Cover image: Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, Alaska

Market Crash Like 1929
Badlands News Brief – August 6, 2024
Former Secret Service Chief Wanted To Destroy Cocaine Evidence
Warren Buffett’s Selling Over $3.8 Billion Worth of Bank of America Stock in 2 Weeks Is an Ominous and Unmistakable Warning for Wall Street
Breaking News: Graphene Confirmed In Dental Anesthetics By University Of Colorado
The Director of National Intelligence – Trump Staffing 2025
His choice is far more effective where he is now, IMO.
The Presidential Campaign Through the Wisdom of Sun Tzu
More greenie Olympic FAILS: worms in food, meat airlifts, athlete camping out in public park
Cataclysmic Silence
Walz is Best Case Scenario for Trump Campaign!
Timmy Tampons?
Trump Responds To Kamala Picking Tim Walz As VP
BREAKING: Axios lays off 10% of total staff
Kamala Harris: Tim Walz, Who Dodged Iraq Duty, Is ‘Varsity’; JD Vance, Who Fought in Iraq, Is ‘JV Squad’
X Files….
Memes & Stuff

Someone I know called this a classic car. Huh?

Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

Great use of percussion.
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
Jeremiah 31:1-7
1“At that time, says the LORD, I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people.” 2Thus says the LORD: “The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness; when Israel sought for rest, 3the LORD appeared to him from afar. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. 4Again I will build you, and you shall be built, O virgin Israel! Again you shall adorn yourself with timbrels, and shall go forth in the dance of the merrymakers. 5Again you shall plant vineyards upon the mountains of Sama’ria; the planters shall plant, and shall enjoy the fruit. 6For there shall be a day when watchmen will call in the hill country of E’phraim: `Arise, and let us go up to Zion, to the LORD our God.'” 7For thus says the LORD: “Sing aloud with gladness for Jacob, and raise shouts for the chief of the nations; proclaim, give praise, and say, `The LORD has saved his people, the remnant of Israel.’

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
Thank you, De Pat, for a wondrous Wednesday whirl of a post!
Oh, and —
Camel Day Lives on!
Scharf concedes to MO AG Bailey. ^^^ it is a clean sweep.
Will Scharf to concede in Republican primary for Missouri Attorney General; Andrew Bai…
Big +
Somebody better check Rupert’s pulse.
Thank you, De Pat! Catturd said he had a stressful day today, so I shared the bear with a lollipop with him to make him smile. As a side note, he was not on the podcast today and I don’t know why. He also took a day off not too long ago, and there was no reason given other than a day off.
Everybody’s getting older. Just saying.
I know, PGroup. The first time, Jewels & Cat made it sound like no big deal. This time, he gave us a head’s up but no reason or teaser. We are younger today than we will be in the future. Celebrate today.
America First Legal Sends All 50 States a Plan for How to Use Existing Federal Law to Prevent Foreign Nationals from Illegally Voting in American Elections
Older article from the Washington Compost:
How a Trump-allied group fighting ‘anti-white bigotry’ beats Biden in court
😢😢😢 Cry some more bitches! 😂
(Just in case you were wondering if the Washington Compost was full on Anti-American Commie, they are and have been for a century.)
Oops… I reposted this one with an except quoted. It’s important though, so I’ll keep the duplicate. Thanks Valerie!!
glad you added a quote too 🙂
Looks like that new legislation just turned around and bit them in the rump.
It’s about time Something cramped their anti-American “style”!
They must be the richest taliban in the whole world.
“Taliban” means “students”, so they have to compete against Hah-vahd.
Nutcase ! Radical Far-Left Wife of Tim Walz {gag} Admitted She Left The Windows Open To Enjoy The Smell of Burning Tires During The 2020 Riots
the Minneapolis riots.
( if you look at photos of this woman, she bears a striking resemblance to HRC, uncanny really….it’s just way too weird, creepy weird.)
here’s another article about this, including a video of the very weird Gwen Whipple Walz interview…
it’s like a parallel universe.
Any relation to that guy that squeezed toilet paper?
This is good to know:
That makes it a LOT easier to share clips and means they are less likely to be ‘disappeared.’
yes, workarounds thwarting the censorship industrial complex are vital!
Sounds like an urban legend.
Could be. I’ve heard of there being like a bottle tucked under one of the tires of a car in the parking lot & when you lean down to remove it then you get accosted. also about papers on windshields, but I can’t remember if the paper being laced with chemicals was part of the “danger” too. Evil never sleeps…
There is a reason that rape used to be a death sentence crime. We’re simply not hanging people who do this stuff, and it’s proliferating.
yep rape, murder, & child molestation should all be capital crimes, imo
And Suxalotacox’s VP just made child rape LEGAL in his state by declaring pedophilia a ‘protected class.’ LINK
WTH?! 🤬
Look at the link.
Tim Walz Signed Legislation Redefining the Term “Sexual Orientation” to Include Pedophiles
I did look at it.
Oh good.
@BooyensJaco says sex #Trafficking laws are not being enforced in the US .
He breaks down the alarming realities of child sex trafficking in America on American Thought Leaders
Out of the Shadows:
Note the You Tube comment after they removed it!
Luckily it was also put up here. It is over 1 hour.
Jan Jekielek@JanJekielek
With this new law you won’t even have that!😭
hell-bound evil! demons
Demonic dems!
The sad truth is, it’s scientifically possible. Readily possible.
Obviously I’m not going to give anybody directions. But it can be done. Easily.
So, while the
US GovernmentObama Deep State is targeting American patriots, calling them TERRORISTS, they are FUNDING the REAL TERRORISTS…Got it!
Revolver News:
Tina Peters, Dominion, Deep State and Scamming in Colorado – RED ALERT – This is how the Deep State rolls… Choice
An interesting side note. Jon Harold (Badlands Media) kicked Tina Peters OFF HIS PLATFORM!
hmmm 🙄
Yeah, she had to be in court and had someone take over her spot for that day WITHOUT Harold’s OK. So he kicked her out. After that he kicked out his co-founder Kate and several others….
so is Harold a white hat, black hat, or 50 shades of gray?
WEAK and easily led I think.
There is a lot of infighting going on among the independent journalists. Much of it is facilitated by Black Hat embeds.
I follow a lot of different people figuring at least some truth shows up.
Thx for doing so much heavy lifting in those arenas!!!
It’s my curiosity bump coming into play.
One of the reasons I refuse to go gah-gah over him.
I think Harold is the ‘face’ and Gunnels is his CIA/FBI handler.
Try finding out anything about Gunnels aside for his running as a Libertarian is difficult. Remember the Deep State runs Libertarians to steal votes from the republicans.
Patrick Gunnels did not complete Ballotpedia’s 2020 Candidate Connection survey.
This is about all I could find:
Patrick Gunnels Math Tutoring
I do not have Linkedin But this is what is open to public view:
[This is a link to that company: ]
From that website About page:
BACK TO LinkedIn
Recommendations received Bernier Foreman
AND Mohit Lad of Thousand Eyes:
for some reason 1000 eyes also makes me think of Chynuh
Funny how that ONLY applies to Conservatives.
no doubt 😡
That is what I remember every time Kemp’s name comes up.
If they can not bribe or blackmail you, they kill a close relative.
Remember the mysterious death of POTUS Trump’s Ex-wife? A lethal fall down the stairs?
July 2022 UK Guardian: Ivana Trump died of blunt force injuries to her torso, medical examiner says
73 years old? I am sorry but a well cared for active 73 year old is NOT liable to fall unless they have an underlying illness! (I am older that she was and can still run up and down stairs.)
