Dear MAGA: 20240929 Open Topic

This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It’s also a place to read, post, and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.

We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.

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In The Q Tree, we’re compatriots, sitting around the campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s’mores, and discussing, agreeing, and disagreeing about whatever interests us. This board will remain a home for those who seek respectful conversations.

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On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

I had a specific reason to post “Spiritual Darkness” last Sunday. What we see around us that’s being revealed more every day is evil . . . spiritual darkness. Those in this world that do not follow Jesus are stumbling through life, blinded by the darkness without understanding the Light.

As many of you know from personal experience, you can’t reason with most of these woke people, they don’t and can’t understand. We, indeed, are not fighting flesh and blood, but our real enemies are the spiritual forces of evil in the supernatural realms . . . and we probably as yet have not fully grasped the scope or the depths of evil that will be uncovered.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. John 12:46

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, Colossians 1:13

Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness. Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no cause for stumbling. But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. 1 John 2:9-11

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 ESV

And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.” John 3:19-21

And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not understand it. John 1:5 

I am the Light of the world” (John 8:12) a declaration of Jesus, recorded only in John’s gospel, points to His unique divine identity and purpose. In declaring Himself to be the Light of the world, Jesus was claiming that He is the exclusive source of spiritual light. No other source of spiritual truth is available to mankind.

There are two types of light in the world. We can perceive one, or both, or neither! When we are born into this world, we perceive physical light, and by it we learn of our Creator’s handiwork in the things we see. However, although that light is good, there is another Light, a Light so important that the Son of God had to come in order to both declare and impart it to men. John 8:12 records, “When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, ‘I am the Light of the World. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life.’” The metaphor used by the Lord in this verse speaks of the light of His Truth, the light of His Word, the light of eternal Life. Those who perceive the true Light will never walk in spiritual darkness.

We take a candle into a room to dispel the darkness. Likewise, the Light of Jesus Christ has to be taken into the darkness of sin that engulfs the hearts and lives of those who are not following Him. That’s the condition behind having this Light—that we follow Him. If we do not follow Him, we will not have this light, this truth, this eternal life.

Physical light is necessary for physical life. The earth would certainly change very rapidly if there were no longer any sunlight. A forest full of trees with very thick canopies of foliage high above has very little plant life on the ground except for moss or lichen, which needs little sunlight. Plants will never move away from the light—they are said to be positively phototropic, drawn to the light. In the same way, spiritual light is necessary for spiritual life, and this can be a good test of our standing in Christ. The believer will always tend toward spiritual things; he will always tend toward fellowship, prayer, the Word of God, and so on. The unbeliever always does the opposite (John 1:5; 3:19–20) because light exposes his evil, and he hates the light. Indeed, no man can come into the true spiritual light of Jesus Christ, unless he is enabled (John 6:37).

Following Jesus is the condition of two promises in John 8:12. First, His followers will never walk in darkness, which is a reference to the assurance of salvation we enjoy. As true followers of the Light, we will never follow the ways of sin, never live in a state of continually sinning (1 John 1:5–7). Rather, we repent of our sin in order to stay close to the Light of the world. The second promise is that we will reflect the Light of Life. Just as He came as the Light of the world, He commands us to be “lights,” too. In Matthew 5:14–16 we see believers depicted as the light of the world, reflecting the Light of Christ so that all can see it in us. The Light is evident to others by the good deeds we do in faith and through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The emphasis here is maintaining a credible and obvious witness in the world, a witness that shows us to be faithful, God-honoring, trustworthy, sincere, earnest, and honest in all that we do. Also, we should always be ready to give an account of the hope that we have (1 Peter 3:15), for the gospel Light we have is not to be covered, but made obvious for all to see and benefit from, that they, too, may leave the darkness and come into the Light.

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I’ll start posting on Truth again tomorrow. Worn out from the hurricane prep and hurricane. I’ll be posting on X some.

Me and all my rescues are safe. We dodged the bad stuff.

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Great news!


What is that, some kind of 8-legged science experiment from the Island of Dr. Moreau?

Barb Meier

Two pupturds rolling in the grass.




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Wyoming, I think.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love how Trump is showing Kam-Com for what she is – a CURRENT FAILURE.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Off topic, but you missed Jupiter from last weekend, and (just before I did the one on the Sun), a fairly science-heavy post on flerfer stuff.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Should be added now.

But wasn’t there a flat earth post before that? I may have missed that as well!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes that’s what I was talking about. The week before the Sun post, I did one purely on flat earth and The Final Experiment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK! It’s in the menu now!


Princess Diana’s favorite hymn at the 2:58 mark.


This was played at her funeral.

I Vow To Thee My Country


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pat frederick

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Why wait? Anyone looking to go to lunch after church should go elsewhere.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

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I found three videos by Melanie King, on Candace Owen’s breaking story about Cackala’s questionable family history, and posted them late in yesterday’s thread.

Here are the two source videos from Candace:




Definitely interesting stuff, but a deep rabbit hole with lots of ins and outs so gets confusing as far as validating. Saw Aubergine doing a check fire on this last night. Will be certainly waiting to see what she has to say when she get’s more time to sort through it.



candace owens 👎

altho this “Breaking” revelation might be true, owens-the-opportunist has zero credibility, as far as I’m concerned, in fact she makes me cringe…

can’t help but wonder what research team she might have hired to dig up this big secret ?

owens is atrociously confused & alarmingly misguided about a lot of things, and strikes me as having some identity issues of her own.

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

OTOH, democrats don’t tell the truth about anything, and starting with Hussein (or probably Bubba), they have a history of creating background stories riddled with lies for narrative posturing.

Looking forward to Aubergine’s dig 👍


right, it might be true…wouldn’t surprise me, at all…

I am loathe to listen to or even look at owens, however.

also wondering if she actually dug this up herself, or someone else did it for her.

