The above image of a Mental Health word graphic is courtesy of Google Images.
Health Friday is a series about Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. Since today’s post speaks to the COVID-19 disaster, it is dedicated to Yours Truly’s COVID-19 “fully vaccinated and boosted” late brother, Sam; to her late cousin, Bill; and to all others who have died, or have become injured or disabled, directly or indirectly, due to the negative effects of the COVID-19 BTI (Bioweapon Toxin Injections, aka the “vaccines”) they had put into their bodies.
There are Important Wolf Moon Notifications, the Rules of our late, good Wheatie, and certain caveats by Yours Truly, of which readers should be aware. They are linked here. The discussion is not limited to what is presented today: It is an Open Thread.
This post is an Opinion Piece. Yours Truly will be making statements that, hopefully, can start a dialogue on what one believes is an important topic.
To Begin: There are approximately eight billion human beings on Earth at this time. Approximately five billion of these human beings have taken at least one dose of a COVID-19 BTI (aka the “vaccines.”) This means that approximately 61% of the entire population of the Earth has been COVID-19 “vaccinated.” Approximately one billion of these COVID-19 “vaccinated” human beings are already dead, or “vaccine”-injured, or “vaccine”-disabled. Please refer to this tweet, which contains a video clip from a recent interview between Ed Dowd and Brett Weinstein:, which discusses this situation. This number will increase as time goes on, and as more COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons succumb to “vaccine”-induced injuries, “vaccine”-induced disabilities, or die from the negative effects of these injections. In addition, Yours Truly believes it can be fairly argued that what may be called the “ripple effects” among all persons in the world from the COVID-19 BTI (aka the “vaccines”), including among persons who are not “vaccinated”, will eventually be felt by every person on the planet.
Yours Truly will state at the outset that she is neither a medical professional, nor a mental-health professional. However, she has taken psychology and sociology courses in the process of earning two BFA degrees and an MA degree. She has also researched into the effects of the COVID-19 BTI (Bioweapon Toxin Injections, aka “vaccines”) on the body and brain of the “vaccinated” since March 2020. One will use terms “COVID-19 BTI” and “COVID-19 vaccines” interchangeably.
For previous posts regarding the effects on the brain of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, please see:; and, It is now known that the COVID-19 BTI ingredients (and, therefore, by extension, the mechanisms of said “vaccines”) cross the Blood-Brain Barrier and enter into the brain of the “vaccinated” person’s body. Further proof of this is here: Below are page 7 and page 8 of this report that was given to the FDA by Pfizer-BioNTech on 21 January 2021, regarding the company’s “flagship” modRNA COVID-19 BTI, BNT162b2:
Note the accumulations of BNT162b2 in the Brain, the Adrenal Glands, and in the Pituitary Gland. Note especially the accumulations in the Liver. The Liver is where the body produces Uridine, which is crucial for all kinds of body functions, including the regulation of mood. This is all part of what is called the “Brain-Gut Connection.” The human gut (stomach, intestines, liver, etc.), and, importantly, Uridine, sends “signals” to the brain, which processes these signals and “translates” them into body functions, emotional reactions, mood states, cognitive processes, and more. The N-1 Methylpseudouridine in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” literally replaces the RNA of the body’s natural Uridine with a combination of “fake Uridine” (which evades the body’s “are you a friend or a foe” recognition and elimination mechanisms), plus a form of methane.
There is an increasing number of scientific papers, articles, and editorial pieces regarding the negative effects on the brain, its components and mechanisms, and on its emotional-psychological functions, after COVID-19 “vaccination.” These negative effects range from inducement of “autism-like” behavior, to inducement of psychosis, to reports of suicide attempts and depression, and more. Examples of such writings include: “Prenatal Exposure to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 Induces Autism-Like Behaviors in Male Neonatal Rats: Insight into WNT and BDNF Signaling Perturbations”, Mumin Alper Erdogan, et al., Epub 10 January 2024;, Abdulsamad A. Aljeshi, MBBS, FRCPC, et al., 17 February 2022;, “P.0707 Suicide attempt and depression after COVID-19 vaccination: a case report”, IA Gencan, et al., 30 December 2021; and,, “Spectrum of neurological complications following COVID-19 vaccination”, Ravinda K Garg, Vimal K Paliwal, 31 October 2021. Below is Figure 1. from the Garg and Paliwal paper:
Note that the neurological issues induced by COVID-19 “vaccination” are not confined to “vaccination” by the modRNA COVID-19 BTI; they also occur after “vaccination” with the adenovirus DNA COVID-19 BTI by AstraZeneca.
There are also studies that have been conducted regarding the mental health of persons who have what is called Long COVID; for example: “Examining the Mental Health Impact: Investigating the Association between Suicide and Long Covid Syndrome”, Nicole Ann E. Villa, et al., June 2024 (click on the article title at the URL link and the PDF will load.)
However, there is also a myriad of other mental-health issues that arise regarding COVID-19. For example: What about a person who is COVID-19 “fully vaccinated and boosted” who then passes away from “died suddenly”? What mental-health effects does this produce in the deceased’s survivors? — such as, grief — shock — denial — anger — and more? For example: What about a COVID-19 “fully vaccinated and boosted” person, who has previously-diagnosed mental-health issues that were under control, but then after “vaccination” presents with symptoms of aggravation of these issues? — such as, onset of new psychosis — loss of interest in daily activities — anxiety — and more? For example: What about a COVID-19 “fully vaccinated and boosted” person who then presents with a disability? — the mental-health issues that can arise from this, and the issues that can arise among the affected person’s family members? — such as, anxiety — grief (over lost abilities and opportunities) — anger — depression — and more? For example: What about non-COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons who have friends and family who are “vaccinated”, and who are starting to see the negative effects of these “vaccines” present in their loved ones? — such as, “anticipatory grief” — anger — sadness (especially if the non-“vaccinated” person tried to warn them)?
There are, in addition, the hormones that the body will release when under stress, in danger, in grief, and similar situations, among them cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones, once released into the body, interact with the Gut-Brain connection organs, and with the Vagus Nerve, which is an important component of the whole. For some further information on the Vagus Nerve, and its importance in good health please see:, “The Glass Wall Part 3 — The Body Needs a Healthy Vagus Nerve.”
