Cover image: North Dakota Badlands

Still not quite up to it, but doing exercises and the like.
Marco Rubio was impressive on Wednesday.
The opening statement given by Secretary of State nominee Marco Rubio just now eviscerates decades of failed U.S. foreign policy: “Out of the triumphalism of the end of the long Cold War emerged a bipartisan consensus, and this consensus was that we had reached ‘the end of history.’ That all the nations of earth would become members of the democratic Western-led community. That a foreign policy that served the national interest could now be replaced by one that served the ‘liberal world order.’ And that all mankind was now destined to abandon national sovereignty and national identity, and we would become ‘one human family’ and ‘citizens of the world.’ This wasn’t just a fantasy — we now know it was a dangerous delusion.
Here in America, and in many of the advanced economies across the world, an almost religious commitment to free and unfettered trade at the expense of our national economy shrunk the middle class, left the working class in crisis, collapsed our industrial capacity, and has pushed critical supply chains into the hands of adversaries and of rivals. An irrational zeal for maximum freedom of movement of people has resulted in a historic mass migration crisis here in America but also around the world — it’s one that threatens the stability of societies and governments. Across the West, governments now censor and even prosecute domestic political opponents. Meanwhile radical jihadists openly march in the streets and sadly drive vehicles into our people.
While America far too often prioritized the ‘global order’ above our core national interests, other nations continued to act the way countries always have and always will — in what they perceive to be in their best interest. And instead of folding into the post-Cold War global order, they have manipulated it to serve their interests at the expense of ours. We welcomed the Chinese Communist Party into the global order, and they took advantage of all its benefits, and they ignored all its obligations and responsibilities. Instead, they have repressed, and lied, and cheated, and hacked, and stolen their way to global superpower status, and they have done so at our expense and at the expense of their own country.
In our very own hemisphere, despots and narco-terrorists take advantage of open borders to drive mass migration, to traffic women and children, and to flood our communities with fentanyl and violent criminals. In Moscow, Tehran, and Pyongyang, dictators — rogue states — now sow chaos and instability and align with and they fund radical terror groups, and then hide behind their veto power at the United Nations Security Council and the threat of nuclear war. The postwar global order is not just obsolete — it is now a weapon being used against us. And all this has led to a moment in which we must now confront the single greatest risk of geopolitical instability and of generational global crisis in the lifetime of anyone alive today.”

And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
Hebrews 3:7-14
7Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, “Today, when you hear his voice, 8do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness, 9where your fathers put me to the test and saw my works for forty years. 10Therefore I was provoked with that generation, and said, `They always go astray in their hearts; they have not known my ways.’ 11As I swore in my wrath, `They shall never enter my rest.'” 12Take care, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. 13But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today, ” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. 14For we share in Christ, if only we hold our first confidence firm to the end,
Psalms 95:6-11
6O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker! 7For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. O that today you would hearken to his voice! 8Harden not your hearts, as at Mer’ibah, as on the day at Massah in the wilderness, 9when your fathers tested me, and put me to the proof, though they had seen my work. 10For forty years I loathed that generation and said, “They are a people who err in heart, and they do not regard my ways.” 11Therefore I swore in my anger that they should not enter my rest.
Mark 1:40-45
40And a leper came to him beseeching him, and kneeling said to him, “If you will, you can make me clean.” 41Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him, and said to him, “I will; be clean.” 42And immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean. 43And he sternly charged him, and sent him away at once, 44and said to him, “See that you say nothing to any one; but go, show yourself to the priest, and offer for your cleansing what Moses commanded, for a proof to the people.” 45But he went out and began to talk freely about it, and to spread the news, so that Jesus could no longer openly enter a town, but was out in the country; and people came to him from every quarter.


Snowflake Martini Recipe
(makes one drink)
- 2 oz. vanilla vodka
- 2 oz. Godiva white chocolate liqueur
- 1 oz. white creme de cacao
- 1 oz. half and half
- Lemon wedge
- Sanding sugar
- Cut a lemon wedge and rub it around the rim of the glass. Dip the rim in the sugar to coat evenly.
