Precisely…um…(looks up hours left)…(smacks forehead)
Never mind. Trump is President!
No more “Once and Future” He’s the PRESENT President!
We have somehow survived the last four years. Some faced jail–they have now been freed.
And one man faced bullets;
From THIS:


And he’s off to a roaring start, signing executive orders, some of which are HUGE in their impact. Immediate cessation of DEI. Declaration of a national emergency on the Border. Declaring the cartels terrorist organizations. Freeing up energy production (though nothing was said aloud about using The (strong nuclear) Force).
Alas Holder is still at large.
Comment here until/unless the regular post shows up.
Thanks, Steve.
Trust the Middie. He is also a VSG who is one of We the People and is being mentored by the master.
Golden Age.
Having the high school band play in the arena parade was VSG!
I’m amazed at how much PDJT has done today.
Well someone didn’t wait for an order from On High.
Sometimes it’s the little things.
Not babykilling but the website helping it is one of those.
A lot of Trump’s actions today could fall under one simple directive;
They’d best get used to that feeling if they can’t get up to MAGA speed.
Lol, yeah. They think they’re stunned now. Wait a week.
Stunted… as in clipped…..
Demmunists do this shit every time they take the White House and we just SODH and bitch. They’ve never experienced fair play by their own rules, thanks to owning the media.
My word to them – “Be stunned, assholes. You are now experiencing ‘bipartisanship’.”
“Officials are reportedly ‘stunned’ ”
Well don’t just stand around being stunned, clear out your desks and get out. You can let it all sink in once you’re out of the taxpayer’s government building parking lot.
I’m sure some of them will think they’ll be okay if they just follow the other executive order that says they can no longer work from home and thus will report to work before reality fully catches up with them.
Next up — immigration courts get a redesign. The wall behind the judge is painted with a great big “NO!”. You get to plead your case with the judge for five minutes, and if the judge doesn’t say “yes” then your answer is on the wall. If your time slot comes up and the judge is using the facilities, you can read your answer off the wall.
They should all be prosecuted. After a long and painful investigation, with much anxiety and bank-breaking, savings depleting, eye watering legal defense fees.
You know, the same way they treat the American People.
To put it bluntly, if the illegal DID NOT COME IN via LEGAL ENTRY at a port of entry, they get deported PERIOD. ANY NGO who aided illegals in coming in at any place other than a port of entry, or harboring illegals after they have come in NEEDS TO BE INDICTED. Make all these SOBs so busy defending themselves, they do not have TIME to help the illegals.
8 U.S. Code § 1324 – Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
8 U.S. Code § 1327 – Aiding or assisting certain aliens to enter
8 U.S. Code § 1324a – Unlawful employment of aliens
8 U.S. Code § 1325 – Improper entry by alien
8 U.S. Code § 1324c – Penalties for document fraud
Can we now go after Q-Ball Mayorkas now? He seems to have violated a few of those rules.
This is the meat of the situation. ThanQ.
Enemy combatants being eliminated.
stUNemployed, as well… MAGA!!!!!
👍 👍
Hahahahaha. Of course.
Trust the Middie.
Many are on the fence about J.D. I am not.
JDs Eyes Are Wide Open and IS America First.
The adversity JD overcame growing up, education, Marine Corps values, AND JD is fully onboard America First MAGA.
Hands down, head of the line to continue America First MAGA.
Plus, he has four years to learn from the master.
I agree.
Amen 🙂
Rags to riches… A Horatio Alger story lived out in real life. And here’s hoping he can help many escape the often forgotten poverty of the Appalachians… PWT almost always being put behind BLMs….
There are many who work very hard and make it in Appalachia. I have known a 25 year old pipe fitter who owned his own home only lived on cash and was very frugal. That was 10 years ago I am sure he has others working for him at this time.
I know many stories like that. These people are not paging live simple family oriented but not poor.
My father’s family going back to 1704 are from Appalachia… I’ve met many of the people there, and know a lot about what they’ve been (and are going) through…..
And they ARE poor. One family who lived on a farm my grandfather (in 1960) leased out to them was so poor, the mother couldn’t afford “underwear”, and my mother put her hands over my eyes so I wouldn’t see that.
At my age then, I wouldn’t have had a clue…..
