Coal train. Celebrating our energy independence and making environmentalist heads explode. (Win/Win)
Today’s NOT THE STATE OF THE UNION TUESDAY Open Thread is devoted to your thoughts on the glorious chaos in US Politics.
As always, you can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. BUT: Keep it civil. Rules much like the Old Treehouse, except of course Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged. A couple of other important things to consider: contains some general guidelines for things that are really, really not kosher to post here.
And Wheatie’s Rules (as amended by me):
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
- No shooting at the nuclear warheads.
– – · –
It looks to me like the Democrats are starting to realize that they’ve been pwned.
Meanwhile SunDirge of the Eeyore Tree continues to think Trump is a bumbling fool. And apparently he’s not alone.
I love watching people who are on the outside looking in, decide that they not only know more about the current situation than does President Donald J. Trump, but they can figure out what to do better than he can even in spite of their actual handicap of knowing quite a lot less than PDJT does.
I’m rarely accused of humility, but I know that I don’t know what to do better than PDJT! And I know I’d not know, even if I knew exactly what he knew about the current situation. Every time I try to guess what’s going to happen next–I’m wrong. I know and accept my limitations, and I won’t be constructing grand theories of what’s next like some do.
Some people don’t trust the President, while protesting that they do. I do trust him. No, not in the blind way of assuming he’ll never lie (for the benefit of enemy ears), but I trust that his goals and my goals mesh pretty well, and I trust he’s the one most able to achieve them. And that particularly means I do NOT think he’s bumbling around in the Oval Office. No bumbler could accomplish what he HAS accomplished already.
Part of his task is to make it clear to the people…the ordinary disengaged people, those who tossed a coin in the voting booth or voted for him simply because he wasn’t his opponent, that what he’s about to do is necessary. That’s important because it will be drastic, drastic enough to make one wonder if he’s going too far. We’ve never in living memory had to arrest the political opposition because they were SO corrupt and treasonous. When that happens, people will more than likely assume that Trump is simply harassing his opponents, like some banana republic dictator. The best way to shut that down is for him to show us how vile and criminal the opposition is. That takes time, but it must be done, well enough that a solid majority of Americans see it.
He has a lot more to do before he can bring his enemies–America’s enemies–to ruin. I think it’s important that we stand behind him, and not snipe at him or his associates because we’re unsatisfied with the pace or how he’s keeping us informed.
Stand behind Trump, or admit you don’t support him.
Let’s remember WHY we need that WALL.
Alas, we could hear a new one of these stories every day…and it would make no difference, the opposition will never give in.
We have to go around them.
We WILL go around them.
February 15.
Near my home…no where close to the southern border.
It’s everywhere😔
MY most favorite post ! “Stand behind Trump, or admit you don’t support him.” Thank you.
Glad it makes you less likely to sink back into the pits of despair. 😀
lol!! Wolfie has built an Amazing site!!! and we get to be here!!! HUGS!!!
Hugs back…hey, who’s that scary lookin’ dude with the 12 gauge?
?? Mr Marica? He is my favorite Dude!! but he is not even in the least bit interested in what we all talk about! (daughn’s hubby calling in is so stinking cool!) God brought me you guys so I am able to talk and share and joke and discuss stuff that Mr Marica rolls his eyes about…
It will be interesting to see his reaction when Hitlary gets her comeuppance!
here’s the funny thing Steve– He is a Builder–Custom Homes- High end- he goes on FACEBOOK and drops Giant truth bombs — (asked me yesterday how to spell Pelosi -lol) then posts shit– and doesnt respond… But He does NOT talk to me about any of it…
Probably afraid of making you all depressed.
Ya think? LOL!!
Marica? Your husband is a grand “$hit-poster”, which is an honor!
And we LOVE the builders!
Terrific post Steve… just terrific.
I also really like your statement “Stand behind Trump, or admit you don’t support him.”
Reminds me a little of the military chain of command… you might not understand the plan, but you NEVER abandon the mission. POTUS is the CinC… I stand with him.
oops, forgot to say I love the train.
My late Dad was a railroad man…
Yep. Trains are cool!
My husband has a train-set and took over he basement…rolling eyes..:)
I became aware that coal is back when I kept hearing the train coming through town. All night long pulling its horn. Could not get angry for lack of sleep because the men in WV were back at work. I live 2 hours from Huntington VW. There are good people who struggled during Obama.
As long as President Trump is steadfast in his resolve how can I not be behind him..? Every President who has his voters behind him all the way is going to succeed…:) Or should I say behind every successful President stand 66 million voters..?
My dad has an O gauge. The original pieces date to 1941, AND they still work. We got a new transformer, but got the sucker running for Christmas a few years back. The problem here is space, otherwise, it would be out more often.
My family has a history with trains, so much so that my parents LOVE the noise. Wabash, New York Central, Chessie System are all part of the lore.
A lot of Atlas Shrugged centers around railways, and one of the main characters is Dagny Taggart, director of operations at the most important railroad in the US.
I remember.
If I may jump in here – funny, I just borrowed that book from a friend since I had never read it! BTW, OUTSTANDING submission today, Steve – simply out-f’ing-standing!!!
I have a 1953 Lionel set, still runs but I need a better (and lighter, as opposed to 10kg) 220-110v trafo to put in from of the Lionel. Real whistle, too. Mandy Patinkn is a HUGE Lionel fan, as is Neil Young. I hope the railroads can recover/improve, as they were the backbone of America, and they are more efficient than most, if not all, other modes of transportation. Sadly, they have lots of drug issues too, and cheap Chinese parts have made the signalling side of things ever more dodgy… (and don’t get me started on the single-track madness 🙂 or 🙁 )…
There’s always “z” gauge 🙂 (But dogs find them tasty 🙂 )…
Wow. My Dad (for a while) was a railroader too, and his Dad, and Grand-Dad’s way back. C&O, Huntington… Great railroad and glass (Owen-Illinois) town, although the C&O isn’t really there anymore to the extent they used to be. I have an RR watch from my Grandfather…still works.
What’s really thrilling is the sound of a steam whistle echoing through the mountains back there. The Shay locos were especailly powerful (and mournful).
I agree that President Trump will bring back (with GOD’S guidance and help, and our humble prayers) both the coal and energy industries, but the pride of being an American, and in the American way of life.
