A huge THANK YOU to Dr. Shiva and marymorse for discovering the path into what will be the most CYNICAL aspect of THE STEAL since they bragged about “fortifying the election”.
Indeed, “fortifying the election” was a “bragging clue” that they put right under our noses.
You see, that is EXACTLY how the scam worked.
They really DID “fortify” the election – as a way of TAKING IT DOWN.
Under the guise of “securing the election”, they actually CASED IT for the biggest theft in history.
There is only one Democrat so cynical in this world, to pull this stuff off, and his name is all over the crime scene.

LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/person/robby-mook
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/FbOrt
But that’s getting ahead of the trail. Let me show you how I got here, thanks to Dr. Shiva, Professor Clement, and marymorse.

Doc Shiva Spots the Cynical Censorship
This is the crucial path in, so that you can SEE what I cannot now UNSEE.
Dr. Shiva, pursuing his censorship on Twitter in a way that actually got THREE TWITTER SNAKES to crawl out of that HELLHOLE called WilmerHale, discovered a cynical PLAYBOOK for suppressing not only people LIKE HIM, but in fact HIS OWN NAME – listed on the pages.

We covered this two days ago – plenty of background:
Mike Lindell and Dr. Shiva – Our Geiger Counter for True Patriots
LINK: https://www.theqtree.com/2021/08/12/mike-lindell-and-dr-shiva-our-geiger-counter-for-true-patriots/
Think how cynical this is. A smart Indian guy – many think of him as a bit of a gadfly – versus some giant consortium of influential people, and HE is the “influence operation” that needs to be countered?
Seriously – WHAT A BUNCH OF SHIT. And they know it. Big, proud, rich, connected, important people, with all of our STOLEN retirement money and decades of medical insurance premiums robbed by Robbin’ Hood Obama – WORTHLESS after we got thrown onto Medicare – now buying their second and third McMansions with the money they stole – and THEY are afraid of HIM? HE is a threat?
Give me a break.
Yeah, he’s a threat like me, with my COVID lungs, my dead dog, and my broken and patched Chinese yard tools that I have to wait for a cool day to use so I don’t DIE of LONG CHINA VIRUS.
Anyway, Shiva dug through this site and mapped out the connections of the CENSORSHIP CARTEL.

But here is the most important thing to understand.
And THAT is easier to see, thanks to Professor Clement.

The Vote Traffickers and WE THE UNTOUCHABLES
I used to think that the FBI was still like the Untouchables.
Eventually, I realized they weren’t.
Then I hoped that at least SOME of the FBI were still like the Untouchables.
Eventually, I realized that none of them were.
And the good ones? They DIED.
Remember Wall Street FBI investigator Sal Cincinelli? The guy who was investigating the Clinton Foundation?

The VOTE CARTEL put the squeeze on his sister and he ended up “killing himself”, shortly after giving an “invited talk” at the same place where Anthony Scaramucci did a 180 on Trump.
They are ROUGH and they PLAY ROUGH. They OWN guys like Wray and Comey.
Just like Shiva. Ironic, isn’t it? “Untouchables.”
ANYWAY, here is the point. I did NOT see all of this correctly – the MAGNITUDE of it – until I watched Professor Clement describe the VOTE TRAFFICKERS as a CARTEL.
Once you get that, then FAST AND FURIOUS makes sense. It’s CARTEL TO CARTEL.
The CARTEL is already here.
If you have not heard this speech, you MUST hear it to get proper perspective.
Once you understand this – once you understand that even DRUG GANGS “case the cops” – then you are ready to “move on”.
You are now ready to see how a small player in the cartel SCREWED UP, and one of the UNTOUCHABLES found a record of her previous associates – including a VERY BIG FISH.

The Princess of Fake Elections
Jenna Griswold is a beautiful, indeed quintessential example of a “Soros DA”, as I like to call any sabotage candidate or appointee that George Soros backs.
Her incompetence for the job is a FEATURE – not a bug. The fact that such a surprise winner almost certainly had to be elected BY a fake election makes her the perfect defender OF fake elections.

Note that we have covered this gal earlier, too.
Colorado – The Little Big Horn of Fake Elections
This whole thing is HUGE. This Colorado SuperMom in the audience is DESTROYING Dominion, Jenna Griswold, and the DNC. The CONSCIOUSNESS OF GUILT. IT BURNS. It is very clear that this woman Jenna Griswold is an unqualified HACK who was put in BY FAKE ELECTIONS precisely for FAKE ELECTIONS and to protect FAKE ELECTIONS. I …
SO – when marymorse was perusing one of the cynical web pages at this horrible Belfer Center that was engaged in so much CENSORSHIP, who shows up but……

Yeah, there is that old “NASED” again. Remember? They were squelching any accusations of election fraud, when they went after Dr. Shiva.
So, it’s pretty clear that Jenna Griswold was involved with these same creeps at a very tight and high level.
But what is this page where marymorse found her?

LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/election-cyber-incident-communications-plan-template
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/ymvfy
So what is the significance, other than the betrayer MIKE PENCE mentioned prominently?
I could explain all this, but my fellow QTreepers do it so much better.
The conversation starts HERE:
marymorse August 12, 2021 07:55
Holy Crap.
Belfer Center:
Jake Sullivan
Fiona Hill
Strobe Talbot
the Moscow Mayor
possibly Jeffrey Sachs, and Lawrence Summers
Richard Ledget, formerly NSA
Dimitry Alperovitch, Crowdstrike
L. Jean Camp
Haven’t searched the document yet.
Is Joan Donovan, formerly Belfer Center, now Sharfstein Center mentioned?
marymorse Reply to marymorse August 12, 2021 08:08
Add Robby Mook an author of the Playbook.
Wasn’t he the first to leak the Alfa Bank server story (L. Jean Camp)? At the DNC convention, iir?

Gail Combs Reply to marymorse August 12, 2021 08:11
L. Jean Camp and the mysterious Tea Leaves, (CIA???) for those who do not remember, are the computer scientists who said they found Russian bank commuter traffic to Trump tower.
In November 2016, just days before Donald Trump won the presidential election, Slate published what appeared to be an explosive story connecting his business empire to a prominent, Kremlin-linked bank in Moscow. The story, using breadcrumbs left across DNS, the esoteric global computer system that undergirds the internet, alleged a pattern of covert communications between a Trump Organization email server and Alfa Bank….
…In May of this year, the bank tapped Kirkland & Ellis LLP, a white-shoe American law firm, to write a letter to L. Jean Camp, an esteemed Indiana University computer scientist and researcher — and a vocal supporter of the claims made by Tea Leaves. This initial letter, first reported by CNN, claimed that the Camp investigation into the covert server chatter had “encouraged inquiries into supposed links to the Trump organization” and that her “activities continue to this day to promote an unwarranted investigation into Alfa Bank’s ‘communication’ with the Trump Organization.” The letter added that “Alfa Bank is exploring all available options to protect itself … [including] litigation and causes of action under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act,” further demanding that Camp “preserve all records” pertaining to the Tea Leaves research. Such a preservation request is often the precursor to a lawsuit. There would be more letters.
Alfa’s lawyers went beyond scary lawyer boilerplate, demanding that Camp not only turn over all of her related communications with members of the media, but also divulge her full correspondence with the anonymous Tea Leaves, presumably for the purpose of unmasking and pursuing them. As a professor at a publicly funded university, Camp’s official correspondence is subject to public disclosure. A subsequent letter from Kirkland & Ellis made this threat explicit….
marymorse Reply to Gail Combs August 12, 2021 08:25
Thank you Gail for share the details. Strange that the bank hire K+E, doncha think?
What do you have about Perkins Coie’s involvement? Didn’t Robby Mook get his info from one of their lawyers?
No mention of Joan D. in the document (quick search of part 2 only), BUT…
DIMITRI ALPEROVICH turns up on the D3P Advisory Board ?!?
marymorse Reply to marymorse August 12, 2021 08:28
Scratch the K+E comment, I was confusing it with Wilmer Hale.

