This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Psalm 23 is a beautiful poem that uses the image of God as shepherd. David, who penned this psalm, had been a shepherd himself and understood the parallel between the task of a shepherd caring for his sheep and of God caring for His people. Sheep are totally dependent on the shepherd for food, water, leadership, and guidance as they move from place to place, just as we are dependent upon God for all that we need. Sheep depend on the shepherd for protection from a wide range of predators and dangers, just as we look to God as our Protector and Defender. In the New Testament, Jesus reveals Himself to be the Good Shepherd of His people (John 10:11, 14), fulfilling the Old Testament prophecy that God would come to shepherd His people (Ezekiel 34:7–16, 23).
Psalm 23:4, addressing the Lord Shepherd, says, “Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” David bases this description on the practices of shepherds in his day. Shepherds of the time commonly carried a rod and staff as essential to their work.
The rod mentioned in Psalm 23 is a symbol of the Lord’s strength and protection. The rod was a sturdy wooden stick used as a weapon to fight off wild animals who might have hoped to make an easy meal out of an otherwise defenseless flock of sheep. The shepherd also used the rod to help him keep count of the sheep within the flock (as alluded to in Leviticus 27:32). Young David recounted an incident to King Saul in which he probably used his shepherd’s rod: “Your servant has been keeping his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it” (1 Samuel 17:34–35).
The staff mentioned in Psalm 23 is a symbol of the Lord’s guidance and lovingkindness. The staff was a long, slender stick, often hooked at the tip, used primarily to direct the flock. Sheep are notorious wanderers, and once away from the shepherd’s watchful eye, they get into all sorts of trouble (Matthew 18:12–14). The shepherd used his staff to keep his sheep out of danger and close to himself. If a sheep became trapped in a precarious position, the shepherd would loop the curved end of the staff around the neck of the sheep and retrieve it back to safety.
W. Philip Keller, in his book A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, comments on the uniqueness of the shepherd’s staff: “In a sense, the staff, more than any other item of his personal equipment, identifies the shepherd as a shepherd. No one in any other profession carries a shepherd’s staff. It is uniquely an instrument used for the care and management of sheep—and only sheep. It will not do for cattle, horses or hogs. It is designed, shaped and adapted especially to the needs of sheep” (from chapter 8).
Together, the rod and staff of Psalm 23 paint a picture of the divine Shepherd who wields them. He is strong, competent, and trustworthy; He is present with His sheep, able to defend them and watch over them through all the dangers they face. Knowing that we have such a Shepherd who is ready to protect us from danger, keep us close, and rescue us when we go astray truly is a great comfort to us, the sheep.
America has survived another week. Praise the Lord.
No thanks to Osatan, China Joe, and their Merry Troupe of Deep State Corruptoids.
Thank you, Bakocarl. You and your dear wife are in my prayers.
DERANGED “Jack” Smith!
The hair isn’t unruly enough. 😂
Bush, DeSantis Lawyer Charlie Spies FIRED By Trump From Top RNC Role.
Trump has indicated he would no longer be Mr. Nice Guy and that he would fire people this time around instead of accepting letters of resignation. 👍🏼
“Republican National Committee’s chief counsel, Charlie Spies, has parted ways with the organization only months after taking on the role. The National Pulse was first to point out Spies’s links to Jeb Bush, Ron DeSantis, and Marc Elias.”
So he has ties to Jeb (please clap) Bush, Rhonda Santis and Marc Elias.
And his last name is “Spies”.
How many clues is too many?
LMAO! All of the above needed to be said. SPIES. Take a hint!!! 😂
“…The National Pulse was first to point out Spies’s links to.. Marc Elias….”
April 11 2024 What’s Going On? GOP Hires Attorney Charlie Spies Who Is Connected to Mark Elias and Is a Rabid Anti-Trumper
The GeorgeHQ did a deep dive into Spies and his questionable past.
An interesting comment:
So STATE OF GEORGIA GOP…. makes you go HMMMMmmmm
WOW. It’s all WOW.
Marc Elias is one of the greatest threats to America, democracy, our Constitution, and even HUMANITY itself. Why? He hates TRUTH with a passion. He will tell any lie and hide any truth to do what he wills. That anybody has ties to such a man – HORRORS.
I really hope Elias gets taken off the Chess board and SOON. He single handedly TRASHED the Trump presidency.
Feb 2021 No shame: Democrat lawyer Marc Elias claims FAULTY voting machines marred New York congressional race result
And more:
4 Facts to Know About Top Democrat Lawyer Marc Elias — — 2021/11/01
Mark Elias showed up in CA and the Konnech Case gets tossed. The computers then head for Asia.