I just can’t stomach her.


If I remember correctly, she began digging when Cackala’s people went after Janet Jackson for saying she heard Cackala’s grandfather was white.

Then Candace solicited crowd-sourced info and assembled all the pieces herself.


political branding.

all politicians do it, to a certain extent…logos, slogans etc…

but the lefties seem to go so far as to recreate themselves, entirely !

and it’s ok ! be who YOU wanna be…wanna be…

even their various ethnic traits & “family histories” can be altered, wiped out completely, and recreated to garner more appeal…more votes…

media moguls & celebrities, like candace there, do it, too, to a certain extent…lighter complexions, straighter hair, better diction , marry a white dude, change yr political party conveniently to really stand out more, etc..

I wouldn’t be a bit surprised that Harris’ “family history” background is bogus, as per the above.

she’s lied about everything else…

and she’ll keep lying .

owens just makes it all sound like click-bait gossip.


“…creating background stories riddled with lies for narrative posturing.” – example – Pocahontas Warren.


It all needs to be exposed.

Kakala is hiding, lying about a lot. Hoping it all comes out soon.

October surprise would be good.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I remember Klinton exploiting the name of his home town: Hope.


“Definitely interesting stuff, but a deep rabbit hole with lots of ins and outs so gets confusing as far as validating.”


Well that’s just it, it shouldn’t be confusing, not for anyone who isn’t hiding something.

All four of my grandparents are easy to find, and I’m in pictures with all of them for years. I’m sure their birth certificates and marriage certificates are easy to dig up too, and same with my great grandparents (lots of pictures of them too), and their parents (not so many pictures, but some, not with me in them).

But it’s also easy, because they’re all Americans. And a lot further back than that on my Dad’s side.

But when it comes to our political-class, they have a real problem meeting the Constitutional requirements to be POTUS, so they have to make stuff up, alter documents, hide documents, make people disappear, write books that are full of holes and raise far more questions than answers.

Almost like they’re trying to hide something…

I can’t think of any other reason they’d be doing all this BS, because it’s really not hard to prove who you are and where you come from, if you actually want someone to know.

It shouldn’t require any investigation, the candidate should produce the information proactively.

Thanks to things like FB, if I had to, I could easily find dozens of witnesses for practically every year of my life.

It’s not like I went to Harvard and was the editor of the school tabloid, and nobody remembers ever seeing me on campus or in any classes… 😂

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

It will be very interesting to see how this shakes out.

Family name variation, in my own history. Goes back to Revolutionary War, and then some.

King’s Mountain 1780. Patriots routed the Brits.Two Patriots directly related Mother’s side documented there.Change one letter, likely a third. My sisters plan to pull the string on that.Names listed in a book, at the book store.Our ancestors back then, not surprisingly rooted back to England, had quite similar names. Spelling varied by a letter, some times two letters. Seems dependent on that branch of the family location / city.

Very much looking forward to this Candace thing plays out. Hoping it buries Kakala

I have never understood how Kakala’s family owning ~1,000 slaves, has not been mentioned much.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

Exactly. I factually know where most my kin originated going back to the early 1700s before their trip across the pond. Most people can at least go back 100-150 years. On my mother’s matriarchal side we have it back to the early 1600’s. If we put some effort into it, could probably trace it back much farther than that.

It’s not hard unless you are hiding or running from something.

It is all Kabuki Theater orchestrated with the Keystone Cops from the leftists and RINO’s. NOTHING is actually as it appears to be other than it being stupid beyond words.

Deplorable Patriot

We have a family name variation that happened at the US Canadian border.

On one side, the Acadians, the original 30 families are traced all the way back to 1450 thanks to Church records. The accuracy is really rather remarkable.

So, yes, I am DISTANTLY related to a lot of Cajuns.


🤣 Culture shock.

Deplorable Patriot

IDK, the patio is what my sister calls “French-Canadian engineering.” Dad did it himself, and it’s a mess.


I have a family name in my genealogy where 30+ variants have been found!

Also, discrepancies in birth due to the age listed on a death certificate are COMMON. It depends on who is doing the reporting on the cert, and whether they have actual knowledge of the person’s birth date, or are guessing. Which happens way more than you would think.

I am going out of town in a couple of days, and am really busy getting ready to do that. But I will try to put in some hours today on this topic. Because it will take HOURS to even attempt to figure it out, from what I can see. Record-keeping varies greatly by country. So we’ll see.


It’s this “HOURS to even attempt to figure it out” coming from someone who delves into ancestry much more than normal folk do which makes this Side Rail Politics. Looks forward to your report on the subject, not that your obligated to do so. Meanwhile it certainly seems interesting and has Barry Soreto type potential for scandal but that never derailed Obama so there is that along with a certain level of mistrust for Ms Owens. Good luck on the trip!


I quickly found a flaw big enough that I stopped looking. I posted it here.


Travel safe!


Thank you!


LOL, all we need a the two USA work visas.


Just got off the phone with The Fiancee (in London). Got to discuss the news about fixing her car (about $1100 — front wheel control arms — use rubber bushings at frame and at wheel and the bushings are shot) — already sent info & diagram via email).

Here’s a diagram showing a control arm in dark blue —

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This is supposed to be her first functional morning on European time.


Is that tape?


The blue thing? I suppose you could hold it in with duct tape…..


Horseshoe Beach, Florida…just south of Big Bend…

Helene aftermath…


Boy, howdy, there are all kinds of mess going on there. A bit misleading to call it “storm surge” when a roof got ripped off by the wind but there is still stuff in the building. I saw wind damage, surge damage, dropped trees and towers damage, and projectile debris damage. One of the peculiar things is that some areas might have been munched into debris then deposited next to a building that wasn’t that badly damaged.