Being an American is a privilege and a blessing; the DEMONcRATs can’t seem to grasp that (they’re too busy grasping everything else, I expect)…
As the song goes, you’ve got to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything…
Aaron Tippin:
I should have said “with,” not “behind.”
Great opening Steve. I wish the defuses at the other site, who have no patience for the necessary red pilling of the populace, would chance to read your truths.
I’ve seen others explain this to them directly. Makes no difference. Gripers gotta gripe.
Yea, you are probably very correct. Closed little minds.
And some gripers are just gripers and some are libtards while others are libtards in disguise!
Yep. Their theme song could be “Gloom, Despair, and Agony on Me”…
Great railroad pic in your heading, especially the Wolf in the cab 🙂 (OK, almost in the cab)…
Nothing like seeing a couple of Berkshires heading up a 100 or more coal hoppers…sigh…
(steam fan here)… having said that, I wonder what happened to “Mostly O Gauge”; I think there were a couple of other rail folks OT as well…
Just wanted to report on this action today in the Senate:
Mitch tried to get cloture on this on Jan.10th and again on Jan 14th – DIMs failed to support either time.
Perhaps because of the Shutdown? Not team players are they? That is the team supporting America.
Love that coal train!!! As Diamond & Silk would say, “Choo Choo, Baby!”
Good script tonight, Steve 👏👏
Feeling some storm coming …
Jonathan has a thought on Eric Trump’s tweet:
Its soooooooooo cold.
Fortunately, it’s only for one night here. Crossing my fingers my butterfly bush makes it. Some of the others I’m not as worried about.
oh…a butterfly bush! we tried to plant them here, but the deer found them quite tasty–frankly they find just about everything tasty–but tell me about the bush! lovely colors…does it really attract butterflies??
Just put it in last year at the end of the season. Can’t say just yet, but my peppermint certainly did. They were after the nectar.
hope it makes it!!
I thought about putting in some of those. I planted 3 Weigela bushes in the front yard coming up on 6 years ago and they are literally covered from spring to fall in gorgeous white and pink flowers that the Hummers love. Last fall, I planted 6 Rose of Sharon bushes – THOSE are what I am worried about. Not to mention my peach trees – they are a hardy variety but THIS kind of cold is another matter entirely – wind-chill warning only for one night here as well, thankfully.
It’s amazingly hard to kill a Rose of Sharon. One came up in the middle of the forsythia. It looks better than the other bush does.
They had all taken hold and sprouted new leaves before the first freeze so I am hopeful.
you surely have a talent for placing the right images with the scripture you post… the two together meld to create a beautiful motif for the thoughts you share. We are blessed to have you with us.
It’s amazing how many of the Psalms are also prophecies.
I found the image first, then searched for scriptures with “storm.” When I saw the Psalm, I remembered it well from my many readings of the Psalms, but had never had it’s prophetic facet leap out the way it did for me today.
On the 27th what was on my heart was the awareness of coming cold and snow. A quiet kind of event. Today it felt more like a gathering storm way out on the horizon. A more kinetic event coming.
T3– “He hushed the storm to silence..” God is so Great!!
Yes He is! I was just thinking while reading Steve’s post that I trust Trump, too, and manage to feel calm, no matter what is going on around him, and know that it’s going to be okay. I think part of the reason for that is I trust God and I believe He chose Trump for this time. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be constantly praying for Him. But all of this is in God’s hands. I just can’t be an Eeyore about anything right now. It’s all part of the roller coaster ride – and I do love roller coasters!
Linda!! I Love what you just posted!! Ya wanna meet up at daughns B&B? Totally needs to happen!!!
That would be really cool!
Three of you in one place at one time?
Would the fabric of reality be able to stand the strain?
Yes! Like minds think alike. Was wondering if it was possible for Wolfie to connect us in some way to Daughn’s B&B? sounds like a great place to take a vacation, and a town I’d want to stay in.
Such a wonderful idea. Would love to experience daughn’s brand of hospitality and meet you all.
Zoe!! girls trip to Daughns!!!
Linda, agree. Each day is a gift. President Trump is wiping away the tears of the past 8 years, and dismantling decades of corrosive policies. No small task, but one he’s up to.
Great post, Steve! My favorite part was: “SunDirge of the Eeyore Tree.” I’m still laughing.
LOL! I’m sorry, but I *have to* laugh at that one! 😀
I’m having this mental image of a tree loaded up with a lot of depressed cartoon donkeys, instead of eagles.
There are pics out there of trees loaded with goats.×600.jpg
That IS Our Sister Tree–
Well…. better goats then ‘Nuts’ I guess.
Oh my God how funny is that..! I have never seen Goats climb trees .
I was just over there and SunDirge is arguing with everyone, insisting President Trump cannot declassify key docs because he (Trump) is the target of the investigation. To declassify would be to obstruct justice. But the investigation itself is bogus! And Trump can’t prove that unless he declassifies. So it’s a catch 22, according to SunDirge.
I gotta believe that our Very Stable Genius has a plan…and I pray it unfolds flawlessly.
Great article, so well stated! “Stand behind Trump, or admit you don’t support him” is the perfect succinct retort that sums it all up. It’s frustrating that people think they could make better decisions when they have less info. We don’t know what we don’t know.
Rumsfeld’s “unknown unknowns.”
you mention coal in your post…
I wanted to check the industry’s status now that our POTUS has given it such a boost … well, the Cabal with google’s help would have me believe that was just a momentary aberration … (I’m shocked I tell you) It’s amazing, as red-pilled as I am, they still manage to amaze me as to what they will lie about. They really project the idea that POTUS deceives, lies. People who swallow the swill they print, who never dig for themselves believe POTUS lies.
DuckDuckgo turned up the following positive article:
Wow, this is both heartbreaking and disgusting:
Thanks for that, Linda.
Horrifying. Dystopic.
According to one of the replies, it’s the bikepath behind Angel Stadium in Anaheim!
They cleared it out and the angels are not going to use the stsfium much longer. It was bad. Nothing happens in Anaheim without Disney having a say. It got so much publicity that they had to do something. Orange County is no longer the all over beautiful place anymore. You have to be careful everywhere.
California seemed like an overpriced place even in the late 80s when I had entirely too much experience with the place. More expensive to live in a dump there than a good place here, and finding someone who wasn’t out to rip you off was tough.
Thanks, Gil, for the insider’s view.
It seems everything in OC changed so quickly.