2018, four years earlier — Dance with the Stars:
From Guardian Photo Gallery
I couldn’t see your pics so Hopefully these are the right ones from Guardian
Ivana Trump and Rossano Rubicondi on Dancing with the Stars in Rome, Italy, in 2018.
Photograph: Massimo Insabato/REX/Shutterstock
Ivana Trump with friend and former fellow Czech team skier George Syrovatka in 2000.
Photograph: Jon-Pierre Lasseigne/AP
That is NOT a frail elderly woman who would fall down stairs!
You GRAB THE RAILING! I missed a step thanks to new tri-focals and started to fall. I had plenty of time to grab the rail and prevent a nasty fall. At the time I was not much younger than she was when she ‘Fell’
I recall being very suspicious of that one.
You would have to PROVE to me it was NOT MURDER!
Injury patterns don’t fit well:
QUORA: How many deaths occurs with falls down stairs?
Notice how this California lawyer does not mention that number, 12,000 is WORLD WIDE.
December 13, 2017 Ellis Law Corporation Premises
So likely this wasn’t investigated as a possible murder 🙁
Good question
Sorry, Not Sorry. he was NO LOSS. Promoting MEN to compete against women and KIDS to transition is EVIL!
OOPS, wrong spot
frightening focus 😡
I am not surprised, although Duke is not quite as ‘Woke’ as UNC, home of Ralph Baric.
(Got the right spot this time. 😜)
That’s some pretty deep Koolaid there.
Reminds me of the guy in the EU. He was a big wig whose daughter was RAPED AND MURDERED by a Muslime BUT asked that donation go to a Muslim outreach place (or something like that) where she had been volunteering.
It was several years ago and had my jaw dropping.
Brain washed so much that it dissolved 😵
Yeah, that’s pretty far gone.
Unfortunately, she is absolutely correct in her predictions!
Reality is even worse than the parody 🙁
This Constitutional attorney who specializes in 2nd Amendment issues believes this is a big deal (in a positive way), because some lower court finally created a situation where the (not)Supreme Court will have to rule directly on AR-15 and ‘assault rifle’ bans:
That’s hopeful!
Follow up video, from about 3 hours ago:
These Leftist 4th Circuit judges who subvert the United States Constitution deserve to be put in stocks in front of the (not)Supreme Court building.
And after the public has their way, they deserve to be put in prison for the rest of their lives.
Lawless judges Should be an oxymoron 😡
This clip ends saying that this documentary is free on Tubi, anyone know how to find that?
Here’s the main site:
Trying to see if I can find that video…
OK, this looks like it, it’s an hour long…
Thanks for doing the dig.
YW. Selfish bonus I now “know” (who says I’ll remember) another way to see “free TV” 🙂
And we never get to see the CCTV footage of the actual self-defense action.
Because that would be empowering to the little people, and disempowering to the thugs.
And TCTB can’t have that.
Everything is controlled by minders, to the point of minutia.
They can’t be eradicated soon enough.
For comparison:
Population of the United Kingdom as of 2024 is 67,961,439.
2024, the estimated population of Russia is 143,957,079, or twice as many people:
This is the blurb under that rumble video:
Thanks Gail. It’s amazing to think the Russians are freer than many in the West 😮
Next they’ll tell me that Putin is protecting Donbass and Lugansk.
Oh wait … Ukraine was shelling those provinces with artillery.
Communist England.
It’s time to call it what it is.
Jo Nova — WEF say World’s greatest threat is “Misinformation” — (The biggest threat to experts and billionaires is free speech)
Mike Adam’s Natural News — Elites manufacture fake “hate” crisis as pretext for mass spying, blacklists, and censorship
CTIL Files #1: US And UK Military Contractors Created Sweeping Plan For Global Censorship In 2018, New Documents Show Whistleblower makes trove of new documents available to Public and Racket, showing the birth of the Censorship Industrial Complex in reaction to Brexit and Trump election in 2016
Excellent info–Thank you!
I had to read this to Hubby. (He went to Ayn Rand lectures)
Ayn Rand was incredibly prescient & had good insights on human nature…
Yes she did. She was raised in the Soviet Union and was Jewish. She KNEW COMMUNISM.
Next up — Roseanne Boylen(sp?) who was beaten to death.
Merge the two and you’ve got a lawsuit for conspiracy to deprive females of their right to life. It ain’t far from there to aborted female fetuses being deprived of their constitutional right to life.
What’s that you say?
Fetuses aren’t defined as people so the civil rights statutes don’t apply.
Well, why do you think they are fighting so hard to keep XY chromosomes from defining male in their war on women’s sports?
If XY and XX define male and female persons in sports, why doesn’t it work to define fetuses as persons? Guess they never saw that shit coming when they started that transgender horse manure, did they?
Nice reasoning. I’ve wondered about historical inheritance issues I’ve run across in genealogical research. A pregnant widow of a deceased husband, who also had other surviving children, would have a portion of the estate set aside for that unborn child. Hard to provide for a “person” that doesn’t exist, in the minds of the satanic left…Sounds like a right to life, liberty, & property to be held in trust until the child is old enough (age of majority?) to exercise their own free will on their inherited assets.
Inconsistent precedents and legal theories are very important.
Prior to the Miranda opinion in 1966, police did not have to inform an arrestee that he/she had a right to remain silent. The right existed but few knew it was there and even fewer know how to use it.
Effectively, it might as well not be there at all. Until a public defender made a motion to dismiss the entire case because his client made incriminating statements against his will.
IOW, because he wasn’t told he could shut up, he thought he had to answer even though he didn’t want to talk.
Personhood for all humans will come about in a similar manner IMO.
& we the great unwashed can be per/prosecuted for “lying” to authorities (even if it’s misremembering) but they can lie to us non-stop w/ no penalties!
I hope you are right on the personhood front–it cannot happen soon enough!
Those families should sue Suxalotacox for at MINIMUM Negligent Homicide
What is Negligent Homicide?Homicide is used to denote the killing of one person by another. The negligent homicide meaning is the killing of another person by acting negligently or without malice.
“Negligence is the failure to behave with the level of care that a reasonable person would have exercised under the same circumstances. Either a person’s actions or omissions of actions can be found negligent. The omission of actions is considered negligent only when the person had a duty to act (e.g., a duty to help someone because of one’s own previous conduct).
Negligence is a foundational concept of tort law. Some primary factors to consider in ascertaining whether a person’s conduct lacks reasonable care are the foreseeable likelihood that the conduct would result in harm, the foreseeable severity of the harm, and the burden of precautions necessary to eliminate or reduce the risk of harm.
The following five elements may typically be required to prove negligence:
Legal Duty of CareGenerally, members of society have entered a social contract that includes a duty to not cause harm to others. When considering legal duty as an element of negligence, there is a duty to act reasonably. When a jury is asked to determine if a defendant’s actions were reasonable, the standard is what a reasonable person would have done in the defendant’s situation.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of ways to determine if the defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff:
Breach of Duty of CareSome courts in the United States use the Hand Formula (created by Judge Learned Hand in United States v. Carroll Towing) to determine if there was a breach of the duty of care to the plaintiff.
If the burden of taking such precautions is less than the probability of injury multiplied by the severity of the resulting injury, then the defending party breached their duty of care to the plaintiff and may be liable for the plaintiff’s injuries, if the remaining elements of negligence can be proven.