Those people had LESS than nothing. And NOBODY cared…
Though my father was from West Virginia, we were told to say were were originally from Kentucky, Virginia, or Ohio. “West Virginia” was a no-no…..
But I’m proud to be from “West-by-GOD” Virginia.
And I always will be.
My Scots-Irish roots (on that side) go back to 1704 in what would become the USA. My Londoner-Born English Mum’s Welsh-Irish roots go back, no doubt, further into the past…
Nice..standing proud for your roots, yay for the Cuppas
Thanks, Molly. WEST-BY-GOD VIRGINIA!!!
(and Bonnie Scotland before that; with Wales, Ireland, England on the other side of me family)…..
^^^^ THIS ^^^^
Congress is too damn slow.
We need real investigators, not trying to get reelected, that can knock on doors, open up records…
🤣 👍
In case anyone else can’t see it here, via Gab…
Thank you for the placeholder!
Thanks, Steve!!!
To be honest I am not sure what the point of this renaming is.
I thought he was trolling Mexico, but he was dead serious.
Ironically, recall that “America” doesn’t mean the United States, unless it’s one of us taking a shortcut. “America” is the sum of the North and South American continents.
So the name still associates it with Mexico, loosely speaking.
That might be the point, to have it associated with the “American” continents instead of one country, Mexico. And the fact that the name also applies to the U.S. is a bonus.
Attempting to type “Gulf of America” into Wikipedia points you to Gulf of Mexico in the dropdown…which means they know it as a synonym.
Wikipedia can update FAST. Someone gets assassinated it shows up on their page in minutes.
Oh they know… but they will resist, until they can resist no more… and that will be soon 😂
resist we much 😉
“That might be the point, to have it associated with the “American” continents instead of one country, Mexico.”
I don’t think Trump thinks that way at all. He wants it associated with one country, and that one country is not Mexico, it is ours.
Gulf of America means the United States of America.
MAGA is Make America Great Again, not Make the Americas Great Again 😁
Stop your grinnin’ and drop your linen.
Found it! 👍 😁
January 20, 2025
Sec. 4. Gulf of America.
(a) The area formerly known as the Gulf of Mexico has long been an integral asset to our once burgeoning Nation and has remained an indelible part of America. The Gulf was a crucial artery for America’s early trade and global commerce. It is the largest gulf in the world, and the United States coastline along this remarkable body of water spans over 1,700 miles and contains nearly 160 million acres.
Its natural resources and wildlife remain central to America’s economy today. The bountiful geology of this basin has made it one of the most prodigious oil and gas regions in the world, providing roughly 14% of our Nation’s crude-oil production and an abundance of natural gas, and consistently driving new and innovative technologies that have allowed us to tap into some of the deepest and richest oil reservoirs in the world.
The Gulf is also home to vibrant American fisheries teeming with snapper, shrimp, grouper, stone crab, and other species, and it is recognized as one of the most productive fisheries in the world, with the second largest volume of commercial fishing landings by region in the Nation, contributing millions of dollars to local American economies. The Gulf is also a favorite destination for American tourism and recreation activities. Further, the Gulf is a vital region for the multi-billion-dollar U.S. maritime industry, providing some of the largest and most impressive ports in the world. The Gulf will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping America’s future and the global economy, and in recognition of this flourishing economic resource and its critical importance to our Nation’s economy and its people, I am directing that it officially be renamed the Gulf of America.
(b) As such, within 30 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of the Interior shall, consistent with 43 U.S.C. 364 through 364f, take all appropriate actions to rename as the “Gulf of America” the U.S. Continental Shelf area bounded on the northeast, north, and northwest by the States of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida and extending to the seaward boundary with Mexico and Cuba in the area formerly named as the Gulf of Mexico. The Secretary shall subsequently update the GNIS to reflect the renaming of the Gulf and remove all references to the Gulf of Mexico from the GNIS, consistent with applicable law. The Board shall provide guidance to ensure all federal references to the Gulf of America, including on agency maps, contracts, and other documents and communications shall reflect its renaming.
Sec. 5. Additional Action. The Secretary of Interior may solicit public and intergovernmental input regarding additional patriots to honor, particularly in light of America’s semiquincentennial celebration, and shall recommend action to me, through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy.