Refer back to the images of page 7 and page 8 of the Appendix 1. in the BNT162b2 report above, regarding accumulations of BNT162b2 in the organs of the “vaccinated” lab rats in the study performed. The Brain, the Adrenal Glands, the Pituitary Gland, and the Liver all perform immensely important functions and regulation processes for the entire body — including in cognitive and emotional/psychological processes and regulation. It is clear that the modRNA COVID-19 BTI accumulate in, and attack, these very important areas of the “vaccinated” person’s body. **** And there is also this: Researchers at Yale University have found out that the spike protein from the COVID-19 BTI remain the body of the “vaccinated” person for as long as 700 days post-injection —, “URGENT: Yale researchers have found Covid spike protein in the blood of people never infected with Covid — years after they got mRNA jabs”, 19 December 2024. This as-yet-unpublished study, called the “LISTEN study”, was headed by Dr. Akiko Iwasaki, a COVID-19 “vaccine” proponent. The findings are shocking. In addition to the COVID-19 spike protein being found in the blood of “vaccinated” persons for as long as 700 days post-injection (and that these “vaccinated” persons had never tested positive for COVID-19 infection), it was found that their CD4 immune system cells were compromised; also, that the DNA in the plasmids of the “vaccine” can indeed integrate into the genome of the “vaccinated” person’s body.
The implications of this the LISTEN study results are profound. It appears that the COVID-19 “vaccinated” person’s body literally manufactures spike protein for a very long time post-“vaccine” injection. However, at the same time, it is also known that whatever “immunity” that is “conferred” by COVID-19 “vaccination” dissipates after a matter of weeks or months. Thus, it is possible that, while the “immunity” conferred by these “vaccines” is short-lived, the body’s manufacturing of continuous amounts of spike protein from these “vaccines” is ongoing. The implications of the negative impacts of these “vaccines” on the mechanisms and processes of the Brain, the Adrenal Glands, the Pituitary Gland, and the Liver, especially with repeated “vaccine” injections, are likely incalculable.
Meanwhile, what can COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons (and, also, non-COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons) do to support their personal mental health in the era of COVID? The answer is unique to each individual. Some may have psychological counseling. Some will decide to make healthy changes to their diet, or to incorporate daily exercise. Others may consult their personal physician. Still others may craft a program of their own. Yet others will turn to meditation, and/or to a spiritual Force or Supreme Being to guide them. Some will consult with alternative medicine practitioners. And so on. However, what will not work is to turn to drug or alcohol abuse. What will not work is unhealthy or harming behavior to the self or to others. Here are two online resources, among many others, that provide helpful information: by Melinda Smith, M.A., et al.; and,, which has many free articles, videos, and other resources.
The issue of mental health in the era of COVID is one that is an unfolding situation. It deserves deep and ongoing investigation. Today’s Opinion Piece can hopefully be part of the conversation about this issue.
Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA
Is anybody in here?
Depends on what “in” is.
You bring up some important points, Pavaca. Just because we are unvaccinated doesn’t mean that we escaped all the profound issues caused by the jabs. We may be in for a world of hurt over the next few years. A couple of weeks ago, I lost a very dear cousin to turbo cancer. It happened so fast that there was nothing that could have been done for her. She was in her early fifties and up until that point very healthy. I really can’t imagine going through the grief of that over and over again. But I think for many people, that will happen. Most of my family members that I know about took the jab, and to be honest, most of the time I try not to think about it. It’s just too painful.
Don’t misunderstand but …
The first time I was a pallbearer for a close friend was emotionally devastating.
The second time made me sad but nothing like the first.
The third time was just a formality – sort of just a social duty.
There was an absence of effects upon me.
It occurred to me that repetition causes numbness.
Maybe it depends on the relationship. I’ve lost 2 siblings and my father, and they all were very hard.
🙏 for you and yours. May the Lord bring you peace and comfort, friend.
Thank you TradeBait. These weren’t recent losses. I was just trying to make the point to pgroup that losing close family members is always going to be pretty devastating.
So sorry Linda 😪
I’m so sorry to hear about your cousin. Of course it was (and is) awful.
I believe you are correct regarding the world of hurt that may be unfolding.
It’s all I can do, really. It’s horrible.
It certainly is. You look at family and friends, you know they took poison AND that there is nothing you can do to help them because they believe their poisoner not you.
Reality ^^^
As those who have read my stories know, I have always been a social animal. In general, I can get a tree to have a conversation with me. I like to hear others’ thoughts and comments regardless of whether I agree with them or not.
So, I have met and have held many meaningful conversations with interesting people throughout my decades on this planet. Even at a distance I have tried to stay in touch with many of them who had the same desire. I say all that to state the following.
I have seen too many family, friends and neighbors be injured or die from the jabs. From that same group that survived are tales of injury and death within their spheres. The regret, rationalization, stubbornness, anger, defensiveness, and so on have been off the charts from most. Many simply cannot believe or accept that the medical professionals and government would throw them under the bus or actually want them dead for money and power. For suggesting same and that they should take a cautious approach, many will cut you out of their lives or consider you a fool. There are a handful who have expressed wisdom, who learned the truth and now embrace it. They are the survivors, much like the Holocaust victims, who indeed are the Holocaust victims of our times. They are devastating when they speak truth to the “professionals” and their spheres of influence. They know. Within that group I do everything I can from what I have learned here and other trusted sources to help them overcome. Time is too short on this planet to waste on deniers. Shake the dust from the feet and move on to those who will listen and consider.
I have seen formerly healthy adults turn into severely declining shells of themselves in just a few years. Some continued taking the jabs, some stopped after the second or third. I have also seen many overcome the injuries and go on to live productive lives, but none without some lingering negative effects. They arm themselves with some of the supplements and vitamins we discuss here, along with a healthy dose of never trusting a medical professional again. You can tell that has taken root in a widespread way in our area by the lack of patients in the waiting rooms of physicians and hospital emergency rooms around here. Everybody is talking about it and you can tell from the lack of vehicles in the parking lots. If they deport the illegals, the latter will dwindle down even more. As a result many of us have noted that the medical professionals must be fearful about their careers as they have been much more friendly and professional of late.
I have not seen anybody die of COVID-19 who was not jabbed, or, was not moved into a ICU/CCU unit and placed on a vent and possibly given Remdesivir. Of this latter group of a half dozen folks, all died miserable deaths. I know a good number who believe they never contracted the disease. Those who know they have, like in my immediate family, have treated it as a bad cold or the flu, recovered, and moved on with life. As an example, our non-jabbed daughter had a beautiful, very healthy baby while dealing with a bout of COVID in the middle of her pregnancy. She took nothing for the disease, just soldiered right through it.