- Add the vodka, chocolate liqueur, creme de cacao, and half and half into a shaker filled with ice.
- Shake well and strain mixture into glass.
- Serve immediately, and enjoy with your favorite seasonal tunes next to a toasty fireplace!
Have a good weekend, y’all.
Have a good one y’all.
FOUR Days, 11 Hours, 50 minutes until our Once and Future President, Donald Trump, is restored to his rightful office.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
Nought but a fournight.
LOL! That needs to be a word, just so that grammar nazis correcting it, can be corrected by grammar normies!
Nowt bu’a fo’night… in’nit ??? 🙂
Words are very elastic and pliable in my world… 😁
And he will, in four more days!
ThanQ DePat.
HEARING: John Ratcliffe Roasts Adam Schiff, Sets the Record Straight on Hunter Biden Laptop
Steve Guest:
Also from today’s hearing:
Given, yesterdays article and the article I am going to write for next Wednesday, I want the CIA disbanded!
The CIA was NAZI from the very start!
To go back to doing things legally and within the mission in international intelligence means the whole thing has to be shut down and rebooted. Everything that even the wannabe patriots have been taught and then implemented has been infected from early on. They have become terrorists with all of their sponsorship of color revolutions, cartels and such.
I do not want my tax dollars going to people, places, and operations of the clowns as they exist today. It is embarrassing and evil.
Glad Ratcliffe is in charge. I wish he was overseeing the death of the clowns and the birth of patriot intelligence.
I sure hope he is! On the other hand ANNOUNCING the death of the CIA is what got JFK killed.
Trump’s inaugural photo should be making some people nervous.
Nick Sortor:
In color:
Love it!
hey! I patented that “stink eye” look almost 35 years ago! worked pretty well until the kids went to high school!
That’s funny.
You can not patented that “stink eye” look. Moms from caveman days have been using it!
DWs perfected “stink eye”, before their Mom days came along.
They learned it from their Moms.
I have the documentation and everything…LOL
Well, in east TN it is called “stank eye”. Does your patent cover that wording?
I dunno. I haven’t tested my reach for a while. I know it could reach into other rooms and even outside if I really put the stink in it…LOL
Wow. That is quite the unseen presence, with effect. 😂
my son once said he could “feel” the face even outside
That is also funny. Not to mention, effective. You’re cracking me up today. Thanks.
he paid me back though–repeatedly.
he’d call at 11pm from college–hey mom i wanna make a turkey for the dorm, how long do i need to defrost a 27 pound turkey?
Or…hey mom what goes in beef stroganoff??
I always asked…who IS this? LOL
After you got past the identity, I presume you told him, “beef…….and stroganoff.”
no…but THAT would have been a great reply…LOL
The stroganoff is the best part!
I make hamburger stroganoff all the time. It really is an easy dish to make.
However I leave out the flour for thickening and use rice instead of egg noodles.
Use ground bison. Much healthier.
That’s as opposed to sky bison? Or maybe…..[wait for it]…..water buffalo?
Young people are funny and you did something right with your son 🙂 I am sure he became a good cook ?
One of mine kept calling 3-4 AM telling his father he is going to quit his PhD program.
He called on his way home from the lab. He told his father he rather work at UPS. One night I wanted to get the phone and tell him do it 🙂
About 7 am he would call us again telling us he changed his mind and loves what he is doing.
We got a call like that once a week for two years.
That is what parents are for for info and guidance . 😉
my son is a very pragmatic man. he wanted to be and IS self sufficient. he loves to eat, so he learned to cook his favorite meals. then while on a vacation, he saw a knitted blanket he wanted for his apartment-he went on utube learned to knit and made one for himself. he picked up a log splitter that was out for free…went on utube and learned how to fix it. neighbor put his lawn tractor out and my son asked about it. he said he couldn’t get it to work and bought a new one–asked my son if he wanted it. My son took it and fixed it and uses it. he can learn anything.
he definitely has that can-do spirit!
