DEAR MAGA: TGIF Open Thread 20240412

I trust you all can pick out your own sipping Bourbon.

Links will be in the comments.

Tweets & Stuff From X

Good question.

Memes & Other Fun Stuff

And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.

Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.


JOHN 6:1-15

1After this Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiber’i-as. 2And a multitude followed him, because they saw the signs which he did on those who were diseased. 3Jesus went up on the mountain, and there sat down with his disciples. 4Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was at hand. 5Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a multitude was coming to him, Jesus said to Philip, “How are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?” 6This he said to test him, for he himself knew what he would do. 7Philip answered him, “Two hundred denarii would not buy enough bread for each of them to get a little.” 8One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to him, 9“There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what are they among so many?” 10Jesus said, “Make the people sit down.” Now there was much grass in the place; so the men sat down, in number about five thousand. 11Jesus then took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated; so also the fish, as much as they wanted. 12And when they had eaten their fill, he told his disciples, “Gather up the fragments left over, that nothing may be lost.” 13So they gathered them up and filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves, left by those who had eaten. 14When the people saw the sign which he had done, they said, “This is indeed the prophet who is to come into the world!” 15Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself.


I’ve heard it was one of his sons.

Have a good weekend!

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Thank you, Sleeping Beauty De Pat, for an entire eventful week of glorious posts!


Oh, and I thought I’d try something a little different….

A little botanical garden (in a very nice spot) —

And more flowers than you can shake a stick at…..but all being dug up and sold.


The San Diego Zoo is a far more impressive Botanic Garden than the San Diego Botanic Garden, but the labels are all on the animals.


No particularly pleasant dreams?


“There’s two parts to this FISA law:”


Yeah, part Bad and part Worse.


Whatever way it is dealt with, just get ‘r done 👍


Nicely done.

DP, Thank you for everything you do, every week. Greatly Appreciated!!!


“Let’s agree that he’s icky for the purposes of this discussion. Let’s agree that his tweets are mean, that he’s not a conservative ideologue, that he says dumb things and gets into useless fights, and that he does many other unseemly and annoying things.”

Let’s agree he’s like one of us. NORMAL.

He doesn’t poll-test every friggin’ thing he wants to say, he just says it, Kurt.

Oh, and P.S.: unless you’re voting for Jesus Himself in an election, YOU ARE ALWAYS VOTING FOR THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS. Period.


Kurt needs to be ignored IMO. Life is too short.


When Kurt shows up, I keep on scrolling.


Kurt’s a maroon


Let’s agree that he’s not a whining, crying sissy.

Unlike Kart.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467


Barb Meier

  :wpds_oops:  love the doggy.


Hiya Barb. How’s the house buying/selling going ?

Barb Meier

Hi Molly, thanks for asking! Not sure what I’ve shared, so will hit the high points. Sorry there’s so much. hehe

I had two different showings scheduled for the weekend we had the big fires on the mountains of Virginia. One client came from the city and got stopped at the blockade at the bottom of the mountain. So glad I had warned them. My realtor has reached out to both but neither has gotten back to her.

Once people started seeing photos, I think it was a bit overwhelming. In the photo below, my place is about halfway down from the dark dip near the middle. That’s where Hwy 211 goes over the mountain. My power was out for hours because my electric is tied to the lines that feed what they call Sundance, mountain cabins up there and they were evacuated.

I was not but did get kitties in crates and drive downtown for awhile Saturday night and then stayed in my driveway until 2am. The rain started lightly at midnight. God was so good. They had just evacuated the Sundance neighborhood, my power was out, and I worried about waiting too long to get kitties safely in crates for any possible evacuation. The electric was back on by 11am Sunday morning. All the guys were wonderful (firefighters, Shentel phone/DSL Internet, Dominion Power, and all the LEOs).

I’ve been focusing on cleaning and packing both what goes home with me and also more that the auction house can have. I have felt a little slower than I would like, but well. I just take it a day at a time. 3,500 square feet of home had a lot of stuff and it’s just me.

This week, the power washing guys came on Wednesday and cleaned the deck floors that surround 3.5 sides of my house. I had no idea they could do so much and I wasn’t sure my well could provide enough pressure so did not try to do that on my own. It looks great! I’ve gotten all but two pot racks off the kitchen walls and will repaint the kitchen next week.

It’s been years since I last painted. While I was able to clean the walls fairly well, some stain remains from cooking and the gas heat stove. I should be able to turn off the heat stove on Sunday but it keeps the old part of the house warmer in winter so I’ve waited.

I scan through the counties near my family in Missouri to see what’s available but will wait to get serious until I close here.

Last night, we got 2.5 inches of rain. That’s a lot for the mountain to get so quickly. There were leaves in the ditch just up the mountain from my driveway that got blocked so the water was going across the highway, as it has done sometimes over the years. Not sure if someone hydroplaned but I woke up to an accident on the highway in the first of three curves at the bottom of my front yard. A car going down the mountain went off the road, down into a ditch across from my yard, turned on its side, and caught fire.