Cedar Key, Fl is completely utterly destroyed, too.

places like Naples, Fl show little structural damage, fortunately, but severe flooding…that’s the “storm surge”, no direct hit, just a constant pounding.

but the places that got the full brunt are devastated….from a helluva lot more than just storm surge.


I take a particular interest in roof tear-off damage. When we re-roofed this house, I actually designed-in several attic vents that are made by a company in Florida specifically to be hurricane-resistant…..not because I expect any hurricanes or tornadoes in Silicon Valley, but because it met the airflow spec without drawing attention to itself (I also used two large barrel vents).

But, yes, that video showed a whole lot of various types of pain.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One time I helped canvass a precinct, and there was this loud squeaking noise you could hear for half a block (several houses’ distance). It turned out to be one of those rotating barrel vents on this one guy’s house.

I’ll bet he was really popular.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ours aren’t turbines. We just have a hipped roof, and there were spots on the ends of the main part of the roof that needed a lot of ventilation up high.


Theses storms can be very odd. In the Katrina aftermath while working relief there, we toured the MS coastal area that had already been cleared a year after the storm that was hit so hard by the surge and wind. There would be no structures and very few trees some 6-8 rows back from the beach, yet, you might see one older house still standing in the middle of a subdivision amidst the empty house foundations. The bottom floor may be gutted out with nothing but studs holding the second floor up that was largely intact. There was a beach highway side McDonald’s restaurant that had been totally destroyed, yet, the golden arches sign structure was still standing with just a few holes in the sign. Strange stuff everywhere.


Reminds me of the Katrina aftermath with the exception there were very few homes built to the newer, mandated hurricane codes back then. The landfills will be busy for quite some time. For those who are unaware, there are companies that are contracted with FEMA, state and local authorities who come in to do the demolishing of unsafe structures, tree cutting, clean-up, etc.


I hope those people had gotten out before it hit. I’m guessing they did since the casualty number is relatively low.

Barb Meier

For the first couple of minutes, the road was clean and all the damage was where the buildings were. I kept wondering if it was AI rather than real drone footage. Then, I started to see small pieces of concrete on the road and power lines down over the road.


a little reminder…

remember when Iran provided Hezb with EMP weapons, just this past summer, just a few months ago ?

The Hour of Israeli Leadership Has Arrived

article link…

July 2024

by Caroline Glick

The Jewish State’s need to act against Iran largely alone won’t disappear even if Trump becomes President in November..

If Israel doesn’t act now, it may be impossible to act later.

more perspective, at the link.


Not good. Had missed the report, Iran give Hezbollah EMPs.


>>>August 29, 2012<<<
U.S. intelligence agencies recently reported growing concerns that Israel will conduct a strike on Iran using a high-altitude nuclear burst aimed at disrupting all electronics in the country.
The intelligence worries were triggered by recent publication of an>>> article <<<in the Israeli press suggesting the Jewish state should carry out an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack.
U.S. officials said the article likely reflects official Israeli government thinking about a possible preemptive response to Iran’s expected emergence as a nuclear weapons state in the near future.
Asked about the EMP report, an Israeli government spokesman declined to comment. A U.S. intelligence community spokesman also declined comment.
A U.S. official said the article in question appeared Aug. 6 in the news outlet Israel National News. The article stated that an Israeli nuclear burst over Iran could “send Iran back to the Stone Age.”
It was the first time the issue of a nuclear EMP attack by Israel had appeared in a mainstream Israeli press outlet.
U.S. officials also suspect the article was written by someone in the Israeli government who favors such a strike. Another theory among analysts is that the Israeli government, at a minimum, encouraged publication of the article.(more at the link)


from that “article” in yr second paragraph there..

Iran plans to increase its weapons grade enrichment of uranium to 80-90%;

Iran has tested its ballistic missiles delivery systems and accelerated its forced projection in an EMP mode;

Iran’s stockpile of low grade enriched uranium can be converted to 5 nuclear weapons;

satellite imagery shows mega fortification of underground nuclear facilities impervious to U.S. super bunker buster bombs:

Iran has started the process of loading 163 fuel rods into the core of the Bushehr nuclear power plant reactor.

do you need any clearer casus belli than that ??

that article is from August 2012.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m thinking that Iran may ALREADY by EMP-capable.


Following non negotiable.

USG needs to tell Israel, the moment Israel uses an EMP / Nuke, US support for Israel Ends simultaneously.

Deploying EMP / Nukes Are 100% Unacceptable.



they did this to wipe out Hezb’s communications…

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Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

Slow Guy wondering… What is the picture sposed to reflect?

ALL Hezbollah communications permanently disabled, temporarily disabled or exploding pagers?AND logic in there?What did Israel do to Hezbollah that is on par with an EMP sending “Iran back to the stone ages?”

Does anyone really want the Iran population sent to the stone ages. Hope the answer is yes.The fanatics / government. Don’t give a damn about them. The narrative I responded to was sending Iran to the stone ages.
Crayola time.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

Only thing certain is that everything being done or proposed is something that can happen here, so I’d prefer more attention to don’t do onto others what one would not wish done on to themselves. Keep last resorts last.


Except, as you say, we should stay out of others’ affairs. Which to my way of thinking, includes war advice.

The brighter the distance between Big Satan and Little Satan, the better.




I’m not so sure. If Israel nuked Tehran, that would be bad…..but if they nuked Bushehr, particularly if they could make it look like an “industrial accident”…..

I also note that you’re not in favor of US support for Israel in the first place — what does it matter if Israel uses an EMP or wears their hair parted on the left?


Well, my piss poor communications skills, again.

Let me try to clear up, some.

Israel is welcome to fight their fight. They should. They’ve tolerated terrorism far to long. Tolerated being manipulated by US, UK, UN, EU, far too long.

Not interested in Giving weapons, “Lend Lease”, loans or fighting for Israel.

