DEAR MAGA: TGIF Open Thread 20240503

It’s Derby weekend.

Classic Bourbon Mint Julep

  1. Gather the ingredients.Ingredients to make classic mint julepThe Spruce Eats/Madhumita Sathishkumar
  2. Place 4 to 5 fresh mint sprig leaves and 2 sugar cubes, or 1/2 ounce simple syrup into a julep cup, collins glass, or double old-fashioned glass. Muddle well to dissolve the sugar and release the oil and aroma of the mint.Pour simple syrup into cup.The Spruce Eats/Madhumita Sathishkumar
  3. Add 2 1/2 ounces bourbon whisky. Fill the glass with crushed ice and stir well until the glass becomes frosty. Garnish with a fresh mint sprig and serve.Stirting ice in mint julep.

As my late mother put it, Mint Juleps are deadly.

Okay…onto the news that doesn’t involve thoroughbred horse racing….

Badlands News Brief – May 2, 2024

Ellul Redux: Propaganda

Court finally gets it right: election-meddling Dems just got a knock-out punch from 3rd Circuit…

The Lie of the Century: The Origin of COVID-19

And we’re not even a quarter of the way into it.

Forget About Commiefornia, There Might Be a New Contender for the Most Dysfunctional State in the Union

Moderna Posts $1.2 Billion Loss as Sales of Its Covid “Vaccine” Plunge 94%

Trump Takes the Gloves Off, Files Unsealed Motion to Dismiss Jack Smith’s Classified Docs Case For “Vindictive and Selective Prosecution” – AND SLAMS HILLARY CLINTON!

IT’S SPREADING! HUNDREDS OF STUDENTS at Ole Miss Gather Around Pro-Hamas Encampment and Sing the National Anthem – Chant “We Want Trump!” (VIDEO)

The Unpersoning of John Eastman

Christian Nationalism and Israel

Normally, I avoid Israel for a number of reasons, but this is a good piece.

Tweets & Stuff From X

Well, Friday, but….

Somehow, I don’t think that will be a problem.

Memes & Other Fun Stuff

In my 35+ years of gardening, placement is tantamount.

Slalom driving is a thing.

Yeah, ditched them 20 years ago.

And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.

Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.


JOHN 14:6-14

6Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me. 7If you had known me, you would have known my Father also; henceforth you know him and have seen him.” 8Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and we shall be satisfied.” 9Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you do not know me, Philip? He who has seen me has seen the Father; how can you say, `Show us the Father’? 10Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority; but the Father who dwells in me does his works. 11Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me; or else believe me for the sake of the works themselves. 12“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father. 13Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; 14if you ask anything in my name, I will do it.


Have a good weekend!

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Thank you, De Pat, for a wild and wonderful week of wholesome winning posts!


Oh, and….

This is another local garden, in the hills above Saratoga, California —

Saratoga is just south of Silicon Valley, along a band that includes Los Gatos, Los Altos, and Woodside. As with many areas, it’s where the monied live in the hills overlooking the plebes who live on the flats.

As a bonus, if you move just a smidge further up the hill, you find yourself in Sanborn County Park, which then goes all the way up to Skyline Boulevard at the top. It is great park to hike in and we used to get annual passes back before the plague.


Amen goes right there, Chullie !!! ❤️

pat frederick

hello–hope you are okay!!!!


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Cartoon published 05/02/2024

Starbucks’ stock took a big plunge the other day after they missed guidance. Apparently people aren’t buying as many lattés as they used to—because of Bidenomics. What? You can’t afford that $7.00 latte?

If Joe were a cup of coffee, he’d be very pricey and more bitter than the Starbucks brand. Nobody would drink him. Everything he had done has been a disaster. His handlers are forced to brew up lies. They pour out all kinds of whoppers and gaslight us. They tell us the borders are closed, the economy is strong, millions of illegals are our strength, and the green energy policy has been a success. Americans are spitting out those bitter lies. They can see the cracks in Joe’s presidency. 

If Biden really does debate Trump, he will have to down a lot of ‘caffeine’ (wink wink) to counteract his deep somnambulant senescence. Like Starbucks, Joe’s stock has been falling—he has been as popular as a coffee stain on an expensive white shirt. Biden and his crew will have one final strategy and I will spill the beans: They will again steal the election.

Here is what they are brewing up:

• Millions of non-citizens will be marking ballots—or Democrat mules will do the voting for them. Dead people will vote.


• There will be more votes than citizens. Ballots will be delivered past midnight and they will deliver as many Biden ballots as it takes. Trucks will deliver ballots on pallets—all for Joe. It will happen in the wee hours when only the well-caffeinated will still be awake.


• Cameras will be turned off in Democrat precincts. Nobody will be allowed to see them cheat. Republicans assigned to monitor such things will be forced to stand well away from the counting.


• Voting machines will change votes from Trump to Biden. The Chinese can easily hack the machines. The Chicoms can’t tolerate Trump regaining the presidency. Joe is their stooge.

• Look for the vote counting to stop in some of the key states for no reason at all. They will remain delayed until Joe wins.


• In the Democrat precincts, they will scan votes for Joe over and over again. They will also accept ballots from people voting multiple times. People who didn’t even know they voted will vote. Look for Trump votes to be shredded.