I saw someone with a yellow laborador dog get into the side door of an ambulance, so I’m hoping the driver and any passengers were not too badly hurt. I was sad that I had not gotten the leaves up and out of the ditch near my driveway, but the rain came when we were sleeping so I didn’t know it was blocked. VDOT sent two guys after the accident was all cleared and they cleaned out the ditch. There’s forest all around, so lots of leaves in the fall and when we have big winds.

I am just focusing on getting this place as good as possible for showings and know some intrepid souls will love this place the way I do and decide to take it on.

I also got a new microwave installed and had to learn which tool to use for drilling a 2-inch hole near the existing 1-inch hole for the power plug to fit down to the outlet. The dremel just bounced around so Brian at Lowes (a tools guy) helped me get a round hole drill bit that worked with my cheapie Black & Decker drill. He also explained to not push but let the tool do the work. So helpful.

The ground prong was just slightly longer so it still wouldn’t quite fit through the 2-inch hole. I then used a keyhole saw to cut a rectangle between the 1-inch and 2-inch holes. Someone innocent might think I knew what I was doing. LOL I was thrilled when the plug slid right through after dinking around with it for far too long. I haven’t done much woodworking stuff before but I learned a lot.

I figure all this is in God’s hands and I just do what I can each day. The auction house took 4 trailer loads of stuff and sold it. I should get the check for that in a couple of weeks or less. I need to repaint the kitchen and all the deck rails. I don’t know any pro painters to come do those things but I’ve done it before and will do my best.

I think that will help a lot. Plus my landscaper yard man will come start mowing, mulching and replacing a little shrub that died. I also want my tree guy to take out the large oak in the front that finally died from something that passed through the area and killed trees here and there. The oak is very large and over the years had limbs come down from high winds and get bumped by cars going off the highway and onto my front yard. I added a 70-foot long shrub bed to help people see how deep the curve is ahead as they are coming down the mountain. It has helped a lot.

Next, my realtor will have the pro photographer come and take new photos, we’ll drop the price a little and that will push it back to the top of the listings.

Barb Meier

Oh and they also power washed the west side of the house that had green so the siding looks good again.


Barb, it sounds like you’re making great progress! 👍

Barb Meier

Thanks for your encouragement Scott!! I did buy three steaks and fixed one last Sunday. Froze the other two. Want to have one each week to boost my energy levels with beef protein. I had to unpack one of my iron skillets and I loved how the first one turned out by searing both sides and then baking to the desired doneness. I gave my Weber kettle to the auction house. LOL


I pan fry steaks during the winter too, they turn out nice and rare, seared on both sides 👍😁

Valerie Curren

Boy have you got your hands full. What a wonderful, comprehensive update–TY. I trust the Lord will open the right doors for buyers & homes for you to consider closer to your family. Enjoy the journey! Blessings  😇 


Me too, I like all dogs, but Goldens and Labs are my favorites. Big friendly dogs that just want to love and be loved.

My grandparents had a Golden Retriever puppy when I was about 2 or 3 years old, so we sort of grew up together. He grew faster 😂

Great dogs to have around small children. I used to climb onto him like he was a horse — because I was a cowboy, naturally — and he put up with it, without complaint. He just wanted to play, same as me 😁

Valerie Curren

Our German Shepherd, female, was like that when our kids were little. Now our 1/2 husky, female, is like that w/ the grandkids. I don’t know if it’s that they are female & therefore more tolerant of little ones, or that they were/are just Great Dogs! Our German Shepherd was from a line of police dogs so she was Super Protective of the family, or anyone in the hunting camp, whenever they all settled in, but strangers would get the bark of death–& our current dog is very similar.  🤗 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Dogs seem to understand the little ones are manpups and seem to tolerate behavior from them they wouldn’t take from an adult.

Valerie Curren

Yes, though I’ve heard of dogs that nip at the little ones too. Our dog gets jealous “sharing” her chew toys w/ the one year old, whose mom has taken to letting her build up her immune system w/ the “eat a pint of dirt by age two” school of thought  🙃 


Driving with Mom 😂


Valerie Curren

Not exactly the same but a couple years back my daughter was driving her pickup on the highway & a guy pulls alongside, gestures for her to roll down the window, & tries to get her phone number. She holds up her left hand w/ an engagement ring & he moves along


She should have gotten HIS number.

And told him she’d call when there’s an opening.  😂 

Barb Meier


Valerie Curren

Bwah ha ha

pat frederick

pat frederick

Feisty Hayseed
April 12, 2024 12:55 am

Mike Johnson and Donald Trump to promote bill to prevent non-citizens from voting
WASHINGTON – House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., will promote a bill with former President Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago residence aimed at preventing non-citizens from voting.
Johnson will hold a joint press conference with Trump on Friday at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago residence, where the top House Republican will tout the legislation to “elevate the issue of non-citizens voting in federal elections,” according to a person familiar with the planning.
The event is also an effort to rally Republican lawmakers to “get on the team,” on the issue of election security, the person said.