Sec. 6. General Provisions.
(a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
January 20, 2025.
We will defend the Gulf of America even more enthusiastically than the Gulf of Mexico. I think that’s what it is about. Other nations take heed…
Next up, change the name of the state of “New Mexico” to “Denali”.
I suspect part of it has to do with resources in the Gulf. And also rights of free passage.
“To be honest I am not sure what the point of this renaming is.
I thought he was trolling Mexico, but he was dead serious.”
Maybe that is the point.
People didn’t think he was serious about Canada, or Greenland, or the Gulf of America.
So he does the easy one first… and now everyone knows he’s serious. His leverage on negotiations with Canada and Greenland just increased by orders of magnitude.
Because he’s actually doing it… it’s habbening… 😁
He mentioned Panama today. Nothing about Greenland or Canada.
I do think he’s trolling Canada, and with Truedope on the way out we should hear less about that
Greenland, he’s much more serious.
We’ll see.
Canada is owned by England the same way Greenland is owned by Denmark, only more so. I don’t know what oath the mayor of Greenland swears, but I know the oath Trudope swore, and to whom he swore it, and it wasn’t to the People of Canada, it was to the Queen of England and her hairs (he was very specific in pronouncing it ‘hairs’).
England (London more specifically) appears to be one of the major hubs of all evil in the world, which has never left us a moment’s peace since the Revolutionary War.
We should liberate Canada from England and welcome them to America.
“….England (London more specifically) appears to be one of the major hubs of all evil in the world, which has never left us a moment’s peace since the Revolutionary War….”
Truer words were never spoken!
Yup. Included in my American Stories series about the declaration signers.
We can even identify the legacy media who are still under their control who promote the royals – they truly are the enemies of We the People.
We have posters on here who have no idea they have been fawning over the royals that have tried to enslave this nation for centuries. When they do that they are acting as Crown loyalists and Tory sympathizers.
We entered two world wars to save their azzes because of the loyalists who contributed to the causes of the wars. It is a sick, twisted reality.
It is time for major wake up calls among We the People. Thanks for consistently making these truths known, Gail.
I am going to try and put up tomorrow’s article which will show how true that is.
The unelected self-perpetuating “Mandarins” behind (or, in a sense, above) the throne… Fabian globalists, all of them.
Probably wailing and gnashing of teeth going on in Davos today… and both the German and British foreign ministers are issuing thinly-veiled threats…
Popcorn time! 🙂
Then snatch those thin veils away so they can parade around with their silly threats in the nude.
Let them intimidate the whole world with their little tiny old shriveled up peckers 😂
Crazy Plane lady, OK…
But dirty old pervy old men????
Crazy Plane Lady is for gawking.
Tiny old shriveled up peckers is for mocking.
Two completely different things 👍 😁
I don’t even want to look!!!!!!!
Failing that, we can Place holder Under Arrest again if needed.
I THINK it is scheduled. (Fingers crossed)
Yes and now we have Harry trying to set up a Royal Court here and speaking out against the First Amendment.
I’d like to see him try it in my presence.
He’s no royale to me.
He’s illegitimate… Bastige…
Harry is just a pussy whipped, spoiled asshole.
royal? Nope. MeAgain’s lapdog.
Harry is a Bastard… he isn’t even a TRUE member of the Royal Family.
He can sod off…
Personally, I don’t give a rats ass about other countries being “owned” by England.
Canada, New Zealand, Australia, if they had any balls, would tell England to fuck themselves.
It is all ignorant, to play this kowtowing to England AND faux royals.
We can have more than one reason. In addition to helping our fellow man, we can also do it to inflict pain and humiliation on the Globo-Homos who own London, and on the smelly in-bred monarchy.
And as a tertiary reason, we can expand the territory of the united States of America by more than the Louisiana Purchase and Alaska and Hawaii combined.
And on top of all that, there’s probably more than a few natural resources in them thar hills.
And on top of all that, any country that joins us gets to leave their national debt behind along with their currency, but they add their GDP to ours, so our national debt, as a percentage of GDP, drops substantially, increasing our creditworthiness and the value of our Treasury Bonds, drawing even more investment to U.S. markets from around the world.
