Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We may see some LIGHT over DARKNESS…..

We may even have a bit of fun…..

OK – maybe a LOT of fun!


by Duchess01
Please forgive us, Wheatie, we did not know
That you had left us with armor in tow
We had no idea with what you dealt
We did not know the pain you felt
And now we can only imagine
With you what really did happen
Cause rarely did you complain
And/or share your personal pain
Of one thing we are most certain
You are flying high behind the curtain
Watching over us above the crowds
Our Warrior Angel above the clouds
Thank You, Wheatie, for caring for us
While you were here among the fuss
We miss you dear you have no idea
Since time began in the pangaea
With you there was no time
In your wisdom you would chime
To clarify and magnify
The what where how and why
We did not question when you left
We were not slightly bereft
But over time we wondered why
You did not at least stop by
Now we know where you have gone
With the break of this new dawn
We could be angry but are not
Tho with an arrow we’ve been shot
Rest peacefully Warrior Angel dear
Send us a sign that you are near
A butterfly a flower a kiss of rain
From your love do not refrain
God sends Angels to watch over us
And now we have an Angel Plus
A Warrior Angel of Magnificence
From today and forward hence
The Rules

Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.
The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.
Bottom line – respect other people’s FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.
We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.
Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.
In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.
We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).
We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.
If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at
We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.
In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer
Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.
Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.
Musical Interlude
In the fashion of posts by our dearly departed sister Wheatie, let’s have some music to soothe, inspire, invigorate, or relax.
Well, how about ANOTHER great neo-classical “epic music” selection?
Try this next recent offering from TWO STEPS FROM HELL!
Bet this one sounds even better from two steps inside the pearly gates!

Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day Year Week:
construction or reconstruction of a penis
artificial modification of the penis by surgery
penis enlargement (less frequently)
Used in a Whole Bunch of Videos That Will Freak You Out, But Will Make You Realize That Kids Should NOT Do This Stuff:
Used in Video That Demonstrates Why Both Pediatric Transition and “Affirmation Without Negation” are WRONG:
Used in a Video Where Transition Seems to Have Worked (Mostly Due to the Shocking Power of Testosterone, IMO):
Explained Medically in a Video by an Actual Doctor:
Why, it’s almost like…..
Em Dash vs. En Dash vs. Hyphen: What’s the Difference?
Mental Palette Cleansers:
Stage 1 – Humor

Stage 2 – Spirit “Transition”
Stage 3 – Renormalization

Have another great week!

New Schlichter —
Contains “You see federal law enforcement refusing to enforce laws against favored groups, like BLM scumbags, antifa terrorists, and meth-addled perverts who sprang from the gonads of our senile President Crusty.”
IOW, it’s a pretty good one.
I love what he’s saying, but (1) he’s counting his ballots before they get past Dem cheating that the GOP will just go “aW, sHuCKs” about, and (2) even if we win by some miracle, and the GOP mans up by some miracle, vengeance will only ensure that the commies go FULL STALIN on us, the next time they successfully cheat their way back into power.
I want to say NEVER ####ING AGAIN – and then holding them at gunpoint about “never ####ing again”.
Whether Q is true or not, I’m generally starting to agree that “it’s the only way”.
Somebody has to put DOJ-NSD in jail. I have no idea who that’s going to be.
If we don’t do it, I think that foreign powers eventually will.
When you look at Kevin McCarthy GOP Commitment to America then you know the Rinos already have surrendered.If this guy is going to be speaker nothing will happen.
Kevin McCarthy Releases GOP Commitment to America – A Safe List of Platitudes that Is as Uninspiring as He Is Authentic – Did Frank Luntz Write This? (
Finally got around to glancing at this R-Con blathering.
Stopped when I saw, start Biden impeachment by end of January.
^^^ Should be day one of next Congress. Along with impeach Hoe on day one of next Congress.
McCarthy is worthless.
Unless they remove McConnell, impeachment cannot happen. It’s a RUSE. CHINA will never allow it.
It looks to me like they’re setting up a DIVERSION IMPEACHMENT like they did for Bill Clinton.
TMI! 😬😀 What a shame that we have to be somewhat cognizant of phalloplasty and metoidioplasty if we’re going to know what they’re doing to children, and how to fight it. I searched for “phalloplasty gone wrong” and got a lot of hits, which I didn’t explore. It’s amazing how many people do these kinds of things when there is a risk of lifelong problems as a result.
The palette cleansers were very nice. 😊
Thank you! Yes – I literally felt ill after watching those videos, but I remembered what Sadie said. People need to face the horror so as to have the resolve to save our children and grandchildren and their children and grandchildren from this horror.
All that said, we need some RELIEF, so I found those palette cleansers most effective!
God is good!
The fact that some adults can choose this madness and feel better – well, if there was a higher rate of SUCCESS because people who were likely to regret it, were shied away from the operations, and the only people who GOT “transed” were actually those who were happier than they would have been otherwise – well, THAT WOULD BE A GOOD THING.