Wolf Moon Reply to marymorse August 12, 2021 14:26
Yeah, that’s a pretty ugly bunch of DonkeyComs.
marymorse Reply to Wolf Moon August 12, 2021 18:38
Think Griswald is representing the Belfer Center in her response?
Is she using the “Election Cyber Incident Communication Plan Template” written by Robby Mook, Matt Rhoades, and Eric Rosenbach?
marymorse Reply to marymorse August 12, 2021 18:39
State of Colorado election officials listed in the acknowledgements pg.4

Wolf Moon Reply to marymorse August 13, 2021 16:17
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Wolf Moon Reply to marymorse August 13, 2021 16:07
Oh, this is a HUGE catch. Thank you!
I have to publish what I have NOW, and come back to finish it later, but by now you should be able to see what is going on.
This is why I’m having you download pages from the Belfer Center, so they can’t TORCH THE EVIDENCE.
THIS RIGHT HERE is the key – where the “security experts” come in, call everything safe, STEAL THE KEYS, GET THE LEVERAGE, and EXECUTE THE STEAL.
SLICK. Very, very SLICK.
Thank you, marymorse. Thank you, Professor Clement. Thank you, Mike Lindell. Thank you, Tina Peters.
And thank you, Jenna Griswold. YOU gave us the keys.
To the Belfer Center.

UPDATE 1 – Why Is Arapahoe County Important?
OK – this is big. Check out the video in the first comment, from Gail – this is the one where Jenna Griswold goes in front of the media and shakes perceptibly, as noted by Professor Clements, the former prosecutor.
Who is the FIRST person she calls in for defense? County Clerk (former) of ARAPAHOE COUNTY, and now head of the Colorado Association of County Clerks.
You will note that Arapahoe County is the EXACT SAME one country (other than Denver) that took part in the “Event 201 of elections” BS. I repeat the image:

What IS Arapahoe County?
Arapahoe County (/əˈræpəhoʊ/ ə-RAP-ə-hoh) is a county located in the U.S. state of Colorado. As of the 2010 census, its population was 572,003,[3] making it the third-most populous county in Colorado. The county seat is Littleton,[4] and the most populous city is Aurora. The county was named for the Arapaho Native American tribe, who once lived in the region.[2]
Arapahoe County is part of the Denver-Aurora-Lakewood metropolitan statistical area. Arapahoe County calls itself “Colorado’s First County”, since its origins antedate the Pike’s Peak Gold Rush.
Did you see that? Arapahoe County is the THIRD most populous county in Colorado. In fact, let’s take a look at the TOP 15 county populations there. I chose 15 for a reason.

The second-largest county, El Paso County, is Colorado Springs. I am guessing that it’s somewhat redder than Denver and Boulder. Arapahoe County looks like it SHOULD be “suburban red” – but with pretexts like the MK shoot-em-up at Columbine High School, I am thinking the Vote Trafficking Cartel could swing things BELIEVABLY to the DonkeyComs.
In my opinion, if they can control voting machines in both Denver County and Arapahoe County, they can control the STATE. They don’t have to have everybody on board. They can nickel and dime everybody else.
Notice also that Mesa County, at number 15, is STILL a six-digit population, at a bit less than 1/4 of the population of Arapahoe County. So it still matters, and we SHOULD SEE cheating in the logs and PCAPs.
It would be important to have lots of leverage on Arapahoe County election offices and officials. I won’t get into all the possible ways that leverage might occur, outside of what we are seeing with the Belfer Center partnership, but in my opinion they used this relationship to snoop on what was needed to manipulate the voting machines, and to influence the people in Arapahoe County election supervision into predictable and desired behaviors.
I am guessing that Arapahoe, with a lot of growth AND fluid population, would be the perfect place for a REALLY BIG, FAT credit line of FAKE VOTES, FAKE REGISTRATIONS, and [DRUMROLL] FAKE CITIZENS.
Yes. FAKE CITIZENS is where the real scam is. It has to be. To keep registrations looking natural, there have to be FAKE CITIZENS.
How do I know this? SOON.
The scandal of UniParty dominance through Fake Elections is HUGE.
Now – note that they are operating by a PLAYBOOK – a PLAYBOOK that provides COVER – the cover of phony “election security” when what they are really doing is COVERING UP election fraud.
This is how these playbooks work. Just like the playbook for dealing with “malign influence and misinformation” is how they deal with BREAKOUT OF INFORMATION OR EVIDENCE about election fraud perpetrated BY THEM, so they use phony concerns about cyber-security to cover up DIRTY ELECTION COP activities.
You seeing how this works? These people are DIRTY AS HELL.
More coming.