This formula considers economic costs to the defendant in its approach to assessing liability. The idea is not to eliminate the risk of harm entirely, for complete elimination of risk would result in a high economical burden for the defendant that would then trickle down to costs for the consumer. Instead, the defendant is encouraged to take precautions that reduce either the probability of harm or severity of possible harm, such that their burden is less than the probability of harm multiplied by the severity of potential harm….”
Nice try. Fails the first element test.
Must owe a duty [derived from a relationship] that is specific to the individual. It cannot be a generalized social obligation.
Compare your description of Harris’ general culpability to Obama’s regarding the drone strike on specific Americans without legal authorization.
Funny how people think all they need to do is read Cornell Law.
Well it is a good place to start. And it does get the attention of our Legal Eagles.
It’s better than Wikipoodia. A lot better.
Only leftists get to abuse the law like that! 😉
makes me wonder about that ruling that cops have no duty to “protect” (& serve?) the public but they must protect suspects in their custody…
They took control over the arrestee.
They created the duty to protect him/her. Because the arrestee involuntarily lost the ability to protect himself/herself.
That part makes sense, just not the part where they have no duty to protect the general public…Some of us thought that’s what we’re paying them for!
Whatfinger take:
Reports: Ukraine-manned Tanks Enter Russia – Suicide or surrender attempt? – Hal Turner
The HeatInsane Ukrainian Assault On Kursk Region Timofiivka Has Fallen. Military Summary 2024.8.6 – Whatfinger Military Vid
how can ANYONE seriously think this person should be in the big chair???
Talk about pivot..
This is why her staff hate her and then leave. She’s a total BS artist, and she will not learn positions.
And by that I mean political positions. Willie Brown – that’s another thing.
Yeah. That gal!!!
thanks for the clarification
DEI Didn’t Earn It!
I knew a BLACK Basic Training sergeant who would have that bunch crying themselves to sleep. (He also had a beautiful singing voice)
He would pick up one of those old steel desks and slam it on the floor to make his points to the captain. The captain was a fly boy who was promoted above his competency. HOWEVER the captain did know enough to allow that sergeant to run the company.
I took that clip to be more about chickification, including the alleged males, more than about race. Your sergeant sounds epic!
He would not have cared! He would have verbally kicked butt WITHOUT uttering a single swear word. He was truly a wonder.
We only had one car and I picked up my Ex (a 2nd Lt.) every day. One day one of the trainees got a bit mouthy to me. Boy did he whoop some Butt!
We often wondered if the guy was a lot higher in rank than he showed on his uniform. We thought he might have been placed in the company to ‘Train’ the Captain.
fascinating–you’ve got quite a colorful life & we all are the beneficiaries!
The truth is not in her, so why pay attention to her?
she’s a perpetual spokesliar. It makes sense, to me, to get her own words juxtaposed against the stated facts from the RNC. It’s only barely tolerable because it’s such a short clip 😬
Seems that her “moderation” is extremely well hidden already 🙄
Seriously, I agree with him. This woman is dangerous as hell.
She is not just an ‘old fashion’ commie SHE IS A POL POT COMMIE!
THIS is what ‘Climate Change’ Regs really does! Decreasing CO2 emissions by 80% reduces the USA to a 1700s level society. (I did the calculations. It includes reducing the population by 75%. I posted my calculations on an 2011 article by David Appell and his head exploded. He tried to refute what I said but kept tripping over his.tongue.)
President Barack Obama Issues Challenge: Reduce U.S. Carbon Emissions 80 Percent By 2050
Pol Pot By: Editors
From my old 2011 notes:
The average for the USA is 335.9 million BTUs per person. (Total population: 246,081,000)
(wwwDOT) or (wwwDOT)
In 1949, U.S. energy use per person stood at 215 million Btu. epb(DOT)
The U.S. in 1800 had a per-capita energy consumption of about 90 million Btu. (Total population: 5,308,483) (wwwDOT)
If the USA reduces its energy consumption by 80% it equals 45.18 million Btu. per person, given the increase in technology and hydro power, lets use the 1800 consumption level of about 90 million Btu. per person.
What does that mean?
The site inventors(DOT) helps us figure that out.
Farmers made up about 90% of labor force in 1790 and 69% of labor force in 1800. (2.6% in 1990)
About 250-300 labor-hours required to produce 100 bushels (5 acres) of wheat with walking plow, brush harrow, hand broadcast of seed, sickle, and flail in 1830. (This is all by hand not animal power BTW) (1987 – 2-3/4 labor-hours required to produce 100 bushels but that takes lots of oil.)
1810-30 saw the transfer of “manufacturing” from the farm and home to the shop and factory. It wasn’t until the 1840′s that we saw factory made farm machinery, labor saving devices and chemical fertilizers became at all common. It was in the 1860′s that kerosene lamps became popular.
Also up until the 1850′s dung and wood were the major source of energy. dieoff(DOT)org/page199_files/image002.gif
In other words for the USA to use HALF the energy per person that was used in 1800 we must abandon ALL factories and 90% of the population must return to subsistence farming using animals if enough farm machinery can be produced.
Remember in 1800 there was only 2% of the current population in the USA. Solar and Wind just are not going to produce enough power to keep us in anything but a few lights, a few wells and if we are lucky a refrigerator for the entire town. FACTORIES use a huge amount of power and that is why cotton mills and other primitive factories were built on rivers.
Anyone who tries to tell you differently is talking baffle gab because at present (2011) less than 9% of the US labor force is in manufacturing….
climate scam is cover for genocide 😡
Very true!
The Cabal is very well aware that Global Warming is a complete myth. What they are really worried about is COOLING and way too many people.
The 1974 CIA Report: A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems
This gave the Eugenicists the CLOUT they needed to institute ‘population control’ and get world leaders to go along.
That’s great 💕
Yes…Finally some good news!
I sure hope you’re not doing all this from the library, Valerie…..
LOL you never know when lock-in might be 😉
I’m pulling stuff from Whatfinger that hasn’t been shared here yet (that I’ve seen) that seems to be what we usually chew on in the Q-Tree 🙂
I’ve been known to drag a few things here, myself. It’s all good.
It’s just that I’m getting sleepy and you seem to be totally on fire, despite the time zone difference.
I’m getting sleepy again too. Before Michael left for work I’m like lately I’m lucky to get 1-3 hours of sleep at a pop. Sometimes I get a second wind & it can be hours before I might try to sleep again. Since my husband’s extremely different work schedule there is Any Time, day or night, where I might be awake Or asleep…c’est la vie!
Sometimes I just get on a roll & get OCD enough that I want to “finish” with a particular source before I stop my share-fest, like today.
I figure I’m one of the people around here plenty of people just scroll by so dropping links will either generate interest &/or conversation or it won’t. Sometimes just the headline/description is enough for the gist of things.
Hope you end up sleeping well & have an Awesome day!
We’re planning our weekend gathering for Brandon’s pending engagement so there’s lots to still do to get ready 🙂
I got a couple hours of sleep before hubby got up for work & hadn’t checked Whatfinger for a while, so here we are.
As a complete aside I mentioned “Whatfinger” to Hubby the other day & he thought I said “Butt finger” & couldn’t stop laughing 🙂
Ironically, our middle son Brandon, had the tip of his finger chopped off in a weight machine accident as a grade schooler. He had surgery that included a skin graft from his upper thigh & we used to jokingly say that he had a “butt finger” afterwards (clearly Not a Butt finger but that’s how my family rolls). The tip of that finger is just a bit slanted & his sensations there are atypical but it doesn’t usually impede his activities, thankfully…
Well that was awkwardly worded above…the irony was the nickname not the accident that caused the injury, duh.
We stopped the bleeding with a judiciously placed bandaid compared to the huge gauze wrapping they did in the ER that ended up being bled through before he was discharged.