It’s like a win-win-win-win situation for us, and a lose-lose-lose-lose situation for everyone who hates us 😂 🤣 😂
Just as long as they stay TERRITORIES!
I read somewhere that there are 225 countries in the world and 65 countries in the world that celebrate Independance Day … from England.
You have a point.
Sometimes I do 👍😁
On his head 😆
City of London, which is an empire within Greater London. There’s a lot of history behind that… sort of an odd bit like Washington D.C. is…..
Which was why it was incredibly jarring AND completely incomprehensible to me to see English RED COATS in a formation during Trump’s examination of the troops yesterday. They should have been on their knees symbolically as a reminder of our victory over these formerly occupying tyrants! Anyone know why that was happening at all?
Hmmm. Trump is part Scottish, as are many of us…
(of course then it would have had to be the Black Watch…)….
I wish it would have been overtly stated during the proceedings by the announcer why they were there & what their purpose was… 🙁
That’s the Old Guard, the oldest regiment in the Army (since 1784) and they do a lot of ceremonial things.
American as dumping tea overboard.
As to why they’re in red…I don’t know.
Better red than dead… 🙂
Oh, wait….. wrong protest…
TY Steve they sure looked just like Red Coats to me…
One difference: Greenland is still subject to the Danish parliament (or whatever it is called), in addition to the Danish King or Queen.
Canada is not subject to the British Parliament, just to the King.
Heck, they didn’t think he was serious when he came down the escalator.
Perhaps – – – PDJT means to heighten our jurisdiction, surveillance and security on the entire waters of the Gulf of America!
Trump has just declared the cartels foreign terrorist organizations.
He has just replaced the head of the Coast Guard.
He has just put the military in charge of building the wall (and defending it?)
I have long wanted the wall to be declared a military installation and the Border Patrol to be placed under the Department of Defense and its financial umbrella.
For too long, the BP has had to beg Congress for funding – and Democraps have denied it.
Maybe ICE too should be under the Dept. of Defense.
It’s the military’s job to DEFEND AMERICA FIRST!!!!
I think you’re on to something.
Lots of changes coming, and they aren’t all just personnel.
Also Declared a State of Emergency at our Southern Border
And Fired the Immigration Judges.
All these are Presidential Constitutional priorities and prerogatives – lawful measures to protect our national security, our people and fulfill his promise to Make America Safe Again.
Multi polarity. It is an accurate renaming reflecting all of North America.
I read somewhere last week it has to do with Ole Joe ‘s EO on banning oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Technically it’s not the Gulf of Mexico anymore…….
We shall see I guess.
His EO’s died last night.
At least 79 of his EOs died.
Many Maggot EOs irrelevant as Trump provided superseding guidance.
Nothing like tossing on an extra shovel full of dirt to keep them dead and buried.
“His EO’s died last night.”
It was a massacre 👍 😂 🤣 😂
Cue up Arlo Guthrie… 🙂
Hat Tip DP as JP nails that very point in first minute of his latest vid.
Adds that this kind of thinking is promoted throughout the entirety of both of the Ingersoll Lockwood books “Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and Wonderful Dog Bulger.” and “Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey”. In fact much of Trump’s character and approach to problem solving can be related to these two rather dense childhood primers.
First time I’ve listened to JP in, prolly over a year. Came across as a guy. Likely click on him more often.
“Came across as a guy.”
It’s easier to do when he’s not wearing women’s clothing 👍😂
Yea. Wearing women’s clothing and sounding lite in the loafers kept me away.
Think Monroe Doctrine, version 2.0
I think renaming the Gulf is a power move, designed to impart a message. That being, this hemisphere is the Americas. The United States is the power here. Don’t forget it.
For a long time, there has been this world movement of the “equality” of the nations of the world. But we are not all the same. The United States IS superior in every way. AND we support and protect the whole world.
Pretending that Mexico, or Denmark, or Great Britain is on par with the U.S. is OVER, at least while Trump is in office. Trump refuses false humility. He knows what we are, and what we have been, to the world.
GULF OF AMERICA is just the beginning.
Excellent point.
“I think renaming the Gulf is a power move, designed to impart a message. That being, this hemisphere is
the AmericasAmerica’s.”👍 😁
i read somewhere…the maggot outlawed drilling in the Gulf of Mexico…it says nothing about drilling in the Gulf of America…LOL
Also, it discourages more China and Russia involvement in Cuba.