Can I borrow him for about a year?
and hugs.
That is good 🙂
Mine was all about the eyes. When they misbehaved I looked at them they cold feel my stare and stopped what they were doing.
Whatever works to correct kids is good 🙂
Basic Instink?
I bet you were a blonde cheerleader also. 😂
oh hell no! despite the boobs at an early age…I was a scholar, a chem lab assistant, first in my class.
boggles the mind, right?
^^^ Fits the mold.
Second seater on a Harley.
so stereotypical, right?
I see the darkness at the top of his right ear. I wonder if the shot took off a piece of his ear. Prayers for President Trump and his family.
This will always be my favorite.
That’s hilarious.
Here’s hoping.
Something along these lines!
So great!
All of the rest of the government employees have been laid off.
Promises made, actions delivered…
(would be great!!!)…..
Such rotten luck, he just flew those masterpieces out to L.A. the night before the fire.
We should all be hoping the best for Hunter, as we would hope for any man with the courage to pose in a red feather boa and matching white Adidas with red stripes… and practically nothing else 😂
US bans popular red dye from foods — 35 years after it was banned in cosmetics
I know it must take time to change manufacturing practices, but that seems way too long to me.
Two years for foods gets rid of most of it quickly. Drugs are consumed in smaller quantities – so an extra year that most won’t need, IMO.
One and two would beat two and three, IMO, but I’ll take the fast ban, frankly! I was not expecting that.
…frankly! I was not expecting that.
RFK Jr having an impact before he walks in the door.
This helped!
Kellogg’s Froot Loops have ‘harmful artificial dyes‘: shareholdernypost 2024/03/14
Kellogg is under fire for using artificial food dyes. | Fortune Well
“I know it must take time to change manufacturing practices, but that seems way too long to me.”
It only seems that way because it is 👍
If it’s not harmful, then there’s no reason to remove it.
And if it is harmful, it better be removed tonight.
Imagine if Ford discovered their front brakes were all cracked and failing at a most inopportune moment — like when people were trying to STOP, for example.
Do they wait until 2028 to announce a recall?
Not unless they’re trying to get sued out of existence while serving life without parole.
excellent point!
wait a minute…wait a minute!
there’s RED DYE in my candy corn?
there’s not a candy corn stalk that produces it naturally?
another childhood lie my parents told me!
AND your fruit loops!
Oh no. What will happen to Red M&Ms?
Cherry juice?
Meat, at the local supermarket / processing plant?
how about that fake meat stuff??? oh they use beet juice maybe?
Some butchers used a small amount of carbon monoxide inside the ground beef package to keep the meat red because people associate darkening with not safe.
Smell it after it starts to turn and get back to me.
Or maybe — Fruity Loops 😛😋🤓 Yandex comes up with some ‘interesting finds.’
Sounds like a gay ghetto haircut…
close… but a plant.
OMG what’s in Red Bull?
You don’t want to know.
thankfully I don’t touch the stuff
Once you milk that animal, you have a friend for life….
So THAT’S what TAUrine means…
(and that’s no bull)
(they’ll no doubt get the no bull prize)…
I never liked them. but remember Alphabets? those were my favorites!
Oh, those were great!
learning AND a great cereal all in one!
Why don’t they use red lead paint?
It’s probably less toxic… and sweeter, too! 😂
How did Doktor Jill decline the invitation?
Who offered it?
It’s not for the incoming First Lady to offer an invitation for tea at the WH (in which case docter Jill could decline), it’s for the person currently occupying the WH to offer the invitation.
So if the person responsible for making the offer (Jill) declined the offer, then who made the offer?
OMG! That’s too absurd for me.
Somehow the phrase “who wore it better” comes to mind… 🙂
Had no recollection Melania invited Taco Jill for tea. Wonder if it is true.
