Make Black Kick-Lynching a Federal Crime

It's time to fight the Democrat BIGOTS - who tolerate black racism with approval and smirks - just like the criminal ex-KLAN members that they are. And the best place to fight them, is on their own badly managed "social justice" turf. When gangs of black "yout" kick lone white kids or elderly into a … Continue reading Make Black Kick-Lynching a Federal Crime

The Red and the Black

I will try to make this fast. Yesterday evening began a long discussion of Dark Brandon's little speech with the odd lighting that created a Nazi eagle illusion in Independence Hall (yes, they're THAT evil). (H/T RAC) Among the things I said was this: I think this was for the literally satanic part of his … Continue reading The Red and the Black

ESG Needs to be the Next CRT – and We Will Destroy it With RCF

Environmental ---> Religious Social ---> Cultural Governance ---> Freedom ESG ---> RCF We are now approaching the climax of the battle with insane, self-infatuated, out-of-control, nobody-wants-this-stuff globalism. The plotters of WEF at Davos have really tipped their hand, as revealed in a GREAT article that barkerjim alerted us to, today. Day two of the World … Continue reading ESG Needs to be the Next CRT – and We Will Destroy it With RCF

Wolf Moon’s Perspective on the 2022 May 3rd Ohio Primary Election Results

You will notice that I didn't just entitle this post "Wolf Moon's Perspective on the Ohio Primary Election". You see, due to Democrat lawfare in Ohio, Ohioans are actually going to have TWO Ohio primaries this year. There is a SECOND one in August, thanks to Democrats. It's a complicated story, but the Cliff Notes … Continue reading Wolf Moon’s Perspective on the 2022 May 3rd Ohio Primary Election Results

How Mayorkas and DHS Plan to Purge Republicans from State and Local Law Enforcement

If Republicans don't rein in DHS now, they will be unable to stop what's coming - to your state, your city, and your county TL;DR - If you know how to read the Mayorkas document (because it IS in fact his document), then you will understand that the purpose of the report is to purge … Continue reading How Mayorkas and DHS Plan to Purge Republicans from State and Local Law Enforcement

The Vaccine-Powered Rona-Coaster

Is the Directed Evolution of Variants - Something Deeply Understandable to Joe Biden's Science Advisors - Being Abused by the Corporate-Government-Academic Axis? Yeah, you remember that one! Several hat tips to Sundance on this one, too. It's now becoming very clear that the mercenary Bill Gates getting involved with healthcare was one of the LAST … Continue reading The Vaccine-Powered Rona-Coaster

Reality Check: Jussie Smollett is Multi-Generational Russian Red Diaper Supported Throughout his Life by Numerous Marxist Fronts

Watch carefully, because you will RARELY see angry, vicious, red diaper communist hoaxing exposed as CLEARLY and DEEPLY as it has been with Jussie Smollett. Here is the New York Post, calling it like it is. Well, almost. Jussie Smollett guilty of staging race-baiting hate attack to boost career By Gabrielle FonrougeDecember 9, 2021 6:18 pm  Updated Career … Continue reading Reality Check: Jussie Smollett is Multi-Generational Russian Red Diaper Supported Throughout his Life by Numerous Marxist Fronts

Vladimir Putin Confirms: America Has a Bolshevik Problem

Sundance has a great article up right now, in which he shows why his warning about Western COVID authoritarianism is coming true, by highlighting a speech by Vladimir Putin. Let me back up a bit. Sundance has been saying that the increasing authoritarianism and brutality of the Western "democracies" over COVID mandates, is placing those … Continue reading Vladimir Putin Confirms: America Has a Bolshevik Problem

The Clot Shot, The Explanation Thereof, And The Faucist-Lysenkoist CDC That Pretends Not To Understand

I. The Clot Shot First things first. Nobody would be calling ALL of the various full-length stabilized SARS-CoV-2 S1 subunit spike protein vaccines "the clot shot" if there weren't some clear and obvious problems with the full-length stabilized SARS-CoV-2 S1 subunit spike protein ITSELF. We already know that clotting dysfunction is key to COVID-19 pathogenicity. … Continue reading The Clot Shot, The Explanation Thereof, And The Faucist-Lysenkoist CDC That Pretends Not To Understand

Why I Am Dumping Apple and Warning Everybody To Leave NOW

Thanks to Cthulhu, we were warned EARLY about Apple's surveillance plans. Sounds very innocent, right? I will explain exactly why this is not. This is INCIPIENT POLITICAL SPYING AND PRETEXT FOR ARREST. "But it's for the CHILDREN!" You remember the last people on the left who used that line to "save children"? THEY'RE BACK. Apple … Continue reading Why I Am Dumping Apple and Warning Everybody To Leave NOW