China’s Intelligence Footprint in Cuba: New Evidence and … – CSIS
Cuba: Russian ships arrive as Cold War allies strengthen their ties – CNN
I happen to actually like the ‘stache…..but I heartily concur with this action.
I don’t know why anyone should have a security clearance who is no longer in government in the first place.
“Security Clearance for Life” makes zero sense, except to the people who have it, and who can apparently use it to generate income for the rest of their lives.
I suspect the excuse is that these people are considered experienced intel types that the government might want to consult with.
It would help if they were accompanied by a solid record of positive accomplishments.
Remove all of the clearances / access when they are no longer need it for employment reasons.
The day they need a clearance again, grant it.
“Need To Know Basis”
I saw the value in the past being situational. With what we can now not unsee, I agree. Clean the slate and kick them to the curb. Approve and continue only on an exception, case by case basis.
My view as well.
Looks like he cuts his own hair with a Flowbee.
Here he is before he got his hands on a Flowbee.
[loud snort] 😂
Suck & Cut 😉
Streetsweeper gotta find a new job…..
Good first step that need to continue stepping.
TT that is much more significant than you know. THINK COLOR REVOLUTIONS…
Capt. Kuehne, USMC (Ret.):
I must admit I breathe a little easier now.
With good reason! They weren’t going to stop pursuing people.
I do, too, for you. And for Wolf.
The last four years I have felt nothing but remorse for encouraging people to go to D.C. that day. I wanted to go myself, really badly, but circumstances (I think God) saved me from it.
Yesterday, ALL I wanted was those pardons. I honestly didn’t care about one other thing Trump did on Day One other than that. When I got that news, I finally relaxed.
Likely FG&C also a bit more relaxed.
Yes, I worried for him, too.
DC prison has not release Jan 6 prisoners. They are defying the pardon order.
Now do the SES!!!
He did sign something about reforming federal employment. The aide wasn’t very specific (and on many of them the fucking morons harping on tick-tock never let him speak).
He signed an E.O. reining in the SES. He’s gonna fix it.
Thinking it is a great start, that will require a bulldog to enforce it.
SES are entrenched entitled parasites, which should be done away with.
Here is the link (and text) to the Executive Order on SES:
SUBJECT: Restoring Accountability for Career Senior Executives
Career Senior Executive Service (SES) officials are charged to “ensure that the executive management of the Government of the United States is responsive to the needs, policies, and goals of the Nation and otherwise is of the highest quality,” as required by section 3131 of title 5, United States Code. SES officials have enormous influence over the functioning of the Federal Government, and thus the well-being of hundreds of millions of Americans.
As the Constitution makes clear, and as the Supreme Court of the United States has reaffirmed, “the ‘executive Power’ — all of it — is ‘vested in a President,’ who must ‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.’” Seila Law LLC v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 591 U.S. 197, 203 (2020). “Because no single person could fulfill that responsibility alone, the Framers expected that the President would rely on subordinate officers for assistance.” Id. at 203–04.
The President’s power to remove subordinates is a core part of the Executive power vested by Article II of the Constitution and is necessary for the President to perform his duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” Because SES officials wield significant governmental authority, they must serve at the pleasure of the President.
Only that chain of responsibility ensures that SES officials are properly accountable to the President and the American people. If career SES officials fail to faithfully fulfill their duties to advance the needs, policies, and goals of the United States, the President must be able to rectify the situation and ensure that the entire Executive Branch faithfully executes the law.
For instance, SES officials who engage in unauthorized disclosure of Executive Branch deliberations, violate the constitutional rights of Americans, refuse to implement policy priorities, or perform their duties inefficiently or negligently should be held accountable.