Mike Johnson WILL get an earful on killing FISA.


Lord knows I’d like to see this in public, like at the presser, with PDJT outlining the problems and being able to watch Mikie really squirm!!!


Trump may be looking for an opportunity. Such as, a reporter will ask Trump about FISA. Mikie will squirm, as Trump will answer directly.


Those guys don’t give a rats ass. Doesn’t matter if it’s Turtle, Miss Lindsey, McCarthy…whoever and now Johnson. The RINOS aren’t going to what’s right


Uniparty AND blackmail in play.

pat frederick

April 12, 2024 1:28 am

Former Obama Aide: Joe Biden Should Be in Prison
McCormick became aware of the criminal nature of the activity after poring over the emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which allowed him to put it all together. “When I worked for him, I thought Joe was harmless — egotistical, buffoonish, and unpresidential, but harmless,” he said. “Now I think of him as an evil criminal who should be impeached and imprisoned.” McCormick served as Biden’s stenographer when he was vice president from 2011 to 2017, transcribing every speech and interview.
He said he personally witnessed Biden negotiate the Burisma kickback scheme — U.S. funding to Ukrainian energy, primarily Burisma, in exchange for putting Hunter Biden on Burisma’s board of directors — on a trip to Poland in 2014. He came to a lot of conclusions that other reporters haven’t figured out, due to his unique position and intensive study of this issue.

Valerie Curren


Global phenomena. This time, Baffled in Berlin.

Any day now, the Global population needs to WTFU.

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Valerie Curren

100%  😡 


Multiple Headlines in one story. Never a whiff of the real culprit.

Early-onset cancer: Faster biological aging may be driving rates in young adults

Biological aging measured with blood biomarkers

Faster aging linked to early-onset cancer risk

A possible explanation for rising cancer rates in young people

Can you slow down biological aging? 

For more stories that will never address the elephant in the room go to their home page. Makes a perfect gift for those who wish to keep their heads in the sand.


Stunning deceit by the medical professionals Corrupt Medical Czars.


STUNNING article by the redoubtable Walter M Chesnut on 8 April on this topic:
“The Transposon Theory of Aging and SARS-CoV-2”
Walter M Chesnut
Yours Truly: Mr. Chesnut, IMO, is really on to something here. He posits (with scientific papers to back it up), that the COVID-19 virus itself (via the spike protein) activates certain elements in the body of an infected person that accelerate the aging process. And that the SAME process can occur in HEALTHY persons who are exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This process of accelerated aging is called TE activation (Transposable Elements activation.)
In essence, the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself contains elements that “cut and paste” a person’s genes, “writing them back wrong” into the person’s DNA.
It appears that the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself has elements that were lab-inserted into it that “re-activate” certain TE’s that run back millions of years in human history.
It also appears that ANY exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including from “shedding” of the virus AND including “shedding” of said virus onto healthy persons) can activate TE activation.

Yours Truly again: The COVID-19 “vaccines” (including the “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccines”) contain the elements of the original Wuhan Hu1 SARS-CoV-2 lab-created virus. It is already known that the COVID-19 “vaccines” damage / destroy the ability of cells, down to the mitochondrial level, to breathe, thus killing these cells off. This cell death is part of the accelerated aging process induced by these “vaccines.”

The lab-created biological weapon of the COVID-19 virus itself, AND the lab-created-and-enhanced biological weapon of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, BOTH contribute to accelerated aging in the human body — and to all the issues that come from aging. (Side note: notice how “older” certain “vaccinated” family and friends look? — there’s a reason for that.)

*** It is imperative that ALL persons (“vaccinated” and “unvaccinated”) follow a program of doing whatever is necessary to keep and maintain the BEST natural immune system possible. And to follow such a program INDEFINITELY.

*** It pains Yours Truly to say this, but will now posit that ALL persons need to consider themselves to have been exposed to “shedding” of the COVID-19 spike protein, and that this spike protein is at work inside the body. For “unvaccinated” persons, this means “stealth COVID-19 “vaccination” without consent.” The question in this regard is: On what magnitude of increase and longevity of action of the spike protein is going on within “vaccinated” persons?

Yours Truly wrote about these things on this board:

Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA

What I’d like to see is a study on whether Keytruda [and similar cancer treatment drugs] in the process of ‘training’ the immune system to recognize cancer, also causes the immune system to be effective against covid and covid ‘vaccine’ effects.

I have a personal interest in this possibility, as regulars here will remember.


IMO, you may be on to something.


If true, then Fauxi and everyone else who is part of the inner circle are certainly aware and have an antidote or preventative of some kind.

If only there was some way to make them talk.

But we live in a world were one Mengele can smirk and commit global genocide and dare anyone to do anything about it, and 8 billion people just cower and take it.