April 20, 2021 DAILY KOS Marc Elias: GOP has surrendered trying to win a majority of the vote. We talk to him on The Brief
Two observations about this guy.
How did this Charlie Spies guy get anywhere NEAR the “new RNC” in the first place? Who “recommended” Spies to Lara Trump and Michael Whatley? Didn’t they vet this DNC / DeepState / “HRC camp” plant?
Exactly. Did RINO McDANIEL recommend him? I mean, c’mon!!!
Why We Vote during several different episodes has had several people on talking about the various findings and lawsuits and complaits to State Legislatures.
I hesitated to bring this one because the guy (Kevin Moncla) is a convicted voyeur — We KNOW about our crooked Just-Us system, so that maybe Lawfare and not truth but he has gotten dinged several times…
Anyway: at 9:04 is the official complaint (AZ)
I don’t have a lot of hope in this legal theory.
If mail-in ballots must be received by election day close-of-business, then the mail-in voter is under an extra burden of having to determine when the ballot must be mailed in order to be sure it arrives on time. Because this amount of time varies due to circumstances not under the voter’s control, the law has an unequal effect among voters similarly situated [14th amendment violation].
Compare the proposed result with IRS returns. There, your taxes are on time if postmarked 4/15 or earlier. Matters not when the IRS receives them.
Good enough for taxes but not for voting? Pull my other finger.
Maybe Spies came up with this idea and that’s why he got shitcanned.
Postmarked by voting day & then counted only if received within 4-7 days perhaps? In a close election &/or recount, mailed in returns would be checked for postmarks & any valid mailed vote that hadn’t already been counted would be included in recount.
I’d need to see the actual complaint in order to assess your comment. But it sounds as if another problem would still be in play – the difference between mail-in ballots and polling place voting. There can be differences between the two types but they better be minor AND ALSO not make it more difficult for one type of voter compared to another.
It would also depend on the TYPE of mail-in voting.
ALL voting is mail-in
No excuse mail-in
EXCUSE needed mail-in
It would also depend on if the State sends out mail-in voting ballots en masse AND WHEN.
Early voting by state
Here are examples:
but when do you receive your ballot? with a mail in ballot, you also have a lot more time to cast your vote than a person who votes on election day. An in person voter only has HOURS to vote. a mail in voter should HAVE TO take care to mail it within the allotted time to arrive on time.
Postal voting in the United States – Wikipedia
No offense but you missed the crucial part of my comment.
I said that mail-in voting would hold the voter responsible for the ballot arriving on election day even though said voter had no control over the ballot arrival time [it’s up to USPS].
The better argument is a security argument – mail-in voting breaks the chain of custody of the voted ballot. IOW, USPS is being used as a giant ballot harvesting operation. USPS employees, as noble as they might be, are not govt election employees and are not subject to election policies/procedures.
Ballots, once marked by voters, should be handed to a govt election worker and should NEVER leave the custody and control of election officers.
Thanks for re-directing our thoughts.
thanks pgroup!
“… a mail in voter should HAVE TO take care to mail it within the allotted time to arrive on time…”
OR just drop it off.
Here are your in-person ballot return options for General Elections.
Those two states have excuse required mail in voting.
What is a Return Receipt Requested?
A Return Receipt Requested is a service offered by the United States Postal Service (USPS) that provides a confirmation of delivery for a mail piece. When a sender requests a Return Receipt, the recipient is required to sign a receipt upon delivery, which is then returned to the sender.
thanks Gail!
And yet that is the law in Colorado. Ballots must be received by election day.
You can drop them off up until 7 or 8 pm (don’t recall which) on election day.
Texas AG Ken Paxton Goes Off After Austin Declares Itself a Sanctuary City for ‘Gender-Affirming Care’
I think the Left is trying to turn Texas purple, and then blue, by pushing these kinds of far-left policies as hard as they can. They want to attract as many leftists as possible. I’ve read that Austin does not have enough police officers, and that the homeless situation is escalating. I think it’s heading into San Francisco territory.
Start prosecuting anyone who mutilates or chemically alters children. Charge them with felony child abuse and attempted gendercide.
Strip doctors of their license to practice mutilation in Texas.
Cut off all state funding to Austin.
Make Austin the most miserable place to be in all of Texas.
A good start! Thanks, Scott!
CORNELL LAW: accessory before the fact
I can not find the law in Texas.