PAVACA will have a heavily jeweled crown in heaven for her work on this. Much love and respect to her. Which leads to my opinion: The mental anguish and sadness as this goes on will be best met on our knees talking to the Lord and requesting His will and intervention.
Thank you, you are very kind.
Your summation is spot-on and should be in letters 12 feet tall.
Well said. I’m curious about this:
Are you referring to people you have talked with and recommended supplements to, or are you noticing/hearing from people in general that they are researching and learning about this on their own? Or both. What I’m wondering is whether the general population that is vaxxed is waking up, realizing they need to do something, and are taking action on their own. I hope that is the case because, as discussed here, so often people won’t listen to others.
Thanks for your response, TT. Both. But the latter is really growing fast. It is the public conservations, such as in the many physician (ophthalmologist, optometrist and PCP) offices we have been to over the past several weeks with Wifey’s corneal issue. Many comments from staff and other patients as we wait. It has been amazing to learn how many medical professionals refused to be jabbed and use Ivermectin personally. My physician has acknowledged he was dead wrong to support the jabs, that he was personally injured by them. Others have said that did not have them.
As an example for different parts of the country, we have a retired couple in Indianapolis we are friends with and they are in a completely different sphere than us. The husband is a retired Orthodontist/facial reconstruction surgeon and his wife worked in the practice with him. Both are recovering now from their second bout with COVID and both had the first round of jabs. They are well connected in the state, alums of Indiana U and still involved in professional orgs. They tell us that all of the people they know are seeking answers outside of traditional medicine. They asked for our recommendations to add to what they have already learned.
I get the same comments from family in Michigan, Ohio, and Florida as well as from former co-workers and friends in other states. It has been encouraging to both of us.
That is wonderful to hear.
Yes! Better late than never 😮
Excellent! Thanks for your response. It looks as if people are waking up. That’s what needs to happen.
Agree completely.
I’m guessing that your conversation with a tree would involve a lot of barking.
The number of people we’ve buried in the on parish where I am involved who “died suddenly” is starting to boggle the mind. SOme of them in their 20s, too. I fear this is going to be a rough go for the next few years.
A mere 17 days, 11 hours, 7 minutes until our Once And Future President is restored to his rightful office.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
By the way, can we survive that long with the Deep State as lame ducks with nothing to lose?
That’s the question, isn’t it?
We will survive. A car wreck person in a coma survived.
Let’s hope we aren’t in ICU by the 20th. But we might be.
We have to.
“By the way, can we survive that long with the Deep State as lame ducks with nothing to lose?”
No problemo.
Every time they commit some act of desperate and meaningless destruction, they tighten the noose around their own necks.
It doesn’t hurt anyone besides the actual victims, and as terrible as it is for them, it’s meaningless in a nation of 330+ million people.
If they do anything truly stupid, like setting off a dirty b*mb in some big city, they will be hunted down by the new administration like rabid dogs and put down like the same.
Or the People will do it for them.
Marque and Reprisal | Georgetown Center for the Constitution
This is a series of articles such as this one:
Jules Lobel, Covert War and Congressional Authority: Hidden War and Forgotten Power, 134 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1035 (1986).
The Executive Branch — Cornell Law
The “Vesting Clause”“The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” Article II, § 1.The first clause of Article II, appropriately called the “Vesting Clause,” places executive power in the President. Unlike the other two branches of government (see “Congress” and “Judicial Branch”), power in the executive branch is placed in a single individual. In Federalist No. 70, Alexander Hamilton noted the importance of an “energetic Executive” and argued that such energy, in the form of “[d]ecision, activity, secrecy, and despatch will generally characterize the proceedings of one man in a much more eminent degree than the proceedings of any greater number.”
Commander-in-Chief Clause“The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States.” Article II, § 2.
The Constitution confers command of the military onto the President. One reason cited by commentators for placing military power in the hands of a civilian, as opposed to a military officer, is to prevent abuse of military power. [HEY Milley, did you read that??? -GC]
Take Care Clause“[The president] shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” Article II, § 3.Above all, the President, in exercising these executive powers, is still subject to the law. 👉The Supreme Court has observed that “[t]he duty of the President to see that the laws be executed is a duty that does not go beyond the laws or require him to achieve more than Congress sees fit to leave within his power.👈
[I do not see anything in there ALLOWING an une-elected bureaucrat to MAKE LAWS — aka Regulations. Nor do I see where the President & said bureaucrats are ALLOWED to IGNORE THE LAWS made by Congress, such as leaving a border open. –GC]
Browse the Constitution Annotated Article II Executive Branch
If they do that, I opt for the latter. We do not have to follow rules of engagement. Hillbilly justice applies.
Simplified, ROE – rules of engagement.
BTW. DId you mention article coming out soon? Or did I miss it?
Not being pushy. Anticipation. 🤓
…setting off a dirty b*mb in some big city… (Blue shithole.)
Can I pick the big city? OK, jus kiddin. Or wa
At some point, Enough, Will Be Enough. Then all bets are off.
That is an excellent cartoon.
Yes! I like how it highlights two themes:
The Second Amendment restrains the Left from harming us.
The Left lies to us about their motives.
Actually they really do think they want to protect us. They think we don’t know what’s in our best interest, so they’d be “protecting” us from ourselves. You see, they’re smart enough to understand things, we’re just a bunch of dumbfuck deplorables who vote against our own best interest.
They’ve even written books about how Kansans (or was it Nebraskans) vote against their best interests.
Just read that WIKI, HOOooo Boy, are they missing the boat with that crap.
They really do think we are DUMB as rocks.
You’re giving them too much credit. IMO.
I think some have the arrogant perspective that they know best, but that some are lying so they can wield power over us.
The Left is extremely gay. Flaming. It should have some kind of rainbow collar and be wearing assless chaps 👍
And it should be a Chihuahua. A Chihuahua with a rainbow collar and assless chaps.
And it should be snarling and dry-heaving and foaming at the mouth and slobbering all over itself 😂
And the rabbit should be a pit bull.
Gee, that doesn’t sound as suicidal as “I have come into possession of information sure to send H*llary Cl*nton to prison.”