Yours Truly agrees that the “inner circle” knew/know that that there were/are COVID-19 preventatives and antidotes — starting with Ivermectin and HCQ.

Barb Meier

When Tucker talked with Naomi (link above at X

and at, they discussed how people who bought into the jab lies cannot seem to hear (or listen) even when you talk to them in person. I watched at Tucker’s site and it is an hour long. Sometimes, X is shorter than his own site.

Naomi talked about her posts on Substack where she’s discussing her reading of the Geneva Bible. She can read Hebrew and is Jewish. Naomi said that God is described very differently in the Geneva Bible than the KJV.

She posted several times this evening and I’m not sure if those posts directly relate to this subject, but it gets you to her Substack.


Fire Dept. confirms?

Why were they not shouting it from the rooftops?

Why did they wait for 3+ years, until someone finally asked them, “Hey, you guys notice any rise in heart attack or strokes since the vaxx was rolled out?”

Barb Meier

Why did it take Kurt Schlichter over two years to get serious about how great Trump was at leading our nation and how deadly it has been having Biden installed?



The best reason I come up with is because he’s controlled opposition.

Just like all of

Like Fraud News, their job is to tell the Conservative masses what is ‘acceptable’ conservative thought.

Barb Meier

Perhaps they may want to get on the inside with Trump and sabbotage his next term like so many did before.

pat frederick

probably won’t pass, but at least they’re trying and can get those who vote against on record.
Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) is introducing legislation to prevent President Joe Biden from allowing migrants at the United States-Mexico border to bypass Transportation Security Administration (TSA) rules while flying throughout the country.
Green, who serves as chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, issued the “Verifying that All Illegal Aliens Have Legitimate Documents Act” — also referred to as the VALID Act — on Thursday.
“Having legal identification to board a flight in the United States is a no-brainer, but not for the Biden administration,” Green said in an exclusive statement to Breitbart News. “My VALID Act is critical for protecting our national security.”
Those cosponsoring the bill are:

Reps. Michael McCaul (R-TX), Michael Guest (R-MS), Clay Higgins (R-LA), Dan Bishop (R-NC), Eli Crane (R-AZ), Morgan Luttrell (R-TX), Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY), Jake Ellzey (R-TX), Dale Strong (R-AL), Andy Ogles (R-TN), Burgess Owens (R-UT), Troy Nehls (R-TX), Bob Good (R-VA), Tom Tiffany (R-WI), Bill Posey (R-FL), Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), Randy Weber (R-TX), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA), Jefferson Van Drew (R-NJ), Scott Perry (R-PA), John Rose (R-TN), and Rick Crawford (R-AR).

Under the Biden administration, migrants from the U.S.-Mexico border can use DHS documents as their official identification (ID) to present to TSA agents at airports.
For example, a migrant who recently crossed the border can use arrest warrants, deportation orders, Notices to Appear (NTA) in immigration court, and federal custody booking records as their ID at TSA. Meanwhile, Americans are required to present official government IDs to pass through TSA agents at airports.
The Biden administration is also allowing migrants to use their applications with the “CBP One” mobile app to be used as ID at TSA checkpoints. The CBP One app, as Breitbart News has chronicled, has allowed more than half a million migrants to schedule appointments at the border and subsequently be released into the U.S. interior.
Green’s bill would halt the practice altogether.


I’m sure President Dementia will sign it, after we get Shuckin’ Chuckie to herd his senate cats into passing it.


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Sure would not want to be with OJ today.


Wonder if he’s running through hell, leaping over hot rocks.


DP provided many interesting links. This Naomi / Tucker interview has several great nuggets, to know, recall…


Suggested edit to sub headline below. Intentional Medical Malpractice.

Very sad but true read, worth recognizing, reality.

Covid, Jabs, Medical “care” over the decades.

Medical Murder is the #1 Cause of Death in the U.S. By Design

“Medical malpractice” is the third leading cause of death at 400,000 annual deaths per year. All these deaths can’t be malpractice. What’s behind the curtain?

DP link.


Within an article DP provided link. Trailer for a documentary to be released on the 17th.



At this rate of ‘seeing the light’ TDS will cease to be important around 2174.



Commenter provided this, which is in the following article. Patch Is A Disgrace.

“Dan Crenshaw is the Adam Kinzinger of Liz Cheney’s.”

Tough guy Dan Crenshaw swings at Tucker, but spins around in circles, then falls flat on his RINO face

DP provided the link way up…


Verse of the Day for Friday, April 12, 2024

“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” 

Genesis 1:3 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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January 30, 2024

Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Thank you for all the inspiring things you bring to this board every day, and especially for Psalm 91. Now more than ever.
Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Nice pair of stories showing how liberal enclave Denver is contorting their city to pay for the onslaught of invaders in their midsts.