Re: the second video. Any “man” who says he is perfectly fine with a “micro-penis” has the wrong kind of dysphoria.
To borrow from the hair-sniffer….
“If you don’t love your penis, you’ ain’t a man!”
Is this true? I talked with a 70-ish couple today who had gotten a booster yesterday, I think. The man got a headache and didn’t sleep well. The woman didn’t feel up to par. Both are active and relatively healthy. I hope they will be okay. I think there are a lot of people like them who will do whatever the medical establishment recommends. They mentioned once that someone they knew had gotten gravely ill with COVID, so they are trying to avoid that. *sigh*
I’m very curious how deadly the new booster is.
Not curious enough to take it! 😉
Yeah, I’m not sure how many people have taken the new shots. I may start asking around a bit.
I don’t know what number of booster this was. I’ve lost count of how many have been made available.
I think most Jab Club members are on their 5th right now.
Deleted. Just saw Cooth’s post.
The Fiancee is going to do shot #5 this Friday.
I asked her if they were still mandatory and she said no, then wanted to fight me about it. I told her I was just trying to schedule my week.
Wow. Is she planning on getting them every 6 months?
I’m sorry, but who knows. Maybe you’re lucky and she’s just highly tolerant of spike protein and mRNA therapy. That would be a good thing.
She works at the VA, so they have regular Kool-aid tasting parties. She started going off on “I deal with all sorts of people and I’m keeping vets safe….”
On the “good” side of things, her younger sister just had a cardiac event that necessitated a stent, so the Fiancee went in for an extensive cardiac workup — which looked good. So she seems to have done ok through the prior four vaxxes. She has been doing Mohs procedures regularly (which may be vaxx reawakening skin cancer), but those are unlikely to kill her.
It is so amazing that people won’t listen to knowledgeable people who are close to them. I see accounts like this all the time.
Minds are closed. Not even a flutter of interest. The brainwashing is deep.
I agree, TT. Many seem more willing to play Russian Roulette with their health rather than listen to people who know things and personally investigate beforehand. They sure are making it easy for the homicidal criminals to do their dirty deeds.
Top Vaccine Expert and FDA Adviser Says Young Healthy People Should NOT Get the New Booster Shot – No Clear Evidence of Benefit
Top Vaccine Expert and FDA Adviser Says Young Healthy People Should NOT Get the New Booster Shot – No Clear Evidence of Benefit
A top vaccine expert and FDA adviser has warned that there is insufficient evidence to recommend the new booster shot for healthy young adults and said it could…
The Gateway Pundit
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I will bet this guy was one of the 17 against 2 in that first vote that almost saved doctors from the clot shot boosters.
Wolf Moon
Isn’t that the vote that Rochelle Walensky personally overruled, then she “mandated” the first “booster shot” for medical professionals anyway?
Older people think they need to protect themselves because “compromised immunity” happens on one’s 65th birthday (the actual day of) without fail. At that point people need every vaccine they dish out, or they will die. 🙄
LOL! Yup – that’s about the size of it!
I wonder how many would get their 5th jab if they had to pay for it.
Looks like we’re on the right track with post-COVID and post-vaccine treatments.
Dean Garrison (I follow back)
The 45th (2nd to None)
#PleaseREAD YES I’m Still Recovering BUT… I Got This Email From a Pro Cyclist That I Have To Share — MASS GENOCIDE IS HAPPENING NOW!
YES I’m Still Recovering BUT… I Got This Email From a Pro Cyclist That I Have To Share – MASS GENOCIDE IS HAPPENING NOW! – DC Dirty Laundry
I have a follow up Dr. appointment in the morning so I’m gonna keep this fairly short. I had a mini stroke a couple of days ago and my face is swollen (non-related…
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1 quote
Slow guy confirmed.
So, dude’s friend at the link is pinning TIA strokes on 5g. Not Covidiot injections? Interesting.
Seems he’s covering all the bases.
And as a health nut he’s been weary about 5G for a long time.
Personally I think what is likely correct, be it the virus, vaccine, 5G, economic calamity, natural calamity, war and the like, is that each and everyone those listed have their variants and each of the variants can be amp’d up or amp’d down on a wide or local scale through a variety of mechanisms making it harder to pin a specific nevertheless general problem on anyone thing. It’s not just China, not just our govt weaponized against us, but WEF too with it’s multi national corporations and countless small bit companies where are all players in their bid for tanshumanism, globalism, tyranny and depop. It doesn’t matter if they’re taking JIF and babyfood off the shelf, setting up to feed the world bugs, creating a crime waves, anesthetizing new generations with trans and equity based BS it all feeds back to wiping out freedom and liberty.
Interesting. Another data point on Covid vax denial.
5G is not causing high D-dimer levels. That alone is ridiculous. But the vax denial is so strong that this “health nut” athlete can’t overcome it. It’s very weird.
At least he is on top of it, eating natto (he probably should be taking a supplement instead of eating it, to get a more concentrated amount, IMO), taking aspirin, etc. But it seems like his body is efficiently producing enough spike protein to overwhelm his protocol, and keep those D-dimer levels up.