If these reports are correct, his wife left him because of his infidelity six days before the incident, and he texted a former girlfriend about renting the Cybertruck. So had he and the former girlfriend hooked up again? The texts shown above seem more friendly than lover-like.
Cybertruck bomber Matthew Livelsberger’s wife broke up with him days before explosion outside Trump hotel in Las Vegas: sources
So now people are saying he was distraught and suicidal. But it doesn’t make sense to do what he did when he could have just shot himself. And why would a Trump supporter cause damage to a Trump hotel? Nothing about this story adds up.
The Routh connection with the Las Vegas SF guy is what should be explored. Demonstrates similar motives shared with the people who gin up war in Ukraine. Looser connection with New Orleans guy but still the same as it gins up our war machine to fight in the Mid East. Knowing this it seems we are hunting modern day WAR GENIES! Part of the modern day industrial war complex.
“The texts shown above seem more friendly than lover-like.”
It’s plenty romantic. You just can’t hear his Pepé Le Pew accent through the text… mon chérie! 😍 😂
Just needs more paint 😆
the screenshot of his text showed that he was working with drones. Perhaps he learned something about drones he wanted to share with Trump without going through his chain of command or regular channels (assassination drones? AI genocide drones?). He went to the Trump Hotel, then left, then came back several hours later. Maybe his first visit was a proffer, and his second visit was bringing the body back to indicate the leak was plugged.
There are thousands of available stories. It’s only the official one that doesn’t fit together.
I think his working on drones is very significant too.
“…. Livelsberger’s body was burned beyond recognition. He was identified from his passport and Army ID found inside the vehicle….”
I could see his dog tags surviving since they are built to do that, but his PASSPORT??? And why would he have his passport with him?
Also that text does not sound suicidal at all.
If all they are going on is Army ID and passport for identification, I call bullshit on All Of It.
Enough remains for dental records and DNA. Both of which the military has excellent documentation for Everyone that served since the ~90s.
(Have not followed closely either terrorist attack – Vegas or NOLA.)
Per usual it sounds like a BULLSCHIFF SANDWICH!
Good point. They started taking our DNA and making us get those dental pentagraphs since the guys from the 101st returned from their Sinai tour and blew up over Newfoundland.
Split up with his wife six days before…….
Sounds like “they” had the perfect person for a depressed suicidal victim. Maybe we’re reading to much into this on purpose……
Maybe he’s a victim being used by the DS. as a distraction. You know they knew everything about him, because of his military position.
I say they whacked him, stuck him in a self-driving vehicle, remote drove the vehicle to its end location and … we know the result.
Seems like a bunch of drone makers might have more than the usual amount of ability with remote driving…..
If he had a side piece, and he was renting a bad ass vehicle, I very much doubt he was suicidal. He certainly did not sound like it in the exchange with a former flame.
““It’s not lost on us that it happened in front of the Trump building and a Tesla vehicle was used,” said Spencer Evans, the FBI special agent in charge.”
“It’s not lost on us that it happened in front of the Trump building and a Tesla vehicle was used. Just like “””they””” told us how “””they””” drew it up.” said Spencer Evans, the FBI special agent in charge.
now you know the rest of the story
So the body was burned beyond recognition, but the ID, etc., was unscathed???
Something doesn’t add up…
Alt media over here are saying that the wife is a FLAMING leftist, as is her family… More going on that at first appears, much more…
One of the articles:
“Gee, that doesn’t sound as suicidal…”
“….Building Drones in my New position….”???
Depends on what the Cabal was planing on doing with those drones here in the USA.
Definite connection with the two on the right. Less so with the guy on the left. Years don’t match. So any connections will have to be with influencers or influencing organizations formal and informal, clandestine and the like, which Ft Bragg (we don’t have to call it Liberty any more, Trump promised to scrape all that stuff and go back to the original names 😁😉🤗) would be a natural magnet for.
IIRC weren’t there a string of suicides of soldiers from there sometime ago?
Rash of Wife Killings at Ft. Bragg Leaves the Base…›2002/07/27/us/rash-of-wife-killings-…
From 2020-2021, suicides, drugs killed Fort Bragg soldiers at higher rate than combat and training deaths
Taking a brief time out here… Fascinating questions from one of those bubbly persons… Finds it not flakey in most parts…
Alternative Timeline Of Ancient History Explained.
I have always been fascinated by these kinds of things, since I was a kid and Spock was doing the show In Search Of…
Without the pointy ears and the Moe Howard haircut, which was very confusing… 😁
She keeps referring to everything needing to fit a religious timeline, that discoveries are being suppressed because if something blows up the religious timeline, then religions would have to be rewritten, so she speculates that governments are preventing such discoveries from being made.
But any anti-Christian government run by Leftists / globalists — which is all of them in the West, at least until January 20th — would love nothing more than to destroy Christianity.
If TCTB could credibly challenge the veracity of Christianity and Judaism via some archeological discovery, they would do it in a heartbeat and then have a party that lasted a decade before they even thought about ending the celebration.
Because if credible evidence was discovered that undermined Judaism and Christianity, then there would be no such thing as sin (or need for atonement for sin), and if there was no sin, then there would be no restraint of any kind on the Left’s most sick, twisted and corrupt desires.
So anti-human, anti-Christian, Leftist governments and their WEFfen SS cronies (and whoever owns all of them) are highly motivated to undermine Judaism and Christianity.
Which is contrary to the thesis of the woman in the video.
“….If TCTB could credibly challenge the veracity of Christianity and Judaism via some archeological discovery, they would do it in a heartbeat ….”
Actually I do not think so. Back 100 years ago, maybe, but since then they decided to SUBVERT religion instead.
Hopefully you know who Maurice Strong is.
He started off working for WMCA international. That is where he got the idea for NGOs it is said.
He and his wife were asked to set-up Crestone Spiritual Center. I can not find the older article but this will do.
The Surprising Spiritual Mecca of Crestone, Colorado
Crestone may well be the most spiritual place in America, home to more than two dozen retreat centers and sacred landmarks. It’s a surprising spiritual mecca.
More on the Copper connection.
King Solomon’s Mines, The Egyptian, Hebrew and Phoenician Exploration of North and South America
“What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude the principal risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?…”
The imaginary ‘risk’ always has to come from the ‘rich’ countries, for the same reason that robbers rob banks.
Because that’s where the money is.
The famous Willie Sutton explained when asked why he robbed banks.
He said because that’s where the money is.