Fifty years ago, a distant relative of mine and her husband (both long deceased) wrote my now-late grandmother to say how much they loved Anaheim, which, at the time, typified what Americans thought of as a California city-suburb: clean, safe, aspirational.
That bikepath video will stay with me for a long time.
‘You have to be careful everywhere.’ Tragic, if not ‘SAD’ (as PDJT so often says).
What the hell is going on with Global Waming?
You could probably light Hitlary’s breath that way after a binge!
Absolutely ( EtOH )
You have more intestinal fortitude than most Wolf.
That is hilarious. And isn’t our First Lady so beautiful?!
Too funny this late at night. Will giggle as I fall asleep.
Jane, you’re right and it’s still funny this morning. This is the one that made me giggle as I fell asleep earlier today!
Oh my gosh Judy, thanks. That IS giggle material also.
Collectively !
too creepy!!!!
Reminds me of Young Frankenstein and Marty Feldman (RIP).
But Marty Feldman was talented and funny. Occasional Cortex is neither. Young FrankFeinstein…
Actually, those fangs paired with the wild eyes are scary.
Oh, the above plus the spread snout, seems like it is smelling blood.
I don’t know about you but that cat looks shocked to be compared to HRC.
It looks like that one picture of Adam Schitt even more than it looks like Hitlary.
hard to be believe they are the same species…
Melania and Hillary? I know, right
Now this is a very interesting Papadopoulis tweet. Could it be that China was involved in SpyGate???
China and the Clintons are like THIS —><— CLOSE.
Oh yeah.
Why not? They have their hands in every other pot.
Fits well with my “China Confrontation is the BIG STORY” theory.
I agree with others here (michaelh, among others) who think that China is the whole enchilada.
Trade, China; Mexican border, China; North Korea, China; Clintons, China; DIFI and the corrupticons in the government, China; Russiagate, China; what am I missing?, China.
We are in another Cold War, but it is a “secret war” that only a few people talk about. Very different from the days of the Soviets, when all of America was in on it.
We’ve finally gotten a President who isn’t in bed with the Chinese, or easily blackmailed by them. Trump KNOWS and he won’t let us down.
Thanks for the nice new Open Thread, Steve!
Well done.
“Stand behind Trump, or admit you don’t support him.”
That’s it in a nutshell, isn’t it.
And I agree that the best way for our VSG President to bring down these enemies of our Republic, is to show how vile and criminal they are.
I think that some indictments and arrests on the pedo stuff would start that ball rolling.
One of the things that got me interested in Q was his talk about bringing down the big name pedos.
They know.
Q hinted that they “have it all”.
So I’m hoping that they light that firecracker soon.
Weiner’s (who is the world wouldn’t have done a legal name change???) laptop is still out there as POTUS recently reminded us.
i would love a little leak as to what’s lurking inside that laptop!
A Weiner leak?
eeeewwwwww…there’s probably been a lot of those all over that laptop!
Probably needs a few extra virus scanners…
Wonder if it was checked out by people wearing hazmat suits.
Lady— name change for realz!! Just cannot make this stuff up!!🤣 Took selfie’s to a whole new level!
Let us also NOT forget Geraldo’s attempt to jump on the selfie bandwagon!?w=494&h=595
Maybe this?
eye bleach please—Filly!! AUGH!!!
Looks like that “sailor” found a sunken chest…
Such a hypocrite, is Geraldo! And yeah, gross!
Put a bag over his head and no woman still would touch…well, maybe a few if there was money or drugs involved.
Have to add a sock in his mouth as well, even for money or drugs!
Or simply insisted that the “ei” be pronounced as it is in Germany, so it’d be Winer, not Weener.
I read his name several times before I heard it pronounced, then I thought the speaker was joking. “Of course it’s ‘winer,’ was my thought bubble.”
On the other hand, given his proclivities, he might have thought “weener” was a plus.
Even John Boehner had the sense to avoid “boner.” The “oe” represents a sound we don’t have in English, of course (it’s the way to write ö when it’s not on your keyboard), but he went with “eh” instead of “oh/”
Oh–That Boehner/Weiner ticket–how soon we forget…🤣
At the risk of a translingual pun, ei means “egg”, and the slang term involving them might be what interested Weiner… and his are likely not of steel (or of Steele, for that matter)…
It would actually be pronounced VIN-er. W in German is a v sound.
You’re right, but his name has been Americanized, so I didn’t bring that up.
Even Americanized, though, he has a choice how to pronounce “ei” and most Americans with German last names do ei/ie the German way even if they have a W they pronounce the English way, e.g., Weinbaum, Weinberger, Weiss.
Yeah, well, if I ever sang a German piece with Americanized pronunciation, I’d get reamed.
True that! Rules are different for musical lyrics than for families who have resettled here.
Not always. Wandern, Waschmaschine, Willi, Welt, Wetter, warm, wurm, Wein are a few with a “soft” w.
Weiner (more or less means crybaby – gonna have a lot to cry about before long)
Weiner is a “soft” w, so it wouldn’t be pronounced viner…
Just realized there’s a pun in there, but I’ll not voice it…
Huh, we were always taught it was a hard and fast rule. Of course, one of the violins in the symphony who was from somewhere north in Germany said the Chorus sounded like a bunch of Bavarians, so…..
Pronunciation, of course, varies between regions, but my German wife and I just discussed this. There are cases where the W is “soft” (fot lack of a better term) and others where it’s hard, like the English pronunciation of V…
North Germans tend to the softer, favoring “Isch” as opposed to “Eeek” (Ich). She spent some time on the border to Holland, where they spoke a mixture of German and Dutch (with a little Flemish sprinkled in as well). The Netherlands tend to the softer pronunciations as well.
One time my wife and I were up in Endhoven at a sales office, and the (Dutch) controller explained a funny story to us. A colleague of mine, from America, was lost, as he spoke only English. I asked the controller to repeat it, as our American colleague didn’t speak German. The controller repeated it again, in German (you can imagine the look on the guy’s face). So the controller repeated it yet again, this time in English. He spoke Dutch, German, English, and the various Belgian/Flemish dialects fluently, and sometimes switched effortlessly between them. Interesting that he was a numbers kind of guy (and a real geek at that). but had prodigious language skills as well. One of the funniest people I’ve ever known… (not all accountants are boring…).
I can see the expression on the guy’s face.