Maybe that’s why the most fit people are getting hit so hard, their bodies do things better, including make spikes.
On the natto supplement – I will have the results of my blood labs within a couple of days. Will keep you posted.
Ooooh, I’m excited. I can’t wait to hear.
^^^^ your last sentence ^^^^
Cyndexia reposted
The World is
25 replies
Only problem with this is that our side uses the terms the Woke Left (or the left since its inception) uses.
We must stop using their terms like ‘Right Wing’ (aka Fascism to the Left) to describe us.
Our side is for the Freedom of the Individual, free from the tyranny of Government and its handler support networks, like the WEFENSS, who want to control us.
(Capitalism is also such a word – The system is the Free Market system, where distributed Capital (as opposed to Oligarch controlled Capital) is only one of the drivers – Capitalism was coined by Marx and is a Marxist word)
This is actually a great point. WE need to control language.
You’ve actually hit on what bothered me about Lauren’s comment. I knew something bothered me about it, but I couldn’t quite figure out WHY it bothered me!
Funny you should say this as in coincidences. 👍
I actually prefer free market capitalism. Inherent in accounting, banking and business practices is the term of “capital”. I do not view it as a boogeyman. I do view Capitalism as a potential deception as you describe. Even the Chi-coms use Capitalism. So using free market capitalism is a much better application IMO.
Which was included in a section of my current draft of my BIMD Coal Country Heroes Finale that I will publish today.
Free Market is one thing…Fair Market is quite another. Half the world exploited our Free Market post 2nd world war to our detriment.
Gee, I wonder whose agenda that has been? Globalists much?
Wolf Moon
The purveyors of the bad, pathological science of climate alarmism, be they scientists, financiers, politicians, actors, technocrats, or oligarchs, are going to be swept from power as hoodlums.
Those who built depopulation on those lies will be cast into the fire as murderers.
ricHARD Moriarity
couple of things, Nasty? When you saw the audience bathed in a red glow, why walk out there? The other Q: did Paulie drive?
Nancy Pelosi ‘savagely booed’ during NYC Global Citizen festival
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UPS drivers face challenges every day….
Is this a problem?
A lot of great stuff in that channel!
When did Western preparations for war in Ukraine really begin? The decisions to supply Western weapons systems were by no means as spontaneous as they seem. An article in the Wall Street Journal strongly suggests so.
By Dagmar Henn
When The Wall Street Journal starts chatting, things sometimes slip out. The latest case is a article, which reports on hotlines allegedly helping Ukrainian mechanics keep NATO weapons in good working order. A total of 14 encrypted chats were operated by US soldiers at a secret base in Poland near the Ukrainian border to support the Ukrainian mechanics.
It is not the sentence that the weapons are being used in Ukraine “far beyond the intended load”. Military equipment that was designed to wage colonial wars against significantly weaker opponents is only of limited use if the opponent also has artillery. We remember the complaints that German self-propelled howitzers could only fire 100 rounds a day, and the US complaints that javelins were being used up much faster than they could be produced.
And again, this sentence is there more to mislead the audience – repair logistics is always part of military planning. “After seven months of war, the US and allied Western nations, which provide arms and other support to Ukraine, have discovered that giving arms to Kyiv is not enough. They also need to provide spare parts and access to experts who can help the Ukrainians can help repair equipment or produce parts near the front lines.”
No, this sentence is just for distraction. “When the war began, Ukrainian repair and maintenance specialists received accelerated training from Western allies and are now passing on this knowledge to their colleagues, Reznikov added [der ukrainische Verteidigungsminister] added.”
Now comes the interesting point: these chats are said to have started unofficially when the first nine trained mechanics came back to Ukraine and approached their trainers with questions. In June, these chats are said to have become an official facility.
Just to clarify the timeline – the German decision to supply HIMARS missile launchers to Ukraine, took place on June 1st. The US announcement to do so came a day earlier, on May 31. If the training of the appropriate mechanics had only started at the moment when the deliveries were decided, they would not be back today. A mechanic must know the device down to the last screw. Absolutely if he is supposed to be able to improvise, as the article also claims.
There was one such point – it was about the software for these HIMARS. It was claimed that after the delivery, the different HIMARS systems from different supplier countries were unified in two weeks by the great Ukrainian IT people. A statement that raises serious doubts.
In fact, both the adaptation of the software and the training of the corresponding mechanics must have begun before the parliaments actually responsible took the decision to send these weapons. Military bureaucracy is slow. If the US Army established these chats in June, they must have been operational for at least two more months beforehand. Then we talk about Ukrainian mechanics who returned in April. How long does it take to train such a mechanic for a more complicated weapon system? Certainly longer than it takes to learn how to operate such a weapon system. Three months? Then we would be at the end of January as the start of training. The Russian military operation had not even started then. six months?
Incidentally, all western weapons are said to have been delivered without the associated manuals, “partly to protect manufacturer information”. Another point that would significantly lengthen the training.
