KMAG 20250115 Open Thread / False Flags, Pedos & Satanists

I first want to say, PLEASE at least skim this article. Gunderson documents the false flags the US government has used to control us for decades. I have run out of time, so please excuse my mistakes.

Continuing from last week, now on to the meaty subject of Ted L. Gunderson. He is a whistle-blower & was Agent in Charge of FBI field offices in Los Angeles, Memphis, and Dallas. He is quite interesting, especially given he was poisoned with arsenic powder sprinkled in his home and car after he retired. (1 hour)

I was going to include Colonel Tower’s videos about Operation Gladio since it gives you the WHY but I will do that next week. In a nutshell, to fund Operation Gladio (Color Revolutions and such) the CIA uses ‘off the books’ money from drug running, arms trafficking, — from guns and ammo to fighter jets and helicopters — and human trafficking — from slaves to child sex workers. Drugs and sex are also used to control politicians, the media, judges and such. If that doesn’t work??? Well there is always threats, entrapment, imprisonment and assassination.

And speaking of assassinations, that was Ted Gunderson’s fate.

FBI Chief Ted Gunderson’s Affidavit

[Left click on page and open image in new tab. You can then enlarge the print using [Ctrl] [+] — GC]

Theodore L. Gunderson was poisoned with Arsenic to death a few months after writing this affidavit…

Ted L Gunderson, former head of FBI in Los Angeles, Memphis, and Dallas, was poisoned with arsenic says Dr Ed Lucidi who saw Ted’s body before and after he passed away. Dr. Ed treated Mr Gunderson, who suffered bladder cancer and died as a result of its spread at age 82. LINK

For the science go to the paper:

Aggregated cumulative county arsenic in drinking water and associations with bladder, colorectal, and kidney cancers...

At 9 minutes in that video, Dr Lucidi talks of Gunderson’s arsenic poisoning and the signs [Black nails and body turning black after death.] Also that Ted found arsenic dust in his apartment & locked car.(18 min)

Dr Lucidi then goes into WHY Doctor MacDonald was targeted. The CIA was shipping cocaine back to the States via the body cavities of the Dead soldiers.

Dr MacDonald, as an army doctor became aware of this drug pipeline and thus was framed for the murder of his family. This ties directly into the CIA and their method of funding Operation Gladio coups. So we now, with the recent New Years False Flags, have several interesting links to Fort Bragg, including the 4th Psy Op group that Badlands Media loves. And speaking of Psy-ops, at around 29 minutes in the video, Ted says, “…the MK Ultra program has been very actively administered not only at Offutt  Air Force Base [but] at Fort Brag North Carolina, the place where Dr MacDonald’s family was slaughtered in 1970…”— GC


ADDENDUM: I just found this clean transcript of the GUNDERSON PRESENTATION, MAY 12, 2005, LINK


Another, transcript of one of Ted’s one hour videos with added information can be found at:

The Most Disturbing Story Never Told – Truth Mafia

It is a similar video but goes more in depth into the child trafficking. It is not surprising to see, that since I started work on this article, this video, posted by Truth Mafia, has been taken down.

I am going to take their summary and add my own bits and pieces from the video I have link above, that is still up. I am using most of the transcript from You-tube with a bit of clean up and editing by me. Since this summary does not cover all the cases I am going to insert missing information in the same order as Ted presented it. I am also going to include links and other information that cover the cases Ted Gunderson talks about. I will use the labels “Summary” and “Video” to differentiate between the two sources.


➡ This text tells the story of Ted Gunderson, a former FBI official who exposed a child abuse ring involving powerful figures in America. Despite facing threats and obstacles, Gunderson revealed a network of child trafficking that extended beyond Nebraska and involved high-ranking officials. His investigations echo in recent scandals involving Jeffrey Epstein and P. Diddy, showing a pattern of powerful elites exploiting their influence to commit heinous acts and avoid accountability. Gunderson’s courage reminds us that truth, no matter how deeply buried, will always surface.


As part of the video intro, ted says:

…. I do have credentials…. Believe me if you read the Internet you may not think so because there are some heavy duty FBI informants out there like Stu, Webb, and Barbara Hartwell, who are MK Ultra mind control victims. CIA mind control victims who are making all kinds of disparaging remarks about me.

So right off the bat, he connects the CIA to the FBI and both to the control of information. Because without that control of information the Cabal’s grip on the world slips.


Rothschilds & Adam Weishaupt.

If you use to search those 2 names together it gets into some really bizarre areas. Expose News and Order of the Illuminati are just two examples Yandex brings up. Ted source of information is Commander Carr’s Pawns in the Game (Link to the actual book)

Report on this book:

Pawns in the Game – William Guy Carr

This book was written by a high ranking Canadian naval officer with connections in both military and intelligence agencies. He identifies a group of ‘International Bankers’ as the “secret power” behind world revolutions, and documents the history of their activities as they fund wars and upheavals from Cromwell to WWII. He covers wars and revolutions throughout Europe from 1640 to 1940, but of special interest are his insights into the Spanish Civil War (1936) and events leading to WWII, since these are not well covered in most other accounts…

William Guy Carr died in 1959 of unexplained causes four years after publishing “Pawns in the Game”. He was 64. His son published one of his other important books “Satan, Prince of this World”, after his death.

The book, Satan, Prince of this World in PDF format


When the author of this book, Commander W.J.G. Carr died on October 2, 1959, he left this book in manuscript form along with many scribbled notes, reference books, half formulated thoughts, etc. His last wish was that the book be finished and published in order that all men might know of the plot which exists to wipe out every trace of decency in the world and all civilizations as we know them now. Such a task is manifestly beyond ordinary means. I, his oldest son, have been asked to try and edit, revise and correct the manuscript as best possible before publication. This I have done to the best of my limited ability.

I have not added anything to the original draft or changed anything except where requested to do so in marginal notes in my father’s own handwriting. I found the work frustrating because it was far beyond the scope of my ability. At the same time, I found it extremely interesting and rewarding as I tried to sort out the thoughts and ideas of a man who died almost seven years ago.

At some points in the manuscript I found notes such as: “Check the accuracy of such and such a point” or “dig out more information on such and such a person”. On each occasion, I deleted the point queried completely, for it was always my father’s strong belief that nothing should ever be written until completely proved out in the light of existing knowledge. Since I do not have the necessary sense of values to decide what information should or should not be used in such cases, I felt safest by leaving the information out completely.

The fact that there are only thirteen chapters in this book will annoy some people and frustrate others: I think all who read it will be left in a state of restlessness. “The Unfinished Symphony” has never been completed and this book will not be completed either, except as each reader finishes it for himself in the future by personal experience as the story unfolds. Many of you will scoff at the statements made in this book; many will toss it aside as the ravings of a madman; some will be unable to finish the book because it will arouse anxieties and fears that cannot be faced. But many others, and I hope that they will be in the majority, will find in this work the answers to some of the most perplexing of the problems that have faced men since the beginning of time and provide material for pondering possible solutions to the future….

Please also read the forward by Commander Carr. (pg 6)


As I said last week, this is not a rabbit hole it is a a rabbit warren, a network of interconnected burrows. And what a mess it is!

From the video:

Let’s go back to 1776 May the 1st.. Adam Weishaupt  was commissioned by the Rothchild family to set up the goals to control and the final goal was the take over of the world with a One World Government.

Adam Weishaupt came up with 25 goals. Among these goals were control the Press, corrupt the youth through sex and drugs, elect our own people, our own people meaning the Illuminati, to key positions in all levels of the government. City, County, State and Federal and it goes on. The final goal was to take over the world with a One World Government.

[The] information is very well documented by William Guy Carr in his magazine excuse me, in his book Pawns in the Game.

To me this is a critical point. The ‘Cabal’ goes back CENTURIES, not decades and is deeply entangled in not just the USA but everywhere. At the end of the video Ted also mentions satanism — 4 million practicing in America today… 50,000 to 60,000 human sacrifices a year.