Cheating is only thing the Bolshevik Democrats can do to win—they did it before and they’ll do it again. It will be like spilling hot coffee in the laps of the American people and if anyone complains you can be sure they’ll be well-roasted by Joe’s ‘authorities.’

If You Like this cartoon take a moment to “Buy Ben A Coffee!” Click to send a virtual cup of deliciousness!

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We need to make sure there is such an overwhelming landslide of votes for Trump that this worst case scenario does not happen.

— Ben Garrison


Ben needs to be wrong and MAGA will make it so.

Gail Combs

I sure hope so. This time the Reboobs have an ARMY of LAWYERS ON THE READY.


Details to be revealed in his upcoming book, “The Art of Finagling a Presidential Pardon” 😁


In the GWP article, he specifically says he is not angling for a pardon. 😂 He’s so credible, too…

Gail Combs

Liars calling liars liars.🙄


Anyone can repent. Just saying.


That is true.


“In the GWP article, he specifically says he is not angling for a pardon.”


I didn’t even read it yet, the joke just wrote itself 😂


Gosh darn, where IS his mother?


“Gosh darn, where IS his mother?”


Cell block D?


On her back.


Texas Governor Greg Abbott:

Ongoing border wall construction in Maverick County.

The Texas border wall is being built with the same materials as President Trump’s wall.

We will hold the line.


“We will hold the line.”


What, now that they’re already in?


Gotta start somewhere.


Still gotta snag the horse that got away.


BREAKING: Trump announces that he’s leading a behind the scenes operation to safeguard the 2024 election from the Democrat’s election fraud shenanigans

“Our campaign is going to be leading a historic effort in conjunction with the RNC, the state parties, and a team of the most highly qualified lawyers to ensure that what happened in 2020 will never happen gain


“Our campaign is going to be leading a historic effort in conjunction with the RNC,”


And it was at that exact moment, boys and girls, that the critical question jumped up, ran around in circles with its pants and hair on fire, and then fell in an exhausted burned-out heap at our feet.

And that question is, Who’s zoomin’ who? 😂

Last edited 9 months ago by scott467

The RNC is now led by Lara Trump and company.


I hope she has fumigated the place and thrown out at least all of the traitors!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I helped get rid of one!

Gail Combs



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Trans and rainbow flags are the exception, I guess. Where you gonna exile those freaks?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



What did Antarctica ever do to you, to deserve such punishment?

Gail Combs

How about the Artic Icebergs to feed the Poley bears?


Now we’re making progress towards a solution.  😆 




A mental institution.

Gail Combs

Bikini Atoll.

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OK, you win.


Ukraine front lines?

Gail Combs



Maybe better than Gail’s…


I could also add Chicago or Oakland.




I agree 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What’s to stop the dipstick from coming back? Or the country in question refusing to accept him?


If the country refuses to take them through a port of entry, then they can be delivered to the country at 15,000 feet.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Uh, NO.

Not in this case.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that I “tear down” a US flag and put a flag of (randomly chosen) Gambia in its place.

Gambia had nothing to do with my action and having the US overfly their airspace and toss things (me plus luggage) out the aircraft could be an act of war; it’s certainly a no-no.

This isn’t the same as deporting aliens back where they came from, if that’s what you’re thinking of.

Gail Combs

Remove US citizenship and pay a country to take the critter off our hands.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Now this is starting to get expensive. Pay some shithole country money AND give them a flight there.

To say nothing of the expense of getting their citizenship stripped (which probably requires a trial).

Musk’s proposal was good for a laugh but come on.


Maybe give each one a German Shepard?





A way to make a useful Tesla —

Gail Combs



Proof that some people have way too much money.  😉 

Gail Combs

And that inventive minds are still alive and well in the USA. I still love the glitter bomb guy and his squirrel maze.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So, if he’s running the thing off of diesel (ultimately), what kind of mileage does he get?

I realize he’s basically built a car that functions like a diesel-electric locomotive.


He goes into that near the end of the video.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I tried to scan for that; I just didn’t have 20 minutes for this.



Short answer is about 35 mpg.

Last edited 9 months ago by cthulhu

Something ain’t right.

Tesla already weighs a lot [6000 lbs IIRC]. Add more weight with the engine and yet get equal mileage as a 70s VW pickup truck that weighs one third as much?

I don’t think so unless it’s all downhill.


It’s the same reason that pretty much all trains went diesel-electric. The diesel runs in its comfort zone and the electric handles “surges”.


Yup, and then they had to ‘stop’ along the way to change over.

It was 15 to 20 minutes of pure Hell with the air-conditioning off.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, this indicates I’m not insane for thinking a diesel (or gasoline)-electric car with a big battery and plugin might be the best of both worlds.

Charge in your garage for short trips (provided it’s economical); run off the gas/diesel tank for cross country.

I’d want about a 200 mile battery on the thing (and hybrids these days don’t have nearly that much). but this would cut the weight of the Tesla a LOT (since they typically have 300+ mile batteries in them).


Ram comment slightly up or down, aligns with your post. I think.


diesel-electric locomotive

I have heard Ram has a pick up coming out this or next year, which has been likened to a diesel-electric locomotive.

I have no ide how accurate that thought is.


That sounds silly.


It does, sound silly.

