NOTE ADDED BY WOLF: Please save all crucial information about the attempted assassination of President Trump HERE. There may be other articles later - we will make sure to link those HERE. Please also add reference links back to this post. Thank you! W I am going to put this up fast. It will … Continue reading TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT

The First Obvious AI-Assisted Attempt By Globo-Nazis To Infiltrate This Site

I'll try to keep this short and understandable. Yeah, good luck with that. Just read from here down to the TL;DR if you need to get out of here fast. There are two main ways that people try to infiltrate this site. One is by hacking into existing accounts by attempted logins using guesswork on … Continue reading The First Obvious AI-Assisted Attempt By Globo-Nazis To Infiltrate This Site

Dear KMAG: 20230626 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. Next week, we will start a new half-year of Monday posts. I may take some liberties with the format! Be brave! This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20230626 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

The Ongoing January Sixth MKULTRA Experiment on Patriots

I just realized something horrible, which makes it even more imperative that we either get our American prisoners out of DC Gitmo, or ask our military to bomb a certain building conducting inhumane experiments on American prisoners of war. The House, now under Patriotic American control, needs to stop pussyfooting around. The fastest way to … Continue reading The Ongoing January Sixth MKULTRA Experiment on Patriots

Understanding the Coming Threats to Innocent Americans from DOJ and FBI

ABOVE TL;DR - DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE TL;DR - We are headed back to the Hillary Waco days, only it's a much wider target zone of victims. It is starting out with simple Gestapo tactics, but it will likely progress to violence unless DOJ and FBI are reined in. Right now, NOT TALKING … Continue reading Understanding the Coming Threats to Innocent Americans from DOJ and FBI

Selection.Code Movie

My one-line review: "This movie is terrible in so many ways, and yet it's awesome, fascinating, and needs to be seen, so I highly recommend it." I think this is a Mike Lindell movie. It's like an Amazon movie without Amazon. It was clearly made on a shoestring, and the people who made it, clearly … Continue reading Selection.Code Movie

TrumpWatch™ – A Continuous Proof of Life – Make It Happen

Why the Communist Chinese Behavior of DOJ and FBI Makes Proof of Life Necessary to Prevent Secret Indictment and Arrest of Trump and Associates We are entering a dangerous phase, patriots. The DOJ and FBI are becoming desperate liars. Each day, they act MORE and MORE COWARDLY, like their Chinese and North Korean counterparts, who … Continue reading TrumpWatch™ – A Continuous Proof of Life – Make It Happen

Should States Tell the FBI’s Phony “JTTF” to GO TO HELL and Never Come Back?

After all, when is the last time the "Joint Terrorism Task Force" actually arrested a real live foreign terrorist, and not a "racist" American livestreamer, a politically convenient "red flag law" patsy, or a box of documents from a former President? It's kinda funny, but when I saw the biography of the Palm Beach sheriff … Continue reading Should States Tell the FBI’s Phony “JTTF” to GO TO HELL and Never Come Back?

Memories, Mortality and MAGA Mysteries

In the wake of Wheatie Warrior's passing, we renew the site mission by directly addressing "things unspoken" - now brought into the light. In the immediate aftermath of the passing of our dear Wheatie, announced last Monday, I chose to deal with only the most substantive technicalities, in large part so that we could properly … Continue reading Memories, Mortality and MAGA Mysteries

Dear KMAG: 20220221 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / Washington’s Birthday / Two Weeks To Flatten The Tyrants

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. Get your rest, Trumpy Bear! You're going back to the White House!!! We have to RESCUE it from THE SNIFFER OF KIDS! The Business At Hand This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20220221 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / Washington’s Birthday / Two Weeks To Flatten The Tyrants