Bollenbach v. United States, 326 U.S. 607 (1946)
U.S. Supreme CourtBollenbach v. United States, 326 U.S. 607 (1946)
Bollenbach v. United StatesNo. 41Argued October 12, 15, 1945Decided January 28, 1946326 U.S. 607
Some of that sounds, to this layperson, like it should apply to various Fed entrapment schemes…
Maybe Pgroup2 will chime in.
Ding dong. 😂
It’s a complicated set of statutes; therefore plenty of room inside the legal system to play either for good or evil.
Anything in particular for which my opinion is sought?
I just wanted to know if AG Paxton had a route to slapping those idiot council members upside the head.
Often, government types are IMMUNE to laws us peons have to obey.
This sucker seems to indicate a council IS LIBEL… It is long so here are the relavent parts.
Further down it says:
And then:
Sec. 1.07. DEFINITIONS. (a) In this code…
I am not seeing anything specific, but the whole flavor, is that STATE LAW is supreme AND the state can go after councils that do not follow state law. So I do not see anything that PROTECTS government employees because of their status AS government employees/officers.
Pass a state law appointing Alex Jones as mayoral dictator.
Inside of a week, all the U-Haul trucks would be rented.
this is what happens when you ALLOW “sanctuary” anything…a violation of law. for example, cities or states who didn’t agree with immigration laws, flouted those laws becoming sanctuary states. look at them now.
just because you disagree with a law, that does not allow you to disobey it and label yourself a sanctuary. imagine if an entire state called itself an income tax sanctuary state–no one pays income taxes there! that would get shut down immediately.
Not sure how an income tax free state would be ‘shut down’.
Declare the entire state to be a prison? [Escape From New York times 1000?]
i think they’d blare taylor swift music till we’re all barfing and then overrun us…lol
Well, at least she’s cute. For now.
Austin was where Califorincate people went after they trashed CA. It was far left in the mid 70s and I doubt it has gotten better.
^^^ This.
The weak kneed GOP permits this by aligning with the Establishment. It is illegal to have “sanctuary” anything. Abide by the law of the land, administer the law of the land.
That’s where Infowars HQ is. Alex Jones has often related that his family settled in that area in the mid 19th century.
It must really bug the leftists that he’s right there in their midst.
No doubt.
Until we get serious and actually arrest, prosecute, and jail the people who proscribe drugs and perform surgeries in an attempt to change what cannot be changed, nothing will happen.
When some AG gets bold enough to start charging these people with crimes against humanity, which is what this is, THEN we will see things start to change.
And I think AG Paxton is just the man to do it. ESPECIALLY if the surgery is on a very young child AND IT IS BOTCHED….
2018: 9 Transgender Patients Complain Of Mutilation, Botched Sex-Change Surgeries In Oregon
2022: Patient PERMANENTLY LOST eyesight following botched facial feminization surgery
J6 prisoner Alexander Sheppard has been released. I don’t know details about his case.
The DoJ and the judge should serve the remainder of his term.
Plus 20 years for bad behavior.
Make that 20 years for criminal behavior. After all we are not talking about poor manners.
Oh, this is excellent. This guy was one of DODGE and FIB’s weakest cases, but he refused to cut a deal, going to prison instead. Resolutely REFUSED to turn on Trump, and thus has utterly angered all of Trump’s enemies. GREAT GUY.
he is a REAL HERO!
I hope he finds a really good job waiting for him from a patriot owned small business.
This woman used some computer app or program to “liberalize yourself.” The results are about what you’d expect. 😧
L-O-L !!!
That’s Lauren, a.k.a. “L”, a.k.a. “Some Bitch I Know” – repeatedly booted from Twitter by the left and the government censors back in the day. And yes – that filter works!!!
That seems like a serious banana republic type crime, both by the slimy lawyer and by the FIB.
Really. And the guy informing us was also a victim of the same kinds of shenanigans.
Even if nobody enforced it, there at least ought to be a law against this sort of stuff – ya know?
I would not be surpised if there WAS a law — ENTRAPMENT???
Donald Trump Jr.:
LOL! What a hilarious ad!
She should have looked like this:
I am sure some Autists can meld this video into that ad video.😋
This is a thread reader by Julie Kelly about the alteration of the documents taken from Mar-a-Lago.
Word has it they raided Mar A Lago for the sealed affidavits from SRA survivors who had Named names……….
There were A LOT of names.
Big names.