So either the delivery of Western arms follows a program that was established before the first fighting took place, and training has already begun on arms whose delivery was only decided months later by parliaments (which would be a tremendous political scandal if Western democracies still work), or the whole story about the chats and the Ukrainian mechanics is a lie, which would also be a scandal because it would then serve to disguise the fact that direct Western personnel are being used.
Incidentally, the story about the great Ukrainian IT team is refuted by the way. “During a recent fire task, the advanced weapons system’s computer displayed an error message that the Ukrainians could not solve. The army lieutenant arranged for a video chat with a US instructor, who then used Google Translate to send back instructions in Ukrainian.”
Had these amazing Ukrainian programmers actually existed, they could have been asked. It probably really didn’t exist.
However, this means that all the debates, including those in the Bundestag, about the delivery of heavy weapons were pure theatre, because these deliveries – by whomsoever – had long been planned and the parliaments only served to nod off the execution of an escalation plan, its preparations go back much further. What we are seeing is not a Russian-led escalation. It is an escalation by the West that began before February 24th. Good thing the Wall Street Journal is so garrulous.
😩 😣 👽 🌮 🚯
fashion freakinista/ faux “first lady” cough cough wears hefty trash bag dress to meeting with Pakistan PM recently…
😃 😂 😩 😭
She’s trying to look younger imo. It’s not working but maybe Joe likes it. 😁 Here she is at a White House event last Friday.
Latex: it’s not just for paint anymore…
Maybe Hunter introduced the “big guy” to a new kink…
Or “the doctor” ran out of bedspreads and curtains….
Methinks there are ways for a female to look attractive at age 70 without dressing to imitate a pregnant 25-year-old.
^^^ That’s funny.
Joe’s Hoe, keeping Mush-Mind from getting lost.
Joe Bastardi…seems to be tracking more east…
Yikes! And Cuba is right in the path.
Cuba, like PR, gets constantly bitch slapped by typhoons.
Typhoons are in the Pacific…..
This is a Hurricane.
THEIR rules – IMO it’s time to break them! 😉
Yea, regional naming convention. My bad.
You have family in typhoon territory. Most here are oblivious to the typhoon schedule.
The reason that I know this is I was told that I was born during one of the worst typhoons to ever hit the island of Guam…
And no to Hank dumbass Johnson… it was nowhere close to tipping over 🙂
Yea, Guam also has a history of getting bitch slapped, by
hurricanestyphoons. 😮 LOL!
Oh brutha what a load of ____
OMG, who IS this Julie Kelly woman? Absolutely NOTHING gets past her! And she’s hilarious, too!
Just like that: European Fertilizer production down 70% « JoNova (
Wow! Italy WINS big with this gal.
Two minute video. ABSOLUTELY worth listening in on. (If I post it correctly)
Her brief two minutes, explains why the EU wench threatened Italy, if she wins the election. The EU IS skeered of this gal!
Oh my God. Can we clone her? Fantastic!
Wow! Just wow! Yes – please do.
I have been a fan of this woman from the moment I read one quote from her.
She is a firebrand! Samuel Adams would LOVE her!
Wow! And I love the cadence of the Italian language. We’ll be hearing more from her.
Italy’s well placed to get liquefied gas straight from the RF, if they can get it through that narrow bit controlled by Turkey.
That would really piss off the eu, deservedly so.
Verse of the Day for Monday, September 26, 2022
“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
2 Corinthians 5:21 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
SD is very down and cynical about Ron DeSantis.
As a Floridian, I do not see/know what SD purports to have on RDS – and do not feel the same way about our good strong Governor.
Ten million may not be a big sum in those circles, but it’s not a good sign, however this griffin character may just be trolling PDJT.
(c/p from 21 Sep OT)
“Recently Griffin moved his financial HQ from Chicago to Miami after giving Florida governor Ron DeSantis $10 million for his reelection effort.Bloomberg News reported earlier today that Ken Griffin has said he is open to taking the position of U.S. Treasury Secretary after he is successful installing Ron DeSantis as the 2024 presidential winner.”
I hope DeSantis is smart enough to out-smart the RNC RINOs and such as Griffin….and isn’t just another one of them – like Rubio turned out to be after he won the Tea Party’s endorsement and then turned around wrote the Gang of Eight Amnesty Bill.
Me to.
But, all of this beating on DeSantis by SD, and a few others is premature. IMO. Nothing to gain by bashing DeSantis at this point.
When, IF, DeSantis turns, I’ll join in the bashing.
Until then I wish DeSantis was my guvner. Along with a landslide reelection, with huge R-Con majority in FL legislature.
Color me naive. But I figure Trump and DeSantis talk in the background. Intentionally keep their distance, publicly.
The DEMONIC Deep State splitter strategy is alive and well, sad to say. And SD
seems to havehas been SUCKED UP into it…I agree with your figuring. Hope we’re right about that.
SD is right about this – anyone who does not toe the leftist globalist WEF line is labeled a fascist, domestic terrorist, deplorable, etc.
I don’t think Haaretz is even Jewish at this point. It’s so far gone down the Bolshevik line, they only obey LGBT commandments 11 and higher.