When the accident happened Michael went down to the weight machine & used a fork to dig out the fingertip w/ fingernail that was wedged into the mechanism. I carried that tissue in a ziplock sandwich bag on ice to the ER & kept demanding to get him seen ASAP so they could potentially reattach the fingertip. When some Doctor FINALLY saw us he looked at my baggie prize & said that there wasn’t enough tissue/circulatory capability to reattach it. So surgery happened a few days later w/ a hand surgeon. That doc’s office was like a mile from my parents’ house so for years Every time we’d drive by I would call out in this silly singsong voice for my kids “God Bless You, Dr. Nike, thanks for fixing Brandon’s finger!” I bet every one of my kids could still parrot that line all these years (2 decades?) later 🙂
I’ve had a few cats that dragged things in …
I seem to have acquired a new black kitten. She is now sharing the porch with her Dad, the feral black cat who was dumped off here.
Her mom shows up with the rest of the kittens when the neighbor across the street does not feed her. (He is ill)
Interesting. Over at Marica’s &/or Pat’s blogs there have been many comments (that I have seen & I’m not at either one very often) by Nebraska Filly about a feral cat that she frequently interacts with. You & she are safe havens for the lost & lonely 😍
I think he has the groups incorrect.
This is one of the things I am trying to clarify with my articles on the Trump attempted assassination.
Your allies are ROTHSCHILDS/CITY OF LONDON — UK aka the Cabal and the Deep State in the USA, Radicals in control of Israel, NATO and a few others.
The Sovereign Alliance, That is those who believe in the “Westphalian system, also known as Westphalian sovereignty, is a principle in international law that each state has exclusive sovereignty over its territory.” are the ones aligned AGAINST the New World Order Cabal.
If you do not understand THAT is the actual fight, you will be a victim of Cabal gaslighting.
This would include:
How Xi Jinping’s corruption crackdown turned its attention to China’s embattled finance sector
Wouldn’t Russia also be Against the NWO Cabal?
Of Course! I was commenting on the ones he thought supported the NWO but really do not.
I only mentioned Xi because few people seem to be aware he is ALSO doing a deep state house cleaning.
TY you’re perpetually on top of the details & have an accuracy percentage around the one Rush claimed to have!
😊 [blush] ThanxQ!
Just calls them as I sees them 🙂
Oh, this woman!
some language in this soundtrack…
Lots of good comments and MEMES.
Here’s a good one
AND this one is a pretty fun mash up
Which is the old and which is the new?
I think the one on the left in the tweet & the top image in my comment is the first one. She was openly & proudly Indian before, like what Trump said, & now “suddenly” she’s black.
If Suxalotofcox is Black (and I doubt her father is even 1/4 Black given his appearance and the appearance of his grandmas) then I AM claiming African-American too! (At least I am 1/4 African + a bit of Jamaican.)
deep Druze roots, iirc 🙂
YUP! It s fun to use that to yank a few chains.😋
breaking molds AND stereotypes!!!
Kamal-rot is 98% Vodka.
just like Nanshi, hic
Cute name morph.
Yep, but it’s not my invention, not sure who the h/t belongs to though 🙂
They’re just fixing an error. They had accidentally described HIS ethnicity as HERS. They had listed his ethnicity as a mixture of Indian (meaning Asian Indian) and Jamaican. NO – that is KAMALA.
It’s a good correction.
That’s interesting. Could it be possible that he Also has Indian heritage? My son Brandon’s soon to be fiancée has Indian by way of the Caribbean heritage & it sounds like Many, many other people did/do too, to hear her & her “uncle” tell of it. It’s like a whole ethnic subculture that also had pockets where her family lived in Guyana & now in Canada. It’s a complex ethnic & cultural mix, fwiw….
It’s possible, although this is much more common in South Africa, which always had a very large population of Indian immigrants (basically it’s across the Indian Ocean, so not surprising).
Perhaps Aubergine has an opinion. I don’t think she mentioned any Indian ancestry in her article on Kamala’s ancestry.
PS – you have to be specific about what kind of Indian you’re talking about in the Caribbean. “Native American” Indian is extremely common, obviously, and still prominent in Caribbean DNA.
Indians? Like…. Push start vs Pull start?
Red dot on forehead = push red button to start.
(Grab the end of the) Turbin (and pull to start)
In my presumed future DIL’s case it is Indian subcontinent…
After watching this video I went to his site & saw this:
Everything about these people is vapid and fake.
They are an episode of a reality show, surrounded by a ‘production team’ of advisors and interns who have been raised on a steady diet of tiresome manufactured Kardashian melodrama, which they think applying to everything in life is necessary.
The incredible inauthenticity and complete dearth of substance screams out of the screen and anyone with a shred of discernment knows that real people do not communicate like this.
Good grief!
“our country”
alright, buddy.
Looks like the kickerouter did not work on my article. Given there are already 2 articles for today, I will leave it for tommorrow.
TY, I was wondering…
I saw Aubergine’s and was thinking “WTF — three?”, but then yours never showed.
Changing the subject… ht Chiefio.
OOOOoooh a V8 diesel! mine are only 6 cylinder.
Is that a Legit flag w/ the pResidential seal (it seems) on it?
too hard to tell.
Looks VERY typically “AI” to me!
good catch!
Designed by Jill Biden.
wow…they studied 90 women and were able to make this determination for a whole race? “self reported” (KEY WORDS here) racial discrimination increases age acceleration. i would venture a guess that ANY perceived discrimination (race, sex, class) would produce the same anxiety and that is what leads to the stress and aging.
Stress on the body caused by racism may cut African American women’s lives short, according to a recent study by neuroscientists at Harvard and Emory universities.
Their research, published in the journal JAMA Network Open in June, found a connection between “higher self-reported racial discrimination” and “DNA methylation age acceleration” among black women.
“Racism steals time from people’s lives – possibly because of the space it occupies in the mind,” lead researchers Negar Fani and Nathaniel Harnett wrote in an article this week at The Conversation.
Fani is a professor at Emory and Harnett at Harvard, both in the areas of psychiatry and neuroscience. Both also receive funding from the National Institutes of Health, according to the article.
“Aging is a natural process. However, stress can speed up the biological clock, making people more vulnerable to aging-related diseases, from cardiovascular disease to diabetes and dementia,” they wrote.
In their study of 90 black women in the U.S., they found that those who reported being “more frequently exposed to racism showed stronger connections in brain networks involved with rumination and vigilance,” Fani and Harnett wrote. “We found that this, in turn, was connected to accelerated biological aging.”
Yet those disgusting XYs are immune?
“…Stress on the body caused by racism may cut African American women’s lives short, according to a recent study by neuroscientists at Harvard and Emory universities….”
From US Gov Health and Human Services, Minority Health: Obesity and African Americans
… Obesity is defined as having a BMI at or above the 95th percentile. BMI is based on an individual’s weight and height. Obesity is serious because it is associated with 👉poorer mental health outcomes and reduced quality of life. 👉Obesity is associated with the leading causes of death, including deaths from diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer.…
How Does Obesity Affect African American Populations?
The premise of this study is ridiculous.
Of course it was! Black women are a DOUBLE PROTECTED CLASS and they DAMN WELL KNOW IT!!! Remember I do parties for these Black Princesses!
Given the run-ins I and my friend have had with the ‘Black Woman ATTITUDE’, I would say it is their VICTIMS who have the stress!
I was just pointing out the unscientific basis.
First, a study on the effects of racism does not belong in a medical journal. If attempted at all it goes in a soft science Sociology journal.