It is true, Melania chose to not visit the WH – Vipers Den, when Trump visited in Nov or Dec.
Trump and Melania skipped the 2020 Maggot installation. Rightfully so.
I don’t make much of any of this stuff.
As for Big Mike, napalm piss on It.
Kakala, the very definition of Bitch.
I for one would not expect the “niceties” to be pro forma between obvious enemies.
It’s not like it used to be, when Demoncrats were decent people with different ideas about things. Now they are villainous scum. I wouldn’t associate with them.
Melania will needs exorcist before moving into the WH. Who knows how many daemons are left behind. 🤔
Well, apparently Taco Jill has invited Melania, and she declined. I have no problems with people skipping these awkward situations, including Michelle Obama. If they have been mortal enemies with someone, I don’t think they need to have to play nice for ceremonial reasons. I do think it’s a little different with the office of the president because that is where the transfer of power takes place. But even in that case, I completely excuse Trump for not attending the 2020 inauguration since they stole the election from him.
Sigh of relief. If the scum had done those things I would have been concerned.
“Windmills are an economic and environmental disaster.”
Worse than that, it’s a logic disaster. Sheer idiocy. More ‘trust the science’ nonsense.
To the point that it had to be just another fraud / kickback scheme where Leftist politicians defrauded U.S. taxpayers out of hundreds of billions of dollars.
Investigate every company contracted to build the useless windmills, and follow where the money went.
A referral to the Department of Clawback is appropriate.
It is scott. They clise off all these lands andvthen the pols give contracts to strip mine, put windmills, or solar on the lands to frens or family.
This would bring back the beautiful countryside that’s been disgraced with their presence.
BBBA, Bring Beauty Back Again
It would make desert hot springs and palm springs nice again. On top of that they keep killing not only the birds but the endangered tortoise and other animals. Take them out@
And the ones out at sea disturb the sea life and their communications (whales, for one)… the subsonic frequencies they emit are unhealthy for everyone and everything…
Windmills are a Chinese plot. Change my mind!
They sure do.

This message approved by the highly needed Department of Chinese Treachery.
“I will lose my brown card for saying this:
1. Only American whites believe in individualism, meritocracy, fair play, colour-blindness etc. Everywhere else in the world – including the white places – your station in life is based on where you’re born, who your parents are, who you know, where you went to school etc. England, for example, is terribly classist.
2. Brown, black and yellow people want revenge on whites for beating us during Colonialism. And “we” don’t care how we get it. Immigration, jobs, gov’t benefits, etc.
3. Browns, blacks, and yellows born in America never got over whatever racism they faced growing up. Being called towel head, sand n-word, Apu, etc. Once they have they have any power over white Americans, they will use it to harm them.
4. Browns, blacks, and yellows are the most racist peoples in all of the world. And most of all towards other, slightly different, browns, blacks, and yellows.
Generalizations aren’t universalizations, etc.
But by and large, what I have said is true.”
The problem isn’t as bad in math and the sciences, because people there are trained over years of their lives to focus on logical problems, but it’s still there to some extent, and it ends up being abused by forces that have agendas. Pretending it’s not there doesn’t work.
A lot of “reds” are pretty darn racist too.
It takes so much negative energy to hate someone. I just can’t imagine doing it, without a really good reason.
And skin color just isn’t anywhere near a good enough reason.
It’s kind of ridiculous, actually.
Yup. Which is all marching orders from their father of lies.
I could have told them…
So much “duh” is finally being admitted as stupid. Now – to see if the media pivots (looks like they are) or tries to keep gaslighting us (on some things, they still will!)
Yes. I could have told them this, too. In the future, people are going to find what has been done during these past few years to be utterly inexplicable. `
I call it deliberate sabotage from within, and it was all pushed by Leftists.
^^^ This.
If you want to take over power you destroy the foundation. Capitalism is the foundation of anything that is successful economically. So make it more difficult to acquire and less attractive while not punishing the thieves severely.