The President must be able to trust that the Executive Branch will work together in service of the Nation. My Administration will restore a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Therefore:
(a) Within 30 days of the signing of this memorandum, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), in coordination with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), shall issue SES Performance Plans that agencies must adopt;
(b) Agency heads, who along with their senior staff manage career SES officials as one of their core functions, shall use all available authorities to reinvigorate the SES system and prioritize accountability;
(c) Each agency head shall, as necessary and appropriate and consistent with the procedural requirements of section 3395 of title 5, United States Code, reassign agency SES members to ensure their knowledge, skills, abilities, and mission assignments are optimally aligned to implement my agenda;
(d) Each agency head should terminate its existing Executive Resources Board (ERB), institute a new or interim ERB, and assign senior noncareer officials to chair and serve on the board as a majority alongside career members;
(e) Each agency head should terminate its existing Performance Review Board membership and re-constitute membership with individuals committed to full enforcement of SES performance evaluations that promote and assure an SES of the highest caliber; and
(f) Any agency head who becomes aware of an SES official whose performance or continued occupancy of the position is inconsistent with either the principles reaffirmed in this Order or their duties to the Nation under section 3131 of title 5, United States Code, shall immediately take all appropriate actions, up to and including removal of that official, with the support of OPM and OMB.
Restoring an accountable government workforce is a top priority of my Administration.
Oh, yes!
Thank you, VSGPOTUSDJT!!!
The administrative State is finally being destroyed piece by piece. Most people will miss just how big this one is to the overall function of the formerly bureaucratic government from this point on.
Northern VA will be experiencing a flood of distraught residents with for sale signs in their yards.
Oh well…
I’ll bet housing prices go down there!
“….shall, as necessary and appropriate and consistent with the procedural requirements of section 3395 of title 5, United States Code, reassign agency SES members to ensure their knowledge, skills, abilities, and mission assignments are optimally aligned to implement my agenda…”
“…knowledge, skills, abilities… are optimally aligned…” Like cleaning toilets at the 9 military bases in Alaska?
With their tongues and/or toothbrushes…
“Day One”
Look at those stacks!!!
Working for US!
Many people who are wondering about the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve (and related action on crypto taxes, regulation, banks’ ability to custody Bitcoin, etc.) are also wondering about Ross Ulbricht:
Trump Promised to Free Silk Road Creator Ross Ulbricht on ‘Day One’—So What Gives?
The President’s pledge to commute Ulbricht’s sentence was notably absent on the first day of Trump’s second presidential term.
By Vince Dioquino
Jan 20, 2025
“Ross Ulbricht has yet to receive commutation for his prison sentence from President Donald Trump, dashing hopes from advocates, in the immediate term, to set the notorious figure free.
After spending a session in the Oval Office signing executive orders, President Trump now heads to the Commander in Chief Ball and the Liberty Ball to celebrate.
It is unclear whether Trump intends to pardon or commute Ulbricht’s sentence in the coming weeks. A White House spokesperson did not immediately respond to Decrypt’s request for comment.
“If you vote for me, on day one, I will commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht,” Trump told attendees at the 2024 Libertarian National Convention in May last year, sparking renewed hope for the Silk Road founder’s freedom.
Ulbricht, now 40, responded from prison with gratitude. “After 11 years in prison, it is hard to express how I feel at this moment,” he wrote on X at the time, thanking supporters who kept his case alive.”
[continued at title link above]
Fox News:
Trump vows to commute prison sentence of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht
Former President Trump addressed the Libertarian National Convention Saturday in an attempt to win over skeptics
By Bradford Betz Fox News
Published May 25, 2024
“Former President Trump on Saturday vowed to commute the prison sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the online drug-selling site Silk Road.
The GOP frontrunner made the pledge while addressing the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C., in a bid to win over skeptical party activists, many of whom held up signs that read: “FREE ROSS.”

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump addresses the Libertarian National Convention. (Getty Images)
“If you vote for me, on day one I will commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, to a sentence of time served,” Trump said, winning the largest cheers of the night. “He’s already served 11 years. We’re going to get him home.” ”
[continued at title link above]
He should, but he has until noon Eastern 1/21/25 before he’s late.
Good point 👍
That’s good to know, thank you!
I don’t know much about him, but he’s like some kind of OG or pioneer to a lot of crypto people.
A lot of crypto people (wild guess, maybe 40% or more) seem like libertarian or anarchist and hate politicians and government of any kind. Another maybe 20% are Leftists and/or TDS sufferers. The rest I would describe as conservatives.
So I defended DJT to a lot of those people on various crypto forums and youtube, arguing over and over (and over) again that DJT is NOT a politician, that he never even ran for any public office until he ran for (and won) the presidency.