Nor other countries. Damn sure not Ukraine, Taiwan, South Korea…

That said, perfectly good with Israel sending Hamas and Hezbollah to hell. Toss in Houthie’s.

Don’t care for Iran either. Truthfully their government and religious freaks fanatics.

  • Would be great if Iran’s Nuke program was destroyed.
  • EMP’s/ Nukes, that take Iran to the stone ages, REALLY?
  • Me, Not Interested in the latter.
  • F A F O

Israel should always follow, Israel First.

America should always follow, America first.

America seemingly creates AND festers problems around the globe, that do NOT benefit America. Needs to stop.


No, US needs to stop meddling in the affairs of other country. If Israel can buy it and we can sell it, that sounds like a market situation to me.

And as long as Ukraine keeps getting ‘GIFTS’ from us, we should not lecture ANYBODY.

Last edited 4 months ago by pgroup2

Seems we are in agreement. Likely I misread something.

No, US needs to stop meddling in the affairs of other country.

  • 100%.

If Israel can buy it and we can sell it, that sounds like a market situation to me.

  • It is.

And as long as Ukraine keeps getting ‘GIFTS’ from us, we should not lecture ANYBODY.

  • Absolutely.

My point, poorly stated. An EMP used to send Iran to the stone ages is unacceptable.

  • I don’t give a rats ass about Iran’s government / religious freaks. Destroy them. Fine.
  • Send Iran and its population, to the stone ages, no. Not a good idea.

My last post on this.

  • My point is not being portrayed well. My bad.
  • Misinterpreted or whatever.

Why is an EMP unacceptable? Especially now, after Israel has shown its capabilities with Operation Pager?

Seems to me that Hezbollah has started the final round with its breaking of the stagnancy along the northern border. Iran is not going to ‘absorb’ the killing of its wiseguy in Lebanon. It will retaliate and it won’t be conventional hot infantry war.

Seems to me that Israel should do ‘whatever’ it needs to do, so it can both secure its longevity and end the war. If that includes EMPing Iran, so be it.


Clarice today:
Israel Stops Taking Counsel from the Angel of Death
Clarice Feldman
Israel’s taming of Hezb’allah puts paid to the idiotic Obama, Biden/Harris notion that appeasing the master of Middle East terrorism, Iran, and forcing Israel to ever more concessions is the pathway to peace.


yeah, I posted that below somewhere here..


Beautiful post, bakocarl. TY.


“China sets world record for simultaneous drone launches.

In the city of Xi’an, 7,598 drones were launched into the sky at once.

The drones put on a show in the air, depicting a giant tiger that hung in the air for almost a minute.”


My uncle and I discuss everything under the sun, and one of the common themes is how so much of corporate America, and even small business America (although less so) has abandoned the idea of genuinely providing a useful product or service to the complete satisfaction of the customer. That is a genreraliztion, true, but the indifference to customer’s complete satisfaction seems to be a daily experience, seen everywhere in places big and small.

There seems to be a sullen antagonism toward customers, and a reluctance to do things the right way. This goes along with a nickel and diming approach.

For example, the business I went to for car repairs for many years had a big sign which said “overselling is not our policy.” And that was absolutely true in my experience. What needed fixing was what got fixed, and if it didn’t need fixing the owner said so, or would suggest alternatives.

The owner sold out, and now the business policy now is overselling. I went for an inspection and the guy tricked me – – and I mean tricked – – into spending $90 extra. It was something you would expect from the dealerships, but not a neighborhood business.

OTOH and to be fair, I have to say I have been with Travelers for many years now, and my experience with them has been almost uniquely pleasant, helpful, and respectful. I am guessing they run on old fashioned principles.

Vox Day has a very interesting post which includes relevant observations, and in a way describes what seems to be going on genrerally, if not specifically, then attitudinally:


You are absolutely correct in your observation.

Part of it is that the concept of “adding value” is just blown up. Everything is about “extracting value” and “cutting out the middleman” instead. I’ve been saying for years that “salesmanship is dead” because salesmen can’t be bothered to find out what the customer wants.


Just as one slight example, do Bud Light drinkers really want to deal with simpering transvestites when they’re thirsty?


Do Bud Light drinkers ever want to deal with simpering transvestites?

Does any sane person want to deal with simpering transvestites?


OT but inspired by your post:

Salesmen are IMO probably one of the most underrated professions, and to some extent unfairly stigmatized.

In my experience, good salesmen are a blessing, and some are just plain awesome. It seems really good salesmen are born with a gift, an amazing intangible ability which leaves everyone happy.


This is particularly important in tech, where the the salesman might sell an item that never existed before.

If it turns out to be only vaporware, it’s darned near criminal; but if it really meets the customers’ needs, it can almost seem miraculous.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Conversely, and not taking away from your praise of good salesmen, I can’t imagine having to make my living selling–especially not aggressively pushing–stuff I know is crap.

In other words I could barely imagine myself selling new Hondas and Acuras, et. al., but never lemons (which unfortunately the big German brands are turning into) or used clunkers.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Happy go lucky.

Donald Trump said that in (I think it was) the first season of Apprentice, paraphrasing:

You should only sell what you yourself truly love.


In my experience, good salesmen are a blessing, and some are just plain awesome. It seems really good salesmen are born with a gift, an amazing intangible ability which leaves everyone happy.

Yes. Three of them come to mind. They all listened and imparted appropriate and helpful information, were not pushy, said all that needed to be said but gave me space, and provided valuable information about their store’s or manufacturer’s practices (sales, etc.). They left me feeling that we had come to a mutual understanding and that I could trust them to do what was in my best interest. And that has been borne out.


Took the car in for a recall. Had a new part installed. As a curtesy they gave the car a fast inspection, something I could care less about them doing. They said my brake fluid was low and they could find and fix the problem while I waited for xxx amount of dollars. Said no. I just had my oil changed else where just days prior and all was fine. Came home and added brake fluid myself and all has been fine, which means the car dealership deliberately emptied my brake fluid.