Update 2 – The Belfer Archives
Because we are bringing the HEAT to these corrupt Democrat NGOs, there WILL be cover-up. Hence, we’ve archived many pages of this nasty Mookish cheat-protecting DNC cadre operation. Many thanks to TheseTruths for helping me do this. Just look through this Orwellian elite blamecasting crap at your leisure. If they scrub it, it will only evidence consciousness of guilt. CRIMINALS!
Seriously, you CHUMPS on the academic end of this travesty. Robby MOOK? You let that partisan TOAD sully the Harvard name by turning it into a DNC OP? Much worse, a FRAUD OP? LOL! “So smart, they’re STUPID.”
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/election-cyber-incident-communications-plan-template
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/ymvfy
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/person/robby-mook
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/FbOrt
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/voting-better-us-political-system
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/IJeSr
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/november-russian-hackers-could-target-voting-machines
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/ojdwy
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/EolyW
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/5OgVk
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/kpw42
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/american-elections-will-be-hacked
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/tuK6V
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/hacking-elections
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/Y5kv5
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/its-states-prevent-election-day-fiasco
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/SdUjd
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/yes-its-possible-hack-election
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/nOtIn
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/we-need-hack-proof-our-elections-old-technology-can-help
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/To27x
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/pandemic-election
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/KTvLg
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/EBMd0
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/yelp-democracy
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/ujDUH
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/election-2020-securing-vote
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/akPqN
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/wanted-firewall-protect-us-elections
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/ApmH8
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/america-vs-hackers-cyber-security-bootcamp
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/kTVlm
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/electoral-college-national-security-threat
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/jfObX
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/lMk5k
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/beyond-2020-policy-recommendations-future-election-security
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/BqgfJ
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/event/could-election-be-hacked-evaluating-threats-motives-effects
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/AON61
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/elections-battle-staff-playbook
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/V7fcS
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/rHOB2
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/defending-american-democracy-cyber-threats
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/Vc3ZO
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/state-and-local-election-cybersecurity-playbook
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/f4idG
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/shvhE
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/radical-solution-fundamental-flaws-us-politics-vote
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/Cpoke
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/R3juD
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/DTgcU
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/UzQn0
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/washington-dc-deserves-statehood
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/QQpdd
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/eric-rosenbach-discusses-election-security-nprs-point
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/cz3a3
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/event/defending-digital-democracy-project-presents-battlestaff-bootcamp
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/huDaa
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/making-democracy-harder-hack (includes PDF link)
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/PawAI
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/officials-38-states-learn-fortify-elections-against-attacks
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/jybIs
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/change-conversation-change-venue-and-change-our-future
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/aQDCm
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/cyber-perfect-weapon
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/JxqAv
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/building-cyber-defenses-us-elections
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/G9nuL
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/vOAaL
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/trump-electoral-coup-would-be-very-hard-pull
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/OhLiT
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/vEkT2
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/why-foreign-propaganda-more-dangerous-now
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/1nn6P
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/defending-digital-democracy-four-corners-election-security
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/p6xi7
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/d3p-helps-safeguard-2020-elections
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/MIA0V
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/QhMUZ
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/stealing-elections-all-game
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/iKnh4
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/trump-might-not-want-relinquish-power
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/cVB5T
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/observing-midterms-fortify-election-security
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/yd3bK
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/why-vote-follow
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/uuB0X
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/beyond-elections-foreign-interference-american-democracy
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/qLaQa
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/united-states-getting-infected-dictatorship
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/iQ5CB
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/keep-calm-constitution-will-constrain-trump
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/Inl9z
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/node/89137 (The Kremlin and the US election)
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/ZWl4D
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/node/89193 (From TrusTED to ElecTED)
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/YJrNd
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/republicans-are-putting-america-risk-flouting-constitution
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/FuzfE
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/four-steps-fight-foreign-interference-us-elections
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/K85a6
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/only-hillary-clinton-prepared-nuclear-threat
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/tn4wd
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/event/digital-threat-democracy
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/8Fj5Y
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/case-national-cybersecurity-agency
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/Q4yHO
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/X4sIj
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/safeguarding-cyberspace
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/69GKc
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/lKWTU
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/how-congress-can-step-innovative-technology-issues
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/qFwS1
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/gF7D4
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/UBY8M
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/election-cyber-incident-communications-plan-template
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/3HdaF
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/5tN7H
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/eric-rosenbach-election-security
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/NS2Jx
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/battlefield-internet-plan-securing-cyberspace
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/OkfBw
LINK: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/election-cyber-incident-communications-coordination-guide
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/yOOeK
Again, I’d like to thank TheseTruths for helping me collect all these pages of evidence. It’s already very clear to me by reading these titles, just how much Robby Mook and his DNC cohorts were able to LAUNDER Democrat narratives and abuses through Harvard University. SHAME!
I watched the Jenna Griswold news conference that Prof. Clement mentioned. I did not see the hands shaking (no glasses on) but I noticed she would smile and then default to a grimace. She also fiddled and fiddled with the button on her coat.
I’ll have to check it out!!!
Here is the cut about the poison pill, raid on Tina’s friend, attack on Mike, people taking photos of legislators, grabbing phone info….
4 minutes of PURE GOLD!
I am very curious about what the poison pill actually was.
Embedding data into the pcaps to skew the numbers. It turns out that the number differences (in all 50 states) between the official vote counts and the cyber team’s counts is exactly 4.2%. Same in all 50 states.
Who embedded the data? Where did the data come from?
This is with the Red Team, I think. One of the cyber guys. There was a traitor among them. That’s why none of the pcaps for ALL THE DATA were shared. They had been adulterated by the traitor.
Holy SHIT.
ThankQ for answering Wolfie’s question.
But that would not result in device seizure. Seizure would require CP or something like that.
I think it was a YOU LOSE no matter HOW Mike played the game.
It was actually a BRILIANT PLAY by the Cabal to discredit ‘China Hacked our election’ Now even if it is PROVEN they have ALREADY disproved it and smeared Mike as a complete Kook.
HERE IS THE HIT PIECE on Mike and the symposium!
FROM: bflyjesusgrl
(I am including her entire comment here since it should also be posted here as well as on the daily.)
August 14, 2021 07:54
