is no one whose rice bowl got peed in more than Veterans. Because when you realize, every single mission you have been on more than likely in support of what I refer to as the International Syndicate, than it ever was for the USA that we, you & I, swore an oath to. [I call it the Cabal. -GC]
For People who were on the battle field and actually killed people, dropped bombs? To understand that you could have done that for an entity that has nothing to do with the safety and security of your country is devastating. BUT at the same time what you cannot do, is you cannot allow it to continue. So the only way we can fight is with truth. [THIS BTW is why Janet Napolitano & DHS labeled Veterans as potential Domestic Terrorists. They are a danger to the Cabal. — GC]
We have to know what the truth is, and once we understand what the truth is we can make sure it does not perpetuate itself. That’s why I am here. [AMEN! and that is why I do these articles – GC]
Every single thing I talk about has already been proven. It is not a theory. It is not a Conspiracy.
I am very picky about the authors I use. I want to see the State Dept. cables, I want to see the financial transactions. The ones I base my book reviews on have all that documentation. That is important because everything I say from here is highly controversial but it is all factual unfortunately.
I am going to start with terminology. The first thing you have to remember, because you are going to see these terms often in the future. So when you see them in the future your brain should immediately go OPERATION GLADIO.
Operation Gladio is an umbrella term. There are sub-elements of it. One of which is Operation Condor. Operation Condor was the Gladio effort dedicated strictly to South America.
Compass Rose was the initial effort of Operation Gladio that was launched inside of Europe.They were also referred to as stay behind units.
A Stay behind unit was a group of 15 to 20 civilians. As originally created in Germany by Nazis. They were called Werewolf Units. They carried that term from 1942 to the end of the war. They were civilians by day and killers by night. You are going to hear Werewolf a whole lot more in the future including Neo-Nazis in the USA.
The training squad in Ukraine from the US Air Force, right now training pilots, is called Grey Wolves, which is the operator Gladio from Turkey. The Neo-nazis in the USA today call themselves Werewolves because they are configured just like stay behind units.
In addition to having the personnel, and they were all trained, there are some designated training sites. You [Alpha] as a marine may recognize some of the sites because our special operations trained a lot of these people unbeknownst to them as they were ‘joint training’ in Europe. [Not suprising given Nazi war criminals became high ranking commanders in NATO after WW2 — GC]
They had stashes of weaponry to include; small arms, explosives, money and com equipment. They would bury them in chests. They would bury them in national parks systems that could be secured. Often times off limits to the normal foot traffic. That is true in the USA too BTW.
I watched a 2 hr documentary of an investigate journalist who went thru Holland trying to find these stay behind unit stashes. He spent 4 years looking. They found tons of them. I even asked the guy who brought it to my attention if he could translate so I could put subtitles on it. I posted it on my Twitter Acct…. In Italy alone there were over 600 of these stashes. Over 600 stay behind units with 15 to 20 people in each one. That is how massive it is.
It is also referred to as ‘Strategy of Tension’ It is important to understand this concept. The world we live in today operates on a strategy of tension. Most people do not know enough history to realize that if you look at a world map of 1910 and you look at a world map of 1950 there are a lot of ‘made-up countries’ that did not exist in 1910.
Well Putin just told you. Ukraine was made up out of whole cloth. There was no Ukraine. There was Poland and there was Russia. Look at the 1910 map of the Middle East. There was a country that no longer exists called Kurdistan. Well what happen to Kurdistan? Well the geniuses at the end of WWII decided that we are needed to break up Kurdistan and put the pieces in Turkey, Syria, Northern Iraq and Northern Iran. So where is all the conflict? Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. Why is that? Because of the strategy of tension.
Pakistan did not exist in 1910. Where do we have a lot of Schiff going on? Afghanistan and India! Why? Because of Pakistan.
The International Syndicate [Cabal] decided to make up countries out of whole cloth. Taking what they KNEW to be fault lines, so they could create a perpetual War Machine to terrorize people, generate refugees – Called Human Trafficking – and forever establish the Military Industrial Complex that would be used to manipulate the world from the end of WWII until today. [I would say it was set up in 1913 if not well before. -GC]
We have never NOT KNOWN WAR. All of this has to do with this same concept. It is all done on purpose.
The Kurdish people over time had congregated into a geographic location because they were ostracized. They were not Muslim as we know Muslim. I was in Iraq for 6 months and talked to a lot of the Kurdish leaders because I was the exec officer for a 2 star Army general that ran Taskforce Bravo that was all of Northern Iraq during the 1991 conflict. So I spent a lot of time with these guys. It is almost a mix between Christianity & Islam. So they are not liked by anybody. So they kinda congregated in a location and then after WWII they sliced it all up and Well it would be like pouring acid on your body. So they created a scab, and the UK and USA pick that scab whenever they want to.
And they did this all over the world. So it is important they you understand ‘Strategy of Tension.’
In Italy it is know as the years of lead because of the lead bullets. When ever they activate these terror units, you get a lot of dead bodies. Journalists who write about it die, Judges that adjudicate it die, prosecutors that prosecute it die and obviously the victims of the explosions, the train stations, the banks… ALL over Italy lots of dead bodies.
And my last term… All of this system was set up under “ANTI-COMMUNISM”
As Putin pointed out and Tucker afterwards, the Soviet Union and now when it is Russia, they have never been an aggression focused nation. But the instigators set up the Soviet Union and then Russia as a bogyman, to terrorize their own population via the stay behind Gladios Units. They sold this concept, a little bit in the public but primarily to the under levels of the government. The senior levels knew what they were going to use it for. That it was going to be used for domestic use. But for the rest of the people, it was sold under the guise that it was Anti-Communist.
So just in case those Soviet people come over the gap and invade Europe, we have all these stay behind units that will pop-up and kill them all.
But if you start looking into the Anti-communist league, and anti-communist anything. They had anti-communist non-profits. Every single one of them is saturated with CIA agents, MI6 agents and MOSSAD agents. They are front companies, non-profits having to do with orchestrating Domestic Violence and ZERO to do with anti-communist. So when ever you hear anti-communist the hair on the back of your neck should stand up. You need to look at the board of directors, everything about them because it will be sketchy as hell.
The International Syndicate
When I first started doing this, if I said something about the Vatican or the Catholic Bank, I would get inundated with these bots – OH it is the Jesuits.
If I say anything about MOSSAD – Oh it’s the fake Jews or the Khazarian Mafia.
I do not know if any of that is true and it means ZERO to me. It is a limited hangout. You have already reached the conclusion without doing the investigation.
I call the industrialists, the bankers, the politicians, the elites and the religious organizations The International Syndicate. I have not gotten into who they are. I will get into a little bit of the theory that drives the entire thing because that is important to understand. Naming names at this point is not important and it bogs you down from understanding the apparatus.
ALPHA: If you know their names, they are not it.
The Colonel: Everything you see is a cloaking device for the people you don’t see.
The life cycle ( Business model)
600+ stashes plus the 15 – 20 people per stash, ready at a moments notice , that costs money. This is a big budget item. Well there is no money on the appropriations side so this is all black [off the books] funded.
[HMMMmmm Is this where some of the ‘LOST’ Pentagon billions went? -GC]
So how are you going to make the money. Initially the choice was selling drugs. Where are you going to get the drugs? Poppy fields. Just follow our wars. Every place we have had a war is a source of poppy fields.