1970 Green Beret Murder.

More info:

‘Green Beret’ Murders & Army/Police Complicity in Cover-up

In the video Ted starts off with his first case as a private investigator. It ties drug running from South East Asia (Vietnam) to military bases; a cover-up by military intelligence at Fort Bragg; the involvement of sons and daughters of military personnel in the Satanic Cult who actually committed the murders; all to protect that CIA drug pipeline. Note that these same Cult members were the distributors of the drugs up and down the east coast.

As of 2014, I still do not know if Dr Jeffrey R McDonald has finally been released from prison.

Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald: Innocence, and the Future of Habeas Corpus (Sept. 16, 2014)

This sums up our Just-Us system:

The Tragic Case of Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald 1/15/2021

“We discovered how the defense, the jury, and the judge were prevented by prosecutors from seeing the extensive evidence of outside assailants collected at the crime scene as revealed in CID laboratory notes. This critical material – my entire defense, if you will – remained hidden. As later proven in documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, the critical CID lab notes had been carefully collected by prosecutor Murtagh, who left the Army to build his career on my case. He had kept the lab notes in his briefcase in the courtroom throughout my seven-week trial.” Dr. MacDonald wrote,

Murtagh’s fellow prosecutor, James Blackburn, repeatedly told the court, ‘Where is the evidence of outside assailants? Where is the evidence that Helena Stoeckley was ever inside 544 Castle Drive?”

It was in the brief case of his fellow prosecutor as he knew damn well! Reminds me all to well of the Jan 6ers.

McMartin Preschool case

Digging for tunnels on the McMartin Preschool grounds


➡ Dr. Gary Stickel, a UCLA archaeologist, discovered tunnels under a school, leading to the uncovering of a covert criminal enterprise involving military intelligence. This enterprise, known as the Franklin cover-up, involved kidnapping children from foster homes and orphanages for sex trafficking. The operation, which is documented in a book, involved flying the children to Washington, D.C. for sex orgies with prominent figures. Despite evidence and demands for investigation, the FBI has refused to look into the matter.

This actually combines one or more cases. From the Video:

The next case I worked of a major consequence was the McMartin preschool case in Manhattan Beach, California. The children there claimed there were tunnels under the school. That they were taken into the tunnels and through the tunnels up into the trap door of a bathroom in a Triplex next door, placed in automobiles and prostituted in the community. These are two, three, and four year-old children before they entered kindergarten. In addition the children claimed that they were flown into the mountains where they were involved with adults in robes. Black robes, Chanting, Candles. They talked about the brown babies who were sacrificed. Who were cut up, actually sacrificed. In checking into this and researching this of course this was obviously a satanic ceremony. The McMartin family who owned the preschool they were tried of Ray Buckey and his grandmother. The grandmother was acquitted. Hung jury on Ray Buckey, the second trial another hunt jury.

I had an opportunity in 1990 to gain control of the school. Now the school had been given to Danny Davis the defense attorney and he had sold it even though he made $15 million on the case by the way. He had sold it to a contractor who was going to take it down. When I learned this, I contacted the contractor. I said I want to be given an opportunity to go on that school and look for the tunnels. The authorities had looked for them in 1987. They said they could find no tunnels. Along with some of the parents ,we hired Dr Gary Stickel, UCLA archaeologist. He hired his crew and brought them in. And in 34 days Dr Stickel said there had been tunnels under that school. They were covered up and they were covered in.

An informant of mine told me that there was an abandoned satanic site in Crestline California up in the mountains I went up into the mountains and obtain copies, photocopies [of] photographs of the site…

Makes you wonder what evidence those California fires are burning… Think the Standard Hotel. Think the 1986 Presidio Child Development Center scandal in San Francisco….


Selected excerpts from: The Franklin Cover-Up, Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska by Senator John W. DeCamp

Please at least skim the above article. It is not long. Ted worked a lot with John DeCamp.

From the video:


From there I became involved in another case. A very frightening case because I established with the help of people like John DeCamp former state senator of Nebraska that we have in this country today, a covert Military Criminal Enterprise Government. An Enterprise primarily by US military intelligence that is operating Full Throttle and everybody refuses to investigate it. In the Nebraska case, it’s called the Franklin Cover-up, this is the book here, that Johnny DeCamp wrote by the way. It’s all documented in there and in that particular instance they were taking children out of foster homes & orphanages [like] Boy’s Town, driving them from Omaha Nebraska to Sioux City Iowa 184 miles away. Placing them in private jets and flying them to Washington DC for sex orgies with prominent people including Congressman, senators and certain people in the White House it’s well documented.

And we wonder why our congress critters vote the way they do?

John DeCamp, CONVENIENTLY died at age 76, July 27, 2017, after battling Parkinson’s disease and other illnesses. He spent his final days at the State Veterans Home in Norfolk Nebraska. LINK

When a person is first diagnosed with PD, they are often told “You will die with Parkinson’s disease, not of Parkinson’s disease”. This means that PD is not a fatal disease per se and end of life often occurs at an old age from another medical illness entirely. End-Stage Parkinson’s Disease & Death | APDA

For more information on the Franklin Cover-up there is:

An Interview with Nick Bryant: Part I – The Franklin Scandal

Nick Bryant: “The Franklin scandal” is about an interstate pedophile network that flew kids from coast to coast. What we are seeing with Jeffrey Epstein, we saw in the Franklin scandal, although I think the Franklin pandering network was much, much bigger than Jeffrey Epstein’s network. There were two primary pimps. There was a pimp in Nebraska, Larry King. He was getting children that had fallen through the cracks, from foster-care homes, from Boy’s Town Orphanage and from some other institutions. There was another pimp living in Washington, DC, who was involved in this, Craig Spence, who had his home wired for audio-visual blackmail. Anybody who took part in any of those parties at Craig Spence’s home was definitely blackmailed.…

Before I went on the wild goose chase with Rusty I made a video of myself and disseminated it to some people and I said exactly what I was going to be looking for, and that I was going to be with Rusty Nelson. So, if anything had happened to me, that video would have been indispensable in a court of law. I backed myself up that way. Pictures had gotten Gary Caradori killed, so I knew that going for pictures was very, very dangerous. This was absolutely “smoking gun” material….Well, no one has ever sued me. “The Franklin Scandal” is layered with corroboration and vetted by an attorney. I told Trine Day, my publisher, “You guys have got to really vet this. What we are saying about a lot of people is pretty horrific. I am confident I am telling the truth here, but you’ve got to vet it.” So, it was vetted by an attorney and no one has ever accused me of libel over the years it has been out. No one has ever accused me of fabricating anything. It’s a very solid piece of investigative journalism.

But the Wikipedia page about the Franklin child abuse allegations has some very autocratic operators who will not let any truth about The Franklin Scandal enter that page. I’ve had wars with them and there’s other people who have tried to make changes to that page. So people look at the Wikipedia page and I am summarily dismissed as a lunatic.

For what it is worth, someone at Badlands Media commented that Wiki is run by the CIA.

Back to the video:

I replaced a fellow named Gary Caradori who was the investigator for a Nebraska Senate committee. Gary met the official photographer of the group who had split from the group, defected. [he] agreed to take the pictures that this official photographer gave him. They met in Chicago. And he agreed to take the pictures back to the committee. He flew out of Chicago in his private plane. A short distance out of Chicago the plane exploded midair. His briefcase has never been found. He and his 11-year-old boy died. The rear seat of the airplane has never been found. I had made every attempt possible to obtain possession of or control of that plane because I wanted to examine it for bomb chemicals particularly the back seat. It’s no longer available. Nobody knows what happened to it.

Gary kadori was a civilian yet it [the plane] was taken to a military base for examination. A deputy sheriff was the first one on the scene he saw the pictures. He started picking up the pictures and FBI agent came along took the pictures away from him. Told him to keep his mouth shut. He started talking to a few people. A year later his wife was murdered. He’s no longer talking.

This International child kidnapping ring I later learned was out of Washington D.C. It was very active and the organization is known as the Finders. I have a report on the Finders back there. Everything I’m telling you is documented by the way. The Finders has been established and operating throughout the 1960s up to the present time. It was exposed in 1987, [so] they moved their operation to Wichita Kansas and they’re operating right today in Wichita Kansas.

So Nick Bryant had good reason to be nervous about getting concrete evidence.