Corrected Wa Times article, Previously said Merritt was one of Lindell’s guys, now says he was hired by Mike for Symposium
EXCLUSIVE: Cyber expert says his team can’t prove Mike Lindell’s claims that China hacked election
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — The cyber expert on the “red team” hired by MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell now says the key data underpinning the theory that China hacked the 2020 election unveiled at the Cyber Symposium is illegitimate.
Mr. Lindell said he had 37 terabytes of “irrefutable” evidence that hackers, who he said were backed by China, broke into election systems and switched votes in favor of President Biden. The proof, he said, is visible in intercepted network data or “packet captures” that were collected by hackers and could be unencrypted to reveal that a cyberattack occurred and that votes were switched.
But cyber expert Josh Merritt, who is on the team hired by Mr. Lindell to interrogate the data for the symposium, told The Washington Times that packet captures are unrecoverable in the data and that the data, as provided, cannot prove a cyber incursion by China.
“So our team said, we’re not going to say that this is legitimate if we don’t have confidence in the information,” Mr. Merritt said on Wednesday, the second day of the symposium.
Mr. Merritt’s break from Mr. Lindell accelerated the unraveling of the MyPillow millionaire’s months of spinning of a conspiracy theory that he said would reverse the outcome of the 2020 election and restore former President Donald Trump to the White House.
Mr. Lindell delayed a scheduled unveiling of his evidence on Wednesday at the symposium.
He had offered $5 million to any in-person attendee who can disprove his claims. The offer is no longer on the table, Mr. Merritt said.
Leading up to the seminar, Mr. Lindell had displayed a video of scrolling, incomprehensible text, which he claimed were the packet captures he had received — proof, he claimed, of his China hacking theory. The video was featured in his documentary “Absolute 9-0” and was played on loop on screens throughout the convention center during the symposium.
Cybersecurity expert J. Kirk Wiebe, a former senior National Security Agency analyst and whistleblower, also said Mr. Lindell did not have the actual data sets.
He said the scrolling text was likely meant to resemble what the packet captures would look like in the data set but were not actual packet captures, which are vital to prove the claims.
Several cyber experts at the symposium became frustrated late into the first day with not being provided with packet captures.
Mr. Merritt and Mr. Wiebe said the missing packet captures could be a result of either the format the data was sent in or they were withheld by the source of the information, Dennis L. Montgomery.
Mr. Montgomery is a former government contractor who developed cyber tools named HAMMER and SCORECARD, which were allegedly used by the U.S. to influence foreign elections. Mr. Montgomery came forward with the data after he said the tools were being used to influence U.S. elections, according to Mr. Wiebe.
Mr. Merritt confirmed that Mr. Montgomery was the source of the data.
But the data Mr. Montgomery sent contains no packet captures and cannot be used to validate Mr. Lindell’s marquee theory, which he planned to unveil at the symposium, said the two experts.
Mr. Montgomery reportedly suffered a stroke on the eve of the symposium and has not been in contact with Mr. Lindell’s team or any cyber experts at the symposium.
He has been behind several other high-profile conspiracy theories, including allegations that U.S. security agencies wiretapped Trump Tower while Mr. Trump was running for president in 2016.
Mr. Montgomery said he presented the wiretap evidence to then-FBI Director James B. Comey, who dismissed the information. Mr. Montgomery later sued Mr. Comey, alleging a cover-up. The lawsuit was dropped.
Mr. Montgomery has also publicly claimed that the 2020 election was manipulated, which former director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Christopher Krebs said was a “hoax.”
Still, Mr. Merritt said, the data did contain important “forensic” evidence of manipulated voters.
“We were handed a turd,” he said. “And I had to take that turd and turn it into a diamond. And that’s what I think we did.”
The symposium organizers unveiled data Wednesday in front of the audience, which they said showed tampering in the 2020 presidential election in Mesa County, Colorado. The presentation was ad hoc and separate from Mr. Lindell’s original claim of a nationwide hack.
Mesa County’s clerk and recorder, Tina Peters, headlined Day One of the gathering. Ms. Peters is under investigation for a potential election security breach from within her office.
Mr. Lindell’s team would not confirm the source of the data used for Wednesday’s presentation.
Phil Waldron who is the leader of the red team, said only a small slice of the data was provided to the red team, just days before the symposium.
Mr. Waldron said the remaining data, not interrogated during the symposium, could contain the packet captures and other data needed to prove China hacked the election. He also said that ample evidence was contained in the data that points to other significant election anomalies, that were just as significant and worth unpacking during the symposium.
Kurt Olsen, a lawyer on Mr. Lindell’s team said there were multiple sources of the data that Mr. Lindell claims to have, and did not confirm that Mr. Mongtomery was the source of the data. He also clarified that the $5 million challenge has not been canceled and that Mr. Merritt would not be privy to that information.
Clarification: The article previously described Mr. Merritt as Lindell’s lead cyber expert. Mr. Merritt is a cyber expert on the red team hired by Mr. Lindell to interrogate the data for the symposium, and does not work directly for Mr. Lindell.
The Professor’s Record
Forwarded from
America First Audit Channel
He is a HERO and might be the most dedicated Patriot to our movement. Remember his name. He will go down in history for saving our country. Those that have shamed him, should be embarrassed. While people collect donations for opinions that are not factual and call themselves journalist, Josh spends over 15 hours a day working to help our country. He’s been ridiculed by the left and PAYtriots. He’s one of the most intelligent human beings of our time. He has given ALL for WE THE PEOPLE.
I’m honored to call him a fellow Texan and Patriot.
This is a Veteran that is still fighting for our country. Tell him THANK YOU! He will see it.
The Professor’s Record
The enemy seeks to destroy those that speak truth.
Joshua Merritt is being destroyed by the SNAKE news media.
Use your discernment.
Joshua Merritt was instrumental in avoiding traps set by the enemy at the Cyber Symposium.
This angered the enemy.
The enemy lies.
History will remember Joshua Merritt as the selfless American patriot I know him to be.
P.S. – Brian Cates is a deep state hack.
The Professor’s Record
Are you keeping a list of who I have placed in my foxhole?
It’s a small list.
Enemies abound.
God sees all.
God wins.
The Professor’s Record
If a SNAKE news media rag lies to you about Mike Lindell, why would you expect the same SNAKE news media rag to tell you the truth about Joshua Merritt?
Use your common sense.
The media lies about everything that promotes truth.
This is my view, simply based on the reactions of the principal people involved.
They don’t seem to care too much.
Upon reflection, why would you make a HUGE HULLABALOO over something this vital to the survival of the republic?
Why risk the mockery, the supposed discrediting of the data?
What data was actually given out as far as the pcaps? Any?
Enjoy the show. Mike Lindell is a great showman. 😄
What WAS accomplished?
Legislators going home to push for full forensic audits.
Greater awareness of the STEAL and how it has been accomplished.
Greater awareness of how deeply involved our own corrupt government is in STEALING ELECTIONS and COVERING UP CRIMES.
Knowledge that it is down on the county level.
Evidence of the government collusion with Antifa to spy on Americans at the symposium and elsewhere.
Evidence that they are frightened…trembling hands could be our meme now.
And last but by no means least…all the behind the scenes stuff we have no knowledge about.
And I might just add, stop REACTING to the hit pieces.
We know how they roll. Stop letting them psychologically torture you. They are appealing to the human instinct of emotional self-preservation…and they get us every time.
Grow a backbone, people.
AMEN. We have a FOREST of new evidence against the DEMON DEMS – solid as a ROCK, and weaklings are crying “OH, NOES! THAT ONE TREE IS A BUSH!” LOL. Either missing the point or running narratives for the other side.
The hit piece doesn’t bother me. I am just saying that the Cabal thought of it as a win-win situation for them.
Mike is playing a different game:
(1800s attributed to P. T. Barnum)
The whole idea is to get people TALKING ARGUING AND THINKING about voter fraud.
I certainly wish the P-Caps had PROVEN beyond a doubt that China attacked our elections and we could be done with the mess, but it seems not.
My big worry is MANDATORY VACCINATION of our Armed forces, children and us before we can boot the Chinese Viceroy out of the People’s House.
I wasn’t targeting you. Just in general. Sorry about that. You are the Great Information Giver.
Bowing down. 😚
Until somebody explains these PCAPs in detail, including source and data workup, I just set them aside as UNKNOWN.
Personally, I have no need for them, thanks to Antrim Country showing the physical vote-switching at the end.
It will be very interesting to see what comes out of the Mesa County data.
I strongly suspect that the “PCAPs” were a “booster stage” and a sacrificial lamb to create a platform for the Mesa County whistleblower.
Lindel and company KNEW that the PCAP analysis would be attacked, sabotaged, set up, etc. – but then they snuck in the whistleblower who essentially knee-capped Dominion’s SECOND leg (Antrim County, Michigan being the first).
The Mesa County whistleblower, Tina Peters, Dr. Frank’s analysis of voting/registration/census numbers, and Seth Keshel’s work, are ALL more than enough to demand audits everywhere.
Dominion executives have clearly committed perjury in multiple venues.
Then add Dr. Shiva’s work which shows Democrats using NGOs like Belfer Center to LAUNDER their sabotage of elections and to hide their crimes, and we basically have these bastards.
What about if Lindell’s team set a trap? Maybe they found out something and set a trap for those who betrayed the symposium ? Something is off specially that they caught everyone. I am sure they also have those three identified who attract Mike.
The other I am wondering the Montgomery guy is also known by Flynn and Lindell is friends with Flynn would not Flynn know? Does he know bad guys?
I am only sharing my musing 🙂
I am sure they also have those three identified who attract Mike.
The hotel security would have their photos.
Yes they do. Hope police is doing their job .
Oh, she was shaking like a leaf for a good while.
She knows they will sacrifice her in a minute.
My astigmatism makes me see slightly double so the shaking was not at all visible to me. Her other nervous gestures certainly were though.
OH – this is HUGE!!!
Arapahoe County is the ONE COUNTY (besides City and County of Denver) that was USED BY HER as part of the Belfer Center bullshit “template” where the DonkeyComs basically CONTROL THE RESPONSE of the participants, in the same style as Event 201.