…During veterans day, don’t the banks HAND OUT RED POPPIES?
ALPHA: I never thought about that! [Q said watch for the symbols – GC]
The military is there to guard the poppy fields. Most countries do not want the stuff in their country so you have to have wars. With wars you have mil equip ==> war zone & then drugs come back on the empty planes. [Or as Dr MacDonald found, in the dead bodies. GC] This is all documented BTW
Guns, fighter jets, helicopters, they don’t make it to where they are supposed to go . And then the items show up on black market. (37 min)
War makes a lot of ‘refuges’ so they can sell people too. They sell, drugs, weapons, human trafficking, this is what pays for Operation Gladio. People with a conscious get blackmailed (more money) Think Epstein. They are ALL tied to this business model. (39 min)
Stay behind units were first used in Boer wars in S. Africa in late 1800s. Boers were Dutch (and native) farmers. Then the Brits came down a bit further south. They started mining found diamonds & gold in Rhodesia. Think Cecil Rhodes & Milner Round Table. They wanted the gold found in S. Africa so they sent in the British military.
At the time Winston Churchill was a reporter with the Brit Army. They got their butts kicked by stay behind units. The Boers set up buried arms dumps. So during the second Boer war the Brits set up concentration camps to put women and children in and then they killed EVERYONE! The Brits were the first to use concentration camps. (41 min)
Rio Tinto (British) is a massive worldwide mining outfit. It uses slave labor. (41:45) They are a massive conglomerate that ruins everything they touch.
Rio Tinto (corporation) – Wikipedia
Rio Tinto Group is a British-Australian multinational company that is the world’s second largest metals and mining corporation (behind BHP). It was founded in 1873 when a group of investors purchased a mine complex on the Rio Tinto, in Huelva, Spain.…
How Rio Tinto Uses Technology For Ethical Mining – Nanalyze 2019/03 [lie much?]
The latest mining technology from Rio Tinto brings robotics, big data, and other automation capabilities to an industry better known for the black lung.
The best example I have run across is in Brazil. The CIA under Operation Condor staged a coup in Brazil. Prior to the coup, there were 50-60 businesses, all owned by wealthy Brazilians. It was the ‘Democracy’ they [the Cabal -GC] all say they want. BUT they were not under the thumb of the UK or the USA… They did not have control of their industries. So they staged a coup. After the coup the big conglomerates [network of transnational corporations – GC] came in. Then there were only seven Brazilian owned companies. [After Reagan’s leveraged buyouts and the ratification of the WTO the USA saw something similar. -GC]
That is the reason they are doing what they are doing and they do not care how many people they kill in the process. PEOPLE ARE EXPENDABLE AS LONG AS THEY GET CONTROL.
Where they are going with this, and what Winston Churchill was feeding is this Fabian Society, one world government, London School of Economics, Balfour Agreement, all of those people got together and they decided we are going to have one government in the world and we will control it at the Round Table. You are going to have a Pan America, you are going to have a Pan Europe, you are going to have a Pan Asia, you are going to have a British Empire. Eventually the pan Arabic leg of it was added.. But there is no pan Africa because all those people in the syndicate think that Black people are inferior and will always be slaves. That is why when they started selling drugs in the USA every shipment was focused on inner city blacks…. They started off in Harlem, moved to LA, moved to San Francisco, to Baltimore, to St Louis, every inner city black was to be hooked on drugs and they were going to use them to imprison them. This is the mentality of the people were are dealing with. They are the scum of the earth.
This why you have to understand why they do what they do, where their focus is, and how they do it. Because in the future, … When I saw that Oct 7th Hamas attack? That was a Gladio operation.. We will talk about it later but, Hamas was created and funded by the US CIA and Israel’s Mossad.
ALPHA: When I was a young detective and first started learning about Gangs, esp out here in CA you hear about the Bloods and the Crips. But talk about gov’t officials being the ones to start this,…
Colonel Towner: Oh I can even tell you the names!, I have articles pinned. We can get into the details probably in the second show. I can give you the names of the CIA agents that were focusing on this and the DEA agent ?Anglinger? Or what ever. The first guy who was in charge of the precursor of the DEA, he is on record saying, that every major drug bust that they did, they were never able to get the top echelon because they were ALL CIA AGENTS! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. The ones who get arrested and held accountable are the low level guys. Wait til I get to the ‘War on Drugs’ (47 Min)
The second stage of all of this for me was figuring out — Well I have got who is doing it, this British Fabian round Table Crowd. So how did Communism and Fascism enter into the picture? You have to go back and read Antony C. Sutton’s books “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution” and “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” and “Wall Street and FDR: The True Story of How Franklin D. Roosevelt Colluded with Corporate America” I highly recommend reading his trilogy, they are not that thick.
There is an address in NYC called 120 Broadway. It is where the Fed was, it was where FDRs first office was, the Boys Club, the Dinner Club, the Rockefellers’ office is, the Rothschilds, the banks, JP Morgan, They are ALL in this building. They orchestrate EVERYTHING out of this building. They do not have to go out side. They funded the Bolsheviks.
Trotsky lived in NYC for several years waiting for the war to end so he could plant the Bolshevik flag.… The Russian civil war in the early 1900s was actually instigated. The were generals that wanted a national referendum, a democracy. Well that was not going to be allowed. Those generals were murdered by people who came from the USA or Britain. The money for the Bolsheviks came from 120 Broadway and London UK. London housed Lenin, NYC, housed Trotsky. Trotsky went from USA to Canada to Russia on a State Department Visa. [When Canada tried to stop him, the USA intervened -GC] Lenin left London went thru Germany, thru Finland into Russia. London & US facilitated the creation of Bolshevik “Communism.” (50 min)
They did the same thing with Nazism. When Hitler is in prison, Do you know who ‘paid’ to help him write Mein Kempf? We did! We took money from 120 Broadway. Anthony Sutton has the actual transactions because they were carried in diplomatic pouches thru the State Department to transfer the money to pay for his ‘Aide’ to write that doctrine. The Reichstadt fire was a false flag…. It was all set up to create Marshall law and usher in Hitler….
I say that because it is important to understand under the Strategy of Tension, if you don’t have chaos and control, then you cannot manipulate people…. So if I can make you really scared of Nazism…
Why do they call that Far-Right? Fascism is not on the right.
If I draw a line. At the start is anarchy with no government, then comes a republic with a very small amount of government. Then you have democracy and then fascism, communism and totalitarianism. There is NOTHING far right about fascism. So Why do they call it that? That is psychological operations. (52 min)
👉 Because what you have over here in anarchy and a republic is NATIONALISM. And it is not coincidental that they call them [the NAZIs] nationalists, in order for you to associate you standing up for your country, and Putin being a nationalist for Russia and Trump being a nationalist for the USA as Nationalism as in FASCISM. (53 min)
They want you, in your brain, to correlate nationalism with fascism because NATIONALISM is the death spiral, stab in the heart, to Global World Order.👈
Because there is nothing about fascism that is on the right side of anything. And it is not coincidental that when you label Left and Right in the USA that the Republicans became the Fascist ‘Right’ and the Democrats became the Communist Left. That is ALL Psychological Operations to mess with your head. Because we know, as quasi libertarian small government conservative, WE ARE NOT NAZIs! We love our country. But it is important that they label you that [NAZIs] So just keep that in mind.