The Finders: The Ted Gunderson Report (84 pages)


I have taken my report to the FBI a half a dozen times demanded an investigation and I have yet to be interviewed. So we have the Finders, we have the Franklin Coverup, which documents what I’m telling you. We have the Game of Pawns. [which] is the Illuminati. This is the Illuminati, the Satanic movement, in this country today and the last thing I’m going to mention in the way of a book is Why Johnny Can’t Come Home.

Why Johnny Can’t Come Home (347 pages)

From the Summary:

➡ Johnny, a boy from Iowa, was kidnapped and used as a sex slave in a covert CIA mind control project. He escaped and briefly returned to his mother in 1997 before disappearing again. The case is linked to the Nebraska case and the CIA’s MkUltra mind control program, which was investigated by Congress in 1987. This program, still active today, involves training individuals for various tasks, including assassinations, and has connections to powerful figures and institutions, including Boys Town, Nebraska, a respected children’s charity.

➡ Larry King, a prominent businessman, was accused of abusing children from Boys Town, a home for troubled youth. Despite reports of his actions, no action was taken due to his influence and connections. However, in 1988, his financial crimes led to his arrest and the exposure of his pedophilic activities. Despite the evidence and testimonies, many of the influential people involved in the abuse were not prosecuted due to their power and status.

➡ The text discusses a horrifying scenario where children were manipulated and abused by a man named Larry King. King used drugs to control the children, who were then forced into sexual acts and threatened with violence. The text also mentions a disturbing ritual involving murder and sacrifice of children, which was believed to bring power through invoking demons. The victims were often very young and were brainwashed into participating in these horrific acts.

➡ In 1990, a child abuse ring was discovered in Nebraska, but the media and law enforcement discredited the victims instead of investigating the accused. The FBI and local police didn’t take the victims’ allegations seriously, and even pressured them to change their stories. When one investigator died in a suspicious plane crash, his evidence was quickly seized by the FBI. Despite the victims being acknowledged as abused, the grand jury dismissed their allegations and instead charged one victim with perjury.

➡ In 1991, Alicia Owen was sentenced to 9-25 years in prison due to a false child abuse story by Troy Bonner. Alan Baer was fined $500 for aiding prostitution, and Peter Citron served two years for a similar crime. Larry King, however, never faced child sex charges due to Bonner’s lies, but was sentenced to 15 years for a $40 million fraud. John de Camp believes this case shows a failure of justice and hopes to expose it, despite strong opposition and claims of cover-ups in high places.

At this point things get really interesting.

Noreen Gosch Speaks About – Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book ‘Why Johnny Can’t Come Home’

…Years later, on February 5, 1999, in a civil action in a U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, Paul Bonacci painstakingly recounted the sordid, heart breaking details of Johnny Gosch’s abduction and forced participation in an elite government sponsored pedophile sex slave ring, that dehumanized and controlled its young, hapless victims using techniques such as drugs, murder, satanic rituals, sexual abuse, and torture, resulting in MPD (multiple-personality disorder). The children were systemically programmed and “zombified” as part of the CIA’s ongoing, under-the-radar MK-ULTRA (MK = mind control) mind control program….

Paul Bonacci knew what he was talking about regarding Johnny Gosch’s kidnapping in 1982. Why? Because he was there! Bonacci’s role within the pedophile ring was simultaneously that of a victim and a perpetrator. Actually, the then 16 year old Paul Bonacci was the person who had lured and then forced Johnny into the back of the car that screeched away on that fateful September morning. It was Bonacci who had helped drug Johnny, and then proceeded to initiate him into the group, his new “family”, by sexually assaulting him.

Bonacci himself had been abducted and pressed into service as an MK-ULTRA sex slave by Lawrence E. King, a high ranking Republican operative who managed Franklin Savings and Loan in Omaha, Nebraska as a front for an internationally organized pedophile ring. He ran this pedophile ring for the benefit of government, military, and big business elites, whose patronage included political blackmail, snuff films, kiddy pornography, prostitution, illegal arms and drug running, extortion, and money laundering. This was the same Larry King who allegedly ran the infamous midnight “call-boy” tours of the White House, along with Craig Spence. Amazingly, the White House pedophile story was headlined by the Washington Times, on June 29, 1989.….

Unbelievibly, now Noreen is threatened with another loss, as if the 1982 brutal kidnapping of her son Johnny wasn’t enough. A scoundrel is using the courts to paint Noreen into a legal and financial corner in order to to steal HER remaining book inventory and the reprint rights to HER book… 

The theft of her book is a way to bankrupt her and shut her up of course.

That article leads to this unsavory character and his wife Lilith. Note the winged eyebrows on this dude.

LTC Michael Aquino and his wife Lilith. Aquino was a practicing satanist, but whether he actually believed in it or used it for his role as mind-control and rape of women and children only he knows.

The Military and Child Molestation: Holding Our Own Accountable in This 5 Gen War

…The Presidio Child Development Center scandal was reported on beginning in 1986 in San Francisco.
As in the Franklin case, there is no question children had been sexually abused. Literally dozens of children were medically examined and showed signs of genital and anal trauma, and 5 to 6, depending on reports, contracted chlamydia, a sexually contracted disease
. The game became what could be prosecuted in a court of law.

Many of the children repeatedly identified Aquino as being present when they were transported from the base to area homes for ritualized abuse.

Aquino lived in the area and eventually his home was raided based on descriptions provided by the children of not only a satanic décor, but a soundproof room with photography and video recording equipment inside. Photographs of naked children were carried out of the Aquino home in clear trash bags, along with video tapes and other evidence. Of course, Aquino was never brought up on charges, most likely because of the level of prominence of the people depicted in those photographs and movies raping children.

The Army took over a year to close the daycare. About the only thing it did even half right was ensure Aquino would never get promoted.

End of career. Bye…

Pedophilia in the Military: Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino and His MK Ultra/Monarch Mind Control Program Revisited — Before It’s News

Back to the Video:

…the mother Noreen Gosch was dumbfounded didn’t know what happened demanded an investigation by the FBI and by the West Des Moines Police Department. The chief of police in West Des Moines said to her, even though he disappeared, we do not have any witnesses who saw him being grabbed and placed in a car or being taken control of, 👉so we’re not going to investigate it.👈 The FBI used the same premise they refused to investigate it. Now I’ve been involved in kidnappings in the FBI and I can tell you that it’s automatic within 24 hours, 👉at the end of 24 hours that we had to go in.👈 In my day this was back in the 50s, 60s and 70s we had to go in and start investigating the case after they’ve disappeared for 24 hours.

Today as we as I stand here and you sit there the children are disappearing in this country at the rate of 83 per hour that’s over 700,000 children a year now. I can go back to July 1982 the Readers Digest claimed there were 100,000 children disappearing every year. There’s another statistic that I find very interesting and that is that it is estimated 2,500 children are kidnapped and murdered in this country every year….

Now we know why the DemonRats are so interested in ‘unaccompanied children’ and why they ‘disappear’ from the system. The USA now has a much lower birth rate and parents are more careful about keeping a sharp watch on their kids compared to the 1950s & 60s. The pedos and satanists, needed a fresh source.

Back to the video:

I personally talk to one of the youngsters who was involved in this network. I’ve talked to several of them and he assures me that Jeff Ganon is in fact Johnny Gosch.

Well how did Johnny Gosch get from a West Des Moines Iowa 12 years old, all the way, with the phony press pass, into the White House as of a few weeks ago. What happened to Johnny is that he was transported from West Des Moines to Sioux City. He was placed on a farm for 3 weeks [and] sexually molested. He was taken to the mountains in Colorado placed in a cage in a house of some sort or cabin. And then later he was used as a sex slave. They didn’t kill him they didn’t sacrifice him although a number of these kids are sacrificed in satanic ceremonies. He escaped with another young man. They stole a car and in 1997 Johnny knocked on his mother’s door at 2:30 in the morning. Gosch said he wanted to talk to her. He was there with another young boy. He came in. He told [her] in the rain. He says “mother I was kidnapped.” Kidnapped, I’ve been placed in a covert military CIA controlled mind control project and used as a sex slave. He said I can’t come forward at this time. They will kill me and then he left in the rain . She says that’s the last time she talked to him.