Second, classifying black women as particularly subject to racism is stupid.
Third, trying to link stress to a single variable is ludicrous.
And it misses the OBVIOUS problem of OBESITY in Black women. Something that should be identified and addressed if you were REALLY CONCERNED with the health of Black women.
From what I have seen the nutrition is HORRIBLE. Sodas and candies and obese kids. I had one 4 yr old that must have weighed 150 -200 lbs!!! He literally had his arms parallel to the ground at resting position. It took FOUR LARGE MEN to hoist that poor kid up onto my biggest pony and keep him from rolling off.
I just get so angry when I see those poor kids that are condemned to a very short nasty life. AND I can not say a word… Although I will drop hints to see if I can find an open mind.
The phrase ‘for the facing of this hour’ came to mind this morning from the hymn, God of Grace and God of Glory, written in 1930 during the Great Depression – it is full of encouragement for this time when Christianity is mocked and persecuted, and our nation is full of political corruption, social chaos and moral depravity.
God of grace and God of glory,
on thy people pour thy power;
crown the ancient church’s story;
bring its bud to glorious flower.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the facing of thls hour,
for the facing of this hour.
Lo! the hosts of evil round us,
scorn thy Christ, assail his ways!
From the fears that long have bound us,
free our hearts to love and praise.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the living of these days,
for the living of these days.
Cure thy children’s warring madness,
bend our pride to thy control;
shame our wanton, selfish gladness,
rich in things and poor in soul.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
lest we miss thy kingdom’s goal,
lest we miss thy kingdom’s goal.
Set our feet on lofty places;
gird our lives that they may be
armoured with all Christlike graces,
pledged to set all captives free.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
that we fail not them nor thee,
that we fail not them nor thee!
Save us from weak resignation
to the evils we deplore;
let the search for thy salvation
be our glory evermore.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
serving thee whom we adore,
serving thee whom we adore.
great post. 💖
We may need all the encouragement we can get when/if they start up the burning, pillaging, etc. again.
not only that…the vocals & the music sound so clean, so wholesome and genuinely good .
a truly sweet sound…
in a toxic clamoring world of malaise.
I was singing it to a different tune, but, again, using established tunes and changing out the text has been going on forever. We musicians thought is was a recent phenomenon.
The original tune was slower and the author didn’t like the new tune the Methodists used.
“Fosdick wrote the text to be sung to the stately REGENT SQUARE (usually sung to “Angels from the realms of glory”). Methodist hymnologist and hymnal editor Robert G. McCuthan, however, first paired it with the Welsh tune CWM RHONDDA for the 1935 Methodist Hymnal. It was an immediate success and the new coupling has been almost universally adopted.”
Lovely. How are you & Sally doing now?
Storm is past, only a couple of trees down this time at the Village. Power is restored and her aide was able to come again this morning.
I drove home last night after getting her ready for bed. My house was fine, not even a power outage. I’ll mow and edge the front yard this morning and do some chores and go back
Friday morning, unless they have problems and need me earlier.
That’s good news! You are Amazing & much Admired 🙂
Only with GOD’s help and clinging to Him – one moment and day at a time.
Pretty much the only way to live well! Blessings
Thank heavens things were OK at the Village and at your house!
Tropical Storm Debby is certainly crawling through North Carolina — three days of the “visit.”
The ground here is already somewhat saturated from the most recent torrential storm. Tropical Storm Debby is forecast to bring anywhere from 3 – 8 inches more rain to the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area. The area has several types of trees — Virginia Pine and Loblolly Pine among them — that have “shorter” root systems than other types of trees; they’re the ones that usually start falling down and/or over power lines during torrential rains / when the ground is totally saturated / during ice-freezing rain events. There are already news stories about which local roads and streets are prone to flooding or to high standing water. Local media outlets are starting to warn about the potential for tornadoes.
We have Loblollies down here too – and they are famous for tipping over root and all. Last year’s Hurricane Idalia that hit the Village twisted, tore, split and downed many Long Leaf pines but didn’t uproot any. That was a strong storm.
GLAD you are staying in for the duration – be at peace – you are in His Loving Arms – !!!
Not to mention the area is CLAY which causes the water to stay on top of the ground and not sink in. It also means the roots go sideways instead of DOWN.
Clay also goes from hard as a brick when dry to slimy mush when saturated. NOT exactly stable ground.
Trump Assassination Attempt : What’s With The Crime Scene ?
article link…
that’s a good question.
and we thought Dallas Texas/JFK was bad.
this cover-up is worse, jmo.
I went to Ablechild to read some further material. They are asking some good questions. In this one they show how a prior mass shooting investigation didn’t answer even basic questions nor did it clear up multiple inconsistencies.
Republicans understand basic politics?
Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha. 😂
this is a seriously crazy face
OMG – he’s one of THOSE GUYS.
Yang Sanpaku eyes. Whites visible above the eyes denotes violence towards others.
MK… ?
Oh, yes! ChiCom brand for sure, when younger. More and newer, later.
Aubergine has a post up on Kamala’s ancestry! Please take a look, and help me promote it on Twitter/X.
Reparations for Slavery – Should Kamala Harris Pay?
I just posted it on X. If you’re on there, please retweet my post, so it gets past the box they keep me in!
Wolf Moon
Thank you! Aubergine knocked this one out of the park.
Now, combine Aubergine’s research with the fact that Kamala Harris’ mother was a Tamil Brahmin — and IMO, the result is that Kamala Harris, the descendant of a white slave owner and of a Brahmin priest-caste member, has the “DNA” of “Look, I’m better than you” in her being.
Both of her parents are Marxists, and both are academics – right?
As near as I can tell, that makes her double-diaper CAT-LADY material from the git-go!
Wolf Moon
Unsure about if her mother was a Marxist. Shyamala Harris worked as a biomedical scientist whose area of research was breast cancer.
I’ve seen her mother being a lefty from several sources, and am checking, but this will do for now….
How Kamala Harris’s Immigrant Parents Found a Home, and Each Other, in a Black Study Group
speaking of “parents”, and on another topic….
sure would like to know more about Crooks’ parents, and what they knew and when they knew it etc etc.
Yeah. That whole family struck me as odd.
On the one hand, I feel sorry for any family of a killer or assassin. On the other – I have to wonder what kind of atmosphere that kid grew up in.
Woody Harrelson’s father murdered a judge and died in prison. Yet I can’t recall ever hearing of Woody having any scandals [like other Hollyweirdos].
You are echoing the thoughts I had. Elitist right to the bone.
I put the links on Gab as I’m still banned on Twitter/X…
Why isn’t your link showing the tweet here? Is it already being suppressed?
edit: I opened your tweet in another tab & it said “the requested tweet cannot be found” 😡
edit again: after a page reload your tweet is showing for me here. someone’s doing something somewhere it would seem…hmmm
Not sure what’s going on with your computer. You may need to remove all your Twitter and X cookies.
Well, when I first looked at your comment only the URL showed, which made me wonder why it didn’t show as the tweet here on the Q-Tree, then after the page reload it showed fine here for me now. However when I opened it in a separate tab twitter said there was no such tweet. I don’t think that That part was just my computer, fwiw…
The first URL had an error in it – “twiiter”
Then I fixed it, and it apparently worked after a reload.
But if you can’t see it, then that’s interesting.
Try looking at other tweets of mine over the next few days. If it’s JUST that tweet that is blocked, then it means something.
will do…I’ll let you know…
Here’s the URL from the tab I had opened
Looks like the 2 “i”s in Twitter…
I corrected the URL & can see your tweet now here
It says that it has 39 views, 2 reposts, & 2 likes. I’ll check nitter too…
no replies to that tweet that I can see on nitter…
I think I figured out why Camel-Uh picked “Tampon Tim” Walz as VP.