That is the kind of stuff you discover when you read these books. It is all a mind game for them… It is to isolate you and to attack you.
Colonel Towner: My husband pointed out that the TV program ‘Get Smart’ [Created by Mel Brooks & Buck Henry -GC] had the two organizations called KAOS and CONTROL and was telling you to ‘Get Smart’ Strategy of Tension? MIND BLOWING! That is what they are actually doing. They create chaos (the bad guy) to get control supposedly the good guy. They are creating chaos to get control of you and they are using the Strategy of Tension to do it.
We know, thru operation Paperclip, that the CIA has programming discretion thru out Hollywood. It will really blow your mind if we get to Laurel Canyon and the whole 1960s movie industry THAT DID NOT EXIST. The movie industry was in New York. They [CIA] went to southern California and created the movie industry lock, stock and barrel.
Colonel Towner: In Laurel Canyon. That was an entire CIA operation AND I CAN PROVE IT!
I will send you a link that you can share with your viewers. There is a guy who wrote a series of articles on this that is the best work I have ever seen. He wrote a book that you can read online.
[In the 1960s] Every single musician, go back and look at them, their Dad was either in the CIA or the military. How did they get out of the draft? OH, because they were already employed.
This journey has been SO MIND BLOWING TO ME. Every day, I have a couple of researchers helping me on stuff. We are working on domestic Gladio Units right now. Hands down it will blow your mind.
ALPHA: This makes me re-evaluate everyone who got out of the Draft good or bad.
Colonel Towner: When we get to WWII and they are setting-up these gladio units, there was a General Wolfe who worked for General Galland who was Hitler’s Chief of intel. [Although there is nothing said about that on the internet -GC]
The reason I say we did not win WWII, was because of a decision made around 1942.
Colonel Towner makes it clear that this is her theory, based on what she has read:
If you under stand Operational War Plans, you have a strategic level, an operational level and a tactical level. The strategy is ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. That is the goal. They wanted Germany to be in charge of the New World Order at that time. The Operational Level was how to go about doing that. And the Tactical Level is the kinetic level. They realized the Kinetic level was not going to be a winnable solution.
So if I change my operational focus to infiltrating the world; with all my Nazi scientists, all my Nazi operators like Skorzeny and thru Gladio; if I can get the apparatus built at the Operational level, then I can effect a one world government at the tactical level with my Gladio units. I can coup any government in the world. I can bring in my international syndicate [aka transnational corporations] to take over all of their resources. I can get as rich as I want. I can control the entire world without firing another shot in a conventional war.
In my mind, this is what I have been building towards the more I learn, because you see a drastic change in the war in 1942. With these stay behind units and the filtering out of them after the war is ‘officially’ over. The distribution of the Nazis, and not all of them are scientists. There is just so much to that.
When the change of focus occurs in Germany in 1942, they create the very first Werewolf Units and put them in all of the Axis territories. Now we get to the end of the war. Galland arranges a meeting with Allen Dulles. Allen Dulles is the OSS commander for the European theater under Wild Bill Donovan. Dulles meets with Galland and they come to an agreement. Galland gets to stay free. They are going to bring Galland in a 4 star uniform with fake documents to the USA. They will de-brief him. They will scout out all the stay behind units and networks in the Axis territories and they are going to take them over. They create the ‘mirror’ in alley countries AND it will all be run out of NATO.
There are two organizations in NATO that are the planning and funding coordinators for Operation Gladio. One of which is called the ACC. It is a highly classified organization. Most people assigned to NATO do not know it exists. It is documented in Paul William’s book Operation Gladio. And also mentioned in Daniele Ganser’s book NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe

…In 1990, when Gladio got exposed in Italy, Italy is the only country that did an exhaustive investigation and exposed it. One of the things that came out on the magic date of Aug 2nd when it all got revealed, is there was a meeting in NATO of Gladio participants in Oct of 1990. They had the meeting despite the blow-up in Italy, probably to mitigate or cover-up. In Nov, reports paint Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti as the king pin in Italy. Well he is not going down alone. As soon as fingers were pointed at Andreotti, reporters start asking their politicians, what do you know about Gladio. Andreotti calls a press conference and on national TV in Italy, he says OH, pol XXX doesn’t know anything about Gladio? He was at the meeting last month. He named names and by doing so verified that NATO was the coordinator of ALL of it and they were the ones who hosted the planning meetings.
WHY was that hidden from the USA who was the primary funder of NATO?
[Alpha mentions the soldier who would not wear the UN uniform. — GC]
Colonel Towner says you will find enlisted special forces US military personnel, posing as mercenaries and fighting along side the CIA. The CIA posing as soldiers…. She then said the Covid Clot Shot was another litmus test. It was about getting rid of Patriotic Soldiers. It was a cleansing of the US military. In anticipation of what I do not know….. (1:09:00)
Skorzeny worked for Galland, 3 or 4 levels down. He features prominently in training and in execution of operations including the murder of JFK. He trained stay behind units. Hitler called him to rescue Mussolini. [Skorzeny rescued Mussolini ] Well they have about 15 playbooks. The one Skorzeny pulled of the shelf that day was PARAGLIDERS… think Hamas on October 7th. This has been used more than once in Gladio Operations around the world. They are trained to do this in isolated areas. Also they love attacking music venues because, from a psychological operation perspective, killing women and children are your high value target. This is because you get the emotional terror associated with it. If you want emotional trauma in your strategy of tension, you go for women and children every time… (1:11:11)
[….Discussion of soft targets like fairs & festivals where guns are forbidden…. -GC]
👉Skorzeny at Nuremberg? A guy from the UK testifies on his behalf and gets him off. A guy from Dallas Texas prepared his defense AND the same guy played a roll in the JFK assassination. (1:16:10)
In Paul William’s book, they established that in order for a NATO country to become a part of NATO, there is actually a separate secret agreement. You HAVE TO agree to create stay behind units. 👉I want everyone to understand, if you are in NATO you HAVE stay behind units and there are no exceptions. (1:17:00)
Also…. NATO did not start in Belgium. NATO was set up in Paris. Why don’t we know this? Well the first thing you would ask is why did they move? You want to know why they moved? Because they were kicked out. Because of stay behind units. They were kicked out of [France] because the OAS that eventually gets Kennedy, tried to kill Charles de Gaulle, who was the president, over 20 times. They set up over 20 assassination attempts IN FRANCE OF THE SITTING PRESIDENT! And finally deGaulle calls the NATO commander and says you’ve got 6 months dude, your OUT and I want YOU gone tomorrow. I want EVERYTHING GONE IN SIX MONTHS, and you are gone tomorrow. DeGaulle kicked the 4 star general out. And that 4 star general? He was the author of Operation Northwoods [Cuba] So he ran the ops to get DeGaulle and ALSO ran the ops to get JFK!…. (1:19:00)
So that sets the stage for the new operations, because most of it now is going to be ran by Skorzeny out of Spain…
I’ll cover this real quick. We [The Werewolf Units] had to have training right? Even though Skorzeny had trained the units in the axis countries you had the allied operators that needed Gladio training. So off the coast of Portugal [are islands] like the Azores, Canary Islands, the Sardinia Islands, they all end up with Gladio training sites…. Just do a search on Sardinia and kidnapping. There are inordinate amount of kidnappings because what these people do is they practice on real people. OK? If you do the Canary Islands? That is where the sniper and snorkling – sneaking up on boats [training happens] Do you know who was assassinated off the coast of the Canary Islands? Robert Maxwell. When he came up missing his boat was docked at the Canary Islands.