Doubt that. Most likely it’s different standards of brake fluid level from one shop to another. Car techs [formerly known as grease monkeys] are like doctors and barbers – once you find one you like, don’t go anywhere else.

Yes, I did car repair for many years before I did law. This stuff is in my DNA.  😂 


What’s to doubt? There was no low break fluid at the other shop that changed the oil a week prior. It was part of their check. Then go to the dealership for the recall and suddenly they say I have a leak. I tell them to leave it alone. Then come home and simply fill it back to it’s normal range and it it holds just like it never had a leak. Thusly dealership is not on my trust list. I’ve been a consumer for many years. Spotting scam is in my DNA 😉


I vaguely recall “checking your car’s fluids” as being part of a jiffy lube back in the day. Anything with a dipstick or a viewport.

They don’t do that any more. It’s pretty much just oil and windshield washer fluid now.

Brake fluid isn’t particularly expensive, but (a) you should write the date you unseal the bottle and discard 12 months later. (b) it’s hydrophilic in air, so needs to be kept sealed. (c) it is not as benign as motor oil if you get any on yourself. (d) if you ever let it get below the reservoir, you probably need to bleed it. (e) it’s typically the same fluid in brakes, ABS systems, and power steering.


Brake fluid level drops as disc pads wear.


You didn’t say that they told you about a leak.

You just said brake fluid low.

Robert Baker

I expect you already know this, but on the slim chance that it is new information I will comment. All businesses and institutions you deal with are reflections of your culture. That applies to your churches, schools, politics, and sports. People make culture, but ultimately culture changes behavior. That is one reason why cultures have a life span just like nations and institutions. As the culture begins to change the attitudes of its people, that culture begins its death cycle. The physics of a culture mimic the natural laws of the universe. When chaos disrupts order the culture with its people, institutions, and businesses die. I think the Bible clearly demonstrates that God prefers and establishes order and hates chaos. When the Bible describes the death throes of humanity it describes it as akin to birth pangs. As the time approaches the signs of chaos will become ever more frequent and those who are wise will notice.



You always provide wise counsel and benefit from your presence here.


Deplorable Patriot

I went for an inspection and the guy tricked me – – and I mean tricked – – into spending $90 extra. It was something you would expect from the dealerships, but not a neighborhood business.

Interesting you should say that. My brother’s car is at the dealership right now for some pretty major repairs. He was just home from taking it out there, and they called with the news that one of the items on the list given to him by Firestone as needing to be replaced/repaired was fine.

We do get VIP treatment at the dealer, but, then, my cousin is the general manager. He escorts us everywhere in the place when he can.


DRAGON TO THE RESCUE: SpaceX Launches Dragon Spacecraft for 5-Month Expedition That Will Bring back the Stranded Astronauts From Troubled Boeing Starliner Mission (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

The months-long space saga of astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams has had another chapter, as their ride is on its way to the International Space Station to, in time, finally bring them back to Earth.

SpaceX launched today (28) the rescue mission for the two stuck test pilots at the International Space Station, sending up a downsized crew to finally bring them home next year.

Wilmore and Williams flew into space in the trouble-plagued Boeing Starliner, a spacecraft that returned to Earth empty earlier this month because of safety concerns.

It is now up to NASA’s Nick Hague and Russia’s Alexander Gorbunov to retrieve the pair.



Interesting, to me anyway. American and a Russian on the SpaceX Dragon. Normal ISS crew rotation.

Space suit compatibility. SpaceX, Russian and ISS compatible. Boeing, not so much!

  • What the hell was Boeing thinking of.

“Space”, where Slow Guy figures redundancy and compatibility, fundamental design criteria.

Slow Guy likely missing something.


The best kind of globalism – collaboration.

Not one world government subsuming free nations’ sovereignty.


Leftist thinking. Best example – Microsoft [Windows] and Apple. The only reason there’s two of them is because they are incompatible.

Boeing might have been trying to pull off the same situation, if Musk flamed out before becoming iconic.




“The only reason there’s two of them is because they are incompatible.”


Or maybe the only reason there’s two of them is because if there weren’t, it would be impossible to pretend like they weren’t monopolies and be broken up.

Since there are two of them, they can each hide behind the other’s fig leaf.

Deplorable Patriot

Boeing really doesn’t/didn’t know how to do anything defense or space oriented. That’s why they bought McDonnell-Douglas. Of course, the beady eyed bean counter, John McDonnell, couldn’t wait to shed his grandfather’s company.

Now that the engineers who made McDonnell Aircraft Company what it was have all retired…..


Dumbest thing they ever did was halt production of the C-17.

That is one fine aircraft.


Agree. C-17 incredibly capable AND reliable.

I’d guess congress and whatever president screwed that one up, by zeroing out C-17 funding.


“What the hell was Boeing thinking of.”


How much DEI can we pack into one corporation?


“SpaceX Launches Dragon Spacecraft for 5-Month Expedition That Will Bring back the Stranded Astronauts From Troubled Boeing Starliner Mission”

Is it really going to take that long to find them?

I thought it was just a 3-hour tour…

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Robert Baker

Space is a really big place.


That’s why you take Mary Ann and Ginger.

Their navigation skills are off the charts 👍

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My impression is this was a regular flight to rotate crew. The spacecraft would be bringing them back in about five months; the stranded crew will hitch a ride back with them.


Our new documentary exposes how the Deep State uses lawfare to target President Trump & his supporters

(3:10) 2020 Election Fraud

(11:08) The SHAM January 6th Committee

(13:29) The DOJ Raids Jeff Clark’s House

(18:44) Fani Willis Makes a Mockery of the Law

(20:43) The DC Bar Seeks Disbarment

(25:53) How to Dismantle the Deep State

Last edited 4 months ago by eilert
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The only reason that the communist Democrat trash in DOJ doesn’t do this to all of us, is that we have guns.

pat frederick

what a travesty


Church bells are the answer!