As is, IMO, Killary’s server, in some form or another.
For those who remember Monique – she’s still on Twitter!
As I recall she bugged out when Trump ordered the cruise missile strike on Syria.
Yep, I remember that.
Yup! The hardcore anti-neocons could not take that one at all.
I did understand how she Monique was so for POTUS and then clod turkey rejected him and his position on Syria.
One wonders how one can turnoff and off so quickly without giving a chance or tolerance..?
Some people are LITERALLY one issue voters. They’ll agree with everything one has to say…except that ONE issue, and they can’t support you. I’ve seen it on our side with both abortion and firearms, and I’ve seen it on their side with both abortion and firearms.
But Monique was the first and still only person to drop a candidate because he dropped a few bombs.
I would say to Monique, “You can’t be Syria’s…”.
Well, maybe she thought she was the star of the show. Siriusly.
Would that make her star of a dog?
Many of Trump’s supporters (on the “anti-war” issue and many other things) are unable to reckon with the reality that Trump’s enemies ARE able to box him in – that this is ACTUALLY chess, that there is ACTUALLY another side, that the other side ACTUALLY threatens to WIN, and that Trump is ACTUALLY forced to play by rules, or may even CHOOSE a longer play where he loses some early battles to WIN BIGGER LATER.
They don’t get the chess, and can’t follow the game. And it is a ROUGH GAME.
Especially on the Syria thing, it is EXTREMELY difficult to see how our own CIA is basically opposing Trump in Syria – that there are THREE or more sides – that the CIA is not on Trump’s side, that RUSSIA is not actually on Trump’s side while the CIA lies and says it is – that Russia would not at all mind (long term) if we got into another Vietnam there – that the CIA WANTS us to get into another Vietnam there – and all the while the CRAFTIER NEO-CONS finagle to get us involved, while the DUPIER NEOCONS dance around in fear of leaving – it is a MESS.
The best thing for the people of Syria is what Trump wants to do, but people cannot see it because there is so much deception, political blackmail and “political hostage-taking” going on. People don’t see the long-term benefits of (1) leaving, (2) making the focus where it should be – the powerful Russian/Chinese client state and trouble-maker IRAN, and (3) tripling down on defense of Israel per se.
Creating ANOTHER open sore in the Middle East – another Afghanistan or Iraq – was NEVER the answer. Trump knows this. Firing some cruise missiles to take out the politically useful chemical weapons – and later to take out Obama and McCain’s hoaxing White Helmets – were both SMART CHESS for the anti-war position. So was killing a bunch of Russians who tried to take out Trump or trigger a war by attacking our troops. THAT was a sneaky play, and Vlad paid for it.
Don’t mess with Trump – he is a MEAN chess-player. Conversely, trust that you are not following the game if he does something you didn’t expect.
Hear, hear!!
Great post, Wolf!
“it is a MESS.”
One could also describe it as CHAOS.
Part of the Cabal’s overarching, and evil, dictum.
Yes – into the CHAOS much evil can be done!
I really liked Monique but was stunned at her precipitous reaction to Trump’s Syria bombing. It was as if all the insight she had expressed previously just evaporated in a poof of smoke.
One thing I noticed though, was she started simply accusing ANY deep stater of pedophilia. Which I thought was a bit over the top. I’ve little doubt some of them engage in it, but every. single. last. one? Really?
This is how the left’s disinformation on Pizzagate worked. It is a beautiful example of how they “push truth to excess and failure”. Push it to OTT status to discredit, then insist that the topic be discredited. It IMMEDIATELY began with the Weiner laptop being outed. Very smart counter-attack.
like reductio ad absurdum?
reduce an argument to it’s extreme to negate it?
Yes! Reduce, enhance, embellish. Over-simplify, over-elaborate. Do ANYTHING which pushes the truth OFF-CENTER, and preferably in the direction of SHINY OBJECTS. Shiny objects include famous people, OTT evils, oversimplified stories without context that negates them.
Interestingly, it doesn’t even need to be absurd – just WRONG – for the disinformation to work.
This is why it’s far easier to get people to pay attention to “Famous Person rapes kids” than “Creepy Anonymous Dentist fondles and takes pictures of women’s breasts when they’re knocked out, and shared them with Creepy Local Politician, who didn’t realize what they were.”
Pedos and satanists are real, but all one has to do is throw some SIMILAR FALSE CHAFF into the mix, show that it is WRONG, and people will discredit the ENTIRETY, which is actually a brilliant defense
Disinformation is extremely powerful. We need to be skilled in digging past it – in persisting.
It actually means something a bit different in mathematics (though perhaps not elsewhere). The idea is, you want to prove some statement X. So you start out with the opposite of X, “X is untrue.” You follow the implications of X not being true until you find a contradiction. Since assuming X wasn’t true results in a contradiction, then it follows that X is actually true.
In other parlance, yes, it’s just demonstrating that your opponent’s position reduces to something absurd if followed consistently.
In my guestimation, I would think the vast majority simply have some level of suspicion or knowledge and the actual participants are few. At least, I like to think that…..but the Bush and Clinton families and hangers-on, IMO, take it to an entirely new level of evil.
As discussed before in our cozy Q Tree, SerialBrain2 goes places with his decoding that no one else can even imagine. However, this final sum-up of his decode of a recent tweet by our VSG PDJT reads nicely…
The tweet.
SerialBrain2: Trump’s Secret Message to Nancy.
I watched one of his videos that was posted here before…the mental gymnastics wore me out! Not saying he’s wrong or right for that matter, but wow totally creative, I give him that.
He might be mentally ill, or he is mocking Q followers based on false premises.
The fact that he thinks (or claims) Trump is sending messages to him personally suggests mental illness. So does the absurd but “logical” Rube Goldberg train of his thinking.
The fact that he has made people think he is too smart for them to understand his nonsense, and the ridiculous solemn pronouncements he makes, suggests he is a charlatan who is simply mocking people by getting them to accept and admire “thinking” which imitates mental illness.
And even if he is sincere and not mentally ill, he offers nothing to objectively advance our search for the truth.
I used to read him for the harmless amusement, but it became too tedious and pointless, at best.
I knew nothing of him till i watched the posted video…knew none of what you posted above. I tried to keep an open mind, because a lot of Q and the interpretations seems beyond my comprehension until someone points me in the right direction. I just thought there must be a lot I am behind on…
There is SOME numerological messaging in Q stuff, but mostly it is simple, it is not deep, and what IS deep is missed by many (I think Q is frustrated that we don’t have his “clock” stuff fully figured out).