“In order to save the planet, the group decides:”
The entire premise is bogus, and always has been.
The only thing the planet needs to be saved from is people like Maury Strong… and Mao, and Stalin and Hitler, and Soros, and Scwabby, and Samantha Power, and Ploufey boy, and Hussein, and Pol Pot, and Castro, and that weirdo woman at the State Dept. who loves war in Ukraine, et al.
I have always thought that what God calls a time unit may not match what we currently call a time unit. So I don’t get stuck on 6 thousand years. I have also believed that the Creator reserves the right of naming things.
A couple of comments.
First hunter-gathers actually had time on their hands. (Data from Australian aboriginies) Second, they traveled in a great circle and camped in the same place during a spcific time each year. The gatherers would save the seeds from the best plants and PLANT THEM. Here in the USA excavation of sites have shown certain seeds that were eaten were much larger in pre-historic times indicating this.
Also I donated stone artifacts from my farm. The ranger (archaeologist) who took them told me the more polished artifacts were the older artifacts. He was very happy to see I had stuff that was not just arrowheads. Choppers, stone axes and drills and such.
This is all I can find. A guy debunking the idea. The story I saw said the micro-contaminants in the copper from the Great Lakes matched the copper in Egypt. This is similar to the idea that the Uranium that Clinton sold to Russia could be IDed by the micro-contaminants and thus the USA would be blamed.
The comments are interesting and someone does bring up the analysis and dismisses it.
Given I live in NC I found this exchange very interesting:
@FacesintheStone2 years ago (edited)
Why did I find a bunch of Egyptian style Artifacts like Totems of Horus and eyes just like the ones that the Egyptian‘s have here in Graham North Carolina right next to an Indian mound which is adjacent to a gigantic pile of stone statues the size of cars? There’s something going on Nathaniel, there’s something happening
4 replies
jacobshort65282 years ago
No, there’s not something happening. Not right now. Something just happens to have happened right there a very long time ago. That sounds like a burial mound full of artifacts. Please alert your local archeological society, and stop randomly digging into it.
2 years ago
@jacobshort6528 The very first thing I did was alert my state and local archaeological teams, once they decided that it wasn’t even worth a look I decided to contact local indigenous American tribe. I started this three months ago and now have 330 subscribers trying to save an ancient site who no one seems to give a shit about. Don’t tell me what to do
2 years ago
Maybe for national indigenous peoples day you can pluck it out.
2 years ago (edited)
What is happening is what just happened in the comments above. People like you guys dismissing and shitting on people who are actually wanting to know (and share) the truth.
So, I saw something peculiar the other day and thought I’d share.
The Fiancee had a desire to go to Whole Paycheck and I tagged along — I tend to go scurrying around trying to find things that are unusual. And I found one — teff pasta, made of 100% teff flour. I was floored.
So, to start with, what the heck is teff? Teff is a cereal grain native to Ethiopia. This makes it a grass, related to other cereals like oats, millet, wheat, rye, rice, corn (maize), and barley. There are other sources of starch, like buckwheat and quinoa, that are pseudocereals because they are cooked and eaten the same way but are not closely related.Teff is one of the earliest cereals to be cultivated by humans for food, if not the earliest.
The main distinguishing feature of teff that separates it from other cereal is its tiny, tiny, tiny size. Typical teff grains are smaller than 1mm and look very much like poppy seeds. As you might imagine, that makes it very difficult to get to the kernel — you always get “whole grain teff” because you can’t pearl it (like barley), thresh it (like wheat), roll it (like oats), or pretty much anything else. Because of this, as generally noted, teff is “high in fiber”… in — if you’re eating teff, you’re eating substantially more teff husk than starch. Gives some background why Ethiopians can be so thin.
I had previously not realized that it could be made into a usable flour, so when I saw teff pasta I was quite surprised.
Crunchy Teff Choclate Chip Cookies.. Okay.. you sold me.
Okay…. were stopping here I was going to post Teff Chips, and Teff Banana Juice and Teff this and Teff that, but someone spoiled it and started to make Teff Burgers. That’s sacrilegious. They need to ban Teff immediately!
I had only seen (and acquired) the whole grain stuff. I was researching how to use it to brew beer. Part of your brewing is to steep the grain in hot water until the starches leach out, which then are converted by the malting enzymes into sugars. When you’ve done this, you typically strain out the remaining grain bits (which can then become cattle feed or composted for plants).
In order for this to go smoothly, you typically want the grain to present a lot of surface area but stick together so you can strain it out. I was worried about how to strain out the teff.
Teff is gluten-free, so that last bread looks about right — a dense bread with little fluff.
And I’d bet that the teff cookies are crunchy — over 10% of the carbs in the flour are fiber (cellulose).
Careful though… if they make fake burgers out of Teff they likely make Teff O’duls. 😠😏🤓check your alcohol content first before buying!
OK, now that is something unexpected.
Looked at their website — their brewery may have started after I was futzing around with the stuff.
Sent ’em an email. Will post any response.
When the going gets Teff, the Teff get going 😀
The stuff lasts a long time.
This is, BTW, one of those things like Sichuan pepper where international stuff was throwing up barriers to fusion cuisine. In response to a famine, Ethiopia banned the export of teff for a number of years.
My son used Teff for years. He swears by it.
Teff is wonderful. Haven’t really had time to bake much the last few years, but I used to keep a good supply of teff flour for all our gluten free needs. It makes a wonderful sourdough bread. Have also used it for biscuits and even made ethiopian injeera once….a sourdough flatbread. They were delicious but the process is very long and involved. Took about 3 days. I have never encountered teff pasta, though.
Was the flour comparable in texture to bread flour?
I guess that depends on what you mean by bread flour. I have been baking gluten free bread for so long I can hardly remember using regular flour. The teff flour I had was very fine and, of course, a bit grainy as it is whole grain. So I guess you could compare it to other whole grain flours. The place I ordered it from had dark and light flours. I think I usually used the dark. Some of my recipes combined teff and a starchy flour such as tapioca.
Does teff flour produce a different “feel” in the texture of baked products made with it?
Using teff by itself will produce a slightly sticky bread.
The injeera made with teff is also more delicate and moist than its somali counterpart “anjeera” made with wheat flour.
This is great stuff. How did you first encounter teff and get recipes? (Might it have been a church thing?)