Outdoor services broadcast on Jumbotrons.

We need a world-wide Holy Spirit Revival – Repentance and Return to The One True GOD – !

Get busy Churches in Minneapolis!!!

Last edited 4 months ago by GA/FL

I wonder what would happen if any other church had any kind of service over loudspeakers at the same time, or around the same time. There is no “right” for Islam to do so, so if they are allowed to do it, then anyone else should be.

I suppose the argument would be that the call to prayer is inherent to their religion. But the public at large should not be subject to it. Muslims can alter their practices or go to their home country and worship there.

As much as I hate any kind of disturbing the peace with loud public services in inappropriate locations, I think this is a case of fighting fire with fire.


Damn sure not defending or supporting Muslim anything.

My understanding is it is a “call to prayer,” five times daily, lasting 2-3 minutes. I don’t think it is an actual “service.” In theory they all go to a Mosque or get their carpet thing.

  • ^^^ That’s what I witnessed while living in Singapore.
  • Expats ignored it. Locals mostly Chinee, tolerate it.
  • Annoying it was. But, not my country.

While NOT the same, I suppose it could be akin to Church bells tolling. Assuming they still do that.

Along the lines of your post, whatever one “religion” is allowed to do, they all must be allowed to do.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I believe you are correct in this, it’s just the Call to Prayer.

Which Muslims will insist is beautiful. To me it sounds like a caterwaul.

Robert Baker

Which Muslims will insist is beautiful. To me it sounds like a caterwaul.

That last sentence is what some Christians say about Pentecostals. I guess it must be an acquired taste.


Whatever it sounds like, it’s disturbing the peace, and beyond that, it is offensive.

Not as in offensive to anyone’s sensibilities or feelings, I mean it is OFFENSIVE in the sense of psychological warfare, to declare that everywhere in earshot is an islamic-controlled area, evidenced by foreign hostile religious caterwauling.

You can’t hear that foul sound without knowing the Borg are just around the corner, and that’s just the message they want to send to everyone who is not already a member of their rape-murder cult.


“My understanding is it is a “call to prayer,” five times daily, lasting 2-3 minutes.”


Let ’em use pager notification.

Deplorable Patriot

On a non-windy day, we can hear the bells from three different Churches. The thing is, they have to be real bells, not digital.


Always liked church bells, several decades ago.


DePat might need a new handle!

Hillary is incapable of defending her positions, so she name calls. She attributes to Trump (and us) all manner of base motivations (racism, etc) but never seems to get around to making a case for why her accusations might be valid. Or logically, factually addressing what our side is saying about things.

If the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

The name calling is losing (and has lost) its saltiness. The salt is tasteless, through glib overuse as a substitute for thinking (not to mention brainwashing of the shallow folks on the other side).

Clueless Hillary smugly double downs!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

That hits a little too close to home.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No friendly fire intended! Just emphasizing that Cankles is the TRULY deplorable actor here!!!


Haughty Hillary still hopes they will call her in to pinch hit as the Demoncrap Nominee.


Replace Walz – take it or leave it.  😆 


“Best I can do is replacement for Walz.” 😂

pat frederick


Scepticism of RFK is fully warranted, but the man in the meanwhile is saying some pretty great stuff.

Deplorable Patriot

So long as he stays in his lane, he’s an asset.

pat frederick

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Last edited 4 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There most certainly is something CO can do – it can sue for violation of the Commerce Clause. WY is interfering with interstate commerce, or trying to do so.

Don’t assume the outcome of such a suit would be the First Amendment wins.


SMDH, as I Agree.

Never assume First Amendment will prevail

Never assume T R U T H will prevail.

Lawyers and courts fuck things up all the time.


Thanks for the pat on the ass. It’s okay since we’re not queer.  😂 

pat frederick

a WHO? on the what now?
should I be offended?


What? You want one, too?

Okay, I’ll smack your butt next time you walk by. Just no reflexive face slap.  😂 

pat frederick

it’s always nice to be included


We aim to please.  😆 


“Lawyers and courts fuck things up all the time.”


That’s their purpose, right?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Wyoming” isn’t doing this, it’s “some billionaire in Wyoming.”

As far as I know, being snarky about other states is still legal, otherwise the signs I saw in Arizona advertising produce “imported from California” would be illegal.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sure there’s something they can do.

They can let the shitballs be deported, failing that they can actually go after the gangs instead of letting them run rampant.

That said I would feel sorry for some Dem running for state office who has no power to do anything about this; he’s being let down by his own people. I would feel sorry, that is, if I didn’t know he thought open borders and being a fucking tyrant for wokeness was a great idea.

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



just ditch the car and ride the bike.

I couldn’t stand doing that day after day, no way.


Love it! Good for him!

Deplorable Patriot

At least he or she doesn’t have to dodge a 40 foot extension ladder with a ten foot paint ladder balanced on top of it. They haven’t moved in years.

Last edited 4 months ago by Deplorable Patriot

Israel Stops Taking Counsel From The Angel of Death

article link…


excellent article.


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gonna slip this in here…

another excellent article….must-read, actually…

Hezb’allah Ceasefire : A Special Kind of Stupid



Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

Øbastid’s servile support (pallets of cash) of Iran and all other radical heinous Islamic organizations (leaving massive arms to the Taliban) comes to mind.

Ø bowed 8 times as a matter of fact –

And the slaughter of Seal Team 6 still sticks in my craw.

Bush wasn’t much better in his disgusting appeasement of Islamic entities.

Bush’s war on Øsama and Saddam Hussein was just to appease the MIC – he didn’t care about weapons of mass destruction or women oppressed by the Taliban.