[It’s] 1997 now. Now several years after that, a girl named Burns who was a producer for 20-20 decided to do a story on the Johnny Gosch kidnapping and the Nebraska case. And She interviewed me. In fact I spent 5 days with her. Gave her the benefit of all my research, which is available to you folks also. Then she got a lead that Johnny was hiding out on an Indian reservation in northern Minnesota she went there and flushed him out. He basically went into hiding and now he shows up at the White House. He was a mind control victim.


If you don’t know anything about MK Ultra mind control program, it came into this country through the German scientists after World War II. They were involved with the Nazis during the war and prior to World War II in developing robots and individuals to be used on command for anything that they wish ,including assassinations and other nefarious activity. The MK Ultra program, CIA mind control program, was investigated by Congress in 1987. Congress said CIA you got to quit doing that that. You’re bad boys and they said we will quit. Don’t kid yourself. It’s is very active today. There are people like Barbara Hartwell out there who are mind control victims. She’s another one who’s been bashing me. I must be doing a pretty good job because I wouldn’t have these people criticizing me on the internet like they do. Of course it doesn’t bother me in the least.

But going back to the Nebraska case [and] MK Ultra. A lot of this training took place at Offutt  Air Force Base in Omaha Nebraska which was strategic care command headquarters. You recall after 9-11 the president flew to I think it was the South someplace in Louisiana or New Orleans and then he flew to Offutt Air Force Base in the afternoon of September 11th. They had a party there that morning at 9:30 in the morning. He missed the party. He was sorry he missed the party. Warren Buffett was there by the way.

The MK Ultra program has been very actively administered not only at Offutt  Air Force Base, [but] at Fort Brag North Carolina, the place where Dr McDonald’s family was slaughtered in 1970.


I used to be in charge of the FBI in Dallas. So in checking into the Jack Kennedy assassination, I learned no question about it that it was a joint hit by the CIA and the Chicago mob. Sam Giancana was head of the mob in Chicago. Three days before he was to testify before Congress, [he]was shot and killed…

33 minutes PEARL HARBOR

I interviewed the naval intelligence officer who on December 4th 1941 received information that the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor. We had broken the secret code of the Japanese. He told me personally, on December the 4th, he gave it to his superiors they passed it up the line…

34 – 36 minutes WACO TEXAS

..look at Waco. The military was involved in destroying, shooting and killing women and children. Also the FBI. They use tanks, military tanks in violation of Posse Comitatus… They got away with it… in Waco there were four ATF agents who were shot and killed. some of the Branch Davidians were tried sentenced for these quote murders… in researching the four ATF agents who were shot, I learned every one of them was shot in the head. Now for those of you who have been in the military that’s a sniper shot no question about it. [in] one of [the] men the bullet trajectory was from above down through his lip and into his body probably from a helicopter. It’s interesting to note that these four men, ATF agents, at one time were all bodyguards for former President Bill Clinton..


We have the 1993… the car bombing of the World Trade Center. I have a copy of the New York Times [from] October 28th 1993. And in the article was reporting from The Trial that took place [of] an FBI informant named Salam who was in among the terrorists. He testified that he was commissioned by the terrorists to put the bomb together to bomb the World Trade Center in February 1993.

Fortunately for him, when he met with the terrorist he wore a body mic so he could record every word that was said. Unknown to the FBI, when he met with the FBI, he also wore a body mic. That was probably what kept him from being set up and framed and sent to prison. This is actually in this newspaper article he went to his FBI superiors. [He] says I’ve been commissioned to put the bomb together we’re going to use a dummy bomb aren’t we and 👉he was told by his FBI superiors no we’re going to use a real bomb.👈

Now I don’t understand why Congress and Senate investigators and our leaders in Washington DC are not jumping up and down over that situation. 👉The FBI not only knew in advance of the car bombing, they furnished the ingredients for the bomb. [ Jan 6th Pipe Bomb anyone? – GC] 👈

Why doesn’t somebody take some action in that area. Why doesn’t somebody investigate this International child kidnapping ring being operated by the CIA. Why are these congressmen voting on bills like the Patriot Act which takes away many of our constitution rights and civil liberties in the best interest of quote protection for our country and protection from the terrorists.

Let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen, there are people in our government, a rogue outfit, whatever I’m not sure who, are actually Behind These Terrorist Acts. And the reason they’re behind the terrorist acts is so they can pass bills like the Patriot Act and the reason the congressmen and the Senators vote for these stupid bills. Stupid by our terms and our definition, is because they’ve have been set up and framed through sex and drugs.


So then we have Oklahoma City 1995.

I personally made two trips to Oklahoma City. I investigated Oklahoma City. Because of my report, the defense attorney for Timothy McVeigh, sent two of his investigators to interview me. I spent four hours with them actually. I got a lot of information out of them. For example they told me that they were allowed to tour the remains of the M building in Oklahoma City in the presence of a US Marshall, but they were not allowed under any circumstances to take soil samples or to pick up any evidence for examination. Stephen Jones was their attorney.

I heard that they were going to tear down the building.

Now you can trace bombs through what they call the tagging chemicals. When I heard this, I called John deCamp. I said, “John we’ve got to prevent that building from coming down.” I actually called an outfit in Chicago of the Pat Kennedy group, who are specialists in examining evidence of this type. John called McVeigh’s attorney, Jones. Because John had a client who he was representing, who was involved in the case, John said I’ll handle the paper. We’ll have a hearing. We will prevent that building from coming down. The next thing we heard the building was coming down. John called Jones. “What’s going on and he had no good answer for it. That was evidence. I’ve been at many a crime scene and it is critical that the evidence be preserved. That was a huge cover up.

McVeigh wrote a letter to his sister. [Jennifer] was in Special Forces. The government said the military says “oh no he flunked out” He didn’t flunk out. He was recruited out of Special Forces according to him in a letter he wrote to his sister. [He was recruited] to be trained to be a CIA assassin and also to work for the CIA International drug operation both against the competition and for the CIA pro- drug people. McVeigh was in my opinion an MK Ultra mind control victim. He was visited in prison in Oklahoma and in Colorado by Dr Jolly West. This was secret by the way, I happen to find out because I made some phone calls to the right people. Jolly West was one of the foremost leaders along with Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control operation.

Some additional information about Dr Jolly West, so you understand the implications of what Ted is talking about:

Correspondence Between Jolly West and Sidney Gottlieb, Director of the CIA’s Operation MKULTRA (1 minute video)

Jul 21, 2022

Never-before published internal documents from the Lackland Air Force base psychiatrist who was secretly contracted to the CIA’s MKULTRA program to experiment with airman using drugs and hypnosis — without their knowledge. These exclusive letters between psychiatrist Louis “Jolly” West and MKULTRA’s director, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, outline the men’s plans for creating mind controlled assassins. Their work began in June 1953, one year before the murder of three-year-old Chere Jo Horton by Lackland airman Jimmy Shaver.


Why would somebody like Jolly West go interview McVeigh not only in Oklahoma but also in Colorado during the trial? Because he was a mind control victim himself. At one time it was reported, I think in US News & World Report, that McVeigh had a microchip in his buttocks. Our military reportedly have been using microchips to keep track of their soldiers.

The bomb in the truck allegedly was a fertilizer bomb. The government first announced that it was a 1500lb bomb and then a 2500 lb bomb and I think it ended up being 4,800 lb. That bomb that was in the truck destroyed half the building. A 4,800 lb fertilizer bomb, an ammonia nitrate fertilizer bomb dissipates and did not have the potential, the possibility, of destroying that much of the building. After the Oklahoma City bomb went off I had a call from a friend of mine, Michael Riconosciuto. For those of you who are making notes look up in the internet, Michael Riconosciuto. I’ve been working with Michael since the early 1980s, 1982.


It’s when I first met him. He was a CIA agent operative for some two decades he was also an FBI informant at one time. His father owned the Hercules Manufacturing in Silicone Valley California. Hercules manufacturing developed what is known as the electro-hydrodynamic gaseous fuel device which is a highly classified bomb. The bomb was was actually manufactured by Dyno Nobel out of Salt Lake City.