I want to give at least the enlisted a pass. A lot of the Gladio training was done at Fort Bragg [NC] and Fort Benning. [Columbus, Georgia, Alabama border area] And there was an explosive school just north of the Rio Grande above Brownsville TX. A lot of the Gladio trainees got ‘Specialized Training’ — on ‘Wetworks’ Primarily the assassination [training] was done at Fort Bragg. (1:20:30 – 1:21:30)
So it is not uncommon to have foreigners in classes. We teach foreigners all the time. You would not know they are Gladio operators. They can show up in uniforms even if they are civilians. Governments dress them up in uniforms to camouflage the fact they are civilians and send them to our schools for training. [My Ex, attending Officer training at Fort Sill, just after ‘Nam said they had Israelis and Arabs in his OTC classes. — GC]
Also favorite training sites were done under World Wildlife Fund [WWF.] The World Bank would lend money to African countries [they knew they could not pay back.] Get them on the hook and tell them, we will forgive that loan for ‘preservations’. [Property the WWF turned into ‘Wildlife Preserves’] Thus they would get large swaths of wooded land and set up Gladio Training camps. So every time you see WWF know it is a front organization for GLADIO. They did this a lot with non-profits, that is just the biggest one…
Again, they coerced a lot of African countries to give up a lot of their land, but again they think of them as slaves and that they do not matter.
Discussion of it happening here in the USA follows. For example Alpha mentions a major bicycling event near a national park where a lot of people go missing. The colonel said to google Missing and National Park. There are like 1,200 people who have just disappeared. (1:23:00)
At 1:28:24 chat comment – HelpMeRhonda
At least 1,180 people were reported missing from US national parks between 2018 and 1st 2 months of 2023, according to records obtained by The Post via a Freedom of Information Act request – Jun 14, 2023
Alpha then talks about GANGS. He mentions a gang conference he went to as a LEO and also about MS 13.
ALPHA: Go and research how MS 13 started. And it is OUR DELTA FORCE! It is a Delta force operator that trained that gang to be what it is. But the scary part is, in this conference, IT IS SATANIC and WITCHCRAFT and RITUALS that come along with it. And the CRIMES! If you think the cartels are scary? These, these people, the crimes they have been a part of? It will keep you up at night. And then we hear all of a sudden, they have become the hitmen of all the different cartels. All the different gangs. And we hear their coming across our southern border… It is a concern for me….
COLONEL TOWNER: Everything you said is SO CRITICAL! Many if not all of the CARTELS ARE UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE CIA. IT IS THE ONLY REASON THEY ARE ALLOWED TO EXIST TODAY. The same thing with the point you made with the Delta Force guy and the creation of gangs.
My worry is not the obvious which is what you talked about, with the people coming across the border. I think that is what they want us to focus on. MY WORRY IS WHAT HAS ALREADY BEEN HERE AND IS TRAINED. They will use these people [illegals] as they did with the 9-11 hijackers. They wanted us to believe it was radical Islamists because they became the new boogeyman after the communists fell. So what ever they want you to believe? It is not that.
They are importing people to disguise the ones who are already here. If an event happens, they will try to frame a new person, but it will not be a new person. It will be units who are already here, trained to do what they are going to do. It will not be random. (1:26:00 – 1:30:00)
Summation of OPERATION IN A NUTSHELL: Since 1948, Everything they tell THE PEOPLE, without exception, IS A LIE!

I sure hope Q is on our side and that POTUS Trump is ‘well insulated’ and ‘Has it ALL!’
Just in time to avoid another Place Holder post.
Only THIS one would have been titled:2025-01-22 Place Holder and the Jackbooted Thugs of the DC Prison Under Arrest
Ohhhh, I LIKE IT!!!
heard anything about DePat yet?
Last DP X post I saw, is 15 Jan.
thanks kal!
keeping her in my prayers!
Her WP profile says last seen on the 19th.
No. She has not messaged me. She has been gone since the 17th. I am worried.
The “good” explanation would be that she either tried to go to the Inauguration, or that she got involved with something related to it.
She may also be writing. She said something about a story idea in one of her most recent messages.
Otherwise, I think it’s health-related. I won’t speculate yet, but I do have thoughts on this.
thanks! I know writing is a consuming passion or many. Hopefully this is the answer! I will keep her in my prayers though.
A am trying to contact her by escalating methods.
I don’t have a twitter account so can’t check there…sorry
I did. She disappeared from there at the same time.
Well, most of us ARE old. So health is always an issue.
I am taking a break from defrosting the big freezer. It is below freezing all day so a good day to do it… just one problem. I wheeze in cold weather since Covid.
I certainly hope DePat is doing well and did not have a health problem.
It’s below freezing here too, snow on the ground about 5″. It’s so pretty but I did lose a couple of bets that it wouldn’t snow here at the beach!
We had an inch or more this morning when I got up. We usually do not get snow in central NC. It is gone in the sunny areas by now but still covering the wooded areas.
I’m pretty sure she’s generation X, so she’s not that old.
She has been sick for a while, with Covid or something similar if I remember correctly. She said something about taking Ivermectin along with other treatments, while her family was only taking Ivermectin.
Found it: https://www.theqtree.com/2025/01/17/health-friday-open-thread-1-17-2025-a-letter-to-incoming-president-donald-j-trump-and-to-incoming-hhs-secretary-robert-f-kennedy-jr/#comment-1397377
The discussion begins a few posts earlier, here: https://www.theqtree.com/2025/01/17/health-friday-open-thread-1-17-2025-a-letter-to-incoming-president-donald-j-trump-and-to-incoming-hhs-secretary-robert-f-kennedy-jr/#comment-1397307
Seems like it was taking a longer than usual to start feeling better.
Unless she has posted in a more recent daily thread, her last post in Pavaca’s Friday thread was at 16:24 on January 17th, so five days ago.
She may have gone to the doctor for a checkup and was referred to the hospital due to something like dehydration or some other concern.
She knows that everyone here would be concerned about her sudden absence, and she should have access to her personal tracking device.
Even if she didn’t, her family members would, and she should be able to log in from one of theirs to check in.
If that was the case, she may not know her password and it wouldn’t auto-fill on someone else’s phone, but she could either create a new account or maybe post as a guest somehow. I’m not sure how that would work, I’ve never had to try to do it.
I think our good DePat is in the early 40s in terms of age.
early 50’s
Wow. She spoke as if one of my peers.
I wonder how much it would cost to have a skywriter put “QTREE MISSES YOU DE PAT” over St. Louis…..
No power outages in her area.
Here ya go:
How Much Is Sky Writing? (+ Pricing Chart) – Writing Beginner
Beginner Questions / By Christopher /
“Skywriting: The art of turning the sky into your personal billboard.
Curious about the price tag? Let’s clear the air.
How much is sky writing?