Since they are doing such a good job, and Denver, the Mile High City a name that has taken on a new significance, and since too the invaders still stream across the border, perhaps more invaders can be enticed to settle there since they’d barely notice, the city being so high in the sky!

pat frederick

h/t Filly
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hahahah that’s funny


This is a resounding “HELL NO”


So … who are the 8.7%? Tinfoil hat wearers want to know.


Probably paid members of the Blob.

Robert Baker

I would make a bet that the vast majority of the 8.7% work for the government in law enforcement or intelligence.


Bribin, his goons DOJ, FIB, HLS ATF, IRS..
Should never be allowed to spy on Americans.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

Chris Plante reported that there’s a tweet from some lady who worked in USC during the Simpson murder trial. She said she signed a NDA about OJ assaulting two females while he was attending USC.

Waiting for conformation but Chris doesn’t do fake news.

pat frederick


I thought the beating to a pulp of Reginald Denny was revenge for that

Barb Meier

I bet he got that info from his brother who I think does news in Southern California.

pat frederick

April 12, 2024 10:48 am

Three Supreme Court rulings issued today; 2 remanded back to the lower court (one on arbitration, the other on the duty to disclose information that may affect investors) the other a clear victory for private property rights (Scheetz vs El Dorado County) saying that the burden imposed by local municipalities or other governments (a county was imposing a $23,000+ fee for roads before giving a couple the building permit they actually applied for) was a taking.
all three unanimous.
Here’s a link to the page that has the rulings:


Unanimous is good.  😆 


… and VERY surprising!!


Censorship in Brazil.
This one of the repräsentatives in the Parlament

They are trying to complain to the EU.
But this is not going to work, since the EU is part of the Blob and the Blob is actually behind this (See Mike Benz’s tweet below) They need to prevent Trump like candidates around the World from gaining influence.


Congressmen Eduardo Bolsonaro, who was in our Space with Elon last night, has joined forces with Bia Kicis and Gustavo Gayer to bring their challenge against Lula’s authoritarian grip on Freedom of Speech to the European Parliament.

Invited by Vox’s Hermann Tertsch, they aim to spotlight Brazil’s struggle for free speech and use the crackdown on X as a prime example.

Their mission: To broadcast truths they believe are overlooked by the media, seeking international solidarity against what they perceive as authoritarianism in Brazil.

Will Europe listen and stand with Brazil?

Source: Diário do Brasil Notícias

Last edited 3 months ago by eilert
pat frederick

jus wundrin
April 12, 2024 12:11 pm

Earlier this week, the FISA re-authorization bill gets killed, with all of the dims voting to kill it, but just before the vote, andy mcCabe starts a FISA apology tour…..
Trump-Hating Former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe FINALLY Comes Clean After Years of Lying – Says Carter Page FISA Application to Spy on Trump Was “Wrong” and a “Mistake”
“Jim Acosta: Back to Trump’s post on Truth Social, Andrew. He’s calling on House Republicans to block reauthorizing it (FISA), saying, “Kill FISA. It was used illegally against my campaign. They spied on my campaign.” Is there any truth to this? I know we’re going back over, relatively speaking, some ancient history and one of Trump’s old complaints dating back to the 2016 campaign.”
“Andrew McCabe: He may be referring to the FISA that was obtained surveil Carter Page. We now know there were many mistakes in that FISA. Those are all regrettable.”
Something is very rotten in Babylon DC, and its not the antiquated sewage system.


Oops, I didn’t realize this had been posted.

Valerie Curren

Great minds 🙂


Trump-Hating Former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe FINALLY Comes Clean After Years of Lying – Says Carter Page FISA Application to Spy on Trump Was “Wrong” and a “Mistake” (VIDEO)

Trump-Hating former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe joined CNN’s Jim Acosta on Wednesday to defend FISA secret spying on American citizens.

McCabe finally admitted that the Carter Page FISA application used by the deep state to spy on Trump and his administration in an attempt to bring him down was a mistake.

CNN hack reporter Jim Acosta was not expecting this.

“Jim Acosta: Back to Trump’s post on Truth Social, Andrew. He’s calling on House Republicans to block reauthorizing it (FISA), saying, “Kill FISA. It was used illegally against my campaign. They spied on my campaign.” Is there any truth to this? I know we’re going back over, relatively speaking, some ancient history and one of Trump’s old complaints dating back to the 2016 campaign.

“Andrew McCabe: He may be referring to the FISA that was obtained surveil Carter Page. We now know there were many mistakes in that FISA. Those are all regrettable.”

So after eight years Andrew McCabe finally comes clean. What a crook. He belongs on CNN.


Well, that sounds like a confession to criminal behavior to me.

All we need now is an indictment.

And don’t give me any crap about the statute of limitations. It was a conspiracy and concealing it is a furtherance of the conspiracy which means the conspiracy never ended. Which is necessary for the SoL to start to run.

Patience always pays off.

pat frederick

but, but, but…he says the mistakes are “regrettable”. that means he’s sorry right? no harm no foul. ooopsie on us…let’s get over it

Last edited 3 months ago by patfrederick

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The flag is a nice touch.