It’s a mystery. We’re told to hold our nose and vote for someone like Dr Oz with a ton of recorded views that are definitely not what most think are healthy policies but DeSantis is the devil ???
It’s very interesting. It really makes me wonder just what those “receipts” SD has on DeSantis actually are.
Is it something truly disqualifying? Or is SD just being the pissy bitch we all know he can be?
It feels wrong. His unrelenting smear seems calculated but not necessarily dire which is the way he’s putting it out there
SD sees that the RINOs and GOPe really want to ditch Trump. He’s kicking the front right tire off that car.
Pissy bitch.
SD is scared that people will abandon Trump and move to DeSantis, which is the DNC-DOJ-FBI strategy.
Not gonna happen, as long as the strategy is exposed.
DeSantis is NO TRUMP.
DeSantis doesn’t have Trump’s star power. He’s great, don’t get me wrong; but he is not going to command the same audience as Trump does nation (and world) wide.
It’s just not gonna happen.
EXACTLY! DeSantis is literally “Obama-level hope and change” for conservatives, so the RINOs try to sell it to us. They KNOW he’s not Trump, and that is what gives “them” hope!
DeSantis is great as a back-up, but there is no Trump but Trump!
“I’ll take pissy bitch for $400, Alex.”
If it’s THAT bad, maybe we don’t want him as a governor…even at the price of electing the other guy (Crist?)
So it must not be THAT bad.
But still I wonder why this tempest-in-a-thunderjug couldn’t wait until after the election. Unless it really is THAT bad.
I agree. It’s probably just more RINO Chamber of Commerce crap.
SD AND receipts.
SD’s actions on this are as farcicle as DOJ, FIB….I’ve got a secret…Trust Me.
Done with these dumb ass games. Play his cards or STFU.
With you there. For everyone. If you know something, spill it. I’m very tired of the games.
And there it is. The correct viewpoint IMO. Good post, molly.
I have long since stopped giving a rats azz about what SD thinks. I just read for information data purposes.
The very thing that has kept conservatives and moderates from controlling our government outside of election cheating, is the disunity. PDT stated as much. It’s true. If you want a large bloc of independents, you need to be on the same page. They need the large bloc to carry the elections. That means give and take between conservatives and moderates within the GOP. Stop thinking you need to get your way 100% of the time. Just stay together on keeping control and the things that are critically important.
Which makes me give SD the side eye. It’s BS IMO.
Agree. There’s something so rigid about SD’s stance when it’s clear that right now splitting the base isn’t helpful
Yep. What the DEMONRATS and the WEFfenSS (and their sometime lackey SD) are doing is the classic Divide and Conquer.
Works every time.
The DEMONRATS, on the other hand, NO MATTER WHAT THEIR DIFFERENCES, will unite on an issue (or issues) WHEN IT COUNTS.
And THAT’S why they win over us time and time and time again.
And the USELESS $#!ts at the RNC at ALL LEVELS do NOTHING to stop it.
NOTHING! 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
Great point.
He got the message.
He’s being pretty smart about this.
European Epidemic Alert !!!
Maga16 Italian Variant Classified.
Known to cause diarrhea and uncontrolled trembling in at risk groups wef and nwo.
I hope those around her dont cause her to weaken.
Did you watch that video up above?
I wouldn’t want to be the one to attempt to damp down that fire. Probably get scorched.
I can’t help but think that she’s creased a few heads with flying dishes in the kitchen now and then 😆
What a refreshing change from all the ugly stumpy heffalumpy frumpy dumpy slugwomen the left and Satanic greens (but I repeat myself) put up.
Merde-Kuh, Canadian sausage-lady, von-der-Liar, Giffey, Faeser, Baerbock, Kamel-Hoe, Crazy Mazie, Mad Maxine, Hochul, Witchmer, HELL-the-BEAST, Fauxcahontas Liarwatha, et. al. Ugly right down to (and through) their souls…
Inside shines out.
Italian MAGA aka MIGA
“15 dead, 24 wounded in school shooting in Russia”
“Russia’s Investigative Committee identified the gunman as 34-year-old Artyom Kazantsev, a graduate of the same school, and said he was wearing a black t-shirt bearing “Nazi symbols.” No details about his motives have been released.”
Welcome to our world.
Complex background to this, but it’s in many ways social BLOWBACK cycled through the West. Some of the blowback is due to old Soviet crap coming home to roost – other blowback is due to more recent propaganda which was designed to create division in the West.
Deep down, it’s Satanic. Black T-shirt, Nazi symbology – it’s Satanic.
An officer ot some recruiting place got shot, shooter wasn’t even in the call up. Think it’s ukraine plants or sympathizers coming out of the woodwork.
YES. Would not surprise me. Likely getting information and social cues through westlib bolshevik media (small letters).
I thought we were the only ones that had school shootings.
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Short summary by Yours Truly: On 12 September, “President Biden” [quotation marks mine] signed the “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe and Secure American Bioeconomy.”