SRA? Satanic Ritual Abuse. (Sick shit)
Need more coffee. 🙃
“…Trump believed he had declassified them, but the DOJ maintained they required further review and redactions before release…”
THE DOJ DOES NOT OVER-RULE A PRESIDENT PERIOD. A President has plenary powers to classify and de-classify given to him by the Constitution.
A quick scan:
This Is What We Know About the President’s Power to Declassify —
May 2017 — Do presidents have ‘the ability to declassify anything’? —
Who argued Trump didn’t have plenary powers to declassify? —
Excellent documentation of the LAWFARE against POTUS Trump.
There is more than enough evidence for Judge Cannon to toss the case and hopefully do something to the asshats who made such a mockery of justice.
Created ‘CLOSE’ in TIME??? WHAT THE F..K
It only takes a few seconds to insert classified Docs into a box!
OH and never forget Trump’s lawyers were BARRED FROM WATCHING!
THIS PICTURE that was released to the MEDIA SHOWS shortly after the raid the FIB DISTRURBED THE ORDER!!! (Top left) It ALSO shows this was an ELECTION INTERFERENCE TACTIC.
Moderna Posts $1.2 Billion Loss as Demand For COVID Jab Collapses, Promises Investors ‘Next-Generation’ Vaccine to Tackle New Strains
Because it’s only about the 💰💵🤑.
Jeffrey Epstein’s “Black Book” Is Up For Auction, Bidders’ Identities Will Be Held Secret
Per The New York Post:
I don’t understand why this book is not in the possession of the FIB or some law enforcement since Epstein was under criminal investigation when he didn’t kill himself.
Because they want to mock us and thumb their noses at us, showing us that not only will all the criminals in that book not be prosecuted, but the gov’t will allow the highest bidder to hold blackmail material over all the other people in the book.
The gov’t is organized crime, the biggest mafia in the world, and they don’t care who knows it.
Obviously, they want people to know it.
I doubt it will be blackmail material. There is no chain of custody for it nor is there any way to link names in the book to specific criminal acts. I would be surprised if the winning bid gets into six figures.
“..There is no chain of custody..”
So there is NO PROOF that it is actually Epstein’s and not a forgery…
“So there is NO PROOF that it is actually Epstein’s and not a forgery…”
If there is no provenance for an item at auction — an item whose value depends on such provenance — then why would anyone bid on it?
I’ll take leftist morons for $1,000 Alex.
Ding. Ding. Ding…The Daily Double.🏆
What is leftist morons are all liars, pedophiles, and thieves?
Have to expect that the seller can provide provenance, or it won’t be worth bidding on.
Any name which is in the book is blackmail material itself, i.e., “do you want your name revealed to have been in the Epstein journal, or would like to pay to keep it secret?
Or would you like to vote this way (or that way) to keep your name secret?
Or would you like to not go forward with that business plan to keep your name secret?
Or would you like to not sign that bill into law, to keep your name secret?”
When he died, he instantly became legally innocent. IOW, any govt investigation of him [from a criminal viewpoint] stopped. His presumption of innocence became conclusive proof of innocence, as far as the legal system is concerned. Even if the FIB has evidence that was gotten from Epstein, it all is now property owned by his estate and must be distributed to his heirs.
Black books included.
side note: Unless the island was owned by a trust [or people other than Epstein], it also will be auctioned off and the profit distributed to his heirs. The only way the govt can keep any of his property is if there are seizure laws that authorize it.
There is always the bullshit, Civil Asset Seizure.
Feds, DOJ and LE in general typically do what they want. Enforce what they want. Take what they want.
Perhaps Trump can change this Banana Republic culture.
Then why was FIB investigating Ashli Babbitt after her (presumed) death, per Tom Fitton & Judicial Watch, iirc?
I would not be looking to either Dodge or FIB as shining examples of the Constitution in action! 😉
No Doubt! 😡
Even if there is PLENTY of evidence of illegal activity via videos taped conversations…
Remember Maxwell was a first hand witness to A LOT of the evidence, so Epstein’s death does not make that go away.
PT should buy it.
He can easily do that thru a proxy.
OMG might be a reasonable proxy. Then publish.
One of their undercover people.
He must have been moving FAST.
Thankfully – no explosives.
Yes. Although even with conventional explosives, it would still just be a media event unless they could get past the [obviously working] security measures. Big bang, but no effect.
The problem with open borders is that even a small fizzler nuke could still take out the White House in such an operation, and with our open borders, it’s entirely possible to pull off such an operation, and get a tiny briefcase nuke into the country. THAT only has to get close.