Serial Brain’s interpretations are too ad hoc, illogical, exceed any kind of honest design, and I simply don’t buy most of it. I tire of reading it very quickly.
It is a beautiful example of “try increasingly dubious things until a numeric match happens”, rather than “explore possibilities to find what works generally and makes EVERYTHING fit better, within truly functional Occam’s Razor, allowing for deception or bias.”
One can see Q’s frustration sometimes in trying to point people back to the “clock” idea to get it right, which I suspect most people have not.
“One can see Q’s frustration sometimes”
The “clock”, as the Anons have conceived it (a wheel), isn’t on the mark. Lotta mis-decodes have resulted.
The “Clock” seems to me to be a timeLINE, not a circle, and it’s inextricably connected to significant news events. Which ones are “significant”, and which aren’t – along with which Q-post they apply to – isn’t something that the Anons have figured out, beyond a few obvious guesses.
The “markers” are key … and THEY haven’t been addressed well enough, at all.
I regret not having tried to decode earlier; in the process of time, unless one is attentive AT the time, the “clues” fade away. To retrace, one would have to expend a TON of effort … and, keep going to take it to its conclusion.
If the Anons are reading, I would say connect the MARKERS, and the NEWS (may be subtle), with the time-stamps (the “deltas”, or “differences”, which appear to be intentional, mostly). It’s for sure sophisticated, yet, I believe we have all the info / intel to decipher it.
Long ago, I subscribed to “The Cryptogram”. I remember a poster from OT who had MOAR experience than I, but within a month or two, he was ignored / shouted down.
Yes – I wish I had time to dig into the clock stuff. I may actually try that, now that I’m a bit more free, with more authors here.
Tonawanda, SB2’s posts were my first introduction to the Gemetria language/code and I find the science of cryptology fascinating though I have absolutely no brain space available to learn it…prefer to get the “end result” of someone else’s work. Here’s a bit about it:
I would add that SB2 could very well be a disinfo / discred operation. I suspect it’s CIA. Most liberals who would begin to follow Q in the event of a Q / MSM scorched-earth propaganda war are going to find SB2’s methodology immediately discrediting. He finishes on a pro-Q note, so he cannot be discredited to less logical followers, but his methods will inevitably be used to indict the movement as a combination of what you say: (1) mental illness, (2) wishful thinking, and (3) illogical. If he is ultimately judged as “mentally ill”, that is highly desired by the cabal.
Likewise, his stuff smacks of “Bible codes”, which again are a weakness on the Q side. People “want to believe” them, but frankly they are mostly an “I want to believe” money-maker. Since SB2 really doesn’t come across as a “paytriot”, he evades any possible clean-up on that front. All of this seems too slick, and thus very “agency” to me. He is pointing STRAIGHT AT a weak point in Q’s armor.
SB2 could be “designed” and knowledgeable of his own role (meaning not actually mentally ill), but he could also be a bubbled and influenced creation – basically a person who IS mentally ill who is pushed forward and propped up by the other side as exemplary discreditation.
Compare to Neon Revolt – a very logical and deep-digging researcher who frequents the edgy places, but has found both pay dirt and real gold over and over.
If SB2 is NOT knowingly mocking or dissembling – if he really believes in what he is doing – then he needs to start turning the logic guns on his own stuff to only push forward the truly “once you see it, it’s very obvious that Trump and Q did this” stuff. Anything that gets into weird timestamp numerology that is not EASILY and OBVIOUSLY controlled (like when Trump ended his canned speech at 9:11) needs to be REJECTED.
The Q team does have control of Trump’s Twitter account – we KNOW that. They DO play with it to send messages and keep the fans happy. There is much MI psychology here. But anything they do needs to be as obvious as setting down two water bottles at the same time. Trump and Q love these games, and they HAVE a purpose, but we have to make sure the things we “spot” are NOT imagination.
The comparison between Neon Revolt and Serial is a good one. It is NOT the “wild” or startling conclusions which are important, it is the means of getting there.
“Trump spoke in Hammond Indiana and said the word ‘brain’ in a significant way at 12:26 and if you play a serial note on the Hammond Organ is attains a frequency of 12.26, and he said this the day after I mentioned the day after Christmas, so he was talking to me, and here is the message he is conveying to you through me”
I made that up, but you get the point.
I know Q and Trump are communicating on a very high “autist” level, but I highly doubt they are communicating on a Rain Man level, which is not really a level but a very peculiar brain dysfunction.
“Ideas of reference” is a very amazing phenomenon, and it is real. The “logic” and thought process can be fascinating and realistic, although most people might say surrealistic.
People who are driven by ideas of reference can be very convincing precisely because they truly believe, and what they believe makes sense in a bizarre way, or at least are not impossible to be true.
IMO the concept of ideas of reference is a psychological/psychiatric phenomenon which can be exploited by clever people.
Totally getting you here.
FBIanon said – and I go back to his stuff all the time – that Trump was a MASTER of exploiting confirmation bias. A significant part of that, IMO, is not just allowing ideas of reference to persist, but FEEDING them – of encouraging them in a (some may argue with this) healthy way – so that people start to LOOK FOR and “get clues” about things. Communicate with references, and people LOOK for them.
It is a SKILL, and it can be a survival skill, too.
Many of the best things in life as well as the strongest forms of communication are subtle and referential. Poetry – art – I mean – HELL – there is a reason that the CIA recruits art history majors. I often feel that if I’m not communicating on three levels, I’m phoning it in. And as somebody who actually DOES engage in leaving “numerological Easter eggs”, I know this stuff is real. But I’ve also dealt with schizophrenics, psychopaths, and the desperately attracted (psychotic infatuation) who see stuff that just isn’t there.
ALTHOUGH – and this speaks precisely to what you say about the REALITY of ideas of reference – and I do find this a bit discomforting – a long and deep examination of myself years later often tells me that my SUBCONSCIOUS and my CONSCIENCE were not always acting in unison. We may not construct entire thoughts consciously, but we may construct the parts both consciously and subconsciously, and other people read the whole with more reality than we planned. This is particularly true in the highly asymmetric world of interpersonal relationships.