This EO is a “codification” of the FDA’s VRBPAC committee meeting recommendations of 28 June 2022, which followed the agency’s “new template” for vaccine development. The “new COVID-19 + Omicron BA.4 + Omicron BA.5 booster shot” was approved using “Option 4” of the “new template”, which was for a new vaccine to be developed and put onto the market without prior clinical trials.
This recommendation and approval set the stage for all future vaccine development, whether or not it has to do with COVID-19.
The above possibility was discussed on this board just after the VRBPAC meeting ended on 28 June.
Here’s a link to the VRBPAC committee meeting materials for the 28 June meeting:
“Option 4” is described on Page 19 of the document.
Europe’s First Cold Snap Begins This Week Amid Worsening Energy Crisis
Europe is plagued with an energy crisis, and the cold season is coming ahead of schedule.
The stability of the EU’s natural gas reserves now depends on a mild winter. But new weather forecasts for next week indicate that “Arctic chill will blow across western Europe through next week will be the first test of how willing people are to delay switching on the heating in a bid to save energy and ease household budgets,” according to Bloomberg.
Habeck’s not only backed down on leaving anthracite-coal-fired power plants running or on standby, he’s backed down on brown-coal (soft) plants as well. So pretty much all of his EXPENSIVE promises have been backed down. It will be interesting to see if the ultramodern, highly-efficient, and HIGH-CAPACITY nuke plant in north Germany (to be shut down for POLITICAL reasons, elections coming up that the Greens can’t afford to lose) actually remains online. Seems that the second reactor, in Bayern (Bavaria) has some needed repairs that will keep it down for a month or two… right when we need it most.
There are another 14 reactors that could go back online without a lot of work…… but the Greens (Habeck, et. al.) would rather we all die than deviate from their deindustrialization plans disguised as “sustainable renewable energy sources”…..
Thanks for the info Cuppa … I’m still praying for you and yours… all of us …
I watched that guy Daniel. I couldn’t watch any further about phalloplasty.
This is a level of crazy that I can’t touch, or allow to touch me.
I actually am glad I haven’t had a shower yet, because now I need one. God bless the therapists who work with these people. I don’t know how they stand it.
Somehow, we have got to put an end to whatever evil is causing this sickness.
Couldn’t watch it. I don’t need to know details and their issues. Simply wrong and want nothing to do with it.
I have a history of subjecting myself to horror, and then having to live with it. You’d think I’d learn…
Have a little shop? Something like this? 😀
Lol! Looks like some of my houseplants!
Same here. Have to do better at skipping past things which I already know about, and cannot advance my perspective.
Well, I figure seeing how truly horrible it is gives me courage to rail against it, no matter the opposition I get. I’ve SEEN IT, so I know.
We’re going to need courage to stand up to this crap. It has the full support of the head of DOJ and his family of GROOMERS.
Good choice!
This stuff cannot be unseen.
You made a wise decision.
I have had very strange and disturbing dreams for a couple nights in a row. Very unusual for my dreams to have that tenor. I have been thinking, a LOT of the daily images and discussions I see involve violent, disgusting ideas, exactly like phalloplasty. All the transgender stuff falls into that category, as does the pedophilia stuff. And there is much more which washes over us day by day.
Even if the discussion is reasonable and objective, the ideas in themselves are unnatural and (in a sense) deeply frightening.
Yes. They are very frightening.
I was so disturbed the other day by that comment Bye-Done made about “she was 12, I was 30.” And all those people LAUGHED. It has stayed with me for days.
Yes – that bothered me, too.
This is not directed to you specifically, but everybody needs to see it. I suspect that there are some kinds of horrible stuff that everybody here needs to avoid.
Remember the “Jessica” stuff over at OT? As we dug into that, I kept thinking “You know, there are people who should not be digging into this.”
Sometimes the “scroll wheel” needs to be bigger than just “the current post” – in order to maintain fighting form.
People here should not feel bad about taking breaks on other sites like Marica’s, Pat’s, and Sylvia’s.
I am absolutely not about the clicks. I realize that this place is like a butcher shop of cultural Marxism. People need R&R from this stuff. I’m highly immune to the toxins, but we all have our limits. Even I need breaks from this stuff – and I do take them.
Sadie has always impressed me with here ability to dive into the really toxic stuff, but even she takes breaks for real life.
So just saying – do what you need to do. I ENCOURAGE people to get refreshment elsewhere, because many forms of it, you simply can’t get here.
Yeah, I have been considering a “mental health break,” between now and the election.
Everything is just so horribly TOXIC. Some days I feel like I just can’t shake it off.
I won’t just vanish. I’ll say something before I go quiet.
No problem!
In fact, my wife has a bunch of stuff I need to do, LITERALLY starting right now, today. I had to get the new article on the FBI stuff out today, and that’s it – I have to begin working on wifely projects. My attention to this place will be limited for the next month, and maybe even beyond the election.
I will try to get here every day and keep some presence in the opens, but I can’t do articles for a while. Not enough time. “Fall and pre-winter chores” are here!!! 🍂 🐺 🎃 🍁 🦃 🍃 ❄
Yeah, that’s all the stuff I’m doing, too. Gotta get ready for the COLD weather.