I did quite a bit of research and experimenting on gluten free baking options when we discovered that first our daughter, then my husband, and then our entire family of 8 has a gluten intolerance. I must have asked about flour options at some health food store and they had teff flour. After that I ordered it online and found several good recipes. I even have a special folder for the teff recipes 😉
This is such useful information, I wish I could give it a hundred likes or bold it or something.
Are you interested in a specific recipe? Some of mine are in german and it has been so long I don’t necessarily remember which ones were the best.
I’m not set up for it at present, but please drop some recipes here when you can.
Again, I had purchased this package of teff almost 20 years ago and it teased me about beer and bread for several years, and it eventually got purged out of the pantry…..but it’s not because I wasn’t interested, it was because I couldn’t fit it into any current project.
When I saw teff pasta at Whole Foods, I was rocked back on my heels. I’d still like to do things with it, but it’s been on my “later” shelf for over a decade.
Perhaps you could do an entire article on this recipes.
That way it would be a lot easier to save.😍
You don’t know me and computers! It’s all I can do to comment here now and then 😅
Ya I do.
I am ‘computer challenged’ too.
I should add, it is pretty easy as long as you are not adding images or videos or trying to do quotes.
I sometimes just use [QUOTE]…[UNQUOTE] so I do not have to deal with the hassle.
With just straight text, you can just copy and paste.
Pavaca, look at kamut or spelt flour to mix with teff to lessen the spongy texture ( the Ethipian flatbread made out if teff is very spongy to scoop/absorb their meal).
i haven’t baked with any for years, but recipes should be available online.
these are all gluten free grains/seeds
Very interesting, thank you.
I had gone through a breadmaking / beermaking phase about 15 years ago and got some teff to play with, but it never really “caught on” with the direction I was going. Since I had my little grain mill attachment for my KitchenAid, I was playing with “toothsome” flours that had a larger particle size than normal, and a bunch of teff kept making it through unscathed (this echoed the even large particle sizes I was using in beermaking).
When making beer, the point where you first introduce the grains into your hot water is called “doughing-in”. If, however, you get one large lumpy mass that doubles in size over the next couple of hours, you are not making beer any more.
On the other hand, there is a mindset that beer is made of water, barley, yeast, and hops. This may go back to specific Bavarian purity laws [ ] of the 1500’s, but it is by no means a requirement of the process.
In modern times, wheat beers were summer favorites, rye beers were nice in autumn, oat stouts in winter. The American lager Budweiser uses rice. Virtually any cereal can be used in the beer-making process.
If you later intend to distill the beverage, you need not even use hops — in which case you can make “corn likker”, which is essentially distilled from corn beer, and is the archetype of American whiskies.
Historically, the water is whatever water you have, and the yeast were typically recycled (sometimes using Rube Goldberg devices like the Union Sets — ) — and hops, surprisingly, have only been used to flavor beer for a few hundred years (before that, it was often pine needles/sap or other herbals).
But one strong basis, and an intriguing clue to history, is the use of malted barley.
To malt barley, you spread the grain into trays and wet it. Inside the grain, the nucleus wakes up and starts secreting enzymes into the starches of the seed, converting them into sugars that can be used to build a seedling and start it growing. Then the maltster stops the process by drying the seeds in an oven. Barley is special because it produces useful enzymes out the wazoo — its enzymes are even used to treat potatoes used to produce vodka.
Which makes for a useful shortcut. If a society is growing barley at scale, it is brewing beer (or a distilled beverage).
Just as a side note, SingingSoul mentions making flour from (IIRC) emmer, einkorn, and spelt, which are proto-wheat grains. Just like every banana in the supermarket is the ‘Cavendish’ variety, factory farming has made every bread flour artificially uniform.
Speaking of bread flours, however…..they generally include a small amount of barley, because it makes for better bread.
Okay, seems they have plenty of that too… Likely in one of those Indian or Asian food stores…
But Teff Burgers is beyond the pale😲. Going to back to real super food.
BACON! Which mixes well with real Burgers!
Teff is the grain of Willams lovegrass, a plant that can be used as animal fodder to produce bacon.
Note that the Molido Spadoni box of pasta says “FONTE DI FIBRE”.
It also says “PASTA CON FARINA DI TEFF” (translates to “pasta with flour of teff”). That tells me that it’s not 100% teff.
That’s it. Bacon at breakfast as usual. This afternoon, Bacon Double Cheeseburger on the menu today. Couple Grands visiting, so they’ll be pleased.
Looks like a ‘Covid’ defying sandwich. Add green tea and some good hot sun and you are good to go.😉
Rabbit food on a burger? And where’s the mayo dripping out?
Remember, it’s (BARF!) Veganuary….
Maybe where you live …
Nope, NOT HERE in Casa Covfefe….
We LOVE animals… they taste great!!!!!
P eople
E ating
T asty
A nimals
The Brits came up with Veganuary… probably something else from tree-talker Chuckles…
“Whole Paycheck” is a nickname for Whole Foods Market.
Saw a headline the other day, TJs is expanding.
Guessing, it could also be called Whole Paycheck. Though I wouldn’t know. Have only been in one, or the other, once, to purchase Brazil Nuts.
TJ’s is owned by Aldi. It’s an international discount chain. They don’t have everything, but what they have is mostly cheap.
TJ = Trader Joe?
Interesting. Had no idea.
Personally, I don’t consider TJ to be “cheap”. My idea of cheap is Winco!
I consider TJ ‘pricey’
Keep in mind that cthulhu is a bit on the strange side … 😂
AL DI news that’s fit to print… 🙂
Have been familiar with, and used teff, years ago as both flour (pancakes) and cooked cereal. Also amaranth for cereals, baked goods and quinoa ( makes a great quinoa flour/applesauce bread). At the time I had an undiagnosed food/immunity problem (NOT CELIAC) and had to stop eating many usual foods, and find alternatives. These flours were all a Godsend, as were things like yams, spaghetti squash and black-eyed peas.
Fortunately my issues have since greatly diminished (I suspect several culprits and several reasons for the welcome recovery). Those were very hard years.
Oh yes, and definitely buckwheat 👍👍
Verse of the Day for Friday, January 3, 2025
“O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.”
Psalms 25:2 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
In the misty morning – at the break of dawn;
With sleepy eyes and – muddy mind I fawn;
Send your assistance and blessing my way;
Dear Heavenly Father – teach me today!
I fall on my knees to give glory and praise;
I sing with the angels – our song we raise;
In thanksgiving – I thank You for all I have;
For Your comfort – consolation – and salve!