I’ll say this much. Trump is one of the most interesting presidents EVER simply based on his ways of communicating with the people!!!
I LOVE numbers broadly speaking. Irrational numbers, the Golden Mean, Pi, Fibonacci, all the stuff inept people (like me) can grasp at least on the surface. They are a sort of sublime poetry themselves.
“We may not construct entire thoughts consciously, but we may construct the parts both consciously and subconsciously, and other people read the whole with more reality than we planned.”
Is there a contemporary status report on “know yourself” ? I am going to guess that it is in a dismal state, along with examination of conscience as a daily practice.
Being out of sync with oneself is hard to realize. The next thing I am going to say is NOT meant in the gnostic sense whatsoever.
IMO Jesus as an historic fact is what keeps us in sync with ourselves.
IMO Jesus as an historic fact is what keeps us in sync with ourselves.
Frankly, I blame much of the world’s problems on our simple DENIAL of the fact that the ENTIRE WORLD since roughly 1 AD has existed in a “post-Christian universe”, and always WILL live in that universe.
(One could even count the “messiah expectation years” as part of that time, but I’m not going to be picky! 😉 )
All attempts to deny or downplay the historic reality of Christ – whether on an individual or group basis – lead to a kind of dysfunctional “truth without history” at best, and “falsehood with fake history” at worst.
Sadly, I think humanity has gotten into trouble by not being extremely lenient and tolerant on how one INDIVIDUALLY relates to Christ. One of the wisest pastors I know (who I always thought has a great understanding of Judaism) says that the most important thing is to have a PERSONAL relationship with Christ. I think that is some of the best advice EVER. Absolutely EVERYBODY can benefit from this.
But I think your POINT is absolutely true on both personal and social levels – one cannot look at REALITY correctly without looking at Christ as an historic FACT – even from a Jewish perspective – even from a Buddhist perspective, quite frankly. Christ changed EVERYTHING. Denial is not a profitable path forward from ANY perspective.
The problem for the part of humanity that wants to “remove Christ” (and down deeper, IMO, wants to remove the core thoughts of Judaism even more, and very likely religion as a whole) is that even if this were possible – even if it were wise – it is historically impossible and socio-psychologically dangerous.
As for knowing myself, I could not have attained the levels of introspection I have – nor the levels of external understanding – without deep and constant contemplation of Christ and Christ’s teachings.
The problem for me is that my personal relationship with Christ is SO personal and SO personally evolved (including what most would regard as reversion into Judaism / proto-Christianity and syncretism into deep metaphysical aspects of other faiths via science and philosophy) that I have difficulty calling myself “just” a Christian. Sometimes I tell people I’m a “generalized monotheist”, but that is soft and mushy. My love of God is as brilliant and hard compared to diamonds, as diamonds are to water.
As I told one of our fellow Treepers, I’m whoever the hijackers on the plane are singling out to be killed.
I don’t encourage anybody to follow my beautiful errors which bring me closer to God, whatever I am. I just pass on the advice of that pastor. Have a personal relationship with Christ. it will bring you closer to God. I guarantee this.
Beautiful post.
Your experience and thoughts are very much appreciated in ways you might not know.
Thank you Wolf for your comments.
Your pattern recognition database has some things in it that I’m going to have to try on the puzzles out there right now! My pattern recognition system senses a sincerity in SerialBrain2 that I don’t generally get with the various types of bots and droids.
However, as with all (well informed) intuitive processes, one much proceed cautiously and be willing to toss out everything you thought was true at certain points.
There is great power in simply choosing not to make one’s mind up until the right data hits. And then spitting THAT out if BETTER data hits, or merely because one WANTS better data! 😀
Let uncertainty be a FRIEND! 😎
I suspect he’s on the “spectrum”, as it’s been called.
I haven’t followed him, but I’ve heard a decent enough about him.
One must take only what truth one can, from such a source. He’s “intense”, to use a term.
I have come to really appreciate SB2 posts even though I am not fluent in the language/code of gemetria. It makes sense to me though that POTUS uses code language to speak to different people/entities and my favorite you tube channel for listening those SB2 posts being read is “And We Know”. Like a lot of things, I take what I like and leave the rest. I totally skip over the explanation of how SB2 does the number/letter decodes and just get the message which is always interesting.
I also am not fluent in Military Code or NATO Code where 26 code words in the NATO phonetic alphabet are assigned to the 26 letters of the English alphabet in alphabetical order as follows: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu but they are used in circles where they are understood.
In English, the words cryptology and cryptography are often interchangeable — both refer to the science of secret writing. Some people prefer to differentiate the words, using cryptology to refer to the science and cryptography to refer to the practice of secret writing.
The Military Code was something I learned before I entered the Army because I worked at a FBO facility at the airport in Pueblo, CO. I was a line hostess and had to interact with the pilots over the radio. Gave me a big jump on my military training, knowing that ahead of time. Also got to meet a bunch of celebrities – THAT was fun!
Look up steganogrphy, too. Hiding a message in another message, usually a file within another file. Increasingly common method of transporting virii and trojans in the computer world.
(Years ago, by fiddling some pointers, I was able to fit the entire source code of a HUGE COBOL program in the object (compiled) file. Program loaded and ran just fine. I think the IT purists felt ill at the thought 🙂 ).
Another method, quite common, is to reduce your message to binary, then adjust (say) the red values of each pixel in the picture. Make it end in a one or zero as appropriate. The result is not visible to the unaided eye (red value 213 is indistinguishable from red value 212, for instance, especially when mixed with some blue and/or green), but your message is there.
Of course that’s a simple example, that “they” can find, but it’s a good illustration of the general idea.
Just realized that’s why the DEMONcRATs, et. al. are so clueless about technology: they’re aggressively non-binary…
There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don’t!
Ask me a question, and octal you no lies 🙂
The DemonCRats might cast a Hex on you. But you can cancel it out with a hex inverter.
T3– I haven’t read SB–however, Comparing SB to SD…SB draws right conclusions without 2+2…SD has 2+2 but draws wrong conclusion….
Funny, that.
I take SB2 with a pound of salt. Kosher or pink Himilayan, of course. No additives since that’s what he seems to do.
SB2 makes some good connections and then trainwrecks a couple paragraphs down, IMO.
It sounds the person is very right brain. I know when I do Lecio Divina on what I read it speaks more and deeper to me truths than truths for others.