Stelantis (Ram / Jeep) trying to make square peg (EV) fit into the round hole.

More wasted money, IMO.


The curve wasn’t tight enough?


Looked like it was just right 👍 😁


He answers the question why these tech companies were so easily put under pressure by the Biden Crime Syndicate (Administration):
They needed the government part of the BLOB (CIA, State Departement, Pentagon) to enforce their monopoly worldwide.

Last edited 9 months ago by eilert
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



The frat guys have passed $516K and shut down new donations.

Last edited 9 months ago by cthulhu

That’s almost enough to pay off a whole student loan.




Which major?



Bachelor of Science in Wasted Time 😁


This is a narrated version of the Brave garbage can attackers:




These LARPing idiots represent the dumbest generation of people produced in human history.

I laugh, but I want to cry.


Toddlers playing war   :wpds_smile: 
It is astounding how immature, I call them kids because of their behavior, they are.
At 21 I had my first baby run an household loved my responsibility . By 25 i had three children.
If any of my young adult children had done what I see on campus today I would have cut them off from money so they experience reality of life.


I agree! I would’ve cut mine off, too. Toddlers playing war is the PERFECT description!

Gail Combs

As I keep saying, 2 year olds in Adult bodies. That was a perfect example.


Large children.

Toddlers, children, adults, grown-ups – the four stages of humans’ growth. Only the last stage guarantees that the lesser stages are vanquished.


As parents we survived 🙂 I am so glad mine are out of the stage. 🙂


If you can, follow the responses on this ladies tweet. Funny as all get up. Can only give you one though.

Robert Baker

I have to admit (full transparency) that battle cry had me shivering in my slippers. Can’t we all just get along?



Robert Baker

Your rigidity will be the death of us all.


In my younger days it was turgidity.  😂 

Robert Baker

I expect arthritis had something to do with the change.


Certainly made me grouchy.

Gail Combs

And your caving in is JUST what they want.

ENSLAVEMENT or DEATH is what they really plan for you. I had one tell us that to our faces. He wanted to know Hubby’s address so after the Great Revolution he knew where to find us TO KILL US and the dude WAS NOT KIDDING.

This was my DANCE PARTNER at the Concord Scout House (MA) in 1987!!!

Did You Know the Group William Ayers Headed Killed More People Than The Ku Klux Klan

In the last 50 years the KKK Ku Klux Klan killed 6 people compared to William Ayers’ group, the Weathermen, which murdered 7 people, not counting the three Weathermen who blew themselves up while making bombs in Greenwich Village. Seventeen children were left without fathers. They attempted to murder 5 more innocents when they fire bombed the home of a judge in the middle of the night, when his innocent children were asleep in the home.

In 2001 Ayres told the New York Times he is sorry they did not do more! They claimed responsibility for more than 30 bombings!


FBI special informant, Larry Grathwohl, who penetrated the Weatherman Underground of Bill Ayers told former FBI Agent and informant, and Dave’s late friend, Larry Grathwohl, that he believed that when the Communist takeover happened, he would have to incarcerate 50 million Americans into re-education camps and exterminate 25 million of them.


Larry Grathwohl: eyewitness to communist terrorism

…Unexpectedly, Larry, a good friend for many years, passed away last week. The Weather Underground had put out a “wanted” poster on Larry decades ago, after his cover was blown and he surfaced…

Although Larry had some health problems, his death at this particular time is, frankly, a mystery to me. I have questions that need answers.

Since Obama first ran for the presidency, attempting to cover up the nature of his relationship with the Weather Underground, Larry had been trying to tell the truth to the media. He and I worked together for five years on a Project for Justice for Victims of Weather Underground Terrorism. Larry had been working with current and former law enforcement to open and continue investigations – and perhaps convene a grand jury – to hold members of the Weather Underground responsible for the suffering and death which resulted from their bombing campaigns across the United States. Most of their venom was directed against local police, but American soldiers and the FBI were also targets…..

Members of an associated group, the May 19th Communist Organization, are still on the loose. Obama may have been a member of the group during his time at Columbia University in the early 1980s….

To the dismay of Larry Grathwohl, he saw that the United States was falling to the communists as well.

  :wpds_arrow: Ironically, the re-education camps that the Weather Underground had predicted for a communist America were becoming a reality, in the form of colleges and universities, where Ayers and Dohrn both had gotten jobs. They moved from terrorism to “education.”

It wasn’t just the failure to bring Ayers and Dohrn to justice for their terrorism that kept Larry going. It was the inability or unwillingness of the media to understand the threat to America that these criminals and their communist ideology represented. One of the biggest myths was that the Weather Underground was anti-war….



 Bernardine Rae Dohrn (née Ohrnstein; born January 12, 1942) is a retired American law professor and a former leader of the far-left militant organization Weather Underground in the United States. As a leader of the Weather Underground in the early 1970s, Dohrn was on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted 

 Susan Rosenberg is the vice chairwoman of the board of directors of a charity called Thousand Currents, based in California. The charity operates as the fundraising organization for the national arm of the Black Lives Matter organization.

Rosenberg, it turns out, is a convicted terrorist who was a member of the radical leftist militant group known as the May 19th Communist Organization, which was affiliated with the Weather Underground and other terrorist groups. She was convicted on weapons and explosives charges and sentenced to 58 years in March of 1985 and served 16 years of that sentence before she was pardoned by President Bill Clinton on his last day in office on January 20, 2001.