I also argued, among other things, that he is different from the political-class because he’s already a billionaire, so he doesn’t need anyone’s money, so he can’t be bought.
I also argued that unlike most of the political-class who would knife the American People in the back for a dollar, DJT actually loves America.
The crypto people, generally, seem to want (in no particular order):
1) Ross Ulbricht freed
2) right to personal custody of crypto recognized and guaranteed (which it is now, since it was recognized as ‘property’)
3) no CBDC
4) no tax on crypto (DJT has already talked about this)
5) Strategic Bitcoin Reserve (because Trump talked about it)
6) clarity of regulations (as opposed to the previous administration, who wouldn’t clarify anything and just wait until a company did something, and then sue or prosecute), to the extent that any regulation is necessary
7) leave them alone – they want as little contact as possible with the wholly corrupt fiat currency debt-based system
There’s more of course, and they’re not monolithic so they don’t all agree about everything (or anything), but the above seems to cover a lot.
The whole reason crypto (Bitcoin specifically) was invented, in the aftermath of the bank bailouts from the 2008 global financial crisis, was to ESCAPE the Federal Reserve / global Central Bank fiat currency system, and the constant debasement (loss of purchasing power, because we are being robbed) that comes with it.
That’s why it exists, and that’s what all the hardcore early adopters and ‘purists’ want, and they don’t have to accept any other terms. They can live anywhere in the world, and no government can hack the Bitcoin network.
So attempting to tax something which was designed to be outside the fiat currency system in the first place is a problem.
The right to personal custody is critical and non-negotiable, because they naturally have ZERO trust in the banking system OR any government.
Governments can try to ban (and many have), and it doesn’t work, because it’s not a national thing, it’s a global thing, and no nation (not even America) controls the entire world.
So governments that have tried to ban it (including Russia and chyna) have learned that they can’t, and reversed their bans, but what they can do is hurt themselves by driving all of the innovation out of their own country, along with the brain-drain.
So if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. That seems to be the approach DJT is taking. Instead of the tyrannical approach (banning), he wants America to be the crypto capital of the world, and have all the innovation and industry move here.
That is going to force other nations to be more friendly toward crypto so they don’t lose what they already have to America.
So there’s a LOT going on. The entire global financial system is at stake. Nearly all of the world’s nations are drowning in debt, so nobody wants their crappy treasury bonds, especially when Bitcoin exists and has a compound annual growth rate of 40% or more (much more, depending on what year of the 4-year cycle you are in).
Fortunately, DJT was able to get good information (initially from his children, if I understand correctly), enough knowledge to see the advantages of embracing crypto and see the problems that would come from trying to suppress it.
Freeing Ross Ulbricht will be a ‘promise kept’ to the kind of people who hate politicians because they never keep their word. A lot of them grudgingly supported DJT because he embraced them instead of hating them, so they were leery, but many decided to give him a chance.
Delivering on the promise to free Ross is important to the people who have been around the longest (and therefore have the most influence) in crypto, so it would be a very positive step in building some goodwill 👍
The man is unquestionably the GOAT of our times. Start chipping away on Mt. Rushmore…
I lived long enough to see what I always dreamed and prayed to see. I am good to go now, figuratively and literally. My children’s and grandchildren’s futures are being secured.
I wouldn’t run off just yet! 😂
Greatest of All Time of our Times? I should think the greatest of all time would be the greatest of our time automatically.
It certainly appears that he’s READING them before signing.
What kind of lunacy is that???
Donald Trump, Andrew Jackson and Frederick Remington’s The Bronco Buster.
The maverick mojo is back in the Oval.
Good start, but what about the rest of the UN?
Specifically, what about declaring UNRWA as a terrorist organization?
All in good time, I hope.
& kick the UN out of NYC!
USA out of the UN and UN out of the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
During PDJT’s first term, I was amazed that no president before him (that I know of) seemed to notice or care about this kind of thing. One aspect of it is fiscal responsibility with our tax dollars, and then there’s the idea of putting America first by not allowing other countries and organizaitons take advantage of us.
Because every p-resident before him, since Reagan (i.e., beginning with Bush the Dead), has been a servant of the Globo-Homo New World Disorder.
^^^ Exactly.