I want to stop here and mention Brave has ZERO info on “Electro-hydrodynamic gaseous fuel device” (I was trying to find the correct spelling.) However when I tried Yandex, I got a whole bunch of hits for “Hercules Manufacturing Electro-hydrodynamic gaseous fuel device” For example:


Oklahoma City Bombing: Was Timothy McVeigh a Patsy in a Sinister Black Flag Operation? — Covert Action Magazine 2022/04/19

Hercules-2 | (The) Project on ship engine technologies

Fuel flexible, near-zero emissions, adaptive performance marine engine


Now Michael, in the meantime, is in jail now. Right? In fact I talked to him yesterday because he started to talk before the Brooks committee about a very interesting case involving the Promis Software [Inslaw, 30 Inc.]. The Promis Software was a computer operation. They developed all kinds of intelligence information on you, and I, and every citizen in America. The Department of Justice leased it for two years. At the end of two years they refused to pay Bill and Nancy Hamilton the $10 million they owed them. Then the Department of Justice through Earl Bryant, past president of United Press International, took that computer [and] sold it around the world. Sold it to the French, to the English, Israelis, Canadians. Unknown to these foreign countries, [to] the officials in these foreign countries, there was a trap in the computer. A very clever trapdoor [that] secretly allowed us, the US government, to retrieve all the information they developed.

Michael Riconosciuto was the CIA agent who developed the trapdoor in the Promis Software Computer. When Congress started to investigate it in the late 1980s, they called on Michael. We want you to testify. Michael received a threatening phone call two weeks before he was to testify, he claimed. From a fellow named Peter Videnieks of the US Department of Justice. “If you testify you’ll be sorry.” Michael testified anyway. A few weeks later [He] was arrested for drugs [and] is now serving a 30-year prison sentence because he dared to expose these nefarious activities by this Rogue Criminal Enterprise operating within the confines of the US government.

Summary of Michael Riconosciuto’s Information Presented in Terrorism Cover Up in America

What happened to Michael Riconosciuto? American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders culprit’s whereabouts explored March 2024 [NETFLIX Docu-series???]

Michael has been released and is scared to death he will meet the same fate as journalist Danny Casolaro. The documentary is by Christian Hansen & Zachary Treitz. Riconoscuito was one of the chief sources for Casolaro. Michael had a lot of inside info on the people concerned.

Back to the rest of the video.


I gave you a little background on Michael. Going back to Oklahoma City now, I want you to understand who Michael is. He’s not some guy walking down the street with a grocery basket looking for a recycling center okay? He has credibility. Now Michael called me right after the Oklahoma City bomb went off and he said Ted, (He called from prison by the way) that’s my bomb meaning [that it is the bomb] Hercules developed. That it was not an ammonium nitrate bomb. Now when that [Hercules] bomb was tested in 1982 I happened to be with a group of intelligence agents in Palm Springs waiting for the results of that test.

It was tested in Area 51. It was under estimated because the power, it was so powerful, that two of the technicians died. They underestimated the strength of it. This, I call it a barometric bomb, this barometric bomb, according to Michael was what was in the car not a fertilizer bomb. I have an Oklahoma City report on that. So what did I do as an investigator?

49 minutes

Well I went to the Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey. I gave him the contract number which I obtained through a Science magazine. One of my associates actually did the research on that and I gave the public Picatinny Arsenal contract number and the Picatinny came back and said there’s no such contract here, even though I had the contract. By the way that’s documented in my report. I went to Dyno Nobel who I knew manufactured it and they didn’t even bother to respond. It’s interesting to note that a  Dyno Nobel  expert witness testified at the Grand Jury when they indicted McVeigh in September of 1995

50 minutes

Some five or six months after the 19th of April 1995 Oklahoma City, in an article in Fireman’s Magazine. It was written by the editor of Fireman’s Magazine. The information was obtained from the Oklahoma City Fire Department. In that article, again that’s in my report, in that article it states that four unexploded devices were taken out of the building. When people were in the building after the bombing, DYING, they discontinued the rescue efforts for some 5 hours, while they carried out a bunch of government files. Men in blue suits of some sort. Sweatsuits. So what I’m telling you is Oklahoma City was perpetrated by certain people other than McVeigh and Nichols and now Roger Moore.

If you read the paper recently, the gun dealer who claims that he was robbed of his guns in Arkansas and that that money was used to finance Oklahoma City Bombing, Roger Moore, has been accused by Terry Nichols of being involved in it. Roger Moore denies it. Roger Moore at the time of the Oklahoma City Bombing was an FBI informant. I had an Inside investigator in Oklahoma City tell me that there were at least 11 other individuals involved in Oklahoma City okay?


That brings us up, we’ve gone through Pearl Harbor, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Car bombing 93, Oklahoma City 95, that brings us up to 9-11.

As I said my [client] was in prison. I’m his “investigator of record” which means I’m like an attorney. I should have access to him on a regular basis. I represent this man. For a year prior to 9-11, actually year and a half. I tried to get in and see Michael. He was in prison in Northern Pennsylvania. I was in the Philadelphia area. The Bureau of Prisons would not allow me to see [him.]

I finally was able to talk to Michael in January 2003. I flew to the east coast spent three days with him.

Michael told me that he had developed information from among his contacts in advance of 911 that they were going to be involved in using missiles, airplane missiles and they were going to be involved in skyjacking. They were training Arab terrorists. Also he knew the identity of the person in the United States. An Arab who lived in Patterson New Jersey who was the leader of terrorist activity by the Arabs in this country. Now Michael had this information, because you’re saying how can Michael develop this information being in prison? Because I met with Osama Bin Laden, along with Michael, along with the state department representative, in the spring of 1986.

At that time I was contacted by former top Reagan Ronnie Reagan official who said can we help the Afghan Rebels? They were our friends then. So I called Michael, and I said what do you think? He said let’s meet. So there was a fourth fellow there. We didn’t know at the time it was Osama Bin Laden. He actually used the name Tim Osman traveling under a Turkish passport. But because of Michael I passed the ball to him. I just arranged for the meeting and went on.

Michael traveled all over the world putting this package together to furnish the Afghan Rebels with the surface to air missiles that defeated the Soviets. Really shot down their helicopters. As a result of this Michael developed sources inside the Arab world. And that’s how Michael knew in advance about 911.

55 minutes

Michael told the FBI on March the 20th 2001 about this plan to use Skyjacked airplanes and use them as missiles. He also furnished to the FBI one of his sources, one of his confidential sources inside the Arab group. The FBI interviewed him, threatened him with prosecution and deported him. That man along with his family have disappeared. We think that they’re dead. The FBI refused, absolutely refused to look into this situation. More shocking is that Michael had the names of the people who were obtaining the false names. Of the people, the Arabs, who were obtaining false passports. had their names. He had the source who could furnish him that information he told FBI Agent Keith Cutri on March 20, 2001. He told Cutri. He says “I’ll give you these names, the name of this person who’s coordinating the whole project for the Arabs, providing I be given immunity and he be given immunity.” Mr. Cutri, in spite of the fact he was armed with this information six months prior to 9/11, came back two days after 9/11, on the 13th and saw Michael in prison again. [He] accused Michael of being anti-government, anti FBI, of being a publicity seeker, and so forth, being disloyal. And so Michael, of course, didn’t have much to say after that.

Michael is still in prison, as I said. But, we had this information. The FBI did nothing with it. Cutri admit it, on September 13, 2001. Admitted that the FBI did nothing with it. So, after I visited Michael, in 2003, I felt it was important that I confirm that the FBI did meet with him.

The Bureau of Prisons would not furnish Michael with the visitors list to confirm it. So I started writing letters to the FBI through Senator George Allen to confirm that he did in fact meet with them. I wanted to document it. I also asked for the identity of the other agent who was with agent Cutri and I had a terrible time. It took me a year and a half writing letters to the FBI to get them to admit that they’ interviewed Michael on March the 20th 2001. I finally did have that information. That information is available again in one of my reports. My terrorism report that I have in the bag. So that basically brings me up to the the present time.