The Thousand Currents webpage removed its page about Rosenberg shortly after the initial report of her terrorist ties was published….

Also one of the Anons had a vid where it was mentioned Ayers and friends would comb cemeterys for babies and young children’s graves. They then got the birth certificates to give to SOVIET INFILTRATORS!!


They are immature kids whose parents failed them.

Barb Meier

I remember “tough love.”


My youngest 45 thanked me the other day concerning “tough love”.
His wives sister made a mess out of her life no consequences always begging for money. He told me ‘ I did not like it at the time but you made me responsible for my own action”. “Thank you I know I was not easy”.
It is not easy to age dependent to teach them consequences . Often I wish I could led it slide sometimes I was astounded and laugh insight what kids come up with and how smart they are.


Dennis Prager says parents should not raise children.

They should raise adults.


That is true.

Gail Combs
Gail Combs

I thought they would at least use METAL GARBAGE CAN LIDS!

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_eek:   :wpds_cry: ……..  :wpds_lol: .


This is Lara’s account of her rape, by the crowd, during her reporting of the “Arab Spring” (Cultural) Revolution in Egypt.


She’s an amazing woman to have continued on with her life and work after that rape and assault.

Last night I ran across a horrific story of Egyptians murdering a student for his articles about them. Even reading it isn’t for the faint of heart.
SICK TORTURE Cambridge student, 28, tortured to death with legs, arms, & ribs broken after being mistaken for British spy ‘by Egypt’
The student’s heartbroken mother said her son was only recognisable from the ‘tip of his nose’ after the gruesome torture


Biden is importing this types of barbarian.


Egyptians have an odd history. Everything from ancient Gods to Christianity to Muslim invasion.

They also allow for odd law and order. Best not to get involved with anything illegal in Egypt.

Spent a bit of time there. Egypt is not any mirror of any republic, and there are no rights.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA!!! Well, if our host is taken down by “The Blob” – who knows???!!! 😅

pat frederick

and yet they still passed fisa

Jason Foster
12h • 14 tweets • 4 min read •

Highlight 🧵for our motion to intervene and unseal @TheJusticeDept arguments for hiding its broad subpoenas for phone and email logs of attorneys advising congressional oversight committees.

In 2017, when @TheJusticeDept and @FBI were resisting aggressive congressional oversight of FISA abuses, they secretly launched what looks like a broad retaliatory effort to target attorneys for their congressional oversight committees.

Using grand jury subpoenas and gag orders to companies like Google, they deployed a broad dragnet to covertly collect detailed logs of their overseers’ patterns of communications.

They did not flag the important constitutional, privilege, and #whistleblower confidentiality issues implicated by this dragnet.

Rather, they simply sent a list of our phone numbers and email addresses—w/o mentioning we were attorneys advising committees doing oversight of DOJ.

DOJ convinced the court to order service providers like Google to simply comply and shut up about it.

What did @TheJusticeDept tell court? The whole truth, a series of misleading half-truths, or something else?

Who knows. It’s all still sealed more than half a decade later.

Well, this is America.

It’s supposed to be a free country, where court records are open to the public and the First Amendment guarantees our right to know what our government claims in court—so we and our elected leaders can figure out if its BS.

“Democracy Dies in Darkness”

Due process: notice and an opportunity to be heard.

Is that too much to ask?

Transparency = accountability.

There is no legitimate reason to keep the government’s ex parte claims in support of these gag orders secret after all these years.

Let’s see them. Let’s see how compelling, accurate, and complete they are.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Horrifying! DOJ is un-American! VERY un-American.



This is highly suspicious, either Intel Slava has not been doing his homework in which case someone with a Telegram account should bring him up to speed.
Or it’s a deliberate poison pill because the RF doesn’t like you very much…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think RF understands that – long-term – Patriot Front is a mistake by the American Blob, so they’re encouraging the mistake. Whatever weakens America while making sure not to undermine opponents of the war in America, is what RF does. Thus, many times the RF will actively HELP the left in America. Climate lunacy is an example.


Tangled like a black widow spider web.

pat frederick

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene


I’m calling the motion to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson next week after weeks of warning Mike Johnson to stop giving Democrats everything they want. Now Hakeem Jeffries and the entire leadership team has said they will vote to table the motion because Mike Johnson has given the Democrats everything they want and they know it’s impossible for them to take the majority so protecting him is essentially their way of controlling the Speaker’s gavel. The vote on the motion to table will essentially reveal the Uniparty in full. Vote YES to table the motion to vacate = Uniparty member Vote against tabling the motion to vacate = not Uniparty member We voted for Mike Johnson to be our Republican Speaker and we must hold him accountable for his actions and failures to our conference or we risk losing the majority next year. List of Speaker Mike Johnson betrayals: Passed a 2 part Omnibus with Democrats and majority of Republicans against it that fully funded Biden’s open border, DOJ, FBI with new building, full term abortion, and trans agenda on kids and refused to allow us to make amendments and gave us only one day to read the over 1,000 page bill. Reauthorized FISA and was the deciding vote against warrant requirements – flipping his position from 6 months ago when he was for warrant requirements to protect Americans. Passed over $100 billion to foreign wars – $61 billion to Ukraine, $26 billion to Israel $9 billion to Gaza (Hamas), $3.5 billion to bring “refugees” to the U.S. from Gaza that Joe Biden says he wants to make U.S. citizens who will get to vote but did absolutely nothing to secure America’s border. Republican voters are absolutely fed up with being continually let down by Republicans they elect. Holding ourselves accountable and correcting our course is the way forward to prove to our voters we are worthy of the majority. This is not too hard of a task to accomplish. What is too hard is letting our people down. That’s unacceptable to me.