Wars and foreign aid are politicians’ get rich schemes – Ukraine is a major example of both. Money lavishly poured out to foreign leaders openly in public funds comes back to politicians in secret.


It was bush who taught the West the lie that islam is a religion of peace.

He knew it was a lie, and he re-victimized the entire country by telling it.

And he gave aid and comfort to the enemy by telling it.

And he should pay the price for that.


wow, man…this is a horse of a different color !

Diddy’s Lawyer Says Rapper’s Downfall Is Due To….

👉 “Racism”


that’s a shock…

1000 bottles of baby oil and lubricant(s) were siezed by the Feds at Diddy’s home(s) in Miami & Los Angeles.

ashy elbows ? buy in bulk !


Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

Ok, y’all, here’s where the Candace Owen story falls completely apart.

In the video, she claims that there is a death certificate for Beryl Christie “Finegan” in 1960.

Except that’s bullshit. The death certificate is for Beryl CHRISTIE. PERIOD. The name “Finegan” does NOT appear on that document anywhere. The document can be viewed here:

There is a Beryl Christie alive and bearing children in St. Ann Jamaica in the time period. Here is a death record for a child of hers who died as an infant in 1936:

Here is another infant, John, son of Beryl Christie, who died in 1943:

The woman who died in 1960 was born in 1921, making her 15 when the first of these infants was born. That’s possible.

The last name “Christie” is common in Jamaica, judging from the records. There are THREE Beryl Christies born between 1920 and 1930.

I am fully convinced that Candace Owen is a honeytrap for conservatives to make us look like conspiracy-minded fools. Please don’t oblige her by acting like Winnie the Pooh on a bender.

pat frederick

wow aubergine…I didn’t think i could spit coffee that far…but your winnie the pooh on a bender pushed me to excel…LOL


Lol! Maybe there’s a contest we could enter somewhere.


In this image, I guess I’m Rabbit:

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this may be an opportune time ro revisit this little gem from Candace Owens, recently…

article link…must-read…ICYMI…

ring any bells ?

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

Candace is dumb.


…or something…

Candace is an ignorant, scamming fraud.

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

Grifter is my word.


I’ve always thought she’s a con artist, marketing herself to an audience.

it’s catching up to her, too.

she’s not original, steals other ppl’s material and then sticks her brand on it.

flim flam sham wow


Thanks for the dig and information.


Of course. I hate these things. They take off, only getting debunked after we look crazy. It’s irritating.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A lie can go around the world while the truth is tying its shoelaces.

Same frustrations with pseudoscience, though the internet does help combat that.


I’m doing my best to keep at least US out of that trap.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed many of do that in different areas of expertise.

And some bring us material to work on.


For sure! That is the beauty of the Q Tree. We have subject matter experts on so many things.


They take off, only getting debunked after we look crazy. 

They get debunked by people who look at the evidence and think critically, but others will never accept the facts and reality.


She needs to re-assess her trusted sources. It’s obvious one of them is an incompetent or a saboteur. She needs to run each of them through a trust test.

Or double down on the whole tale, if she’s lost her integrity.


There are too damned many people who think they are “genealogists” because of

Genealogy is complex, difficult, and just plain HARD in many cases. I am not blowing my own horn; I have made my own mistakes. That’s why I’m so careful now.


Thank You for not letting us get Side Railed to a dead end track going to Sillyville! 😁


Yeah, we need to be ON THE TRUMP TRAIN, steaming down the tracks, not on the Candace train to Sillyville!

pat frederick

September 29, 2024 7:55 am

he was out with the rescue service on Christiansø because there were some ships with switched-off radios. They turned out to be American naval vessels, and when the rescue service approached, they were told by Naval Command to turn back.
Therefore, the harbor master has some faith in the theory that American star journalist Seymour Hersh, among others, has put forward without any documentation: that the US was behind the sabotage. The Americans have these small unmanned submarines that can solve any task, John Anker Nielsen has been told”

important new detail on Nordstream bombing: a Swedish harbor master says that US naval vessels with locators turned off were at bomb site four or five days before incident.

A related detail that is overlooked in the Ukrainian sailboat theory is the strange overflight of bomb…

— Stephen McIntyre (@ClimateAudit) September 27, 2024

“A related detail that is overlooked in the Ukrainian sailboat theory is the strange overflight of bomb area by a specialized US military flight originating from Iceland and returning to Iceland.”


Asheville, NC is badly damaged from Helene. No power. No internet.

h/t Marica’s blog:

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA

Elon strikes again, and at the same time gets to show what Starlink can do.

Genius.  🙂 


Is there any news of our good Gail Combs?

Around the neighborhood of Chez Yours Truly, there is the sound of chainsaws dealing with trees down / damaged after Helene.

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA

Erwin, TN. Quite the mess. Off I 26 north of Asheville. This is about a normal two hours drive east of us.

Two sections of I 26 are out of commission in that area so the interstate is closed. Local bridge into town washed away. Debris everywhere. Multiply this by dozens of places, some worse than this. Chimney Rock, NC no longer exists – it was totally washed away. I 40 from TN to Asheville is also closed with the wash out of two lanes.

Low lying areas around us on the French Broad and Little Pigeon Rivers have been evacuated as Douglas Dam has peaked. The Nolichucky Dam was breached and hour east of us, which is a major contributor to our flooding . Our church is serving as a staging and rest area for first responders – many of which are with volunteer fire and rescue departments.

Nobody could predict this result from a Hurricane that hit FL on the gulf coast. But with 20″ and more that fell on several areas one can understand how.


Good Lord, how awful. It appears that Helene broke into a “T”-formation split storm after it left Georgia and got pushed by a huge storm front that was coming down that way from Canada. So some of SC, all of NC, all of TN, KY, and many points to the west and north got hammered by not only Helene, but the storm front down from Canada.
Are the local authorities warning people in your area to be ready to evacuate? Please, all of you be safe!