Teach me – to love – as You willingly do;
To be servant of all – just like You;
Help me to learn to be humble and last;
Help me let go of mistakes of the past!
Teach me compassion – for my neighbor today;
Help me understand – his distress – if I may;
Help me bring comfort – condolence to him;
Lift up his spirit – when his faith is slim!
Help me be more like You – assured in love;
With confidence in my Father above;
With trust in Your steadfast faithfulness;
With fidelity – teach me – gratefulness!
Teach me – to invite – the Spirit within;
Through repentance and grace – let Him in;
To guide and chide me – when I should fall short;
Help me – to His wisdom – quickly resort!
Teach me – not my will – but His will be done;
Through Him and with Him – the battle is won;
Teach me – acceptance – when I find it hard;
To repent – reconcile – and pride discard!
Teach me – patience – a gift of the Spirit;
A virtue through which – I can endear it;
Give me Grace to hang on – and persevere;
Through fasting and prayer – help me volunteer!
Teach me – hope – a gift – to which I must cling;
Patient hope – endurance – blessings will bring;
Goodness and longsuffering – grant me these;
Precious gifts of the Spirit – grant them please!
Teach me – faith – that I may share it with all;
To lighten the burden – what might befall;
Calm my fears – and brighten earthly sorrow;
Increase my faith – childlike trust in tomorrow!
D01: 10/26/2013
Thank You Duchess! 🙂
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
January 3, 2025 12:29 am
…” A new bill introduced to Florida’s state legislature intends to prohibit illegal immigrants from being able to utilize the civil court system to file lawsuits and other legal actions.
Titled HB 71: Civil Actions Brought by Unauthorized Aliens, the single-page bill stated, “an unauthorized alien may not commence a civil action,” using the definition of “unauthorized aliens” as stated in the federal Immigration and Nationality Act.“….
It’s about time.
BTW, Dred Scott was properly decided IMO. Otherwise, we would not have needed the 13th-15th amendments.
The Brave AI:
Dred Scott Supreme Court Decision
So that was the decision. What is interesting is what AI says after that.
Key points from the decision include:
The case involved Dred Scott, who had lived in free states and territories with his owner before returning to Missouri. He and his wife sued for their freedom on the grounds that their residence in free territories should have freed them from slavery. However, the Supreme Court’s ruling denied them this freedom and set a precedent that African Americans could never become U.S. citizens.
Problem is, that all that crap about slavery was dicta – not necessary to deciding the issue which was did Dred Scott have Article 3 standing to be in federal court in the first place.
Once the Court decided that slaves weren’t U.S. citizens, it’s over.
I was pointing out the touchy feelly WOKE shit that got added. It had ZERO to do with that decision.
Sorry for my misunderstanding. I can see clearly now … 😂
You been messing with Leary’s potion?
Yes it was for that point in time. Vilifying a correct decision and the court who made it seems to be an on-going American tradition.
January 3, 2025 6:41 am
US Army soldier who allegedly stole Trump’s AT&T call logs arrested
Cannot post or reply to The Q Tree on the computer. Am using the phone.
On the computer, the WP bar at the top of The Q Tree page after you click on today’s post shows up as “truncated.”
Smells like some kind of DDOS attack to me.
Perhaps a little too close to “being over the target” stuff from WP?
Going over to the Utree rescue thread.
It’s crazy that you, as today’s author, were also locked out. Hope it’s fixed now for you 🙂
It was an interesting digital train wreck! 😆
Hope you were able to accurately diagnose what happened & protect against it going forward 😉
Me too!!! 😉
Wolf Moon
Still can’t get The Q Tree main site to load completely on the computer. I’m using my phone again to post this comment. Any clues as to what’s going on?
I also had to sign into WP in order to post this, but I hadn’t signed out.
Several of The Q Tree denizens, like myself, are posting over at The U Tree “Featured” post.
Everything is working now!
We’re back on either this thread or the other, Version 2. Use either one. I’m keeping both up as “evidence” for further forensic examination.
OK – just use this one! I’m steering discussion here, but keeping the other. Thanks!
A few alt-media sites over here are being DDOSed… seems to have increased after Musk’s Op-Ed in Welt am Sonntag… Some folks have their pantyfas in a wad, it seems…..
OK, I was just able to Like the post so am hoping a comment can also go through…
Thanks to Wolf & anyone who helped him diagnose the lock out issues–you rock!
Ah, here we go.
1.3.25: Nothing is as it appears, Ft. Bragg? TURO rental, CHAOS, Future proves PAST, PRAY!
And We Know
LT at And We Know has a good collection of the info dug up on both truck attackers. One such item is the WIFE of the Trump Tower guy Donated to the DNCC at about the same time as the ISIS dude.
That makes you wonder if the wife is telling the truth about the break-up. Was she a honeypot?
LT also mentioned a guy was caught with a bomb near a train.
Man Arrested in Payette, Idaho After Police Find Improvised Bomb in Train Car
Trump Hotel guy had ex-wives – three IIRC.
More crappy ‘journalism’ intended to mislead.
That was on the alt-media over here… wonder if the wife(ves) was a trap…
From a valid source:
…”My daughter is a paramedic in New Orleans and was stationed nearby this morning when the attack happened. She was on the scene within minutes and tended to one of the policemen who was wounded and transported him to the hospital. She was right there by the truck, tending to the gunshot wounds from the terrorist. What I found curious in her description of the event was that several FBI agents showed up about ten minutes after the incident and told them that there was a bomb in the cooler in the truck. My daughter called me at 0500 this morning and was telling me this before the information about the bomb was made public. The thing that I keep wondering is how the FBI knew the bomb was in the truck and why they didn’t act to evacuate everyone from the vicinity of the truck. They were either reckless or knew that the bomb was not viable. These events all seem to have a pattern suggesting that the FBI knew much more before it happened. I suspect that we will see more of this at both the New Orleans and Las Vegas events. I hope that it gets exposed.”…
2:01 AM · Jan 2, 2025
Wolf Moon
Looks to me like DS (both IC and mil) is quickly feeding and resurrecting terrorism narratives, using their usual “controlled other-side” proxies. They will escalate until they control public opinion enough to force Trump’s hand. Very hard to unsee their hands at this point.
I think they have a bit of a problem because WE KNOW what they are doing.