Of course there is a higher injury rate. The females will try harder to keep up to the males [which is often an effort beyond their personal best] and the males will stand back to allow the females to try because they don’t want to have to fill out fitness reports that reveal insufficiency of the female [which eventually gets her separated from the military].
All of that is done semi-conscious or subconscious and DETRACTS FROM UNIT MISSION PERFORMANCE.
IOW, in a combat situation the presence of females can get people killed.
especially if, in a difficult situation, a male soldier feels an obligation to protect a female soldier more than he might a male soldier he feels is more qualified to look out for himself.
Walmart here locks up men’s underwear if that tells you anything.
Not women’s?
No, that part of the store is always a mess, though. Men’s boxers. I thought it was funny the first time I saw it, and then started thinking about it. They’re really easy to steal.
our walmart is in a college town. guess what they lock up?
condoms, lube, axe body spray.
When I was at the University of Casual Sun-Bathing, one of the local drugstore chains had a “back to school” endcap display…..that included contraceptive sponges.
for clean up on aisle 2?
So much for a blue-light special…..
Could be a red-light special….
Or a Saturday-night special…
Nailing criminals will largely fix the problem.
As well as closing stores where crime, theft is not prosecuted. Close those stores. Leave those cities, states if necessary.
This is NOT rocket science.
Wonder if the likes of Wally World, Lowes and HD are paying attention.
My experiences at Wally, HD and Sam’s have been really good of late. Sam’s no longer even looks at our receipt, they just wave us through because I use the phone app to scan items as we put them in the cart, count them to verify, charge to the CC and head out the door.
We have bought so much from HD at great discounts for the kid’s addition they just lay out the red carpet. 😂 We never get checked at Wally, just scan and go. Nothing much is secured in the aisles at any of those three. The probably have eyes on it all through the video security cameras.
And where would that leave the rest of us who, for one reason or another, cannot leave?
That’s very short sighted. If we all should be able to live where we want and be comfortable and happy, that isn’t going to accomplish it.
we have one walmart in the area–45 minutes from us. they close? we’re SOOL
“….closing stores where crime, theft is not prosecuted. Close those stores. Leave those cities, states if necessary….”
If the inhabitants of the areas do not want that to happen then they need to rake their local politicians over the coals and get reasonable laws and law enforcement.
Why should the rest of us pay a higher price for goods because “theft is not prosecuted.”
Basic economics, is a business make a profit or dies. That means they have to raise prices to cover ‘shrinkage’ At some point they reach the point where the prices are so high they start losing customers. Too much of that and they go out of business.
So yes, they WILL close stores that become unprofitable. Happens all the time.
Huh? Wut? Short sighted. I don’ think so. Please reread my post above..
If one does not want to move, DON’T Move. Did not suggest anyone move in this post.
My point was Walgreens, Targay, Lowes, Wally World, and HD must monitor there bottom line.
Just as I am not a fan of nonsense like, Go Along, To Get Along.
What if such places are not in the cities themselves, but in the near ‘burbs? There’s a Target right at Midcounty here that resembles said mess. Another one is going in, and right where it is, I’m expecting one big mess.
THere’s a number of reasons for this.
Thanks for the laughs.
Much cheaper to hire an armed security guard. There are plenty of ex-military who could do the job for a decent salary.
In some places more than one per store would be needed.
Just think of the impressive weapons they could use… would send the gangbangers scattering like cockroaches under a bright light 😆
It’d be fun!
Depending on the city, the security guard can not be armed and he can not interfere with the theft.
What Security Guards Can and Can’t Do
He can detain but then he maybe open to a lawsuit or even time in jail. After what has been done to police officers & good Samaritans, he would be a fool to actually touch someone esp if they are of a protected class.
All shoplifting arrests are citizen arrests. The perp is turned over to the police for safekeeping and the city/county attorney takes over.
Cops cannot arrest for a misdemeanor that they don’t see happen. Neither can private citizens.