I think my time is up but I feel compelled, as a former FBI agent, I had all this training and I feel compelled to do everything I can to educate as many fellow Americans as I can, as to what’s going on behind the scenes. We have being operated and orchestrated primarily by US military intelligence. A Covert Criminal Enterprise involving FBI and the CIA active in this country today. [It] is being covered up right from the beginning.

By the way, they tried to frame me on a drug deal back in 1984. It didn’t work. The girl that they used to try to frame me contacted me, and said I need to meet with you. We met, [and ]she told me the whole story. I took a signed statement from her. Her name is Pam Fawsett. And, I said to Pam, I said Pam you’re working for these people the DEA and the FBI in Modesto. By the way she was making phone calls to me. I said you’re working with the people trying to set me up. Why have you — and of course in the phone call she kept trying to get me to make admissions that had knowledge of a felony and I wouldn’t. I said I don’t have any knowledge of that or was involved in a felony.

Actually I said Pam look you were working with these people for 6 months. They gave you $2,000 you had the run of the FBI office. You had your own coffee cup. Why did you come to me and tell me this now. I’d helped her, give her little advice about her 14-year-old son in the interim. You know talking back and forth there, any individual would do [it] who might be able to help. She said Ted I woke up the other morning and I realized you’re the only honest son of a bitch I’ve talked to in 6 months. Those were her exact words.

The FBI not only tried to set me up on a drug deal, I’ve also been the victim of four separate investigations. They tried to set me up on a fraud case in Denver, in Dallas, and most recently. Very frankly I’ve been under surveillance, heavy surveillance. I’ve had illegal entries into my car into my apartment. There’s been attempts to gas me within the last month and I was able to anticipate it and avoid it. But they don’t want people like me out telling the truth and that’s what I’m doing.


I will not stop I will continue to do so in the future so that’s basically it. I brought you from 1776 to the present time. We went through one conspiracy after another.

I had given Jim Nichols my Oklahoma City bombing report. Jim said to Bryant Gumbel, he says, did you read Ted Gunderson’s Oklahoma City report. Gumbel says, “Oh, Ted Gunderson’s a conspiracy theorist.”

I want you to know I’m not I’m not a conspiracy theorist I’m a conspiracy realist. It is there. All you have to do is get your own website, get your own internet go out there. There’s a lot of disinformation out there but you can pick out what’s really solid and what’s really truthful.


I have done, I have 25 years of research. [It is] on that back table back there. If you buy any of my reports or this video tape or any of my material I want you to make a promise that you will make copies and distribute it far and wide. We need to wake up America right now. Let me emphasize again I’m not anti-American. I don’t believe in violence. I believe in change through legal means. But we need to wake up an apathetic sleeping society that is active in America today. This not only ties into MK Ultra – CIA, it ties into Satanism. There are approximately 4 million practicing Satanist in America today involved in the Nebraska case.

I can go on about satanic cults for another, but I think my time is almost up. I might mention that speaking of Satanism, there are between 50,000-60,000 human sacrifices, according to three different sources, in this country every year. The satanic cults operate secretly. The Satanic Cults are along with our Covert Criminal Enterprise within the government, a serious threat to our society

I thank you very much.

The Ted Gunderson Chronicles (Part 2) Various editions:

2 hours:

56 minutes:

2 hours:

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

FIVE DAYS, eleven hours, fifty minutes until our Once and Future President is restored to his Rightful Office and we maybe see some justice for those who stole the election last time. On the plus side this way he appears twice in lists of presidents, just like Grover Cleveland (22&24).

Not that I’m counting, mind you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s getting close!!!


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Not so much partying etc scheduled either. Priorities of getting to work. Looking forward to his speech. I wonderbif it will be as good as the 1st time.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That was a GOOD speech, and the first “formal” one I saw from PDJT.

Even his convention speech that year was a bit of a stream of consciousness tour, like his rallies. I actually had to agree with Hitlary Klinton when she said something like” “his speech was 70 odd minutes, and I do mean odd.”

But the inaugurations speech was awesome (though he did even better later on). The media and political class called it “dark” because he was promising to stand against them.

One line I quoted to a leftist once, which surprised them: “When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for bigotry.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The awesomeness of TRUMP!!!


“When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for bigotry.”

^^^ That line there is a keeper.

^^^ Also captures the feeling of folks at Trump rallies. Every Trump rally attendee has felt, a kinship of sorts with Trump supporters. Truly a special feeling.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You know that in the end, no matter the other person’s skin color or dress or plumbing, they are there because they love this country, and that’s the reason YOU are there too.


Five golden (Trump) rings!


No way…

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Pledge of Allegiance?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I’m just gonna have to say it; damn, he’s fine.


Looks like we’re about to have four years of the United States of Alpha…..


I read the thread from this story on X yesterday. What a sweet tale of toxic masculinity.

Here where I live, men stop and hold the door for me to go through it. Even the teenagers. I am so blessed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Loved this one from the same source…..

The Morning Briefing: Nancy Mace Understands the Republicans’ Assignment for 2025

News of this exchange [between Nancy Mace and Jasmine Crockett] hit X just a few minutes after I was saying on our liveblog that I wished Pete Hegseth’s Senate confirmation hearing could erupt into a brawl. Present-day Democrats in Washington are awful people, and feigned tolerance for their antics is vomit-inducing at this point. In addition to being a paste-eating idiot, Jasmine Crockett is a perennially shrieking confrontation monger; Nancy Mace’s response to her was perfect.

pat frederick

all kinds of fine!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I didn’t catch at first that he did five sets of 47 push-ups (not 50) the morning of his confirmation hearing!!! 😂


I noticed it. He’s cute! Cracks me up.

pat frederick

as per my avatar…47 IS and has always been my lucky number!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Johnny Midnight:

Kash Patel announces that he is working with Congress regarding Juan Merchan, wants Bank records so he can follow the money trail!


“Oh shit!”
— any random Merchan(t) sycophant

Cuppa Covfefe

The Merchan of menace…


I want anyone who participated in the hounding of President Trump over the last three years investigated to the point of cavity searches. I don’t care if it bankrupts their entire family line forever.

I also want all who participated in the witch hunt January 6 persecution treated the same way. If I were in charge, that would include jurors.


….and, certainly, jailors.


Of course 🙂



This is why the military-industrial complex can’t stand Pete Hegseth.

“I feel liberated that I didn’t work at Lockheed or any other defense contractor. I don’t have a special interest in any particular system, company, or particular narrative.”

They can’t control him.


It’s that simple.

I will add that he not only cannot be controlled but he also cannot even be influenced.

Sad day in Globalist HQ.  😥 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A SecDef who cares about soldiers, America, the Constitution, and WINNING.

OH, NOES!!!!!


👍 I was ready to follow him into battle after watching that yesterday. Enlistment is going to be off the charts. I already know of one Marine who reenlisted immediately after PDT won.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – yes!


“Sad day in Globalist HQ.”


A.K.A. Globo-Homo Headquarters 👍😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This guy says that when Don Jr. came back from Greenland, he brought executives and leaders from Greenland back to Mar-a-lago with him and that negotiations are in process.


The Greenland boys sure ain’t letting any grass grow under their feet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Attention to Greenland only happens once every thousand years! When it happens, CARPE DIEM!!!


Last time, it was the Vikings…..perhaps they’ll do better this time around.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe the Bears or Green Bay 😆

pat frederick

nah…they’re both out of it

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe Dallas or the Redskins 😆

I don’t follow football from over here anymore, and since SF Krapernicked out and the Raiders (Traitors) moved to Las Vegas, there’s no-one to root for…

And over here, VfB (our soccer team) goes from great to terrible over the span of a few years, it’s a mess. I think Bayern München (Munich’s team) is owned by the illuminati, as they always seem to win it all. Sort of like those damned Yankees… 🙂

pat frederick

Dallas sucks…no offense.
the Redskins are still in it though.
my favorite is the Eagles and we’re still in it.


Paging Valerie…Lyons. Assuming they are in it.

pat frederick

they ARE…they’re good!

Valerie Curren

Lions play Saturday 8pm Eastern vs the RedSkins aka Commanders 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

No offense taken… or on the field, either. Dallas was a problem a number of times for the ‘niners, until “The Catch”… those were the days…

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Valerie Curren

I’m still all Go Lions!!!