I was thinking of OK City
I was thinking a TRIAL RUN…
2 or three vehicles used to take out the fencing and draw security to one side and then a semi to deliver the pay-load to a different location.
Ditching Joe, directed by Quentin Tarantino?
Exactly. That one got a fairly sizable truck right next to the base of the building. They would have to use a similar truck, and they would have to get it all the way to the White House – right next to the building. As it is now, that’s not easy or likely, although there are still dangers in that regard.
I’m pretty sure that OKC was Not taken down by the truck bomb but by bombs on the support pillars. There was footage of firefighters removing unexploded material from support pillars of the “intact” portion of the structure that I recall seeing in the early days, also a friend in Tulsa was saying that there were seismic records of Multiple explosions at at least one university, iirc. Perhaps the truck bomb didn’t “cause” the OKC building to (partially) fall, but masked the Actual cause, similarly to the planes & the twin towers, fwiw.
Trump cancelled funding for this albatross.
GOOD GRIEF!! I could not find this story anywhere!
I had to go back to an old ChifIO comment (THANKS YANDEX!)
One of the BIG REASONS projects now take so long is REGULATIONS, PAPERWORK and LAWFARE SUITS.
Happy Sinco de Mayo
Well, that’s interesting.
these “kids” are definitely out of control…wanting to hang college administrators? chop off their heads? sounds like terroristic threats and these students should be arrested. if the colleges do nothing and someone DOES get hurt–it’s all on them.
At the George Washington University Gaza Solidarity Encampment today, the protesters held a “People’s Tribunal” where they put President Ellen Granberg, Provost Christopher Bracey, the Board of Trustees, @GWPolice
, and many others on trial.
Is it normal for students to want to hang their provost and chop the heads off of the Board of Trustees?
“Guillotine, Guillotine, Guillotine, Guillotine”
“Bracey, Bracey, we see you. You assault students too. Off to the motherfucking gallows with you.”
“As you already know where I am sending her [to the guillotine], her and her fuckass bob.”
When will @GWtweets
finally do something? If the students hurt any of these people in any way, the university will be completely at fault.
A combination of foreign operatives, imported Islamists, and the wonderful products of our PUBIC SCHOOLS.
Uh, … where are these genitalia schools of which you speak?
All over the USA!
Celebrating Pride in the Classroom – anzuk education – blog
You are very astute.
Not only was I having fun with a typo but I was secretly wanting to see if anybody stretched it out to connect those dots.
I’m the shorter one on the left…
I’m not sure it was a typo…
good catch…made me laugh
LOL. It’s a dig at the LGBTQPEDO stuff they’re teaching!
Toxic Waste
I remember seeing once–oh, it was probably the 1990s–a letter sent by a school official to someone complaining about the “sexual education” in the schools. And it bore this very same typo in the body of the letter.
Among so many others that it was obvious this school official could not spell.
That detritus is not necessarily coming from students.
The cops in NY say the problem is the faculty. 😡
SMELLS LIKE BEGINNING OF NAZI/COMMIE ramp up to killing those they hate.
whoever is calling for the administration to be hung or get their heads chopped off needs to be held accountable. that vitriol is not protected speech is it?
Of course not – it’s incitement to violence.
SPEECH ONLY allowed by Commies and Jihadists.
They have a jab mind melt going on
Or are they the Rittlin kids who do other drugs no like magic mushrooms ?
I think the drug is Ayers style COMMUNISM. Remember he and his buddies became PROFESSORS.
Ayers’ Plan for American Re-education Camps and The Need to Kill Millions-VIDEO (Deleted by You Tube)
November 02, 2015
Thank you for the lesson. At the time when he was active I was busy raising kids 🙂
He is really bad news.
If I recall it was IPOT that had a documentary on him and the Weathermen.
FOUND IT! (54 min)
if I recall correctly the weathermen were looking for the graves of young children and babies, getting the birth certificates and then giving those to KGB agents!
That sounds like the former DDR
Oopsie. If true – some folks might want to make sure their wills and funeral plans are up to date. I am sure PAVACA and Gail in particular have takes on this. From Liberty Daily:
Anybody figured out yet why the border has been left wide open for the past four years? I can assure you it is not because the illegals have been jabbed.
PRT – Population Replacement Theory.
Fully believe there IS an ongoing increased die off.
ED Dowd and others have data driven proof.Glossed through the article.
“Whistle Blower” misses the biggest issue, in my un scientific mind, with zero medical training.
Covid totally treatable. NBFD, if treated correctly.