“Vote YES to table the motion to vacate = Uniparty member Vote against tabling the motion to vacate = not Uniparty member”

I’m probably wrong but is that statement the right way round, I looked it up and got this answer…

  • Quick answer
  • Totable” a motion means to postpone or set it aside for future consideration. This usage is prevalent in countries like the United Kingdom and Canada, while in the United States, “tabling” a motion means to bring it forward for immediate consideration.
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, you have that backwards. In the US, “tabling” is putting it aside, generally fatal to the motion. In the UK, tabling is bringing it forth for consideration.


Well the above is a c/p of the answer I got from yandex, the search term I put in was…

What is meant by “to table a motion”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yandex is full of shit, then.

pat frederick


Assumes that was a girl, what ever, she had great reflexes and rolled like she has some martial arts training. Her teachers will be proud. 😁


Very observant of you.  😎 

pat frederick

Wendy Patterson

Breaking News: Trump’s Defense is tying Cohen to an extortion attempt on Trump.
1) Stormy’s former attorney testified that they never made a deal with Trump. The deal was made with Cohen.
2) The banker testified that it was Cohen that asked him to open two accounts quickly, not Trump.
3) It was a low level accountant that listed the attorney fee under attorney fee in Trump’s bank register not Trump.
The amount paid on that transaction to Cohen was $420,000 for attorney fees in which Cohen is claiming that $130,000 was for a deal made with Stormy that Trump said he knew nothing about. The check from shows that it was cashed in 2017.
So far in the Trump hush money trial, it was Cohen who did all of the actions they’re accusing Trump of doing.


All good. I always wonder if the jury will ignore this kind of evidence. I also think that, even if there were *mostly* an acquittal, they would have to ding Trump on something.

pat frederick

he’ll probably have to pay defamation damages to the judge, the witnesses and the jury members…a million a piece

pat frederick

a lot of know-nothings in this administration

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. This lady’s nasty “I’m so weak” defense needs to be attacked brutally, and Hawley STEPS UP to do it.

pat frederick

he made an ass out of her.
no leadership skills whatsoever.


The Obiden administration is a front, figureheads for optics. It’s to make the public believe that the government is operating in the way it’s supposed to but I think all decisions for every department are made by a select few shadow people.


Another would be funny if it wasn’t so important

pat frederick

yup…rallies and DEMANDING driver’s licenses. their demands are never going to end.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am SO behind Trump kicking these people out.

pat frederick


pat frederick

whoa…orangutan with a wound, self medicates and treats it with a poultice.
An orangutan named Rakus hit a rough patch in the summer of 2022. 
Researchers heard a fight between male orangutans in the treetops of a rainforest in Sumatra, Indonesia; a day later, they spotted Rakus sporting a pink wound below his right eyelid. 
A chunk of flesh about the size and shape of a puzzle piece was missing. When Rakus, who is most likely in his 30s, belted out a long call, the researchers noticed another wound inside his mouth. 
Over the next several days, researchers followed Rakus at a distance — and saw something so surprising they wound up reporting it in great detail in the journal Scientific Reports. 
According to their study, published Thursday, Rakus was observed repeatedly chewing on the leaves of a particular liana plant over several days. The climbing vine is not a typical food for orangutans, but it is known to humans as a pain reliever. 
On at least one occasion, Rakus made a paste from the chewed leaves and applied it to his face. It’s the first time an animal has been seen applying medicine to a skin wound.


This is my favorite story of the week! How cool is that?!

pat frederick

they are evolving as some of our species are devolving.
for example…orangutan applies poultice to wound versus college students pooping in kitty litter.


Sad but true


LOL! That is TOO true!


Thanks for the openers this week, DePat. 👍

I agree, Christian Nationalism/Israel was good read. I will be going into this from a different angle with Civilized War series reboot soon. I will not be nearly as nuanced as this piece was.

Liars lie, but the COVID origins is no secret. It has been planned for at least two decades. Our American traitors combined with China and others to implement. China used their workforce to spread throughout the world. Their desired effect happened. They murdered and injured billions of people on the planet with long range consequences on human DNA that are forever. Intentionally.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She was SO RIGHT.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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This Act is the Charles Dicken’s Circumlocution Office writ large for nations. Read last sentence of bill.

CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS.—Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Still slippery slope & stupid. Toothless for now…🤓

So what does the bill really do?

It provides for the specter image of all the gnashing teeth and claws of government coming after you for not abiding by it, but they are all a mirage. Simple Maya. Ignore it and it will vanish.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Designed to help Biden keep Jewish votes and donations!