A major expansion of Space Force and other military related endeavors are probably in the plan.

PDT is the GOAT!


Probably a massive expansion of Thule (renamed to something now) is in the offing. That means JOBS.


Renamed to Pituffik Space Base on April 6, 2023 according to this article. Meanwhile Thule has a long and ancient history going back to 330 BC.

The Greek explorer Pytheas of the Greek city of Massalia (now Marseille, France) is the first to have written of Thule, after his travels between 330 and 320 BC. Pytheas mentioned going to Thule in his now lost workOn The Ocean Τὰ περὶ τοῦ Ὠκεανοῦ (ta peri tou Okeanou).

It’s strongly believed that “On the Ocean” burned up in the fire of the Alexandria Library.


Good Grief.

The Bidenese chose this name in 2023 over the storied legend of Thule. Rat Bastards!

A cluster of huts known as Pituffik (“the place the dogs are tied”) stood on the wide plain where the base was built in 1951; a main base street was named Pituffik Boulevard.

Meanwhile the link gives a good history of how Denmark took possession Greenland from the USA along with other assorted things, much to do with Space Force.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Art of the Deal!!!


Seize the Diem!


Ted Gunderson was way ahead of his time. He was brave to expose all that he did. The info about child trafficking is much easier to believe today because more people are disseminating information. Thank you for this report, Gail.


The post was great Gail, thank you.


«So right off the bat, he connects the CIA to the FBI and both to the control of information. Because without that control of information the Cabal’s grip on the world slips.»

Hit the Bull’s-eye, 100%

Censorship, suppression, propaganda and fake news only goes so far. Eventually the truth breaks through since keeping on lying and faking becomes expensive with time, as accumulated false bullshit have to be maintained and not be inadvertently revealed as false by more recent new. Except in those planned cases that we recognize as «gaslighting». But keeping all of this going is ever more expensive in terms of various resources needed to maintain it. Although it can continue for a surprisingly long time, eventually the cost and effort required to maintain the lie is going to exceed what the liers are willing or able to spend.

The cracks have been appearing for a while now, at least since sometime in the 1990s when one of the statist politicians was whinging about losing control of what people would be told.

The cracks are ever widening.

Gradually at first then all of a sudden…


I’ll go with explosive stage.  😉 


Hopefully. More likely though it melts down in various peices, subsides only to reappear in a new forms at latter dates. Good thing is folk are getting better at spotting it when it does and thus the game of wack o mole seems almost timeless.




😁 This is literally worse than actual combat…

Last edited 25 days ago by holly

Will women ever learn? Seriously, they look so damned shrill, bitchy, and stupid it’s embarrassing that anyone might consider me to be like that just because I am female.

pat frederick

it’s all in how you present yourself. I always smile at everyone, and it’s not a condescending I’m-better-than-you smile. it reaches my eyes. these women are harpies.


I agree. I smile at everyone. People are nice to me.


Just for mental amusement, try to imagine Melania Trump behaving like any one of them [take your pick]. Make sure you turn over your egg timer so you don’t waste all day on an impossible task.  😆 


Hell no, I can not imagine it.

Nor can I imagine the dignified Southern women who raised me behaving that way.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I want any character from Gone With The Wind to slap them in the face!


Melanie would be my top choice!


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pat frederick

it’d be a lot funnier if Carol did it
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Cuppa Covfefe

I saw it in a window and I just couldn’t resist 😀

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I have a theory that intelligence plays a role. The really smart people are aware of how they present themselves. It’s true in Melania’s appearance and deportment, as well as her brain power.


Among other things, they could use some self-awareness.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

A bunch of skanky crusties who wouldn’t know which end of a rifle goes in front if someone showed them…


PDT is on it. No worries.



Verse of the Day for Wednesday, January 15, 2025

“How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.” 

Psalms 36:7 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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When the walls come crashing down on you
When slings and arrows fly out of the blue
When all appears lost with no hope in sight
When no solution adheres to your plight 


When you are weary of thinking it through
When you’ve exhausted a way out for you
When the voices in your head keep damning
When the doors and windows keep slamming


Remember that God is a friend not a foe
He is right by your side wherever you go
He does not condemn when you have fallen
He is right there waiting when you call in


When your options are few or so you think
He is there with a hand up from the brink
Go quickly to Him as your first import
Let Him never be your last resort


When there seems to be no relief from pain
Keep pleading with Him all over again
Perhaps you have trouble praying outright
Take authority it will be alright


Be honest and tell Him down on your knees
You cannot tackle this alone if you please
Acknowledge His prowess over it all
That nothing for Him is ever too small


If you feel foolish and somewhat ashamed
He understands and you will not be blamed
His heart is as great as His love for you
His correction might be harsh hard to do


Believe it or not you will rise higher
On the wings of eagles quite the flyer
His judgements are fair and for your own good
Obey His commands rightly as you should


You’ll feel His Fatherly love surrounding
Your head will be relieved from the pounding
The enemy will no longer laugh out loud
You’re a Child of God and you should be proud!!!

D01: 05/20/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms











In the morning when you arise
Thank God for the lovely sunrise
Thank God you have the eyes to see
Thank God through Him you are set free

So many are suffering in various ways
From family problems to general malaise
From discouragement to deep depression
Hearts, minds, and souls suffer repression

Each day God asks you to boldly come
To the Throne of Grace and beat the drum
Sing Praise to our God – Sing Praise
To our Deliverer – Our voices we raise

God told us to pray unceasingly
Give Glory Honor and Praise to He
Bring our petitions and lift them up
So that all may drink from the Blessing Cup

When you are troubled the Body suffers
Take it to God and pray for others
When we reach out and pray for one another
We bless father mother sister and brother

Our own concerns become less of a bother 
When we reach out and touch another
So Rise Up Prayer Warriors and shout
Defeat the enemy roundabout

Send him back to the dry places of doom
Back off and prevent his message of gloom
Declare your victory over all that prevails
Defeat his plan and all it entails

Our nation has been attacked mercilessly 
Over a long span of time most relentlessly
It is time to defeat that father of lies
It is time for Prayer Warriors to rise

‘Go To The Quiet’ if it need be
To replenish and refresh on bended knee
You must be courageous and strong
To fight this battle all the day long

Rise Up Prayer Warriors and come to their aid
For many who are lacking let hope be staid
For those who are allegedly down and out
Sing Praise – Declare Victory – and Shout

Decked in your Armor fight the good fight
Send our enemy and his minions to flight
Give it your all and you will soon see
And taste the blessings of Victory!!!

D01: 11/18/2022


Thank You Duchess! 😁
Including your pic whence it first appeared.
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Head on a swivel with the 2A on hand. When an animal is wounded is when they are most dangerous.

Shiz is fixin’ to get real as we say around here.

With all the concerned folks had about little Marco, they should have trusted PDT instead.

Last edited 25 days ago by TradeBait2

Totally onboard with, head on a swivel, with 2A at the ready. Daily.

I absolutely trust Trump.

Rubio’s words are nice, mostly what I want to read.

My concern is Rubio the war monger. (Rubio wanting to topple governments. Ms Linda in her earlier years.

  • Yes, Trump will keep Rubio in check and appointed some to serve under Rubio. To keep him in check.

Internationally, DoS and US IC have been hugely detrimental to America. Damn sure Not America First.

Rubio has a herculean task. Hopeful he has learned, America First IS The Priority.


Just me swaggin’….

After the period of introspection before he decided to run again or give up politics, I suspect Little Marco had a revelation of how things really are. He seemed to make a turn in the right direction. Which made for a good intel source for MAGA leading up to PDT’s reelection. SOS position is not just about his abilities to camp in multiple worlds and talk the talk IMO. Will see how it goes.


Yep. hopeful here. Mainly cuz I trust Trump.

Lil Marco can redeem himself.

pat frederick

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It’s not like we don’t have extras…..


Vast majority of the 535, deserve to be tarred and feathered.


So that’s the secret …


I actually feel sorry for Sessions.

I think he opened to door, saw what was inside, freaked out, and closed the door. He just couldn’t handle it.


That’s also possible.

