Health Friday Open Thread 1.17.2025: A Letter to Incoming President Donald J. Trump and to Incoming HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The above free image of a handwritten letter from 1889 is courtesy of Colourbox and Google Images. Health Friday is a series devoted to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. As this post speaks of the disasters of COVID-19 and of the COVID-19 BTI (Bioweapon Toxin Injections, aka the "vaccines"), it is dedicated … Continue reading Health Friday Open Thread 1.17.2025: A Letter to Incoming President Donald J. Trump and to Incoming HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Health Friday Open Thread 1.10.2025: p53, SV40, the COVID-19 “Vaccines”, and Cancer: With a Note on the Virus Itself

The above free vintage image of a medical doctor performing an exam on the larynx of a patient is courtesy of Google Images. Health Friday is a series devoted to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. Since today's post speaks of the disaster of the COVID-19 virus itself, and of the COVID-19 BTI … Continue reading Health Friday Open Thread 1.10.2025: p53, SV40, the COVID-19 “Vaccines”, and Cancer: With a Note on the Virus Itself

Health Friday Open Thread 1.3.2025 VERSION 2: Mental Health in the Age of COVID—An Opinion Piece

NOTE: It appears that some comment was able to wreck the prior version of this thread. Continue commenting HERE. I will figure out this attack. Until then, I ask that people be careful copying and pasting a bunch of stuff - especially CODE - into comments. W LATER NOTE: I fixed the original thread, and … Continue reading Health Friday Open Thread 1.3.2025 VERSION 2: Mental Health in the Age of COVID—An Opinion Piece

Health Friday Open Thread 1.3.2025: Mental Health in the Age of COVID—An Opinion Piece

The above image of a Mental Health word graphic is courtesy of Google Images. Health Friday is a series about Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. Since today's post speaks to the COVID-19 disaster, it is dedicated to Yours Truly's COVID-19 "fully vaccinated and boosted" late brother, Sam; to her late cousin, Bill; … Continue reading Health Friday Open Thread 1.3.2025: Mental Health in the Age of COVID—An Opinion Piece

Health Friday Open Thread 12.27.2024: Year-End Wrap Up Edition

The above image of a year-end wrap up countdown is courtesy of The Productive Woman and Google Images. Health Friday is a series related to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. Since today's post mentions the COVID-19 virus itself, and the COVID-19 BTI (Bioweapon Toxic Injections, aka the "vaccines"), it is dedicated to … Continue reading Health Friday Open Thread 12.27.2024: Year-End Wrap Up Edition

Health Friday Open Thread 12.6.2024: The Immune System after COVID-19 “Vaccination”; and a Note on the Virus Itself

The above image is courtesy of a Substack post by Jessica Rose, PhD:, "The immunological mechanism of action for lost immunity, a shift to tolerance (and autoimmunity?) from the shots", 27 December 2022. Health Friday is a series of posts related to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. Since today's post is … Continue reading Health Friday Open Thread 12.6.2024: The Immune System after COVID-19 “Vaccination”; and a Note on the Virus Itself

Health Friday 11.22.2024 Open Thread: Let’s Talk About PRRARSV, the “Backdoor Key”

The above free vintage image of a lock being picked is courtesy of Google Images. Health Friday is a series related to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. Since today's offering is related to the COVID-19 disaster --- the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself; and, to the COVID-19 "vaccines" --- it is dedicated to … Continue reading Health Friday 11.22.2024 Open Thread: Let’s Talk About PRRARSV, the “Backdoor Key”

Health Friday 11.15.2024 Open Thread: Hold Them Accountable Edition

The above free image of Justice is courtesy of Pixabay and Google Images. Health Friday is a series of posts devoted to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. However, the discussion is not limited to what is presented in today's offering: It is an Open Thread. As today's Health Friday post is related … Continue reading Health Friday 11.15.2024 Open Thread: Hold Them Accountable Edition

Health Friday 11.8.2024 Open Thread: The Insidious N1-Methylpseudouridine in the modRNA COVID-19 “Vaccines”

The above free vintage image of DNA/RNA and lab equipment is courtesy of Google Images. Health Friday is a series that discusses Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. Today's post goes down several "rabbit holes"; Yours Truly believes they are all relevant to the core observation of the piece. There are multiple screenshots, … Continue reading Health Friday 11.8.2024 Open Thread: The Insidious N1-Methylpseudouridine in the modRNA COVID-19 “Vaccines”

Health Friday Open Thread 11.1.2024: The COVID-19 “Vaccines” Information File, Part One

40283 The above vintage image of a Rolodex is courtesy of CSA Images via Google Images. Today's Health Friday is a very Special Edition. God Bless You, my brother Sam --- 24 November 1948 - 29 October 2024. Requiescat in pace aeterna, et Lux Perpetua luceat tibi. You are now with your beloved wife in … Continue reading Health Friday Open Thread 11.1.2024: The COVID-19 “Vaccines” Information File, Part One