Sky writing costs range from $1,500 to $10,000, influenced by message length, location, event timing, and design complexity. Personal messages start at $1,500, while business ads may reach $10,000.
In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the cost of sky writing.”
[continued at title link above]
Still no DePat. I was tempted to search for “St Louis Catholic Soprano” I hope she’s okay.
Please see the new daily.
This should be placed here near the top:
pat frederick(
January 23, 2025 10:12
this can be filed under “things for another day” but i do not want to lose it. did anyone know this about Merrick Garland?
January 23, 2025 9:49 am
FTA “As Attorney General Merrick Garland prepares to leave the Department of Justice (DOJ), his tenure is under intense scrutiny, not only for his handling of politically charged investigations but also for resurfacing allegations tied to his role in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing case. Garland, who once described his work on the bombing investigation as “the most important thing” he had ever done, now faces accusations of concealing critical evidence, including the existence of a second suspect, John Doe #2, and suppressing surveillance footage. The Oklahoma City bombing, which killed 168 people and injured hundreds more, remains one of the deadliest acts of domestic terrorism in U.S. history. Timothy McVeigh was convicted and executed for the attack, but questions about a potential accomplice have lingered for decades. Critics, including investigative journalists and legal analysts, allege that Garland, who oversaw the prosecution of McVeigh, played a role in obscuring evidence that pointed to a second individual involved in the bombing.
Merrick Garland’s tenure as attorney general was defined by high-stakes investigations and political polarization. Yet, as he steps down, the focus has shifted to his earlier role in one of the most devastating acts of terrorism in U.S. history. The allegations of a cover-up in the Oklahoma City bombing case, coupled with the mysterious meeting with Hillary Clinton, raise troubling questions about transparency and accountability in the pursuit of justice. Whether these allegations will lead to a renewed investigation remains to be seen. But one thing is clear: Garland’s legacy, once defined by his reputation as a meticulous and fair-minded prosecutor, is now under a cloud of suspicion that may take years to dispel.”
I will admit my ignorance, I had no idea Garland was involved in the OKC bombing case!!! Perhaps there are other Treepers who knew? I hope President Trump will declassify everything about this case as well!!! More transparency is more freedom!!! JMO.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy)Online
Reply to pat frederick
January 23, 2025 11:31
Supposedly, all the investigation materials about the Clintons was stored at OKC, and destroyed in the attack. Very convenient. A typical complex “event” IMO.
eilert (
January 23, 2025 12:32
Update from Ellie Crane
Hold up of remaining J6er at the DC Gulag are due to vindictive Judges among them Judge Kellie and Judge Nicolas.
eilert (
January 23, 2025 12:26
Read below or go to links.
I am officially worried about De Pat.
I begin to agree; she should have at least popped in once by now.
Trying to find information there…..
She appears to speak to FG&C fairly regularly. Can you contact him at all?
I have better methods than that to use first, but if those run out, I’ll consider it.
Ok. I’m concerned.
No power outages in her area.
Sent a message to DePat yesterday. No response so far. Fingers crossed and sending Good Energy to her.
Insurrection Barbie:
It’s a series of Dems/media (same thing) stating that pardoning people preemptively is a sure sign that the people have committed crimes. Of course, they were speculating about what Trump might do. It’s different now.
A comment from the above link:
In the United States, a person generally cannot be pardoned for a crime unless they have been charged or convicted. The power to pardon, as granted by Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, is typically understood to apply to offenses against the United States after legal proceedings have commenced or concluded. Here are some key points:
Pardon Post-Conviction:
Most commonly, pardons are issued after someone has been convicted of a crime.
Pardon Before Conviction:
There have been rare instances where pardons were issued pre-conviction, but these are exceptions rather than the rule. An example is President Gerald Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon in 1974, where Nixon had not been formally charged but was under investigation.
Legal Precedents and Interpretations: Courts have generally interpreted the pardon power to apply to offenses already committed, which implies some form of legal recognition or acknowledgment of the offense, like an indictment or conviction.
State vs. Federal: The specifics can vary; state laws might have different interpretations or applications of pardon powers, but at the federal level, the principle largely holds that some legal process must have occurred.
If someone has not been charged, they technically have not been recognized by the legal system as having committed an offense in the context necessary for a pardon. However, if there’s a unique case where this might be considered, it would be an extraordinary use of the pardon power, likely involving significant legal debate and possibly judicial review.
If the leftists ever truly think through the concept of “pre-pardon,” they will condemn it.
Trump could instruct anyone to do virtually anything, and give them a pardon before they did it.
This is not a practice anyone sane would want.
people could commit crimes to his benefit and he could preemptively pardon them. they wouldn’t like that a bit.
This is fantastic!
Why is the pride flag HIGHER than the US flag in that picture?
Your question is the answer to why the EO was needed.
Why is the flag of the Soviet Jewish Autonomous Region higher than the US flag, for another matter?
Yes. The pride flag IS the flag of the Soviet Jewish Autonomous Region, which borders China, and not only sent spies into America during WWII, but was (IIRC) the source of Feinstein. They still exist, though (technically) it’s no longer Soviet. They were founded on anti-Zionist leftist opposition to Israel.
The Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9)…..
Sort of like Piglosi’s wrap-up smear applied to GOD’s people… just like Satan would do (and does)…..
Very interesting!
Wow. I never knew that.
Promoting sexual immorality and racism. To the rest of the world, America must look like the most backward and idiotic nation on earth.
Is any other country promoting Sodom & Gomorrah?
Is any other country promoting the idea that the lives of people with high melanin content matter more than any other?
We can be absolutely positive no country is promoting the idea that the lives of people with a low melanin content matter more than any other.
Why wait so long?
Not only is DEI gone, but affirmative action is too.
A 60-year-old EO, rescinded. I expect the Left to howl. But affirmative action and DEI have allowed/caused discrimination today against white people, men, Americans, and others.
Racial discrimination hurts those that believe it is benefiting them. By giving preference to unqualified persons, they are led to believe they are good enough even though they clearly aren’t.
Everybody suffers. Best solution is apprenticeships.
“Racial discrimination hurts those that believe it is benefiting them.”
The only people being discriminated against due to ‘affirmative action’ are white men.
And it hurts them a &^%$ of a lot more than it hurts the people who benefit from ‘affirmative action’.
Yes they are, personally can relate to that.
“A 60-year-old EO, rescinded. I expect the Left to howl.”
Luck the Feft.
Excellent. This is brilliant and necessary. Remember – ending affirmative action is not the same as allowing illegal discrimination. In fact, affirmative action IS ITSELF a form of illegal discrimination.
Didn’t Ruth Buzzy Ginsberg say that?
It’s merit or nothing, for me.
We can’t expect to plant a flag on Mars (which I don’t care about; I think it’s dumb, but whatever) if we have to hire some DEI black woman with a degree in South American pole dancing for transgenders to head a research team.
All of those Polish dancers are gonna wail! 😀
So there’s no longer an office to help gun owners shoot more accurately?
That’s not a good thing.
From what I can see, we need a White House Office of Trigger Discipline.
As opposed to trigger warnings…
“More hay, Trigger?”
“No thanks, Roy, I’m stuffed.”…. 🙂 🐎 🐴
America First Insight:
The Golden Age of Qtree rolls on with a Wednesday post.