These drills, events, and other kinds of exercises are a means of CONDITIONING people to behave in certain ways.
The fact that she opens up by calling out to this County Clerk from Arapahoe County tells me that he was judged “compliant” for all this Belfer Center conditioning.
Now – not even knowing where Arapahoe County IS (sounds familiar, though), I am betting that there was HUGE cheating there.
Oh, she is isolated. I will bet that MOST county clerks view her as bullshit, but that the TOP of the organization is controlled BY HER and BY SOROS.
Arapahoe county is a long-skinny county running east west, its western extremity borders Denver county and at that end it contains a lot of Denver suburbs (in fact four of the five big counties on your list are “Denver Metro” counties in part; El Paso being the exception). The eastern 4/5th of Arapahoe County is quite rural in character.
See, I am really thinking that much of Colorado’s alleged cultural change is illusory. Not all, but much.
Now – check this article out. One thing it tells me is that part of the plan with “Russia, Russia, Russia” was to get PHONY control of the elections (“secure against Russians!”) to throw them to the Dems.
LINK: https://www.denverpost.com/2020/02/23/new-voting-machines-reliability-questioned/
ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/zYa6n
“See, I am really thinking that much of Colorado’s alleged cultural change is illusory. Not all, but much.”
This concept jumped out to me after watching that 1 hour Russ Ramsland (I believe) video outlining his team’s discovery of creeping electoral fraud in 2 TX counties during the 2018 election. The criminals would shift some rep votes over to dems systematically over multiple electoral cycles so that the creeping blue phenomena might just come to be accepted & not questioned, appearing “organic” rather than contrived.
I would guess that these tactics have been used in numerous locales to great effect, possibly for decades…
Someone mentioned Orange Co, CA being too abrupt of a shift to be believable. That may have happened when so much of CA was already under Deep State/Dem control that they figured they were safe from consequences for their illegal/immoral actions…
Yes – exactly. Their mantra is “don’t get caught”. They believe that any crime which is not detected isn’t really a crime.
I grew out of that shit long ago. THANK GOD!!!
Yes. You & your insights are a major treasure to God’s Kingdom Ways on Earth; Truth, MAGA, & Constitutionality (as well as historicity, true science, godliness, & playful pack leadership!)
I agree 1000%.
I’ve said this before but I firmly believe it. I was in college during the O recession. I was surprised at the insane number of people attending college and the age range of students. Many were older adults out of work and many said that the ease of fin aide and student loans gave them the ability to pay bills while getting a degree and passing time until the economy picked up.
All of the college campus register to vote adds to states voter rolls. The young students move on but they are registered where they attended college.
Add in the states with military bases and you have all those folks that are registered in those states while stationed there.
As a slick, crooked politician all you have to do is not clean up your voter rolls and you end up like NC is.
Then you have O and the msm pushing the narrative that demos are changing and those not paying attention don’t think twice when their red state “becomes” a swing state and then a really blue purple state.
My hobby is numbers and stats, there’s no way my state and many others have conservative leg’s and a dem governor without fraud.
It was a slick, incremental plan, imho.
Crooked DOJ won’t let us recover honest elections, either.
Of course not!
And Cooper was listed near the top of the ccp’s fav govs list, so that pos isn’t going to clean up our rolls. NC is way more conservative than people think. We’ve just been too damned blind for too long!
To quote from Galaxy Quest, “Those poor people.”
Seriously, these DonkeyCom rulers are GARBAGE. They deserve the MUSSOLINI and they only get the MEAN TWEET.
OOOOOoooh thanks for explaining why NC has so many counties with MORE votes than live adult bodies.
NC not only has military bases it has oodles of colleges and universities LINK
“….The largest colleges in the state by undergraduate student body are the North Carolina State University (24,536 students) and the East Carolina University (located in Greenville; 21,508 students)…..”
And that explains the WHY of the Kent State Riot shootings. (It was actually about returned ‘Nam soldiers not being allowed to vote) AND the push to lower voting age to 18. (Kids can vote at home and at their college. AND those brainwashed by Marxist will do so)
Cleaning up the voter rolls should be the first priority in election integrity, and the states won’t do it.
That alone should tell you the whole thing is rigged.
I think we should have to re register every 5 years. That might make it easier to clean them up.
Do not forget a ROCK SOLID VOTER ID to go with it. Birth cert plus school records….
Works for me. We have a special election coming up in my county and for the first time we are going to have to show voter ID. Fine by me even if the election people mostly know me. There are a few new ones I don’t know.
I think there needs to be a CENSUS AND REGISTRY OIG in every state – continuously rooting out FAKE CITIZENS and FAKE REGISTRATIONS.
I had to show citizenship to get on the voter rolls. They did it in Cincinnati at the courthouse.
I could not BELIEVE the NC Reboobs, did not make a move after the OBVIOUS 2016 fraud and the lapsing of the Consent Decree.
Shows they are as crooked as the DemonRats.
2018: End of 1982 Consent Decree: GOP finally can contest vote fraud after 36 years
Judicial Watch Uncovers Millions on Dirty Voter Rolls!
Chuck Kitchen (lawyer) had told me back in 2016 there were TWENTY counties out of the hundred with more voters than adult bodies SO THEY KNEW AND DID NOTHING!
I think you’ve said you live here too. They purposely changed our beautiful red state purple! 😠
Fake Purple!
Yes, I moved here to mid-state NC over 2 decades ago from Boston. Best move we ever made!
The Belfer Center reveal is huge since it leads to election meddling in Russia in the ’90s, and the graft and self dealing in the privitization of Russian assets under Clinton, Gore and Yeltsin.
Full circle.
Fiona Hill’s Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project with the Moscow mayor.
Harvard Institute of International Development Scandal…Larry Summers, Jeffrey Sachs, Faralon, Renova Invest (Blavatnik & Vekselberg), Tom Steyer, the Harvard endowment and George Soros, and others.
(Where’s Daughn, and her amazing discoveries on this? Time to pull her research back from the archives.)
$4 billion money plane to Edmond Safra, Republic Bank, Schumer’s congressional cover, and William Browder.
The professor’s diagram very easily connects it all, with a few additions. Blavatnik takes you to Michael Cohen, and also Raz Simone via Warner Music and Lyor Cohen, Kamala thru Lee Daniels, Jussie S, even the musical Hamilton. Lee Daniels to the drug cartels via Black Butler/ Leah Daniels Butler.
As I said full circle: How long ago was it, when Gail had a PDF of the Veselniskya memo to DJT Jr. at the TT meeting, when I first crash landed OT?
And, don’t forget that Epstein’s office at Harvard was in a building owned by the Kennedy School, and his money paid for a lab there too.