Somebody suggested him. She thought “Trump wants to build a wall. But this guy has WALLS right in his name!”
Sounded like a winner.
And another laugh for “Tampon Tim”!!! 😂
H/T Dan Bongino for that one!
Tony Seruga
Here is an example of what I was referencing in my post below… Kamala Harris in 2010: “The power I have as a prosecutor is that with a swipe of my pen, I can charge someone with a misdemeanor, the lowest level offense possible. And by virtue of that swipe of my pen, you will have to go to a courthouse and stand in line. You will have to come out of pocket and hire an attorney. You may get arrested for a few hours… all because with the swipe of my pen I’ve charged you with a crime, which I may choose to dismiss two weeks later.”
This woman is just trouble. BIG trouble.
OR as a prosecutor she can FAIL TO BRING CHARGES. (Been there.) there are LOTS of games a crooked prosecutor can pull.
Every month for over a year, hubby and I were left sitting in a court room for an entire day while the guy who stole my semi was told he did not have to come to court.
FINALLY a republican was hired… We talked to him and he could not believe the case and was going to bring charges… SUDDENLY we get a call and he tells us all the charges have been dropped!!
This is DESPITE my having the registration and title for the truck and the F…King cops FINDING THAT TRUCK in the guys front yard!
Open and shut case but HE GETS TO KEEP THE TRUCK!
That’s insane AND evil! So sorry you guys had to go through that.
Chinese Internet Reacts To Walz
article link…
This explains everything. And why he’s the pick.
Goes right along with Maoist Kamala.
they’re all fans.
Yup. They love them some RED China.
Mr Walz and his wife were married on 4 June 1994 – the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen uprising. She said in an interview that “he wanted to have a date he’ll always remember”.
soooo…he wouldn’t have been able to remember his anniversary otherwise? How romantic can a guy get 🙄
X video
yesterday, Israel’s IAF struck Hezbollah’s military installations in Lebanon.
maybe this will let it show here 🙂
August 7, 2024 9:40 am
So… Tim Walz Signed a Bill Redefining the Term “Sexual Orientation” to INCLUDE PEDOPHILES. (thread title, emphasis not mine)
These amendments were signed into law by Tim Walz, by virtue of their inclusion in the “Take Pride Act,” which was an act included in the Judiciary and Public Safety bill.
As such, Tim Walz signed a bill into law that included an amendment that REMOVED the clause that excluded pedophiles from 2022 c 52 art 19 s 44.
Tim Walz signed a bill into law through which, removed the pedophile exclusion that excepted pedophiles from the civil rights protections that are afforded to those protected identities or classifications that fall under the definition “Sexual orientation.”
This opens the door for the law to protect pedophilia as a “sexual orientation” under the Minnesota human rights legislation, especially when there is language in the bill expressly saying the provisions are to be construed “liberally.”
OMG, this dude is TOAST.
Kamala just proved herself to be a vicious leftist ideologue.
She either made a very bad decision, or a very honest one.
I’m starting to think that Obama is trying to push the party as far to the left as he can – to go out in a blaze of glory.
obama exactly.
all of it reeks of obama.
The purpose is to have Harris and Walz go out in a blaze of glory [be blamed for losing to DJT] rather than the party. TPTB have already accepted that Trump will win so the only question is why did the donkeys lose?
Solution is to make the candidates responsible – not the donkey policies.
I think you are onto something, p. This makes sense of the nonsensical to me.
i see it more as his hubris making him believe he still retains influence over Americans. he WAS all that a long time ago, but his policies did nothing for Americans. and the maggot continued the trend, now cameltoe in on it too? he’s overstayed his welcome–his hubris won’t allow him to see it yet.
hope and change emptied our pockets.
build back better didn’t live up to the hype.
nope, Americans wanna MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
hubrisnarcissism making him believe…..etc etc…here I am quoting Grandma again…but she would say he walks around like “his shit don’t stink…”
Wolf, we still have to get this information to a gulled and sleeping public.
I knew ALL about Obama before he was elected the first time. But almost no one I knew did.
They were all asleep then, too. The media sings them a lullaby every night and all day, so they never wake up.
an example of MSM going off the deep end….
Kamala Harris and her “raw talent” …. and “political savvy” ….
article link…
the BS Spin meter explodes.
propaganda gone wild & weird.
((vomit face))
raw talent
LOL. OK, I get it now! 😂
I couldn’t refrain from pointing it out but I don’t think that’s what the BS article was referring to… it sure was a poor choice of words.
Kamala Harris’ raw talent.
the harder they try to spin this in her favor, the more absurd it gets.
jokes write themselves ?
when the going gets weird, the weird get going.
Perhaps we could agree to use the term Robert Malone shared on his substack: “shittification” though it seems it should only have one letter t.
So he mis-spelled his own word? 😂
grammar nazi warz
I don’t think Malone coined the term, but I do like it. Perhaps the extra t helps carry the extra load.
Dense manure. 😂
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, August 7, 2024
“And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
I love you, Lord – You are my rock – my strength;
A fighting, forceful – unwavering – wavelength;
My buckler – my shield – who has led me sure;
Out of the darkness – into Your light so pure!
In You – I take refuge and rest assured;
From temptation and sin – I am secured;
You have rescued me from the evil throes;
In my distress – You have foiled my foes!
Lord – You Give Me Life – grace and peace;
The turmoil around me – You calmly cease;
Through the anguish and torment – You console;
In, through, and with You – I’ve become whole!
Through Your Spirit – I am comforted best;
In my weakness – I am surely put to the test;
I cried out in prayer – and You answered me;
With true repentance – You have set me free!
On the cross – the ransom You paid for my sins;
Your sacrifice there is where new life begins;
For it is in dying – we are born again;
And it is in rising – eternally – we gain!
Lord – You Give Me Life – Your Gift of Grace;
And I so long someday – to see Your Face;
For You are my light and my salvation;
The grantor of joyous jubilation!
You ask only I love as You have done;
You laid down Your life – for victory won;
If I deny myself – and follow You;
I will experience Your victory, too!
Just as it is in giving that we receive;
It is in dying to self – we will conceive;
An end to the turmoil – the gift of strife;
The fruits of our labor – the Crown of Life!
Lord – You Give Me Life – life eternally;
With an increase in faith – less fearfully;
I can rise to new heights of blessedness;
Because You are my life’s assuredness!
D01: 09/25/2013
Thank You Duchess! 🙂
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Pray Everyday
good article…
Walzing With Kamala
With Tim Walz, Harris placates party anti-Semites and doubles down on Radicalism
article link…
gets the Muzzie vote, too !
I figured that Walz was a nod to the Muslime vote while Suxalotacox JEWISH husband was the nod to the Jews.
I don’t think that husband (Harris) is orthodox or even Observant…Jewish in name only ?
Doesn’t matter. It is still a campaigning point.
Robert Malone offers a couple of articles about DEI and the great enshittification. LOL Yes, I’ve been seeing a pattern extending past my individual contributor self to the small subcontractors and larger contractor companies. Here is the first.
[much more at the link…]
It started with International Standards Organization (ISO) instead of the Deming Principles of quality in the 1980s. It accelerated with the ratification of the World Trade Organization.
From my old notes. This food focused but applies across the board:
What do Dan Amstrutz and the grain traders have to do with the present food contamination crisis?