Chad Pergram:
Sounds like somebody’s annoyed with the grumbling of the kids doing their chores.
A republican with a backbone? What type of blackmail does POTUS Trump have on Thune??? You KNOW he would not stand up to the DemonRats unless someone put a boot up his arse.
Well, I ain’t going looking for that boot. You can, if you wish. 😂
Wonder how much JD and Rubio, coming out of the senate have to due with that? They probably know a thing or two they were willing to share with PDJT.
Das Boot…
de as* boot 😉
Oooh, snap. Sen. Thune with some backbone. I like it.
Joseph Massey:
The text of the poem:
America Is the Poem
for Donald Trump’s
Second Presidential Inauguration
January 20, 2025
Rain washes the dust from train windows
as we barrel through the poem of America.
From New York to Chicago, I watch it scroll by—
frame by frame and line by line.
Rivers and lakes reflect the pale winter sky
and haunt my vision.
America, what you were,
and will be again—I see you
in silos rising like fists from farmland.
America, the land itself says, “Fight!”
America, I see you in chipped brick walls
stained with faded logos.
I see you there, waiting
to rise from gone-under towns
and cities spangled in endless dusk.
We can see you now
emerging from boarded-up corner bars,
baseball fields barbed with weeds,
hollowed-out churches
and factories folded in on themselves
like crushed cans reclaimed by the wild.
And we see you, and we know you
in ragtag families packed into vehicles
to head to church on a Sunday,
or to visit a grandfather who remembers war
and what it means to survive
for love of the country that survives because of him
and his brothers—gone.
America, for love, we go on.
America, you defy the narratives
imposed to poison your majesty.
All the poison imposed
to warp us away from our axis:
the true, the beautiful, what binds us
to a shared reality
sealed under the hand of God.
Americans, may we all wake
to the dawn, this day,
with courage,
for we are the whirlwind
promised by patriots
who fought to the depth
of a last breath
to birth America.
And we are here—
there is no other time—
to watch her rise again.
Love it!
That’s glorious!
So now Syria wants to be hated by us.
Remember that the people that is being pointed at {Set-up} are NOT those who are actually behind schiff.
The Cabal (Deep State) WANTS the USA in a war with Syria, so a NATO-CIA trained Werewolf unit does the actual terrorist attack and then the finger is pointed at the newest fall guy.
Heck the CIA probably TRAINED the Syrians in question!
YUP… I just looked.
June 22, 2013 — CIA Secretly providing Training for Syrian rebels
As Colonel Towner said, once you see Operation Gladio, you can not UN-SEE IT because it is EVERYWHERE!
Then DJT has some more scrubbing to do.
He has a YUGE task ahead of him. Sort of transfer the entire government to GITMO and only let the non-criminals a ticket home.
The rest can go on shark feeding tours.
Is that 90 DAY Freeze on Foreign Aid – a strategic move to try to deter terrorist attacks?
A notice to Islamic nations to keep (or call) your radical terrorists home?
Situation in US could turn critical any day, because here have been millions of military age Islamists entering the USA for many years.
Likely many cells going back to the the 80s…with Clinton and the Bush admins and certainly Øbama.
They could (try to) enact a Cloward-Piven color revolution in the US at the behest of the See-Eye-Aye and its globalist elite bosses.
Millions of terrorist thugs rampaging through cities and neighborhoods, sabotaging utilities, jamming communications, would overwhelm local police and even State national guards.
Is Trump ready?
Are there enough patriots left in the military to be ready?
Please skim the article.
The real threat is from the CIA/US Military trained Werewolf units ALREADY in the USA care of NATO. Someone else, maybe Syria, Iran, Russia or China will be blamed but it will be the CIA, MI6, MOSSAD and NATO who are the real culprits.
And yes, they do want to overthrow Trump. He mucked up the Cabal’s plans and as Chuck the Schmuck said, “The CIA has six ways to Sunday to get back at you.”
They are cornered beasts because people are finally discovering who the REAL criminals are. This makes them very very dangerous.
Did skim – but I’m slow – will take days to absorb all of that.
Tell me about it!
copied and pasted it into a word doc to read in parts and refer back to
Or you could listen to it as you cook or sew. (I learn better when reading)
we can’t watch videos (or listen to) them with our satellite internet–everything is slow and keeps buffering.
there is no cable internet out here. we were lucky to find this company to install a dish
I know how much that sucks. I get a lot of buffering here too…. But I am STUBBORN!
With ya. So much to absorb. Slow Guy trailing your pace. We will get there.
Slow just means you digest it thoroughly.
Looks like they might need to be terminated, with extreme prejudice.
[video src="https://y.yarn.co/dbebcd67-4120-4f83-94d7-d3633b4413b9.mp4" /]
“They gave the phone to a military friend and found a terror cell was communicating trying to get to San Diego, California as quickly as possible”
I guess we’re lucky they can’t read maps in English.
Couldn’t figure out how to use that new GPS app.
Creative. 😆
My version would be to use XX and XY chromosomes.
“My version would be to use XX and XY chromosomes.”
That deals with the endocrine problems that can cause confusion.
Disorders of Sex Development of Adrenal Origin
KIS – keep it simple.
Assuming Kenji can read, hope it reads the anti-trans executive order.
Ann Vandersteel:
We should send our withdrawal to their next general meeting attached to a JDAM. That, and declare them to be a foreign terrorist organization.
They seem to believe that there is a one-year obligation to continue funding an anti-American institution that we have expressed our desire to leave.
If we declare them to be terrorists, we can seize their bank accounts instead.
Given what I just posted about Tedros that is very close to the truth. Heck add in Bill Gates it IS THE TRUTH! Can you say DELIBERATE GENOCIDE?
The Gates estate on Mercer Island would make a great safe house for whistleblowers. Limited ground access. Very easy to secure.
Just saying.
You are on a roll lately. Love it.
Mind you, I have quite a list of foreign terrorist organizations that we should recognize as such —
The International Criminal Court
Seize their money, arrest their operatives, bomb their meetings….
Every large charity in the United States.
And ALL the NGOs since even the good ones have mostly been taken over by the Woke Mob.
With a test run to Davos this week….
The Crimes of Tedros Adhanom: WHO’s Tedros Adhanom Should be put on Trial for Crimes Against Humanity
“Because it will be much harder to launch another “global pandemic” without US governement participation.”
It will also be much easier to pin the blame on the WHOkey, if we aren’t in it.
WHO is one of many enemies of the US. Never, ever go back to WHO.
Trump seemingly left the opportunity to rejoin WHO.
An iron clad, WHO go fuck yourself is appropriate.
Followed with Take the UN and NATO to hell with you!
I just have to:
Colonel Tower mentioned looking into disappearances around & in National Parks since real people are used by Werewolf units for practice.
Why Are Thousands Of People Disappearing From National Parks?
How 1,600 People Went Missing from Our Public Lands Without a Trace
People are Disappearing From National Parks, and the Reason May Surprise You
Paulides is out to lunch but the strange disappearances are real. He smells like a dis-info op to make people ignore these disappearances as nothing more than another loony ‘Conspiracy Theory.’
A hybrid between a human and a bear? WTF!!
As I said DIS-INFO OP!!! I have seen the research before without the gobbledy gook.