I did a solo shutdown of the outside water system at my parents’ cottage this fall. Way more involved tha n I could have imagined.
Good news for you is posted on this thread! Canada stopping all vax requirements for entry!
Thx I’ll keep looking! Appreciate the heads up. 💖
TY!!! 💖💖💜💜💖💖
This is great AND humble wisdom–Thanks!
IMO the things you post are very necessary. Every person must judge for himself what to engage, and at this point we all have enough knowledge to judge what those things are.
I came back this year after a longish break, and the site has been wonderfully peaceful, and that is a major advance. However we got there, the peace is helpful to us all.
We cannot look away. Even the most gruesome must be addressed. 21 FBI agents at the door of a man with 7 terrified children is an intended omen for all of us, but it is impossible not to personally feel the terror of the children right now.
We are meant to see the horror, IMO. We have to know how bad things are, for our own sake. And all along the Psalms and other passages about God’s care for us become more meaningful.
via zerohedge
Pound Flash Crashes 500 pips To Record Low Amid Global FX Carnage As Things Start Breaking
Just as last week ended, with a relentless meltup in the exponentially rising US dollar, coupled with a collapse in cable, the yen, yuan, euro and so on, not to mention stocks and bonds, so the new week begins only this time the moves are even faster, even more brutal and even more acute, as we approach the breaking point.
Case in point, after starting modestly higher, the meltup in the dollar accelerated, as the Bloomberg dollar index exploded to new all time highs…
Looking forward to folks here with insights.
Do believe, IIRC, as DP posts occasionally. “This is not good.”
I wouldn’t qualify my opinion as insight but the rising dollar has had a devastating effect on national debt in emerging market nations. Within a month of Biden’s enthronement the emerging market ETF (EEM) began its collapse which continues unabated. So far the EEM has fallen 61% and shows no sign of a bottom. This collapse will cause great pressure on central banks in the G7 nations to try to stabilize worldwide economic production. Ultimately it will lead to depression, famine, and civil unrest around the world. War is one of the primary tools to fight this kind of crisis. I fear war and general economic disaster will dominate the next decade. It doesn’t help that the West seems intent on encouraging this scenario.
Thanks for the information.
Me too, We have some people who can put this into perspective.
Looking forward to Meloni telling EU / NATO, Italy is done meddling in Ukraine.
Would LOVE if her first step is to resume normal relations with Russia.
You know what I was saying about “somebody needs to do a “Martha’s Vineyard” on Switzerland and Davos in particular?
ITALY WOULD BE PERFECT. Just move all those migrants up North.
Nothing will end the globalists refugee insanity faster.
Why was a hard wef globalist put in that position anyway?
Because the other fellow was actually worse…. both are WEFfenSS…
Didnt the brits have other options? Cmon! Look at boris. Bad to worse!
I’d have liked to see Nigel Farage as PM, but apparently there was a manufactured scandal that took him out of the running…
They have a HORRID permanenty self-perpetuating bureaucracy (called “The Mandarins”) that are unelected yet hold a lot of power and influence. The “rot at the top” is just a symptom of that.
I wish Churchmouse was still posting, as he’d probably have a lot of good infos and perspective on how Old Blighty does politics. Pointman used to, but he’s kind of tied up with the Ukraine/Russian “issue”,
Hmmm. Maybe Mark Steyn has some thoughts… Still, just like in the USA, we’re presented with two toothless nags and have to pick between them 🙂 or 🙁
He posts if you want to go talk to him but not much here.
LMAO! He just had to wait until Russia was more free than America!
Scary thought. 😨
Part of the reason Biden’s comment on the Pandemic being over were just platitudes. The scum need the emergency authorization to stay in place for this and other actions against our country.
Depop shot needs victims to continue so you get lifetime customers. Even if its kids.
Am I ignorant ? Why would the drug manufacturer request this? Shouldn’t it be the medical community ? So they now determine the need? GTFO
The woke leftist med community should be ashamed but they’re zealots. Taken over like education.
Many times over bribed and corrupted. They are in the pocket and will give them what they want.
This is literally the destruction of medicine. Doctors are being TOLD what to do by CONTROLLED scientists.
Eisenhower saw this coming.
Had enough of Bourla’s cr@p.
Murderous bastards.
Wolf Moon
Pfizer-BioNTech just registered a NEW “clinical trials” study of the company’s “new COVID-19 + Omicron BA.4 + Omicron BA.5 booster shot” (Pfizer HCP FS Bivalent Booster) with the FDA — they want to test it on BABIES 6 MONTHS THROUGH CHILDREN 11 YEARS OLD:
Estimated Study Start Date; September 28, 2022
Estimated Study Completion Date: February 18, 2025
From the Study Description:
“Substudy A design: includes participants 6 months through 23 months who have not received a previous coronavirus vaccination (COVID-19 vaccine naive) and will receive 3 doses of study vaccine as their initial which may be followed by a fourth dose of study vaccine.”