Between the Warroom Posse and Bongino’s Army, false narratives have a much tougher row to hoe. Bless their black hearts. 😡
Are we back to normal? Asking for my alternate personality.
I wish I was. I’ve been abbynormal for quite some time now.
I bet you aren’t alone. 😂
Which alternate personality?
I have several. Which one pleases you?
Haven’t seen one yet.
Was “normal” ever actually in the equation? 😂
Maybe it was a Pause-Sybillity? 😮 🙃 😱
I wonder what PTrump has in defense of the following . . .
Let’s say there is an AI or AI-assisted guided drone, carrying a couple of ounces of C-4, that flies a very calculated route to avoid detection, back streets and alleys, etc., to get in close to its target, then accelerates to 200mph for the final run and detonation.
I hope PTrump’s people have wide area detection, jamming and destruction capability, but seeing repeated Secret Service shortfalls . . . I wonder.
I think he has some of Eric Prince’s boys as additional security. Also POTUS had an exceptionally good private security back before 2016.
I believe you are correct. I still wonder if effective countermeasures against a high speed stealth drone attack are in place.
I have a great defense.
Whatever weapons technology is used against Trump, is immediately freed to the People by the Second Amendment. We don’t even ASK for it – we CLAIM IT. All 2A advocates immediately begin mass-producing and spreading the tech. If the DS has it, then we need it.
The Deep State is absolutely allergic to such thinking. They would rather behave, than allow the people to have equivalence.
I’m not kidding. If they kill Trump with a drone, then we need killer drones.
AND we have the brilliant minds to come up with them ASAP.
As one writer said, Trump is THEIR last chance.
anyone have the current count in the House vote?
214 to 210, Jeffries over Johnson, a very few Repugs that didn’t vote now have the opportunity to vote.
OH lovely we get DemonRat Hakeem Jeffries
I didn’t see the Demonrat / Repug breakout of the vote, but undoubtedly all the Demonrats and a few traitor Repugs put Jeffries in the lead.
Johnson ahead by ONE.
NY SLIMES: Live Vote Count: Tracking the House Speaker Vote
216 to 215.
God help us.
Filly brought this
Looks like a 2nd round of voting….Jeffries got 214, Johnson 210. Some dingbat giving a speech about US territories not having the right to vote. Ha! They finally cut her mic! OK – calling the names again of those who didn’t vote initially….OK, Chip Roy plus 3-4 others voted for Johnson – looks like he may have it!
Count right now is Johnson 216, Jeffries 215 = recount
DW said this morning that the predictions (from whom?) are that Johnson will lose the first round but win the second round. I don’t know what that really means. How many rounds? Who decides? Do Repugs have to threaten and bribe other Repugs to vote for Johnson even though Johnson has PTrump’s support? Probably so.
They are on round two after round 1 failed… or this is round three.
Ivan Ranklin has a great proposal, but likely slim chance of it happening? At least today. He has a target of Sunday. Trump as speaker to reside over his own certification and then naming his Sgt of Arms to after these scally wags in the house.
Wolf Moon
Endless thanks to you for performing whatever “internet alchemy” you did, to fix the issues that turned up today!
And Thank you, Pavaca!!! Couldn’t comment earlier!
Oh that is WONDERFUL!
Sarcasm is one of the best weapons.
Should we all send that to Wray?
He needs to wear one to testify in Congress!
couldn’t have planned it better if they tried…oh wait…
January 3, 2025 2:17 pm
The Democrats are all “giddy” about our magnificent American Flag potentially being at “half mast” during my Inauguration. They think it’s so great, and are so happy about it because, in actuality, they don’t love our Country, they only think about themselves. Look at what they’ve done to our once GREAT America over the past four years – It’s a total mess! In any event, because of the death of President Jimmy Carter, the Flag may, for the first time ever during an Inauguration of a future President, be at half mast. Nobody wants to see this, and no American can be happy about it. Let’s see how it plays out. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Giddy now but wait till they realize it’s not just Carter that died but the entire Demon Rat Party with him 😆
And the news media!
👍 😂
I think we give *them* credit for too much power. Yes, they are evil. Yes, they will seemingly stop at nothing. But there’s no way they planned the date of a death unless they committed murder of Jimmy Carter, which I don’t believe happened. I also don’t believe they have postponed the announcement of Carter’s death to try to damage Trump. No one ever seems to consider the logistics of such a thing. And every fact that is brought up regarding the difficulty of pulling something like that off is scoffed at, to the point of not considering reality and logic.
Anyone who has dealt with the death of a family member knows the multiple people and agencies involved — family members, medical staff, government agencies like Medicare and SSA, insurance companies, etc., and it’s bound to multiply exponentially with a former president. But the argument is always that all of those people would collude to be involved in a plot, committing crimes and risking professional licenses in the process. (But it’s okay, the powers-that-be would see to it that they were protected.)
Flags at half-mast, while not desirable, are a ceremonial glitch, something very minor compared with the fact of Trump returning to the WH. When I see him making his speech with flags at half-mast, I will be reminded of the continuity of government. One former president passes; another takes office. It’s part of our nation’s history.
your opinion of them is so much better than mine! lol
I wouldn’t put it past them to murder innocent people in their vaccines. if a 100 yr old ex president needs a push to make a triumphant day seem awful for repubs, I wouldn’t put it past them to gently smoother him with a pillow. these people are despicable.
Supreme Court Justice Scalia…
NO Autopsy???
yup. they have no soul so nothing bothers them.
Different situation. If he was murdered, it was to stop his influence on the Court and to try to get a liberal replacement. Jimmy Carter had no influence on Trump and his incoming adminstration. Having flags at half-mast, while not optimal, is minor.
Wasn’t needed. He deliberately did not use his CPAP machine to prevent his apnea. It keeps the patient alive; without it the heart goes nuts trying to get oxygenated blood to the body.
Only if there’s no oxy blood due to apnea, then the heartbeat becomes a ‘runaway’ eventually causing a heart attack.
This is common knowledge among med peeps.
Apnea causes heart attacks. A heart attack while sleeping almost always kills. I’ve lost two friends that way.
“…He deliberately did not use his CPAP machine to prevent his apnea. …”
Do you have proof that is what happen? It seems knowing that gives bad actors an easy kill.
And yeah I am a suspicious cat.
He died February 13, 2016. you would think he could have waited until closer to the election to make sure OH!Bummer did not replace him.
Useful link!