Amstrutz wrote the draft for the World Trade Organization Agreement on Agriculture. (WTO AoA). The critical paragraph is:
In simple terms The WTO “free trade agreement” allows cheap imports to cross borders without quarantine or other food safety testing. Only Traceability, Risk Assessment, and the SPS measure “Guide to Good Farming Practices” are allowed. The “new food safety policy” is about opening borders to “free trade” without bothering with little things like food poisoning.
The public will become the major “testing ground” for disease as lab testing is minimized in favor of “Traceability” “Risk Assessment” and “Good Farming Practices” as mandated by WTO, ISO and OIE. Instead of catching food safety problems BEFORE they get to the consumer, the new focus is to track back the problem AFTER it has sickened and killed consumers.
ISO standards are ALL about a corporation’s WRITTEN procedures and NOT ABOUT ACTUAL TESTING OF THE PRODUCT.
On a more positive note, here is Robert Malone’s substack article that arrived in my mail box this morning. Full article at the link.
You know what I’ve noticed, Barb?
The only people who think society should be merit-based are those who have some merit.
“Kamabla” is catching on!
Just like they did with Joe…
I can’t wait for the 4am talking points to come out on this pair. The Trump team is weird. That doesn’t leave much space for Harristocrats.
No Alex, that’s not it. They picked the two people to be sacrificed in order to protect the donkey party from being blamed for losing the WH.
Don’t disagree, but who were they going to “select?”
K is the VP so it would/will be very difficult to get around her unless FJB [Jill Team] can claw back the nomination at the convention.
K is a problem child. She needs to go away, not win. They aren’t going to waste resources on someone who CANNOT win.
If they can blame the certain loss [Nov 5] on her, rather than DJT’s policies winning, then the donkey party lives on while her political future dies. Two birds, one stone.
Walz is a lunatic. They want to end his career as well. Picture him running for re-election as governor AFTER he was partially responsible for the DJT blowout win. He either doesn’t run or he gets defeated.
Either way, it’s a win-win for the party. They get rid of their two biggest problem people while living on to fight in 2026 and 2028.
Humm ….another thought. Does Waltz get to retain his G’vr ship should he lose?
I’m guessing he was elected in 2022. He stays gov if Harris Walz ticket looses. If he wins his Lt. Gov takes his seat.
August 7, 2024 12:00 pm
Tim Walz’s Relationship With China, Explained
August 7, 2024
Make America Great Again Inc., a PAC supporting the Republican ticket of former President Donald Trump and his running mate Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, posted on social media a video clip of Walz saying “I don’t fall into the category that China necessarily needs to be an adversarial relationship, I totally disagree.”
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) posted: “Tim Walz owes the American people an explanation about his unusual, 35-year relationship with Communist China.”
“Tim Walz doesn’t see China as a problem,” James Hutton, a former Assistant Secretary at the Department of Veterans Affairs during the Trump administration, posted on X.
“Communist China is very happy with @GovTimWalz as Kamala’s VP pick,” posted Richard Grenell, former U.S. ambassador to Germany and acting Director of National Intelligence during the Trump administration. “No one is more pro-China than Marxist Walz.”
Walz’s frequent trips to China have fueled unfounded speculation that he was a spy or nefariously linked to the Chinese state—a claim that was amplified in a Fox News segment by host Jesse Watters on Tuesday: “I’m sure he paid for all those trips himself on a teacher’s salary,” Watters said facetiously.
“Walz spent his honeymoon in China. He’s being groomed by the Chinese,” Watters asserted. “Now, if I was the FBI, I’d do a background check just to be safe.”
That was precious–TY for sharing!
Okay, just who cried over a protest?
the whole image helps that make sense 🙂
Well this is certainly interesting: Who is the Joe Pientka III (26 min)
Ivan Raiklin does a deep dive on Joe, the Russia Hoax and Twatter censorship. Amazing how you find all the same players.
@ 10 minutes he starts naming individuals in the FBI, most of whom we know.
Comey, McCabe, Jim Baker, Bill Priestap, Laura Dehmlow, Foreign Influence Task Force Chief later on, her deputy, who was the supervisory intel Analyst on this Crossfire Hurricane Op, Brian Aughton…. Peter Strzok’s senior Russia Hoaxer Analyst is CATHERINE SEAMAN WHO WAS MARRIED TO JOSH PITCOCK WHO WAS MIKE PENCE’S CHIEF OF STAFF. NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHY MIKE PENCE IS ALL IN AGAINST TRUMP?
Pientka then goes to the San Francisco Field office [Info removed BTW by FBI] where he is involved with Elvis Chan coordinating on behalf of Laura Dehmlow & Brian Aughton to conduct the censorship industrial complex in Silicone Valley…. AND Jim Baker as #2 lawyer at Twatter….
8.7.24: WALZ into darkness, Dark DAYS, Evil must be destroyed, TRUTH continues, Pray!
And We Know
Way to shake them up. That is pure fire. Also is that Agent Tight Holster with him. If it is she looks like she has a boost of confidence. Also colored suit guy got a lesson on how to stand like a SS agent 😁. I’m guessing he’s not. Looks more like one of JD’s staff.
Meanwhile was that Kami’s motorcade that rolled up? Sure look like it. They all stopped and no one got out, and then started to roll again in a circle. I guess waiting for JD to finish. That was wild!
Some one made a meme. It’s a keeper. Also you can blow it up and look at everyone grinning. 😁
And we thought Trump – Pence 2016 was entertaining!
Vaxx-Maxxed Commiefornia Doctor Dies “Suddenly” of a Stroke at 32
Article says she recently had a booster, but photo is from 2020. Seems like a nice girl. RIP Doc.
Recently Boosted…same day she croaked. Dumbass.
Coulda been worse.
They donated her organs.
Wonder how many people now have mRNA, thanks to medical stupidity.
I wonder how many will come down with Turbo Cancers. 100%???
I wonder how many people God saved from her liberal stupidity by taking her off the board before she was practicing medicine.
AMEN! I was thinking the same thing.
On a similar note. Can’t you see a DEI ‘Surgeon’ pulling out a dirty switch blade in the operating room? Someone who was ‘passed’ ONLY because of their color and gender?
Just look at these WEIRDOS
This might be an unpopular opinion but right now I’m glad that Melania has not been front and center. This kind of stuff is so schmaltzy
The country is so close to falling I don’t care about their interpersonal relationships and if the Trumps socialize with the Vances
…and I despise how they drag Melania. She’s pure class yet she get’s treated badly by the media
Well that must suck… 😆
Kamitoe and her new commie lapdog will be hitting up every black entertainer they can think of..gotta authenticate her popularity 😂
His crib in the back of that delivery truck is………..the word escapes me.. must be a street thang
I was wondering if that was a shipping container or what? LOL
Do not miss what Gordon (Ghost) has to say:
Actually at least skim the article and LOOK AT THE BOTTOM SNIPPETS!
I don’t understand how the British Empire can hand over their own country. Are they tired of the weather? Do they think they can maintain or regain control? What will be permanently lost before that can happen?
Just seems a little unnecessary from a group that is supposed to be the most powerful in the world.
I think the handful of actual controllers are headed for New Zealand.
In the case of a Nuclear War in the northern hemisphere, it is the safest place to be given the air and water currents.
Also New Zealand is a reasonable place during an Ice Age. There are also major Tax loopholes.
If I recall correctly Will Zoll mentioned them in his Prussiagate series
The other question is, exactly WHO/WHAT are the cabal loyal to? It is certainly not to a country or us peons.
“In the case of a Nuclear War in the northern hemisphere, it is the safest place to be given the air and water currents.”