PLEASE READ the “Arms and Interventions” part of the Study Description.
Pfizer-BioNTech will give EITHER a 3mcg dose, OR a 6mcg dose, OR a 10-mcg dose of Pfizer HCP FS Bivalent Booster PER DOSE, PER STUDY COHORT GROUP, plus something called “SELECTED DOSE.”
What in H3LL goes on here?
OMG, this is horrifying. No placebo group?
Depopulation. They’re intensely evil.
Wolf Moon
There’s NO human clinical trial “safety and efficacy data” whatsoever for Pfizer-BioNTech’s “new COVID-19 + Omicron BA.4 + Omicron BA.5 booster shot”, called Pfizer HCP FS Bivalent Booster. The company’s request to the FDA is based on “safety and efficacy data” from their earlier COVID-19 + Omicron BA.1 “booster shot”, plus MANUFACTURING data about the “new booster shot”, plus PRE-CLINICAL STUDY DATA (meaning, “IN-HOUSE studies” — what, the ones on the mice?) for said “new booster shot.”
Yesterday or day before Bourla announced he had Cocidiocy, again.
^^^ Confirms need for Boosters.
That’s a GREAT catch. What are the odds? Somebody said Bourla’s previous case was just like six weeks ago. That really cannot happen, IMO, even if the guy took paxlovid for that earlier case, the rebound is immediate.
THUS, he’s likely LYING.
The only other explanation is that his immunity is truly shot to hell. Why would that happen? He should have gotten the “elite” shot.
Unless China SNAKED HIM as an op, and he got a bad shot. Very useful to finish him off. Dead men don’t tell.
But the easiest explanation is that he’s just a liar.
Liar Bourla is.
Couple months ago, CEO Bourla started trying to dodge injection accountability. Blamed a committee.
I know where he can stick all his boosters.
Ground report on our annual wellness exams. 🤣
The same NP who made the mistake of talking up the jabs last time obviously remembered our conversation with her this time. Did not blink when we responded “no” to the flu shot. My wife told her she was through taking any kind of vaccinations at her age and with her allergies. Mamaw is such a rock star! The NP took it all in stride and stayed pleasant this time.
The waiting room had only one other patient in the middle of ragweed season in east TN. This is a two physician, two NP medical office in a growing, populated burb. I wanted to ask her if they ran all their patients off. My take is people are avoiding the medical community like the plague, especially in our area.
Likely. Their own dang fault.
Wait til November.
Doctors are losing trust – THIS is part of the Bill Gates strategy to take over medicine with “managed health care” which will have “integrated depopulation”.
Remember what they do to clones in “Cloud Atlas”. Just remove the role of clones, and replace the clunky machines with injections.
We would never have seen this were it not for Trump.
The combined market value of the Bloomberg Global Aggregate bond index and the MSCI World index has dropped $29 trillion since its peak in November 2021
What?! After the way FNC behaved toward DJT in the last election cycle you’d have thought that they would continue covering for the commies…oh yeah, controlled opposition!
Stock market under Fox enabled election, down $7,600,000,000,000.
Bloomberg says higher … so, they are still covering, right?
Bloomberg…that elitist little F***. Has anyone ever seen Bloomberg & Fauci on the same stage?
Bloomberg is much higher up the chain than Fauci … but then, they may have been separated at birth 😉
Russia’s Nord Stream 2 Pipeline to Germany Loses Pressure Overnight from 300 to 7 Bars – Cause Unknown (Gateway Pundit)
So much for this… 😆
Germany seizes control of 3 Russian-owned oil refineries ahead of … (fox news)
Sep 16, 2022An oil subsidiary in Germany previously controlled by a Russian oil giant is now under the control of the German government, it announced Friday. The German government said it took control of…
Might want to give them back just for starters. 😛
Nordstream II is not being actively used, and has no permit(s) on the German side…
Nordstream I has been turned off, so maybe that’s what they meant…
How are you faring?
Hoping and praying the lights don’t go out… though Habeck’s promised they won’t, as long as we all cut back our usage…
Gas bills up 30%, and will go up another 5-10%, electricity went up 30% in July and might go up again, so basically I’m spending 500 euros a month just on those two before the new increases (5-10%) hit. And then diesel and gasoline are double what they were a year ago, 2.10 or so per LITER, so north of $8.00 per gallon (3.785 liter per gallon). I think Pierre Gosselin over at NoTricksZone had an article saying that energy costs have TRIPLED since the early 2000s….
Habeck (business minister and vice-kanzler, with no experience in either) has backed off on most of his idiocy, although the damage has already been done. If the reactors can stay online, that will help a lot. The other issue is that natural gas and oil are used in many industries as a chemical base, not just as fuel (drug, perfume, fertilizer, other chemicals, plastics, etc.). Some of those industries have already said they’re moving out, even to the USA! (HELLO, TEXAS)…
Probably need to do more prepping (water, canned foods, TP/PT, some kind of portable stove, etc.). Main thing is to pray that GOD rescues us from all this madness, and turns the evil politicials and WEFfenSS from their wicked ways…