Congress is full of unpatriotic idiots.

pat frederick

so sorry DePat!
it’s difficult losing a beloved pet.
find peace


Oh, DP, I am so sorry. Losing a friend like that is so hard.




Very sorry DP. I know she’ll be missed by everyone.


I’m so sorry to hear of this! It’s hard to lose a dear pet. Sending Deep Comfort to all.


I am so sorry she past. She was blessed to have a loving family who took so good care of her. 17 is a wonderful age for a dog. You are blessed to have had her love for such long time. I pray that her memory gives you peace .


So sorry to hear that, DePat. Having lost my Zoe back in December, I know how hard it is to lose a beloved dog. Prayers for you and your family.

pat frederick

apparently Brian Mast donned his idf uniform for something


With great sadness I provide the announcement of the death of the United Methodist Church. Unfortunately I saw this coming about 40 years ago and left the denomination 10 years ago. The good news is that the faithful congregations have left or are leaving in droves to join the Global Methodist Church or become independent, which will grow dramatically as the UMC continues its death spiral.


I was tempted to contribute to the African mission to the UMC in the opener — but, alas, it was in the Satire section….

Last edited 9 months ago by cthulhu

From the first article:

A group of observers from LGBTQ advocacy groups embraced, some in tears. “Thanks be to God,” said one.

I wonder who they think He is?

The change doesn’t mandate or even explicitly affirm LGBTQ clergy, but it means the church no longer forbids them.

They will be infiltrating in droves now.


The church may not forbid them, but the Bible certainly does.


It is just so puzzling to me how any Christian church can make doctrines that completely contradict the Bible!

I mean, if you go to a Methodist church now, do the Bibles on the pews come with redactions? Does 1 Corinthians 6:7-11 now look like this?

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What have these churches come to?



pat frederick


Nothing better than a bit of toxic masculinity to end this shizz for good.

Last edited 9 months ago by TradeBait2
pat frederick

i do not have a problem with toxic masculinity

Robert Baker

 Whims of the Gods

The gods are easily offended, and neither avoiding their anger nor appeasing it was intuitive. The anger of the gods was perceived from either circumstances or omens. When such anger seemed evident, one would attempt to appease the anger of the gods. On the state level, divination might suggest a solution: increase the offerings, remodel the temple, cease hostilities with a neighboring country, and so on.
An example of this whole procedure on the state level can be seen in the “substitute king ritual.” In this case omens, usually an eclipse, would indicate that the deity was displeased with the king. If the divination priests concluded through their arts that the omens suggested that the king’s life was in jeopardy, he would step down from his throne and a substitute would be enthroned for a period of time to be determined, usually a maximum of one hundred days. Chosen by the diviners, he was enthroned, dressed like the king, and given the royal insignias (crown, mantle, weapon, scepter).10 He was given a queen, who eventually shared his fate. He played the role of king by presenting offerings before the altar and burning incense. At the same time, he was made to recite omen litanies and thereby take the evil omens on himself. The final act by which the transference of the evil omens was accomplished came at the end of the period when the substitute was put to death. In so doing, the omens were cancelled. He was put to death for the sake of the king and his prince, and accomplished their redemption. The substitution was seen as a way of allowing the gods to do what they wanted to do. The omens had indicated that the gods desired to act against someone. The ritual was not intended to fool the gods, but to give them a ready victim on whom to carry out their intentions.12 It would never be known in this case what the gods had been angry about. It only gave them a target to inflict their anger on, which would result in their appeasement.

John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006), 138–139.

An interesting window into ancient culture. Somehow it made me think of Biden.


I’m sure Biden would love to have someone sacrificed in his place. Certainly enough evil being caused by his actions and some atonement is called for.

Meanwhile have read of this in at least three if not four books, but memory is not serving right now and I’d not be sure which books. It wouldn’t be fair to question the cleric class and refute what they know, but I’d still wonder if it doesn’t smack of politics.

In the Islamic world which is a close enough approximation to the older way of keeping order in some ancient societies, power sits on three legged stool. One leg is the people and there can be more than one type divided by tribe or even occupation. Another leg is King or tyrant for which they’ll be wanna be’s in that group, be it family members or other chieftains. While the last leg of stool belonged to the cleric class for which there might be more than one type of branch such as from the temple of Utu the sun god, and one for the Nanna the moon god as an example. Pretty much every god had a temple but some were larger than others and some had more sway with the King, people or even among clerics themselves, but the idea is always a balance of power between these three power centers or legs of the stool.

So say something bad happens and atonement is called for or the King does something he was warned not to and something bad happens, then it becomes hocus pocus time to appease one or more of the groups and of course the King at the top is the one that gets the blame, be it his fault or not. Meanwhile some are not going to like the king getting the blame because they’ll loose power too, but you still need to appease the people and thus this substitute king ritual makes a good vehicle for making everyone happy. Now if memory serves, this process was carried out often enough that instances of certain stories where king’s name was known as well as the substitutes as well as reason for the king having to temporarily step down were all known and made it into the histories and not in all cases was the substitute king killed, such as when the omen didn’t pan out, allowing the king simply retake his thrown and in some instances killing the substitute was not enough, so that the king had to be deposed as well and I think I might recall one or more instances where the substitute managed to turn the tables on the king altogether by being a good enough steward that he appeased everyone on and kept the throne, or that might be me romanticizing or confabulating. Some times reading those books will put you to asleep and the story continues without the book 😉



