Back In My Day: Nothing New Under The Sun – Another Great American Traitorous Deception

So, like me, most of you probably grew up thinking that getting a decent education to whatever level you could attain would lead to a job and eventually a career where you could succeed. For traditional families, that may have even meant no outside job for the wife and mother so that she could handle … Continue reading Back In My Day: Nothing New Under The Sun – Another Great American Traitorous Deception

Dear KAG: 20220906 Open Thread

Cover image: "Autumn Lake, New Hampshire," Edward W. Nichols, oil on canvas, 6-1/2 x 11", private collection. I took a break from politics on Sunday, so this is going to be a little light. Maybe. There's a lot of good stuff. First off: Federal Judge Orders Appointment of Special Master to Oversee Documents from FBI … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20220906 Open Thread