Interesting I need to use Lectio on POTUS Tweets and see what happens.
Specially being right brain one needs to be careful and learn and practice discernment..
Personally I would be careful but it might be fun reading.:) Little truths could be woven in his interpretation.
I learned that when I was taught Spiritual Formation in Presbyterian Seminary in Decatur Georgia
I am remiss if I didn’t say this. Steve, your commentary today knocks it out of the park.
Good catch on the “and not snipe at him or his associates.” Goes with what I don’t know, I don’t know.
Suppositions are reasonable to dissect, but not the suspension of willful disbelief.
Heheh…CarpeDonktum has done a video about the creepy Dems:
What would be nice is if we had a Saturday Night Live style spoof of all the dem candidates in one room huffing and puffing to some shadowy figures (Soros standing on the staircase listening in) about why kammy is getting to be president and not one of them.
Wow! So good! Sometimes it is easy to overlook the sheer CREEPINESS of Demokkkrats.
OMG yes – SOOOOO creeeeeepy!!!
lol…when “they” try to be normal…LOL…they don’t have a sense of humor. I think to have a sense of humor you have to have a grasp on reality first–so you know what to mock and how far to go–these people live in a whole other dimension…so they just come off as weird and disconnected to reality,
Oh how funny..ha ha ha:)
Thanks for sharing made my day.
Here guys – this will even cheer up Morose Marica!
Whoever made that one – it’s AWESOME! It’s so good I’m gonna break down and like my own post!
thank you GA/FL for posting! so uplifting!!!
Why is that the Dems have such unattractive looks? No joyous spirit shining forth?
Not filled with joy, peace and good will toward others.
you’re seeing their hateful, rotting souls imo…
I love pictures/video of our President with the military, but my absolute favorites are with children. They love him, and children know.
Remember the photo of Melania with the Cruz children? Same with her – she loves, respects and cherishes children and they love her.
Kids and dogs, they always know. I’ve been told cats are the same, especially when one jumps in my lap or rubs itself against my legs. I’m not a cat person, so, I have to take other people’s word for it.
Oh, no, sorry – cats do that BECAUSE they know you aren’t a cat person! They target you – believe me! Cats are a special kind of sneaky!!!! And I have been a cat person since I was a youngster, finding kittens, dressing them up in doll clothes, and putting them in my doll buggy. And do you know? Not ONE of those kittens ever ran away from me! Oh, yes, I understand cats! Hee, hee!!!
Oh, cats know. They are more suspicious than dogs by far.
“Children know”! Exactly right Aubergine!!!
If I’m not mistaken, someone has done a “job” here on his “dark” inauguration speech, similar to “Trump The Establishment” (Q posts that under the title “This video will get Trump Elected”) was a job done on one of his Florida rallies.
That inauguration speech was so “dark” it clearly explains Morose Marica!
It was so dark, I was jumping up and down like a Corgi after a bone!
In all seriousness, he began by describing the terrible mess we were (and still largely are) in. That’s plenty dark. Rip it out of context and end the speech there, and the label would be justified. So they did exactly that.
We stuck around for the bright light of hope he provided.
…oh and to add to that, any darkness in the speech described a darkness of their own making.
Steve–I was there–Remember? 😉 The “dark” seeped in — can’t shake it!!! LOL!!!
I truly do love and thank God for this man. Hope one day to be able to tell him that in person.
GA!!! Thank YOU!!! That video Certainly Lifts my spirits–It is OUR POTUS!! Patriots united under this awesome President!! LOVE!! and HUGS!
Love and hugs to you too!
GA/FL what a wonderful video . Thank you for posting..:)
Great post, Steve!
Is Sidney Powell on the up and up? Here’s her view of Wray.
Our current political climate is certainly exciting.
President Trump is the most courageous man of our lifetime.
Then there’s this….. who is Jonathan Winer and is Stranahan on the up and up himself?
Help, Wolfie and Flep!
GA/FL – Thank you for mentioning something that has been nagging me. Now, I’m not saying it in those words, but let’s just say, sometimes even people we think highly of – get things wrong. Stranahan has been known to be wrong btw, but then I think the same thing about Bongino.
Sometimes, wanting screen time gets in the way of being right. This may be something that happens to lots of people once they get famous.
“Sometimes, wanting screen time gets in the way of being right. ”
We have sure seen that with the likes of Beck and Cernovich, haven’t we.
“We have sure seen that with the likes of Beck and Cernovich, haven’t we.” and that may be true of another writer/blogger that we know quite well. ‘The truth has no agenda’ doesn’t seem to be operant there any more, if it ever was.
“‘The truth has no agenda’”
Just like the arrogant and immature (no matter what age!) lefties, [ ] engages in massive, DAILY virtue-signaling.
Self-praise, self-absorption … and self-deceit.
Jonathan Winer is in this deep. In his own words:
He connects to Victoria Nuland, who approved of the FBI sending an agent to London to visit Steele in the first week of July 2016. He also connects to the Clinton Foundation/Uranium One through APCO Worldwide, something about an in kind donation, IIR.
Welcome, mary morse.
Good to see you here.
Treat Stranahan with care. Seek first to understand, which is ROUGH.
Because Stranahan works for Sputnik, and has for a while, he has a RUSSIA-CENTRIC view of things. That is both good and bad. One has to factor it into everything he does, everything he sees, and everything he emphasizes.
He SEES Russian TRUTH. But he does NOT see their “Information as Disinformation”, which Russia is exceptionally good at.
Stranahan tends to argue a perspective that is both TRUE and USEFUL TO PUTIN. I find it helpful to ADD IN Stranahan’s POV to my multi-focal perspective on things. I always try to use AND LOGIC and then SEEK PROPER WEIGHTING. Stranahan has some truth. Bongino has some truth. I use BOTH PERSPECTIVES to see what is going on, or at least to get closer. Calling the “other one” misdirection or disinformation gets in my way, so I always IGNORE calls to “not listen to the other guy” like Stranahan is doing here.
Russia is very complex. The communists/socialists still operate freely there, and they still think they are “in charge” and directing history. Putin is not their enemy by any means. The communists in Russia basically accepted “back seat driver status” as part of a deal that either let them engage in a massive deception, or let them believe that they were engaging in a massive deception – TAKE YOUR PICK.
Complicated? You’d better believe it!