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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When confronted with impossible odds
With insurmountable bauds and frauds
We look to contemplation and reason
Inward outward no matter the season

After consideration of every option
The master chosen is the swaption
Of the world we should be but naught
Through daily struggles we get caught

We twist and turn aimlessly all about
Filled with anger anguish dastardly doubt
We are tossed in the storm of no return
For the Peace of the Lord we surely yearn 

What can we do to detach and dispatch
The obvious outrageous moot mismatch
What have we done that we need to undo
What can we do to secure a breakthrough

What did we do at the start that went wrong
Why is it so hard and taking so long
Why do we struggle to figure it out
It all comes back to the matter of doubt

What did Thomas doubt that was unseen
What was he missing that should have been
Why did he hesitate when others believed
What did they have he had not received

We know the story of Thomas the doubter
Unfortunately some have played the flouter
Of little faith were Thomas and Matthew
By His Word we really did not have to

In Proverbs 3 – lies quality advice
The commands are simple and thrice
Trust – Lean Not – and do Acknowledge
The path made straight by pre-knowledge

Does faith precede you in all that you do
Is obedience without further ado
Do you take it up with Him first or last
Is your turmoil present or is it past

Does doubt deter and mesmerize your mind
Do you panic because you fell behind
Are you anxiety-ridden and far off course
Have you considered the unseemly source

When we dare to doubt the Power of God
We fail to trust – acknowledge – give Him laud
We think falsely there is naught He can do
Tho’ the impossible He can make anew

A time when we were too lost and tossed
It appeared the bridge could not be crossed
The mountain was much too high to mount
And problems were too numerous to count

Not so – not anymore – God is in charge
Man cannot solve worldwide turmoil at large
Much too soon the enemy took control
Before too long he’ll be in a blackhole

One man cannot right the wrongs worldwide
He can make changes with God by his side
When there appears to be no other way
The Power of God will – so let us PRAY!

D01: 04/22/2023


Thank you for the wonderful inspirational items you post here every day, and for your poem today.
Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you!!!


Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday


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Gail Combs

I thought this was one of the more interesting “Q-Proofs”

It is worth watching.

April 30th
Eye of the Storm Ep. 120 – 10:30 PM ET –

Stormy Patriot Joe goes over some Q drops that I think are important starting with 1487 @ 2:24:46  


First up is 285 talking about the Freedom Caucus ‘Proof’ and “swings back into the news this week”
Freedom Caucus started in 2015 Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, RON DeSANTAS
then Q mentions in drops # 1482, # 1481 & # 2569, # 2931

2:28:19 Official announcement of the Freedom Caucus is Feb 4, 2015.

2:29:48 another Q drop is # 1387 
ANON: You asked us to follow the pen… 

This discussion is about an EO where Trump DOES NOT SHOW the EO, but some words are evident in the photo, because the entire Doc is not covered and also words evident in reflection of the pen. The Q Drop of that photo is in # 1381 ON MAY 10th — but the actual EO IS NOT RELEASED until MAY 15th…🤔 AFTER the Freedom Caucus requests POTUS to step in and kick Deep State butt to get them to declassify the Docs Congress wants to see.

This is an explanation you REALLY NEED TO LOOK AT!

If nothing else. 2:29:19 to 2:33:00 (4 minutes) or to 2:39:00 going into a recent Truth by Trump highlighting Ultra MAGA Derbsch

My Aside:
REMEMBER YESTERDAY the O.M.G. video with the CIA asset saying Docs were HIDDEN from POTUS TRUMP because the Intel Community (DEEP STATE) did not want him declassifying them.

Back to the video

A recent Truth by Trump highlighted Ultra MAGA Derbsch

“Trump masterfully started this “fight” with DeSantis to reveal Deep State RINO Scum and their puppets. Brilliant move! Now we see who is truly for the people and who is for the DC Swamp…”

April 30, 2024 Freedom Caucus won’t Seek to Oust Mike Johnson, at least not Right Now
Stormy then gets into Mike Johnson and then back to DeSantis

End of “Q-Proof” 2:48:20


Remember this is the OPINION of a couple ANONS who have been deep diving since Q showed on the scene. Therefore I do not necessarily believe all they say but I think it is worth seeing the FACTS they dig up.

You can find the actual Q Drops here:

Use ## and then the number

Last edited 9 months ago by Gail Combs

Nice work!

Oh, and Wolf – on the “About” page, are you trying to garner attention by mentioning “QAnon” rather that what we all know to be “Q” and all the Anons? Askin’ for a lot of friends here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I haven’t looked at that page in a while, but it was explicitly designed to be read by people who have heard of “QAnon” but in most cases don’t really know the difference between the persona Q and the “conspiracy theory” QAnon.

At the same time, in order to address those people, the page does not stick to the purism of “There is only Q and there is no such thing a QAnon” – because “QAnon” is a useful mental bag in which the other side can and does throw all things related to the Q psy-op and what falls out of it.