Covid was simply the ruse – skeer tactic, to get numskulls JABBED. (Poisoned.)
Am I off here?
IMO he’s saying that there is a bigger problem with the vaccines, which magnifies the die-off from them (same victims – the JABBED). What he’s saying is that not only are the jabbed more likely to get cancer, clots, stroke, cardiac, etc. – AND not only are they more likely to get new cases of COVID (e.g., the Cleveland Clinic study) – but the jabbed are more likely to DIE if we experience more virulent versions of COVID at any point in the future, AND he thinks that is likely BECAUSE of the vaccines – i.e., the vaccines are driving the virus to get worse.
Got it AND agree.
Think we knew it, but good he is saying it out loud, with Kirsch able to amplify it to a larger crowd.
Immune system of Jabbed folks compromised. Increasingly so with each Jab / Booster.
Yes! Exactly!
I’m not 100% in agreement with him on his 30-40% morbidity/mortality number happening by normal evolution or from continued use of the vaccines at the current rates. IMO a huge die-off would only happen by more GOF tampering by the Faucists and Depoppers, releasing a new and really deadly variant, which will require some extreme change to the virus. Otherwise, I think that normal (Godly) evolutionary design has this covered to keep it low.
I am convinced that I would have died from cancer if I had allowed the agents of Satan to inject me with even one dose of that poison.
Interestingly, nobody at the cancer clinic that I use ever said anything about “vaccines” or asked if I had gotten one.
It’s almost like they knew something.
Likely they did know something AND thankfully had the integrity to NOT push Jabs.
I get my health care from the VA and have been really shocked that no one there has ever asked me whether I’m jabbed or offered me a jab.
Vets know!
Have likely worn out the staff 😆
No one wants to talk about it any more 😉
The biggie is the Jab compromised the immune system.
This means those who normally could fight off a nasty disease CAN NO LONGER DO SO.
It also means — if this is a one/two punch — then a disease tailored to take advantage of the weaknesses caused by the jab, could be released by these SOBs and then the REAL die off will happen BUT be blamed on the virulence of the New Disease.
This provides deniability for the mass murders.
Yup. Utterly EVIL.
And the fear drives the demand for the next “vaccine”.
Wolf Moon
Thank you.
There is also a HUGE issue with people who already HAVE cancer, OR immunocompromised conditions (such as RA), OR pre-existing cardiovascular/heart issues, OR neurological conditions (BOTH physical [such as epilepsy], or psychological [such as clinical depression]); OR have biomarkers for any of the above, OR have DNA predisposition for any of the above — and then take ANY COVID-19 “vaccine.”
Since the COVID-19 “vaccines” were ENGINEERED to damage / destroy the natural immune system of the “vaccinated” person; PLUS the presence of ingredients like the piece of the SV40 cancer promoter gene in these “vaccines”. PLUS the fact that the lipid nanoparticles in these “vaccines” spread them throughout the body of the “vaccinated” person, INCLUDING crossing the Blood-Brain Barrier — it is a recipe for disaster.
old meme but still true

They were causing the problems.
A number of years ago I saw an article that stated REGULATIONS (not laws) cost the USA 2% decrease in GDP per year. And I think it was accumulative.
AhHa found it Thank You YANDEX. Last time I looked several years ago, I could not find this.
2013 Federal Regulations Have Made You 75 Percent PoorerU.S. GDP is just $16 trillion instead of $54 trillion
Amen Carl. The Good Shepherd takes good care of His sheep…always.
Isaiah 53: 6
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
If AI helped with that, it deserves time off for good behavior!
Ah!! The boat parades are back.
Need them to be 10* bigger this time.
Excellent listen. ~Eight minutes.
This guy blows the whistle on Government of Japan expediting Jab development to 100 day.
IMPOSSIBLE to do safely. Operation Warp Speed also was mission Impossible, to be done safely. Big Pharma guilty.
Leo Hohmann: Prominent Japanese Medical Professor Warns Against Taking ‘Self Replication Replicon’ Jab This Fall or Winter (Video)
Now we know why Shinzo Abe, the former Prime Minister of Japan, was assassinated on July 8, 2022, while giving a campaign speech in Nara, Japan.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, May 5, 2024
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
Colossians 3:16 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Whoever values the world – is not of God;
The Spirit cannot dwell in him – he is flawed;
Seek ye first the kingdom of God – in His Word;
All will be added too – have you not heard?
The Power of the Spirit is immense;
Indwelled with the Spirit is intense;
There is no comparison – none at all;
To anything worldly – the world is too small!