HSBC (took over Browder’s Hermitage Capital) holding patents as collateral for voting machine companies.
Harvard’s Epstein cash launderer, Franklin Templeton in Russia during privatization.
It’s all “circling back”.
Voting machine companies are a POX on humanity.
Why don’t voters get a printed receipt of their vote?
I got one until the 2020 election…after our county got new machines. Ahem.
EXACTLY. And ways for the PUBLIC to audit the vote.
But most important is the REMOVAL of
FAKE CITIZENS from the Census
FAKE VOTERS from the Registrations
FAKE VOTES from the Elections
There are THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of fake citizens out there. They MUST be removed.
It’s just one big FN scam!!!
Aurora is a big hub in Colorado for BLM, defend the police activities.
Auroristan, large population of foreigners inhibit here.
She certainly has that augmented reality gaze.
At first I was thinking she’s an MK puppet, and while that may be true, her background would indicate to me that she’s conscious of cheating.
Early life and career
Griswold graduated from Estes Park High School in 2002. She graduated from Whitman College magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Spanish Literature in 2006.[1] She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Law School with a Juris Doctor in 2011.[2] In 2006, Griswold was awarded the Watson Foundation Fellowship,[3] and in 2009, the Penn Law International Human Rights Fellowship.
Griswold moved to Washington, D.C. in 2011,[4] and worked for President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign as a voter protection attorney.[5] In 2013, Governor John Hickenlooper appointed her to be his liaison to the federal government.[6]
Just let me posit that there are two different MK versions — the puppets and the recruits. The puppets get their Queen of Diamonds and are off to the races — then are generally discarded because their usefulness is over. The recruits are like Theranos’ Elizabeth Holmes, this chick, and Zuckerschmuck — they have the intense, alert gaze that comes from somewhere behind their eyes or their face.
They are not merely compelled for a time, they are owned….sometimes for years.
Two at a minimum!!! The tech is constantly advancing, I’m certain.
I should note that this sort of thing is foreshadowed in John Brunner’s 1980 novel “Players at the Game of People” — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Players_at_the_Game_of_People .
Good luck finding it.
I suppose that I should note that a synonym for “owned” is “possessed.”
As the saying goes…
“The lights are on and too many are home.”
LOL! Funny until scary.
Funny true story. Talking to an old hippie clerking at a small hotel in the middle of nowhere and he tells me that they have an old miner ghost on the property. I reply that there’s a way to take care of that if he’d like. He says, “yeah, he stinks, would be good to see him gone, but let me check with the owner.” Next day he sees me and says I need to leave the ghost alone, “the owner thinks he’s good for business.”
The owner should be locked up, then….
Contributing to the delinquency of a miner 🙂
(ducks flying pans, slurry, mess kits, canteens, etc.)…
That’s funny, and clever, but terrifying frankly.
Just invite Jesus in. The hard-cores will flee, and the lightweights will drop their spray-paint cans and bicycle locks and listen. 😉
Let’s get some peeps up to speed. Anyone who doesn’t know why the Queen of Diamonds is special should look at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056218/plotsummary?ref_=tt_stry_pl#synopsis .
That’s a hell of a plot!
And this is the key to understanding MKULTRA – the idea that the SCIENCE of hypnosis was deeply and much more completely understood in HIDDEN SCIENCE by the major powers, but kept secret from the public, leaving us with FAKE SCIENCE, where hypnosis is mostly a party trick and a bad way to quit smoking.
Wait….you didn’t know the plot of The Manchurian Candidate?!?!?!?
Bad extrapolation! 😉
*Whew!* I was all set to include more extensive footnotes for everything I post! What a PITA that would be!
One of my painful admissions, though, is that I always found that movie both boring and unbelievable when I was younger, and now I don’t want to contaminate my REAL knowledge of MK with anything from “Fake Entertainment”. But that synopsis is TIGHT and shows the excellent plot – as well as a solid knowledge of real MK by the author of the book.
Note how Commiepedia redwashes the author of the book. “Satire”, “Nixon”, etc.
Total redwash.
PS – I urge everybody here to look at how “they” handle this author of The Manchurian Candidate (book), because you can see the beginnings of some new tactics to try to recover from all the losses they’ve had over the last 6 years.
Just tell me, is the book better than the movie?
*shrug* Never read the book; never watched the movie.
My mom actually taught a class once called the movie was better than the book.
Saw what you saw, but am assuming that the hand shaking thing comes from the Q&A that followed when her hands were visible. Didn’t watch though but a few minutes of that, but it was easy to see her composure began to ebb once she was finished with her prepared remarks.
A Perfect ending (maybe) to one crazy but, enjoyable week
Censorship Is Laundered Through Private Entities — Steve Bannon interviews Dr Shiva. (4 mins)
More from Bannon and Dr Shiva
Every State’s Votes [for Trump] Were Underreported By 4.2% 6 minutes
Dr Shiva goes over some simple math using the symposium revealed numbers. He is wondering id Mike was subjected to a hoax because the 4,2% is so simple and also relates to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
This is extremely important. It goes a long way to explaining the somewhat chaotic situation there.
Something critical to understand here is the nature of the 4.2% reduction looks to be designed to discredit Lindell USING Dr. Frank’s argument. It’s actually rather ingenious.
So who did it? The enemy, or Lindell and Frank – as a DIVERSION to bring in the Dominion whistleblower?
Let me explain that.
Dr. Frank shows us how improbable it is for voting patterns to mirror registration patterns which in turn mirror census patterns. It shows a kind of intent. It’s also very revealing of the Election Cartel’s strategy and tactics.
It’s FAKE – it’s FRAUDULENT. It shows people “filling in registrations to the census” and then “filling in votes to the registrations”. It’s not a natural system.
It shows CHEATING.
Working back from the numbers, you can determine the algorithm used to forge the data at a large scale. You can discover how the fake votes are managed.
What Shiva did is to show that the same principle applies to the numbers Lindell showed, somewhat out of the blue. They’re improbable in exactly the same way.
Indeed, it’s almost like an EXAMPLE that Frank would use to explain how his principle works.
So was that BAIT for the other side, to keep them focused on an easy discreditation, while they brought in the Dominion whistleblower?
I think it may be.
Somebody out there got lazy with the cheating.
Either that or chasing that particular rabbit down a hole is a trap.
Are these the numbers presented by Mike.
I did the same calculation after the first day.
I got my numbers from the first days video (about 16 states), but my percentage range was 3% – 5%, which is what I expected.
I did not find this close correlation, as Dr. Shiva is presenting.
Here is a screen capture of his numbers, and they look good to me. You can see the 4.2% difference.