I may look at it later and see if it needs updates, but it is still there primarily for people who know little about Q, and likely have different opinions about “all things Q” – or – to use that vulgarity – “QAnon” – so to speak. 😉

pat frederick

Jessica Vaughan


Here’s what’s wrong with this – Federal Court found that DACA was an illegal action, so why should the DACA beneficiaries be considered “lawfully present”?

pat frederick

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Portland Police just told media that in their early investigation, they’ve found that thousands of dollars in library property was stolen, including rare texts and comics in the
collection. The extremists smashed glass and stole them. In the four-day Antifa and far-left siege of the Millar Library “for Gaza,” people and property could come in and out at any time.


Of course the comic books were stolen. The amount of money people pay for rare editions is astounding.

I would say that the takeover of the library was a cover for a plan to steal them.

Robert Baker

It sounds like a crime of opportunity. “Hey guys, look what I found. Sweet.”


I ain’t buying it. I was around the perimeters of many campus takeovers in the late 60s. The target was always the admin building. Never the library.

It was a crime opportunity in that they saw the success of the ‘protests’ on other campuses. They figured we’ll just do one at the library so we can snatch the valuable stuff and not have a bunch of cops showing up.

Watch Now You See Me or Swordfish.

It’s all about misdirection. Get people to look in the wrong place.


I saw adult men with white hair running out of the library with bags in hand.


Old geezers??? Running???

Nah.  😂 


I have a friend who is 84 who still runs like a little girl in spring 🙂


Totally Portland’s fault. If any of that stuff was on loan theyre responsible for the cost. Nothing nice for portland. Every decent biz should leave.


What did they expect? They needed to be kicked out as soon as they tried to get into the library. Misguided people are in charge. Those protesters remind me of ISIS they destroy also. Communists destroy.


Trashed the library, but these kinds of people don’t read books so they don’t care.

Seen where police said the libraries fire system was damaged and would not be able to reopen until it is repaired. 🤔 Maybe the cops should think on this some. 😃


It is a shame 🙁

pat frederick


Sue the bastard!!!

It’s the American way!!!

pat frederick

h/t Filly
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Five NPCs. Who knew?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People are starting to see that something very strange is going on.

pat frederick

released with no jail time and guess what? they’re rebuilding the camp already


The University deserves what it ask for. Kick them out.

pat frederick

oh my…this contract would ensure teachers’ salaries are $145,000 per year AND all sorts of bennies they don’t deserve especially since reading proficiency is around 21%…disgusting. (the contract package tops off at $50 BILLION)


Thats far more than cops there.


Student proficiency started low and continues to fall in reading, math, they can’t even do cursive any more.😏 “Yeah, but they are learning their pronouns!” 😆 More money and more money has been poured into these sink holes. What’s required is to cut pay and give that to parents so they can afford an alternative. It’s insanity at this point to sink more money into these failing institutions.


They come to college unprepared have no attention and play with cell phone or computer instead listening to the Professor. They want to be spoon fed told what questions are ask on a test. They have problems reading and are able to do only high school algebra. Out of 18 students this year 3 students were able to write and do calculus according to my husband. He spends much time teaching those students who just want to play but want a good grade. He can tell those who attended private school or were home schooled. Discipline is a big factor and they want everything given to them.

Last edited 9 months ago by singingsoul1
Gail Combs

I had a physical Chemistry class where the test had 4 questions. I could not figure out WHAT IN HADES THE QUESTIONS HAD TO DO WITH THE CLASS WORK…. Then I found the questions came from a grad level physics text. (I was dating a grad student.)

We had one kid get 100%, a couple get 50% and the rest of us struggled to get a 25 on the tests.

Passing grade was a 25.

The kids now a days would never survive the classes I took. We started with over 200 freshman and ended with 50 graduating with a BS in Chem.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not sure what the weedout fraction was for my engineering degree, but it has to have been over 50%.


What other job rewards one for failure?
On the other hand who wants to teach in the city of Chicago?

Robert Baker

What other job rewards one for failure?

Off the top of my head, almost any government job.


Yes how could I forget. 🙄

pat frederick

oh this contract strives to increase the # of union members…as well as provide migrant housing AND $2,000 per unaccompanied minor for “support”…
what does this have to do with TEACHERS?
But that is of no concern to the CTU, based on its list of demands. The union intends to require every school to have at least one sex-neutral restroom and for every counselor and social worker to undergo training on “LGBTQ+ issues” each year. It also specifies that no union member may be compelled to tell a student’s parents when the student rejects his or her sex. Since when does a labor union get to decide what parents are allowed to know about their own children?
This isn’t the only way the contract veers into social issues and away from academics. CTU wants taxpayers to pay for unused school facilities to be turned into migrant housing and to pay $2,000 in “support” to each unaccompanied minor. Ever-hungry for more members, the union also insists each school must have a “newcomer liaison.”
The union is also pushing for policies that will make its youth violence problem worse. The contract put forward by CTU calls for “police-free schools,” security guards (presumably members of the union), and the creation of school safety committees at each school chaired by — who else? — the union delegate or the delegate’s appointee.


These are all criminal enterprises.
Thanks for the info.

pat frederick

many unions have outlived their purpose.


seems like it !

pat frederick

the “everyone gets a trophy crowd” all get A’s


The real world will be such a rude awakening…

pat frederick

word will get around…Columbia degrees are worthless

Gail Combs

Beat me to it.

Robert Baker