Deplorable Patriot

True. He did just sort of disappear.

pat frederick

that’s the thing–it would be so hard to choose just one!

pat frederick

OR sell tickets for a buck a chance to draw the “winning name” from the jar…we could tackle that deficit!

pat frederick

aw hell no—after what congress has done to us? WE deserve the chance to choose…LOL

pat frederick

well they can pull the next names–but AMERICA FIRST!

Cuppa Covfefe

AND logic…. Massively parallel processing, as it were…


Maybe we could start with a dozen.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe some fire ants as a *cough* warm-up?


You’re just a giver….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yuccas are good too though of course they don’t move.


Use the Powerball and make money on it at the same time.

pat frederick

my suggestion below!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

How about a wrecking ball? (Miley Cyrus not included 🙂 )…..

Valerie Curren

AND logic 😉

pat frederick

Inauguration. North of $170 million donated.

Would be nice if some of that were shunted to NC Helene victims, to this day suffering.

First couple thoughts on seeing the commemorative Diet Coke. Cool. Maybe Coke will have a souvenir commemorative Coke for Every attendee at each inauguration ball / event.


That’s a great idea. Ask Coke PR dept if they’ll pay you for a great promo idea.


All this makes me wonder if Seal Team Six had some evidence of military involvement in child trafficking from the Middle East and Asia.

I also wonder about Elon Musk’s tunnel business, Boring – where, when and for whom, do they dig tunnels?

Since the planned pandemic and the stolen election, the Las Vegas Massacre, and other FBI travesties, and the destructive burning in Hawaii and Los Angeles, my suspicious cat has had several litters of very suspicious, cynical untrusting kittens.

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pat frederick

that is one pissed off pussy cat!


I believe it is a Manul —

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A big tipoff is that the Pallas cat’s eyes contract to round pupils instead of vertical slits.

Last edited 25 days ago by cthulhu
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – I was thinking bobcat, too, but something seemed off!


LOL!!! That is one ugly cat!

Cuppa Covfefe

The tunnels were there long before Elon… and the boring company is for his Mars dream, not anyone else…

Last edited 25 days ago by Cuppa Covfefe

My understanding is Elon plans to bore tunnels for roads under cities, to alleviate traffic congestion.

Lots of hits when I Googled it.

Timeline? I didn’t pay attention.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Caldecott Tunnel Fire way back when pretty much soured the thought of any kind of tunnel for me… I even drove over the Gotthard Pass to avoid the tunnel, but on my way back the pass was closed so I had to take the tunnel… 🙁

It was a beautiful view from the pass (snow, etc.) but I knew that it would probably be closed within a few days, as proved to be the case…

Tunneling under cities only moves the problem… Hmmm… maybe WAH would be an answer (that would cause a trillion $hit-fits 🙂 )…..

Last edited 25 days ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Agree. Short tunnels I’ll do. Long as in miles, nope.

Valerie Curren

Looks like a cross between a cat & a tribble!

pat frederick

I think if you refuse to honor detainers on illegals, ANY destruction they cause–life, home, auto, theft, whatever is on THE STATE’S DIME–NOT FEDERAL TAXPAYERS!

January 15, 2025 1:40 am

BREAKING – An L.A. fire arson suspect Juan Manuel Sierra is not only here illegally, but has been in trouble with CA law enforcement 17 times in the last 8 years! From robbery to vandalism to assault with a deadly weapon!

ICE says they asked CA officials to honor their…

— Carl DeMaio (@carldemaio) January 14, 2025


Nor I. CA made their bed. Enjoy it.


So …

Your closing sentence strongly indicates that this is that rare case of a Lame Duck having claws.



More sunlight from Gail. Thank you for this detailed information.


Appropriate hymn for today….


Missionary Hymn · The Old Sturbridge Singers 
New England Harmony: A Collection of Early American Choral Music 
℗ 2004 Smithsonian Folkways Recordings / 1964 Folkways Records

From Greenland’s icy mountains,
  From India’s coral strand,
Where Afric’s sunny fountains
  Roll down their golden sand;
From many an ancient river,
  From many a palmy plain,
They call us to deliver
  Their land from error’s chain.
What though the spicy breezes
  Blow soft on Ceylon’s isle;
Though every prospect pleases,
  And only man is vile;
In vain with lavish kindness
  The gifts of God are strown;
The heathen, in his blindness,
  Bows down to wood and stone.
Can we, whose souls are lighted
  With wisdom from on high;
Can we to men benighted
  The lamp of life deny?
Salvation! O salvation!
  The joyful sound proclaim,
Till each remotest nation
  Has learned Messiah’s name.
Waft, waft, ye winds, His story;
  And you, ye waters, roll,
Till, like a sea of glory,
  It spreads from pole to pole;
Till o’er our ransomed nature,
  The Lamb for sinners slain,
Redeemer, King, Creator,
  In bliss returns to reign.


Nice. I had just finished listening to a CD of early american choral music while putting family pictures in a scrapbook. One of my DILs sends us 24 envelopes with pictures of grandkids, mostly, every year before Christmas…..sort of an advent calendar according to german tradition. We open one every day up until Christmas and find pictures along with either Bible verses or song verses. I’m doing 2022 right now…..have a couple years to catch up on. 😅

Salvation! O salvation!

The joyful sound proclaim,

Till each remotest nation

Has learned Messiah’s name.

And my husband is in one of those remote nations right now where the gospel is spreading like wildfire.

Last edited 25 days ago by GrammyInD

A couple of years???

It’s a good thing your DIL isn’t checking up on you.

 😂  😍 


Well we opened them, of course. Just haven’t got them into foto albums yet. 😯 



You might have correctly assumed that a similar experience of being ‘checked up’ is from my family history.

Valerie Curren

What a lovely & thoughtful tradition!


SpaceX Starship Flight 7 launches today 5pm ET, however, weather is currently a doggy.
SpaceX link:

Space X Twitter:

Other live streams:

NSF NasaSpaceFlight (space community)
Their Stake Out Live Stream (already streaming)

Their actual Launch livestream:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Add in all the illegals, most of which likely have PLA training!


SMH…he is such a turd.

pat frederick

if the state has $50 Million to waste fighting the federal government, then they do not need federal dollars for their state clean up.

Newsom approves $50 million state fund to fight Trump deportations.

pat frederick

especially since one of the arsonists is an illegal with a long rap sheet

pat frederick

nope…that right there—you wanna bite the hand that feeds you? then starve

pat frederick

looks just like the devil’s ass wipe as i envisioned

Last edited 25 days ago by patfrederick
Deplorable Patriot

Wait a minute. Didn’t power and water get transferred to some federal agency under Obama? I seem to remember an online uproar over it at the time.

Cuppa Covfefe

Gail Combs
IMO, speaking as a layperson (but who has had experiences with these types of persons) — it appears to me that what’s going on here is a mixture of narcissist + some psychopathic tendencies.


Any and everything the Feds may give CA, MUST HAVE DETAILED strings attached.

  • No more sanctuary city / state.
  • NO more funding illegals…housing, food, utilities, cell phones, medical….
  • Cooperate with CBP to remove illegals. Report illegals.
  • High speed train dead. High speed infrastructure built will be a monument to D-Rat money laundering.
  • DEI dead and gone.
  • Permits to rebuild approved within 24 hours. Draconian CA regulations, including CARB and the like canceled.

lost my train of thought. Had another ~dozen to peck in.

IF CA balks or will NOT agree to strings, CA gets NOTHING.

LA residents can hold LA AND GrewScum accountable.

  :wpds_arrow: Tax dollars from 49 states are NOT CA Slush Fund For CA Based Criminals.

pat frederick

i think the state needs to be placed in a receivership type arrangement until they can prove to the rest of the country that they can sustain the state in an adult manner…lol


Love it. That would bring to an end most of their bloodsucking leftism.


Great idea!

Cuppa Covfefe

Great article here about corruption in Kalifornistan(“The corruption of CaliforniaBribery is the only way to get things done”)…

Although it appears to be from a leftist standpoint, it’s very revealing nonetheless… and, as an escapee from Kalifornistan, very irritating as well…..

Last edited 25 days ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Now now … you know fully well that fighting DJT is non-discretionary spending.


pat frederick

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Yikes!!! Thank you, Gail!