Where did Mike Lindell get his numbers?
I got my numbers from the first days video (RSBN life stream, before they started streaming the second day). There were some clusters for particular states, but I did not have time to do more analysis and I did not store them.
The infiltrator?
I think there maybe more than one set of numbers presented.
Dr. Frank provided one set of numbers: LINK
I did not see the whole symposium so I do not know if there were other sets of numbers presented by other people. However Dr. Frank’s numbers had NOTHING to do with Pcaps.
However although the counties WITHIN a state have the exact same age and voter registration ratio IT VARIES FROM STATE TO STATE. I think this means that this is not the data set that Dr Shiva is referring to. Instead I think he is referring to a PCap based data set.
EXACTLY. Franks stuff is only connected to the Lindell numbers that Shiva is talking about, in that the discreditation principle is EXACTLY THE SAME, which I find very interesting.
The Lindell numbers and Shiva’s discreditation of them is like a simple example of the Dr. Frank proof.
Was this whole thing cover to bring in the Dominion whistleblower without being spotted? AND to help teach people what Dr. Frank is showing us?
My thoughts.
In a sense, it’s like a giant Q proof. “I guess they had to show us.” They made everybody work through the problem.
We really did catch the other side flat-footed on the whistleblower. And I think THAT may have been the point all along.
The point is, though, we have to stick with the truth. The SAME principle that makes Dr. Frank’s work so impressive, is what destroys Lindell’s numbers. For WHATEVER reason.
They are “teaching us to fish”, imo, to protect our elections going forward.
And to include us in saving the republic.
Absolutely. It’s our responsibility.
And the beautiful thing is, their censorship FAILED. Trump still won. They had to cheat like mad to install Biden.
Their whole operation, with all their power and money and schemes was reduced in the end to tawdry cheating by any means necessary.
AMEN! And now the whole house of cards is falling.
The vertical integration is actually pretty impressive, IMO. So diverse.
What I find particularly bothersome is how unethical the people involved from top to bottom are. There had to be thousands across the country to pull this off. I mean, ballot harvesting, blocking voter roll clean up, looking away with no voter ID, hacking the systems, physically hiding the count, staying late to pull out the “if needed” ballots that were set up ahead of time.
This took a lot of planning.
Payoff, bonus structures, BO phone, job promotion and or A job, all apart of the steal. Easy to find sheep.
Appeal to the base side of human nature.
Not one of the virtues I wish to acquire.
How many at the bottom level were petty thieves and given NO CHARGES/clean record and a JOB?
If the person is ALREADY a crook it is EASY to get them to cheat for $$$
Well, we’ve been asleep at the wheel for awhile.
A concentrated effort over the last 10 months has pretty much exposed it. They’ve been at it for decades.
This is where the Democrats aping creation physics is really smart. Just like their wicked leaders in Balitimore “created space” for destruction, they create space for FAKE VOTES. It’s smart, it’s devious, and it MUST END.
Frankly, if every voting machine in this country was DESTROYED, I would say HALLELUJAH.
They destroyed the Vote-a-Matic in 2000 for a reason.
YES! And my point is that SO IS ELECTION THEFT!
This is how SOROS sneaks in – this is how the CARTEL sneaks in – through NGOs, centers, institutes and foundations.
All these goody-two-shoes entities are FRONTS.
This is why NASED jumped so quickly.to literally DEFEND ELECTION FRAUD.
This is why shitheads like KREBS can issue utterly false proclamations of election security and be surrounded by nodding bobbleheads.
The CARTEL sets up fake authorities and offers PRESTIGE and ATTABOYS and REWARDS FOR THE NON-CURIOUS and RESUME PADDING for the “right answers”.
Foundations should be BANNED PERIOD. They are tax dodges up to no good.
You want charity? Donate to the church of your choice or roll up you sleeves and do it your self.
Agree. That system is so corrupt, it’s not salvageable.
First step is to create a way to eliminate corrupt foundations FAST, like what other nations have done with SOROS FOUNDATIONS.
Unfortunately the pols 24 hr laundromat benefits both sides so THEY have no desire to end them.
As soon as the Federal Reserve was set-up and the TAX amendment to fund it was passed, the CABAL set up ‘Foundations’ to protect their wealth and use it for furthering their agendas.
Notice it is a tax on INCOMES since the really wealthy do not HAVE income aka Wages, all they have to do is protect dividend income which is taxed at a much reduced rate to begin with.
The History and Types of Foundations
(Not a real history but does discuss types.)
I didn’t know what NGO meant so I looked it up … 😳
List of NGOs in the United States – GlobalGiving Atlashttps://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/www.globalgiving.org.icohttps://www.globalgiving.org/atlas/country/united-states/
The largest database of NGOs. GlobalGiving Atlas has more than 7.3 million validated nonprofits, charities, and NGOs, including 958,321 charities and nonprofits in the United States, making it the largest list of nonprofits available.
Download the Complete List of Nonprofits and Charities in the United StatesGlobalGiving Atlas makes it easy to access the database of 986,292 nonprofits in the United States. Use our standardized API or JSON or CSV files to download all NGO data for the United States—plus many more countries and region
The largest database of NGOsGlobalGiving Atlas has more than 7.3 million validated nonprofits, charities, and NGOs, including 986,292 charities and nonprofits in the United States, making it the largest list of nonprofits available.
Validated NonprofitsGlobalGiving Atlas combines government data, public information, and other reliable sources to ensure that each entry is a valid nonprofit in the United States.
Nuts … delete “Nikki chico737” …
7.3 million NGO’s …. 🤮🤬
Soros NGOs are THE WORST!!! Banned multiple countries!
They’re FRONTS and very frequently COMMUNIST FRONTS.
This makes me sick … and seriously P/O’d ….. it’s sickening dang … 😡
Several, historically, are CIA fronts. They got caught in the late ’60s, iir. It was investigated by the Church Committee.
Ford Foundation
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Rockefeller Foundation
Making this story even more disturbing:
Uh, I suppose we should brace for incoming any time now.
Will have to dive into this. Thank you, Wolf.
You’re welcome!
I think Shiva has really CRACKED the election traffickers wide open with this center.
Now, there is some other very sketchy stuff with Harvard that was deployed against this site specifically in the early days of COVID. Deep DonkeyCom stuff. I was very lucky I caught it. So I’m always wary of “Hahvahd” anything. But I think that the Belfer-Mook-Colorado story will be HUGE.
Mook is one of the most partisan players on EARTH. This isn’t legit. It’s COVER. It’s pure DonkeyCom, covered by Fake Academia.
Election-stealing SCUM hiding under academic robes. DISGUSTING.
Now it is clear why there is a campaign to destroy Dr. Shiva.
Strategically, from their side, they were IDIOTS to go after Shiva. Just letting that tweet of his with the emails hang and fade on Twitter would have been 1000 times smarter. But hey – our side will take a freebie when they give us one. 😆
They just handle him wrong – OVER and OVER and OVER again. It’s kinda funny and sad at the same time.
My initial respect came for him because he TAUGHT me something powerful about medicine that helped me tie things together. I was like “WHOA – this dude is sharp! And a good teacher, too!”
Whenever they go after him he just does more math. 😂
It all circles back to the FAKE DNC hack.
Yes and one of the ways they do it, is with…homeless populations.
They register ‘homeless people’ to vote by using the address of a Homeless Shelter.
With mail-in voting…the ballots get sent to the Homeless Shelter.
(Isn’t that convenient.)
Then thousands of ballots are filled out and sent back.
This has to be Why the Dem-controlled cities don’t do anything about their huge populations of homeless people.
ETA: And there is no way to check to see if these ‘voters’ exist…because they’re homeless, and “You can’t find them.”
Finding out about REGISTRATION INFLATION from Dr. Frank was a true revelation for me. It tells me that the DonkeyComs have two BIG umbrellas in their cheating. ONE is to create “space to cheat”. The other is to fill those spaces to capacity by any and all means.
But the POST OFFICE – that is ESSENTIAL in the scam.
Oh, these DonkeyComs – they deserve so much prison time!!!
Yes! I joke to dh that when these old zombie dems start dying off, we’re going to feel earthquakes from all the entries into hell!
“Hey Hitler! INCOMING!!!”
My hood the PO changed access hours for PO box access BUT employees have continued to work the same hours. Doors not open on Sunday, closed to public access 7:00 PM nightly and open half day Saturday.
You know what, though? I’ll bet that many of them are doing something OTHER than surveillance. I’ll bet they’re doing something to help create fake citizens.
They also make a great place to park/hide ANTIFA when they roll into town as well as recruit from for temp and permanent ops.
I thought they were putting those packs of hyenas up in high class hotels across the country so they had near instantaneous “response teams” whenever the color revolution could successfully agitate some type of false flag event…Whoever is paying those transportation, living, & outfitting expenses deserves a traitor’s end!
Yep. The vertical integration of the operation is impressive.
El Paso county is quite red, though it has been getting more and more purple.
Yeah, I get that. I can see some “bluing”, but I will bet that they’re getting machine cheats.
El Paso County certainly seemed very red when I passed through it many times in my youth.
Arapahoe County seemed like countryside back then, too.
When that guy was going through analyzing state by state a couple of weeks ago he gave El Paso a red (rampant fraud) rating,
Yup. Yup. Yup. Colorado was a FLIPPER this time for sure!
And that explains why they’re so NERVOUS. I’ll be they’re exposed in almost every county.
The wrath of God will finally fall on these evil pompous asses and I welcome it!
I’m pretty sure El Paso had little retail cheating (i.e., stuffing ballot boxes, etc.), which would require the cooperation of our own election officials, but of course the computers were hacked, because they were computers.
Then if that’s the case, El Paso Cty. might be a prime candidate for an audit. And if they’re not using Dominion, and they still have logs, this could open up other machines to scrutiny. If Dominion DID come in, they could still show that the logs are GONE – in violation of federal election law.
We have almost for sure cheating, almost for sure by hacking, and a potentially friendly county for investigation. And MESA Country gives CAUSE.
When I was an accountant/cfo and esp when I did auditing, it was those little and odd percentages that you looked for to find where they were skimming and cheating the books.
DonkeyComs cheat like crazy and they’re scared AF about this stuff, with all the tricks they’re pulling.
EXISTENTIAL THREAT. And stupidly, they just make it worse.