It won’t be very safe if that’s where the nuclear missiles are aimed, once the warring nations figure out all the criminals who started the war are hiding out in New Zealand.
AAAAaaaahh, but exactly what does the Cabal actually know?
Remember they have been playing this ‘Let’s You and he fight’ while we rake in the profits for centuries.
Normally they have been hiding out in NEUTRAL Switzerland.
Ever notice how leaders are normally never killed until AFTER the war… Unless of course they are enemies of the Cabal.
“The other question is, exactly WHO/WHAT are the cabal loyal to? It is certainly not to a country or us peons.”
They are loyal to Satan and perversion and lies and ped0philia and genocide.
And $$$$
Well some/much? of their leadership has been selected rather than elected, iirc. Just like we’ve had anti-American aka BHO & his puppet(s), not to mention the Chi-Com owned Clintoons, who have willfully been destroying America from within the Brits are having the will of the people thwarted & the multi-cultural cesspool inflicted on them, w/ complicit “law” enforcement protecting the invaders & punishing the citizenry…
Hope you saw the Paul Joseph Watson video I shared here today as he fleshes out some of the details of these clash of civilizations in England…
Yes, I did see it. Paul is a pretty savvy guy.
Yes. He brings the sauce but also makes it fun 🙂
Bookstores in blue states —
Adding an extra dash of debauchery to all of the chaos they are cooking up.
15 Prayers For The Prayer Warrior
Published: June 26, 2024
Written by: Kor Adana
Discover 15 powerful prayers for the prayer warrior. Strengthen your faith and connect deeply with these inspiring prayers.
LIVE WITH JULIE – 08/07/2024
John 17:16
Heb. 2:14
Mark 11:23
Matthew 12:34
1 Peter 5:6-10
James 4:7
Isaiah 53:5
Ephesians 6:10
Proverbs 3:5
Hebrews 11:1-3, 6
Romans 10:17
2 Corinthians 2:14
2 Timothy 1:7
Isaiah 55:11
Jeremiah 1:12
Philippians 4:13
Psallm 89:34
Hebrews 10:23
Psalm 91:7
Mark 5:25-34 (Story of woman with the issue of blood)
2 Chronicles. 2
Matthew 12:25
Isaiah 54:17
Job 22:28
God is using this time to bring the Body of Christ together, to unite, to heal and strengthen.
You need to overwhelm and control your circumstances by the power of Almighty God.
Nothing is too big for Almighty God!
Have your shield of faith up and keep trusting in God.
Focus on God’s Word. Get into His Word every day.
Keep a firm focused foundation on the Father.
God is saying your enemies’ days have actually expired. So you will see more things that are unprecedented, unusual, and unconventional.
Humble yourself and get rid of all cares and worries. Give them to God. Then you will be able to withstand the enemy.
God is El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible.
God will give you revelation knowledge, so you know more about Him, His Word, and how to fight the good fight of faith.
Now is the time to withstand, rebuke and resist the enemy, and to deny him access to your mind and body.
Trust God no matter what happens or what you see.
It’s impossible to please God if you don’t trust Him.
Lean on, rely on, and trust in God.
Judgment is here for your enemies.
JGM – A SHORT SILENCE IS COMING – [7 August 2024] [Word heard – August 4, 2024]
My children, your enemies are at your shoreline. They’re at the door to begin their war, they have so desired against Israel and My United States. Your Establishment thought they were controlling what your enemies in foreign nations and what they were allowed to do and what they were not, but betrayal is about to strike the heart of the ones who think they are in control of this world. Your enemies in foreign lands are about to strike where the Establishment never thought they would. They’re allowing proof to come out. They are pouring it out so they can do what they want against this nation. China thinks they have it in the bag. All the proof they need and the weakness in this nation to pull off what they so desire – to shutdown and to override this leadership. Their agreement they HAD with your Establishment is now broken and it’s NO HOLDS BARRED and their plans with your govt O United States. Your government left the door wide open for many foreign nations to come into your land, into your government. They gave them intel, but it will not go the way they want it to go. Foreign nations have turned against the Establishment and the Establishment has turned against foreign nations. Too many people want power when so many won’t let it go. Your enemies (and the?} children of Almighty God are about to turn on one another and destroy themselves. They wanted war to stop this nation from rising and to silence you the people. They were so desperate to stop you and to stop My David that they will allow anything to take place to stop him. Without thinking and really looking and judging the situation, they acted and made mistake after mistake and things are about to blow up in your enemy’s face that they never imagined. Secrets will pour out of Washington and pour out of foreign nations. No more talking. Your enemies are now screaming. No more time to just think, just do.
Virginia: Gov. Youngkin Issues Executive Order Removing ‘Noncitizens’ From Voter Rolls, Establishing Prosecution Procedures
Another run at it with more video provided to Dr. Martenson. I still see it the same way. The deep state tried to assassinate PDT with the first three shots and missed. Patsy dies as cover for the lame lone wolf explanation.
So grateful that he and others are still working hard to try and get answers and come to a conclusion.
Sometimes I wonder if the rooftop shooter, IMO Yearick, was supposed to get away and if it all went as planned with DJT murdered then they would “catch” Crooks? Have one of their sensational manhunts covered by cnn with them “having” to kill him.
As likely a scenario as any other.
The ONLY Scenario I will completely rule out is the deep state’s ‘Lone Wolf Killer’.
Excellent video. I like the “shooter in the roof” theory – needs to be considered strongly – and it goes well with the purchase history of the company, too.
If the type of suspended ceilings over there are similar to the ones over here there is absolutely no way whatsoever they would support the weight of a person crawling about on them.
YES. That is why a sniper’s nest would have to be built in ahead of time, and THAT is why that series of globalist corporations, ultimately controlled by WEF, and having bought up the company, makes such a thing possible. Just like 9/11, the OWNER having an interest in the outcome is what provides means, motive, and opportunity.
Here’s a link for their discussions
I do not know if this was brought up before:
John Solomon of Just the News
Pelosi’s top security aides got warning about Capitol breach night before Jan. 6 riot, memos show
All the people were already named by Ivan Raiklin as part of his Deep State Target List. I guess his badgering House Administration Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Barry Loudermilk, finally paid off.
Never heard of this science tech site, but why would I 😉😏😆
Anyway… not surprised by this. Fits my world view on the Cabal.
Paper Straws Are Often Touted as a Great Alternative to Plastic, But There’s a Small Problem: They’re Toxic
FFS..I like a straw as much as the next person but they sure take up a lot of political and now health research study time. Everybody should be able to drink liquids without a straw.
I pick up a few every time I walk on the beach…they’re not good for marine life especially the turtles
I dislike straws. I do not think they should be used unless you are ill or a small child.
If the glass is clean enough to drink from with a straw, it should be clean enough to drink from PERIOD!
So you’re the one with the short straws. 😂
We’re up against a cyber leviathan with these people…
RINKEVICH: “We targeted folks based on online behavioral cues, building out personas, based on the type of content they were consuming, what they were searching, the kinds of websites they were visiting so that we could target folks in real-time as they were exposed to that disinformation.” /8
more at link
Now this … no telling what other subjects “they” manipulate
That’s a hot thread. Enjoyed Jordan making the Flaherty guy look like disingenuous tool of the Bidnese.
So, I was running out to get ingredients, and the radio was saying that the WHO wants a cease-fire in Gaza so they can do emergency polio vaccinations.
I already wanted them completely exterminated, and now this…..
A feel-good video… looks closer to 300 feet to me… nice of him to detonate at the apex 👍😁
On the dot!