Remember ‘they’ saddled Badlands Media with Patrick Gunnels who is a smooth talker with debate training. He supposedly believes in Flat Earth, diseases are NOT caused by bacteria, viruses do not exist, nuclear bombs do not exist, there was no moon landing…..
Mixing the truth with a bunch of truly idiotic crap seems to be a favorite technique used by the cabal to hide the truth Just like the ‘Far Right’ is tarred with Fascism and Hitler.
Talking about parks and ‘Nature perserves’ this bit is also interesting:
WWF Funds Guards Who Have Tortured And Killed People BuzzFeed
[Well at least they get part of the story correct — GC]
A yearlong BuzzFeed News investigation across six countries — based on more than 100 interviews and thousands of pages of documents, including confidential memos, internal budgets, and emails discussing weapons purchases — can reveal:
Werewolf Unit training anyone?
More on WWF
Paramilitary Panda: WWF Land Grabs Rooted in Covert Apartheid History
And do not forget how the UN & WWF stepped in and made sure mining operations near Yellowstone got shut down. Obama banned mining near Yellowstone for 20 years during his last days in office. Now you can not find anything about the involvement of the United Nations in the controversy. I was really pissed about the outside interference so I remember it vividly.
That’s what the bear said!
Attaboy, BooBoo…
Is this a picture of Big Foot…
No, that’s just Hector.
ghillie suit!
“He is a believer in Bigfoot, a hybrid between a human and a black bear,”
It must take some serious beer goggles to have sex with a bear.
Or it must take some serious bear goggles to have sex with a human.
This is a very big deal. The lying legacy media didn’t really tell you this, but the Biden admin was basically turning the entire state of AK into a nature preserve where humanity was outlawed.
This EO changes all of that and opens the entire state up for economic use, not just ANWR, and it returns sovereignty to the state of AK to manage its resources. Oil, natural gas, minerals, timber, wildlife, roads, and settlements are all a go now. This EO basically wipes out the last 4 years of effort by the Biden admin. All with a swipe of a pen. Hopefully, AK will jump on this and start these projects before the next dem admin can change the go to a no.
For those unfamiliar with intriguicies of keeping Alaska untouched, google Death Valley Deposit and Ross-Adams mine. And then, read this. Alaska is hiding a deep https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/2622.svg secret. Perhaps some of the largest uraniun deposits know to humanity. (Just like greenland)
Similar to BLM and several other Federal land grabs. All should be disbanded.
If that 1954 law is ever enacted, bringing water down from the Alaskan and Canadian mountains into California and the plains of Canada and the USA, you would see both countries BLOSSOM.
I can not find the law but there is this:
Montana Democrats — wait…..there are Montana Democrats?!?!?
I’ll start again.
Montana Democrats want to crack open the confessional — https://dailycaller.com/2025/01/20/montana-democrats-priest-canon-law/ — thus demonstrating again that they are utterly shameless in their pursuit of totalitarian control.
Even back when the inter-mountain west, including Colorado, was solid republican (with New Mexico being squishy), Montana had this annoying habit of electing Dem senators. (Actually even back then Colorado tended to have 1 dem, one republican.)
I made a phone call to a friend on the committee for this yesterday. Hopefully it goes nowhere.
Closely related to Illinois Nazis, no doubt…
One Nation Under Blackmail The Burning Platform
Do not forget that the CIA uses drugs to fund their criminal operations. This why I told Pgroup the CIA was protecting the Cartels. As Colonel Towner said, the Cartels were literally TRAINED BY THE CIA as Operation Gladio operatives.
If you want to vomit…
However you can get some interesting info from this article once you understand Operation Gladio and the info Colonel Towner has dig up.
Celebrating the Legacy of the Office of Strategic Services 82 Years OnFrom the OSS to the CIA, how Wild Bill Donovan shaped the American intelligence community. — History Net
👉by Major Nicholas Dockery [Q said to remember the names…]
And then we come to the author… Major Nicholas Dockery and hit a motherlode of info.
From the Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs
.Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs: Nicholas Dockery
Dockery sure looks like an Operation Gladios trainer and so does the school.
Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs
With this article, these recent comments by Q-treepers becomes much more significant. I did not comment at the time because you need to at least skim this article first.
Colonel Towner only goes back to 1942, but as Tradebait and I know, it goes back centuries. The Brits never gave up on their empire.
Tatonka Woman (
Tatonka Woman)
The New Republican
So it was founded just after the Bank of London took over this country in 1913 by FABIANS like John Dewey.
The Progressive Movement and its Racist Eugenics Fabian Roots AND the New Republican Mag. (5 minute history lesson)
On the Jan 6 Political Prisoners:
Baby Kane @TheRealBelindaO
I call it kidnapping, and false imprisonment, and it’s a felony offense.
I’d call it an active hostage situation, and it calls for snipers.
This shit needs to be addressed, and right now!
This is what the left does. They test, push forward, and if you let them hold the ground, they don’t back up. The just wait, and push forward again.
That method is how we went from “safe, legal, and rare” to “abortion after birth.” It’s how we went from “love is love” to perverts reading to kids in libraries.
ENOUGH! Put an end to it, today!
That is why they call themselves “Progressives” They set a goal and inch forward until they achieve that goal.
It occurs to me, since the DemonRats are planning to Lawfare against POTUS Trump anyway, that he should FIRE EVERYONE HE WANTS including the sadists at the Bureau of Prisons.
This is the federal Register Listing of Significant Documents about the Bureau of Prisons. LINK
Inmate Discipline Program: Disciplinary Segregation and Prohibited Act Code Changes
by the Prisons Bureau on 02/01/2024.
If I am reading that correctly, under the ‘discipline program’ Jan 6ers can have the shit beaten out of them AND DO NOT HAVE RECOURSE TO CIVIL CLAIMS for injuries, like that guy who lost his eye and had his skull cracked during a beating.
Inmate Legal Activities: Visits by Attorneys by the Prisons Bureau on 02/07/2024.
Followed by:
Inmate Legal Activities: Visits by Attorneys
by the Prisons Bureau on 👉12/17/2024.
There were complaints that attorneys were BLOCKED from visits with clients.
Federal Prison Information
18:20 to 31 minutes
ALPHA tell how he went from Ex Marine working as a LEO to being arrested as a DOMESTIC EXTREMIST because of the stuff he posted about the 2020 election fraud. (Think helicopters, flashbangs, scaring the crap out of his kids… and having his SERVICE ARMS declared unregistered fire arms.🙄 ) He then tells how he managed to face down the CORRUPT system by refusing to plead guilty. He thinks they wanted to SHOW CASE HIM as an EXAMPLE of a veteran gone bad.
Please note he was NEVER at the Capital! That means they could have come after ANYONE for using their 1st Amendment Rights in an ‘unapproved manner’ if they succeeded in convicting him it would have set a precedent.
yup! V is for VENDETTA!

All those NATO/CIA Gladio Operators that have been killing Americans for practice?
Every time they showed Melania in that outfit, she reminded me of Clint Eastwood during the showdown at the end of The Good, the Bad & the Ugly 😁

really?? you see our GORGEOUS First Lady in that suit and think Clint Eastwood?
I personally do not see that at all.
if you ever get a chance to meet her? maybe don’t lead with that.
It was the hat, Pat!