Fortunately, they got away with it for so long that they’ve finally overplayed their hand.
This makes me lmao….”hey let’s lock down Americans so they have more time to read and research sites other than the msm. And let’s steal an election and insert a demented idiot and his sidekick as pres and vp. No one will notice that the 2 least popular kids now run the country!”
epic, tragi-comedy, though not much laughter as we watch the traitors attempt to flush our beautiful land!
They’re Col. Klink pretending to be Gilligan trying to avoid being red shirts on Star Trek!
As a side note, I believe that my father was born in Mesa County.
My husband has ancestry in El Paso county…& of course his grandcestor was Gov of CO, Oliver Henry Shoup 🙂 (though he was, iirc, born in the Mid-West, possibly Ohio)…
Several lines in my husband’s ancestry found their way to Colorado for health reasons, like TB, in particular…
Ah, so THAT is whom Shoup Road is named for (running through the Black Forest in northern El Paso County.
(I admit my Colorado history is very weak.)
Could be. I’m only loosely familiar w/ Colorado family history. Another ancestor on my husband’s side is the one for whom Hagerman Pass is named…I don’t know of any direct ancestors on my side who have places named after them 🙂
Interesting, I wrote a reply to you a few minutes back before re-starting my ‘puter & then the Q-Tree was down for me. Now it looks like I never read, nor liked your comment above.
So in case the ether ate my reply, it went something like this.
You might be right about Shoup Road being named after the former gov. Another relative on my husband’s side had Hagerman Pass named for him. I only know Some Colorado family history tidbits & almost no Michigan history, my home state. My side of the family has no known places named for them, at least not direct ancestors. There is a place in MI named Ashton named for an Ash man or brothers who were sons of a direct ancestress, but from her 1st husband.
I say “believe” because of our godkids. Their mother’s mother lived in Sacramento and had three kids. Her spouse was visually impaired and could not drive, but she had a trusted OB/GYN — so, when she felt labor coming on, she drove herself.
To Reno, NV, where her three kids were born.
I know that my paternal grandparents lived in Delta County and that Fruita and Grand Junction, in Mesa County, were within their purview….as were Delta and Hotchkiss in Delta County, and Gunnison (in Gunnison County) and Montrose (in Montrose County). Any of these could have been candidates.
I’m sure my mom has the birth certificate and such and knows exactly.
The Blueprint: How the Democrats Won Colorado (and Why Republicans Everywhere Should Care)by Adam Schrager, Rob Witwer
CO has been cheated for years. CO is ground zero for election fraud.
Nevermind…was mistaken
Maybe this?
Damn! That article is 10 years old!
This was part of Karl Rove’s strategy. You only need certain precincts, in this case counties in one of the less populous states, to control it. That’s been done in Missouri for a long time. All they need is STL City and County, Jefferson County, Calloway, and Jackson.
FYI, Wolf, I completed the archives of the Belfer articles from the search that I did. The links are on the first page of the daily thread for 8/13/21. Gudthots posted there that 4 of my comments containing lists of archived articles had been copied to the QTree group on Gab, but there are 6 in all.
Excellent! thank you. I’m going to add them as an addendum here now!
PS. You’ve grouped me among amazing patriots. I’m humbled and don’t know what to say. I’m very grateful to have a place to share this information, and learn new paths to truth from the powerful research and theories of others here. Thank you for all you do.
You’re most welcome!
This is a huge discovery. This is like the Rosetta stone where “Orwellian” is one of the languages. Think about this – we have Robby Mook – one of the nastiest and most devious DNC hacks – running an election cybersecurity standards group. Holy CRAP. Shiva discovered the “reverso cover” they’re using – where they use these phony positions of election authority to tamp down allegations of election fraud. That’s like showing the nature of the language – full Soviet reverso. Once we know that, we see the language popping up everywhere.
But the real mind-jump is that it’s not just about censorship of election fraud – it’s about inverting cybersecurity. And the codebook is ORWELLIAN. That’s how the Election Cartel Mafia communicates – BACKWARDS. The lies are not just cover, and they’re not just “keep ’em guessing” – it’s a kind of dominance behavior. And that is straight out of the mafia – the “protection racket”.
Oh, this is just so huge.
Archive L. Jean Camp’s affiliation page please. Thanks.
And Richard Ledget…
And this:
This is where he leaked about the Dutch infiltration of Russian hackers to E. Nakashima who is in the audience.
I can’t do any more archives today. I hope someone else can pick up the slack.
Thank you for all your work.
Thank you! Glad I could contribute.
We have plenty. We have these fuckers DEAD TO RIGHTS on the whole “fortifying the election” crap. In fact, I have to ask. Which of these TOADS came up with that Orwellian idea? No matter what, this proves that MOOK AND FRIENDS were deeply tied into that whole crap.
These documents are PARTISAN GOLD.
Thank you for being on this. You see so much that escapes most of us.
It is a collaborative effort. Brainstorming at it’s finest!
I would never have dreamed of tying Dominion and Perkins Coie to the Colorado Soros fraud and Salsa-Dance girl (Obama WH graduate!), from there to Robby Mook (Hillary Lieutenant!), DHS, and the cyber-bobble-head snoozers and losers who let it all happen – more so with a DOCUMENT.
It’s such a FARCE.
All you have to do is turn off their FAKE NEWS and then do one’s duty to search for the TRUTH.
Harvard Kennedy Center showed up on L. Jean Camp’s CV.
Quick search brought her up on the Belfer Center website, and then Dimity Alperovitch showed up with an affiliation. That’s too small a world, imo.
And then Richard Ledgett, and John Carlin.
And the Russia Project with the Moscow Mayor, which whose widow sent money to Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca.
Victoria Nuland
The place is their hive, imo.
That’s cool. (I’m clueless about the process and what’s involved.) Thank you for your efforts.
I’ve posted these links many times and they haven’t been removed yet. I do think that they’re important open source evidence of what’s gone down.
Like an idiot, I don’t save anything.
There’s too much to save! We save what we can quickly and FIGHT ON.
When the Bidenazis and Globonazis say STOP, we say NUTS!
I had never archived anything either. It was pretty easy. I just used the first link that Wolf provided when he requested our help, and copied the URL of the article into it and clicked on “Save.” Then it would save it as an archive. I copied and pasted both the original article’s link and the archive’s link into a word processing file so I would have a record of which ones I had done.
I have about half of them added now!
You have GOT TO LISTEN TO THIS (1 hr but at least listen starting at about 19 minutes. Col Waldron goes into the DETAILS OF WHAT WAS FOUND!!!)
A quick synopsis of the part I have so far listened to:
Elections were the critical node as a target by enemy states. By putting in a regime that is favorable to your policy you defeat without a hot war.
$400 million to buy Dominion intellectual property in October 2020, CCP members on board companies that bought it
@ 22 minutes THE TEL-A-CHIP (4G wireless chip wired to the motherboard in ESS D200 tabulation machines) that Jim Primrose found. Manufactured in Tiawan by a company who has a senior CCP member sitting on the board.
Welcome to the information war.
Excellent stuff! I will come back later for a full listen. I’m just being overwhelmed with amazing revelations.
The whole scam is falling apart!
I am looking at another Professor’s Record that also looks good. I will post if it has a lot of meat.
The PROBLEM is that DONKEY-COMS target critical things like elections as SPOTTERS for the ChiComs. Worse, whenever they call something “critical” and create a watchdog, IT AIN’T A WATCHDOG – it’s designed to tamp down any accusation of fraud.
The DonkeyCom leadership is far more corrupt than we ever knew – and the RINOs and GOPe ain’t far behind.
They will NOT talk about elections because THEY KNOW.
This is another Professor’s Record. July 28, 2021
What is interesting is ~ 30 minutes they discuss Draza trying to alert people in GOP . Prof Clements says there are GATE-KEEPERS FOR DOMINION preventing the information for getting to the people who could use it. SO HE FIGURED IT OUT!
Prof Clement interviews Draza Smith (Pcaps for fashion models, and yeah I think she has chickens.)
“…Draza has completed her doctoral work in cyber engineering, and awaits defense of her PhD dissertation.
Even more impressive, Draza has worked for Sandia National Labs, focusing on Cyber and Grid security….”
She used the publicly available New York Times Election data Jsign files[??] that had the time series data base entries that could be imported into an excel spreadsheet.
14 minutes – Numbers were crazy. She used a method for Extending precision of [Edison data??] She was looking at the relationship from one data line to the next. Analogy to speed/acceleration (Cruise Control theory aka PID Control Theory ) She was looking at the flow of the data over time and found going from the start to a SET POINT Looks like somebody calculated a curve with each state having a specific ratio of Trump to Biden. You can see it over and undershooting the set point for that state. Saw in all the states.
I am not explaining it well.
20 minutes – Fiber internet CABLE CUT that prevented Florida from going to Biden. Main trunk cable into the election supervisors office in Osceola County florida [pop 268,685] near Disney. All the precinct had to ‘hand carry’ and up load manually.
25 minutes – Seth Casell’s info looking at voter registration over time shows Osceola county as ‘CLEAN’ which could be thanks to the cut cable.
29 minutes — Arizona With lots of mail-in ballots there is a lot less bumps [Think surging in cruise control going up and down hills] When they LOST Florida they used Arisona to DEMORALIZE Trump voters. [That is why Fox – Murdoch owned by China – called it so early.]
I have only listened to the first 30 minutes.
Yes, this is great stuff.
And when that seemed not to be happening all of a sudden in a county in Florida, she PREDICTED an internet outage – and she FOUND ONE.
People don’t realize how much of a SCIENCE BOMBSHELL that is.
Here is the video!!!
Here is the video!
I am waiting for people to get arrested. This thieves deserve to be behind bars
Me, too. PATIENCE is our greatest weapon.
We are already seeing people like Kinzinger and Cheney who HELPED in the schemes, getting very nervous and shrill. Schumer is desperate, and Durham is holding his finger up to the wind to see if he needs to actually charge anybody.
It won’t happen overnight, but things are happening. NOBODY needs to back down on election theft issues any more. We just need to get our proofs CLEAR and SOLID, and free of disinformation.
A very good account of Belfer Center’s L. Jean Camp, Tealeaves, Robby Mook, Perkins Coie, Crowdstrike (Dimitri Alperovitch), Steele, and the Alfa Bank server story:
This is a GREAT article. And what it does, is show that the SAME GANG of dirty tricksters was involved in BOTH election steal jobs – 2016 and 2020.