His Spirit within you empowers – protects;
He convicts you of sin – and He corrects;
No power in the universe – can compare;
Anytime – anyplace – or anywhere!
Trust in God – keep close contact – let Him in;
Pray He will send His Spirit to dwell within;
When the Spirit indwells – He guides your way;
Whatever you do – whatever you say!
All bad feelings – all hurt – attendant pain;
He will dispel – till you are free again;
He will guide your heart – so free you will stay;
The demons that pursue you – He’ll keep at bay!
All turmoil – torment – they seek to create;
He will disable – and surely abate;
Keep in obedience – and He’ll bless you;
With His gifts and fruits – that’s what He will do!
When you are tempted – by the evil one;
Think not twice – ask Him – and it will be done;
Take this thought from me – please take it away;
In Jesus’ Name – it has no power to stay!
In all that you do – what you encounter;
He will assist – and put it asunder;
Fear not the evil one – his power fades;
With the Spirit inside – His power aids!
In the supernatural war – we fight each day;
There’s no greater power – to keep them away;
Than His Spirit inside you – strengthening;
Protecting – their distance He’s lengthening!
Come – Holy Spirit – within me – I pray;
Keep all evil from me – keep it at bay;
Keep my heart – and my thoughts – pure with Your grace;
Indwell in my heart – shine Your light on my face!
D01: 12/02/2013
TY Duchess!
Thank you for your poem, and for the wonderful inspirational things you posted today.
Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.
Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Pray Everyday
It’s a mystery…
Former NBA Player Darius Morris Passes Away at 33 — Cause of Death Unknown
Psst. J A B.
Elon Musk Now Fully Awake on Election Integrity, Promotes Non-Profit Urging Whistleblowers to Come Forward
The ad states:
the way it should be
Michael Shermer
University presidents everywhere need to embrace this simple statement by Ben Sasse, President of the University of Florida:
“At the University of Florida, we have repeatedly, patiently explained two things to protesters: We will always defend your rights to free speech and free assembly—but if you cross the line on clearly prohibited activities, you will be thrown off campus and suspended. In Gainesville, that means a three-year prohibition from campus. That’s serious. We said it. We meant it. We enforced it. We wish we didn’t have to, but the students weighed the costs, made their decisions, and will own the consequences as adults. We’re a university, not a daycare. We don’t coddle emotions, we wrestle with ideas.”
Novel concepts that should be Every Day Applied. >>> Applied Everywhere. <<<
When he was in Congress, Ben Sasse had harsh criticism of Trump. It’s good to see him do the right thing on this
Yea, he must be up to somethin’ Running for higher State office? Don’t know, but don’t trust him AT ALL!
The biggest bombshell in the FOIA is that Pfizer admits to not even having an assay to measure the [DNA] fragment lengths!
Wait What?
Regulators assured us this DNA was under 200bp and of no consequence, yet the manufacturing doesn’t even have an assay to measure it???
Talk about regulatory capture. They are willing to lie to safeguard the manufacturer, not safeguard the public? …
“Aligned” = Collusion/RICO. The regulators are working with Pfizer to come up with pacifying language for the Plebs.
They are willing to lie to safeguard the manufacturer, not safeguard the public?
13 out of 14 gotta die!
Thank you for this. IT IS DYNAMITE.
It appears that BOTH Pfizer-BioNTech AND Moderna use p53 suppressor ingredients in their modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” Pfizer-BioNTech uses a piece of the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter code. Moderna’s patent, described in the article, talks about “insertional mutagenesis” and “Inhibition of tumor suppressor genes.”
p53 is an important cancer tumor suppressor gene in the human body.
But wait, there’s more!
Pfizer-BioNTech (cited in the blog article) ADMITS that the SV40 cancer promoter gene piece is in their modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” THEN, the company tries to CYA by stating THIS:
“Additionally, the SV40 promoter/enhancer amount sin the drug product [the company’s COVID-19 “vaccines”] poses minimal safety risk for human use…”
MINIMAL RISK? REALLY? When the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines” ALL have N1-methylpseudouridine in them — a lipid nanoparticle that is SPECIFICALLY ENGINEERED to EVADE the “vaccinated” person’s body’s natural immune system, which would, in NORMAL circumstances, break down and eliminate such an element from the body?
I just moved these 2 comments (and the earler discussion) to:
We are now at 270 BOMBSHELL comments all in one place. Good to hand to those with an open mind.
Gail Combs
Thank you so much!
My small contribution to the information war.