Durbin says, “Let me tell you what I’ve learned about it. The core belief is that a cabal of satanic, cannibalistic, child molesters are embedded within our government and are conspiring against President-elect Trump.”
First of all, anything Durbin has “learned” about “QAnon” is not coming from a reliable source. Also, that statement does not drill down to what Q is about. It is a purposely sensationalized distortion.
Yes, there are child molesters in our government, and there are satanists. I’m not sure about cannibals embedded in the government, but it’s possible. I don’t know if Marina Abramovich could be classified as a cannibal. She is not embedded in our government.
It’s not just about “taking down Trump,” either. It’s about taking down what Trump represents: America and her founding principles, truth, justice, the rule of law, decency, morality, normality, peace, etc. Durbin is full of it, and I’d love to wipe that smug smirk off his face with some facts.
Bondi said she had heard of “QAnon” but had never heard that definition attached to it. Bingo. I bet she knows more about Q than she is (wisely) saying.
Durbin is going to try to nail Kash Patel with this. 🍿
Yes! Popcorn!
Correction: Marina Abramovic.
Durbin is going to try to nail Kash Patel with this.
Patel is plenty ready to bob, weave AND make a mockery of D-Rats trying to nail him.
See my response. Kash could do the same.
He would have better results trying to nail Jello to the wall instead of Kash.
Patel might know more about Durbin than he realizes. Durbin might want to be careful 🙂
Durbin is well past his effective “best used by” date.
Here’s the thing: “Qanon” is a made-up media thing. Since it doesn’t exist, I could look you straight in the eye and tell you I know nothing about it.
Q is real, and anons are, too. But you didn’t ask about that.
Using ‘mashed peas’ headlines is a hallmark of the leftist thug cabal.
[mashed peas means one or more facts combined to make up a false fact that appears real]
A portmanteau, of a kind.
Visualize whirled peas…
She is not embedded in our government.
As far as we know, she isn’t. However she could be a confidential human source of the FIB and who could know?
I suspect there’s a lot of that going around.
Remember that “QAnon” is a Fake News FICTION that does not exist! I am sure Kash Patel can use that tiny fact to his advantage.
Right now, it’s looking like mildly cold and snowy for the Trump rally, and very cold for the inauguration! ❄ 🏂
Very exciting!
We are about to get slammed by sub zero temps.
It’s an annual event here.
When it’s two weeks of -20 F that’s a bit unusual but by no means unknown. (We won’t be getting that this time).
In mid NC we are now at 15F BRRrrrrrrrrr…..
Yeah, me too. Dammit.
Great history to witness. Enjoy every moments.
I was trying to describe that to my wife. It’s a massive event!
Baby blue fur coat?
All eyes on Melania! What WILL she wear!!! 😍
Whatever it is, it will be classy and lovely, I’m sure.
I personally would wear a t-shirt that read “fuck all y’all, I’m BACK!”
Yeah, the three day, 40 degree January Thaw will be over by then.
Enough to stop the parade?
Durbin asks: “Are you prepared to say today, under oath, without reservation, that Donald Trump lost the presidential election to Joe Biden in 2020?”
After Bondi speaks, Durbin says it was a “yes or no” question and that the length of her answer shows that she wasn’t prepared to answer yes. He seems to think he won that “gotcha” round. I expect him to use this as grounds to not vote for Bondi (as if he needed an excuse). Bondi handled it well, and the best part is that she appears to think the election was stolen.
Yes, that was excellent. Bondi knows that the process was abused.
Durbin is getting intelligence on whether there will be prosecutions for cheating.
I hope there are, and that TRUE CRIMINALS go to jail for what they did.
Thats cute
My brief study of flat earthers tells me that you NEVER have a situation where someone has “no choice but to admit…”
Beat me to it.
Marxism means you believe what you THINK is reality and not OBJECTIVE reality.
True Believers will deny any and all “Objective phenomena and events” that are counter to the ideas they hold.