Earlier, pat frederick posted about 3 SCOTUS decisions. This article is about one of them, Scheetz v County of El Dorado. This was written before it went before SCOTUS, but it tells the story.

The government had George Sheetz ‘over a barrel.’ He took his case to the Supreme Court.

Picture this: You’re a 65-year-old retiree who bought a small parcel of land in El Dorado County, California. In your career you worked your way up from $5-an-hour laborer to head of your own engineering contracting company. Your plans are modest: You’re installing a manufactured home on your land. You’ve been careful not to spend more money than you have. You still work sometimes as a consultant, even though you’re retired, so that you and your wife can live comfortably. You paid in full for your land—it took you three years, but it’s yours. 

Unfortunately, the government is less careful with its money. 

El Dorado County is in the middle of a 20-year plan to spend over $800 million improving the area’s roads. The problem? El Dorado doesn’t have $800 million to spend. So to fund its plan, the county is slapping “traffic impact fees” on anyone who applies for a building permit, including you.  

To build a small, manufactured home on your own land, you’re forced to pay the government a traffic impact fee of over $23,000 that will go toward the government’s multimillion-dollar project. 

Do you accept the exorbitant fee and move on with your life? Or do you fight the county, taking your case as far as it will go? 

George Sheetz decided to fight. “Your whole life you get beat down so many times,” says George. “It’d be nice to win one.”  

On January 9, 2024, the case of Sheetz v. El Dorado County will be argued at the United States Supreme Court, with Pacific Legal Foundation serving as co-counsel to Paul Beard from FisherBroyles… 

[George and his wife] moved to El Dorado County, where George spent 30-odd years as an engineering contractor. When George was about ready to retire, he bought a vacant plot. It was an old gold mining site that he had to clean up. “The more I worked on it, the more I fell in love with it,” he says. 

He planned to install a manufactured home on the property. A manufactured home is prefabricated in a factory, rather than built from the ground up. George thought it would require less government red tape than an original construction project. 

He wasn’t counting on a $23,420 traffic impact fee. 

Government extortion 

The Supreme Court has already ruled that the government can’t abuse the permitting process to impose conditions on property owners that have no “essential nexus” with the building project being permitted. That was the Court’s holding in Nollan v. California Coastal Commission (1987)…

Sheetz v. El Dorado County 

When George first found out about the $23,420 traffic impact fee, he felt sick to his stomach. He went to the county office.  

“They said, ‘This is just the way it is,’” he remembers. “And to accept it. And, ‘You don’t have to build. No one’s making you build.’” 

When you’re dealing with the government, George says, “they pretty much have you over the barrel.” 

But Supreme Court precedent and the Constitution are on George’s side. In Nollan, the Supreme Court called the government’s actions “an out-and-out plan of extortion.” In a later PLF victory, Koontz v. St Johns River Water Management District (argued by Paul Beard when he was at PLF), the Supreme Court extended the precedent set in Nollan to monetary exactions in addition to land.  

George paid the fee under protest so that he could build his home—then he sued El Dorado County. His lawsuit has been going on for seven years. George is now 72. 

“My God, the law does not move along at a very good pace,” George says. “I see why people give up sometimes.” 

George is not asking for much: just the freedom to build on his property without being extorted by his own government. Surely that freedom is part of the American Dream and the California Dream.  

On January 9, George will be inside the Supreme Court, watching his attorney argue his case before the Justices. If he wins, his lawsuit will protect property owners across the country from government extortion. 

If that happens, he says, “I want to go back into that county building, look ’em right in the eye, and say: ‘Well, how do you like me now?’” 

And he won! I think this victory will benefit a lot of people.


I [along with the lawyer I work for] am already analyzing this case for application to a WA state dispute over a water project in Clallam County.

And I thought I was retired. Ha!




Coincidentally (!) the WA Supreme Court on the same day issued an opinion on a water rights case. We’re analyzing how the two opinions can work together to benefit our side in a water dispute here.


That’s great. Power to the people!


“Subscribers from the Astrakhan region send videos like this. What and where is flying is still unclear.”

“In Israel they write that it is above their sky too.”

“A successful test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile was carried out from the Kapustin Yar test site, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.”
( all with pics and or videos, I don’t know are they meant to look like that, looks a bit erratic)

pat frederick

j x
April 12, 2024 1:30 pm

FISA renewal bill passed in GOP-led House without warrant requirement

pat frederick

pat frederick

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Colorado CD 5 (Colorado Springs and most of its county) is Lamborn. I was in that district until redistricting hived me off into CD4 (and I’ve told that story about a zillion times already).



What i read two posts up is not what I read on BB.

My simple mind is on time out.

Edit. NV Amodie IS an asshole. Voted for warrantless searches.