“small” 🙂
Yours Truly will also point out that the email chains in the linked Substack article mention that the FDA in the United States is included in the discussions with Health Canada personnel.
And, that if one is correctly reading the copy of the patent filing by Moderna in the linked article above, for an RNA-based vaccine that may induce “inhibition of tumor suppressor genes”, the year of filing was 2019.
I do.
Wish Moloch and his ilk, ill. Without apologies.
Beat me to it!
If God wants to take this piece of EVIL out, I have zero problems with it.
If you do not have Twatter and want to read the comments:
Did he take one of his own vaccines?
He’s left-handed, so he would be expected to gesture with his left hand, but keeping his right hand perfectly still and hidden seems very odd. I did see the upper part of his right arm move a couple of times, but his hand remained hidden. One possibility besides a stroke could be some form of palsy in that hand and arm.
Being left handed (I am) does not mean ZERO movement in the right arm/hand for over 2 minutes. He does move the shoulder but not the arm and hand.
Also he does not look good. — Bill Gates tests positive for COVID-19, says he’s experiencing mild symptoms
Reminds me of the old joke about Adolf Hitler and the Jewish soothsayer….
Back in the Warsaw ghetto, rumors started going around that a certain soothsayer could accurately predict the day of someone’s death. Hitler found out about this and told the SS to fetch this soothsayer to his presence.
They drag this old guy into the room with Hitler, and start beating on him to find out how long Hitler could expect to survive. After hours of various tortures, the sage allows that Hitler will die on a Jewish holiday.
The interrogation continues…..which one? Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Passover, Purim?
Until, finally, the truth is told: “any day you die will be a Jewish holiday.”
We can call our holiday, “The Closing of the Gates.”
all this talk about mail in ballots…and then there’s this article. they’re stealing your mail…think they won’t steal your mailed in ballot?
In New Orleans, more than a few U.S. Postal Service (USPS) employees have stolen mail to enrich themselves.
Unfortunately, this is part of a nationwide pattern.
Theft among postal workers is pervasive. So much so that staff at the USPS Office of Inspector General’s (USPS-OIG) office announced last month they will audit whether postal managers are doing enough to stop it. They plan to publish that report in September.
Among only a few recent alleged or confirmed examples of mail theft in the greater New Orleans area:
• In March, the Department of Justice indicted Gretna resident and USPS employee Randy Brown Jr., on four-counts, including unlawful delay of the U.S. Mail by a postal employee. Brown allegedly stole and embezzled other people’s checks.
RELATED: Above New Orleans, Spirit Airlines Flight Attendant Made This Shocking Remark
• Also in March, U.S. District Judge Sarah S. Vance sentenced New Orleans resident Coi Morris for stealing items from the mail he was entrusted to handle as a postal employee. Morris worked as a mail handler at the processing center in New Orleans when he was apprehended.
• Kenner resident David Rayford was indicted last month on mail theft charges. Rayford allegedly stole a greeting card that contained a Visa Gift Card and $100.00 cash.
• In March, New Orleans resident Timothy McMillan, Jr. pleaded guilty to Theft of Mail by a Postal Service employee. USPS-OIG officials received complaints that the New Orleans Main Office Delivery Unit had delivered open parcels. USPS-OIG Special Agents placed a greeting card containing $100 in the mail for McMillan to process and deliver on his route. The card was addressed to a fictitious person and address from another fictitious person and address. McMillan opened the package. Shortly after, USPS-OIG Special Agents stopped his vehicle and observed the opened card in the rear of his vehicle and found marked bills on him.
For each person, a conviction on these charges can bring between three to five years in prison.
As RVIVR reported last year, former USPS employee Dazmon Dyer pleaded guilty in federal court to delaying and stealing the U.S. mail.
In June a USPS clerk in Maryland used her position to obtain other people’s private information. She then stole thousands of dollars.
This will drive people to use the mail even less than they do now. Money can be wired and gift cards can be sent by email. No wonder postal rates consistently rise.
At most, I mail three, maybe four times each year.
Avoid mailing stuff, like the plague.
we live in a small rural town and i know and respect our postmaster. patriotic guy who owns a jeep covered in flags.
i mail all sorts of things–i love to write letters, send cards, mail packages…
it’s not everywhere
Written letters are dying. The younger generation uses e-mail and text messages.
Heck I can not get my 80 yr old hubby to MAIL checks to pay bills!
no way would i pay bills on line.
So far reasoning then screaming hasn’t worked on Hubby. 🙄
I guess having our bank accts wiped out is t