I thought the photo, where Clint’s eyes are barely visible beneath the brim of his hat, the way Melania’s eyes are barely visible beneath the brim of her hat, would help illustrate the point.
And look at the expression on her face. She looks like an assassin, like she was ready to kill somebody.
Very fashionably, of course 😂
if someone rifled through my home–my personal and intimate belongings– brandishing guns, claiming to be from “our” gov’t I would wear the same expression. not as well mind you–but the same.
If they think Trump is dangerous… They have not tangled with a Mama Bear whose home has been invaded and her underwear fondled.
I think she probably burned ALL her cloths and bought new! I would!
probably so.
I read that she did just that.
EDIT: I don’t know about the burning part, but she got new clothing.
I never have liked hearing from others ‘Thank you for your service’, and now, knowing my service and patriotism was a total sham – I will loath hearing it.
Thank you for the great article Gail Combs
You are very welcome.
This information made all the bits and pieces I have learned over the last decades suddenly fall into place.
Your patriotism was REAL. Don’t let anyone take that from you.
You don’t control what others are doing. You are not responsible for that.
I for one am grateful to anyone who loved our country enough to serve.
Yes, I hear you. J.D. is a great example. He understands the reality of corrupt and endless wars – but he served his country anyway, and does not regret it.
All of these moving parts need to be corrected together – and Trump is just the guy to do it. J.D. there as his back-up. Uncorrupted patriots.
You are very correct Aubergine the blame belongs to THOSE who used our young men and women for evil ends WITHOUT their knowledge. The enlisted and lower level people would have no idea. They were just cannon fodder to be used by these evil people. Using the American military was also a way to wipe out as many Alpha Males as possible to weaken America.
It is the EVIL INDIVIDUALS that we need to find and bring to justice.
Hearty Amen!
9 Ways Trump Started Securing Border on 1st Day
Here are nine actions Trump announced Monday to start addressing the invasion at the southern border.
1 – Declare a National Emergency at the Border
2 – Clarify the Military’s Role in Protecting the Territorial Integrity of the U.S.
3 – End ‘Catch-and-Release’ And Reinstate ‘Remain in Mexico‘
4 – Designate Criminal Cartels and Gangs as Foreign Terrorist Organizations
5 – Suspend Refugee Resettlement
6 – Illegal Aliens Won’t Be Eligible for Asylum
7 – End Birthright Citizenship for Children of Illegal Aliens
8 – Protecting Americans Against Invasion
9 – Restore the Death Penalty
Link – Details – https://thefederalist.com/2025/01/21/9-ways-trump-started-securing-the-border-on-his-first-day/
This sounds kinda… bullish.
Eric is telling everyone to ‘jump in’, the water’s warm.
This could be taken a couple ways, and they’re both going the same direction.
He is literally in a position to know inside information about what the administration is going to do, and how that is going to affect the markets, but instead of keeping it secret, he’s telling everyone that it’s going to be great for the markets.
And because he is in a position to know, and because of his proximity to DJT, if it turns out he is wrong, that would be a massive black eye and personal PR disaster, like rug-pulling the entire population of planet earth… and that’s usually not very good for one’s reputation, especially being the President’s son and all… 😂
So… this could be either good news, or really good news.
Eric Trump
In my opinion, there has never been a better time to invest in the United States. Bet on our markets, on energy, on technology and on crypto – bet on the greatest nation on earth – a nation that has been freed from its constraints and shackles and now has limitless potential! No question Biden left a mess – but that mess will be corrected and the next four years are going to be spectacular. Transformational wealth will be created and I hope everybody enjoys the ride.
4:33 PM · Jan 21, 2025
Alpha mentioned Tina Peters, saying that it is a STATE Crime, a local DA charged her. HOWEVER DAs are law enforcement. They take an oath and they carry guns. When there are CORRUPTION ALLEGATIONS against a law enforcement agency, the Federal government can come in and INVESTIGATE THEM. 😊
I bet that also goes for State Attorneys General… you know all those SOROS puppets. like now Governor Katie Hobbs and current Attorney General Kris Mayes.
1:30:45 https://rumble.com/v6bq4ng-eye-of-the-storm-ep.-216.html
Excellent thinking. Arizona and Colorado need their elections placed under DOJ scrutiny.
I think that has been Ivan Raiklins assignment. We also know that General Flynn has been selected for a yet unnamed mission by POTUS Trump.
Raiklin’s appearance with Stuart Rhodes in the Capitol was AWESOME. The fake news was freaking out at Ivan’s explanation of the fedsurrection – which suddenly sounds believable as all hell, with the Demmunists and fake news in disarray and overflowing with unbelievability.
Ivan has been do a very very good job of investigating the Fedsurrection. He has also been talking to State Attorneys general as well as congress critter.
Just because they got a pass from Bite-me does not mean the Fedsurrectionists are in the clear.

Thought the expressions on the Trump family were quite telling. 😆
funny how the same post, written in the same way had no problem presenting itself on yesterday’s thread but today it does not expand. I must of gotten to it early before censor. 😆
Budde is Episcopal…..
From Brave AI:
Boy am I glad I left that church. My parents would be horrified at what it has become!
That woman may be a bishop in her church, but she is no bishop in the Lord’s church.
The qualifications to be a deacon or a bishop (a.k.a. elder) are given not once, but twice in Scripture — just in case anyone missed it the first time (Titus 1:5-7 and 1 Timothy 3:2-4).
In Scripture, all of which is given by inspiration of God (cf. 2 Timothy 3:16), we are shown that every congregation is to have deacons and elders (a.k.a. bishops) where qualified men are able to serve.
Some of those qualifications are matters of judgment, but some are not matters of judgment, they are matters of observable fact. In Titus chapter one the qualifications required to be an elder (a.k.a. bishop) include being the husband of one wife, with children who are under their father’s control (i.e., not unruly).
“For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee: [6] If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly. [7] For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;” (Titus 1:5-7, KJV, boldface mine)
So a bishop (a.k.a. elder) must be:
A) a man (husband, Titus 1:6)
B) married, a husband of one wife (Titus 1:6)
C) with at least one child, and whose children are not unruly (Titus 1:6)
These are observable matters of fact.
The qualifications to be a bishop are repeated in 1 Timothy chapter 3:
“A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; [3] Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; [4] One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;” (1 Timothy 3:2-4, KJV, boldface mine)
God is under no obligation to provide an explanation for His requirements to be a bishop (a.k.a. elder) in His church — but in this case, He does, in the very next verse:
“(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)” (1 Timothy 3:5, KJV)
That’s a great rhetorical question, isn’t it?
God thought so, because He asked it.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” (2 Timothy 3:16, KJV)
And if you look at the disaster that is the EKD in Germany ((in)effectively the Lutheran Church), you can see the results of disobeying this.
All this squshy-squidgy feel-good “big-tent inclusive” “christianity” (with a little c, for it has NOTHING to do with Jesus Christ) only makes the left and their father Satan happy; for it is an abomination to GOD…..
I am an agnostic and I find it stomach turning! A complete abomination.
MAGA Minuteman
January 22, 2025 4:11 am
Reply to MAGA Minuteman
January 22, 2025 4:11 am
A trillion times YES!
The only public benefit that illegal immigrants should get is one-way transportation out.