Wonder if Congress has their cut out, to be notified.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs
pat frederick

April 12, 2024 2:04 pm

Fani Willis Disqualification Petition Passes 60k Signatures
The petition is from American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a conservative, Christian-based legal organization. Its chief counsel, Jay Sekulow, is a well-known conservative figure who previously served on Trump’s legal team. He was the lead outside counsel for Trump’s first impeachment.
“Now the case is being appealed, and we’re taking action,” the petition reads. “Our senior legal team—including our own former GA prosecutor—is filing a critical amicus brief urging the Georgia Court of Appeals to hear this vital case and disqualify DA Willis.

pat frederick

pgroup can you please explain this to me? I thought a defendant had a right to face their accusers. how can Smith keep these witnesses’ identifies a secret from the defense?
On Tuesday, however, Cannon opted to side with Smith over the concealment of the identities of certain government witnesses who will testify that Trump allegedly took documents from the White House. Shrouding their identities, Smith had argued, prevents reprisal against his witnesses should Trump be elected in November.
“The Court is satisfied that the Special Counsel has made an adequate showing on this issue under Rule 16, at least at this juncture pending final trial preparations,” according to the court document reviewed by the Daily Caller. “The Court directs the Special Counsel … to file under seal an index containing the name of each potential government witness and a corresponding pseudonym/anonymization for use in the redactions of Defendants’ MTC.”


Friggin’ RAPE VICTIMS have to appear in court to confront their rapist, for God’s sake!

This is a travesty of justice. Our legal system is broken.


Sure I can. Here goes.

The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right of criminal defendants to be able to confront the accusers/witnesses against him/her.

Smith asked the court to hide the identities of the witnesses prior to trial. The judge granted his request.

There cannot be a trial if defense attorney cannot be prepared to competently defend the defendant. This ruling greatly hinders the defense in its mission to verify a witness’ anticipated testimony and/or credibility. I would say the job is now impossible but the defense will have to show that a witness [or more] cannot be verified as to knowledge of the circumstances or truthfulness in general. Once that showing is made regarding an important prosecution witness, the defense has a good basis to move to dismiss.

The important part of the judge’s order is that she agrees with Smith that the witnesses are endangered because the defendant is DJT. That is clear error because Smith provided no evidence that DJT could endanger any witness. So to try to make up for this, he speculated that if DJT wins the election, he COULD [not will] retaliate against the witnesses. Judge Cannon realized that by asking for that order, he could not later complain about the unforeseen consequences that might flow from that order.

IOW, he’s stuck with it no matter what happens. If Smith doesn’t disclose the witnesses’ names before the jury is seated, Cannon will dismiss with prejudice. If he does disclose prior to the jury being seated, DJT will be able to move the trial date so his team can verify the witnesses’ credibility.

Smith knows that if the trial cannot start before the election, almost all political advantage will be lost.

Judge Cannon knows all this as well. She doesn’t like Smith anyway so she turned his request into a dead albatross, which she proceeded to hang around his neck.

Hope this helps.  😍 


It does. Thank you.


I hope and pray this analysis is what she is actually up to. It is perfect if so.

Thank you for the excellent explainer.

pat frederick

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Rep. Mike Johnson and family, I presume?

pat frederick

i’m guessing…


Let’s hope so! It would be a little weird to take a portrait style picture with randos but between you and me his family is big headed and not very attractive

pat frederick

i think they’re all two faced


!!! right?! !!!

Especially the barefaced one. His wife needs to watch out, his hand behind her back…he’s a practiced backstabber

pat frederick

Julie Kelly


Some mini bombshells out of this afternoon’s court hearing in Florida classified docs case. First, things continue to get spicy between Judge Cannon and Jack Smith’s team. She expressed great frustration at what she called “secrecy” surrounding grand jury materials in DC. Keep in mind–DOJ then Jack Smith conducted nearly the entire investigation in Trump-hating DC then switched to FLA at last minute for indictment. Cannon said there is something “ambiguous going on in the background” and commented that it is “impossible to really know” why grand jury materials remain in DC, some under seal. She pushed Jay Bratt, Smith’s lead prosecutor, to explain why records from a closed grand jury matter must remain sealed. Apparently one matter involves Judge Beryl Howell’s order that pierced attorney-client privilege between Trump and his lawyer. Defense attorney Stanley Woodward said he has asked DC court to docket his requests for certain GJ materials. They have “declined,” he told Cannon.


I think she’s pretending to not know exactly what’s going on.

pat frederick

but granting the prosecutor the right to shield their witnesses’ names from the defense? i don’t get how that is constitutional. how can you prepare a defense or rebut testimony if you don’t know who’s testifying till they come into court?


I agree with you so I feel like she’s acting like it’s so unusual yet she allows it?
Sometimes it seems like these judges know it’s all bullshit but keep pressing on as if it’s confusing. It’s a judiciary con game where the cabal lawyers get away with unprecedented things.


Grant the prosecutor anything until jeopardy attaches, then take it all away…..