Thank you, PAVACA. Yes, our first responders have been outstanding here. No reports of deaths or injuries in this immediate area. Go less than an hour east of us and it is a far different story. Vehicles stacked like toys in waterways and downtowns flooded out.

Barb Meier

A cousin and her hubby have been out traveling in their motorhome. Out into Colorado, back to Missouri to attend her niece’s wedding, and then into Kentucky the day the hurricane hit. They experienced big winds and rain. Were going to head to Mount Airy, NC and I warned them to check the roads. Today, she posted this on Facebook. So glad she’s keeping an eye out. Eventually, they will go home to Florida.

Screenshot-2024-09-29-at-5.15.33 PM
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. Every once in a while a river decides it’s bored with its current course and decides to cut a new one. (Comment applies to the thumbnail.)

This is a giant mess that will affect millions (and I have no idea what the death toll will be but it’s 64 so far).

The one hurricane I got to experience…well, a little; I was fleeing before it and even a couple of hundred miles away from the center the wind was insane and the clouds had a look to them I had never seen before…was Ivan. It was very devastating to Caribbean islands but did most of its damage in the US (at least in terms of dollars’ worth). Fortunately only 54 died here (25 directly).

And Ivan will be forgotten someday in the US (but not in the Caymans) because of hurricanes like this that had much worse consequences.

Deplorable Patriot

Unreal. Is there a prediction on when the rivers will have receded?

I’ve seen reports of air lift operations from National Guard units, but nothing on federal help.

Sundance is worth reading on this this morning. He’s dumbfounded.


Will read that shortly.

Over the past three half years, Feds have become increasingly tone deaf to disasters in America.

  • Zero support / recovery efforts for Americans.

We have to accept that we are basically on our own. The federals are not going to help in emergencies when the Demoncrats are in charge. Bastards.


It wouldn’t link. That URL looks “off” to me.


Enjoy. Personally, I don’t watch SNL.


I dont either but i enjoy dana carvey.


Dana carvey. 👍 👌


Yours Truly heard from my niece (my brother’s daughter) last night. He’s OK. Marietta, GA (where he’s currently in a nursing home) escaped the worst of Helene. Lots of rain and some wind, but no damage like what occurred in other places in GA.


Very few Americans realize that, if Trump is NOT elected, this will be the last election. Far from being a threat to democracy, he is the only way to save it!

Let me explain: if even 1 in 20 illegals become citizens per year, something that the Democrats are expediting as fast as humanly possible, that would be about 2 million new legal voters in 4 years. 

The voting margin in the swing states is often less than 20 thousand votes. That means if the “Democratic” Party succeeds, there will be no more swing states!! 

Moreover, the Biden/Harris administration has been flying “asylum seekers”, who are fast-tracked to citizenship, directly into swing states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Arizona. It is a surefire way to win every election. 

America then becomes a one-party state and Democracy is over. The only “elections” will be the Democratic Party primaries. This already happened in California many years ago, following the 1986 amnesty.

The only thing holding California back from extreme socialism and suffocating government policies is that people can leave California and still remain in America. Once the whole country is controlled by one party, there will be no escape. 

Everywhere in America will be like the nightmare that is downtown San Francisco.

Responding to:


R-Cons ARE allowing this. Facilitating the downfall of America.

Will Happen, if Trump is not elected.


And they are all gonna produce anchor baby born-on-USA-soil citizens 😡



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Weary of the world travails and troubles
With each day that passes the trial doubles
What must we do when life gets in the way
We go to our Special Place and we pray

The only peaceful place in His Presence
His Holy Word wherein lies His essence
To Him we come to refresh and renew 
 From the hardships that dost daily accrue

We trust in His love to see us through
What He has decreed and brought us to
We can do nothing aside from His care
Without Him we would be going nowhere

In the busyness of our daily routine
We have little time to stop and come clean
Our prayers are hurried and incomplete
Our growth in grace is oft bittersweet

We need to break free of the vicious trap
The enemy squeezes into the gap
Despite our armor and our daily prep
The enemy pursues at ev’ry step

He will not retreat til we demand it
By the power in us we command it
Greater is He that is within us than
He in the world who is lower than man

When life makes no sense we must retreat
When burdens are heavy and we are beat
There’s only one place where God can be found
It is that Special Place you keep around

D01: 07/13/2023


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




It appears that, unless something or someone intervenes, the Longshoremen’s union will go on strike tomorrow.


Likely no one in the Briben Administration is aware there may be a strike.

NOT /s


But Obama is. I expect someone to tell the Dems to get this settled because of the election.


hey, do you happen to have any article links handy ?

I’ve been wondering ab the status of this.


Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

Thank you. I was incorrect regarding the start date for the strike — it’s supposed to begin on Tuesday 1 October.

Here’s a link to an article on it (I know, it’s the WashPost):


ok thnx…that’s what I’m seeing, too…for Tuesday…having a hard time finding any updates that aren’t mainstream.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It looked to me like a separate earpiece here.


WTH is she doing ??

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It looked like she had a bluetooth or something similar and a call came in while she was talking to the camera.

Without more information about what we’re seeing here I can’t assume this proves she was getting helped at the debate because this wasn’t her earrings acting up.

Well at least, this doesn’t prove she was getting helped by someone talking into her ear. The “moderators” gave her plenty of help, THAT is proved.


looks like she’s kinda toying with the right earring for a second, getting her messaging all mixed up, too much static coming in there all at once..and then she tries to laugh it off…?

oh what a card !

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I thought she did something to something black that was actually in her ear. Resolution is pretty crappy.


just weird.

that creepy slap happy routine has worn thin.

crappy & creepy.

it’s like she’s so completely tone deaf.