So take all that into consideration when Putin basically does exactly what Brezhnev would have done, and realize that Stranahan is working for Russian media that is SMARTER than the old commies, but still has many of the same geopolitical goals.
My attitude on Magnitsky is that it is a TARBABY of deception, used by both Russia and the Dems to funnel money around under the cover of “anti-purpose”. The DEMS give Russia what it wants for MONEY and use fake objection as cover. Trump would give Russia what it wants as part of tough negotiations to get what HE wants for America. Corrupt or Honest, Russia will take either, but frankly I think they like the Democrat way better, and preferred Hillary, because she’s a proven useful idiot. Uranium One was a STEAL because the CANKLES pay-out was CHEAPER than honest negotiations.
Obama: “You can’t do what I just let you do! Have some SANCTIONS.”
Putin: “Damn you for taking this MONEY and giving it to your HOLDER/LYNCH Soviet radicals in DOJ.”
PFFFFFT! A pox on all these slimy people!
Now that Russia is “not communist”, the “old communists” like Browder and company make excellent foils for disinformation.
Russia is NOT SIMPLE. That is why these bloody Obama Soviet leftist Democrat retreads can sell us this SHIT – their pretend “anti-Russian” crap – while they accuse Trump of doing what they actually DID – pushing pro-Russian disarmament on America as ALL LEVELS, including the Second Amendment, which is Gun-Grabbing Vlad’s personal enemy (don’t believe Butina was “real” for one second!)
And then they tried to use Magnitsky to bring down Trump through his son. Which was brilliantly exposed when Don Jr. took that meeting.
And now the Mueller “true friends of Russia” try to cover it up by going after Veselnitskaya! Hilarious. Mueller covers up for the Russians at every turn, chasing them back to Russia under false indictments for COVER CHARGES and not their real purpose. What they are going after Veselnitskaya for is CHAFF – it’s bullshit. What she was REALLY doing is being the Russian part of the DEMOCRAT conspiracy against Trump. She will never see justice for THAT as long as commie TRAITORS fill DOJ.
If you want to see how cunning Rosey is, look at what they did on V-skaya.
That was what I figured out with the women who lived near Nikolas Cruz. Mueller went after them for their “Muh Russia” cover bullshit and not for their involvement in Gun-Grabbin’ Vlad’s assistance to the Democrat-Russian propaganda event in Parkland.
All these jokers in the FBI (like Papa Hogg and whoever else helped NICS fail) actually HELPING the Soviet Obama-Holder-Jarrett-Lynch-Putin propaganda event, along with whatever commie Brennan did to assist. Massive deception.
Now – back to Winer. YES – the State Department stuff is important. But Stranahan’s emphasis is designed by his Russian influencers to direct focus away from the Russian-Democrat winkie-winkie on Muh Russia. Stranahan’s POV will always mix in plenty of UKRAINE, which is ALWAYS used for obfuscation by the Kremlin. Ukraine is another disinformation tarbaby just like Magnitsky. Channel anything through Ukraine and NOBODY knows what the hell is going on.
The Kremlin folks are positioning things to make PARTICULAR Russians take heat in ways that are useful to the Kremlin. The information coming through Stranahan will NOT leave any blame close to Putin.
Complicated. Take a serving of both Bongino AND Stranahan to see the larger truth.
There were a couple of Russia-philes, always promoting Russia on CTH. I forgot their names. One operated on the Presidential thread and the other on the Daily thread. SD called one of them out for it. Bull Durham was one, wasn’t he? Was OldIADguy the other one?
Bull was definitely the primary Russia POV guy, and SD did call him out (though gently) for it. There were several others who were (IMO) pushing the Russian narrative. They would frequently jump in in very typical Russian online fashions that become painfully obvious after a while. LOL!
The fact is, Bull’s viewpoint was almost always useful, because a lot of people don’t see that side of the coin, and if you don’t see it, you can’t see the big picture. However, there is no way that any inkling of Russian-Democrat collusion was ever going to get past Bull. He was pretty nice about not challenging me openly, and I tended to return the favor, by actually backing him up when he made many valid points.
Having actually dealt with real-life manipulations by Russians, Chinese, British, ALL kinds of Americans, and assorted other nationalities (the science world is a freaking ZOO of intrigue for anybody with a modicum of awareness), I simply had to keep my guard up on the guy at all times. I think we had a bit of detente, so to speak.
OldIADguy is something else, IMO. He and I also had a respect thing going, even when we disagreed. Much light, not heat, came from our conversations. I miss him. Heck, I miss Bull, too! 😀 LOL
I figured Putin must pay Bull very well.
LOL! He would certainly be worth it!
I always had the impression that Bull was just a pro-Putin non-commie Russian immigrant to America (or grown kid thereof) who hoped to merge his loyalties in Trump’s vision of an above-board, non-corrupt relationship with Russia. That actually is a powerful motivator, much in the same way that most of MAGA are patriotic Americans who want to merge their loyalties to the Constitution and the “actual” US government by having a POTUS like Trump.
Perfect post, Wolfie. Pedaling right along side of you.
Christopher Wray was Weissman’s supervisor…
Rosenstein gave up in an interview that he has had some professional experience with the story of “Who Moved My Cheese”. So I say that he is of the Who Moved My Cheese School of Leadership Development (and change management). “Who Moved My Cheese” is a grandchild of the ideas of Kurt Lewin, IMO; (while the ideas of Lewin inspired the founding of Tavistock).
Remember when Wray sent everyone to bias training after the IG report release? (Bias training is also a tool of Starbuck’s former CEO.) When I hear organizational development and change management, I think Lewin.
Who’s Kurt Lewin?
His work at the big red nursery school (see pg.3):
Good grief! All this mod/junk/psych stuff is political agenda based?!?!!!
EVERYTHING is political agenda based now, IMO. Truly frightening how well Cloward & Piven is working, as is the completion of the goals in the Communist Playbook.
Gack! Every time I hear about “Who Moved My Cheese”, I think about the answer to it, the booklet, “Who Cut The Cheese”… Hegelian Hash, as it were…
Thank you.
I never wanted to read Who Moved My Cheese?, nor (happily) was it assigned reading where I worked. So, I’ve not read it.
My prayers for discernment worked.
FEEL GOOD STORY – nightly tradition @ Weasel Zippers – Thousands attend Texas AF Veteran’s funeral:
This is America!
The America that the leftist have tried their damnedest to destroy!