Valerie Curren

Let’s Hope so…


In a previous comment, I opined that she did that to make it impossible for a guilty verdict to stand. The important part is that Thug Smith asked her to do it SO HE CAN’T COMPLAIN ABOUT IT LATER.

In short, judge Cannon gave DJT a get-out-of-jail-free card.

pat frederick

and more…
April 12, 2024 5:23 pm

Reply to  sync
Julie Kelly:
Second–and stunningly–Jay Bratt basically admitted they do not have proof that Walt Nauta, charged with conspiring with Trump to conceal classified files from Trump’s lawyer then the FBI to impede grand jury investigation, moved boxes that actually contained papers with classified markings.
He also indicated he did not believe DOJ would have to prove that at trial. HUH?
That prompted a heated response by Woodward. “Show us the evidence” he said. If, as Bratt stated, they can’t or don’t have to prove Nauta moved boxes with records with classified markings “there is no crime.”
DOJ making “assumptions” that any boxes Nauta moved contained sought-after evidence.
And get this: All the boxes retrieved during MAL raid are at the corrupt Washington FBI field office. Agents apparently removed the alleged “classified documents” and put some sort of marking as to where the contraband paper was in the box.


The FIB and DOJ are criminal organizations, straight up.

Organized crime, above the law, because they are the law.

It’s the worst possible scenario.

Unchecked government tyranny.

Unhinged psychopaths with power.




Listen to it until the end….  😡 


Justice system is FUBAR.

Memphis is a shithole.


A shithole wouldn’t be caught dead in Memphis.


It is… it’s a bad place


It’s interesting that whenever there’s a shooting by a white young person the same tired crud about guns, where did they get they gun, and all that… come they never ask those questions about the black thug’s guns?


Jaylen? So that’s a white dude, I’m guessing.

The interim police chief can read a carefully prepared statement, that’s a good sign.

So one suspect, the 18 year old, was arrested in March 2024 (sounds like that could be pretty recent, if my calendar is accurate), in a stolen car, with an illegally modified Glock, and was immediately released without bond.

So he’s definitely not white, much to my surprise.

If he was white, and was stopped in a stolen car with an illegally modified Glock, he would be in prison without bail, facing 25 years to life.

But protected-class Jaylen murdered a (not protected-class) white cop, so I would expect Jaylen to be released from the hospital on his own recognizance, without being charged (again).

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

If I got the story correct.

On the positive side, the 17 yo croaked. Won’t be released or treated with kid gloves.


Well, California has human composting now so …

send the body there.

Last edited 3 months ago by pgroup2

That makes it reason 5,381,938, to NOT live in California.

Quite the jump from dirtbags in Memphis, to California. Granted. Lots of similarities.


My brain fart made it all the way to the comment. Sorry for the geographical mix-up.


Laughing. All is well. That was my guess, but Memphis and CA have much in common. 🙂


Should of held that news conference outside the Judges house.


The following are two examples of what may be called “Mid-Term Damage” (MTD)©, occurring between 2 years – 4 years after being “vaccinated” against COVID-19:

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“The doctors are baffled.”


^^^ “The doctors are baffled.” ^^^

Hell, I Am Baffled.

Jabbed dumbasses can NOT connect obvious dots.

  • Realize Jabs are NOT safe, NOT effective, harm, injure and kill Murder.

If they can’t connect the dots themselves, you’d at least think the viral memes might clue them in…


Trump with the putz, hold joint presser.

~Twenty minutes.


Johnson is toothless. The Senate won’t pass it and if they did Joe will veto it. Meanwhile having not done everything in his power, he’s given up all his leverage by caving on all these other bills, especially like the budget.

Meanwhile he talks about nothing that will actually prevent non citizens from voting other than his pipe dream.

What needs to happen now besides record turn out and by whatever means necessary the elimination of drop boxes, is they need facial recognition supported by a statewide database set up around all voting places. That Tech needs to get into the hands of poll watchers and citizens need to react to the breach of our polling places with a foolproof system that bars non citizens from voting at best or at a minimum can be used to contest their vote.


Quite the wack job…

~Two minutes.


From this link (which doesn’t allow the copy function for text!), it says she identifies as “non-binary”. I’m never sure what that means exactly, but since it appears to be female, in her case, I think ‘non-binary’ means she really wishes she was born with a pee-pee.


“Officers escorted Riddhi Patel, 28, out of a Thursday meeting of the Bakersfield City Council after she repeatedly threatened death toward councilmembers who were weighing a Gaza ceasefire resolution.


It’s just the most amazing thing.

Why is Bakersfield City even wasting time (and taxpayer money) ‘weighing a Gaza ceasefire resolution’?

Did I miss something?

Does Bakersfield City have jurisdiction in Gaza?

What possible point could there be, regardless of how the vote turns out, to have a resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza, passed by some town on the other side of the planet?

What in the world are they doing? 😂

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

Barb Meier
