NOTE ADDED BY WOLF: Please save all crucial information about the attempted assassination of President Trump HERE. There may be other articles later - we will make sure to link those HERE. Please also add reference links back to this post. Thank you! W I am going to put this up fast. It will … Continue reading TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT

Are Climate and Animal Rights Extremists Infiltrating Food Processing and Production Facilities on Behalf of WEF?

Sometimes, the answer is right under their nose rings. extinction rebellion banner reads: "CLIMATE CHAOS = WAR + FAMINE" The master stroke of the globalists is to create what they want in the name of stopping the same thing. The ultimate satanic deceit. People have been getting scared by the seemingly coordinated yet … Continue reading Are Climate and Animal Rights Extremists Infiltrating Food Processing and Production Facilities on Behalf of WEF?

The Ongoing January Sixth MKULTRA Experiment on Patriots

I just realized something horrible, which makes it even more imperative that we either get our American prisoners out of DC Gitmo, or ask our military to bomb a certain building conducting inhumane experiments on American prisoners of war. The House, now under Patriotic American control, needs to stop pussyfooting around. The fastest way to … Continue reading The Ongoing January Sixth MKULTRA Experiment on Patriots

Understanding the Coming Threats to Innocent Americans from DOJ and FBI

ABOVE TL;DR - DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE TL;DR - We are headed back to the Hillary Waco days, only it's a much wider target zone of victims. It is starting out with simple Gestapo tactics, but it will likely progress to violence unless DOJ and FBI are reined in. Right now, NOT TALKING … Continue reading Understanding the Coming Threats to Innocent Americans from DOJ and FBI

The Population Control Shot – Understanding the Peoples Climate Temple

In cases of religious mass suicide/homicide, such as Jonestown, Heaven's Gate, and Aum Shinrikyo, it is very difficult to regain a humanitarian understanding of the key participants after the infamy of defining events sears the conscience and redefines reality. Even more difficult, however, is the opposite - to BEGIN to think the unthinkable and speak … Continue reading The Population Control Shot – Understanding the Peoples Climate Temple

TrumpWatch™ – A Continuous Proof of Life – Make It Happen

Why the Communist Chinese Behavior of DOJ and FBI Makes Proof of Life Necessary to Prevent Secret Indictment and Arrest of Trump and Associates We are entering a dangerous phase, patriots. The DOJ and FBI are becoming desperate liars. Each day, they act MORE and MORE COWARDLY, like their Chinese and North Korean counterparts, who … Continue reading TrumpWatch™ – A Continuous Proof of Life – Make It Happen

Should States Tell the FBI’s Phony “JTTF” to GO TO HELL and Never Come Back?

After all, when is the last time the "Joint Terrorism Task Force" actually arrested a real live foreign terrorist, and not a "racist" American livestreamer, a politically convenient "red flag law" patsy, or a box of documents from a former President? It's kinda funny, but when I saw the biography of the Palm Beach sheriff … Continue reading Should States Tell the FBI’s Phony “JTTF” to GO TO HELL and Never Come Back?

So What Is Going On With Our Hosting Company?

Perhaps you remember THIS post..... Please Pray For Our Hosting Company As we have been repeatedly warned - even by the VERY ENEMIES who are attacking us (i.e., KlauSS "Hog-Jowls" SSchwab and the WEFFEN SS), there was going to be a "cyber war" this summer - obviously timed to deal with the "fall" of the … Continue reading So What Is Going On With Our Hosting Company?

The Belfer Gang: How the Election Thieves Cased Our State Election Offices

A huge THANK YOU to Dr. Shiva and marymorse for discovering the path into what will be the most CYNICAL aspect of THE STEAL since they bragged about "fortifying the election". Indeed, "fortifying the election" was a "bragging clue" that they put right under our noses. You see, that is EXACTLY how the scam worked. … Continue reading The Belfer Gang: How the Election Thieves Cased Our State Election Offices

Nick Fuentes “De-Banked” for Being NEAR Capitol on January Sixth

Very simple. Read this. LINK: "Can't buy or sell." Methinks somebody GOOD knew something about future people BAD. This is NOT America any more. W