NOTE ADDED BY WOLF: Please save all crucial information about the attempted assassination of President Trump HERE. There may be other articles later - we will make sure to link those HERE. Please also add reference links back to this post. Thank you! W I am going to put this up fast. It will … Continue reading TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT


"A surface test of a nuclear device in Nevada circa 1955 shows the beginning of a mushroom cloud." --  BETTMANN ARCHIVE/GETTY IMAGES I think with the Covid Vaccine, our eyes have been opened to just how demented the Cabal can be. So we need to be aware of the thinking of these diabolically disordered souls. … Continue reading THE CASE FOR NUCLEAR WAR


Sunspot Variability over the past 420 years using the Hoyt & Schatten 1998 record to avoid the data tampering by Leif Svalgaard of Stanford University. April 2020: Experts Adrift: Solar Cycle 25 more active than expected (Jo Nova) Except the current cycle is not more active than the last. (Remember Svalgaard and his fudging…) 'They' expected … Continue reading GREENHOUSE, ICEHOUSE OR CLIMATIC MADHOUSE? h/t Neuman and Hearty (1996)

More Damning 9/11 Video Fakery Exposed

"Darkness to Light" I have been talking for a while about the "videographic" theories of 9/11 fakery, that convinced me about 4 years ago that 9/11 was largely a psy-op on this world. Well, that whole story just got bigger. Something that everybody missed. Until now. Let me begin by thanking the member here, who … Continue reading More Damning 9/11 Video Fakery Exposed

9/11 Truth-Fest

(still from video, don't click, see below!) I've spent a lot of time on Gab today, and I'm just blown away at the extent to which people are now ultra-red-pilled on 9/11. The amount of evidence pouring out is overwhelming. I'm seeing stuff I've NEVER seen before. Re-evaluating all of this evidence, knowing what we … Continue reading 9/11 Truth-Fest

Thank God I’m a Peaceful, Honorable, Law-Abiding, and Constitution-Loving MAGA REPUBLICAN and YOU’RE NOT, President “Adolph” Biden, Puppet of “Uncle Joe Stalin” Obama

I tell you, I'm just sick of these guys. And gals. Between the BIDENISTA commies and the BIDENAZI fascists - all of them kowtowing to the Atlantic Council and the WEF globonazis, we're in for a RIDE. SCREW YOU, ADOLPH!!! MOOD MUSIC - LAUGHING! Know about any "secret treaties", China Joe? NOW, they have … Continue reading Thank God I’m a Peaceful, Honorable, Law-Abiding, and Constitution-Loving MAGA REPUBLICAN and YOU’RE NOT, President “Adolph” Biden, Puppet of “Uncle Joe Stalin” Obama

DEAR KAG: 20220128 – The Pub is OPEN / Wolf’s Big Howl on January Sixth / Defeat The Mandates Picture Gallery / Why Isn’t Vaccine Localization a Thing?

The Pub is OPEN! It's GALLERY NIGHT, wherein our intrepid "print screen photographer" and "substitute bartender" presents his "artistic screen shots" of the Defeat The Mandates rally in Washington, DC. While our beloved REAL bartender takes a needed break of unknown duration, we will continue to ENDEAVOR TO PERSEVERE. Tonight's drink special is not ethanol, … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20220128 – The Pub is OPEN / Wolf’s Big Howl on January Sixth / Defeat The Mandates Picture Gallery / Why Isn’t Vaccine Localization a Thing?

The Time Has Come for States to Stop Extradition to Communist-Occupied Washington

It's quite clear to me now that the January Sixth Prisoners are being treated in a completely SOVIET way. There is an easy answer. DO. NOT. EXTRADITE. Get some balls, people. NO Republican governor of any integrity should extradite prisoners to DC. END IT NOW. Example LINK: This is complete BS. Not only … Continue reading The Time Has Come for States to Stop Extradition to Communist-Occupied Washington

Lies, Damn Lies, and Chronologistics

Seeking the Truth About Joe Biden's Two Marriages What follows is not exactly what I thought I would write, originally. I didn't know where, exactly, this would go. I'm not even sure now, that it went where it went. It's almost too unbelievable. We may be looking at so many lies, the truth may never … Continue reading Lies, Damn Lies, and Chronologistics

The Herd Of Jussies Is On The Run

TL;DR - If you want to CUT TO THE CHASE, scroll on down to THE POINT. However, if you want to savor the STALKING OF THE HERD before the CHASE, then turn on the MUSIC and enjoy this whole post. When I realized today just how PANICKED the Plotters of both November 3 AND … Continue reading The Herd Of Jussies Is On The Run