THIS is the crap being taught to kids BTW.
And what the GangGreens believe, without thinking twice.
In fact, without even thinking once (as Douglas Adams put it in another context)…
Speaking of Douglas Adams and the HHGTTG series, here’s a reference to solipsism which fits Hegel, Habeck, GangGreens, et. al.
My thoughts also, the ones with severe PTDS will never be awakened to reality.
I had the same thought about any number of situations.
The GOAT of modern day America.
The Trump deal is already sliding toward the garbage can. Bibi has accused HAMAS of reneging on some of the details.
because the maggot tried to claim for it. LOL
Those 1600 prisoners that were supposed to be exchanged for hostages? Execute them. “No deal, no reason to keep them around.” Also shoot the negotiators.
Team Hamas On Peyote!
Hamas does not care about life.
Didn’t greasy Gavin try to make political memes illegal in Kalifournya?
I had forgotten about that. I don’t know what ever happened regarding it.
Mike Pence is rallying against RFKJ because of his past (and maybe present) views on abortion. Natalie Winters nails Pence to the wall, pointing out that on J6 he had the chance to prevent the multiple abortions and other deaths that have occurred over the past four years.
MikeJudas Pence is rallying against RFKJ…”RFK is going to expose Pence ho he worked against Trump during covid, only my take Pence is not clean.
That might be the real reason Pence is opposing him.
When Pence is finally exposed, they better defrock that frocker.
Great endorsement for RFK Jr.
Natalie Winters would make a great guest Press Secretary.
That woman has been very impressive. She was only a college student when she joined the War Room and put the Fake News Urinalists to shame.
Yes, she is awesome!
Mike Pence, with his weaselly, cowardly, craven actions on January 6, 2020, has only earned the privilege of ignominy for himself and his progeny forever.
In my humble opinion.
He’s got three kids……we’ll see if they change their name.
One is in the military think Air Force.
One was a Marine Corps Captain, IIRC.
Hopium alert…sounds good, but will anything really happen?
President Trump can via his authority as president grand and revoke security clearances.
I certainly hope on Day One POTUS revokes a WHOLE LONG LIST of security clearances.
He should immediately state that any security checks for Senate confirmation nominees that are not done by 1/20 will be summarily granted upon the completion of the swearing in ceremony.
AND he should revoke the security clearances of certain Congressman and Senators known to be bought and paid for by foreigners…
If you are accepting $$$ from ANY foreign entity you get your clearance YANKED!
Great idea.
If there are NO consequences for blatantly lying the the American public in the pursuit of politically defending a criminal, then it will only happen again and again.
THIS must be the foremost consideration of whether to pursue punishment. Not politics, not “civility,” not the idea that it is “unseemly” to prosecute members of a former administration.
For the same reasons, ALL January 6 prisoners, defendants, and participants MUST be pardoned. Not to excuse all of THEIR actions, but to firmly CONDEMN for all time the actions of their persecutors.
But will DJT take your closing paragraph to heart?
Or will he do what he did with the Russia hoax – allow it to go forward, secure in the knowledge that there was nothing to find and reaping the benefit of public perception of DJT follows the law.
Is he so concerned with public perception that instead he will run the pardon requests through the normal scheme?
I fear he will not follow your advice.
I will be seriously pissed, and monumentally disappointed in him if he does not.
Here is what Trump needs to know.
Even the WORST of the people who broke windows or fought with police, have already been in jail for FAR MORE than a normal punishment for this sort of thing. FAR MORE.
Every apprehended January Sixth participant has ALREADY PAID THEIR DUES. Period.
Let them all go. That’s my opinion. Even the WORST has paid their true dues. The “insurrection” and “conspiracy” shit is just that – ALL LIES.
Let them go. Every last one. They have ALL served their time. Even the tools of the left who acted as provocateurs.
MAX sentence for being where SS was is ONE Year if I recall correctly.
Which is why ALL either get a Pardon OR Commuted sentence.
End it all. Move forward.