And no one else questioned it either. Many members of Congress are also slaves to the NWO. But also, it seems the citizenry didn’t think about it or wonder about it. I believe things are vastly different now, that the media landscape has changed with so many citizen journalists and alternative media, and that more people are paying attention.
Actually if we’re at 350 million. China has 400 percent of our population.
Perhaps someone meant to say 300 percent more people.
Trump Pardons Pro-Life Activist Bevelyn Williams Who Was Imprisoned by the Biden Administration for Protesting Outside Abortion Clinic
I should note that one need not be exclusively pro-life or pro-‘choice’ to consider this a win, being that it is a case of expressing one’s conscience. If you’re forbidden to stand outside of somewhere and say that place’s actions are wrong, you are living in a totalitarian dump instead of a civilized country.
^^^ 100% this.
All imprisoned for praying, protesting, standing outside abortion clinics should be pardoned.
UPDATE: Trump Has Not Yet Pardoned Pro-Life Activist Bevelyn Williams Who Was Imprisoned by the Biden Administration for Protesting Outside Abortion Clinic
I wish they would stop getting ahead of themselves in their reporting.
Thank you, God! I’ve been praying for her and her family, and this is so great to hear.
I may have missed something but don’t recall seeing any comments from DePat yesterday. Am wondering if she is ok.
Come to think of it…I don’t recall that either. And searching it for “Deplorable Patriot” turns up nothing.
Yep, this is a touch concerning. Not going to panic yet.
Hmmmm. Maybe just watching the inauguration was exhausting enough. Still, it has me a bit worried. Not panicked, but worried.
She was unusually active a couple of days ago.
Maybe overdid it a bit. That could put her back a couple of squares in her recovery. Trust me, I do it every time.
That’s entirely possible. Plus she had house guests. I hope we hear from her soon.
Oh, yeah those factors would pile up.
In other words, she’s basically OK but overwhelmed.
12:28 AM!!!!
He may pull an all-nighter — how’s that for a contrast with the previous administration?
VSGPDJT has done more on his FIRST DAY than Bye. Done. did in FOUR YEARS…
(mind you, everything that Bye. Done. did was bad, so there’s that…)…..
Even a small positive number is greater than the largest negative number, but even my statement conflates magnitude and value.
Then again, there’s NaN, as in Poligrip Pavement Princess Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino…
(and FORTRAN)…
He’s not as verbally brash as last time.
But he is NOT putting up with shit. No more mister nice guy.
They made him a thousand times worse (from their point of view) when their bullets missed.
He’s being very direct, which is needed to get the ball rolling and accomplish goals as quickly as possible. I’m amazed that he fired those people on social media. I imagine they all deserve it (I know Milley does). It’s a new way of doing things. He means business.
He had a great line with “tired of winning”, but he knew and knows today that winning gives you a lift to win more.
He’s building a tsunami of win by focusing and channeling win energy.
A gigantic battering ram of momentum, swinging before the other side can stiffen its resolve.
Just as long as no “rivulets of thought” are involved —
Not to worry; Kamel-the-HOE is gone…..
Service industry specialist.
Looking forward to a Truth with, Private Milley.
“Mark Milley from the National Infrastructure Advisory Council”
Is that the same Mark Milley as the pink-haired gender-fluid General?
The same Mark Milley who shamefully accepted a pardon for spying for and committing treason for the chinese communist party (and who even knows what else)?
Keisha Lance Bottoms – Wikipedia
how much do I love this man???
The Apprentice has returned!!! And not a minute too soon.
All good things must come to an end.
And today was a very good thing.
Sacktime for me, folks!
Dream beautiful dreams of hope and opportunity.
Then, tomorrow, make them happen.
My work is directly affected by at least one of his executive orders.
In a good way, I hope.
Sleep well.
That is without a doubt the greatest Venn diagram I’ve ever seen.
Tina Peters made a backup of voting machines before it got erased, brought down the commie wrath upon herself, now doing 9 years didn’t get a pardon.
Federal or state charges? I can’t recall. If Federal, it will happen. IMO.
Not a word about 2020 stolen election. Voting integrity. I expect that will come within a week or so.
Unfortunately, I think it is state.
STATE charges.
I hope it goes to the Supreme Court. It should.
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, January 21, 2025
“Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.”
Psalms 85:10 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.